Authority M onitoringR eport 2018 /19 Contents

Page No.

Headlines 1


1. Introduction 2

2. The Local Plan 4

3. Duty to Co-operate 5

4. Neighbourhood Planning 7

Core Indicators 9

5. Housing Delivery & Supply 10

6. Gypsy and Traveller Pitch Provision 19

7. Commercial Development and Employment 20

8. Environmental Quality 32

Local Indicators & Data Tables 35

Appendix 1: Policy Coverage 36

Appendix 2: Core Strategy & Development Management Policy Monitoring 45 Framework

Appendix 3: Housing Completions for 2018/19 73

Appendix 4: Net Housing Completions since 2009 87

Appendix 5: Status of Allocated Residential Sites 90

Appendix 6: Housing Trajectory for Central 97

Appendix 7: Status of Allocated B1-B8 Employment Sites 111

Glossary 114

Contact Us 116 1 1. Introduction The requirement for a Local Authority to produce an Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) is set out in Section 113 of the Localism Act 2011. This AMR covers the monitoring period 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019 and provides information on the following:  The Local Plan  Duty to Co-operate  Neighbourhood Planning  Housing delivery and supply  Gypsy and traveller pitch provision  Commercial Development and Employment  Environmental Quality  Local Indicators (policy specific) Core indicators including housing delivery, commercial development and employment, Gypsy and Traveller pitch provision, and environmental quality are discussed in chapters 5- 8. Local Indicators, including performance against other existing development plan policies are reported as appendices in the Local Indicator section. Central Bedfordshire Planning Context For the north of Central Bedfordshire there is currently an adopted Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD (2009) and an adopted Site Allocations DPD (2011). These documents cover the area formerly known as Mid Bedfordshire. In the south, the Local Plan (2004) remains in place and is the adopted local plan for the area of Central Bedfordshire formally known as South Bedfordshire.

The Central Bedfordshire Local Plan was launched in February 2016 and is currently subject to Examination. It sets out the vision for how Central Bedfordshire, as a whole, will develop up to 2035 and has been informed by a number of new evidence studies. These studies look at issues such as population, housing, employment, retail and flooding. The Council has also considered existing, potential and new transport infrastructure e.g. roads and railways, so that growth and transport infrastructure go hand–in-hand.

Key Facts and Figures

In addition to information contained within this report, the Council produces Local Insight Profiles for all areas across Central Bedfordshire. These are web-based reports which provide a wide range of useful information on the following topic areas:

 Population  Vulnerable groups  Housing

2  Crime and safety  Health and wellbeing  Economy  Access and transport  Communities and environment

If you wish to view these documents, please visit the following page on our website:

3 2. The Central Bedfordshire Local Plan

The most recent version of the Local Development Scheme (LDS) was published in March 2018 and contains a timetable for the preparation of the Local Plan. It can be viewed on the Council’s website and is due to be updated early 2020. scheme.aspx In line with the published Local Development Scheme, the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan was submitted to Government on 30 April 2018. The examination hearings were however delayed until May 2019. There were five weeks of hearing sessions which concluded on 25th July 2019. Following the hearing sessions, there have been various communications between the Inspectors and the Council. The Council is currently working on further evidence to resolve a number of outstanding concerns raised by the Inspectors. It is likely further hearing sessions will be held later this year. The submission Local Plan, accompanying documents and communications with the Inspectors are published on the Council’s website. _overview

4 3. Duty to Co-operate

The ‘Duty to Co-operate’ (DtC) was introduced by the Localism Act 2011. It requires local planning authorities and other bodies to work together towards achieving sustainable development. More strategic, higher-level issues were previously resolved through regional plans. With the removal of regional plans, the duty to co-operate is intended to allow strategic cross-boundary issues between local authorities to be properly considered and solutions found.

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) contains a list of strategic issues which may require joint consideration under the Duty. The duty to co-operate is an ongoing process. If a local authority has not co-operated meaningfully in preparing their plan then the plan may fail the duty to co-operate, which is a statutory test at Examination.

CBC initiated a robust DtC process at the start of the production of the new Local Plan (2015-2035) which included establishing a DtC Member group headed up by our Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Business. Since then, the Council has undertaken regular meetings between senior DtC Members and Officers with neighbouring Councils and other agencies to identify and discuss any strategic cross-boundary issues. Where these were identified, Central Bedfordshire was proactive in ensuring continuous progress was made towards ensuring a positive resolution was achieved. The DtC Statement submitted alongside the Local Plan for Examination in April 2018, details all the meetings that took place as well as the key issues that were identified between Central Bedfordshire and our neighbouring authorities.

Cross-boundary co-operation has not been limited to DtC discussions but has also resulted in several joint studies supporting both the Central Bedfordshire and other local authority plans. Of particular note are:

 the completion of a joint Housing Market Area (HMA) study in December 2015 with six other authorities to reach a shared understanding of HMA geographies.

 Completion of a joint Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) in August 2015 to provide an assessment of objectively assessed housing needs as well as an Update undertaken in December 2017.

 Completion of a joint Functional Economic Market Area (FEMA) study in July 2015 to define an appropriate economic geography in line with government guidance and to identify the need and supply across the FEMA area.

5  Completion of a Growth Options Study covering the Luton HMA to identify strategic spatial options for meeting objectively assessed housing needs in this area, including acknowledged unmet housing needs arising from Luton. The study was formally agreed and signed off by all four commissioning authorities (Central Bedfordshire, Luton Borough, Aylesbury Vale and North Herts Council’s) in February 2017.

 Completion of a Stage 1 & Stage 2 Green Belt Study to ascertain if the Green Belt as designated still performed the five purposes for which it was designated. This was a joint commission with Luton Borough Council and was formally agreed and signed off by both authorities in February 2017.

As a result of joint working and co-operation in regard to the Duty to Co-operate, in addition to the DtC Statement, Central Bedfordshire Council successfully achieved signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU’s) or Statements of Common Ground (SoCG’s) with eight direct neighbouring authorities, three neighbouring County Council’s and several Statutory Agencies in support of the Local Plan. These were all submitted alongside a raft of other evidence during the Examination process undertaken in 2019.

6 4. Neighbourhood Planning

Through the Localism Act, the Government has given local people more power to influence the future of the communities in which they live by introducing three neighbourhood planning tools:

Neighbourhood Plans Neighbourhood Plans outline a vision for the area and set planning policies for the use and development of land. They can cover for example where new homes, offices and shops could go and identify green space to be protected. Neighbourhood Plans should be about local issues and focus on guiding development rather than stopping it. Once adopted, a Neighbourhood Plan becomes a statutory plan and will be used in making decisions on planning applications. The following Neighbourhood Plans have been adopted;  Fairfield Neighbourhood Plan (September 2017)  Neighbourhood Plan (December 2017)  & Neighbourhood Plan (December 2017)  & Neighbourhood Plan (July 2018)

Neighbourhood Development Orders These can grant planning permission for specific developments such a shop fronts and ‘green energy’ proposals. No Neighbourhood Development Orders have been adopted in Central Bedfordshire.

Community Right to Build Orders These orders identify land for specific small-scale developments, such a new homes or community facilities. No Community Right to Build orders have been adopted in Central Bedfordshire.

7 8 Core Indicators Housing Delivery and Supply

Housing Targets

Housing Completions

Housing Supply

Five Year Supply

New Dwellings on Previously Developed Land (PDL)

Affordable Housing Completions (Net)

Self and Custom Housebuilding Register Gypsy and Traveller Pitch Provision Commercial Development and Employment

Employment Floorspace Completions

New Employment Floorspace on Previously Developed Land (PDL)

Employment Land and Floorspace Availability

Allocated Employment Sites

Town Centre Floorspace Completions

Town Centre Vacancy Rates

Local Development Orders

Employment Rate

Economic Insight

Quarterly Economic Monitoring Reports Environmental Quality

Environmental designations

County Wildlife Sites

Renewable Energy Generating Developments

Historic Environment

9 5. Housing Delivery & Supply Housing Targets

National planning policy requires all local authorities ‘to identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide a minimum of five years’ worth of housing against their housing requirement set out in adopted strategic policies, or against their local housing need where the strategic policies are more than five years old’.

The housing need for Central Bedfordshire is 32,000 new homes over the period 2015 to 2035 (source: Central Bedfordshire and Luton Strategic Housing Market Assessment January 2018). This is equivalent to 1,600 per year and is used as a basis to calculate the authority’s five-year supply requirement.

Start of SHMA End of SHMA Total Housing Source of Requirement Period Period Requirement

2015 2035 32,000 SHMA (January 2018)

This AMR is published annually but housing completions are monitored on a quarterly basis. This document therefore contains data on the five-year supply position at 1st April 2019 – which is when the monitoring year begins, and 1st October 2019 – which provides the most up-to-date position at the time of writing.

Housing Completions Net dwelling completions in Central Bedfordshire over the past 10 years.

Monitoring Year Central Bedfordshire Housing Completions

2009/10 702

2010/11 1,227

2011/12 1,310

2012/13 966

2013/14 1,264

2014/15 1,522

10 2015/16 1,626

2016/17 1,773

2017/18 2,103

2018/19 2,102

TOTAL 14,595

Appendices 3 and 4 provide a more detailed breakdown of housing completions by parish.

Figure 1: Central Bedfordshire housing completions by year

2500 s

n 2000 io t le p m

o 1500 c g llin e w

d 1000 f o r e b m

u 500 N


Since 2012/13 there has been a steady increase in the number of homes completed each year. This plateaued in 2018/19 but early indications suggest that 2019/20 will show a further increase.

Housing Supply The Housing Trajectory (Appendix 6) sets out the Council’s estimated trajectory for future housing completions up to 2035. The Trajectory consists of specific sites that are deliverable or developable. The sites are either allocated, have planning permission or are sites which have a strong expectation of being granted permission. Projected housing delivery is largely based on information received from developers and agents, discussions with Development Management officers, planning status and site visits.

11 Figure 2: Central Bedfordshire Housing Trajectory graph (1st April 2019)

3,000 2 ,

2,500 5 9 0 2 , 3 0 0 2 2 , ,

2,000 1 1 0 0 3 2 1 1 , , 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 3 3 , , , 6 6 6

1,500 1 2 1 1 , 6 5 8 1 1 1 8 , 1 3 , 6 2 7 9 4 1

1,000 , 0 6 4 7 5 8 5 500 5 5 4 6 4 4 3 3 0 3 5 4 1 0 2 9 2 0

Dwellings Completed Deliverable/developable sites Annual Target

12 Figure 2 graphically illustrates the expected rate of housing delivery at 1st April 2019. The Housing Trajectory: Detailed Site Schedule, which provides delivery information for individual developments of 10 dwellings and above, can be found at appendix 6 of this AMR.

Five Year Supply Calculation The SHMA update establishes an objectively assessed housing need of 32,000 dwellings for the period 2015-2035. This is equivalent to an annual requirement of 1,600 dwellings.

Position at 1st April 2019: Objectively Assessed Need 32,000

Annual Requirement 1,600

Number of years left in SHMA period 16

Completions to date (01/04/2015 – 31/03/2010) 7,604

Total surplus 1,204

There has been an over delivery of 1,204 dwellings since 1st April 2015.

The steps taken to arrive at a five-year requirement for the period 1st April 2019 – 31st March 2023 are set out in the table below:

32,000 – 7,604 = 26,498 (homes remaining)

26,498 / 17 (years remaining) = 1,524.75

1524.75 x 5 (years) = 7,623.75

7,623.75 + 5% buffer = 8,005

The five-year requirement at 1st April 2019 has been identified as 8,005 dwellings. There is no evidence of ‘significant under delivery’ and therefore a 5% buffer has been applied

The Housing Trajectory (Appendix 6) demonstrates that over the five-year supply period (01/04/19-31/3/24) a total of 9,648 dwellings are considered to meet the deliverability test. This is 1,643 dwellings more than is required.

13 At 1st April 2019 this council can demonstrate 6.03 years supply of deliverable housing sites.

8,005 / 5 (years) = 1,601

9,648 / 1,601 = 6.03 years

Position at 1st October 2019:

At the time of producing this report, the most up to date housing supply position as published on the Council’s website is set out below:

Objectively Assessed Need 32,000

Annual Requirement 1,600

Number of years left in SHMA period 15.5

Completions to date (01/04/2015 – 31/12/2018) 9,000

Surplus 1,800

The steps taken to arrive at a five-year requirement for the period 1st October 2019 – 31st September 2024 are set out in the table below:

32,000-9,000 = 23,000

23,000/15.5 (years remaining) = 1,483.87

1483.87 x 5 = 7419.35

7,419.35 + 5% buffer = 7,790.32

The five-year requirement at 1st October 2019 has been identified as 7,790 dwellings. In recognition of the level of housing completions which have been recorded by our quarterly monitoring, this council no longer regards itself to be a persistent under deliverer. A buffer of 5% has therefore been added to the five-year requirement.

The Housing Trajectory published on the Councils website demonstrates that 9,113 dwellings are expected to be delivered over the five-year period. This is the equivalent of 5.85 years supply.

14 The table below shows the steps taken to arrive at the above figure:

7,790/ 5 (years) = 1,558

9,113 / 1,558 = 5.85 years

The housing supply position is updated every three months. To view the most up-to-date position statement, please visit the following page on our website:

New Dwellings on Previously Developed Land (PDL)

New dwellings (including conversions) on PDL 2011/12 to 2018/19 Monitoring Year Total Dwellings Number on PDL Percentage on PDL Completed (net) (net)

2011/12 1310 695 53%

2012/13 966 461 48%

2013/14 1264 655 52%

2014/15 1522 762 50%

2015/16 1626 614 38%

2016/17 1773 589 33%

2017/18 2,103 627 30%

2018/19 2,102 536 26%

15 Figure 3: Completions on PDL

Total Completions Completions on PDL











Affordable Housing Completions (net)

Year Total Completions Affordable Completions

2011/12 1310 466*

2012/13 966 138

2013/14 1264 216

2014/15 1522 318

2015/16 1626 362

2016/17 1773 496

2017/18 2103 429

2018/19 2102 535

*Includes first buy/help to buy dwellings

16 Fig 78 of the Council’s SHMA 20171, converts the number of households which require affordable housing to dwellings to give a total of 8,100 affordable dwellings which will be needed over the plan period to 2035. This equates to a total of 405 affordable dwellings a year, which is the requirement for The Council to meet its affordable housing target.

Since 2016, the Council has exceeded this target and the 2018/19 return demonstrates that this has been exceeded by a significant margin.


17 Self and Custom Housebuilding Register

The Self Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 (as amended) places a legal duty on Local Planning Authorities to operate a Register of people interested in building their own home as self or custom build project within the Council’s area. The number of people registered in each period that runs from 31st October to 30th October the following year demonstrates a demand for such housing. The Council has a duty to meet that demand within 3 years following the end of each period. This duty is discharged by granting permissions for a sufficient number of serviced plots to meet that demand.

The table below provides information on the number of registrations for each period and compares the number of permitted serviced plots within the three year delivery period.

Register Data Number of permitted plots

31 Oct 31 Oct 16 31 Oct 17 31 Oct 18 31 Oct 31 Oct Registration No of new 20 - – 30 Oct – 30 Oct – 30 Oct 19 – 30 21 – 30 Comments period registrations 30 Oct 17 18 19 Oct 20 Oct 22 21

Demand met in 1 April 2016 – the first year of 30 October 73 88 the three-year 2016 delivery period

136 permissions granted in the 31 October two years and 2016 – 30 154 75 61 delivery is on October 2017 track to meet the demand for this period

No permissions were counted towards this 31 October period and it is 2017 – 30 114 0 expected that the October 2019 demand will be met within the next two years.

31 October Delivery data is 2018 – 30 134 reported at the October 2019 end of each year.

18 6. Gypsy and Traveller Pitch Provision Gypsy and Traveller applications approved

Application Location Parish Net Number

CB/17/02602/VOC Oak Tree Nursery, Hill Lane 5


During the period 1st April 2018 – 31st March 2019, there was only one approval on Gypsy and Traveller sites across Central Bedfordshire. This was an additional 5 pitches on the established site of Oak Tree Nursery in , Northill.

Gypsy and Traveller pitches delivered

Application Location Parish Net Number

CB/16/05923/NMA Land at Dunton Lane 12

CB/15/03850/FULL Beeches, Watling Street Caddington 1

CB/16/04498/FULL A5 Salvage Works, Watling Street -1


During the period 1st April 2018 – 31st March 2019, a total of 13 Gypsy and Traveller pitches were completed. However, the North Star Cottage site in Hockliffe was redeveloped for housing and so there was the loss of one Gypsy and Traveller pitch on this site, bringing the net total completions down to 12.

19 7. Commercial Development and Employment

Employment Floorspace Completions in Central Bedfordshire

Total additional employment floorspace completed – by use class (sqm) B1-B8 B1a B1b B1c B2 B8 TOTAL Mixed Gross 9,537 0 2,008 6,242 71,366.5 18,972.4 108,125.9

Losses 6,590 0 783.38 1,831 4,089 290 13,583.38

Net 2,947 0 1,224.62 4,411 67,277.5 18,682.4 94,542.52

Gains The largest individual employment floorspace gains in 2018/19 were from the completion of Plot 5 and Phase 4 Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade. Plot 5 is an allocated site in the Core Strategy Site Allocations (North) and Phase 4 is an allocated site in the Mid Beds Local Plan (2005). Together these developments provided an additional 5,132 sqm of B1 floorspace, 41,982 sqm of B8 floorspace and 17,065sqm of mixed B use floorspace. Other significant gains included the completion of Unit A Baytree, (23,292 sqm of B8 floorspace).

Figure 4: Gross employment floorspace gains by use class and year (sqm)

B1a B1b B1c B2 B8 B+ Mixed 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 m q

s 60,000 e c

a 50,000 p s r

o 40,000 o l f 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Year

20 Losses Employment floorspace losses during 2018/19 were at the lowest level seen since 2011/12 with gains outpacing losses in all use classes. The largest proportion of losses were from the B1a (offices) use class. The largest single floorspace loss resulted from the conversion of offices at Hampden House, Arlesey (2,610 sqm B1a) to flats. Residential developments, including conversions and changes of use, accounted for 65% (9,011.38 sqm) of all employment floorspace losses. This is an increase compared to the previous year where 34% of losses were to residential use.

Figure 5: Employment floorspace losses by use class and year (sqm) B1a B1b B1c B2 B8 B+ Mixed 0 -10,000 -20,000

) -30,000 m q

s -40,000 ( e

c -50,000 a p s

o -60,000 o l

F -70,000 -80,000 -90,000 -100,000 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Year

In summary, the net position for the year shows a large increase in employment floorspace overall. This was primarily due to the significant gains of B8 floorspace in Biggleswade but also reflects the comparatively low level of losses across all employment use classes.

Figure 6: Net employment floorspace completions by use class and monitoring year (sqm) 100000 B1a B1b B1c B2 B8 B+ 80000 60000 40000 20000 m q

s 0 e -20000 ac p s

r -40000 o o l

F -60000 -80000 -100000 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Year

21 New Employment Floorspace on Previously Developed Land (PDL)

Total amount of additional employment floorspace completed on PDL – by use class (sqm) B1-B8 B1a B1b B1c B2 B8 TOTAL Mixed Gross Gains 9,537 0 2,008 6,242 71,366.5 18,972.4 108,125.9 Of which 2,222 0 2,008 2,059 5,861 1,907 14,057 on PDL % on PDL 23 0 100 33 8 10 13

The proportion of employment floorspace gains on previously developed land (PDL) in 2018/19 was the lowest so far recorded, at 13%. However, the majority of the non-PDL (greenfield) floorspace gains were on sites allocated for employment use within adopted development plans. The largest individual developments on greenfield sites were those at Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade, and Thorn Turn, Houghton Regis. Core indicator BD3 and Appendix 7 provide further details of developments on allocated employment sites.

New employment floorspace on PDL by year (sqm)

2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Gross 7,206 13,461 8,490 51,533 79,909 51,127 38,399 108,125.9 Gains Of which 5,231 10,728 8,410 45,943 56,579 36,031 7,436 14,057 on PDL % on 73 80 99 89 71 70 19 13 PDL

22 Figure 7: Gross employment floorspace completions on PDL by monitoring year (%)

100 90 80 70 L D

P 60 e ag

t 50 n e c

r 40 e P 30 20 10 0 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Year

Employment Land and Floorspace Availability by Type

Available employment floorspace from planning permissions by use class (sqm) B1-B8 B1a B1b B1c B2 B8 TOTAL Mixed

Gross 60,144 0 30,448 20,208 83,265 159,816 353,881

Losses 7,607 0 6,387 11,639 32,593 6,049 64,275

Net 52,537 0 24,061 8,569 50,672 153,767 289,606

The quantity of employment floorspace from outstanding planning permissions at the end of 2018/19, although slightly lower than the previous year, remains at a high level. The largest proportion of gross permitted floorspace is for B8 (storage & distribution) and mixed B (flexible) classes, including a number of sites that form part of strategic scale developments. Land at Clipstone Park, East of and land North of Houghton Regis (site 2) are strategic scale mixed use sites that will provide up to 46,650 sqm and 8,000sqm of employment floorspace respectively. Land North of Houghton Regis (site 1) will provide up to 200,000 sqm of floorspace across a variety of use classes including employment, but at this stage it is not included in the figures as the exact provision is still to

23 be determined. Other large employment floorspace commitments include Land at Thorn Turn, Houghton Regis (33,390 sqm B1/B8) and Land North West of Vauxhall Motors, Chalton (37,054 sqm B1/B8).

Figure 8: Employment floorspace permissions by monitoring year which is yet to be delivered (sqm)



250000 m q

s 200000 e c a p s 150000 oor l F 100000


0 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Year

Allocated Employment Sites

Land available on adopted employment allocations without planning permission (ha) B1-B8 Allocations B1a B1b B1c B2 B8 TOTAL Mixed Extant North Site 3.39 - - 19.36 22.75 Allocations (ha) Extant North Local Plan 13.19 - - 3.83 17.02 Allocations (ha) Extant South Local Plan - - - 10.34 10.34 Allocations (ha)

TOTAL 16.58 - - 33.53 50.11

There remained slightly more than 50ha of allocated employment land available (without planning permission) across Central Bedfordshire at the end of 2018/19. The majority of which is in the north of the authority area. Allocated employment land in the south is more limited with a total of 10.34ha available for employment use.

Full details of the status of allocated employment sites can be found in Appendix 7.

24 Figure 9: Land available on adopted employment allocations without planning permission by monitoring year (ha)




125 2 m e

c 100 a p s r

o 75 o l F 50


0 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Year

Town Centre Floorspace Completions

Total amount of floorspace completed for town centre uses – by town centre and use class (sqm)

Town Centre A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A+ B1a D2 Total

Gain 48 - 49 - - - - - 97 Loss ------97 - 97

Net 48 - 49 - - -97 - 0

Gain - - 538 - - 60 - 120 718 Biggleswade Loss 457 - - - - - 72 - 529

Net -457 - 538 - - 60 -72 120 189

Gain 91 ------128 219 Loss 128 - - - - - 55 - 183

25 Net -37 ------55 128 36

Gain ------0 Loss 57 - - - - - 124 - 181

Net -57 ------124 - -181

Houghton Gain ------Regis Loss ------

Net ------

Leighton Gain - - 430 - - - - - 430 Loss 149 250 ------399

Net -149 -250 430 - - - - - 31

Gain - - 27 - - - - - 27 Sandy Loss 78 ------78

Net -78 - 27 ------51

Gain 139 - 1,044 - - 60 - 248 1,491 TOTAL Loss 869 250 - - - - 348 - 1,467

Net -730 -250 1,044 - - 60 -348 248 24

Developments for town centre uses completed during the monitoring year showed a slight gain overall. Though nominal, the net position for the year, at 24sqm, is that the first-time gains of town centre use floorspace have exceeded losses since 2012/13. Most of the town centre developments were changes within the retail use classes and resulted in no change to net floorspace overall.

Included for the first time this year are figures for changes within the B1a (office) use class. Offices form an integral part of the town centre economy, often occupying spaces above shops and can be indicator of the health and vitality of the area. During 2018/19 there were a small number of losses from the B1a use class within town centres of which 196sqm were losses to residential development. In total 372sqm of town centre use floorspace was lost to residential use.

26 Figure 10: Net additional floorspace for town centre uses by monitoring year (sqm)


2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 m

q 1500 s e

c 1000 a p

s 500 r o

lo 0 F -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 -2500 -3000 -3500

27 Town Centre Vacancy Rates

The Council monitors the level of retail unit vacancies across ten towns, of which, seven have designated town centre boundaries as set out in adopted development plans. The remaining three, Arlesey, Shefford and are surveyed because of their notable concentration of retail uses. The survey records changes in the number and occupancy of retail units within the town centre boundaries or against a baseline for those settlements which do not have town centre boundaries. Surveys are undertaken on a quarterly basis to ensure trends can be identified.

The changes in the vacancy rate within each area are shown in the table below. For example, Ampthill maintained a relatively consistent vacancy rate across the year with a slight increase to 6.7% in November 2018 that subsequently recovered to 5.6% once again in February 2019.

With zero vacancies recorded, Arlesey and Stotfold were the best performing areas, they also have the lowest total retail units at 15 and 18 respectively. Dunstable’s retail vacancy rate, although the highest of those surveyed, fell from 14.6% in May 2018 to 10.7% in February 2019, showing an encouraging downward trend. At 244 Dunstable also has largest number of retail units.

In total, 914 retail units were recorded across the areas surveyed in February 2019. Of these 49 were vacant, equating to an overall vacancy rate of 5.4%. The closure of bank branches, the increase in online shopping and the popularity of out-of-centre retail parks continue to have an impact on footfall in town centres.

Town centre vacancy rates

Location May-18 Aug-18 Nov-18 Feb-19

Ampthill 5.6% 5.6% 6.7% 5.6%

Arlesey 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Biggleswade 9.7% 4.8% 3.4% 2.7%

Dunstable 14.6% 13.4% 12.6% 10.7%

Flitwick 0.0% 5.1% 2.6% 2.2%

Houghton Regis 3.4% 6.9% 0.0% 0.0%

Leighton Buzzard 4.9% 4.4% 3.0% 3.5%

Sandy 3.0% 4.5% 6.0% 6.6%

Shefford 2.6% 2.6% 2.6% 2.6%

28 Stotfold 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Total 7.7% 7.0% 6.1% 5.4%

Figure 11: Retail vacancy rates




t 10.0 n a c a

V 8.0 e g a t n

e 6.0 c r e P 4.0


0.0 May-18 Aug-18 Nov-18 Feb-19 Survey Date Ampthill Arlesey Biggleswade Dunstable

Flitwick Houghton Regis Leighton Buzzard Sandy

Shefford Stotfold

Since August 2019, has been added to the list of areas surveyed due to the concentration of retail uses it provides. As of November 2019, there were 26 retail units recorded in Potton all of which were occupied. For future AMR’s the council will be undertaking detailed surveys of retail occupancy in these areas in order to provide better insight into their relative health. This will include the retail type and planning use class of each unit.

29 Local Development Orders

Woodside Industrial Estate LDO Monitoring Central Bedfordshire Council adopted a Local Development Order (LDO) for the Woodside Industrial Estate, Dunstable and surrounding area on 27 May 2014. The LDO will make it easier for businesses to grow and expand by relaxing some planning restrictions so that they carry out certain works without needing to apply for planning permission. The aim is to help businesses to save time and money, which puts them in a better position to respond quickly to opportunities and contribute towards the economic health of the area.

Planning Applications approved 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019

Application Number Location Parish Description

Erection of a plant mezzanine, external plant, CB/18/01143/LDON Unit DC1 Prologis Dunstable elevation alterations and erection of fencing

Installation of a canopy CB/18/04522/LDON Unit DC1 Prologis Dunstable above access door

Stratton Business Park LDO Monitoring

Central Bedfordshire Council adopted a Local Development Order (LDO) for Stratton Business Park on 6th October 2015.

There were no LDO notifications made for Stratton Business Park during 2018/19.

30 Employment Rate

Figure 12: Employment Rate for people aged 16-64




79 %




The employment rate for people aged 16-64 has risen steadily over the past 3 years and at March 2019 was 83.7%.

Economic Insight Detailed information on the performance of the Central Bedfordshire economy is provided in the Economic Insight 2019. The Economic Insight 2019 not only presents a snap-shot of Central Bedfordshire’s economy, but also provides analysis and information on ‘why it matters’. It provides comparisons with the performance of neighbouring authorities and with national and regional trends. To view this document please visit the following page of our website: _and_policy

Quarterly Economic Monitoring Reports Further information relating to the economy of Central Bedfordshire can be found in our Quarterly Economic Monitoring Reports (QEMR). To view these documents please visit the following page on our website:

31 8. Environmental Quality

Environmental Designations Number of designations by type as at 31/03/2019

Designations Number of

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 42

County Wildlife Sites (CWS) 269

Local Nature Reserves (LNR) 12

National Nature Reserves (NNR) 10

Local Geological Sites 21 (Source: Central Bedfordshire Council – GIS data)

County Wildlife Sites Changes in biodiversity importance 2018/19

County Wildlife Sites Change Date

Galley & Warden Hills CWS Boundary Modified 12th November 2018

(Source: Biodiversity Recording and Monitoring Centre

Forest of Marston Vale In the monitoring period (2018/19), a further 3.5ha of new community woodland was created in the Forest of Marston Vale. This saw the planting of half of a new site between the and Wilstead. A total of around 5,000 native trees and shrubs were planted, with around 1,000 people involved in a series of public, school and corporate tree planting events. A further 3,715 trees were planted during the year by 1,246 children from 6 different schools, all with the assistance of the Forest Team and Forest Volunteers. All of these were planted in school grounds, enhancing them and providing new areas for outdoor educational use. Planting activity generally alternates between Bedford Borough Council and Central Bedfordshire Council administrative areas, with the 61 square mile designated Forest of Marston Vale area spanning the boundary. During this monitoring period, most activity took place in Bedford Borough. At the outset of work to create the Forest of Marston Vale, woodland cover was recorded as being 3.6%. The shared vision is to increase this to 30%. An academic study showed that

32 work to create the Forest had seen tree cover increase to 15.4% by 2015, yielding social, economic and environmental benefits worth £12.83m every year.

Renewable Energy Generating Developments Application Date Address Description Number Granted Birchmoor Water Treatment Proposed Solar 18/01081/LDCP 08/05/2018 Works, Aspley Lane, Array Energy storage 18/01795/FULL Chapel Farm, Luton Road, Chalton 18/01/2019 facility Nissan Technical Centre Europe 16 x 250Wp Tier 1 18/01007/PASP Ltd, Technology Park, 26/04/2018 Solar Modules Moulsoe Road, Cranfield Land north of Cranfield Airport, Biomass energy 17/05862/OUT 19/06/2018 College Road, Cranfield centre Roof mounted solar Unit DC1 Prologis, Boscombe Road, PV panels and 18/02801/FULL 24/10/2018 Dunstable battery storage system 5 roof fitted solar 18/02903/FULL 98 Wing Road, Linslade 18/10/2018 panels Solar PV carport and The Gatehouse, Potton Road, 18/02490/FULL vehicle charge 23/08/2018 Sandy points Roof fitted solar 18/04366/FULL Land west of Bury Road, Shillington 30/01/2019 panels

Historic Environment Listed Buildings

Type Number

Grade I 62

Grade II* 99

Grade II 1747

For further details on listed building in Central Bedfordshire please visit: http:/

33 Conservation Areas There are 61 Conservation areas in Central Bedfordshire. These are listed in the table below:

CA01 Ampthill CA31 CA02 Aspley Guise CA32 Sutton CA03 CA33 (Church End) CA04 CA34 Tempsford (Langford End) CA05 Biggleswade CA35 CA06 CA36 Woburn CA07 Clifton CA37 Wrestlingworth CA08 CA38 Wrest Park CA09 Eversholt (Church End) CA40 Barton CA10 CA41 Billington CA11 Harlington CA42 Caddington CA12 Haynes (Church End) CA43 Dunstable CA13 CA44 CA14 CA45 CA15 Husborne Crawley (Church End) CA46 Heath & Reach CA16 CA47 Church End Hockliffe CA17 CA48 Houghton Regis CA18 CA49 Church End CA19 Millbrook CA50 Kensworth Lynch CA20 (South End) CA51 Leighton Buzzard CA21 Northill CA52 Luton Hoo CA22 and Old Warden Park CA53 Linslade CA23 Potton CA55 Sewell CA24 CA56 Southcott Village CA25 CA57 Streatley CA26 Sandy CA58 CA27 Shefford CA59 CA28 Shillington CA60 Toddington CA28a Shillington (Apsley End) CA61 CA29 CA62 CA30 Southill

For further information on the Conservation areas please visit:

34 Local Indicators & Data Tables

Local indicator information provides data on the performance of policies within adopted development plans. Further data tables provide detail on housing completions, housing delivery and employment development.

Appendix 1 Policy Coverage Appendix 2 Core Strategy & Development Management Policy Monitoring Framework

Appendix 3 Housing Completions for 2018/19

Appendix 4 Net Housing Completions since 2009

Appendix 5 Status of Allocated Residential Sites

Appendix 6 Housing Trajectory for Central Bedfordshire

Appendix 7 Status of Allocated B1-B8 Employment Sites

35 Appendix 1: Policy Coverage Adopted Core Strategy & Development Management Policies (2009)

CSDM Policy No. Description

CS1 Development Strategy

CS2 Developer contributions

CS3 Healthy and sustainable communities

CS4 Linking communities – accessibility and transport

CS5 Providing homes

CS6 Delivery and timing of housing provision

CS7 Affordable housing

CS8 Exception schemes

CS9 Providing jobs

CS10 Location of employment sites

CS11 Rural Economy and Tourism

CS12 Town centres and retailing

CS13 Climate change

CS14 High quality development

CS15 Heritage

CS16 Landscape and woodland

CS17 Green infrastructure

CS18 Biodiversity and geological conservation

DM1 Renewable energy

DM2 Sustainable construction of new buildings

DM3 High quality development

DM4 Development within and beyond the settlement envelopes

DM5 Important open space within settlement envelopes

36 DM6 Development within green belt infill areas

DM7 Development in town centres

DM8 Village shops and pubs

DM9 Providing a range of transport

DM10 Housing mix

DM11 Significant facilities in the countryside

DM12 Horticultural and redundant agricultural sites

DM13 Heritage in development

DM14 Landscape and woodland

DM15 Biodiversity

DM16 Green infrastructure

DM17 Accessible greenspaces

DM18 Equestrian development

37 Adopted Site Allocations DPD Policies (2011) as at 31st March 2019

Site Allocation Description Status Policy No.

HA1 Land at Potton Road, Biggleswade Under Construction

HA2 Former London Road Council Offices, Biggleswade Complete

EA1 Land East of Stratton Park, Biggleswade Under Construction

TC1 Biggleswade Town Centre Not Started

MA1 Land West of Station Road/New Road, Sandy Complete

Former Meller Beauty Premises, Sunderland Road, HA3 Complete Sandy

EA2 Land North of Beamish Close, Sandy Part Complete

HA4 Land West of Abbey Lane, Ampthill Under Construction

HA5 Land North of Church Street, Ampthill Complete

EA3 Land at Doolittle Mill, Ampthill Not Started

MA2 Land at Steppingley Road/Froghall Road, Flitwick Under Construction

TC2 Flitwick Town Centre Part Complete

RA1 Flitwick Football Centre, Ampthill Road Complete

MA3 Land South of Wixams Not Started

HA6 Land at former Hostel site, Under Construction

HA7 Land rear of Central Garage, Cranfield Complete

HA8 Land at High Street/Lodge Road, Cranfield Under Construction

Land West of University Way/Wharley End, EA5 Not Started Cranfield

MA4 Land at Moreteyne Farm, Marston Moretaine Under Construction

HA9 Land East of Sutton Mill Road, Potton Not Started

MA5 Land East of Biggleswade Road, Potton Under Construction

HA10 Land at Stanford Road, Shefford Complete

MA6 Land at Bridge Farm, Ivel Road, Shefford Complete

38 HA11 Land at Shawmer Farm, Stotfold Not Started

HA12 Land at Arlesey Road, Stotfold Not Started

Land at former Pig Development Unit, Hitchin Road, MA7 Under Construction Fairfield

HA13 Land at Roker Park, The Green, Stotfold Not Started

HA14 Land at Roecroft School site, Stotfold Not Started

Land at Chase Farm & Land West/NE of High Street, MA8 Not Started Arlesey

MA9 Cranfield University Campus, Silsoe Under Construction

HA15 Land off Barford Road, Blunham Complete

EA6 Land at Marston Gate, Complete

HA16 Land at New Road, Clifton Complete

HA17 Land adj Castle Hill Court, Clophill Complete

HA18 Land rear of High Street, Clophill Complete

HA19 Land off Boot Lane, Dunton Complete

HA20 Sandy Road, Everton Under Construction

HA21 The Heath, Everton Complete

HA22 Land rear of The Wrestlers PH, High Street, Langford Complete

HA23 Land off Church Street, Langford Complete

HA24 Land at Moor Lane, Maulden Not Started

EA7 Land adj 29 Clophill Road, Maulden Not Started

HA25 Land rear of High Street, Meppershall Under Construction

Land rear of The Guinea PH, Bedford Road, HA26 Complete

HA27 Land at High Road, Shillington Complete

HA28 Land rear of Station Road, Lower Complete

Peckworth Industrial Estate, Bedford Road, Lower HA29 Not Started Stondon

EA8 Land at Quest Pit (NIRAH), Houghton Conquest Allocation Expired

EA1 Safeguarded Key Employment Sites -

39 DM5a Important Open Space -

Saved Mid Bedfordshire Local Plan Policies (2005) as at 31st March 2019

The policies listed below have not been superseded by the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD for the north of Central Bedfordshire and continue to be a part of the development plan.

Saved Local Description Status Plan Policy No.

CS21 Important Countryside Gaps -

HO8 (1) Land East of Complete

HO8 (2) Land at Stewartby Not Started

HO8 (2A) Land at High Street, Houghton Conquest Complete

HO8 (3A) Land East of Bedford Road, Marston Moretaine Under Construction

HO8 (4) Land for Elstow New Settlement Under Construction

HO8 (5) Land adj to Swaffield Close, Ampthill Complete

HO8 (6A) Land at Tavistock Avenue, Ampthill Complete

HO8 (8) Land East of Biggleswade Under Construction

HO8 (10) Land South of Stotfold Complete

HO8 (11) Land at Queen Street, Stotfold Complete

HO8 (12) Fairfield Hospital, Stotfold Complete

Land West of High Street, South of Cricketers HO8 (13A) Complete Road, Arlesey

HO8 (14A) Land at Garfield Farm, Langford Complete

HO8 (15A) Land to the East of the Dairy, Henlow Complete

HO8 (19) Shefford Town Football Club Complete

HO8 (22A) Land East of the Woodlands Estate, Greenfield Complete

HO8 (25A) Land rear of Braybrooks Drive, Potton Complete

40 HO8 (26) College Farm, Silsoe Complete

HO8 (26A) Home Farm, Cranfield Under Construction

HO10/11 Travelling Showpeople -

HO12 Gypsies -

Stratton Business Park, London Road, EMP4 (1) - Biggleswade

EMP4 (2) Land North of Sunderland Road, Sandy -

EMP4 (3) Land West of A1, Girtford Underpass, Sandy -

EMP4 (4) Land at Arlesey Brickworks, Arlesey -

EMP4 (6) Cranfield Technology Park -

EMP4 (10A) Land adj 29 Clophill Road, Maulden -

EMP12 Local Airfields and Airstrips -

TCS8 Biggleswade – Land at London Road -

41 Saved South Bedfordshire Local Plan Policies & Monitoring (2004)

Saved Local Plan Description Development Policy No.

SD1 Sustainability Keynote Policy -

GB2 Major development sites in the Green Belt -

GB3 Green Belt villages -

Safeguarding land for long-term requirements GB4 - (White Land)

Control of development in the Areas of Great NE3 - Landscape Value (AGLV)

NE10 Diversifying the use of agricultural land -

NE11 Control of horse-related development

NE12 The re-use and adaptation of rural buildings -

Control of agricultural and forestry NE13 - development in the countryside

Control of development in Areas of Special BE6 - Character

Conservation and enhancement of Historic BE7 - Parks and Gardens

BE8 Design considerations -

Public transport services along former T4 Complete Luton/Dunstable Rail Line

T7 Controlling the supply of public car parking -

T8 Controlling the supply of public car parking -

T10 Controlling parking in new developments -

Securing contributions for alternatives to T11 - parking

T13 Safeguarding the routes of proposed roads -

Making provision for housing and H1 accompanying schedule of proposed housing See appendix 5, Table 3 sites

42 H2 Making provision for housing via ‘fall-in’ sites -

H3 Meeting local housing needs -

Reported in main report H4 Providing affordable housing (H5)

H5 Providing affordable housing in rural areas -

Controlling the loss of residential H7 - accommodation

H8 Control of extensions to dwellings -

Controlling the conversion of property to form H9 - dwellings

H10 Control of agricultural workers dwellings -

Sub-division of agricultural holdings and H11 proposals for new agricultural workers - dwellings

H12 Controlling infilling in villages -

H13 Extensions to dwellings in the Green Belt -

H14 Replacement dwellings in the Green Belt -

Mobile homes and residential caravans in the H15 - Green Belt

Providing for B1-B8 development with Main E1 See appendix 7, Table 3 Employment Areas (Category 1)

Control of development on Employment land E2 - outside Main Employment Areas (Category 2)

Sustaining and enhancing the district’s town TCS1 - centres

TCS2 Main shopping areas -

TCS3 Houghton Regis town centre -

Town centre regeneration sites in Dunstable TCS4 - and Leighton Buzzard

TCS5 Houghton Regis town centre enhancement -

TCS7 Local and village shopping facilities See Table TCS7

Proposed areas of new urban open space in R2 - Dunstable

43 Proposed areas of new urban open space in R3 - Houghton Regis

Implementation of the Ouzel Valley Park, R4 - Leighton Linslade

Ouzel Valley Park proposals: North of Bridge R5 - Street

Ouzel Valley Park proposals: South of Bridge R6 - Street

Proposed areas of new urban open space in Leighton Buzzard and Linslade and R7 - enhancement of proposals of existing open space

Proposed area of new urban open space in R8 - Caddington

Proposed area of new urban open space in R9 - Hockliffe

44 Appendix 2: Monitoring Framework

This section of the AMR provides details on the performance of policies in the Core Strategy & Development Management Policies DPD. Where relevant and where data is available, information for the South Beds legacy area has also been provided.

Core Strategy & Development Management Policy Monitoring Framework (2009)

This sets out the vision, objectives, spatial strategy and overarching policies to guide development in the north area of Central Bedfordshire up to 2026. The Development Management policies provide the policy framework against which all planning applications will be assessed.

Policy CS1: Development Strategy

Description Overall approach to development across the North Central Bedfordshire Plan area

Output As this is an overarching policy please refer to Policies CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CS9, CS10 & CS12 Indicator(s)

45 Policy CS2: Developer Contributions

Description Planning Obligations

Further Type Indicator 2018/19 Detail

Data for Central Money that has been received Bedfordshire Local CS2(i) £45,524,478.40 and available for spending as a whole (Table 1)

https://www.cent ralbedfordshire.g Local CS2(ii) Money Spent nning/458/planni ng_obligations/2

Output Money transferred to other Local CS2(iii) Data not available Indicator(s) parties

https://www.cent Performance reports to show ralbedfordshire.g value of agreements Local CS2(iv) signed/payments nning/458/planni received/money spent and ng_obligations/2 balance at end of quarter

https://www.cent ralbedfordshire.g Breakdown of all payments Local CS2(v) received and expenditure nning/458/planni ng_obligations/2

Receipt/expenditure against Local CS2(vi) Data not available obligation type

Table 1: Legal agreements negotiated*

Parish Application numbers Date Signed Total Negotiated

Ampthill CB/17/00056/FULL 20th Dec 2018 £350,000

Arlesey CB/18/00196/OUT 15th Feb 2019 £55,000

Biggleswade CB/18/02458/OUT 13th Mar 2019 £38,306,291.37

46 Clifton CB/17/04833/FULL 18th Dec 2019 £244,343.57

Cranfield CB/17/05862/OUT 19th Jun 2018 £77,086

Dunstable CB/16/02972/FULL 3rd Apr 2018 £510,954.69

Flitton CB/18/02484/FULL 15th Feb 2019 £7,850.00

Gravenhurst CB/17/00442/VOC 13th Apr 2018 £179,199.06

Heath and Reach CB/16/04588/MW 15th Nov 2018 £15,500.00

Houghton Conquest CB/16/02971/OUT 6th Nov 2018 £290,400.00

CB/17/00501/OUT 14th June 2018 £48,400.00 Houghton Regis CB/17/02512/OUT 5th Nov 2018 £20,000

Langford CB/18/00432/OUT 27th Sep 2018 £316,765.12 CB/17/00981/OUT 1st May 2018 £5,000 Maulden CB/17/04583/OUT 4th Jul 2018 £336,973.02 CB/18/00435/OUT 7th Nov 2018 £694,332.06

th Northill CB/17/04476/OUT 6 Aug 2018 £471,762.23 CB/18/03665/VOC 11th Dec 2018 £326,317.89

Sandy CB/17/01326/OUT 3rd Oct 2018 £91,070.88

Shefford CB/17/02615/OUT 8th Jan 2019 £560,817.75

Silsoe CB/17/05877/FULL 6th Jul 2018 £213,915.75

rd Stotfold CB/16/03344/OUT 23 Jul 2018 £940,420.52 CB/17/05913/FULL 13th Sep 2018 £462,078.46

Total £45,524,478.40 *amount only due once planning permission is implemented

For more detail on the planning applications and agreements please visit the Planning portal on the Central Bedfordshire website:

CS2 (ii), (iv),(v) Monitoring reports showing details of secured and received planning obligation contributions for each Parish can be found on the Central Bedfordshire website using the link below:

47 CS3: Healthy & Sustainable Communities Policy DM5: Important Open Space within Settlement Envelopes

Description The Council will ensure that appropriate infrastructure is provided for existing and growing communities by:  Safeguarding existing community, education, open space, recreation, sports, play and health facilities  Supporting in principle; the upgrading of community, education, open space, recreation, sports, play and health facilities

Identify appropriate sites for new facilities to meet identified needs and shortfalls in accessible locations that are well served by sustainable forms of public transport. All new facilities should meet the needs of the entire community particularly socially excluded groups, facilitating multi- use facilities where possible

Further Type Indicator 2018/19 Detail

6 new sport & The number of new sport and Table 2 Local CS3(i) leisure facilities leisure facilities provided completed

3 new sport & leisure facilities The number/type of new sport completed Table 2 Local CS3(ii) and leisure facilities built beyond outside settlement envelopes settlement envelopes

The loss of any recreational open Output Data not Local CS3(iii) space and the circumstances Indicator(s) available which may explain the loss

Monitoring of standards for open Data not Local CS3(iv) space available

Stotfold Mill http://ww Country Parks – number of Green Meadow and Local CS3(v) w.greenfla Flag awards Flitton Moor

New recreational and sports Please refer to Local CS3(vi) facilities provided (size and type Table 2 of facility)

Net loss/gain of Important Open Local DM5(i) 477 sqm lost Space

18/002018 Number of applications resulting 196sqm Local DM5(ii) in a loss of Important Open Space 18/02212 281 sqm

48 Table 2: New sport and leisure facilities within settlement envelopes (CS3(i), (ii), (vi))

Within Floor Within App. Area settlement Parish Description Space Settlement Number (ha) Envelope (m2) Envelope (m2) (ha)

Creation of formal sports areas, ancillary open space 15/04438 Biggleswade comprising of football 7.49 7.49 0 0 pitches, a range of play facilities and games areas.

Use of land as dog 18/01632 Fairfield walking/training area 1.25 0 32 0 with building

Replacement Bowls 15/04505 Henlow - - 91 91 Pavilion

Erection of teenage 17/00188 Henlow - - 180 0 social building

Replacement Village 16/01769 Meppershall - - 535 0 Hall

Change of use of 18/03910 Sandy industrial building to - - 284 284 exercise centre

49 CS4: Linking Communities – Accessibility & Transport Policy DM9: Providing a range of transport

Description The Council will seek to facilitate the delivery of strategic transportation schemes identified in the Local Transport Plan and other strategies, through road and rail improvements and the creation of National Cycle Network routes. The Council will seek to maximise the capacity of the existing transport network. Where capacity is insufficient, the provision of new transport and travel infrastructure will be sought as a priority. In the case of new development, such provision will be sought in parallel or before commencement The Council will focus new development in locations, which due to their convenient access to local facilities and public transport, promote sustainable travel patterns. When allocating land for development priority will be given to development schemes that:  Make best use of the existing public transport services and provide clear opportunities for improving and sustaining the viability of those services  Ensure convenient access for walking and cycling to local facilities and employment, linking to and helping to deliver the Council’s Cycle and Walking Strategy and the Green Infrastructure plan  Develop innovative and adaptable approaches to public transport in rural areas of the district

Make appropriate parking provision, in terms of both the number of spaces and their location, given the need to both encourage sustainable travel patterns and avoid creating congestion caused by excessive on-street parking

Further Type Indicator 2018/19 Detail

Percentage of new residential development within 30 minutes public transport time of a GP, hospital, primary and secondary school, Data not Local CS4(i) employment and a major health available centre. New on-site provision (by hectare and type of facility) for children’s play space, outdoor sport Output and informal use Indicator(s) Data not Local CS4(ii) Kilometres of cycle route completed available

Data provided for Central Length of public rights of way 236m created Bedfordshire Local CS4(iii) provided/lost as a result of as a whole. development or other projects 2,023m closed Table 3

50 9 new travel Local Number of new travel plans completed plans Table 4 completed

Table 3: CS4(iii) Length of public rights of way provided/lost as a result of developments or other projects (closed)

Reference Type Length

CRA FP 35 Stopped Up 321m

CRA FP 41 Stopped Up 171m

CRA FP 23 Stopped Up 100m

AG 1 Stopped Up 106m

AG 2 Stopped Up 142m

AG 32 Stopped Up 83m

HS 10 Stopped Up 488m

CHA FP7 Stopped Up 500m

BIG FP 24 Stopped Up 112m

CRA FP 23 Created 136m

BIG FP 24 Created 100m

Table 4: Travel Plans completed

Application Number Location Parish Type Date Signed

Land rear Aspen 18/00725/RM Stotfold Residential 03/05/2018 Gardens

Ivel Valley School, 18/02028/REG3 Biggleswade School 24/10/2018 Hitchmead Rd

Focus School, Potton 18/1785/FULL Biggleswade School 31/10/2018 Road

Land to south of Arlesey 18/02232/FULL Stotfold Residential 04/10/2018 Road

18/03260/RM Pig Farm, Hitchin Rd Stotfold Residential 31/10/2019

13/470/FULL 15 The Avenue Flitwick Nursery 28/12/2019

Lower 18/00181/FULL Station Rd Residential 16/11/2019 Stondon

51 19/472/REG2 Priory House Shefford Business 10/09/2019

17/4050/FULL Holywell School Cranfield School 01/04/2019

CS5: Providing Homes Policy DM10: Housing Mix

Description The Council will make provision for new housing sites sufficient to ensure the delivery of at least 17,950 new homes from 2001-2026. In addition to delivering the existing committed sites, new sites will be allocated to provide for a minimum of 5000 new dwellings up to 2026. The distribution of this growth will be in line with the table below. Specific sites for housing provision will be established through the Site Allocations DPD and the phasing of housing development will be governed by Policy CS6.

Type Indicator 2018/19 Further Detail

Data provided for Plan period and Central Bedfordshire Core H1 - housing targets as a whole See Chapter 5

Data provided for Net additional Central Bedfordshire Core H2(a) dwellings - in - as a whole previous years See Chapter 5

Data provided for Net additional 2,102 net Central Bedfordshire Core H2(b) dwellings – for the completions as a whole reporting year (CBC) See Chapter 5

New and converted Data provided for Output dwellings – on 536 (26%) on PDL Central Bedfordshire Indicator(s) Core H3 as a whole previously developed (Target 60%) land (PDL) See Chapter 5

Data provided for Net additional Gypsy Central Bedfordshire Core H4 & Traveller pitches 5 new pitches as a whole delivered See Chapter 6

Core CS5(i) Dwelling density p/ha Data not available

Completion of 558 completions Local CS5(ii) development on Appendix 5 on allocated sites allocations

Percentage of development by 2,027 dwellings Local CS5(iii) area/settlement to remaining to be be delivered via the delivered Site Allocations DPD

52 Levels of vacancy on Local G&T(i) permanent Gypsy & Data not available Traveller sites

The levels of vacancy Local G&T(ii) on Travelling Data not available Showpeople sites

Number of illegal encampments/ Local G&T(iii) Data not available enforcement actions carried out

G&T: The number of Approved: 1, Data provided for applications by Refused: 1 Gypsies, Travellers Central Bedfordshire Local G&T (iv) and Travelling Travelling as a whole Showpeople: Showpeople See Chapter 6 approved/refused Approved: 1, Refused: 0

Percentage of new development Significant Data not available incorporating water efficiency measures

67 Bungalows 720 Detached Housing Mix – Data provided for breakdown by type 300 Flats Local DM10(i) Central Bedfordshire of dwellings 755 Semi as a whole developed (gross) 293 Terraced 32 Other

Figure 1: Net dwelling completions by number of bedrooms

800 700

s 600

n 1 Bedroom o i t

e 500 2 Bedroom l p

m 400 3 Bedroom o C f

o 300 4 Bedroom r e

b 200 5 Bedroom m u

N 100 6 Bedroom 0 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 -100 Year

53 Policy CS6: Delivery & Timing of Housing Provision

Description The Council will maintain a 5-year housing land supply in accordance with PPS3. The AMR will be used to identify the required rate of housing delivery for the following 5-year period, based on the remaining dwellings needed to meet the overall requirements. To maintain the 5-year supply, sites identified in the Site Allocations DPD will be added in line with the priority order set out in the DPD.

Type Indicator 2018/19 Further Detail

Data provided Output for Central 5 Year Land Supply Indicator(s) Core H2(d) Bedfordshire Statement as a whole See Chapter 5

Policy CS7: Affordable Housing

Description New development for 4 or more dwellings should provide an element of affordable housing. Sites of 4 dwellings should include one affordable dwelling. On all other qualifying sites, 35%+ should be affordable. The Council’s preference is for developers to provide fully serviced land on site, at no cost to the affordable housing provider. Use of alternative mechanisms should be fully justified with evidence that this would not prejudice the level of delivery of affordable homes. A mix of tenures will be required, in accordance with figures set out in a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Affordable housing should be constructed and designed to the same standard as market housing and should be fully integrated into the development. Within large housing developments, the affordable housing will be scattered through the development, or in small clusters. Where a site has been divided and brought forward in phases, the Council will consider the site as a whole for the purposes of calculating the appropriate level of affordable housing provision. In exceptional circumstances and where robustly justified, commuted sums may be considered to achieve off-site provision of affordable housing. Fewer affordable units may exceptionally be considered on sites only if the applicant produces evidence to demonstrate that providing the full amount would make the scheme unviable.

Further Type Indicator 2018/19 Detail

Data New builds of 4+ Output provided for should provide an Central Indicator(s) Gross affordable housing element of Core H5 Bedfordshire completions affordable housing, as a whole at35%oroneper4 dwellings See Chapter 5

54 CS8: Exception Schemes Policy DM4: Development within and beyond Settlement Envelopes

Description The Council will support the proposals for 100% affordable housing designed to meet local housing needs adjacent to the defined Settlement Envelopes provided that; the local need is demonstrated, the scheme is viable and will remain in perpetuity to local people who demonstrate need, the design/ location of the scheme relates well to the built settlement and the mix of size and tenure will relate to the local needs

Type Indicator 2018/19 Further Detail

Built beyond the 17/05451/FULL 4 Output settlement dwellings – Nov Number of exception envelope and 2018 Indicator(s) Local CS8(i) schemes approved provide 100% affordable housing

Percentage of Local DM4(i) development within Table 5 Settlement Envelopes

Table 5: Percentage of development within Settlement Envelopes

Percentage of 2018/19 Development Type Use Classes completions within Settlement Envelopes

Retail A1 – A5 95%

Employment B1/B2/B8 29%

Residential C3 41%

Assembly & Leisure D2 98%

55 Policy DM6: Development within Green Belt Infill Boundaries

Description The Council will consider infill development acceptable in principle with the defined Green Belt Infill Boundaries. Particular attention will be paid to assessing the quality of development proposed and the likely impact on the character of the settlement and its surroundings

Further Type Indicator Target Detail

Number/type of permissions and Local DM6(i) Data not available Output refusals in the Green Indicator(s) Belt

Number/type of Table 6 9 permissions permissions and Local DM6(ii) within GB infill refusals within Green areas Belt Infill Boundaries

Table 6 : DM6(ii) Number of permissions within the green belt infill areas

Application Location Type Green Belt Infill Area Number

18/03829 3 Silverbirches Lane Aspley Heath Replacement dwelling

18/04730 23 Church Road Aspley Heath New dwelling

The Quarry House, San Remo Aspley Guise New dwelling 18/01210 Road

18/02850 Chernocke House Aspley Guise New dwelling

18/01460 9 The Square Aspley Guise New dwelling

18/01148 101 High Street Ridgmont New dwelling

18/00116 Staunton House Woburn Conversion

18/02019 The Old Parsonage Woburn Change of use

18/03911 13-14 Market Place Woburn Change of use

56 CS9: Providing Jobs Policy DM11: Significant Facilities in the Countryside

Description The Council will plan for a minimum target of 17,000 net additional jobs for the period 2010- 2026. In support of this target, approximately 77ha of net additional B1-B8 employment land will be identified for the remainder of the period 2010-2026. Land will be allocated through the Site Allocations DPD which will identify whether phasing is required. The AMR will inform when sites should be released to ensure a sufficient range, quantity and quality of land is available for all employment sectors or, identify where demand cannot be met by available sites.

Further Type Indicator 2018/19 Detail

Data provided for Total amount of additional Central Core BD1 employment floorspace by Bedfordshire type as a whole See Chapter 7

Data provided for Total amount of Central Core BD2 employment floorspace on Bedfordshire PDL – by type as a whole Output See Chapter Indicator(s) 7

Data provided for Central Employment land Core BD3 Bedfordshire available – by type as a whole See Chapter 7

Jobs created – Annual Increase of 1,167 Figure 2 Local CS9(i) Business Index (2017-2018)

No allocated Appendix 7 Amount of allocated employment sites Local CS9(ii) employment land lost to lost to residential residential development development

Management plans, No new Local DM11 (i) development briefs or plans/briefs masterplans approved approved

57 CS9(i): The number of employee jobs in Central Bedfordshire in 2018 was 104,100. This is a net increase of 1,167 jobs between 2017 and 2018. The percentage change seen in Central Bedfordshire was 1.13 which is higher than that of the SEMLEP region, the East of and England. (The previous figure of 102,887 for 2017 has been revised to 102,933) Figure 2: Number of Jobs

Policy CS10: Location of Employment Sites

Description The Council will safeguard the Key Employment Sites pending review by the Site Allocations DPD. Where sites are identified as ‘not fit for purpose’ in the ELR but are in sustainable locations, the Council will support mixed use schemes to help improve the balance of homes and jobs locally. Developments proposing small flexible units will be encouraged. However, where these sites are occupied in part by existing users who would be displaced, alternative employment land will need to be available in the locality to allow relocation prior to redevelopment. There will be a flexible approach to safeguarding sites which have been underperforming. The Council will support the employment generating redevelopment of these sites allowing for appropriate non B1-B8 uses that provide for additional job creation. More efficient use and redevelopment of these sites for employment will be supported and encouraged. Sites will be allocated in sustainable locations close to major transport routes that will include a mix of type and scale of premises, allowing for employment uses to fill any identified gaps in the employment market or to meet demand for a particular use. Support will be given to the growth/ intensification of employment uses at Cranfield University and Technology Park, Shuttleworth College & Millbrook Proving Ground. The growth of these sites will be subject to Policy DM11. The broad level of employment provision to be allocated at the main settlements/ growth areas is outlined below.

Further Type Indicator 2018/19 Detail

Output Phase 4, Stratton Business Appendix 7 Indicator(s) Completion of Park 19527.4 m2 Local CS10(i) development on allocations Plot 5 Stratton Business Park 44752 m2

58 Land North of Beamish Close 1326.5 m2

Percentage of Appendix 7 development by Refer to Appendix 7 for Local CS10(ii) settlement area status of allocated sites delivered through the Site Allocations DPD

CS11: Rural Economy & Tourism Policy DM12: Horticulture and Redundant Agricultural Sites

Description The Council will seek to support the rural economy/promote tourism by:  Safeguarding rural employment sites unless it can clearly be demonstrated that they are unfit for purpose/unable to be redeveloped for employment use  Supporting diversification of the rural economy and the conversion of redundant properties to commercial, industrial, tourism and recreational uses in the first instance  Providing for new small-scale employment allocations in the rural area where appropriate and where there is demand locally  Supporting diversification of redundant horticultural or farm buildings in settlements or in the countryside for employment purposes

Supporting proposals for tourist or leisure developments in settlements or in the countryside including new tourist accommodation which provides opportunities for rural diversification and are well located to support local services, businesses and other tourist attractions

Further Type Indicator 2018/19 Detail

Number of redundant Table 7 horticultural or farm buildings outside the settlement 3 developments Local CS11(i) envelope reused for completed employment purposes and floorspace gained (square metres)

Output Number of additional dwellings Indicator(s) resulting from conversions of Local CS11(ii) 12 new dwellings agricultural buildings to residential use

1 development 16/02116/ Number of rural use premises resulting in FULL Local CS11(iii) converted to employment use 460sqm of B1a in rural areas (square metres) floorspace

Number of rural employment Table 8 2 sites/ 1,170sqm Local CS11(iv) sites lost to other uses and lost floorspace lost (square metres)

59 Number of permissions for Table 9 Local CS11(v) 6 permissions tourism related development

Table 7: CS11(i) redundant horticultural or farm buildings outside the settlement envelope reused for employment purposes

Application Parish Location Description Number

Crossingland Farm, Salford Change of Use of two agricultural 14/01977/FULL Aspley Guise Road buildings to B1 business use

Conversion of three agricultural 16/02116/FULL Church Farm, Astwick Road Astwick buildings to B1 office use

Change of use of farm buildings to 18/03562/FULL West End Farm, West End Haynes mixed B1/B8/D2 use

Table 8: CS11(iv) rural employment sites lost to other uses

Application Parish Floorspace Location Description Number Lost

Chiltern Aquatics Centre, Redevelopment for 880sqm 17/01911/FULL Harlington Road residential

Change of use from 290sqm Brook Farm Business Park, Hulcote & 16/00927/FULL offices to 3 residential Salford Road Salford units

Table 9: CS11(v) Tourism related developments:

Application Parish Location Description Number

Land at Chase Farm, East of Mixed use development including 17/01158/OUT Arlesey High Street a hotel

Beadlow Manor Hotel & 18/00862/FULL Clophill Replacement Hotel Golf Resort, Ampthill Road

Woburn Safari Park, Redevelopment of main office, 18/00346/FULL Husborne Crawley Woburn Road, Woburn ticket stations, toilets and access

Center Parcs Woburn Forest 18/001461/FULL Holiday Village, Fordfield Millbrook 16 new lodges Road

Center Parcs Woburn Forest 1 new lodge and relocation of 1 18/03620/FULL Holiday Village, Fordfield Millbrook approved lodge Road

60 Replacement visitor entrance, new facilities, reinstatement of areas of the Woburn Abbey, Woburn Wyatville garden, demolition of the 18/00731/FULL Woburn Duchess tearoom, re-landscaping of the Park former ‘drying grounds’ and refurbishments to the North & South Courtyards

CS12: Town Centres & Retailing Policy DM7: Development in Town Centres DM8: Village Shops and Pubs

Description The Council will support/encourage new retail/service provision providing for more sustainable communities. In Major Service Centres, town centre boundaries will be established, within which new retail/service provision will be supported and assessed against the sequential approach in PPS6. In Minor Service Centres, additional retail provision that meets the needs of that centre and consolidates/enhances existing provision will be supported. In villages, important retail and other community facilities will be retained and addition local provision supported.

Further Type Indicator 2018/19 Detail

Data provided for Central Total amount of floorspace Gain 1,491sqm Core BD4 Bedfordshire for ‘town centre uses’ Loss 1,467 sqm as a whole See Chapter Output 7 Indicator(s) Retail floorspace provided/lost within Major 54.7sqm (net) Local CS12(i) Table 10 Service Centres (square provided metres)

Number of local shops, facilities and services 95.8sqm (net) Local CS12(ii) Table 11 provided/lost in villages provided (square metres)

61 Table 10: CS12 (i) Retail floorspace provided/lost within Minor Service Centres

Application A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 D2 Parish Number (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2)

CB/17/01525 Arlesey - - - - - 30

CB/17/05865 Shefford -30.7 - 30.7 - - -

CB/17/05865 Shefford 24.7 - - - - -

Totals -6.0 - 30.7 - - 30

Table 11: CS12 (ii) Number of local shops, facilities and services provided/lost in villages

Application A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 D2 Parish Number (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2)

CB/16/05471 Clophill 135 - - - - -

CB/18/01272 Dunton - - - 101 - -

CB/18/01632 Fairfield - - - - - 32

CB/17/01911 Harlington - - - -880 - -

CB/15/04505 Henlow - - - - - 91

CB/17/00188 Henlow - - - - - 180

CB/18/02871 Langford -47 - 47 - - -

CB/16/01769 Meppershall - - - - - 535

CB/16/05732 Shillington - - - -98.2 - -

Total 88 - 47 -877.2 - 838

62 CS13: Climate Change Policy DM1: Renewable Energy

Description The Council will favourably consider proposals for renewable energy installations. Proposals should:  Have good accessibility to the transport network and not be harmful to residential amenity, including noise and visual amenity  Be located and designed so as not to compromise the landscape and scenic beauty of the Chilterns AONB. In other areas identified through the Landscape Character Assessment as having high sensitivity, be located/designed so as to respect the character of the landscape

Proposals for all new development of more than 10 dwellings/1000m2 of non-residential buildings should contribute to renewable energy targets through on-site or near-site renewable or low carbon technology energy generation. Developments should achieve 10% or more of their own energy requirements through such sources, unless it can be demonstrated that this would be impracticable or unviable

Type Indicator 2018/19 Further Detail

Number of planning permissions granted Core E1 contrary to Environment Data not available Agency advice on flooding and water quality grounds

Data provided 8 permissions for for Central Bedfordshire Output Core E3 Renewable Energy renewable energy as a whole Indicator(s) generation See Chapter 8

CO2 reduction from Local Local CS13(i) Data not available Authority operations

Data provided

Per capita reduction in CO2 for Central Local CS13(ii) emissions in the Local 4.7(t CO2) (2017) Bedfordshire Authority area as a whole Table 12

63 Table 12: CO2 emissions estimates within the Local Authority area

Type 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Industry and Commercial 578.8 562.3 533.3 503.6 468.5 446.9 (Kt CO2)

Domestic (Kt CO2) 552.6 541.3 458.1 449.9 435.4 409.3

Road Transport (Kt CO2) 702.0 722.9 726.2 765.6 780.5 799.5

TOTAL (Kt CO2) 1812.6 1,803.9 1,693.8 1,694.5 1,659.8 1,630.7

Population (‘000s) 259.6 263.8 267.8 272.4 276.7 280

Per Capita Emissions 7.0 6.8 6.3 6.2 6.0 5.8 (t CO2)

Table 13: CO2 emissions estimates within the scope of influence of the Local Authority (excluding large industrial sites, railways, motorways and land use)

Type 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Industry and Commercial 572.3 557.7 525.5 498.3 462.9 441.5 (Kt CO2)

Domestic (Kt CO2) 552.6 541.3 458.1 449.9 435.4 409.3

Transport (Kt CO2) 395.2 392.8 419.1 420.9 436.3 455.8

TOTAL (Kt CO2) 1,520.1 1,491.8 1,388.7 1,369.1 1,334.6 1,306.6

Population (‘000s) 259.6 263.8 267.8 272.4 276.7 280

Per Capita Emissions 5.9 5.7 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.7 (t CO2)

Source: emissions-national-statistics-2005-to-2017

64 Policy CS14: High Quality Development

Description The Council will require development to be of the highest quality by:  Respecting local context, the varied character and the distinctiveness of Mid Bedfordshire’s places, spaces and buildings in design  Employing a range of urban design tools including urban design frameworks, design briefs and design codes to fulfil this undertaking  Focusing on the quality of buildings individually and collectively to create an attractive, accessible, mixed use public realm  Ensuring it is accessible to all  Reducing the opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour and enhancing community safety

Output The Central Bedfordshire Design Guide was adopted on 18th March 2014 indicator(s)

Further information on the Central Bedfordshire Design Guide is available here:

65 Policy CS15: Heritage

Description The Council will:  Protect, conserve and enhance the district’s heritage including Listed Buildings, Scheduled Ancient Monuments, Conservation Areas, Registered Parks and Gardens and archaeology and their setting  Conserve and where appropriate enhance the quality and integrity or the local built and natural environment, including historic structures or open green spaces considered to be of special local interest  Designate and keep under review Conservation Areas in order to protect or enhance their special architectural or historical interest. This will include the implementation of an on-going programme of Conservation Area Character Appraisals to include a review of special interests/boundaries

Monitor and survey the condition of Listed Buildings and periodically review and update a Register of Buildings at Risk, providing appropriate grant assistance to encourage their essential sympathetic repair

Further Type Indicator 2018/19 Detail

http:/centr albedfords /environme The number of Listed Buildings nt/listedbui Local CS15(i) removed from or added to the none ldings.aspx statutory lost or at-risk register https://hist oricengland Output Indicator(s)

http://ww w.centralbe The number and location of No new or dfordshire. Local CS15(ii) new and reviewed Conservation reviewed Areas conservation areas ronment/c onservation /areas.aspx

Number of applications refused because they do not meet one Local CS15(iii) Data not available or more of the criteria and number allowed on appeal

66 CS16: Landscape and Woodland Policy DM14: Landscape and Woodland

Description The Council will:  Protect, conserve and enhance the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the varied countryside character and local distinctiveness in accordance with the findings of the Mid Bedfordshire Landscape Character Assessment  Resist development where it will have an adverse effect on important landscape features or highly sensitive landscapes and require development to enhance landscapes of lesser quality in accordance with the Landscape Character Assessment  Continue to support the creation of the Forest of Marston Vale recognising the need to renew the environmentally damaged landscape through woodland creation to achieve 30% woodland cover in the forest area by 2030

Conserve woodlands including ancient and semi-natural woodland, hedgerows and veteran trees, and promote an increase in tree cover outside of the Forest of Marston Vale where it would not threaten other valuable habitats

Further Type Indicator 2018/19 Detail

Planning permissions within the 1 permission within Table 14 Local CS16(i) AONB AONB

Output 15.4% (2015) Env Qual. Indicator(s) Creation of the Forest of Target of 30% tree Local CS16(ii) Chapter Marston Vale cover within the 8 forest by 2030

Number of Tree Preservation 2 TPOs made, 1 Table 16 Local CS16(iii) Orders (TPOs) Confirmed

Table 14: CS16(i) Planning permissions within the AONB (North Area):

Application Parish Description Number

17/05301 Harlington Change of use from agricultural building to 2 dwellings

Table 15: Planning permissions within the AONB (South Area):

Application Parish Description Number

18/01820 Barton Conversion of covered reservoir to dwelling

18/01925 Kensworth Conversion of garage/barn to dwelling

18/02617 Kensworth Change of use of barn to commercial storage

18/04420 Kensworth Extension to industrial unit

18/00339 Studham Redevelopment for 3 dwellings

67 18/00549 Studham Conversion of 1 bungalow to 2

18/00757 Studham Replacement dwelling

18/02236 Studham Conversion of double garage to dwelling

18/03570 Studham Change of use from agricultural building to storage

Table 16 : CS16(iii) Number of Tree Preservation Orders (North area)

Application Location Parish Description Number

Flitton Road, Greenfield Flitton & 18/00003 Made but not Confirmed Greenfield

Land at Manor Farmyard, 19/00001 Stotfold Made & Confirmed Malthouse Lane

Table 17: Number of Tree Preservation Orders (South area)

Application Location Parish Description Number

18/00002 Oakwell Park, Thorn Road Houghton Regis Made & Confirmed

Policy CS17: Green Infrastructure

Description The Council will:  Seek a net gain in green infrastructure (GI) through the protection and enhancement of assets and provision of new green spaces as set out in the Strategic, Mid Bedfordshire and Parish Green Infrastructure Plans.  Take forward priority areas for the provision of new green infrastructure in the Forest of Marston Vale (including Bedford and Milton Keynes Waterway), the Ivel Valley, the Greensand Ridge, the Flit Valley and the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty  Require new development to contribute towards the delivery of new green infrastructure and the management of a linked network of new and enhanced open spaces and corridors

Development that would fragment or prejudice the green infrastructure network will not be permitted

Further Type Indicator 2018/19 Detail Output Green spaces within Indicator(s) Data not Local CS17(i) settlement envelopes available provided/lost (hectares)

68 Net gain/loss of accessible Data not Local CS17(ii) greenspace available

Refer to CS2 – Planning Data not Local Obligations contributions available

CS18: Biodiversity & Geological Conservation Policy DM15: Biodiversity

Description The Council will:  Support the designation, management and protection of biodiversity and geology including national designations (SSSIs), locally important County Wildlife Sites (CWSs) and Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites (RIGGS), in addition to those local priority habitats and species identified in the Local Biodiversity Action Plan  Support the maintenance and enhancement of habitats, identify opportunities to create buffer zones and restore and repair fragmented and isolated habitats to form biodiversity networks

Development that would fragment or prejudice the biodiversity network will not be permitted

Further Type Indicator 2018/19 Detail

1 change Env. Quality Change in areas of Boundary Chapter 8 biodiversity importance – Local CS18(i) modified to County Wildlife Sites Galley and (CWS’s) Warden Hills CWS

Output 100% in Table 18 Area of Sites of Special Indicator(s) favourable/ Local CS18(ii) Scientific Interest (SSSI’s) recovering in favourable condition condition

158 local sites Data (59 %) are in provided for Improved local positive Central Local NI197 biodiversity – active conservation Bedfordshire management of local sites management. as a whole. See text (Target 60%) below

NI197: Out of 269 County Wildlife Sites, 158 were in Positive Conservation Management (PCM). This is a drop from 2017/18 due to the change in classification of three quarries. These quarries are recorded as Local Geology Sites and are no longer being classed as in PCM due to changes in quarry management associated with restoration as required by planning. If these three sites were removed from the calculation, the 60% target would be retained.

69 Table 18: CS18 (ii) Area of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in favourable condition

Unfavourable: % in Site Unfavourable No change, Favourable favourable Site Name Area (Recovering) declining, (ha) recovering (ha) (ha) destroyed or not condition assessed (ha)

Coopers Hill 17.77 17.77 - - 100

Deacon Hill 35.36 35.36 - - 100

Flitwick Moor 58.9 45.26 13.64 - 100

Kings Wood & Glebe 36.07 26.64 9.43 - 100 Meadow

Knocking Hoe 8.09 8.09 - - 100

Marston Thrift 37.65 37.65 - - 100

Maulden Church 4.19 - 4.19 - 100 Meadow

Maulden Heath 7.55 4.78 2.77 - 100

Maulden Wood & 148.43 148.43 - - 100 Pennyfather’s Hill

Potton Wood 85.23 85.23 - - 100

Pulloxhill Marsh 5.08 4.25 0.83 - 100

Southill Lake/Wood 25.56 25.56 - - 100

Wavendon Heath 4.68 - 4.68 - 100 Ponds

Total 490.94 455.4 35.54 100

70 Policy DM18: Equestrian Development

Description Horse-related facilities and small-scale extensions to existing equestrian enterprises in the countryside will be permitted subject to the following criteria:  The proposals should be closely related to the bridleway network and should not have an adverse impact on bridleways  New freestanding stables should be well screened from the surrounding countryside and should not interfere with the amenities of adjoining residents  New buildings for indoor equestrian use should be located adjacent to existing buildings  Any proposals for equestrian development including jumps, schooling areas and new buildings/ extensions will be considered in the context of the Landscape Character Assessment. Their design, scale siting and use of materials should respect the rural setting

Proposals for larger scale private or commercial enterprises (comprising ten horses or more) should demonstrate the sustainable nature of their location by means of a traffic impact assessment

Further Type Indicator 2018/19 Detail Output Indicator(s) Number of permissions 6 permissions for Table 19 Local DM18(i) for horse related horse related development development

Table 19 DM18 (i): Number of permissions for horse related facilities

Application Parish Description Number

Lawful Development Certificate Existing – Use of land and buildings 17/02526 Clophill for the keeping of horses, including livery use

18/02295 Eversholt New stables/tack room building in an existing horse paddock

18/00762 Eversholt Erection of detached stable block and associated landscaping

18/00747 Henlow Proposed stable block and change of use from field to paddock

Change of use of land to fenced paddock, demolition and rebuild of 18/02769 Northill stables, extension and refurbishment of ménage and creation of new access to equestrian facilities.

Construction of outdoor horse-riding arena, stables and hay storage 18/04516 Potton barn

71 Table 20 : Additional data for the south of Central Bedfordshire (SBLP policy NE11)

Application Parish Description Number

18/04075 Erection of replacement stables

72 Appendix 3 Housing Completions between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019

Planning App. No. Location Gross Losses Net

Ampthill Gross Losses Net CB/16/00919/RM Land at Warren Farm East, Abbey Lane, Ampthill 80 0 80 CB/16/01993/RM Land at Warren Farm West, Flitwick Road, Ampthill, Beds. MK45 2NS 65 0 65 CB/17/05423/PADO 66 Dunstable Street, Ampthill, Bedford, MK45 2JS 1 0 1 146 0 146

Arlesey Gross Losses Net CB/15/01950/FULL 58 Hitchin Road, Arlesey, SG15 6RR 3 0 3 CB/17/01552/FULL Green End Farm, 1 Hitchin Road, Arlesey, SG15 6RP 2 0 2 CB/18/03444/FULL Annexe, 7 Hitchin Road, Arlesey, SG15 6RP 1 0 1 6 0 6

Aspley Heath Gross Losses Net CB/17/00948/FULL 3 Church Road, Aspley Heath, Milton Keynes, MK17 8TE 2 1 1 CB/17/02351/FULL Former Scout Hut, Sandy Lane, Aspley Heath, Milton Keynes, MK17 8TT 1 0 1 3 1 2

Barton-Le-Clay Gross Losses Net CB/17/04725/FULL 90 Manor Road, Barton-le-Clay, Bedford, MK45 4NR 1 1 0 CB/17/05101/FULL 1 Hanover Place, Barton-le-Clay, Bedford, MK45 4LU 1 0 1 CB/18/00287/FULL 2 Windsor Road, Barton-le-Clay, Bedford, MK45 4LX 1 1 0 3 2 1

73 Biggleswade Gross Losses Net CB/14/00529/RM Land South Of, Potton Road, Biggleswade 9 0 9 CB/14/00627/RM Land South Of, Potton Road, Biggleswade 66 0 66 CB/14/02573/RM Land To The North East Of, Hitchmead Road, Biggleswade 23 0 23 CB/16/03048/FULL Warehouse, Bonds Lane, Biggleswade, SG18 8AY 3 0 3 CB/16/03258/RM Land South Of, Potton Road, Biggleswade 50 0 50 CB/16/04658/FULL Land North Of, Potton Road, Biggleswade 72 0 72 CB/16/05923/NMA Land at Dunton Lane Biggleswade 12 0 12 CB/17/00359/FULL 35 Rowan Crescent, Biggleswade, SG18 0PQ 1 0 1 CB/17/01827/FULL The Old Maltings, Church Street, Biggleswade, SG18 0JS 10 0 10 CB/17/02061/FULL 7 High Street, Biggleswade, SG18 0JB 1 0 1 CB/17/02673/FULL 99 Shortmead Street, Biggleswade, SG18 0BB 1 0 1 CB/17/03213/FULL 20 - 21 Market Square, Biggleswade, SG18 8AS 9 0 9 CB/17/04912/FULL Land to rear of The Gardeners Arms, 37 Potton Road, Biggleswade, SG18 0DX 4 0 4 CB/17/05570/PADO First floor 152 Shortmead Street, Biggleswade, SG18 0BH 1 0 1 CB/18/00857/VOC Land South Of, Potton Road, Biggleswade 1 0 1 263 0 263

Billington Gross Losses Net CB/16/05781/PAAD Manor Farm, Stanbridge Road, Great Billington, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9JH 1 0 1 1 0 1

Blunham Gross Losses Net CB/16/01483/FULL Land at Grange Road, Blunham, Bedford, MK44 3NT 1 0 1 CB/17/02241/FULL Tempsford Mill, Tempsford Road, Blunham, Bedford, MK44 3NU 1 0 1 CB/17/04633/RM Land At Barford Road, Blunham MK44 3NE 12 0 12 CB/17/04733/RM Land South of Barford Road Blunham, Bedford MK44 3NE 14 0 14 28 0 28

Brogborough Gross Losses Net CB/18/03521/PADM Former Goodes Transport Site, No 7 Bedford Road and Nos 1 & 2 Salford Road 0 3 -3 0 3 -3

74 Caddington Gross Losses Net CB/15/03313/RM Southern Parcel of Vehicle Storage Area, Chaul End Road, Caddington 27 0 27 CB/15/03850/FULL Eversholt Beeches, Watling Street, Caddington, Dunstable, LU6 3QP 1 0 1 CB/16/01085/FULL Bury Lodge, Bury Farm, Dunstable Road, Caddington, Luton, LU1 4AW 1 0 1 CB/16/01529/FULL Brick Kiln Farm, Chaul End Road, Caddington 2 1 1 CB/16/02077/RM Former BTR site, London Road, Dunstable 17 0 17 CB/17/01981/FULL 34 Hawthorn Crescent, Caddington, Luton, LU1 4EQ 0 1 -1 CB/17/01995/FULL 81 Dunstable Road, Caddington, Luton, LU1 4AL 2 0 2 CB/17/03719/RM Vehicle Storage Area, Chaul End Road, Caddington, Luton, LU1 4AX 61 0 61 111 2 109

Chalgrave Gross Losses Net CB/16/04498/FULL A 5 Salvage Works, Watling Street, Hockliffe, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9PY 0 2 -2 0 2 -2

Clifton Gross Losses Net CB/13/01208/FULL Land at New Road, Clifton, Shefford 1 0 1 CB/16/03469/FULL Clifton Park, New Road, Clifton 9 0 9 CB/16/03954/RM Land at Clifton Farm, Church Street, Clifton 3 0 3 CB/17/00291/FULL Land rear of 14 to 16, Hitchin Lane, Clifton, SG17 5RS 4 0 4 CB/17/03785/FULL Land Adjacent To 67, Pedley Lane, Clifton, Shefford, SG17 5QT 4 0 4 21 0 21

Clophill Gross Losses Net CB/14/01302/FULL Land adj. to The Green Man, The Green, Clophill, Bedford, MK45 4AD 2 0 2 CB/16/03850/FULL 95 High Street, Clophill, Bedford, MK45 4BJ 1 0 1 CB/16/05471/FULL 4 The Green, Clophill, Bedford, MK45 4AD 0 1 -1 CB/17/00293/FULL Land at 118B High Street, Clophill, Bedford, MK45 4BJ 0 1 -1 CB/17/06011/RM Sealawn Boarding Cattery, 126 High Street, Clophill, Bedford, MK45 4BL 0 1 -1 3 3 0

75 Cranfield Gross Losses Net CB/14/04640/FULL 21 Crawley Road, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0AA 1 0 1 CB/15/03955/RM Land At Home Farm, Lodge Road, Cranfield 15 0 15 CB/16/01192/FULL Land At Home Farm, Lodge Road, Cranfield 10 0 10 CB/16/04481/FULL 84 High Street, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0DG 2 0 2 CB/16/04924/RM Land to the West of Mill Road, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0JG 63 0 63 CB/16/05507/NMA 2 High Street, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0DF 6 0 6 CB/16/05868/RM Land at Home Farm, Lodge Road, Cranfield, Bedford, 21 0 21 CB/16/05879/FULL Land at Home Farm, Lodge Road, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0GG 7 0 7 CB/17/03568/RM 8a Merchant Lane, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0DA 1 0 1 CB/17/04313/RM Land to the West of Mill Road, Cranfield 35 0 35 CB/17/04506/FULL 5 West Road, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0SZ 1 0 1 CB/18/00899/LDCP 5 Henson Close, Wharley End, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0TG 0 1 -1 CB/18/01432/LDCP 11 Reynolds Close, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0TQ 1 1 0 CB/18/02057/LDCP 12 Reynolds Close, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0TQ 1 1 0 164 3 161

Dunstable Gross Losses Net CB/14/04668/RM Land at Frenchs Avenue, Dunstable 6 0 6 CB/15/03052/RM Dukeminster Estate, (Central & North) Church Street, Dunstable, LU5 4HU 3 0 3 CB/16/02972/FULL Former Dukeminster Estate, Church Street, Dunstable 42 0 42 CB/16/03188/FULL Ashton Middle School, High Street North, Dunstable, LU6 1NH 31 0 31 CB/16/05813/FULL 197 Jeans Way, Dunstable, LU5 4PT 1 0 1 CB/16/05915/FULL Land at 37 Bullpond Lane, Dunstable, LU6 3BH 1 0 1 CB/17/00119/FULL Land adjacent to 22 Lovers Walk, Dunstable, LU5 4BG 1 0 1 CB/17/00603/FULL 80 Hadrian Avenue, Dunstable, LU5 4SP 1 0 1 CB/17/01203/FULL 146 West Street, Dunstable, LU6 1NX 2 0 2 CB/17/01382/PADO 146 West Street, Dunstable, LU6 1NX 1 0 1 CB/17/01461/FULL 62-68 West Street, Dunstable, LU6 1TA 1 0 1 CB/18/00126/FULL 65 Worthington Road, Dunstable, LU6 1PN 1 0 1 CB/18/00692/FULL 106 High Street North, Dunstable, LU6 1LN 1 0 1 92 0 92

Dunton Gross Losses Net CB/16/05096/FULL 21 Horseshoe Close, Dunton, Biggleswade, SG18 8RY 1 0 1 CB/18/01128/FULL 4 Magdalene Close, Dunton, Biggleswade, SG18 8SJ 1 0 1 2 0 2

76 Eaton Bray Gross Losses Net CB/16/00551/FULL 1 Church Lane, Eaton Bray, Dunstable, LU6 2DJ 1 0 1 CB/17/05761/FULL 29 School Lane, Eaton Bray, Dunstable, LU6 2DT 2 0 2 3 0 3

Edworth Gross Losses Net CB/17/05326/LDCE Walnut Tree Bungalow, Lower Farm Road, , Biggleswade, SG18 9TJ 1 0 1 CB/17/05652/LDCE Orchard Bungalow, Lower Farm Road, Edworth, Biggleswade, SG18 9TJ 1 0 1 CB/18/02196/FULL Combine Shed, Lower Farm Road, Edworth SG18 8AE 2 0 2 4 0 4

Eggington Gross Losses Net CB/18/01656/RM Land at Clipstone Park South of Vandyke Road and North of Standbridge Road 8 0 8 CB/18/01758/RM Land at Clipstone Park, Leighton Buzzard 4 0 4 12 0 12

Fairfield Gross Losses Net CB/15/03182/FULL Former Pig Unit, Hitchin Road, Stotfold, Hitchin, SG5 4JG 44 0 44 CB/17/03495/FULL 165 Hitchin Road, Stotfold, Hitchin, SG5 4JH 2 0 2 46 0 46

Flitton & Greenfield Gross Losses Net CB/17/03776/FULL Tracell Bungalow, Flitton Hill, Flitton, Bedford, MK45 5EA 2 0 2 2 0 2

Flitwick Gross Losses Net CB/13/03491/FULL Flitwick Mill, Greenfield Road, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 5BE 1 0 1 CB/14/04381/RM Land off Steppingley Road and Froghall Road, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1AH 97 0 97 CB/15/01298/FULL Land to the rear of 53A & 53B Station Road, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1JT 1 0 1 CB/15/04675/FULL Land to the rear of Hilldene Close, Steppingley Road, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1AQ 11 0 11 CB/16/04076/FULL Pine Lodge, 25 Hampden Road, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1HX 1 0 1 CB/16/05519/FULL 10 High Street, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1DS 3 0 3 CB/17/00555/FULL Garage Site, Kingsmoor Close, Flitwick 2 0 2 CB/17/00586/PADO 10 High Street, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1DS 2 0 2 CB/17/03645/FULL 52 High Street, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1DX 2 0 2

77 CB/17/04312/FULL Land at 11 and rear of 13 The Ridgeway, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1DH 2 0 2 CB/17/04837/FULL 4 Common Farm Lane, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1BB 1 0 1 CB/18/00989/FULL 68 Hinksley Road, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1HJ 1 0 1 CB/18/01507/PASD First Floor, 10 High Street, Flitwick, Bedford, MK45 1DS 1 0 1 125 0 125

Gravenhurst Gross Losses Net CB/18/00879/RM Oakridge, 13 Orchard Close, , Bedford, MK45 4JF 0 1 -1 0 1 -1

Harlington Gross Losses Net CB/17/01911/FULL Chiltern Aquatics Centre, Westoning Road, Harlington, Dunstable, LU5 6PA 10 0 10 10 0 10

Haynes Gross Losses Net CB/14/03250/FULL 12 Plummers Lane, Haynes, Bedford, MK45 3PL 1 0 1 CB/18/01891/LDCE The Annexe, 39 Oxleys Cottages, West End, Haynes, Bedford, MK45 3QT 1 0 1 CB/18/02628/FULL Aysgarth, Limbersey Lane, Haynes, Bedford, MK45 3QX 0 1 -1 2 1 1

Heath & Reach Gross Losses Net CB/11/03821/FULL Land at Mile Tree Road, , Leighton Buzzard, Beds 5 0 5 CB/15/04372/PAAD Farm Building at Overend Green Farm, Overend Green Lane, Heath And Reach 1 0 1 CB/17/01283/FULL Nares Gladley Farm, Old Linslade Road, Heath and Reach, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 0EA 1 0 1 CB/17/04648/LDCE Double Arches Farm, Eastern Way, Heath And Reach, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9LF 10 0 10 17 0 17

Henlow Gross Losses Net CB/15/02304/FULL 52 Clifton Road, Henlow, SG16 6BL 1 0 1 CB/18/03877/FULL 37 High Street, Henlow, SG16 6AA 1 2 -1 2 2 0

78 Hockliffe Gross Losses Net CB/15/00829/FULL 1 The Limes, Watling Street, Hockliffe, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9LP 2 1 1 CB/17/04517/FULL 1 Birchs Close, Hockliffe, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9LU 3 0 3 5 1 4

Houghton Conquest Gross Losses Net CB/15/02991/FULL Land adjacent to 11 Albert Place and rear of 37 to 49 High Street, Albert Place 1 0 1 CB/16/04143/RM Land off Ampthill Road, Houghton Conquest 21 0 21 CB/17/00149/RM Land off Bedford Road to the R/O Duck End Close, Houghton Conquest, 38 0 38 CB/17/00821/RM Parcel 4.1 Village 4 off Ampthill Road, Houghton Conquest 47 0 47 CB/17/01389/RM Land to the rear of Broadway and Crancott Close, Chapel End Road 30 0 30 CB/17/04302/RM Land adjacent to Sunny Cottage, 2 Mill Lane, Houghton Conquest 9 0 9 146 0 146

Houghton Regis Gross Losses Net CB/14/03056/FULL Land at Bedford Road, Houghton Regis 56 0 56 CB/15/03411/RM Land to the rear of The Old Red Lion, Bedford Road, Houghton Regis 13 0 13 CB/16/04857/FULL 26-28 Douglas Crescent, Houghton Regis, Dunstable, LU5 5AT 2 2 0 CB/16/05810/FULL 66 Tennyson Avenue, Houghton Regis, Dunstable, LU5 5UG 1 0 1 CB/17/00187/FULL Land between 5 & 6 Orchard Close, Houghton Regis, Dunstable, LU5 5DG 1 0 1 73 2 71

Hulcote & Salford Gross Losses Net CB/16/00927/FULL Brook Farm Business Park, Salford Road, Hulcote 3 0 3 3 0 3

Hyde Gross Losses Net CB/16/02765/FULL Charlies Restaurant, Luton Road, Harpenden, AL5 3NG 6 0 6 6 0 6

Kensworth Gross Losses Net CB/17/02305/FULL Kingsclere, Common Road, Kensworth, Dunstable, LU6 2PN 1 0 1 CB/17/05666/FULL 193 Common Road, Kensworth, Dunstable, LU6 2PJ 4 1 3 5 1 4

79 Langford Gross Losses Net CB/14/03608/RM Land between 22 to 30 Church Street and The Fields, Church Street, Langford 19 0 19 CB/14/04276/FULL Goods Yard, Cambridge Road, Langford, Biggleswade, SG18 9PS 22 0 22 CB/16/00374/RM Land East Of, Station Road, Langford 42 0 42 CB/16/02821/FULL Land to the Rear of 3 - 5a High Street, Langford, Biggleswade, SG18 9RP 1 0 1 CB/16/05368/VOC Land North of Flexmore Way, Station Road, Langford 38 0 38 CB/17/03123/FULL Four Leaf Clover, Cambridge Road, Langford, Biggleswade, SG18 9PL 1 0 1 CB/17/04748/FULL Poppy Hill Farm, Cambridge Road, Langford, Biggleswade, SG18 9FA 1 1 0 CB/18/02105/VOC New Running Waters Farm, Langford Road, Biggleswade, SG18 9RA 1 0 1 125 1 124

Leighton Linslade Gross Losses Net CB/13/02963/RM Site 17A Land At Grovebury Farm, Grovebury Road, Leighton Buzzard 19 0 19 CB/14/04336/RM Former Royal Air Force, Swales Drive Leighton Buzzard, LU7 4QT 46 0 46 CB/15/01930/FULL Inverewe, 194 Heath Road, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 3AT 1 1 0 CB/16/04991/FULL Land rear of 119-131 Vandyke Road, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 3HQ 3 0 3 CB/17/00393/FULL North House, 8A North Street, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1EN 5 0 5 CB/17/01342/FULL 9 Bridge Street, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1AH 2 1 1 CB/17/01605/FULL Land rear of 34 - 42 Vandyke Road, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 3HH 5 0 5 CB/17/04379/RM Land off Theedway, Leighton Buzzard 35 0 35 CB/17/05497/FULL 1 Bluebell Court Leighton Road, Linslade, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1FZ 1 0 1 CB/17/05740/FULL 65 Mill Road, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1AX 4 1 3 CB/17/05745/FULL 1 Grovebury Farm Cottages, Grovebury Road, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 4TF 0 2 -2 CB/18/00065/FULL Land At 48, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 3HJ 1 0 1 CB/18/00779/RM Solus (Formerly Borderlands), Heath Park Road, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 3BB 1 0 1 CB/18/03675/FULL 50 Hockliffe Road, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 3FN 0 1 -1 123 6 117

Lidlington Gross Losses Net CB/15/02258/FULL Land off Marston Road, Lidlington, Bedford, MK43 0UQ 9 0 9 CB/16/04389/FULL Garage site adjacent to 1Station Crescent, Lidlington, Bedford, MK43 0SA 3 0 3 CB/17/04663/PAAD South View Farm, Bury Ware, Lidlington, Bedford, MK43 0QR 1 0 1 13 0 13

80 Marston Moretyene Gross Losses Net CB/10/04231/RM Land East of Bedford Road, Marston Moretaine 4 0 4 CB/14/04378/RM Land At Moreteyne Farm, Wood End, Marston Moretaine 24 0 24 CB/15/02631/RM Land off Bedford Road, Marston Moretaine, Bedford, MK43 0LE 15 0 15 CB/15/03196/FULL 2 Station Road, Marston Moretaine, Bedford, MK43 0PH 1 0 1 CB/16/04260/FULL Marston Shelton Methodist Church, Road, Marston Moretaine 2 0 2 CB/16/04277/RM Land at Moreteyne Farm, Wood End, Marston Moretaine, Bedford, MK43 0NY 126 0 126 CB/17/00021/FULL Flat, Marston Moretaine Post Office, 67 Bedford Road, Marston Moretaine 2 1 1 CB/17/03760/FULL 78 Gold Furlong, Marston Moretaine, Bedford, MK43 0ED 1 0 1 175 1 174

Maulden Gross Losses Net CB/16/00527/FULL Land Between 29 And 35 Silsoe Road, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2AX 4 0 4 CB/17/00127/FULL Land at Corner of Clophill Road and Green End, Maulden, Bedford 5 0 5 CB/17/02271/FULL Jack Rabbit, 6 Flitwick Road, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2BJ 1 0 1 CB/17/02527/FULL Branksome, George Street, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2DD 6 0 6 CB/17/04261/VOC The Bungalow, Limbersey Lane, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2EA 1 0 1 CB/17/04523/FULL The Bungalow, 2 Badger Hill Close, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2AD 1 0 1 CB/17/05082/FULL 8 Ampthill Road, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2DA 0 1 -1 CB/17/05084/FULL The Bungalow, Limbersey Lane, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2EA 1 1 0 19 2 17

Meppershall Gross Losses Net CB/16/01769/FULL The Village Hall, High Street, Meppershall 56 0 56 CB/16/04896/FULL 4 High Street, Meppershall, Shefford, SG17 5LX 5 0 5 CB/17/02143/FULL Land adjacent to 23 Shefford Road, Meppershall, Shefford, SG17 5LN 6 0 6 CB/17/02528/FULL 52 Fildyke Road, Meppershall, Shefford, SG17 5LT 0 1 -1 CB/17/05090/FULL 79 Shefford Road, Meppershall, Shefford, SG17 5LL 1 0 1 CB/18/00536/LDCE Land Rear Of, 70 Fildyke Road, Meppershall, Shefford, SG17 5LU 1 0 1 CB/18/01786/FULL Land Between 10 and 12 Hoo Road, Meppershall, Shefford, SG17 5LP 2 0 2 71 1 70

Millbrook Gross Losses Net CB/16/01651/FULL Little End Farm, Russell Grove, Millbrook, Bedford, MK45 2JE 1 0 1 1 0 1

81 Moggerhanger Gross Losses Net CB/14/01818/FULL Land adjacent to The Guinea, Bedford Road, Moggerhanger 6 0 6 CB/15/03417/FULL 39 Bedford Road, Moggerhanger, Bedford, MK44 3RQ 0 1 -1

Northill Gross Losses Net CB/15/04934/FULL 15 Ickwell Road, Upper Caldecote, Biggleswade, SG18 9BS 2 0 2 CB/16/05595/FULL 154 Biggleswade Road, Upper Caldecote, Biggleswade, SG18 9BJ 2 0 2 CB/17/04334/FULL Caldecote House Farm, 8 Caldecote Green, Upper Caldecote, Biggleswade 1 0 1 CB/17/05023/FULL Land Adj to 13 Ickwell Road, Upper Caldecote, Biggleswade, SG18 9BS 2 0 2 CB/18/02769/FULL Kilchoan, , Hatch, Sandy, SG19 1PU 0 1 -1 7 1 6

Old Warden Gross Losses Net CB/17/05900/FULL Shuttleworth College, Old Warden Park, Old Warden, Biggleswade, SG18 9DX 0 1 -1 0 1 -1

Potton Gross Losses Net CB/16/02459/FULL 3 Chapel Court, Potton, Sandy, SG19 2BX 1 0 1 CB/16/04366/FULL Land Adjacent to 63 Newtown, Potton, Sandy, SG19 2QJ 2 0 2 CB/16/04737/VOC Land North of Potton Football Ground On The East Side Of, Biggleswade Road 50 0 50 CB/17/00556/FULL Garages at Sheffield Close, Potton, Sandy, SG19 2NY 4 0 4 CB/17/01683/FULL 1 and 2 Chapel Court, Potton, Sandy, SG19 2BX 2 0 2 CB/17/02369/FULL 4 Old Bedford Road, Potton, Sandy, SG19 2QL 1 0 1 CB/17/03308/RM Land to the south of Sandy Road, Potton 30 0 30 90 0 90

Sandy Gross Losses Net CB/15/02662/FULL 4 The Green, Beeston, Sandy, SG19 1PF 2 0 2 CB/16/01493/PADO 5A Market Square, Sandy, SG19 1HT 2 0 2 4 0 4

82 Shefford Gross Losses Net CB/15/04892/RM Land at Campton Road and rear of Robert Bloomfield Academy Shefford 63 0 63 CB/16/02741/FULL Land at 20 Ampthill Road, Shefford, SG17 5BD 5 0 5 CB/16/04915/FULL The Shefford Business Centre, 71 Hitchin Road, Shefford, SG17 5JB 2 0 2 CB/17/00495/FULL 25 Bedford Road, Shefford, SG17 5DJ 3 0 3 CB/17/00517/FULL The Old Laundry, 33 High Street and land rear of the Old Laundry, Shefford 4 0 4 CB/17/05490/FULL 36 - 36A High Street, Shefford, SG17 5DG 1 1 0

Shillington Gross Losses Net CB/15/03181/FULL 48 Hanscombe End Road, Shillington, Hitchin, SG5 3NB 2 1 1 CB/16/03750/FULL 65 Church Street, Shillington, Hitchin, SG5 3LJ 1 0 1 CB/17/02058/RM Land Between 30 & 48 East Of, Hanscombe End Road, Shillington 15 0 15 CB/17/05732/FULL Noahs Ark, Hillfoot Road, Shillington, Hitchin, SG5 3NS 3 1 2 CB/18/04792/FULL The Stable, Hanscombe End Road, Shillington, Hitchin, SG5 3NB 1 0 1 22 2 20

Silsoe Gross Losses Net CB/15/04097/FULL Land adjacent to 3 High Street, Silsoe, Bedford, MK45 4DR 1 0 1 CB/16/01595/PAAD Thriftwood Farm, Silsoe Road, Flitton, Beds MK45 5EE 1 0 1 CB/16/03497/PAAD Land off Silsoe Road, Silsoe 2 0 2 CB/16/05241/FULL The George, High Street, Silsoe, Bedford, MK45 4EP 4 0 4 CB/17/04123/RM Silsoe Lower School, High Street, Silsoe, Bedford, MK45 4EW 3 0 3 CB/17/05877/FULL Land Rear Of 16 To 36, Newbury Lane, Silsoe 0 1 -1 11 1 10

Slip End Gross Losses Net CB/18/01242/PADO 1 Harrier Court, Woodside Road, Woodside, Luton, LU1 4DQ 4 0 4 4 0 4

Southill Gross Losses Net CB/17/04829/FULL 3 High Road, Broom, Biggleswade, SG18 9NJ 1 1 0 1 1 0

83 Stanbridge Gross Losses Net CB/15/04264/FULL Deans Farm, Billington Road, Stanbridge, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9HL 0 2 -2 CB/17/01876/FULL Land rear /south of Cleavers Cottage 87 Leighton Road, Stanbridge 1 0 1 CB/17/04085/FULL 109 Road, Stanbridge, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9HY 2 0 2 3 2 1

Stondon Gross Losses Net CB/16/02314/FULL Land to rear of 104 to 168 Station Road, , Henlow, SG16 6JH 23 0 23 CB/17/03978/FULL 103A Station Road and land rear of 105 Station Road, Lower Stondon 1 0 1 CB/17/05546/FULL 81 Station Road, Lower Stondon, Henlow, SG16 6JN 1 0 1 CB/18/01234/FULL Henlow Greyhound Stadium, Bedford Road, Lower Stondon 1 0 1 26 0 26

Stotfold Gross Losses Net CB/15/02591/FULL 38 Common Road, Stotfold, Hitchin, SG5 4DB 1 0 1 CB/16/04064/FULL 108 Hitchin Road, Stotfold, Hitchin, SG5 4HT 1 0 1 CB/16/04522/FULL 9 Coppice Mead, Stotfold, Hitchin, SG5 4JX 1 0 1 CB/17/01585/FULL Land between Taylors Road & Astwick Road North of 51 Astwick Road, Astwick Road 17 0 17 CB/17/02417/RM Land adjacent to St Marys (Stotfold) Lower School, Rook Tree Lane, Stotfold 15 0 15 CB/17/04981/PAAD Wrayfields Farm, Wrayfields, Stotfold, Hitchin, SG5 4NR 1 0 1 CB/18/00033/FULL 126A Norton Road, Stotfold, Hitchin, SG5 4PG 1 0 1 37 0 37

Studham Gross Losses Net CB/16/04242/FULL Studham Nursery, Clements End Road, Studham, Dunstable, LU6 2NG 3 1 2 CB/17/02569/FULL Broadview, 11 Valley Close, Studham, Dunstable, LU6 2QN 1 0 1 4 1 3

Sundon Gross Losses Net CB/17/03304/FULL The White Hart, 56 Streatley Road, Sundon, Luton, LU3 3PQ 1 1 0 1 1 0

84 Tempsford Gross Losses Net CB/17/00403/FULL 146 Station Road, Tempsford, Sandy, SG19 2AZ 1 0 1 CB/17/01899/FULL Stonebridge Farm, 15 Station Road, Tempsford, Sandy, SG19 2AU 1 0 1 2 0 2

Tilsworth Gross Losses Net CB/15/00601/FULL Thannet Cottage, 1 Dickens Lane, Tilsworth, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9PX 1 0 1 CB/17/00129/FULL 18 Stanbridge Road, Tilsworth, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9PW 1 0 1 CB/18/04387/FULL Tilsworth Stud Farm, Stanbridge Road, Tilsworth, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9PS 1 0 1 3 0 3

Toddington Gross Losses Net CB/16/03388/FULL Boastings Farm, Long Lane, Toddington, Dunstable, LU5 6HN 3 0 3 CB/17/05037/FULL 59 Leighton Road, Toddington, Dunstable, LU5 6AL 1 0 1 CB/18/00633/FULL 36 Market Square, Toddington, Dunstable, LU5 6BS 0 1 -1 CB/18/01721/LDCE The Caravan, Briarmead Farm, Harlington Road, Toddington 1 0 1 5 1 4

Totternhoe Gross Losses Net CB/17/00170/FULL 165A Castle Hill Road, Totternhoe, Dunstable, LU6 1QQ 6 0 6 6 0 6

Westoning Gross Losses Net CB/17/01495/FULL Tythe Barn, Wood End, Tingrith, Milton Keynes, MK17 9ER 1 0 1 1 0 1

Whipsnade Gross Losses Net CB/16/00248/FULL Springfield House, Dunstable Road, , Berkhamsted, HP4 1RQ 1 1 0 1 1 0

85 Woburn Gross Losses Net CB/15/04664/FULL Land adj. to Timber Lane, Woburn 10 0 10 CB/18/00116/FULL Staunton House, Bedford Street, Woburn 12 16 -4 22 16 6

Wrestlingworth Gross Losses Net CB/16/03714/PAAD Land adjacent to 19 Village Road, Cockayne Hatley, Sandy, SG19 2EE 2 0 2 2 0 2

Total Completions for 2018/19 Gross Losses Net 2167 65 2102

86 Appendix 4 Net Housing Completions since 1st April 2009 for Central Bedfordshire

Parish 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 TOTAL

Ampthill -2 -1 179 68 40 39 56 27 102 146 654

Arlesey 11 11 12 5 8 - 29 21 19 6 122

Aspley Guise - - 1 5 3 2 4 17 1 - 33

Aspley Heath 1 - - 2 - - 4 1 1 2 11

Astwick ------1 - 1

Battlesden - - - - 1 - - - - - 1

Barton-Le-Clay - 6 18 3 - 1 4 1 7 1 41

Biggleswade 33 154 185 151 220 204 353 401 421 263 2,385

Billington - - - - 16 2 1 5 4 1 29

Blunham - 2 - 6 31 4 1 1 - 28 73

Brogborough - - 1 - 2 16 - - - -3 16

Caddington - 2 25 1 8 - 16 31 91 109 283

Campton & - - - - 1 - 1 - - - 2

Chalgrave 1 ------2 -1

Chalton - 1 ------1 - 2

Clifton 5 9 19 14 12 29 15 32 33 21 189

Clophill - 4 1 2 5 - 12 2 5 - 31

Cranfield 16 8 6 5 2 38 150 105 204 161 695

Dunstable 113 177 106 52 111 161 179 334 144 92 1,469

Dunton - 2 - - 8 16 - 1 - 2 29

Eaton Bray 1 1 1 9 2 12 3 -1 4 3 35

Edworth ------4 4

Eggington - - - - 1 - 3 - - 12 16

Eversholt ------1 - 1 - 2

Everton - - 1 - - 8 - - -1 - 8

Eyeworth ------0

87 Fairfield - - - - 1 - - 1 38 46 86

Flitton & 8 2 2 - 2 2 1 1 7 2 27 Greenfield

Flitwick 12 12 6 9 14 12 22 120 108 125 440

Gravenhurst - - - 1 - 2 - 2 1 -1 5

Harlington 8 - 1 - 1 12 1 1 - 10 34

Haynes 0 - - - 1 -1 -2 5 2 1 6

Heath and Reach 1 1 3 1 1 10 10 - 10 17 54

Henlow 30 35 6 - -1 27 9 - 7 - 113

Hockliffe 3 37 6 - 23 20 - 1 3 4 97

Houghton 1 27 10 2 1 23 24 8 14 146 256 Conquest

Houghton Regis 27 111 83 23 41 41 2 50 105 71 554

Hulcote & Salford 1 - - 1 - 1 3 1 - 3 10

Husborne - - -1 - - 1 4 1 1 - 6 Crawley

Hyde -1 ------6 5

Kensworth - 4 - 1 5 - 1 -1 8 4 22

Langford 4 7 6 2 6 1 6 18 72 124 246

Leighton Linslade 174 262 212 208 176 221 261 220 239 117 2,090

Lidlington - - - - - 7 10 6 22 13 58

Marston 2 - 34 87 66 86 138 142 126 174 755 Moretaine

Maulden 14 1 19 7 11 3 6 8 26 17 112

Meppershall - 13 2 1 1 1 - 1 12 70 101

Millbrook ------2 - 1 3

Milton Bryan - - 2 ------2

Moggerhanger - 2 1 1 - - 1 5 17 5 32

Northill - 2 12 12 1 10 2 20 1 6 66

Old Warden - - 8 - 1 - - -1 - -1 7

Potsgrove - - - 2 ------2

Potton 3 4 1 26 21 - 27 20 67 90 259

Pulloxhill 12 8 3 2 - 4 - 4 3 - 36

Ridgmont - 3 - 1 - - 2 3 7 - 16

Sandy 3 35 26 3 10 102 24 15 14 4 236

88 Shefford 1 39 31 26 110 93 7 43 62 77 489

Shillington - 2 5 2 18 19 -1 1 11 20 77

Silsoe 16 36 34 70 141 102 94 46 1 10 550

Slip End - - - -1 - 1 - 1 24 4 30

Southill 1 - - - - - 3 4 2 - 10

Stanbridge - - 1 1 7 -1 1 2 - 1 12

Steppingley ------0

Stondon 5 5 29 - 5 39 60 2 1 26 172

Stotfold 183 172 207 130 113 116 60 31 34 37 1,083

Streatley - - 1 - - 1 -1 1 - - 2

Studham - 1 1 - -2 11 13 -1 10 3 36

Sundon ------1 - - - 1

Sutton - - - - - 1 - 1 1 - 3

Tempsford ------2 2 4

Tingrith - - - 8 ------17

Tilsworth - 1 1 1 2 12 - - - 3 11

Toddington 3 14 - 10 2 11 2 5 1 4 52

Totternhoe ------6 6

Westoning - 15 2 - 3 - 2 -1 6 1 28

Whipsnade - -1 - - - - 1 - - - 0

Woburn 6 1 1 5 12 1 - - - 6 32

Wrestlingworth 4 - - - - -1 - 7 - 2 12

TOTAL 700 1,227 1,310 966 1,264 1,522 1,626 1,773 2,103 2,102 14,593

89 Appendix 5 Status of allocated residential sites [as at 31/03/19]

Table1: Status of residential sites allocated through the Site Allocations DPD (2011)

Affordable Actual Dwellings Dwellings Site Number of Affordable dwellings on number of completed outstanding Status Application Site Name Policy No. Area dwellings dwellings planning dwellings as at as at Number (HA) allocated (as at 31/03/2019) secured application secured 31/03/2019 31/03/2019 (%)

Land at Potton Road, Biggleswade HA1 11.00 330 305 305 0 Site Complete 106 35% Various

Former London Road Council HA2 0.57 38 38 38 0 Site Complete 32 84% 09/06872 Offices, Biggleswade

Land West of Station Road/ MA1 1.89 36 37 37 0 Site Complete 13 35% 13/00865 New Road, Sandy

Former Meller Beauty site, HA3 2.07 75 75 75 0 Site Complete 26 35% 13/00542 Sunderland Road, Sandy

Land West of Abbey Lane, 16/00919 HA4 13.7 410 393 246 147 Under Construction 144 35% Ampthill 16/01993

Land North of Church Street, HA5 1.29 38 38 38 0 Site Complete 2 5% 13/00727 Ampthill

Land at Steppingley Road/ MA2 16.90 450 415 327 88 Under Construction 140 35% 14/04381 Froghall Road, Flitwick

Land South of Wixams MA3 59.50 1000 - - - No Permission - - -

Former Hostel site, HA6 4.40 70 52 50 2 Under Construction 17 33% 13/01265 Houghton Conquest

Land rear of Central Garage, HA7 7.23 135 135 135 0 Site Complete 41 30% 13/02497 Cranfield

90 Land at High Street/Lodge Road, HA8 0.69 25 18 18 0 Site Complete 6 30% 13/04201 Cranfield

Land at Moreteyne Farm, MA4 24.70 490 490 286 204 Under Construction 110 30% 14/04378 Marston Moretaine

Land East of Sutton Mill Road, HA9 3.51 90 - - - No Planning Application - - - Potton

Land East of Biggleswade Road, MA5 6.26 150 151 120 31 Under Construction 53 35% 15/01263 Potton

Land at Stanford Road, Shefford HA10 4.46 120 95 95 0 Site Complete 31 32% 12/01306

Land at Bridge Farm, Ivel Road, MA6 5.02 70 85 85 0 Site Complete 30 35% 12/01125 Shefford

Land at Shawmer Farm, Stotfold HA11 0.54 9 9 - - No Planning Application - - -

Land at Arlesey Road, Stotfold HA12 2.84 85 85 - - No Planning Application - - -

Former Pig Development Unit, MA7 5.97 5 131 82 49 Under Construction 28 0% 15/03182 Hitchin Road, Fairfield

Land at Roker Park, Stotfold HA13 1.47 43 62 0 62 Full Planning Permission 0 0% 15/4836

Land at Roecroft School, Stotfold HA14 1.52 40 - - - No Planning Application - - -

Land at Chase Farm/West & MA8 77.30 1000 95 0 95 Under Construction 33 34.7% Various NE of High Street, Arlesey

Cranfield University Campus, MA9 25.30 380 516 511 5 Under Construction 120 35% Various Silsoe

Land off Barford Road, Blunham HA15 1.30 36 36 36 0 Site Complete 13 35% 11/03412

Land at New Road, Clifton HA16 3.57 80 73 73 0 Site Complete 23 31.5% 13/01208

Land adj Castle Hill Court, Clophill HA17 0.36 10 9 9 0 Site Complete 3 35% 14/01107

Land rear of High Street, Clophill HA18 0.36 6 5 5 0 Site Complete 0 0% 12/03941

Land off Boot Lane, Dunton HA19 0.77 15 24 24 0 Site Complete 8 33% 13/00371

91 Sandy Road, Everton HA20 0.26 7 7 - - Full Permission 0 0% 16/04926

The Heath, Everton HA21 0.25 8 8 8 0 Site Complete 8 100% 13/00860

Land rear of The Wrestlers PH, HA22 0.59 9 10 10 0 Site Complete 0 0% 14/04634 High Street, Langford

Land off Church Street, HA23 2.29 44 47 47 0 Site Complete 17 35% 14/03608 Langford

Land at Moor Lane, Maulden HA24 0.58 4 - - - No Planning Application - - -

Land rear of High Street, HA25 6.70 68 78 68 11 Under Construction 12 15.4% 16/01769 Meppershall

Land rear of The Guinea PH, HA26 0.59 17 18 18 0 Site Complete 6 35% 14/01818 Moggerhanger

Land at High Road, Shillington HA27 0.77 24 20 20 0 Site Complete 6 30% 13/01556

Land rear of Station Road, HA28 4.07 70 98 98 0 Site Complete 34 35% 12/02929 Lower Stondon

Peckworth Industrial Estate, HA29 0.43 13 - - - No Planning Application - - - Stondon

Flitwick Town Centre TC2 2.87 85 - - - No Planning Application - - -

92 Table 2: Status of residential sites allocated through the Mid Bedfordshire Local Plan (2005)

Dwellings Dwellings Number of Actual number Affordable Affordable Site Area completed outstanding Status Application Site Name Policy No. dwellings of dwellings dwellings dwellings (HA) as at as at Number allocated secured (as at 31/03/2019) secured secured (%) 31/03/2017 31/03/2017

Land at Stewartby, Reserved Matters HO8(2) 5.45 50 120 0 120 35 29% 11/04348 Houghton Conquest Planning Permission

Land East of Bedford Road, HO8(3A) 31.08 480 542 534 8 Under Construction 134 28% Various Marston Moretaine

Elstow Storage Depot, HO8(4) 163.10 2250 2250 118 2132 Under Construction 562 25% Various Houghton Conquest

Land East of Biggleswade HO8(8) 98.64 2100 2196 1670 526 Under Construction 588 28% Various

Land South of Stotfold HO8(10) 30.31 650 652 652 0 Site Complete 182 28% Various

Home Farm, Cranfield HO8(26A) 16.81 350 386 343 43 Under Construction 92 25% Various

Land East of Lidlington HO8(1) 2.00 60 72 72 0 Site Complete 14 20% 05/01516

Land at High Street, HO8(2A) 1.03 24 26 26 0 Site Complete 7 28% 06/00558 Houghton Conquest

Woburn Road, HO8(3) 6.80 100 173 173 0 Site Complete 30 20% 02/00445 Marston Moretaine

Swaffield Close, Ampthill HO8(5) 1.70 50 36 36 0 Site Complete 13 36% 12/04411

Woburn Street, Ampthill HO8(6) 0.95 30 30 30 0 Site Complete 0 0% 01/00718

Tavistock Avenue, Ampthill HO8(6A) 6.7 150 207 207 0 Site Complete 61 28% 10/02746

Denel End, Flitwick HO8(7) 1.45 40 33 33 0 Site Complete 7 20% 00/01422

Hitchin Street, Biggleswade HO8(9) 4.80 140 150 150 0 Site Complete 30 20% 99/01834

Queen Street, Stotfold HO8(11) 3.30 70 97 97 0 Site Complete 23 22% 03/01541

93 Fairfield Hospital, Stotfold HO8(12) 73.23 850 1048 1048 0 Site Complete 238 28% Various

House Lane, Arlesey HO8(13) 1.20 30 62 62 0 Site Complete 7 20% 01/00110

Cricketers Road, Arlesey HO8(13A) 2.20 60 73 73 0 Site Complete 16 22% 05/01141

Church Street, Langford HO8(14) 0.90 25 18 18 0 Site Complete 0 0% 99/00069

Garfield Farm, Langford HO8(14A) 1.70 35 58 58 0 Site Complete 15 28% 07/00423

The Dairy, Henlow HO8(15) 2.40 70 61 61 0 Site Complete 12 20% 99/01618

Land East of The Dairy, HO8(15A) 1.42 30 38 38 0 Site Complete 11 28% 07/02148 Henlow

Broad Street, Clifton HO8(16) 1.20 35 31 31 0 Site Complete 6 20% 01/01099

Shefford Road/Pedley Lane, HO8(17A) 1.70 35 39 39 0 Site Complete 8 20% 04/00906 Clifton

Land at Bedford Road, HO8(18) 6.40 150 183 183 0 Site Complete 34 20% 00/01991

Shefford Town FC, Ivel Road, HO8(19) 1.50 40 59 59 0 Site Complete 0 0% 08/02093 Shefford

Ampthill Road, Shefford HO8(20) 1.00 20 22 22 0 Site Complete 0 0% 98/00916

Ampthill Road, Maulden HO8(21) 1.60 45 46 46 0 Site Complete 9 20% 03/01985

Hall End, Maulden HO8(22) 1.10 20 26 26 0 Site Complete 0 0% 01/00897

Woodlands Estate, Greenfield HO8(22A) 1.38 20 42 42 0 Site Complete 12 28% 07/01338

High Street, Meppershall HO8(23) 2.60 75 66 66 0 Site Complete 13 20% 99/00858

Myers Road, Potton HO8(24) 2.50 70 69 69 0 Site Complete 14 20% 98/00045

Sandy Road, Potton HO8(25) 3.25 95 108 108 0 Site Complete 20 20% 01/00334

Braybrooks Drive, Potton HO8(25A) 0.89 20 21 21 0 Site Complete 0 0% 05/02056

College Farm, Silsoe HO8(26) 2.8 90 106 106 0 Site Complete 25 24% Various

94 Table 3: Status of residential sites allocated through the South Bedfordshire Local Plan (2004)

Actual Dwellings Dwellings Number of Affordable Affordable Site Area number of completed outstanding Status Application Site Name Policy No. dwellings dwellings dwellings (HA) dwellings as at as at Number allocated (as at 31/03/2019) secured Secured (%) secured 31/03/2019 31/03/2019

Carter’s Scrap Yard, French’s Avenue, H1(1) 1.49 72 92 92 0 Site Complete 21 23% 03/01666 Dunstable

Hartwell Trucks, Skimpot Road, H1(2) 1.86 100 118 118 0 Site Complete 27 23% 05/00306 Dunstable

Balkan Cars, High St North, Dunstable H1(3) 0.69 28 - - - No Planning Permission - - -

Gas Works Site, North Station Way, H1(4) 0.95 46 - - - No Planning Permission - - - Dunstable

Regent Street/Manchester Place, H1(5) 1.08 29 - - - No Planning Permission - - - Dunstable

Car Park/Carter’s Yard, Luton Road, H1(6) 2.36 87 160 160 0 Site Complete 35 22% 03/01605 Dunstable

Hartwell Ford, Station Road, Dunstable H1(7) 1.10 72 87 87 0 Site Complete 30 35% 08/00116

Three Valleys Water, High St South, H1(8) 0.58 10 - - - No Planning Permission - - - Dunstable

Brooke Engineering, Union Street, H1(9) 0.76 27 27 27 0 Site Complete 3 11% 00/00717 Dunstable

Car Auction Site, Stanbridge Road, H1(10) 0.77 63 63 63 0 Site Complete 12 19% 02/00549 Leighton Buzzard

Camden Motors Site, Lake Street, H1(11) 0.86 52 52 52 0 Site Complete 8 15% 01/00295 Leighton Buzzard

Dunham & Haines Site, Leighton Road, H1(12) 0.89 54 105 105 0 Site Complete 40 38% Various Linslade

Land at RAF Stanbridge, H1(13) 10.54 422 175 104 71 Under Construction 52 30% 14/04336 Leighton Buzzard

Pratts Pit, Billington Road, H1(14) 9.75 407 407 407 0 Site Complete 61 15% 02/00840

95 Leighton Buzzard

Pratts Quarry, Billington Road, H1(15) 33.00 1200 1199 1199 1199 Site Complete 276 23% Various Leighton Buzzard

Land at Grovebury Farm, H1(17) 17.20 600 562 481 81 Under Construction 111 20% Various Leighton Buzzard

Land at Dunstable Road/Folly Lane, H1(19) 3.76 80 50 - - Awaiting S.106 agreement 19 38% 10/03478 Caddington

Waddington’s Yard/White Horse Close, H1(20) 0.81 38 36 36 0 Site Complete 7 20% 03/01836 Hockliffe

A5 Garage, Watling Street, H1(21) 1.06 40 43 43 0 Site Complete 8 19% 12/01886 Hockliffe

Faldo Road/Bedford Road, H1(22) 1.1 37 32 32 0 Site Complete 0 0% 99/00740 Barton-le-Clay

Renault Sports, Park Road North, H1(23) 0.60 30 22 22 0 Site Complete 0 0% 99/00032 Houghton Regis

Avery’s Garage/Plantation Road, H1(24) 0.69 28 24 24 0 Site Complete 0 0% 05/00971 Leighton Buzzard

Land off Baker Street/North Street, H1(25) 0.49 20 12 0 12 Under Construction 0 0% 12/01255 Leighton Buzzard

Nursery Gardens, r/o Wing Road, H1(26) 0.80 32 180* 180 0 Site Complete 18 10% 05/00753 Leighton Buzzard

Former Railway Sidings, Wing Road, H1(27) 0.89 24 - - - No Planning Permission - - - Linslade

Brickyard Quarry, Leighton Buzzard H1(31) 5.90 236 165 0 165 Outline Planning Permission 36 22% 11/00501

* Larger scheme including 80 dwellings on the allocated portion of the site

96 Appendix 6 Housing Trajectory for Central Bedfordshire

97 Housing Trajectory for Central Bedfordshire (Completions as at 31/03/2019) Detailed Site Schedule - April 2019 5 year supply period Number of Dwelling losses dwellings built on since 2015 PERMISSION TYPE site since 1st April Dwellings LAND TYPE Total identified TRAJECTORY POLICY NO. Number under 2015 expected to Total delivery for Greenfield Beyond supply remaining REF NO. Full HMA QUADRANT PARISH NAME & SITE ADDRESS AVAILABLE? ACHIEVABLE? construction at end of CONCLUSION contribute toward 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 2032/33 2033/34 2034/35 2015-2035 plan Brownfield 2035 (2015-2035 plan PLANNING APPLICATION NO. Outline Q4 2019 the 5 year housing period (net) Mixed period) RM land supply

Allocated and Large Strategic Sites

Development of 134 dwellings. Site under construction with a total Status: Allocation HA4 with of 79 complete [Site Visit March 2019]. The site is scheduled for RM permission HA4 Warren Farm completion by Summer 2020. The site is being built out by Connolly HT001 RM Bedford West Mid Beds Ampthill Greenfield 13 Deliverable 79 0 55 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 134 CB/16/01993 Land off Flitwick Road Homes. Existing Use: Vacant scrubland Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Allocation HA4 with Development of 259 dwellings. Site under construction with 167 RM permission complete [Site Visit March 2019] The site is scheduled to take 2.5-3 HA4 Warren Farm HT001a RM n/a n/a Ampthill Greenfield years to build built. It is being delivered by Bloor Homes. 18 Deliverable 167 0 92 60 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 259 CB/16/00919 Land off Flitwick Road Existing Use: Vacant scrubland Potential Barriers: None identified

HA5 Land North of HT002 FULL Bedford West Mid Beds Ampthill Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 CB/13/00727 Church Street

Masterplan adopted, PPA signed. CBC are the sole landowner. An outline application was granted on 25/05/18 for up to 950 dwellings and 80 extra care units. The spine road has full permission and work Status: Outline permission. will start on this imminently. The first phase of c.200 dwellings will be Allocation MA8 marketed imminently and is to be accessed off Stotfold Road. This MA8 Land at Chase Farm & Land West/NE of High Site owned by CBC phase is expected to deliver within the five year supply period and can HT005 Stevenage Ivel Valley Arlesey Greenfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 336 0 48 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 22 0 0 0 0 1,030 1,030 CB/17/01158 OUTLINE Street (East) commence before the completion of the spine road. The Council has Existing Use: Agricultural received a delivery timetable from the site promoter which sets out land that delivery will be at a rate of 8 dwellings per month and will commence Q3/Q4 2020.

Potential Barriers: None identified

Screening opinion received for 450 dwellings. 2 applications for 40 Status: Allocation MA8 dwellings and 56 dwellings benefit from detailed approval Site is in multiple ownership respectively. A separate hybrid application for 146 dwellings and 80 MA8 Land at Chase Farm & Land West/NE of High but with intention to develop unit extra care development has been submitted by Bloor HT006 OUTLINE Stevenage Ivel Valley Arlesey Greenfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 90 90 90 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 355 355 CB/16/01211 Street (West) (Northampton) Ltd. (pending) Existing Use: Agricultural land Potential Barriers: Land in multiple ownership, extension of time at the request of the applicant

Status: Allocation MA8 with Full permission for 40 dwellings. This site is part of a larger allocation Full permission (MA8) at Arlesey. Wheatley Group Developments will build out the MA8 HT006a FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Arlesey Land West of High Street (Parcel 1) Greenfield site. 18 dwellings under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] 18 Deliverable 0 0 40 30 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 40 16/01420 Existing Use: Agricultural land Potential Barriers: None identified

This site is part of a larger allocation (MA8) at Arlesey. The land has been sold to a house builder (Mears New Homes). Mears New Status: Allocation MA8. Homes submitted a RM application for 56 dwellings which has MA8 Landowner intent to develop permission. The planning agent has informed the council the OUTLINE HT006b 16/01608 Stevenage Ivel Valley Arlesey Land at White Horse Field, High Street Greenfield developer will be seeking to commence construction in 2019. There 0 Deliverable 0 0 55 10 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 55 RM 18/00399 Existing Use: Agricultural is reasonable prospect that this site will deliver housing within the five land year supply period.

Potential Barriers: None identified

HA1 FULL HT007 CB/14/02013 Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Land at Potton Road Mixed Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 CB/15/04897 HO8(8) HT009a RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Land East of Biggleswade Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 CB/14/00529 HO8(8) HT009b RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Land East of Biggleswade Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 CB/14/00780 HO8(8) Land East of Biggleswade HT009c RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 288 CB/14/00627 (Blocks1-7,46-48a, 50,51a) HO8(8) HT009d RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Land East of Biggleswade Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 CB/14/02509

Status: Allocation HO8(8) The site is being built out by Taylor Wimpey. 23 dwellings complete HO8(8) with RM permission with remaining 20 plots under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] HT009e RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Land East of Biggleswade Greenfield 20 Deliverable 23 0 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 43 CB/14/02573 Existing Use: Fields Potential Barriers: None identified

HO8(8) HT009f FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Local Centre, Land East of Biggleswade Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 CB/13/03494

Status: Allocation HO8(8) This is part of a larger allocation which is already under construction. HO8(8) OUTLINE with Outline permission HT014 Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Site 4, Land East of Biggleswade Greenfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 90 90 90 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 373 373 MB/05/01423 (Pending S106) Potential Barriers: Land ownership - not considered to be Existing Use: Fields deliverable at present

HO8(8) HT015a RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Site 3, Land East of Biggleswade Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 CB/16/03258

RM approval for 134 dwellings. This site forms one half of Kings Status: Allocation HO8(8) Reach Site 3. Taylor Wimpey will be delivering the site. Delivery HO8(8) with RM permission information has been provided by Taylor Wimpey. 60 dwellings under HT015b RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Site 3, Land East of Biggleswade Greenfield 60 Deliverable 0 0 134 28 59 43 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 134 134 CB/16/05906 construction [March 2019 Site Visit] Existing Use: Fields Potential Barriers: None identified

HO8(8) HT022 RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Land East of Biggleswade Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 CB/11/00066 HO8(8) HT027 RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Land East of Biggleswade Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 CB/13/01969 HO8(8) HT028 RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Land East of Biggleswade Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 CB/13/04012 HO8(8) HT031 RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Land East of Biggleswade Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 CB/11/00142

Status: Emerging site A full planning application has been granted for 9 dwellings at Bonds through Master Plan. Lane. This forms part of a site identified for mixed use development Possibility that some units TC1 in the Mid Beds Local Plan. 3 dwellings complete with remaining HT032 Full Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Biggleswade Town Centre Master Plan Brownfield could come forward within 6 Deliverable 3 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 9 CB/16/03048 plots under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] the plan period Potential Barriers: None identified Existing Use: Brownfield

Status: Allocation H1(19) Application withdrawn Landowner intent to develop HT033 H1(19) None MK Chiltern Vale Caddington Land at Dunstable Road & Folly Lane (North) Greenfield 0 Uncertain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Potential Barriers: Application withdrawn - site has been removed Existing Use: Agricultural from the housing supply. land

98 Number of Dwelling losses dwellings built on since 2015 PERMISSION TYPE site since 1st April Dwellings LAND TYPE Total identified TRAJECTORY POLICY NO. Number under 2015 expected to Total delivery for Greenfield Beyond supply remaining REF NO. Full HMA QUADRANT PARISH NAME & SITE ADDRESS AVAILABLE? ACHIEVABLE? construction at end of CONCLUSION contribute toward 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 2032/33 2033/34 2034/35 2015-2035 plan Brownfield 2035 (2015-2035 plan PLANNING APPLICATION NO. Outline Q4 2019 the 5 year housing period (net) Mixed period) RM land supply

This application has a resolution to grant pending the signing of a S106 agreement. The planning agent has informed the Council that Status: Allocation H1(19) the site will be sold late 2019 and that delivery will be in 2020/21 and Landowner intent to develop H1(19) OUTLINE (pending 2021/22. It is accepted that this site is likely to deliver in the five year HT034 MK Chiltern Vale Caddington Land at Dunstable Road & Folly Lane (South) Greenfield 0 Uncertain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 CB/10/03478 S106) supply but for the purposes of this trajectory it remains outside of the Existing Use: Agricultural five years at this point in time until further progress is made. land Potential Barriers: None identified

HA16 HT035 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Clifton Land at New Road Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 CB/13/01208

HA17 Land adjacent Castle Hill Court, Shefford HT036 FULL Bedford West Mid Beds Clophill Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 CB/14/01107 Road

HA7 HT038 FULL MK West Mid Beds Cranfield Land r/o Central Garage, High Street Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 CB/13/02497 HO8(26A) HT039 RM MK West Mid Beds Cranfield Home Farm Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 CB/10/01384

Status: Allocation HO8(26A) HO8(26A) with RM permission Site Under Construction with no completions [Site Visit March 2019] HT039a CB/16/05523 RM MK West Mid Beds Cranfield Home Farm Greenfield 7 Deliverable 0 0 43 30 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 43 CB/18/00040 Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified land

HO8(26A) HT040 RM MK West Mid Beds Cranfield Home Farm Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 CB/10/02546

HO8(26A) HT040a RM MK West Mid Beds Cranfield Home Farm Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 145 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 145 CB/15/03955

HO8(26A) HT040b RM MK West Mid Beds Cranfield Home Farm Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 CB/16/05868

HO8(26A) HT041 RM MK West Mid Beds Cranfield Home Farm Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 CB/10/03467

Status: Allocation HO8(26A) with RM permission HO8(26A) HT041a FULL MK West Mid Beds Cranfield Home Farm Greenfield Site Complete Complete 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 CB/16/01192 Existing Use: Agricultural land

Status: Allocation HA8 with HA8 FULL Full permission HT042 CB/13/04201 MK West Mid Beds Cranfield Home Farm Greenfield Site Complete Complete 20 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 CB/16/05507 Existing Use: Vacant land

HA08 HT042a FULL MK West Mid Beds Cranfield Home Farm Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 16/05879

H1(2) Hartwell Trucks, HT043 CB/12/04384 RM MK Chiltern Vale Dunstable Brownfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Skimpot Road CB14/03727

Status: Allocation H1(3) Information provided by Development Management. No movement Balkan Cars, on this site to date. 28 dwellings removed from supply. HT044 H1(3) None Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Brownfield 0 Uncertain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 High Street North Existing Use: Mixed commercial Potential Barriers: No progress

Status: Allocation H1(4) Information supplied by Development Management Gas Works Site, HT045 H1(4) None Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Brownfield 0 Not Viable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 North Station Way Existing Use: Former Gas Potential Barriers: The cost of decontamination could render the Works site unviable. The site is unlikely to deliver

Status: Allocation H1(5) Information provided by Development Management. No movement Regent Street/ on this site to date and no application for remaining allocation HT046 H1(5) None Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Brownfield 0 Uncertain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Manchester Place Existing Use: Mixed commercial Potential Barriers: No progress

Status: Allocation H1(8) No movement on this site No intent to develop Three Valleys Water Premises, HT048 H1(8) None Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Brownfield 0 Not Available 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 High Street South Potential Barriers: Land owner has indicated no houses will be built Existing Use: Former Water - 10 dwellings have been removed from the trajectory Works

Status: Allocation HA20 with Full approval for 7 dwellings. Groundworks underway [March 2019 Full permission HA20 Site Visit] HT050 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Everton 21 Sandy Road Greenfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 7 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 CB/16/04926 Existing Use: Farm Potential Barriers: None identified buildings

RM application approved for 400 dwellings. 327 dwellings completed Status: Allocation MA2 with with 46 under construction [March 2019 Site Visit]. The site is being RM permission MA2 built out by Bovis Homes and Taylor Wimpey who are delivering at HT052 RM Luton West Mid Beds Flitwick Land at Steppingley Road & Froghall Road Greenfield 46 Deliverable 327 0 73 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 400 CB/14/04381 pace. Existing Use: Agricultural land Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Allocation MA2 with Outline permission for C2 care home and 15 extra care dwellings. Outline permission This site is part of the wider MA2 allocation which is well under MA2 HT52a OUTLINE Luton West Mid Beds Flitwick Land off Steppingley Road and Froghall Road Greenfield construction. 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 15 CB/16/02536 Existing Use: Agricultural Land Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Allocation TC2 with Site is under construction with 17 completed in total. Block of flats Full permission TC2 next to be built [Site Visit March 2019] HT053 FULL Luton West Mid Beds Flitwick Land r/o Hilldene Close, Steppingley Road Brownfield 0 Deliverable 17 3 45 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 59 CB/15/04675 Existing Use: Residential Potential Barriers: None identified and commercial

Status: Allocation HA6 with 50 dwellings complete with the remaining 2 plots under construction RM permission HA6 Land at the Former [Site Visit March 2019] HT055 RM Bedford West Mid Beds Houghton Conquest Brownfield 2 Deliverable 30 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 32 CB/13/01265 Hostel Site Existing Use: Derelict Potential Barriers: None identified former hostel workers site

99 Number of Dwelling losses dwellings built on since 2015 PERMISSION TYPE site since 1st April Dwellings LAND TYPE Total identified TRAJECTORY POLICY NO. Number under 2015 expected to Total delivery for Greenfield Beyond supply remaining REF NO. Full HMA QUADRANT PARISH NAME & SITE ADDRESS AVAILABLE? ACHIEVABLE? construction at end of CONCLUSION contribute toward 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 2032/33 2033/34 2034/35 2015-2035 plan Brownfield 2035 (2015-2035 plan PLANNING APPLICATION NO. Outline Q4 2019 the 5 year housing period (net) Mixed period) RM land supply

A RM application has been granted for Phase 2 of a larger cross boundary scheme comprising approximately 730 dwellings. Phase 1 has commenced within Bedford Borough. Information provided to Status: Allocation HO8(2) HO8(2) OUTLINE the Council direct from Persimmon Homes states that the site will be with Outline permission HT056 CB/11/04348 VOC Bedford West Mid Beds Houghton Conquest Land at Stewartby (Stewartby Park) Greenfield delivered at a rate of 90 per annum. Persimmon have applied to 0 Deliverable 0 0 120 30 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 120 CB/17/03816 RM discharge the pre commencement conditions. Delivery on site is Existing Use: Open field anticipated to start in 2019/20

Potential Barriers: None identified

This site has outline planning permission and there will be multiple housebuilders and start points. 200 dwellings per annum is achievable for a of site this size and could be exceeded. There is a PPA for the delivery of the site. A site wide masterplan and design code have been approved. The consortium will deliver the spine road Status: Outline permission and main transport infrastructure – application for this is in at HT057 CB/12/03613 OUTLINE Luton Chiltern Vale Houghton Regis North of Houghton Regis (Site 1) Greenfield present. RMs are anticipated Spring-summer 2019. 0 Deliverable 0 0 628 0 50 110 253 215 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 2,322 2,828 2,828 Existing Use: Agricultural Information provided the by the consortium sets out that delivery of phase 1 for 1012 dwellings will commence with 88 completions in 2020. They also anticipate that delivery of phase 1 will peak in 2022/23 with 253 dwellings. The Council has however adopted a more conservative approach in this trajectory.

Potential Barriers: None

This site has outline hybrid planning permission for up to 1,850 homes. The Council’s Housing Trajectory reflects the appropriate level of delivery anticipated for this site. The Council have approved a RM application from Linden Homes for 97 dwellings (18/00811) See HT058a which is under construction and a RM application from Bellway Homes for 264. The submissions from Linden Homes (see HT058(i) )and Bellway Homes will deliver dwellings without the need for any enabling infrastructure as this parcel will be served directly off the already upgraded Thorn Road.

The HRN2 consortium are in the process of completing S38 and OUTLINE Status: RM permission CB/15/00297 North of Houghton Regis (Site 2 - Land West S278 approval for the main highway infrastructure. HT058 see below for RMs Luton Chiltern Vale Houghton Regis Greenfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 917 10 202 264 255 186 173 124 125 72 57 0 0 0 12 9 0 0 1,489 1,489 of Bidwell) Existing Use: Agricultural Two further RM applications have been received. Taylor Wimpey have submitted an application for 625 units (parcel 6a/6b) and Countryside Properties have submitted an application for 255 (parcel 4a/4b)

The Council is currently in discussion relating to two further parcels.

It is expected that at least Linden Homes and Bellway Homes will be building on site in 2019.

A detailed occupation forecast has been provided to the council by the HRN2 consortium.

Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Outline permission CB/15/00297 OUTLINE Parcel 1, Thorn Road, North of Houghton HT058(i) Luton Chiltern Vale Houghton Regis Greenfield Linden Homes have RM permission for 97 dwellings. They have 6 Deliverable 0 0 97 55 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 97 CB/18/00811 RM Regis (Site 2 - Land West of Bidwell) Existing Use: Agricultural responded to the Councils request for information and state that delivery of the site will commence in 2018/19 with 5 dwellings, 50 in 2019/20 and 42 in 2020/21. Ground works have commenced. 6 dwellings are under construction (March 2019 site visit)

Potential Barriers: None identified

Parcels 3 & 4 (Phases 7, 7a & 7b) Land at Bellway homes has RM permission to deliver 264 homes. Delivery Thorn Road, North of Houghton Regis (Site 2 - Status: RM permission OUTLINE figures in this trajectory have been provided by the consortium. HT058(ii) CB/15/00297 Luton Chiltern Vale Houghton Regis Land West of Bidwell). Information in this Greenfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 214 22 48 48 48 48 48 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 264 264 RM CB/18/03530 trajectoryhas bene taken from the occupation Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified forcast provided by the consortium.

This site is being built by Persimmon Homes. Site complete Status: RM permission North of Houghton Regis (Land r/o The Old [December 2018 Site Visit] HT058a CB/15/03411 RM Luton Chiltern Vale Houghton Regis Greenfield 0 Complete 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 Red Lion) Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

This site is being built by Taylor Wimpey. 163 dwellings complete Status: Full permission North of Houghton Regis (Site 1 - Bedford with 6 under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] HT060 CB/14/03056 FULL Luton Chiltern Vale Houghton Regis Greenfield 6 Deliverable 163 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 169 Road Site) Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

HA22 HT061 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Langford Land r/o The Wrestlers PH, High Street Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 CB/14/04634

HA23 HT062 RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Langford Land between 30 Church Street & The Fields Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 CB/14/03608 H1(12) HT063 CB/11/03933 FULL MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Land at Vimy Road Brownfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 CB/14/04104

A schedule of accommodation received from Catalyst indicates first Status: Allocation H1(13) completions expected in Q3 2017/18 with final completion in Q2 with RM permission H1(13) 2019/20. 104 dwellings completed with 71 under construction (March HT064 RM MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Land at RAF Stanbridge Brownfield 71 Deliverable 104 0 71 45 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 175 CB/14/04336 2019 site visit) Existing Use: Former MoD site Potential Barriers: previous barriers have been removed.

Status: Allocation H1(13) Permission has been granted for 3 dwellings which are additional to with RM permission the 175 already permitted. Groundworks under way March 2019 site H1(13) HT64a RM MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Land at RAF Stanbridge Brownfield visit. 0 Deliverable 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 CB/16/05201 Existing Use: Former MoD site Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Allocation H1(13) Construction of one dwelling on the RAF stanbridge site. with Full permission H1(13) HT664b Full MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Land at RAF Stanbridge Brownfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 CB/17/04526 Potential barriers: None identified Existing Use: Former MoD site

H1(15) HT071 RM MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Pratts Quarry, Billington Road (Site 15C) Brownfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 CB/12/00825

100 Number of Dwelling losses dwellings built on since 2015 PERMISSION TYPE site since 1st April Dwellings LAND TYPE Total identified TRAJECTORY POLICY NO. Number under 2015 expected to Total delivery for Greenfield Beyond supply remaining REF NO. Full HMA QUADRANT PARISH NAME & SITE ADDRESS AVAILABLE? ACHIEVABLE? construction at end of CONCLUSION contribute toward 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 2032/33 2033/34 2034/35 2015-2035 plan Brownfield 2035 (2015-2035 plan PLANNING APPLICATION NO. Outline Q4 2019 the 5 year housing period (net) Mixed period) RM land supply

H1(17A) Grovebury Farm HT072 RM MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 183 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 183 CB/13/02963 (Site 17A South)

H1(17A) Grovebury Farm HT073 RM MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 CB/13/01356 (Site 17A North)

Land at Theedway and Billington Road H1(17A) HT073a FULL MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade (Grovebury Farm Greenfield Status: Complete Site complete Complete 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 CB/14/04082 Site 17A)

This is part of a larger development which is under construction. RM permission for 116 dwellings. All pre-commencement conditions Status: Allocation H1(17) have been submitted. Persimmon anticipate being onsite in 2018. It H1(17B) Grovebury Farm with Outline & RM OUTLINE will be a two year build. 35 dwellings complete with 50 under HT074 CB/12/02889 MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade (Site 17B) Greenfield permission 50 Deliverable 35 0 81 60 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 81 116 RM construction (March 2019 Site Visit). Delivery information from CB/17/04379 Land at Theedway Persimmon Homes has been used to inform this trajectory. Existing Use: Farm Potential Barriers: None identified

H1(25) HT075 FULL MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Land off Baker Street, r/o 55-69 North Street Brownfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 13 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 CB/12/01255

H1(25) HT075a FULL MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Land off Baker Street, r/o 55-69 North Street Brownfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 CB/15/00181

Status: Allocation H1(25) Remaining part of H1(25) allocation expected to deliver 6 dwellings H1(25) with Outline permission HT075b None MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Land off Baker Street, r/o 55-69 North Street Brownfield Potential Barriers: No application has been submitted. Access 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 problems Existing Use: Mixed use

Information provided by Development Management. No application Status: Allocation H1(27) has been submitted HT076 H1(27) None MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Former Railway Sidings, Wing Road Brownfield 0 Uncertain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Existing Use: Former Potential Barriers: Mitigation of the noise from the railway. No Railway Sidings progress. 24 dwellings have been removed from the trajectory.

Status: Allocation H1(31) Reserved Matters permission for 165 dwellings. Bellway Homes will H1(31) with Outline permission and be delivering the site. Information on delivery has been provided by CB/11/00501 OUTLINE RM pending HT077 MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Brickyard Quarry Brownfield Bellway Homes Ltd. Groundworks under way (March 2019 site visit) 0 Deliverable 0 0 165 16 48 47 48 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 165 165 CB/18/01696 RM Existing Use: Former Potential Barriers: None identified Quarry

Permission has been granted for 1210 dwellings and 70 assisted living units. Proforma submitted by the landowner after discussions with housebuilders indicates delivery will commence in 2018 at a build rate of 150 per year, however the figures in the Trajectory have been pushed back 1 year. CB/11/02827 Status: Outline permission OUTLINE CB/18/01654 Landowner intent to develop A PPA has been signed and area codes and design codes have been HT078 see below for RMs MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard & Eggington East of Leighton Linslade (Clipstone Park) Greenfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 250 0 0 50 100 100 150 150 150 150 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 852 852 CB/18/01758 submitted. Three RM applications have been approved for the first CB/18/01656 Existing Use: Agricultural parcel totalling 428 dwellings (see below). Barratt Homes (162), Taylor Wimpey (214), Barratt Homes (52). The approved phasing plan sets out that the first occupations will be 2019. It is expected that the other phases will follow.

Potential Barriers: None identified

RM permission for 214 dwellings on the Clipstone Park site. Status: RM permission. Information received from Taylor Wimpey indicates that delivery will East of Leighton Linslade (Clipstone Park Landowner intent to develop commence in 2019/20 with 40 dwellings. They will also be delivering HT078a CB/18/01758 RM MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard & Eggington Greenfield 14 Deliverable 4 0 210 40 50 50 50 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 214 Phase 1) part of phase 2. 14 dwellings are nearing completion. Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

RM permission for 162 dwellings on the Clipstone Park site BDW Status: RM permission. North Thames will be delivering this site. 15 dwellings under East of Leighton Linslade (Clipstone Park Landowner intent to develop HT078b CB/18/01654 RM MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard & Eggington Greenfield construction (March 2019 site visit). 15 Deliverable 0 0 162 20 50 50 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 162 162 Phase 1) Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

RM permission for 52 dwellings on the Clipstone Park site. 8 Status: RM permission. dwellings complete with 24 under construction (March 2019 site East of Leighton Linslade (Clipstone Park Landowner intent to develop HT078c CB/18/01656 RM MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard & Eggington Greenfield visit). Barratt homes will be delivering this site. 24 Deliverable 8 0 44 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 52 Phase 1) Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

Permission has been granted for up to 950 dwellings. Full permission for the vehicular access road has been granted. It will take 12-18 months to complete but housing will be delivered prior to its completion. In terms of the progress of this scheme; the area plan has been submitted and approved; All pre commencement conditions have been discharged. Correspondence from the land owner sets out that ground engineering works are currently being undertaken in accordance with the agreed restoration scheme and that the first Status: Outline permission. phase will be handed over to the purchaser in September 2018. CB/11/01937 OUTLINE East of Leighton Linslade (Chamberlains Landowner intent to develop HT079 MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard & Eggington Greenfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 315 337 337 CB/18/01275 RM Barn) Redrow will be delivering phase 1 which will be for 298 dwellings. Existing Use: Agricultural The RM for this phase has been approved (see HT079(i) below). Redrow are marketing the site as Leestone Park on their website. They have provided information to the Council stating that phase 1 will commence delivery in 2019/20 and will build out at a rate of 40 dwellings per annum. It is understood that phases 1 and 2 could be delivered at the same time but until further information is provided, a conservative approach has been applied to this trajectory.

Potential barriers: None identified

Redrow have RM permission to deliver 298 dwelling. Information provided by Redrow indicates that they will be delivery homes at a East of Leighton Linslade (Chamberlains Barn HT079(i) CB/18/01275 RM MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard & Eggington Greenfield rate of 40 per annum. - 19 under construction March 2019 site visit. 19 0 0 195 35 40 40 40 40 40 40 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 298 298 Phase 1) Potential barriers: None identified

101 Number of Dwelling losses dwellings built on since 2015 PERMISSION TYPE site since 1st April Dwellings LAND TYPE Total identified TRAJECTORY POLICY NO. Number under 2015 expected to Total delivery for Greenfield Beyond supply remaining REF NO. Full HMA QUADRANT PARISH NAME & SITE ADDRESS AVAILABLE? ACHIEVABLE? construction at end of CONCLUSION contribute toward 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 2032/33 2033/34 2034/35 2015-2035 plan Brownfield 2035 (2015-2035 plan PLANNING APPLICATION NO. Outline Q4 2019 the 5 year housing period (net) Mixed period) RM land supply

Permission has been granted for up to 270 dwellings. Information received from the landowner indicates that delivery will not Status: Outline permission commence until 2022. Resubmission of consented applications OUTLINE Landowner intent to develop HT080 CB/11/04444 MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard & Eggington East of Leighton Linslade (Stearn Land) Greenfield under 11/04444/out and 11/01940/full forming a hybrid application 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 75 75 75 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 270 270 Outline (pending) CB/18/01232 for the development of 270 dwellings and a link road. Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: Dependant on the completion of the link road.

Status: Contingency 119 dwellings complete with 6 under construction [March 2019 Site allocation MA4 with RM MA4 Visit] HT081 RM Bedford West Mid Beds Marston Moretaine Land at Moreteyne Farm Greenfield permission 6 Deliverable 119 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 125 CB/14/04378 Potential Barriers: None identified Existing Use: Agricultural

The site will be built out by David Wilson Homes and Barratt Homes and is part of a larger development which is already under Status: Contingency construction. Outline approved for 365 units, 247 of which have been allocation MA4 with RM MA4 Cont. superseded by approved RM application (below). A second RM HT082 OUTLINE Bedford West Mid Beds Marston Moretaine Land at Moreteyne Farm Greenfield permission 0 Deliverable 0 0 118 0 60 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 118 118 CB/15/00209 application has been registered for 154 CB/18/02112). BDW has delivered other residential sites in the area at pace. Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Contingency The site will be built out by David Wilson Homes and Barratt Homes. allocation MA4 with RM First RM approval for 247 dwellings. 167 dwellings complete with 24 MA4 Cont. permission OUTLINE under construction [March 2019 Site Visit]. 126 were completed in HT082a CB/15/00209 Bedford West Mid Beds Marston Moretaine Land at Moreteyne Farm Greenfield Site acquired by house 24 Deliverable 167 0 80 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 247 RM 2018/19 CB/16/04277 builders Potential Barriers: None identified Existing Use: Agricultural

HO8(3A) Land East of HT083 RM Bedford West Mid Beds Marston Moretaine Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 CB/14/03886 Bedford Road

HO8(3A) HT084 RM Bedford West Mid Beds Marston Moretaine Land East of Bedford Road Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 CB/10/04231

HO8(3A) Land East of HT085 Various Bedford West Mid Beds Marston Moretaine Greenfield Status: Complete 11/02280 / 12/00108 / 12/00263 / 15/00884 Complete 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Various Bedford Road Land East of HT086 CB/13/01673 NMA Bedford West Mid Beds Marston Moretaine Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 Bedford Road HO8(3A) Land East of HT087 RM Bedford West Mid Beds Marston Moretaine Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 CB/12/03205 Bedford Road HO8(3A) Land East of HT087a FULL Bedford West Mid Beds Marston Moretaine Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 CB/15/02652 Bedford Road HO8(3A) CB/15/00028 CB/15/02061 Land East of HT087b Various Bedford West Mid Beds Marston Moretaine Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 CB/15/04150 Bedford Road CB/16/04574 CB/17/03760

Status: Allocation HA24 No planning application has been summitted. Landowner intent to develop HT088 HA24 None Stevenage West Mid Beds Maulden Land at Moor Lane Brownfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 Potential Barriers: None identified. Existing Use: Agricultural

Status: Allocation HA25 with 67 dwellings complete with the remaining 11 plots under construction Full permission HA25 Land behind Meppershall Village Hall, High [March 2019 Site Visit]. HT089 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Meppershall Mixed 11 Deliverable 67 0 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 78 CB/16/01769 Street Existing Use: Village Hall & Potential Barriers: None identified Fields

HA26 HT090 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Moggerhanger Land r/o The Guinea PH, Bedford Road Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 CB/14/01818

The landowners have now signed up to a PPA. The development will be delivered by a known national house builder. A public consultation has been held and a Full application is expected in Spring 2019. Status: Allocation HA9 Though it is expected that this site will deliver within the five year HT091 HA9 None Stevenage Ivel Valley Potton Land South of The Paddocks Greenfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 40 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 90 supply period, it will remain as developable for the purposes of this Existing Use: Fields trajectory and until further information is supplied.

Potential Barriers: None identified

MA5 HT092a RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Potton Land at Biggleswade Road (Phase 1) Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 CB/15/01263

This site is Phase 2 and currently has 89 dwellings complete with the Status: Allocation MA5 with remaining 31 plots under construction [March 2019 Site Visit]. MA5 RM permission Information received from the house builder indicates that the entire HT092 RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Potton Land at Biggleswade Road (Phase 2) Greenfield 31 Deliverable 89 0 31 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 120 CB/16/04737 site will be built out by the end of 2019/20 Existing Use: Grazing land Potential Barriers: None identified

MA1 CB/13/03675 HT094a FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Sandy Station Road/New Road Brownfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 CB/14/03280

HA3 HT095 RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Sandy Meller Beauty Premises, Sunderland Road Brownfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 CB/13/00542

MA9 CB/11/02639 RM HT100 Luton West Mid Beds Silsoe Cranfield University Campus Brownfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 CB/14/03844 NMA CB/15/03559

MA9 Status: Allocation MA9 5 flats under construction [Site visit March 2019] CB/14/02717 FULL HT100a Luton West Mid Beds Silsoe Cranfield University Campus Brownfield 5 Deliverable 18 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 23 CB/15/03559 FULL Existing Use: College Farm Potential Barriers: None identified CB/17/04986

HA28 HT103 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Stondon Land r/o Station Road & Bedford Road Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 CB/12/02929

Status: Allocation HA29 Businesses have vacated the site . A full application has been Landowner intent to develop received from Bridgewater Homes for 16 dwellings and is awaiting HA29 FULL HT104 Stevenage Ivel Valley Stondon Peckworth Industrial Estate, Bedford Road Brownfield determination. 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 CB/18/04051 (pending) Existing Use: Industrial Estate Potential Barriers: Potential for site remediation

102 Number of Dwelling losses dwellings built on since 2015 PERMISSION TYPE site since 1st April Dwellings LAND TYPE Total identified TRAJECTORY POLICY NO. Number under 2015 expected to Total delivery for Greenfield Beyond supply remaining REF NO. Full HMA QUADRANT PARISH NAME & SITE ADDRESS AVAILABLE? ACHIEVABLE? construction at end of CONCLUSION contribute toward 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 2032/33 2033/34 2034/35 2015-2035 plan Brownfield 2035 (2015-2035 plan PLANNING APPLICATION NO. Outline Q4 2019 the 5 year housing period (net) Mixed period) RM land supply

Status: Allocation HA11 Site has been sold Potential Barriers: Site has been moved out of the 5 year supply HT105 HA11 None Stevenage Ivel Valley Stotfold Land at Shawmer Farm, West of Hitchin Road Greenfield 0 Uncertain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 due to lack of certainty over delivery. Existing Use: Agricultural

This site is allocated for 85 dwellings. A Full application has been received for 161 dwellings which extends beyond the allocated area, Status: Allocation HA12 this is currently awaiting a legal agreement which is expected to be HA12 FULL Landowner intent to develop HT106 Stevenage Ivel Valley Stotfold Land at Arlesey Road Greenfield signed shortly. 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 40 40 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 161 CB/18/02232 (pending S106) Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: Delivery may be subject to the relocation of the existing business on site.

Full application granted. Rowan Homes are to build 62 residential Status: Allocation HA13 with units. The pre-commencement conditions for the replacement HA13 Full permission OUTLINE Land at Roker Park, football pitch have been discharged and this is now under HT108 CB/10/01172 Stevenage Ivel Valley Stotfold Greenfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 62 0 20 40 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 62 FULL The Green construction. The S106 has been signed CB/15/04836 Existing Use: Football Ground Potential Barriers: None identified

HO8(10) HT111 RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Stotfold Land South of Stotfold (Parcel 4/4A) Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 CB/11/01830 These dwellings will be apartments above the retail unit. Previous permission expired but new Full permission for the same scheme is HO8(10) Status: Allocation HO8(10) FULL currently awaiting determination. HT111a CB/14/01184 Stevenage Ivel Valley Stotfold Land South of Stotfold (Parcel 4B) Greenfield 0 Expired 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (pending) CB/18/00904 Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: The permission has expired and 3 dwellings have been removed from the five year supply.

Information supplied by agent indicates the delivery of 1000 homes Status: Allocation MA3 between 2010 & 2031. A conservative approach has been applied to Landowner intent to develop this trajectory. HT116 MA3 None Bedford West Mid Beds Wixams (Houghton Conquest) Land South of The Wixams Greenfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 62 0 1,000 1,000 Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: Policy MA3 restricts the site from being delivered prior to 2021. No known barriers to development

The Wixams new settlement crosses the administrative boundary of Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire. Up to 2,000 dwellings are to be delivered in Central Bedfordshire. Phasing is such that housing delivery is well underway within Bedford Borough. RMs for road infrastructure and Design Codes have been approved.

Delivery on this site has commenced. Morris Homes RM for 187 homes on parcel 4.2 and Abbey Developments RM application for 217 on parcel 4.1 have been approved (see HT117a & HT117b). Both sites are at Village 4 and construction is underway.

Status: Allocation HO8(4) In addition, the RM for parcel 4.3 has been approved for 120 with Outline permission & RM dwellings. Kier Living will be building out this parcel and first HO8(4) OUTLINE pending completions are expected to occur in 2019. A detailed site trajectory HT117 Bedford West Mid Beds Wixams (Houghton Conquest) Wixams Brownfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 260 0 0 38 94 128 128 125 107 107 107 107 107 39 0 0 0 0 1,087 1,087 MB/99/01694 RM (see below) provided by the promoter sets out that this parcel will be delivered at Existing Use: Former a rate of 52 dwellings per annum with 52 in 2019, together with Storage Depot completions also occurring at village 2 at a rate of 24 per annum. Parcels 3.1 and 3.2 are also scheduled to deliver within 5 years. A conservative approach has however been applied to this trajectory.

Barratt David Wilson is the named house builder for Village 2. Barratts held a public event at Wixams to announce they are taking on almost all of Village 2. This could amount to around 300 dwellings in Central Beds. They are seeking a PPA with Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough

Potential Barriers: None identified

Application for 187 dwellings granted. 8 of the 187 homes are in Status: Allocation HO8(4) Bedford Borough. 21 dwellings are complete and 46 are under Parcel 4.2 Land off Ampthill Road, Houghton with Outline permission & RM HO8(4) RM construction [March 2019 Site Visit]. Morris Homes are delivering HT117a Bedford West Mid Beds Wixams (Houghton Conquest) Conquest Brownfield 46 Deliverable 21 0 158 52 54 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 158 179 CB/16/04143 the site. Wixams Existing Use: Former Storage Depot Potential Barriers: None identified

RM approval for 217 dwellings. The site will be built out by Abbey Developments and sold by Elevation New Homes at a rate of 50 Status: Allocation HO8(4) dwellings per year. 47 dwellings complete with 21 dwellings under Parcel 4.1, Village 4 off Ampthill Road, with Outline permission & RM HO8(4) construction [March 2019 Site Visit]. Abbey Developments have HT117b RM Bedford West Mid Beds Wixams (Houghton Conquest) Houghton Conquest Brownfield 21 Deliverable 47 0 170 40 40 40 40 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 170 217 CB/17/00821 informed the council that they will be building at a rate of Wixams Existing Use: Former approximately 40 plots per year. Storage Depot Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Allocation HO8(4) RM for 120 dwellings at parcel 3. Kier Living will be delivering this Parcel 4.3, Village 4 off Ampthill Road, with Outline permission & RM HO8(4) parcel. The site will be delivered at a rate of 52 per year. HT117c RM Wixams (Houghton Conquest) Houghton Conquest Brownfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 120 30 52 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 120 CB/18/03300 Wixams Existing Use: Former Potential Barriers: None identified Storage Depot

Large Unallocated Sites (Committed Windfall 15+) 0 0

Full permission granted for 24 apartments. An alternative use is being considered for the site - 24 dwellings have been removed from Russell House, Status: HT120i CB/16/04703 Full Bedford West Mid Beds Ampthill Brownfield the supply. 0 Uncertain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 Dunstable Street Not Started Potential Barriers: None identified

Full permission for 30 units for retirement living (category II sheltered living) apartments for the elderly. McCarthy and Stone will deliver the HT120ii CB/17/00056 Full Bedford West Mid Beds Ampthill Police Station, Woburn Street Brownfield Status : Not Started site. Site Under construction [March 2019] 30 Deliverable 0 0 30 22 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 30

Potential Barriers: None identified

Prior Approval granted for change of use of office block to 41 flats. Status: PADO Development under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] HT120a CB/18/01053 PADO Stevenage Ivel Valley Arlesey Hampden House, Hitchin Road Brownfield 41 Deliverable 0 0 41 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 41 Existing Use: Office building Potential Barriers: None identified

103 Number of Dwelling losses dwellings built on since 2015 PERMISSION TYPE site since 1st April Dwellings LAND TYPE Total identified TRAJECTORY POLICY NO. Number under 2015 expected to Total delivery for Greenfield Beyond supply remaining REF NO. Full HMA QUADRANT PARISH NAME & SITE ADDRESS AVAILABLE? ACHIEVABLE? construction at end of CONCLUSION contribute toward 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 2032/33 2033/34 2034/35 2015-2035 plan Brownfield 2035 (2015-2035 plan PLANNING APPLICATION NO. Outline Q4 2019 the 5 year housing period (net) Mixed period) RM land supply

Status: Outline permission Outline approval for 58 dwellings Land rear and side of Hampden House,Hitchin HT120b CB/18/00196 OUTLINE Arlesey Brownfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 58 Road Existing Use: Commercial Potential Barriers: None identified

CB/15/04768 FULL HT121a Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade 67 Shortmead Street Brownfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 48 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 CB/17/01842 NMA

This site has outline planning permission for 200 dwellings. The site has been marketed.

The Council are expecting to exchange contracts with Taylor Wimpey early May 2019. Reserved matters applications will then be submitted and the buyers will enter into contractual arrangements with a Registered Provider (RP) to enable the construction of an Status: Outline permission Extra Care scheme at Sorrell Way ( the delivery of this site is linked HT121b CB/17/01277 OUTLINE Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Land at Saxon Drive Greenfield to Saxon Drive) 0 Deliverable 0 0 200 0 40 40 60 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 200 Existing Use: Greenfield, landowner intent to develop Taylor Wimpey have confirmed that they intend to build;

40 units – 2020 financial year 40 units – 2021 financial year Balance of 120 – 2022/2023 financial years.

Potential Barriers: None identified

Full permission for 30 dwellings on a brownfield site within the Status: Full permission Settlement Envelope of Biggleswade. Demolition on site is complete, HT122a CB/16/00181 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Land r/o 33-57 Shortmead Street Brownfield no dwellings currently under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] 0 Deliverable 0 0 30 8 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 30 Existing Use: Brownfield Potential Barriers: None identified

This site has full planning permission for 227 dwellings. The build rate timetable which was signed as part of the S106 agreement Status: Full permission confirms that the development will be completed within 5 years of the date of permission. 72 dwellings complete in 18/19 with 80 dwellings HT122b CB/16/04658 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Land north of Potton Road Greenfield 80 Deliverable 72 0 155 70 70 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 227 Existing Use: Greenfield, under construction [March 2019 Site Visit]. The sites is being landowner intent to develop delivered by Bellway Homes

Potential Barriers: None identified

This site has RM planning permission for 79 dwellings. The build rate timetable which was signed as part of the S106 agreement confirms Status: RM permission that the development will be completed within 5 years of the date of CB/16/04323 OUTLINE approval. Delivery information in this trajectory has been provided to HT122c Stevenage Ivel Valley Blunham Land at Barford Road Greenfield Existing Use: Agricultural 16 Deliverable 12 0 67 52 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 79 CB/17/04633 RM the council by Linden Homes. 12 dwellings complete with 16 under land, construction [March 2019 Site Visit] landowner intent to develop Potential Barriers: None identified

This site has RM planning permission for 44 dwellings. The build rate Status: RM permission timetable which was signed as part of the S106 agreement confirms that the development will be completed within 5 years of the date of CB/16/04369 OUTLINE HT122d Stevenage Ivel Valley Blunham Land at Barford Road Greenfield Existing Use: Agricultural approval. 14 dwellings complete with 17 under construction [March 17 Deliverable 14 0 30 22 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 44 CB/17/04733 RM land, 2019 Site Visit] landowner intent to develop Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Brownfield site with RM application granted for 201 dwellings for phase 2. Phase 1 is outline planning permission. complete (see below) Redrow are looking to build in the region of 40- Chaul End Vehicle Storage Centre, Available for development 50 dwellings per annum. 61 dwellings complete and 23 under HT123 CB/14/02515 OUTLINE MK Chiltern Vale Caddington Mixed 23 Deliverable 61 0 140 45 45 45 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 201 Chaul End Road (Phase 2 - North) construction (March 2019 site visit) CB/17/03719 RM Existing Use: Vehicle storage Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Brownfield site with RM permission CB/14/02515 OUTLINE Chaul End Vehicle Storage Centre, HT124 Luton Chiltern Vale Caddington Brownfield Site Complete Complete 113 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 CB/15/03313 RM Chaul End Road (Phase1 - South) Existing Use: Vehicle storage

Status: RM permission Former BTR site, HT125 CB/16/02077 RM Luton Chiltern Vale Caddington Brownfield Site Complete Complete 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 London Road Existing Use: Former Tyre and Rubber works

Site Under Construction with 35 completions and 17 under Status: Outline CB/14/05007 OUTLINE construction [Site Visit March 2019] HT126 MK West Mid Beds Cranfield Land West of Mill Road (Phase 2) Greenfield 17 Deliverable 35 0 82 45 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 117 CB/17/04313 RM Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

Site nearly complete with the last plot being used as a car park for Status: RM the marketing suite [Site Visit March 2019] HT126(i) CB/16/04924 RM MK West Mid Beds Cranfield Land West of Mill Road (phase 1) Greenfield 0 Deliverable 112 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 111 Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

Outline permission for the erection up to 78 residential dwellings. It is reasonable to expect this site to deliver housing within the five year Status: Outline supply period. Considered developable until further information is HT126(ii) CB/17/01042 OUTLINE MK West Mid Beds Cranfield Land off Mill Road Greenfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 78 provided. Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

Full permission for 29 additional park homes on extension to existing site. Build rate timetable has been agreed to as part of the S106 Status: Full permission agreement to deliver 100% of the dwellings within 5 years of the date Clifton Park, HT126a CB/16/03469 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Clifton Greenfield of permission. Groundworks and build underway, 9 plots complete 0 Deliverable 9 0 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 29 New Road Existing Use: Woodland [March 2019 Site Visit]

Potential Barriers: None identified

Reserved matters permission for 95 dwellings. It is considered that Status: RM permission this site is capable of delivering within the 5 year supply period. CB/15/02733 OUTLINE H126b Stevenage Ivel Valley Clifton Land off Hitchin Lane Greenfield Mears New Homes will deliver the site. 0 Deliverable 0 0 95 8 42 42 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 95 CB/18/02637 RM Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

CB/14/03686 Land at former Farrs Garden Centre, HT127 CB/15/01927 FULL Stevenage West Mid Beds Maulden Brownfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 Clophill Road CB/15/02830

104 Number of Dwelling losses dwellings built on since 2015 PERMISSION TYPE site since 1st April Dwellings LAND TYPE Total identified TRAJECTORY POLICY NO. Number under 2015 expected to Total delivery for Greenfield Beyond supply remaining REF NO. Full HMA QUADRANT PARISH NAME & SITE ADDRESS AVAILABLE? ACHIEVABLE? construction at end of CONCLUSION contribute toward 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 2032/33 2033/34 2034/35 2015-2035 plan Brownfield 2035 (2015-2035 plan PLANNING APPLICATION NO. Outline Q4 2019 the 5 year housing period (net) Mixed period) RM land supply

Persimmon Homes have gained RM permission. Re-plan of the site Status: RM permission (16/02972) leaves 44 dwellings under this permission. 26 dwellings Housebuilder has purchased CB/13/01368 OUTLINE complete (March 2019 Site Visit). Remaining units spread throughout HT128 Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Dukeminster Estate Brownfield site 0 Deliverable 26 0 18 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 44 CB/15/03052 RM the site. Existing Use: Commercial Potential Barriers: None identified

Persimmon homes have gained RM permission for the re-plan of the majority of the site for 270 dwellings. 42 dwellings complete with 118 Status: RM permission under construction (March 2019 Site Visit). Information provided to HT128a CB/16/02972 FULL Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Dukeminster Estate Brownfield the council by Persimmon homes indicates that they will deliver at a 118 Deliverable 42 0 228 120 108 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 228 270 existing Use: Commercial rate of 120 per annum.

Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: RM permission 240 dwellings complete [June 2018 Site Visit]. 150 were built in CB/13/03597 OUTLINE 2016/17. HT129 CB/14/04668 RM Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Land at Frenchs Avenue Mixed Complete 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 Existing Use: Vacant factory CB/15/04514 NMA building Potential Barriers: None identified

Information supplied by Economic Growth - a small area may be Status: Emerging site released for residential development in the next 3-5 years Emerging sites through Town Dunstable Master Plan Site 1: Ashton Square through Master Plan HT130 None Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Brownfield 0 Uncertain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Centre Master Plan Car Park Potential Barriers: The site can only come forward once the Existing Use: Car Park Quadrant Shopping Centre site is redeveloped/refurbished and adequate car parking provision is provided to replace that lost

Status: Emerging site Information supplied by Economic Growth through Master Plan Emerging sites through Town Dunstable Master Plan Site 2: Priory House HT131 None Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Brownfield 0 Uncertain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Centre Master Plan Gardens Potential Barriers: The site can only come forward once a Existing Use: Priory House replacement medical centre is developed elsewhere in Dunstable Gardens

Status: Emerging site Information supplied by Economic Growth Emerging sites through Town Dunstable Master Plan Site 3: Redevelopment through Master Plan HT133 None Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Brownfield 0 Uncertain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Centre Master Plan of Wilkinson's area Potential Barriers: The site can only come forward once the Existing Use: Retail Store Quadrant Shopping Centre site is redeveloped/refurbished

Status: Full permission The proposal is for residential development at a vacant site. New steel framework under construction [December 2018 Site Visit] HT134 CB/14/04720 FULL Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable 11-15 High Street South Brownfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 26 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 26 Existing Use: Vacant retail unit and surrounding land Potential Barriers: None identified

This proposal has full planning permission for 17 flats. There is Status: Full permission reasonable prospect that the site will deliver housing within 5 years. Downing View HT134a CB/15/04829 FULL Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Brownfield All units under construction (March 2019 Site Visit). 17 Deliverable 0 0 17 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 17 1-3 Loring Road Existing Use: Vacant Care Home Potential Barriers: None identified

Full permission for the conversion of Ashton Middle School to provide Status: Full permission 113 dwellings. 32 dwelling have been completed with 73 under FULL HT134b CB/16/03188 Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Ashton Middle School, High Street North Brownfield construction. [March 2019 Site Visit] 73 Deliverable 32 0 81 45 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 81 113 Existing Use: Vacant Middle School Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Outline permission This proposal gained outline planning consent on 31/08/16. HT134c Linpac GPG International, CB/15/02821 OUTLINE Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Brownfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 42 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 (HT164) Luton Road Existing Use: Former Potential Barriers: Development options are still being considered industrial site

Permission for the demolition of 9 flats and replacement with 24 Status: REG3 permission sheltered housing apartments. Construction has not commenced. Site owned by Central HT134d CB/16/04840 REG3 Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Croft Green Sheltered Housing, Croft Green Brownfield Bedfordshire Council 0 Uncertain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Potential Barriers: Delivery unlikely. Dwellings have been removed form the trajectory Existing Use: Residential

Full permission for 38 houses and 23 flats. There is reasonable Status: Full Planning prospect that this site will deliver within 5 years. HT134e CB/16/05134 FULL Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Former Trico Site Brownfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 71 10 42 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 71 permission Potential Barriers: None identified

Full planning permission for 55 dwellings. The housebuilder is SMDL New Homes. There is reasonable prospect that the sites will Land adjacent to 192 High Street North and Status: Full Planning be delivered within 5 years. 24 dwellings under construction (March HT134f CB/16/05657 FULL Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable north west of and adjoining Tavistock Street, Brownfield 24 Deliverable 0 0 55 24 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 55 permission 2019 site visit) Tavistock Street, Dunstable Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Prior approval Conversion of existing property to 12 flats granted HT134g CB/19/00188 PADO Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Finbar House, 88-90 Union Street 0 Deliverable 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 Potential Barriers: None identified Existing use: Offices

RM application approved for 18 dwellings. 14 dwellings under Status: RM permission CB/16/03885 OUTLINE Land at East Lodge, construction [March 2019 Site Visit] HT135 Stevenage Ivel Valley Fairfield Greenfield 14 Deliverable 0 0 18 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 18 CB/17/05974 RM Hitchin Road Existing Use: Vacant land Potential Barriers: None identified

RM permission for 180 dwellings. S106 agreement has been signed which commits the applicant to deliver 55% of the total dwellings within five years from the date of the approval. Another RM application has recently been approved to re-plan some of the site, Status: RM permission with a second application registered to alter the housing mix and CB/16/01455 OUTLINE Land East of Hitchin Road/South of Pig Unit, HT135a Stevenage Ivel Valley Fairfield Greenfield provide an additional 17 dwellings. Information in this trajectory has 0 Deliverable 0 0 180 20 45 45 45 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 180 CB/18/03260 RM Hitchin Road Existing Use: Agricultural been informed by information provided by Lochaliort Fairfield Ltd. Site is currently under construction but no dwellings are in build [March 2019 Site Visit]

Potential Barriers: None identified

105 Number of Dwelling losses dwellings built on since 2015 PERMISSION TYPE site since 1st April Dwellings LAND TYPE Total identified TRAJECTORY POLICY NO. Number under 2015 expected to Total delivery for Greenfield Beyond supply remaining REF NO. Full HMA QUADRANT PARISH NAME & SITE ADDRESS AVAILABLE? ACHIEVABLE? construction at end of CONCLUSION contribute toward 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 2032/33 2033/34 2034/35 2015-2035 plan Brownfield 2035 (2015-2035 plan PLANNING APPLICATION NO. Outline Q4 2019 the 5 year housing period (net) Mixed period) RM land supply

The new Leisure Centre has been delivered. The Council aim to dispose of the old Leisure Centre site to a developer in 2016/17. The Status: Outline REG3 site will deliver a care home, 88 extra care apartments and 37 market permission houses. CBC own the site and will procure the developers to design Site is owned by CBC and deliver it. Framework contracts have been identified that would HT136 CB/14/02174 REG3 Luton West Mid Beds Flitwick Flitwick Leisure Centre Site, Steppingley Road Brownfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 125 0 0 0 37 88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 125 provide faster and more assured routes to delivery. Delivery Existing Use: Vacant information provided by the Council indicates that delivery will Leisure Centre commence in 22/23 with 37 dwellings

Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Full planning Full permission for 24 dwellings. CB/16/02069 OUTLINE permission HT136a Luton West Mid Beds Flitton & Greenfield Land off Greenfield Road Greenfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 24 0 4 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 24 CB/18/02484 FULL Potential Barriers: None identified Existing Use: Agricultural

RM permission for 24 dwellings. A build rate timetable has been agreed to ensure delivery of the scheme within 5 years of approval. Status: RM permission CB/15/04081 OUTLINE Hearne Homes and Grand Union Housing are developing the site. HT137 Luton West Mid Beds Gravenhurst Land at 7-37 Barton Road Greenfield 0 Deliverable 0 1 24 0 20 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 23 CB/18/01850 RM Site fenced off but no work has started [March 2019 Site Visit] Existing Use: Agriculture Potential Barriers: None identified

RM permission for 45 dwellings following demolition of one Status: Outline permission CB/14/02348 OUTLINE bungalow. HT138 Luton West Mid Beds Harlington Harlington Station Yard, Station Road Brownfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 44 0 22 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 44 CB/18/01651 RM Existing Use: Vacant yard Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Full permission Full permission for 11 dwellings. Site under construction HT139 CB/17/02373 FULL Henlow 41 High Street 11 Deliverable 0 0 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 Previous Use: vacant office Potential Barriers: None identified building

Development of 125 dwellings. Kier Living have acquired the site and Status: RM permission the RM application has been approved. 33 dwellings complete with CB/15/01362 OUTLINE HT140 Bedford West Mid Beds Houghton Conquest Land off Chapel End Road Greenfield 16 dwellings under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] 16 Deliverable 33 0 92 46 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 125 CB/17/01389 RM Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None Identified

As part of the S106 the applicant has signed up to a build rate timetable which guarantees the development will be built out within Status: RM permission CB/15/03706 OUTLINE three years of the date of approval. 48 dwellings complete with 4 HT141 Bedford West Mid Beds Houghton Conquest Land off Bedford Road & r/o Duck End Close Greenfield 4 Deliverable 48 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 52 CB/17/00149 RM under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Outline permission Landowner intent to develop This site adjoins the boundary of the North Houghton Regis strategic HT141a Nursery Site at North Houghton Regis development and has outline permission for up to 30 dwellings CB/15/02223 OUTLINE Luton Chiltern Vale Houghton Regis Brownfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 30 (Windy Willows) Existing Use: Various commercial use and Potential Barriers: None identified horticulture

Status: Outline permission Outline permission for 35 dwellings. Land South of the Bungalow, Bidwell, Bedford HT141b CB/17/02512 OUT Luton Chiltern Vale Houghton Regis Greenfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 35 Road LU5 6JS Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

Goods Yard, HT142 CB/14/04276 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Langford Brownfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Cambridge Road David Wilson Homes anticipate that the site will be built out by 2020. Status: RM permission 87 dwellings complete with 23 under construction [March 2019 Site CB/14/00186 OUTLINE HT143 Stevenage Ivel Valley Langford Land East of Station Road Greenfield Visit] 23 Deliverable 87 0 23 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 110 CB/16/00374 RM Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

41 dwellings (net) to be delivered by David Wilson Homes. As part of the S106 agreement a Build Rate Timetable has been agreed to Status: Full permission CB/15/02419 FULL deliver all the dwellings within 5 years of the date of the approval. 38 HT144 Stevenage Ivel Valley Langford Land North of Flexmore Way Greenfield 4 Deliverable 38 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 41 CB/16/05368 VOC dwellings complete with 4 under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

Outline permission for up to 32 dwellings. The site has the potential Status: Outline permission to deliver within the five year period but until further progress is made HT145 CB/18/00432 OUT Stevenage Ivel Valley Langford Land off St Andrews Way Greenfield it will remain as 'developable' 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 30 Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Outline permission Outline permission for 25 dwellings. HT146 CB/14/04406 OUTLINE MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Station Approach, Station Road Brownfield 0 Expired 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Existing Use: Vacant Potential Barriers: Permission has expired. 25 dwellings removed commercial uses from the supply.

CB/11/02261 OUTLINE Pulford Corner, HT147 MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 CB/15/04389 RM Billington Road

Status: Prior approval New Prior approval granted for conversion of offices to 30 flats over 5 Arden House, granted floors. Not started at March 2019 site visit. HT147a 18/03433 PADO MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Brownfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 30 0 12 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 30 West Street Existing Use: Vacant offices Potential Barriers: None identified

HT148 CB/15/02258 FULL MK West Mid Beds Lidlington Land off Marston Road Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31

Outline permission for 40 dwellings. A delivery agreement has been Status: Outline permission signed as part of the S106 to require that all dwellings are completed HT148i CB/16/05887 OUTLINE MK West Mid Beds Lidlington Land opposite The Lane & Lombard Street Greenfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 40 0 0 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 40 five years from the date of permission. Existing Use: Scrub land Potential Barriers: None identified

Approval for 90 dwellings. A Build Rate Timetable has been signed Status: RM permission as part of the S106 agreement to deliver 100% of the dwellings CB/16/02590 OUTLINE within 5 years of the date of RM approval. 30 dwellings complete with HT148a Stevenage Ivel Valley Potton Land South of Sandy Road Greenfield 41 Deliverable 30 0 60 42 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 CB/17/03308 RM Existing Use: Agricultural 41 under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] land Potential Barriers: None identified

106 Number of Dwelling losses dwellings built on since 2015 PERMISSION TYPE site since 1st April Dwellings LAND TYPE Total identified TRAJECTORY POLICY NO. Number under 2015 expected to Total delivery for Greenfield Beyond supply remaining REF NO. Full HMA QUADRANT PARISH NAME & SITE ADDRESS AVAILABLE? ACHIEVABLE? construction at end of CONCLUSION contribute toward 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 2032/33 2033/34 2034/35 2015-2035 plan Brownfield 2035 (2015-2035 plan PLANNING APPLICATION NO. Outline Q4 2019 the 5 year housing period (net) Mixed period) RM land supply

Outline approval for 62 dwellings. A Build Rate Timetable (BRT) has been signed as part of the S106 agreement to fully deliver this Status: Outline permission scheme within five years of the signing of the agreement. Information HT148b CB/16/04460 OUTLINE Stevenage Ivel Valley Potton Land opposite Playing Field and Mill Lane Greenfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 62 0 0 0 30 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 62 in this trajectory has been provided by the BRT. Existing Use: Paddock land Potential Barriers: Conservation issues have been resolved.

Outline permission granted at appeal for up to 85 dwellings. RM Status: Outline permission OUTLINE application has been received and is awaiting determination. Mulberry CB/16/03943 HT148c RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Potton Land at 64 Biggleswade Road, Potton Greenfield Homes will be developing the site. 0 Deliverable 0 0 85 10 42 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 85 CB/19/00085 Existing Use: Agricultural (pending) land Potential Barriers: None identified

CB/14/02084 OUTLINE Land East of Status: Complete HT149 Bedford West Mid Beds Marston Moretaine Greenfield Site Complete Complete 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 CB/15/02631 RM Bedford Road

This site is part of the larger Marston Park development and will Status: RM permission deliver 8 dwellings as part of the Local Centre. Roads and car park CB/14/02084 OUTLINE Land East of are complete but the site is currently the compound for adjacent HT149a Bedford West Mid Beds Marston Moretaine Greenfield 8 Deliverable 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 CB/16/01373 RM Bedford Road Existing Use: Agricultural development parcel [March 2018 Site Visit] land Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Outline permission Outline permission granted at appeal for 49 dwellings. HT149i CB/18/00435 OUTLINE Maulden Old Farm, Clophill Road, Maulden Greenfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 49 Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified land

RM permission has been granted. The land has been sold to a house Status: RM permission builder and it is expected to deliver within 5 years. Martin Grant CB/16/03283 OUTLINE Homes will be developing the site, groundworks currently underway, HT149b Bedford Ivel Valley Northill Land West of the Pastures, Upper Caldecote Greenfield 15 Deliverable 0 0 40 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 40 CB/18/01526 RM Existing Use: Agricultural with 15 plots under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] land Potential Barriers: None identified

Status: Outline permission CB/17/04476 OUTLINE Woodlands Nurseries, Biggleswade Road, Outline permission for up to 35 dwellings. HT149c Bedford Ivel Valley Northill Greenfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 35 Upper Caldecote Potential Barriers: None identified Existing Use: Nursery

Status: Outline permission Outline permission for up to 33 dwellings on a vacant industrial site. HT149d CB/17/01326 OUTLINE Stevenage Ivel Valley Sandy Former Sandy Service Station Brownfield Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 33 Existing Use: Service Potential Barriers: Potential remediation work required Station

Information supplied by Bovis Homes indicates that the site will be Status: RM permission fully completed by 2020. 111 dwellings complete with remaining 29 CB/14/01726 OUTLINE HT150 Stevenage Ivel Valley Shefford Land off Campton Road Greenfield plots under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] 29 Deliverable 111 0 29 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 140 CB/15/04892 RM Existing Use: Agricultural land and structures Potential Barriers: None identified

CB/15/02657 Bridge Farm, HT151 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Shefford Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 49 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 Ivel Road Brownfield site in the centre of Shefford to deliver 26 dwellings. 5 Status: Full permission dwellings complete with 17 under construction [March 2019 Site HT151a CB/16/02741 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Shefford Land at 20 Ampthill Road Brownfield Visit] 17 Deliverable 5 0 21 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 26 Existing Use: Vacant commercial premises Potential Barriers: None identified Full permission for 49 dwellings on a brownfield site in Shefford. 4 Status: Full permission dwellings complete with 29 under construction [March 2019 Site HT151b CB/17/00517 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Shefford The Old Laundry, 33 High Street Brownfield Visit] 29 Deliverable 4 0 45 25 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 49 Existing Use: Vacant commercial premises Potential Barriers: None identified

Outline application for 37 dwellings following demolition of existing Status: Outline permission property. HT151c CB/17/02615 OUTLINE Shefford Pinehurst, 17A Ivel Road Brownfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 37 Existing Use: Residential Potential Barriers: None identified

This site was granted permission subject to the signing of a S106 agreement. Separate Full application registered for new village hall Status: Full application and 26 dwellings. The S106 remains to be signed, and it is pending S106 agreement CB/15/02102 FULL Land to the East of understood that delivery will commence in the five year supply period, HT152 Stevenage West Mid Beds Shillington Mixed 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 26 CB/17/02941 (pending S106) High Road This site will remain as 'developable' until further progress with the Existing Use: Village Hall S106 is made. and surrounding land Potential Barriers: S106 negotiations may delay delivery

CB/15/03329 OUTLINE HT152a Stevenage West Mid Beds Shillington Land between 30 & 40 Hanscombe End Road Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 CB/17/02058 RM

Reserved Matters permission for 105 dwellings. There are no Status: RM approval identified barriers and it is therefore reasonable to expect this site to CB/16/01855 OUTLINE deliver housing within the five year supply period. Kingsley Homes ltd HT152b Luton West Mid Beds Silsoe Land East of High Street Greenfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 105 10 42 42 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 105 105 CB/18/04409 RM Existing Use: Agricultural will be delivering the site Land Potential barriers: None identified

Full permission for the erection of 23 dwellings. The existing Status: Full permission CB/15/03172 OUTLINE Land r/o 16-36 bungalow has been demolished. The site is under construction. [Site HT153 Luton West Mid Beds Silsoe Greenfield 3 Deliverable 0 1 23 10 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 22 CB/17/05877 FULL Newbury Lane Visit March 2019] Existing Use: Vacant land Potential Barriers: None identified

RM permission for 24 dwellings. Site is currently under construction, Status: RM permission demolition has been completed, groundworks not yet started [March CB/16/03105 OUTLINE HT153a Stevenage Ivel Valley Stondon Stondon Museum & Garden Centre Brownfield 2019 Site Visit] 0 Deliverable 0 0 24 10 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 24 CB/17/05557 RM Existing Use: Museum & Garden Centre Potential barriers: None identified

Build Rate Timetable has been agreed to as part of the S106 Status: Full permission agreement to deliver 100% of the dwellings within 5 years of the date Land r/o 104-168 Landowner intent to develop of permission. Bovis Homes are the developer. 23 dwellings complete HT153b CB/16/02314 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Stondon Greenfield 42 Deliverable 23 0 57 42 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 80 Station Road with 42 under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] Existing Use: Grazing land Potential Barriers: None identified

RM permission for 85 dwellings. There is reasonable prospect that this site will deliver within the five year supply period. Mulberry Status: RM permission Homes will be developing the site, currently advertised on their CB/16/05229 OUTLINE HT154 Stevenage Ivel Valley Stondon Land West of Bedford Road, Lower Stondon Greenfield website as Brunswick Gate. Groundworks currently underway [March 0 Deliverable 0 0 85 20 42 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 85 CB/18/03165 RM Existing Use: Arable land 2019 Site Visit]

Potential barriers: None identified

107 Number of Dwelling losses dwellings built on since 2015 PERMISSION TYPE site since 1st April Dwellings LAND TYPE Total identified TRAJECTORY POLICY NO. Number under 2015 expected to Total delivery for Greenfield Beyond supply remaining REF NO. Full HMA QUADRANT PARISH NAME & SITE ADDRESS AVAILABLE? ACHIEVABLE? construction at end of CONCLUSION contribute toward 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 2032/33 2033/34 2034/35 2015-2035 plan Brownfield 2035 (2015-2035 plan PLANNING APPLICATION NO. Outline Q4 2019 the 5 year housing period (net) Mixed period) RM land supply

CB/10/02061 OUTLINE Land at 59 & 69 HT155 CB/12/01722 RM Stevenage Ivel Valley Stotfold Brownfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 37 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 The Green CB/15/03723 FULL

Status: Full permission Full permission for 131 dwellings. 82 dwellings complete with 20 Land at former Pig Development Unit, Hitchin under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] HT156 CB/15/03182 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Fairfield Brownfield 20 Deliverable 82 0 49 42 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 131 Road Existing Use: Former pig development unit Potential Barriers: None identified

HT157 Stevenage Ivel Valley Stotfold Land between Astwick Road & Taylors Road Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 CB/17/01585 FULL

Land adj St Mary's CB/16/01148 OUTLINE HT157a Stevenage Ivel Valley Stotfold Lower School, Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 CB/17/02417 RM Rook Tree Lane

RM permission for 95 dwellings. As part of the legal agreement Taylor Wimpey have agreed to comply with a build rate timetable Status: RM permission which sets out delivery of the site will be completed within four years CB/17/01642 OUTLINE HT157b Stevenage Ivel Valley Stotfold Land rear of Silver Birch Avenue Greenfield after the date of the outline permission. Groundworks underway 0 Deliverable 0 0 95 40 42 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 95 CB/18/00725 RM Existing Use: Agricultural [March 2019 Site Visit] land Potential Barriers: None identified

Full permission for the demolition of existing industrial units and development of 32 dwellings. Taylor Wimpey will be delivering the Status: Full permission site. Industrial units have not been demolished (March 2019 site HT158c CB/17/05913 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Stotfold Land at Taylors Road, Stotfold Brownfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 32 0 0 22 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 32 visit). Existing Use: Industrial units Potential Barriers: None identified

Small Unallocated sites (Committed Windfall 10-14 dwellings)

Most of the site has been developed, awaiting placement of caravans Status: Full permission [March 2019 Site Visit] HT158 CB/14/02124 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Arlesey Land rear of Twin Acres, Hitchin Road Greenfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 Existing Use: Potential barriers: None identified

Status: Full permission Site under construction [March 2019 Site Visit] HT158a MB/02/00532 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Arlesey Land r/o Pix Court, Stotfold Road Greenfield 12 Deliverable 0 0 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 Existing Use: Vacant Potential barriers: None identified overgrown land CB/16/00860 REG3 HT159 Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Land at Dunton Lane Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 CB/16/05923 NMA

Permission granted end of Q2 2017. This is a resubmission of a Status: Full permission previously approved scheme. 14 units under construction [March HT160 CB/17/00573 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade The Saxon Centre, Kingsfield Road Greenfield 2019 Site Visit] 14 Deliverable 0 0 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 14 Existing Use: Vacant plot Potential barriers: None identified

HT161 CB/17/01827 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade The Old Maltings, Church Street Brownfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9

Full permission for 12 new dwellings (10 net) granted end of Q2 2017. The site will be delivered by Coleman New Homes. Agent Status: Full permission expects start on site in Spring 2019 with full build out during the A 5 Salvage Works, Watling Street, Hockliffe, HT162 CB/16/04498 FULL Luton Chiltern Vale Chalgrave Brownfield same year. Site cleared groundworks underway (June 2018 Site 0 Deliverable 0 2 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 10 Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9PY Existing Use: Visit)

Potential Barriers: None identified

Full permission for the conversion of an existing building to 10 new Status: Full permission 37 & 39 High Street South, Dunstable, LU6 flats. Permission granted end of Q2 2017 HT163 CB/16/01635 FULL Luton Chiltern Vale Dunstable Brownfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 3RZ Existing Use: Potential Barriers: None identified

Reserved matters permission for the development of 13 new Status: RM permission dwellings. Permission granted in April 2017. Lower Wood Farm, Sundon Road, Harlington, HT165 CB/16/02011 RM Luton West Mid Beds Harlington Greenfield Site cleared ready for development to start [March 2019 Site Visit] 0 Deliverable 0 0 13 10 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 Dunstable, LU5 6LN Existing Use: Potential barriers: None identified

Status: Complete Chiltern Aquatics Centre, Westoning Road, HT166 CB/17/01911 FULL Luton West Mid Beds Harlington Brownfield Site Complete Complete 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Harlington, Dunstable, LU5 6PA

Land at Double Arches Farm, Eastern Way, Status: Complete CB/16/00232 HT167 FULL MK Leighton Buzzard Heath and Reach Heath And Reach, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 Brownfield Site Complete Complete 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 CB/17/04648 9LF

Outline permission for 12 dwellings (11 net). The agent has indicated that the site will be delivered in 2019/20. However, they are Status: Outline permission investigating viability. A conservative approach has been applied to HT167a CB/16/04555 OUT Stevenage Ivel Valley Henlow 72 Hitchin Road Greenfield 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 this trajectory. Existing Use: Bungalow Potential barriers: Viability

Full permission for 12 dwellings. Conditions have been received. Status: Full permission Replacement car park completed (permission implemented so will not The Dog And Duck, Parkside Drive, Houghton HT168 CB/14/03488 FULL Luton Chiltern Vale Houghton Regis Brownfield expire) 0 Deliverable 0 0 12 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 Regis, Dunstable, LU5 5QN Existing Use: Former PH car park Potential barriers: None identified

Full permission granted in Q2 2016. Work is dependent on altering the Aldi car park but now the store wish to extend. Anticipate Status: Full permission submission for an application for a small rear extension early 2018 - Aldi Foodstore Ltd, Vimy Road, Linslade, the development of the flats will follow. The agent suggests that HT169 CB/16/02301 FULL MK Leighton Buzzard Leighton Linslade Brownfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1ER Existing Use: Supermarket delivery commencing in September/October 2018 is feasible. car park Potential barriers: None identified - delivery in the Trajectory should be moved to the end of the 5 year supply

Status: RM permission Reserved Matters planning permission granted for 11 dwellings. CB/16/05797 OUT HT169a Bedford West Mid Beds Marston Moretaine Shelton Farm, Lower Shelton Road Greenfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 11 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 CB/18/01973 RM Existing Use: Agricultural Potential Barriers: None identified land

108 Number of Dwelling losses dwellings built on since 2015 PERMISSION TYPE site since 1st April Dwellings LAND TYPE Total identified TRAJECTORY POLICY NO. Number under 2015 expected to Total delivery for Greenfield Beyond supply remaining REF NO. Full HMA QUADRANT PARISH NAME & SITE ADDRESS AVAILABLE? ACHIEVABLE? construction at end of CONCLUSION contribute toward 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 2032/33 2033/34 2034/35 2015-2035 plan Brownfield 2035 (2015-2035 plan PLANNING APPLICATION NO. Outline Q4 2019 the 5 year housing period (net) Mixed period) RM land supply

Full planning permission granted for 10 dwellings. Groundworks and Status: Full permission demolition complete, 4 dwellings under construction [March 2019 HT196b CB/17/02409 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Meppershall New Close Nurseries, Fildyke Road Greenfield Site Visit] 4 Deliverable 0 0 10 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 Existing Use: Horticultural Nursery Potential Barriers: None identified

Full permission for 10 dwellings at a former health centre site. Site Status: Full permission not started [March 2019 Site Visit] HT151c CB/18/02212 FULL Stevenage Ivel Valley Shefford 2 Mayfields Brownfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 Existing Use: Health Centre Potential barriers: None identified

RM granted. School has been demolished. 3 Complete and 11 Status: RM permission Silsoe Lower School, High Street, Silsoe, dwellings under construction [March 2109 Site Visit] HT170 RM Luton West Mid Beds Silsoe Brownfield 11 Deliverable 3 0 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 14 CB/17/04123 Bedford, MK45 4ES Existing Use: Potential barriers: None identified

HT171 CB/15/04664 FULL MK West Mid Beds Woburn Land adj. to Timber Lane, Woburn Greenfield Status: Complete Site Complete Complete 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10

Older Persons Accommodation

Status: Selected as a site to provide extra care This is one of four independent living schemes which the Council is accommodation MANOP working to deliver. No dates are available for this site HT200 None Bedford West Mid Beds Ampthill Houghton Lodge Brownfield Site owned by CBC 0 Uncertain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Extra Care Potential Barriers: The existing uses need to be relocated Existing Use: Council offices, day centre, nursery

This is one of four independent living schemes which the Council is working to deliver. Permission granted for 93 extra care units.

The Council are expecting to exchange contracts with prospective buyers early May 2019. Reserved matters applications will then be MANOP Status: Outline permission submitted and the buyers will enter into contractual arrangements HT201 Extra Care OUTLINE Stevenage Ivel Valley Biggleswade Sorrell Way Greenfield with a Registered Provider (RP) to enable the construction of an 0 Deliverable 0 0 93 0 0 0 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 93 CB/17/01236 Existing Use: Vacant land Extra Care scheme at Sorrell Way.

Taylor Wimpey have confirmed that the units are expected to be completed within 24 months of the anticipated start in 2020.

Potential Barriers: Viability issues have been resolved

Status: The site is wholly Full permission has been granted for a development of a CBC owned by CBC . Full planning scheme comprising 168 independent living apartments following the permission CBC Housing Service Project demolition of the 33 existing sheltered housing units. Completion is HT204 FULL Luton Chiltern Vale Houghton Regis Red House Court, Houghton Regis Central Brownfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 135 0 135 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135 135 16/03378 scheduled for December 2020. Site work has commenced. Existing Use: Existing sheltered housing and vacant Potential Barriers: None supermarket site

Emerging Alloctions

This site was submitted to the Council as part of the call for sites process for residential development. It has been assessed as being suitable for residential development. An outline application for 650 dwellings has a resolution to grant. The site promoters are signing a S106 which includes a build rate timetable to deliver at least 240 Status: Submitted through dwellings five years from the sate of granting permission. Emerging Call for sites process, land Allocation owner intent to develop, The site has been marketed and there is a known house builder on HAS27 OUTLINE Wixams Thickthorn Park (Wixams Southern HT237 (HT118) Bedford West Mid Beds Greenfield resolution to grant permission board. Pre commencement work is being undertaken with the LPA 0 Deliverable 0 0 240 0 0 50 50 140 140 140 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 650 650 17/02575 (Pending S106) (Houghton Conquest) Extension) for 650 dwellings. with regard to the proposed countryside park, archaeology, infrastructure and ecology. This will allow for more rapid delivery Existing Use: Agricultural following grant of permission.

It is considered that this site will deliver homes within the five year period and that there is sufficient evidence to support this.

Potential Barriers: None identified

This site was submitted to the Council as part of the call for sites process for residential development. It has been assessed as being Status: Submitted through suitable for development. Outline planning permission has been Emerging Call for sites process - land HAS36 granted. It is considered that this site will deliver homes within the HT246 Allocation Bedford West Mid Beds Maulden Land North of Clophill Road Greenfield owner intent to develop 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 21 CB/17/00981 five year period but until further information is provided, and for the OUTLINE purposes of this trajectory, it will remain as 'developable' Existing Use: Agricultural Potential barriers: None identified

This site was submitted to the Council as part of the call for sites process for residential development. It has been assessed as being Status: Submitted through suitable for development. Outline planning permission has been Emerging Call for sites process - land granted. The planning agent has indicated that delivery will HAS37 Land between 129a and 131 Clophill Road, HT247 Allocation Bedford West Mid Beds Maulden Greenfield owner intent to develop commence in 22/23 with 20 dwellings. However, for the purposes of 0 Developable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 17/04583 Maulden OUTLINE this trajectory, the site will remain as developable until further Existing Use: Agricultural evidence is provided.

Potential barriers: None identified

Status: Submitted through This site was submitted to the Council as part of the call for sites Call for sites process - land process for residential development. It has been assessed as being Emerging owner intent to develop. suitable for development. Inland Homes will deliver the site. A Full HAS39 Allocation Resolution to grant and S106 application has been submitted and has a resolution to grant for 60 HT249 Stevenage Meppershall Land at 32 Shefford Road (Bandland Nursery) Greenfield 0 Deliverable 0 0 60 0 18 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 60 Full (pending S106) 18/03781/Full to be signed imminently. dwellings. The S106 is expected to be signed late April/early May (pending S106) 2019 Existing Use: Agricultural nursery Potential barriers: None identified

Status: Submitted through This site was submitted to the Council as part of the call for sites Call for sites process - land process for residential development. It has been assessed as being owner intent to develop. Emerging suitable for development. A full application for the first phase of 149 HAS46 Resolution to grant and S106 HT256 Allocation Stevenage Stondon Land to rear of Station Road Brownfield/greenfield dwellings has a resolution to grant. The S106 is due to be sealed in 0 Deliverable 0 0 149 0 42 42 42 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 149 149 18/00181/Full (pending S106) to be signed imminently. Full (pending S106) April 2019. Existing Use: Greyhound Potential barriers: Multiple ownership stadium, fields

Other completions on wholly completed sites (10 dwellings and above)

600 0 0 600

All small sites of less than 10 dwgs with planning permission at 30/09/18 (RM, FULL & OUT) (see note 1) 229 1235 175 665 702 1,762 312 173 96 54 30 17 9 5 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

109 Number of Dwelling losses dwellings built on since 2015 PERMISSION TYPE site since 1st April Dwellings LAND TYPE Total identified TRAJECTORY POLICY NO. Number under 2015 expected to Total delivery for Greenfield Beyond supply remaining REF NO. Full HMA QUADRANT PARISH NAME & SITE ADDRESS AVAILABLE? ACHIEVABLE? construction at end of CONCLUSION contribute toward 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 2032/33 2033/34 2034/35 2015-2035 plan Brownfield 2035 (2015-2035 plan PLANNING APPLICATION NO. Outline Q4 2019 the 5 year housing period (net) Mixed period) RM land supply

Small Sites (less than 10 dwellings) Windfall Allowance (based on delivery of 140 non garden land sites per annum) 240 240 240 0 0 44 86 110 Totals 1,541 7,796 192 9,648 2,300 2,590 1,773 1,618 1,367 1,518 1,611 1,294 1,064 758 544 556 401 352 349 302 2,637 18,397 26,001

OAN 32,000 Breakdown of completions (net) Basic annual requirement 1,600 2015/16 1,626 No. years into OAN period 4 2016/17 1,773 No. years remaining 16 2017/18 2,103 Annual requirement 1,525 2018/19 2,102 5 year requirement 7,624 Addition of 5% buffer 8,005 TOTAL 7,604 Supply 9,648 surplus/deficit 1,204 Surplus/deficit 1,643 Existing commitments 1,988 2,357 1,499 1,386 1,064 1,341 1,436 1,159 1,061 756 543 556 401 352 349 302 Years supply 6.03 Small windfall 312 173 96 54 30 17 9 5 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0

Small windfall allowance 0 0 44 86 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 1. At 31/03/2019 there were 906 (net) dwellings with planning permission on sites of 9 dwellings or less. These have been spread across the plan period using past information on annual completions and expiry rates. Information on how this has been derived is set out in the Windfall Topic Paper. Note: 2. Allocations H1(15) and H1 (17) - Figures take into account a reduction in dwelling numbers due to overhead high voltage transmission lines Windfall allowance Completions

110 Appendix 7 Status of allocated B1-B8 employment sites as at 31st March 2019

Table 1: Status of B1-B8 employment sites allocated through the Site Allocations DPD (2011)

Gross area Land with Area Land under Land without Policy of Application planning Site Name Use Classes completed construction planning No. allocation Number permission - not (HA) (HA) permission (HA) (HA) started (HA)

Land East of Stratton Park, Biggleswade* EA1 B1/B2/B8 17.52 Various 3.83 10.13 3.55 0

Land North of Beamish Close, Sandy* EA2 B1/B2/B8 10.25 17/00642 2.96 0 0 7.29

Land at Doolittle Mill, Ampthill* EA3 B1/B2/B8 5.22 None 0 0 0 5.22

Land West of University Way/Wharley End, Cranfield* EA5 B1 5.25 None 1.86 0 0 3.39

Land between A421/Marston Gate Distribution Park, Brogborough* EA6 B1/B2/B8 8.30 Complete 8.30 0 0 0

Land adjacent 29 Clophill Road, Maulden* EA7 B1/B2/B8 1.85 None 0 0 0 1.85

Station Road/New Road, Sandy** MA1 B2/B8 1.00 Retail 1.00* 0 0 0

Land at Steppingley Road/Froghall Road, Flitwick** MA2 C2 1.1 16/02536 0 1.1 0 0

Land South of The Wixams, Houghton Conquest MA3 B1/B2/B8 5.00 None 0 0 0 5.00

Land at Moreteyne Farm, Marston Moretaine*** MA4 B1/B2/B8 0.42 15/00209 0 0.42 0 0

Land at Biggleswade Road, Potton MA5 B1 1.00 13/00921 0 1.00 0 0

Bridge Farm (and adjacent land), Ivel Road, Shefford** MA6 B1 2.00 Residential 2.00* 0 0 0

Land at former Pig Development Unit, Hitchin Road, Fairfield** MA7 B1/B2/B8 5.75 Residential 5.75* 0 0 0

Land at Chase Farm & land West/NE of High Street, Arlesey MA8 B1/B2/B8 10.00 17/01158 0 10.00 0 0

Cranfield University Campus, silsoe** MA9 A1 1.00 Complete 1.00* 0 0 0

TOTAL 75.66 26.7 22.65 3.55 22.75 * Areas adjusted to reflect accurate measurements ** The element of this mixed-use scheme allocated for employment purposes has now been developed for other uses *** The proportion of this mixed-use allocation to be developed for employment use has been reduced from 7 hectares to 0.42 hectares in the reserved matters permission. 111 Table 2: Status of B1-B8 employment sites allocated through the Mid Bedfordshire Local Plan (2005)

Gross area Outstanding land Area Land under Allocated land of Application w/ planning Site Name Policy No. Use Class completed construction w/out planning allocation Number permission – not (HA) (HA) permission (HA) (HA) started (HA)

Phases 1/2/3, Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade* EMP4(1) B1/B2/B8 34.74 Complete 34.74 0 0 0

Phase 4, Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade* EMP4(1) B1/B2/B8 20.48 Various 12.81 6.79 0 0.87

Land North of Sunderland Road, Sandy EMP4(2) B1/B2/B8 5.7 18/00321 4.2 0.89 0 0.61

Land West of Girtford Bridge, Sandy* EMP4(3) B1/B2/B8 16.39 None 14.39 0 0 2.00

Residential Land at Bedford Road, Marston Moretaine** HO8(3A) B1 3.00 1.9 1.1 0 0 /Retail

Land at Arlesey Brickworks, Arlesey EMP4(4) B1/B2/B8 2.00 Complete 2.00 0 0 0

Land at Ridgmont Brickworks, Brogborough (Prologis Park) EMP4(5) B1/B2/B8 34.17 Complete 34.17 0 0 0

Cranfield Technology Park, Cranfield * EMP4(6) B1 35.71 17/05862 13.58 10.67 0 11.472

Land South of Stotfold HO8(10) B1 2.27 02/00242 0 2.27 0 0

Land forming Phase 3, Shefford Industrial Estate, EMP4(10) N/A 1.33 Residential 1.33 0 0 0 Shefford*/***

Land adjacent 29 Clophill Road, Maulden* EMP4(10A) B1/B2/B8 0.85 None 0.5 0 0 0.35

Robinson’s Depot and Land off Steppingley Road, Flitwick **** TCS7 B1 1.72 Residential 0 0 0 1.72

TOTAL 158.36 119.62 21.72 0 17.02 * Areas adjusted to reflect accurate measurements ** 1.9ha of this mixed-use site allocated for employment purposes has been developed for residential. *** Land allocated at Shefford Industrial Estate has been granted permission at appeal for residential development **** Employment land at Robinson’s Depot, Flitwick is allocated for mixed use development. The amount of land to be developed for B1 use is yet to be determined

112 Table 3: Status of B1-B8 employment sites (Category 1) allocated through the South Bedfordshire Local Plan (2004)

Outstanding land Gross area of Area Land under Allocated land w/out Application w/ planning Site Name Policy No. allocation completed construction planning permission Number permission – not (HA) (HA) (HA) (HA) started (HA)

Land off Grovebury Road, adj. Leighton Buzzard Bypass E1 4.1 Retail 0.0 0 2.51 1.59

Land at Chartmoor Road, Grovebury Road, Leighton Buzzard E1 5.7 16/02866 0.48 0 0 5.22

Land at Firbank Way, Leighton Buzzard E1 0.42 None 0 0 0 0.42

Land rear of Billington Road, Leighton Buzzard E1 0.43 None 0 0 0 0.43

Land at Arenson Way, Woodside Park, Dunstable E1 0.82 None 0 0 0 0.82

Former LINPAC site, Luton Road, Dunstable E1 3.77 Retail/ Residential 0.82 2.95 0 0

Unit 4, Humphrys Road, Woodside Park, Houghton Regis E1 0.62 Complete 0.62 0 0 0

Unit 6, Humphrys Road, Woodside Park, Houghton Regis E1 0.61 Complete 0.61 0 0 0

Unit 13, Humphrys Road, Woodside Park, Houghton Regis E1 0.88 Complete 0.88 0 0 0

Unit 14, Humphrys Road, Woodside Park, Houghton Regis E1 0.64 Complete 0.64 0 0 0

Land at, Eyncourt Road, Woodside Park, Houghton Regis E1 0.77 None 0 0 0 0.77

Land rear of Youngs Estate, Stanbridge Road, Leighton Buzzard E1 1.09 None 0 0 0 1.09

TOTAL 19.85 4.05 2.95 2.51 10.34

113 Glossary

Term Abbreviation Definition

An annual public report to be produced by local Authority Monitoring authorities to assess their progress on the AMR Report implementation of the LDS and the effectiveness of the Local Plans in terms of policy achievement

The Local Plan document together with any adopted Neighbourhood Plans constitutes the statutory Development Plan - development plan. Documents that set out the vision for shaping Central Bedfordshire and contain the policies which guide planning decisions

Formal document that sets out planning policy in the Local Plan - area

The term for a range of policy plans that are shown Development Plan DPD geographically on an adopted Proposals Map. Subject Documents to independent examination

Allocation of sites for specific or mixed uses or development contained in Local Plan documents. Site Allocations SA Policies will identify any specific requirements for individual proposals

These constitute a set of criteria-based policies which Development are required to ensure that all development within an - Management Policies area meets the spatial vision and objectives set out in the Local Plan

The adopted Policies Map illustrates, on a base map a registered scale, all the policies contained in Local Plan documents, together with any saved policies. It must be revised as each new Local Plan or Policies Map - Neighbourhood Plan is adopted, and it should always reflect the up-to-date planning strategy for the area. Proposals for changes to the adopted policies map accompany submitted local plan documents in the form of a submission policies map

Provide supplementary information in respect of the Supplementary Planning policies in Local Plan documents or saved policies. SPD Documents They do not form part of the Development Plan and are not subject to independent examination

A tool for appraising policies to ensure they reflect sustainable development objectives (e.g. social, environmental and economic factors) and a requirement in the Act to be undertaken for all Local Sustainability Appraisal SA Plans. This process incorporates the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment

114 In Central Bedfordshire, Town & Parish Councils are the bodies who can produce Neighbourhood Plans. There are two types of documents that can be produced; Neighbourhood Plans which may allocate Neighbourhood Plans NP land for development and/or include policies against which planning applications are judged, and Neighbourhood Development Orders which can grant planning permission for a specific type of development

A local planning authority must submit a Local Plan for independent examination to the Secretary of State, Examination - publish a notice and invite representations, to be made within a specified period of at least six weeks

The local authority or council that is empowered by Local Planning Authority LPA law to exercise statutory town planning function for a particular area

Essentially a work programme for new planning policy documents. Identifies relevant policy guidance, Local Development LDS timetables for production, risks and mitigation Scheme strategies and looks at all aspects that feed into the process

A suite of planning documents which outline the Local Development LDF district’s planning policies, saved policies and Framework supplementary planning guidance

A document that demonstrates how local Sustainable Communities organisations and agencies will work together to SCS Strategy improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of their areas

The Duty to Cooperate places a legal duty on local planning authorities, county councils in England and public bodies to engage constructively, actively and on an ongoing basis to maximise the effectiveness of Local Plan preparation in the context of strategic Duty to Cooperate DtC cross boundary matters. It is not a duty to agree but local planning authorities should make every effort to secure the necessary cooperation on cross boundary matters before they submit their Local Plans for examination

The Localism Act 2011 is an Act of Parliament that changes the powers of local government in England. Localism Act 2011 - The aim of the act is to facilitate the devolution of decision-making powers from central government control to individuals and communities

The NPPF sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. It provides a framework within which local National Planning Policy NPPF people and their accountable councils can produce Framework their own distinctive local and neighbourhood plans, which reflect the needs and priorities of their communities

115 Findusonline: Call: 0300 300 8307 Email: [email protected] W riteto: Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, Bedfordshire SG17 5TQ