PH1 bus time schedule & line map

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The PH1 bus line (Rooksdown) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Rooksdown: 3:43 PM (2) Wash Common: 7:00 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest PH1 bus station near you and nd out when is the next PH1 bus arriving.

Direction: Rooksdown PH1 bus Time Schedule 64 stops Rooksdown Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:43 PM Park House School, Wash Common Andover Road, Newbury Tuesday 3:43 PM

Monks Lane Surgery, Newbury Wednesday 3:43 PM

Monks Lane East, Thursday 3:43 PM Friday 3:43 PM Pinchington Lane Roundabout, Greenham A339, Newbury Saturday Not Operational

Deadmans Lane, Greenham

St Gabriels School, Greenham PH1 bus Info Newtown Roundabout, Place Direction: Rooksdown Stops: 64 Turn, Greenham Common Trip Duration: 77 min Line Summary: Park House School, Wash Common, Bishops Green Turn, Greenham Common Monks Lane Surgery, Newbury, Monks Lane East, Greenham, Pinchington Lane Roundabout, Greenham, Deadmans Lane, Greenham, St Gabriels Greenham Park East, Greenham Common School, Greenham, Newtown Roundabout, Sandleford Place, Adbury Turn, Greenham Common, Knightsbridge Farm, Headley Bishops Green Turn, Greenham Common, Greenham Park East, Greenham Common, Knightsbridge Farm, Knightsbridge Drive, Headley Headley, Knightsbridge Drive, Headley, Road, Headley, The Harrow, Headley, Galley Lane, Mill Ashford Hill Road, Headley Green, Catts Farm, Headley, Strattons Farm, Headley, Cottismore Farm, , The Star, Ecchinswell, The Harrow, Headley Coldridge Farm, , Wellmans Meadow, Harrow Drive, Ashford Hill With Headley Civil Parish Kingsclere, St Mary's Church, Kingsclere, Library, Kingsclere, Fawconer Road, Kingsclere, Coldridge Galley Lane, Mill Green Farm, Kingsclere, The Star, Ecchinswell, Cottismore Place Road, Ashford Hill With Headley Civil Parish Farm, Ecchinswell, Strattons Farm, Headley, Catts Farm, Headley, Galley Lane, Mill Green, The Harrow, Catts Farm, Headley Headley, Headley Post Oce, Headley, Thornford Road, Headley, Common Road, Mill Green, Mill Green Strattons Farm, Headley Lane, Mill Green, Hill House Lane, Goose Hill, Riddings Lane, Kingsclere Woodlands, St Paul's Cottismore Farm, Ecchinswell Church, Ashford Hill, Primary School, Ashford Hill, Orchard Business Park, Kingsclere Civil Parish The Ship, Ashford Hill, The Pineapple Inn, Ashford Hill, Little Aldershot Lane, Common, The The Star, Ecchinswell Hurst Community College, , Badgers Wood, Common, Heathlands, Coldridge Farm, Kingsclere , Falcon Triangle, Brimpton Common, Falcon Fields, Brimpton Common, Road, , Wellmans Meadow, Kingsclere The Parade, Tadley, Mulfords Hill, Tadley, Rowan Road, Tadley, Fairlawn Road, Tadley, Manse Lane, St Mary's Church, Kingsclere Tadley, Skates Lane, Green, New Road, Anchor Yard, Kingsclere , Wakeford Farm, , Elm Park Garden Centre, Pamber End, Queens College Library, Kingsclere Arms, Pamber End, Salters Heath Road, Salters Heath, Morgaston Road, , West End, Fawconer Road, Kingsclere , Dixons Corner, Sherborne St Oak Close, Kingsclere John, The Limes, Sherborne St John, Parklands & Hospice, Rooksdown Coldridge Farm, Kingsclere

The Star, Ecchinswell

Cottismore Farm, Ecchinswell Orchard Business Park, Kingsclere Civil Parish

Strattons Farm, Headley

Catts Farm, Headley

Galley Lane, Mill Green Beenham Place Road, Ashford Hill With Headley Civil Parish

The Harrow, Headley

Headley Post Oce, Headley

Thornford Road, Headley Holly Bush, Ashford Hill With Headley Civil Parish

Common Road, Mill Green

Mill Green Lane, Mill Green

Hill House Lane, Goose Hill

Riddings Lane, Kingsclere Woodlands

St Paul's Church, Ashford Hill

Primary School, Ashford Hill

The Ship, Ashford Hill

The Pineapple Inn, Ashford Hill Hockford Lane, Ashford Hill With Headley Civil Parish

Little Aldershot Lane, Brimpton Common

The Hurst Community College, Brimpton Common Stokes Lane, Brimpton Civil Parish

Badgers Wood, Baughurst Common Lakelands, Baughurst Civil Parish

Heathlands, Inhurst Heath End Road, Baughurst Civil Parish

Falcon Triangle, Brimpton Common Road cycle path (north), Aldermaston Civil Parish

Falcon Fields, Brimpton Common Falcon Fields, Aldermaston Civil Parish

Silchester Road, Tadley

The Parade, Tadley 20 Mulfords Hill, Tadley Civil Parish

Mulfords Hill, Tadley Bridge Court, Tadley Civil Parish

Rowan Road, Tadley Tadley Hill, Tadley Civil Parish

Fairlawn Road, Tadley Main Road, Tadley Civil Parish

Manse Lane, Tadley Main Road, Tadley Civil Parish

Skates Lane, Pamber Green

New Road, Pamber Green

Wakeford Farm, Pamber End

Elm Park Garden Centre, Pamber End

Queens College Arms, Pamber End

Salters Heath Road, Salters Heath

Morgaston Road, Monk Sherborne

West End, Sherborne St John West End, Sherborne St. John Civil Parish

Dixons Corner, Sherborne St John

The Limes, Sherborne St John

Parklands & Hospice, Rooksdown Direction: Wash Common PH1 bus Time Schedule 63 stops Wash Common Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:00 AM Parklands & Hospice, Rooksdown Tuesday 7:00 AM The Limes, Sherborne St John Wednesday 7:00 AM Dixons Corner, Sherborne St John Thursday 7:00 AM

West End, Sherborne St John Friday 7:00 AM West End, Sherborne St. John Civil Parish Saturday Not Operational Morgaston Road, Monk Sherborne

Salters Heath Road, Salters Heath

Queens College Arms, Pamber End PH1 bus Info Road, Pamber Civil Parish Direction: Wash Common Stops: 63 Elm Park Garden Centre, Pamber End Trip Duration: 80 min Line Summary: Parklands & Hospice, Rooksdown, Wakeford Farm, Pamber End The Limes, Sherborne St John, Dixons Corner, Sherborne St John, West End, Sherborne St John, New Road, Pamber Green Morgaston Road, Monk Sherborne, Salters Heath Road, Salters Heath, Queens College Arms, Pamber End, Elm Park Garden Centre, Pamber End, Wakeford Skates Lane, Pamber Green Farm, Pamber End, New Road, Pamber Green, Skates Lane, Pamber Green, Manse Lane, Tadley, Manse Lane, Tadley Fairlawn Road, Tadley, Rowan Road, Tadley, Main Road, Tadley Civil Parish Mulfords Hill, Tadley, The Parade, Tadley, Silchester Road, Tadley, Falcon Fields, Brimpton Common, Fairlawn Road, Tadley Falcon Triangle, Brimpton Common, Heathlands, Tadley Hill, Tadley Civil Parish Inhurst, The Hurst Community College, Brimpton Common, Little Aldershot Lane, Brimpton Common, Rowan Road, Tadley The Pineapple Inn, Ashford Hill, The Ship, Ashford Hicks Close, Tadley Civil Parish Hill, Primary School, Ashford Hill, St Paul's Church, Ashford Hill, Riddings Lane, Kingsclere Woodlands, Mulfords Hill, Tadley Hill House Lane, Goose Hill, Mill Green Lane, Mill The Lane, Tadley Civil Parish Green, Common Road, Mill Green, Thornford Road, Headley, Headley Post Oce, Headley, The Harrow, The Parade, Tadley Headley, Galley Lane, Mill Green, Catts Farm, The Parade, Tadley Civil Parish Headley, Strattons Farm, Headley, Cottismore Farm, Ecchinswell, The Star, Ecchinswell, Coldridge Farm, Silchester Road, Tadley Kingsclere, Fawconer Road, Kingsclere, Library, Silchester Road, Tadley Civil Parish Kingsclere, St Mary's Church, Kingsclere, Wellmans Meadow, Kingsclere, Coldridge Farm, Kingsclere, The Falcon Fields, Brimpton Common Star, Ecchinswell, Cottismore Farm, Ecchinswell, Penny Way, Tadley Civil Parish Strattons Farm, Headley, Catts Farm, Headley, Galley Lane, Mill Green, The Harrow, Headley, Ashford Hill Falcon Triangle, Brimpton Common Road, Headley, Knightsbridge Drive, Headley, Aldermaston Road cycle path (north), Aldermaston Civil Parish Knightsbridge Farm, Headley, Greenham Park East, Greenham Common, Bishops Green Turn, Greenham Heathlands, Inhurst Common, Adbury Turn, Greenham Common, Heath End Road, Baughurst Civil Parish Newtown Roundabout, Sandleford Place, St Gabriels School, Greenham, Deadmans Lane, Greenham, The Hurst Community College, Brimpton Common Pinchington Lane Roundabout, Greenham, Monks Stokes Lane, Brimpton Civil Parish Little Aldershot Lane, Brimpton Common Lane East, Newbury, Monks Lane Surgery, Newbury, Park House School Rear Entrance, Wash Common The Pineapple Inn, Ashford Hill Hockford Lane, Ashford Hill With Headley Civil Parish

The Ship, Ashford Hill

Primary School, Ashford Hill

St Paul's Church, Ashford Hill

Riddings Lane, Kingsclere Woodlands

Hill House Lane, Goose Hill

Mill Green Lane, Mill Green

Common Road, Mill Green

Thornford Road, Headley Holly Bush, Ashford Hill With Headley Civil Parish

Headley Post Oce, Headley

The Harrow, Headley Harrow Drive, Ashford Hill With Headley Civil Parish

Galley Lane, Mill Green Beenham Place Road, Ashford Hill With Headley Civil Parish

Catts Farm, Headley

Strattons Farm, Headley

Cottismore Farm, Ecchinswell Orchard Business Park, Kingsclere Civil Parish

The Star, Ecchinswell

Coldridge Farm, Kingsclere

Fawconer Road, Kingsclere Oak Close, Kingsclere

Library, Kingsclere

St Mary's Church, Kingsclere George Street, Kingsclere

Wellmans Meadow, Kingsclere

Coldridge Farm, Kingsclere

The Star, Ecchinswell

Cottismore Farm, Ecchinswell Orchard Business Park, Kingsclere Civil Parish

Strattons Farm, Headley Catts Farm, Headley

Galley Lane, Mill Green Beenham Place Road, Ashford Hill With Headley Civil Parish

The Harrow, Headley

Ashford Hill Road, Headley

Knightsbridge Drive, Headley

Knightsbridge Farm, Headley

Greenham Park East, Greenham Common

Bishops Green Turn, Greenham Common

Adbury Turn, Greenham Common

Newtown Roundabout, Sandleford Place

St Gabriels School, Greenham

Deadmans Lane, Greenham

Pinchington Lane Roundabout, Greenham

Monks Lane East, Newbury

Monks Lane Surgery, Newbury

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