Facebook & Instagram Basics

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC

Sarah Benoit Co-founder and Lead Instructor of the JB Media Institute President of Creative Original, Inc.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Many brands are now asking… “Are we ready for social advertising?”

Social Have you or your team been asking the Media questions like: Advertising ● Should we boost posts on ? ● Can we run a successful campaign to increase our followers? ● How do we promote content properly and drive more traffic to our website? JBMediaInstitute.com Step 1 - Who Are Your Ads For?

In order to make#d2cc2d the money you spend on ads worthwhile you have to know your target market in a deeper way.

Don’t just define the demographics of your perfect customer, focus on interests and behaviors as well.

Take the time to really understand the desires, beliefs, problems, limitations, capabilities, values, and needs of your audience. Step 2 - What is Your Ad Campaign About?

Ads and ad campaigns must have a clear purpose in order #d2cc2d to succeed. ● What is the core message behind the ad or ads you are

running? Write it in a single statement. ● Be authentic make an emotional connection. When people feel your brand shares a journey with them, it makes the

message more memorable and shareable. ● Use the KISS method: Keep it Simple, Sweetie. Don’t clutter the message or the takeaway is too confusing and gets lost. Marketing Plans VS. Marketing Campaigns

According to#d2cc2d Debra Murphy of Masterful Marketing...

“A marketing plan provides the overall, high level strategy based on the business’s objectives over a period of time.”

“A marketing campaign is a focused, tactical initiative to achieve a specific marketing goal.” Step 3 - What Ad Content Will You Prioritize?

There are a wide variety of social media ads you can #d2cc2d create. You can promote images, website pages, videos, downloads, polls, quizzes, contests, etc.

Choose the mediums and content styles that attract your audiences and make your story stand out in a sea of online content.

Be creative. Encourage engagement. Make it memorable. Ad Objectives

#d2cc2d Ad Specs

#d2cc2d Commonly Used File Formats


Images and Videos can be uploaded to Facebook and Instagram.

JPEG/JPG/PNG - image files MOV/MP4 - video files Image and Video Sizing

What are image aspect ratios? The aspect ratio#d2cc2d of an image describes the proportional relationship between its width and its height. It is commonly expressed as two numbers separated by a colon, as in 16:9. What are pixels? From “picture element” - Pixels are a minute area of illumination on a display screen, one of many from which an image is composed. What are GB, MB, and KB? The difference between a kilobyte (KB smallest), a megabyte (MB), a gigabyte (GB), and a terabyte (TB largest) is size and nothing more. Bytes are pieces of information and a file is made up of bytes. Ad Specs

Buffer’s#d2cc2d 2018 Facebook Advertising Specs Buffer is a social media management platform. They have an extensive blog where you can learn about social media and stay up to date with trends. Each year they update their guide to Facebook advertising specs to reflect the most recent image and video files sizes and formats, as well as the ad types available.

Let’s Check It Out Ad Specs

Sprout Social’s#d2cc2d 2018 Instagram Advertising Specs Sprout Social is another social media management platform. They also have an extensive blog where you can learn about social media and stay up to date with trends. Their guide to Instagram advertising specs corresponds to image and video files sizes and formats used on Facebook, as well as the ad types available.

Let’s Check It Out Ad Design Tools 1. Make sure you have a PNG file of your logo. 2. If possible, take original photos and design branded graphics. Create visual consistency. 3. Use Canva.com to create more customized designs.

Canva allows you to upload your own photos, choose a Facebook/Instagram ad template, choose a layout/style you prefer, and add graphic elements and fonts of your choice.

©2017 JB Media Institute LLC Quick Tip

Avoid too much text in your ads. Only 20% of the graphic should have text. Test on Facebook before you upload the image. Step 4 - How Will You Define Success?

Before you begin your ad campaign, set some goals and #d2cc2d identify some Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) like: ● Reach ● Engagement ● Click-through rates ● Website traffic ● Website conversions

***Even if your first campaign does not accomplish all of your goals, being able to analyze exactly what was achieved and what was not will make the next ad campaign even more successful. Where to Begin... Social Media Follow these 5 steps if you are managing ads on Advertising social media. Once you have completed these steps you are prepared to run successful campaigns.

JBMediaInstitute.com 1. Learn Your Ad Managers The Facebook Ad Manager (AKA the Business Manager) allows you to: 1. Choose the objective of your campaign and the types of ads 2. Build your saved or custom audiences 3. Create your ads with your branded design assets 4. Set your budget and timeline 5. Track and evaluate your ads performance

This is the same the Ad Manager, Pinterest Ad Manager, LinkedIn Ad Manager, etc.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Why Learn the Ad Manager Before you boost or promote a post on Facebook or via the Instagram app you want to build Saved Audiences that reflect the different kinds of people, niche audiences, or market segments you want to reach, engage, and convert.

Once you have Saved Audiences when you boost/promote a post you can choose audiences you have previously created. ©2018 JB Media Institute LLC 2. Build Strong, Targeted Audiences

For Facebook and Instagram campaigns you can create very targeted, Saved Audiences by identifying demographics, interests, and behaviors.

You can exclude and include different things and combine different characteristics to advertise to more qualified people.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Building Audiences with the Right Characteristics

Build and save specific qualified audiences made up of people niche markets and have unique demographics, behaviors, likes, and dislikes.

For example: Women within 60 miles of your Men and women within 60 miles of location who are moms with your location that have kids. elementary school age kids, that shop at Whole Foods, do yoga, and read O Magazine.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Pro Tip

If you have over 1000 website visitors per month use the Facebook Pixel to track people on your website and create a Custom Audience for remarketing. Pro Tip

Before you install and use the Facebook Pixel make sure you have added an alert to your website about how you allow third parties to collect and store cookies. Pro Tip

If you have at least 1500 - 2000 customers emails upload your email list to create a Custom Audience in the Facebook Ad Manager to target people who already love and support your brand. Pro Tip

If you are uploading email lists to Facebook and you have people on your list from any European country make sure you know how to be GDPR compliant. 3. Design Landing Pages for Conversion

Ads can drive people to a page of your website, but the page they land on must be relevant, useful, valuable, user-friendly, and what the visitor expected.

Landing pages must have clear calls to action so a larger percentage of visitors will convert.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Anatomy of a Successful Landing Pages

When people click from your social media to your website they must land on a page with clear calls to action so they convert.

★ Headline and sub-headline ★ Call to action ★ Graphic, image, or video that gets and keeps attention ★ Testimonials/Reviews/Accolades ★ Benefit list/Offers/Incentives

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Pro Tip

Test your landing pages to ensure they produce conversions. Use Analytics, click tracking and heat mapping tools like HotJar, and human feedback to ensure great usability. 4. Create Consistent Calls to Action Make the calls to action in your ads very clear, as well as the calls to action on your website.

● If you are building an email list make signing up easy and fast. ● If you are selling products, tickets, or services online make purchasing simple. ● If you want people to visit your location make directions easy to find and GPS enabled.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC 5. Run, Track, and Repeat Ads

● Make your campaigns live and give them at least 2 weeks, preferably 4+ weeks, to produce some kind of result.

● Review your tracking and confirm if your campaigns are reaching your goals.

● Adjust the current campaign and run it again to see if it performs better. Or start a new campaign and see if it generates better results.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Test Ad Copy, Graphics, and Audiences

Create different campaigns using different content and audiences to identify what gets more engagement and conversions.

Run ads for a minimum of 2 weeks so you gather enough data to make a comparison.

Or consider using Facebook’s Split Testing feature.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC What is Remarketing or Retargeting?

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC What is Remarketing? When visitors to your website leave without engaging with a call to action or making a purchase, it may feel as if you’ve lost them forever. But there’s hope! Here’s where remarketing comes in. Remarketing is a way to reconnect with these visitors by showing them your ads on other websites they visit after browsing yours —perhaps they need to see a promotion or reminder of your offerings to take that extra step and convert.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Why Remarketing? Remarketing is an attractive strategy because it has the potential to:

● Increase ROI and revenue ● Decrease cost per action (CPA) ● Increase click-through and conversion rates ● Increase lead generation ● Increase engagement rates

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC How Remarketing Works

★ Add remarketing tracking code to your site via the Facebook Pixel. ★ Once the code is added, visitors will be added to your remarketing list or audience ★ You can create an audience based on traffic to your entire site or to a specific page or pages. You can also exclude visitors of certain pages. ★ Once your list or audience is large enough you can launch ad campaigns targeting past website visitors

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Cookies and Remarketing

Most remarketing platforms use Cookies as part of their tracking method ★ What is a Cookie: “A cookie is a small amount of data generated by a website and saved by your web browser. Its purpose is to remember information about you, similar to a preference file created by a software application.” - TechTerms.com

©2017 JB Media Institute LLC Remarketing Lookalike Audiences One of the most exciting features of the Facebook Ad Manager is the Lookalike audiences, where the platform determines which users are the most similar to your audiences. When you create Custom Audiences via an email list of the Facebook Pixel you can ask Facebook’s Ad Manager to create an audience similar to those people. People who do not know your brand yet, but have important characteristics in common with your current audiences.

©2017 JB Media Institute LLC Resources JB Media Institute Free Learning #d2cc2d ● Free Monthly Webinar: Our next Digital Drop-in is Wednesday November 7 2018, ● Free Digital Marketing Toolkit

Online Learning ● Introduction to Content Marketing Course ● JB Media Institute Online: Last cohort of 2018 begins this week

Peer Mentoring and Coaching ● JB Media Institute All Access Cohort: Cohort accepts new attendees in October and November contact [email protected] for more info. Thank you!

Sarah Benoit #d2cc2d Lead Instructor & Co-founder of JB Media Institute-President of Creative Original, Inc. (828) 242-0277 [email protected] www.JBMediaInstitute.com www.AshevilleWebDesign.net

Connect with me on social media! http://www.facebook.com/SarahDBenoit http://www.twitter.com/SarahDBenoit http://www.linkedin.com/in/SarahDBenoit http://www.google.com/+SarahBenoitavl http://www.instagram.com/sarahdbenoit Thank you!


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