Planning Audiovisual Services in Public Libraries

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Planning Audiovisual Services in Public Libraries DOCUMENT PE SLIME ED 110 005 95 IR 002 273 AUTHOR Johnson, Scottie McIntyre; And Others TITLE Planning Tudiovisual Services in Public Libraries. INSTITUTION Texas State Library, Austin. Dept. of Library Development. SPONS AGENCY Cffice of Elucation (PHEW) , Washington, D.C. DUB DATE 75 NO-F 271D. ED.RS PRICE PF-$0.76 HC-$13.32 PLUS POSTAGE nFSCRIPTOR7 Pnnotated Bibliographies; Audio Equipment; Audiovisual Aids; *Audiovisual Programs; Cabl. Television; Dubbing; Evaluation Methods; Films; Filmstrips; Instructional Materials Centers; Library Acquisition; Library Equipment; Library Material Selection; *Library Planning; Library Services; Magnetic Tape Cassettes; *Manuals; Media Selection; Phonotape Recordings; *Public Libraries; Slides; Video Cassette Systems; Video Tape Recordings ABSTRACT' This manual, designed to serve asa basis for a workshop series, provides assistance in the evaluation, selection, and utilization of audiovisual materials and equipment. Four states in planning a media program are outlined, followed by sections detailing information concerning films, video, audio, and projected stills. The annotated bibliography provides access to further information on media formats, administration, and programing. (Author/DS) *********************************************************************** r)ocuments acquired by 17RIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. EPIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (FDPS) .FORS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by FURS are the best that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** PLANNING AUDIOVISUAL SERVICES IN PUBLIC LIBRARIES by SCOTTIE McINTYFE JOHNSON LINDA SCHEXNAYDRE MARY S. WOODS HEM TH 'JS DEPARMENT Of FARE INSTI OF EDUCATIONA ,t F.,PL1`. E, / A " r, .),` A , ott tG 0 t e Austin Texas State Library Department of Library Development 1975 The activity which is the subject of this reportwas supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Office of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, However, the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the positionor policy of the U.S. Office of Education, and no official endorsement by the U.S. Office of Education should be Inferred, 38 FR 213 Although this manual was developed under contract with the Texas State Library, the opinions expressed herein donot necessarily reflect official agency policy. e/3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to express special thanks to Cyndy Halm, Department of Library Development, Texas State Library, for her expertise and patience in typing the manuscript and her skills in the graphic: designs of the manual, AV, 'le a specialt, muot wither away. W,=. must Le .orr7plete not just 'book people'. Joan E. Clark "Ieclia Services in Public Libraries," Bookmark, v.27 (December, 1967), p, 123, 111:31.1 0F CON FIATS Hole, Tu fh, F i, 1.111;tal HOW 10 Cl 1 \R11,: Planning Model 1 introduction 3 Stage 1, Form for Making Preliminary Decisions Before Investing in Audiovisual L;eivices 8 Stage ii. Form for Determining Preferences for Media Services 19 Sta:e NI, Planning Form for a Selected Media Format 30 Stage If:. Procedures for Implementing the Media Program 34 HOW TO CHOOSh MLD1A FORMATS 16 mm and S mm Films 39 16 mm Film 41 Obtaining 16 nun Films 41 Factors to Consider with 16 mm Film 47 16 mm h,Liipment 48 8 mm Film 49 Open kket and fartridge Formats 49 8 mm 1.1im :oops 50 Video/Cable (,yttininto Television 53 Provide Vic,ing of PTV Programs 56 Thinkin ofthe technology 61 Organi-:e Community for Cable Television 64 Pro. ce 1ootap,. Programs 78 Audio format' 85 What lyp,.of Hite' 87 Selection -f Materials 87 Cas,,ette 1)1,,f. format 89 AvJilability of\udiocassettes 91 Storage, Prnc,,,;Ing, and Maintenance of Ca';sette Tripe' 93 Hardware Nefted (,r Ca-,;ette lope Collection 94 f Oii 97 Copyright;on-i.0erations 98 spef_falf:-(1 1ormats for the Blind and a11, HNidiapped Projected Still Visuals 103 Filmstrips 105 Slides 106 Overhead Transparencies 109 HOW TO DECIDE WHAT TO BUY Evaluation and Selection of Audiovisual Materials 111 The Evaluation Problem: Some Perspectives 113 Evaluation/Selection Basic Guidelines 114 A Written Selection Policy 116 Evaluation/Selection Procedures 122 Evaluation Forms 123 On Acquisition Jobbers 128 Commercial Cataloging Services 129 Producers of Software 131 Selection of Audiovisual Equipment 147 Sources of Assistance 149 Purchasing Audiovisual Equipment 151 Maintenance and Repair of Audiovisual Equipment 157 Questions for the Audiovisual Equipment Buyer 158 HOW TO LEARN MORE A Glossary of Audiovisual Terms 162 Address, Information and "Ready Reference" Files 181 Media-Related Organizations 185 Opportunities for Continuing Education 191 Sources of Information/Annotated Bibliography 201 Introduction 203 Outline/Table of Contents of Bibliography 206 Annotated Bibliography 208 Index 269 HOW 10 USE THIS MANUAL This manual was developed to serve as the basis for the 1975 Texas State Library workshop series, Audiovisual Services in Public Libraries. It was also designed as a basic training m:Inual for the planning of media serv- ices in public libraries and for the selection and util- ization of audiovisual mate als. The planning model for nonprint media services will aid in the decision- making/budgeting process for initiating or expanding audiovisual library Services. Succeeding chapters de- scribe the characteristics, cost requirements and uses of specific media formats film, video, audio discs and tapes, filmstrips, slides, and overhead transparen- cies to assist librarians in choosing the media format best suited to their public library and their community. Sections on selection and evaluation of nonprint mate- rials and equipment are also included. Materials designed to be used in conjunction with this manual are AV Buyer's Guide: A User's Look at the Audio- Visual World, 2nd ed. Fairfax, Virginia: National audiovisual Association, 1974. Making the Most of Media; Media and Methods Pro- Limi"-T-Ti-TTF. American Library Association, 1971. This manual diie.;rant deal with the cataloging, classifi- cation or tecnni-al plocessing of nonprint materials. For assistance in these areas, see Manao:rp, Media Centers, Warren Hicks and Alma Fiii;n. Ne'e, Bowker, 1975 (forthcoming) . Non Bo' ,K \I:Iterials": The Organization of Integrated Coll,:ctions. Jean Riddle Weihs ,Shirley TiTTTanet McDonald. Ottawa: Canadian Lihiiry As-;ociation, 1973. For a,:sist'mce Inna,ric production techniques, see Planning and Prnducing Audiovisual Materials. Jerrold F, Ktmp, mi e Scranton, Pennsylvania: Chand- Ier, Pi()8, The annotated bibliography at the end of the manual pro- vides access to further information on particular media formats, equipment and facilities, administering media services, and programming ideas. References for further reading have all been included in this bibliography, rather than at the end of individual sections. Access to general sections in this manual is through the Table of Contents, and to more specific information through the Index. This manual can be put in a three-ring notebook for ease handling. We plan to update and revise theinforma-nforma- tion in the different sections through providing you with extra pages to insert and revised pages to substitute for those already in the manual. You can help us begin this updating process through completing the "Training Manual Evaluation Sheet" on the following page. Tell us what information you would like to see added or expanded upon by returning this form to us by November 1, 1975. We will use your suggestions in the improvement of this particular manual, and in the design of future training materials as well. TRAINING MANUAL EVALUATION FORM Please help us revise and update this manual by evaluating its usefulness to you and returning this form to the Department of Library Development, Texas State Library, by November 15, 1975. Name: Position: Library: Address: City: MRC Library Title of Training Manual': 1. Have you usci the manual to answer specific questions? (yes/no) If yes, please describe one or two situations in which the manual was particularly helpful. 2. Have questions arisen that could not be answered in the manual? (yes/no) If yes, please list specific items not covered: 3. Have any other staff members used this manual? (yes/no) If yes, please identify specifically the staff members involved, what sections of the manual they used, the circumstances of use, and the results. 4. What topics would you like to see added, revised, or expanded upon in the first revision of the manual? Please be specific. b. What is your overall rating of this manual? 6. What other information do you need on this topic? List reference questions or literature searches that you would like us to do for you. FOLD STAMP Audiovisual Workshop Ms. Linda Schexnaydre Coordinator, Continuing Education Department of Library Development Texas State Library Box 12927 Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 FOLD Ur tk_7-4--.. ..1, 4 . ,..4.-- -"4.4111 I I I I Es 'Je Its -411P- re 4 Illustration from: A udiovisual Instr ction, V. 18 (November, 1973) . r worky ave o man. 2 * I PLANNING MODL - lntroduction S '1 Plannin* constitutes the most fmportait step in velopi4 media services for public liraries. Before beginningsu4 -a program in your library, 't i ucal for you to asses your present situatioi in to nonrint media, to identify the needil of your xte1e, to dsigna specific media program geared to theseneeds an4 iittrests, an4 to identify those äctivities needed jo -implement the program The following bsic principles will helpyou in media services.1 Ip Plan carefully before you begin media services already learned in publ]c school media centers show well-developed service plans help avoid the stigma dusty equipment forgotten on shelves - I - 'Becoming a .ber of the Texas Library System shu]4h a public ]rbrary's first priority.
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