4S bus time schedule & line map

4S Newbury - via , Boxford View In Website Mode

The 4S bus line (Newbury - Lambourn via Stockcross, Boxford) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Lambourn: 4:10 PM (2) : 7:22 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 4S bus station near you and nd out when is the next 4S bus arriving.

Direction: Lambourn 4S bus Time Schedule 34 stops Lambourn Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:10 PM Newbury Wharf, Newbury Wharf Road, Newbury Tuesday 4:10 PM

Park Way, Newbury Wednesday 4:10 PM Parkway, Newbury Thursday 4:10 PM Park Way Top, Newbury Friday 4:10 PM Park Way, Newbury Saturday Not Operational Oxford Street, Newbury Oxford Street, Newbury

Leys Gardens, Newbury Jesmond Dene, Newbury 4S bus Info Direction: Lambourn Speen Lane Foot, Newbury Stops: 34 Trip Duration: 45 min Coxeter Road, Speen Line Summary: Newbury Wharf, Newbury, Park Way, Coxeter Road, Speen Newbury, Park Way Top, Newbury, Oxford Street, Newbury, Leys Gardens, Newbury, Speen Lane Foot, Kersey Crescent, Speen Newbury, Coxeter Road, Speen, Kersey Crescent, Speen, Sutton Road, Speen, The Sydings, Speen, Hare Sutton Road, Speen And Hounds, Speen, Deanwood House, Stockcross, Sutton Road, Speen Civil Parish Foley Lodge, Stockcross, Snake Lane, Stockcross, Stockcross Post Oce, Stockcross, Coomesbury The Sydings, Speen Lane, , Easton Hill Turn, Wickham, Station Road, Speen Civil Parish Wickham Cross Roads, Wickham, Wickeld Farm, , Village Access Road, Shefford Hare And Hounds, Speen Woodlands, The Swan, , Maidencourt Farm, , Queens Arms, East Garston, Deanwood House, Stockcross Humphreys Lane, East Garston, Westeld Farm, East Garston, Horseshoe Cottage, Eastbury, Straight Foley Lodge, Stockcross Lane, Eastbury, The Plough, Eastbury, The Hermitage, Eastbury, Long Hedge, Bockhampton, Snake Lane, Stockcross Woodbury, Lambourn, Mill Lane, Lambourn, Milleld, Lambourn, Market Square, Lambourn Stockcross Post Oce, Stockcross

Coomesbury Lane, Wickham Heath Easton Hill Turn, Wickham

Wickham Cross Roads, Wickham

Wickeld Farm, Shefford Woodlands

Village Access Road, Shefford Woodlands

The Swan, Great Shefford Scholars Close, Great Shefford Civil Parish

Maidencourt Farm, East Garston

Queens Arms, East Garston

Humphreys Lane, East Garston

Westeld Farm, East Garston

Horseshoe Cottage, Eastbury

Straight Lane, Eastbury

The Plough, Eastbury

The Hermitage, Eastbury

Long Hedge, Bockhampton

Woodbury, Lambourn

Mill Lane, Lambourn

Milleld, Lambourn

Market Square, Lambourn Market Place, Lambourn Direction: Wash Common 4S bus Time Schedule 44 stops Wash Common Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:22 AM Market Square, Lambourn Lion Mews, Lambourn Tuesday 7:22 AM

Milleld, Lambourn Wednesday 7:22 AM Mill Lane, Lambourn Thursday 7:22 AM Mill Lane, Lambourn Friday 7:22 AM

Woodbury, Lambourn Saturday Not Operational Newbury Road, Lambourn Civil Parish

Long Hedge, Bockhampton

The Hermitage, Eastbury 4S bus Info Direction: Wash Common The Plough, Eastbury Stops: 44 Trip Duration: 58 min Straight Lane, Eastbury Line Summary: Market Square, Lambourn, Milleld, Lambourn, Mill Lane, Lambourn, Woodbury, Horseshoe Cottage, Eastbury Lambourn, Long Hedge, Bockhampton, The Hermitage, Eastbury, The Plough, Eastbury, Straight Westeld Farm, East Garston Lane, Eastbury, Horseshoe Cottage, Eastbury, Westeld Farm, East Garston, Humphreys Lane, East Humphreys Lane, East Garston Garston, Queens Arms, East Garston, Maidencourt Farm, East Garston, The Swan, Great Shefford, Village Access Road, Shefford Woodlands, Wickeld Queens Arms, East Garston Farm, Shefford Woodlands, Wickham Cross Roads, Wickham, Easton Hill Turn, Wickham, Coomesbury Maidencourt Farm, East Garston Lane, Wickham Heath, Stockcross Post Oce, Stockcross, Snake Lane, Stockcross, Foley Lodge, The Swan, Great Shefford Stockcross, Deanwood House, Stockcross, The A338, Great Shefford Civil Parish Sydings, Speen, Sutton Road, Speen, Kersey Crescent, Speen, Coxeter Road, Speen, Speen Lane Village Access Road, Shefford Woodlands Foot, Newbury, Leys Gardens, Newbury, Oxford Street, Newbury, Park Way Top, Newbury, Park Way, Wickeld Farm, Shefford Woodlands Newbury, Newbury Wharf, Newbury, Cheap Street, Newbury, Market Street, Newbury, Fair Close, Wickham Cross Roads, Wickham Newbury, Porchester Road, Newbury, Priory Road, Baydon Road, Welford Civil Parish Newbury, Friars Road, Newbury, The Oaks, Newbury, Newbury College Campus, Newbury, Monks Lane Easton Hill Turn, Wickham East, Newbury, Monks Lane Surgery, Newbury, Park House School Rear Entrance, Wash Common Coomesbury Lane, Wickham Heath

Stockcross Post Oce, Stockcross

Snake Lane, Stockcross

Foley Lodge, Stockcross

Deanwood House, Stockcross

The Sydings, Speen Station Road, Speen Civil Parish

Sutton Road, Speen Sutton Road, Speen Civil Parish

Kersey Crescent, Speen

Coxeter Road, Speen Coxeter Road, Speen Civil Parish

Speen Lane Foot, Newbury Old Bath Road, Newbury

Leys Gardens, Newbury Goldwell Drive, Newbury

Oxford Street, Newbury Oxford Street, Newbury

Park Way Top, Newbury Park Way, Newbury

Park Way, Newbury Parkway, Newbury

Newbury Wharf, Newbury

Cheap Street, Newbury

Market Street, Newbury 5 Inches Yard Market Street, Newbury

Fair Close, Newbury

Porchester Road, Newbury St Johns Gardens, Newbury

Priory Road, Newbury

Friars Road, Newbury Newtown Road, Newbury

The Oaks, Newbury

Newbury College Campus, Newbury

Monks Lane East, Newbury

Monks Lane Surgery, Newbury

Park House School Rear Entrance, Wash Common 4S bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved