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TIREST US 9 , 880 , 088 B2 FORCE -CLAMP SPECTROMETER WITH The directmanipulation of single molecules allows for the FUNCTIONALIZED CANTILEVER TIP application of force in a vector aligned with the reaction coordinate (Evans , E . & Ritchie , K . (1997 ) Biophys . J . 72 , This application is a continuation -in -part of International 1541- 1555 ), avoiding the heterogeneity of bulk studies . Application No. PCT/ US2011 /044084 , filed Jul. 14 , 2011 , 5 Earlier works using single molecule techniques have which claims priority to U . S . Provisional Application No. described the rupture forces necessary to cleave single 61/ 364 , 208 , filed on Jul. 14 , 2010 , and U . S . Provisional covalent bonds, including Si - C bonds in polysaccharide Application No . 61/ 364 ,640 filed on Jul. 15 , 2010 , the attachment (Grandbois , M ., Beyer, M ., Rief, M . , Clausen contents of each of which are hereby incorporated by Schaumann , H . & Gaub , H . E . ( 1999 ) Science 283 , 1727 reference in their entireties 10 1730 ) , Au Au bonds in nanowires (Marszalek , P . E . , This invention was made with government support under Greenleaf, W . J . , Li, H . , Oberhauser , A . F . & Fernandez , J . M . HL66030 and HL61228 awarded by NIH . The government ( 2000 ) Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci. USA 97 , 6282 -6286 ; Rubio has certain rights in the invention . Bollinger, G ., Bahn , S . R ., Agrait , N ., Jacobsen , K . W . & All patents , patent applications, published patent applica - 15 Vieira, S . (2001 ) Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 026101) , and Ni2 + tions, granted patents and publications cited herein are NTA attachments (Conti , M ., Falini, G . & Samori, B . (2000 ) hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety . The Angew . Chem . Int. Ed . 39 , 215 -218 ). disclosures of these publications in their entireties are However, these studies have not been able to describe the hereby incorporated by reference into this application in effect of force on the dynamics and kinetics of these reac order to more fully describe the state of the art as known to 20 tions, nor have they examined more complex chemical those skilled therein as of the date of the invention described reactions beyond simple bond rupture . herein . Accordingly , there is a need in the art for devices and Alegre- Cebollada et al. , “ Single -molecule Force Spec - methods to describe the effect of force on the dynamics and troscopy Approach to Enzyme Catalysis , " Journal of Bio - kinetics of these reactions , and to examine more complex logical Chemistry, Vol 285 , pp . 18961 - 18966 ( 2010 ) ; Perez - 25 chemical reactions beyond simple bond rupture . Jimenez et al ., “ Diversity of Chemical Mechanisms in Thioredoxin Catalysis Revealed by Single -Molecule Force SUMMARY Spectroscopy ” , Nat . Struct . Mol . Biol. , Vol 16 ( 8 ), pp . 890 896 (2009 ) ; Wiita et al ., “ Probing the Chemistry of Thiore The disclosed subject matter relates to a force - clamp doxin Catalysis With Force ” , Nature 450 , 124 - 127 ( 2007 ) ; 30 spectrometer that enables operation in constant force mode and Wiita et al. , “ Force -Dependent Chemical Kinetics of and allows for automated data acquisition and analysis , Disulfide Bond Reduction Observed With Single -Molecule using feedback electronics and software . The force - clamp Techniques . PNAS 103 : 19 , 7222 - 7227 (2006 ) . For the pur spectrometer may be used in methods for the measurement poses of the U . S ., the contents of Alegre - Cebollada et al ., of the dynamics of chemical reactions, including , but not “ Single -molecule Force Spectroscopy Approach to Enzyme 35 limited to , the dynamics of the measurement of substrate Catalysis , ” Journal of Biological Chemistry , Vol 285 , pp . folding and unfolding , as well as bond cleavage and bond 18961 - 18966 (2010 ) ; Perez - Jimenez et al . , “ Diversity of formation . Chemical Mechanisms in Thioredoxin Catalysis Revealed In some embodiments , the force- clamp spectrometer is by Single -Molecule Force Spectroscopy, ” Nat. Struct. Mol. used to manipulate substrates, including , but not limited to , Biol. Vol 16 ( 8 ) , pp . 890 -896 ( 2009 ) ; Wiita et al ., “ Probing 40 single proteins, to study substrate folding and unfolding. For the Chemistry of Thioredoxin Catalysis With Force , ” Nature example , the method may directly measure the dynamics of 450 , 124 - 127 (2007 ); and Wiita et al. , Force -Dependent folding and unfolding events in real - time . In one embodi Chemical Kinetics of Disulfide Bond Reduction Observed ment , the dynamics of folding and unfolding are identified With Single -Molecule Techniques. PNAS 103 : 19 , 7222 through a fingerprint signal, thus removing the risk of false 7227 ( 2006 ), " are herein incorporated by reference . 45 positives and the need for control experiments . In another embodiment, the dynamics are measured as a function of a BACKGROUND force applied . The force may be applied to a bond , allowing for force spectroscopy reactions involving the bond . In other This disclosure relates to force - clamp spectrometers and embodiments, the force - clamp spectrometer is used for the force - clamp spectroscopy techniques . 50 measurement of the dynamics of the cleavage of a bond . For The intersection of force and chemistry has been studied example , the method may directly resolve bond cleavage for over a century, yet not much is known about this events in real- time . In one embodiment, the dynamics are phenomenon compared with more common methods of identified through a fingerprint signal, removing the risk of chemical catalysis . There are a number of reasons for this false positives and the need for control experiments . In discrepancy , but one of the most important factors remains 55 another embodiment , the dynamics are measured as a func that it is quite difficult to directly measure the effect of force tion of a force applied . The force may be applied to a bond , on a bulk reaction . This difficulty arises because an applied allowing for force spectroscopy reactions involving the force is not a scalar property of a system ; it is associated with bond . In yet other embodiments , the force - clamp spectrom a vector. As a result , it is often not possible to directly probe eter is used for the measurement of the formation of a bond . the effect of force on a particular reaction because of 60 For example , themethod may measure the dynamics of bond heterogeneous application of force and a distribution of formation in real- time. In one embodiment, the dynamics are reaction orientations (Beyer , M . K . & Clausen - Schaumann , identified through a fingerprint signal, removing the risk of H . (2005 ) Chem .Rev . 105 , 2921 -2948 ) . To fully quantify the false positives and the need for control experiments . In effect of an applied force on a chemical reaction , it is another embodiment, the dynamics are measured as a func necessary to generate an experimental system where the 65 tion of a force applied . The force may be applied to a bond , reaction of interest is consistently oriented with respect to allowing for force spectroscopy reactions involving the the applied force . bond . US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 In some embodiments , a single molecule is suspended kinetic rates and shifts in equilibrium . In one embodiment, between the tip of the cantilever and the coverslip . The the kinetic rates are measured . In another embodiment , shifts extension of this molecule is controlled through a piezo , in equilibrium are measured . while the force generated is measured through the bending In another embodiment, the instant disclosure relates to a of the cantilever. The bending angle of the cantilever is 5 method of measuring the cleavage of a bond . In some constantly monitored by reflecting a laser beam off its embodiments , the bond is a covalent bond . In other embodi ments , the bond is a non - covalent bond . The method may backside, and detecting the reflected beam on a split pho include , for example , providing a sample and analyzing the todetector. The force on the cantilever is thus directly sample using the force - clamp spectrometer of the instant proportional to the difference signal from the photodetector* , 10 disclosure . In one embodiment, the sample comprises a i . e . the difference in voltage between its two sensors . substrate . In another embodiment, the sample comprises one The cantilever chip is mounted in the fluid cell , which or more enzymes . In another embodiment, the sample com includes an inclined cantilever mount adjacent to a trans prises a substrate and an enzyme. In some embodiments , the parent surface where the laser beam can pass through . The enzyme is an oxidoreductase enzyme. In other embodi laser can be focused on the cantilever by monitoringg the 15 ments , the enzyme is a thioredoxin . In still other embodi beam spot through the camera . When the alignment is done , ments , the enzyme is a protein disulfide isomerase . In the camera and objective are swiveled out of the way . The another embodiment, the enzyme is protease, esterase, phos coverslip is mounted on the piezo , ( liquid ) sample is added phodiesterase , or glycosidase . In another embodiment, the to the coverslip , and the piezo can then be swiveled into enzyme is a hydrolase . In some embodiments , the sample place , facing the cantilever . 20 comprises a compound that reacts with a bond . The com During force- clamp operation , the feedback system pound may be , but is not limited to , a reducing agent , an adjusts the extension of a suspended molecule until a oxidizing agent, a nanoparticle , or a small molecule . In set -point force is reached . This is achieved through a nega another embodiment , the sample comprises an ion . In some tive feedback circuit that takes the difference between the embodiments , the sample comprises an inhibitor. In other measured force and the setpoint force as error signal, pro - 25 embodiments , the sample comprises an activator. Inhibitors cesses it , and then feeds this signal back to the piezo . and activators may be , but are not limited to , small mol In one aspect, the instant disclosure relates to a force - ecules . In one embodiment, the inhibitor is an enzyme clamp spectrometer. The force - clamp spectrometer may inhibitor . In another embodiment, the activator is an enzyme include , for example , a cantilever chip ; a piezo - electric activator. positioner ; a laser and focusing optics; a split photodetector; 30 In another embodiment, the instant disclosure relates to a a data acquisition card ; a computer , feed - back electronics ; a method of measuring the formation of a bond . In some cantilever holder or a fluid cell, at least one movable stage ; embodiments , the bond is a covalent bond . In other embodi a sample disc or a sample coverslip ; a CCD camera ; a ments , the bond is a non -covalent bond . The method may microscope objective ; a prism ; at least one mount ; an optical include , for example , providing a sample and analyzing the bread board ; a vibration insulation table ; and control and 35 sample using the force - clamp spectrometer of the instant analysis software . disclosure . In one embodiment , the sample comprises a In some embodiments , a force - clamp spectrometer is substrate . In another embodiment, the sample comprises one provided that includes a cantilever, a force applicator or more enzymes . In another embodiment, the sample com mounted on a hinged stage; a coverslip positioned over the prises a substrate and an enzyme. In some embodiments , the force applicator , wherein the coverslip is configured to 40 enzyme is an oxidoreductase enzyme . In other embodi suspend a single molecule between the tip of the cantilever ments , the enzyme is a thioredoxin . In still other embodi and the coverslip ; and a detector to measure bending of the ments , the enzyme is a protein disulfide isomerase . In cantilever. In one embodiment , the force applicator is a another embodiment, the enzyme is protease, esterase, phos piezo - electric positioner . In another embodiment , the detec - phodiesterase, or glycosidase . In another embodiment, the tor comprises a laser and optics . In yet another embodiment, 45 enzyme is a hydrolase . In some embodiments , the sample the detector comprises a split photodetector. comprises a compound that reacts with a bond . The com In some embodiments , the cantilever chip is, for example , pound may be, but is not limited to , a reducing agent, an a MLCT chip from Veeco ; the piezo - electric positioner is a oxidizing agent, a nanoparticle , or a small molecule . In PicoCubeTM positioner from Physic Instrumente ; the laser & another embodiment, the sample comprises an ion . In some focusing optics is 51 nanoFCM , from Schafter + Kirchhoff ; 50 embodiments , the sample comprises an inhibitor. In other the split photodetector is a QP50 photodetector from Pacific embodiments , the sample comprises an activator. Inhibitors Silicon Sensor ; the data acquisition card is USB -6289 , from and activators may be, but are not limited to , small mol National Instruments . In other embodiments , the cantilever e cules . In one embodiment, the inhibitor is an enzyme holder or the fluid cell is a MMTMEC holder / cell from inhibitor. In another embodiment, the activator is an enzyme Veeco and the movable stages are AgilisTM mounts from 55 activator. Newport® . In another embodiment, the instant disclosure relates to a The feedback settings , force protocol and data acquisition method ofmeasuring the folding and / or the unfolding of a are all controlled from the computer , for example , through a substrate . The method may include, for example , providing custom made software package developed in IGOR (Wave - a sample and analyzing the sample using the force - clamp metrics ) . The software allows for automated operation for 60 spectrometer of the instant disclosure . In one embodiment, several days without manual intervention . Also included in the sample comprises a substrate . In another embodiment , the software are analysis features developed for several the sample comprises one or more enzymes . In another specific assays , including the study of bond cleavage , bond embodiment, the sample comprises a substrate and an formation , and folding and unfolding . enzyme. In some embodiments , the enzyme is an oxi In another aspect , the instant disclosure relates to a 65 doreductase enzyme. In other embodiments , the enzyme is a method for the measurement of the dynamics of chemical thioredoxin . In still other embodiments , the enzyme is a reactions. Dynamics may include , but are not limited to , protein disulfide isomerase. In some embodiments , the US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 sample comprises a compound that reacts with a bond . The for 1 s and then stepping to a force of 200 pN for 7 s (black compound may be, but is not limited to , a reducing agent, an trace ). FIG . 6B shows the same experiment in the presence oxidizing agent, a nanoparticle , or a small molecule. In of 12 . 5 mM DTT . another embodiment, the sample comprises an ion . In some FIG . 7 shows ensemble measurements of the kinetics of embodiments, the sample comprises an inhibitor. In other 5 thiol/ disulfide exchange . FIG . 7A shows three recordings are embodiments , the sample comprises an activator Inhibitors shown of single (127G32C - A75C ) 8 polyproteins that were and activators may be , but are not limited to , small mol extended with the same double -pulse protocol shown in ecules . In one embodiment, the inhibitor is an enzyme FIG . 6B . FIG . 7B upper shows a four- trace average (red inhibitor. In another embodiment, the activator is an enzyme trace ) of the double -pulse experiments shown in FIG . 7A activator. 10 and FIG . 6B . FIG . 7B lower shows the average force traces . In another aspect, the instant disclosure relates to a FIG . 8 shows graphs of thiol/ disulfide exchange events substrate used for measuring the dynamics of chemical measured by using the double -pulse protocol as a function of reactions . In one embodiment, the substrate is used for force and DTT concentration . measuring the cleavage of a bond . In another embodiment, FIG . 9A is a plot of the rate of the thiol/ disulfide the substrate is used for measuring the formation of a bond . 15 exchange. FIG . 9B is a plot of the energy landscape of the In yet another embodiment, the substrate is used for mea - thiol_ disulfide exchange reaction under force . FIG . 9C is an suring folding and / or unfolding . In one embodiment, the illustration of the thiol/ disulfide exchange reaction between substrate is a polymer . In one embodiment, the substrate is a DTT molecule and a disulfide bond under a stretching a protein or a polypeptide. In another embodiment, the force substrate is a nucleic acid . In another embodiment, the 20 FIG . 10A is a schematic illustrating molecular stretching. substrate is a polysaccharide . In another embodiment, the FIG . 10B shows the results of stretching a single ( 127SS ) 8 substrate is an engineered polymer . molecule is stretched in the absence of Trx . FIG . 10C shows In one embodiment, the commercial opportunity for the the results of stretching a single (127SS ) 8 molecule is disclosed subjectmatter lies in the precision ofmeasurement stretched in the presence of 8 uM Trx . of the reactivity of a reagent ( such as an enzyme or a 25 FIG . 11A shows results of an experiment where multiple chemical compound ) towards a specific bond . Coupled with single -molecule recordings of the test pulse only ( n = 10 - 30 ) force spectroscopy, the reaction kinetics measurements can were averaged to monitor the kinetics of disulphide bond reveal details about the reagent, for example , the direct reduction under force F . A single exponential is fitted to each detection ofbond cleavage and / or bond formation events , as averaged trace (smooth line ) , and the rate constant of well as folding and / or unfolding events, as opposed to the 30 reduction r = 1 / t . FIG . 11B shows r as a function of force at measurement of coupled reactions that might introduce bias [ Trx ] = 8 uM . FIG . 11C shows r as a function of [ Trx ) at in the data . various forces. Error bars in 11B and 11C represent the s . e . m . obtained from bootstrapping . Solid lines in FIGS . 11B BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS and 11C are fits using the kinetic model shown in FIG . 11D . 35 FIG . 12 is a plot of r as a function of force at The following figures are provided for the purpose of [ Trx ( P34H ) ] = 8 uM . illustration only and are not intended to be limiting . The FIG . 13A is a diagram of TRX (peptide -binding groove in patent or application file contains at least one drawing dark green ) bound to an NF -kB peptide. The inset (yellow executed in color. Copies of this patent or patent application spheres are sulphur atoms A , B and C ) shows the relative publication with color drawing ( s ) will be provided by the 40 position of the disulphide bond between TRX Cys 32 Office upon request and payment of the necessary fee . ( sulphur atom A ) and the NF -kB cysteine ( sulphur atom B ) . FIG . 1 is a view of an illustrative force clamp spectrom - FIG . 13B is a cartoon representation of the reduction by Trx eter according to some embodiments of the disclosed subject of a disulphide bond in a stretched polypeptide. FIG . 13C matter. shows force - dependent reduction by human TRX compared FIG . 2 is a series of views showing an illustrative flip 45 to E . coli Trx . platform of an illustrative force clamp spectrometer accord - FIG . 14 shows the phylogeny of Trx homologs from ing to some embodiments of the disclosed subject matter. representative species of the three domains of life . FIG . 2A shows the illustrative flip platform in the measuring FIG . 15 shows results from single -molecule force - clamp position . FIG . 2B shows the illustrative flip platform in the detection of disulfide bond -reduction events catalyzed by sample mounting position . FIG . 2C shows the illustrative 50 Trx enzymes . FIG . 15A is a graphic representation of the flip platform in the laser focusing position . force clamp experiment. FIG . 15B is a trace showing the FIG . 3 is a top view of an illustrative flip piezo mount in unfolding and consequent disulfide reductions of a the up position showing the sample coverslide, the piezo ( 127G32C - A75C ) 8 polyprotein . FIGS . 15C and 15D are electric actuator and the piezo motor according to some plots showing the probability of reduction ( Pred ( t ) ) obtained embodiments of the disclosed subject matter. 55 by summing and normalizing traces of disulfide bond reduc FIG . 4 is a detail front view of an illustrative force sensor t ions at different forces ( second pulse ) for pea Trxm ( 10 according to some embodiments of the disclosed subject mM ) (FIG . 15C ) and for poplar Trxhl ( 10 mM ) (FIG . 15D ). matter. FIG . 16 shows graphs depicting the force -dependency of FIG . 5A is a schematic showing the unfolding of the rate of disulfide reduction by Trx enzymes from different 127G32C -A75C . FIG . 5B shows the stepwise elongation 60 species . ( red trace ) of an ( 127632C - A75C ) 8 polyprotein pulled at a FIG . 17 shows three chemical mechanisms of disulfide constant force of 130 pN (black trace ) in the absence of reduction detected by force - clamp spectroscopy . DTT. FIG . 5C shows the stepwise elongation (red trace ) of FIG . 18 depicts structural analysis and molecular dynam an ( 127G32C -A75C ) 8 polyprotein pulled at a constant force ics simulations of the binding groove in Trx enzymes . of 130 pN (black trace ) in the presence of 50 mM DTT . 65 FIG . 19 is a schematic diagram of an illustrative single FIG .6A shows a typical double -pulse force -clamp experi- molecule force spectroscopy assay for the detection of single ment pulling the (127G32C - A75C )8 protein first at 130 pN reduction events by the enzyme thioredoxin . US 9 , 880 , 088 B2 FIG . 20 presents data and a schematic diagram illustrating continued translocation in vivo ) triggers collapse and the use of an illustrative single -molecule force spectroscopy enables folding, while retention of the intermediate enzyme method as a probe to study chemical reactions and enzy complex enables catalyzed oxidation of the substrate disul matic catalysis . fide. Error bars indicate the s. e. m . as determined from FIG . 21 . A single -molecule approach to the study of 5 bootstrap analysis . oxidative folding . FIG . 21A -21B , Protein disulfide FIG . 25 . Conceptual summary . FIG . 25A , Thiol -disulfide isomerase (PDI ) catalyzes disulfide formation in a polypep - oxidoreductases in the thioredoxin superfamily catalyze tide (blue ) undergoing ER translocation . FIG . 21C -21D , disulfide exchange by forming a mixed disulfide intermedi With the use of an atomic force microscope , we could ate complex with the substrate . FIG . 25B , TRX catalyzes reproduce the in vivo cysteine separation ( a ) and initiate 10 only reduction in vivo . FIG . 25C , PDI exhibits two reaction folding from this state . Disulfides and folded structures were paths . The results show that the pathway preference results subsequently identified through their mechanical finger - from a kinetic competition between the escape pathway and prints. substrate folding . FIG . 22 . PDI- catalyzed oxidative folding of Ig domains . FIG . 26 . The Ig polyprotein unfolded in the presence of FIG . 22A , Mechanical unfolding and refolding of an indi- 15 only 500 UM DTT displayed 11 nm partial unfolding steps vidual Ig domain in the presence of reduced PDI a . Applied but did not show any 14 nm reduction steps . force enables stochastic unfolding that is hindered by the FIG . 27 . Experiments on the Ig polyprotein in the pres presence of an intramolecular disulfide , yielding a stepwise ence of 500 UM DTT showed only unfolding and refolding extension of 11 nm and exposing the disulfide. This bond of the unsequestered part of the substrate . FIG . 27A , Rep can now be cleaved by reduced PDI a , yielding an additional 20 resentative trace . FIG . 27B , Step size histograms. 14 nm extension step and establishing an intermediate FIG . 28 . Oxidative folding with PDIa shows 25 nm steps complex . Switching off the force triggers collapse and in the probe pulse , evidence of incomplete oxidative folding. folding . FIG . 22B , Representative trace using a polyprotein FIG . 29 . Functional assay to measure effect of inhibitor substrate consisting of sequential Ig domains . A [denature - molecule on enzymatic activity . Using a force -clamp spec At- probel protocol was used , as described in the text. 25 trometer, the enzymatic activity of 200 uM PDI was mea Arrowheads indicate disulfide cleavage events (14 nm sured by detecting the cleavage of a disulfide in a substrate steps ). In this trace , six Ig domains were completely 127 protein . Accumulation of hundreds of such events unfolded and reduced . Four of these subsequently under - yielded a kinetic rate given as events per second . By adding went complete oxidative folding . Other traces revealed the inhibitor to the reaction volume, the measured rate refolding without disulfide formation ( 25 nm step , inset ) . 30 decreased in a concentration - dependent manner. FIG . 22C , Step size histograms confirm that PDI a catalyzes FIG . 30 . is a view of an illustrative force clamp spec oxidative folding in some domains and reduce other trometer according to some embodiments of the disclosed domains . subject matter . FIG . 23 . Replacement of a single atom in TRX enables FIG . 31 . Force - clamp Atomic Force Microscope (AFM ) . PDI- like catalysis of oxidative folding. FIG . 23A , The Ig 35 FIG . 31A , Schematics of the setup . The applied force is polyprotein was unfolded and refolded in the presence of measured through the reflection of a laser beam from a tip reduced human TRX . Arrowheads indicate disulfide cleav - cantilever onto a quadrant photodiode (PSD ) . At any time, age events ( 14 nm steps ) . In this trace , seven domains were the value of the measured force can be compared with the completely denatured . Four of these subsequently refolded , value of the set - point force and the PID feedback drives the albeit without disulfide formation . FIG . 23B , Step size 40 piezo actuator to reduce the error between these values . histograms confirm that TRX did not catalyze oxidative Under force -clamp conditions , protein unfolding events can folding , as seen from the absence of 14 nm steps in the probe be detected as stair -case like steps in the measured length . pulse . FIG . 23C , Representative trace showing that TRX Each step reports on the unfolding of an individual domain C35S can cleave disulfides and also catalyze oxidative of the tethered polyprotein . An unfolding event triggers a folding . In the probe pulse , 14 nm steps were occasionally 45 drop in force , which can be corrected by the feedback seen without preceding 11 nm steps, indicating that disulfide through the movement of the piezo to a new position . The formation had taken place whereas folding of these domains diagram shows four stages of the experiment: ( i) the canti had not completed . FIG . 23D , Step size histograms show lever being pushed into the protein layer , ( ii ) pulling of the that disulfides were formed in all refolded domains . polyprotein construct, ( iii ) unfolding of one domain , and ( iv ) FIG . 24 . Quantitative comparison of enzyme catalyzed 50 unfolding of all tethered domains . FIG . 31B , Schematics of oxidative folding. FIG . 24A , Substrate refolding after the analog PID controller used to maintain the force at a At = 5 s . All three enzymes allowed refolding to take place . given set -point . The error between the measured force and FIG . 24B , Percent of refolded domains displaying intramo - the set - point can be constantly measured and minimized lecular disulfides . FIG . 24C , Percent of substrate domains through displacement of the piezo . FIG . 31C , Schematics of having successfully completed oxidative folding . PDI and 55 the experimentmeasuring rates of chemical reactions under TRX C35S displayed no significant difference in the cataly - force . An initial force pulse unfolds the composing protein sis of oxidative folding , whereas TRX showed no detectable domains in short time with a step size All. A small nucleo activity. FIG . 24D , Substrate refolding kinetics, as percent phile molecule such as DTT , TCEP, hydroxyl or an enzyme age of initial number of folded substrate domains . FIG . 24E , like thioredoxin , PDI reduces the exposed disulfide bond , Disulfide formation kinetics , as percentage of initial number 60 displaying a different step increase , A1, . FIG . 31D , Different of disulfides in substrate . Solid lines show exponential fits to force protocols used in force -clamp AFM . ( i) A pushing the data . N = 84 traces ( TRX ) , N = 344 traces ( TRX C35S ) short force is followed by a constant pulling force . This FIG . 24F , In TRX , rapid nucleophilic attack by Cys35 Sy pulse is best suited for studies ofmechanical protein unfold leaves the substrate reduced before folding can take place . ing . The negative sign shows a push force and the positive FIG . 24G , Substitution of a single atom S( O ) eliminates 65 sign a pull force . ( ii ) Two pulling forces are used , one at the escape pathway of TRX , and the enzyme lingers on the which proteins unfold and one at which the chemical reac extended substrate . Switching off the applied force (or t ion occurs . ( iii ) The force is quenched between two pulling US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 10 pulses . This combination of force pulses is best suited to FIG . 36 . Illustration of possible problems during an AFM follow protein collapse and refolding at a low force ( Fer - force -clamp experiment. FIG . 36A , Force - extension curves nandez , J. M . & Li, H . Science 303 , 1674 - 1678 ( 2004 ) ; showing interference (top ) and no visible interference (bot Kosuri , P . et al. , Cell 151 , 794 - 806 (2012 ) ) . Refolding can be tom ) . Red traces are measured while approaching to the quantified from the number of domains that regain mechani - 5 surface and blue ones while redrawing from the surface . cal stability during the quench , as probed during the second FIG . 36B , Thermal fluctuations (power ) spectrum of a pulling pulse or probe pulse . FIG . 31E , Picture of an AFM MLCT- B cantilever in HEPES buffer away from the surface probe (MLCT , Bruker ) , showing a rectangular and a ( red curve ), close to the surface (blue curve ), and away from V -shaped cantilever. The laser has been focus on the end of the surface in a HEPES buffer containing 30 % glycerol the rectangular cantilever. FIG . 31F , Length ( top ) and force 10 ( green curve ) . The arrows mark the limits of the main (bottom ) traces of the unfolding and reduction of an ( 127 ) , resonance peak ( see also FIG . 32B ) . FIG . 36C , Deflection polyprotein mutated to have a buried disulfide bond . A first extension traces obtained on a properly dosed surface and on 190 PN short pulse unfolds the eight component domains an overdosed surface ( obtained by doping a gold surface with a step size of 11 nm (marked with blue ) . The force is with albumin ) . Small cantilevers capable of bending linearly then decreased to 110 PN where disulfide bonds are cleaved 15 only a few nm are prone to curvature errors in this part of the by the enzyme thioredoxin , showing extension steps of 13 . 5 calibration . The lines show fitted slopes far and close to the nm . surface , with little change in slope for the correctly dosed FIG . 32 . Calibration of AFM cantilevers. FIG . 32A , surface . Insert : Zoom - in of the area close to the surface . FIG . Spectra showing thermal oscillations of three cantilever 36D , Unfolding trace of 127C47/ 634 showing unfolding kinet models : Bruker MLCT- B (red trace ), Olympus 20 ics too fast to be captured with the used cantilevers and PID BL -RC150VB - A (orange trace ) , and Olympus BL -AC40TS settings. Insert: Drop in force due to unfolding of a protein (blue trace ) . Smaller cantilevers have higher resonance domain and its exponential fit , having a time decay of 1 .6 frequencies and enable better response times under force ms. The blue and red arrows in FIG . 36A and FIG . 36C clamp . The circles mark the limits of the main resonance indicate the change direction of travel of the surface relative peak . The grey area represents the signal area effectively 25 to the cantilever. used in the calibration of the Bruker MLCT- B . FIG . 32B , FIG . 37 . Summary of possible artifacts in force - clamp Deflection - extension curves measured on approach and AFM . Unfolding rates at different forces ( red circles ) and the retraction of the piezo relative to the cantilever. The slope fitted rate ( red line ) . The blue line represents regions where calculated from the contact region (dotted line ) yields the instrumental and analysis errors influence the measured bending distance of the cantilever as a function of the 30 rates. The time response of the PID sets an upper limit to the measured photodiode output. rates that is possible to measure . Detachment and selection FIG . 33 . Covalent attachment chemistry for AFM mea of short traces that do not capture all the events produce an surements . FIG . 33A , Schematics of the experiment. Glass artifactual plateau at lower rates . Cantilever calibrations surfaces are functionalized with a chloroalkane ligand which errors have a direct impact on the measured force sensitivity forms an ester bond with the HaloTag protein (red ), placed 35 (dotted lines) . Overestimation of the measured spring con at one end of the construct. The opposite end has a cysteine stant, km , compared to its real value, k , , leads to smaller amino acid that reacts with the gold functionalized cantile experimental slopes , while underestimation has the opposite ver . FIG . 33B , Force - clamp traces showing the unfolding of effect. the HaloTag , followed by eight unfolding steps of 127 and the detachment at a force of ~ 1 nN . 40 DETAILED DESCRIPTION FIG . 34 . Force - clamp traces measuring length ( red curves ) and force (black curves ) from two different experi- In one aspect, the instant disclosure relates to a device that ments. FIG . 34A , HaloTag - (127C41 / 634 ) 8 -Cys polyprotein comprises a flip force spectrometer, a USB electronic con construct exposed to a pulling force of 160 pN shows a troller box , and a computer for data acquisition and analysis . staircase increase in length corresponding to the unfolding 45 In a typical experiment, a single molecule is suspended of the nine proteins composing the construct. FIG . 34B , between the tip of the cantilever and the coverslip . The ( 12732 / 759) - Cys , in the presence of 10 uM human thiore - extension of this molecule is controlled through the piezo , doxin is exposed to a force of 190 pN to unfold eight protein while the force generated is measured through the bending domains ( 11 nm steps ) and to a 120 pN force to reduce the of the cantilever . The bending angle of the cantilever is disulfide bond and unravel the remaining amino acids . The 50 constantly monitored by reflecting a laser beam off its arrows show where the traces are cut in order to extract the backside , and detecting the reflected beam on a split pho unfolding and reduction kinetics respectively . todetector. The force on the cantilever is thus directly FIG . 35 . A walkthrough from cut traces to measured rates . proportional to the difference signal from the photodetector , FIG . 35A , Several traces , such as the one on FIG . 34A , i. e . the difference in voltage between its two sensors . showing unfolding steps of 127C47/ 63A , measured at a force 55 The cantilever chip is mounted in the fluid cell, which in of 160 pN . Insert: schematics of the unfolding process . FIG . its simplest version consists of an inclined cantilever mount 35B , Several traces , such as the one on FIG . 34B , showing adjacent to a transparent surface where the laser beam can reduction of 12732/ 75 , measure in the presence of 10 uM pass through . The laser can easily be focused on the canti thioredoxin at a force of 75 pN . Insert: Schematics of the lever by monitoring the beam spot through the camera . reduction process after unfolding . FIG . 35C , Summed 60 When the alignment is done , the camera and objective are curves obtained by averaging unfolding traces of 127C4771634/ 63A swiveled out of the way . The coverslip is mounted on the at different forces. The dashed lines represent single expo - piezo , ( liquid ) sample is added to the coverslip , and the nential fits used to extract the unfolding rates. FIG . 35D , piezo can then be swiveled into place, facing the cantilever . Histogram showing the measured rate from randomly cho . During force - clamp operation , the feedback system sen populations of 49 traces , using the boot - strapping 65 adjusts the extension of a suspended molecule until a method and finding for 127047/ 634 at 160 pN a value for the set- point force is reached . This is achieved through a nega unfolding rate of 2 . 0 + 0 . 2 s - ? . tive feedback circuit that takes the difference between the US 9 , 880 , 088 B2 12 measured force and the setpoint force as error signal, pro - photodiode is placed on top of an Agilis piezo motor to cesses it , and then feeds this signal back to the piezo . precisely position it remotely and automatically by the The feedback settings, force protocol and data acquisition controlling computer. The device may include, for example , can be all controlled from the computer, for example , upwards placement of the cantilever, a magnetic mount for through a custom made software package developed in 5 the deflecting prism , and an Agilis mounted photodiode IGOR (Wavemetrics ) . The software allows for automated which permits a fully hands - off remote operation . operation for several days without manual intervention . Also The instrument as it stands is fully automatic and may included in the software are analysis features developed for operate for hours or days without intervention of the opera several specific assays , including the study of bond cleavage tor. and formation and protein folding and unfolding . 10 In another aspect, the instant disclosure relates to the use This device is uniquely designed for doing force - clamp of the force -clamp spectrometer in a method for the mea spectroscopy of single proteins . As shown in FIG . 1 , the surement of the dynamics of chemical reactions . Dynamics device includes a PID controller for the force -clamp func - may include, but are not limited to , kinetic rates and /or shifts tion together with a high voltage power supply for piezo in equilibrium . actuator displacement ( gray box ) . The device includes a 15 In some embodiments , the force -clamp spectrometer is USB controller for the piezo motors ( smaller elongated used in a method for the measurement of the folding of a controller with buttons ) and a USB data acquisition and substrate . In other embodiments , the force - clamp spectrom control unit (white box with cable ). The device is mounted eter is used in a method for the measurement of the unfold on a small perforated optical table and placed on top of a ing of a substrate . In some embodiments, the dynamics of vibration isolation table (black box underneath the spec - 20 folding and /or unfolding are measured in real- time. In other trometer ) . The entire instrument may be connected to a embodiments , the dynamics of folding and / or unfolding are computer via , for example , a single USB cable . identified through a fingerprint signal, thus removing the The combined effect of these components is the ability, risk of false positives and the need for control experiments . with this device , to mechanically manipulate single proteins A fingerprint may include knowledge of the number of to study protein unfolding / folding and chemical reactions . 25 bonds within the substrate and / or the location of these The instrument is easy to use . An operator without any bonds . The fingerprint can thereby be verified as the number experience, for example , can learn to use it effectively in a of steps and / or the amplitude of these steps when monitoring few hours of training High quality single protein data can be the substrate extension during the reaction , for example . In rapidly obtained , on demand . other embodiments , the dynamics are measured as a func As shown in FIG . 2 and FIG . 3 , the device includes force 30 tion of a force applied . This force may be applied to a bond , spectrometer components that have a flip design . The flip allowing for force spectroscopy of the reactions involving design minimizes the number of moving parts of the spec - the bond . In some embodiments , the folding or unfolding of trometer , thereby greatly reducing drift and difficulty of a substrate is catalyzed by an enzyme. operation . In some embodiments , the flip design includes a In other embodiments , the force -clamp spectrometer is flip platform onto which a remotely operated piezo -motor 35 used in a method for the measurement of the cleavage of a controls the positioning of the main piezoelectric actuator bond in a substrate . In some embodiments , the dynamics of that actually pulls the molecules under feedback . In its bond cleavage are measured in real - time. In other embodi measuring position ( FIG . 2A ) , the flip platform is down and ments, the dynamics ofbond cleavage are identified through presents the sample to a cantilever mounted on the force a fingerprint signal, thus removing the risk of false positives sensor. In the set up configuration ( FIG . 2B and FIG . 3 ) , the 40 and the need for control experiments . A fingerprint may piezo mount is flipped up allowing access to the cantilever include knowledge of the number of bonds within the holder for cantilever placement, and allowing the protein substrate and /or the location of these bonds. The fingerprint sample to be placed on the surface of the piezo . Once a can thereby be verified as the number of steps and / or the cantilever is mounted in the force sensor, the video micro - amplitude of these steps when monitoring the substrate scope is flipped - in to observe the cantilever at high magni - 45 extension during the reaction , for example . In other embodi fication ( FIG . 2C ) , allowing the operator to precisely focus ments, the dynamics of bond cleavage are measured as a the laser beam on the cantilever . Once this is done , the video function of a force applied . In some embodiments , the bond microscope is flipped back , and the piezoelectric actuator is cleaved by a compound that reacts with the bond . In other with the new sample is flipped down into its measuring embodiments , bond cleavage is catalyzed by an enzyme. position ( FIG . 2A ) . This arrangement and sequence of 50 In yet other embodiments , the force - clamp spectrometer events is a feature of this device . In some embodiments , the is used in a method for the measurement of the formation of flip - force spectrometer includes at least one flip mount for a bond in a substrate . In some embodiments , the dynamics rapidly and reversibly switching positions of the camera and of bond formation are measured in real- time. In other of the piezo - electric positioner. embodiment, the dynamics of bond formation are identified The force sensor may be a modification of AFM instru - 55 through a fingerprint signal, thus removing the risk of false mentation altered to suit the requirements of a single protein positives and the need for control experiments . A fingerprint force spectrometer, which include but are not limited to may include knowledge of the number of bonds within the reduce drift , improve ease of operation , and minimize the substrate and / or the location of these bonds. The fingerprint number of moving parts . As shown in FIG . 4 , the device can thereby be verified as the number of steps and/ or the includes a fixed cantilever holder cell mounted with the 60 amplitude of these steps when monitoring the substrate cantilever facing up to enable the flip design and facilitate extension during the reaction , for example . In other embodi cantilever removal and laser focusing . As shown in FIG . 3 , ments , the dynamics of bond formation are measured as a the laser is focused on the cantilever using a tilt platform function of a force. In some embodiments , bond formation while observing the operation with the video microscope . As is catalyzed by an enzyme. shown in FIG . 4 , the reflected beam is steered towards the 65 In one aspect , the instant disclosure relates to a method of split photodiode using a magnetic orientable prism mounted measuring the dynamics of bond cleavage in a substrate by on magnets to eliminate drift. As shown in FIG . 4 , the split single -molecule force spectroscopy, the method comprising US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 13 14 a ) placing a sample comprising a substrate in the force In one aspect, the instant disclosure relates to a method of clamp spectrometer described herein ; b ) applying a force to measuring the dynamics of folding and bond formation in a the sample , wherein the force extends the substrate and ; c ) substrate by single -molecule force spectroscopy, the method detecting the absence of a bond( s ) , wherein the absence is comprising a ) placing a sample comprising a substrate in the indicative of bond cleavage . Dynamics may include, but are 5 force- clamp spectrometer described herein ; b ) applying a not limited to , kinetic rates and /or shifts in equilibrium . In force to the sample , wherein the force extends the substrate ; one embodiment, the dynamics include kinetic rates . The and ; c ) detecting the presence of a first bond ( s ) and a second absence of a bond may be detected , for example , by the total bond ( s ) , wherein the presence of a first bond ( s ) is indicative length of the substrate, and / or the length increase upon of substrate folding and the presence of a second bond( s ) is cleavage of a bond . In one embodiment, steps b ) and c ) of " indicative of bond formation . In one embodiment, the the method described are repeated over time. In another dynamics of substrate folding and bond formation are mea embodiment, the method further comprises measuring the sured independently . The presence of a bond may be dynamics of one or more additional substrates . detected , for example , by the total length of the substrate , In another aspect , the instant disclosure relates to a 16 and / or the length increase upon formation of a bond . method of measuring the dynamics of bond formation in a Dynamics may include , but are not limited to , kinetic rates substrate by single -molecule force spectroscopy, themethod and /or shifts in equilibrium . In one embodiment, the first comprising a ) placing a sample comprising a substrate in the bond is a non - covalent bond . In another embodiment, the force -clamp spectrometer described herein ; b ) applying a first bond is a covalentbond . In one embodiment , the second force to the sample , wherein the force extends the substrate ; 20 bond is a non - covalent bond . In another embodiment, the and ; c ) detecting the presence of bond ( s ) , wherein the second bond is a covalent bond . In another embodiment, the presence is indicative of bond formation . In one embodi- first bond is a non -covalent bond and the second bond is a ment, themethod further comprises measuring the dynamics covalent bond . In another embodiment, the first bond is a of substrate folding , wherein the presence of a second bond covalent bond and the second bond is a non - covalent bond . is indicative of substrate folding . The presence of a bond 25 In one embodiment, the dynamics include kinetic rates . In may be detected , for example , by the total length of the one embodiment, steps b ) and c ) of the method described are substrate , and / or the length increase upon formation of a repeated over time. In another embodiment, the method bond . In one embodiment, the dynamics of substrate folding further comprises measuring the dynamics of one or more and bond formation are measured independently . Dynamics may include , but are not limited to , kinetic rates and / or shifts 30 additional substrates. in equilibrium . In one embodiment, the dynamics include In another aspect, the instant disclosure relates to a kinetic rates . In another embodiment, steps b ) and c ) of the method ofmeasuring the dynamics of unfolding and bond method described are repeated over time. In another embodi cleavage of a substrate by single -molecule force spectros ment, themethod further comprises measuring the dynamics copy , the method comprising a ) placing a sample comprising of one or more additional substrates . a substrate in the force - clamp spectrometer described herein ; In one aspect, the instant disclosure relates to a method of b ) applying a force to the sample , wherein the force extends measuring substrate folding by single -molecule force spec the substrate ; and c ) detecting the absence of a first bond ( s ) troscopy , the method comprising a ) placing a sample com - and a second bond ( s ) , wherein the absence of a first bond is prising a substrate in the force - clamp spectrometer described indicative of substrate unfolding and the absence of a second herein ; b ) applying a force to the sample , wherein the force 40 bond is indicative of bond cleavage . The absence of a bond extends the substrate ; and ; c ) detecting the presence of may be detected , for example , by the total length of the bond (s ), wherein the presence is indicative of substrate substrate , and /or the length increase upon cleavage of a folding. The presence of a bond may be detected , for bond . In one embodiment , the first bond is a non - covalent example, by the total length of the substrate , and /or the bond . In another embodiment, the first bond is a covalent length increase upon formation of a bond . Dynamics may 45 bond . In one embodiment, the second bond is a non - covalent include , but are not limited to , kinetic rates and / or shifts in bond . In another embodiment, the second bond is a covalent equilibrium . In one embodiment, the dynamics include bond . In another embodiment, the first bond is a non kinetic rates . In one embodiment, steps b ) and c ) of the covalent bond and the second bond is a covalent bond . In method described are repeated over time . In another embodi - another embodiment , the first bond is a covalent bond and ment, the method further comprises measuring the dynamics 50 the second bond is a non - covalent bond . In one embodiment, of one or more additional substrates . the dynamics of substrate unfolding and bond cleavage are In another aspect, the instant disclosure relates to a measured independently . Dynamics may include , but are not method of measuring substrate unfolding by single -mol - limited to , kinetic rates and / or shifts in equilibrium . In one ecule force spectroscopy, the method comprising a ) placing embodiment, the dynamics include kinetic rates. In another a sample comprising a substrate in the force - clamp spec - 55 embodiment, steps b ) and c ) of the method described are trometer described herein ; b ) applying a force to the sample , repeated over time. In another embodiment, the method wherein the force extends the substrate ; and ; c ) detecting the further comprises measuring the dynamics of one or more absence of bond ( s ) , wherein the absence is indicative of additional substrates . substrate unfolding . The absence of a bond may be detected , In some embodiments , the sample comprises a compound for example , by the total length of the substrate , and /or the 60 that reacts with one or more bond ( s ) . The compound may be , length increase upon cleavage of a bond . Dynamics may but is not limited to , a reducing agent ( for example , dithio include, but are not limited to , kinetic rates and /or shifts in threitol or DTT) , an oxidizing agent, a nanoparticle , or a equilibrium . In one embodiment, the dynamics include small molecule . In another embodiment, the sample may kinetic rates . In one embodiment, steps b ) and c ) of the comprise an ion . method described are repeated over time. In another embodi - 65 In some embodiments , the sample comprises an inhibitor. ment, themethod further comprises measuring the dynamics In other embodiments, the sample comprises an activator. of one or more additional substrates . Inhibitors and activators may be , but are not limited to , small US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 15 16 molecules. In one embodiment, the inhibitor is an enzyme or at least about 99 % or more identity to any known or inhibitor . In another embodiment, the activator is an enzyme available polypeptide (e . g. , a therapeutic polypeptide, a activator. diagnostic polypeptide , an industrial enzyme, or portion In one embodiment, the sample comprises one or more thereof, and the like ) . Substrates that can be produced using enzyme( s) . In one embodiment , the enzyme is an oxi- 5 the methods described herein also include nucleic acids that doreductase enzyme. In another embodiment, the enzyme is have at least about 60 % , 70 % , 75 % , 80 % , 90 % , 95 % , or at an oxidase enzyme. In one embodiment, the enzyme is least about 99 % or more identity to any known or available thioredoxin . In another embodiment , the oxidase enzyme is nucleic acid . protein disulfide isomerase . In another embodiment, the Protein and polypeptide substrates that can be produced enzyme is a protease , esterase , phosphodiesterase , or gly - 10 according to the methods described herein also include cosidase . In another embodiment, the enzyme comprises one polypeptides comprising one or more non -natural amino or more mutations. Mutations may include , but are not acids . As used herein , a non - natural amino acid can be , but limited to , substitutions , deletions and / or point mutations . is not limited to , an amino acid comprising a moiety where In another aspect , the instant disclosure relates to a a chemical moiety is attached , such as an aldehyde - or substrate used for measuring the dynamics of chemical 15 keto - derivatized amino acid , or a non - natural amino acid reactions. In one embodiment, the substrate is a polymer. In that includes a chemical moiety . A non - natural amino acid another embodiment, the substrate has a folded structure . In can also be an amino acid comprising a moiety where a one embodiment, the substrate is a protein or a polypeptide . saccharide moiety can be attached , or an amino acid that In one embodiment, the substrate is a natural protein or includes a saccharide moiety . natural polypeptide. In one embodiment, the substrate is 20 Protein and polypeptide substrates can also comprise cadherin , selectin , IgCAM , fibronectin , fibrilin or titin . In peptide derivatives ( for example , that contain one or more another embodiment, the substrate is an engineered polymer. non - naturally occurring amino acids ). In specific embodi In one embodiment, the polymer contains domain repeats . In ments , the library members contain one or more non - natural one embodiment, the substrate is a nucleic acid . A nucleic or non - classical amino acids or cyclic peptides. Non - clas acid may include , but is not limited to , a deoxyribonucleic 25 sical amino acids include but are not limited to the D - iso acid , a ribonucleic acid or an oligonucleotide . In another m ers of the common amino acids , - amino isobutyric acid , embodiment, the substrate is a polysaccharide . In another 4 - aminobutyric acid , Abu , 2 - amino butyric acid ; - Abu , embodiment, the substrate contains domain repeats . In one - Ahx, 6 - amino hexanoic acid ; Aib , 2 - amino isobutyric acid ; embodiment, the substrate comprises one or more bonds . In 3 -amino propionic acid ; ornithine; norleucine ; norvaline , one embodiment, the bond is a single bond . In another 30 , sarcosine , citrulline , cysteic acid , t - butyl embodiment, thebond is a double bond . In one embodiment , glycine, t - butylalanine, phenylglycine , cyclohexylalanine , the bond is a covalent bond . In another embodiment, the .beta .- alanine , designer amino acids such as .beta .- methyl bond is a non - covalent bond . In another embodiment, the amino acids, C -methyl amino acids, N -methyl amino acids , bond is a disulfide bond . In another embodiment, the sub fluoro -amino acids and amino acid analogs in general . strate comprises one or more mutations . Mutations may 35 Furthermore , the amino acid can be D ( dextrorotary ) or L include , but are not limited to , substitutions , deletions and / or ( levorotary ) . point mutations. Such mutations can be made using any A substrate may comprise substrates that are well known suitable mutagenesis method known in the art . to those of skill in the art and have been described in detail In one embodiment, the substrate is used for measuring in the scientific literature . Several common modifications , the dynamics of folding. In another embodiment, the sub - 40 such as , lipid attachment, sulfation , gamma strate is used for measuring the dynamics of unfolding. In carboxylation of glutamic acid residues , and one embodiment, the substrate is used for measuring the ADP -ribosylation , for instance , are described in most basic dynamics of cleavage of a bond . In another embodiment, the texts , such as, for instance Creighton , Protein Structure and substrate is used for measuring the dynamics of formation of Molecular Properties , 2nd ed ., W . H . Freeman and Company a bond . Dynamics may include , but are not limited to , 45 ( 1993 ) . Many detailed reviews are available on this subject, kinetic rates and / or shifts in equilibrium . In one embodi - such as , for example , those provided by Wold , in Johnson ment, the dynamics include kinetic rates . ( ed . ), Posttranslational Covalent Modification of Proteins , Although several substrates are described herein , one of pgs. 1- 12 , Academic Press ( 1983 ); Seifter et al ., Meth . skill in the art will recognize that other substrates can also Enzymol. 182 : 626 -646 ( 1990 ) and Rattan et al. , Ann . N . Y . be used in the methods described herein . Substrates can be 50 Acad . Sci. 663 : 48 -62 ( 1992 ) . also generated using the methods described herein , includ - One can prepare a protein or polypeptide substrate that ing, but not limited to therapeutic proteins and proteins has post - translational modifications. Examples of types of susceptible to industrial use . post - translational modifications include, but are not limited Substrates produced according to the methods described to : ( Z ) -dehydrobutyrine ; 1 - chondroitin sulfate - L - aspartic herein can be from any source or origin and can include a 55 acid ester ; l ' - glycosyl- L - tryptophan ; l ' -phospho - L -histi substrate found in prokaryotes, viruses, and eukaryotes, dine ; 1 - thioglycine ; 2 - ( S - L - cysteinyl) - L -histidine ; 2 - [ 3 including fungi , plants , yeasts , insects , and animals , includ - carboxamido ( trimethylammonio ) propyl ] - L - histidine; 2 ' - al ing mammals ( e . g . humans) . Substrates that can be produced pha -mannosyl - L - tryptophan ; 2 -methyl - L - glutamine ; according to the methods described herein include, but are 2 -oxobutanoic acid ; 2 - pyrrolidone carboxylic acid ; 3 ' - ( 1 - L not limited to any polypeptide sequences, known or hypo - 60 histidyl) - L -tyrosine ; 3' -( Salpha -FAD )- L -histidine ; 3 '- (S -L thetical or unknown, which can be identified using common cysteinyl) - L - tyrosine ; 3 , 3 " , 5 - triiodo - L -thyronine ; 3 ' - 4 ' sequence repositories. Example of such sequence reposito - phospho -L - tyrosine ; 3 -hydroxy - L -proline ; 3 -methyl - L ries include, but are not limited to GenBank EMBL , DDBJ histidine; 3 -methyl - L -lanthionine ; 3 '- phospho - L -histidine ; and the NCBI. Other repositories can easily be identified by 4 '- ( L - tryptophan ) - L -tryptophyl quinone ; 42 N - cysteinyl searching on the internet . Substrates that can be produced 65 glycosylphosphatidylinositolethanolamine ; 43 -( T -L -histi using the methods described herein also include polypep - dyl) - L -tyrosine ; 4 -hydroxy - L - arginine ; 4 -hydroxy - L - ; tides have at least about 60 % , 70 % , 75 % , 80 % , 90 % , 95 % , 4 -hydroxy - L -proline ; 5' - (N6 - L - lysine) -L -topaquinone ; US 9 , 880 ,088 B2 17 18 5 - hydroxy - L - lysine ; 5 -methyl - L -arginine ; alpha - 1 -micro - N - acetylglycine; N - acetyl- L - glutamine ; N -acetyl - L - alanine ; globulin - Ig alpha complex chromophore ; bis - L - cysteinyl N - acetyl- L - aspartic acid ; N - acetyl- L - cysteine ; N -acetyl - L bis - L - histidino diiron disulfide ; bis - L - cysteinyl- L -N3 ' - histi glutamic acid ; N -acetyl -L -isoleucine ; N -acetyl - L -methio dino -L -serinyl tetrairon ' tetrasulfide; chondroitin sulfate nine ; N -acetyl - L -proline ; N -acetyl -L - serine; N -acetyl - L D - glucuronyl- D - galactosyl- D - galactosyl- D - xylosyl- L - ser- 5 threonine ; N - acetyl- L -tyrosine ; N -acetyl - L -valine ; ine; D - alanine ; D - allo - isoleucine ; D -asparagine ; dehydro - N - alanyl- glycosylphosphatidylinositolethanolamine ; N - as alanine; dehydrotyrosine ; dermatan 4 -sulfate D - glucuronyl paraginyl- glycosylphosphatidylinositolethanolamine ; N - as D - galactosyl- D - galactosyl- D -xylosyl - L - serine ; partyl- glycosylphosphatidylinositolethanolamine ; N - form D - glucuronyl- N -glycine ; dipyrrolylmethanemethyl- L -cys - ylglycine ; N - formyl - L -methionine ; N - glycyl teine ; D - leucine ; D -methionine ; D - phenylalanine ; D - serine ; 10 glycosylphosphatidylinositolethanolamine ; N - L -glutamyl D - tryptophan ; glycine amide; glycine oxazolecarboxylic poly - L - glutamic acid ; N -methylglycine ; N -methyl - L acid ; glycine thiazolecarboxylic acid ; heme P450 - bis - L alanine ; N -methyl - L -methionine ; N -methyl - L cysteine - L -tyrosine ; heme- bis -L -cysteine ; hemediol- L - as phenylalanine ; N -myristoyl - glycine ; N -palmitoyl - L partyl ester- L - glutamyl ester ; hemediol- L -aspartyl ester - L cysteine ; N - pyruvic acid 2 - iminyl -L -cysteine ; N - pyruvic glutamyl ester - L -methionine sulfonium ; heme- L - cysteine; 15 acid 2 - iminyl - L - valine; N - seryl - glycosylphosphatidylinosi heme- L - histidine ; heparan sulfate D - glucuronyl - D - galacto tolethanolamine ; N - seryl- glycosyOSPhingolipidinositole syl - D - galactosyl- D - xylosyl- L - serine ; heme P450 - bis - L -cys - thanolamine ; O - ( ADP -ribosyl ) - L -serine ; O - ( phospho - 5 ' -ad teine - L -lysine ; hexakis -L -cysteinyl hexairon hexasulfide ; enosine )- L - threonine ; O - (phospho - 5 '- DNA )- L - serine ; keratan sulfate D - glucuronyl- D - galactosyl- D - galactosyl- D O - (phospho - 5' - DNA )- L - threonine ; O - (phospho - 5 ' rRNA ) - L xylosyl - L - threonine ; L oxoalanine - lactic acid ; L phenyllac - 20 serine ; 0 - (phosphoribosyl dephospho - coenzyme A ) - L - ser tic acid ; 1 ' - ( 8alpha -FAD ) - L - histidine ; L - 2 ', 4 ', 5 '- topaqui- ine; O - ( sn - 1 - glycerophosphoryl) - L - serine ; 04' - ( Salpha none ; L - 3 ', 4 ' - dihydroxyphenylalanine ; L - 3 ', 4 , 5 - FAD ) - L -tyrosine ; 04 '- (phospho - 5 '- adenosine ) - L -tyrosine ; trihydroxyphenylalanine ; L - 4 '- bromophenylalanine; L -6 - 04 '- (phospho - 5 '- DNA ) - L - tyrosine ; 04 - (phospho - 5 -RNA ) bromotryptophan ; L -alanine amide; L -alanyl imidazolinone L - tyrosine; 04 '- (phospho - 5' -uridine )- L - tyrosine; 04 - glyco glycine ; L -allysine ; L - arginine amide ; L - asparagine amide; 25 syl - L -hydroxyproline ; O4' - glycosyl - L - tyrosine ; O4 '- sulfo L - aspartic 4 -phosphoric anhydride; L - aspartic acid 1 - amide ; L -tyrosine ; O5 -glycosyl - L -hydroxylysine ; O - glycosyl- L L -beta -methylthioaspartic acid ; L - bromohistidine ; L - citrul- serine ; O - glycosyl- L - threonine ; omega - N - ( ADP - ribosyl) - L line; L -cysteine amide ; L -cysteine glutathione disulfide ; arginine ; omega - N - omega - N ' - dimethyl- L - arginine ; omega L - cysteine methyl disulfide; L - cysteine methyl ester ; L - cys N -methyl - L - arginine ; omega - N -omega - N -dimethyl - L teine oxazolecarboxylic acid ; L - cysteine oxazolinecarbox - 30 arginine ; omega - N -phospho - L - arginine ; O ' octanoyl- L ylic acid ; L -cysteine persulfide; L -cysteine sulfenic acid ; serine; O -palmitoyl - L -serine ; O -palmitoyl - L - threonine ; L - cysteine sulfinic acid ; L - cysteine thiazolecarboxylic acid ; O - phospho - L - serine ; O - phospho - L -threonine ; O - phospho L - cysteinyl homocitryl molybdenum - heptairon -nonasulfide ; pantetheine - L - serine ; phycoerythrobilin - bis - L -cysteine ; L - cysteinyl imidazolinone glycine ; L -cysteinyl molybdop - phycourobilin -bis - L - cysteine ; pyrroloquinoline quinone ; terin ; L -cysteinyl molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide; 35 pyruvic acid ; S hydroxycinnamyl- L - cysteine; S - ( 2 -aminovi L - cystine ; L - erythro -beta -hydroxyasparagine ; L - erythro - nyl) methyl - D - cysteine ; S -( 2 - aminovinyl) - D - cysteine ; S - ( 6 beta -hydroxyaspartic acid ; L - gamma- carboxyglutarnic acid ; FW - L - cysteine; S - ( Salpha -FAD ) - L - cysteine ; S - ( ADP- ribo L -glutamic acid 1 -amide ; L - glutamic acid 5 -methyl ester ; syl) - L -cysteine ; S -( L - isoglutamyl) - L -cysteine ; S -12 L - glutamine amide ; L - glutamyl 5 - glycerylphosphoryletha - hydroxyfarnesyl- L -cysteine ; S -acetyl - L -cysteine ; nolamine; L -histidine amide ; L - isoglutamyl- polyglutamic 40 S -diacylglycerol - L -cysteine ; S - diphytanylglycerot diether acid ; L -isoglutamyl - polyglycine ; L -isoleucine amide; L - lan - L -cysteine ; S - farnesyl- L -cysteine ; S -geranylgeranyl - L -cys thionine; L - leucine amide ; L - lysine amide; L - lysine thiaz - teine ; S - glycosyl- L -cysteine ; S - glycyl- L - cysteine ; olecarboxylic acid ; L - lysinoalanine ; L -methionine amide ; S -methyl - L -cysteine ; S - nitrosyl- L -cysteine ; S -palmitoyl - L L -methionine sulfone ; L -phenyalanine thiazolecarboxylic cysteine ; S - phospho - L - cysteine ; S -phycobiliviolin - L -cyste acid ; L - phenylalanine amide ; L -proline amide; L - selenocys - 45 ine ; S -phycocyanobilin -L -cysteine ; S -phycoerythrobilin - L teine ; L - selenocysteinyl molybdopterin guanine dinucle - cysteine ; S - phytochromobilin - L - cysteine ; S -selenyl - L otide ; L - serine amide ; L - serine thiazolecarboxylic acid ; cysteine ; S -sulfo - L -cysteine ; tetrakis -L - cysteinyl diiron L -seryl imidazolinone glycine; L - T -bromophenylalanine ; disulfide ; tetrakis - L -cysteinyl iron ; tetrakis - L -cysteinyl tet L - T -bromophenylalanine ; L - threonine amide ; L -thyroxine ; rairon tetrasulfide; trans - 2 , 3 - cis 4 - dihydroxy - L -proline ; tris L - tryptophan amide; L - tryptophyl quinone ; L - tyrosine 50 L - cysteinyl triiron tetrasulfide; tris - L - cysteinyl triiron trisul amide ; L - valine amide; meso - lanthionine ; N - ( L - glutamyl ) - fide ; tris - L - cysteinyl- L -aspartato tetrairon tetrasulfide ; tris L -tyrosine ; N -( L - isoaspartyl) - glycine ; N - ( L - isoaspartyl) -L - L -cysteinyl - L -cysteine persulfido -bis -L - glutamato - L cysteine; N ,N ,N - trimethyl- L - alanine; N ,N -dimethyl -L -pro - histidino tetrairon disulfide trioxide; tris - L -cysteinyl - L - N3 ' line ; N2- acetyl- L - lysine; N2 - succinyl - L - tryptophan ; N4 histidino tetrairon tetrasulfide; tris - L - cysteinyl - L - NM ' ( ADP - ribosyl) - L -asparagine ; N4 - glycosyl- L - asparagine; 55 histidino tetrairon tetrasulfide; and tris - L - cysteinyl- L N4 -hydroxymethyl - L - asparagine ; N4 -methyl - L -asparagine ; serinyl tetrairon tetrasulfide. N5 -methyl - L -glutamine ; N6 -1 -carboxyethyl - L - lysine ; N6 - Additional examples of post translational modifications ( 4 - amino hydroxybutyl) - L -lysine ; N6 - ( L - isoglutamyl) - L - ly - can be found in web sites such as the Delta Mass database sine ; N6 - ( phospho - 5 ' - adenosine) - L - lysine ; N6 - ( phospho - 5 ' based on Krishna , R . G . and F . Wold ( 1998 ). Posttransla guanosine ) - L -lysine ; N6 ,N6 ,N6 - trimethyl- L - lysine ; N6 ,N6 - 60 tional Modifications . Proteins Analysis and Design . R . H . dimethyl- L - lysine; N6 -acetyl - L - lysine ; N6 -biotinyl - L - Angeletti. San Diego , Academic Press . 1 : 121 - 206 ; Methods lysine ; N6 -carboxy - L - lysine ; N6 - formyl- L - lysine ; in Enzymology, 193 , J . A . McClosky ( ed ) (1990 ), pages N6 - glycyl- L -lysine ; N6 - lipoyl- L - lysine; N6 -methyl - L -ly 647 -660 ; Methods in Protein Sequence Analysis edited by sine; N6 -methyl - N - 6 - poly ( N -methyl - propylamine ) - L - ly - Kazutomo Imahori and Fumio Sakiyama, Plenum Press , sine ; N6 -mureinyl - L - lysine ; N6 -myristoyl - L - lysine; 65 ( 1993 ) “ Post- translational modifications of proteins” R . G . N6 -palmitoyl - L - lysine ; N6 -pyridoxal phosphate - L - lysine ; Krishna and F . Wold pages 167 - 172 ; “GlycoSuiteDB : a new N6 -pyruvic acid 2 -iminyl - L - lysine; N6 -retinal - L - lysine ; curated relational database of glycoprotein glycan structures US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 19 20 and their biological sources” Cooper et al. , Nucleic Acids Growth Hormone ) , Oncogene products (Mos , Rel , Ras, Raf, Res. 29 ; 332 - 335 (2001 ) “ O -GLYCBASE version 4 . 0 : a Met, etc .) , Pleiotropin , Polypeptide A , Polypeptide G , Pyro revised database of O - glycosylated proteins” Gupta et al. , genic exotoxins A , B , and C , Relaxin , Renin , ribonucleic Nucleic Acids Research , 27 : 370 -372 ( 1999 ) ; and “ Phos - acids , SCF / c -kit , Signal transcriptional activators and sup phoBase , a database of phosphorylation sites: release 2 . 0 . " , 5 pressors (p53 , Tat, Fos , Myc , Jun, Myb , etc . ) , Soluble Kreegipuu et al. , Nucleic Acids Res 27 ( 1 ) : 237 -239 ( 1999 ) complement receptor 1 , Soluble 1 -CAM 1 , Soluble interleu see also , WO 02 /211 39A2 , the disclosure of which is kin receptors ( IL - 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9, 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 ) , incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. soluble adhesion molecules , Soluble TNF receptor, Somato Exemplary substrates that can be produced according to medin , Somatostatin , Somatotropin , Streptokinase , Super the methods described herein include but are not limited to , 10 antigens, i . e . , Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEA , SEB , cytokines, inflammatory molecules , growth factors , their SEC1, SEC2, SEC3, SED , SEE ) , Steroid hormone receptors receptors , and oncogene products or portions thereof. ( such as those for estrogen , progesterone , testosterone , Examples of cytokines, inflammatory molecules , growth aldosterone , LDL receptor ligand and corticosterone ) , factors , their receptors , and oncogene products include , but Superoxide dismutase (SOD ) , Toll - like receptors ( such as are not limited to e. g ., alpha - 1 antitrypsin , Angiostatin , 15 Flagellin ), Toxic shock syndrome toxin ( TSST - 1 ), Thymosin Antihemolytic factor, antibodies ( including an antibody or a a 1 , Tissue plasminogen activator, transforming growth functional fragment or derivative thereof selected from : Fab , factor ( TGF -alpha , TGF -beta ), Tumor necrosis factor beta Fab ', F (ab ) 2 , Fd , Fv, ScFv, diabody, tribody, tetrabody, ( TNF beta ), Tumor necrosis factor receptor ( TNFR ), Tumor dimer, trimer or minibody ) , angiogenic molecules, angio necrosis factor- alpha ( TNF alpha ) , transcriptional modula static molecules, Apolipopolypeptide, Apopolypeptide , 20 tors ( for example , genes and transcriptional modular poly Asparaginase , Adenosine deaminase , Atrial natriuretic fac peptides that regulate cell growth , differentiation and / or cell tor, Atrial natriuretic polypeptide, Atrial peptides, Angio - regulation ) , Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF ), tensin family members , Bone Morphogenic Polypeptide virus- like particle, VLA -4 /VCAM - 1, Urokinase , signal ( BMP- 1 , BMP - 2 , BMP - 3 , BMP- 4 , BMP- 5 , BMP -6 , BMP - 7 , transduction molecules, estrogen , progesterone, testoster BMP- 8a , BMP- 8b , BMP- 10 , BMP- 15 , etc . ) ; C — X C 25 one , aldosterone, LDL , corticosterone . chemokines ( e . g ., T39765 , NAP - 2 , ENA -78 , Gro - a , Gro - b , Other substrates that can be produced according to the Gro - c , IP - 10 , GCP - 2 , NAP - 4 , SDF - 1 , PF4 , MIG ) , Calci- methods described herein include , but are not limited to , tonin , CC chemokines ( e . g . , Monocyte chemoattractant agriculturally related polypeptides such as insect resistance polypeptide - 1 , Monocyte chemoattractant polypeptide - 2 , polypeptides ( e . g . , Cry polypeptides) , starch and lipid pro Monocyte chemoattractant polypeptide - 3 , Monocyte 30 duction enzymes , plant and insect toxins, toxin - resistance inflammatory polypeptide - 1 alpha, Monocyte inflammatory polypeptides , Mycotoxin detoxification polypeptides , plant polypeptide - 1 beta , RANTES , 1309, R83915 , R91733 , growth enzymes ( e . g ., Ribulose 1 , 5 - Bisphosphate Carboxy HCC1, T58847 , D31065, T64262) , CD40 ligand , C -kit lase /Oxygenase ), lipoxygenase , and Phosphoenolpyruvate Ligand , Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor, , Colony carboxylase. stimulating factor (CSF ), Complement factor 5a, Comple - 35 Other substrates that can be produced according to the ment inhibitor , Complement receptor 1, cytokines, (e . g ., methods described herein include , but are not limited to , epithelial Neutrophil Activating Peptide -78 , GRO alpha / antibodies , immunoglobulin domains of antibodies and their MGSA , GRO beta , GRO gamma, MIP - 1 alpha , MIP - 1 delta , fragments . Examples of antibodies include , but are not MCP - 1 ) , deoxyribonucleic acids, Epidermal Growth Factor limited to antibodies , antibody fragments , antibody deriva (EGF ) , Erythropoietin (“ EPO ” , representing a preferred 40 tives, Fab fragments , Fab ' fragments , F (ab ) 2 fragments , Fd target for modification by the incorporation of one or more fragments , Fv fragments , single -chain Fv fragments ( scFv ), non -natural amino acid ), Exfoliating toxins A and B , Factor diabodies, tribodies, tetrabodies , dimers , trimers , and mini IX , Factor VII , Factor VIII , Factor X , Fibroblast Growth bodies . Factor (FGF ) , Fibrinogen , Fibronectin , G -CSF , GM -CSF , In another embodiment, the disclosed subject matter is Glucocerebrosidase, Gonadotropin , growth factors , Hedge - 45 directed to a composition comprising a substrate for use in hog polypeptides ( e . g ., Sonic , Indian , Desert ) , Hemoglobin , the methods described herein and produced according to the Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF ) , Hepatitis viruses, Hiru methods described herein , and an additional component din , Human serum albumin , Hyalurin -CD44 , Insulin , Insu - selected from the group consisting of pharmaceutically lin - like Growth Factor ( IGF - I , IGF - II ) , interferons ( e . g ., acceptable diluents , carriers, excipients and adjuvants . interferon -alpha , interferon -beta , interferon - gamma, inter - 50 Substrates that can be produced according to the methods feron - epsilon , interferon -zeta , interferon -eta , interferon - described herein can also further comprise a chemical moi kappa , interferon - lambda , interferon - T, interferon - zeta , ety selected from the group consisting of: cytotoxins, phar interferon -omega ), glucagon - like peptide (GLP - 1 ) , GLP - 2 , maceutical drugs , dyes or fluorescent labels , a nucleophilic GLP receptors , glucagon , other agonists of the GLP - 1R , or electrophilic group , a ketone or aldehyde , azide or alkyne natriuretic peptides (ANP , BNP, and CNP ) , Fuzeon and 55 compounds , photocaged groups , tags , a peptide , a polypep other inhibitors of HIV fusion , Hurudin and related antico - tide , a polypeptide , an oligosaccharide , polyethylene glycol agulant peptides , Prokineticins and related agonists includ - with any molecular weight and in any geometry, polyvinyl ing analogs of black mamba snake venom , TRAIL , RANK alcohol, metals , metal complexes , polyamines, imidizoles, ligand and its antagonists , calcitonin , amylin and other carbohydrates, lipids, biopolymers, particles, solid supports , glucoregulatory peptide hormones, and Fc fragments , exen - 60 a polymer , a targeting agent, an affinity group , any agent to dins ( including exendin - 4 ) , exendin receptors , interleukins which a complementary reactive chemical group can be ( e . g . , IL - 1 , IL - 2 , IL - 3 , IL - 4 , IL - 5 , IL - 6 , IL - 7 , IL - 8 , IL - 9 , attached , biophysical or biochemical probes, isotypically IL - 10 , IL - 11, IL - 12 , etc .) , I- CAM - 1/ LFA - 1, Keratinocyte labeled probes, spin - label amino acids , fluorophores, aryl Growth Factor ( KGF) , Lactoferrin , leukemia inhibitory fac - iodides and bromides. tor, Luciferase , Neurturin , Neutrophil inhibitory factor 65 In some embodiments , the disclosed subject matter (NIF ) , oncostatin M , Osteogenic polypeptide, Parathyroid involves mutating nucleotide sequences of substrates to hormone , PD -ECSF , PDGF, peptide hormones ( e . g ., Human add / create or remove / disrupt sequences . Such mutations can US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 21 be made using any suitable mutagenesis method known in Although different types of substrates can be used , in one the art , including , but not limited to , site- directed mutagen - embodiment, a substrate is constructed by chemically ligat esis , oligonucleotide - directed mutagenesis , positive antibi ing a polymer scaffold molecule with a customized linker otic selection methods, unique restriction site elimination molecule . In one embodiment, a protein polymer consisting (USE ) , deoxyuridine incorporation , phosphorothioate incor - 5 of repeats of the 127 domain from human cardiac titin , poration , and PCR -based mutagenesis methods . Details of expressed in E . coli and purified using affinity and size such methods can be found in , for example , Lewis et al. , exclusion chromatography, is used as a scaffold . This protein ( 1990 ) Nucl. Acids Res . 18 , p 3439 ; Bohnsack et al. , ( 1996 ) is designed to contain in each domain two exposed cysteine Meth . Mol . Biol. 57 , p 1 ; Vavra et al. , (1996 ) Promega Notes residues, which are then crosslinked using a commercially 58 , 30 ; Altered SitesII in vitro Mutagenesis Systems Tech - 10 available linker derivatized at both ends with maleimide . In nical Manual # TM001 , Promega Corporation ; Deng et al. another embodiment, the linker is designed to contain any ( 1992 ) Anal. Biochem . 200 , p 81 ; Kunkel et al ., ( 1985 ) Proc . bond not present in the scaffold molecule . Natl . Acad . Sci. USA 82 , p 488 ; Kunke et al. , (1987 ) Meth . Disulfide Bond Reduction Studied by Single -Molecule Enzymol. 154 , p 367 ; Taylor et al . , ( 1985 ) Nucl. Acids Res . Force Spectroscopy 13 , p 8764 ; Nakamaye et al. , ( 1986 ) Nucl. Acids Res. 14 , p 15 Single -molecule force spectroscopy by Atomic Force 9679 ; Higuchi et al ., ( 1988 ) Nucl. Acids Res . 16 , p 7351 ; Microscope ( AFM ) may be used to study the force depen Shimada et al. , ( 1996 ) Meth . Mol. Biol. 57 , p 157 ; Ho et al. , dency of the reduction of disulfide bonds both by chemicals ( 1989 ) Gene 77 , p 51 ; Horton et al. , ( 1989 ) Gene 77 , p 61; and different Trxs . Although different types of substrates can and Sarkar et al. , ( 1990 ) BioTechniques 8 , p 404 . Numerous be used in this approach , in one embodiment, the substrate kits for performing site - directed mutagenesis are commer - 20 is a polyprotein composed of several copies of an immuno cially available, such as the QuikChange II Site -Directed globulin domain from human cardiac titin ( 127 ) is held Mutagenesis Kit and the Altered Sites II in vitro mutagenesis between the tip of an AFM cantilever and a gold surface on system . Such commercially available kits may also be used top of a piezoelectric positioner (FIG . 19A ). Polyproteins to optimize sequences . Other techniques that can be used to composed of eight 127 modules are usually employed . Each generate modified nucleic acid sequences are well known to 25 one of the 127 modules includes an engineered disulfide those of skill in the art . See for example Sambrook et al ., bond between residues 32 and 75 , ( 127G32C - A75C ) 8 (FIG . ( 2001 ) Molecular Cloning : A Laboratory Manual, 3rd Ed ., 19B ) . In the force -clamp mode of the AFM , it is possible to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, N . Y . set the force exerted to the polyprotein up to several hun In another aspect, the instant disclosure relates to an dreds of pico Newtons. In this mode of operation , the enzyme used in the methods described herein . Examples of 30 deflection of the cantilever is held constant by an electronic enzymes include, but are not limited to amidases , amino acid feedback system that controls the extension of the polypro racemases , acylases, dehalogenases, dioxygenases , diaryl tein via the piezoelectric positioner. Response times around propane peroxidases , epimerases, epoxide hydrolases, 5 ms can be easily achieved with the current instrumenta esterases, isomerases , kinases, glucose isomerases , glycosi - tion . dases , glycosyl transferases, haloperoxidases, monooxy - 35 The behavior of both 127 and 127G32C - A75C upon genases ( e . g ., p450s) , lipases , lignin peroxidases , nitrile application ofmechanical loads has been thoroughly exam hydratases , nitrilases, proteases, phosphatases, subtilisins , ined by AFM . The unfolding rate of 127G32C - A75C around transaminase , and nucleases . In one embodiment, the 200 pN is high ( 30 S - 1 ) . Thus, a double pulse protocol is enzyme is an oxidoreductase enzyme. In another embodi- employed to detect the reduction of disulfide bonds. A first ment, the enzyme is thioredoxin . In one embodiment, the 40 pulse of force ( 160 - 190 pN during 0 . 3 - 1 . 0 s ) unfolds the enzyme is an oxidase enzyme. In another embodiment, the domains of the polyprotein . In these experiments , the dis enzyme is protein disulfide isomerase . In another embodi- ulfide bonds act as force transducers ; therefore , the ment, the enzyme is a protease , esterase , phosphodiesterase , 127G32C - A75C modules extend only up to the disulfide or glycosidase. In another embodiment, the enzyme is a bonds (FIGS . 19C and 19D ) , as forces higher than 1 nN are hydrolase . In one embodiment , the enzyme comprises one or 45 required to cleave covalent bonds . The individual unfolding more mutations . Mutations may include, but are not limited events can be detected as step increases of ~ 10 .8 nm in the to , substitutions , deletions and / or point mutations . Such length of the polyprotein , which give rise to a well -defined mutations can me made using any suitable mutagenesis staircase in a length vs . time plot (FIG . 20A ) . Each step in method known in the art . size is accompanied by a sudden decrease in the force , which Although there are different ways to carry out the methods 50 is rapidly compensated by the feedback ( FIG . 20A ). There described herein , in one embodiment, the method is carried fore , this series of unfolding steps serves as a well - defined out as follows: a force - clamp spectrometer is used to stretch fingerprint that distinguishes the polyprotein of interest from a specifically engineered polymer substrate containing a any other spurious interactions . In addition , the unfolding bond of interest , in an environment containing a bond events promote a steric switch which now allows the disul cleaving or a bond - forming reagent of interest. The force - 55 fide bonds that were buried in the protein to be reduced by clamp spectrometer applies a constant force to the substrate reducing agents contained in the solution ( FIG . 19D ) . After while measuring its extension . The force applied is high the unfolding of the domains, a second pulse of force is enough to break non - covalent bonds and elongate the sub - applied for up to minutes to monitor single disulfide reduc strate , but not high enough to break covalent bonds . The tions . When a disulfide bond is reduced , the region of the substrate is a polymer crosslinked with linker molecules 60 protein whose unfolding was hampered by the disulfide containing the bond of interest. Each time one of the bonds bond now extends . These extensions are recorded as a of interest breaks, a concomitant substrate extension is second series of steps of - 13 . 2 nm per disulfide bond detected . This stepwise extension corresponds to elongation reduction ( FIG . 20A ) . As in the unfolding steps , a sudden of the substrate region that was previously sequestered decrease in the force accompanies the reduction events ( FIG . behind the crosslink . The extension step has a precise length 65 20A ) . Generally, 15 -50 traces as that shown in FIG . 20A are and thus constitutes a fingerprint for the bond cleavage accumulated per force . In the more straightforward analysis , rereaction . the traces are averaged and fitted with a single exponential US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 23 24 with time constant T (FIG . 20B ) . From this fit, it is possible Force as a New Probe of Enzyme Catalysis to obtain the reduction rate at a given force ( r = 1 / T ) . It has From the experiments using small reducing agents , it is been observed that, as a consequence of the detachment clear that chemical reactions resulting in changes in bond kinetics of the polyprotein from the surface or the cantilever, distance will be force dependent and that single -molecule the results can be biased to faster rates. In order to avoid this 5 force spectroscopy is able to provide sub -Angström infor mation about the transition state of the reaction . The same artifact, only traces with long detachment times should be approach has also been employed to investigate the mecha included in the analysis . As an alternative to exponential fits , nism of disulfide bond reduction by members of the Trx a dwell time analysis technique has been recently imple - family of enzymes. Trxs show a highly conserved active site mented for the study of single -molecule mechanochemical (CXXC ) that catalyzes the reduction of target disulfide reactions . This procedure overcomes the limitations of expo - bonds involved in a multitude of cellular processes . Several nential fits when multiple reaction pathways occur simulta - methods based on bulk spectrophotometry have been widely neneously ; however, a large pool of events ( over one thousand ) used to determine the activity of Trxs . These methods are needs to be collected . based on the oxidation of NADPH in the presence of thioredoxin reductase ( TrxR ) or ribonucleotide reductase ; Chemical Reactions Under Force at the Single -Molecule 15 the increase in turbidity of insulin solutions concomitant to Level the reduction of the disulfide bonds in that peptide ; or the use In order to better understand the effects of force on a of Ellman ' s reagent (DTNB ) , which generates colored prod reaction catalyzed by an enzyme , first consider the case of ucts upon reduction by thiol groups . The change in the more simple uncatalyzed chemical reactions was consid - intrinsic fluorescence of Trx has also been used to measure ered . It has been shown that the rate of reduction of the 20 rates of enzyme oxidation and reduction . While highly disulfide bonds in (127G32CA75C ) 8 by small reducing effective in monitoring the overall activity of Trx enzymes , agents such as DTT or LCys is exponentially dependent on these methods do not probe the chemical mechanisms under the applied force ( FIG . 20C ) . The exponential dependency is lying their catalysis . The main reason is that many factors given by a Bell- like relationship : r ( F ) = A exp (( F . Ax - Ea ) influence the measurements , such as the kinetics of reduc KB : T ) . In this expression , A is the attempt frequency , Ax is 25 tion of Trx by TrxR , or the kinetics of insulin aggregation the distance to the transition state of the reaction , Ea is the after disulfide bond reduction . In addition , they have the activation energy barrier for the reaction , kB is the Boltz - limitations inherent to bulk assays , as they only provide mann ' s constant, and T is the absolute temperature . Fitting average measurements of activity . In the case of the single the experimental results for the reduction by DTT to the molecule force spectroscopy assays , the enzyme is kept in equation above yields Ax = 0 . 34 Å . Interestingly , theoretical 30 the reduced form due to the presence of TrxR and NADPH calculations have suggested that the length of the disulfide ( the so - called Trx system ) . Therefore , the amount of oxi bond at the transition state of a simple Sn2 thiol/ disulfide dized Trx is negligible and the measured activity only exchange reaction increases by approximately 0 . 37 Å . Then , reflects the reduction of the disulfide bond in ( 127G32C these results indicate that the changes in distance between A75C ) 8 at a given Trx concentration . the sulfur atoms at the transition state are responsible for the 35 In contrast to DTT and other small reducing agents , force dependency of the reaction . Indeed , when different human Trx -mediated disulfide reduction is strongly inhib reducing agents are used , the measured distances to the ited by force , with Ax = - 0 .79 Å (FIG . 20C ) . A molecular transition states of the corresponding reactions are in agree interpretation of this result has been obtained from the ment with the physicochemical characteristics of the reac - crystal structure of human Trx in complex with a substrate tants . For thiol- initiated disulfide bond reductions, such as 40 peptide (PDB code 1MDI) . A peptide- binding groove is DTT, B -mercaptoethanol , or glutathione, Ax = 0 . 31 + 0 .05 A . identified on the surface of the protein close to the catalytic When phosphine - based reducing agents (TCEP and THP ) cysteine . It is known that the reduction of a disulfide bond are employed , Ax is significantly higher, 0 .44 + 0 .03 Å . Such proceeds via an Sn2 mechanism , in which the three partici an increase in the distance to the transition state for the latter pating sulfur atoms form a ~ 180° angle . Given the fact that compounds is again in agreement with quantum chemical 45 the disulfide bond in 1MDI forms an angle of ~ 70° with calculations , which show that the distance between sulfur respect to the axis of the groove, it is evident that the target atoms in the transition states of phosphine -based reactions is disulfide bond must rotate with respect to the pulling axis to longer than in thiol- initiated reductions . In addition , it has acquire the correct geometry for reaction (FIG . 20E ) . Taking been demonstrated for phosphine -initiated reductions that into account the orientation of the disulfide bond with Ax decreases when glycerol is incorporated into the aqueous 50 respect to the pulling force , it can be estimated that a 0 . 77 solution . This result provides a direct test of theoretical Å shortening of the substrate polypeptide is needed in order calculations of the role of solventmolecules in the transition to align the participating sulfur atoms, in extraordinary state of a bimolecular Sn2 reaction . In summary, the force - agreement with the experimental Ax ( - 0 .79 Å ) . This inter clamp experiments using small reducing agents show that pretation is supported by molecular dynamics simulations the mechanical force imposes a 1 - D reaction coordinate for 55 and a theoreticalmodel that treats the substrate backbone as the reaction (FIG . 20D ) . In this context, Ax reports on the a freely jointed chain . Therefore , it appears that , differently progression along that reaction coordinate with sub - Ång - to what is observed for the reductions by small reducing ström resolution , providing valuable information about the agents , the change in bond distance at the transition state is geometry of the transition state . In addition , the information not the main determinant of the force dependency for gained about the transition state from force - clamp determi- 60 enzyme - catalyzed reactions . On the contrary , the dynamics nations is probably independent of its lifetime. The rational of enzyme and substrate during catalysis are the main behind this is that no matter how short - or long - lived a contributors to the measured Ax . transition state is , it will always be subjected to force . Thus, When Trx from E . coli was assayed , a similar force in theory , the force - spectroscopy methodology applied to dependency up to 200 PN was observed . However, this chemical reactions might be able to inspect the geometric 65 enzyme shows a second chemical pathway that becomes properties of transitions states independently of their life apparent only at higher forces . The two pathways seem to be times. independent of each other , since the mutants P34H and US 9 , 880 ,088 B2 25 26 G47S selectively inhibit only the first pathway . The second molecule ( in this case DTT ) and one cysteine on a protein , pathway of E . coli Trx is force accelerated with Ax = 0 . 22 Å whereas the sulfur of the other cysteine reverts to the free ( FIG . 20C ) . This catalytic mode might be explained by the thiolate state . This reaction has been extensively studied and reduction happening without the peptide binding the groove ; is known to be important in the function and folding in this regard , the second pathway would be similar to the 5 processes of proteins . This reaction is also of particular reduction by agents such as DTT or L -Cys (FIG . 20C ). interest because it is known that many proteins that are In summary , the application of single molecule force exposed to mechanical stress in vivo contain disulfide spectroscopy to the study of catalysis by Trxs , in combina - bonds . Thus , the effect of force on this reaction could be of tion with molecular dynamics simulations , provides detailed significance in biological systems. information about the dynamics of enzyme and substrate 10 Disulfide bonds have been studied in previous atomic during catalysis . This information has been used to detect force microscopy ( AFM ) experiments where a protein mol residue co - evolution in enzymatic activity , which would ecule is stretched at a constant velocity whereas the applied have gone unnoticed to standard bulk assays . force varies ( force -extension AFM ) . Most of these experi Single -Molecule Force Spectroscopy Assays for Other ments could identify the presence or absence of a disulfide Enzymatic Activities 15 bond but could not determine when the disulfide reduction The results obtained with Trx suggest that it will be highly reaction occurred . Engineered disulfide bonds were used to informative to apply the single molecule force spectroscopy precisely correlate disulfide reduction events with increases methodology to other enzymes . In principle , the single in protein contour length , developing a molecular fingerprint molecule assay for the reduction of disulfide bonds by for identifying individual chemical reactions . In the present thioredoxin might be adapted to any other enzyme that 20 work , this fingerprint is used to investigate the kinetics of catalyzes the cleavage of covalent bonds. This would allow thiol/ disulfide exchange as a function of pulling force using a deeper understanding of differentmechanisms of catalysis . force -clamp AFM . This method provides the only direct Proteases , esterases, phosphodiesterases , glycosidases, and means by which to observe the exponential chemical kinet glycosyltransferases are enzymes with the ability to cleave ics of thiol/ disulfide exchange under a calibrated pulling covalent bonds. From what has been learned from the 25 force . This technique has been used to study the unfolding single -molecule assay for disulfide bond reduction , it is clear kinetics as well as refolding of single protein molecules as that any new experimental setup aimed to study single - a function of force , offering insight into the link between molecule bond cleavage under force should fulfill the fol - protein dynamics and force. By using force -clamp AFM , it lowing requirements : i ) the substrate should be incorporated was demonstrated that thiol/ disulfide exchange , a bimolecu into a macromolecule providing an unambiguous fingerprint 30 lar chemical reaction , is catalyzed by mechanical force . The after mechanical unfolding ; ii ) the rate of substrate cleavage force -dependency of the reaction rate is determined by the by the enzyme should be low when put together in solution , structure of the transition state , a result that may be gener so that no significant cleavage occur in the timescale needed alized to other chemical reactions . These findings demon to conduct AFM experiments ; iii ) the unfolding of the strate that force - clamp AFM is a powerful tool with which macromolecule should promote a steric switch in the sub - 35 to study chemistry at the single molecule level. strate , rendering it sensitive to cleavage ; iv ) cleavage should Results and Discussion be translated into a new increment in length of the macro In the studies herein , the 27th immunoglobulin - like molecule . domain of cardiac titin ( 127 ) , an 89 -residue , ß - sandwich Single -molecule force spectroscopy may be used to probe protein with well characterized mechanical properties is the catalytic mechanisms of enzymes . In the examples 40 used . Through cysteine mutagenesis , a disulfide bond in the below , this approach has been used to study the reduction of 127 domain between the 32nd and 75th residues , which are disulfide bonds by thioredoxin . From the force dependency closely positioned in space as determined by the NMR of the reaction rate , new light has been shed on the dynamics structure of wild - type 127 (Protein Data Bank ID code 1 TIT ) of enzyme and substrate during catalysis . In particular, the is engineered . An eight - repeat polyprotein of this modified Ax parameter , which is derived from exponential fits to the 45 domain was constructed and expressed , ( 127G32C - A75C ) 8 , measured force dependency , reports on the spatial rearrange and used single -molecule force - clamp spectroscopy to ments of the participating atoms at the transition state of the manipulate and stretch single polyproteins. Under force reaction . These rearrangements can be dissected at the clamp conditions , stretching a polyprotein results in a well sub - Ångström scale , in a manner unachievable by any other defined series of step increases in length , marking the current experimental technique. 50 unfolding and extension of the individual modules in the The following examples illustrate the disclosed subject chain . Previous work has demonstrated that there is a close matter, and are set forth to aid in the understanding of the correlation between the size of the observed steps and the invention , and should not be construed to limit in any way number of amino acids released by each unfolding event. the scope of the invention as defined in the claims which Upon stretching a single ( 127G32C - A75C ) 8 polyprotein in follow thereafter . 55 an oxidizing environment (FIG . 5B ) , a series of steps of approximately 10 . 6 nm were observed , which are signifi EXAMPLES cantly shorter than those expected for native 127 unfolding ( 23 .6 nm ). This shortening indicates the formation of the Example 1 engineered disulfide bond within the protein module . The 60 unfolding of 46 " unsequestered ” residues ( 1 - 31 and 76 - 89 ) To test the hypothesis thatmechanical force can directly has a predicted step size of 10 . 4 nm at 130 pN , very similar influence the kinetics of a chemical reaction , thiol/ disulfide to the observed value . At this stage of unfolding , the exchange was studied , the reduction of disulfide bonds in a disulfide bond in each module is directly exposed to the protein . The disulfide bond itself is a covalent bond formed applied stretching force (FIG . 5A ) , forming a covalent between the thiol groups of two vicinal cysteine residues. In 65 barrier “ trapping ” residues 33 -74 and preventing complete the first step of thiol_ disulfide exchange , a new disulfide module unfolding. If the bond were to be ruptured by force bond is formed between a thiolate anion of the reducing alone , a second step corresponding to the extension of the US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 27 28 trapped polypeptide is expected to be observed . Yet any such protein unfolding from the disulfide -bond reduction events . steps under these oxidizing conditions ( FIG . 5B ) were not Hence , in the subsequent analysis the unsequestered unfold observed . This outcome was predicted by previous experi - ing observed during the first pulse and only analyze thiol/ mental and theoretical studies , where forces < 1 nN cannot disulfide exchange events in the second pulse was ignored . break a covalent bond . After unsequestered unfolding , the 5 Multiple double -pulse experiments were conducted , all disulfide bond is exposed to the solvent, and thiol_ disulfide with an identical first force pulse to 130 pN lasting 1 s . FIG . exchange can occur if DTT is present in solution . In FIG . 8A shows multiple ( > 25 ) trace averages of only the second 1C , a single ( 127G32C -A75C ) 8 molecule in the presence of pulse at four different forces ( 100 , 200 , 300 , and 400 pN ) 50 mM DTT was pulled . During the first second , a series of and at a constant DTT concentration of 12 . 5 mM . Only steps of approximately 10 . 8 nm as unsequestered unfolding 10 traces that included a clear unsequestered unfolding finger occurs in individual domains is observed . The one step of print in the first pulse and that contained only disulfide 24 . 0 nm denotes a domain with its disulfide reduced before reduction events in the second pulse were included in this mechanical unfolding, giving a full - length step approxi - analysis . By fitting a single exponential to the traces shown mately equal to that for wild -type 127 . Such full -length in FIG . 8A , the observed rate of thiol/ disulfide exchange as unfolding was rare , however ; previous studies have indi- 15 r = 1 / tr, where tr is defined as the time constant measured cated that the disulfide bond in 127G32C -A75C is particu - from the exponential fits . FIG . 8B , shows that r is exponen larly solvent - inaccessible in the folded protein . After this tially dependent on the applied force ( 12 . 5 mM DTT) first series of steps relating to protein unfolding , which occur ranging from 0 .211 s - 1 (100 pN ) up to 2 .20 s - 1 (400 pN ) . over approximately 1 s , a second series of steps of approxi- FIG . 8C shows the second - pulse averages ( > 20 ) of experi mately 13 . 8 nm over approximately 4s was then observed . 20 ments conducted at 200 pn , at different concentrations of The predicted step size for trapped residue extension as DTT ( 0 , 1 . 25 , 12 . 5 , 31 , 50 , 83 , and 125 mM ) . FIG . 8D , determined from force - extension experiments is 13 . 5 nm at shows that r has a first -order dependence on the concentra 130 pN . In addition , these steps were observed only after tion of DTT, demonstrating that the thiol/ disulfide exchange unsequestered protein unfolding and only in the presence of reaction in this system is bimolecular. DTT . Hence , it is concluded that at a pulling force of 130 25 Given these observations , an empirical relationship r = k PN , the 13 . 8 -nm steps monitor the thiol/ disulfide exchange ( F ) [DTT ] is derived , where k ( F ) depends exponentially on reaction as single disulfide bonds are reduced in each protein the applied force and is given by a Bell - like ( 25 ) relation module, allowing for the extension of the trapped residues. ship : k ( F ) = A exp ( ( FAxr - Ea /kBT ) . In this equation , A is a To study the kinetics of disulfide bond reduction as a constant with units of M - 1 . s - 1 , Axr is the distance to the function of the pulling force , a double pulse protocol in 30 transition state for the reaction , and Ea is the activation force - clamp was designed . The first pulse to 130 pN allows energy barrier for the thiol/ disulfide exchange at zero force . the monitoring of the unfolding of the unsequestered region Fitting this equation to the data presented in FIG . 4B , a value of the 127G32C -A75C modules in the polyprotein , exposing of Axr = 0 . 34 Å and a value of k ( 0 ) = 6 . 54 M - 10s - 1 are the disulfide bonds to the solution . With the second pulse , obtained , which is similar to the second - order rate constant the rate of reduction of the exposed disulfides at various 35 for DTT reduction of disulfide bonds in insulin at neutral pH pulling forces was tracked . FIG . 6 demonstrates the use of [k = 5 M - 1 . s - 1 ]. Other studies have found that under certain the double -pulse protocol in the absence (FIG . 6A ) and in solution conditions, thiol_ disulfide exchange can occur with the presence of DTT (FIG . 6B ) . In both cases , the first pulse a second -order rate constant as high as 132 , 000 M - 1 . s - 1 but elicits a rapid series of steps of approximately 10 .6 nm also can be up to 6 orders of magnitude slower , in accord marking the unfolding and extension of the 46 unseques - 40 with other observations . From the linear fit in FIG . 8D , an tered residues. The second pulse in FIG . 6 increases the applied force is seen that alters the second - order rate con stretching force up to 200 pN . Upon application of the stant in the system ; k ( 200 pN ) _ 27 . 6 M - 1 . s - 1 , a 4 - fold second pulse , an elastic extension of the polyprotein by increase from zero force . Assuming that A ranges from 105 approximately 10 nm was observed . In the presence of DTT to 1012 M - 1 . s - 1 , Ea is estimated to be in the range of 30 -65 ( 12 . 5 mM ) , this elastic extension is followed by a series of 45 kJ/ mol . The upper values in this range overlap with the five additional approximately 14 . 2 - nm steps thatmark single calculated energy barriers for a number of thiol_ disulfide thiol/ disulfide exchange reactions ( expected steps of 14 . 2 exchange reactions in solution [60 -66 kJ/ mol ] , and each 100 nm at 200 pN , whereas no further steps were observed in the PN of force lowers the energy barrier by approximately 2 absence of DTT ( FIG . 6A ) . kJ/ mol . To measure the rate of reduction at 200 pN and at a DTT 50 Although the empirical Bell - like model is a useful first concentration of 12 . 5 mM , the pulse pattern shown in FIG . approximation to examine the data , it may not hold over all 6B was repeated many times , obtaining an ensemble of combinations of DTT and force . It also cannot completely single -molecule recordings . FIG . 7A shows three additional describe the effect of a force on the thiol/ disulfide exchange recordings demonstrating the stochastical nature of both the reaction . The force constant for an S - S bond , found by unsequestered unfolding and of the thiol/ disulfide exchange 55 vibrational spectrum in the gas phase , is 4 .96 N / cm . As a events . The red trace in FIG . 3B was obtained by simple result, an applied force of 400 pN will stretch this bond by averaging of these four recordings . The green trace in FIG . only 0 .008 Å , which is a negligible effect on the geometry 7B was obtained following similar procedures with the of theS S bond . However, as pointed out by Beyer, the second force pulse to 300 pN . By comparison , the blue trace reactivity of a stretched molecule is likely to depend on the in FIG . 7B corresponds to the averaging of four traces 60 pulling force despite only minor changes in bond geometry . obtained with the second force pulse set to 200 pN and in the Furthermore , a reorganization of the energy landscape of the absence of DTT. It is apparent from FIG . 7B that protein bond is likely to occur during bond lengthening. These unfolding during the first pulse to 130 pN is independent of effects are not accounted for by this model . Hence, further DTT , following a similar exponential time course in all cases theoretical developments on the effect of a mechanical force at this force . However, thiol/ disulfide exchange during the 65 on the thiol/ disulfide exchange reaction will be required to second pulse appears both DTT - and force - dependent. The fully understand these experiments. These limitations not double -pulse protocol as shown here effectively separates withstanding , useful parameters can be extracted from this US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 30 analysis . For example , the sensitivity of the rate of reduction mechanism , and the torsional strain present in the protein to a pulling force is well represented by the measured value structure . Any combination of these effects that cause Axr to of Axr, which can be contrasted to that of unfolding the be > 1 Å would lead to a near 2 - fold increase in reduction rate unsequestered region of the protein . By fitting a single over just 20 pN of applied force , suggesting that force exponential to an average of traces containing solely unse - 5 catalyzed disulfide reduction may play an important role in questered unfolding events of the type shown in FIG . 1B (no vivo . DTT) , the rate of unfolding is measured , au = 1 / tu , at dif - Materials and Methods ferent pulling forces . FIG . 9A shows a semilogarithmic plot Protein Engineering and Purification . The QuikChange of both au and r as a function of the pulling force . The site -directed mutagenesis kit ( Stratagene ) was used to dashed line corresponds to a fit of au ( F ) = au ( 0 ) exp ( FAxu / 10 mutate residues Gly - 32 and Ala - 75 in the 27th Ig - like kBT) ( 19 ) , obtaining Axu = 1 .75 Å for the unsequestered domain of human cardiac titin to Cys residues. Native unfolding. The solid line is a fit of the Bell - like model Cys -47 and Cys -62 , which do not form a disulfide bond , described earlier, where Axr = 0 . 34 Å for the thiol/ disulfide were mutated to alanines. An eight- domain N - C linked exchange reaction . FIG . 9A confirms the difference in force polyprotein of this 127G32C - A75C domain was constructed sensitivity between the unsequestered unfolding and the 15 through rounds of successive cloning in modified pT7Blue thiol/ disulfide exchange reaction , which are two distinct vectors and then expressed the gene using vector pQE30 in processes occurring within the same protein . Escherichia coli strain BL21 (DE3 ) as described . Pelleted From the measurements above a preliminary description cells were lysed by sonication and the His - 6 - tagged soluble of the energy landscape for the thiol/ disulfide exchange protein was purified first by immobilized metal ion affinity chemical reaction was obtained under a stretching force 20 chromatography ( IMAC ) and then by gel filtration . The ( FIG . 9B ) . Recent theoretical calculations have proposed protein was stored at 4° C . in 50 mM sodium phosphate / 150 that the length of an SMS bond at the transition state of a mM sodium chloride buffer (pH 7 . 2 ) . simple SN2 thiol/ disulfide exchange reaction in solution Single -Molecule Force - Clamp Spectroscopy. increases by 0 . 36 A or 0 . 37 A . These values suggest that the A custom - built atomic force microscope equipped with a value of Axr that has been measured experimentally corre - 25 PicoCube P363. 3 -CD piezoelectric translator ( Physik sponds to the lengthening of theS S bond during an SN2 Instruments , Karlsruhe , Germany ) controlled by an analog reaction with a DTT molecule ( FIG . 9C ) . Furthermore , in proportional- integral- differential feedback system is these theoretical studies , varying the reaction mechanism described elsewhere ( Schlierf et al . , PNAS USA , 101: 7299 could result in S S lengthening at the transition state as 7304 ) . All data were obtained and analyzed by using custom small as 0 .24 X or as large as 0 . 78 A (28 ) . Different values 30 software written for use in IGOR 5 . 0 (Wave Metrics , Lake of Axr would result in very different sensitivities of the Oswego , Oreg . ) . There was 0 . 5 nm of peak - to - peak noise reaction to a pulling force . Hence , it is proposed that by and a feedback response time of ~ 5 ms in all experiments . experimentally measuring the value of Axr, as demonstrated The spring constant of silicon - nitride cantilevers ( Veeco , here for a single disulfide bond , different types of reaction Santa Barbara , Calif. ) was calibrated ; the average spring mechanisms can be distinguished . Conversely , this work 35 constant was ~ 15 pN /nm . All experiments were conducted in also suggests that other bimolecular reactions that result in PBS buffer with the indicated amount of DTT ( Sigma ) . bond lengthening may be force dependent. Buffers were all controlled to pH 7 . 2 . All experiments were Although force - dependent thiol / disulfide exchange in an conducted over 28 h at room temperature ( 298 K ) in an engineered protein has been demonstrated , there are many atmosphere open to air. Small changes in active DTT native proteins that contain disulfide bonds and that are 40 concentration due to evaporation and air -oxidation of DTT exposed to mechanical forces in vivo . Some examples did not appear to greatly affect the results , because traces include cellular adhesion proteins such as cadherins , selec - compiled over the course of 1 day ' s experiment at the same tins, and IgCAMs. Others are important in maintaining the force demonstrated similar single -exponential kinetics . extracellular matrix , such as fibronectin , or in tissue elas Approximately 5 uL of protein sample ( 0 . 1 mg/ mL ) in ticity , such as fibrillin and titin . It has been shown that 45 phosphate buffer was added to - 70 uL of DTT- containing thiol/ disulfide exchange in integrin allblIII as well as buffer in each experiment. Single protein molecules were disulfide reduction in von Willebrand factor multimers is stretched by first pressing the cantilever on the gold - coated necessary for hemostasis and regulating clot formation coverslide for 3 s at 350 - 500 PN , then retracting at a constant under high shear forces generated by blood flow . Even the force . The success rate at picking up a single molecule mechanical process of HIV virus fusion and entry into helper 50 was 1 % of trials . Gold - coated coverslides were used T cells has been shown to require disulfide bond reduction because they resulted in a better success rate than glass in both gp120 of HIV and the CD4 cell surface receptor . coverslides even in the absence of thio - gold bonds . In all Forces > 100 pN are necessary to achieve a measurable force -dependent experiments ( FIG . 8A ) , the molecule was increase in the rate of thiol/ disulfide exchange . Such forces stretched for 1 s at 130 pN and then 5 - 7 s at the second pulse are thought to be toward the high end of the range experi- 55 force . In the concentration -dependent experiments ( FIG . enced in biology : single protein complexes may produce 8C ) , the molecule was pulled at 130 pN for 1 s ( 0 - 31 forces > 100 pN , and single selectin - ligand bonds can with mMDTT ) or 140 - 145 pN for 0 . 2 - 0 . 5 s (50 - 125 mM DTT ; the stand forces > 200 pN . Although it is not yet known how shorter first pulse times are to reduce thiol/ disulfide events often a single disulfide bond in vivo will be exposed to the during the first pulse ), then the force increased to 200 pN for force levels explored in this study , it does seem likely that 60 5 - 7 s . The interaction between protein and cantilever/ cov the sensitivity of any particular thiol/ disulfide exchange erslide is nonspecific . Thus , in most cases fewer than eight reaction to a pulling force will depend very specifically on domains were unfolded when a molecule was stretched . the environment surrounding the bond as well as the type of Data Analysis . chemical reaction involved . For example , Axr is likely to The fingerprint of a single ( 127632C- 4750 ) , was considered depend on a number of factors that also affect the rate of the 65 to be two well resolved steps of ~ 10 .5 nm during the first thiol/ disulfide exchange reaction , including the temperature , pulse . No traces that included unsequestered unfolding type of reducing agent , pH , electrostatics the reaction events during the second pulse were included in the analysis . US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 32 Such mixed spectra were very rarely observed (< 1 % ) at An ensemble of single -molecule recordings to measure forces of 200 pN or greater because of the very rapid kinetics the kinetics of disulphide bond reduction by Trx was used . of unsequestered unfolding at these forces . At a second pulse At each force and Trx concentration , 10 - 30 test- pulse force of 100 pN , such mixed spectra were observed - 15 % of recordings of the type shown in FIG . 10C were averaged . the time; such traces were not included in the averaging 5 Averaged traces at various forces are shown in FIG . 11A . analysis because the unsequestered unfolding steps would The averaged traces were fitted by a single exponential with corrupt the time course of disulfide reduction . It is assumed a time constant t (see Supplementary FIG . 11 and FIG . 12 ) . that disulfide reduction in this protein is Markovian ( i . e . , The observed rate constant of disulphide reduction is defined each reduction event is independent of all others ) ; thus, as r = 1 / t . averaging traces with different numbers of reduction steps 10 FIG . 11B shows a plot of r as a function of the applied will result in invariant exponential kinetics. Error bars in ( test pulse ) force . The figure shows that the rate of reduction FIG . 8B and FIG . 8D and FIG . 9A were obtained by decreases fourfold between 25 and 250 PN , and then partitioning the entire set of traces into random subsets ( for increases approximately threefold when the force is example , if 20 total single -molecule traces were used , then increased up to 600 pN , demonstrating a biphasic force two subsets of 10 traces each were constructed ). These 15 dependency . This result is in contrast with the uniform traces in these subsets then were averaged and fit with a acceleration of dithiothreitol (DTT ) reduction rate with single exponential. The rate of thiol disulfide exchange increasing force4 , underlining a much more complex chemi ( FIG . 8A and FIG . 8B ) or rate of unsequestered unfolding cal reaction catalysed by Trx . Furthermore , the rate of ( FIG . 9A ) was determined as described from the exponential reduction becomes saturated as the concentration of Trx is fit . The standard deviation of the rate was then calculated 20 increased ( FIG . 11C ) . with n = the number of subsets in the case of the example, To explain the data , different kinetic models of force n = 2 ). This value then was used as the magnitude of the error dependent Trx catalysis were tested . It was found that the bar shown in the figures . model that could best describe the data incorporates an One of the principal challenges of understanding enzyme intermediate state as well as two different force -dependent catalysis , a central problem in biology , is resolving the 25 rate constants ( FIG . 11D ) . Path I ( red , FIG . 11D ) is similar dynamics of enzyme - substrate interactions with sub - ång - to a Michaelis -Menten mechanism , with a catalytic step ström resolution — the length scale at which chemistry inhibited by force . Path II (blue , FIG . 11D ) is governed occurs . Although nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR ) and solely by the rate constant k02 (where subscripts refer to X - ray crystallography determinations of protein structures steps in FIG . 11D ) , which is accelerated by force . The model can reach down to the sub - ångström level , they cannot yet 30 can be globally fitted to the data of FIGS. 11D and 11C ( solid provide dynamic information about enzyme catalysis at this lines ) , obtaining values for the model parameters . The length scale . This demonstrates the ability of single -mol - goodness of fit for this model was measured using statistical ecule techniques in probing the dynamics of enzyme cataly - methods ( see Methods and Supplementary Table 3 ; sis at the sub - ångström scale . x2v = 0 .835 , and v = 26 , six free parameters ; PX2v = 0 .705 ) . A polyprotein made of eight repeats of the 127 domain of 35 An extrapolation to zero force predicts a second - order rate human cardiac titin with engineered cysteines , (127SS )8 , constant for Trx reduction of 2 .2x105 M - 1 s - 1 . This is was used as a substrate protein to monitor the Trx - catalysed 30 , 000 times faster than that found for 127SS disulphide reduction of individual disulphide bonds (SS ) placed under reduction by DTT (6 . 5 M - 1 s - 1 ) . This result is consistent a stretching force . In these experiments , an atomic force with bulk biochemical experiments , in which Trx has been microscopy in force - clamp mode to extend single (127SS ) 8 40 found to reduce insulin disulphide bonds 20 ,000 times faster polyproteins was used (FIG . 10A , far left ) . The constant than DTT (1x105 M - 1 s - 1 for Trx versus 5M - 1 s - 1 for DTT applied force caused individual domains to unfold , resulting at pH7 . in a stepwise increase in the length of the molecule after The experimental data shown in FIG . 11B suggest that each unfolding event. This is illustrated in FIG . 106 , in there are two separate pathways for disulphide bond reduc which a single (127SS ) 8 polyprotein was first mechanically 45 tion by Trx . Further support for this hypothesis was gained unfolded at 165 PN for 400 ms. A series of 10 . 8 -nm steps by probing the force -dependent reduction kinetics of an was rapidly observed ( FIG . 10B , inset) ; each step corre active site mutant, Trx ( P34H ) (FIG . 12 ) . In the single sponds to the partial unfolding of a single 127SS domain up molecule experiments , the extrapolated zero - force rate of to the disulphide bond (red , FIG . 10A ). The disulphide bond reduction for Trx (P34H ) is less than one -half of that for the is buried in the folded protein and is exposed to the bathing 50 wild - type enzyme (8 . 8x104 M - 1 s - 1 versus 2 .2x105 M - 1 solution only after partial unfolding . The unfolding force s - 1 , showing a similar relationship to bulk biochemical pulse was followed by a test pulse ( 100 pN in this case ) . No experiments (3x103 M - 1 s - 1 for Trx (P34H ) versus 2x104 further steps were observed during the testpulse because the M - 1 s - 1 for wild - type Trx at pH8 and 15° C . ). In Trx disulphide bond could not be broken by the applied force (P34H ) , the rate of Trx binding to the substrate (K01 ) alone in the absence of Trx . After unfolding, the stretching 55 decreased significantly, whereas the other kinetic parameters force was applied directly to the disulphide bond and , if Trx remain mostly unchanged . By fitting this data with two is present in solution , the bond can be chemically reduced by alternate kinetic models , it was found that the Trx ( P34H ) the enzyme . Such a result is shown in FIG . 10C , with a mutant supports the view that Trx has two distinct forms of similar experiment in the presence of 8 UM Trx . Now , during catalysis , without a common intermediate . the test pulse , seven steps of ~ 13 .2 nm were observed as 60 In the kinetic model shown in FIG . 11D , the catalytic rate individual disulphide bonds were reduced by single Trx constants are described by a straightforward Arrhenius term . enzymes , allowing for the immediate extension of the resi- For example , K12 = b0exp (FAx12 /KBT ) , where BO is the rate dues previously trapped behind the disulphide bond (blue , constant at zero force , KB is Boltzmann ' s constant, T is the FIG . 10A ) . The size of the increases in step length observed temperature and Ax12 is the distance to the transition state during these force - clamp experiments corresponds to the 65 along the length coordinate . Fits of the kinetic model ( FIG . number of amino acids released , serving as a precise fin - 11D ) to the data of FIGS . 11B and 11C gave values of gerprint to identify the reduction events . Ax12 = - 0 . 79 + 0 . 09 Å for the catalytic step of path I and US 9 , 880 ,088 B2 33 34 Ax12 = 0 . 17 + 0 .02 Å for the catalytic step of path II ( us .e .m . forces it appears that path II is quite diminished in the human obtained by downhill simplex procedure for model fitting) . TRX variant. Thus , the data for human TRX resemble a Similar parameters were also found for the Trx (P34H ) simple Michaelis -Menten model (dashed green line in FIG . mutant. Thus , the two catalytic pathways are very different: 11B ) , indicating that the two thioredoxin variants differ in the transition state of reduction by way of path I requires a 5 their catalytic mechanisms at high force . The three -state shortening of the substrate polypeptide by ~ 0 . 8 Å , whereas kinetic model also describes the human TRX data well with path II requires an elongation by - 0 . 2 Å . a fixed Ax12 = - 0 . 79 Å (FIG . 13C ) . Thus, it is clear that the The experiments show that sub - angstrom - level distortions mechanism that governs the force - dependence of path I is of the substrate disulphide bond take place dynamically conserved between these homologues , and the results for during Trx catalysis . A glimpse of the transition state for Trx 10 human TRX at low forces can also be explained by the catalysis can be obtained from the NMR structure of human structural model. TRX (also known as TXN ) a homologue of the E . coli The origin of the Ax12 = - 0 . 79 Å elongation at the tran enzyme, in a complex with a substrate peptide from the sition state of catalysis for E . coli Trx , measured from the signalling protein NF -kB ( FIG . 13A , PDB accession number force -dependency of path II , is less clear. However , as 1MDI) . In this structure , as well as in the structure of human 15 demonstrated in the theoretical calculations of thiol/ disul TRX bound to REF - 1 (also known as APEX1) , a peptide - phide exchange, other reaction geometries are possible , even binding groove is identified on the surface of TRX in the if they are typically unfavourable energetically . Thus , Ax02 vicinity of the catalytic Cys 32 . The sulphur atom in Cys 32 may correspond to the lengthening of the 127SS disulphide (sulphur atom A ) of the active site of TRX forms a disul- bond at a transition state other than the standard SN2 form . phide bond with the sulphur atom of the NF -KB peptide 20 The results show that a mechanical force can alter the ( sulphur atom B ) . chemistry of the catalytic site in thioredoxin significantly . The orientation of the disulphide bond within the Trx This is a novel concept in biology , thatmechanical stresses active site was used in an attempt to predict the structure of applied to tissues may completely change the enzymatic the catalytic transition state in the experiments . It is known chemistry from that observed in solution biochemistry . that disulphide bond reduction proceeds by means of an SN2 25 These effects may be particularly significant in tissues mechanism . This reaction is highly directional, proceeding exposed to pathological force levels such as those that occur via a transition state in which the three involved sulphur during mechanical injury. For example , it is well known that atoms form an ~ 180° angle . Thus, the relative positions of the increased mechanical stress during hypertension triggers these sulphur atoms must be important for efficient Trx an oxidative stress response in vascular endothelium and catalysis. It was found that the disulphide bond in 1MDI 30 smooth muscle that is compensated by an increase in the forms an angle of ~ 70° with respect to the axis of the activity of thioredoxin . In this context, it is predicted that the peptide - binding groove . Assuming that this orientation increased mechanical forces applied to target disulphide applies to the SN2 reaction that reduces the 127SS bond of bonds would inhibit the activity of thioredoxin , diminishing the experiments , and that the stretched polypeptide is bound the effectiveness of the antioxidant properties of the enzyme. to the groove , it is apparent that the target disulphide bond 35 The capability of single -molecule atomic force microscopy must rotate with respect to the pulling axis to acquire the techniques directly to probe the dynamic sub -angstrom correct SN2 geometry (FIG . 13B ) .Given that the disulphide molecular rearrangements during catalysis may prove to be bond in the stretched polypeptide is aligned within - 20° of an important tool in understanding the fundamentalmecha the pulling force , a further rotation by an angle 0 = 50° would nisms underlying enzymatic chemistry . be required for catalysis (FIG . 13B ) , causing a contraction of 40 Methods Summary the target polypeptide by - 1 . 2 Å , close to the measured The buffer used in the experiments contained 10 mM value of Ax12 = - 0 . 8 A . However, molecular dynamics simu HEPES , 150 mM NaCl, 1 mMEDTA , 2 mM NADPH , 50 lations have previously identified multiple conformations of nM thioredoxin reductase (from E . coli for Trx and from rat the catalytic thiol in glutaredoxin , a member of the thiore - liver for TRX ) and the indicated concentration of Trx or doxin superfamily . 45 TRX , and was controlled to pH 7 . 2 . Single (127SS ) 8 protein Similarly , molecular dynamics simulations of the 1MDI molecules were stretched by first pressing the cantilever on structure was performed to examine the conformational the coverslide at a constant force of 800 pn for 3 s , then diversity of the NF -kB to Cys 32 disulphide bond . The retracting to a constant force of 165 pN for 400 ms during simulations show that the disulphide bond samples a range the unfolding pulse . The indicated test- pulse force was of conformations with 0 = 500 - 80° in either the clockwise or 50 applied for ~ 5 s . All data were obtained and analysed using the counterclockwise direction (shaded area in the inset of custom software written for use in Igor 5 . 0 (Wavemetrics ) . FIG . 13A ). The results of these molecular dynamics simu The test- pulse portions of numerous ( n = 10 - 30 ) recordings lations were combined with a theoretical model that treats that contained only disulphide reduction events and no the substrate backbone as a freely jointed chain . This model unsequestered unfolding events were summed and normal predicts the likelihood of the substrate disulphide achieving 55 ized to obtain the experimental value r . The differential rate the correct geometry for the reaction transition state under a equations were solved using matrix analysis methods , and pulling force . It was found that , in the cases of NF -KB , error analysis was performed using the nonparametric boot REF - 1 and the apo TRX , an average bond rotation on the strap method in combination with the downhill simplex sub - ångström scale ( resulting in Ax12 values of - 0 .77 , - 0 . 45 method . All error bars shown represent standard error. and - 0 . 19 Å , respectively ) must take place to allow SN2 60 Methods chemistry in the TRX active site . Protein Engineering , Expression and Purification . To probe this model of catalysis , which is based on the In brief, the QuikChange site -directed mutagenesis structure of human TRX complexes , the force -dependent method ( Stratagene ) was used to introduce Gly 32 Cys and mechanism of disulphide bond reduction by human TRX Ala 75 Cys mutations into the 127 module from human ( FIG . 13C ) was also tested . At low forces , it is clear that 65 cardiac titin . Multiple rounds of successive cloning were human TRX catalyses disulphide bond reduction in 127SS used to create an amino - carboxy linked , eight -domain poly much more rapidly than Trx from E . coli . However, at high protein gene, (127G32C -A75C ) 8 . In this work , this construct US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 35 36 is called ( 127SS ) 8 . This gene was encoded in vector pQE30 bond in oxidized Trxl and does not non - specifically reduce and expressed in E . coli strain BL21 (DE3 ) . Pelleted cells other disulphides . When Trx was not included in the solu were lysed by sonication , and the His 6 -tagged protein was tion , no disulphide reduction in 127SS was observed even in first purified using an immobilized Talon - Co2 + column the presence of thioredoxin reductase and NADPH . ( Clontech ) and then further purified by gel filtration on a 5 In the experiment, - 5 ul (127SS ) solution was added to Superdex 200 column (GE Healthcare ) . The purified protein a - 100 ul droplet of Trx - containing experimental buffer was verified by SDS - PAGE and stored at 4° C . in a buffer of deposited on a substrate coverslide . Single ( 127SS ) 8 protein 10 mM HEPES , 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA and 0 .02 % molecules were stretched by first pressing the cantilever on NaN3 ( w / v ), pH 7 . 2 . the coverslide at a constant force of 800 PN for 3 s , then Both wild - type Trx and Trx ( P34H ) were expressed and 10 retracting to a constant force of 165 pN for 400 ms during purified by the same method described previously 26 . the unfolding pulse . The indicated test- pulse force was Briefly , the E . coli Trx gene encoded in plasmid PTK100 , applied for ~ 5 s . In these experiments , the precise point of was expressed in E . coli strain JF521 . Cell pellets were lysed attachment between the ( 127SS ) 8 molecule and the cantile using a French press and stirred with streptomycin sulphate ver was not controlled ; thus , varying numbers of disulphide ( 10 % w / v ) at 4° C . for 16 h . The filtered supernatant was 15 reduction events may be observed in a given single -mol then loaded onto a 2 - 1 Sephacryl S - 100 High Resolution ecule recording . (GE Healthcare ) gel filtration column . Trx fractions were Data Analysis . pooled and applied to a 250 -ml Fractogel EMD DEAE ( M ) All data were recorded and analysed using custom soft (Merck ) ion exchange column equilibrated in a buffer con - ware written in Igor Pro 5 . 0 (Wavemetrics ) . Only recordings taining 1 mM EDTA and 30 mM TRIZMA , pH 8 . 3 . The 20 that exhibited disulphide reduction events of the expected protein was eluted by a linear gradient between 0 and 0 .5M step size in the test pulse were analyzed . ( For a discussion NaCl. The proteins were pure , as measured by SDS - PAGE of expected disulphide reduction step size as a function of gel densitometry. The molecular weight of pure proteins was force, see Wiita et al. , PNAS USA , 103 : 7222 -7227 ( 2006 )) . confirmed by mass spectrometry . Trx fractions were dia - The test- pulse portions of numerous (n = 10 - 30 ) recordings lysed into a buffer of 10 mM HEPES , 150 mM NaCl and 1 25 that contained only disulphide reduction events and no mM EDTA , PH7 .2 . Trx concentration was determined spec - unsequestered unfolding events were summated and nor trophotometrically at 280 nm using a molar absorption malized . These averaged traces were fitted with a single coefficient 2280 of 13 , 700 M - 1 cm - 1 . The bulk activity of exponential to obtain the observed rate constant of reduc Trx and Trx ( P34H ) was confirmed by monitoring spectro - tion , r. This type of summation procedure is standard in the photometrically at 412 nm the reduction of 5 , 5 -dithiobis ( 2 - 30 ion channel literature and has been used in many contexts to nitrobenzoic acid ) (DTNB , Sigma ) as described (Perez - obtain macroscopic kinetics from single -molecule record Jimenez et al. , Biophys. Chem . , 115 : 105 - 107 (2005 ) ) . ings . It is assumed that disulphide reduction in ( 127SS ) is TRX was purified as previously described . Briefly , the markovian ( that is , that each reduction event is independent PACA / TRX plasmid was expressed in BL21( DE3 ) cells . of all others ); thus, averaging traces with different numbers Cell pellets were lysed using a French press and stirred with 35 of reduction steps will result in invariant exponential kinet 7 % w / v streptomycin sulphate . Protein was then precipitated ics4 . To estimate the error on the experimentally obtained by adding ammonium sulphate to 85 % saturation . The crude rate constant, the nonparametric bootstrap method was car extracts were applied to a DEAE 52 column equilibrated ried out. At a given value of force and [ Trx ) , n staircases with 50 mM Tris -HC1 , pH 7 . 5 , 1 mMEDTA and 0 . 1 mM were randomly drawn with replacement from the original DTT. Protein was eluted with an NaCl gradient, pooled and 40 data set . These were summed and fitted to obtain a rate concentrated , and then applied to a Sephadex G - 50 column constant. This procedure was repeated 1 , 000 times for each equilibrated with 50 mM Tris -HC1 , PH 7 . 5 , 1 mM EDTA and data set , resulting in a distribution that provided the standard 0 . 1 mM DTT . Fractions were pooled , concentrated and error of the mean for the reduction rate constant, shown as further purified using E . coli Trx antibody affinity chroma the error bars in FIGS . 11B and 11B , FIG . 12 and FIG . 13B . tography . Protein concentration was determined spectropho - 45 Kinetic Model. tometrically at 280 nm using an E280 of 8 ,050 M - 1 cm - 1 . In the kinetic model shown in FIG . 11D , three states are Single -Molecule Force - Clamp Spectroscopy. used to describe the experimental system . The rate equations Typical resolution in extension was ~ 0 . 5 nm and typical for the concentrations of states 0 , 1 and 2 as a function of analogue feedback lag in the force - clamp following unfold - time t are : ing was - 5 ms. The spring constant of silicon nitride 50 cantilevers (Veeco ) , typically ~ 20 PN nm - 1 , was calibrated d [0 ]/ dt = -K01 [0 ] - ko2 [0 ]+ k10 [ 1] E as described previously . The buffer used for all experiments a contained 10 mM HEPES , 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA and d [ 1 ] dt = K010] - k10 [ 1 ] - k 12[ 1 ] 2 mM NADPH , and was controlled to pH 7 . 2 . Before beginning the experiment, thioredoxin reductase ( Sigma ; 55 d [2 ]/ dt =Ko2 [ 0 ] +k12 [1 ] from E . coli for E . coli Trx experiments , or from rat liver for Where each rate constant is defined by the following human TRX experiments ) was added to the experimental parameters ( ao , BO , yo and 80 are coefficients used to buffer to a final concentration of 50 nM . Thioredoxin was calculate each rate constant as a function of force and [ Trx ] ) : then added to the experimental buffer to the indicated K01= Qo[ Trx ] £ concentration . An excess of NADPH and a catalytic amount 60 of thioredoxin reductase are both necessary to maintain , K12 = Boexp (FAx12 / kp7 ) © 98 % of Trx in the active , reduced form during the experi ment. In the Trx system , reducing equivalents are donated Ko2 = Yo [ Trx ] exp (FAxo2 / kp7) © from NADPH to the FAD domain of thioredoxin reductase , and these electrons subsequently reduce a catalytic disul- 65 K10= 80 phide bond in thioredoxin reductase . Reduced E . coli thio As shown in FIG . 11D , rate constants k01 and K02 are redoxin reductase is very specific for reducing the disulphide linearly dependent on the concentration of Trx and have US 9 ,880 , 088 B2 37 38 units of uM - 1 s - 1 . K10 is a constant with units of s - 1 . K12 ranging values for each parameter (typically over three is in units of s - 1 and is modelled to be exponentially orders of magnitude ) was solved first. Then the model r dependent on the applied force , following the Bell equation . values were compared to those obtained experimentally (see K02 also demonstrates an exponential dependence on the FIGS . 2C , D for wild - type Trx , and FIG . 3B for Trx (P34H ) ) applied force . There are no reverse rate constants for the 5 and calculated the goodness of the fit x2 , where 0 - > 2 and 1 - > 2 transitions ( that is , K20 = 0 and K21 = 0 ) . Immediately after disulphide bond reduction in an 127SS module by Trx , the two thiol groups in 127SS are pulled more than 10 nm apart by the applied force . This prevents any reoxidation of the disulphide bond in 127SS , so the 10 + = (4 =f ( x ) formation of state 2 is irreversible in the experiment . It is assumed that the concentration of Trx remains constant throughout the experiment because the rare oxidation of here, N is the number of data points , yi is the experimentally single enzymes will not significantly affect the overall observed rate, f (xi ) is the calculated rate from the kinetic solution concentration of active Trx . The [ Trx ] term is input 15 model, and o is the magnitude of the error of the observed as a constant from the experimental conditions. The 127SS rate . The combination of parameter values with the lowest concentration is not a factor in the rate equations because X2 then served as the starting point for the downhill simplex only single molecules are monitored at any given time and method to optimize further the global fit of the model to the all results are unaffected by the bulk concentration of 127SS . data . To describe the obtained experimental data , this kinetic 20 Errors for each parameter were again obtained with the model using matrix analysis was solved . By determining the bootstrap method in combination with the downhill simplex eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the kinetic matrix (see method . At each given value of force and [ Trx ], a value for equation ( 8 )) it is possible to calculate the probability of a the rate constant from the distribution obtained with the single 127SS module being in a given state as a function of bootstrap method ( see the “ Data Analysis ' section above ) time . 25 was picked at random . By using different values for the rate at each force , extracted from the bootstrap analysis , the ( 8 ) experimental error in each rate constant is accounted for A = ( - (K01 + K02 ) K10 K01 - ( K10 + K12 ) 0 ) when performing fits to the model . The downhill simplex 30 method was then applied to these rate constants , giving the KO2KO2 K12 best fitting values for each parameter for that particular combination of rates. The downhill simplex simultaneously If values are inputted for the parameters a0 , BO , YO , 80 , varied all six fitting parameters to globally fit the 32 data Ax12 and Ax02 as well as the experimentalperimental [I TrxTri ] , the matrix points for wild -type Trx ( 14 at 8 UM Trx ; 18 at other for a discrete set of forces in the range of 0 -600 PN can be 35 concentrations ) . This procedure was repeated 200 times , solved . The output of the analysis shows the probability of resulting in distributions , and thereby standard errors , for a single disulphide bond existing in state 0 , state 1 or state each model parameter. 2 as a function of time . It is noted that the model is solved To determine the goodness of fit of the various kinetic with the initial condition of P ( 0 ) = 1 at time = 0 , State 2 , where models , the above methods were first used to globally fit disulphide reduction by Trx has occurred , is the only state 40 each model to the force -dependent and concentration -de that can be directly monitored using the experimental tech - pendent data for wild - type Trx . An overall x2 value was nique . Thus , the calculated probability ofbeing in state 2 as measured for the best fit to each model ( best- fitting param a function of time directly corresponds to the observed eters shown in Table 1 ) . TABLE 1 Parameters obtained from global fits to alternate kinetic models ( see Supplementary FIGS. 5 and 6 ) . Error bars are given by the standard error for each parameter obtained from the downhill simplex filling procedure (see “ Kinetic Model” in Methods) . Bo (s - 1 or AX12 (A ) X12 , B X02 ( A ) AX12 ( B ) WTW? ?rxTrx ao (um - ' s - 1) uM - ' s - 1 ) Yo ( s - 1 ) 8o ( s - 1 ) ( 8 ) ( Å ) ( Å ) ( Å ) Model 1 0 . 24 + 0 .07 0 . 060 u 0 .009 - 0 . 9 + 0 . 2 — Model 2 0 . 25 + 0 .04 0 .020 + 0 .007 - 0 . 6 + 0 . 1 0 . 13 + 0 .03 Michaelis 0 . 22 + 0 . 02 25 + 4 3 . 5 + 0 . 9 - 0 . 67 + 0 .07 - Menten Model 3 0 . 24 + 0 . 02 28 + 4 2 . 7 + 0 . 3 4 . 1 + 0 . 6 - 1 . 2 + 0 . 2 Model 4 0 . 24 + 0 .03 33 + 4 0. 4 0 .1 44.. 464 + 0. 5 - 0 . 3 9 + 0. .21 0. 2020 700 .02 02 Trx P34H |1L Model 4 0 .14 ± 0. 02 30 = 2 0 .37 + 0. 08 3. 3 + 0. 6 - 0 . 9 + 0 .2 0 . 36 + 0 .03

60 single- molecule recordings shown in FIG . 11A . By fitting A reduced chi- squared value, x2v = x2/ v , where v is the these calculated probabilities with a single exponential , the number of degrees of freedom in the fit ( v = N - c , where N is observed rate constant of reduction ( r = 1 / t from the expo - the number of data points and c is the number of free fitting nential fit to the model plot ) can be obtained in the same parameters ) was then obtained . To determine the statistical manner that r was determined for the experimental data . 65 goodness of fit , P ( x2v ) was calculated , the likelihood of To find the optimal kinetic parameters to describe the obtaining the observed X2v n if the experimental data are experimental data , the kinetic model for several , widely truly represented by the proposed kinetic model . This US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 39 40 method has been used previously to determine the goodness found for the transition state in an SN2 reaction ) within 160 of fits of various kinetic models to single -molecule data . ps using the free - energy perturbation code in Gromacs and P (x2v ) was calculated using the web -based program avail starting from the equilibrated system . Next, the third sulphur able at http : / /www . fourmilab .ch /rpkp /experiments /analysis atom taking part in the SN2 reaction was placed along the chiCalc .html . Parameters relating to the analysis of various 5 resulting vector of the extended disulphide bond between kinetic models are shown in Table 2 . Trx and the NF -kB peptide in a distance of 2 . 40 A , as found for the SN2 transition state . The cysteine residue to which TABLE 2 the third sulphur atom is bound was placed into the location Statistical Analysis of kinetic model fitting ( see Supplementary defined by the sulphur atom , and was oriented such that it FIGS . 5 and 6 ) . For WT Trx , number of data points N = 32 ; for 10 did not clash with Trx or peptide residues . Using 20 different Trx P34H , N = 10 ; for hTrx , N = 10 and AX2 = 0 .079 ( fixed ) starting structures of equilibrated Trx for the modelling of Reduced chi- Degrees of the reduction transition state resulted in somewhat different squared X ») Freedom ( v ) Free parameters pxv) active - site geometries . The angle between the peptide -bind 15 ing groove and the axis of the sulphur atoms varies and WT Trx exists in the range between 50° and 130°. The average Final 0 . 835 0 .705 conformation of the disulphide bond was observed to fall Model into two populations . The resulting structures were plotted Model 1 1 . 96 0 . 0015 with Pymol . Model 2 1 . 39 auAAWa 0 . 110 Michaelis 5 . 06 < 1 · 10 - 10 20 In another set of simulations , titin 127 with residues 32 Menten and 75 mutated to cysteines was unfolded to monitor the Model 3 1 . 21 Seecó 0 . 211 Model 4 0 . 973 0 .503 disulphide bond orientation in the unfolded state with Trx P34H respect to the pulling direction . The OPLS force field was applied for 127 . The wild - type protein ( PDB accession Final 0 . 580 + o 0 .677 25 number 1 TIT ) was solvated in TIP4P water in a 6 .8x5 . 7x5 . 0 Model Model 4 3 .09 4 6 00 . 015 nm3box . Sixteen sodium and ten chloride atoms were added h?rx to neutralize the protein charges and to give physiological ion strength . The resulting system size was 23 ,524 atoms. Final 0 ..750 750 5 5 0 . 586 127 was minimized , the solvent initially equilibrated with Model 30 restraints on the protein heavy atoms (500 ps ), and then the entire system subsequently equilibrated for a further 8 ns . Force -Probe Molecular Dynamics and Structural Model The simulation software and parameters as described above ing . were applied . Residues 32 and 75 of the equilibrated struc Simulations were carried out with the Gromacs 3 . 3 . 1 ture were mutated to cysteine residues using the program simulation suite (http :/ /www . gromacs .org ) . The simulations 35 WHATIF . The mutant 127SS was re - solvated in a larger box were started from the NMR structure of human TRX in an ( 19 . 2x5 .5x5 . 0 nm3 ) , allowing sufficient space to completely intermediate complex with a disulphide bond to a substrate , unfold the protein , yielding a system size of 112 , 156 atoms. the NF -KB peptide (PDB accession number 1MDI) . Proto - The system was minimized , resulting in a shortening of the nation states of the standard amino acids were adopted from S S bond to the value typical for an S S bond ( 2 .05 Å ) . the solution structure . 40 The solvent was equilibrated with restraints on the protein The OPLS (optimized potentials in liquid simulations) heavy atoms ( 2 ns ), followed by the equilibration of side force field was applied . The protein was solvated in a chains with restraints on the protein backbone atoms ( 2 ns) , 7 . 3x7 . 3x7 . 4 nm3 box of TIP4P water molecules . Twenty - and finally by the equilibration of the whole system ( 11 ns ) . two sodium and 18 chloride ions were added to the simu - No distortion of the structure adjacent to the pointmutations lation system to compensate for the overall positive charge 45 was observed . Force -probe molecular dynamics simulations of the protein and to mimic physiological conditions. This of the equilibrated 127SS mutant were performed . The yielded a total system size of 49 , 220 atoms. Simulations Ca -atoms of the terminal residues were subjected to har were carried out with periodic boundary conditions . Appli - monic pulling potentials with a spring constant of 500 kJ cation of the Lincs and Settle methods allowed for an mol- 1 nm - 2 , and were moved away from each other with a integration time step of 2 fs . Electrostatic and Lennard - Jones 50 constant velocity of 0 . 4 nm ns - 1 . As expected , the unfolded interactions were calculated within a cut- off of 1 nm , and the structure , obtained after ~ 14 ns of the force -probe molecular neighbour list was updated every ten steps. For the long dynamics simulation time, showed alignment of the disul range electrostatic interactions, the Particle -Mesh - Ewald phide bond within - 20° of the pulling direction , with a ( PME) method41 with a grid spacing of 0 .12 nm was used . projection of the S / S bond length on the pulling axis of An N , P , T ensemble , where N is the number of atoms, p is 55 - 1 . 9 A . the pressure and T is the temperature , was simulated , with For comparison of the active - site geometry , additional separate coupling of the protein , solvent and ions to a 300K standard equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations have heat bath ( T = 0 . 1 ) . The system was isotropically coupled to been performed for the reduced state of Trx in the absence a 1 bar pressure bath ( t = 1 . 0 ). Initially, the system was of a peptide, and for the other available Trx intermediate , the energy -minimized steepest descent, 1 , 000 steps ) , before 60 Trx -Ref - 1 complex . For the simulation of the reduced state , equilibrating the solvent for 700 ps with positional restraints the NF -KB peptide in the 1MDI structure was deleted . The on protein heavy atoms. Then , the whole system was equili - apo structure with an unprotonated Cys 32 was solvated in brated ( 300 K ). water. After addition of ions to yield physiological ion To model an approximate transition state geometry for the strength , the system comprised 33 ,606 atoms. The Trx - Ref- 1 SN2 reaction in the active site of Trx , in a subsequent 65 complex (PDB accession number 1CQH ) was solvated in simulation the Trx -NF - KB disulphide bond was elongated water with physiological ion strength , resulting in a system from 2 . 05 Å to 2 .60 Å ( the length of the extended bond size of 38 , 760 atoms, US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 41 42 Example 3 polyprotein allows the rapid unfolding of the 127G32C A75C modules up to the disulfide bond . The individual Selection of Trxs from Different Species unfolding events can be registered as steps of B10 . 5 nm per module . After the first pulse , the disulfide bonds become To investigate the various catalytic mechanisms devel- 5 exposed to the solvent, where the Trx molecules are present oped by Trx , a set of Trxs belonging to a representative in the reduced form owing to the presence of Trx reductase group of species from different kingdoms were selected : and NADPH ( Trx system ) 6 . A second pulse of force is Animalia , Eubacteria , Protista and Plantae ( covering two applied to monitor single disulfide reductions by Trx domains of life : bacteria and eukaryotes) . Trx is widely enzymes, recorded as a second series of steps of B13 . 5 nm distributed in all living organisms from bacteria to mam - 10 per domain ( FIG . 15A , 15B ) . Several traces per force mals . In addition , the existence of a second paralogous Trx ( 15 -50 ) have been accumulated , which have been averaged gene ( Txn2 ) seems to be common in animals , protists and and fit with a single exponential with a time constant t ( FIG . Gram - negative bacteria . In protists and animals , Trxl is 15C , 15D ) . Thus , the reduction rate at a given force ( r = 1 / t ) located in the cytoplasm , whereas Trx2 is present in mito - is obtained . chondria . Notably , mitochondrial Trx2 from mammals has 15 The single -molecule assay was applied to obtain the been shown to have higher similarity with E . coli Trx1 than force -dependency of the rate of reduction by the selected with cytosolic Trx1 from mammals . In the case of plants , a Trxs (FIG . 16 ). From these data three different types of rich variety of Trx genes can be found encoding more than force - dependencies can be readily distinguished . First, all 20 different types of Trxs that are classified into six iso - tested Trx enzymes showed a negative force - dependency in forms: Trxf, h , m , x , y and o . The f, m , x and y forms are 20 the range 30 - 200 PN . Second , all Trx enzymes from bacte plastidic Trxs, h forms are mainly cytosolic and o forms are rial origin show that, after reaching a minimum rate at found in mitochondria . In this study, both human cytosolic around 200 pN , the rate of reduction increases exponentially and mitochondrial Trxs from animals were included , poplar at greater forces . Third , at forces greater than 200 pN , Trxhl ( featuring a CPPC active site instead of the canonical enzymes from eukaryotic origin show a rate of reduction CGPC ) , poplar Trxh3 and pea chloroplastic Trxm from 25 that becomes force - independent. Therefore , the previous plants, E . coli Trxl and Trx2 from bacteria and , finally , observations in E . coli and human TRXs can now be Plasmodium falciparum (malaria parasite) Trxl from pro - generalized to bacterial- origin and eukaryotic -origin Trxs . tists. As previously proposed , the reduction mechanism A sequence alignment of the Trxs of interest shows that observed when the substrate is stretched at low forces the residues around the active site are highly conserved . The 30 ( 30 -200 pN ) is similar to a Michaelis -Menten (MM -SN2 ) construction of a phylogenetic tree (FIG . 14 ) , incorporating reaction in which the formation of an enzyme - substrate additional Trxs from the three domains of life , classifies E . complex is determinant. Upon binding , the substrate disul coli Trxl and Trx2 , human TRX2 and pea Trxm as 'bacte - fide bond needs to rotate to achieve the correct geometry rial- type ' Trys (upper branches in FIG . 14 ) and human necessary for an SN2 reaction to occur, that is , the three TRX1, poplar Trxh1 and Trxh3 and P . falciparum Trxl as 35 involved sulfur atoms form an ~ 180° angle . This rotation ‘ eukaryotic - like ' Trxs ( lower branches in FIG . 14 ) . The causes the shortening of the substrate polypeptide along the construction of a larger tree incorporating more than 200 Trx stretching force axis , as determined by the negative value of sequences corroborates the suggestion that the sequences Ax12 in the kinetic model (Table 3, FIG . 17 ). This mecha used are widely distributed and that they are representative nism is rapidly inhibited as the force increases , generating for the entire Trx family . 40 the negative dependence of the reduction rate with the Force - Dependent Chemical Kinetics of Disulfide Reduction pulling force in all Trx enzymes (FIG . 16 ) . Here it is An atomic force microscope was used in its force - clamp demonstrated that , whereas the absolute rate of reduction mode to study the chemistry of disulfide reduction by Trx . varies from enzyme to enzyme, the general characteristics of Briefly , a polyprotein composed of eight domains of the 27th this mechanism of reduction are apparent in all of them . TABLE 3 Kinetic parameters for Trx enzymes from different species Alo (uM - 15 - 1 ) Bo ( s - 1 ) Yo (UM - is- 1 ) kjo ( s - 1 ) AX 12 ( Å ) AX02 ( Å ) ro ( S - 1 ) E . coli Trx1 0 . 25 + 0 .02 0 .012 + 0 .002 4 . 7 + 0 . 5 - 0 . 75 + 0 . 05 0 . 16 + 0 . 01 0 .08 + 0 .02 E . coli Trx2 0 . 18 + 0 .04 23 + 3 0 .009 + 0 . 002 4 . 5 + 0 . 5 - 1 .41 + 0 .03 0 . 19 + 0 . 01 0 .07 + 0 .03 Human 0 .65 + 0 . 15 25 + 2 0 .019 = 0 .004 3 . 8 = 0 . 6 - 0 . 84 + 0 .05 0 . 19 = 0 .02 0 .06 0 .04 TRX2 NWN Pea Trx m 0 . 28 + 0 .03 22 + 2 0 .012 + 0 .002 5 . 0 + 0 . 6 - 0 . 93 + 0 . 08 0 . 17 + 0 .02 0 .09 0 .04 P . falciparum 0 . 43 + 0 . 05 25 + 2 4 . 8 + 0 . 5 - 1 .01 + 0 .05 0 .34 + 0 . 02 Trx1 Human 0 .52 + 0 . 05 33 + 2 3 . 1 + 0 . 9 - 0 . 71 + 0 .05 - 0. 35 0 .02 TRX1 Poplar 0 .12 + 0 .03 30 + 3 4 . 4 + 0 . 4 - 1 . 16 + 0 .08 0 . 17 0 .02 Trxh3 Poplar 0 .22 = 0. 02 28 = 3 5 . 5 0 . 6 - 0 .68 + 0 .07 - 0 . 17 + 0 . 03 Trxh1 Til module of human cardiac titin was chosen for a substrate , in According to the parameters obtained from the fit of the which each module contains an engineered disulfide bond 65 data to a simple MM - SN2- type kinetic model ( Table 3 ), it between the 32nd and 75th positions ( 127G32C -A75C ) 8 . was found that an extrapolation to zero force predicts rate The first pulse of force (175 PN , 0 . 3 s ) applied to the constants ranging from 1 .2x105 M - 1 s - 1 for poplar Trxh3 US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 43 44 to 6 .5x105 M - 1 s - 1 for human TRX2. These values are mechanism ( > 300 pN ) is essentially concentration - indepen markedly similar to those obtained previously using insulin dent. As expected for a first- order MM - SN2 mechanism , disulfides as substrates and E . coli Trx8 . The value of Ax12 where substrate binding to the groove is determinant, the remained below 1 Å , except for E . coli Trx2 and poplar rate of reduction showed linear concentration - dependence Trxh3 , which gave values of more than 1 A ( Table 3 ) . These 5 when working below saturating concentrations of TRX1 high values of Ax12 represent a higher rotation angle of the enzyme ( < 15 uM ) . However, given that the TRX1 and substrate disulfide bond for the SN2 reaction . This mecha NADPH system was in equilibrium owing to the presence of nism is unique to Trx enzymes , and it seems to be the result of evolutionary pressure toward developing an efficient TrxR , the redox potential of TRX1 would be expected to mechanism of disulfide reduction that is not possible with 10 remain constant ( from the Nernst equation ) . Therefore , the simple chemical reagents. potential difference between TRX1 and substrate , and thus When forces of more than 200 pN were applied to the the rate of electron transfer , would also be constant in this substrate , the MM -SN2 mechanism was blocked , and a TRX1 concentration range . Hence , the SET mechanism second force - dependent mechanism of reduction became should be essentially independent of the enzyme concentra dominant. This was true for all types of Trx enzymes that 15 ton were tested . In enzymes of bacterial origin , this high - force The results suggest that there are three distinct mecha mechanism ( FIG . 16A ) seems to be analogous to that of nisms of reduction that operate simultaneously in a Trx simple chemical compounds such as cysteine, glutathione or enzyme. These mechanisms are identified by their force DTT, which reduce disulfide bonds through a force - depen dependency , as shown in FIG . 17 . The most complex dent SN2 thioldisulfide exchange reaction with bond elon - 20 mechanism is characterized by a negative force -dependency gation at the transition state . This reaction was incorporated and is unique to enzymatic catalysis by Trx ( FIG . 17A , 17B ) . into the kinetic model (k02 ) , obtaining a value for the This enzymatic mechanism of reduction is characterized by elongation of the disulfide bond at the transition state of a MM - SN2 reaction between the substrate polypeptide and - 0 . 18 Å ( Ax02 in Table 3 ) , a value that is similar to those the binding groove of the enzyme, followed by a rotation of obtained when using cysteine as a nucleophile ( - 0 . 2 Å ) . 25 the substrate disulfide bond to gain position for the SN2 Absence of the SN2 - like mechanism seems to be common to reduction mechanism (FIG . 17A , 17B ) . A much simpler all eukaryotic - origin Trx , where the rate of the reaction mechanism is that of a regular SN2 reaction , characterized became force - independent at greater forces (FIG . 16B ) . This by a rate of reduction that increases exponentially with the force - independent mechanism was measured as a constant applied force . This mechanism is well represented by rate of reduction that ranged from 0 . 2 s - 1 to 0 . 4 s - 1 ( FIG . 30 nucleophiles such as L - cysteine ( FIG . 17A ) , glutathione and 16B , inset ) . It is speculated that in enzymes of bacterial DTT. By this mechanism , the substrate disulfide bond and origin the minimum value of the reduction rate is also the catalytic cysteine of the enzyme orient themselves with limited by this force - independent ‘ floor in the rate of the pulling force , without needing a rotation of the substrate reduction , which varies in the range 0 . 2 - 0 . 4 s - 1 ( FIG . 16A , disulfide bond ( FIG . 17C ) . It was suspected that this mecha inset ) . This mechanism was incorporated into the kinetic 35 nism would be possible only if the Trx enzyme had a shallow model in the form of a constant parameter, 1 , which con binding grove that allowed many other orientations of the tributes equally to the reduction rate throughout the entire substrate -enzyme complex . Finally , the third mechanism is range of forces ( Table 3 ) . the force - independent , barrier - free electron - tunneling trans A possibility that may explain this force - independent fer mechanism , revealed by the action ofmetallic zinc ( FIG . chemical mechanism is a SET reaction via tunneling , a 40 17D ) . It is inevitable that, if the disulfide bond gets close process that has been observed in enzymes containing enough to the thiolate anion of the catalytic cysteine , the metallic complexes In addition , it has been suggested that electron tunneling will occur, albeit at a low rate . SET reactions are highly favored when steric hindrance Thus , comparing the data in FIG . 16 and FIG . 11 , it is occurs . To test whether an electron transfer mode of reduc - clear that the main difference between enzymes of bacterial tion would be force - independent, the kinetics of disulfide 45 and eukaryotic origin is the elimination of the high - force , reduction under force by a metal was investigated . Some simple SN2- like mechanism of reduction . This drastic metals participate in oxidation - reduction processes in pro - change in the catalytic chemistry may be caused by changes teins via electron - transfer reactions that are governed by the in the structure of the enzyme as it evolved . The most salient reduction potential. The reduction of disulfide bonds by zinc feature in the structure of Trx enzymes is the binding groove nanoparticles ( diameter < 50 nm ) was experimentally stud - 50 into which the target polypeptide first binds , to be subse ied . In sharp contrast to all other reducing agents that were quently reduced by the exposed thiol of the catalytic cyste studied , the rate of reduction of disulfide bonds by zinc was ine ( FIG . 18A ) . force - independent (FIG . 17A ) . Owing to the experimental Structural Analysis and Molecular Dynamics Simulations difficulty of working at low forces with zinc nanoparticles, To study the role of the structure in the chemical behavior only experiments done using forces of more than 200 pN 55 of Trxs , the structure of the binding groove of a set of were included . The results support the idea that the force bacterial- origin and eukaryotic -origin Trxs were analyzed . independentmechanism is a barrier- free electron - tunneling Three eukaryotic - origin enzymes — human TRX1, Arabi reaction that does not require the precise orientation for the dopsis thaliana Trxhl and spinach Trxf — and three bacte SN2 reaction . rial -origin enzymes - human mitochondrial TRX2, E . coli Another piece of evidence in support of the SET mecha - 60 Trxl and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Trxm were studied . nism can be obtained from the analysis of the concentration From the X -ray or NMR structures , structural axes were dependencies of the MM - SN2 and SET reduction mecha - defined that allowed the calculation of the depth and width nisms. Reduction kinetics by human TRX1 were measured of the binding groove in the region surrounding the catalytic at different forces and concentrations (50 - 600 pN and 2 - 15 cysteine ( FIG . 18A ) . It was found that eukaryotic Trx uM of TRX1) and found that the low - force MM -SN2 65 enzymes have binding grooves that are several angstroms mechanism (50 - 200 pN ) is clearly dependent on the con - deeper than those of bacterial origin (FIG . 18B ) . By contrast , centration of the enzyme, whereas the high - force SET the width of the binding groove remained the same. US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 45 46 The consequences of a deepening binding groove using Here it is shown that single -molecule force - clamp spec molecular dynamics simulations to probe the mobility of a troscopy can be a valuable tool to examine the evolution of bound polypeptide were explored . For these simulations, a Trx catalysis by studying the chemistry of eight Trx enzymes set of enzyme structures obtained with mixed disulfide from four different kingdoms. It is shown that three different intermediates between the catalytic cysteine and a cysteine 5 chemical mechanisms for disulfide reduction can be distin in the bound substrate were considered . Such structures guished in Trx enzymes by their sensitivity to a mechanical capture the general disposition of the substrate in the cata - force applied to their substrate . Common to all Trx enzymes lytic site of the Trx enzyme. Three eukaryotic complexes — is a highly efficient Michaelis -Menten - type mechanism of human TRX1 with the substrate REF - 1 , human TRX1 with disulfide bond reduction , characterized by a negative force NF -kB and barley Trxh2 with protein BASI — and two 10 dependency (FIG . 17A , 17B ) . Also common to all enzymes bacterial complexes E . coli Trxl with Trx reductase and B . is a low - rate , force - independent mechanism of reduction subtilis Trx with ArsC complex were used . To compare these that, owing to its similarity to metallic zinc , may be due to structures, 13 residues of the substrates , with the binding a barrier - free electron - tunneling mechanism (FIG . 17A , cysteine always set as the seventh residue were taken into 17D ) . Finally , enzymes of bacterial origin show an addi account. For the molecular dynamics simulations , the sub - 15 tional mechanism of reduction , comparable to that of a strate - enzyme disulfide bond was removed to allow sub - simple SN2 reaction and showing a force - dependency simi strate mobility . The shallow binding groove of bacterial Trxs l ar to that of glutathione or cysteine (FIG . 17A , 17C ) . This allows the substrate to be mobile (FIG . 18C ) . By contrast, simple SN2mechanism seems to have been eliminated from the deeper groove found in Trx enzymes of eukaryotic origin T rx enzymes of eukaryotic origin , suggesting that the tends to freeze the substrate into a much smaller range of 20 mechanism of disulfide bond reduction by Trx enzymes was conformations . Similarly , the measured distribution of the altered at an early stage of eukaryotic evolution . distances between the reacting sulfur atoms is smaller and The physical characteristics of the binding groove are more narrowly distributed in the deeper binding groove of identified as important factors in the evolution of Trx Trx enzymes of eukaryotic origin than in those with the catalysis . The appearance of the hydrophobic binding shallower grooves found in enzymes of bacterial origin 25 groove allowed Trxs to bind the substrate in a specific ( FIG . 18D ) . fashion , generating a stabilizing interaction that allows the As an additional test , molecular dynamics simulations enzyme to regulate the geometry and orientation of the were carried out in which the substrate was removed from substrate disulfide bond in the catalytic site of the enzyme . the Protein Data Bank structures for two Trx complexes: one This binding mechanism results in the Michaelis -Menten from eukaryotic origin , barley Trxh2 with protein BASI 30 type kinetics of reduction observed in all Trx . It is notewor ( PDB 2IWT) , and the other from bacterial origin , B . subtilis thy that , as the binding groove deepens in enzymes of Trx with ArsC complex (PDB 2IPA ) . No appreciable dif - eukaryotic origin , the SN2 - like mechanism of in the evolu ference in the dynamics of the groove between the bacterial tion of Trx catalysis . The appearance of the hydrophobic and the eukaryotic Trxs was found . In fact, the averaged binding groove allowed Trxs to bind the substrate in a value of the r. m . s . deviation difference is 0 .035 + 0 .028 for 35 specific fashion , generating a stabilizing interaction that PDB 21WT and 0 .023 + 0 . 031 for PDB 2IPA (the error allows the enzyme to regulate the geometry and orientation indicates s . d . ) . These results support the idea that the large of the substrate disulfide bond in the catalytic site of the differences in the mobility of the substrate that is being enzyme. This binding mechanism results in the Michaelis reported (FIG . 18C , 18D ) are due to the different binding Menten -type kinetics of reduction observed in all Trx . It is constraints of the groove . 40 noteworthy that, as the binding groove deepens in enzymes Finally , the B - factor distribution of the substrate from the of eukaryotic origin , the SN2- like mechanism of reduction PDB structures were compared . The B - factors of protein disappears . These observations are in agreement with the crystal structures reflect the fluctuation of atoms around their view that the SN2 - like mechanism of reduction observed in average positions and provide information about protein bacterial Trx enzymes results from less specific enzyme dynamics . In particular, the B - factors of eukaryotic barley 45 substrate interactions (FIG . 17C ) . The emergence of eukary Trxh2 bound to protein BASI ( PBD 2IWT) were compared otes gave rise to vastly more complex biological systems, with that of E . coli Trx bound to Trx reductase ( PDB 1F6M ) , resulting in a myriad of new functions and targets . It is both from X - ray crystallographic experiments . Consistent tempting to speculate that the deepening of the binding with the simulation results ( FIG . 18C ) , the substrate in groove in eukaryotic Trx ( FIG . 18 ) may have been an 1F6M ( bacterial - origin Trx ) has larger B - factors than does 50 important structural adaptation that improved the specificity eukaryotic Trx 21WT. of substrate - enzyme interactions . These structural observations suggest that a major feature However , evolutionary optimization of Trx activity is in the evolution of Trx enzymes has been an increase in the clearly a much more complex multiparameter function depth of the binding groove , increasing the efficiency of the involving other structural features and cofactors . Most MM - SN2 mechanism and eliminating the simple SN2 55 importantly , Trxs work together with TrxRs, which convert mechanism of catalysis . oxidized Trx to its active dithiol form . There are major Over the past 4 billion years, the chemistry of living differences in the structure and mechanism of TrxR across organisms has changed continuously in response to changes the evolutionary tree , and it is reasonable to consider that the in atmospheric conditions and biological phenomena . For evolution of the chemicalmechanisms found in Trx has been example , the large increase in the level of atmospheric 60 tightly associated with the evolution of TrxR . In the experi oxygen that occurred about ~ 2 . 5 billion years ago is thought ments , generic bacterial and eukaryotic TrxR have been used to have triggered a chemical expansion that had a large to keep the Trx enzymes in the reduced state . It is anticipated impact on the chemistry of enzymatic reactions, especially that this assay can be expanded by contrasting the effect of those involving redox transformations . However, under different TrxR enzymes in the observed chemistry of Trx . standing how enzymes have adapted their chemical mecha - 65 From a biological point of view , an interesting hypothesis nisms to evolutionary pressures remains a challenge in is that the simple SN2 - like mechanism present in bacterial molecular biology. Trxs might be related to their ability to live in extreme US 9 ,880 , 088 B2 47 48 environments , where elevated mechanical forces might events . The experiments using metallic zinc in 100 mM result as a consequence of the high pressures or extreme citrate buffer at pH 6 were carried out. After adding zinc salinity that cause cells to swell or shrink . Under such nanoparticles ( Sigma) to a concentration of 10 mM , the conditions the enzymatic Michaelis -Menten - type mecha - solution was sonicated to allow resuspension . The pH of the nism of reduction would become inoperative. In support of 5 buffer was verified during the time of the experiment, and no this view , Trx has been shown to promote high -pressure appreciable changes were observed . In addition , to verify the resistance in E . coli . behavior of the substrate in citrate buffer , several control This work generally demonstrates the usefulness of com experiments in the absence of zinc nanoparticles were bining single -molecule force spectroscopy together with carried out, and detected no reduction events . Data using molecular dynamics simulations in probing enzymatic 10 custom -written software in IGOR Pro 6 .03 (Wavemetrics ) chemistry . Substantial differences in the chemical mecha - was collected and analyzed . The collected traces ( 15 - 50 per nisms of extant Trx enzymes are observed . It would be force ) containing the reduction events were summated and interesting to track the evolution of these chemical mecha - averaged . The resulting averaged traces were fit with a nisms using resurrected ancient Trx enzymes . Owing to an single exponential from which the rate constant was extensive sequence database and the development of sophis - 15 obtained . ticated maximum - likelihood algorithms for the reconstruc - As will be apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art from tion of ancient DNA sequences, reconstructing the evolution a reading of this disclosure , the present disclosed subject of chemical mechanisms in this class of important enzymes matter can be embodied in forms other than those specifi now seems entirely plausible . It is anticipated that the cally disclosed above . The particular embodiments enzymatic studies carried out on Trx at the single- molecule 20 described above are , therefore , to be considered as illustra level can serve as a starting point to investigate the chem - tive and not restrictive . Those skilled in the art will recog istry of other enzymes, such as C — S lyases or proteases, for nize, or be able to ascertain , using no more than routine which the catalyzed rupture of covalent bonds is the funda experimentation , numerous equivalents to the specific mental process . embodiments described herein . The scope of the disclosed Protein expression and purification . Preparation of 25 subject matter is as set forth in the appended claims and ( 127G32S - A75C ) 8 polyprotein has been described exten - equivalents thereof, rather than being limited to the sively . The expression and purification of the different Trxs examples contained in the foregoing description . used have also been described : P. falciparum , Drosophila melanogaster Trx1 , poplar Trxhl and Trxh3 , pea Trxm60 , E . Example 4 coli Trx1 , E . coli Trx2 and human TRX2. 30 Sequence Analysis . Disulfide bonds are formed as essential posttranslational Sequence alignment was carried out using ClustalW and modifications in a third of human proteins (Hatahet , F . et al. , modified by hand . Tree topology and branch lengths of the Antioxid Redox Signal 11, 2807 - 2850 (2009 ) ). Formation of tree were estimated using Mr. Bayes ( v . 3 . 5 ) (http : // disulfides also plays a critical role in numerous pathologies mrbayes . csit. fsu .edu /) , with rate variation modeled accord - 35 including bacterial infection (Heras , B . et al ., Nat Rev ing to a gamma distribution . The following GI numbers were Microbiol 7 , 215 - 225 ( 2009 )) , virus replication ( Land , A . & accessed from GenBank . Bacteria : E . coli Trx1 (67005950 ) , Braakman , I. Biochimie 83 , 783 -790 ( 2001) ) and protein Salmonella Trx1 ( 16767191) , E . coli Trx2 ( 16130507 ), misfolding disease (Uehara , T . et al. , Nature 441 , 513 -517 Salmonella Trx2 ( 16765969) , human TRX2 mitochondria (2006 ) ) ; Culotta , V . C ., Yang , M . & O 'Halloran , T . V . ( 21361403 ) , bovine Trx2 mitochondria ( 108935910 ) , Rick - 40 Biochim Biophys Acta 1763 , 747 - 758 (2006 ) ) . In the cytosol ettsia Trx (15603883 ) , Nostoc Trx ( 17227548 ) , Procloro - of eukaryotic cells , thioredoxin ( TRX ) maintains cysteines coccus Trx (126696505 ) , spinach Trxm chloroplast reduced (Holmgren , A . Thioredoxin . Annu Rev Biochem 54 , (2507458 ), pea Trxm chloroplast ( 1351239 ), Thermus Trx 237 - 271 ( 1985 )) . Disulfides are formed in the endoplasmic ( 46199687 ), Deinococcus Trx ( 15805968 ) , Archaea Aero - reticulum where the thioredoxin - like protein disulfide pyrum Trx ( 118431868 ), Hyperthermus Trx ( 124027987 ) , 45 isomerase (PDI ) catalyzes co -translocational oxidative fold Sulfolobus Trx ( 15897303) . Eukaryote : P . falciparum Trx ing (Hatahet , F . et al. , Antioxid Redox Signal 11, 2807 - 2850 ( 75024181 ) , poplar Trxhl ( 19851972) , poplar Trxh3 (2009 ) ; Mamathambika , B . S . & Bardwell, J . C . Disulfide ( 2398305 ) , pea Trx (27466894 ) , Dictyostelium Trx linked protein folding pathways. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 24 , ( 165988451) , bovine Trx ( 27806783 ), human TRX1 211- 235 (2008 ) ; Di Jeso , B . et al ., Mol Cell Biol 25 , ( 135773 ) . 50 9793 - 9805 ( 2005 ) ) . However , the precise involvement of Single -Molecule Force - Clamp Experiments. PDI during protein folding has remained elusive . A kinetic Silicon nitride cantilever ( Veeco ) was used with a typical model for PDI activity during catalyzed oxidative folding is spring constant of 20 pN nm - 1 , calibrated using the equi- presented , including a method enabling , for the first time, partition theorem . The force - clamp mode provides an exten - independent kinetic measurements of folding and disulfide sion resolution of - 0 . 5 nm and a piezoelectric actuator 55 formation in a single protein substrate . The data indicate that feedback of ~ 5 ms. The buffer used in all the experiments catalyzed disulfide formation is rate limited by structural was 10 mM HEPES , 150 Mm NaCl, 1 mM EDTA , 2 mM folding . Enzyme- substrate intermediate complexes do not NADPH at pH 7 . 2 . Before the beginning of the experiment, impede folding and are necessary for disulfide formation . It TrxR , bacterial or eukaryotic depending on the case , was is proposed that the spontaneous rate of enzyme release added to a final concentration of 50 nM . The different Trxs 60 modulates oxidative catalysis during co - translocational fold were added to the desired concentration . The reaction mix - ing . Replacement of a single atom in TRX was shown to ture and the substrate were added and allowed to absorb onto inhibit spontaneous release and enable efficient catalysis of a freshly evaporated gold coverslip before the experiments . disulfide formation . These findings show that contrary to the The force - clamp experiment consisted of a double -pulse prevailing view , oxidative folding is best described as a force protocol. The first pulse was set at 175 pN during 65 non - equilibrium process governed by enzyme kinetics. 0 . 3 - 0 . 4 s . The second pulse can be set at different forces and In both pro - and eukaryotes , the Sec translocase machin was held long enough to capture all the possible reduction ery mediates transport of unfolded polypeptides from the US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 49 50 cytosol to compartments where disulfide formation takes enzymatic cleavage . Upon cleavage of the disulfide bond , an place (Sevier , C . S . & Kaiser, C . A . Formation and transfer additional 14 nm of the polypeptide chain is released and a of disulphide bonds in living cells . Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 3 , mixed disulfide complex is generated . After a few seconds , 836 - 847 (2002 ) ; Wickner , W . & Schekman , R . Protein the force was switched off and the substrate was allowed to translocation across biological membranes . Science 310 , 5 refold (At = 5 s ) . Folding and disulfide formation was then 1452 - 1456 ( 2005 ) ; Bechtluft, P . et al. , Direct observation of probed by again applying a stretching force (probe pulse ) . chaperone - induced changes in a protein folding pathway. The reappearance of 11 and 14 nm steps in the probe pulse Science 318 , 1458 -1461 (2007 ) ). Oxidase enzymes in these indicate that oxidative folding had taken place . In other compartments engage with exposed cysteines in translocat - traces, the probe pulse revealed 25 nm steps ( FIG . 28 & FIG . ing substrates by forming covalently linked complexes ( FIG . 10 22B , inset ), identified as the sum of unfolding ( 11 nm ) and 21A ) . Identification of such complexes (Di Jeso , B . et al. , reduction ( 14 nm ) steps. A 25 nm step thus indicates the Mol Cell Biol 25 , 9793 - 9805 ( 2005 ) ; Kadokura , H ., Tian , H ., presence of a folded domain in which the disulfide bond is Zander, T ., Bardwell, J . C . & Beckwith , J. Science 303 , not formed , suggesting that in these cases, PDI had failed to 534 - 537 ( 2004 ) ; Kadokura , H . & Beckwith , J . Cell 138 , induce disulfide formation and instead acted as a reductase . 1164 - 1173 (2009 )) has established their role as obligatory 15 Step size histograms generated from multiple experiments intermediates during oxidative folding . An intermediate underline this finding (FIG . 22C ) , revealing an apparent complex can be resolved upon emergence of a second dichotomy in the activity of PDI. substrate cysteine from the translocase channel, whereby the This dichotomy may be explained through the similarity enzyme is released and an intramolecular disulfide is formed of PDI to TRX , a cytosolic reductase . Both enzymes feature in the substrate (FIG . 21B ). Oxidative folding in vivo is thus 20 the thioredoxin fold and a CXXC active site motif (Sevier , governed by the kinetic interplay between disulfide oxida C . S . & Kaiser , C . A . Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 3 , 836 -847 tion and polypeptide collapse from an extended state . How ( 2002 ) ; Martin , J . L . Structure 3 , 245 - 250 ( 1995 ) ) . The ever, conventional experimental approaches are unable to reaction path of both PDI and TRX involves formation of a measure these processes independently . mixed disulfide intermediate between the substrate and the A force - clamp atomic force microscope was used to 25 N - terminal active site cysteine of the enzyme ( FIG . 25A ) . extend individual polypeptides to an initial unfolded state The symmetry is then broken as the enzymes generally wherein the two substrate cysteines were spatially separated resolve this intermediate in different ways ( Lundstrom , J . , and an intermediate complex was formed (FIG . 21C ) , in Krause , G . & Holmgren , A . J Biol Chem 267 , 9047 - 9052 analogy to ongoing translocation . Allowing the polypeptide ( 1992 ) ; Xiao , R . , Lundstrom - Ljung, J . , Holmgren , A . & to collapse , the progress of oxidative folding could be 30 Gilbert , H . F . J Biol Chem 280 , 21099 -21106 ( 2005 ) ) . directly probed ( FIG . 21D ) . This technique allows to sepa - During substrate reduction , TRX resolves the intermediate rately monitor the two concurrent processes of folding and through the “ escape ” pathway, whereby nucleophilic attack disulfide formation within the same molecule . by the C -terminal cysteine in the enzyme active site yields PDI consists of two catalytically active a domains and two a reduced substrate ( Holmgren , A . Annu Rev Biochem 54 , redox - inactive b domains (Hatahet , F . et al . , Antioxid Redox 35 237 - 271 ( 1985 ) ) ( FIG . 25B ) . During oxidative folding, PDI Signal 11 , 2807 - 2850 ( 2009 )) . Each a domain exhibits the resolves the intermediate through attack by a substrate same oxidase activity in isolation as in full - length PDI cysteine , leaving the substrate oxidized (Hatahet , F . et al. , (Darby , N . J ., Kemmink , J . & Creighton , T . E . Biochemistry Antioxid Redox Signal 11, 2807 - 2850 (2009 ) ; Mamatham 35 , 10517 - 10528 ( 1996 ) . The interaction of PDI a with bika , B . S . & Bardwell , J . C . Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 24 , immunoglobulin ( Ig ) proteins undergoing oxidative folding 40 211 -235 (2008 ) ) (FIG . 25C ) . Experiments with PDI suggest was studied . The model substrate consisted of sequential flexibility in the pathway by which PDI resolves the inter repeats of the 27th Ig domain from human cardiac titin , each mediate . Similar observations have been made, including with a buried disulfide between residues 32 and 75 (Wiita , activity reversal for both PDI and TRX (Stewart , E . J. , A . P . et al. , Nature 450 , 124 - 127 ( 2007 )) . A calibrated Aslund , F . & Beckwith , J. EMBO J 17 , 5543 -5550 ( 1998 ) ; stretching force was applied to a single substrate protein 45 Lundstrom , J. & Holmgren , A . J Biol Chem 265 , 9114 - 9120 while measuring its extension ( Alegre -Cebollada , J . , Perez - ( 1990 ) ) . These findings raise the questions of how the Jimenez, R ., Kosuri , P . & Fernandez , J. M . Single -molecule apparent flexibility affects oxidative folding , and what deter Force Spectroscopy Approach to Enzyme Catalysis . Journal mines the pathway preference . of Biological Chemistry 285 , 18961- 18966 ( 2010 ) ) . During The effects of human TRX on the oxidative folding of the mechanical denaturation of the substrate , folded structures 50 lg substrate were studied . The experimental procedure out and disulfide bonds were identified as obstructions in the lined in FIG . 22 was repeated using reduced TRX instead of unfolding pattern (Wiita , A . P ., Ainavarapu , S . R ., Huang, H . PDI to cleave the substrate disulfides. The trace in FIG . 23A H . & Fernandez , J . M . Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103 , reveals that despite successful refolding of the substrate , 7222 -7227 ( 2006 ) ) . Reduced PDI a was used to cleave none of the disulfides were reformed . Histograms in FIG . substrate disulfides, thereby attaining mixed disulfide com - 55 23B further strengthen the conclusion that TRX is a poor plexes of the sort identified in vivo ( Di Jeso , B . et al. , Mol catalyst of oxidative folding . The reaction mechanism of Cell Biol 25 , 9793 - 9805 (2005 )) ( FIG . 22A ). Folding by TRX has been well characterized (Holmgren , A . Annu Rev switching off the force was initiated , and after a time delay Biochem 54 , 237 - 271 (1985 ) ) , allowing the conclusion that the substrate was probed by again applying force , resulting a mixed disulfide intermediate was formed upon each 14 nm in a [denature - At- probe ] protocol. 60 step in the denature pulse . However, the successful folding A representative trace is displayed in FIG . 22B . During of the substrate without formation of intramolecular disul the denature pulse , stepwise extensions of 11 and 14 nm fides suggests the TRX enzymes had dissociated through the were seen . As previously shown (Wiita , A . P. , Ainavarapu , escape pathway prior to substrate refolding . A simple expla S . R ., Huang , H . H . & Fernandez , J . M . Proc Natl Acad Sci n ation for the different propensities of PDI and TRX in USA 103 , 7222 -7227 ( 2006 ) ) , an 11 nm step corresponds to 65 catalyzing oxidative folding could thus be a difference in the an unfolding event wherein a single Ig domain extends up to escape pathway kinetics for the two enzymes ; TRX escapes the disulfide bond . This exposes the disulfide and enables from the intermediate rapidly , leaving behind an unreactive US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 51 substrate thiol ; PDI lingers as part of the intermediate 24D reveals no substrate disulfides at any of the time points complex for a longer time , allowing a second substrate with TRX , whereas TRX C35S disulfide formation kinetics cysteine to attack the mixed disulfide upon substrate col followed a single exponential with kox = 0 . 32 : 0 . 04 s - 1 , indi lapse . cating a single rate limiting step in the process. The simi To test if this hypothesis was sufficient to explain the 5 larity of the rates of disulfide formation and unhindered catalytic difference between PDI and TRX , the escape folding suggests that structural rearrangement of the sub pathway in TRX was disabled and its influence on a folding strate is this rate limiting step during catalyzed disulfide protein was studied . Through site - directed mutagenesis the formation . TRX C - terminal cysteine was replaced with a serine ( TRX The properties of thiol- disulfide oxidoreductases are often C35S ) , thereby switching the identity of only one atom , 10 described in terms of their reduction potential Er, a measure from sulfur to oxygen . The vastly higher pK , of a hydroxyl of how likely they are to oxidize or reduce substrate disul renders it much less reactive than a thiol at physiological pH . fides under equilibrium conditions (Sevier , C . S . & Kaiser , TRX C35S is thus still able to initially cleave a substrate C . A . Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 3 , 836 -847 ( 2002 )) . However, disulfide but cannot resolve a mixed disulfide intermediate oxidative folding is not well characterized as an equilibrium through the escape pathway . 15 process, as the reactivity of cysteines can be vastly different The collapse of Ig - TRX C35S intermediate complexes in the unfolded and folded state of a protein (Hatahet , F. et was studied , and a representative trace can be seen in FIG . al. , Antioxid Redox Signal 11 , 2807 - 2850 ( 2009 ) ; 23C . The trace shows the reappearance of both 11 and 14 nm Mamathambika , B . S . & Bardwell, J . C . Annu Rev Cell Dev steps in the probe pulse , indicating that the substrate had Biol 24 , 211 - 235 (2008 ) ) . In vivo , proteins undergo oxida undergone oxidative folding involving both structural fold - 20 tive folding during ongoing translocation . In these cases , ing and formation of the intramolecular disulfide . As seen disulfide formation is determined not by equilibrium ener from the absence of a 25 nm peak in the probe pulse getics but by the presence of a mixed disulfide complex upon histogram (FIG . 23D ), every folded domain had undergone folding . In the case of TRX , escape is fast and the complex disulfide oxidation . The stark contrast between the histo - is likely to dissociate prior to or during folding (FIG . 24F ) , grams in FIGS . 23B and 23D strongly suggests the role of 25 failing to oxidize the substrate . If this escape is slowed down the Sy atom in TRX Cys35 as an enzyme functionality or prevented altogether, as in the case of TRX C35S , the switch . complex is stable upon folding and allows catalysis of native A quantitative comparison of substrate folding at At = 5 s disulfide formation (FIG . 24G ). The reactivity of the C -ter revealed no significant difference between PDI and TRX minal cysteine in the enzyme active site can thus function as ( FIG . 24A ) ; however TRX C35S seemed to impede folding 30 a switch , enabling or disabling catalysis of oxidative folding slightly . PDI had introduced disulfides in 60 % of the depending on its reactivity . In support of this conclusion , refolded Ig domains (FIG . 24B ). TRX had not introduced recent in vivo experiments have suggested excessively slow any disulfides , whereas TRX C35S had introduced a disul kinetics of the escape pathway in the prokaryotic disulfide fide in every refolded domain . Overall , there was no sig - oxidase DsbA (Kadokura , H ., Tian , H ., Zander , T ., Bardwell , nificant difference in the number of domains that had under - 35 J . C . & Beckwith , J . Science 303 , 534 -537 (2004 ) ; gone complete oxidative folding with PDI and with TRX Kadokura , H . & Beckwith , J . Cell 138 , 1164 - 1173 (2009 ) ) . C35S (FIG . 24C ) . It seems unlikely that the introduced Methods hydroxyl in TRX C35S generated this gain of function . The polyprotein substrate , TRX and TRX C35S were Rather, the results suggest TRX being intrinsically adept at expressed and purified as described elsewhere ( Wiita , A . P . catalyzing oxidative folding . This is not a natural activity of 40 et al ., Nature 450 , 124 - 127 ( 2007 ) ; Ren , X . , Bjornstedt, M . , TRX , but can be explained if the requirements for catalysis Shen , B . , Ericson , M . L . & Holmgren , A . Biochemistry 32 , of substrate disulfide cleavage and formation are identical. 9701 - 9708 ( 1993 ) ; Perez - Jimenez , R . et al . , J Biol Chem Cys35 acts as a release trigger, breaking the symmetry 283 , 27121 - 27129 ( 2008 ) ) . PDI a domain consisted of between oxidases and reductases. If the time constant of the residues 18 - 134 in human PDI and was produced as escape pathway determines whether or not a disulfide is 45 described in the methods section . The custom -made atomic formed in a folding substrate , then FIG . 24B reflects this force microscope has been described previously ( Fernandez , time constant for the different enzymes. TRX shows rapid J . M . & Li, H . Science 303 , 1674 - 1678 ( 2004 ) . Experiments escape whereas TRX C35S lingers indefinitely . PDI escape were carried out at pH 7 .2 in 10 mM HEPES , 150 mM NaCl, kinetics appear to fall somewhere between these two 1 mM EDTA . Before each experiment, reduced DTT was extremes. Tuning the kinetics of the escape pathway can thus 50 added together with the enzyme. 200 uMDTT was used with modulate the oxidase activity of a TRX - like enzyme, and TRX ( 10 uM ) and TRX C35S (40 UM ) . 500 UM DTT was can explain the ability of PDI to catalyze oxidative folding used with PDI a ( 120 uM ) . The polyprotein substrate was in a subset of folded domains . Mutational studies may hold absorbed onto a gold coverslip . Experiments consisted of the key to understanding which residues play a role in this repeated trials of pressing the tip against the surface at 1000 tuning (Lundstrom , J. , Krause , G . & Holmgren , A . J Biol 55 pN for 0 . 5 s and subsequently retracting. The pulse protocol Chem 267 , 9047 - 9052 ( 1992 ) ; Karala , A . R . , Lappi , A . K . & was applied when attachment was achieved . Traces showing Ruddock , L . W . J Mol Biol 396 , 883 -892 (2010 ); Ren , G . et in the denature pulse step sizes other than 11 nm or 14 nm al. , J Biol Chem 284 , 10150 - 10159 (2009 )) . or contained less than 4 unfolding events were excluded The folding and disulfide formation kinetics for TRX and from analysis . Only traces showing equal extension at the TRX C35S were compared by varying At in the pulse 60 end of the probe and denature pulses were included . Step protocol ( FIG . 24D , E ) . Folding appeared to be an expo - size histograms included all steps > 5 nm after the initial nential process with a rate of krow = 0 . 2 0 . 1 s - l for both TRX elastic extension in each force pulse . and TRX C35S , consistent with earlier measurements (Aina Protein Expression and Purification varapu , S . R . et al. , Biophys J 92 , 225 - 233 (2007 )) . Even The (12732S -75C )8 polyprotein substrate was prepared as though kinetics were not altered with the mutant, the total 65 previously described (Wiita , A . P . et al. , Nature 450 , 124 - 127 fraction of folded domains was slightly lower , possibly (2007 ) ) . Human TRX and TRX C35S were expressed and reflecting a subpopulation of complexes unable to fold . FIG . purified as described (Ren , X ., Bjornstedt, M ., Shen , B ., US 9 ,880 , 088 B2 53 54 Ericson , M . L . & Holmgren , A . Biochemistry 32 , 9701- 9708 under these conditions, and revealed only 11 nm steps in ( 1993 ) ; Perez - Jimenez, R . et al . , J Biol Chem 283 , 27121 - both denature and probe pulses (FIG . 27 ) . 27129 (2008 ) ) . Human PDI a domain was generated by PCR from Ultimate ORF Clone IOH9865 ( Invitrogen ) as an Nde Example 5 I -BamH I fragment . The insert (amino acids 18 - 134 in the 5 full length PDI sequence ) was cloned into Nde l -BamH I FIG . 29 shows the results of a functional assay to measure sites of pET- 15b vector (Novagen ) containing the N - termi the effect of an inhibitor molecule on enzymatic activity . nal His6 tag and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 -Gold Using a force - clamp spectrometer, the enzymatic activity of (DE3 ) ( Stratagene ) . Cells with the construct were grown in 200 UM PDI was measured by detecting the cleavage of a LB media supplemented with 100 ug /mL ampicillin at 37° 10 disulfide in a substrate 127 protein . Accumulation of hun C . for 10 h (OD600nm - 0 .6 ). Protein expression was induced dreds of such events yielded a kinetic rate given as events with 0 . 5 mM isopropyl B - D -thiogalactoside overnight. Cells per second . By adding the inhibitor to the reaction volume , were lysed by sonication and recombinant PDI a domain the measured rate decreased in a concentration -dependent was first purified from cell lysate using Ni Sepharose 6 Fast manner. Flow (GE Life Sciences ) and then using gel filtration 15 Methods Superdex 300 column. The fractions containing PDI a A substrate polyprotein composed of eight domains of the domain were pooled together and dialyzed into 20 mM 27th domain of human cardiac titin , in which each domain sodium phosphate buffer pH 8 and verified by SDS -PAGE . contained an engineered disulfide bond between the 32nd Protein concentration was determined using Bradford assay . and 75th residues ( 127G32C - A75C ) 8 , was used . In the Single -Molecule Force -Clamp Experiments 20 force - clamp experiments , the first pulse of force ( 175 pN , The details of the custom -made atomic force microscope 0 . 3 s ) applied to the polyprotein lead to the rapid unfolding have been described (Fernandez , J. M . & Li, H . Science 303, of the 127G32C - A75C domains up to the disulfide bond . The 1674 - 1678 ( 2004 ) ) . Silicon nitride cantilevers (Veeco ) with individual unfolding events could be registered as steps of a typical spring constant of 20 pN nm was used , calibrated 11 nm per domain . After the first pulse , the disulfide bonds using the equipartition theorem . The force -clamp mode 25 become exposed to the solvent, where active PDI enzyme is provides a feedback time constant of 5 ms. The buffer used present. A second pulse of force was then applied to monitor in all the experiments was 10 mM HEPES , 150 mM NaCl, single disulfide cleavage reactions by PDI enzymes, 1 mM EDTA , at pH 7 . 2 . Before the beginning of the recorded as a second series of steps of 14 nm per domain . experiment, reduced DTT was added together with the Several traces ( ~ 20 ) were accumulated , which were then enzyme. 200 uMDTT was used with TRX ( 10 uM ) and TRX 30 averaged and fit with a single exponential with a time C35S (40 uM ) . 500 UM DTT was used with PDI a (120 uM ) , constant t. The reduction rate at a given force ( r = 1 /t ) was to ensure that the enzyme was in its reduced form , while thus obtained . Repeating the experiment in the presence of minimizing the effects by DTT on the substrate . The poly - an increasing concentration of an inhibitor molecule allowed protein substrate was added in a droplet and allowed to for measurement of enzymatic activity as a function of absorb onto a freshly evaporated gold coverslip before the 35 inhibitor concentration . In this manner , the functional effi experiments . Every experiment consisted of repeated trials ciency (as opposed to merely binding ) of a specific inhibitor where the tip was pressed against the surface for 0 . 5 s and isses subsequently retracted . If attachment was achieved , a pulse protocol was applied until detachment occurred . The oxida Example 6 tive folding force - clamp experiments used a triple -pulse 40 force protocol. The first pulse was maintained at 110 - 130 pN FIG . 30 presents an illustrative force clamp spectrometer for a time long enough to ensure complete denaturation of according to some embodiments of the disclosed subject the substrate ( > 5 s ) . The second pulse was set at O pN and matter . Specifically , the spectrometer includes, for example , maintained for the desired amount of refolding time. The one or more " flip ” rotating stages, one or more motorized third pulse was set at a force identical to the first and 45 precision translation stages , a piezoelectric actuator, one or maintained until complete denaturation could be ensured more manual precision translation stages , a 4 quadrants ( > 5 s ) . Data using custom -written software in IGOR Pro photodiode , microfocusing optics , a precision tilt mirror ( Wavemetrics ) were collected and analyzed . Traces were mount, a prism or a D -mirror , a fuzed quartz fluid cell (that selected based on the fingerprint consisting of at least 4 holds the cantilever ) , a 10x microscope objective and a USB unfolding events in the denature pulse . Traces exhibiting 50 CCD or webcam . step sizes other than 11 nm or 14 nm in the denature pulse were excluded from the analysis to ensure homogeneity . Example 7 Only traces showing equal extension at the end of the probe pulse and the end of the denature pulse were included , to Force - clamp spectroscopy is described herein as a precise ensure that the same protein was stretched in the two pulses. 55 method to quantify the effects of force on the modulation of Step size histograms were generated using all steps > 5 nm biochemical reactions . A calibrated force can be used to detected after the initial elastic extension in each force pulse . control the exposure of reactive sites in a single protein As DTT was used to keep the enzyme reduced in all substrate . Biochemical reactions can then be measured experiments , control experiments were performed to verify directly by detecting length changes of the substrate held at that the reduction events observed were not caused by DTT. 60 a constant force . Certain embodiments of the layout of a The Ig polyprotein was therefore unfolded in a buffer force - clamp spectrometer are described herein , along with containing 500 UM DTT , without adding any enzyme. In protocols to design and conduct experiments . These results these experiments , only 11 nm steps were observed during described herein show measurement of reaction kinetics as the first 10 seconds of the pulse . A representative trace is a function of applied force . The methods and compositions shown in FIG . 26 . At longer times , occasional reduction 65 described herein can also be used to measure data of the steps were observed , but at a frequency too low for rate force dependency of different reactions , including , but not estimation . Refolding experiments were also conducted limited to , protein unfolding and disulfide reduction . These US 9 , 880 ,088 B2 55 56 data, which can be acquired in a few days, reveal mecha - different central atoms ( P , O ) ( Ainavarapu , S . R . K . , et al. , nistic details of the reactions that currently cannot be Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 , 6479 -6487 resolved by any other technique. (2008 )) . Hence , these observations suggest a direct relation Force - clamp atomic force microscopy ( AFM ) can be used between the slope of the force dependency of a chemical to monitor many processes leading to a change in separation 5 reaction experimentally measured with sub - Angstrom reso between cantilever and surface at a constant force . Force - lution by force - clamp AFM and the conformation of the clamp AFM has been used to study the force dependence of transition state of the process along the pulling coordinate . chemical reactions (Wiita , A . P. , et al ., Proc Natl Acad Sci In contrast to the simple exponential force -dependency of USA 103 , 7222 - 7227 ( 2006 ) ; Wiita , A . P . et al. , Nature 450 , disulfide reduction by small chemical nucleophiles (Garcia 124 - 127 ( 2007 ) ) and mechanical unfolding of proteins 10 Manyes, S . , et al. , Nature chemistry 1 , 236 - 242 (2009 ) ) , ( Oberhauser , A . F . , et al . , P Natl Acad Sci USA 98 , 468 -472 reduction by thioredoxin enzyme exhibits a complex force ( 2001) ; Schlierf, M ., et al . , P Natl Acad Sci USA 101, dependency lay - out, composed of different independent 7299 -7304 (2004 )) . Successful trajectories can be finger - regimes (Wiita , A . P. et al. , Nature 450 , 124 - 127 (2007 ) ). printed by the appearance of staircases composed of iden These regimes highlight different chemical mechanisms and tical step changes in the length of the protein , where each 15 conformational rearrangements employed by the enzyme step marks a single unfolding event or a single chemical during its catalytic activity (Perez - Jimenez, R . et al ., Nature reaction . Owing to the probabilistic nature of processes structural & molecular biology 16 , 890 -896 (2009 )) . In the taking place at single molecule level , no two traces are low force regime, the negative force dependency of thiore identical. Nevertheless , the averaged summed extensions of doxin - catalyzed reactions underlies a shortening of the sub enough number of individual traces (typically n > 20 , see 20 strate while the transition state acquires the geometry FIG . 35C ) can render reproducible results . required for the Sx2 mechanism (Wiita , A . P . et al ., Nature The proportion of successful recordings showing clean 450 , 124 - 127 ( 2007) . Alternative reaction mechanisms staircases can vary among proteins. Some proteins adsorbed become prominent at high forces over 200 PN , making on gold , such as 127 , protein L or ubiquitin , can provide over thioredoxin enzymes active over the whole range of experi a thousand pickups per day, with an estimated 5 - 10 % of 25 mental forces (Perez - Jimenez , R . et al ., Nature structural & traces showing clean fingerprints that can be used for further molecular biology 16 , 890 -896 (2009 ) ) . The extrapolated analysis . Covalent attachment chemistry can yield high rate at zero force also contains important information , which pick -up yield as well, but has the advantage of an increase can be used to estimate to the free energy of the process probability of tethering the polyprotein to its ends . Experi - using specific attempt frequencies (Popa , I . , et al. , Journal of ments using this chemistry show even 40 - 50 % pick -up 30 Biological Chemistry 286 , 31072 -31079 ( 2011 ) ; Liang, J . & efficiency , out of which about 25 % are full length unfolding Fernandez , J. M . Journal of the American Chemical Society traces. Therefore , a force dependency composed of four data 133 , 3528 -3534 ( 2011) ) . points can be obtained in just one or a few days of experi - The AFM setup described herein uses a linear piezo based ments. However, not all proteins behave the same way and without hysteresis . While this piezo is currently limited to some may aggregate or become inactive in a matter of days 35 relatively small travel distances of 800 nm , future models after their purification . Presence of reducing species in the can increase this range . Smaller and softer cantilevers are measuring buffer can also affect the pick -up yield by dis - expected to emerge alongside with better laser focusing rupting the attachment to the gold surface . For proteins that optics . These cantilevers will have a fast response time and are more challenging to measure , investing time in optimiz - a small thermal noise . A change of the laser detection system ing the experimental conditions ( buffer, concentration of 40 with fluorescence or electromagnetic methods can allow to protein , incubation time, etc . ) so that at least 5 - 10 good further reduce the cantilever size and to increase the band traces are obtained per day is recommended . width of the AFM . Force clamp AFM can be used to measure different force Results obtained in different setups and / or by different dependences for different processes including but not lim - experimenters are also consistent. Altogether , single mol ited to : mechanical protein unfolding , chemical reduction of 45 ecule force - clamp spectroscopy reveals itself as a robust disulfides and enzyme- catalyzed reduction of disulfides. The technique able to provide insights into themolecular mecha different force dependences report on the different nature of nisms governing biological reactions at the single molecule the energy landscape of the reactions. Chemical reactions level , such as , but not limited to , protein folding or chemical using small nucleophiles such as short thiols , phosphines or reactions under mechanical force . These experiments have hydroxyl ions exhibit a small distance to transition state , 50 prompted a new field of computational analysis (Wiita , A . P . spanning between 0 . 3 -0 . 5 A ( Wiita , A . P ., et al. , Proc Natl et al. , Nature 450 , 124 - 127 (2007 ) ; Li, W . J. & Grater, F . Acad Sci USA 103 , 7222 - 7227 ( 2006 ) ; Garcia -Manyes , S ., Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 , 16790 et al. , Nature chemistry 1 , 236 - 242 (2009 ); Ainavarapu , S . 16795 (2010 ); Iozzi, M . F ., et al. , J Phys Chem A 115 , R . K . , et al. , Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 , 2308 -2315 (2011 ) ) , which will complement single molecule 6479 -6487 (2008 ) ) and depending on the chemistry of the 55 experiments to provide an integrated framework to under attacking nucleophile . Notably , thiol based reducing agents stand force - induced processes occurring within the core of such as DTT exhibit a smaller distance to the transition state an individual molecule . (Ax = 0 .31 A ) than phosphine -based reducing agents Single molecule force -spectroscopy is a field of research (Ax = 0 . 44 Å ) ( Ainavarapu , S . R . K ., et al. , Journal of the studying molecules under mechanical force . (Smith , S . B ., et American Chemical Society 130 , 6479 -6487 ( 2008 ) ) . Inter - 60 al ., Science 271, 795 - 799 ( 1996 ) ; Marszalek , P . E ., et al. , estingly , ab - initio simulations showed that during the reac - Nature 396 , 661- 664 ( 1998 ) ; Rief, M . , et al. , Science 275 , tion with an S -based nucleophile , the disulfide bond extends 1295 - 1297 ( 1997 ) ; Rief, M . , et al ., Science 276 , 1109 - 1112 at the transition state with approximately the same length as (1997 ) ) . AFM can be used to study the mechanical proper the measured distance to the transition state Ax (Wiita , A . P .; ties of recombinant polyproteins , which are typically less et al. , Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103, 7222 - 7227 ( 2006 ) ). This 65 than 50 nm in length . Single molecule AFM can be per trend was further confirmed by studying the atomistic formed to stretch single polyprotein molecules tethered mechanisms underlying the reduction of nucleophiles with between a gold substrate and the tip of an AFM cantilever US 9 , 880 , 088 B2 57 58 probe (Rief , M ., et al ., Science 276 , 1109 - 1112 (1997 ) ; Biology 18 , 592 -596 (2011 ) ; Perez - Jimenez , R . et al. , Nature Carrion - Vazquez , M . et al. , Prog Biophys Mol Biol 74 , Structural & Molecular Biology 16 , 890 -896 ( 2009 ) ) . 63 -91 (2000 ); Carrion - Vazquez , M . et al. , Prog Biophys Mol The force -clamp technique now makes it possible to Biol 74 , 63 - 91 (2000 ) ) . Single molecule AFM can be used tackle key scientific questions that lie at the interface to examine fundamental properties of proteins exposed to 5 between the physics , biology and chemistry . In certain non mechanical perturbations , in a way that cannot be captured limiting examples, the technique can be used to study using classical bulk biochemistry techniques . For example , chemical redox chemistry of disulfide bonds as well as the unfolding pattern of fibronectin and titin revealed that chemical reactions that cleave many other types of covalent modular proteins unfold under force following a mechanical bonds in molecules including , but not limited to , polysac hierarchy (Oberhauser , A . F . , et al. , Journal of molecular 10 charides , nucleic acids and other molecules. As described biology 319 , 433 -447 ( 2002 ) ; Li, H . et al. , Nature 418 , herein , the technique can be used for a single molecule 998 - 1002 ( 2002) ) and that the mechanical stability of a analysis . protein changes depending on where the force is being In one embodiment, the force clamp device described applied (Carrion - Vazquez, M . et al. , Nature Structural Biol- herein can be used to fully automated operation in force ogy 10 , 738 -743 (2003 ) ; Brockwell , D . J. et al ., Nature 15 clamp mode ( FIG . 31A -B ). In an exemplary measurement, Structural Biology 10 , 731 -737 (2003 ) ; Dietz, H . & Rief, M . the proportional- integral- derivative (PID ) feedback loop fol P Natl Acad Sci USA 101, 16192 - 16197 (2004 )) . lows a given set- point force protocol, appropriate for the Force -extension experiments are of limited use when studied process . Depending on the process under investiga studying chemical reactions . For example , studies of the tion , this protocol can have one or several constant pulling oxidation and reduction of buried ( cryptic ) disulfide bonds 20 forces (FIG . 31C - D ) . The cantilever (FIG . 31E ) can be proved difficult using force -extension experiments . In the initially pushed onto the surface in order to attach to a absence of DTT , sawtooth patterns showed unfolding of a polyprotein chain . Once a polyprotein is tethered between polyprotein , with each domain extending right up to the the cantilever and the surface , the length of the polyprotein disulfide bond ; whereas in the presence of DTT a second can be monitored over time. Each time an unfolding or regime was observed at higher forces corresponding to the 25 disulfide reduction event takes place , the unraveling of the rupture of the disulfides bonds ( Ainavarapu , S . R . et al. , trapped amino acids can lead to a sudden increase in Biophys J 92, 225 - 233 (2007 ) ) . From such data the incorrect extension , which in turn can induce a relaxation of the conclusion that the rupture forces measured the mechanical cantilever ( FIG . 31F ). In certain embodiments, the PID stability of a disulfide bond can be reached . In reality, feedback loop can move the surface in the opposite direction mechanical unfolding of a domain exposed the cryptic 30 until the measured force matches again the set- point . When disulfide and started the clock for the Sy2 chemical reaction using polyproteins , the length versus time plot can show a between the disulfide and DTT ( Wiita , A . P . , et al. , Proc Natl staircase- like change in length , with each step corresponding Acad Sci USA 103 , 7222 -7227 ( 2006 ) ) . At the same time the to the unfolding of one domain in the polyprotein . protein continued to be extended reaching increasingly Described in this example of one non - limiting embodi higher forces until the disulfide bond was cleaved . Hence , 35 ment of the force - clamp AFM of the invention . The piezo the observed rupture force, far from measuring mechanical electric actuator (denoted “ piezo " in FIG . 31A ) is the stability of a disulfide bond , represents a complex convolu - moving stage that controls the extension of the molecule . tion of chemical kinetics , force, length and time, which is This positioning stage is based on the piezoelectric effect , impossible to unravel . Due to these limitations the force where a ceramics -made device can move with Angstrom sensitivity of a chemical reaction cannot be studied using 40 resolution under the effect of a voltage. Typical piezo force -extension techniques . By contrast , force -clamp tech actuators can have travel ranges from hundreds of nanome niques readily separate force , length and time allowing for ters to few micrometers. High travel ranges come with the the accurate measurement of reaction rates and their sensi- drawback of stronger nonlinearity and hysteresis . Neverthe tivity to force . less , the movement of the piezo can be independently Developing suitable instrumentation and methods of 45 measured using a capacitive or resistive sensor. In certain analysis for examining mechanical biochemistry under embodiments , the peizo used in connection with the force force - clamp conditions has been a challenge over the years . clam AFM of the invention can be a piezo that incorporates (Oberhauser , A . F ., et al. , P Natl Acad Sci USA 98 , 468 - 472 a mechanical mechanism to correct for nonlinearity and ( 2001 ) ; Wiita , A . P . , et al. , Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103 , removes the need of an independent measurement of the 7222 - 7227 (2006 ); Schlierf, M ., et al. , P Natl Acad Sci USA 50 position (e . g . P - 313 PicoCube ). This type of peizo can 101, 7299 - 7304 ( 2004 ) ; Wiita , A . P . et al. , Nature 450 , reduce noise associated with measurement of its position 124 - 127 ( 2007 ) ; Kuo , T . L . et al. , P Natl Acad Sci USA 107 , and the position of the piezo can be theoretically determined 11336 - 11340 (2010 ); Garcia -Manyes , S ., et al ., P Natl Acad with unlimited bandwidth . Sci USA 106 , 10540 - 10545 ( 2009) ; Popa , I. , et al ., Journal In certain embodiments , the force experienced by the of Biological Chemistry 286 , 31072 - 31079 ( 2011 ) ; Garcia - 55 cantilever can be measured through the reflected position of Manyes , S . , et al. , Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106 , 10534 - a laser beam , which can bemonitored by a split photodiode . 10539 ( 2009 ) ; Berkovich , R . et al. , Proc Natl Acad Sci USA In certain embodiments , the device described herein can use 109, 14416 - 14421 (2012 ); Garcia -Manyes , S . , et al. , Bio a 670 nm fiber- coupled laser diode with a 12 mm fiber phys J 93 , 2436 - 2446 ( 2007 ) ; Walther, K . A . et al. , P Natl collimator, capable of giving a sharp focused beam on the Acad Sci USA 104 , 7916 - 7921 (2007 ) ; Wiita , A . P ., et al ., 60 back of the cantilever . In certain aspects and for certain Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103 , 7222 - 7227 ( 2006 ) ; Wiita , A . applications, sharp focusing can lead to less light leakage , P . et al. , Nature 450 , 124 - 127 ( 2007 ) ; Garcia -Manyes , S . , et limiting the effect of interference when using reflective al. , Nature Chemistry 1 , 236 - 242 ( 2009 ) ; Ainavarapu , S . R . surfaces, such as gold . The laser diode has good beam K ., et al ., Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 , stability , important for the decrease in the time- dependent 6479 -6487 (2008 ) ; Liang , J . & Fernandez , J . M . Journal of 65 noise of the measured force . The output of the sensor is the American Chemical Society 133 , 3528 - 3534 (2011 ) ; proportional to the force on the cantilever, assuming all Perez - Jimenez, R . et al. , Nature Structural & Molecular responses are in a linear regime. In certain embodiments , a US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 59 60 force -clamp AFM setup as described herein can further Biophys Mol Biol 74 , 63 -91 (2000 )) . In certain embodi comprise a video camera suitable for aligning and focusing ments , only recordings with a minimum number of identical the laser on the cantilever ( FIG . 31E ) . steps and lasting longer than the measured process can be The cantilever can be held in place using a spring based included in the analysis . Unfolding traces can have addi mechanism implemented inside the fluid cell. The laser 5 tional steps apart from the expected fingerprint , indicative of beam passes through the quartz surface of the fluid cell and attachment to more than one molecule , attachment to a bounces back from the cantilever though the same quartz dimer molecule (from the oxidation of the terminal thiol) , or glass. A silicon O - ring provides a tight enclosure between aggregation , for instance . Although these recordings can the fluid cell and the surface , slowing the evaporation of the also be excluded from the analysis , they can , in certain solution . 10 embodiments , be used in connection with the steps detected Instrument control and data acquisition can be performed at the beginning of a trace . In this case nonspecific interac on a PC using a USB connected National Instruments data tions between the cantilever and small surface -adsorbed acquisition card . Force - clamp operation can be implemented contaminants can be broken and immediately after , the using a PID feedback system that drives the AFM to follow protein construct can experience the set- point force (Car a given force protocol (FIG . 31D ) . In certain embodiments , 15 rion - Vazquez , M . et al. , Prog Biophys Mol Biol 74 , 63 - 91 the analog PID features two inputs — the force set -point (2000 ) ) . ( from the PC ) and the measured force ( from the AFM ) — and Polyprotein constructs used in the force -clamp measure one output that controls the piezo displacement ( FIG . 31A ) . ments can be engineered through molecular biology tech In certain embodiments , inside the PID controller ( FIG . niques (Carrion - Vazquez , M . et al. , Prog Biophys Mol Biol 31B ), the two inputs are first fed into a differential amplifier, 20 74, 63 -91 (2000 ) ). Natural polyproteins such as, but not generating an error signal. This error signal can be processed limited to , ubiquitin (Carrion - Vazquez , M . et al. , Nature in three parallel gain stages ( proportional, integral and Structural Biology 10 , 738 - 743 ( 2003 ) , titin ( Rief , M ., et derivative ). The outputs of these three stages can be al. , Science 276 , 1109 - 1112 ( 1997 ) ) and filamin (Furuike , S . , summed , amplified and sent to the output, thus driving the et al. , FEBS Lett 498 , 72 -75 ( 2001) ) can also be used in AFM to attain the required set -point force . The individual 25 these experiments with minimal modification . The polypro gains of the feedback system can be set to minimize the tein construction can be performed by amplifying DNA response time while still ensuring stability (meaning that the encoding the protein of interest using polymerase chain system converges at the desired set- point ) . As shown in FIG . reaction ( PCR ) and adding the specific restrictions sites . The 31B , the individual gain parameters can be controlled DNA of this single monomeric protein can then be sequen through appropriately placed variable resistors. To avoid 30 tially digested and ligated using the restriction sites of a artifacts resulting from rapid transients, the output signal can cloning vector, resulting in dimers, tetramers, octamers, etc be passed through a low -pass filter ( 5 kHz) before being sent (Carrion - Vazquez , M . et al ., Prog Biophys Mol Biol 74 , to the piezo . 63 - 91 ( 2000 ) ) . Upon digestion with the appropriate Fully automated operation of the AFM can be enabled by enzymes , the DNA insert of the multimeric protein can be the addition of stages that continuously correct for mechani- 35 cloned into a specific expression vector having a His , tag cal drift . The positions of the piezo actuator and the quadrant ( Alegre -Cebollada , J . , et al. , The Journal of biological photodiode can be adjusted using such auxiliary piezo chemistry 285 , 11235 -11242 (2010 ) ) . This expression vector stages . In the absence of sample degradation , experiments endows transformed bacteria with antibiotic resistance and can be run continuously for several days, without user offers the possibility of triggering the expression of the intervention . 40 protein of interest by the addition of IPTG . After protein Vibration isolation can be achieved by placing the AFM expression , the cells can be harvested and lysed using setup on top of a passive vibration isolation platform , which enzymatic and mechanical treatments . The soluble fraction in turn can be placed on a pneumatic table . can be passed through two separation columns , a His , tag affinity column and a size -exclusion column . Depending on Example 8 45 the expressed protein , the concentrated fractions are then stored at 4 or - 80° C . until further use . Mechanical fingerprints unambiguously report on the Cantilevers can be manufactured using microelectrome interaction of interest and can be used in any form of force chanical systems (MEMS ) from silicon , borosilicate glass or spectroscopy . Mechanical fingerprints make it possible to silicon nitride and can have a gold coating layer, in order to discard events containing nonspecific interactions . As 50 improve their reflectivity . The cantilevers have on the sur described herein polyproteins can be engineered to be suit . face -facing side a tip with a radius of 10 - 30 nm , which can able for force spectroscopy experiments . The use of poly increase the probability of attachment to only one molecule . proteins allows the unambiguous identification of successful For small bending angles , the cantilever can behave like a events and reject traces showing spurious interactions ( Car - Hookean spring , with a spring constant that is determined by rion - Vazquez , M . et al ., Prog Biophys Mol Biol 74 , 63 - 91 55 its material and dimensions . Each cantilever can be cali ( 2000 ) ; Carrion - Vazquez , M . et al. , Proc Natl Acad Sci USA brated using the thermal fluctuations method , based on the 96 , 3694 - 3699 ( 1999 ) ) . The unfolding of the domains com - equipartition theorem (Hutter , J . L . & Bechhoefer , J. Review posing the polyproteins is accompanied by identical stenstep of Scientific Instruments 64 , 1868 - 1873 ( 1993 ) ) . The equi increases of the measured end - to - end length , rendering a partition theorem states that the kinetic energy of each staircase profile in the length versus time plot. Such a 60 degree of freedom (such as a vibrational mode ) equals half staircase is virtually impossible to obtain from rupture of the thermal energy koT ( = 4 . 11 PN .nm ) . The calibration of multiple nonspecific interactions (Rief , M . , et al. , Science cantilevers comprises two steps ( FIG . 32 ). In a first step , the 276 , 1109 - 1112 ( 1997 ) ) . thermal fluctuations of the cantilever far from the surface are In one configuration ( gold surface -silicon nitride cantile - measured and Fourier transformed , in order to separate the ver) , the AFM tip can attach to the polyprotein at any point 65 main vibration mode. By integrating the area below the first along its length , rendering traces that have a varying number resonance peak , the mean squared displacement < x < > is of unfolding domains (Carrion - Vazquez , M . et al. , Prog measured in units of V2 ( FIG . 32A ) . In the second step of the US 9 , 880 , 088 B2 62 calibration procedure , the cantilever is approached close to covalent bond (Kufer , S . K . et al ., Eur . Biophys . J . Biophys . the surface and a deflection - extension curve is measured Lett. 35 , 72 -78 (2005 ) ). Zakeri and colleagues developed an (FIG . 32B ) . When in contact, the piezo and the cantilever attachment method based on the isopeptide bond using a travel identical distances . The slope s = Az/ AV of this con peptide chain to form an amide bond with its protein partner stant compliance region of the curve yields a correlation 5 (Zakeri , B . et al ., P Natl Acad Sci USA 109 , E690 - E697 between the change in voltage (AV ) measured by the pho (2012 )) . todiode and the bending distance ( Az ) measured from the A minimum duration for each recording can be defined to movement of the piezo , in units of nm /V . Finally , the spring avoid biasing the measured rates . Weak polyprotein anchor constant of the cantilever in pN /nm units is obtained accord ing leads to a high probability of detachment, which can take ing to : place before all the events have occurred . Without a strong selection criterion for minimum duration , slow events can be missed and the rate can be overestimated creating an arti k?? factual plateau in the force dependency (Garcia -Manyes , S . , kc = (x2 ) 52 15 et al. , Biophys J 93 , 2436 - 2446 ( 2007) ) . In certain embodi ments , the analysis includes only traces that are long enough The choice of cantilevers can be important for the experi - for the rate being measured . A simple way to ensure that mental outcome, since cantilevers influence the signal- to - random detachment times are not introducing an artifact is noise , drift and feedback response times . The lateral dimen to show that the measured rate is not affected by increasing sions of the cantilever have to be large enough to reflect the 20 the minimum trace duration (Garcia -Manyes , S ., et al. , laser beam . Cantilevers with small spring constants give a Biophys J 93 , 2436 - 2446 ( 2007 ) ) . With covalently tethered better signal- to - noise , since they deflect more for the same polyproteins and more stable cantilevers unambiguous long change in force. Cantilevers with small dimensions can have lasting recordings that easily meet these criteria can be higher spring constant, but also higher resonance frequency . made . When analyzing these recordings it can be important The resonance frequency of the cantilever limits the 25 to detect and include fast early events that may be poorly response time of the feedback loop . FIG . 32A shows the resolved . Overlooking fast events can cause an artifactual power spectrums of three typically used cantilevers ; underestimation of the measured rate . MLCT- B (Bruker ), BL - RC150VB - A (Olympus ) and Recordings that pass all selection criteria can be used to BL - AC40TS ( Olympus ) . The MLCT cantilevers yield stable calculate reaction rates . First, each trace can be cropped so signal, are linear on a high ranges of forces, have a good 30 that it starts with the onset of the reaction and ends at the price / performance ratio and give a response time of down to previously determined minimum duration requirement (FIG . 1 ms. BL - RC150VB cantilevers have a higher spring con 34 ) . The cropped trace can consist of flat regions interrupted stant, but can yield feed -back response times down to 150 us only by a series of steps corresponding to the studied and are ideal to measure fast processes (Berkovich , R . et al . , reaction . For unfolding experiments , the first cut can be Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109, 14416 - 14421 (2012 ) ) . 35 made at the beginning of the plateau that precedes the first One surface of choice for adsorbing polyprotein con - unfolding event ( FIG . 34A ). This cropping protocol leaves structs can be gold , which can bind to the thiol group of a out the initial elastic extension of the polyprotein and any terminal cysteine in a protein . The gold surfaces can be changes in length caused by nonspecific interactions with prepared by evaporating 40 nm of gold on top of a 20 nm the surface , which are unrelated to the unfolding of the ' gluing ' layer of 1 : 1 Chromium /Nickel mixture deposited on 40 polyprotein . In the case of disulfide reduction experiments , a clean glass surface . the first cut can be made at the start of the reduction pulse A recently developed method for dual specific covalent (FIG . 34B ) . From this point onwards , the cropped traces attachment can increase the probability of having full - length from unfolding and reduction experiments can be analyzed tethered proteins, and of holding on to a single protein for in an identical way. For each force , all of the cropped traces long times, over severalminutes ( FIG . 33 ) . This attachment 45 can be summed and normalized (FIG . 35A - C ). The time chemistry was first described by Taniguchi and Kawakami course of the resulting summed trace reflects the progression ( Taniguchi, Y . & Kawakami, M . Langmuir : the ACS journal of the studied process , as every length increment reports on of surfaces and colloids 26 , 10433 - 10436 ( 2010 ) ) . In this a single reaction . approach , polyprotein constructs were engineered to have a Dwell time analysis is an alternative to summed traces HaloTag protein ( a mutant haloalkane dehalogenase ) at one 50 (Kuo , T. L . et al. , P Natl Acad Sci USA 107 , 11336 - 11340 terminus and a cysteine at the opposite end . The HaloTag (2010 ) ; Brujic , J. , et al. , Biophys J 92 , 2896 -2903 ( 2007 ) ; forms an ester bond with a chloroalkane ligand linked Szoszkiewicz , R . et al ., Langmuir : the ACS journal of covalently to the glass surface . Cantilevers can be similarly surfaces and colloids 24 , 1356 - 1364 ( 2008 ) ; Alegre -Cebol functionalized or coated with a gold layer. As opposed to lada , J ., et al. , Nature chemistry 3 , 882 - 887 ( 2011 ) ; Garcia gold surface - silicon nitride cantilever method described 55 Manyes , S . , et al ., Journal of the American Chemical Society herein , the chloroalkane surface - gold cantilever approach is 133, 3104 -3113 ( 2011 ) ). In this analysis , zero time can be set prone to more user manipulation errors and its success varies at the beginning of the plateau preceding the first unfolding more from experiment to experiment. or reduction event. A dwell time is the time at which a single Other covalent attachment approaches for AFM experi - event happens, measured from the zero time reference . The ments have also been explored in the past . Ikai and col- 60 result of this method of analysis is a distribution of all dwell leagues managed to attach a protein to an AFM cantilever, times for a given process. using thiol chemistry to tether carbonic anhydrase to AFM If the process follows simple exponential kinetics, the cantilevers and a silicon substrates (Wang , T ., Arakawa , H . reaction rate r at a given set force can easily be extracted by & Ikai, A . Biochemical and biophysical research commu - fitting the normalized extension 1 to : 1 = 1 - exp ( - rit ) ( Schlierf, nications 285 , 9 - 14 ( 2001 ) ) . Gaub and collaborators engi- 65 M ., et al. , P Natl Acad Sci USA 101 , 7299 -7304 ( 2004 ) ) . For neered a polyprotein containing a SNAP - tag enzyme at its some reactions, the force dependency can appear as a C - terminus, which reacts with benzylguanine forming a straight line when displayed in a semilogarithmic plot. In US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 63 64 those cases, data can be analyzed assuming simple Arrhe exponential to yield a rate . These Nos rates obtained from nius kinetics, where the reaction rate changes according to the chosen number of data sets give the spread of the data , and hence the standard error of the mean ( s . e . m . , FIG . 35D ) . The s . e . m . measured by this method converges to a single FAX 5 value as the number of bootstrap iterations Nos increases , r = ro -exp ( 10 . 1 ); and a sufficiently large number of iterations should therefore be used . It has been found empirically that NBs = 300 itera (where r , is the rate in the absence of force , F is force , Ax tions are usually sufficient to converge into a reliable result . is the distance to the transition state , ky is Boltzmann The main sources of experimental errors arise from laser constant and T is the absolute temperature ) ( Bell, G . I. interference , errors in the thermal fluctuations spectrum , Science 200 , 618 -627 ( 1978 ); Evans, E . Annu Rev Bioph non - linearity in the contact slopemeasured during cantilever Biom 30 , 105 - 128 ( 2001 ) ). Thus in this model , the distance calibration and feedback response time ( FIG . 36 and FIG . to the transition state is obtained from the slope of the 37 ) . semilogarithmic plot. The height of the energy barrier of the 15 chemical reaction or unfolding process can be obtained from Example 9 the extrapolated value in the absence of force combined with the pre -exponential factor that was measured to be A - 108 Provided in Example 9 is a non - limiting example of a M - 1 s - 1 for chemical reactions (Liang , J . & Fernandez . J. M . procedure for using certain embodiments of the force -clamp Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 , 3528 - 3534 20 devices described herein : ( 2011 ) ) and A - 10° s - 7 for mechanical unfolding (Popa , I. , 1 .Mount the cantilever in the fluid cell. Turn on the laser et al. , Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 , 31072 -31079 and move the camera such that the cantilever is in focus. (2011 )) . In some other cases, force dependencies may not be Align the laser beam at the tip of the cantilever and focus it linear and other methods of analysis are needed to interpret using the laser positioning screws until the laser spot looks the results (Wiita , A . P . et al. , Nature 450 , 124 - 127 ( 2007 ) ; 25 small compared to the size of the cantilever ( see also FIG . Dudko , O . K ., et al. , Phys Rev Lett 96 ( 2006 ) ) . 31E ) . Optionally, align the laser focus on the cantilever and Using dwell time analysis it is shown that the time course compare the total PSD voltage in different focusing posi of mechanical unfolding of the ubiquitin and 127 proteins tions until the maximum voltage is obtained . The diameter does not follow simple exponential kinetics (Kuo , T . L . et of the laser should not exceed the surface dimensions of the al. , P Natl Acad Sci USA 107 , 11336 - 11340 ( 2010 ); Brujic , 30 cantilever, in order to minimize light leakage. When using a J. , et al. , Biophys J 92 , 2896 - 2903 ( 2007 ) ; Garcia -Manyes , small cantilever, this requirement might not be possible to S ., et al ., Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 , fulfill. In this case align and focus the laser as much as 3104 -3113 ( 2011 ); Brujic , J. , et al ., Nat Phys 2 , 282 -286 possible onto the free end of the cantilever . (2006 ) ) . For both proteins, the origin of the non - exponential 2 . Centrifuge the polyprotein sample at 20 , 000 g for 10 behavior can be explained in terms of a static disorder 35 min at 4° C . to get rid of possible aggregates and filter and scenario (Kuo , T . L . et al. , P Natl Acad Sci USA 107 , degas the buffer solution before usage . Filter buffer using 11336 - 11340 (2010 ) ; Garcia -Manyes , S ., et al. , Journal of 0 . 22 um filters and degas . the American Chemical Society 133, 3104 -3113 ( 2011) ) . In 3 . Glue the surface to the piezo using vacuum grease . Add this framework , static disorder originates from the existence a small volume of polyprotein solution ( 2 - 10 UL ) to the of an ensemble of conformations that populate the transition 40 surface and spread it with the pipette tip , without scratching state of the unfolding process that cannot interconvert during the surface . Wait for 10 - 20 minutes to allow the protein to the timescale of the experiment. Dwell time analysis of the adsorb , without letting the solution to dry out completely . unfolding and reduction processes taking place within the When using silicon or silicon nitride cantilevers , the protein same protein show the presence of static disorder for the can also be added directly to the cantilever, skipping steps 4 unfolding process and the lack of it for the chemical reaction 45 and 5 . This approach increases the probability of having (Garcia -Manyes , S . , et al. , Journal of the American Chemi- proteins adsorbed on the surface area close to the cantilever. cal Society 133 , 3104 - 3113 (2011 )) . This finding also 4 .Gently wash the nonspecifically adsorbed proteins with excludes the possibility of static disorder being a conse - buffer . Skip this step if the protein is very dilute or not very quence of instrumental errors . sticky (for example lacks terminal cysteines , or a reductive The force dependency of a reaction can be determined by 50 environment is used ). the underlying free - energy landscape of the molecule (Berk - 5 . Add a drop of buffer solution (typically 20 - 100 uL of ovich , R ., et al ., Biophys J 98, 2692 - 2701 (2010 )) . HEPES or phosphate buffer ) on the cantilever tip and check The error of a measured rate can be determined through for air bubbles using the camera on the instrument. Air a nonparametric bootstrapping procedure (Wiita , A . P . et al. , bubbles can attach to the cantilever in this step . Focus the Nature 450 , 124 - 127 ( 2007 ) ; Efron , B . The Jackknife , the 55 camera on the cantilever and look for air bubbles . If air Bootstrap , and Other Resampling Plans (SIAM , 1982 )) . The bubbles are present , clean and dry the fluid cell and repeat bootstrap analysis uses the number of iterations Nes as an step 5 . input parameter, and carries out the following procedure for 6 . Close the fluid cell by approaching the piezo towards each experimental condition ( e . g . for each force ). In the pool the cantilever until the O - ring seals the cell . of traces selected for analysis , each trace is considered an 60 7 . Align the PSD so that the reflected laser beam is aimed independent observation . Based on this original dataset, a at the center of the detector. Verify that the experimental chosen number (NBS ) of artificial datasets are then created , solution is completely free of particulate matter by exam each containing the same number of traces as the original ining the force signal, since even low concentrations of dataset . Individual traces from the original data set are micron - size particles can have a strong adverse effect on the randomly selected to populate the artificial datasets. If 65 stability of the measurements by scattering the laser beam simple exponential kinetics are assumed , the traces in each used to monitor the position of the cantilever. After closing artificial dataset can be summed and fitted to a single the fluid cell , wait for 10 -60 minutes for the system to US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 65 thermally equilibrate and for the drift of the cantilever values . Start with a small gain value and increase in small (measured from the PSD output) to settle . increments until the system goes close to resonance (high 8. Measure the thermal fluctuations (power ) spectrum of frequency oscillations in force and length ), then reduce the the oscillations of the cantilever using a fast Fourier trans gain with one step . form analyzer . Select the main vibration mode and integrate 5 13 . Once started , the experiment can be set up to run fully the resonance peak . The thermal fluctuations spectrum con - automatic for extended amounts of time, up to several days . tains information about the quality of the experiment. During every attempt to attach a protein , the experimental Mechanical drift will increase the contribution in the low pulse is automatically stopped if the attachment is unsuc frequency region of the power spectrum , while electronic cessful. After a complete successful pulse protocol, the noise will yield sharp peaks in the high frequency range . A 10 pulling force is increased to a high value until the attachment change in the position of the resonance peak within the same is broken , and the cycle of force pulses is repeated . Data is class of cantilevers can be indicative of the presence of a saved when complying with the requirements set by the bubble or of structural damage to the cantilever. Record user — the number of measured steps and the duration of the power spectrum far from the surface to avoid dampening of trace . the signal 15 14 . Change the value of the force in order to obtain the 9 . Approach the cantilever to the surface by monitoring its force dependence of the studied reaction . reflection . An automatic procedure can be implemented 15 . Select traces having clear equal unfolding steps and using the piezo motor linear stage to control the distance crop them between the beginning of the plateau that pre between cantilever and surface . The AFM is programmed to cedes the first unfolding event and close to their detachment approach the surface to the cantilever by monitoring the total 20 point ( see FIG . 34A ) ; for disulfide reduction experiments , intensity of the reflected laser beam . the first cut is made at the start of the reduction pulse (see 10 . Move the piezo actuator such that the cantilever FIG . 34B ). Discard traces having mixed unfolding and touches the surface and then retracts to break the contact. Do reduction steps in the second pulse . Cut the traces as shown a force -deflection curve. Fit a line in the region where the in FIG . 34A and FIG . 34B . cantilever is in contact with the piezo -moving surface and 25 16 . Superimpose all selected traces at a given force and has a linear behavior ( this region is often referred as “ the choose a duration limit based on the traces showing slower constant compliance region ” , FIG . 32B and FIG . 366C ) . The kinetics . Exclude all traces where detachment occurred slope of the variation relates the PSD signal in mV with before this duration . cantilever tip displacement in nm ( see the calibration section 17 . Average the selected traces and normalize them ( FIG . above ) . A good practice to check if the calibration is correct 30 35C ) . is to run the spectrometer in force - extension mode for a few 18 . Calculate the measured rate and error using a boot cycles . The force- extension recordings using a correctly strapping analysis procedure which assumes a specific calibrated cantilever will show the expected unfolding force model for the process ( such as an exponential constrained (which depends also on the approach -retract velocity ) and through origin , specific for a two -state process — FIG . 35C increment in the contour length of the protein (when fitted 35 and FIG . 35D or a more complex model , taking for with a phenomenological model for polymer elasticity , such example into account static disorder (Kuo , T . L . et al. , P Natl as worm - like chain ) . Analyze the part of the force curve Acad Sci USA 107 , 11336 - 11340 (2010 ) . before the cantilever gets in contactwith the surface for laser 19 . Plot the measured rates in logarithmic scale as a interference , normally evident as a sinusoidal curve ( FIG . function of force . Use Arrhenius or other kinetic model to 36A ) . Interference affects the force applied to the protein in 40 extract the rate at zero force and the distance to transition force -clamp mode . state 11 . Input the desired force protocol. Set the AFM to push the cantilever into the protein layer adsorbed on the surface , Example 10 at - 1 nN for 1 s . Use a short 0 . 2 s pulse with a pushing force of - 100 pN to find the position of the surface. The experi - 45 Provided in Example 10 is a non - limiting example of mental force has to be chosen such that the domains com - preparation of the surfaces and cantilevers for covalent posing the polyprotein construct unfold with a detectable attachment of proteins . rate. FIG . 34A shows the unfolding of a polyprotein con SM (PEG ) 24 : Dissolve SM (PEG ) 24 in DMSO to a concen struct composed of a HaloTag and eight 127 domains. tration of 250 mM , aliquot in small volumes , freeze in liquid Refolding processes can be studied in a similar way by 50 nitrogen and exchange the air with argon inside the recipi decreasing the pull force ( Fernandez , J . M . & Li, H . Science ents . Keep the aliquots at - 80° C . until use . 303, 1674 - 1678 ( 2004 ) ; Kosuri, P . et al. , Cell 151, 794 - 806 Halo Tag 04 chloroalkane ligand: Dissolve Halo Tag 04 (2012 )) . Chemical reactions such as the reduction of disul- chloroalkane ligand in DMSO to a concentration of 100 fide bonds are studied by adding a second pulse with a mM , aliquot in small volumes, freeze in liquid nitrogen and different force set- point than the unfolding part . The unfold - 55 exchange the air with argon inside the recipients . Keep the ing pulse should be at a force high enough to unfold all aliquots at - 80° C . until use. domains as fast as possible (usually less than 0 . 3 s ), so that The functionalization of glass coverslips with a chloro all cryptic bonds are exposed approximately at the same alkane ligand specific for Halo Tag involves a three step time. FIG . 34B shows the unfolding of eight domains of an reaction : 1 . amino - functionalization of the glass surface ; 2 . 127 mutant, having a disulfide bond between the position 32 60 reaction with a bifunctional crosslinker; 3 . final reaction and 75 . Unfolding of the protein domains exposes the with a thiolated Halotag ligand . In the first step the slides are disulfide bonds to the solvent environment. Then , reduction reacted with an aminosilane (Labit , H . et al. , Biotechniques of the disulfides by thioredoxin produces a second staircase 45, 649- + ( 2008 ) ) . The amino - functionalized coverslips are in the recording (FIG . 34B ) . reacted in a second step ( Zimmermann , J . L ., et al. , Nat 12 . After setting the desired pulse protocol , adjust the 65 Protoc 5 , 975 - 985 ( 2010 ) ) . In the final step the bifunctional feedback gain constants . Typically the integral gain is the thiol- chloroalkane ligand is covalently attached . Gold only parameter that needs adjustment from the standard coated cantilevers are obtained using standard evaporation US 9 , 880 , 088 B2 67 68 techniques in low pressure , of ~ 5 . 10 -6 torr or can be bought trace ). The separation between the surface and the cantilever already coated with gold . The amount of gold and interme can be increased in such a case . Presence of viscous com diate chromium /nickel layer affects the radius and spring pounds in the measuring solvent such as glycerol can lead to constant of the cantilever . a shift in all the fluctuation peaks that has to be taken into Preparation of Functionalized Glass Coverslips for HaloTag 5 account to integrate the full range of the resonant mode Chemistry (FIG . 36B , green trace ). 1 . Clean the glass coverslips using Piranha cleaning procedure ( a 3 : 1 mixture of conc. H2SO4 and 30 % H , O , for Example 13 30 min at 80° C .) . Piranha solution is corrosive and can lead to violent reactions with organic solvents . 10 In certain embodiments interference pattern can be mea 2 . Wash the surfaces with water , dry them with nitrogen , sured in the non -contact part of the force - extension traces . expose them to oxygen plasma for 1 min on each side and Interference can appear when using reflective surfaces such heat them for 5 min in a preheated oven at 150° C . as gold . Such an example is represented in FIG . 36A . The 3 . Add the surfaces one by one in a glass beaker contain ing 0 . 1 % ( 3 - aminopropyl) trimethoxysilane in heptane and 15 presence of interference can induce a change in the real leave them overnight in a desiccator. applied force as a function of separation during the force 4 . Wash the surface by subsequently sonicating them for clamp experiment. Measurements obtained in the presence 5 min in heptane , water and chloroform . of interference can have an error in the force proportional to 5 . Dry the surfaces in an oven for 1 h at 150° C . the magnitude of the measured interference in force - exten 6 . Sandwich silanized coverslips with freshly prepared 2020 sion curves. Using non -reflective surfaces such as glass and SM ( PEG ) 24 10 mm , dissolved in borax buffer pH 8 . 5 and mica can eliminate interference , but attachment of proteins incubate in the dark for 1 h . to these surfaces can be poorer than on gold (with the 7 . Separate the sandwiches , wash the coverslips with DD possible exception of attachment to glass using covalent water and dry them with nitrogen . chemistry methods, such as the Halotag method ) If working 8. Sandwich the coverslips freshly prepared chloroalkane 25 with reflective surfaces (such as gold ), interference can be ligand 7 .5 mm , dissolved in borax buffer pH 8 . 5 and reduced or eliminated by slightly changing the position of incubate in the dark overnight. the laser on the cantilever without severely affecting the total 9 . Separate the sandwiches , wash the coverslips with DD reflected voltage, or by refocusing the laser so that there is water and dry them with nitrogen . no light leakage . Alternatively, the surface can be slightly 10 . Quench the reaction with 2 -mercaptoethanol 50 mM 30 tilted so that the reflected light does not hit the PSD , or the for 5 min . cantilever can be replaced altogether. 11 . Wash the coverslips with DD water , dry them with nitrogen and store them at - 20° C . until use . Example 14 Preparation of Functionalized Gold Cantilevers for HaloTag Chemistry 5 In certain embodiments ( FIG . 36C ) , the constant compli 1. Expose cantilevers to oxygen -plasma for 1 min . ance region may not have a linear domain when too much 2 . Mount the cantilevers in the evaporator and apply protein is adsorbed on the surface or when using small vacuum . cantilevers . If too much protein is adsorbed , restart the 3 . Evaporate 2 nm of Ni/ Cr mixture . experiment decreasing the amount of protein . If small can 4 . Evaporate 10 - 15 nm of Au . tilevers are used , a clean uncovered surface can be used to 5 . Store the Au cantilevers until usage . Gold cantilevers obtain the slope of the variation of the PSD signal with can be washed with 100 % ethanol before experiment. bending cantilever distance . Due to the lack of a protein Example 11 layer , this surface will have a well - defined inflection point 45 when the cantilever touches the surface . Most probably , due In certain embodiments there can be unbiased random to the absence of protein the deflection -extension curve will noise ( “ shaky ” signal) in the recordings , on a sub - second to also show a high - force detachment peak , but this peak does second timescale , which can be indicative of particulate not interfere with estimation of the slope . diffusion in the solution . Particles present in the measuring buffer can scatter the laser beam and add noise to the force 50 Example 15 measurement ( in force - extension ) , or length measurement ( in force - clamp) . Shaky signals can be mitigated or reduced In certain embodiments , piezo hysteresis can have a by dismantling the experiment, clean the fluid cell and profound effect on cantilever calibration and measured sepa replace the surface , and start again from step 2 . ration . The force - deflection curve used to obtain the constant 55 compliance region can , in this case, show a different slope Example 12 for the approach and retract part and the measured distance can have errors arising from the linear extrapolation of the In certain embodiments the shape of the thermal fluctua applied voltage vs piezo moving distance . Linear piezo tions spectrum can indicate problems. A broken arm of a actuators or piezo actuators with position feedback can be V - shape cantilever or an air bubble can change the position 60 used . The presence of different slopes on the approach and of the resonance peak and can be solved by either replacing redraw part of the constant compliance region can be the cantilever or the buffer. Boxes of individual cantilevers indicative of a loosely attached surface ( solution : glue again are recommended rather than wafers to avoid damaging the the surface to the piezo ), a thick protein layer ( solution : set cantilever in the process of carving. A thermal spectrum up a new experiment with less protein ) , a bubble ( solution : taken too close to the surface can affect the power spectrum , 65 replace the buffer ) , or even a broken piezo ( solution : send resulting into an overestimation of < x > and a underestima - the piezo to repair or replace the piezo with a better one ; if tion of the spring constant of the cantilever (FIG . 36B , blue an instrument with a piezo having large hysteresis is used US 9 ,880 , 088 B2 69 70 and cannot be replace , a way to reduce the calibration error quence of a broken arm or the presence of a bubble close to can be to measure the slope on both approach and retract the laser reflection point. Try changing the buffer. If the curves and average them ) . anomalous value maintains , change the cantilever. Other reasons for errors in the calibration of cantilevers can arise Example 16 5 from a wrongly calibrated piezo and other instrumental and user errors. Data obtained using different AFM setups can In certain embodiments , the calibration of the capacitive have an error related to the measuring instrument. To quan sensor of the piezo as a function of applied voltage can be tify this variability , measure the spring constant of the same reported by the manufacturer, and can have a significant cantilever on all the available instruments and recalibrate the error coming from the limitations of the used calibration 10 positioning sensor for the outliners . Data obtained for the method . The linear piezo actuator described herein is less same cantilever on three different instruments is shown in prone to this kind of errors. Whenever using a new piezo , Table 5 . which shows that very similar values can be verify and adjust the calibration of the positioning sensor obtained for the same cantilever in different setups . from the unfolding steps of a known protein ( for example unfolding of Ubiquitin at 100 pN shows step increases of 20 15 TABLE 5 nm ). Spring constants measured for the same cantilever Example 17 on three different instruments . k , (pN / nm ) In certain embodiments , there can be large variations of 20 14 . 34 the measured spring constant compared to other cantilevers 14 . 27 within the same family or with the value reported by the 15 .50 manufacturer. Most cantilevers are reproducibly manufac tured to have the same spring constant and little variation can be expected from cantilevers within the same box . Table 25 Example 18 4 shows measured values for the spring constant of Bruker MLCT - B cantilevers on the same instrument . In certain embodiments ( FIG . 36D ), the feedback response time can be too slow to capture the unfolding ofthe TABLE 4 fast events . In these conditions, the set- point force is reached 30 in a comparable time to the rate of the measured process or Calibration parameters obtained on the same setup using different cantilevers from different boxes . is not reached at all for the fast occurring events . The response time it takes the feedback loop to recover to the Box set - point force after an extension event can depend on the Number s (nm /V ) < x > (V2 ) ke (pN /nm ) size and sensitivity of the cantilever , and the settings of the 146 . 7 1 . 30E - 05 15 . 2 3 ) PID loop . The integral gain can be increased until close to 128 . 8 1 . 80E - 05 14 . 1 the resonance of the system or a faster cantilever can be 134 . 9 1 . 50E - 05 15 . 4 used . For longer than normal response time of a given 129 . 3 1 . 50E - 05 15 . 8 135 . 7 1 . 60E - 05 14 . 0 cantilever model, replace the cantilever . A plateau at high 127 . 1 1 . 70E - 05 14 . 9 rates in the force dependence ( FIG . 37 ) can be indicative that N 133 . 7 1 . 60E - 05 14 . 7 40 PID response time is limiting the rates that can be measured . 140 . 0 1 . 60E - 05 13 . 9 120 . 4 2 .00E - 05 14 . 0 Example 19 117 . 2 1 . 90E - 05 15 . 4 w 140 . 8 1 . 40E - 05 14 . 9 157 . 9 1 . 20E - 05 13. 3 In certain embodiments , the feedback can create oscilla 163 . 8 1 . 10E - 05 13 . 3 45 tions, visible as high - frequency periodic noise in the record 149 . 0 1 . 30E - 05 13 . 9 ings or as an audible high -pitch noise from the piezo . The 153 . 9 1 .00E - 05 16 . 9 141 . 5 1 . 50E - 05 13. 9 gain factors in the feedback circuit can be decreased . Pro 132 . 2 1 . 60E - 05 14 . 6 longed high - frequency oscillations can be avoided since 142 . 1 1 . 50E - 05 13. 9 they have a direct impact on the lifetime of the piezo 137 . 3 1 . 60E - 05 14 . 6 50 actuator. This issue can also appear after prolonged usage 146 . 3 1 . 40E - 05 13 . 5 146 . 8 1 . 30E - 05 14 . 5 during the same experiment. Evaporation of the buffer can 136 . 7 1 .60E - 05 13 . 6 induce a change in the optimal feedback parameters. 115 . 8 1 . 80E - 05 16 . 8 113 . 4 2 . 20E - 05 14 . 6 Example 20 130 . 5 1 . 80E - 05 13 . 7 5555 116 . 4 2 . 30E - 05 13 . 4 116 . 2 2 . 30E - 05 13 . 4 In certain embodiments there can be too few pick -ups . 117 . 0 2 .00E - 05 15 . 0 The magnitude of the contact force can be increased ( to - 2 120 . 3 2 .00E - 05 14 . 1 nN , for instance ) , or the contact time can be increased to 2 128 . 0 1 . 70E - 05 14 . 5 121. 3 1 . 90E - 05 14 . 4 . s , for instance ). If these changes do not work , the fluid cell 115 . 6 2 . 20E - 05 14 . 2 60 can be opened and more protein sample added to the surface . 103. 8 2 . 70E - 05 14 . 3 148 . 9 1 . 40E - 05 13 . 3 Example 21 138 . 3 1 . 50E - 05 14 . 0 126 . 8 2 .00E - 05 12 . 6 In certain embodiments , there can be many pick - ups but 65 few clean fingerprints . Traces lacking a clear unfolding In certain embodiments , a significant deviation from the fingerprint can originate from several proteins tethered in average spring constant of the cantilever can be a conse parallel , a degraded protein or contaminations. The magni US 9 ,880 ,088 B2 71 72 tude and / or duration of the contact force pulse can be Hence , an error in the calibration is directly reflected in the reduced ( - 500 pN , 0 . 3 s for instance ). If the problem measured distance to the transition state through Ax = persists , the experiment can be set up again with less protein . ( k . /km ): Ax . Therefore , overestimation of the spring constant If there are still no clean fingerprints then the protein sample (km > k , ) leads to smaller experimental slopes (FIG . 37 ) . On might be compromised . As proteins preparations age their 5 the other hand , if the spring constant is underestimated performance in single -molecule AFM can decrease , even ( k ,n < k , ) , Ax will be overestimated (FIG . 37 ) . When using with no obvious changes in the behavior of the protein in data from different miscalibrated experiments , the extrapo SDS - PAGE or size exclusion chromatography . A new batch lated rate at zero force can also be affected . To avoid this of protein can be purified . kind of calibration errors , the instrument can be configured Example 22 10 to measure at different forces in a cyclic manner using the same cantilever. This approach can minimize any effect In certain embodiments cantilever calibration can change coming from time- dependent changes in calibration . Com in time. Thermal drift and mechanical damage of the can - pare the force sensitivity measured for the same forces with tilever can lead to a change of the already calibrated param different cantilevers . If the pick -up rate is too low to allow eters . Every few hours a force -extension trace can be 15 measurement of the entire force range in a single experi obtained and the contact part can be checked to show the ment, choose at least a reference force. If the calibration is same slope as for the original calibration . If a change in the correct, the rates of reaction at the reference force will be slope of the constant compliance region is measured , the consistent for different experiments and / or cantilevers. If the cantilever can be recalibrated by moving it away from the results at the reference force deviate significantly from the surface and repeating steps 8 - 10 . If a change in the total 20 average value , discard all data obtained for that particular intensity of the laser takes place , the laser can be reposi- experiment at any given force . tioned to obtain maximum intensity and the cantilever can be recalibrated . If a significant change in the value of the REFERENCES cantilever constant is measured , the cantilever can be changed . 25 The following references are incorporated by reference herein in their entireties : Example 23 Wiita et al ., PNAS 103 ( 19 ) : 7222 - 7227 (2006 ) . In certain embodiments there can be variation with time Wiita et al. , Nature 450 : 124 - 127 (2007 ) . of the separation distance between the surface and cantile Perez Jimenez et . al. , Nat Struct Mol Biol. 16 ( 8 ) :890 - 896 ver . 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