6 11 Journal of Tropical Forest Science 14(1): 116-130 (2002)


A. Y. C. Chung, V. K. Chey

P. O. Box 1407, Forest Research Centre, Forestry Department, 90715 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

M. R. Speight,

Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OXI 3PS, United Kingdom

P. EggletoHammon. M . P n& d

Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom

Received January 2000______

CHUNG, A. Y. C., CHEY, V. K., SPEIGHT, M. R., EGGLETON, P. & HAMMOND, 2002. P.M surveA ' defoliation yo phytophagoud nan s foun si r habitat types Sabahn i , Malaysia degree Th . defoliatiof eo foun ni r different habitat types (primary forest, logged forest, acacia plantation and oil palm plantation) was investigated. Logged forest was most severely defoliated in terms of absolute leaf area eaten, percentage of leaf area eaten and number of holes. This was attributed to the many fast- growing and short-lived tree species in the logged forest which were more palatable to the phytophagous insects. Phytophagous Coleoptera were more speciose and abundant in the forests compared with the plantations. Oil palm plantation recorded fewer compared with other sites. There were significant positive relationships betwee abundance nth Coleopterf eo Orthopterd aan a wit percentage hth leaf eo f area eaten significan.A t positive relationshi alss powa observed betwee Coleoptere nth a abundance and the number of holes on leaves. In this study, Coleoptera were the best predicto defoliatiof ro n compared with lepidopteran larva Orthopterad ean .

Key words: Herbivor y- Coleopter a- Orthoptera lepidoptera- n larvae

CHUNG.A.Y.C., CHEY, V.K., SPEIGHT, M.R., EGGLETON HAMMOND& . P , , P. M. 2002. Satu tinjauan defoliasi dan serangga-serangga pemakan daun di empat habitat yang berlainan di Sabah, Malaysia. Defoliasi di empat jenis habitat (hutan primer, hutan dibalak, ladang akasia dan ladang kelapa sawit) telah dikaji. Hutan yang dibalak mengalami defoliasi yang paling ketara dari segi keluasan mutlak daun dimakan, peratusan keluasan daun dimakan dan bilangan lubang pada daun. Kelimpahan spesies pokok yang tumbuh cepat serta mempunyai jangka hayat yang pende hutai kd n yang telah dibalak menjadi pilihan serangga pemakan daun. Lebih banyak spesies serta bilangan Coleoptera pemakan daun dan Orthoptera dari segi spesie kelimpahan sda n direkodka i hutand n berbanding dengan ladang. Ladang kelapa sawit mencatatkan bilangan Orthoptera yang lebih rendah berbanding Journal of 7 Tropical11 Forest Science 14(1): 116-130 (2002)

dengan habitat lain. Hubungan positif yang bererti dikesan antara kelimpahan Coleopter Orthoptern ada a dengan peratusan daun dimakan. Begitu juga antara kelimpahan Coleoptera dengan jumlah lubang pada daun. Dalam kajian ini, Coleoptera didapati lebih berkesan sebagai penentu defoliasi berbanding dengan larva Lepidoptera dan Orthoptera.


Phytophagous insects are the most important defoliators in tropical forests, consuming more material than vertebrate herbivores (Wint 1983, Lowman & Moffet 1993). The percentage of leaf area removed in different forests of the world generally ranges between 5 and 30% (Lowman 1997). Chewing insects alone take about 7 to 10% of the leaf area (Bray 1964). In the forest of Barro Colorado Island, Panama amoune ,th f leao t f eaten per yea insecty rb abous si t 12.5% and by vertebrates only 2.4% (Leigh 1975). Occasionally, some species becom abundano es t that they threate stabilite nth outpur yo systemf o t s having high ecological, aesthetic or economic value. Therefore, insect herbivory is centra consideratioy an o lt ecologe th f n o tropica f yo l forests (Greenwood 1990, Anderso 1995)e ubiquitous Le i t n& I . oftend san been recognise havins da ga significant impac plann to t fitness (Dominque Dirzz& o 1994). entomologicaIn na l context, defoliatio causes ni leaf-eatiny db g insects, which include leaf-chewers, leaf-skeletonisers, leaf-miners, leaf-rollers, shoot-borers and sap feeders (Chey 1995). Common symptoms or signs of heavily defoliated trees are (1) large amounts of missing foliage, (2) browning of foliage, (3) silk shelters and web-enclosed foliage, (4) insect remains such as egg shells, shed larval skins, pupal cases, cocoons, frass and trails of silk, (5) branch mortality and top-kill and (6) tree mortality (Coulson & Witter 1984). The insects that defoliate tropical trees (no ordetn i importancef ro mose )ar t commonly moth larvae (Lepidoptera), larva aduld an e t beetles (Coleoptera), leaf-cutter ants (Attini, neotropical only), Orthoptera and various groups of Homoptera (Janzen 1983) as well as stick insects (Phasmida) (Seow-Choen et al. 1994). Some larvae of Hymenoptera (namely, sawflies) and Diptera are also leaf feeders (Coulson & Witter 1984). This study focuse thren do e prominent phytophagous insect groups, namely, lepidopteran larvae, adult Coleopter Orthopterd aan orden ai answeo t r e th r following questions:

(1) What are the levels of defoliation in different forest and plantation environment Sabahn i s , Malaysia? (2) Do differences in vegetation of a habitat affect the diversity of phytophagous insects? (3) What are the relationships between phytophagous insects and defoliation? (4) What is the relative importance of each phytophagous insect group as defoliators? 118 Journal of Tropical Forest Science 14(1): 116-130 (2002)

Material methodd san s

Study sites

Four study sites were selected for this study: primary forest, logged forest, forest plantation (acacia - Acacia mangium) and commercial crop plantation (oil palm - guineensis). The choice was based on relative vegetational importance in Sabah. Forested areas cover approximately 60% of the land area of Sabah (Chai 1997). About 5.3% of Sabah land area is allocated for forest plantation (Anonymous 1994) with Acacia mangium being the most planted species (Anonymous 1996). Oil palm is the most important commercial crop in Sabah covering more than 12% of the land area (Anonymous 2000) The primary forest site is located at the Kabili- Sepilok Forest Reserv eastern ei n Sabah, about 80km from other study sites, which e locatear d withi e Segaliud-Lokanth n area near central Sabah e sitet .Th a s Segaliud-Lokan are about 3 to 5 km apart.

Primary forest (Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve)

Kabili-Sepiloe Th k Forest Reserve (KSFR situates i )eas e th t n coasdo Sabaf to h (5° 45' N, 117° 45' E), adjoining the Sandakan Bay. It was first gazetted in 1931 and has an area of 2334 ha which was gradually expanded to the present area estimateos i f t 429I . 4ha d that more thaspecie0 n45 s of tree sKSFe existh t Ra t knowe th f almosd o n an dipterocarp% t40 Saban si recordee har d there.

Logged forest (Segaliud-Lokan Forest Reserve)

The Segaliud-Lokan Forest Reserve (5° 30'N, 117° 30' E) covers an area of 57 240 ha. The reserve was gazetted in 1961 as a commercial forest reserve. Prior loggingo t classifies wa t ,i lowlans da d dipterocarp forest. Selective logging started in 1976 and continued up to 1981. Thus, the logged forest was about 16 years old during sampling. Logging was by conventional tractor with main hauling lines. Only trees with diamete t breasa rr moro tm ec heighwer0 6 ef o ttaken e Th . prominent vegetation found here are the climbing bamboos, Dinochloa spp., and pioneer species such as Macaranga spp.

Acacia plantation (Segaliud-Lokan Forest Plantation)

The Segaliud-Lokan Forest Plantation Research Project was established under the management of the Sabah Forestry Department. The plantation area (previousl ylowlana d dipterocarp forest locates i )northere th t da n most part of the Segaliud-Lokan Forest Reserve (5° 37' N, 117° 35' E). It is about 100 km (by road) south-wes Sandakanf o t plantee ar . a Abouh d0 wit10 t h acacias. Other main plantation species include Paraserianthes falcataria, Gmelina arbarea alsd an o various indigenous species. The acacia site chosen for the study is located within a 20-ha area plantespacingm 3 X 198 n di 3 . t 9a Journal of Tropical Forest Science 14 (1): 116-130 (2002) 119

Oil palm plantation ( Crop Sdn. Bhd.)

Apall noi m plantation adjacen Segaliud-Lokae th o t n forest plantation station was chose stude th s yna sitesitee .Th , previousl ylowlana d dipterocarp forests i , located within a36-ha area plan ted in January 1990. The palms are planted at 9 m apart in a triangular pattern at a density of 143 palms per ha.

Sampling procedure

Sampling was conducted in September and October 1996. Two sets of data collection strategies were applied, first, for sampling of insects on trees, and second, for measuring level defoliationf so . Insects were collected wit hMaruyama a MD300 mist-blower nozzlV s UL ewa .A emissioe th f o d nattache pipeen e th . Insecticiddo t addes ewa strear d ai int e moth from a 100 ml bottle behind the ULV nozzle. The discharge rate of the mist-blower misminutr e th pe tl d extendem waean 5 2 s maximua do t m (Che heighm 0 1 y f to 1994) chemicae .Th l use Pybuthris dwa n 2/16 (Roussel Uclaf) environmentallyn ,a - benign, pyrethroid-based insecticide. Three collecting funnels (made from cloth with rattan rings) wit h1-a m diameter were placed hanging unde canope rth f yo each sprayed e treb o e t tree n .Te s were chosen at each site accessibilitbasee th n do y of their canopy to the chemical being mist-blown. Taller trees were not chosen (Table 1). The distance between each tree was at least 10 m. Sampling was conducte days y mist-blowtree s dr e.Th stilwa n d do lan n fro groune e mth on r dfo minute. All knocked down insects dropped into a funnel attached with a killing bottle containing ethanol solution funnele Th . s were monitore abour dfo e on t hour and beetles that were trying to escape were brushed down the funnel. Canopy cove eacf ro h sampl measures ewa d wit sphericaha l densiometer (Crown 43888 concave-model C).

Table 1 Details of trees selected for mist-blowing

Site Replicate Botanical name Family Dbh Height % (cm) (m) canopy cover

Primary forest 1 Eusideroxylon zwageri Lauraceae 10 15 75.1 * Sharea xanthophytta 3 4 2 Baccaurea stipulata Euphorbiaceae 14 8 69.8 3 Aporusa acuminatissima Euphorbiaceae 9 7 81.3 Alseodaphne. sp Lauraceae 1.5 2 Polyalthia insignis Annonaceae 3 3 4 Koilodepas longifolium Euphorbiaceae 6.7 6.5 83.4 5 Diospyros curranii Ebenaceae 10 10 77.1 Sharea xanthophytta Dipterocarpaceae 2.3 3.5 Sharea xanthophytta Dipterocarpaceae 2.5 4 Sharea xanthophytta Dipterocarpaceae 2.7 4 6 Mesua macranthes Guttiferae 14 10 59.6 7 Catophyllum gracilis Guttiferae 6 7 66.7

continued 120 Journal of Tropical Forest Science 14(1): 116-130 (2002)

Tabl (continuede1 )

Site Replicate Botanical name Family Dbh Height % ) (m (cmcanop) y cover

8 Koilodepas longifolium Euphorbiaceae 9 6 68.8 Rinorea longiracemosa Violaceae 2.5 2 Stemonurus malaccensis Icacinaceae 3.5 3 9 Cleistanthus sumatranus Euphorbiaceae 8.5 9 54.2 Rinorea longiracemosa Violaceae 3 2 10 Gluta sabahana Anacardiaceae 9 5 75.1 Gluta sabahana Anacardiaceae 19 10

Logged forest 1 Euphorbiaceae 5.8 6.5 62.6 *. Homalanthus populneus Euphorbiaceae 5.2 5.5 2 Phoebe macrophylla Lauraceae 11 9 36.5 laxiflora 7.5 6 3 Barringtonia macrostachys Lecythidaceae 1.4 3 Aporusa nitida Euphorbiaceae 7 6 62.6 Maesa. sp Myrsinaceae 5 5 4 Nephelium ramboutan ake Sapindaceae 21 12 74.0 Sautiria levigata Burseraceae 7 6 5 Fagraea cuspidata Loganiaceae 10 4.5 51.1 Barringtonia macrostachys Lecythidaceae 7.5 4 Dinochloa scabrida Gramineae climber climber 6 Phoebe macrophylla Lauraceae 7.6 5 75.1 Neonauclea cyrtopoda Rubiaceae 5.7 5 Uncaria cordata Rubiaceae climber climber Syzygium sp. Myrtaceae 2.3 4 7 Pentace laxiflora Tiliaceae 11 7 61.2 Dinochloa trigonum Gramineae climber climber Korthalsia furtadoana Palmae rattan rattan 8 Parashorea tomentella Dipterocarpaceae 13 10 37.5 Dinochloa scabrida Gramineae climber climber 9 Adinandra myrioneura Theaceae 29 15 58.4 10 Mallotus leucodermis Euphorbiaceae 7 6 55.5

Acacia plantation 1 Acacia mangium Leguminosae 19 9.5 29.2 2 •* " 16 8.5 34.4 3 " " 10 6 28.1 4 " " 12 8 27.1 5 *• * 15 8 32.3 6 « " 16 8.5 36.5 7 " " 11 8 30.2 8 " " 16 10 33.4 n M 9 14 9.5 31.3 n 10 " 14 9 33.4

Oil palm plantatio1 n Palmae 60 6 65.7 2 " " 66 5.5 63.6 3 " * 57 5.5 65.7 n 4 ** 65 6 56.3 5 " " 58 4 51.1 6 » " 57 4.5 70.9 7 " " 64 5.5 69.8 8 " " 66 6 52.1 9 " " 66 6 64.6 10 61 6 70.9 "

* In some replicates, more than 1 tree was mist-blown because the grew very near to each other foreste inth . Some climbers also cluntreese th o g.t Journal of Tropical Forest Science 14(1): 116-130 (2002) 121

The leaf-chewers were picked out from the insects sampled. Three prominent groups were sorted to morphospecies, namely, lepidopteran larvae (butterflies and moths), Orthoptera ( and crickets, including nymphs) and phytophagous adult Coleoptera (beedes) Coleoptere Th . a included familier o s subfamilies from Melolonthinae, Cetoniinae, Valginae, Alleculinae, Elateridae, Mordellidae, Languriidae, Curculionidae, Chrysomelidae, Buprestidae, Attelabidae, Phalacridae and Nitidulidae. The leaf-eating families chosen here were based on Hammond (1990). Other herbivores suc feedersdis p ha e sa , leaf roller lead sfan miners were excluded because it was difficult to quantify the exact degree of damage cause thesy db e groups. Moreover littl,f theo e y importancar e compared wit leaf-chewere hth s (Wint 1983). In each mist-blown area of a tree canopy, ten leaves were taken at random. The total leaf area, absolute leaf area eaten, percentage eate numbed nan holef ro n so each leaf were calculate traciny db leae gth f ont ograpa h paper. Regressions were carrie determino t t dou e which phytophagous insect group best predicted defoliation levels date Th .a from four sites were combinee th r dfo regressio numbenw becauslo e defoliatorf th ro f eo s sample problee th d dmf an o multiple zero-values. We realised that there were qualitative differences that affec resulte th t s when data fro foue mth r sites were combined differen(due th o et t rate attacf so t differenka t sites). Results

Species richness abundanceand of selected phytophagous insect groups

significana Sits ewa t factor (ANOVA, Tukey's HSD 0.05< ,p explainin)n i e gth varianc specien ei s richnes abundancd san f phytophagoueo s Coleopterd aan Orthoptera (both log-transformed ). However (Figure2) d an 1 s,o n ther s ewa difference among sites observed in the species richness or abundance of lepidopteran larvae. Numbers of phytophagous Coleoptera were higher in both logged and primary forests compared with the acacia and oil palm plantations. In the logged forest, an average of 4.38 Coleoptera species from 8.08 individuals were determined fro trea m f 1 e2 o canop pall yoi m while plantationth n ei , only 0.71 species from 1.46 individuals were recorded. Orthopteran species collected l paloi me i nth plantatio n were singletons, with 0.13 species individuald an s respectively.

Defoliation status

Generally, plant loggee th n si d forest were more defoliated compared with other sites (Tukey's HSD 0.05< ,p , Figure averag3)n .A 123.f eo 3 cm lea 6.5e r 2o th f %f o area sample defoliates dwa d whil averagn ea 91.f eo 8 holes were observe eacn di h sample in the logged forest. The primary forest, acacia plantation and oil palm plantatio t diffeno d r ndi significantl absolutn i y e leaf area eaten, percentagf eo leaf eaten or the number of holes. 122 Journal of Tropical Forest Science 14(1): 11&-130 (2002)

6 8 0.8 a a 5 b 8 0.7 I fc o 0.6 4 a £ $ 0-5 3 a | 0.4 T 53 1 0.3 2 T- 2 ''i'*' •:•:•:• s °- 1 0.1 m X- n 1*3 0 Oil Palm Acacia Logged Forest Primary Forest Oil Palm Acacia Logged Forest Primary Forest Site Site

(a) Phytophagous Coleoptera (b) Lepidopteran larvae

• .t 1.2 b 1 b F 0.8 T I hi r« 0.6 :J•: 0.4 a \" 0.2 T- 0 !•:•*:•] Oil Palm Acacia Logged Forest Primary Forest Site

(c) Orthoptera

figur Meae1 n insect defoliator species (with standar trea df e o error canopm r )pe y

at study sites. Means followed by the same2 letter are not significantly different (Tukey's HSD 0.05)< ,p . Log-transformed data wer lettere e th use d sd usean d refe log-transformeo t r d data.

Which phytophagous insect group is the best predictor of defoliation levels?

The results showed that there were significant positive relationships between Coleopter Orthopterd aan a abundances wit percentage hth leaf eo f eaten (Figures 4 and 5). Significant positive relationships (Figures 6 and 7) were also observed betwee abundancee nth Coleopterf so groupl al d asan combined wit numbee hth r o fleaves e holeth n so . These suggested tha Coleoptere tth Orthopterd aan a were good predictor percentagr sfo leaf eo f area eaten while Coleopter three th ed aan groups combined were good predictor numbee th r leavess e holefo f rth o n n so .I general, Coleoptera wa bese sth t predictor amon three gth e groups becauss e itwa significan three th predictof s eo a t defoliatioo tw n i r n measures taken. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 14(1): 116-130 (2002) 123

1.6 10 b a .. S 8 1.4 | 8 b i 1 2 a a a 1 *3 1 1 6 a a 0.8 y h : a 4 S i 0.6 f FFl ' :: | 0.4 *, i . T . p*a 0.2 £:••••! •:•:•"! it! 111 0 0 l PalOi m Acacia Logged Forest Primary Forest Oil Palm Acacia Logged Forest Primary Forest Site Site

(a) Phytophagous Coleoptera (b) Lepidopteran larvae

b b 8 2 b l ' 9 ., _ h D -F ja •I [i " 1 a Jo,

0 rr*n Oil Palm Acacia Logged Forest Primary Forest Site

(c) Orthoptera

Figur e2 Mea n insect defoliator abundance (with standard error tre a r mf e2o )pe canopy at study sites. Means followed by the same letter are not significandy different (Tukey's HSD 0.05)< p , . Log-transformed data wer lettere eth used s an drefe r to log-transformed data.


Species richness abundanceand of selected phytophagous insect groups at various sites

The forest provides suitable habitats for many living organisms. The wide range of tropical vegetation types provide varieta s f foo yo r phytophagou fo d s insects. Therefore t surprisinno s i t i , g thaspeciee th t s richnes abundancd san e th f eo phytophagous insects sampled in the forests were generally higher than the plantations. The overall higher fluctuations in temperature, humidity and light intensity may have contribute loe wth dnumbeo t r of phytophagous insect plantatione th sn i s (Speigh Wainhoust& e 1989) plantatioe .Th n canop generalls ywa y lowe lesd sran covered, resultin highen gi r temperature humiditw lo d an y during daytime compared with the forests (see Table 1). Such fluctuations may affect the adaptation of small organisms due to their high surface area to volume ratio (Szujecki 1987, Lawton 1995). Many phytophagous insects absorb water through 124 Journal of'TropicalForest Science 14(1): 116-130 (2002) dieir body cover direcdy from die humi (Szujeckr dai i 1987) larvae th somf n e.I o e Coleoptera, the water content amounts to 78% and can be up to 67% in adults. Low humidity will mean that die insects lose relatively large amount of their body fluids (Szujecki 1987).

7 3 f 6 t dL | 150 3 5 ab !| 10 a 4 H i ° •:• 7\ a a 3 ' fj |. | 50 ;':' 2 :• i 1 * n n Oil Palm Acacia Logged Forest Primary Forest Oil Palm Acacia Logged Forest Primary Forest Site Site

Absolut) (a e leaf area eate samplr npe e (b) Percentage of leaf eaten per sample (log-transformed) (square-root and arcsin-transformed)

| 120 " 1 •B 100 - S 80 | 60 f] a

4 a a |i 2° 0 li n r*-n rvfra Oil Palm Acacia Logged Forest Primary Forest Site ) Numbe(c holef ro s leavefoune th n dso per sample (log-transformed)

Figur e3 Mea n herbivory measures (with standard error studt )a y sites. Means followed by the same letter are not significandy different (Tukey's HSD p < 0.05). The letters refer to transformed data. The term'per sample'refers to the area tree th e f mist-blownthao s twa .

0.5 y = 0.06x +0.135 r0.116;2= 9 4. F= " p = 0.032; Df = 39

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Number of Coleoptera

Figure 4 Relationship between Coleoptera abundance (log-transformed) anpercentage dth eacf eo h leaf eaten (square rooarcsid tan n transformed). Data from four sites were used. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 14(1): 116-130 (2002) 125

0.45 0.4 0.09y= x + 0.14 c 0.35 0.13r2= 5.70 = ;F ; I 0.3p = 0.022; Df = 39 o 0.25 1 0-2 ^ 0.15 * 0.1 0.05 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Number of Orthoptera

Figure 5 Relationship between Orthoptera abundance (log-transformed) and the percentage of each leaf eaten (square root and arcsin transformed). Data from four sites were used.


0.45y= 0.8x+ 8 2 S t2 = 0.163; F = 7.42; o p = 0.010; Df = 39 t 1.5 o •

Z 0.5

2 5 1. 1 5 0. 0 Number of Coleoptera

Figur e6 Relationship between Orthoptera abundance (log-transformed) numbee th d holef an ro s (log-transformed). Data from four sites were used.

2.5 y = 0.44x + 0.81 2 r4 * 0.136; F = 5.96; o c. =p 0.02;D9 3 = f

5 1. 1 0.5 Number of phytophagous insects

Figure 7 Relationship between all phytophagous insect abundance (log- transformed) and the number of holes (log-transformed). Data from four sites were used. 126 Journal of Tropical Forest Science 14(1): 116-130 (2002)

Defoliation status

Lowman (1992) stated that defoliation levels are not homogeneous between forests t rangbu , e from negligibl totao et l foliage loss, varying with pland an t defoliator species, height, light regime, phenology, age of leaves as well as individual crown. The defoliation level in the logged forest was higher than the primary forest othed an r sites. Althoug speciee hth s richnes abundancd san phytophagouf eo s insects were not significandy different between primar logged yan d forest levele ,th s of defoliation, especially as reflected in leaf area eaten and number of holes, were lower in the primary forest. The logged forest comprised many pioneer species suc Macarangas ha Mallotus.d an These fast-growin short-lived gan d tree more sar e susceptible to attack because the leaves are less tough or fibrous and more palatable to phytophagous insects (Coley 1983). Thus, the high defoliation was not due to the forest being logged but due to the presence of pioneer species which were preferred by the phytophagous insects. In this study, we realised that the sampling regime of 10 samples per site might not sufficiently characterised the forest sites of such high plant diversity but probably sufficient to represent the sites of the monocultures with low plant diversity. The low defoliation levels observed in the plantations were probably due to low species richnes abundancd san phytophagouf eo s insects. Human activities such as harvesting, manuring, weeding and chemical spraying in the oil palm plantatio wels n a thinnin s la acacin gi a plantation might have affecte phytoe dth - phagous insect fauna. Observation f peso s t damag naturan ei plantationd an l forests suggest tha mosn i t t cases pest damag mors ei e likel occuo yt tren ri e species monocultures than in tree species mixtures (Gibson & Jones 1977, Watt 1992). This evidence is, however, strongly biased towards observations on pests in plantation forestry onldefoliatiod yan t well-studieno s ni naturan di l forests (Lowman 1992). Nonetheless, the results from this study should not be used to interpret overall herbivor plantationsn yi simpla n .I e habitat suc monoculturea s ha , certain phytophagous insect group prevain sbecomca d lan e dominant over other groups, which may lead to an outbreak. Although not encountered in this study, this will consequently cause serious defoliation.

Phytophagous insect groups predictorsas of defoliation levels

Among the three groups, phytophagous Coleoptera was the most species-rich and abundant. Many phytophagous Coleoptera, especially the leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae), weevils (Curculionidae) and scarabs (Scarabaeidae) are pests tropicse inth . Windsor (1978) recorded Curculionida mose th s t a eabundan t diurnal insect herbivore group while Scarabaeidae wer e mosth e t abundant nocturnal group, outnumbering Lepidoptera and Orthoptera. Browne (1968) reported that approximately 42 and 14% of the pests (including mammals and others) and pathogens of Acacia spp. and robusta respectively are beetles. One of the common defoliators of acacia is the gold dust weevil, Hypomeces squamosus (Curculionidae). It feeds on the leaf from the edge and extends inward Journal of 7 Tropical12 Forest Science 14(1): 116-130 (2002)

(Anonymous 1983, Hutacharern 1993). Chung (1998) observed that approximately e leave 50th dipterocarpa f f %o so , Dipterocarpus applanatus, e defoliatear y db Exopholis hypoleuca (Scarabaeidae) numbeA . f beetlero s attac l palmkoi s (Wood 1968, Dhileepan 1992 bese th , t f Hoong1992)h knowo e Ho mosd On & n.an t serious pestrhinoceroe th s i s beede, Oryctes rhinoceros (Scarabaeidae). This beede attacke youne th d pall f abouo g oi m% aret25 Malaysin ai a (Kamarudi Wahin& d 1997), with adults feeding on leaves, unopened spears and, in some instances, on fruit flowersd an s thin I . s study, however, man thesf yo e commercially important pests wer t sampledno e . becausThis swa e they were fairly larg robustd ean d ,an could have flown quite a distance after being mist-blown. Many of the phytophagous beede specimens sampled in this study were less dian 1 cm in body length. rathes i t I r surprising tha lepidopterae tth n larvae wer goot eno d predictorn si any of the defoliation measurements. The lepidopteran larvae were found to be reliable predictor f defoliatioo s n level somn so e temperate trees (Reid 1996). Lepidopteran larvae attack many of the oil palm, acacia and other forest trees. Leaf-eating caterpillars in die families Psychidae (bagworms) and Limacodidae (netd slud egan caterpillars majoe th e r )palar l pest oi mn si plantations (Hoong& Hoh 1992). Chey (1987) and Hutacharern (1993) reported many species of lepidopteran larvae defoliating acacia. However, despit greae eth t diversity of forest Lepidoptera (over 120000 species described worldwide), fewer tha specie5 n1 s have been documente formins da g outbreaks (Mason 1987). Mantropicae th f yo l lepidopteran larvae occur seasonally (Janzen 1993). This could be the reason for the very few larvae collected in diis study. For example, the population of Eurema blanda (Lepidoptera) fluctuates markedly with season (Irianto et al 1997)t I . decrease seasodiy n si t season edr increased we n an e .th Eureman si blandaa s i serious defoliato foresn i r t plantations, especially Paraserianthes falcataria. Leaf- eating caterpillars in oil palm plantation are also more abundant in the wet period (Hoon 1992)h Ho g& . This stud conductes ywa d seasot beforwe e n eth (di t ewe nordi-east monsoon begins in November and lasts until March) and, thus, could die b e reaso fewer nfo r lepidopteran larvae sampled. Moreover, insecticide spraying in the oil palm plantation has undoubtedly suppressed the lepidopteran larvae population (Barbosa 1993). Perhaps die Coleoptera and Orthoptera have a faster recovery period because die more yar e mobile compared widi die lepidopteran larvae. e OrdiopterTh a comprise die short-horned grasshoppers, katydids, locusts, cricket othed san r similar forms. Although die results showed diat diey were good predictor of die percentage of leaf eaten, diey are not usually regarded as serious pests. Nisitrus vittatusis one of the most common crickets in diis region. Both adult and nymph can cause considerable foliar damage to Acacia mangium seedlings (Chey 1996). Odier specie Orthopterf so a dial have been reported attackin. gA mangium are nigricornis (Hutacharern 1993) and Stenocatantops splendens (Chey 1996). Orthoptera species have also been reported attackin pall gt oi mbu not to a serious extent (Wood 1968). 128 Journal of Tropical Forest Science 14(1): 116-130 (2002)


Defoliatio generalls ni y know more b no et sever monocultureen i resultt sbu thin si s study showed that the logged forest was most severely affected. This supports Lowman's (1992) claim that observations on defoliating pests have been biased towards plantations. The high defoliation level in the logged forest was attributed to the many fast-growing and short-lived tree species. Phytophagous Coleoptera members were better predictor defoliatiof so n compared with lepidopteran larvae. Could mera thi e sb e coincidenc havr eo e phytophagous Coleoptera always been underestimated as defoliators? Different environmental conditions, factors and populatio predatorf no s prevail withi certaina n tim affecy ee ma framth t d ean population dynamics of certain phytophagous insect groups at the study sites. In this case, the phytophagous Coleoptera might be a better predictor of defoliation durin time gth e this stud conductes changy wa sam e ma th t t eea dsitebu s when conditions change.


The first author would like to thank Momin Binti, Saikeh Lantoh and the rest e entomologoth f e Sabay th staf f ho f Forestry Departmen r fieldworfo t d kan scientific support. Logistic support in the field was provided by Madu Lajaun, coordinator of the Segaliud-Lokan Station. Thanks are also due to K, H. Tan who s kindlha y allowe l dpal oi thi ms s hi plantationstud carriee t b a t o yt dou . This study was funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), United Kingdom, through the British Council.


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