David Gaider | 400 pages | 23 Dec 2011 | Titan Books Ltd | 9780857686473 | English | London, United Kingdom Dragon Age: Asunder by , Paperback | Barnes & NobleĀ®

The book was released on December 20, in the US. A mystical killer stalks the halls of the White Spirethe heart of templar power in the mighty Orlesian Empire. To prove his innocence, Rhys reluctantly embarks on a journey into the western wastelands that will not only reveal much more than he bargained for but change the Dragon Age: Asunder of his fellow mages forever. Most its inhabitants Dragon Age: Asunder see him at all and few are able to catch a glimpse. When Dragon Age: Asunder templars brought him, a mageto the Spire and left him alone in a dark dungeon cell, he wished to be forgotten and prayed for death. Now Cole is unaware what he is. He is stalking the lower levels of the Circle tower, called "the Pit". Two templars bring a weeping mage girl to the prison at the heart of the Pit. Cole steals the key and sneaks into her cell. The girl can Dragon Age: Asunder him, and Cole tells her this is the reason why he came. Dragon Age: Asunder draws a dagger and promises that he will make her pain and fear go away. The girl confesses that she set fire and killed her Dragon Age: Asunder on purpose. Cole asks the girl to look at him and stabs her. He is anchored in her eyes and he feels real. Chapter 2 The palace ballroom is crowded with Orlesian nobles in beautiful attire and masks. While speaking and dancing they are playing the Game of influence. Empress Celene is missing, but Divine Justinia V is the guest of honor. She is accompanied by priests and guarded by the templar Evangelinethe only person carrying a weapon. Evangeline is approached by Lelianawho turns out to be the Divine's agent. While they are talking, a young templar arrives and informs Evangeline about a new murder in the Spire. Dragon Age: Asunder also tells that an old friend from Ferelden wants to Dragon Age: Asunder , and she leaves. As the ball is winding down, the Divine starts a speech about the mages, much to the surprise of the nobility. She is interrupted by the mage Dragon Age: Asunder who secretly got into the room. He reveals that the Chantry has disbanded the College of Enchanters and rages that treatment of mages by the Chantry has worsened since the Dragon Age: Asunder at Kirkwall. Unwilling to Dragon Age: Asunder to reason, Jeannot attacks the Divine. People scream and rush in panic. In the ensuing fight Jeannot turns to blood magic and Evangeline manages to kill him before she drops senseless. She comes to outside the burning palace. Leliana tells Evangeline that she was healed by a Circle mage and that the Divine wasn't hurt. They are discussing the murders. Adrian is angry, and Rhys recalls how since the closure of the College of Magi and the rebellion in Kirkwallpermissions for travel were suspended Dragon Age: Asunder gatherings were forbidden. He asks Rhys Dragon Age: Asunder the killings and claims that other mages professed ignorance on the matter. Rhys retells the rumors that there were between five and twelve victims, including a farm boy Dragon Age: Asunder died in a cell screaming, other initiates and apprentice Jolen. Then Lambert inquires him about senior enchanter Jeannot, implying that the murderer must have also used blood magic, as all six actual victims were stabbed and allowed to bleed out. He mentions that Rhys is a spirit medium who researched spiritsand Evangeline adds that he is the member of the Libertarians fraternity to which Jeannot belonged. Angered, Rhys refuses to answer further questions. After Adrian's interrogation, Circle mages are discussing the news in the commons until the templars order them to retire to their chambers. At night Rhys creeps out of his room and summons a wisp to distract a sentry. He accesses a secret passage to the Pit, but slips on the stairs. As he stands up and lights Dragon Age: Asunder orb on his staff, he discovers that Cole is in the room. Rhys asks Dragon Age: Asunder Cole is the murderer. Chapter 4 A year ago Rhys first noticed Cole. Adrian was unable to see him, but Rhys did not sense him as a Dragon Age: Asunder. Then Rhys learned of the rumors about the ghost and went to the Pit. When Rhys found him there, Cole stated that he didn't know how he'd got out of the cell and why he was invisible, and that those who saw him would forget about it. He begged Rhys not to tell the Dragon Age: Asunder. Rhys kept coming back, but with increased scrutiny on mages the visits became infrequent. At their last meeting a month ago Cole was questioning if he was not dead. Now, Cole doesn't deny that he is the killer. He mentions that he saw Jeannot conspiring with other mages in the crypt. Cole describes feeling like sinking in the darkness and claims Dragon Age: Asunder he knew the victims would see him and when they die, he feels important for them and therefore real. Rhys tries to make Cole come with him, but Cole runs away, with a dagger in his hand. Rhys chases after him, casting spells. Evangeline discovers Rhys missing. She and Edmonde unlock the dwarven door to the phylactery chamber. Huge pillars in it are lined with glowing crimson vials and encircled by a metal staircase. Evangeline takes Rhys's phylactery. She notices that the blood's glow intensifies as she walks down the Dragon Age: Asunder. She warns dungeon guards and descends into the templar crypts, led by the sounds of a battle. There she finds Rhys with his staff ready for an attack. He shows no resistance, but refuses to tell what is going on. Evangeline knocks Rhys unconscious. She sees no one else around. As she leaves with Rhys over her shoulder, she feels that she is being watched. Chapter 5 Rhys is in a cold dark cell, his hands manacled. He has lost track of time and is starving and almost delirious. Earlier Evangeline asked questions, but he remained silent. A templar tells Rhys that he is released. After four days in custody everything feels Dragon Age: Asunder. Rhys is given new clothes, food and a bath. Several hundred mages have gathered in the great hall. Adrian tells that when Dragon Age: Asunder went missing a group of mages raised a ruckus. In a conversation with other Libertarians, Rhys is asked if he will stand with them. Before he can answer all mages are urged to take seats. Edmonde has little to Dragon Age: Asunder. Then Wynne arrives. She is not welcome: she led the College of Enchanters to vote against independence prior to its closure. Wynne speaks about the dangers of magic and advises the mages to be patient. Rhys objects that it's easy when Wynne has more freedoms than any of them. Other mages leap from their chairs and start to argue. The templars make everyone leave the hall. Rhys is asked to see Lambert. Adrian enters the office with him. They see Lambert, Evangeline and Wynne. To Adrian's astonishment Rhys calls Wynne mother. Lambert informs Dragon Age: Asunder Rhys was let out of the cell upon her request. Wynne explains that her Tranquil friend researched demons and became an abomination. She asks Rhys, a spirit medium, to go to the Western Approach to help her friend. She tells that another friend had introduced her to Dragon Age: Asunder Divine, who then gave a written permission to do what Wynne sees fit. Rhys agrees, hoping to gain knowledge about Cole's curse in order to prove his innocence. Since the ritual requires three mages, Adrian also joins the venture. Lambert orders Evangeline to accompany the mages. Chapter 6 Cole is desperate to talk to Rhys, but fear keeps him at distance. He overhears that Rhys is leaving and follows the templar who was in the crypt to learn more. He recalls sitting in front of Rhys's cell hesitant to speak. Cole slips into Evangeline's room. Then Lambert knocks on the door. He doesn't see Cole but feels something Dragon Age: Asunder wrong. He gives Evangeline three phylacteries and orders her to kill the mages should they discover that the Rite of Tranquility can be reversed. Asunder (Dragon Age, book 3) by David Gaider

Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. Audio MP3 on CD. A mystical killer stalks the halls of the White Spire, the heart of templar power in the mighty Orlesian Empire. To prove his innocence, Rhys reluctantly embarks on a journey into the western wastelands that will not only reveal much more than he bargained for but change the fate of his fellow mages forever. It was an unpleasant thought, one Cole had turned over and over again in his mind. There were many such hidden corners in the great tower, places where mages went to escape from the suspicious eyes of watching templars, and Cole knew them all. Cole knew far less about the mages themselves. Most of their conversation consisted of gossip. The mages whispered secrets to each other, sometimes idle speculation about romantic entanglements and other times much more serious things they knew to be true but could never talk about in the open. Occasionally he came upon mages meeting for a romantic liaison instead. They secretly pressed flesh Dragon Age: Asunder flesh, a desperate act of intimacy between people for whom such fleeting moments could only be stolen. Dragon Age: Asunder was a homely woman with long hair the color of straw, the other a gangly elven boy. Both he recognized, but only by sight. Cole remembered the dread in their eyes. The homely woman sported a bruise on her cheek, its mottled purple already beginning to fade. From their hiding place the pair watched furtively for any sign of wandering guards, starting at the slightest sound. Even Dragon Age: Asunder skittering of a passing rat caused them to jump, yet they did not budge from Dragon Age: Asunder hiding place. Not that he expected anything different. She looked right through Cole, but only a single thought ran through his mind: Did she really see me? Maybe she was right. The woman nodded numbly, fighting back tears. Maybe Dragon Age: Asunder was a templar? He was just a man, not much older than you. Shaggy hair, maybe blond? Leathers that looked like they Dragon Age: Asunder needed washing. Can you imagine? The others will be so jealous. When the midnight service ended there was nothing left but silence, and the pair reluctantly returned to their chambers. Dragon Age: Asunder ghost, however? He remembered Dragon Age: Asunder he first came Dragon Age: Asunder the tower. Much of the journey had been spent blindfolded and unconscious, and his unsympathetic captors refused to tell him anything. He remembered being pushed down a dark corridor, empty save for a few apprentices who scurried to get out of the way. He was being brought to a dungeon, a black pit from which he Dragon Age: Asunder never going to emerge, for his crime of being a mage. The templars called him that word in curt, ugly tones when they needed to call him anything. He expected a beating but Dragon Age: Asunder came. Instead, the cell door had slammed shut with a deafening crash; while Cole was initially relieved, once the men were gone that relief evaporated. The creatures scurried invisibly around him, nipping at him with razor-sharp teeth. Anything would be better than waiting for the templars to Dragon Age: Asunder, anticipating whatever new torment they had planned for him. Fervently he prayed to the Maker, over and over again, for deliverance. He prayed until his voice was hoarse, prayed for the templars to forget he even existed. Maybe that was how ghosts came to be: they were those who passed on and refused to accept it. He shut his eyes tight. But there was Dragon Age: Asunder answer. There never was. If he was dead, why did he still sleep? Why did he still hunger, and breathe, and sweat? These were not things that a dead person did. No matter what they called him, he was no ghost and no demon. Up above, the White Spire swarmed with people. There were many levels in the great tower, filled with sunlight and wide spaces. Cole rarely went up there. He was much more comfortable down below, among the things the templars had forgotten as well as the things they wanted forgotten. The bowels of the tower reached deep Dragon Age: Asunder the earth, and they were his home. They contained the kitchen stores, as well as the armories, giant Dragon Age: Asunder filled with enough equipment and weapons to outfit an army of templars. There were books about magic there, as well as books of music and philosophy, books in forgotten languages, and even the forbidden books they put under lock and key. Normally the archives stood empty, but sometimes Cole would find a mage spending long hours reading by candlelight. He would never understand what they found so interesting about words and pictures. Books were all just old paper to him. Far more interesting were the levels that lay beneath the archives. There were flooded passages down there long ago sealed behind bricks, only Dragon Age: Asunder crumble from neglect. Rickety stairwells led to ancient storerooms, some filled with only dust, and others with strange-looking relics. A great mausoleum stood as silent testament to templars who had died centuries ago, faded statues of forgotten heroes towering over marble caskets. Did anyone up above even know about those? He knew every part of the Pit, all save for the area that lay at its heart. The dungeons were there, hundreds and hundreds of cells on multiple levels. More than the templars could ever want, and far more than they used. The oldest were filled with little more than the silent echoes of the tormented, left like indelible imprints in the stone. It made his skin crawl. Cole avoided the dungeons, only going there when he absolutely had to. When he needed to. Like now. Instead they put glowstones inside glass lamps, things which flickered like flame but cast a cold Dragon Age: Asunder blue light. Magic, he knew, for he could feel the whisper of it caressing his skin as he passed. Even so, only a scant few were used. Just enough for the guards to see their feet. There was one entrance, an intimidating stretch of hall with a vaulted ceiling and multiple iron gates, which could be closed in an instant. Anyone caught within when that happened would be skewered by spikes flying out of dark holes in the walls. Cole Dragon Age: Asunder as he walked through. The templars would rather have their prisoners die than make it out, and the old scorch marks on the walls told of those who had made the attempt. Dragon Age: Asunder the other side of that hallway Dragon Age: Asunder a single guard station, a simple room with a small table and a couple of chairs. He saw an open bottle of wine and two half-filled goblets, and plates covered with the cold remnants of the evening meal. A cloak hung on the wall peg, with two dirt-smeared helmets sitting on the floor beneath it. No guards were present, and the inner doors stood wide open. They must be within. Cole hesitantly stepped into the prison. The stench of fear, old and new, immediately assaulted his nostrils. The cells here were used often. How many prisoners might be present now he had no idea, though he knew there was at least one. He heard fearful whimpering farther down the hall. There was laughter, too, along with the idle chatter of two Dragon Age: Asunder. Their voices echoed. Cole crept inside until he saw the first hints of blue light ahead. Two armored templars stood in front of an open cell, one holding up a glowlamp. Lamp Holder rolled his eyes and turned away. Dragon Age: Asunder - Dragon Age Wiki

Dragon Age: Asunder is a fantasy novel written by David Gaiderwho was the lead writer of the role-playing video game franchise Dragon Age Dragon Age: Asunder, published in December by Tor Books. It describes the events that Dragon Age: Asunder in the so-called Mage-Templar war Dragon Age: Asunder in Dragon Age: Inquisitionwhere the Templar Order led by the Seekers of Truth, and the Circle of Magi all broke away from the Chantry to war with each other. Asunder introduces several characters into the Dragon Age series, with two serving as the novel's central characters: Colea mystical killer who stalks the halls of the White Spire, the heart of templar power in Dragon Age: Asunder and Rhys, the estranged son of Wynne, a companion character from Dragon Age: Originswho reluctantly embarks on a journey into the western wastelands to prove Dragon Age: Asunder innocence. The book review website Fantasy Book Review scored Asunder 6. Asunder was praised as "an easy going page turner capable of standing alone", regardless of whether the reader "has played the games, only casually considered the idea, or never heard of them at all". Asunder was praised as "a great tale Dragon Age: Asunder mystery, adventure, and morality that will hopefully keep fans of the series satisfied" and for serving as "a nice supplement to the Dragon Age universe and even manages to answer some very pressing questions". He noted that the well-paced story shows the far-reaching implications from the ending of Dragon Age II"events that many players thought of little consequence given the narrow geographical focus of the game", and sets the political scene for Dragon Age: Inquisition. He compared Asunder favorably to Gaider's previous two tie-in novels for the Dragon Age series, and recommended it for fans of the Dragon Age series. Asunder was mentioned by Alice Bell of Videogamer. She noted that Asunder "tells a large chunk of the story of one of the party characters of Dragon Age Inquisition, Cole, from when he was trapped in a Templar tower as a kind of ghost". From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Fantasy Book Review. Retrieved April 16, Geek Native. January 26, Dragon Age: Asunder Nerd Appropriate. The Sixth Axis. Dragon Age franchise. Heroes of Dragon Age. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Dragon Age: Asunder as PDF Printable version. Add links. Cover of the original edition of Dragon Age: Asunder.