Timidity—A Hindoo Fable. Ariadne looked sad. "The music of Color of the Sea. C. H. Roll, A silly mouse, Clinking each thing a-cat,

The culvert lately built across the COPPER ROOFING Main street near Win. Dillon's res- DEALER IN idence is, (although tho workman- ship is first class) in a rather dan- and and gerous condition. At Mr. Dil- lon's side, the crossing is about 2(1 FOE feet wide and on the opposite side, SHEET IRON GENERAL not more than six or seven feet, so "HOUSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, TIGS, that a person crossing the street on POULTRY, Etc. a dark night, from the widest part, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, WORKERS. JOBBING. will almost generally BU.stain a fall BY THE CLAMS, OYSTERS, in the gutter. A flag stone placed FISH, Etc. on the lower end wonld prove a very good idea, and might save a suit Package, Bag or Barrel. Next Door to Post Office. against tho county. STOVE&RANGES SPHINGFIELD, X. J. A Card. AND Headquarters Edward II. Wade Post No. 96, O. A. B., Department of ITew Jersey. IF YOU WANT A Milburn, June 7 1886. Post Offiee, House Furnishing Goods. Editor Biuhjet: DEAK SIP.—Edward 11. Wilde Post No. 96 G. A. E.,, desires to express through your Agents- for Buckwalter & Co's Celebrated Canopy columns, their thanks to the citizens of Springfield and Millmrn and the public Springfield, W. J. Ranges and other stoves. generally, for their liberal contributions, by which they weru enabled to BO hospita- MAIN STREET, MILBURN, N. J. bly entertain their visiting conimdes on D. C. Tingley, Memorial Day, and especinlly to thank the OPP. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH. ladies •who labored so faithfully through- Dealer in out th© A ay, in preparing dinner and ad- ministering to the wants of tho hundreds who sat down to their 'bountiful repast, G. L. BARNARD. F. S. BAILEY. and alao to till friends who HO kindly lent Beef, Veal, Mutton, their assistance during the day. By order of the Post. Lamb, Pork, &c. W. E.AyiVH, Adj't. J. J. Hoff, Com. TUESDAYS, THUKSDAYS AND SAT- URDAYS. Leave orders at Brayman'o Charles H. Leber, Luck in Business. News Depot. Men rich and poor, men high and HAT, low, men wise and simple have faith LISTER BROTHERS' in luck. Everything that some men Mrs. C. IT. Agens, touch withers; they buy when they should soil; sell when they should Springfield Hotel, buy, and are always on the ere of fortunes, and are always grasping at FIEST-CLASS WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGAES. shadows. It was the rule of the ood accommodations for Travelers. Rothschilds to have nothing to do Board by the Day, Week or Month. with an unlucky man or an unlucky OPP. 'WESTFIELD ROAD, house. Many are lioru to bad luck aa the sparks tl}' upward ! They are SPRIXGFIELD, N. J. GO TO industrious, prudent, and even re- ligious, but never succeed. An- W. R. Ayres, STjL.NiDA.TtT> A:srr> other class, with no more character, or resolution, or sense, move right on to fortune. A certain merchant counted up his PAINTER gains. He had six hundred thousand MAIN STREET, NEAR DEPOT, FERTILIZERS, dollars to dispose of. He waB going MTLBCTEN, ST. 3. out of business. For the sake of a young man whom he brought np he RAMMELKAMFS FOE AiL CROPS, ' concluded to go on one year more. The luck not only turned against him but there seemed a conspiracy R. S. OLIVER'S, At Factory Prices. to ruin him. He continued the same RAILROAD HOTEL, style of business that had led to for- tune. He was as just, and as vigilant First St., near Depot, as before. He lost money every day SOUTH OHA.XGE, H. J, and lost it on every hand. Every- WILL ALWAYS HAVE GOOD ACCOM- Reliable Garden Seeds, body failed that owed him; every MODATIONS FOR TRANSIENT panic stripped him; every wave GUESTS AND WILL BE A struck his craftj every fire burned HOTEL IN ALL RESPECTS. BULK. his goods, and finally the young man Tho Best Brands of for whose sake he continued in bus- WINES, LIQUORS AND SEGAUS, stole his property and turned him in- to bankruptcy. Can always he found in stock there. MAIN STREET, Garden Tools of Every Descriptiion IF | for working people. BendlOoenta, port- Thomas Capwm, Landscape mid Marine U Alnncc ami wt-tvill mail yen free, n tuyal painter, lessons b L freehand, pencil, sepia |H| jlviiimilili! Hiimplu Imx "f KOU.IK thai will and Crayon uu in tbe• way i)f makiUK more ruou- <•}• iu a f.'\v (l.iyii Hum you ever thought poBStMe at cr.s. AViitor CWjIor painting :i specialty. any buHjiH'HM- Capital not required. Ton can Hve The highest ref-erencea to present pupils. at hoiuc ami work in Kjiaro tiinf! imly, (ir all the Portrait* in ivdry and also in crayon very time. AH »f both sexofl of all afies, grandly HIIC- highly tmis!i. lor the trouble of writing us. i'ull partirularn, ili- rei-tious etc., htsut free. Ixmnenae \\&y al>Holute.!y VERY CHEAP AT THE HUT for all who Ktnrt nt once, Don't tlulay, Ad- AVENUE, Subscri be for the Uudget now. ilreea SI-IKBOS & Co., Portland t Maine. MILBURN. Milburn Pharmacy. N. J.