City Councilman Charged with Discrimination
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An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper FRIDAY October 3, 1997 Volume 124 · THE · Number 9 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid ewark, DE 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Permit o. 26 .City Councilman charged with discrimination BY SARAH SHAW investigates complaints about the Godwin said that nominations," s he said. about the significance of his memo, he SrafJ Repnrrer council's code of ethics. in the search for According to counci I policy, the only stated in the council minutes that it was A request to reopen the ethics Goldstein has been a resident of ethics board requirement for holding a position on the "an effort to share my thoughts with complaint filed against C1ty Councilman Newark for more than 20 years. " We members, "We board is that the nominee be a resident of council.'' Hal Godwin concerning a university thought, 'What an honor it would be to should look for Newark. Believing that Goldstein had been professor was issued this week by attorney have her on the board,"' Turner said. Newarkers who are On May 8, when Turner told Goldstein discriminated aga1nst based on her H. Alfred Tarrant. Goldstein described her nomination as politically neutral about Godwin's memo, Goldstein revealed political knowledge and her past Godwin, the Deputy Mayor for City "a call out of the blue." She accepted the and should have a she had won a lawsuit against Godwin· s affiliation with Godwin, Shirley Tarrant Council. was found not guilty of any nomination even though she said she had keen knowledge of Shell Station, located off Route 896, tn filed a formal complaint against Godwin Municipal Code Yiolations at the board of never co n si dered being a member of our ethics code and 1981 a nd was awarded monetary on May 27, alleging that he had violated ethics hearing conducted this summer. council. an ability to apply compensati on for damages done to her two municipal codes: Last March. Newark City However. on April 29, Godwin sent a it equitably and without prejudice.'' car. Section 2-97.17 of the code states that a Councilwoman Nancy Turner called on memo to the mayor and fellow council Tarrant's wife Shirley, a community "Godwin had not disclosed this councilman who has any financial or Leslie Goldstein, a professor of members e ncouraging them to delete activist and former supporter and information to the council." Shirley private interest in any legislation is constitutional law and political theory, to Goldstein's nomination. campaign contributor of Godwin, said she Tarrant said . required to di~clo e this information to the fill one of the two vacancies on the City "In my opin ion , Newark's board of was confused by Godwin's reaction to Despite hi s initial reservations, Godwin counc il unless this councilman declines Council ethics board. ethics should not be staffed with political Goldstein· s nomination. ''There's usually participated in the u nanimous vote voting on such legislation. The board of ethics is a division of City expert s or people involved with political a rubber stamp approval for those kinds of app ointing Go ldstein to the board of Council that receives, initiates and actions," he stated in the memo. ethics on May 12 . When asked by Turner sec CHARGES page Al2 Student hit at Elkton and Amstel Students evicted BY SCOrr GOSS Hospital offi cials initially listed her &lwmul &/lffl .. from broken home in critical condition. and was sti II in A 17-year-old female university int~-'n'>ive care at press time. student was injured at approximately Hrupsa suffered head trauma and BY VERONIL FRAA TZ huildmg." me Jetter stated. II :40 a m Friday when she was was bleeding from an ear when she Ft:uturn Edaor Sth crbrook. called an expert to truck by a green Jeep Grand was taken from the scene. In February. a handful of female inspect the damage 10 the building, Cherokee traveling west on Elkton Jonathan M. Mejia, the 18-year-old students began their scavenger hunt for who deemed the crack posed no Road Jt Amstel Avenue. driver, was not inJured in the collision. the perfect place to live during the tmmmcnt d:mger to the struc!Urc. Holly A. Hrupsa, a freshman from Witnesses at the scene identified him current school year. Fo r the time being, no Harrington. Del .. was apparentl y as a New York student in town to visi t Despite the many quaint little cvacu.1tion 1s necc~sary , " the letter crossing Elkton Road when she was his gi rlfri end, a university student. houses they found, and although the) stated . hit by the vehicle. She wa Newark Police are currently found places that were cheaper, the Hl wever, the lener mentioned a transported to Christiana Hospital for investigating the cause of the students made a decision ro live 111 .1 possible lengthy repair procedure treatment. acc1dent. spacious apartment located at 74 E. recommended by the lll'>pcctor Main St .. above what was then "We surm1se that tillS means thJt the Laughing Stock. nature of the work \\til enta1l removal Now they feel as though their of a wall sc·ction." the document read. leasing companies have made a " and th at dunng this pcnod the laughmg stock out of them. butldtng wtll be unsafe for living until The young women may be forced to the repairs an: completed " vac:lle thc1r home due to renovatiOn~. fhe tenants were to sign the letter after a city inspection d1s<.:o\ cred <Uld send H b,u:k. to \1 lkr. to venfy that dan1age to thctr budding s foundation. the) recc1vcJ the letter ;md understood In June. the rts1dents stgned a 12- n. Hm>e\·rr. the) chose not to month lease that was tu h~gin Jul) I "We li~ urcd It was Just to let us through Great Impressions Inc .. the know \hat v. as g01.1g on ... tenant headquarters of the Main Street shop. K.ierstcn Corona. a sophomore, said. The company, whtch is located in Nev. "But we dtdn' t send it bad. because we Jersey, is rentmg the building from the dtdn ' t really kno\\ what v. c were owner, Silverbrook Development Co. ~igning . " On Aug. 28, they received a two Soon after re.:~tving Miller's letter. page leuer from Jeffrey L. Miller. the the roommates satJ thej began seemg general counsel for Great Impressions vanous people mtlling around their Inc. buildmg. Among them were engineers The teller called the residents' from Silvcrbrook., an msurance attemion to a large cmck on the left side appraiser and a building inspector from of their building which extends from the City of Newark - all looking at the the base of the wall to the second-floor crack in the side wall. windows and i approximately three "One of the m'>pectors told me that THE REVIEW I John Chabalko THE REVIEW I John Chabalko inches wide. con\truction would begtn at the A New York student visiting his girlfrienrl ran into the freshman with his Hrupsa was struck at the same intersection where student Dave "One theory is that a truck or some Jeep Grand Cherokee. Toman was killed last year. Memorial flowers still mark the spot. other vehicle struck the side of the sec STUDENTS page A 12 Fraternities seeing more stars DE politicians talk NATO BY LAURA SANKOWICH Biden said NATO's expansion will participation. the zone of stability in Na11onul 'S:.ue Nt·us Ed a or be difficult. not because Poland is Europe will be extended. allowing the just in time for Homecoming WILMINGTOt\ -Sen. Joseph R. involved. but for several other reasons. United States to pursue goals in other Biden Jr .. D-Del., Sen. William V. It will cost the American public and countries. Roth, R-Del .. and Congressman BY AMY KIRSCHBAUM so they proposed several plans to collecting money from Oct. I J to extra $ 150 to $200 billion per year, he By allowing the other countries to Swtf Refwrter improve scholastics. she said. Oct. 18. Michael N. Castle, R-Del.. spoke at a said. to support the three new join NATO. he added, consensus Four fratcrnitie were upgraded Hart said one idea was to have They will also be involved in dinner reception at the Hotel DuPont countries at a time when the gross among NATO members will be from two to three-star organi?ations competitions between members 10 Make A Difference Day, the senior Wednesday night abo ut NATO domestic product of Western Europe extended, leaving Jess room for last Friday under the recently see who could earn the highest grade class service project, Oct. 25. he expansion. exceeds that of the United States. d1sagreement. implemented five-star Greek rating point average. said . Their speeches examined the "The average American," he said, Roth , president of the North system. Another suggesti on was to reward Hart said Sigma Nu has already benefits of NATO expansion, not only "wants to know why can't the Atlantic Assembly and chairman o f Before the increase in standings, members who receive higher than a taken part in Newark Clean and to the proposed nev. mcmbcc. Poland, Europeans take care of themselves'?'' the Senate NATO observer group, aw Kappa Alpha Order. Pi K a ~pa 3.0 GPA by reducing their fraternity Green, whi ch was sponsored by the Hungary and the Czech Republic, but The second question Bidcn raised the expansion in a more posi tive light. Alpha, Phi Kappa Tau and Sigma Nu dues, she added.