THE WEEK AHEAD SUNDAY MASS Lenten Fast  Year C Live the Word ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: atholic ink Divine Office: Week II  14 April 2019 Hosanna to the Son of David, blessed is he C Mon 15 Apr HOLY WEEK who comes in the name of the Lord, the King L Isaiah 42:1-7; Psalm 27; John 12:1-11 of Israel: Hosanna in the highest. Kindness carries a great power – it transforms both FIRST READING: Isaiah 50:4-7. the giver and the receiver. Lord, grant me the pa- RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 22. tience to offer kindnesses in your name and the The Great Week grace to accept them when they are offered to me. RESPONSE: My , my God, why have you forsaken me? HEN Christians speak of the Great The key to articulating this mystery of the death Tue 16 Apr HOLY WEEK 1. All who see me deride me; Week they are referring to the week and was already at hand in Isaiah 49:1-6; Psalm 71; John 13:21-33.36-38 they curl their lips, they toss their heads; which begins today, Palm Sunday, and the Jewish faith in the Passover celebration. The ‘He trusted in the Lord, let him save him; W Imagine what Jesus must have felt, after three years with runs to Easter Sunday. In the Western Church annual Passover was not just a commemoration let him release him, for in him he delights’. Judas, as he sadly watched him leave the room. He didn’t ℟ we speak rather of Holy of a long-past event; try stop him, but trusted in his Father’s overarching good- 2. For dogs have surrounded me; Week. It is the greatest it was a present ness, whom he knew could tranform disaster into life. a band of the wicked besets me. They tear holes in my hands and my feet; week in the Church’s reality for the Jewish Wed 17 Apr HOLY WEEK I can count every one of my bones. ℟ year and is the summit community. The fact Isaiah 50:4-9; Psalm 69; Matthew 26:14-25 3. They divide my clothing among them, and source of all our that Jesus died and Almost all of Jesus’ disciples betrayed him – they all they cast lots for my robe. liturgies and all other rose in the context ran away and left him to his fate. And we often do But you, O Lord, do not stay afar off; celebration. of the Passover the same in small, personal ways, through sin. Lord, my strength, make haste to help me! ℟ The week opens celebration helped give me the to stay true to you. 4. I will tell of your name to my kin, with the celebration the early Christians to and praise you in the midst of the assembly; of “Palm Sunday of the see that Christ’s death Thu 18 Apr HOLY THURSDAY ‘You who fear the Lord, give him praise; Passion of the Lord”, to and resurrection are Exodus 12:1-8.11-14; Psalm 116; John 13:1-15 all descendents of Jacob, give him glory; give it its proper title. a present reality also. revere him, all you descendents of Israel’. ℟ In washing his disciples' feet, Jesus demonstrated the Today’s feast recalls Because the Sacred radical form of love we are to enact if we are to be SECOND READING: Philippians 2:6-11. the messianic entry of Triduum is the most his followers. True service comes naturally when we GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Jesus, Redeemer, into significant celebration believe in the radical equality of all human beings. Glory and praise to you, O Christ. Christ became obedient for us unto death, even death on a Jerusalem to accomplish of Christ’s Passover, Fri 19 Apr GOOD FRIDAY cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him, his paschal mystery. It so it is the occasion for Isaiah 52:13–53:12; Psalm 31; John 18:1–19:42 and bestowed on him the name which is above involves a symbolic the Passover of new “Jesus’ body is a standing icon of what humanity is every name. Glory and praise to you, O Christ. and the ’s Entry into Jerusalem in the Christians: they are Scrovegni Chapel, , , c.14thC doing and what God suffers ‘with,’ ‘in,’ and ‘through’ GOSPEL: Luke 22:14-23, 56. public proclamation of baptized, confirmed us. It is an icon of utter divine solidarity with our pain COMMUNION ANTIPHON: the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (this year – and incorporated into the Eucharist during this and our problems” (Fr Richard Rohr OFM) Father, if this chalice cannot pass without my according to Luke). It is celebrated in the context Sacred Triduum, specifically during the Easter Sat 20 Apr HOLY SATURDAY drinking it, your will be done. of the Eucharist and it invites us to follow in Vigil. They go into the tomb with Him and they Genesis 1:1–2:2; Psalm 104; Matthew 28:1-10 Christ’s footsteps “so that being made by his Rise with him in great joy and happiness; they If we enter into the silence of Holy Saturday, its bare- In Finding Our Way to God, Fr. Dennis Billy: grace partakers of the Cross, we may have a share become part of the Body of Christ, crucified ness gives us no distractions. There is nowhere to go • Teaches active listening, which is essential also in his Resurrection and in his life” (Roman and risen. for spiritual directors. Sacramentary). Our liturgical books remind us: “In accordance but inwards; into the very empty places of our own • Emphasizes the continuity between a soul and imagination. person’s spirituality and morality through The other great feast this week is the Sacred with the tradition of the early Church, the sacred growth in the and gifts of the Triduum (three days). Because this feast is spread Easter fast should be celebrated on Good Friday Sun 21 Apr RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Holy Spirit. • Provides an understanding of how spiritual over three days it is easy to slip into thinking of the Passion of the Lord and even, as suitable, Acts 10:34.37-43; Psalm 118; Luke 24:1-12 direction can be adapted to meet the that there are three feasts: Holy Thursday (The extended to Holy Saturday, so that the joys of the Love is stronger than death. Jesus walked through both needs of a wide variety of people. Eucharist), Good Friday (death and burial of Jesus), Lord’s Resurrection may be arrived at with alert life and death with love, which becomes an infinite life, • Helps the reader use Alphonsian spirituality as a backdrop for conducting R450 Easter Vigil (Resurrection of Jesus). The reality is and open mind” (SC 110). Such an Easter fast is a participation in God. Nothing dies forever, and all that Redemptorist Pastoral Publications spiritual direction. plus delivery has died in love will be reborn in an even larger love different. The Sacred Triduum is one feast: the not a fast of repentance, but a fast of excitement, To order email [email protected] or visit death and resurrection of Jesus. From the earliest reverence and preparation. (KEY: SOLEMNITY; FEAST; Memorial; (Optional Memorial) our website Office hours days of the Church, it was unthinkable to separate May our celebration of the Sacred Triduum this

Books from Tue-Fri 08.30am-1.00pm the death and resurrection of Jesus. To speak of year help us to interpret our own lives in the light Redemptorist Copyright. Do not reproduce without permission. © Redemptorist Pastoral Publications, P O Box 341, Merrivale, 3291. one was to speak of the other. of the Paschal mystery. Publications Phone 087 808 2369. Fax 086 545 4381. Email: [email protected]. Internet: Printed by Paarl Media. SouthAfrica HOLY REDEEMER PARISH Please pray our sick: Helga Boyles, Pam Cable, Gloriana Cloete, Dulcie Da Silva, Mavis Da Silva, Wilf de Hahn, Matthew Ford, Caryn Gortan, Peter Hansen, Dale Heynes, Parish Priest: Fr. Anthony Padua CSsR e-mail: [email protected] Dawn Heynes, Russell Heynes, Kerry Heideman, George Hitchman, Marcel Le Breton, Gerald Louw, Fr. Lunny, Fennis Michaels, Di Owens, Ray Pankhurst, Monty Pasqualie, 13th / 14th April 2019 PALM SUNDAY Page 126 Ernest Peskin, Wynand Rinkwest, Sybil Robbins, Elaine Roodt, Jean Rother, Marion Samuels, Anthony Scott, Elizabeth Scott, Jane September, Lionel September and Margir WEEKLY DIARY MASS INTENTIONS Wilhelm.

14th April Sun PALM SUNDAY 7am Parishioners In your for pray for Ian de Hahn who died suddenly. MHSRIP. 9am Jeremy Fernandez Amen. Second Collection at 11am Special Intention

all Masses 6pmDebbie and Mick Freeman RIP 15th April Mon Confessions after 8.30 6.15am Private Intention THE SACRED PASCHAL TRIDUUM Mass Fundraising 8.30am meeting to plan for The Paschal Triduum begins with the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, reaches its high point in the Easter Vigil. On Good Friday and, if possible, also on Holy Saturday until the Food Fair etc 7pm in Catholic Men’s Ministry 7.30 Room 2. Vigil, the Easter fast is observed everywhere. Edna Cottle room. Come and join us as individuals and families for these high days of our faith. Don’t be th 16 April Tues Confessions after 8.30 6.15am Private Intention afraid to invite those who have not been to Mass for some time. Everyone needs to Mass; Care n Craft; 8.30am Michael Mitte healing experience the love, mercy and salvation which is ours in Jesus Christ. SVP 6.30 in Room 2 RCIA (Edna Cottle) + HOLY THURSDAY: Charismatics 7.30pm Chrism Mass @ Our Lady Help of Christians, Landsdowne at 10am 17th April Wed Confessions after 8.30 6.15am Private Intention Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm Mass; Alzheimer 8.30am Bernard Friese & Roy Watching at the Altar of Repose in the Adoration Chapel till 10pm Wilson RIP group at 10am Prayer n Life @ 10am GOOD FRIDAY: Day of fasting and abstinence. 18th April Thurs HOLY Thursday No am parish Masses

Mass of the Oils 7.30pm Antonio Gorgulho RIP Stations of the Cross @ 10am 19th April Fri Good Friday 10am Stations of Cross Solemn Celebration of the Lord’s Passion @ 3pm. Collection for Holy Land Holy Land Collection 3pm Passion of the Lord 20th April Sat Easter Vigil 7.30pm Families of Redemptorists HOLY SATURDAY – Day of silence, fasting and waiting 21st April Sun Easter Sunday 7am Special Intention Easter Vigil Mass at 7.30pm – please bring candle and container 9am Antonio Gorgulho RIP 2nd Collection of 11am Parishioners EASTER SUNDAY - No evening Mass Redemptorists NO EVENING MASS From Monday 22nd April – Friday 26th there is only ONE Mass at 8.30am

Tel: 021 71 222 10 or 712 118 [email protected] The Redemptorist Community joins the PPC and the PFC in wishing all our families and those in ministry a joyous and holy Easter! NEW TESTAMENT - [email protected] WORKSHOP SATURDAY 27 APRIL 2019 Highlighting opportunities for Parishioners to contribute to their Church and Parish with time, talent or treasure. REDISCOVERING THE JESUS OF THE GOSPELS How to study the Gospels to discover the truth about Jesus and his Good News. Will you rise to the Parish Fund Raising challenge? Led by world renowned Fr. Paul de Cock OMI. Shrinking numbers and rising costs bring a great challenge to the Parish as

collections alone no longer cover our running costs. Fund raising is critical to Fund Raising and Food Fair 2019 Planning Meeting Monday 15 April maintaining your parish buildings. Can you assist? Please join us on Monday 25th April at 7pm in the Edna Cottle room as we start preparing for our Food It’s time to kick off the planning for the 2019 Parish Food Fair. Fair 2019 and other parish fund raisers. Bring new ideas and lots of enthusiasm! For our “Club 100”group for R 50 /month and s chance of winning cash prizes All Ministries and interested parishioners are invited to the initial Food Fair and Fund while helping to raise funds for maintenance. See porch/office for details. Raising meeting to prepare for our big parish annual event - The 2019 Food Fair and other fund raisers to help balance the budgets. Planned Giving Renewals and Census – coming your way. Meet at the Edna Cottle Room in the Parish Centre at 7pm Monday 15th April. Please contact Paddy 083 6290529 for more information. Its time to refresh our Parish community database. Parish Council would like to combine our Planned Giving renewals in May/June with a census update of families, full names, email addresses and contact details. Watch bulletin! EASTER COLLECTION Only one collection will be taken up at all Masses over the Easter weekend in Laudato Si – Care for our common home - Mother Earth. thanksgiving to the Redemptorist Community. Should you prefer to pay per EFT, herewith banking details: Name of Account: Holy Redeemer Parish, Bank: Pope Francis calls us to care for our planet, and so we are looking for Standard Bank, Branch: Constantia, Branch Code: 025309, Account No: volunteers to lead and guide the PPC in what can be done by the parish to 071805427. Reference: Surname/EOF. ensure we respect and nurture our environment. Please contact Paddy (083 6290529) or the office if you would like to be part of this ministry.

LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR – led by Archbishop Stephen and other well respected Reminder: request for help for the Taize conference 25 – 29 September 2019 Priests. Please see notice board! Parish families are asked to host 50 – 150 young adult Pilgrims attending the Happy to just Donate? Remember Holy Redeemer is on SnapScan (Downlaod conference. Holy Redeemer requires a coordinator for supporting this event for and try the app today. Use SnapScan to make a donation. those in our parish. Please contact the office/ Brandon to offer assistance.

Please support our Repository – Help needed – can you assist?

Raising the height of the rear security gates Re-covering our notice boards in the porch. Please contact the office.

Time, Talent and Treasure Corner

Parish Time, Talent and Treasure Corner

Highlighting opportunities for Parishioners to contribute to their Church and Parish with time, talent or treasure.

Will you rise to the Parish Fund Raising challenge? Shrinking numbers and rising costs bring a great challenge to the Parish as collections alone no longer cover our running costs. Fund raising is critical to maintaining your Parish buildings and equipment. Can you assist? Join us on Monday 15th April at 7pm in the Edna Cottle room as we start preparing for our Food Fair 2019 and other parish fund raisers. Bring new ideas and lots of enthusiasm. Too busy or committed, why not join our —C l u b 100“ group for R50/month and stand a chance of winning cash prizes while helping to raise funds for Maintenance. (See porch/contact office for details)

Planned Giving Renewals and Census - coming your way. It‘s time to refresh our Parish community database. Parish Council would like to combine our Planned Giving renewals in May/June with a census update of Families, full names, email addresses and contact numbers. Watch for details in the bulletin.

LAUDATO SI‘ Care for our Common Home - The planet In line with Pope Francis guidance and focus on Our Common Home , our parish is looking for a volunteer(s) to lead and guide the PPC in what can be done by the parish and parishioners to ensure we respect and nurture our environment and reduce our impact on the environment. Please contact Paddy (083 6290529) or the office if you would like to be part of this ministry.

Reminder: Request for help for the Taizé conference at Holy Redeemer, 25-29 September 2019. Cape Town is hosting a —Pilgrimage of Trust“ - Taizé conference. Taizé is a wonderful meditative form of music and chant worship. Each Parish is asked for host families for 50-150 global adults and young Pilgrims attending the conference. Holy Redeemer requires a coordinator for supporting this event and our parish communities involvement. Please volunteer by contacting Fr Anthony or Theresa at the office. More info directly on

Help needed - can you assist: Raising the height of the rear security gates Re-covering our notice boards in the porch Please contact the Parish office (021 712 2210) if you can help

Happy to just donate? Remember Holy Redeemer is on SnapScan (download and try the app today) Use snapscan to make a donation

Working together by sharing time and talent to build our Parish and create opportunities for prayer and worship for all as a vibrant and welcoming expression of our Catholic Faith. St Joseph's Marist College: Give your child the gift of a Catholic Education! Book a tour or discovery day via [email protected] or call 021 685 6715 (Belmont Road, Rondebosch).