WEDDIN SHIRE COUNCIL All correspondence to be addressed to: The General Manager P.O. Box 125 Camp Street GRENFELL NSW 2810 Phone: (02) 6343 1212 Email:
[email protected] Website: A.B.N. 73 819 323 291 MINUTES OF THE WEDDIN SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING HELD THURSDAY, 18 MARCH 2021 COMMENCING AT 5:00 PM 11 March 2021 Dear Councillors, NOTICE is hereby given that an ORDINARY MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE SHIRE OF WEDDIN will be held in the Council Chambers, Grenfell on THURSDAY NEXT, 18 MARCH 2021, commencing at 5:00 PM and your attendance is requested. Yours faithfully GLENN CARROLL GENERAL MANAGER 1. OPENING MEETING 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY 3. APOLOGIES AND COUNCILLOR LEAVE APPLICATIONS 4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES - Ordinary Mtg 18/02/2021 - Extra-Ordinary Mtg 25/02/2021 5. MATTERS ARISING 6. DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST 7. PUBLIC FORUM 8. MAYORAL MINUTE(S) 9. MOTIONS WITH NOTICE 10. CORRESPONDENCE (as per precis attached) 11. REPORTS: (A) General Manager (B) Director Corporate Services (C) Director Engineering (D) Director Environmental Services (E) Delegates 12. ACTION LIST 13. COMMITTEES MINUTES - Quandialla Swimming Pool Ctee Extra-Ordinary Mtg, 05/02/2021 - The Grenfell Henry Lawson Festival of Arts Ctee Mtg, 03/03/2021 - Quandialla Swimming Pool Ctee Mtg, 05/03/2021 - Award Restructuring Consultative Ctee Mtg, 10/03/2021 - OLT Mtg, 16/03/2021 14. TENDERS AND QUOTATIONS 15. QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE 16. CLOSED COUNCIL 17. RETURN TO OPEN COUNCIL 18. REPORT ON CLOSED COUNCIL 19. CLOSURE PRESENT: The Mayor Cr M Liebich in the Chair, Crs P Best, C Bembrick, S O’Byrne, P Diprose, S McKellar, J Parlett, C Brown, and J Niven.