Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 93, pp. 8761-8765, August 1996 Plant Biology

The physical and genomic organization of microsatellites in sugar beet (Bea vulgaris/simple sequence repeats/genome evolution/repetitive DNA/in situ hybridization/) T. SCHMIDT AND J. S. HESLOP-HARRISON Karyobiology Group, Department of Cell Biology, John Innes Centre, Colney Lane, Norwich, NR4 7UH, United Kingdom Communicated by J. Heslop-Harrison, Herefordshire, United Kingdom, May 1, 1996 (received for review February Z 1996)

ABSTRACT Microsatellites, tandem arrays of short (2-5 sequences representing a range of nucleotide motifs, many bp) nucleotide motifs, are present in high numbers in most used for genetic mapping in plants (9-11), and chosen so that eukaryotic genomes. We have characterized the physical dis- the tetranucleotides were composites of the dinucleotides. We tribution of microsatellites on chromosomes of sugar beet examined their chromosomal distribution patterns by in situ (Beta vulgaris L.). Each microsatellite sequence shows a char- hybridization and their in-gel hybridization patterns to size- acteristic genomic distribution and motif-dependent disper- separated restriction enzyme digests of genomic DNA, allow- sion, with site-specific amplification on one to seven pairs of ing comparison of the physical and molecular organization of or intercalary chromosomal regions and weaker, the sequences. dispersed hybridization along chromosomes. Exclusion of some microsatellites from 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA gene sites, centromeres, and intercalary sites was observed. In-gel and in MATERIALS AND METHODS situ hybridization patterns are correlated, with highly re- Plant Material, DNA Extraction, and in-Gel Hybridization. peated restriction fragments indicating major centromeric Genomic DNA ofB. vulgaris (beet, cultivar "Rosamona") was sites ofmicrosatellite arrays. The results have implications for extracted from young leaf tissue (19). For in-gel hybridization, genome evolution and the suitability of particular microsat- genomic DNA was digested withAluI, HaeIII, Hinfl, and RsaI ellite markers for genetic mapping and genome analysis. and separated in 1% agarose gels. The same restriction enzyme digests were used for loading four gels. Gels were dried in a Runs of repetitions of short sequence motifs 2-5 bp long, slab dryer, pretreated, and hybridized with oligonucleotides described as microsatellites or simple sequence repeats, are end-labeled with [y-32P]dATP as described (24). The oligo- probably ubiquitous elements of eukaryotic genomes (1-3). nucleotides used were (GGAT)4, (GATA)4, (GACA)4, (CA)8, They provide highly informative and polymorphic markers for (GA)12, (TA)1o, and (CAC)5. Hybridization and stringent (4-6) or plant, fungal, and animal fingerprinting (7, washes were carried out at the respective Tm -5°C according 8). Genetic mapping using microsatellites as markers involves to Thein and Wallace (25) such that probes complementary to amplification ofrepeat arrays using PCR with primers flanking target sequences of tetramers [(GGAT), (GATA), (GACA)], the arrays. Primers are often chosen based on database pentamers (CAC), octamers [(CA), (GA)], and decamers searches or sequence data from cloned arrays (9-12), which (TA), respectively, remain stably hybridized. give selective data about genomic distribution. However, little Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization. Metaphase and prometa- is known about the real chromosomal organization and phys- phase chromosomes of beet (cultivar "Rosamona") were pre- ical localization of microsatellite motifs within plant genomes. pared from primary root meristems and pretreated for in situ The only microsatellite repeat mapped physically in plants, the hybridization (17). The same oligonucleotides as above were 3' polypurine motif (GAA)7, has been correlated with the posi- end-labeled with biotin-16-dUTP (detected with streptavidin- tions of C-bands in barley (13). Some physical mapping in fish Cy3) or digoxigenin-11-dUTP (detected with anti-digoxige- and primates (8, 14) using in situ hybridization shows clustering nin-fluorescein isothiocyanate) by terminal transferase ac- of microsatellites on some chromosomes. Recent data in cording to the instructions of the manufacturer (Boehringer mouse show that mapped microsatellites, mostly (CA)n repeats Mannheim). Chromosomes were denatured at 70°C for 8 min mapped by PCR polymorphisms, are distributed among auto- in 30 ,ul ofhybridization solution containing 1-2 pmol ofprobe. somes in proportion to length, while the X After hybridization overnight, essentially following ref. 26, chromosome shows a clear deficit of the microsatellites (15). slides were washed, with the highest stringency wash being at Within chromosomes, the frequency of both large and small Tm -5°C. Probe detection, counterstaining, chromosome ex- clusters with respect to meiotic crossovers slightly exceeded amination, image acquisition and processing was as described expectation. (22). Results are based on the analysis of three to six met- Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.; 2n = 2x = 18) is a valuable aphases for each probe. model species for investigating the large scale organization of the nuclear genome because (i) the genome is relatively small with 758 Mbp (16), (ii) fluorescent in situ hybridization can RESULTS accurately locate sequences along the metaphase chromo- Metaphase chromosomes (stained with 4',6-diamidino-2- somes and within interphase nuclei (17), (iii) major classes of phenylindole; sub-terminal 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA genes are the repetitive DNA have been characterized including both indicated with an arrow on the satellited chromosomes) satellite and retrotransposon sequences (18-22), and (iv) showed strong and characteristic patterns of in situ hybridiza- microsatellites are known to be highly abundant (23). tion (signal corresponding to Cy3 or fluorescein isothiocyanate Here, we aimed to characterize the genomic distribution of fluorescence, respectively) with six of the seven microsatellites microsatellite sequences in sugar beet. We used seven simple (Fig. 1). All seven microsatellites showed different in-gel hybridization patterns (Fig. 2). The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge Strong hybridization of (GGAT)4 bands was detected on the payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in proximal region of the short arm of two chromosome pairs, one accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. ofwhich carries the distal 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA gene locus (Fig. 8761 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 8762 Plant Biology: Schmidt and Heslop-Harrison Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996)

FIG. 1. Micrographs showing the distribution of microsatellites on metaphase (A and B; x2000) and prometaphase chromosomes (C-F; x1500) of B. vulgaris. Left panels show chromosomes after staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; the subterminal 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA gene cluster is indicated by arrows on the satellite chromosome pair. Right panels show the same chromosome preparation after fluorescent in situ hybridization with oligonucleotides complementary to microsatellites. (A) (GGAT)4 repeats show dispersed hybridization and four major hybridization sites. One pair of strong signals is proximal on the satellited arm, while the other is proximal on another short chromosome arm (arrowheads). (B) Dispersed in situ hybridization of (GA)12 is seen, with some intercalary amplified sites and gaps at many centromeres (e.g., arrowheads) and 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA genes. (C) Six major centromeric sites (arrowheads) are detected on the late prometaphase after in situ hybridization with (GATA)4. (D) Amplification of (CA)8 is detected near the of all prometaphase chromosomes but very weak on one pair of chromosomes (arrowheads). (E) In situ hybridization signal of (CAC)5 is detected in the proximal regions of all prometaphase chromosomes. Hybridization reveals a negative band (arrowheads) on the long arms of the satellited chromosome pair, while short arrows point to six major centromeric sites. (F) Dispersed signal is seen after fluorescence in situ hybridization of (TA)lo on all prometaphase chromosomes, with intercalary amplification sites on the satellited chromosomes and another chromosome pair (arrowheads). Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 Plant Biology: Schmidt and Heslop-Harrison Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996) 8763 A B C D E F r-


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FIG. 2. (A-G) Genomic distribution of microsatellites (motif given under each panel) in B. vulgaris shown by in-gel hybridization to genomic DNA digested with AluI, HaeIII, Hinfl, and RsaI (left to right in each panel). Size markers (M) are given in kb. 1A arrows). All chromosomes showed dispersed hybridization signal density giving negative bands at the centromeres, and all signals extending to the physical ends, with the sequence of the chromosome arms showed weak dispersed signal. In-gel reduced at the centromeres of many chromosomes and ex- hybridization of the oligonucleotide probe showed some am- cluded from the rRNA gene locus and adjacent sequences. plified fragments on a background smear after extended In-gel hybridization showed a smear of hybridization, with exposure (Fig. 2F). repetitive fragments between 4.0 and 7.5 kb in all four restric- In-gel hybridization with (GACA)4 after extended exposure tion enzyme digests (Fig. 2A). time revealed a single fragment (Fig. 2G). No hybridization AR chromosomes showed dispersed signal after in situ hybrid- signal was detected in situ. ization of (GA)12 with presence at low density at 18S-5.8S-25S The diagram in Fig. 3 summarizes the distribution of the rRNA gene sites (arrows). The sequence was sharply excluded microsatellites studied on the satellite chromosome. This from many centromeres, and no major centromeric hybridization chromosome, which was always identified unequivocally, sites were found (Fig. 1B). In-gel hybridization showed a contin- showed the most discrete distribution pattern of sequences uous smear with no amplified fragments (Fig. 2B). complementary to simple DNA motifs. In situ hybridization of (GATA)4 revealed six centromeric and adjacent regions showing amplification of (GATA) re- DISCUSSION peats (Fig. 1C). Weak hybridization was found along all Taken together, the complementary in situ (Fig. 1 A-F) and chromosome arms. Regions with a low density of (GATA) in-gel hybridization results (Fig. 2A-G) show that the genomic arrays were detectable as gaps on three chromosome pairs. The organization of different microsatellite sequences varies in-gel hybridization showed multiple repetitive fragments over widely, with implications for amplification and dispersion a wide range of molecular weight in genomic DNA cleaved mechanisms'and hence evolution and their utility for mapping. with AluI, HaeIII, Hinfl, and RsaI (Fig. 2C). The hybridization pattern depended on the sequence of the The microsatellite motif (CA)8 was strongly amplified at 16 oligomer used, although a typical picture of microsatellite centromeric regions (Fig. 4D), while one chromosome pair distribution in the sugar beet genome emerges: hybridization showed less amplification. Interphase hybridization showed with major amplification sites near the centromeres of one to that most, but not all, 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole-positive seven chromosome pairs, weaker dispersed hybridization along clusters co-located with the (CA) microsat- chromosome arms out to the , and exclusion from ellite (data not shown). In-gel hybridization showed numerous particular centromeric (e.g., Fig. 1B), intercalary chromosome fragments, including high molecular weight fragments. HaeIII regions (e.g., Fig. 1E), and 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA gene sites (Fig. 2D center left) and RsaI (Fig. 2D right) digested DNA (e.g., Fig. 1A). Microsatellite motifs were chosen to have 75% showed hybridization to fragments larger than 21.2 kb, indi- homology to at least one other array [e.g. (GACA)n, (GATA)n cating the absence of the restriction sites and the existence of and (GA)2n, where n is an integer], and the contrasting large arrays of simple structure. patterns along chromosomes show that the hybridization con- Three chromosome pairs had amplification of (CAC) mic- ditions used are able to discriminate each motif. rosatellite repeats near the centromere (Fig. 1C). Chromo- The presence, absence and strength of repetitive microsat- somes showed characteristic dispersed signals, and hybridiza- ellite fragments detected by in-gel hybridization tended to tion was excluded from the terminal regions. The absence or correlate with the hybridization pattern on chromosomes; reduced frequency of (CAC) repeats on a chromosome seg- amplification at centromeres was accompanied by major re- ment on the opposite arm to the 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA genes petitive fragments in gels (Figs. 1 and 2). In tomato, genetic gave a conspicuous gap. In-gel hybridization showed a smear mapping shows both (GATA)4 and (GACA)4 cluster in the in all four size-separated restriction enzyme digests with same chromosomal regions, likely to be the centromeric re- multiple fragments larger than 5 kb (Fig. 2E). gions (27, 28). (GATA)4 is a frequently used probe for the Strong hybridization of (TA)lo was detected at an intercalary detection of multilocus microsatellites and is informative for position on an arm of the chromosome pair with the rRNA plant genome analysis (7, 23). Genetic mapping using poly- genes (Fig. 1F). Some chromosome pairs showed reduced morphic PCR products from primers flanking short microsat- Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 8764 Plant Biology: Schmidt and Heslop-Harrison Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996) The microsatellite sequence (CA) has the strongest ampli- fication at the centromeres of all sequences analyzed here and also shows hybridization to limiting mobility DNA fragments in the HaeIII and RsaI digests. HaeIII is sensitive to cytosine 5-methylation, and higher molecular weight fragments are detected with most microsatellites (Fig. 2). RsaI, with no known cytosine methylation sensitivity, shows limiting mobil- ity fragments (>21.2 kb) only after hybridization with (CA)8 (Fig. 2D). This implies that the large arrays of (CA) occur in genomic regions differing from all the other microsatellites used, correlating with its presence and amplification at seven pairs of centromeres. During sequencing of tandemly repeated DNA from sugar beet, we have found a sequence of 327 bp, which includes the microsatellite (AC)8 (18). The tandemly repeated sequence is located around all centromeres in blocks more than 80 kb long, and homology in the microsatellite domain is probably responsible for some of the hybridization signal (Fig. 1E). Because of the genomic distribution and high copy number, we suggest the motif (CA) is unlikely to be suitable for use as a marker in genomic mapping of sugar beet, in contrast to mammals (15). Broun and Tanksley (28) exam- ined clones hybridizing to (GA)n, (GT)n, and (ATT)n, finding GGAT GA GATA CA CAC TA all analyzed clones included perfect repeats of 5-75 copies of the motif. We expect that the in situ pattern we observe FIG. 3. Schematic representation of microsatellite amplification includes hybridization to such low copy sequences, to micro- sites on the sugar beet chromosome carrying the subterminal 18S- satellites included within larger, tandemly repeated motifs, and 5.8S-25S rRNA genes (top). hybridization to very large, perfect or degenerate arrays of microsatellites. The remarkable differences between the mo- ellite arrays is likely to detect some loci represented by tifs (GA) and (CA) and the composite microsatellite (GACA) individual fluorescent sites making up the weak in situ hybrid- revealed by in-gel and in situ hybridization patterns provide ization signal along chromosome arms (Fig. 1), supported by evidence for the specific amplification of each microsatellite at evidence that microsatellite markers give a relatively uniform particular chromosomal locations and for the resolution and coverage of the genome (9-11). Mapped microsatellite loci are reliability of our approach. Similarly, the microsatellites (GA), often compounds of more than one simple sequence motif; the (TA), and (GATA) show marked hybridization differences. dispersed in situ hybridization observed is consistent with the Microsatellites are ubiquitous in most organisms, and there co-localization of several motifs. We suggest that the major is increasing interest in learning about large scale organization sites detected by in situ hybridization represent microsatellite of genomes and their evolution (33). In vitro experiments arrays that are often too long to amplify using flanking primers strongly suggest that slippage replication is the main mecha- and hence are not mapped genetically by this method. The nism responsible for the formation and expansion of micro- hybridization of all 49 possible mono-, di-, tri-, and tetramer satellite stretches (34), but as a secondary mechanism, ream- microsatellites to Arabidopsis thaliana genomic digests has plification of repetitive DNA sequences including microsatel- been examined (29). Although 40 microsatellites showed no lite arrays may occur as apparently happens with hybridization, nine showed similar hybridization to the in-gel retrotransposons (22) or tandem repeats (35). Slippage may be patterns reported here, mostly with distinct fragments and pos- sequence context-dependent, leading to the large number of sibly explained by the low amount of nuclear DNA inA. thaliana. alleles found at each locus in, for example, soybean (12). The The only microsatellite previously localized in plants, biological function, if any, of most microsatellites remains (GAA)7, shows multiple sites around the centromeres of most unclear, although some have been associated with genetic barley chromosomes, and the pattern is similar to that obtained diseases in human (36, 37), and they have been considered as by C-banding except that the terminal and nucleolar constric- a cryptic source for genetic variability, hot spots for recombi- tion bands were missing (13); no diffuse hybridization was nation, or repetitive elements affecting structure reported. In beet, C-bands are mainly restricted to the cen- (34, 38, 39). Within eukaryotes, coding sequences are closely tromere regions (30), frequently sites of strong microsatellite similar and often syntenic across wide taxonomic groupings hybridization. It has been suggested elsewhere that renatur- (40-42), but repetitive DNA is a dynamic component of the ation properties of microsatellite sequences could relate to genome showing major differences in sequence, copy number, C-banding (31), as was also found with the (CAC)n microsat- and chromosomal distribution between related species. Why ellite in human (8), most likely to be caused by distorted base some microsatellite sequences amplify and others do not and pair ratio and helical conformation of microsatellite stretches. why some locate at particular centromeres are questions of In some mammals, (GACA)n sequences have been associ- importance for studies of genome organization. We suggest ated with the 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA gene loci (8), contrasting that knowledge of physical microsatellite distribution is likely with sugar beet where all the microsatellites examined are to be valuable for choosing microsatellites suitable for use as largely excluded from these loci. In fish and mammals, in situ genetic markers in plants. Our results demonstrate that mic- hybridization results showed that some simple repetitive DNA rosatellite sequences, representing a substantial fraction of the sequences are located in different chromosomal regions (8) genome, show chromosome-specific amplification in plants. that are constrained considerably during evolution, often on Each microsatellite motif examined here has a characteristic the sex chromosomes. Although there are remarkable differ- and unique in-gel and in situ hybridization pattern, indicating ences in the abundance of microsatellite sequence motifs that each amplifies and distributes independently. between plants and vertebrates (32), strong amplification of microsatellites at specific chromosomal locations may be a We thank A. Brandes, G. Bryan, I. Nanda, M. L. Roose, M. Schmid, general feature of eukaryotic genomes. T. Schwarzacher, and A. 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