Go back to opening screen 621 Chapter 9 Acidifying Pollutants, , and Acidification in the Arctic ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Contents 9.1. Introduction

9.1. Introduction ...... 621 The emissions of acidifying compounds, sulfur dioxide (SO2) 9.2. Sources of acidifying compounds ...... 622 and nitrogen oxides (NOx), have increased since pre-indus- 9.2.1. Sources outside the Arctic ...... 622 Anthropogenic sources ...... 622 trial times as fuel combustion, population and industrial ac- Natural sources ...... 624 tivity have increased worldwide. These pollutants occur in 9.2.2. Sources within the Arctic ...... 625 considerable quantities and cause adverse effects on human Metal smelters ...... 625 Exploitation and usage of fossil fuels ...... 625 health and the natural environment. Sulfur emissions are Natural emissions ...... 625 mainly associated with point sources such as power plants, 9.3. Atmospheric processes ...... 626 smelters, pulp and paper mills, and oil and gas processing. 9.3.1. Arctic air chemistry ...... 626 The sulfur cycle ...... 626 In contrast, nitrogen oxides are derived not only from power Nitrogen chemistry...... 626 generating stations but also from diffuse emissions, which 9.3.2. Arctic geophysical properties affecting acidic compounds 626 are less easy to quantify. 9.4. Concentration of acidifying compounds ...... 627 During the 1970s, it was discovered that even remote 9.4.1. Measurements of atmospheric concentrations ...... 627 9.4.2. Precipitation chemistry ...... 628 parts of the Arctic were influenced by . Part of 9.4.3. Glacial measurements ...... 630 this is due to human activities at lower latitudes. There is a 9.4.4. Modeling results ...... 631 strong link between the regional acid deposition problem 9.5. Arctic haze ...... 633 9.5.1. Arctic haze phenomenon ...... 633 and the Arctic haze phenomenon, which was first observed 9.5.2. Occurrence of Arctic haze ...... 634 in the 1950s and further studied in the mid-1970s. Within 9.6. Deposition of acidifying compounds ...... 635 the Arctic itself, there are only a few, but significant, sources 9.6.1. Wet and dry deposition ...... 635 9.6.2. Modeling deposition ...... 636 of acidifying air pollutants: the non-ferrous smelters on the 9.7. Processes regulating terrestrial and aquatic acidification. . 637 Kola Peninsula and in Norilsk, which have very large emis- 9.7.1. Soil acidification ...... 637 sions of sulfur in particular. Consequently, the areas of Chemical processes ...... 637 Hydrological processes ...... 638 greatest concern with respect to acidification in the Arctic Biological processes ...... 638 are the northern areas of Finland and Norway and the re- Natural and anthropogenic soil acidification . . . 638 gions in Russia surrounding the large smelter complexes. At 9.7.2. Aquatic acidification ...... 639 Processes governing aquatic acidification . . . . . 639 the Second Ministerial Conference on the Arctic Environ- 9.7.3. Calculating critical loads ...... 639 ment, Ministers agreed to accord acidification a priority sta- 9.8. Trends indicating acidification ...... 640 tus under AMAP in a subregional context. 9.8.1. Terrestrial parameters ...... 640 Soil solution and percolation water quality . . . . 640 Due to the sensitivity of the ecosystems in the Arctic, some 9.8.2. Aquatic parameters...... 640 effects of acidification can also be found in low-deposition Streams and rivers ...... 640 areas dominated by long-range transported pollutants. Ad- Lakes...... 641 Groundwaters ...... 642 verse effects of acidifying pollutants have been noted in fish Episodic acidic pulses ...... 642 populations in acidified lakes, and in forests and natural veg- 9.9. Spatial scales of terrestrial and aquatic acidification . . . . 642 etation, including lichens. Sulfate and black 9.9.1. Geographic extent of soil acidification ...... 642 Regional sensitivity of soils to acidification . . . . 642 from emissions of acidifying compounds have the potential Evidence of soil acidification in the Arctic . . . . . 643 to alter the of the Arctic atmosphere, and 9.9.2. Geographic extent of surface water acidification ...... 643 Acidification of surface waters in northern Nor- hence the climate. way, Sweden, Finland and Russia ...... 643 Critical loads of deposition, or critical concentration lev- Acidification of waters in Arctic Canada and Alaska 644 els are terms which quantitatively describe the sensitivity of 9.9.3. Critical loads of acidity and their exceedance ...... 644 natural systems to anthropogenic exposure. The critical load 9.10. Effects of acidification on Arctic ecosystems ...... 646 9.10.1. Effects on soils ...... 646 concept is presently used to formulate strategies for air pollu- Soil fertility ...... 646 tion control within the United Nations Economic Commis- Soil microbiology and decomposition ...... 646 9.10.2. Effects on vegetation ...... 646 sion for Europe (UN ECE) Convention on Long-Range Trans- Effects on forests ...... 646 boundary Air Pollution (LRTAP). The application of the crit- Effects on lichens and shrubs...... 648 ical load concept to northern environments has to be done 9.10.3. Effects on freshwater ecosystems ...... 648 Arctic freshwater biota ...... 649 with caution because the criteria or data upon which the crit- Effects on decomposition ...... 649 ical load calculations are based may not properly take into Effects on plankton...... 649 account the conditions and relationships prevailing in the Arc- Effects on periphyton and higher vegetation . . 649 Effects on invertebrates...... 649 tic. The data from the AMAP program allow the methods Effects on fish...... 650 for calculating critical loads to be adapted to accommodate 9.10.4. Effects on birds and mammals ...... 651 the characteristics of the extreme Arctic climatic conditions. 9.11. Scenarios for acidification ...... 651 9.11.1. Available geochemical models ...... 651 General climatic, biological and biogeochemical conditions 9.11.2. Potential development of Arctic acidification ...... 651 specific to the acidification phenomenon in the Arctic and sub- 9.12. Conclusions and recommendations ...... 652 arctic environments have been discussed by Nenonen (1991). In 9.12.1. Conclusions ...... 652 9.12.2. Recommendations ...... 653 addition, a review of the environmental consequences of anthro- Acknowledgments ...... 653 pogenic acidification in Fennoscandia and the Kola Peninsula References ...... 653 has previously been given by Kinnunen and Nenonen (1993). 622 AMAP Assessment Report

SO2 emission (Gg S/y)

100 75 50 25 10 7 5 2 1

Figure 9·1. Anthropogenic SO2 emissions for 1985 north of 30°N (Benkovitz et al. 1995).

In this chapter, available data on acidifying air pollutants, the 39 Tg N global nitrogen oxide emissions each year are their emissions, transport, concentrations, deposition, and of anthropogenic origin (Whelpdale and Kaiser 1997). effects on the Arctic environment, as well as the role of sul- Approximately half of the natural emissions of sulfur are fate-bearing particles in the Arctic haze phenomenon, and volcanic and most of these are injected into the stratosphere. their occurrence, are assessed. In addition to sulfur and ni- The rest is mainly from biogenic marine sources. Biomass trogen oxides, ammonia also has an acidifying effect on the burning is a significant source of sulfur and part of this environment. Since the levels of nitrogen compounds, in par- source could arguably be classified as anthropogenic rather ticular those of ammonia, are at background levels in the than natural. It is not surprising that acidification from at- Arctic natural environment, the emissions and effects of am- mospheric deposition in remote regions is heavily dominated monia are not included in the present chapter, and this assess- by the long-range transport of these anthropogenic acidic ment concentrates on sulfur. compounds.

9.2.1. Sources outside the Arctic 9.2. Sources of the acidifying compounds Anthropogenic sources It has been shown that anthropogenic activities account for The distributions of anthropogenic sulfur dioxide and ni- 70 Tg S (range 62-80 Tg S) of the 98 Tg S (range 80-147 Tg trogen oxide emissions over the northern hemisphere are S) global emissions of sulfur each year (Whelpdale and Kai- strongly localized to the highly populated and industrial- ser 1997). In addition, it has been estimated that 21 Tg N of ized regions of eastern North America, Europe and south- Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 623

NOx emission (Gg N/y)

100 75 50 25 10 7 5 2 1

Figure 9·2.9£2 Anthropogenic: Anthropogenic NO NOx xemissions emissions for north 1985 of north latitude of 3030°N° N (Benkovitz et al.al 1995)1995). eastern Asia (Figures 9·1 and 9·2) as depicted by data of of in electric power plants is the most important Benkovitz et al. (1995). Outside of these high-emission source of sulfur dioxide emissions, and mobile sources (e.g., areas, there are smaller regions with elevated emissions, automobiles) are the most important sources of nitrogen either in connection with densely populated areas or with oxides (Table 9·1). the exploitation of fuel or mineral reserves. North America contributes about 20% and Europe about 40% of the esti- Table 9·1. Annual emissions of sulfur and nitrogen in Europe by sector (EEA 1995). mated global emissions of sulfur dioxide from anthropo- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– genic sources. Source Tg S % Tg N % A large part of the remaining global emissions occur in ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Power generation 14.9 54 3.8 21 the far East, particularly in , where large amounts of Commercial and coal are used to produce heat and energy. Industrial emis- residential combustion 3.0 11 0.8 4 sions in central Siberia (eastern Ural, Kuznetsk, Karaganda Industrial combustion 7.0 25 2.4 13 Production processes 0.9 3 0.4 2 and the Irkutsk region) are also significant on the hemispheric Fossil fuel extraction 0.05 0 0.08 0 scale. Figure 9·3 shows the sources of SO2 north of 50°N Road transport 0.7 3 7.8 44 with major emission sources on the Kola Peninsula and at Other mobile sources 0.6 2 2.3 13 Waste treatment/disposal 0.09 0 0.2 1 Norilsk in Russia. Agriculture 0.001 0 0.05 0 Detailed information on the relative amounts of sulfur Natural 0.6 2 0.05 0 dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from different activi------Total 27.8 17.9 ties is available (USEPA 1995, EEA 1995). The combustion ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 624 AMAP Assessment Report


Zapolyarnyy Nikel Monchegorsk

SO2 emission (Gg S/y)

100 10 1 0.1

AMAP boundary

Figure 9·3. SO2 emissions north of 50°N (modified after Benkovitz et al. 1995, see Figure 9·1) showing point source emissions from Arctic and subarctic non-ferrous smelters and including natural DMS sources from the North Atlantic Ocean. Area sources are not included for the Asian part of Russia. This emissions data set for 1988 (total inventory of 50 892 900 tonnes S per year) was used as input for modeling transports of sulphur, results of which are shown in Figures 9·11, 9·12 and 9·20. (Data source: Norwegian Meteorological Institute). The data given in Figures 9·1 and 9·2 are derived from Emissions of nitrogen oxides increased rapidly during the 1985. Since then, emissions of sulfur dioxide have decreased period 1950-1975, but remained relatively constant over the by about 25% in Europe (UN ECE 1994) (Figure 9·4) and period 1980-1990 in Europe and North America (USEPA will be reduced further in accordance with the Second Sulfur 1995). One of the control measures introduced to reduce ni- Protocol. The most important measures to reduce the emis- trogen oxide emissions has been the installation of three- sions of sulfur have been flue-gas cleaning in coal-fired way catalytic converters on automobiles. However, in Eu- power plants, substitution by fuels with a low sulfur con- rope, the resulting reduction has been largely offset by the tent, such as natural gas, energy conservation, and increased increase in traffic volume. Smelters and other process indus- sulfur recovery in petroleum refining processes. Flue-gas tries may have relatively small emissions of nitrogen oxides. cleaning has been implemented in several power stations, While the ratio of nitrogen oxide emissions to sulfur dioxide and is already responsible for a substantial reduction of the emissions is typically 0.5 in many European countries, it is sulfur dioxide emissions in Europe (10%) and Japan. Emis- less than 0.3 in some countries in Eastern Europe. sions in North America have also decreased somewhat dur- ing the same period. However, sulfur emissions in China Natural sources have not decreased since 1988 and without stringent mea- sures for energy saving and SO2 control, SO2 emissions are The algae in ocean surface waters are a source of sulfur to predicted to increase rapidly within the next 30 years (Qi the atmosphere in the form of dimethylsulfide (DMS), which et al. 1995). is oxidized in the atmosphere to sulfur dioxide, sulfate and Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 625

SO2 SO2 involve roasting of the ore to remove part of the sulfur as sul- Tg/y Tg/y fur dioxide and to oxidize iron before further smelting and 45 0.45 refining. In most cases, recovery of sulfur dioxide is technically feasible, but only economically so when the sulfuric acid pro- 0.40 40 duced by the recovery process can be utilized in other chemi- 35 0.35 cal industries, such as superphosphate fertilizer production Europe or the production of gypsum or other inorganic chemicals. 30 0.30 Table 9·2 gives the main products and estimated sulfur emissions for the largest non-ferrous smelters in the Arctic. 25 0.25 One smelter south of the has been included for 20 0.20 comparison and completeness. The right-hand axis of Figure 9·4 shows the time series of the emissions of Nikel and Za- 15 0.15 polyarnyy.

10 Nikel and Zapolyarnyy 0.10 Table 9·2. Emissions from non-ferrous smelters in the Arctic in 1992. (Kola Peninsula) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 5 0.05 Emissions, Location Coordinates Production Gg S/y ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 0 0 Nikel 69°24'N, 30°13'E Copper, nickel 90 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Zapolyarnyy 69°25'N, 30°47'E Copper, nickel 36 Monchegorsk 67°57'N, 33°00'E Copper, nickel 91 Figure 9·4. Time series of emissions of SO2 from European sources (Mylo- Norilsk 69°57'N, 88°09'E Copper, nickel 1100 na 1993) and two major sources on the Kola Peninsula (Tuovinen 1993). Sulitjelma* 67°10'N, 15°10'E Copper 30 (1985) Rönnskär* 64°45'N, 21°11'E Lead, zinc 5 methyl sulfonic acid (MSA). Emissions of DMS from the world ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– oceans have been estimated to be 15-30 Tg S/y (Andrae 1990). * The copper smelter in Sulitjelma closed down in 1985. The smelter at Rönnskär in northern Sweden is south of the Arctic Circle, but has been DMS emissions are seasonal, and are determined both by bi- included because of its proximity to acidified areas. In the early 1970s, ological productivity and by diffusion and transport through emissions from this smelter were close to 65 Gg/y. the sea-air interface (Tarrason et al. 1995). Emissions of reduced sulfur compounds from terrestrial en- Exploitation and usage of fossil fuels vironments and vegetation are about one order of magnitude smaller than the marine emissions. Volcanic emissions of sul- Within the Arctic, there is coal mining on Spitsbergen (Nor- fur include both hydrogen sulfide (H2S), elemental sulfur and way), in Vorkuta (Russia) and in the Tiksi region (northeast- sulfur dioxide. The emissions are located in areas of volcanic ern Siberia). Moreover, there is a large coal mining area in activity and are extremely variable from one year to another. the Pechora Basin, which lies just south of the Arctic Circle Annual emissions of sulfur from volcanoes between 1964 and in northern Russia. Oil exploitation in the Arctic is described 1972 have been estimated at 7.8 Tg S/y (Spiro et al. 1992). in chapter 10. On the other hand, the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in Because of the small number of inhabitants in much of the Philippines alone resulted in emissions of 20 Tg sulfur. the Arctic, fuel and energy consumption is low and the emis- Ammonia (NH3) is also involved in acidification proces- sions from the usage of fossil fuels are mainly located in ses; it is a neutralizing compound in the atmosphere, but towns. For example, there are coal-fired power plants in acts as a net acidifying agent in soils. Ammonia combines Vorkuta and Inta (Russia), which serve the local settlements, with sulfuric acid in the atmosphere to form (NH4)2SO4, and coal mining and oil and gas exploration in these areas. NH4HSO4 and other semi-neutralized sulfates. The total an- Other examples include the mining settlements on Spitsber- nual emissions of ammonia in Europe within the European gen which are also served by small, coal-fired electric power Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) area are es- plants in Longyearbyen and Pyramiden. timated to be 7-8 Tg, and are mainly from animal husbandry Shipping and fishing activities are also sources of air pol- and other agricultural activities (Buijsman et al. 1987). There lutants in the Arctic. For example, extensive deep-sea fishing are few sources of ammonia in the Arctic, and aerosols in for cod, capelin and prawns takes place in the Barents Sea. the Arctic are typically highly acidic having a composition Marine transport, particularly of timber and timber prod- largely comprised of NH4HSO4 (Barrie and Barrie 1990). ucts, is also important along the Siberian coast and on the Acidification is not solely a function of sulfate (or nitrate) Siberian rivers. deposition but is also controlled by the base cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+) contained in aerosols or precipitation. There Natural emissions is considerable evidence that recent declines in sulfate levels have occurred together with an accompanying decrease in There are areas of volcanic activity in the North Atlantic base cations (Hedin et al. 1994). While some of these base and Bering Sea regions, and in southern Alaska, however, cations can be argued to have a natural source (e.g., soil the associated sulfur emissions are relatively low and spo- dust), European decreases in base cations have been attrib- radic. The volcano that erupted on Jan Mayen Island in uted to an anthropogenic decrease (Hedin et al. 1994). For 1978, is not presently active. A recent eruption, in late Sep- the latter reason, decreases in emissions of sulfur species tember, 1996, occurred under the Vatnajökull glacier in cen- may not result in an equivalent decrease in acidity. tral Iceland. Most of the volcanoes in the Aleutian range are located to the south of the Arctic Circle, as are the active vol- canoes with more continuous sulfur emissions on the Kam- 9.2.2. Sources within the Arctic chatka Peninsula and Iceland. A notable area with respect to Metal smelters natural emissions of sulfur is the Smoking Hills area in Can- The largest emissions of acidifying substances within the Arc- ada, where the ‘natural’ combustion of pyrite-bearing bitu- tic are caused by the production of copper, nickel and other minous shale, releasing sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid mist non-ferrous metals from sulfidic ores. Traditional methods and , has caused phytological damage within 500 m 626 AMAP Assessment Report of the source (Freedman et al. 1990). However, these emis- The seasonality of SO2 oxidation to sulfate is important in sions are relatively low compared to anthropogenic inputs prolonging the presence of sulfate aerosols in the Arctic into (Barrie 1986). April and May (Barrie and Hoff 1984, Barrie 1995). The Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas are generally quite productive and hence the biogenic production of dimethyl- Nitrogen chemistry sulfide (DMS) and transport of DMS through the sea-air in- terface must be considered a potential source of atmospheric As air masses move from mid-latitudes to the Arctic, the set sulfur. These emissions occur mainly between June and Au- of chemical species available to drive nitrogen chemistry gust and emission rates may approach 50 mg S/m2/y in the changes. The nitrogen chemical cycle (Seinfeld 1986) has a North Atlantic/Barents Sea region (Tarrason et al. 1995). considerable ‘dark’ component, with night-time reactions be- On the basis of S-isotope analyses, Li and Barrie (1993) con- tween NO2 and O3 to form NO3 and N2O5. The reaction of clude that, in winter, anthropogenic sources account for al- N2O5 with water produces gas phase nitric acid (HNO3) and most all of the sulfur in the Arctic atmosphere, whereas in particulate nitrate. Lack of sunlight slows the photochemical summer about 30% of the sulfur is from natural sources. Li destruction of HONO back to NO. HONO has been ob- et al. (1993) report 13 years of airborne MSA observations served in the Arctic troposphere (Adrian et al. 1992, Li 1994, at Alert peaking in spring (April-May) and in summer (July- Hausmann and Platt 1994). The RO3 (peroxyacyl radical) August). Maenhaut (1993) has shown that biogenic sulfur reaction with NO2 in the formation of peroxyacetyl nitrate may account for more than 50% of the total airborne sulfur (PAN) (and other C3-C7 alkyl nitrates) is especially impor- in airborne particles at Spitsbergen in July-August, but that tant in the Arctic, since the alkyl nitrate chemical removal the biogenic contribution to the annual mean concentration mechanism is also dependent on light and temperature. PAN level is only about 2%. is an atmospheric reservoir for nitrogen in the Arctic winter, and these alkyl nitrates may contain as much as 75-80% of the airborne NOy (Bottenheim et al. 1993, Singh et al. 1992). Over large parts of the mid-latitudes, ammonia emissions 9.3. Atmospheric processes are generally sufficient to neutralize, at least partially, the sul- The chemical cycle of acidic compounds in the atmosphere furic acid formed as a result of the oxidation of sulfur dioxide. is comprised of sources, chemical transformations in the at- Neutralization is greatest in summer near the ground and least mosphere, atmospheric transport, and wet and dry removal in winter aloft in the atmosphere. Ammonia can also react processes. The pathways by which gases and aerosols move with nitric acid to form ammonium nitrate. Ammonium ni- through the atmosphere and enter the Arctic are discussed in trate has a much lower rate of deposition than gaseous nitric chapter 3 of this assessment. In principle, atmospheric trans- acid, so the result is an enhanced transport of both ammonium port routes for acidic compounds should be similar to the and nitrate out of the emission areas (Hov and Hjøllo 1994). pathways of other contaminants, such as non-volatile POPs and heavy metals. In this section, the chemistry of sulfur 9.3.2. Arctic geophysical properties and nitrogen-bearing compounds, the air concentration data recorded in the Arctic, and, finally, Arctic haze as a visible affecting acidic compounds phenomenon are discussed Insolation at high latitudes is extremely variable, ranging from complete darkness in winter to complete daylight in summer. Long periods of Arctic night shut off photochem- 9.3.1. Arctic air chemistry ical activity responsible for the transformation of SO to The sulfur cycle 2 H2SO4 and NOx to HNO3. Thus, the relative importance of The atmospheric chemistry of the sulfur cycle is dominated photochemical and ‘dark’ reactions in the Arctic atmosphere by OH radical reactions in the gas phase with H2S, DMS, can be expected to be quite different to that in mid-latitudes. and SO2, all of which lead to the production of gaseous As an indication of the intensity of solar radiation in the High sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and by gaseous and aqueous phase Arctic summer, mid-day intensities at 70°N are comparable reactions between SO2 and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and to those at 7 a.m. at latitude 45°N. (O3). Once sulfate is produced, its removal is rela- The low Arctic temperatures modify the chemistry of heter- tively rapid with an atmospheric half-life in the order of 3 ogeneous reactions between gases and aerosols. Reaction and to 7 days at mid-latitudes and about two weeks or more in sorption mechanisms peculiar to low temperatures have been the High Arctic during winter (Barrie 1986). The atmos- suggested for SO2 on and ice (Conklin et al. 1993). Ice pheric emission, production, transport and deposition cycle and sulfuric acid catalyzed halogen destruction of O3 at polar of sulfate aerosol (whether sulfuric acid or ammoniated sul- sunrise in the Arctic boundary layer has been demonstrated fate compounds such as (NH4)2SO4 and NH4HSO4) has by Barrie et al. (1988, 1994). Low temperatures are largely been the subject of intense research activity during the last responsible for the appreciable PAN reservoir in the Arctic. 20 years (Barrie and Barrie 1990, NAPAP 1990, Levy et al. Pollutants transported from mid-latitudes will tend to fol- 1990, Whelpdale 1992). low surfaces of constant potential temperature (isentropic There are transport and chemical processes in the sulfur surfaces). A rapidly moving air mass will rise as it moves cycle that are strongly latitude-dependent. The lack of sun- into the Arctic, forming pollutant layers at higher altitudes light in the Arctic for large parts of the year limits the produc- (Carlson 1981, Iversen 1984, Raatz et al. 1985, Schnell et tion of the OH radical and H2O2. The former is produced from al. 1989, Radke et al. 1989). The vertical dispersion of sur- the photodissociation of ozone in clean air and, incrementally, face-produced pollutants within the Arctic, however, is lim- from hydrocarbon radicals in more polluted areas (Ehhalt et ited by strong inversions in the Arctic boundary layer (fre- al. 1991). Lower OH and H2O2 concentrations in winter quently greater than 20°C in the first few hundred meters 2– slow the sulfate production cycle and increase the SO2/SO4 above ground). Despite the fact that high altitude haze-lay- ratio observed in the Arctic (Barrie and Hoff 1984, Möhler ers are observed, there is considerable evidence to show that and Arnold 1992). This photochemical mechanism is critical the main mass of the Arctic aerosol and gaseous pollutants to the timing of the Arctic haze maximum (see section 9.5). are confined predominantly to altitudes below 2 km in the Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 627

(a) (c) nss-Sulfate Nitrate 3 Alert, NWT, Canada. 3 Alert, NWT, Canada. µg/m µg/m Alert 4 0.20 Ny Ålesund

3 0.15

2 0.10

1 0.05

0 0 1980 19821984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1980 19821984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994

(b) (d) Sulfate (d)Hydrogen ion Alert, NWT, Canada. (b) ng/m3 Sulfateµg/m3 Svalbard, Norway. Hydrogen ion Alert, NWT, Canada. ng/m3 µg/m4 3 Svalbard, Norway. 40 40 4 Ny Ålesund Sampling location moved to Ny Ålesund SamplingZeppelin Mountainslocation moved to 3 Zeppelin Mountains 30 3 30

2 20 2 20

1 10 1 10

0 0 019821984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 01980 19821984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 19821984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1980 19821984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 Figure 9·5. The time series of a) weekly-averaged non-seasalt (nss) sulfate aerosol at Alert, NWT, Canada (Barrie pers. comm.), b) monthly-averaged sulfate aerosol at Ny-Ålesund, Norway (data source: NILU), c) weekly-averaged nitrate at Alert (Barrie pers. comm.), and d) weekly-averaged hydro- gen ion at Alert (Barrie pers. comm.). atmosphere (Shaw 1975, Hansen and Rosen 1984, Schnell would precipitate out. More recent work on Greenland, and Raatz 1984, Leaitch et al. 1984, 1989, Hoff 1988, Pacy- however, concluded that although the riming of ice crystals na and Ottar 1988). The atmospheric injection of anthropo- and snow may only contribute 5% of the water mass de- genic and other contaminants to the Arctic has pronounced posited on the Arctic snowpack, over 30% of the chemical seasonal and latitudinal variations (see chapter 3, Figures deposition may be derived from these events (Jaffrezo and 3·4 and 3·6). Iversen (1989a) showed that these variations Davidson 1993). Morphological studies of single aerosol can explain much of the variance in sulfate concentrations particles support this view, since aerosol droplets containing measured at Spitsbergen. Thus, it appears that, in addition liquid and solid inclusions were observed as well as sulfuric to seasonal variations in physical and chemical properties of acid droplets (Parungo et al. 1993). Arctic air, transport determines much of the observed sea- The Earth’s surface in the North differs from that at lower sonality of Arctic haze. latitudes. Both the land and water surfaces are covered with A predominant factor in the special behavior of acidic ice or snow for a large part of the year. Deposition on these pollutants in the Arctic is the lack of precipitation. In fact, surfaces is very inefficient and this leads to long residence some parts of the Arctic meet the definition of a desert, with times for particles and gases in the Arctic atmosphere. The an annual precipitation of less than 100 mm at many Arctic lack of vegetation in the High Arctic leads to low deposition sites (see chapter 3). Much of the precipitation which does on the surface, because vegetation generally has a higher up- occur takes the form of drizzle from summer stratus clouds take of pollutants than a smooth surface. The deposition ve- during June to August. At this time, the washout of pollu- locity will be strongly related to the surface characteristics of tants is at its most efficient in the Arctic, the meridional ex- the Arctic. These transport and deposition processes are de- change is at its minimum, and the extension of the Arctic air scribed in more detail in chapter 3. mass does not include the large Eurasian emission sources (see chapter 3, Figures 3·4 and 3·5). While the amount of precipitation is limited in the Arctic, 9.4. Concentrations of acidifying the Arctic atmosphere contains enough water vapor to influ- compounds ence gas phase reactions. Relative humidity over ice is nearly always supersaturated during the winter months. Relative 9.4.1. Measurements of atmospheric concentrations humidity with respect to water is often as high as 90%. This Our knowledge of Arctic air chemistry comes from extensive leads to rapid nucleation of ice crystals from ice nuclei (Borys field campaigns (some are discussed in sections 9.3 and 9.4) 1989, Jaffrezo and Davidson 1993). Speculation about the as well as from routine observations at a few sites over long- role of this mechanism as a removal pathway for sulfates er time periods, starting in the late-1970s. arose in the early-1980s, but it was concluded that sulfate The time series of weekly-averaged sulfate aerosol con- aerosols are less efficient ice nuclei than other remote aero- centrations measured at Alert, NWT, Canada since 1980 is sols (Borys 1989). The contention is that this process tends shown in Figure 9·5a (Barrie pers. comm.) and the time se- to keep aerosols aloft, rather than forming ice crystals which ries measured at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard since 1982 in Figure 628 AMAP Assessment Report

SO2 air concentration Emission dent survey of nitrate and sulfate in precipitation in northern g/m3 µ Gg SO2/y Europe and the Arctic, Joranger and Semb (1989) showed 30 300 that the nitrate/sulfate molar ratio decreased monotonically

Svanvik from south to north (Figure 9·7). In northern Scandinavia 25 and Holmfoss 250 (Joffre et al. 1990, Joranger and Semb 1989, Tuovinen et al. Nikel 1993), the nitrate/sulfate molar ratio ranges from about 0.4 20 200 to 1 (mass ratio of 0.2-0.5). Figure 9·5d shows the time series for the concentration of 15 150 hydrogen ions on particulate filters at Alert, NWT (Barrie pers. comm.). The time series is very similar to that for sul- 10 100 fate, with the maximum in the spring of each year. In fact, the molar percentage ratio of ammonium plus hydrogen ions to 5 50 sulfate is almost constant throughout the year, varying from 0.40 to 1.75 with an average near 1. This strongly suggests that 0 0 the aerosol is, on average, predominantly NH4HSO4, which is 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 consistent with observations of Barrie and Barrie (1990). The representativeness of measurements made at only one Holmfoss SO2 air concentrations Emissions from Nikel site in the Arctic obviously needs close examination. Barrie Svanvik SO air concentrations 2 (1986) presented the relative sulfate concentrations through- Figure 9·6. Emission rates of sulfur dioxide from Nikel together with out the Arctic for the spring months of 1980 and 1981. The annual average SO2 air concentrations measured at two sites in Norway (1978-1992) (Sivertsen 1996). conclusion drawn from this work is that the mean spring- time sulfate concentrations in the Norwegian Arctic are 1.5- 9·5b. The peak sulfate concentration at Ny-Ålesund was 3-4 3.9 g/m3 and in the North American Arctic 1.2-2.2 g/m3. g/m3 in the 1980s, but is clearly lower in the 1990s, show- The results suggest an intrusion of sulfate from Europe and ing a decreasing trend since 1987. The peak concentrations the former Soviet Union into the High Arctic. occur in the months of March and April. The concentration Areas near Norilsk in Siberia, the Kola Peninsula and time series for Alert does not show any statistically signifi- northern Scandinavia are likely to suffer from high levels of cant trends (Barrie pers. comm.). It is difficult to determine ambient air concentrations. Not only do these regions bear a trend in a dynamically variable time series without mea- the brunt of the European and Asian emissions which find surements over many years (Blanchard et al. 1995). their way to the Arctic, but they are also subjected to local The yearly average concentrations of sulfur dioxide show and regional emissions of considerable magnitude. For ex- a decreasing trend after 1987 at three measuring stations in ample, at the air quality monitoring station at Sevettijärvi, northern Norway: Jergul (SFT 1994), Svanvik (Sivertsen et northeastern Finland, the highest measured hourly average 3 al. 1994) and Holmfoss (Sivertsen 1996). The data from the SO2 concentrations approached 400 g/m in 1990 (Virk- latter two stations clearly reflect the reduction in SO2 emis- kula et al. 1992), and at Viksjøfjell, northern Norway, close sions from 310 kt in 1980 to about 180 kt in 1992 from the to the Cu-Ni smelters on the Kola Peninsula, they have ex- nearby Nikel smelter (Figure 9·6) (Sivertsen 1996). ceeded 1000 g/m3 (Sivertsen et al. 1994). Figure 9·5c shows the atmospheric concentration time In terms of chronic exposure to sulfur dioxide, the month- series for nitrate at Alert, NWT. The nitrate concentration is ly-averaged SO2 concentrations at Sevettijärvi reached 20 g/ lower by a factor of about twenty by mass (by a factor of m3 in November 1992 (Tikkanen and Niemelä 1995). Closer about ten on a molar basis) compared to sulfate. This is con- to the smelters on the Kola Peninsula, Norwegian measure- sistent with observations in Scandinavia. In a latitude-depen- ments have shown air concentrations at Kirkenes, Holmfoss, and Svanvik to exceed the 15 g/m3 half-year forest-damage Nitrate/nss-Sulfate threshold for the winter season (see section; Sivert- equivalent (ratio) sen et al. 1992). Figure 9·8a shows measured annual average 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 sulfur dioxide concentrations and Figure 9·8b average annual sulfate aerosol concentrations across the Arctic. Andruhov and Pudovkina (1993) and Tsaturov (pers. comm.) report yearly air SO2 concentrations in industrial regions near Nikel Ny Ålesund of 30-60 g/m3, Zapolyarnyy about 70 g/m3, Monchegorsk Hopen about 20 g/m3 and Norilsk 140-160 g/m3. The concentra- Bjørnøya tions in Greenland, the Canadian Arctic, and Svalbard are much lower compared to these polluted regions. Vardø Jan Mayen Jergul Skrova 9.4.2. Precipitation chemistry There are many problems in collecting reliable and represen- tative precipitation samples in the Arctic (see chapter 3, Fig- Kårvatn ure 3·10). Precipitation collectors and gauges have low cap- ture efficiencies for snow, particularly at wind speeds above 4-5 m/s. Low precipitation intensities and drifting snow Birkenes make the collection of reliable samples from the surface snow layer difficult. Because of this, and also because of the 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 relative inaccessibility of many Arctic areas, precipitation chemistry data are largely missing from the areas of the Figure 9·7. Variation of the nitrate to non-seasalt (nss) sulfate equivalent ratio in precipitation at Norwegian recording stations based on measure- High Arctic, where the concentrations of acidifying com- ments between August 1982 and July 1984 (Joranger and Semb 1989). pounds are believed to be low. Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 629

(a) (b)

3 2.18

160 1.3 38 0.78

0.3 38 0.49 0.4 38 0.49 0.4 0.54

41 35 63 2.4 10 56 1.60 11 2.2 3.2 1.20 1.30 2.5 2.3 1.4 1.70 Measured annual Measured annual 0.4 0.95 average air concentrations of SO2 average air concentrations of SO4 µg/m3 µg/m3 0.1 - 5 0.45 - 0.80 5 - 20 0.80 - 1.20 20 - 100 1.20 - 1.80 > 100 1.80 - 2.20

Figure 9·8. a) Yearly average sulfur dioxide air concentration measurements in the Arctic (Tsaturov pers. comm., Sivertsen 1996, Iversen et al. 1991, Sandnes and Styve 1992, Sandnes 1993, Tuovinen et al. 1994, Larsen 1994, Tikkanen and Niemelä 1995, SFT 1994, Heidam pers. comm., Tørseth 1996, Barrie pers. comm.). b) Yearly average sulfate air concentration measurements in the Arctic (Iversen et al. 1991, Sandnes and Styve 1992, Sandnes 1993, Tuovinen et al. 1994, Heidam pers. comm., Tørseth 1996, Barrie pers. comm.).

Figure 9·9, displaying some representative snow chem- Russia and northern Siberia show a pronounced influence of istry data in the Arctic, shows that concentrations of sulfate the Norilsk smelter (Tsaturov pers. comm.). The very low and nitrate in northern Canada, Alaska, and Greenland are concentrations at the Greenland ice cap may be partly due mostly low. High concentrations of sulfur occur in the Bar- to low scavenging efficiencies under extremely cold condi- ents region and in Siberia. The snow chemistry in northern tions, as discussed by Davidson et al. (1987, 1989). (a) (b)

0.32 0.10 0.06 0.35 0.30 0.12

0.85 2.09 1.23 0.74 2.98 1.68 3.87 0.49 0.88 2.55 1.35 0.82 1.88 1.41 2.01 37.05 1.42 1.51 0.18 1.57 3.30 > 0.01 3.01 0.90 2.04 1.36 4.65 1.39 1.12 0.41 1.42 0.69 2.45 0.85 2.28 2.03 1.29 2.36 5.39 2.81 0.91 0.41 1.85 1.99 0.34 1.23 1.55 0.13 2.66 1.18 0.33 2.33 1.43 0.04 2.40 0.72 1.31 0.44 0.63 0.09 0.08 0.17 1.20 0.80 > 0.01 1.00 1.14 2.85 1.55 0.60 2.01 0.97 > 0.01 1.46 1.05 1.60 > 0.01 1.23

Measured annual Measured annual average concentrations average concentrations of SO4 in snow of NO3 in snow mg/m3 mg/m3 0 - 0.8 0 - 0.2 0.8 - 1.3 0.2 - 1.0 1.3 - 1.7 1.0 - 1.5 1.7 - 37.05 1.5 - 5.4 Figure 9·9. Concentrations of a) sulfate and b) nitrate in snow (Tsaturov pers. comm., Dayan et al. 1985, Barrie et al. 1985, Shaw et al. 1993, Galloway et al. 1982, National Environment Research Institute pers. comm., Davidson et al. 1987, Semb et al. 1984, Joranger and Semb 1989, Tikkanen and Niemelä 1995, Jaffe et al. 1995). 630 AMAP Assessment Report

NO - (a) The snow samples collected on Spitsbergen (Semb et al. NO3- (a) µeq/L3 1984) indicate a clear southeast-northwest gradient, suggest- µeq/L ing that the main transport direction during the deposition 3 of sulfate and nitrate was from the southeast. The concen- trations of both sulfate and nitrate were generally much less 2 than the mean values obtained from regular precipitation 2 samples by Joranger and Semb (1989) from the same area. The nitrate concentration in snow on Greenland has in- 1 creased markedly during the last 100 years, but the highest concentrations occur later in the year than is the case for sul- fate. The reason for this is not fully understood. At Spitsber- 0 gen, and in the Arctic generally, the contribution of nitrate 1900 0500 1000 1500 1900 to precipitation acidity is generally much lower than at lower Year latitudes. Year Ryaboshapko et al. (1994) present some data on the con- 2- centrations of sulfate and the deposition of sulfate by preci- SO4 (b) pitation from an extensive network of stations in Russia. µeq/L While most of these sites are south of the Arctic Circle, con- 3 centrations of 0.8-1.0 mg SO4-S/L may be found in both north- ern Russia and northwestern Siberia. More detailed information on precipitation chemistry is 2 available for northern Fennoscandia and the Kola Peninsula, from a number of precipitation sampling stations (Derome 1 et al. 1992a, Lövblad et al. 1992, Sivertsen et al. 1993) and snowpack sampling stations (Derome et al. 1992b, 1993, Baklanov et al. 1994, Makarova et al. 1994, Buznikov et al. 0 1995, Jaffe et al. 1995). In general, these measurements show only a moderate influence of the large sulfur dioxide emis- 0500 1000 1500 1900 sions on the Kola Peninsula on the precipitation and snow Year chemical composition, except within 20-50 kilometers from the sources (see Tikkanen and Niemelä 1995). Periods with (c) volcanic impurities 9.4.3. Glacial measurements Periods without Another important source of information for assessing the volcanic impurities temporal development of Arctic air pollution is measure- Sample in ments on glacial ice. Records from glacial ice cores provide 20th century reconstructions of trends in the contamination of Arctic air by acidic and other pollutants. Accumulated snow exhibits SO 2-, NO - changes in chemistry with depth, reflecting the chemistry of H+ 4 3 eq/L the atmosphere at the time of deposition (Barrie et al. 1985). µeq/L µ Measurements of snow and ice composition have been made 16 4 on Greenland (Busenberg and Langway 1979, Hammer et al. 1980, Herron 1982, Davidson et al. 1981, 1985), on north- ern Ellesmere Island, Canada (Koerner and Fisher 1982, Bar- 12 3 rie et al. 1985) and on Mount Logan in northwestern Can- ada (Holdsworth and Peake 1984). SO4 + NO3 The historical record from Greenland ice at the Dye 3 site indicates that there has been an increase in the concentrations 8 2 2– – of the strong acid anions SO4 and NO3 in this century (Her- ron 1982) (Figure 9·10). Measurements in southern Green- SO4 land (Neftel et al. 1985) confirm Herron’s observations de- 4 1 picting a significant increase since the late-1930s (Figure 9·10). Ice core acidity at another location in Greenland displayed no trend between 1850 and 1950, but showed a gradual 0 0 slow increase since 1950 (Hammer et al. 1980). 19101920 19301940 19501960 1970 1980 A historical record for conductivity (which is well corre- lated with acidity), inferred from the ice core at Agassiz ice cap on northern Ellesmere Island, indicates little variation Dye 3 Agassiz in the magnitude of air pollution in the first half of this cen- – 2– tury, but a marked increase of about 75% between 1956 Figure 9·10. Historical records of a) NO3 and b) SO4 concentrations from the Greenland icecap at Dye 3 (data source: Herron 1982; modified and 1977. This increase reflects the increase in European from Barrie 1986). Each point is a multi-year average over a period of 2- SO2 and NOx emissions (Barrie et al. 1985). Current levels 37 years. The same sample in this century is emphasized with a cross. 2– 2– – of winter acidity are 10-12 eq/L compared to 7-9 eq/L c) A comparison of trends in the average SO4 and SO4 plus NO3 con- prior to 1956. centrations (data source: Neftel et al. 1985) at Dye 3 in Greenland and in the annual mean H + concentration from Agassiz icecap, Canada (inferred Measurements of recently accumulated ice layers indicate from conductivity by Barrie et al. 1985). The Neftel curves represent cubic that the maximum concentrations of sulfates and fine parti- spline fits reported by the authors (modified from Barrie et al. 1985). Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 631

2 4 6 10 20 µg/m3 2 4 6 10 20 40 60 µg/m3

Figure 9·11. The predicted (1988) average surface air sulfur dioxide con- Figure 9·12. The predicted (1988) average surface air sulfate concentra- centrations in the Arctic (Iversen and Tarrason 1995, Tarrason and Iver- tions in the Arctic (Iversen and Tarrason 1995, Tarrason and Iversen 1996, sen 1996, Tarrason 1995). Tarrason 1995). cles were observed in the beginning of the 1980s. No major three-dimensional global sulfur model by Dastoor and Pudy- changes in concentrations have been observed during the kiewicz (1996), and the three-dimensional hemispheric model 1980s. A decrease occurred at some stations at the end of developed by Christensen (1995, 1997). the decade. These trends can be partially related to the docu- The model by Iversen (1989b) was used for calculating mented reductions in sulfur emissions in Europe, and parti- the transport of sulfur to the Arctic for March and July, re- ally to the replacement of coal by natural gas in the produc- producing the seasonal differences observed for Arctic haze. tion of heat and electricity, particularly in Russia. More recently, Tarrason and Iversen (1992, 1996) have ap- plied a further developed version of the model for a full year. Figures 9·11 and 9·12 show the spatial distribution of the 9.4.4. Modeling results predicted ground level sulfur dioxide and sulfate air concen- The ability to predict the impacts on the Arctic of known sul- trations (Tarrason and Iversen 1996, Iversen and Tarrason fur sources at mid-latitudes is a good test of the state of our 1995, Tarrason 1995). The predicted air concentrations knowledge about the processes involved. The sophistication of clearly reflect the SO2 sources on the Kola Peninsula, No- models used to make predictions have varied from the simpler rilsk, and the industrial parts of Europe. two-dimensional box models to three-dimensional Eulerian An example of the application of the model by Christen- models. Predictions of Arctic air pollution have benefited sen (1995, 1997) is given in Figure 9·13, where the calcu- 2– from the development of mid-latitudinal regional acid depo- lated concentrations of SO2 and SO4 have been compared sition models (see chapter 3 for general description). with measurements at Station Nord in northeastern Green- The state-of-the-art for atmospheric modeling of pollu- land (81°36'N, 16°40'W). The figure shows very good agree- tion in the Arctic is highly developed compared to models ment between the calculated and observed weekly mean con- for other compartments, largely because of the development centrations of sulfur dioxide and, even more so, of sulfate. over the years of 1) weather forecast models, which provide Scatter plots depicted in Figure 9·14, demonstrate the gen- considerable information about the physical processes in the eral tendency of the model to reproduce the observed SO2 atmosphere and reliable meteorological data for the atmos- concentrations with reasonable accuracy for European mon- pheric transport models, 2) comprehensive regional acid de- itoring stations. position models for the mid-latitudes, which have detailed The different models have been used to estimate the con- descriptions of both the physical and chemical processes in tribution from different sources to Arctic sulfur pollution. the atmosphere, and finally 3) atmospheric models specifi- An example of this is shown in Figure 9·15, where the verti- 2– cally for the Arctic. cal distribution of SOx (SO2+SO4 ) concentrations, averaged The state-of-the-art for atmospheric long-range transport over the area north of 75°N, and the contributions from the modeling for the Arctic is comprised of three-dimensional different sources are shown. Figure 9·15a shows that the Eulerian models, which have detailed descriptions of the surface air concentration is about 0.56 ppbv (1 ppbv = 1.3 physical processes, while the chemical processes are simpli- g S/m3), with a maximum concentration of about 0.60 fied (first order sulfur chemistry), in order to be able to per- ppbv at 600 m. Above 600 m, the concentration decreases, form long-term calculations. Examples of such models in- dropping to 0.06 ppbv at 7000 m. Figure 9·15b shows clude the three-dimensional hemispheric model developed by that sources at Norilsk contribute about 35% and Euro- Iversen (1989b) and Tarrason and Iversen (1992, 1996), the pean sources about 17% to the surface air concentrations. 632 AMAP Assessment Report

SO2 concentration ppbvSO2 concentration ppbv 2.5 Observed 2.5 Observed Station Nord Station Nord Calculated Calculated 2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0 October March August January June November April September February October March August January June November April September February 1991 1992 1993 1991 1992 1993 2- SO4 concentration ppbv

0.75 Observed Calculated



0.0 October March August January June November April September February 1991 1992 1993 2– Figure 9·13. Calculated concentrations of SO2 and SO4 compared with measurements at Station Nord in northeastern Greenland (Christensen 1995, 1997).

Observed SO2 Observed SO4 ppbv SO SO2 ppbv 4 10 2.5

CS1 9 2.25

8 2

7 1.75 CS1 NL2 6 1.5 IT4 CH2 DE2

5 1.25

DE14 DE12 DE15 4 1 FR10 DE4 DE15 DE2 DE17 SE2 DE18 SE11 DE5 DE14 0.75 SE8 3 DE1 DE19 IT4 NL2DE17 DE3 ES1 SE12 PT4 DE4 2 SE11 0.5 NO1 ES4 DE5 NO8 ES1 CH2 DE19 NO30 DE1 SE2 DE18 NO41 0.25 NO15 1 NO30 SE12 ES3 NO39 SE8 SE13 NO8 DE3 SE5 IS2 SE13 NO15 NO1 NO41 0 0 NO39 0123456789 0120.25 0.5 0.75 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.25

Modeled SO2 Modeled SO4 ppbv ppbv

Figure 9·14. Scatterplots for comparisons between the average concentrations of SO2 and SO4 in air from October 1990 to December 1993 as moni- tored by the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) and calculated by Christensen (1997). Point labeling refers to EMEP station numbers. Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 633

Heights (a) (b) insula and Finnish Lapland has also been computed by a meters model developed by the Russian Institute of Global Climate 7 000 and Ecology and the Finnish Meteorological Institute (see Tikkanen and Niemelä 1995). The results, shown in Figure 6 000 9·16, depict the distribution of the emissions from three smelters on the Kola Peninsula, demonstrating the signifi- 5 000 cant local influence of these sources.

4 000

Norwegian Sea 3 000 Barents Sea

2 000 Norway Nikel Murmansk 1 000

SO2 air concentration 3 0 Monchegorsk (µg/m ) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 25 50 75 100% 60 SOx concentration (ppbv) Contribution (%) to SOx 40 Sweden 20 10 Norilsk Kola Peninsula White Sea Finland 6 Russia Asia Russia 4 Gulf of Bothnia 2 Europe Dimethylsulfide (DMS)

North America Figure 9·16. Model calculations of ground level yearly average sulfur dioxide air concentration on the Kola Peninsula (data source: Tuovinen, 2– Finnish Meteorological Institute; in Tikkanen and Niemelä 1995). Figure 9·15. a) Vertical distribution of SOx (SO2 + SO4 ) concentrations averaged over the area north of 75°N, and b) contributions from the dif- ferent sources (Christensen 1995, 1997). 9.5. Arctic haze The contributions from the Kola Peninsula and North 9.5.1. America are both about 3%, while DMS emissions and the The Arctic haze phenomenon sources in Asia both contribute about 1%. At higher eleva- In the mid-1950s, pilots flying in the Canadian Arctic re- tions, the contributions from local sources in the Arctic, No- ported a phenomenon of deep which obscured visibil- rilsk and Kola Peninsula, decrease, while the long-range ity (Greenaway 1950, Mitchell 1956). The depth and col- transported contributions from Europe, North America and oration of the hazes suggested that the obscured visibility Asia increase. The contributions from sources in the rest of was not natural and was caused by micrometer-size parti- the former Soviet Union remain at a level of about 40% cles. The effect was merely viewed as a curiosity and not an- throughout the vertical profile. As a whole, the contribution alyzed in any great detail until the mid-1970s when the early from the entire former Soviet Union to the concentration of studies of Shaw (1975) noted strange haze layers at Barrow, SOx in the Arctic boundary layer is about 78%. Alaska. At the same time, a Danish research group made ob- In the three-dimensional global sulfur model by Dastoor servations of the haze in Greenland (Flyger et al. 1976). This and Pudykiewicz (1996), the time integration is performed obscured visibility focused attention on Arctic air pollution, using a semi-Lagrangian approach. The results of this model and much of the work discussed in this assessment arose be- show that high levels of pollution are evident in the Arctic in cause of the abnormal nature of these hazes in the Arctic. In winter months from all sources, confirming the qualitative an evaluation of Arctic air pollution, Ottar et al. (1986) con- picture outlined by Barrie (1986). There is a strong meridio- cluded that emissions from eastern Europe and the former nal transport in winter, which leads to high concentrations Soviet Union were largely responsible for the Arctic haze in high latitudes, particularly over the Arctic. In summer, that they observed in the Scandinavian Arctic. By the mid- however, the sulfur is mostly confined to mid-latitudes. More- 1980s, chemical fingerprinting methods had determined that over, in summer, the sulfate concentrations over the Atlantic Eurasia and North America were the primary source regions Ocean are higher than in winter, which is evidence of a stron- for this general pollution (Rahn 1989). ger zonal flow and weaker precipitation scavenging over the From the ground, Arctic haze appears as a whitening of North Atlantic. the sky near the horizon, with a reduction in visibility to a On a more local scale, half-yearly average SO2 concentra- few kilometers or less. Viewed horizontally, from aircraft, tions of the air in Norwegian/Russian border areas have been the haze layers have a brownish tinge (Schnell and Raatz reported by Sivertsen et al. (1992) and Sivertsen (1996). The 1984, Radke et al. 1984, Raatz et al. 1985). This tinge or results indicate that the high SO2 concentrations extend more discoloration encourages the interpretation that the haze is toward the northeast than to the south and southwest. How- absorbing light, and contains significant levels of organic ever, the largest air pollution problems in the vicinity of the particles. However, from what we have learned in the pre- smelters are dominated by pollution episodes linked to adverse ceding sections, the tropospheric aerosol burden near the meteorological conditions. For Viksjøfjell, northeast of the surface is largely sulfate with minor amounts of nitrates, smelters of Nikel and Zapolyarnyy, the modeled annual aver- soil, and organic material. The horizontal visual observa- 3 age SO2 concentration is 20 g/m , which agrees well with the tions should be regarded with some caution since an aerosol measured annual average value, whereas the measured month- that is totally scattering, with no absorption, will appear ly averages vary between 10 and 55 g/m3 (Sivertsen 1996). dark when viewed from certain angles. The areal distribution of average sulfur dioxide concen- The haze consists of a well-aged submicron aerosol with trations between July 1990 and July 1991 on the Kola Pen- a mass median diameter of 0.2 m or less (Heintzenberg 634 AMAP Assessment Report

1980, Hoff et al. 1983, Pacyna et al. 1984, Shaw 1984, consistent with Bodhaine and Dutton’s results in Figure 9·17. Leaitch et al. 1989, Trivett et al. 1989, Clarke 1989, Covert Optical depth maxima on an annual basis obtained from and Heintzenberg 1993, Hillamo et al. 1993). This particle hemispheric models have been predicted to be 0.02-0.04 size is well suited for scattering light (Waggoner and Weiss (Iversen and Tarrason 1995). Optical depths in ice crystal 1980) since the peak in the particle surface-area distribution layers, which are visually transparent, can reach 0.9 or greater is near the maximum efficiency for Mie scattering. Estimates (Hoff and Leaitch 1989). of the chemical composition of Arctic aerosol range from Absorption in the haze has been measured using an aethel- 30% to 90% sulfate, the remaining material consisting of ometer to be less than 6 10–7/m (Hopper et al. 1994), which carbonaceous (<20%), soil (<30%) and marine aero- is about 10% of the average scattering in Figure 9·17. This sols (<10% in winter and <35% in summer) (Li and Barrie is consistent with the estimated single scatter of 0.86- 1993). Nearly all of the light scattering of the haze aerosol 0.96 (Hansen and Rosen 1984, Clarke 1989). can be attributed to the sulfate concentration, the ambient Vertical profile information on Arctic haze aerosols has humidity and the presence of frozen water (ice crystals or been widely obtained by lidar (Hoff 1988, Radke et al. 1989, snow) in the optical path. Nearly all of the light absorption Trivett et al. 1989, Brock et al. 1990, Schnell et al. 1989, Mor- at visible wavelengths appears to be due to carbonaceous ley et al. 1990). In the vertical direction, the main mass of material (‘’, ‘soot’ or ‘graphitic carbon’) Arctic aerosols is limited primarily to the lowest five kilome- (Hansen and Rosen 1984, Noone and Clarke 1988, Clarke ters, peaking in the lowest two kilometers of the atmosphere, 1989, Kahl and Hansen 1989, Hansen et al. 1992, Hopper due to the strong inversions present in the Arctic (Leaitch et et al. 1994). al. 1984, Barrie 1996, Hoff 1988, Pacyna and Ottar 1988). More recently, Arctic thin cloud and ice crystal scattering -5 σsp (10 /m) Light scattering have been observed by satellite remote sensing (Kergomard 3 and Tanre 1989, Ebert and Curry 1992). The main conclu-

2.5 sions of these studies are that Arctic clouds are underesti- mated in of the Arctic and may have greater 2 radiative impacts than previously predicted. As early as 1981, it was speculated that such hazes might 1.5 affect the Arctic climate (Barrie et al. 1981). - 1 ing studies reveal that there might be measurable effects, but that the effects would be small (Cess 1983, Blanchet 1989, 0.5 Maxwell and Barrie 1989). Recent speculations and Global

0 Circulation Model (GCM) predictions of the impact of sul- 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 fate aerosols on climate (Charlson et al. 1991, 1992, Kiehl and Briegleb 1993, Taylor and Penner 1994, Box and Traut- man 1994, Iversen and Tarrason 1995) have renewed inter- τ Optical depth 0.3 est in this possible impact of Arctic haze.

0.25 τ Optical depth 0.3 9.5.2. Occurrence of Arctic haze 0.2 0.25 Arctic haze is predominantly a thin sulfate haze which is 0.15 augmented by humidity effects and by ice crystals. The for- 0.2 mation of Arctic haze is a result of unusual physical and me- 0.1 teorological conditions in the Arctic, as described by Shaw 0.15 0.05 (1995). Strong surface-based temperature inversions form in 0.1 the polar night, causing the atmosphere to stabilize. Turbu- 0 lent transfer between the atmospheric layers is inhibited, and 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 the removal of aerosols and gases is blocked. Moreover, this stable and cold atmosphere in the polar regions inhibits the Figure 9·17. The time series of light scattering (sp) and optical depth () at 500 nm at Barrow, Alaska (Bodhaine and Dutton 1993). formation of cloud systems that can give rise to precipitation. Suppression of these removal mechanisms for trace consti- Most of the information on light scattering in the Arctic tuents in the Arctic atmosphere is one important cause of has come from nephelometry (Heintzenberg 1980, Bodhaine the contamination of Arctic air in winter and spring. Other 1983, 1989, Barrie et al. 1981, Barrie and Hoff 1985, Triv- important mechanisms contributing to the contamination ett et al. 1989, Heintzenberg et al. 1991, Bodhaine and Dut- are the atmospheric meridional transport and the slow rate ton 1993). Figure 9·17 shows the time series of light scatter- of chemical transformation in Arctic air during winter. ing and optical depth at 500 nm at Barrow, Alaska (Bod- In a recent study of visibility observations in Canada, it haine and Dutton 1993). The aerosol scattering coefficient was found that haze production in winter is widespread (sp) has been related to horizontal visibility (V) by Koschmie- throughout Canada, even at relatively low latitudes (Hoff der’s formula (Koschmieder 1925) V = 3.91/sp. During the 1994). Figure 9·18 shows the contours of median visibilities AGASP II study of 1986, Trivett et al. (1989) reached the in Canada for the summer and winter months during 1951- conclusion that the minimum short-term visibility which 1993. The results shown are computed only from cases where might be expected from Arctic aerosols in clear weather con- the relative humidity (RH) is less than 80% in order to ex- ditions is about 30 km. They attributed the much lower visi- clude poor visibility cases caused by moist aerosols, fog or bilities which occasionally occurred during their study to ad- precipitation. These visual ranges should correspond to dry ditional scattering from ice crystals in the atmosphere. Meyer aerosol obscuration of visibility. The 35-km contour extends et al. (1991) have reached a similar conclusion. down from the Arctic to below Hudson Bay, a shape that is Valero et al. (1989) found the vertical optical thickness of very similar to the position of the Arctic front in winter (see clear-sky Arctic haze to be about 0.1-0.2 at maximum. This is chapter 3, Figure 3·4). Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 635

Summer sion sources on the Kola Peninsula. The measured sulfate deposition by precipitation or snow collected at the sites clos- 130°W 120°W 110°W 100°W 90°W 80°W 70°W 60°W est to the emission sources are only about twice as high as the Baffin Bay general levels in the area (Jaffe et al. 1995, Sivertsen et al. 70° N 1993), the average annual deposition by precipitation on the Davis Kola Peninsula and adjoining parts of Norway and Finland Strait being only about 200 mg S/m2. It is concluded, therefore, that Hudson 60° N Bay most of the deposition occurs in summer as dry deposition to CANADA vegetation. The low deposition velocity of SO to snow, and b r a d o r 2 L a its slow oxidation to sulfuric acid, lead to enhanced transport Vancouver 50 N ° Montreal of sulfur away from the sources (Sivertsen et al. 1992, Tuovi- Pacific nen et al. 1993, Barrie 1995, Jaffe et al. 1995). Ocean USA Atlantic The amount of accumulation of acidic species in surface New York Ocean media resulting from dry deposition depends on the con- centration of the compound in the boundary layer, its trans- 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 80 100 120 km port toward the active surface by irregular air movements in the turbulent boundary layer close to the ground, diffusion Winter Whole year 1988 130 W 120 W 110 W 100 W 70 W ° ° ° ° 90°W 80°W ° 60°W Height Height 0 20 40 60 80 100 % Baffin Bay meters meters 4 000 4 000 70° N 3 000 3 000 Davis Strait 2 000 2 000 Hudson 60° N 1 500 1 500 Bay CANADA 1 000 1 000 b r a d o r L a 500 500 Vancouver 50° N 40 40 Pacific Montreal 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Ocean USA Atlantic Sulfate concentration Source contribution New York Ocean µg S/m3

Figure 9·18. Summer and winter visibility observations (for relative humi- dities less than 80%) for the period 1951 to 1993 in North America (Hoff Summer 1988 1994). Height Height 0 20 40 60 80 100 % meters meters European sources contribute most of the Arctic haze in 4 000 4 000 winter, but in summer, when haze is at a minimum, the 3 000 3 000 North American and Asian sources produce 30-70% of the 2 000 2 000 haze. According to model results, the natural production of 1 500 1 500 DMS (dimethylsulfide) contributes 1-9% of the Arctic haze 1 000 1 000 in summer but is insignificant in the winter (<1%) (Tarrason 1995, Tarrason and Iversen 1996) (Figure 9·19). This esti- 500 500 mate is clearly lower than the one by Li and Barrie (1993), 40 40 who conclude that in summer about 30% of the sulfur is 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Sulfate concentration Source contribution from natural sources. µg S/m3 In winter, the concentrations of sulfate are highest (0.14- 0.21 g/m3) in the atmosphere at altitudes below 2 km, while in summer the differences between altitudes are not Winter 1988 Height Height 0 20 40 60 80 100 % so distinct (Figure 9·19). With respect to the vertical distri- meters meters bution averaged over the whole year, there is a less sharp 4 000 4 000 decline towards lower altitudes than in winter. The concen- 3 000 3 000 tration is, on average, 0.10 g/m3, being slightly higher at 2 000 2 000 altitudes less than 1500 meters (up to 0.15 g/m3). Europe contributes about 70% to the concentrations at altitudes 1 500 1 500 higher than 1000 m, while North America contributes less 1 000 1 000 than 10%. 500 500 40 40 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Sulfate concentration Source contribution 9.6. Deposition of acidifying compounds µg S/m3 9.6.1. Wet and dry deposition European North America North Atlantic Asian sources sources sources Ocean sources Sivertsen et al. (1992, 1993) have mapped the deposition of of dimethylsulfide sulfate in precipitation in northern Fennoscandia, using available precipitation sampling stations. Also, Jaffe et al. Figure 9·19. Vertical distribution of Arctic haze in summer, winter, and (1995) have surveyed snowpack samples on the Kola Penin- the whole year. Sulfur air concentrations and relative source-contribution (%) for different heights above the ground are shown. The concentrations sula. These procedures are probably not satisfactory for are averages over the Arctic area north of 70°N (modified from Tarrason mapping total deposition in the area close to the large emis- 1995, Tarrason and Iversen 1996). 636 AMAP Assessment Report through the laminar surface layer, and diffusion and chemi- cal reactions within the surface elements. Theoretical and experimental studies of dry deposition have mainly been car- ried out over arable land, agricultural crops and forest, and have shown typical deposition velocities for sulfur dioxide in the range 0.5-1 cm/s, while the deposition rate for sulfate particles, which are typically in the submicron size, is much less (Lövblad et al. 1992). In general, deposition rates are lower for areas with sparse vegetation, and in the dormant season for vegetation. Deposition rates on snow and snow-covered surfaces are generally very low, as has been found in several experimen- tal studies. This is partly due to the high aerodynamic resis- tance (ra) over snow surfaces (Dovland and Eliassen 1977), and partly to the fact that snow crystals do not take up sul- fur dioxide directly. However, at temperatures above –17°C, a liquid phase consisting of ionic impurities is also present in snow. This liquid phase is responsible for the uptake by snow of SO2 and H2O2. Dry deposition rates of SO2 and SO4 are low in the Arctic because of the high fraction of snow and ice-covered sur- faces. This is indirectly demonstrated by the relatively high sulfur concentrations during winter and spring in the High 10 25 50 100 250 500 1 000 2 000 mg/m2 2 Arctic, which is only possible because of the low deposition 10 25 50 100 250 500 1 000 2 000 mg/m rates during transport. However, because of the very low Figure 9·20. Model calculations of total (wet and dry) deposition estimates precipitation rates, dry deposition may still account for a of sulfur for 1988 (data source: Norwegian Meteorological Institute). significant part of the total deposition in some areas. More detailed studies are possible around large emission sources 9.6.2. Modeling deposition where concentrations of sulfur dioxide may also be high in the summer. The dry deposition of sulfur is estimated to be In Europe, the EMEP program carries out dispersion and about 75% of the total deposition on the Kola Peninsula deposition modeling at its two Meteorological Synthesizing (Tuovinen et al. 1993). Centers, in Oslo and in Moscow (MSC-W and MSC-E, re- spectively). The results of the hemispheric transport model Table 9·3. Monthly mean air concentrations of sulfur dioxide and sulfate measured at Svanvik, together with deposition velocities and inferred developed by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (Tar- dry deposition from canopy throughfall measurements. rason 1995, Tarrason and Iversen 1996, Iversen and Tarra- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– son 1995) predict that, within the Arctic, there are two main Measured con- Deposition centrations, µg/m3 velocities a, cm/s areas with annual sulfur deposition rates in excess of 500 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Inferred dry mg S/m2/y (Figure 9·20). One of these is northern Fenno- Sulfur Sulfate deposition 2 scandia and the Kola Peninsula, and the other is around No- SO2-S SO4 dioxide particles mg/m ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– rilsk in northwestern Siberia. MSC-E has also carried out January 8.21 0.75 0.2 0.05 45 preliminary model calculations for the northern hemisphere, February 4.95 1.05 0.2 0.05 28 including estimated deposition fields of sulfur and nitrogen March 24.3 1.73 0.2 0.05 132 April 4.02 0.94 0.2 0.05 23 compounds (Galpierin et al. 1994). These calculations also May 3.44 0.58 0.8 0.1 75 indicate very low deposition rates in the Arctic in general. June 7.81 0.59 1 0.15 212 The total deposition of sulfur, calculated from the model July 4.08 0.45 1 0.15 111 August 4.76 0.69 1 0.15 130 of Christensen (1995, 1997), averaged over the area north September 2.54 0.27 1 0.15 69 of 75°N for the four winters of 1990-1994, is about 6.7 mg October 1.84 0.32 0.8 0.1 40 S/m2/month. The contributions from the different sources to November 4.18 0.2 0.2 0.05 23 December 2.48 0.37 0.2 0.05 14 the total deposition are shown in Figure 9·21a. The figure Year 902 shows that the Norilsk area and the Kola Peninsula contri- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– bute 18% and 17%, respectively, while the rest of the former Dry deposition indicated from Mellesmo (spruce) 1200 Soviet Union and Europe both contribute about 28%. It is canopy throughfall measurements b Svanhovd (pine) 745 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– interesting to note that although the contribution of the Kola a. Tuovinen et al. 1993. b. Aamlid 1992a. Peninsula to surface air concentrations is as low as 3% (see Figure 9·15), the contribution to the total deposition is 17%. Canopy throughfall measurements made at Svanvik, north- There is a seasonal variation in the total deposition of 2 2 ern Norway, give clear evidence that dry deposition of sulfur SOx, from 3-6 mg S/m /month in summer to 8-12 mg S/m / dioxide is a dominating acidifying process in this area (Aam- month in winter (see Figure 9·21b). The total deposition lid 1993a, SFT 1992). Two stands, one of spruce (Picea abies) shows smaller seasonal variation than the mean concentra- and one of pine (Pinus silvestris), have been monitored. The tions of the Arctic boundary layer, where the winter concen- spruce stand gives somewhat higher dry deposition values trations are about a factor of 10 higher than the summer than the pine stand, which may be a result of the generally concentrations, indicating that in the summer period the at- higher leaf-area index and growth rate of spruce relative to mospheric transport to the Arctic occurs at higher altitudes pine. The measured concentrations of sulfur dioxide and sul- (National Environmental Research Institute 1995). The fate using the same deposition velocities as were used in the sources from Russia have a large seasonal variation, con- computations by Tuovinen et al. (1993) give the estimated tributing about 15% in the summer period to more than dry deposition of sulfur dioxide shown in Table 9·3. 50% in the winter period (Figure 9·21c). Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 637

Calculations on a more local scale, including deposition Sulfur deposition Norwegian (g S/m2/y) both from distant sources and from sources on the Kola Sea Barents Peninsula, have been carried out by Tuovinen et al. (1993) Sea 10.0 5.0 for northern Fennoscandia. Seasonally averaged dry deposi- 3.0 tion velocities were used to estimate the dry deposition of Norway 1.5 sulfur dioxide and sulfate aerosol, taking into account the Nikel Murmansk 0.9 0.6 long period of permanent snow cover, from October to April. 0.4 0.3 Asia Monchegorsk (a) 0.2 0.1 mg S/m2/month DMS 1.6% 0.1 mg S/m2/month 1.6% Sweden North America 0.4 mg S/m2/month Norilsk Finland White 5.3% 1.2 mg S/m2/month Sea Russia 17.8% Gulf of Europe Bothnia 1.9 mg S/m2/month 27.9% Norwegian Sea Barents Sea

Norway Dry deposition Murmansk fraction of total Nikel sulfur deposition (%)

Monchegorsk 85 80 75 70 Sweden 65 Kola Peninsula Rest of FSU 60 White 55 1.1 mg S/m2/month 1.9 mg S/m2/month Finland Russia Sea 50 16.9% 28.9% Gulf of 45 Bothnia The total deposition is 6.7 mg S/m2/month Figure 9·22. Model calculations of sulfur deposition and fraction of dry deposition for the period July 1990 to June 1991 in northern Fennoscan- dia and the Kola Peninsula (modified from Tuovinen et al. 1993). Total deposition of SOx (b) mg S/m2/month Seasonally averaged washout coefficients were used to esti- 12.5 mate the deposition by precipitation, assuming the rate of 10.0 deposition to be proportional to the washout coefficient, the square root of the precipitation intensity, and the mean con- 7.5 centrations of sulfur dioxide and sulfate in the mixing layer. 5.0 The calculated total deposition of sulfur is shown in Figure 9·22. Tuovinen et al. (1993) conclude that within the area of 2.5 annual deposition in excess of 0.3 g S/m2/y, dry deposition 0.0 accounts for more than 60% of the total deposition, and the OCT. MAR. AUG. JAN. JUNE NOV. APR. SEPT. FEB. 1991 1992 1993 contribution of the emissions from the sources on Kola may be more than 50% at distances of up to 200 km. In spite of the very high emissions from the non-ferrous metallurgical Source contribution in % to total deposition of SOx (c) smelters in this area, these sources only dominate the depo- 100 sition in the 150 150 km2 grid cells where these emission sources are located, and their contribution to deposition in 75 the neighboring grid cells is typically around 20% (Tuovinen et al. 1993). Similar calculations have been performed for 50 the dispersion of sulfur dioxide and other pollutants in the 25 immediate surroundings of the smelters by Sivertsen et al. (1993) with similar results. 0 OCT. MAR. AUG. JAN. JUNE NOV. APR. SEPT. FEB. 1991 1992 1993 9.7. Processes regulating terrestrial and aquatic acidification Norilsk North America 9.7.1. Soil acidification Russia Asia Chemical processes Europe Dimethylsulfide (DMS) Arctic regions belong to the area of glaciated terrain. In pres- Kola Peninsula ently non-glaciated areas of the Arctic, glaciogenic drift, Figure 9·21. a) The contribution from different sources to the total depo- mainly till, covers much of the bedrock. Tundra soils are sition, averaged over the area north of 75°N from October 1990 to May predominantly poorly drained, consisting of a mineral soil 1994 (Christensen 1995, 1997), b) the calculated total monthly depositions overburden covered by an organic layer (humus). of SOx averaged over the area north of 75°N, and c) the contributions from different sources to the total monthly deposition (Christensen 1995, The predominant soil-forming processes in forested and 1997). treeless (tundra) regions of the Arctic and subarctic are pod- 638 AMAP Assessment Report zolization on mineral soil sites and peat accumulation in wa- Cation exchange on the surfaces of soil particles in the terlogged areas. The cold, moist climate (precipitation ex- humus and eluvial horizons is the most important buffering ceeding evaporation), and in many areas a thick permafrost process, capable of retarding the acidification process (Boyle layer, are the main reasons for the development of extensive and Voigt 1973, Petersen 1976, Evans 1980, Brady 1984, wetland areas and paludified or semi-paludified mineral soils. Andersson 1988). The exchangeable cations include Ca2+, Many peat soils are naturally rather acidic, and their ex- Mg2+, K+, and Na+, which are replaced during the acidifica- tremely high organic content means that they are strongly tion process mainly by Al3+ and H+ ions. Cation exchange is buffered and, therefore, relatively unaffected by acidic depo- controlled by soil pH, grain size, moisture content and the sition levels that can strongly increase soil acidification in organic matter content and is affected by the abundance and mineral soils. The transport of dissolved and particulate or- type of clay minerals. In the mineral soil, cation exchange ganic material by percolation water and surface runoff has a takes place primarily in the fine fraction, owing to the large, considerable effect on water quality in the watercourses, as negatively charged surface area of fine particles. In coarse- well as on the properties of the underlying mineral soil. grained soils, e.g., sands and gravels, cation exchange is low Podzol horizons have mainly developed in till and sorted, owing to the low clay content; however, this is somewhat coarse soils, i.e., those containing a high proportion of sand offset by the presence of relatively large amounts of organic and gravel. Podzolic soils are characterized by a light-colored material (Birkeland 1974). eluvial horizon located immediately below the organic layer, and below this, a dark-colored illuvial horizon. The eluvial Hydrological processes horizon has been strongly leached (weathered) by acidic and dilute (i.e., low in minerals or electrolytes) percolation water. The equilibrium reactions between soil and runoff water are The pH of the percolation water gradually increases as it pas- greatly affected by precipitation patterns. The rate at which ses down through the reddish-brown illuvial horizon. Alumi- water passes down through the surface soil, eventually reach- num, iron and silica compounds and organic matter dissolved ing the watercourses or groundwater, depends on the soil in the percolation water are precipitated in the eluvial hori- depth, grain size, organic matter and moisture content, as zon as aluminum-iron-silicon hydroxides (Rose et al. 1979, well as on topography, vegetation cover and season. The De Cornick 1980, Farmer et al. 1980, Anderssen et al. 1982). higher the content of fine material (inorganic and organic) in The generally high soil moisture content, commonly anaero- the soil, the higher the water-retention capacity. The reten- bic conditions, and slow decomposition rate of plant litter re- tion time of water in such soils is long, and sufficient for the sult in the gradual accumulation of an organic layer consist- slow buffering and neutralization reactions between percola- ing of acidic, partially decomposed litter and humic material tion water and soil particles to reach equilibrium. in the surface soil layer (Strahler 1970, Jacks et al. 1984). In the case of very fine-textured and compact soils, e.g., In podzolic soils, the equilibrium between the chemical clay, or in permafrost areas, water cannot infiltrate the sub- composition of the soil and soil water is controlled by bio- surface soil layers. Although some of the water is lost as sur- logical and geochemical processes: organic matter decompo- face runoff, such sites usually become paludified or develop sition, nutrient uptake, weathering, leaching, cation exchange, into wetlands. In coarse-grained soils (gravel and sand for- and aluminum, iron and silicate buffering. The chemically mations, eskers), with a relatively low organic matter con- modified, surficial horizons of podzolic soils are underlain by tent, the water percolates rapidly down into the groundwa- relatively unaltered parent material. The geochemical com- ter, and the effect of overburden properties on percolation- position of this material determines to a considerable extent water quality is minimal. In the case of surface runoff, the the elemental composition of the upper soil horizons, as well water has only very short-term contact with the organic layer as the type of vegetation that develops on the site (Anders- or exposed bedrock, and chemical modification (e.g., neutra- son 1988, Binkley and Richter 1987, Boyle and Voigt 1973). lization) is slight. A high proportion of exposed bedrock and Minerals in soil and bedrock differ markedly in their sus- rough topography increase the proportion of surface runoff. ceptibility to weathering and solubility of elements (Rose et al. 1979). In glaciated regions, the soil and bedrock are Biological processes mainly composed of silicates. The weathering of silicate min- erals is the neutralization process within soils; this is limited Microbiological activity in the soil in Arctic and subarctic by the slow weathering rates of the most common minerals regions is, in general, rather low. This is a result of the low in Arctic soils. In Europe, carbonate-bearing minerals, which mean soil temperature during the short summer period, the are readily weathered, play only a local role, and hence the presence of permafrost in many areas, the low proportion of main femic minerals (amphiboles, pyroxenes and micas) are easily decomposable material in the plant litter, and the re- the most important in the neutralizing process. strictions on microbial activity set by the high soil moisture Secondary clay minerals have a large reaction surface and content following snowmelt in the spring (Boyle and Voigt play an important role in buffering processes and in, e.g., sul- 1973, Binkley and Richter 1987, Andersson 1988). Anaero- fate adsorption. Adsorption may immobilize a significant bic conditions in waterlogged soils are also a frequent occur- fraction of incoming sulfur and delay acidification by decades rence. Saprophytic fungi, which are adapted to acidic condi- or even centuries (Eriksson 1988, Warwood et al. 1986, Cour- tions and which also contribute to the maintenance of low chense and Hedershot 1989). Young soils in glaciated terrain soil pH through the exudation of organic acids and forma- typically have small sulfate adsorption capacities, and as a tion of humus substances, are predominant. consequence, the time-lag between increasing sulfate deposi- tion and increasing sulfate runoff is much shorter (Rochelle Natural and anthropogenic soil acidification et al. 1987). However, sulfate mobility in the surface soil may be much lower in podzolic soils in the North than is generally Soil acidification, i.e., a gradual decrease in soil base satura- realized. The aluminum and iron hydroxides in the illuvial tion and a consequent decrease in pH over time, is a natural horizon form anion binding sites that rather effectively remove process in both mineral and peat soils in the Arctic region. sulfate from the soil solution (Jonsson and Cole 1977, Par- Peat formation and podzolization are associated with a grad- fitt and Smart 1978, Jonsson et al. 1986, McDonald 1987). ual accumulation of protons in the surface soil. In those parts Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 639 of the Arctic and subarctic region with a natural forest cover, that may speed up the reversal of lake acidification (Wright the gradual accumulation of protons is interrupted by the re- and Hauhs 1991). The importance of the in-lake processes current outbreak of forest fires; fire destroys much of the sur- depends on the flushing time of the lake: for lakes with face acidic organic matter, and the ash which is produced has rapid water renewal, in-lake processes are of minor im- a strong neutralizing effect. In such ecosystems, there is a portance. The ability of a lake to generate alkalinity by in- clear acidification/neutralization cycle. However, this cycle lake processes is called in-lake alkalinity generation. The of events is not so pronounced on peatlands and in the Arc- most important in-lake processes in the lake are microbial tic tundra. sulfate reduction, microbial denitrification, algal uptake In addition to acidic deposition, anthropogenic soil acidi- of nitrate and the release of calcium, magnesium, potas- fication can be caused by a number of factors, many of sium, iron and manganese from lake sediments (Schindler which are associated with commercial forestry practices. et al. 1991). The cultivation of even-aged stands results in the gradual ac- Although the soil processes within the catchment con- cumulation of base cations in the biomass and a decrease in trol the long-term acidification of surface waters, the hy- soil pH over time. These base cations are lost from the eco- drological processes are central in determining the daily system to a varying extent in timber harvesting. The theoret- to monthly acidity dynamics. The occurrence of acid pulses ical soil acidification due to cation removal in connection during snowmelt is a widespread phenomenon in small with whole-tree harvesting, for instance, is of the same order streams in steep terrain draining watersheds with thin or of magnitude as the soil acidification caused by acidic depo- no soil cover, combined with large acid snow accumulation sition (Nilsson et al. 1982). and a rapid thaw. Initially during snowmelt, impurities, Elevated levels of acidifying deposition (sulfate and nitrate) e.g., acids and metals, from the whole snowpack migrate can result in an increase in the proton pool and displacement through the snow and are released with the first meltwater. of base cations, i.e., decrease in base saturation (BS) from This can result in an acid pulse with a pH below 5.5, which the humus layer and uppermost mineral soil layers, and also can directly affect the draining streams due to low interac- increase the proportion of aluminum and heavy metals on tion with the frozen soil (Bjärnborg 1983, Jacks et al. 1986, exchange sites in the mineral soil and in the soil solution. Olofsson et al. 1995). Later during snowmelt, the water Base saturation and exchangeable aluminum concentrations quality improves as soil water predominates in the meltwa- are the most widely used soil acidification parameters. ter, i.e., when the ground is no longer frozen. The lowering of pH that can occur in this phase is mainly due to dilution and the contribution of natural weak organic acids from 9.7.2. Aquatic acidification the humus layer. Processes governing aquatic acidification Chemical weathering and the ion exchange processes occur- 9.7.3. Calculating critical loads ring in catchments supply the majority of base cations found in surface waters. Calcium and magnesium are generally the Critical load (CL) is defined as a quantitative estimate of the dominant cations in clear-water lakes located in areas sub- loading of one or more pollutants below which significant ject to low levels of acidic deposition. In areas near the ma- harmful effects on specified sensitive elements of the envi- rine coast, sodium, chloride and other marine aerosol salts ronment are not likely to occur according to current knowl- contribute significantly to the ionic composition of surface edge (Nilsson and Grennfelt 1988). The methods used to waters. In clear-water lakes, with low dissolved mineral con- calculate critical loads for air pollutants have been under tent, located in areas of low levels of acidic deposition, bicar- intensive development. The methodology has evolved in sev- bonate is normally the dominant anion, while in lakes receiv- eral workshops (e.g., Nilsson 1986, Nilsson and Grennfelt ing high deposition of sulfate, sulfate is the dominant anion. 1988, Grennfelt and Thörnelöf 1992), and the regional Organic anions are important contributors to the ionic com- characteristics of the critical loads have been demonstrated position in humic lakes having high concentrations of dis- in numerous scientific publications (e.g., Henriksen et al. solved organic carbon (DOC). 1990, Kämäri et al. 1993). In Europe, data on critical loads The key to surface water acidification lies in soil chemical have been collected at the Coordination Center for Effects processes; most of the incoming strong acids from the atmosphere (located in the Netherlands) for use in negotiations on air are deposited on terrestrial catchments, and the soil proces- pollution control within the context of the Convention on ses alter the chemical composition of runoff. Soil processes Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (see Hettelingh et are thus central to understanding the changes introduced by al. 1991, Downing et al. 1993, Posch et al. 1995). More- acid deposition (Reuss and Johnson 1986). over, a manual has been produced for guiding the European Water acidification can be determined as the loss of alka- mapping exercise (ECE 1995). linity. Acidification of soil and waters requires the presence The critical load of acidity to surface waters is estimated of mobile anions to mobilize and transport acid cations (Seip on the basis of present water chemistry. The aim is to calcu- 1980). Only six anions need to be considered: the strong late the flux of base cations in preindustrial conditions on – – – 2– acid anions Cl , F , NO3 and SO4 , organic anions and bi- the basis of present base cation concentrations. The critical – – carbonate (HCO3 ). Although NO3 is extremely mobile in load of acidity is then the base cation flux exceeding the se- soils, nitrogen is often a growth-limiting nutrient in northern lected acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) threshold. This so terrestrial ecosystems, and thus most of the incoming nitro- called ANC-limit is derived on the basis of tolerance of fish gen is usually taken up by the terrestrial biomass. Acidic in Norwegian lakes (Henriksen et al. 1990). The ANC is in 2– deposition increases the external source of SO4 , and the turn defined as the difference between non-marine base cations + + accompanying cations are mainly acidic (H and NH4 ). and strong acid anions. Sulfate in neutral cyclic seasalts is normally the only other For soils, the critical loads are calculated by quantifying source of importance. Atmospheric inputs generally far ex- the various fluxes that in the long-run contribute to the neu- ceed the biological sulfur requirement. tralization of the soil (base cation weathering or uptake), Sulfate reduction and retention in lake sediments are the or to the retention of the acidity within the soil (sulfur and most important processes within lakes (in-lake processes) nitrogen uptake, immobilization). The critical load is then 640 AMAP Assessment Report

Alkalinity (µeq/L) pH Alkalinity (µeq/L) pH Alkalinity (µeq/L) pH 400 7.4 400 7.4 400 7.4 Laanioja 7.2 Utsjoki pH 7.2 Dalelva 7.2 300 pH 7.0 300 7.0 300 7.0 6.8 6.8 6.8 200 6.6 200 6.6 200 6.6 6.4 Alkalinity 6.4 6.4 100 Alkalinity 6.2 100 6.2 100 6.2 pH 6.0 6.0 6.0 Alkalinity 0 5.8 0 5.8 0 5.8 1980 1985 1990 1995 1980 1985 1990 1995 1980 1985 1990 1995

Dalelva Utsjoki Ura Alkalinity (µeq/L) pH Laanioja Alkalinity (µeq/L) pH 400 7.4 Ounasjoki 400 7.4 Ounasjoki pH 7.2 Ura 7.2 300 7.0 300 7.0 Alkalinity 6.8 6.8 200 6.6 200 6.6 6.4 Alkalinity 6.4 100 6.2 100 6.2 6.0 6.0 0 5.8 0 5.8 1980 1985 1990 1995 1980 1985 1990 1995

FigureFigure 9·23.9£16 Annual: Annual average average of of alkalinity alkalinity and and pH pH as as measuredmeasured inin rivers in northernnothern Fennoscandia Fennoscandia and and the the Kola Kola Peninsula Peninsula (sources (data so : urces:Ounasjoki, Ounasjoki, Utsjoki Utsjokiand Laanioja and Laanioja - Finnish – EnvironmentFinnish Environment Institute, Institute,Unpublished unpubl.; ; Dalelva Dalelva - Traaen, – Traaen pers. pers. comm. comm.; ; Ura Ura - moiseenko, – Moiseenko pers. pers. comm.). comm.). determined by the residual of these fluxes in excess over a about 2 mg/L, which is below values generally considered selected threshold which is assigned for the leaching of ANC to be thresholds for the onset of Al-induced root damage out of the soil. (Lindroos et al. 1996). The relatively high organic matter Lately, the critical load of both surface waters and soils content of podzolic soils in the area also means that a high has been shown to be a function between sulfur and nitro- proportion of the total Al is in complexed form, i.e., non- gen deposition (e.g., Posch et al. 1993a, 1995, 1997). In toxic to plants (Lindroos et al. 1994). other words, the critical load of one of these pollutants can- According to the ion balance studies that have been car- not explicitly be determined without making assumptions ried out on precipitation, canopy throughfall and soil water about the other. The shape and values of the function are chemistry, it would appear that many of the soils in Arctic determined by the above-mentioned fluxes. and subarctic areas are, for the present, well capable of counteracting current levels of acidifying deposition. How- ever, the gradual enlargement of the proton pool in the sur- 9.8. Trends indicating acidification face soil will, at some time in the future, undoubtedly pose a threat to forest and tundra ecosystems that are not subjected 9.8.1. Terrestrial parameters to natural forest fire/regeneration cycles. Soil solution and percolation-water quality The monitoring of soil solution and percolation-water qual- 9.8.2. Aquatic parameters ity is an effective means of detecting early signs of anthropo- Streams and rivers genic soil acidification. Continuous non-destructive sam- pling can be performed at the same point, thus eliminating An assessment of national monitoring data on river water many of the problems associated with the extremely high chemistry from 1963 to 1989 has revealed trends indicating spatial and temporal variation in many soil properties. Sam- acidification in the rivers of northern Finland (Kinnunen pling below the different genetic soil horizons also provides 1990, 1992). According to new regional and temporal as- information about the capacity of the soil to buffer and neu- sessments, including observations for the years 1970-1995 tralize acidifying deposition as it passes down through the (Vuorenmaa, unpubl.), acidification in northern Finland has soil profile. stopped; the buffering capacity of the larger rivers has re- Most of the monitoring work carried out on soil solu- mained high, and there has been no consistent downward tion and percolation-water quality has been performed in trend in water alkalinity and pH values since the beginning Fennoscandia, as well as to some extent on the Kola Pen- of the 1970s. Instead, there are signs of increasing alkalinity insula. Many of the monitoring points in the Arctic and values during the years 1980-1995, a relatively wet period subarctic areas were originally established as ‘clean’ back- during which more strategic sampling produced a more ho- ground stations in the national monitoring network of indi- mogenous data set, compared to that sampled during the vidual countries. There is a clear south-north gradient in relatively dry 1970s. There are no signs of proceeding acidi- acidifying deposition across Fennoscandia and no signs of fication detectable in either the river Utsjoki or the Laanioja accelerated acidification have yet been detected in surface stream (included in the national monitoring program for soil water in northernmost Norway or Finland. Elevated small drainage basins) on the basis of a 16-year monitoring Ni, Cu, Al and S concentrations in soil water in Norway, period (Vuorenmaa, unpubl.) (Figure 9·23). Finland and Russia are restricted to the immediate vicinity The western part of Finnish Lapland is less exposed to (<50 km) of the Cu-Ni smelters at Monchegorsk and Nikel the sulfur load than the northeastern part, and the influence on the Kola Peninsula (Tikkanen and Niemelä 1995). Max- of sulfur emissions outside the Arctic is more detectable in imum reported total Al concentrations in soil water are western Lapland. This region lies in the ore-rich central Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 641

SO4 (µeq/L) BC (µeq/L) SO4 (µeq/L) BC (µeq/L) SO4 (µeq/L) Ca + Mg (µeq/L) 120 600 120 600 120 600 Laanioja Utsjoki Dalelva 100 500 100 500 100 500 80 400 80 400 80 SO4 400 SO4 BC 60 300 60 300 60 300

40 200 40 SO4 200 40 200 BC Ca + Mg 20 100 20 100 20 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 1980 1985 1990 1995 1980 1985 1990 1995

Dalelva Ura Utsjoki

SO4 (µeq/L) BC (µeq/L) Laanioja SO4 (µeq/L) BC (µeq/L) 120 600 120 600 Ounasjoki Ounasjoki Ura 100 BC 500 100 500 80 400 80 SO4 400 60 300 60 300 SO4 40 200 40 200 20 100 20 100 0 0 0 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 1980 1985 1990 1995

Figure 9·24. Annual average of sulfate and base cation concentrations as measured in rivers in northern Fennoscandia and the Kola Peninsula. Note: SO4 (non-seasalt) estimated for river Utsjoki from total sulfur (data sources: Ounasjoki, Utsjoki and Laanioja – Finnish Environment Institute, unpubl.; Dalelva – Traaen pers. comm.; Ura – Moiseenko pers. comm.).

Lapland schist area, where some high regional sulfate ano- e.g., from the River Råne, show that the alkalinity and base malies in waters are caused by lithological sources, i.e., sul- cation concentrations have remained stable and no decrease fide minerals in the soil and bedrock (Kähkönen 1996). How- in the buffering capacity has been detected (Wilander pers. ever, the overall decline in sulfate emissions in Europe also comm.). The pH value of the River Råne has declined since seems to be reflected in a lowering of sulfate concentrations the 1960s. It has been suggested that the fall in pH values in the rivers of this area (Figure 9·24). In northeastern Lap- observed in northern Sweden between the hydrologically dif- land, the sulfate concentrations have remained more stable. ferent decades, the 1970s (dry period) and 1980s (wet pe- However, a slight decline is seen in sulfate in, e.g., the Laani- riod), is primarily due to the slight increase in the concen- oja stream and the river Utsjoki (Figure 9·24), which is in tration of organic matter (Bernes 1991). good agreement with the observed reduction in sulfur depo- Based on the analysis of river water samples collected sition (wet + dry) in the Sør-Varanger area during the past from the large rivers of the Kola Peninsula during the per- few years (SFT 1994). iod 1953-1992, a decrease in alkalinity occurred during In northern Norway, river water acidification has been both flood and winter periods (Moiseenko 1994a, 1994b). regularly monitored since the late-1980s. In eastern Finn- For the Kola region, the decreasing trend in alkalinity for mark, water chemistry has been measured in the river Dal- the period 1953-1992 is significant. However, based on elva and the Norwegian-Russian border rivers, the Pasvik monitoring data available for, e.g., the River Ura, it seems and Jakobselva. Data from 1979/80 for the Pasvik are avail- that a slight decline in sulfate concentration, and a conse- able for comparison. Despite the vicinity of the Ni-Cu smel- quent rise in alkalinity has occurred during recent years ters at Nikel, the buffering capacity of the River Pasvik has (Figures 9·23 and 9·24). been such that the water chemistry has remained stable and there have been only very small changes in acidifica- Lakes tion parameters from 1979/80 to 1990/91. However, the maintenance of stable water chemistry throughout the year Regular monitoring throughout Lapland of small lakes sen- is attributable to the regulated flow of water from Lake sitive to acidification was initiated after the Finnish lake sur- Inari in Finland. In the unregulated, small river Jakobselva, vey conducted in 1987. The data from the lake monitoring the sulfate concentrations are higher and alkalinity is lower network, however, do not show continuing acidification dur- than in River Pasvik, and there is a marked depression of ing recent years (Mannio and Vuorenmaa 1995). alkalinity in the spring. The remaining alkalinity (ca. 60 Water samples collected from the Sør-Varanger region in eq/L) has still been sufficient to avoid acid water (Traaen 1986 demonstrated that small lakes in the area were markedly et al. 1993). The river Dalelva clearly suffers from acidic acidified (Traaen 1987). Sulfate concentrations in the lakes pulses during spring flows. As annual values, sulfate con- east of Kirkenes have more than doubled during the period centrations in the river Dalelva have slightly declined and from 1966 to 1986. Regular monitoring of lake water chem- pH values have increased during the past few years (Fig- istry in the Sør-Varanger region started in 1987. Water ana- ures 9·23 and 9·24). lysis data from 1986 to 1990 indicate that acidification had The regular monitoring of river water chemistry in north- stopped and stabilized at the level prevailing in 1986 (Traaen ern Sweden (Norrbotten county) started in 1969. The moni- 1991). The water chemistry of the monitored lakes has re- toring results for larger rivers demonstrate that sulfate con- mained relatively stable between 1986-1992, although, due centrations started to decrease in the late-1970s. The buffer- to the hydrological conditions, the base cation and sulfate ing capacity of the rivers has remained largely unchanged concentrations declined slightly in the Jarfjord region (Traaen since the 1970s (Bernes 1991). Recent monitoring results, et al. 1993). Recent monitoring results have demonstrated 642 AMAP Assessment Report that sulfate concentrations have decreased significantly in These streams all have a pH above 6 for the whole year, ex- lakes both east of Kirkenes (1.9 eq/L/y) and in the Jord- cept for just a few days or weeks at the beginning of snowmelt. fjord region (4.4 eq/L/y) during the period 1988/89 to 1994. The Norwegian rivers Jakobselva and Dalelva, in eastern As a response to reduced sulfate concentrations, the pH-val- Finnmark close to the Russian border, are subjected to acid ues of the monitored lakes have correspondingly increased pulses with expected damage to sensitive organisms (Traaen (Traaen 1994). et al. 1993). In the latter river, automatic pH-monitoring The Swedish lake surveys carried out during 1972-1990 started in 1988. During spring 1990, the pH drop was from have shown that the acidification status of the northern lakes 6.2 to 5.0 in just one day at the onset of the snowmelt. When has changed remarkably little since the early-1970s; neither the spring flood peaked 10 days later, pH had risen to 5.5 pH nor alkalinity values have exhibited any long-term trends (Traaen et al. 1991). (Bernes 1991). In Norrbotten county, regular sampling of Episodic acidification during the spring flood has also reference lakes, where liming has not been permitted, was been studied in seven streams on the Kola Peninsula 1993- initiated in 1985. Based on recent results, e.g., for Lake Vai- 1994. Moiseenko et al. (1995) noted severe acid pulses in mok, it appears that a slight rise in water alkalinity and a some streams and concluded that ‘in the Arctic regions the decline in sulfate concentration has occurred, especially since maximum peak stress for the biota is created during the 1988/89 (Wilander pers. comm.). The observed decrease in spring flood period’. base cation concentration is partly attributable to the reduced sulfate load. Changes in base cation concentrations, includ- ing large seasonal and inter-annual variations, are also caused 9.9. Spatial scales of terrestrial by varying hydrological conditions, mainly the amount of and aquatic acidification precipitation (Wilander 1994). 9.9.1. Geographic extent of soil acidification Regional sensitivity of soils to acidification Groundwaters The impact of acidic deposition on the natural environment The water chemistry data of the national groundwater mon- depends on two factors, the ability of the ecosystem to resist itoring network (Finnish Environment Institute, unpubl.) changes caused by loading of acidifying compounds, i.e., the for northern Finland are in good agreement with the ob- inherent sensitivity, and the magnitude of deposition. The served state of acidification in surface waters. In the moni- sensitivity normally refers to the susceptibility of an ecosys- tored groundwater basins, alkalinity has remained largely tem to changes in structure and function. Sensitivity map- unchanged, and no signs of continuing acidification have ping has predominantly been carried out in North America been detected during 1979-1994. Even at Nellim, the (e.g., McFee 1980, Norton 1980, Environment Canada 1988), groundwater station located in northeastern Lapland near in Russia (Snakin and Meichenko, unpubl.), and in Europe to the Finnish-Russian border, there have been no appre- (Kämäri 1986, Kämäri and Holmberg 1989, Kuylenstierna ciable changes in alkalinity, pH values and base cation con- and Chadwick 1989, Kämäri et al. 1990). centrations during the 15-year monitoring period. The ob- For Canada, the national soil sensitivity calculations are served reduction in sulfur deposition during the last few based on a model employing different soil and bedrock char- years has not been reflected in a corresponding decrease in acteristics, e.g., carbonate content and soil depth. The ter- the sulfate concentrations. has been classified using three sensitivity levels. A map The Norwegian Groundwater Monitoring Network (LGN) prepared by Environment Canada shows that 43% of Can- data (unpubl.) for stations north of the Arctic Circle show ada’s land area is sensitive to acidic deposition. These sensi- that the non-marine sulfate concentrations generally remained tive areas are mainly located on the Canadian Shield, south unchanged until the late-1980s, but have declined slightly of the Arctic areas (Environment Canada 1988). However, since then. In stations located farther inland, the alkalinity large areas of the Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory, has clearly remained equal to hardness, indicating that the and Baffin Island are rated to have low potential of soils and groundwater in areas concerned has not been appreciably bedrock to reduce the acidity of atmospheric deposition. affected by strong acids. In coastal areas, on the other hand, In Russia, the sensitivity of soils has been calculated from the variation in alkalinity, H+ and total Al concentrations in a range of factors, e.g., the amount of precipitation, the de- groundwater has been striking and there were sharp decreases gree of humification, the radiation balance, seismicity, neo- in alkalinity and pH in the latter part of the 1980s and dur- tectonic activity, signs of prevalent tectonic movement, type ing the early-1990s. These variations were primarily accom- of topography, the nature of the rock’s structural ties, and panied by highly elevated Na+ and Cl– concentrations, a de- freezing processes. Soil sensitivity is classified on the basis of crease in the Na:Cl ratio and non-marine Na+ concentrations these factors into seven groups, ranging from extremely low close to zero, indicating severe seasalt episodes. to extremely high susceptibility to acidic deposition. The ex- The alkalinity of groundwater in inland areas of Norrbot- tremely sensitive and sensitive soils are mainly situated in the ten county in Sweden is roughly equal to hardness, which in- northern parts of Russia (Snakin and Meichenko, unpubl.). dicates that groundwaters have not been appreciably affected The most sensitive areas in the northern parts of the Kola by strong acids (Bernes 1986, 1991). This state has prevailed Peninsula are situated in the northeastern tundra areas, where over an extended time period. Long-term groundwater acidi- acidic rock components which are resistant to weathering pre- fication has not been detected in northern Sweden (Anders- dominate. The area around the Severonikel and Pechenganikel son and Stokes 1988). smelters is composed of basic and ultrabasic rocks which have a high buffering capacity against acid loads (Moiseenko 1991). Recently, the sensitivity map by Kuylenstierna and Chad- Episodic acidic pulses wick (1989) has been extended to a global map, prepared by Acid pulses are difficult to monitor as they are usually of the Stockholm Environment Institute, applying the method- short duration and occur in the smallest streams. In the Swe- ology described by Kuylenstierna et al. (1995). An overview dish Scandes (subarctic), acid pulses may be the reason for of the sensitivity of Arctic ecosystems is provided in a cir- declining fauna in small streams (Ahlström et al. 1995). cumpolar map extracted from this global sensitivity map Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 643

parts of northern Fennoscandia exceeds the critical load for forest soils (see Figure 9·27), actual sulfur concentrations in the humus layer in the region appear to be only slightly ele- vated. Humus sulfur concentrations to the west of Nikel and Monchegorsk are high up to a distance of about 30 km from the point emission sources, and are presumably partly attri- butable to the emission of sulfate-containing particulate mat- erial (Tikkanen and Niemelä 1995). In the immediate vicinity of the smelters in northwestern Russia, very low base saturation values have been reported – ca. 15% (Tikkanen and Niemelä 1995). This loss of base cations has been attributed to displacement by the high load of protons or heavy metals (Cu and Ni) in local deposition, or a combination of both (Lukina and Nikonov 1995). Al- though sulfate concentrations in the snowpack close to the smelters are high, snow pH is well above 5 (Derome et al. 1992b). Elevated proton concentrations in the humus layer have not been found (Tikkanen 1995). No soil data are avail- able from the regions close to the Norilsk smelter. There is normally an inverse relationship between base saturation and exchangeable-Al levels. No abnormally high Most sensitive exchangeable-Al levels have been reported for soils in north- ern Fennoscandia and Chukotka, except for close to the Nikel No data and Monchegorsk smelters (Lukina and Nikonov 1995). Least sensitive This is in good agreement with the base saturation values. In Alaska and the Canadian Arctic, there is no evidence Figure 9·25. Sensitivity of Arctic ecosystems to acid deposition (data of ongoing soil acidification (Barrie 1986). source: Stockholm Environment Institute, unpubl. preliminary data). 9.9.2. Geographic extent of (Figure 9·25). The sensitivity distribution defined here com- bines three factors: soil type, land cover and a measure of surface water acidification Acidification of surface waters in northern soil moisture. Each data layer provides information con- Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia cerning the buffering ability of the terrestrial ecosystem. The map indicates that most Arctic areas belong to those classes National lake surveys to assess the acidification status of sur- being the most sensitive areas to the effects of acidic deposi- face waters have been carried out in Finland, Norway and tion. The most sensitive areas are situated in Fennoscandia, Sweden between the years 1986 and 1990. In the fall of 1996, in parts of Russia and in parts of Alaska. Much of the Can- a new joint survey, based on random selection of lakes, was adian Arctic seems not to be sensitive to acidic deposition. conducted in the entire Fennoscandia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, as well as on the Kola Peninsula and parts of Kare- lia. The data from this survey will be reported during 1997. Evidence of soil acidification in the Arctic The databases available from large-scale surveys of this type With the exception of the immediate vicinity (

200 eq/L. The background sulfate concentrations in the SO 2-(µeq/L) 4 Pechenga area are not more than 38 eq/L (Gurevitch 1966). 120 Northward from Pechenga, along the Barents Sea coast, where 80 acidic granite-gneiss rocks are predominant, the condition of 40 lakes can be characterized as critical, i.e., pH range is between – 2– No data 6.0 and 6.5, HCO3 to SO4 ratio is less than 1, alkalinity is less than 50 eq/L, and in some cases ANC is only 8 eq/L (Traaen et al. 1991). A high sensitivity to water acidification was also noted in the northern and eastern tundra areas (Moi- seenko 1994b). On the Russian side, the pollution of lakes by heavy metals (Ni and Cu) is considered to be a greater threat than acidification (Moiseenko et al. 1995). The sulfate concentrations of clear-water lakes are elevated Arctic Circle in the Inari region, northeastern Finland (median 60 eq/L) and the buffering capacity of the waters is low (Kähkönen 1992, 1996). Sulfate is the main anion in the acid lakes. BC (µeq/L) There are areas of Lapland where the lakes are very sensitive 300 to acidification; 6% of the lakes examined in Lapland had 200 an alkalinity less than 0 eq/L and 20% of the lakes an al- 100 kalinity of between 0 and 50 eq/L (Kähkönen 1992, 1996).

No data Most of the lakes sensitive to acidification in Lapland are situated in northeasternmost Finland, adjacent to the Russ- ian border, in the Enontekiö region of northwestern Finland, and in the areas of Ranua and Posio in southern Lapland. Acidification of waters in Arctic Canada and Alaska Arctic Circle According to the studies conducted in northern Canada, no significant acidification has taken place, although many areas are highly sensitive to acidic precipitation (McNeely and NO3 (µeq/L) Gummer 1984, Tibbats et al. 1987, Edwards et al. 1987, 18 Jeffries et al. 1994, Jeffries pers. comm.). The paleolimno- 6 logical data from some lakes with low pH indicated that the 2 lakes have been unproductive throughout their existence, and that the natural process of gradual acidification is ap- No data parently continuing. Data from the lakes and ponds in the Prudhoe Bay area in Arctic Alaska do not show any evidence of acidification (Snyder-Conn pers. comm.). There are also data for 1988 and 1989 from the ponds and small lakes of the Arctic Na- tional Wildlife Refuge. These data do not show any acidifi- cation, but the very low alkalinity of some refuge ponds Arctic Circle does indicate poor buffering capacity and susceptibility to acidification (Snyder-Conn and Lubinski 1993).

Figure 9·26. Median concentrations of sulfate, base cations, and nitrate in lakes of northern Fennoscandia and the Kola Peninsula (Finnish, Swedish 9.9.3. Critical loads of acidity and Norwegian data published in Henriksen et al. 1994; Kola data from Moiseenko, unpubl.) and their exceedance Under the framework of the UN ECE, international legal in- border. Of the lakes examined in the Sør-Varanger region, struments are developed to reduce the emissions of the most 87% had an alkalinity of less than 50 eq/L, and 60% less detrimental pollutants. The focus has initially been on re- than 20 eq/L. Lakes with zero alkalinity can be found in ducing the effects of acid rain, through the control of sulfur most parts of Sør-Varanger. Only 17% of the examined lakes emissions, but the activities have been widened to include ni- (n = 30) in Sør-Varanger had a pH exceeding 6.5; 47% of the trogen compounds, volatile organic compounds, photochem- lakes had pH less than 6.0, of which 10% were lower than ical oxidants, heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants. 5.0. The strongly acidified lakes are mainly found in the Jar- The signatories of the LRTAP Convention also cooperate on fjord mountain area, east of Kirkenes (Traaen et al. 1991). research into environmental effects of pollution. On the Kola Peninsula, 5.6% of the examined lakes The work organized under the LRTAP Convention includes (n = 370) had pH less than 5, and 13.5% less than 6 (Moi- the collection of new and updated data from national focal seenko 1994b). Acidified lakes occur throughout northern centers, using best estimates for regions with no supplied data Kola, and there are strongly acidified small lakes with pH and providing negotiating bodies and the scientific commu- less than 5.0 located in the mountains within the Kuorpu- nity with relevant critical load and exceedance maps. The kas, Chuna, Volchii and Monche regions especially (Moi- critical load mapping for acidifying deposition is based on seenko 1994b). Sulfate values for lakes on the Kola Penin- vulnerable ecosystems, comprised mostly of forest soils and sula range from 50 to 250 eq/L. Around the industrial cen- surface waters, selected by national focal centers. In north- ters, the sulfate concentrations in the lakes are greater than ern Europe, the simple steady state mass balance approach Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 645

(a) (b)

mg S/m2/y mg S/m2/y

480 320 320 160 160 0

Figure 9·27. a) Critical deposition of sulfur, and b) its exceedance, in forest soils of northern Europe and Russia (5th percentile of the calculation points in each EMEP grid cell). The critical load values for sulfur have been derived from critical load of acidity assuming the acidifying nitrogen deposition of 1990. (Data for northern Europe originates from relevant National Focal Centers, compiled by the Coordination Center for Effects in the Netherlands. Data for the Asian part of Russia is by Bashkin et al. 1995). has been used to estimate ecosystem sensitivities (Figure 9·27). Finland were obtained from model calculations of the Finnish The details of national data vary from country to country, acidification model (Johansson et al. 1990) for the year 1990. and for emission reduction strategy assessments the target For Norway and Sweden, land-use weighted sulfur deposi- maps, following agreed statistical methods, are presented at tion values, estimated by Lövblad et al. (1992), were used. the EMEP grid level, where continent-wide deposition model According to these calculations, there is large spatial vari- results are available. ability in the critical load values, ranging from less than 300 The lake survey databases available in Finland, Norway, to more than 1300 mg S/m2/y (Henriksen et al. 1994). Most Sweden and the Kola Peninsula have been used for national of the northeastern Finnish and Norwegian regions close to critical load calculations and mapping, and for a common the large emission sources in the Kola region (especially the assessment of the three Nordic countries (Henriksen et al. smelter at Nikel) are rather sensitive. Scattered areas with 1990, 1994). In the northern areas, sulfur is presently the very low critical loads occur in the counties of Nordland, only acidifying agent, as the nitrate concentrations in lakes Troms and Finnmark in Norway and several areas in Swe- and streams are very low. Deposition estimates of sulfur in den and Finland (Henriksen et al. 1994) (Figure 9·28a). Cal-

(a) (b)

CL(Ac) (5th percentile) Ex(Ac) (95th percentile) mg S/m2/y mg S/m2/y 700 500 500 300 300 150 150 0

no data no data

Arctic Circle Arctic Circle

Figure 9·28. a) Critical loads of acidity expressed as sulfur (5th percentile presented for each grid) for lakes in northern Fennoscandia and surface waters on Svalbard, and b) their exceedance (95th percentile) (Henriksen et al. 1994, Lien et al. 1995). 646 AMAP Assessment Report culations made by Traaen et al. (1993) show that 90% of exception of Cu, of course) appears to be displacement of the area in Sør-Varanger has a critical load value less than plant nutrients from the exchange sites as a result of the 800 mg S/m2/y. very high Cu and Ni deposition levels. No signs of soil acid- The largest area where the critical load was exceeded is ification (e.g., low pH) have been reported (Lukina and located in northern Finland and Norway due to the low crit- Nikonov 1995). ical load values and the influence of the Kola emissions. The highest exceedance values are in the range 300-800 mg S/m2/y, Soil microbiology and decomposition and exceedance occurred in about 11% of the observations (Henriksen et al. 1994) (Figure 9·28b). In Sør-Varanger, the Only a few isolated studies have been carried out on soil mi- critical loads are exceeded in 70% of the area with the cur- crobiology and decomposition in northern Fennoscandia. rent level of sulfur deposition (Traaen et al. 1993). These val- Marfenina and Grigoryev (1992) have studied the soil mi- ues are low in comparison with those for the most affected crofungi near the Pechenga Ni-Cu smelter on the Kola Penin- areas in southern Norway and Sweden, where more than 50% sula. Closest to the plant (within 1.5 km), there was a de- of the lakes show an exceedance of more than 800 mg S/m2/y cline in species richness and diversity compared to the con- (Henriksen et al. 1990). trol site (60 km). In stressed conditions, the composition of The surface waters of northern Kola are highly sensitive microfungal species of fungal soil communities and epiphytic to acid deposition. The results of Moiseenko (1994b) show communities become more simplified. The species most re- that minimum values of critical load, CL<300 mg S/m2/y, sistant to acid deposition is Penicillium spinulosum, and the occur in over 50% of the territory. The lowest median val- most sensitive are dark-colored species. ues are typical for the northern and eastern parts of the Kola Most of the effects of air pollution on soil microfungi on Peninsula. The exceedance of critical load to surface waters the Kola Peninsula appear to have been caused by heavy occurred in 48% of the lakes on the Kola Peninsula. metal pollution (Lebedeva 1993). However, it is difficult to Lien et al. (1995) have mapped the critical loads of acidity separate the effects of heavy metals on the soil microfungi to surface waters on Svalbard, Norway. They found that 12% from the effects of acidification. Contamination of the soil of the ice-free area of northern Svalbard has very low critical by sulfur compounds, together with heavy metals, has had a loads of acidity (<400 mg S/m2/y), whereas 67% of Svalbard dramatic effect on the area around the smelters where the is well protected against acidic precipitation (critical load of humus layer has disappeared (Chertov et al. 1993). acidity up to 1600 mg S/m2/y) (Figure 9·28a). A minor ex- ceedance of critical load was recorded in 5% of the ice-free 9.10.2. Effects on vegetation area of Svalbard, and only in the northern parts (Figure 9·28b). Effects on forests Sulfur dioxide causes damage to foliar tissues, affects the 9.10. Effects of acidification metabolism of trees, and accelerates their decline and even- on Arctic ecosystems tual death (Bäck et al. 1992, Huttunen 1994). Episodes of high sulfur dioxide concentrations cause direct injury to 9.10.1. Effects on soils growing plant tissues, resulting in chlorosis or necrosis of Soil fertility exposed foliage (Aamlid 1993b). In areas where the average Soil fertility is primarily a function of the macronutrient (N, concentration in the air is normally low, gaseous air pollu- Ca, Mg, K, P) and trace element (Cu, Zn, B, etc.) concentra- tants can constitute a chronic stress on the vegetation, pre- tions. Soil moisture and other physical factors (e.g., grain disposing trees and other plants to a range of injuries of cli- size) also have an effect on soil fertility, but both the chemi- matic origin (Aamlid and Venn 1992, Sutinen 1993). The cal and physical properties of the soil are usually inter-corre- deposition of air pollutants, especially sulfate, can increase lated to a varying degree, e.g., the more fertile the site, the the leaching of essential nutrients (base cations) from the fo- better the water-holding properties and the higher the macro- liage and soil, resulting in visible deficiency symptoms and nutrient and trace element contents. On peat soils, the lim- reduced growth. The degradation of soils through acidifica- iting factor determining fertility, and associated tree growth, tion and the mobilization of toxic aluminum ions can occur. is usually the P and K levels, and on upland soil the N content. Continued deposition of heavy metals can cause problems Acidifying deposition can both increase fertility in the short for nutrient uptake by the roots, possibly by interfering with term (N deposition) and decrease it in the long term (loss of the mycorrhizal associations (Aamlid 1993b). base cations, e.g., Ca and Mg, and the onset of nitrification). The critical sulfur dioxide levels in air for forest ecosys- According to the analyses carried out on a wide range of tems and natural vegetation at low temperatures are 15 g 3 peat, humus and mineral soil samples, there are no signs of a SO2/m (annual mean and half-year mean) (UN ECE 1996) 3 deterioration in soil fertility in northern Fennoscandia (Tik- and 150 g SO2/m (1-hour mean) (UN ECE 1992). Mea- kanen and Niemelä 1995). The results of soil analyses are surements and calculations have shown that both the long- somewhat difficult to interpret owing to the high spatial and term and short-term critical levels are exceeded over large temporal variation in soil chemical properties. However, the areas on the Kola Peninsula and also on the Norwegian side above conclusion is supported by the results of needle chem- of the border. At Viksjøfjell in Norway, hourly mean con- istry surveys, which are less susceptible to spatial variation centrations of above 3000 g/m3 have been measured. Ac- and, furthermore, reflect actual nutrient uptake by trees. The cording to calculations, the concentrations can exceed 1000 variation in needle chemistry rather closely follows that of g/m3 (1-hour) at distances of 50 km from Nikel under cer- the overburden, i.e., geochemical variation. tain meteorological conditions (Jerre 1994). A severe decrease in soil fertility has been reported close Permanent ice or tundra vegetation covers vast areas of to the smelters at Monchegorsk and Nikel, and this has un- the northern Arctic, and forests only grow in the southern doubtedly contributed to tree death in the area. Soil and regions. In Arctic Canada, Alaska and Greenland, the vege- needle Ca, Mg, K, Zn and Mn concentrations are extreme- tation in the ice-free areas is mostly tundra consisting of ly low (Raitio 1992, Tikkanen 1995). The main cause of lichens, mosses, shrubs and small bushes. As a consequence this loss of macronutrients and trace elements (with the of the warming effect of the Atlantic Gulf Stream, the cli- Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 647

Table 9·4. Zones of vegetation degradation around Monchegorsk and Nikel according to Tikkanen and Niemelä (1995) (see Figure 9·30). Damage zone classifications in parenthesis by Tømmervik et al. (1995) (see Table 9·5). ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Name of the zone Vegetation Annual average estimated atmospheric SO2 concentration, g/m3 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Forest death area Dead >40 (1. Total damage) ------Inner visible damage zone No epiphytic lichens 15- 40 (2. Severe damage) Marked defoliation in conifers ------Outer visible damage zone Changes in species composition of lichens and dwarf shrubs 8-15 (3. Intermediate damage) External damage on the needles of pine (Pinus sylvestris), birch (Betula bubescens) and aspen (Populus tremula) ------Inner non-visible damage zone Chlorosis of the stomata of pine needles 4-8 (4. Moderate damage) Changes of species composition of lichens ------Outer non-visible damage zone Changes in the microscopic structure of pine needles and epiphytic lichens 2- 4 (5. Minor damage) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Table 9·5. The studied area (12 703 km2) near the border between Russia Tømmervik et al. 1995) (Tables 9·4 and 9·5; Figures 9·29 and Norway divided into damage zones of varying severity (Tømmervik and 9·30). et al. 1995). ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– The area of total vegetation damage around Norilsk, Zone description Area, km2 % caused by sulfur and heavy metal emissions from the Cu-Ni ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– smelters at Norilsk, extends about 80 km south of the city, 1. Total damage 415 3.3 and covers an area of ca. 5000 km2 (Vlasova et al. 1991) 2. Severe damage 343 2.7 3. Intermediate damage 1995 15.7 (Figure 9·29). According to a report by the Taimyr Ecology 4. Moderate damage 1887 14.6 and Natural Resources Committee, ‘perished woods stretch 5. Minor damage 770 6.1 over 120 km south, 180 km southeast and 90 km east of the 6. Slight/no damage 7293 57.4 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– mate in northern Europe is moderate. Therefore, most of the Norwegian Sea coniferous forests found north of the Arctic Circle are grow- ing in western Russia, Finland and Norway. The total tundra area damaged by anthropogenic factors Area enlarged Barents Sea (a region with a relatively low coverage of forest), extending from the Kola Peninsula to Chukotka, is about 470 000- Kirkenes 2 500 000 km (Kryuchkov 1990). Most of the problems oc- Norway curring on the Kola Peninsula and near Norilsk in western Nikel Siberia are not caused by acidifying pollutants alone. They Murmansk are frequently associated with heavy metals, other toxic sub- stances, and with land disturbance. Excessive forest felling is also seen as one of the main reasons for environmental prob- lems in the taiga zone. Sweden There are zones of increasing pollution and ecosystem Monchegorsk degradation around the industrial areas in Norilsk, Nikel and Monchegorsk (Vlasova et al. 1991, Kryuchkov 1991, Aamlid 1992b, 1992c, Mikkola 1996, Gytarsky et al. 1995, White Sea Finland Russia Russia Kirkenes Pyasino Lake 040 80 120 160 km Dudinka GULF OF BOTHNIA Nikel Lama Lake Norilsk Vegetation damage Forest death area


e Total s

i Inner visible damage zone

n e Y Keta Lake Severe Hypogymnia physodes and Outer visible damage zone Parmelia olivacea coverage Khantayka Lake 0% 3% 20% Inner non-visible damage zone Khantayskoye Lake Moderate Outer non-visible damage zone Taymyr Slight Figure 9·30. Approximate forest damage zones in the vicinity of Monche- 040 80 120 km gorsk and Nikel and the visible-damage and non-visible-damage zones on Relatively the Kola Peninsula and Finnish Lapland (Tikkanen and Niemelä 1995). clean area The inset shows coverage (%) of lichens (Hypogymnia physodes and Par- Figure 9·29. Vegetation damage zones around Norilsk (modified from melia olivacea) on birch trunks in the Norwegian-Russian border area Vlasova et al. 1991). (Aamlid 1992b). Figure 9£31 : Vegetation damage in the Norilsk industrial region (Vlasova 648 AMAP Assessment Report

3 city of Norilsk’ (Ministry for Environment Protection and SO2/m (UN ECE 1996)) have been exceeded in the eastern Natural Resources of the Russian Federation 1994), com- parts of the Varanger and Nikel-Pechenga areas (Tømmervik prising an area of about 15 000 km2. et al. 1995). The epiphytic lichens (Hypogymnia physodes, In the Nikel-Pechenga and Varanger regions, the size of Parmelia olivacea) on birch stems are absent in rather large the forest-death area is greater than 400 km2 (Tømmervik et areas in the eastern part of the Norwegian forests close to al. 1995). The area affected by air pollution in these regions the Russian border and there is decreased coverage over even increased from approximately 400 km2 in 1973 to more than larger areas (Aamlid 1992b) (Figure 9·30). 5000 km2 in 1988 (Tømmervik et al. 1992). In terms of dis- Studies of morphological parameters in epiphytic lichens tance from the emission source, the affected area extended show that several parameters are relevant in terrestrial mon- by about 5 km per year in the period 1973-1979, 4 km per itoring. A morphological analysis of Hypogymnia physodes year between 1979 and 1985, and 1 km per year from 1985 and Melanelia olivacea from three sampling sites in Sør- to 1988 (Tømmervik et al. 1995, Kalabin 1991). The pre- Varanger, exposed to high concentrations of sulfur dioxide, vailing winds carry most of the pollutants from the Nikel shows morphological differences (growth form, fertility, and Zapolyarnyy smelters to the northeast and east. There- apothecial morphology, discoloration) compared to lichens fore, only the outer visible-damage zone around Nikel ex- sampled from an unpolluted control site (Hilmo and Larsen tends into the eastern parts of Inari in Finland (Tikkanen 1994). Samples of Parmelia sulcata were taken at an indus- and Niemelä 1995) (Figure 9·30). trial site in Glomfjord and from an unpolluted control area At Monchegorsk, on the Kola Peninsula, the forest-death to study morphological effects of nitrogen pollution. Mor- area covers an area of 400-500 km2 and extends more than phological differences were detected (discoloration, growth 10 km to the south and more than 15 km to the north of the form), and substantially higher concentrations of chlorophyll smelter complex (Mikkola 1996) (Figure 9·30). Forest death were found in samples from sites with high nitrogen load than in the Monchegorsk region is estimated to be advancing at a in samples from the control area (Hilmo and Larsen 1994). rate of ca. 0.5 km per year (Mikkola 1996). Air pollution from the Kola Peninsula has affected the The main problem in the Norwegian-Russian border area growth rates and weight-to-length ratio of reindeer lichens seems to be the high concentrations of sulfur compounds in (Cladina spp.). Growth rates reached their normal level at a the air together with the impact of heavy metals (nickel and distance of 50-60 km from the smelters (Helle and Kojola copper). High, long-term average concentrations of these pol- 1992). Reindeer lichens have completely disappeared from lutants are mainly observed on the Russian side of the bor- around two Ni-Cu smelter complexes on the Kola Peninsula der. On the Norwegian side, the long-term average ambient (Kalabin 1991, Tømmervik et al. 1991). This is an extremely concentrations are rather low, and the main problem seems important matter for reindeer management because the car- to be the episodes with high SO2 concentrations that occur rying capacity of the most important ranges is primarily de- under specific meteorological conditions (Jerre 1994). On termined by the growth rate of reindeer lichens (Helle and several occasions, damage to vegetation and trees has been Kojola 1992). observed in the Norwegian forests close to the Russian bor- In areas with high SO2 and heavy metal deposition, where der. The damage has mainly been identified as partially brown the tree cover is completely destroyed and the ground vege- leaves and needles (Aamlid 1992c, 1993b). The most severe tation severely damaged, the field vegetation layer is the only vegetation damage on the Norwegian side of the border is living vegetation component. The field vegetation is impor- in the vicinity of the Jarfjord Mountain (Tømmervik et al. tant in inhibiting soil erosion processes that would otherwise 1989, 1991). lead to the complete degradation of the forest ecosystems. The critical levels of sulfur dioxide are exceeded for sensi- The proportion of Vaccinium myrtillus (L.) has decreased tive ecosystem compartments on more than 3200 km2 of near the emission sources, but that of Empetrum hermaphro- Russian and Norwegian territories (Aamlid et al. 1995). A ditum (Lge) Hagerup has increased (Bakkal 1992, Tømmer- considerably larger area is probably influenced by air pollu- vik et al. 1995). The bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)-domi- tion, because elevated pollutant levels can be traced by chem- nated vegetation has, however, increased in a sector within 5 ical analysis of plants and soils sampled far outside the af- to 30 km from the smelters, mainly due to the transforma- fected area. tion of lichen-dominated vegetation into a bilberry and Des- Only a small area in eastern Inari, northeastern Finland, champsia flexuosa-dominated formation (Deyeva and Maz- is under a direct and immediate threat of pollution damage. naya 1993, Tømmervik et al. 1995). The proportion of other Aside from this area, the emissions from the Kola Peninsula species in the field layer has not changed significantly. More- are not expected to cause significant damage to forest eco- over, some species of mosses increase markedly if the SO2 systems in Finland in the near future (Tikkanen and Niemelä concentration in the air is high (Andreyeva 1990). 1995). 9.10.3. Effects on freshwater ecosystems Effects on lichens and shrubs Negative effects on biota usually first appear in small streams The main vegetation types in the northern areas of northern and in the littoral zones of lakes; larger water bodies have a Norway and the Kola Peninsula consist of lichen and dwarf naturally higher capacity to buffer an acid inflow. Extensive shrub communities. The area with lichen-dominated vegeta- disappearance of fish can occur in streams before the effects tion (heaths and forests) around the Cu-Ni smelters in Nikel of acidification are detected in lakes (Bergquist 1991). It is and Zapolyarnyy decreased from ca. 2700 km2, to ca. 700 important to distinguish between these phases of acidifica- km2 in 1988, with a subsequent increase to ca. 1050 km2 in tion. The first phase, characterized by occasional acid flushes 1994. This is correlated with an increase in emissions of SO2 in streams in spring during the snowmelt, is hard to detect and other compounds from 1973 to 1988 and a subsequent with routine water sampling, because the decrease in pH oc- decrease of emissions from 1988 to 1994 from these smel- curs for a period lasting only for a few days or weeks (Mc- ters (Høgda et al. 1995, Tømmervik et al. 1995). The criti- Comas et al. 1990, Moiseenko 1994b). The second phase has cal SO2 levels for lichen-dominated vegetation types and for started when small lakes also contain acidic water during epiphytic lichens in cold climates (annual average <10 g periods of high discharge. While the water quality might im- Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 649 prove during summer, several small lakes in base-poor catch- conditions, slow chemical processes, and the fact that they ments remain acidic throughout the year. The final phase oc- are simple and labile ecosystems (Muniz and Wallö 1990, curs when several larger lakes have acidic conditions. Rosseland 1990). Arctic freshwater biota Effects on decomposition Tundra waters may be open for a few weeks, while some In the extremely oligotrophic Arctic freshwater systems, the High Arctic lakes are permanently covered with ice. Low release of nutrients through decomposition of higher plant temperatures and a large-amplitude photocycle are charac- material is essential. It has been shown in temperate regions teristic of Arctic waters. Most polar lakes and streams con- that acidification causes oligotrophication of waters due to tain life which is adapted to long, dark winters with ice several processes (Nyman 1990, Wilander et al. 1995). Mc- cover, and short summers. Although extreme, the aquatic Kinley and Vestal (1982) experimentally studied the micro- environment may be regarded as less harsh than the terres- bial decomposition of Carex leaves in microcosms with trial habitat. In the water, the organisms are protected from water from an ultra-oligotrophic Alaskan Arctic lake. They extreme temperatures, low humidity, strong winds and ero- found that reduction of the pH below 5 caused a 36% re- sion (Hobbie 1984, Hammar 1989). duction of the microbial activity as compared to the ambient Most of the taxa of phytoplankton, zooplankton, inverte- control (pH 7.4). brates and fish that exist in the Arctic are also found in sub- arctic and even in temperate waters. Nevertheless, the num- Effects on plankton ber of species in the Arctic is low and the production is often very small (Hobbie 1984, Hammar 1989). Arctic food chains Only a few studies of acidification effects on plankton have are generally short due to the low natural production and been performed. In the Kola Peninsula region, there has the harsh environment. been a decline in the diversity of plankton species resulting There are gradual differences in freshwater biota as one from the disappearance of sensitive species. In small acidi- moves north (Hobbie 1984, Hammar 1989). Phytoplankton fied lakes, the number of species and the abundance of production is normally small and often surpassed by the phyto- and zooplankton are as low as in lakes contaminated production of attached algae and higher plants. The phyto- by heavy metals (Yakovlev 1992). A low abundance of acid- plankton are dominated by small taxa, often flagellates. sensitive daphnids (Cladocera) was also reported in acidified Small size and motility allow the organisms to choose the lakes in the Jarfjord area (Norway) (Nøst et al. 1991). most favorable light level under the ice cover. Vascular plants Outside the above-mentioned regions, no reported signs are surprisingly common in the Low Arctic, although the of acidification effects on plankton exist in the Arctic. Nau- flora is greatly reduced compared to that of the subarctic. werck (1994) has reported the results of extensive surveys of Zooplankton may be lacking in some ultra-oligotrophic water chemistry, phytoplankton and zooplankton in Abisko, lakes, due to lack of food. Normally in smaller lakes, they northern Sweden (68°N). He found a low number of plank- over-winter as eggs, and quickly develop as the temperature ton species in lakes with a pH range of 5.1-5.8. He does not rises. In deeper waters, zooplankton can pass the winter as explain the low pH in the lakes, so it is not known if acidifi- free-swimming forms. cation is the cause. The dominant benthic invertebrates of the Arctic are the chironomid larvae. In shallow ponds, the larvae may be Effects on periphyton and higher vegetation completely frozen from October until June, but when condi- tions improve emergence takes place, if necessary through Aquatic vegetation has not been studied in the Arctic in rela- holes in the ice cover. As for plankton, smaller forms of in- tion to acidification. In Norway, a nationwide interview sur- vertebrates dominate in the Arctic. In several lakes, even chi- vey was carried out in 1992 to identify recent developments ronomids are lacking and small taxa of Protozoa, Rotifera, of periphyton (attached) algae. Out of the 592 questionnaires, Tardigrada and Nematoda dominate. In the southern parts 57% reported increased periphyton growth, mainly in remote of the Arctic, the invertebrate fauna is comparatively rich, and high altitude areas (Lindström 1995). In the Swedish dominated by the same groups as in northern temperate re- high mountains (subarctic), such observations have also been gions. Above the forest line there is normally a drastic decline frequent (Degerman et al. 1992). Lindström (1995) suggests in the number of freshwater taxa, primarily due to harsh cli- that increased nitrogen deposition could be the reason. matic conditions, loss of nutrients and loss of habitat (Huru 1992, Nauwerck 1994). Effects on invertebrates Fish are present in most Arctic waters deeper than 3-4 m (McPhail and Lindsay 1970). Under severe climatic condi- A likely sign of the effects of acidification on bottom fauna tions, fish have more fat reserves by winter and slower growth is evident in the streams of Sør-Varanger and the Varanger than in lower latitudes. Maturation is also slower and repro- Peninsula (Norway) (Huru 1992). In acidic streams, the duction is not undertaken every season as it takes a longer number of species was low and the sensitive species were time to build up energy reserves (Moiseenko and Yakovlev missing. In the rivers farther away from the Cu-Ni smelters 1990a). Arctic fish tend to have an extremely long life span; in the northern part of the Kola Peninsula, e.g., in the Lak- 25-40 years have been recorded for Arctic char (Salvelinus selv catchment (Huru 1992), no effect of acidification on the alpinus) and Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) (Hobbie bottom fauna was noted. Nøst et al. (1991) have also re- 1984, Hammar 1989). ported a low abundance of the acid-sensitive mayflies (Ephe- Most authors describe Arctic fauna as sensitive or vulner- meroptera) in acidified lakes in the Jarfjord area (Norway). able to anthropogenic alterations (e.g., Hammar 1989). Sev- Moreover, in the Dalelva catchment (Norway), damage to eral species live under constant environmental stress and are bottom fauna has occurred, which might be connected with therefore more susceptible to additional stress. High moun- the low pH and high concentrations of labile aluminum (Bæk- tain lakes and Arctic lakes are thought to be particularly ken and Aanes 1990). Both studies above are from more or sensitive to environmental changes, due to extreme climatic less the same geographical area (eastern Finnmark). 650 AMAP Assessment Report

Shannon smelter in Sudbury, Canada (46°N) (Keller et al. 1986, diversity (H) 3.5 Keller and Yan 1991, McNicol et al. 1995). The Sulitjelma area should be a focus for further investigations as it could 3 show the recovery of the fauna after a smelter shut-down in the Arctic region. 2.5

2 Effects on fish

1.5 The rivers of the northern part of the Kola Peninsula and Sør-Varanger are of great importance for salmonid repro- 1 duction (Moiseenko and Yakovlev 1990b). Salmonids are most sensitive to low pH during hatching, as fry and later 0.5 on in the lifecycle as smolts. In the river Tenojoki, the pH during the snowmelt in spring 1988 ranged from 4.7 to 6.3 0 (mean 5.5) (McComas et al. 1990). These values are clearly Mountain Lowland Acidified Metal contaminated Metal contaminated Pechenganikel Severonikel detrimental to both brown trout (Salmo trutta) and salmon Background Contaminated (Salmo salar), especially if combined with elevated concen- trations of labile metal ions. Although McComas et al. Phytoplankton Zooplankton Littoral benthos Profundal benthos (1990) did not take any biological samples, they suggested Figure 9·31. Diversity indices (Shannon-Weaver means) for phytoplank- that the timing of the low pH was fortunate, since the ton, zooplankton and zoobenthos in lakes and streams in the Murmansk salmon eggs were not ready to hatch at the time when water region (Yakovlev 1992). quality was at its worst. Yakovlev (1992) presented data for lakes and streams in Traaen et al. (1991, 1993) found several small lakes in the Murmansk region. There was a decline in species diver- the Sør-Varanger area (Norway) with low pH and labile alu- sity as a result of the loss of sensitive species. The abundance minum concentrations considered harmful to fish. This was of zoobenthos in small acidified lakes was as low as that in especially pronounced in the Dalelva catchment, where dam- the lakes contaminated by heavy metals (Figure 9·31). The age to bottom fauna has also been reported (Bækken and acidity has the most prominent effect on invertebrates in re- Aanes 1990). The labile aluminum concentrations during mote lakes situated on base poor bedrock (Yakovlev 1995). spring flood were 30-50 g/L (Traaen et al. 1993). Field experiments with the freshwater pearl mussel (Mar- No effects of acidification were detected on the popula- garitifera margaritifera) in the River Pana (Murmansk re- tions of Arctic char in 20 small lakes in eastern Finnmark gion) showed that this species can withstand short periods (Hesthagen et al. 1992). The authors suggested that the (hours) of pH values down to 4 (Moiseenko and Yakovlev lake-spawning Arctic char is exposed to better water quality 1990b). The status of freshwater pearl mussel populations in than the brown trout, which spawns in streams. A similar this river has remained unchanged since 1936 at which time finding has been reported by Nøst et al. (1991) for the lake this region was not directly contaminated by heavy metals. Limgarnbergtjern in the Jarfjord area. The latter study In northeastern Finland (67-68°N), there were no indica- found unaffected fish recruitment in several lakes investi- tions of acidification in the benthos of streams and rivers; gated in the Murmansk area. This was explained by the many acid-sensitive species, e.g., the mayfly Baetis lapponi- base-rich geology. The high acid-neutralizing capacity of the cus and the caddis fly Arctopsyche ladogensis (Engblom and bedrock close to the metallurgical industries has been Ligdell 1983), were still present throughout the area (Erki- pointed out by several authors as the reason why relatively naro et al. 1992). Accordingly, Hämäläinen and Huttunen few waters are acidified in the proximity, whereas (1994) found only little, if any, signs of acidification effects granite/gneiss bedrock in more remote areas provides less on biota in streams of northeastern Finnish Lapland, as protection for the fauna (Traaen et al. 1991, Nøst et al. judged by the distribution of invertebrate taxa. Among other 1992). Hesthagen et al. (1995) conclude that in northern acid-sensitive species, the mayfly Baetis rhodani was found Norway, fish populations damaged by acidification are only in all streams except one. However, the stream minimum pH common in the Jarfjord area. inferred from macroinvertebrate assemblages by a mathe- Erkinaro et al. (1992) electrofished in rivers and streams matical model decreased from west to east in parallel with farther south in Finland, in the area immediately to the east, the increasing modeled sulfur deposition (Tuovinen et al. west and south of Lake Inari (68° N). They found reproduc- 1994). Consequently, it was suggested that the acid load tion of brown trout in the whole area, and also the occur- from the Kola emissions might have some effect on the bio- rence of acid-sensitive species such as burbot (Lota lota) and logical state of the streams in the eastern border of Finnish European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus). Together with ob- Lapland. servations of acid-sensitive benthos (see above), they con- In the area around the Cu smelter at Sulitjelma in Nor- cluded that ‘no symptoms of acid-induced reductions could way, the most severe negative effects on stream benthos were be seen’. Lappalainen et al. (1995) electrofished acid-sensi- evident within a distance of 30 km to the east of the smelter tive streams and lakes in northeastern Finnish Lapland, but (Degerman et al. 1992). Although the pH of the streams was did not find any signs of damage among the fish popula- low, the sulfur and metal concentrations were not deter- tions. The absence of minnows in some small waters might mined. It is therefore not possible to distinguish the effects be the first sign of acid-induced fish population damage in of metal contamination from those of acidification, nor to the area. exclude natural acidity. However, because the waters had a The status of freshwater fish in 1900 lakes throughout low humus content and the low pH area was situated down- the county of Nordland, northern Norway, was recorded by wind from the smelter, anthropogenic acidification was con- interviews of local fishermen. The data were compared with sidered to be probable. The smelter was closed down in earlier information on water quality (Halleraker and Hes- 1987. It is possible that there has been a subsequent recov- thagen 1995). Less than 10% of the salmonid populations ery of the benthos similar to that observed near the Cu-Ni were recorded as reduced or extinct. The major causes were Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 651 overexploitation and effects of damming for hydroelectric sorption, cation exchange, CO2 dissolution, precipitation power. In some areas, acidification could be imminent, in and dissolution of aluminum, chemical weathering, uptake spite of low deposition. It was suggested that sea spray de- and release of cations by vegetation, and export in runoff. position could be an important factor. Both models have been extensively used for a variety of Thus, outside of the Kola Peninsula and the neighboring applications in North America and Europe. Application of areas in Finland and Norway, there are no reports of acidi- MAGIC to whole-catchment studies shows that the model fication affecting fish populations in the Arctic. is able to predict the response of water and soil acidity to large and rapid changes in acid deposition (Wright et al. 1990). These results reinforce other evaluations of MAGIC, 9.10.4. Effects on birds and mammals such as comparison with the paleolimnological reconstruc- Birds are affected both indirectly through changes in food tion of lake acidification (Jenkins et al. 1990, Neal et al. availability brought about by acidification (Eriksson 1991, 1988) and changes in regional lake chemistry in southern Gilyazov 1993) and directly through increased exposure to Norway (Wright et al. 1991). The credibility of SMART has metals and lowered uptake of calcium. Gilyazov (1993) re- increased following its application to historical soil data ports that terrestrial birds close (less than 40 km) to the smel- (Posch et al. 1989) and comparison with other soil/water ters on the Kola Peninsula were negatively affected. Bird models (Wright et al. 1991, Warfvinge et al. 1992). density, especially birds of prey, decreased during 1977- 1990. It was not possible to distinguish effects of acidifica- 9.11.2. Potential development of Arctic acidification tion from the effects of heavy metals. There are no studies reported from the Arctic on the ef- Two calibrated applications of acidification models are avail- fects of acidifying pollutants on mammals. able for the Arctic region. MAGIC has been used to predict the responses of the river Dalelva in northeastern Norway (Wright and Traaen 1992), and SMART has been applied to 9.11. Scenarios for future acidification data on the Christmas lakes in northeastern Finland (Kämäri et al. 1995). The time-step used in these applications is one 9.11.1. Available geochemical models year. The reason for the use of a long time-step is the focus on Steady-state and dynamic models have been developed to long-term effects. The models are calibrated to present soil predict the acidification of soils, lakes, streams and ground- and water quality data, using the best estimates for deposition water (e.g., Cosby et al. 1985, 1986, De Vries et al. 1989, patterns for the past 100-140 years, obtained by scaling using 1993). While the former are used to estimate the steady state the historical records of sulfur emissions at the nearby smel- of a system for a given load by neglecting time-dependent ters (see Wright and Traaen 1992, Kämäri et al. 1995). processes and finite pools, dynamic models are used to pre- The model runs demonstrate the potential vulnerability of dict the gradual chemical response of a receptor to a chang- the region. As the soils are coarse and thin, there is a rapid ing deposition level by including various buffer and adsorp- depletion of the cation exchange capacity even with fairly tion/desorption mechanisms. There are several widely used low rates of sulfur deposition. The model results suggest that and tested models available for analyzing long-term acidifi- the soil base saturation should have been 10-25% higher cation trends and the effects of acidification on soil and sur- 100 years ago than it is at present in order to reproduce the face water quality. Applications of two models on two sites present-day base saturation values and the present-day sur- are available for the Arctic region near the Kola smelters. face water concentrations when driven with the assumed The SMART model (Simulation Model for Acidification’s historical sulfur deposition for the area. Regional Trends; De Vries et al. 1989) was developed to es- The gradual decrease of base saturation will continue timate long-term chemical changes in soil and soil water in both at the river Dalelva and the Christmas lakes if the de- response to changes in atmospheric deposition. The model position is assumed to remain at its present level. The sulfate is designed for applications on a regional scale, including adsorption assumed for the Christmas lakes acts only as a entire catchments and soil regions. Its output includes base temporary sink for sulfur, and a gradual increase in sulfur saturation and the concentrations of the major anions and concentrations takes place after the year 2000 (Figure 9·32). cations in soil solution and runoff water. SMART consists µSOeq/L4 pH of a set of mass balance equations, which describe the soil µeq/L 7 7 95 % input-output relationships (weathering, adsorption, leach- 150 7095 % 150 6 ing) for the cations (Ca, Mg, Al) and strong acid anions 0 % 70 % 6 (SO , NO , Cl), and a set of equilibrium equations (cation 100 0 % 4 3 100 5 exchange, Al dissolution), which describe the soil processes. 70 % 50 5 70 % The soil model, originally described by De Vries et al. (1989), 50 95 % 0 % 0 95 % 4 0 % has recently been enhanced by the inclusion of simple de- 01890 1920 1950 1980 2010 2040 41890 1920 1950 1980 2010 2040 scriptions of i) sulfate adsorption/desorption, ii) dissociation 1890 1920 1950 1980 2010 2040 1890 1920 1950 1980 2010 2040 of organic anions, iii) denitrification, iv) N immobilization Alkalinity Base saturation (Posch et al. 1993b, De Vries et al. 1994), and v) lake water µeq/L % processes (Kämäri et al. 1995). 80 50 The MAGIC model (Model for Acidification of Ground- 95 % 60 95 % water in Catchments) is an intermediate-complexity process- 70 % 40 0 oriented model for constructing acidification history and 70 % 20 predicting future acidification over time periods of decades 0 % 0 % - 50 0 to centuries (Cosby et al. 1985). Like SMART, MAGIC 1890 1920 1950 1980 2010 2040 1890 1920 1950 1980 2010 2040 makes use of aggregated parameters on a catchment scale and focuses on chemical changes in the soil caused by at- Figure 9·32. SMART model results for selected soil and lake output vari- ables at Christmas lakes for the past 90 years and for three future scenar- mospheric deposition, vegetation and leaching. The proces- ios assuming a 0%, 70% and 95% reduction of the present sulfur deposi- ses in MAGIC include atmospheric deposition, sulfate ad- tion levels (modified from Kämäri et al. 1995). 652 AMAP Assessment Report

SO4 pH Decreasing emissions of sulfur have been seen in Europe. µeq/L This decrease of emissions may not be identically reflected in 7 150 95 % the improvement of the acidification status because of a con- 0 % comitant decrease in base cations as well. 100 6 70 %

70 % Atmospheric processes 50 5 0 % Arctic air chemistry of the sulfur- and nitrogen-bearing spe- 95 % 0 4 cies is relatively well known due to continuous monitoring 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 since the mid-1970s. In the High Arctic of Canada and in Alaska, air concen- Acid Neutralizing Base saturation trations of sulfates and nitrates have not changed apprecia- Capacity % bly since the early-1980s. On Svalbard, however, there is a µeq/L decreasing trend attributable to reductions in European sul- 100 40 fur emissions. 30 Arctic Haze, as a visible phenomenon, brought attention 95 % 50 95 % 20 to the acidification processes in the High Arctic, but like aci- 70 % 70 % 10 dification, little environmental impact from the haze aerosol 0 % 0 % 0 0 is likely to occur in the High Arctic. 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 Climatic effects from changes in atmospheric radiative FigureFigure 9·33. 9£29 MAGIC : MAGIC model model results results for for the the streamwater streamwater at at Dalelva Dalelva for for the the forcing by haze aerosols is possible; however, the predicted past 90 years and for three future scenarios assuming a 0%, 70%, and 95% degree of such impact varies among models. reduction of the present sulfur deposition levels (Wright and Traaen 1992). Deposition of acidifying compounds The base saturation under this highest sulfur deposition sce- In the High Arctic, wet deposition may constitute up to nario decreases rapidly to near zero (Figure 9·32), and a 50% of the total sulfur and nitrogen deposition. Close to rapid acidification of the lake water results after the year major smelter sources, dry deposition is about 75% of the 2010. A new steady state is achieved by the year 2035 with total sulfur deposition. a negative alkalinity and a lake pH of around 4.5. Dry deposition velocities in the Arctic are not well known For Dalelva, the high sulfur deposition scenario, assum- and estimates of removal rates will suffer from this lack of ing a present sulfur deposition level of 66 meq/m2/y, implies knowledge. a continuing acidification and loss of base saturation in the Modeling of concentrations and deposition of long-range soil, and loss of ANC in the surface water. According to the transported acidifying compounds has been carried out for model results, base saturation would fall below 10%, ANC the Arctic. Verifications of models against observations have will be completely lost, and pH of values less than 5.5 will shown good agreement between model output and observed be reached by 2040 (Figure 9·33). concentrations. All scenarios at the river Dalelva and the Christmas lakes, assuming a drastic reduction in sulfur deposition to back- Environmental impacts ground levels by the year 2000, show a recovery for the soil There is direct evidence of acidification effects on the Kola and surface waters, and no adverse effects are expected. The Peninsula and in a limited area in the Norwegian eastern recovery of the Christmas lakes for the low scenario, involv- Finnmark. Direct damage to forests, fish and invertebrates ing a decrease to background values, is slower than for the has been documented near the Kola smelters. Only restricted river Dalelva, as some of the adsorbed sulfate is slowly being forest damages are noted outside the Kola Peninsula. In the leached out from the catchment soils into the surface water immediate vicinity of the smelters, the negative effects of (see Figure 9·32). heavy metals are added to the acid stress. The model results indicate that the future sulfur deposi- Extensive vegetation damage has been reported from the tion will have to be very low in order to stop and reverse the region surrounding the smelter of Norilsk. ongoing acidification. However, since the present base satu- In adjoining regions of northern Finland and Norway, the ration is fairly high (above 20-50%), there is still time to critical loads for acidifying substances are exceeded in large reduce the sulfur deposition to values which the system can areas. There exist indications of effects of acid deposition on tolerate. The model runs suggest that if strong enough re- stream fauna and small lakes, probably related to acid pul- ductions in sulfur deposition take place within 10-20 years, ses during snowmelt. There is some evidence of decreasing the changes in the soils will not result in adverse effects in alkalinity compared to earlier periods, which can be related the terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems. to deposition. There are no indications of anthropogenic acidification of surface waters in the North American Arctic. However, large 9.12. Conclusions and recommendations areas of the North American Arctic are considered to be vul- nerable to acidification. 9.12.1. Conclusions Data on biological impacts are not available from North Sources of the acidifying compounds America, Greenland and most parts of Russia, e.g., Norilsk Anthropogenic sources of sulfur and nitrogen are widely and the Taimyr Peninsula. known on a global basis with sufficient certainty to allow There are generally few monitoring stations in small streams, modeling of the transport of these chemicals to the Arctic. where acidification is considered most likely to first occur. Less well known are the natural sources of sulfur, e.g., DMS, Modeling results indicate that the future sulfur deposition within the Arctic. in Arctic Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula will have to be Anthropogenic sources on the Kola Peninsula and at very low to stop and reverse the ongoing acidification. How- Norilsk, Russia, are the dominant sources of sulfur north ever, strong reductions within 10-20 years will be beneficial of 65°N. as the soil base saturation is still fairly high. Chapter 9 · Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic 653

pp. 56-65. Norwegian State Pollution Control Authority, Oslo. 9.12.2. Recommendations Aamlid, D., 1993a. Forurensninger i skog. Analyser av nedbør på inten- sivt overvåkete forskningsflater i 1992. Rapp. Skogforsk 23: 1-27. (In Sources of the acidifying compounds Norwegian). Emissions reductions of major sources in the Arctic have Aamlid, D., 1993b. Symptoms of sulphur dioxide injuries on some boreal plants. In: R. Jalkanen and T. Aalto (eds.). Forest pathological research been modeled to show improvements to the environment. in northern forests with special reference to abiotic stress factors. Such reductions should be carried out. Extended SNS meeting in forest pathology in Lapland, Finland, 3-7 August, 1990. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja. Finnish Forest Atmospheric processes Research Institute, Rovaniemi, Finland. Aamlid, D. and K. Venn, 1992. Monitoring of forest vegetation in eastern Monitoring for trends of acidic species in the Arctic should Finnmark, Norway. 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