NG WK 4 Wider World World 3 3 Unit 7 Getting To Know You Unit 8 No Time For Crime

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A. Fill in the blanks with the words given. deal with laugh at get on well with hang out with fall out with go ahead goes out

1. Jane should …………her problems at work to achieve her goals.

2. How often does Mary ………………… Emily?

3. He asked me if he could spend more time on painting and I told him ………………….

4. Never ……………… people who are in trouble. It can happen to you, too.

5. Alex doesn’t like meeting new people very often. He rarely ………………….

6. Her children couldn’t ……………………. the stepfather.

7. I sometimes ………………………. my flat mate. He doesn’t help with the cleaning.

B. Match the sentence halves.

1. Jack has a lot in common with his stepbrother.

2. This child spends too much time on computer A. The music is getting on my nerves. games. B. He has a different sense of humour. 3. Max and Emma argue quite often. C. They get on really well. 4. Turn the volume down! D. They shouldn’t get married. 5. We can’t make him laugh easily. E. His parents should stop him.

C. Circle the correct answer.

1. Why would he fall out/ laugh at with someone like you?

2. I don’t want to hang out/go ahead with him around town.

3. We were going out/ laughing at the comedians at the theatre.

4. She can’t fall out /get on well with her friends at school.

5. Her father can’t put up with /hanging out working late every night.

D. Answer the questions about yourself.

1. When was the last time you laughed at something? What was it?

2. How many friends do you have that you really get on well with?

4. WK 2 Wider World 3 Getting To Know You

E. Complete the sentences with one word from the box. There are two extra words. put have nerves get hang sense own

1. She enjoys spending time with her friends. I never see her spending time on her ______

2. It gets on my ______when he asks stupid questions.

3. I took some time to ______to know each other but then we became really good friends.

4. At the weekends I usually ______out with my friends.

5. If you can’t _____ up with your friend’s mess, you should talk to them.

F. Match the sentence halves.

1. If we had a car, a) we would buy one.

2. Jane would buy some new clothes if b) we had time.

3. If cameras didn’t cost so much, c) he had the key.

4. Tim would lend you some money if d) you asked him.

5. He could open the door if e) we would go for a drive in the country.

6. We would paint the house if f) she had enough money.

G. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.

1. I would ride to school if I …………. (have) a bike. It’s a pity that I don’t have a bike.

2. Where ………. you ………… (live) if you had the chance to choose?

3. If I ………… (know) the answer I would tell you, but I really don’t know.

4. If you ………… (win) the lottery, what would you do?

5. If she spoke more clearly, I would be able to……………. (understand) her.

6. I’m not going to bed yet. I’m not tired. If I went to bed now, I ………………. (not sleep).

7. I’d be very scared if somebody …………… (point) a gun at me.

8. We're going by train. If we ……………. (go) by bus, it would be cheaper, but the train is quicker.

9. Don’t let Jess borrow your dictionary. If she asked me, I ………………... (not lend) mine.

10. If the ice-creams shops closed down, a lot of children ………………. (be) very upset.

4. Wider World 3 3 WK WIDER WORLD 3 UNIT 7 WEEK 2 Getting To Know You

A. Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.

I live with my friends Dave and Frank. I work in a factory as a manager. I sometimes have to travel to different cities to visit the factory sales centres. This week, I’m really sick but I have to travel. If I (1)…………. (have) another option, I would cancel my trip.

My friend Dave works in a five-star hotel and he has some issues with his job. He has received some complaints about room service. I think if he were more careful in checking the rooms, he (2) ………... (not have) these complaints. He says that he has been so busy and tired recently but if he (3) ….…. (not be) so busy, he wouldn’t have missed these issues.

Frank is a teacher. He works really hard to do his best. He even works at home on holidays. If I (4).……. (be) him, I would finish my work at school and I would rest at home. Franks says that if he owned a company and worked for himself, he (5) ………. (not work) this much.

B. Match the words with their relevant meanings.

1. cool off a. act unreasonably or irrationally

2. crazy b. very big piece of partly submerged ice

3. come across c. get cooler

4. icebergs d. extremely angry

5. furious e. meet or find by chance

6. lost your mind f. think or do things out of character or that is unusual

4. WK 4 Wider World 3 Getting To Know You

C. Fill in the blanks with the words from Exercise B.

I was reading a local magazine when I (1) ______an article about global warming. I said to my friend: “What’s all this fuss about? I hate cold weather. If it was warmer in the winter, I could wear t-shirts all the time. Also, we could save money on winter clothes. If rich people didn’t buy fur coats, lots of animals wouldn’t be killed because of their fur.” My friend looked astonished. He looked at me and said “If I didn’t know you, I would think that you have (2) ______. What about the summer? It will be (3) ______hot. People in the South will suffer from the heat. Lots of animals will die, too, because they won’t be able to tolerate the heat.” I said: “If it gets hotter, people can go to the North to (4) ______. And imagine if the (5) ______were smaller, it would be easier to dig for oil in the Arctic. And if gas were cheaper, we could use our car much more often.” My friend got (6) ______and left the room.

D. Answer the questions.

1. Where did Fred see the article?

2. According to Fred what would happen if there were no winters?

3. According to Fred how global warming saves animals?

4. Does Harry agree with Fred? How do you understand this?

E. Finish the sentences as if they are your sentences.

1. If I were a teacher……………………………………………………………………………………

2. If I had two weeks holiday………………………………………………………………………………

3. If I had a car……………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. If I had a pet dog………………………………………………………………………………

5. If I were a bird…………………………………………………………………………………………….

6. If I invited a famous person for dinner………………………………………………….…......

4. Wider World 3 5 WK WIDER WORLD 3 UNIT 7 WEEK 3 Getting To Know You


People celebrate several occasions around the world. They send gifts, flowers or cards to show their feelings to their families and friends. Cards are one of the most popular gifts all over the world. In Europe sending cards has become a tradition. In recent years virtual cards have been popular because it is easier to send them via social media and emails. www.ecardsforgreetings.com has provided so many virtual cards for any occasion and celebration. They can be for cultural events such as New Year in different cultures or a simple greeting such as a good morning card or an apology or a get well soon card. There are different options like adding music on your card. Some cards already have moving images and you can personalize it by adding the name of your addressee, your name and a personal note. The website reminds you of any previous occasions you’ve used the service, such as your friends’ birthdays. So, you will never forget your loved ones. Virtual gifts always keep you in touch with many people, but they can’t replace real gifts to connect you with your loved ones.

A. Read the text and decide if the statements below are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false statements.

1. Virtual cards are popular because they are cheaper.

2. Virtual cards can be used for any event.

3. All virtual cards have moving images.

4. You can find a variety of cards in the website.

5. The website reminds you birthdays.

4. WK 6 Wider World 3 Getting To Know You

B. Write the words for the given definitions. (First letter of the word is given as a clue.)

1. Close friends call each other b………….

2. When nobody knows you in a place, you feel like a s………………

3. What is your relationship with a person who is in the same class with you? c………………………….

4. Two friends who have been friends for a long time are old m……………………

5. If two groups or two people behave completely against each other, they are e………………………….

6. We call the people who work in the same place w……………………………

C. Write a paragraph about you and your best friend.

Answer the following questions in your paragraph: - Where did you meet? (Describe the place) - What is special about your best friend? - What do you usually do together? - Where would you travel if you had a free ticket? What kinds of activities would you do?










4. Wider World 3 7 WK WIDER WORLD 3 UNIT 7 WEEK 4 Getting To Know You A. Match column A with column B.

A B 1. A tin-opener is a tool a- which have a vegetarian menu. 2. A clock is a machine b- who landed on the moon. 3. This is the article c- which is about increase of population 4. There are two restaurants here d- which is used for washing clothes. 5. Sheep are animals e- which give us milk and wool 6. A fridge is a machine f- which is famous for its carpets. 7. A helicopter is a vehicle g- which tells the time 8. A dolphin is an animal h- which is used for opening tins. 9. Mrs Johnson is the teacher i- that is 100 years old. 10. This the town j- who teaches maths. 11. Mr. Brown lives in a house k- which is a mammal and breathes air but lives in water. 12. A washing machine is a machine l- which flies in the air. 13. Neil Armstrong is the first man m- which keeps food fresh.

1- h 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13-

B. Fill in the blanks with who, which or where.

1. The man ...... lives next door is very friendly.

2. He works for a company ...... makes computers.

3. Where are the eggs ...... were in the fridge?

4. The man ...... I wanted to see was away.

5. Those ...... don’t understand must put up their hands.

6. Is that the town ...... you were born?

7. Here is a photo of the flat ...... I live.

8. The girl ...... he fell in love with was married.

9. The place ...... we spent our holiday was called Sunshine Bay.

10. Let’s eat the food ...... Jenny has made for us.

4. WK 8 Wider World 3 Getting To Know You

C. Join the sentences with the words in brackets.

1. A woman opened the door. She was wearing a red dress. (who)


2. A policeman stopped our car. He wasn’t very friendly. (who)


3. Jack lives in a house. It is 500 years old. (which)


4. That’s the store. I bought my new dress here. (where)


5. What’s the name of the hotel? You stayed there. (where)


6. That is the hospital. I was born there. (where)


7. English is a subject. I am very good at English. (which)


8. The people were very polite. I was talking with these people. (who)


D. Read the text below and circle the correct answer.

Dear Sam,

How are you? My new address, where / which I was supposed to give you a long time ago, is at the end of my e-mail. Sorry!

The town where / which I live now is quiet and peaceful. The people who / which live next door to me are very friendly. They invited me to their house on my first day here where / which I met little Timothy. Timothy is a cat who / which is just six months old. Timothy started to follow me everywhere since then. His owners which / who have many other cats offered to give Timothy to me and I gladly accepted. Now I have a cat where / who is good company for me at home, so I never feel lonely. Looking after a cat is a new experience for me, which / who is sometimes not so easy. He wants a lot of attention and cleaning up its fur is sometimes tiring.

4. Wider World 3 9 WK WIDER WORLD 3 UNIT 7 WEEK 5 Getting To Know You

A. Write the meaning of the word ‘get’ in each sentence.

Last week me and my father decided to go shopping together to get (1) some stuff for our garden. We found the tools which we needed. When we got (2) home I got (3) a phone call from my cousin who lives in another city. He told me that he was trying to get (4) a job and got an e-mail from one of the companies for an interview. My father loves my cousin because he is his nephew. He got (6) very excited and asked me to get (7) him some water.

1…to buy……







B. Match the sentences.

1. What are you up to tonight? A. The one with the red bag

2. Give it back B. The man who is sitting next to me

3. Let me see his photo C. yeah, it will be a laugh

4. Which girl? D. I am going out with my friend tonight

5. who’s your father in the photo? E. Oh, alright.

C. Write the correct word

1. The lady who is getting married in a wedding is the b……………………

2. The people who are invited to a party are g………………….

3. The girls who help the bride in the wedding are b………………………

4. The man who is getting married in a wedding day is the b………………….

5. A young boy who is one of the people to go with the bride is the p……………

4. WK 10 Wider World 3 Getting To Know You

D. Use a relative pronoun to join the sentences.

1. Jane will visit my aunt this Sunday. Jane was my classmate.

……Jane, who was my classmate, will visit my aunt on Sunday. ……………………

2. Emma is in my class. She is a lovely girl.


3. The boy is our neighbour’s son. He is swimming over there.


4. I shouted at a boy. He picked flowers at the park.


5. The roses are beautiful. They grow behind our house. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

6. Let’s visit the park. We played there after school. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

E. Define the following words using relative clause.

1. Classmates

…Classmates are your friends who share the same class with you. ………………..

2. enemy


3. buddies


4. stranger


5. dog trainer


6. uncle


4. Wider World 3 11 WK WIDER WORLD 3 UNIT 8 WEEK 1 No Time For Crime

A. Read the sentences 1 – 6 and match them with the correct word A – F.

1. This person steals things from another person or place. - F A) burglar 2. This person steals money, etc. from other people’s pockets, especially in crowded places. B) vandal

3. A person who steals goods from a shop/store. C) pickpocket

4. This person steals money from the bank. D) shoplifter

5. This person damages public objects. E) robber

6. This person breaks into houses or buildings and F) thief steals money or valuable objects.

B. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

vandals robbers pickpockets shoplifter burglar

1. The police arrested the……………….. running out of the bank.

2. The camera has caught the face of the ……………………. in the supermarket.

3. Last night a ……………………… broke into our neighbor’s house.

4. ………………… have damaged ten buildings in the last three days.

5. You should take care of your wallet and phone during the festival. There might be ……………….. .

C. Match the definitions 1 – 5 with the correct word A – E.

1. An amount of money that is offered to you for 5. A person who is trained and qualified to helping the police to find a criminal or for advise people about the law and to represent finding something that is lost. them in court, and to write legal documents.

2. A sum of money that you must pay as A) judge punishment for breaking a law or rule. B) jail 3. A person in a court who has the authority to decide how criminals should be punished or to C) fine make legal decisions. D) lawyer 4. Criminals go to this place to be punished. E) reward

4. WK 12 Wider World 3 No Time For Crime

D. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. The/ was trying/ escape/to/ thief/ the/ from/ jail


2. The robber / in front of/tripped/ the police


3. in/were / the / pushing/ they/ car / street/ the


4. the/ wall/ burglar / was/ the/ climbing/escape/ to


5. The / the / for/ thieves/ chased /an/ police / hour


6. caught/ this/ was /theft/ because/ woman/ of


E. Complete the sentences with one word. First letter of the word is given as a clue.

1. The security guard at the diamond exhibition was shot and wounded during the r…………………..

2. The vandals were sent to the p………………………

3. A number of t……………… have been reported recently.

4. This neighborhood is considered to be safe according to the reports of b………………………

5. Young boys who were arrested for v…………………… claimed that they were performing street art.

F. Circle the correct word.

1. The man saw the thieves / robbers running out of the bank

2. Burglary / vandalism is the act of damaging public properties.

3. The man who informed the police gets a reward / fine for helping to catch a famous pickpocket.

4. The police officers brought the criminals to the court / jail to sit in front of the judge and the lawyers

5. The shop lifter was escaping / chasing from the shopkeeper and the people.

4. Wider World 3 13 WK WIDER WORLD 3 UNIT 8 WEEK 2 No Time For Crime

A. Use the prompts to write passive sentences in simple present.

1. the documents / print……………………………………………………………………………. 2. the window / open………………………………………………………………………………. 3. the shoes / buy…………………………………………………………………………………… 4. the litter / throw away…………………………………………………………………………… 5. the fine /pay…………………………………………………………………………………….. 6. the book / read / not……………………………………………………………………………… 7. the songs / sing / not…………………………………………………………………………….. 8. the shoplifter / catch?...... 9. the shops / close / not ?...... 10. the robbers / arrest?......

B. Rewrite the sentences in simple past passive voice.

1. She sang a song. …………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Somebody hit me. ……………………………………………………………………………….. 3. The vandals damaged the bus. …………………………………………………………………… 4. A thief stole my car. ……………………………………………………………………………… 5. They didn't let the burglar go. ……………………………………………………………………. 6. She didn't pay the fine. …………………………………………………………………………… 7. They didn't make their beds. ……………………………………………………………………… 8. The lawyer did not help them. …………………………………………………………………… 9. Did you push them? -…………………………………………………………………………….. 10. Did he send the letter? …………………………………………………………………………..

C. Rewrite the sentences in active voice.

1. Money is paid pack by the pickpocket. ………………………………………………………….. 2. The window was opened by Anna. ……………………………………………………………….. 3. Our homework is done by us. …………………………………………………………………….. 4. The questions are asked by the lawyer. …………………………………………………..……….

4. WK 14 Wider World 3 No Time For Crime

5. The picture are taken by him.…………………………………………………………………...... 6. A lot was eaten by the sheep. ………………………………………………………………………. 7. Our rooms are not cleaned by us. …………………………………………………………………. 8. The car was not repaired by William. ……………………………………………………………… 9. Was this circle drawn by Sue? ……………………………………………………………………. 10. Did you feed the dog? ......

D. Read the sentences. Circle Active or Passive.

1. Mary makes her bed every morning. Active / Passive 2. Charlie is writing a letter. Active / Passive 3. The letter is being written by Charlie. Active / Passive 4. The whole cake was eaten by my brother! Active / Passive 5. My Mum is going to bake a delicious cake. Active / Passive 6. The ball was chased by the dog. Active / Passive 7. I washed my car last week. Active / Passive 8. I sent the letters yesterday. Active / Passive 9. The money was stolen. Active / Passive

E. Write different forms of the verbs below.

verb past simple past participle go brought have ate caught given

4. Wider World 3 15 WK WIDER WORLD 3 UNIT 8 WEEK 3 ANSWER KEYNo Time For Crime

A. Do you like watching TV series? If so, which ones?

B. Look at the text. What is it? Choose the best option. a) an article b) a summary c) a TV review


The Mentalist is one of my favorite American drama television series. It's a crime/detective drama, but it also has lots of humour. I liked the show and its characters. The show was created by . There are 151 episodes over seven seasons.

The series follows (Simon Baker), an independent crime consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation (CBI) based in Sacramento, California and his boss, a former senior agent, (Robin Tunney). Although he is not an officer of the law, he uses his skills from his former career as a successful psychic medium to help a team of CBI agents to solve murders.

Jane used to work as a psychic medium and one day he announced that he was helping the police to find the track of a serial killer named . After this announcement on TV, Red John murdered Patrick Jane's wife, Angela Ruskin Jane and daughter, Charlotte Anne Jane as an act of revenge. Then, Jane dedicated his life to finding Red John and kill him. He stopped advertising his psychic abilities and started to work with a CBI team to find Red John.

Patrick Jane can read the suspects’ minds and can use hypnosis techniques to spot the clues from the witnesses. He doesn’t use magnifying glasses or fingerprints like other detectives do but instead he uses his intuitive observation skills and his insight into the human psyche and the behavior of witnesses. Jane tries to hide his ability in his position at CBI and he fakes the supernatural aspects of his skills, saying that "there's no such thing as psychics".

Jane’s colleagues are Wayne Rigsby, Grace Van Pelt, and Kimball Cho. All his colleagues and their boss Teresa Lisbon use Jane’s exceptional gift for observation and his mentalist tricks to solve the crimes and close a number of cases. However, Jane's unusual and often illegal methods to investigate also cause some trouble to Lisbon, making Jane’s assistance both a blessing and a curse.

Simon Baker plays quite a multifaceted character that goes from playful to serious, whichever is called for and does it very well.

4. WK 16 Wider World 3 No Time For Crime

D. Read the text and write True (T) or False (F). Correct the False statements.

1. Patrick Jane was once a psychic medium.

2. Patrick Jane later starts working as an officer of law.

3. Red John is a serial killer.

4. Patrick Jane’s wife and daughter were murdered.

5. Patrick Jane says he uses his psychic abilities to solve criminals.

6. Patrick Jane uses traditional techniques to solve the crimes.

E. Answer the questions below according to the text.

1. Why did Patrick Jane start to work at CBI?

2. Why did Red John murder Patrick Jane’s wife and daughter?

3. How does Patrick Jane help CBI agents to solve the murders?

4. Who are the other CBI Agent characters that work with Patrick Jane?

5. Why does Lisbon think that Jane’s assistance is both a blessing and a curse?

F. Read the sentences and write the correct word. The first letter of the word is given as a clue.

1. The agents chased the car and finally arrested the c………………………

2. The criminals usually wear gloves so they don’t leave f……………………..

3. The police looked everywhere in the room carefully but couldn’t find a c……………….

4. The man who saw the robber’s face was in the court as a w………………….

5. Years ago the detectives looked for fingerprints with a m……………………….

4. Wider World 3 17 WK WIDER WORLD 3 UNIT 8 WEEK 4 No Time For Crime

A. Look at the pictures and choose the correct option in the boxes below.

a) Sarah is cutting a) Jill is doing her a) John is cleaning a) They are taking a her hair hair his shoes photo

b) Sarah is getting b) Jill is having her b) John is having his b) They are having her hair cut done shoes cleaned their photo taken

B. Answer the questions using “have something done”. Choose your words from the boxes.

birthday cake / my jacket / a gift / my hair / my car make / wrap / wash / cut / fix

1. Why did you go to the bakery? To have a birthday cake made.

2. Why did you go to the hairdresser? ______

3. Why did you go to laundry? ______

4. Why did you go to the mall? ______

5. Why did you go to the repairman? ______

C. Read the sentences and rewrite them with the correct form of have/get and the verb.

1. I will ask someone to sharpen the knife. e.g.I will have the knife sharpened.

2. Mrs. Brown gave her bags to my brother to carry.


3. Someone painted our house for us.


4. A mechanic adjusted the lights of my car.

4. WK 18 Wider World 3 No Time For Crime


5. I am going to the dentist. I need the dentist to pull my tooth.


6. I asked the delivery service to deliver the gift to the address.


D. Answer the questions below as in the example.

e.g. Did George wash his car? No, George had his car washed.

1. Did Jenny bring her coffee herself?......

2. Did John prepare his lunch himself?......

3. Did your mother buy the shopping list? ……………………………………………......

4. Did your school manager decorate the classrooms?......

5. Did you clean your house alone?......

6. Did your mom make your wedding dress?......

E. Put the words in order and make sentences.

1. sent / I /my/ from/ Paris/dresses/ have


2. the /we /washed /should/ have /car


3. into /German/ can/ your/ translated/ have/letter/you


4. never / she / her hair / colored / has


4. Wider World 3 19 WK WIDER WORLD 3 UNIT 8 WEEK 5 No Time For Crime

A. Complete the dialogues with the words in the box. There are two extra words.

suppose know try worry fine come sure

Tim: Hi, Ann. Are you OK?

Ann: No, I’m not. I feel nervous because our theatre play is tonight. We have practiced a lot but still I’m afraid of making a mistake in front of the audience.

Tim: I see. It’s never easy to act in front of the real audience. But don’t ______! I’m ______you will do it perfectly.

Ann: I don’t ______. I feel like I will forget all my lines.

Tim: ______on. You can always change your lines to adopt them to the situation.

Ann: I ______I can do it. Thanks Tim!

B. Write the opposite of the adjectives below.

1. Polite /………………… 7. Honest/……………………..

2. Legal /…………………. 8. Responsible/…………………

3. Happy/………………… 9. Correct/………………………

4. Legible/……………….. 10. Possible/……………………..

5. Regular/………………… 11. Friendly/…………………….

6. Intelligent/……………… 12. Visible/……………………..

C. Write the sentences in passive form.

1. He didn’t find his files. ………………………………………………………………….. 2. He washed his car on Sunday. ………………………………………………………………….. 3. I didn’t paint the whole room. …………………………………………………………………… 4. My grandfather repaired the old clock. …………………………………………………………………… 5. John takes a lot of photos everywhere. …………………………………………………………………...

4. WK 20 Wider World 3 No Time For Crime

D. Write the sentences as in the example.

1. They didn’t buy the tickets themselves yesterday. e.g. They had their tickets bought. 2. Mr Smith doesn’t take the children to school himself. …………………………………………………………… 3. Someone stole his wallet. ……………………………………………………………. 4. I can’t do my hair. …………………………………………………………… 5. I don’t reply the official mails myself. My secretary does.


6. he is too old to drive. Someone else drives his car for him.


7. I didn’t do the projects myself. Someone else does.


E. Write a crime story by yourself. You can make your story answering the questions below.

What time of the day the crime happened? / Where did it take place? / What was the crime? / How many criminals were they? / Were they successful? / What did they do? / Were there witnesses? / Did they damage anything? / Did the police come? / Was this case taken to the court? / Did they have a lawyer? / What did the judge decide?






4. Wider World 3 21 WK N CNY C

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