Cajune Boats Podcast Transcript Otter.Ai
Cajune Boats Podcast Transcript Sat, 2/13 8:21AM 1:02:09 SUMMARY KEYWORDS boat, building, drift, fiberglass, river, dory, flip, wooden boat, big, bottom, panel, frames, design, skiff, fiberglass boats, plywood, advantages, feet, recurve, materials SPEAKERS Dave S, Jason, unknown speaker.... J Jason 00:01 And so I want something with some lower sides but the oarlocks have to be high. And I thought, you know, I think I can do this in a really aesthetic way and curved these sides and instead of having like a straight raised or lock, because at the time people had low sided boats with that raised or locked but it was just kind of a blocky affair. And so I built that first boat with for john and call it the recurve. And from there it was, it's been almost the only hole that I make anymore. Dave S 00:32 That was Jason cajon sharing the recurve story, a feature that has helped him stand out from the crowd. This and how he flipped over a drift boat and whitewater today on the wet fly swing fly fishing show. U unknown speaker.... 00:46 Welcome to the wet fly swing fly fishing show where you discover tips, tricks and tools from the leading names in fly fishing. Today, we'll help you on your fly fishing journey with classic stories covering steelhead fishing, fly tying and much more. Cajune Boats Podcast Transcript Page 1 of 26 Transcribed by Dave S 01:02 Hey, how's it going today? Thanks for stopping by the fly fishing show.
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