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Arts Sports A Norwegian Dog-sledding « Så lenge mennesket har håp, composer in NY er intet forferdelig. » women win Read more on page 15 – Tove Ditlevsen Read more on page 5 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 126 No. 12 March 27, 2015 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy Coffee mousse, classic simplicity New Taste of Editor Daytona Strong introduces herself with the classically Norwegian flavor of Kaffefromasj page 8

What’s inside? News 2-3 Reinventing media for the future Business 4 Sports 5 Larrie Wanberg ing of news and entertainment. radio as a product is likewise changing. In Opinion 6-7 Features Editor Today, the visual screens are HD in Norway, a new-styled, battery-powered, the living room, laptop between home hand-held radio has hit the international Taste of Norway 8 Many of us remember the “Golden and work or school, and smart phones market. Called the “Pinell Explorer,” the Travel 9 Days” of radio—the drama shows, the to tune into the world wherever an indi- radio has a menu for FM, internet radio, Roots & Connections 10 great comedy hours, the detective shows, vidual happens to be. music (iTunes), DAB (Web-broadcast- Obituaries & Religion 11 the mystery theater, the variety shows, Public radio is reinventing itself, ing), and auxiliary inputs. Last year, $10 and music programs ranging from the transforming into a multi-platform me- million dollars worth of these new radios In Your Neighborhood 12-13 “Lawrence Welk Show to classical mu- dia in many areas. NPR is no longer lim- sold in European markets. Although the Norwegian Heritage 14 sic. ited to local stations, improving access in product is not available yet in the U.S., Arts & Entertainment 15 Decades ago, entire families sat in rural landscapes, where the limited range it is the sign of the times of what is to Back Page 16 front of a single household radio for en- of FM never provided great reach for re- come. tertainment and news. Imagination was ception. Now a great shift is happening, In California I’ve recently listened the central appeal and listening was an toward programming that one can access to NPR throughout the day while recov- $1 = NOK 7.896 absorbing, often intense experience. on an iPhone, reaching listeners by using ering from surgery. For me, the listening updated 03/23/2015 Then, TV appeared, which left little modern mobile devices. In comparison to the imagination, mainly passive view- Because the market is changing, the See > media, page 14 02/23/2015 7.6086 09/23/2014 6.3500 03/23/2014 6.0527 Photo credits: (background) Daytona Strong; (dog-sledding) Steinar Vik / Finnmarkslopet.no 2 • March 27, 2015 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Cruise-rush til solformørkelsen Nå kan det bli påbudt med flytevest Næringskomiteen går inn for at alle Første totale solfor­ som oppholder seg i båt i fart er pålagt å ha på seg flytevest. Stortinget skal mørkelse på 60 år i avgjøre saken førstkommende tirsdag. Saksordfører i næringskomiteen, Ove Norge på 20. mars Trellevik (H), sier komiteen hadde en rimelig enkel jobb med å komme til en VG beslutning om påbudet. — Flertallet i Cruiseskip stappfulle av forventnings- komiteen har gått inn for et generelt fulle passasjerer satte kursen mot Færøyene påbud om at alle som oppholder seg i og havområdet nordover mot Svalbard. År- båt i fart må bruke redningsvest, sier sak: De ville se den totale solformørkelsen! han. Trellevik er selv imot påbudet. Da Vesle Færøyenes eget rederi Smyril saken var oppe i Stortinget i fjor, ble Line drar fra Hirtshals i Danmark med 800 forslaget forkastet da det ble ment at passasjerer—turen var utsolgt allerede tidlig det hadde for store mangler. I nærings- i høst. komiteen var Høyre og Frp mot påbu- — Poenget er at vi kan seile dit vi har det, mens resten var for. Ifølge tall fra best vær, sier pressetalsmann Runi Vang Norsk Folkehjelp omkom 114 person- Poulsen i Smyril Line til VG. Han drar med er som følge av drukning i Norge i fjor. 800 passasjerer fra Hirtshals, hovedsakelig Foto: Jens Henrik Nybo / Visitnorway.com (Aftenposten) tyskere og dansker. Mange cruise passasjerer reiste til Svalbard for å se solformørkelsen. Den forrige merkbare solformørkelsen i Rødt vann i Frierfjorden Norge, var i 2003. like mye, men det blir en flott tur, sier han. prosent av sollyset når formørkelsen er på En kloakklekkasje førte til at deler av De dyreste dobbeltlugarene koster Men også på fastlandet i Norge kunne det kraftigste. vannet Frierfjorden i Telemark var far- 32,000 kroner—men det er verdt det, synes folk glede seg til 20. mars—utsiktene var Bare to befolkede områder fikk to- get rød. Politiet i Telemark melder at det som: De dyreste lugarene gikk først, for- gode til å få orkesterplass til ett av tilværelsens tal formørkelse—Færøyene og Svalbard. I de har tatt prøver av vannet ved Voll i teller han. sjeldne opplevelser—solformørkelse. Longyearbyen ble det mørkt i to minutter Frierfjorden, etter at en tipser meldte VG vet at det går skip fra London og Litt over klokken 11 om formiddagen og 47 sekunder. Dette er den største solfor- om helt rødt vann over et rundt 400 Southampton—i alt regner Vang Paulsen skjer det—og de spesielt interesserte har mørkelsen på norsk jord på 94 år. Forrige meter langt belte. Da politiet kom til at hans MS Norrøna får selskap av minst ti selvsagt visst om dette i mange tiår: Månen formørkelse skjedde i 1954, mens neste skjer stedet, kunne de ikke skjønne hvor- cruiseskip. kommer inn mellom jorden og solen—og i 2048—og den vil bli total i blant annet for vannet var farget rødt. — Vi tror En av passasjerene på MS Norrøna, er hindrer sollyset i flere minutter. . det er maling, men har tatt prøver for StormGeo-meteorolog Roar Inge Hansen— En delvis solformørkelse kan merkes å finne ut av det, og oppretter sak. Vi som drar med kona: så vidt både i Nord-Afrika og Sør-Europa, English Synopsis: Cruise ships full of passengers headed to the Faroe Islands and Svalbard to see Nor- har ikke funnet noen logisk forklaring. — Det koster rundt 30,000 kroner, men mens Nord-Europa og østlige Grønland får way’s first total solar eclipse in 60 years on March 20. Det ligger et tynt flimmer på toppen av så er jeg jo interessert, da. Kanskje ikke kona en markert formørkelse. Bergen får bare 7 vannet, opplyser operasjonsleder Pet- ter Hovet til VG. Politiet mener det kan se ut som et malingsspann som er kastet utover. Noen timer sen­ere fikk de imidlertid opplyst at det har vært USAs klar Ønsker Uber i Oslo en kloakklekkasje i området. «Et rødt stoff brukes for å lokalisere slike lek- Melby ønsker politi­ kasjer. Ufarlig», skriver de på Twitter. Frierfjorden strekker seg fra Brevik beskjed anmeldt taxitjeneste inn til munningen av Skienselva. Ifølge Wikipedia var magnesium- USA har sagt tydelig til velkommen fabrikken på Herøya tidligere en av Norge: Ikke støtt arbeidet verdens største punktkilder for utslipp NRK av dioksiner, noe som førte til kraftig med å forby atomvåpen forurensning av Frierfjorden. Hydros — Jeg ønsker at vi skal åpne for sam- magnesiumfabrikk på Herøya slapp kjøringsselskaper, som Uber er et eksempel i perioden frem til 1990 ut like mye NRK på. Vi trenger billigere og bedre taxitjenester, dioksiner som samtlige kilder i hele mener miljø- og samferdselsbyråd i Oslo, Sverige. Fjorden har stor skipstrafikk, På nyåret fikk den amerikanske ambas- Guri Melby (V). blant annet til Rafnes i Bamble og saden i Oslo et oppdrag fra Washington. Men ikke alle er enige i at Uber driver Norsk Hydro i Porsgrunn. Det gikk ut på at de skulle si klart fra til med samkjøring. Flere etablerte taxisel­ (VG) Norge om at en norsk støtte til kampanjen skaper mener Uber minner mistenkelig om for å forby atomvåpen, er i strid med Norges privattaxivirksomhet. 70 kyr døde på gård i Namdalen NATO-medlemskap. Slik fungerer i grove trekk transporttjen- Foto: Uber Rundt 70 kyr er døde på en gård i Fos- Utenriksdepartementet bekrefter på 17. esten: En app på telefonen der du registrerer Noen vil ha Uber drosjer i Oslo. nes i Nord-Trøndelag. Politiet starter mars at de fikk denne klare meldingen fra deg og legger inn kortopplysningene dine, etterforskning etter tips om mislig- USA. og du blir koblet sammen med en navngitt en av sakene. Samferdselsbyråden synes hold. En mann som driver gården, er — Budskapet som vi får fra våre NA- sjåfør. Etter turen belastes kortet ditt. anmeldelsen fra kommunen hun jobber i er siktet for brudd på dyrevernsloven. TO-allierte, er det samme som den norske — Det er spennende å tenke på hvordan uproblematisk. Mattilsynet var fredag på tilsyn på regjeringen har gitt: Å gå inn for et forbud vi kan forandre hvordan folk forflytter seg i — Bymiljøetaten har anmeldt Uber fordi gården etter å ha fått tips om mislig- nå, vil ikke være i samsvar med våre NATO- Oslo, sier Jo Bertram, Uber-sjef for blant an- selskapet ikke er tilpasset dagens regelverk. hold. På gården fant de alle kyrne i forpliktelser, sier statssekretær Bård Glad net de nordiske landene Det er samferdselsdepartementet som kan fjøset døde og ba derfor politiet om Pedersen i Utenriksdepartementet. Bertram mener fordelene er så mange at endre lovene hvis de ønsker, som oss, mer bistand, opplyser lensmann Stein Erik Den internasjonale kampanjen mot at- det kan redusere bilbruken totalt sett. nyskaping i taxi- og samkjøringsmarkedet. Granli i Namsos til NTB. — Mannen omvåpen, som nå bekymrer USA, startet Samferdselsbyråden ser mange av de Uber er en omdiskutert tjeneste også i som driver gården, er siktet for brudd med et norsk initiativ. samme fordelene med Uber. mange andre land, og deler av tilbudet ble på dyrevernsloven og vil bli avhørt i På Stortinget er det et flertall for et for- — Jeg mener det er svært positivt for forbudt i Tyskland denne uken. løpet av dagen. Han har fått tilbud om bud mot atomvåpen. Kun Høyre og Frem- miljøet at vi får denne typen tjenester. Det — Transportlovene i de fleste land ble tilsyn fra helsepersonell. Dette er en skrittspartiet er tydelig mot et slikt forbud. gjør det lettere for folk å leve uten bil, sier laget før smarttelefonene, og man så hvilke personlig tragedie for ham, sier Granli. Nå gir altså USA klar beskjed til Norge Melby. muligheter denne teknologien gir, sier Ber- Politiet, som kaller saken en «alvorlig og flere NATO-land om at de ikke vil ha noe Da Uber ble lansert i Oslo i november i , som mener bråket skyldes at de gir an- dyrevernssak», bistår Mattilsynet, som av dette initiativet. fjor fikk det mange til å se rødt. Bymiljøetat- dre selskaper konkurranse. på 20. mars jobber med å sikre bevis en politianmeldte umiddelbart selskapet, og på gården. English Synopsis: The U.S. has sent Norway a clear de siste ukene har ytterligere to anmeldelser English Synopsis: Oslo’s Transport Commissioner message urging Norwegian authorities to oppose the blitt levert inn mot tjenesten. supports Uber taxi service, even though it has been (Aftenposten) international efforts to ban nuclear weapons. prosecuted by taxi companies and the City of Oslo. Politiet har ikke startet etterforskning­ Norwegian american weekly March 27, 2015 • 3 news page Coal holdings too high Financial This week in brief “Immigration is positive for Norway” Three environmental 54 percent of Norwegians believe im- crime pays migration is positive for Norway, while organizations pass only 12 percent say it is negative. 31 per- Only one in four cent have no opinion, according to a poll judgment on Norway’s made by IPSOS/MMI for Aftenposten. Sovereign Wealth Fund perpetrators of such Citizens of Oslo are the most posi- tive to immigration. crimes are caught The same poll was also made for Michael Sandelson the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, The Foreigner Dagens Næringsliv / Aftenposten and shows that there is little difference between Norway and Sweden in this Norges Bank was buoyant in their state- Three out of four who are guilty of finan- matter. In Sweden, six out of ten believe ments regarding 2014 when they published cial crime walk away free, says Eirik Schea, immigration is good for the country. their results last week. head of the National Authority for Investiga- (Norway Post / NRK / Aftenposten) Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund di- tion and Prosecution of Economic and Envi- vested from 53 coal companies. This is a ronmental Crime (Økokrim). In an interview Russian military exercise in the North third of the total number of coal companies with Dagens Næringsliv, Schea states that found in the portfolio last year, Germany’s the chance of being caught for committing Russian President Putin has ordered a Urgewald says about their preliminary anal- an economic crime is only 25 percent. At the major military exercise in the Arctic, not far from the Norwegian border. More ysis of the figures. Photo: Stephen Codrington / Wikimedia same time, the cases that Økokrim investi- than 40,000 Russian troops participate The German NGO, Greenpeace Nor- The environmentally frought energy source still gates are becoming more extensive and com- way, Norway’s The Future in Our Hands, makes up too great a percentage of the SWF. plex. in the exercise, which involves the air and Greenpeace Norway have already stated “The chance of being caught for a finan- force, and ground and naval forces. in their Dirty and Dangerous report that the They are currently NOK 79 billion cial crime should be higher. This is a threat The Russian exercise takes place at SWF’s stakes in the coal industry were NOK (EUR 9.16 billion), Schuecking comments against the trust-based, open economy that the same time as the Norwegian military 82.7 billion for 2013—higher than previous- regarding the 2014 figures, 4.6 percent lower we have in Norway. We are a wealthy nation, winter exercise Joint Viking is coming ly acknowledged. than the previous year’s holdings. and we see that foreign economic criminals to an end in the county of Finnmark. Calling the reduction “a laudable first The jettisoning of 53 coal companies choose to target countries where the risk of The headquarters of the Russian step,” Urgewald director Heffa Schuecking amounts to NOK 7.7 billion, but half of this being caught is low, and the chances of mak- North Fleet is located at Murmansk, declares the overall result to be “very disap- sum was used to top up existing coal hold- ing good money are high,” Schea explains. only 150 km from the border. pointing.” ings or invest in new coal companies, states A recent report by Økokrim for 2014 The chief of the Norwegian mili- According to her, this is because the Urgewald. shows that fewer and fewer cases are being tary intelligence service, Kjell Grand- SWF’s total investments in the coal industry hagen, says the Russian forces have show just a marginal decrease. See > coal, page 6 See > crime, page 6 achieved a considerably improved pre- paredness ability. At the same time, Grandhagen says that at present Russia poses no military Man attacked by Svalbard polar bear threat to Norway. “There is no rational reason for a Russian military aggression The 37-year-old is against Norway, in the short or the lon- ger perspective,” Grandhagen says. undergoing treatment (Norway Post / NRK / Aftenposten) for light injuries Progress Party and Labor drop on latest poll Sarah Bostock & Michael Sandelson The Labor Party is supported by 35.7 The Foreigner percent of the electorate, down from 39.7 percent in February, according to the lat- est poll from Norstat, made for NRK. Jakub Moravec from the Czech Repub- The right wing Progress Party (FrP) lic told ITV News that he was “very lucky” dropped by 0.5 points, to 8.8 percent. to survive. He escaped with non-life-threat- FrP’s government coalition partner, the ening injuries to his arms, chest, and face. Conservative Party (Høyre) also dropped Moravec had been camping with six oth- by 0.2 points, from 27.1 to 26.9 percent. er tourists on Svalbard prior to the full solar The big winner in the March poll eclipse, which they wished to see, when the Photo: Arturo de Frias Marques / Wikimedia Commons is the Agrarian Party (SP), up by 2.5 polar bear attacked him at around 6:00 a.m. A polar bear jumps on fast-moving ice. points from 5.6 percent to 8.1. The group were on a ski and snow scooter The Liberal Left Party (Venstre) is trip to the region more than 500 miles north person for the Governor of Svalbard com- said University Hospital of North Norway also up, from 3.7 to 5.3 percent. of the Norwegian mainland when the inci- press spokesperson, Jan Fredrik Frantzen, to mented to The Foreigner. (Norway Post / NRK) dent happened. From his hospital bed, Moravec told The Foreigner, Friday, March 20. The female polar bear attacked as the NRK television that he awoke to find the A woman suffering from frost injuries Norway increases humanitarian party was sleeping at Fredheim in Tempel­ bear in the tent standing over him. He tried she had sustained earlier was also transport- support to Syria fjorden on the island of Spitsbergen. The to fight it off before another person in the ed there. Next of kin were informed. two-year-old, some 154-kilo marked animal group drove the bear away by shooting and It is believed that the polar bear man- Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge (about 340 pounds) was the sister of a young injuring it. aged to break through a fence set up around Brende says the Norwegian Govern- bear found dead a year ago in Billefjorden The victim, who was conscious, was the campsite before ripping into the tent. ment is now providing USD 93 million in Svalbard. flown by helicopter to a hospital in Long- Zuzana Hakova, a member of the group, to support relief efforts in Syria and the “Both examination of the bear and the yearbyen, the capital of the Norwegian Sval- told regional publication Svalbardposten that neighboring countries. police investigation into the incident are still bard archipelago. “Both the extent and type “The humanitarian crisis in Syria is at an early stage, however,” a press spokes- of injuries he sustained remain unchanged,” See > bear, page 7 escalating. Children are the hardest hit. USD 18.6 million of these funds will be earmarked for education and child pro- theforeigner.no is one of the top sources for English-language news tection efforts,” Brende says and features from Norway. Subscriptions start at NOK 49 per month There are no foreign The civil war in Syria is now enter- ing its fifth year. More than 12 million «lands. It is the traveler people, three-quarters of the country’s population, need humanitarian support only who is foreign. in order to meet their most basic needs. – Robert Louis Stevenson » (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 4 • March 27, 2015 norwegian american weekly Business Business News & Notes wins 2014 was good for the National Oil Fund A sharp fall in crude oil prices in autumn The Government Pension Fund Global, 2014 and into 2015 will reinforce the nega- also called the National Oil Fund, returned tive impulses going forward. 7.6 percent, or 544 billion kroner, in 2014. Economic growth among Norway’s transport design prize “2014 was a good year for the fund, with trading partners picked up towards the end positive results for all its asset classes,” says of 2014. The fall in oil prices seems to be The train is citizens’ preferred way to travel the fund’s CEO, Yngve Slyngstad. positive for most of Norway’s trading part- Equity investments returned 26.3 per- ners, but growth is weakened by high debt cent, while fixed-income investments re- in the public sector as well as in households. turned 0.1 percent. Investments in real estate Growth in Norway’s export markets is ex- returned 11.8 percent. The fund’s asset allo- pected to be roughly unchanged this year, cation at the end of the year was 61.7 percent followed by gradually higher growth. equities, 37.3 percent fixed income, and 1 Growth in average wages fell from percent real estate. 3.9 percent in 2013 to 3.1 percent in 2014. The fund’s market value was 5,038 bil- Higher unemployment means wage growth lion kroner at the end of 2013, up from 3,816 this year will fall further, to an estimated 2.9 billion kroner a year earlier. percent. Growth in the consumer price index The fund is one of the largest of its kind (CPI) was 2.0 percent last year. Despite the in the world. low oil price pushing prices down, the weak- (Norway Post / Aftenposten) ened krone is expected to have a major im- pact on inflation, resulting in CPI growth this Further economic downturn—but no crisis year of 2.3 percent. Thus, real wage growth, A fall in oil investment is expected to reduce which was 1.8 percent in 2013 and 1.1 per- mainland Norway’s GDP growth to just 1.1 cent last year, will fall to 0.6 percent this percent in 2015, compared with 2.3 percent year—the lowest in 25 years. in both 2013 and 2014, according to Statis- Slow economic growth implies little tics Norway (SSB). growth in employment. Slightly lower immi- Unemployment will increase gradually, gration will help to limit the rise in unemploy- to an estimated 4.1 percent in 2016. This will ment, which may nevertheless reach 4.1 per- Photo: Nina-no / Wikimedia Commons help to reduce wage growth, which is expect- cent in 2016. This is well below the level from Bergen’s light rail train at the terminus between the train station and Byparken, the large park in the city’s center. The other terminus on this line is Flesland Airport. ed to be less than 3 percent in 2015. the beginning of the 2000s. The subsequent Reduced demand from the petroleum in- economic recovery is then expected to lead to dustry after years of strong growth, together a stronger employment, with unemployment Rasmus Falck December 2009. So far there are 20 vehicles with a modest growth in household demand, falling to 3.8 percent in 2018, according to the Oslo, Norway operating. were key factors behind the moderate eco- forecast from Statistics Norway. The first public transport in Bergen was nomic downturn in the second half of 2014. (Norway Post / NRK / SSB) Bergen Light Rail won this year’s prize the Bergen Tramway, which operated be- for transport design. This is the first rail sys- tween 1897 and 1965. It was limited to the tem in Norway designed in a holistic way. It inner parts of the city and did not reach the LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: shows courage and innovation. It has truly suburbs. The city decided to close it as the Certified Public Accountant Small businesses become the citizens’ preferred way of travel. future was private cars, diesel busses, and (206)789-5433 Individuals Today the light rail is one of the city’s clear- trolleybuses. The result was more traffic 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 Specialized Assistance est brands, with high social status. Accord- than the roads could handle. Consequently Seattle, WA 98119 ing to the jury the city has taken risk and the planners started to think about a better succeeded. It is one of the most successful solution. planning schemes done after WWII in Nor- Early on, an internationally proclaimed wegian cities. design competition was held. This involved Join our community! The newly created Norwegian Center landscape architecture, industrial design, for Design and Architecture is behind the graphic design, textile design, and branding. Just $70 for 47 issues award. The organization is a merger between In other words, working with principles for landscape architecture, design and furnish- Call* (800) 305-0217 or email naw@na -weekly.com for details* the Foundation for Design and Architecture in Norway and the Norwegian Design Coun- ing of stops, exterior and interior designs cil. The organization, located in Oslo, will of the , uniforms for the conductors, promote quality and innovation using design graphic profile, and branding strategy. The and architecture to develop surroundings, solutions needed to be as user friendly as products, and services. possible. In 2000, the city of Bergen decided Plans for the light rail are already being 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 on the construction of a light rail transit developed for future extensions to other sec- Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] between the city center and the airport at tions of the city. The aim is to decrease the Flesland. The project required a financing growth in traffic and replace the greatest part of the growth by public transport. Featuring great Nordic products package based on cooperation between the national and local government. The project In June 2010 the line was officially Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments was approved by Stortinget and construc- opened by Queen Sonja of Norway. Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats tion was started in 2008. The entire line will Rasmus Falck is a strong and more! be finished by 2016 and will serve about 25 innovation and entrepre- percent of the region’s population and be in- neurship advocate. The Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com tegrated with existing bus services. author of “What do the The city of Bergen signed a develop- best do better” and “The ment contract with Stadler Pankow for the board of directors as a first low-floor light rail vehicles. The con- resource in SME,” he re- MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE tract includes technical and cosmetic design ceived his masters degree as well as planning of the homologation pro- from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He cess. The first vehicle arrived in Bergen in currently lives in Oslo, Norway. Attorneys and counselors at law Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, (March 23, 2015) Winners Losers commercial transactions and estate planning. Norsk Kr. 7.8960 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Dansk Kr. 6.8140 Napatech 26.40 19.46% Odfjell ser. B 17.80 -7.29% EVRY 20.00 17.65% Petrolia 6.80 -6.72% Svensk Kr. 8.5014 Medistim 39.50 9.72% Norwegian Energy Co. 0.74 -6.33% 2501 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Islandsk Kr. 135.89 Byggma 49.00 8.89% SeaBird Exploration 0.15 -6.25% Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Canadian $ 1.2508 Aker Solutions 42.40 8.30% Polaris Media 18.50 -5.61% Euro 0.9140 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. norwegian american weekly March 27, 2015 • 5 sports Europe’s longest sled-dog race: Four women thrive in 2015 Finnmarksløpet

Molly Jones Norwegian American Weekly

On March 7, mushers and their hard- working sled dogs gathered in Arctic Nor- way at the start line of Europe’s longest sled- dog race—Finnmarksløpet. The challenging race is split into three distances—1,000 ki- lometers, 500 kilometers, and a 200 kilome- ter junior race—and can last anywhere from two days to over a week. The race starts at finishes in Alta, located at 70° N. The race was also the world champion- ship for sled dog racing this year, raising the stakes of the competition. But the competi- tors lived up to the pressure, and four dedi- cated and perseverant women secured vic- tories. For the second year in a row, Norwegian Sigrid Ekran won the 1,000 km race, becom- ing the first woman to win Finnmarksløpet two consecutive years. “A perfect musher in Photos: (above) Finnmarkslopet.no, her prime” declares Finnmarksløpet. (left) Dmitry Sharomov / Finnmarkslopet.no Above: Dag Broch and Marcal Rocias Palau This two-time world champion is known with their teams. for taking exceptional care of her dogs and Left: Sigrid Ekran, world champion, celebrates credits them as the real winners of the race. with her dog, Ludvig. “Tusen takk, Ludvig!” said Ekran to her lead dog after crossing the finish line. Ekran had been in the lead almost the entire way from the last checkpoints in Øst- “I’m happy. It’s been a difficult race Finnmark all the way back to Alta and de- with lots of wind,” states Koch, adding that cided to take a courageous hour-long rest at the temperature has also been a bit too warm Jokta, the last checkpoint. Ekran explains for her Siberian Huskies. “For me it is the her racing philosophy: “My team and I al- dogs first, and then the race.” ways do the best we can. I want to reach The junior class race marked a historic the finish with a team that is in good spirits event as 17-year-old Norwegian Anette with the energy to rejoice over their wonder- Børve Hernes became the first ever junior ful achievement!” And sure enough, after world champion in long distance sled dog the dogs had rested, Ekran and her team re- Alta, I knew that I was the world champion,” But it’s not all about the veterans; Finn- racing. The honor is “fantastic and indescrib- mained in the lead and took off with renewed admits Edland. marksløpet rookie Eveline Koch of Sweden able,” comments Børve Hernes. energy to cross the finish line in first place. And the veteran musher certainly has a came out in first in the Registered Nordic Each of these competitors, though di- Ekran’s fellow countrywoman, Elisa- reason to be confident! 2015 marks Edland’s Breed (RNB) class of the 500 km race. This verse, demonstrated both remarkable perse- beth Edland, secured the victory in the 500 third win at Finnmarksløpet; she also won RNB class of pure breeds was included in verance and deep respect for their sled dogs km race after securing the lead early on. the 500 km race in 2007 and 2011. “Grand- Finnmarksløpet this year as a requirement throughout Finnmarksløpet, thoroughly “Anything can happen, but when I reached mothers rule in this race!” declared the of the International Federation of Sleddog earning the title of sled-dog racing world the edge at Vidda and headed down towards 56-year-old grandma after finishing the race. Sports for world championship events. champion.

Sports News & Notes

Norway’s “Messi” to UK premier league assumed command of the Saints last year Martin Ødegaard might play for Southamp- after taking over from incumbent Tottenham ton next season if the Saints’ boss gets to Hotspur manager Mauricio Pochettino. sign the Real Madrid player on loan, reports (Michael Sandelson / The Foreigner) say. The Norwegian teenage midfielder, 90,000 at Ski Festival who was picked to play for Norway in this A total of 90,000 persons visited the - month’s Euro 2016 qualifier against Croatia, kollen Ski Festival this year. This is 20,000 was watched by scouts Ronald Koeman sent more than last year. The festival sold 30,665 when playing for Real Madrid Castilla, Sun- tickets to the Hill arena. The rest were spread day, March 15. along the trails in the Nordmarka forest area. Castilla is Real’s B side. Ødegaard has Many even camped overnight out in the for- SpeNd AN Hour wiTH so far scored once in the six games he has est along the trails, cheering the participants ThrivenT’s Top leaders played for the club since moving to the Span- along as they passed. ish capital in January, but has only played (Norway Post / NRK) How often do you get to join the chief executive officer and the full 90 minutes once. the chief financial officer of a Fortune 500 organization for Q&A? UK tabloid the Daily Mirror also writes Ski Jumping: Bardal retires Members—and anyone else interested in Thrivent Financial—are invited to that Manchester City, Bayern Munich, Ajax, Norway’s ski jumping veteran Anders Bar- do just that. Tune in to our Virtual Member Meeting to hear what’s new as Thrivent and Barcelona have also made offers regard- dal (32) has retired from the sport, after 25 furthers its mission to help Christians be wise with money and live generously. ing the 16-year-old, who has been dubbed years, the last 15 in the World Cup. Register Now! “the new Messi.” Bardal won individual World Champi- St. Mary’s stadium-based Southampton onship gold in Val di Fiemme in 2013, team When: April 23, 7:30 p.m. Central time F.C. are currently ranked sixth in the UK’s gold in Falun this year, and altogether seven How: Tune in to the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Premier League. World Cup wins in his career. Register at: Thrivent.com/membermeeting Current manager 51-year-old Ronald (Norway Post / NRK / Aftenposten) Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-847-4836 • Koeman is a former Dutch footballer who 27264NB N1-15 6 • March 27, 2015 norwegian american weekly opinion

A message from Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun < coal Editor’s Notes Join the conversation! From page 3

Greenpeace Norway’s Truls Gulowsen remarks that “this is well illustrated by the “save the norwegian news paper” development of the GPF’s coal portfolio in China and India.” “We are happy to see that the SWF di- As you probably know, we at NAW vested a total of NOK 729 million by drop- had a really bad scare earlier this year. ping 13 Indian coal companies, but at the I was a scant year on the job, starting same time, it has increased its investments to feel like I had my newspaper legs under in the Chinese coal sector by NOK 741 mil- me at last. I’d just returned from a week’s lion.” vacation in Iceland and life was pretty “In addition to the big money still re- swell. And, then, in what we thought was maining, it seems that the sell/buy they are going to be a routine staff meeting, we conducting in the coal sector regarding the were told that NAW was over. companies is still a bit random, which under- That was two months ago, and we’re lines the need for far more resources if they still here. are going to succeed in proper ownership That’s due in no small part to an out- strategy,” he tells The Foreigner. cry from you, dear readers. In the weeks The Future in Our Hands’ Arild Herms- that followed our near-death experience, tad calls for real coal divestment now. “Sim- many of you asked what you could do to ply shifting destructive investments from help us. You showered us with sympathy one place to another cannot be the solution,” and ideas for cost-cutting measures. he says. A few people even sent in donations. At the same time, Truls Gulowsen The most generous of these was from sounds one positive note: “Norges Bank David and Barbara Johnson, who sent Photo: Derek Willis / Emily C. Skaftun Investment Management (NBIM) and CEO in $2,500 with a note reading, simply, Nils Anders on location at Seattle’s Kerry Park. Yngve Slyngstad are realizing that a grow- “Don’t die!” ing number of coal companies are not sus- The most adorable of the donations won’t help. ly), Twitter (@NAWeekly), or webpage tainable, and have also realized that active was from a young reader, who wrote: It’s also a place where people can pass (www.na-weekly.com) for more info on engagement with these companies is leading “My name is Jennifer. My dad likes the the digital hat when they need to raise mon- the campaign when it begins. nowhere. That is a clear signal to the politi- norwegian news paper. My dad teaches ey to get a family through a cancer diagno- We will be launching it in April, most cians, who must give a clear mandate to di- me some words. I have one dolar to help. sis or fend off foreclosure. The idea is that likely on April 1, but it is not a joke. vest from coal this spring.” Mange takk.” if enough people donate even very small The number one thing you can do to Mange takk to you, Jennifer! Mange amounts, huge amounts of money can be make this fundraising effort a success is takk to David and Barbara! And to the raised. to donate (duh). The number two thing— < crime others whose donations fell somewhere in Our campaign is somewhere in between which is arguably even more important From page 3 between. a product launch and charity. We have a than number one—is to spread the word. Even though things look better now, product and we are ecstatic to sell it! Re- Share links to the campaign through investigated by the authority. Whereas 47 we’re not out of the woods. The bottom wards levels include subscription packages, email and social media. Tell your friends. cases were being investigated by Økokrim in line is this: we lost $30,000 in 2014, and both print and digital, and advertising. Other Tell your enemies. Ask not what your 2004, only 25 cases were under investigation even though we’ve made a lot of changes fun rewards are available, including mini- newspaper can do for you, and so on. (But last year. to spend less and reach more readers and nisser, Nils Anders Wik magnets, and even actually feel free to ask what we can do In 1999, Økokrim were responsible for advertisers, we’re not yet breaking even. a visit from Nils Anders himself. We also for you, or better yet to tell us what you’d 76 convictions. In 2014 that number had And that’s before we address the fact that have a very few copies of the “final” issue like us to do for you). been cut by half, to 31. 75 cases were report- our terrific writers deserve to be paid for of NAW, volume 126, issue 5, that we made If you don’t want anything from us ed to the authority, in addition to 22 “inqui- their efforts (a radical concept, I know). and sent to the printer before learning of our and would just like to donate to the cause, ries.” Three out of four cases were dropped. So if you’d still like to help (and we stay of execution. This is your only chance you can of course send checks directly to “It hurts to drop a large share of these hope you do!), we’ve created an Indiego- to get your hands on that priceless bit of al- us at 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, cases. We took on half of what we would go campaign to formalize the process. ternate history! WA 98115. We are unfortunately not a have liked to,” Schea says. Indiegogo is one of many crowdfund- As of this writing, our campaign is still non-profit, so you won’t get a tax break The head of Økokrim admits the situ- ing sites on the internet. It’s a place where not live, so I am only making an educated from your donation. Just the warm fuzzy ation should be different. “In retrospect it small businesses, musicians, writers, and guess when I say that the URL for it will feeling of true generosity and our undy- would probably have been less attractive for so on can solicit pre-orders for products, be www.indiegogo.com/projects/save-the- ing love. foreign criminals to commit business-related securing the funding needed to create said norwegian-american-weekly. Please check And, hopefully, our undying news- crimes in Norway if we had reacted stronger products when traditional sources can’t or our Facebook (www.facebook.com/naweek- paper. to ordinary economic crimes. It is possible to improve. This goes for the entire police,” The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. Schea tells Dagens Næringsliv. Just the right amount of NAW

Want to try NAW on for size? Name: ______Phone: ______Looking for a lower-priced gift Address: ______for the Norwegian in your life? Here’s a secret: we’ll pro-rate City/State/Zip: ______subscriptions to fit your budget. Visa / Mastercard: ______Expiration: ______CVV: one year: $70 Email: Questions? Call us at (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected]. Or buy part of a year for less! You can also subscribe with a credit card over the phone! or mail check to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 norwegian american weekly March 27, 2015 • 7 opinion Letters to the Editor Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Publisher Norwegian American Foundation Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Ostehøvel Microsoft Word and many other programs. Editorial Assistant But it doesn’t work in all of them. In Molly Jones [email protected] Dear Editor, fact, irritatingly, it doesn’t work in InDesign, Taste of Norway Editor NAW notes I have with interest read your article in which is the program we use to lay out the Daytona Strong [email protected] Easter & vacation NAW (March 13, 2015) in Norwegian that paper, so every time my copyeditor told me I Advertising Påske is right around the talks about a carpenter, Thor Bjørklund from was missing a Norwegian character (which Drew Gardner [email protected] Lillehammer, who invented the first ostehøv- was often), I had to copy and paste it from corner! Our Easter Special Issue Subscriptions is next week. el (cheese scraper). another program. John Erik Stacy [email protected] Following the Easter Issue, What your article does not mention I’m embarrassed to say that it took me we’re going to embrace our Nor- was that he managed to get a world patent about a year at this job to discover one of Contributors wegian heritage by taking a week for this device on February 27, 1925. This the other methods that M. Michael Brady Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. off. Therefore,you will not re- was an amazing achievement and must have compiled for us in that article—namely the Lina Aas-Helseth Gran Canaria, Canary Islands been very costly. There is no information keyboard shortcuts. Now typing them is so Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. ceive a paper on April 10; don’t Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. fret! We will be out of the office that I could find as to what the patent cost. easy that I’m just going to throw in some now M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway from March 30 to April 3; please But as a comparison, Ole F. Bergan (1876- for the fun of it: Carla Danziger McLean, Va. / Albany, Calif. 1956) who invented the ryggsekk (rucksack) ØæååÆøøø. Daughters of Norway Members Various don’t fret about that either. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. in 1908 paid NOK 1,500 for a world-wide NAWPlease note notes that this is a Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway change from previous years. In patent around 1910. That amount could to- Sincerely, Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland day be anything between NOK 1-3.5 million. Editor Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. the past we’ve taken four weeks Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. off in the summer, but this year’s Not small change. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway summer break will be just three Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Sincerely, Norway v. Sweden Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. weeks long, so we can take a Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. much-needed breather in the John Brock-Utne Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y spring. We hope you enjoy the Stanford, Calif. Hi NAWeekly, Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. In the movie Underdog, which you guys Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. same! Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. just wrote an article about (March 20, 2015), Norsk letters Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Correction the Swedish main character says this about Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Norwegians: Darin Lietz Seattle, Wash. We let the previous issue Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. (March 20, 2015) go out with- Dear Editor, “We think that Norwegians are like a re- Whitney Love Stavanger, Norway out a photo credit for the front I liked your article in March 13 issue tarded cousin that just won the lottery.” Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. about computers and the extra vowels. We in the YouTube channel called Your- Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. page! Whoops! The photo of Ny David Moe Sun City, Calif. Ålesund was taken by Harvey I am very thankful that the iMac has a way2Norway became very interested in this David Nikel Trondheim, Norway Barrison and obtained from Wiki- very simple system: just hold down the key perspective and the shifting relationship be- Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. and a tiny pop-up screen shows you all the tween Norway and Sweden. We had to find Finn Roed West Bloomfield, Mich. media Commons. Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho options for that letter and you hit the number out how people in Norway reacted to this as- John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. NAW at your event shown above the letter you need. Harder to sertion. The answers we got are surprising. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. Would you like to distribute explain than to do it! You can see the video at www.youtube. For ø or Ø, you just hold down the “o” com/watch?v=zdauMzEGzdU&list=TLk- copies of NAW at your Norwe- Norwegian American Weekly strives to make gian-themed event? We love key and the pop-up shows you that the letter ZLcld5WWE its news report fair and accurate. If you have a you want is number 6, you hit 6 and have the On our channel Yourway2Norway, we question or comment about news coverage call sending boxes of promotional (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly newspapers and typically charge ø. (Does not work on iPad.) depict the best country in the world to live in, reserves the right to edit any and all submissions only the cost of shipping. Write Glad to hear you will be taking a week according to the UN, and one of the richest, for style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and off. Thanks for keeping your readers updat- in a humorous and different way—behind the the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, to us at [email protected] for in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this more details. ed. tourist brochures of fjords and mountains. newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion The idea behind Yourway2Norway writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publica- Sincerely, comes from me being part Sami, Chilean, tion of those views is not an endorsement of them. Karla and Italian—I have always had an outside- Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials < bear Michigan in perspective on Norway. Together with should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian a friend, I established the channel three American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942- months ago. 1389) is published weekly except the first week of her mother shot at the bear three times, caus- the calendar year, the week after Easter, the last ing the animal to flee. Dear Karla, Hope you guys like the video and our week of July, and the first two weeks of August by Thank you for your happy vacation findings. Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Periodicals According to the Governor of Sval- postage paid at Seattle, Wash. and at additional bard’s office, the polar bear was subsequent- wishes. We’re pretty excited. mailing offices. • POSTMASTER: Please send ad- ly killed. We use Apple computers around here Best regards, dress changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Suite A Seat- too, and for a long time I relied on the method Ronald Sagatun tle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $70 No one else was injured during the at- Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US $212 to Norway tack. you mentioned. It’s super handy in email and Yourway2Norway and all other foreign countries. SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Formerly Norway Times Han Ola og Han Per with new translations by John Erik Stacy Western Viking & Washington Posten Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven


What kind of This is a sort of “Safety You just walk out in the contraption Pedestrian Catcher.” middle of the road and then is that, Per? When Lars comes we we will drive straight into are going to try it out. you. You won’t be hurt at all. 8 • March 27, 2015 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway NAW welcomes new food editor For Daytona Strong, cooking is a window into her Norwegian heritage—and a way to share it

Daytona Strong Norwegian American Weekly

I still remember all those holidays gath- ered around the table—just my parents, paternal grandparents, and me. Roast pork offset by rich, spiced medisterkaker. Vi- brant steamed carrots contrasted with cab- bage braised into vinegar- and butter-braised surkål. And, of course, the riskrem, creamy and white with raspberry sauce drizzling into a magenta pool at the bottom of the bowl. My grandparents and father had left Norway behind decades before, but even in Seattle my grandmother worked hard to share the family’s heritage in the ways she best knew how: its food. People want to be the perfect parents, a Photos: Daytona Strong new friend told me over sparkling wine and A simple garnish of grated bittersweet or semi- oysters on a recent Sunday. But the most sweet chocolate is all this dessert needs. important thing you can do for your kids is to show them where they come from. That’s them. I’m interested in the way that Norwe- been resonating with me ever since, and I gian-American families have passed down think it helps explain why I care so much recipes from one generation to the next. I’m about Norwegian food—and why I’m ex- curious about how modern Norwegian cook- cited to be the new Taste of Norway Editor. ing both differs from and looks the same as Some years ago, as I watched my grand- food from long ago. The New Nordic move- parents’ generation age and pass away, I re- ment is equally intriguing, the way its chefs alized that unless I took an active role in car- find inspiration in what the northern land and rying on the traditions, they would fade into waters offer. I hope to explore all of this in memory, just like those dear people who had the months to come. I also hope to open up a shared them with me to begin with. Perhaps conversation with you. because of my grandmother’s hospitality We each bring different experiences all those years, food has been the language and perspectives as we gather at the table. through which I can best understand my her- I want to know what role Norwegian food itage. It’s how I share it with those around has played in your life: the memories it me, including my own children. evokes, how it’s helped connect you with I remember seeing copies of the West- others, and—if you’re Norwegian—how it ern Viking—this paper’s predecessor—at has helped you understand who you are and my grandparents’ house when I was growing where you come from. We’ve created an up, and I’ve been contributing to the Nor- email address just for this section: food@ Norwegian Coffee Mousse wegian American Weekly for a few years. na-weekly.com. Please feel free to write. I’d It’s an honor to step into this new role as love to hear from you. (Kaffefromasj) food editor. Some people collect trinkets; I collect recipes. My bookshelves are heavy Daytona Strong is a Se- As much as I love reading the latest Kaspersen. With little more than cream, sug- with Scandinavian cookbooks both new and attle-based food writer Nordic cookbooks, which frequently offer ar, coffee, and gelatin, kaffefromasj is rich vintage. It’s as if by cooking I have found and recipe developer. She fresh takes on old classics, I appreciate the yet light, a coffee mousse. It can be made a window into who I am and where I come writes about her family’s straightforward approach that vintage or tra- with or without chopped almonds. I thought from. Scandinavian heritage ditional books often take. I’ve found various about adding a little cocoa powder or cin- I suspect that many of you have your through the lens of food versions of kaffefromasj and similar desserts namon but opted instead for some vanilla own stories like mine. I would like to hear at www.outside-oslo.com. in books such as the 1970s’ Scandinavian extract and a touch of salt, with some grated Cooking by Beryl Frank and Norwegian chocolate for garnish. Sometimes simplicity National Recipes by Arne Brimi and Ardis is best. Advertise in the Weekly! 1 envelope gelatin 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups heavy whipping cream scant 1/4 tsp. kosher salt Reasons to advertise: 1/3 cup sugar bittersweet or semisweet chocolate for 3/4 cup cold strong coffee garnish Reach over 10,000 • Affordable! $12/col inch for Norwegian-American readers B&W, $18/col inch for color EVERY week! • Best of all, support the Bring water to a boil and pour 1/3 cup into a small bowl. Immediately sprinkle gelatin over the top and stir until it dissolves completely. Set aside to cool. only Norwegian-American Whip the cream until stiff peaks form. While mixing, add sugar in a steady stream, then newspaper! gradually pour in the coffee followed by the cooled gelatin. Stir in the vanilla extract and salt. Spoon into ramekins or other individual serving dishes and chill until set, at least three hours or overnight. Grate chocolate over the top and serve. For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] Serves 10. norwegian american weekly March 27, 2015 • 9 travel Nils Anders Wik’s journey continues: A day in the snow in Hamilton, Montana

Photos: Edna Gundersen Blanchfield Above: Nils Anders and Stanley play in the snow. Right: The pair visits a forest service cabin.

Photo: Edna Gundersen Blanchfield Above: Nils Anders and Flat Stanley chop some wood. Below: Nils Anders and Stanley are exhausted after chopping wood and enjoy a hot drink. Note that Stanley has his name on his thermos.

Norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week

Edna Gundersen Blanchfield Hamilton, Mont.

Nils Anders had been staying with me other and they became fast friends. in Hamilton, Montana. One day I brought Nils Anders and Stanley had a wonder- him down to Chief Joseph Pass, by the Idaho ful day together. Nils will have many happy border, for a day of cross-country skiing. My memories of his new friend. Stanley will friend Sharon brought Flat Stanley, who was soon be returning to Texas and will tell all on a visit from her grandson in Texas. We his friends there about the great time he and introduced Stanley and Nils Anders to each Nils had skiing in Montana.


Join usB on Easter Sundayake forri Here is Nils Anders Wik. He was mailed from our house in Benson, Minnesota, and went to visit Peter and Smörgastårtå by the slice, hot Ella Ronningen in Kindred, North Dakota. That’s him with Peter and Ella at the corner of 2nd and Elm in Kindred. A nice sunny day, too! cross buns, quiche, sandwiches,

Submitted by Irene Starck, aka Bestemor. and all of your favorite pastries.

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? 15 Nickerson St. # D Seattle, WA Email [email protected] or mail your photo with photo credit and caption. 98109 (206)218-1000 10 • March 27, 2015 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections The Princess and the President

Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C.

There was once a woman in a U.S. pres- ident’s life. But not just any woman: a Nor- wegian princess. The princess was Crown Princess Mar- tha of Norway, and the president was Presi- dent Franklin D. Roosevelt. She and her husband, Crown Prince Olaf, first met Franklin and Eleanor Roos- evelt when they visited the United States in 1939. However, it was during the war years (1942–1945) that the friendship between the crown princess and the president grew. We know this because of a diary kept by a distant Roosevelt cousin. After Germany invaded Norway in 1940, Crown Princess Martha and her three Photo: Royalcourt.no Photo: ss.photobucket.com children escaped, along with her husband, President Franklin D. Roosevelt sitting next to Norwegian Crown Princess Martha at the Washington Crown Princess Martha of Norway with her Crown Prince Olaf and King Haakon VII. Navy Yards September 16, 1942. They were there to watch the handing over ceremonies of an Ameri- three children reportedly arriving in New York The king and crown prince went to can sub chaser to the Norwegian navy. In the background to the right of Crown Princess Martha is City in 1940 to live in the United States during London with the Norwegian government-in- First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. WWII. exile. Crown Princess Martha and her three children first went to Sweden. Concord grapes, hay and barnyards drifted late him.” died four months later. But the toast came Even though she was a former Swed- through the windows,” wrote Robert Elt- On the next day, the president and the true. The Norwegian royals would be back ish princess, some in Sweden believed her inger Lasher, about riding in the presidential royals met in the same Red Room, where home later that year. and her children compromised the country’s car in September 1943. In that same car was “a dozen toasts were made, all sweet, full neutrality by being in Sweden. The four roy- the president and the crown princess among of feeling,” writes Suckley. “The president To see and hear Crown Princess Martha’s als and three staff members then traveled to others. made a double one, to the Norwegians: That remarks at the acceptance of the subma- Finland. It prompted “the president to ask the they should be at all his birthday parties”— rine chaser on youtube: www.youtube.com/ At some point President Roosevelt in- princess if the air was too much for her. FDR was celebrating his Jan. 30th birth- watch?v=YfnnK76nVt0 vited Martha and her children to stay at the Would she like the windows raised?” he day early because he would be traveling to White House. The United States was also asked. Yalta—“and also, that they should be home Scott Larsen is a Roosevelt neutral at the time. “‘No, thank you, sir,’ the princess re- again at this time next year.” historian. He will be deliv- sponded and, with a mischievous glance, It would be the last time the Norwe- ering talks about FDR and “Let them look to Norway” ‘Surely, Mr. President, with all your influ- gians, especially the president and the crown Crown Princess Martha in In 1942, a submarine chaser, re-chris- ence, could you not control the winds?’ princess, would see each other. Roosevelt the Pacific Northwest. If tened the HNoMS King Haakon VII, was which brought yet another presidential your group is interested in presented to the Norwegian navy by Presi- chuckle.” having Scott speak, email dent Roosevelt. It was at this presentation Unfortunately this is the only example [email protected]. that the president gave his “Look to Nor- of humor found between Martha and FDR. way” remarks, followed by remarks by the But cousin Daisy did tease her famous cous- crown princess. in about Martha. Teresa Diane Pearce Kensington MD “If there is anyone who still wonders FDR “had spent a restful Sunday at Barbara Moen Renton Berkeley CA why this war is being fought, let him look to Shangri-La (now called Camp David)…” Patt Roche Port Townsend WA Norway,” said President Roosevelt. “If there Daisy wrote in 1942. Sverre Staurset Åndalsnes Norway is anyone who has any delusions that this “I asked if he hadn’t anyone else” vis- Robert Sund Stanwood WA Bjørn Tjaaland Townsend MT war could have been averted, let him look to iting besides a N.Y. politician and his wife, Jorunn Valaker-Leder San Antonio TX Norway; and if there is anyone who doubts wrote Suckley. “He laughed and said no, the democratic will to win, again I say, let knowing I meant the Crown Princess: It 27. mars 30. mars him look to Norway.” amuses him to be teased about her.” Emelie Bjornsen Plentywood MT Sigurd Henriksen Tønsberg Norway Crown Princess Martha also had a few The following year, Daisy again writes Mike Engbretson Lino Lakes MN Denise M. Jorgens Chicago IL words to say: about teasing the president about Martha. Marta Heggedal Badger MN Arnold H. Seering Scandinavia WI “The beautiful and generous words just FDR was going to go out for a drive in Otis P. Nelson Northwood MN Sadie Solberg Langley WA expressed by you, Mr. President, will ulti- the Arlington, Va., area and “I suggested he Janet Oberg Seattle WA mately find their way to every Norwegian might go the other direction, meaning to the Kierstyn Power New City NY 31. mars home. Yes, to everywhere on this globe Norwegians at Bethesda, Md. He laughed— Runa S. Shumate Lake Los Angeles Olav Barikmo Iola WI where Norwegian men and women are pray- He rather likes being teased about Martha,” CA John Erik Lorentzen Staten Island NY Harold Lovdahl Milwaukee WI ing and working and fighting to regard the whom he called his “Godchild.” Marvell Skipsnes Seattle WA Einar Vallevik Williston ND Olivia Ofstun Eastman WI free and happy Norway. All our deepest Some among the presidential official thanks.” White House family, as well as the First 28. mars 1. april “Martha becomes more attractive as one Lady, referred to Martha, her three children, Thelma Donahe Salem OR Erika Karin Frautschi Seattle WA sees more of her,” wrote Roosevelt cousin and the three servants as “The Norwegians.” Gullak H. Edse Edmonton AB Canada Lee R. Gjovik Madison WI and close friend of FDR, Margaret “Daisy” Betty Larson Sioux Falls SD Kjell Holmes San Diego CA Suckley, in her long-hidden diary. “She is The Fourth Inaugural David Leirmo Ferryville WI Jens Olaussen Bellingham WA gentle and sympathetic, has a sense of humor Another time when FDR enjoyed the Erica Barks Ruggles Arlington VA Lester B. Orfield Winter Park FL and is very responsive,” she wrote in 1943. company of the Norwegians was after the Hans P. Røed Kongsberg Norway In another diary entry Daisy described president’s fourth inaugural in January 1945. 2. april the Crown Princess as “attractive. Much When the war-weary president could 29. mars Henning Amundsen Bergen Norway Helmer Breivik Seminole FL charm—tall, slender and a good figure…” have had anyone for a private lunch in the Janneth Andersen Seattle WA Johannes Bjørnsen Trondheim Norway Odvar Holm Vista CA One of the reasons these two historic Red Room of the White House—hundreds of Betty Cooper San Diego CA Ingvald J. Pederson Fairview OR figures got along so well was their attitude others ate elsewhere—FDR chose to have his Marte Fritzen-Buan Harestua Norway Joan Vatn Seattle WA around humor: they loved to kid one another. cousin Daisy and the Norwegians, including Once, when FDR was home in his be- Crown Prince Olaf, “sitting around him.” loved Hudson Valley in New York, a fellow “It was a nice party,” Suckley wrote, Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American Weekly? Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance. “with other special people coming in now valley resident wrote about Martha kidding NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! the president: “An aroma of ripening apples, and then to greet the president and congratu- norwegian american weekly March 27, 2015 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Clifford R. Olsen May 24, 1929 – March 13, 2015 Not what was expected Clifford R. Olsen, 85, of Red Hook, began what would be a 50+-year-long career N.Y., passed away on Friday, March 13, 2015, in teaching, acting, and directing. Olsen was When it comes to World Cup cross- to the cross. It simply had never occurred at the Albany Medical Center in Albany, N.Y. a professor at Thiel College in Pennsylvania, country ski racing, you never expect to see to them that salvation and life could come Born on May 24, 1929, in Brooklyn, Springfield College in Massachusetts, and American skiers on the winner’s podium. into the world through humiliation and N.Y., he was the only child of the late Reider Dutchess Community College in Pough- That changed this winter when Jessie Dig- death. I am sure the disciples said to each and Maxine (Beebe) Olsen. keepsie, N.Y., where he was on the faculty gins took the silver medal in the World other more than once, “This is certainly In his youth, Cliff played hockey for the for over 30 years. He directed and performed Championship 10 kilometer free style not what we expected.” Manhattan Arrows, New York Rovers, and in many productions in the Hudson Valley race. Because of this performance and As we journey to the cross this Lenten New York Metropolitans. He was recruited and beyond, including with the Westchester several other good showings this winter, season we have the advantage of know- by St. Lawrence University to attend on a Music Theater, New London Players, Rhine- the skiing world has been forced to change ing exactly what happened. We know that hockey scholarship where he was on the first beck Theater Society, and C.A.S.T. Festival their expectations when it comes to Amer- Jesus suffered and died so that we might SLU team to earn an invitation to the NCAA Productions. He was also responsible for the ican cross-country skiers. live. We know that His sufferings had a Championship. In 2011 he was inducted into founding of the Valley Theatre Company in Jesus’s disciples had a similar expe- great and wonderful purpose: salvation the St. Lawrence University Athletics Hall Poughkeepsie in 1973. rience as followers of the prophet from and life for all people. We also have the of Fame. He is survived by his longtime compan- Galilee. Very early on in Jesus’s ministry, advantage of knowing about the place of While he excelled at the sport, he found ion, Arlene Wege of Red Hook; his daughter, His disciples had to completely change suffering in our own lives. As Jesus calls his true calling there when he discovered his Jennifer Zahradnik, and her husband Robert their expectations of what He would do us to follow Him, we know that He calls love of theatre. One of his first roles was in of Washington, D.C.; his daughter, Karen and what they would be asked to do. Even us to bear His cross in the world. Our ex- a local production of Our Town. After re- Olsen of Hyde Park; his son, Erik Olsen of though Jesus taught his disciples from the pectations are clear. We know what to ex- ceiving his MFA in Theater from Columbia Montauk, N.Y.; and his grandchildren, Me- very beginning that He would have to suf- pect when it comes to living for Christ in University and post-graduate work at NYU, gan, William, Charlotte, and Daniel. fer, His journey to the cross still seemed to the world. It is as clear as the words from he left the city for quieter surroundings and He was predeceased by his son, Rolf. come as complete surprise. Jesus himself, “If any want to become my We are all familiar with how the dis- followers, let them deny themselves and Betty Rikansrud Nelson ciples abandoned Jesus as He journeyed take up their cross and follow me.” February 14, 1935 – March 8, 2015 Community Connections Betty Jane Rikansrud Nelson loved her um, where you could find her on the upper family, her friends, the theatre, the Iditarod, floor, demonstrating on their floor loom. She Gratulerer med Dagen! and life itself. She was born February 14, served as Vesterheim’s weaving instructor, 1935, in Decorah, Iowa, the daughter of patiently guiding well over 1,000 children Arthur Roland (“Doc”) and Grace Helen into the world of weaving. Betty was award- Happy birthday / (Nelson) Rikansrud. She attended Decorah ed the Vesterheim Gold Medal in 2013. Schools, graduating in 1953. A lifelong resident of Decorah, Betty engagement / etc! Betty attended Luther College, major- loved to travel. Her favorite memories in- ing in business administration with math and clude camping in national parks, hiking the Bible minors. While at Luther, Betty played Grand Canyon, and trips to Norway, Alaska, the alto saxophone in concert band and was and the Southwest U.S. Your name and on Woman’s Senate, a counselor at Larsen One of Betty and David’s great joys was Hall, active in campus theatre, secretary- following the annual Iditarod. They never special message treasurer of the senior class, and a member missed following the race from home or in of the Executive Council of Alpha Beta Psi. person, making the trek to Alaska three times. here! Betty married David Torrison Nelson on Betty was an enthusiastic supporter of April 20, 1957, at First Lutheran Church in and participant in the arts. She was involved in For more information, call Decorah. They met while dancing the But- the New Minowa Players and Luther Campus terfly and continued to dance through their Players, and was a supporter of the Common- us at (206) 784-4617 or email lives together; they could always be seen at weal Theatre in Lanesboro, Minn., making it [email protected]. FootNotes during Nordic Fest, waltzing the onstage for a walk-on role during their run of night away. True partners in life, they were Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure. a Decorah fixture, always walking hand-in- Betty died on Sunday, March 8, 2015, at hand. They were blessed with four children: the age of 80, one day after the start of the Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church Elise, Andrea, Kathryn, and Stephen. Iditarod. She is now with David, smiling and During her time at Luther, one rarely dancing and mushing. Betty was preceded in Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke saw Betty without a circular knitting needle death by her husband David on December The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians transforming skeins of yarn into unique 27, 2009, her parents, her son-in-law Steven and Scandinavians to gather and celebrate Norwegian traditions. We welcome you to our warm and friendly family of members. Unless otherwise noted, all services begin at 11am. sweaters, her designs carefully (and math- Rattenborg, her brother-in-law Ivan Iverson, Please visit us soon! ematically) graphed out. Her loves of art and her nephew Lawrence Rikansrud. and math carried over into weaving, one of Betty is survived by her four children: her great passions in life. Always bringing a Elise Nelson of Decorah, Andrea Streufert April 2015 touch of whimsy to all she did, she had fun of London, Ontario, Kathryn Rattenborg of creating weavings that incorporated cats into Decorah, and Stephen (Beth) Nelson of Big April 3 Good Friday—6:30 p.m. service traditional Scandinavian eight point stars. Piney, Wyoming; her eight grandchildren: Pastor Jennette Thorp Betty was a beloved instructor at Luther Kari (David) Teichrob, Erik Streufert, Bri- April 5 Easter / Pastor Jennette Thorp College, teaching Introduction to Account- gitte, Heather, Alayna, and Derek Nelson, ing. Her accounting career started when she and Sarah and Rachel Rattenborg; one great- April 12 Pastor John Andreasen was hired as the first female accountant at grandchild with whom she shared a birthday, Holy Communion what is now Hacker Nelson. She contin- Eva Teichrob; her brother Erling (Helen) April 19 Pastor TBA ued working after retirement as an involved Rikansrud of Dunedin, Florida, and her sis- member in many Decorah organizations, ter Alphea Iverson of Superior, Wisconsin; April 26 Pastor TBA including Monday Club and the Oneota her brothers-in-law John (Arlene) Nelson of Holy Communion Weavers Guild, as well as volunteering for Decorah and Robert (Jeanne) Nelson of Ho- the Decorah Public Schools. She especially nolulu, Hawaii; and many nieces and neph- 2614 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 • (773) 252-7335 • www.minnekirken-chicago.org loved volunteering at the Vesterheim muse- ews and their families. 12 • March 27, 2015 norwegian american weekly in your neighborhood What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california 18th Annual Ibsen Festival Posterity a dinner of soup and salad at 6:00 p.m, fol- Scandinavian Festival 2015 April 18—19 now—April 5 lowed by a program at 7:00 p.m. Maggie Fi- April 18—19, 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Lanesboro, Minn. New York, N.Y. mia will tell guests about her genealogy work Thousand Oaks, Calif. Named for Henrik Ibsen, the acclaimed “Father Atlantic is thrilled to welcome the Pulitzer Prize “Welcome Home Family History Services” and Both days of the Festival are filled with music, of Modern Drama,” the festival is a celebration and Tony Award-winning playwright of I Am My share how others can research their family dancing, food, lectures, demonstrations, ven- of Scandinavian theatre, visual art, music, and Own Wife, Quills, and Grey Gardens for the world stories. At Edmonds Masonic Center. dors, and activities for young and old, includ- dance. Highlighting this year’s festival is a world premiere of his latest work, Posterity. Norway’s ing a Viking Encampment and Sami Village. premiere adaptation of “The Master Builder” most celebrated sculptor is hired to create the Research Your Family Workshop Family activities include raising the maypole, on Saturday, April 18, at 7:30 p.m. A complete last official bust of its most famous writer, but Ib- April 11, 2:00—4:00 p.m. playing kubb, and making head wreaths. Cost schedule of 2015 Festival events will be available sen proves to be an irascible, contentious sitter, Seattle, Wash. is $8 for adults, $4 for teens, and free for chil- in March at www.ibsenfest.org. For more details, as the two men wage war over both his legacy Researching family histories has never been dren. Scandinavianfest.org. visit www.commonwealtheatre.org or call the and his likeness. Doug Wright explores the nature easier! Join Carol Buswell, education special- box office at (800) 657-7025. of artistic success and the fear of being forgotten. ist at the National Archives at Seattle, for a Norwegian Women’s Club Fashion Show At Linda Gross Theater. Buy tickets at atlanticthe- hands-on genealogy workshop. You’ll learn April 26, 11:30 p.m. Vidar Sundstøl’s Minnesota Book Tour ater.org/playevents/posterity/. about resources using records from the Unit- Saulsalito, Calif. April 18—26 ed States and Scandinavia. You’ll leave with The Spinnakar restaurant will be a beautiful Minnesota Pulse of Abstraction handouts, tips, and everything you need to fashion show luncheon featuring Oleana Nor- Join Vidar Sundstøl for his Minnesota tour to sup- March 31—April 21 know to get started. Cost is $18 for members; wegian sweaters. Laura Almas from Chalet in port the North American publication ofThe Ravens. New York, N.Y. $22 for general admission. Register at family- the Woods will be coming from Gig Harbour, • April 18, 2:00 p.m.: conversation, reading, and Chelsea’s Agora Gallery will feature the original research-workshop.eventbrite.com. Wash., with her new spring line. The club book signing at the American Swedish Institute; work of Norwegian artist Vibeke Lillefjære in will also feature Anne who has a lovely shop cost is free but registration is recommended at Pulse of Abstraction. The opening reception will Norway Day in Novato “Anne’s Secret Hangups” with her ASImn.org or (612) 871-4907. take place on Thursday, April 2, from 6:00 to 8:00 April 18, 10:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. new spring line. The lunch will be delicious, • April 19, 2:00 p.m.: Q&A and book signing at p.m. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday Olympia, Wash. and raffle items generous. The fashion show Mindekirken—The Norwegian Lutheran Memo- from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Norway Day is a festival filled with music, will impress you just like being in New York! rial Church. dancers, Norwegian history, genealogy, and Outfits and sweaters available for purchase • April 20, 2:00 p.m.: Reading and book signing at Nansen Lodge Viking Auction foods bursting with the aroma and tastes of or ordering. Please make your reservations, Plymouth Public Library. April 12, 12:00—6:00 p.m days gone by. Norway Day offers you the op- as it is sure to be a sell out. Please contact • April 21, 7:00 p.m.: Q&A and book signing at Staten Island, N.Y. portunity to meet Norwegian Fjord horses [email protected] for more Once Upon a Crime. Nansen Lodge will be hosting their annual Viking and Norwegian Elk Hounds, learn how to information. • April 23, 7:00 p.m.: Reading and book signing at Auction with super sweeps raffles, a children’s trace your ancestors, and watch demonstra- Waseca Public Library table, and 50/50. The Norske Butikk will be sell- tions of lefse making and krumkake baking. At district of columbia • April 24, 3:30 p.m.: Reading and book signing at ing gift items as well as a selection of Norwegian Thurston County Fairgrounds. Cross River Heritage Center Schroeder Area His- cheeses and foods. Enjoy a lunch of lapskaus, The Norwegians—A Dark Comedy torical Society. hamburgers, and hot dogs. Top that off with 30th Annual Northern Lights Auktion now—April 19 • April 26, 11:00 a.m.: Q&A, Lake Superior-in- homemade waffles and ice cream or grab a des- April 18, 5:00 p.m. Washington, D.C. spired Nordic Buffet luncheon, and book signing ert from the cake table. Come out and enjoy the Seattle, Wash. Scena Theatre presents the D.C.-area pre- at the Nordic Center in Duluth; tickets are $12 day with friends. At Nansen Lodge Main Hall. Join friends and fellow supporters of the Nor- miere of The Norwegians by C. Denby Swan- from [email protected] or (218) 393-7320. dic Heritage Museum for an evening filled son, a female playwright with a fresh new The American-Scandinavian Foundation Spring with champagne, delicious food, and exciting voice. Set in Minnesota and directed by Scena North Shore Sightseeing Tour Inspired by Vidar Gala auction lots. Bid on one-of-a-kind experiences artistic director Robert McNamara, the play Sundstøl April 17 and enjoy an evening with your family and is about two scorned women who enlist two April 24—26 New York, N.Y. friends. The evening will also feature a trib- “nice gangsters” (aka hit men) to dispose of Minneapolis, Minn. Save the date for the ASF Spring Gala Dinner, ute to Allan and Inger Osberg. Champagne their ex-lovers. The Norwegians will run at Hosted by Mindekirken’s Norwegian Language which will be held at the Pierre Hotel in New York reception and silent auction will be held at the Anacostia Playhouse with tickets ranging and Cultural Program and Trillium Tours, this tour City. Join us as we present the ASF Gold Medal to 5:00 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:45 and the in price from $10 (previews) to $25 to 45 (full inspired by Vidar Sundstøl’s Minnesota Trilogy to two highly distinguished individuals: Her Maj- live auction at 7:00. Learn more and purchase run). Reserve online at ScenaTheatre.org. includes two nights in Hotel AmericInn in Tofte; esty Queen Sonja of Norway, to be recognized tickets at nordicmuseum.org. two breakfasts; one dinner at Waves of Superior for her leadership in promoting young artists and illinois Cafe; tour leader and guide, Ingeborg Sorensen, musicians, and H.E. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, for- Wisconsin Skjold Lodge Meeting Trillium Tours, LLC; motor coach; and book dis- mer Prime Minister of Denmark and Secretary Norwegian Boat Building Program April 19, 3:00—5:00 p.m. cussion leader, Signe Ilstrup. Tour starts and ends General of NATO. Tickets start at $500, and tables April 8, 7:00—9:00 p.m. Arlington Heights, Ill. at Mindekirken. Price per person with double at $5,000. Information on the event and a special Stoughton, Wis. Join Skjold Lodge for a program on “The Shet- room is $375 (subject to change). Space is lim- room rate at The Pierre are now available online Sons of Norway, Mandt Lodge invites you to land Bus” to learn more about this WWII Nor- ited; if you have questions, contact Trillium Tours at support.amscan.org/gala2015. the lodge for “An evening of Norwegian boat wegian resistance operation. One mission was at (612) 532-6618 or [email protected]. building with Ken Koscik.” Learn a little about to destroy a German battleship moored near Prize Prints: The Queen Sonja Print Award the Norwegian culture and boat building, vis- the home of one of our member’s ancestors. Cantus presents Vuelie—the Sound of Norway April 17—August 1 it the 2014 wooden boat show in Oslo, and April 26 New York, N.Y. more. Ken Koscik is a retired Civil Engineer iowa Minneapolis, Minn. Prize Prints celebrates The Queen Sonja Print who has been involved in over 70 boat build- Cantus presents Vuelie—the Sound of Norway The Norwegian female choir Cantus will be per- Award, a prize established to encourage young ing projects. There is no charge for the pro- April 23 forming in Minneapolis on April 26 with Norwe- artists. The exhibition features recent work by gram but donations for the Stoughton Food Decorah, Iowa gian singer-songwriter Henning Sommerro. Can- the 2012 and 2014 prize winners, Tiina Kivinen Pantry are always welcome! Please contact The Norwegian female choir Cantus will be tus is known for Vuelie, the opening song in the (Finland) and Svend-Allan Sørensen (Denmark), Darlene Arneson at arnesonfamily5@gmail. performing in Decorah on April 23 with Nor- Disney success Frozen, and is also ranked the #1 as well as works by the prize’s founders, print- com or (608) 873-7209 for more info. wegian singer-songwriter Henning Sommer- female choir in the world by Interkultur. The con- makers H.M. Queen Sonja of Norway, Kjell Nu- ro. Cantus is known for Vuelie, the opening cert will feature music by famous coposers such pen, and Ornulf Opdahl. At Scandinavia House. Cantus presents Vuelie—the Sound of Norway song in the Disney success Frozen, and is also as Henning Sommerro, Frode Fjellheim, Knut April 24 & 25 ranked the #1 female choir in the world by Nystedt, and New York-based Ola Gjeilo. They texas Stoughton & Appleton, Wis. Interkultur. The concert will feature music by also bring with them music from their newest CD, Snorre Shrimp Party The Norwegian female choir Cantus will be famous coposers such as Henning Sommerro, SPES, produced by 20-time Grammy-nominated April 25, 7:00—10:00 p.m. performing in Stoughton on April 24 and Frode Fjellheim, Knut Nystedt, and New York- record label 2L. For more info, go to cantus.no. Houston, Texas Appleton on April 25 with Norwegian singer- based Ola Gjeilo. They also bring with them The Royal Norwegian Consul General Dr. Jostein songwriter Henning Sommerro. Cantus is music from their newest CD, SPES, produced new york Mykletun and Mrs. Sonia Mykletun cordially in- known for Vuelie, the opening song in the Dis- by 20-time Grammy-nominated record label Voyage to the Virtual vite NST members to the annual rekefest (shrimp ney success Frozen, and is also ranked the #1 2L. For more info, go to cantus.no. now—April 4 party)! Attire is business casual. First come first female choir in the world by Interkultur. The New York, N.Y. served, seating 80 guests. Visit www.norwegian- concerts will feature music by famous copos- Minnesota The first Scandinavia House exhibition dedicated societyoftexas.org/events/snorre-shrimp-party. ers such as Henning Sommerro, Frode Fjell- Tusenvann Kaltbord to digital, moving image, and light-based Nordic heim, Knut Nystedt, and New York-based Ola April 10, 6:30—8:30 p.m. art, Voyage to the Virtual takes the metaphor of Washington Gjeilo. They also bring with them music from Isle, Minn. “the voyage”—a concept deeply rooted in Nor- Edmonds Sons of Norway Lodge Meeting their newest CD, SPES, produced by 20-time Lodge 1-659 in Isle will host one of the popu- dic identity—as a starting point. The exhibition April 8 Grammy-nominated record label 2L. For more lar events of the year, its annual potluck din- invites viewers on expeditions to the far north, Edmonds, Wash. info, go to cantus.no. ner! There is no charge, but do bring a dish travels through time and space, and perceptual Join the Edmonds Sons of Norway for social time to share. Take a chance and enter our 50/50 journeys into the realm of the virtual. At Scandi- at 4:30 p.m., a movie and crafts at 5:00 p.m., drawing. At Isle Recreation Education Center navia House. Gallery hours are Tuesday through (IREC). Visit sonsofnorway.org or contact Bill Saturday, 12:00—6:00 p.m. and until 7:00 p.m. Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Pterson at (s20) 679-2380 for more info. on Wednesday. Free admission. to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check www.na-weekly.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. norwegian american weekly March 27, 2015 • 13 In your neighborhood Intimate view into Nordic printmaking Exhibition features recent work by printmakers Tiina Kivinen, Svend-Allan Sørensen, Kjell Nupen, Ørnulf Opdahl, and Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway

Print Award. Published by Arvenius + Or- feus Publishing and edited by art historian Special Release Karin Hellandsjø, the catalogue contains in- American Scandinavian Foundation terviews with Kjell Nupen, Ørnulf Opdahl, and H.M. Queen Sonja; short texts on the Prize Prints: The Queen Sonja Print prize winners Tiina Kivinen and Svend-Al- Award, an exhibition of contemporary Nor- lan Sørensen; and reproductions of a number dic prints from the recipients and founders of the artworks on view in the exhibition. of the Queen Sonja Print Award—an inter- national prize established to encourage art- Curatorial Credit ists working in the graphic arts—opens at Sune Nordgren is trained as a printmak- Scandinavia House: The Nordic Center in er and graphic designer. He currently holds America, in New York City, on Friday, April the position of project leader for the Queen 17, 2015. Featuring recent work by the 2012 Sonja Print Award. Nordgren has previously and 2014 award winners, Tiina Kivinen served as Director of Malmö Konsthall in (Finland) and Svend-Allan Sørensen (Den- Malmö, Sweden, and as the Founding Direc- mark), as well as a selection of works by the Photos courtesy of Svend-Allan Sørensen / ASF tor of the National Museum of Art, Architec- Left: Thoreau, 2013. Lithograph, 44 x 31 ½ in. award’s founders, printmakers Her Majesty Above: Hey Ho Thoreau, 2013. Linocut, 23 1/5 x 22 in. ture, and Design in Oslo, Norway, and the Queen Sonja of Norway, Kjell Nupen, and BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art in Ørnulf Opdahl, the exhibition offers an inti- Gateshead, England. mate view into contemporary printmaking in the Nordic countries. Support Edward P. Gallagher, President of the and Allen Ginsberg (the series’s title is taken lection of collages, aquatints, and etchings The exhibition is made possible by grants American Scandinavian Foundation, states: from Ginsberg’s Howl)—all of which take up that reflect his characteristic use of color from the Bergesen Foundation, DNB Bank “We are delighted to present this exhibi- the subject of nature—with abstract render- and tone; Opdahl by a number of intimately ASA, Trond S. Jensen, The Royal Norwegian tion at Scandinavia House, introducing New ings resembling arrowheads or seals. scaled aquatints and etchings contemplating Consulate General in New York, and Bård York to the work of two exciting artists and In contrast to Sørensen’s stark, graphic the varied expressions of the Nordic winter and Barbara Bunaes. Additional support has celebrating the launch of The Queen Sonja works, 2012 prize winner Tiina Kivinen’s landscape; and H.M. Queen Sonja by a series been received from the Asbjørn Lunde Fund Print Award as an international prize, per- prints are crafted with delicate nuances of of otherworldly aquatints originating from in Memory of Karl and Elisa Lunde. haps the largest ever to be awarded to print- gray and black tones. Working primarily with photographs taken on a 2006 trip to an ice makers.” drypoint, monotype, and mezzotint tech- cave on Svalbard. A selection of more recent The American-Scandinavian Foundation niques, Kivinen creates lyrical, semi-abstract works by these artists will also be on view. The American-Scandinavian Founda- Overview renderings of landscapes and figures that offer tion (ASF) is the leading cultural and edu- Prize Prints features a diverse selection viewers brief moments of recognition. The Queen Sonja Print Award cational link between the United States and of artworks from five Nordic artists. The 2014 The exhibition also features a selec- Established in 2011 to encourage young the Nordic countries. An American nonprofit prize winner, Svend-Allan Sørensen, works tion of works from the three Norwegian artists working in the graphic arts, the Queen organization, the ASF works to build inter- with a variety of printmaking techniques, artists who founded the Queen Sonja Print Sonja Print Award is presented every other national understanding through an extensive including lithography, linocut, and woodcut. Award—Kjell Nupen, Ørnulf Opdahl, and year. While the award has been restricted to program of fellowships, grants, intern/train- His graphic works, often imbued with a cer- H.M. Queen Sonja—including the collab- Nordic artists, it will open to international ee sponsorship, publishing, and membership tain whimsy, operate at the intersection of orative 24-work portfolio Three Journeys, candidates in 2016 with an expanded circle offerings. Headquartered at Scandinavia text and image, where meaning is doubled, Three Landscapes that launched the prize. of professional nominators. House: The Nordic Center in America, in expanded, and complicated. In the series Comprising eight graphic works by each art- New York City, the ASF celebrated its cen- Animal Soup of Time, Sørensen interweaves ist, the portfolio takes the Nordic landscape Publication tennial in 2011. text-based linocuts of literary snippets from as inspiration. Prize Prints is accompanied by a 176- For more information visit amscan.org. Henry David Thoreau, William S. Burroughs, Nupen is represented by a diverse se- page catalogue entitled The Queen Sonja

Fodors names Vesterheim one of California bunad parade a success 15 best small-town museums

Special Release one of 10 great places in the nation to admire Vesterheim American folk art and with this new recogni- tion perhaps more people will discover what Vesterheim, the national Norwegian- a treasure Decorah really is.” American museum and heritage center, was Fodors, a division of Random House, is named one of “15 Best Small-Town Mu- one of the world’s largest publishers of Eng- seums in the U.S.” by the world-respected lish language travel and tourism information travel guide, Fodors. and one of the first producers of modern According to Fodors, “All too often, the travel guidebooks. museums that get all the attention are those in big cities with blockbuster collections, Through 24,000 objects and 12 historic like MoMA in New York City, the Field Mu- buildings, Vesterheim, the national Norwe- seum in Chicago, and the Getty Museum in gian-American museum and heritage center Los Angeles. But hidden away in America’s in Decorah, Iowa, shares the most compre- Photo: Caronne Van Nyhuis, President / Vinland Lodge small towns are equally fascinating, more hensive collection of Norwegian-American Twenty-two people wore bunads representing 10 regions in Norway. unique museums that are home to coveted artifacts in the world. This treasure is also a works of art and historical items.” center for folk-art education, offering a wide Special Release way lodges, with 22 people wearing their Other museums on the list include the variety of classes in authentic Norwegian Vinland Lodge bunads, representing 10 different regions Huntington in San Marion, California, the folk art every year. For more information in Norway. Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, on the museum’s exhibitions, classes, events, On March 15, 2015, Sons of Norway Participating in the bunad parade Massachusetts, and the Baseball Hall of Fame membership opportunities, and ways to do- Vinland Lodge 6-159 in Temecula, Cali- were several District 6 dignitaries and in Cooperstown, New York. “We’re excited to nate, check Vesterheim’s website at vester- fornia, had a Lapskaus Dinner and Bunad lodge presidents, including District 6 be listed among such impressive company,” heim.org, call (563) 382-9681, or write to Parade at the Glen Oaks Clubhouse in Vice President Luella Grangaard, District said Charlie Langton, Vesterheim Editor. “The Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, Temecula Wine Country. The event was recognition is quite an honor,” he continued. 502 W. Water St., P.O. Box 379, Decorah, well attended by eight local Sons of Nor- See > bunads, page 16 “USA Today has already named Vesterheim IA, 52101-0379. 14 • March 27, 2015 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian boat-building in the US A brief history of Maritime Shipyards and their practical “Ugly Duckling”

Ingrid O’Connell Maple Valley, Wash.

My father, Finn Lepsoe, was born in 1896, the second youngest of nine. His fa- ther, Kristoffer Lepsoe, was a composer best known for the “De Vognende Toner.” Dad arrived in Seattle in 1924, following Haakon Friele, his very good friend. The following is an account of the boat- building business they built, from the Alaska Fisherman’s Journal, November 11, 1982: “The development of the modern twin- screw power scow can be attributed largely to one man, the late Finn Lepsoe, Norwegian born. He went to work for the company that he would eventually come to own, Maritime Boat and Engine Works on Seattle’s West Wa- terway. After buying out his three partners, he moved the firm to Salmon Bay in 1936 and changed the name to Maritime Shipyards. “Sitting at his dining room table, Lepsoe drew the plans for what was to become the workhorse of the Alaska coast. By 1936, Red Photo courtesy Ingrid O’Connell Salmon Canning Co. had five power scows, This picture was taken in the early to mid 1940s, at the christening of an “Ugly Duckling.” From left, front: My father, Finn Lepsoe, head of Maritime Shipyards. To his left, including the twin-screw Pipit. Powered by Leo Barnecutt, who worked with Dad; my mother, Ingrid “Molle” Lepsoe; Mrs. Barnecutt. Behind, to the right of the middle flag: Joe Glass, who worked in Dad’s office. twin screws allowed her to turn around in Front, to the right of Joe Glass: Maejeanne and Jeanne Peterson; Mrs. Peterson; Ky Fox, who worked with Dad and for years had a well-known band in Seattle. Unfortu- nately, the scow is completely hidden in this picture, and I couldn’t find a photo that showed one. her own length. She could make headway in 8-knot tides, and it took only two men to handle her. Clearly, a breakthrough had scows a more boat-like appearance and in- most advanced 86-foot scows were ordered while roaming around the two-block wooden been made, and other packers eyeballed the creased maneuverability, capacity and speed. by the Quartermaster of the U.S. Army just building, what would happen if there was a homely girl. “In 1941, Maritime was awarded con- prior to Pearl Harbor, and they weren’t talk- fire. Dad sold the firm when he became ill, “Until 1928, the scows limited their tracts for 14 power scows for a total of ing about their reasons for wanting them. and thankfully was dead when everything operations to Bristol Bay. Haakon Friele $500,000. The first built under that contract We know now they were concerned about burned down except for the façade. There was Vice President of Naket Packing and was the ‘Rolfy,’ first of the 86-footers, largest maintaining a supply line to the Aleutians, never was an explanation, but I thought it President of the A&P stores. He wanted to of the pre-war scows. Sponsored by 13-year and their concern was soon justified. During suspicious that the outside water had been broaden what the scows could do and used old Rolf Friele, youngest son of Haakon, it the war, the scow was known as the ‘Ugly turned off. the ‘Buddy’ (Haakon’s oldest son) with her was christened October 26, 1941. Destined Duckling.’” After the war, many young Norwegians combination of seaworthy design and great for just one season at the Waterfall cannery, The shipyard was located next to the old came to Seattle, among them Gustav Raaum. deck capacity to serve as a tender, brailing the Rolfy was later drafted as a vessel for the Coast Guard Repair station in Ballard. Dad My father was his sponsor in this country, salmon from the fish traps in the southeast. Alaska Spruce Log Program on the western was ably assisted by Joe Glass, Ky Fox, Leo and Gustav became a good friend of the The deeper waters of the south spawned sig- shore of Prince of Wales Island. It seems Barnecutt, and Pete Petrich. Rupert Broome family. Besides being known as a great ski nificant design changes by Lepsoe, the most there grew a need for airplane material after was a sail maker in the loft. Later, Bill Gar- jumper, he became active in the community, notable being the addition of the shovelnose December 1941. den built his beautiful motor schooners there. including serving as the Nordic Heritage and the V-bottom. Together, they gave the “It’s interesting to note that five of the We loved visiting, but I often wondered Museum’s first treasurer.

< media NPR is in full play use iPhones to tune in tors like in the “old days” to create compel- York Times, have survived the shift to new From page 1 with an app. ling drama. media, while many traditional papers relying The entire business model of public ra- In fact, digital storytelling is a core of on print alone have struggled. experience was a storytelling “dream” to dio is transitioning from periodic member- re-training for 450 NPR editorial staffs, The challenge for the future, in my es- hear these entertaining programs, like award- ship fund-raising to include sponsors for funded by a $1.5 million grant from the timation, is that major feature stories will winning “This American Life,” “Fresh Air” each program and to artfully integrate local Knight Foundation. The transition hasn’t be written in multi-format styles—words, in interviews with famous people, and “The programming with National Public Radio been easy for experienced professional radio voice, and visual—so that stories in the Moth Hour” where ordinary people tell their (NPR), International (PRI), and interdepen- writers who must re-tool to script writing for digital edition will open with a visual story, stories in front of a live audience. The new- dently-produced programs played on NPR, digital productions. followed by the print story and a link to a style programming drew me back to the such as “Car Talk” and “This American If you favor listening intently or deeply social media site for listening, like iTunes or “Golden Days” of radio when sound effects, Life.” to new radio media, tune into how radio, an internet radio site, where imagination, as background music and a story-telling narra- The business model supports local pro- like all media, is migrating to social media, in “old fashioned” radio, comes full circle tive captured my imagination for hours on grams like “Morning Edition” to play earlier where the goal is to integrate words (print), across generations. end. for traditional listeners, and then follow-on voice (narration), and visual (web) so that all Smart phones today connect grandpar- The trend in programming is variety, with the nationally produced program for ex- three impact readers, listeners, and viewers ents with grandchildren, often seeing the more in-depth stories, and a touch of hu- tended coverage for mobile listeners. with stories that have meaning and impact. faces of each other in real time on the hand- mor in the “back story” of news. The multi- Radio scripts today are more and more At the Norwegian American Weekly, held screen, or viewing updates on a family’s platform approach is achieved by partnering written for a web audience, using audio nar- the editorial direction is to enter “participa- Facebook page. NAW, likewise, is patterning with iTunes, internet radio, podcasts, and ration, video or visual clips, historic clips or tory media” in the social media market by its its future on a presence in new media that web-styled productions. About half of the recordings, and narration of a story by either Facebook page, Twitter, and digital edition. bridges the generations to connect Norwe- listeners in areas where the new model of original people or reenactments by staff ac- Major American newspapers, like the New gian American heritage to modern Norway. thank you for reading the Weekly! tusen takk norwegian american weekly March 27, 2015 • 15 arts & entertainment An improvised life: composer Ola Gjeilo An interview with New York’s up and coming Norwegian composer and pianist

tive and soothing to many people.

Victoria Hofmo VH: You have a palate that appreciates a va- Brooklyn, N.Y. riety of musical styles. For instance I heard your work with Norwegian guitarist, Kristian In January, I had the pleasure to hear a Kvalvaag. Can you speak about that project? concert by the University of Southern Den- OG: It’s really just one iTunes single that we mark’s Chamber Choir. One piece they sang, did and recorded. It’s called “Shade of Vio- “Ubi Caritas,” was incredibly moving— let.” A whole different genre, an instrumental haunting and ancient. I was taken aback piece that has a lot of improvisation. It’s me when their director, Saul Zaks, explained on synthesizer and piano and Kristian on a that it was composed by a contemporary bunch of different guitars. Norwegian composer who now lives in New We met when I was in Santa Monica. York, Ola Gjeilo. He lived south of L.A. and he worked at the I got curious—who was this composer? Norwegian church in L.A. A friend of mine He has composed two volumes of choral knew him and told me he was a really good Christmas Carols. One includes “The Cov- musician, a guitarist. I just happened to have entry Carol,” one of my favorites that is not a track I had been working on and I asked heard enough. His rendition has rich tones, him to improvise on that track. I edited and unexpected inflections, and a pace quickening mixed it all together and released it digitally to unending motion, then softly ending in a Photo courtesy of Ola Gjeilo on iTunes, Spotify, and those types of sites. hush. It has a similar quality to his “Ubi Cari- The Norwegian-born composer says he feels at home and relaxed in New York. But it’s different from my other music. It has tas,” which was a hymn traditionally sung on a cinematic effect. Maundy Thursday during the washing of the ski resort midway between Oslo and Bergen. the culture. I felt at home here, even though feet ceremony and is believed to date back to 2001 was a rough year in New York. This is VH: In what other musical styles have you sometime between the fouth and 10th century. VH:When did your interest in music begin? where I belong now. composed? “The Coventry Carol” also has a biblical con- OG: I started earlier than I can remember. OG: My background is mainly in classical nection, to the Massacre of the Innocents by My grandfather gave us a piano when I was VH: Was it weird to come from semi-rural and jazz. My piano music, which is my other Herod. It was the lullaby sung by mothers to one; I started playing as soon as I could reach place where you grew up to a city? love, tends to be more of a mix between clas- their condemned children. Both pieces hark the keys. I started improvising right away. I OG: Not really. I think I always wanted to sical, jazz, and even pop. I have two piano back to a tradition of voice as sole instrument. had a good ear as a child, so I could hear and be in a big place like N.Y. I never felt claus- albums that have a mix of genres. But my Gjeilo also experiments in other genres. play back without sheet music. trophobic. I always feel very relaxed here. choral musical is more classical. He has also composed a “Sunrise Mass” for Maybe the skyscrapers remind me of the orchestra and choir. Some of his pieces re- VH: Where did you study? Norwegian mountains. VH: Are you working on any projects cur- flect his Norse roots: “Tundra” and “North- OG: I started taking piano classes at seven. I rently? Can you share them with us? ern Lights.” am really happy about that because learning VH: When I heard your “Ubi Caritas,” I was OG: Yes, all the time. I make a living mainly One project I found interesting was “Pi- to improvise early gave me a kind of free- surprised that it was composed by a contem- through commissions through classical works ano Improvisations.” It was recorded with dom later as a composer and pianist. I wasn’t porary; it sounded so ancient. Why did you for choirs, orchestra, or piano or whatever. three pianos forming a triangle, so that the dependent on sheet music. I also went to a choose to compose in that style? sound envelopes the listener. On his website, music high school. OG: I think it wasn’t really a choice. It was VH: Is there anything you wish to explore, Gjeilo explains how this work was created what was in my heart at the time. It is not that you have not yet had a chance to? by one pianist: “Producer Morten Lindberg VH: Why musical composition? based on any existing chants. It is definitely OG: I would love to do more film scores. suggested recording a few tracks where I OG: I don’t think I had a choice. From when influenced by Gregorian chants. Also, it’s I have some music in a Hollywood movie would play layers of two or three pianos, I was a little kid that was what I wanted to one of my earliest pieces; my later music is coming out at Thanksgiving. That is a little which I thought was a great way to really ex- do—be a composer and a pianist. I never usually different from that piece. I do have start and I would love to do more of that. ploit the surround sound potential on a solo thought of anything else. some later harmonic language modern piec- album. We moved the piano between each es, not modernist, but modern. They are defi- VH: Are there any upcoming performances take, eventually constituting a triangle, and VH: Do you prefer to compose or perform? nitely influenced by Medieval chants. you would like to share? the listener is sitting in the middle in a sur- OG: I am primarily a composer. That is how OG: Right now I am more at home compos- round system setup.” I make a living. But they are such different VH: Could you explain the difference be- ing for a while; I will have more performanc- I had the great fortune to interview the things. I wouldn’t want to be without either tween modern and modernist? es in the spring. innovative Ola Gjeilo. He spoke to me about of them. Composing is the creative basis for OG: Modernist is more dissonant, more his life in music. everything I do. edgy, while the other is more traditional, You can hear Gjeilo’s music no matter while still being modern. where you live, by checking out his website Victoria Hofmo: Can you speak a little about VH: When did you come to N.Y.? (www.olagjeilo.com). There are many other your upbringing? OG: I came to N.Y. in 2001 to study at the VH: What effect does that style have? wonderful recordings online as well. But, if Ola Gjeilo: I grew up in Norway, Skui, about Juilliard School. I had never been to Amer- OG: That’s hard to say, how individual peo- you do have a chance to hear him or his com- 20 kilometers from Oslo. A semi-rural town. ica before. I loved it. It is such a great place ple feel and react to music. Chants in them- positions performed live, I encourage you to My father is from Geilo, a very well-known to study. I fell in love with the country and selves have a special flow that feel medita- do so. His pieces are sublime.

Funeral Home SOlie and Crematory have a story to tell? Honoring • Caring • Serving NAW is now a market for fiction! 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 NAW is now accepting fiction of • up to 1,500 words up to 1,500 words (1,000 or fewer • English-language preferred) of any genre that have • Norway-themed or mystery The Scandinavian Hour something to do with Norway, or • $50 payment crime/mystery stories even if they • [email protected] The KKNW Scandinavian Hour and friends will be going have nothing to do with Norway (but to Norway together to take in the fabulous Hurtigruten trip along the coast of Norway! Participants will gather in bonus points if they do). We pay a flat Bergen for the Northbound trip on September 14th. rate of $50 for stories, on publication. Submit your best (English-language) To receive a flyer with details, contact MichelleThurston@ stories to [email protected]! aaawin.com, or call Doug Warne at (206) 441-9490. 16 • March 27, 2015 norwegian american weekly back page < bunads Norwegian Language Corner From page 13 NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS 6 Secretary Nancy Madson, Vinland Lodge raffle items, which included several beautiful President Caronne Van Nyhuis, Solskinn baskets of Norwegian items, a bunad book, Lodge President Berit Reistad, Sundfjord and the grand raffle prize of a Norwegian Lodge President Agnes Deeb, and Norseman hand-embroidered tunic. Lodge President Marilyn Molinari. Vinland Lodge President Caronne Van A dinner of delicious Norwegian Nyhuis, said that the response from the lo- Volume 2 Lapskaus was served with tyttebær, flat- cal Southern California lodges was really With 21 classic folk tales, fairy tales, and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now bread, and Norwegian desserts, including awesome. Her lodge has many hardworking serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections krumkake, lefse, bløttkake, tilslørte bond- members who have been working on this of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad epike, julekake med fløtemysost, and -mar event for several months. She was more than Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden, Jens R. Nilssen, and Ralph A. Styker. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, sipankake. This dinner was prepared exclu- pleased with the fraternal fellowship and designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. sively by members of the lodge. A very tal- participation displayed by fellow lodges in ented group of Norwegian cooks and bakers! Sons of Norway, District 6. The event was a The lodge is also famous for its great great success for Sons of Norway!

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Kvitebjørnen The polar bear del 4 part 4

Om kvelden kom kvitebjørnen og In the evening, the polar bear came henta henne til slottet att. Men då dei to take her back to the castle. And when hadde lagt seg og han hadde sovna, tok they had lain down and had fallen asleep, ho fram ljoset, tende det og lyste på han. she took the candle and lit it, and let the Då var han den venaste kongssonen ho light shine on him. Now he was the hand- hadde sett for augo. Au, så draup det ein somest prince she had ever set her eyes talgdrope ned på skjorta hans! on. Oops, a drop of tallow dripped onto Med det same vakna han. — Kvi- his shirt! This week’s recipe brought to you by Scandinavian Specialties for gjorde du ikkje som eg sa deg, lydde In an instant he was awake. “Why far din og ikkje mor di? sa han. — Dette did you not do as I told you, listen to your the premiere Scandinavian marketplace in the Northwest kan bli til ulukke for oss. No må eg setja father and not your mother?” said he. trollkjerringa jamsides deg, og den som “This can become unlucky for us. Now I (877) 784-7020 • 6719 15th Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117 løyser den domen eg pålegg, henne lyt must set the old troll woman alongside 10.NAW.Naeseth5VolSet.CMYK.21March2014.qxp_LayoutOrder online at www.scanspecialties.com 1 3/21/14 1:05 PM Page 1 eg ta til brur! sa han. you, and she who can complete the task I Så sette han domen for dei. — Den give, she I will take as my bride!” said he. som kan vaska denne talgdropen av sk- And so he put the task to them. “The Norwegian Immigrants to the United States: A Biographical Directory, jorta mi, så ho blir like kvit som før, henne one who can wash out this tallow spot 1825-1850, By Gerhard B. Naeseth and Blaine Hedberg skal eg gifta meg med! sa han. No ville from my shirt, so that it is just as white Volume 1 — years 1825-1843 only trollkjerringa vaska først. Men same ko- as it was before, she I will marry!” said • 3,800 Norwegian immigrants, 8½″x11″, 480 pgs rleis ho gnika og vaska, så vart flekken he. Well, the old troll woman wanted to • Hardcover, ISBN: 978-1-6074319-9-2, © 2008 Volume 2 — years 1844-1846 only berre større og svartare. wash first. But no matter how much she • 4,600 Norwegian immigrants, 8½″x11″, 504 pgs Då jenta skulle til å vaska, gjekk fle- scrubbed and how much she washed, the • Hardcover, ISBN: 0-9652740-2-0, © 1997 kken av som han var stroken, og skjorta mark only became larger and blacker. Volume 3 — years 1847-1848 only • 3,100 Norwegian immigrants, 8½″x11″, 392 pgs hadde aldri vore så kvit. Dermed var When the girl was to wash, the spot • Hardcover, ISBN: 0-9652740-6-3, © 2000 trolldomen løyst, og bjørnehamen fall av came off with just a rub, and the shirt had Volume 4 — year 1849 only kongssonen. No stod han der så ung og never before been so white. With that • 3,450 Norwegian immigrants, 8½″x11″, 434 pgs fager at jenta tykte ho aldri hadde sett the spell was broken and the bear shape • Hardcover, ISBN: 0-9652740-9-8, © 2004 Volume 5 — year 1850 only nokon så gild som han. was gone from the prince. Now he stood • 4,200 Norwegian immigrants, 8½″x11″, 505 pgs No laga dei til bryllaup både stivt og there so young and handsome that the • Hardcover, ISBN: 978-1-6074320-0-5, © 2008 sterkt, og då heile bryllaupslyden sat ved girl thought she had never before seen The volumes include genealogical and biographical bordet, så sa kongssonen: — Kva dom anyone as dashing as he. information on Norwegian immigrants arriving in the U.S. during 1825-1850. Arranged chronologi- skal den ha som kastar bjørneham på ein Now they made ready for a wedding cally by ship of arrival, each immigrant is assigned mann for å få makt over han? feast, both hot and cold, and when the an identification number, based on their year of ar- Då svara trollkjerringa sjølv: — Slike whole wedding party was seated at the rival and placement within the original ship passen- skulle jagast bort av tolv galne gampar! table, the prince said: “What punishment ger list. Numerous immigrants are also included in the “unidentified” section; those whose names were Då baud kongen at dei skulle kasta should one have, who casts a bear spell not found on a passenger arrival record. For each immigrant, their full name trollkjerringa ut i garden og sleppa ut dei over a man to gain power over him?” is given, parent’s names, date and place of birth; settlement in the U.S.; tolv galne gampane hans. Dei så gjorde, Then the old troll woman herself an- spouse and children’s names. Many immigrant entries are cross-referenced, og då kan det vel henda at trollkjerringa swered: “Such a person should be chased referring the user to other references in the 5-volume series. Genealogical sources, such as U.S. passenger list arrivals, Norwegian church records, fekk fart på seg derifrå! Sidan har ingen away by twelve wild nags!” U.S. census records, Norwegian-American church records, county histories, sett henne. Men kongssonen og brura Then the king asked them to throw family histories and a wealth of other sources have been used to help iden- hans levde vel alle sine dagar. the old troll woman out into the yard and tify these immigrants. Correspondence files at the Norwegian American Ge- nealogical Center and Naeseth Library in Madison, Wisconsin, have also let his twelve wild horses out. So they been referenced. A detailed bibliography of printed Norwegian and Norwe- did and as you can imagine, the old troll gian-American local history is also included. Pages are devoted to a first woman was not slow in putting some name index, which also includes patronymic and farm name as well as year speed on to get away! Since then, no one of birth and last residence in Norway. The last residence index is useful for those who are trying to identify possibly Norwegian-American settlements has ever seen her again. But the prince for emigrants from a particular area of Norway. and his bride lived happily ever after. Call, send a check or order from website Price = $49.95 for each volume Made in America! FREE shipping in the USA

$29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected]