[email protected] • • 4455 7741 inside In movies this fall, CAMPUS all parents are • QA Falcons begin season on a bad parents winning note P 4 P | 8-9 | WHEELS • BMW X and M models meet at Losail Circuit P | 6 FOOD • For fruits and vegetables, it’s In a village in hyper-connected good to go Greek America, it’s easier to hear a cow moo than a cell phone P | 7 ring. Green Bank is home to the world’s most sensitive radio HEALTH telescope. Since the electronics • Focus on play in of mobile phones would mess kindergarten may with this delicate equipment, improve grades here technology that’s taken for P | 11 granted in much of the world is banned outright. TECHNOLOGY • Google Glass future clouded as some early believers lose faith CATCHING THE WHISPERS P | 12 LEARN ARABIC • Learn commonly used Arabic words FROM SPACE and their meanings P | 13 2 PLUS | MONDAY 17 NOVEMBER 2014 COVER STORY West Virginia village is cell phone free and loving it Charles Meckna plays with his dog at his home in Green Bank, West Virginia. By Fabienne Faur Charles Meckna, 53, is one such Holstine, business manager at what When you are trying to monitor a refugee. He moved here in July from is formally known as the National quasar, for example — super-distant, n this rural speck of hyper-con- Nebraska in the Mid-West, fleeing Radio Astronomy Laboratory. massive celestial objects that give off nected America, it’s easier to hear electromagnetic waves he said were “This is the most sensitive radio tremendous amounts of energy — a a cow moo than a cell phone ring.