RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS IN THE US, 2015-2020 DR. ROBERT A. PAPE (PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR) DR. KEVEN RUBY (SENIOR RESEARCH DIRECTOR) The University of Chicago Presented to Division of the Social Sciences 5828 S University Ave Suite 418, Chicago, IL 60637 General Audience (773) 834-0770
[email protected] Updated July 2020 SOCIAL MEDIA, PROPAGANDA, AND RIGHTWING TERRORISM IN THE US Project Background 9-JUL-2020 cpost.uchicago.edu 2 WHAT EXPLAINS RWEX MOBILIZATION TO VIOLENCE? ▪ Purpose: CPOST seeks to understand the role of role of groups, social media, and propaganda in the mobilization to violence among right-wing domestic terrorists in the US ▪ Contribution to Mission – Inform on the changing threat due to the COVID-19 pandemic ▪ Project Deliverables – Database of US REMVE and anti-government perpetrators based on detailed profiles covering demographics, biography, and use and role of propaganda – PowerPoint report, comparable methodology to American Face of ISIS Report 9-JUL-2020 cpost.uchicago.edu 3 WHAT IS INCLUDED IN RWEX? ▪ Racially and Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism (REMVE) ▪ Anti Government Extremism (AG) 9-JUL-2020 cpost.uchicago.edu 4 RWEX LANDSCAPE IN THE US TODAY Extreme Right-Wing Typology, though in practice significant overlap White Supremacist Anti-Government Fundamentalist/Religious – Belief in natural – Conspiracies about the US – Use sacred texts to justify racial/cultural hierarchy government turning into a violence and mobilize support New World Order – Impose social and political – Christian identity justifies