University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 4-13-1994 Sandspur, Vol 100 No 20, April 13, 1994 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 100 No 20, April 13, 1994" (1994). The Rollins Sandspur. 17. Shakespeare's MACBETH is coming next to the Annie Russell. Plan ahead to catch a Sports For the first time ever, Tars Baseball has performance of the last show of the 1993-94 been ranked #1 in Division II by Collegiate theatre season. Baseball. —page 4 —page 11 THE SANDSPUR 894 • CENTENNIAL VOLUMVOLUMEE • ^ 994 Volume 100 Issue #20 Rollins College - Winter Park, Florida April 13, 1994 WHERE DOES Rollins Celebrates National ETHNICITY END Student-Athlete Day AND RELIGION BEGIN? BY CHRIS SMITH fondspur about the new group. As stated by Trang Nguyen, member of the The Muslim Student Asian American Student Association's desire, to become a Association, "The Cultural Action member of the Cultural Action Committee should stick to the more Committee has fueled a debate over precise interpretation of what nature of the CAC and what culture is. Otherwise they will qualifications a group must fulfill obscure the purpose of their become a member.