The Prayer Diary June 2017

Thu Lonan and Laxey 1st Clergy: Jo Dudley, Tony Butler Pray that the visitors of today, will see the events of yester years in the mining exhibition (until 10th June) in Christ Church and give thanks for all the benefits we enjoy today.

Psalm 98 Revelation 11. 1-6 North Carolina - (IV, The Episcopal Church) Bishop Samuel Rodman Assistant Bishop of North Carolina - (IV, The Episcopal Church) Bishop William Gregg Fri Braddan 2nd Clergy: Daniel Richards, Bert Ferris Reader: Colin Gurney Pray for safety on our roads during TT and for people to be drawn to Christ through our loving behaviour. Psalm 127 Exodus 32. 15-25 North Central Philippines - (Philippines) Bishop Joel Atiwag Pachao Sat Eastern Mission Partnership 3rd Team Leader: Clive Burgess Tynwald Court Ellan Vannin Care Home The Commissioners of Garff, Onchan, Braddan and Councillors of Douglas Borough. Pray for the worshipping community of St Matthew’s and all who minister during the vacancy.

Psalm 130 Exodus 32. 26-35 North Dakota - (VI, The Episcopal Church) Bishop Michael Smith Sun Mad Sunday 4th At the feast of Pentecost the disciples spoke and were heard by everyone in their own language.

PENTECOST Pray that all Christians will speak of the resurrection of Jesus our Saviour and will be heard by the many seeking fulfilment in their lives in language that they understand and to which they want to respond. Psalm 134 Isaiah 30. 15-22

North East - () Bishop Michael Herenz Mon St Ninian (Douglas) 5th Clergy: John Coldwell, Les Lawrinson Readers: Maria Coldwell, Jim Noakes, Judy Cannan We offer prayer for all involved in this year's TT Races; for safe travels, good hospitality and safety on and off the track. For our own ministry to those who will visit St Ninian's that they might feel

welcome and at home. Psalm 84. 1-7 Revelation 11. 15-19 North Eastern Caribbean & Aruba - (West Indies) Bishop Leroy Brooks Tue Maughold and South Ramsey 6th Clergy: Christopher Lowdon Bishop’s Missioner (Dhoon): Nigel Cretney Please pray for spiritual and physical refreshment for visitors and for strength and support for those serving in our TT café Psalm 101 Exodus 33. 1-10 North Karamoja - (Uganda) Bishop James Nasak

Wed Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin 7th Clergy: Janice Ward, Di Marchment Readers: John Marchment, Nancy Clague, Doug Chalk, Heather Paisley Give thanks for the repairs to St Paul's Church Foxdale and for the hospitality offered at Marown Church during TT, may these events continue to make Jesus Christ visible. Psalm 124 Exodus 34. 1-10 Cochin - () Bishop Thu Bride, Lezayre, and North Ramsey 8th Clergy: Brian Evans-Smith. Readers: Tim Grass, Joan Watson Give thanks for the Ministry and Mission of the parish through TT teas. North Kigezi - (Uganda) Bishop Patrick Tugume-Tusingwire North Mbale - (Uganda) Bishop Samuel Gidudu Fri Arbory and Castletown 9th Clergy: Vacant, Colin Barry; Reader: Hilary Flynn Reader-Evangelist: Mike Wilson

Columba Pray for the Churchwardens and all who lead services during the vacancy. Psalm 128 Exodus 40. 17-33

North Queensland - (Queensland, Australia) Bishop William Ray North West Australia - (Western Australia, Australia) Bishop Gary Nelson Sat Visitors 10th Give thanks for the visitors who have come to the Island and pray for safety as they make their onward journey home. Give thanks for the opportunities for friendships made and hospitality given and received during TT.

Psalm 133 Exodus 40. 34-38 Northern Argentina - (South America) Bishops: Nicholas Drayson, Mateo Alto, Urbano Duarte Suffragan Bishop: Cristiano Rojas Sun Northern Mission Partnership 11th Team Leader: Chris Lowdon

TRINITY The Commissioners of Ramsey, Andreas, Ballaugh, Bride, Jurby, Lezayre, Garff. Please pray for ever closer social and spiritual bonds between our worshipping communities. Psalm 1 Acts 3. 1-9 Northern California - (VIII, The Episcopal Church) Bishop Barry Beisner Mon St George and All Saints (Douglas) 12th Clergy: Andie Brown, Alessandra Di Chiara, John Guilford; Readers: Eric Quirk, Charles Flynn Barna

bas Continue to pray for all affected by the closure of All Saints Church. Psalm 2. 1-8 Acts 3. 10-26

Northern Indiana - (V, The Episcopal Church) Bishop Douglas Sparks Tue The Parish of the Northern Plain 13th Clergy: Iaen Skidmore, William Mackay Readers: Paul Bregazzi, Peter Ling, Peter Shimmin Pray that Pentecost will have revived our enthusiasm for mission throughout the parish.

Psalm 3 Acts 4. 1-12 Northern Izon - (Niger Delta, Nigeria) Bishop Fred Nyanabo

Wed St Thomas (Douglas) 14th Clergy: Vacant, Philip Frear Please pray for the parish as it implements decisions made at the May Parish meeting.

Psalm 4 Genesis 2. 4-14 Northern Luzon - (Philippines) Vacant

Thu St Matthew (Douglas) 15th Clergy: Vacant Christi Corpus Pray for the outreach of this community across the parish with the hope of a new parish soon. Psalm 5. 1-8, 11-12 Genesis 2. 15-25

Northern Malawi - (Central Africa) Bishop Fanuel Emmanuel Magangani Fri Mothers’ Union 16th President: Pat Costain Chaplain: Nigel Cretney Pray for all workers in Mothers` Union helping so many disadvantaged people in their communities.

Psalm 6. 1-9 Genesis 3. 1-7 Northern Michigan - (V, The Episcopal Church) Bishop Rayford Ray Sat Island Spirituality Network 17th Pray for Chris Cooke who leads today’s session: ‘Story, addiction and healing’.

Psalm 7. 1-11, 17 Genesis 3. 8-19 Northern Philippines - (Philippines) Bishop Brent Alawas Suffragan Bishop: Miguel Yamoyam

Sun Western Mission Partnership 18th Team Leader: Reader: Robert Quayle

TRINITY 1 The Commissioners of Marown, Michael, German, Patrick, Peel Ambassador Sunday when two visitors from each of the partnership churches visit another church in the partnership, give a message and then report back to the home church the following week. Psalm 8 Genesis 3. 20-24

Northern Territory, The - (Queensland, Australia) Bishop Greg Anderson Mon Victims of sudden violence 19th Nearly a month after the horrors of the bombing at the Manchester Arena, continue to pray for the victims, their families, the wider community and those who continue to care for the injured.

Psalm 9. 1-10 Acts 4. 13-31 Northern Uganda - (Uganda) Bishop Johnson Gakumba Tue Rushen 20th Clergy: Joe Heaton, John Gulland, Roger Harper, Brian Shephard, John Sheen. Readers: Richard Clague, Harry Dawson, Margaret Galloway, June Harper Pray that the parish will continue to identify and nurture many different vocations for the Kingdom.

Psalm 10. 1-12, 16-18 Acts 4. 32-37 Northwest Texas - (VII, The Episcopal Church) Bishop Scott Mayer Wed The Cathedral 21st Dean: Nigel Godfrey Campaign Manager: Val Garrett Chapter: Andie Brown, Clive Burgess, John Coldwell, Joe Heaton, Janice Ward Pray for the Thanksgiving Service for 125 years of the Manx Guild in the Cathedral at 3pm. It was launched by Miss M.L. Wood, who was the first organist at the Cathedral. Psalm 11. 1-5, 7 Genesis 4. 1-16 Northwestern Pennsylvania - (III, The Episcopal Church) Bishop Sean Rowe Thu Consecration of the 22nd As Peter Eagles is consecrated as the next Bishop of Sodor and Man pray for him and his wife Gail. Continue to hold them in your prayers as over the next few months they prepare to move to the Island. Psalm 12 Genesis 6. 1-8 Norwich - (Canterbury, England) Bishop Graham James Suffragan Bishops: Jonathan Meyrick, Alan Peter Winton

Fri Malew and Santan 23rd Clergy: James McGowan, Bill Martin, Peter Upton-Jones; Readers: Ellen Halliwell, Howard Connell Pray for the Songs of Praise at Rushen Abbey on the 25th June led by the churches of the south of the Island. Psalm 13 Acts 5. 1-11 Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island - (Canada) Archbishop Ronald Wayne Cutler Sat The Parish of the West Coast 24th Clergy: Nigel Godfrey, Ian Faulds, Colin Fleetney, Jeanette Hamer, Malcolm Convery; Local Ministers: Cheryl Cousins (Dalby), Karen Garrett (Patrick) John the Baptist Readers: Rosemary Clarke, Denise Gelder, Stephen Hamer Pray St John’s Church as they make preparations for Tynwald Day.

Psalm 15 Genesis 6. 9-22 Nsukka - (Enugu, Nigeria) Bishop Aloysius Agbo Sun Armed Forces Day 25th As the Island remembers the Armed Forces who work to enable our peace and come together for a

TRINITY service this afternoon, pray for all who work as chaplains to the services across the world giving thanks

2 for the ministry of Bishop Peter in this role. Psalm 119. 1-6 Acts 5. 12-16 Nyahururu - (Kenya) Bishop Stephen Kabora Suffragan Bishop: Jacob Lesuuda Mon Southern Mission Partnership 26th Team Leader: Joe Heaton; Chaplain KWC: Erica Scott The Commissioners of Arbory, Castletown, Malew, Port Erin, Port St. Mary, Rushen and Santan. Pray for the preparations for the Beach Missions at Port St Mary and across the Island.

Psalm 16 Acts 5. 17-26 Nzara - (Minye, Sudan) Bishop Samuel Enosa Peni Tue The Diocese 27th Delegated Bishop: Richard Blackburn Bishop’s Chaplain: Margaret Burrow. Secretaries: Lorna Cook (Bishop); Andrew Swithinbank (Diocese); Michelle Barwood (Synod). Give thanks for the work of +Richard as he comes to the end of his time as our delegated Bishop and

spends sometime between meetings exploring the Island with his wife, Helen. Psalm 17 Acts 5. 27-42 Offa - (Kwara, Nigeria) Bishop Akintunde Popoola Wed Pilgrims 28th Pray for visitors and pilgrims to our churches this summer and for those exploring the Triskelion Way. Psalm 18. 1-16 Genesis 7. 1-10 Ogbaru - (Niger, Nigeria) Bishop Samuel Ezeofor

Thu Onchan 29th Clergy: Clive Burgess Readers: Carole Bairstow PETER Pray for the outreach to the communities across the whole parish. Psalm 18. 17-32 Genesis 7. 11-16

Ogbia - (Niger Delta, Nigeria) Bishop James Oruwori Fri Care for the Family 30th Local Organiser: Traci Lowden-Stoole Pray for the ‘Let’s Stick Together’ sessions, part of the ante-natal care of first-time parents, each first Saturday of the month throughout the year.

Psalm 19 Genesis 7. 17-24 Ogbomoso - (Ibadan, Nigeria) Bishop Matthew Osunade