MINUTES of MEETING – Reference 2021/04
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Website: www.stoweysuttonpc.org Email: [email protected] Tel: 01275 772 177 MINUTES OF MEETING – Reference 2021/04 Present: Councillors K Betton (Chairman), E Daly, L Kingston, L Balmforth, R Parker, I Dagger and M Arnold Clerk: J Bryant Minutes of the virtual Stowey Sutton Parish Council meeting held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 7th April 2021. Item no Description 1. a. Apologies Received – Councillors Clewett and Knibbs apologies received and accepted. b. Resignation of Councillor White noted following a change in personal circumstances. Stowey Sutton Parish Council thanks Tracey for her short service and particularly her involvement with the Climate and Nature Emergency Working Group in Chew Valley. c. Declarations of Interest – None received. 2. Confirmation of Minutes - the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd March 2021 were approved as an accurate record. 3. Public Participation (open session) - 8 members of the public attended this month’s meeting. No points were raised outside of the agenda. Guest speaker: Felix Young, Regional Events Officer South for British Cycling, provided details of a British Cycling Event taking place in the area on 18th April 2021. This event is a road race that is to be the first formally approved post covid-suspension race in the country. 45 riders will be participating with priority given to applicants living within a 20-mile radius of Bishop Sutton. Cyclists will leave Bishop Sutton Football Club at 10.30am and will race over the Mendips via Priddy. All participants will be escorted by motorbike outriders and convoy vehicles as a bubble/rolling road so there will be no road closures. 4. Planning 4.a. Planning – New Application Consultations considered, and resolutions made 4.a.i. 21/00926/VAR: Whatley House, Ham Lane, Bishop Sutton, BS39 5TY - Variation of condition 9 (plans list) of application 19/00787/FUL (Conversion of stables and attached barn to 3 holiday lets). RESOLVED that, providing that full details of proposed lighting design are first submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to installation and occupation which was discussed with the agent, Stowey Sutton Parish Council do not object to this application. 4.a.ii. 21/00690/FUL: Stitchings Shord Farm, Stitchings Shord Lane, Bishop Sutton, BS39 5UD - Erection of 1no. 3bed dwelling for agricultural worker. RESOLVED that, Stowey Sutton Parish Council do not support to this application. 4.a.iii. 21/01530/FUL: Daisy Field Farm, Ham Lane, Bishop Sutton, BS39 5TY – Erection of 1st floor extension to rear elevation and associated remodelling works. RESOLVED that, subject to a planning condition to mitigate the effect of artificial lighting both internal & external, through the use of window dressings such as blinds & curtains (acknowledged as confirmed by the applicant in the Design and Access Statement) as well as by considerate design for external features, Stowey Sutton Parish Council do not object to this application. 4.a.iv. No further planning consultations were considered. 21/01550/ADCOU: Ellens Farm, Hinton Blewett Road, Stowey, BS39 5UL, Prior approval request for conversion of agricultural building to dwelling house will be considered at May’s meeting. 4.b. Planning – Decision Notifications noted 4.b.i. 21/00382/FUL: 7 Bonhill Road, Bishop Sutton, BS39 5TS, Erection of two storey rear extension to existing house to form larger first floor bedroom to existing house together with single storey front and rear extensions to existing house plus the formation of additional parking to the front of the existing 2021/04 www.stoweysuttonpc.org Page 1 of 5 Website: www.stoweysuttonpc.org Email: [email protected] Tel: 01275 772 177 house. – PERMIT 4.b.ii. 21/00483/FUL: Ellens Farm, Hinton Blewett Road, Stowey, Erection of extension to agricultural building to cover feed yard. - PERMIT 4.b.iii. 21/00487/FUL: Elm Tree House, Wick Road, Bishop Sutton, Conversion of existing ancillary building to self-contained holiday let. - PERMIT 4.b.iv. 20/01265/ADCOU: The Nursery, Folly Lane, Stowey, Bristol BS39 4DW, Prior approval request for change of use from Agricultural Building to 1 no. Dwelling (C3) and for associated operational development. – APPEAL DISMISSED BY PLANNING INSPECTORATE 4.c. Planning – Other planning matters noted – 3 Enforcement Cases noted. 5. Community and Environment – Reports received, and resolutions made: 5.a. Chew Valley Area Forum - Climate and Nature Emergency Working Group & Subgroups Report provided by Councillor Dagger – 4 subgroups are working on separate items. i. Renewable Energy - East Harptree have completed a heat and energy report which we should get sight of shortly. ii. Home Energy - Bristol Water are making grants available to houses where total income is less than 30k group d or lower for EPC rating. B&NES ask if we could publicise availability of grants. Promoting household carbon footprint tool so that households could create a baseline and measure their individual impact going forward. Gives incentive to reduce carbon. Electric vehicle charging points. a couple in chew magna but no others are known around the chew valley. iii. Nature Protection – considering dark skies. Knowledge sharing of light pollution in Chew Valley and impact on corridors as well as impact on human health. Desire to create a dark skies policy for the Chew Valley. iv. Sustainable Transport - Connective transport into cities and across the Chew Valley. Mapping Existing Public Transport to create a tube-style map showing all the bus routes across the Chew Valley and highlighting the ones that are at risk/not commercially viable to use and survey for case to be made to B&NES/WECA. Previous transport surveys carried out across the valley (including Stowey Sutton) have been shared and are being reviewed to look for patterns. A new survey template is to be created for parish councils to publish electronically (and other inclusive methods) to allow all parishioners to comment. Important work around responsibilities is underway involving WECA and B&NES for forward planning an informing the update to the Local Plan. Public Transport in rural areas is not fit for purpose and group are looking for opportunities to stress this with WECA and B&NES. Valley wide car share schemes, carpools, car sharing apps and other national schemes are being considered. Best of breed to be publicised. Transport for 16–18-year-olds to Chew Valley school is essential and would be a quick win. Active routes around the lake and access to schools would cut down car use for these purposes. East Harptree have done a survey on safe pedestrian walking routes which is to be shared with other parishes. These valley wide working groups will only operate for 6 months so it is recommended that the parish council considers implementing its own working group or committee to take this forward. 5.b. Community Run Library - Click and collect has been active with numbers approx. 50% of pre-covid activity levels. Website is live and has proved successful linking to new social media accounts (Twitter and Instagram) which are being run by 2 university students for us. Browsing in covid-safe manner resumes week commencing 12th April 2021. Catering may be an option for outside service from 12th April but will be weather dependent. Team preparing for full opening when roadmap permits. Annual Meeting of the Community Library Committee to take place Tuesday 20th April 2021. 5.c. Correspondence: i. Valley Bootcamp and Chew Valley Youth Football training have recommenced on the recreation ground following the changes to national restrictions. 2021/04 www.stoweysuttonpc.org Page 2 of 5 Website: www.stoweysuttonpc.org Email: [email protected] Tel: 01275 772 177 ii. Avon & Somerset Police have issued many alerts regarding recent local criminal activity. Full details are available on their website along with advice on keeping yourself and your property safe in different circumstances. iii. https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/your-area/pensford-and-chew-valley/ iv. Jacob Rees-Mogg MP regarding Bishop Sutton Football Club. Clerk to respond accordingly after meeting with representatives of the club. v. VE Day 2021 – parish council to consider exhibiting its memorial or alternative on 8th May. 5.d. Parks and Open Spaces: i. Byelaw for Recreation Ground under review to bring up to date. Draft byelaw will be prepared by clerk and circulated for consideration in May/June. ii. RESOLVED that recycled materials to be purchased for bench (near MUGA) refurbishment within a budget of £125.00 + vat. 5.e. Public Rights of Way, Highways, and Infrastructure: i. The Hollowbrook Bridge on the Grebe Trail was closed for a short period for essential repairs. It was re-opened in time for the Easter weekend. ii. Chew Valley Picnic Areas have been re-opened in response to changes to national restrictions and should remain open, except if closed temporarily for non-covid reasons e.g., maintenance. iii. B&NES bin replaced at village hall following decay and failure during playground inspection. iv. Decaying signs and posts around parish reported to B&NES for action. v. Trip hazard at Cappards reported to B&NES for action. vi. Changes to WSM bus service. vii. Hedge cutting debris cleared from Ham Lane. viii. Hedge cutting completed on end of Woodcroft after seeking guidance from Highways. If you have concerns about your neighbour’s hedges, please approach them directly or pop a polite request through their door. It’s better to work together if you can. Further reports made at the meeting will be forward by Clerk to the relevant authorities. 6. Meetings & Consultations – Reports received, and resolutions made: 6.a. Parish Council Airport Association Meeting – Cllr Parker reported. Membership of PCAA now stands at 30 parish councils and 1 town council.