The Newsletter of the Betania October – November – December 2019 I Volumen 08 No. 34 Foundation

Words of the Vice-President of the Betania Foundation

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We have concluded another year with health, peace and the joy of an accomplished mission, so we are able to say as St. Luke (17:10): “We are useless servants: we have done no more than our duty”Let us take this opportunity to take some time to meditate and make specific determinations that may guide us during this year that is beginning. I have taken tthe liberty to suggest: 1. To serve in the Name of the Lord 2. To thank God at all times 3. To strengthen the four pillars that our Servant of God Maria Esperanza left us: prayer, meditation, the sacrament of penance and the Eucharist. May God bless us and may we serve as ambassadors of reconciliation, Maria Coromoto Bianchini Marrero

Members of the Betania Foundation Tribute to the Blessed Attend a Spiritual Retreat in the Sanctuary of Betania

Manifestation of the Virgin in the Sanctuary of Betania On November 2nd and 3th, 2019, members of the Live Nativity Scene in the Sanctuary of Betania Betania Foundation and Father Orlando Gonzalez attended a spiritual retreat at the Betania Sanctuary. It On Sunday, December 22nd, 2019, a special tribute to the was a weekend of meditation, contemplation, music, Blessed Virgin was held at the Sanctuary of Betania. talks and prayers with God and the Blessed Virgin. Father Jhonfer Camacho, Rector of the sanctuary, December 8, 1986 On Saturday, November 2nd those who were present officiated Mass accompanied by the music of the Betania recalled the life of the : , Choir. It offered a concert at the end of the Eucharist with a 11:00 a.m. Saint Rita of Cascia and Saint Pio of Pietrelcina. As on beautiful representation of a live Nativity Scene, with the Sunday, November 3th a tribute to the Blessed Virgin angel , the Family of Nazareth, the shepherds and wise men. It was the perfect opportunity to celebrate the Excerpt of a Message of Our was held with testimonies on the apparition of Our Lady Lady Given to the Servant of Reconciler. The Betania Choir sang different musical sixth anniversary of Father Jhonfer’s ordination to the pieces. priesthood. God Maria Esperanza Bianchini Afterwards, the Bianchini family invited the members of the On that day, different manifestations of the Virgin And I tell you, all of you shall be occurred in Betania: the blue butterfly appeared on Betania Foundation for a Christmas lunch, in order to prepare the hearts for the arrival of the Lord. With beautiful saved… for the Church renews and numerous occasions; the smell of roses and flowers; calls to a burning faith... when her and it rained while having a sunny day. Everyone was words, the family addressed the large number of members of the foundation: “We are all holding hands, learning to children draw close to the sheepfold deeply moved by these manifestations, since Our Lady of my Divine Son… to nourish has promised that another apparition will take place in love one another as a family to transmit that love to others,” said Maria Coromoto Bianchini Marrero. themselves with his Mystical the future. Body… and, little daughter, today many shall be nourished! Today there is a Feast of Angels in the Humility is the Crystal Bridge Being humble at heart characterized and was the message whole world, and here in my that Leads to that accompanied the Servant of God Maria Esperanza Promised Land. I come to call Bianchini, messenger of Our Lady of Betania, whose mankind to reconcile with their birthday was remembered on November 22nd. brothers! I come to bestow peace Her famous phrase was: “Humility is the crystal bridge that upon the world and calmness to the leads to heaven.” Father Timothy Byerley, in his book “Maria people and nations! I come to reign Esperanza and the Grace of Betania” affirms: “Maria in the heart of the most humble and Esperanza sincerely felt she was unworthy before God. She I come to soften the proudest and considered herself a great sinner and said so openly. She the most arrogant so they may publicly confessed her faults. She was always occupied with amend their actions, all acquiring humility to an ever greater degree.”* accompanying me..!

* Byerley, Timothy. (2014). Maria Esperanza and the Grace of Betania. Cherry Hill, USA: Mary Mother Reconciler Foundation. Servant of God Maria Esperanza SERVANT OF GOD MARIA ESPERANZA

Words of the Vice-Postulator Reflections of the Servant of God Dear Betania Family, Maria Esperanza Bianchini During this sacred time our thoughts drift to the Servant of God Maria Esperanza Bianchini’s Speech manger in Bethlehem. We seek peace and Hotel Michelangelo Rome, Italy unity in a broken world. This unity is beyond our Thursday, November 16, 1995; 1:00 p.m. best efforts. It can only come from God. Pray this Christmas that the Christ Child will grant us the peace we all long for and establish his reign of divine love in every corner of the world, especially in those places torn asunder by war, violence and persecution. The Servant of God Maria Esperanza taught us never to give up hope because a new world is coming.

Persevere, my dear friends, Our Lady will win the day very soon. A Christmas blessing to all, Fr. Tim It is beautiful to feel Jesus! It is sweet to feel Mary, our good and humble Mother! We see her in Nazareth cradling her Son in her arms, we see PRAYER FOR THE her with heavenly angles, with Saint Gabriel who announced Jesus to her. Mary has such unmatched beauty! She conceived her Son, she OF MARIA ESPERANZA gave birth to Him, she had Him small in her arms, a sweet, soft and tender creature with eyes as beautiful as the sky we see everyday. Merciful Father, You blessed Maria Esperanza with an abundance of spiritual O Jesus, I love you so much, my Lord! I want to surrender my life once gifts for the consolation of your people. She served You as wife, mother, and again for the children of Mary. We, as You, Savior of the World, are missionary to promote the unity of the family and the reconciliation of all children of Mary; and we all have to save ourselves by all means with peoples. You enabled her to be the central figure in the manifestations of the prayer, meditation, penance, the Eucharist, moral values of the man of Virgin Mary, under the of Reconciler of all Peoples and Nations, in today who truly must be mindful, balanced, courageous, and Betania. Grant us the grace to follow her example of humility, hope, and straightforward, and must have great will power. unconditional love. We need will to accept the human condition of a Son of God, because Through the intercession of your servant, Maria Esperanza, we pray for the this Son gave Himself, and there is nothing else we can do but definitely healing and reconciliation of our families, and for the fraternal unity of the surrender, with no introductions, always taking firm steps, fulfilling our entire human family. duties with our Holy Mother the Church, trusting in the Holy Father, the Especially, we beseech You to grant us the favors we now request (mention , our Vicar representing Christ on Earth, and in our priests, who are your intentions here) through the merits and prayers of your servant. our ministers who teach us, give us shelter and encourage us when we Likewise, we humbly implore that she be inscribed in the Church’s catalogue are sad. of saints, as a universal model of the beatitudes. We pray all this according to your holy will, cherished by your servant until the end, through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. Amen. SPIRITUAL MAXIMS OF THE SERVANT OF GOD With the ecclesiastical approval of Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski of MARIA ESPERANZA BIANCHINI Metuchen, New Jersey, December 4, 2009 For more information or to report a miracle go to: www.mariaesperanza. December the 24th is near and many are thinking about vacation and enjoying org and/or themselves. I want them to think about You. It is not that we are going to focus on a great meal at home, and on the Christmas tree, and so on. No, no! First your manger, your birth with your Mother and St. Joseph, who were so poor and were in that cave, but nevertheless all the angels, all the shepherds, all the small animals, Lord, with the wise men came to adore You. Your memory is with us on this sacred night of the Birth of Jesus – living with Him and with all of you in harmony, with much joy, and experiencing the warmth of the fire of that majestic night in which all hearts will meet as brothers because of the coming of Jesus. MISSIONARIES OF THE RECONCILIATION We have to ponder upon Jesus’ life, since his birth, when He was twelve, his growth – following Him step by step every day. The Gospels are so beautiful! They recall the wonders Inspired to continue the mission of reconciliation given to the that touch the heart: St. John, St. Mark, St. Luke and St. Matthew. Servant of God Maria Esperanza Bianchini, and to integrate it into the life of the Church, we have initiated a project to establish the “Missionaries of Reconciliation”. The Missionaries of Reconciliation CHRONOLOGICAL DATA are a religious congregation in which a group of women offer ON MARIA ESPERANZA themselves to Christ for the reconciliation of the human family, after the example of their foundress, the Servant of God Maria Esperanza. Their charism is to pray, witness and labor for the In January, 1990, the Servant of God Maria Esperanza welcomed Sister Margaret Sims at her house in Caracas. Sister Margaret was a nun of of the Archdiocese of fraternal unity that Christ himself aspired. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Mrs. Bianchini revealed to Sister Sims the inspirations she had had about the formation of prayer groups that would live the message of Betania. She Those single women who desire to join the Missionaries of told her that her group could be called Betania II. Reconciliation and live religious life can contact Father Timothy In 1990 the Betania Foundation, under the presidency of the Servant of God Maria Byerley ([email protected]) for further information. Esperanza, published the book: Betania, a Little Piece of Heaven on Earth. On February 25, 1990, the Servant of God went to Finca Betania. That day the wooden cross was placed on the Mount Sion of the property.


Betania VI, Buenos Aires, Argentina in Lujan Apostles of Reconciliation (Cont.)

With great joy, the Betania VI group in Argentina was able to make a new visit to the basilica of the of Argentina "Our Lady of In order to be sure that we are reconciled with God, we have to be Lujan". We were happy because we made a pilgrimage to pray for our reconciled with our neighbor. The Word of the Lord is very clear country and Venezuela, sharing a day all together! The tucumane priest, about this: "So then, if you are bringing your offering to the altar and Father Miguel Alderete Garrido offered to accompany us; He celebrated there you remember that your brother has something against you, a beautiful Mass and talked about the importance of the family. leave your offering there before the altar, go and be reconciled with Then, we were invited to the gorgeous country house of Florencia your brother first, and then come back and present your offering" Duranona; the day was beautiful, we set the table in the garden and (Mt 5: 23-24). God does not want us to go to Him without first going shared a delicious picnic lunch. Later, Father led the adoration of the to our brothers, their needs, ailments, sufferings; as the Servant of Blessed Sacrament, and a wonderful and profound meditated Rosary. It God Maria Esperanza always said: "Give a glance, a handshake, a was a day that we will remember in which we visited Our Lady of Lujan, smile, a word on time." we came closer to each other, many of us went to confession and There are many who now walk through life alone, confused, received Communion, and we went back home happy of having overwhelmed by problems. We owe them as Betania members. Let organized this pilgrimage and to have shared as a family in the house of us forge ahead, by the hand of Mary, Virgin and Mother, Reconciler God and our Mother in Heaven. of All Peoples and Nations, and spread the message of We also talked about Betania to people who did not know anything reconciliation throughout the world. about the apparition. We thank God for the immense gift of this pilgrimage! With all our love, Betania VI, Argentina

Pope Francis: The Nativity Reminds us that God Continues to Love Every Man

On December 24th, 2019, in the Basilica of St. Peter, Pope Francis celebrated the Mass of the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord. During his homily, he explained that Christmas reminds us that “God continues to love us all, even the worst of us. […]. He says today: ‘I love you and I will always love you, for you are precious in my eyes.’" The Pontiff reflected upon the readings of the Mass. “The grace of God, ‘bringing salvation to all’ (Tm 2:11), has shone on our world this night. But what is this grace? It is divine love, the love that changes lives, renews history, liberates from evil, fills hearts with peace and joy. Tonight the love of God has been revealed to us: it is Jesus. In Jesus, the Most High made Himself tiny, so that we might love Him. But we can still ask ourselves: why does Saint Paul describe the coming of God into our world as ‘grace’? To tell us that it is utterly free. Whereas on earth everything seems to be about giving in order to get, God comes down freely. His love is non-negotiable: we did nothing to deserve it and we will never be able to repay it,”* stated Pope Francis.

Francis. (2019). Christmas Eve Homily. 12-24-2019. Vatican City. Taken from: Papa Francisco durante la Misa de la solemnidad de la Natividad del Señor. a-natale.html


Concerts San Antonio de Padua Church, Macaracuay Dr. Martin Vegas Dermatological Hospital and Sagrada Familia de Nazaret y San Josemaria October 6, 2019; 1:30 p.m. Home of the Missionaries of Charity, Catia La Escriva de Balaguer Church, La Tahona Holy Mass, Day of Saint Francis Mar, Vargas State December 7, 2019; 7:00 p.m. November 23, 2019; 9:00 a.m. Musical Play “Christmas Memories 2019” N.S. del Rosario Church, Baruta Holy Mass and two Christmas concerts October 7, 2019; 6:00 p.m. Inmaculada Concepcion Church, Sabana Holy Mass, Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, La Milagrosa Chapel, El Placer Grande with the Apostolic Nuncio His Excellency Bishop November 27, 2019; 6:00 p.m. December 8, 2019; 12:00 m. Aldo Giordano Holy Mass and Live Nativity Scene, Feast of Holy Mass and Live Nativity Scene, with His Our Lady of the Excellency Bishop Adan Ramirez, Feast of the N.S. of the Candelaria Parish, Plaza La Candelaria Santa Ana Church, La Lagunita October 22, 2019; 6:00 p.m. November 29, 2019; 7:00 p.m. La Ascensión del Senor Church, Cumbres de Concert dedicated to Dr. Jose Holy Mass Curumo Gregorio Hernandez December 12, 2019; 6:00 p.m. San Antonio de Padua Church, Macaracuay Holy Mass and Christmas concert, Feast of San Jose y Virgen del Carmen de las Carmeli- December 1, 2019; 4:00 p.m. tas Descalzas Monastery, Los Chorros Musical Play “Christmas Memories 2019” October 27, 2019; 10:30 a.m. El Hatillo Amphitheater, El Hatillo Holy Mass, Month of the Rosary Closing Los Chorros Square December 15, 2019; 3:00 p.m. December 3, 2019; 9:00 a.m. Musical Play “Christmas Memories 2019” Sanctuary of Betania Holy Mass and Christmas concert, with the November 2, 2019; 11:00 a.m. homeless El Cristo Square, Baruta Holy Mass December 17, 2019; 6:45 p.m. N.S. de la Candelaria Parish, Plaza La Musical Play “Christmas Memories 2019” Santa Ana Church, La Lagunita Candelaria November 16, 2019; 11:30 a.m. December 4, 2019; 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary of Betania Holy Mass Musical Play “Christmas Memories 2019” December 22, 2019; 10:00 a.m. Holy Mass, Betania Foundation and Betania Zone 7Jail, Boleita San Jose de los Altos Church, San Jose de los Choir’s End of the Year Gathering November 20, 2019; 10:30 a.m. Altos Holy Mass and Christmas concert December 5, 2019; 3:00 p.m. Sagrada Familia de Nazaret y San Josemaria Holy Mass and Christmas concert Escriva de Balaguer Church, La Tahona December 24, 2019; 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Holy Mass and Christmas concert

Events Sanctuary of Betania La Estancia del Senor Residence, Alto Hatillo December 22, 2019; 10:00 a.m. October 19, 2019; 4:00 p.m. Holy Mass, Betania Foundation’s Meeting, and Betania Foundation and Betania Foundation youth meeting Betania Choir’s End of the Year Gathering Sanctuary of Betania and Finca Betania November 2nd and 3rd, 2019 Betania Foundation Spiritual Retreat, with Father Orlando Gonzalez Pilgrimage December, 5, 2019; group of the Monetti and Manovel families, Caracas Santa Ana Church, La Lagunita November 22, 2019; 6:00 p.m. Trip Holy Mass, Memory of the birthday of the Servant of God Maria Esperanza Betania X, Williamstown, NJ, USA Bianchini November 21, 2019 Meeting with the Community of Betania X, with Mrs. Maria Coromoto La Lagunita Club and Parque Samanes Soccer Field Bianchini Marrero and Carlos Marrero November 27 and December 1, 8 and 13, 2019 Matches of the Betania Soccer Club team, against the La Lagunita Club, Tepuy Soccer Club, Los Arcos and Esmeraldas teams

Sanctuary of Betania December 11, 2019; 10:00 a.m. Setting up of the Nativity Scene in the area of the grotto of the sanctuary

Finca Betania December 20, 2019 Agricultural and Livestock Activities Department’s End of the Year Sharing


Community Petitions Urgent intentions: Let us pray for the necessities of our Holy Church and of the world, and Betania I: Tibisay, Javier Machado, Alberto, Oscar Fernandez, Salerno, especially for our brothers and sisters who have the following requests: Carolina Pena, Hermes, Sajidxa Marino, Dulce Yovera, Gomes family, Maria Bianchini, Jim Foley, Mariana Renaud, Patricia, Isadora Renaud, In thanksgiving: Javier Machado, Ana Souto, Mercedes Perez, Escriva, Lizet Lugo, Fabian, Monica Luciani, Jaquelin, Daniela Leon, Diaz Carolina Fuenmayor, Jonathan Hernandez, Nathaly Ponce, Dulce Yovera, family, Camilo, Santy, Francisco, Endre, Alejandro, Cata, Falkenhagen Francia, Coco Urrutia and the Fernandez family. family and Salerno family. Betania XII: Isabelle, Natacha, Gianpaolo, Eleonora, Katia, Stefano, and Mariela. Betania XVI: Debbie Pryor. For the health of: Betania XVII: Linda O’Neil, Yamila Perez and Jose. Betania I: Natalia, Danila, Mariela Salvatierra, Ana, Edelmira Leon, Ana Souto, Carmen Martinez, Marissa Talledo, Giovanni Di Lecce, Gabriel Special intentions: Delmelo, Dady Betancourt, Mauro Burgos, Luis Colmenares, Virginia -For the entire Church, Pope Francis, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, all the Garterol, Rodrigo Diaz, Ricardo Gonzalez, Magali Ramos, Carmen bishops, priests and religious that form part of our Betania family, Quintero, Moises, Koskia Sareli, Lucas, Milagros, Carmen Chumaceiro, especially those who work for the Cause of Maria Esperanza. Maria Herrat, Gianmarco, Gabriel Hernandez, Ligia Echeverria, Fernando Pena, Nestor Avendano, Yosnailyn Alzualde, Rafael, Elisaul Herrera, -For the religious who are persecuted, for those who have doubts. Juana, Elba, Irene Urosa, Adrid Espinoza, Jose Ferreira, Ricardo, Ivonne Garcia, Lucio Herrera, Jonathan Garcia, Mery Souto, Lorena Diaz, Nelly -For the Cause of Beatification of Maria Esperanza and for Father Timothy Tovar, Abelardo Drikha, Morella Cabrera, Jean Zamora, Luis Renaud, Byerley who gives it impulse. Juan Bonilla, Maria Perez, Juan Rivero, Santiago Hernandez, Tania, Angel Goitia, Ali and Rossy. Betania VI: Maria Latorre, Manuel Orbelli, -For priestly and religious vocations. Karina, Oscar and Pato. Betania VII: Alonso Llosa. Betania XII: Agnes, Rita, Richard and Bill Hines. Betania XIX: Enza. -For the retreat given by Monsignor John Esseff to priests and seminarians For the cancer patients: Betania I: Benjamin Lopez, Rossi Liccioni, Marcello Tecca, Zorahida -For the rulers of all the countries of the world, and for those who have Rudas, Francisco Alicandu, Edelmira Leon, Berenice Gomez, Carlos political and economic power, so they may all have the well-being of the Reyna, Gabriela Giugni, Naudy Sanchez, Yimmy Soarez, Emiliana Pas, nations at heart. Doris Duarte, Luis Mosquera, Zulma Torres and Alexandra Herrera Betania VI: Raul Milani. -For peace in the Middle East, Venezuela and the whole world. For the deceased: -For all the Betania Communities around the world. Betania I: I: Monsignor Angelo Mazzari, Fr. Joseph Bedoyan, Julio -For the consolidation of the projects and apostolate of puppets for Reyes, Ana Orozco, Gaia Graci, Gabriel Gentile, Tony Aslan, Francisco children. Croce, Alejandro Correa, Jessica Medina, Pedro Lopez, Jose, Pliniur Junior, Luis Arcadio, Maximiliano Conte, Jose Drija, Nina Prestera, Ray, -For families, for couples that are going through a crisis, so the Blessed Beatriz Palacios, Manuel Acevedo, Sandra, Raimundo Chaparro, Virgin and Saint Joseph may lead them through the path of the Holy Bouzan, Nelson Lopez, Maria, Jorge Pena and Sigfrido Jurado. Betania Family of Nazareth. VI: Joaquin. Betania XII: Ida Hatke. -For the Bianchini family, so the Holy Spirit may always guide their steps, and God may grant them grace, health and strength to continue working for God and the Blessed Virgin.

Father of Goodness, listen to our prayer and grant unto your servants, who trust in You, the gift of your grace to embrace your love in unity, and reach with your mercy, after this life, the eternal kingdom, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

The Bianchini Family and the Betania Foundation


-Participation at the World Youth Day 2019 Panama, with -Days of embellishment of the Sanctuary of Betania: 4 the Betania Foundation and the religious order of the Missionaries of Reconciliation Kiosk at the "Follow Me" -Gardening, weed cutting and fumigation of the Sanctuary Vocational Fair of Betania, entrance and surroundings: 6

-Participation at the “Great Walk of Mercy: Youth Fair in -Betania Choir: Participations (73) and Betania Choir Maracaibo, Zulia State, The meeting of Mary, Virgin and Musical Play “Christmas Memories 2019” (5) Mother, Reconciler of All Peoples and Nations with her Son Jesus of Divine Mercy ” -Daily publication of the Gospel, commentary, life of the saint of the day and spiritual growth reading, for the chat -Visits to the Communities of Betania II, V, VIII, X, XI, XIII "Jesus and Mary are calling", in Spanish, English and and XVI for spiritual support Italian

-Periodic communication with the 20 Communities of -Newsletter publication "Messenger of Reconciliation": 4 Betania -Periodic news on: Website, Twitter, Facebook and -Talk about Betania in a parish abroad: 1 Instagram

-Betania Foundation adult and youth meetings: 9 -Organization of anniversary events: 11

-Spiritual retreats: 3 -Donation of rosaries and religious material

-Hours of adoration to the Blessed Sacrament: 15 -Donations of food, medicines and supplies

-Community prayer: Consecration to Mary (2) and novenas -Visits to the sick: 15 (12) -Day of attention to the homeless -Prayer for urgent intentions (113), the sick (306) and deceased (97) -Department of Agricultural and Livestock Activities: Betania-Caracas VHF Radio Repeater, 3.5 km road -Beginning of the reading of the in 365 days reconditioning, and fruit and vegetable sowing and harvesting -Support at events in the Sanctuary of Betania: 7 -Construction of the Sorrowful Mother Square and the -Attention to groups in the Sanctuary of Betania and Finca Divine Love Squar Betania: 11 -Betania Soccer Club matches: 14

-Foundation of the Kicking ball Betania team

Informative Table Acknowledgments to: Fr. Timothy Byerley Edition: The Bianchini Family and the Betania Foundation Additional information: and/or Design: The Betania Foundation Photography: The Bianchini Family and the Betania Foundation Suggestions and/or comments: [email protected] Research: The Bianchini Family and the Betania Foundation

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