In-Depth Evaluation of Redirect Tracking and Link Usage
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies ; 2020 (4):394–413 Martin Koop*, Erik Tews, and Stefan Katzenbeisser In-Depth Evaluation of Redirect Tracking and Link Usage Abstract: In today’s web, information gathering on 1 Introduction users’ online behavior takes a major role. Advertisers use different tracking techniques that invade users’ privacy It is common practice to use different tracking tech- by collecting data on their browsing activities and inter- niques on websites. This covers the web advertisement ests. To preventing this threat, various privacy tools are infrastructure like banners, so-called web beacons1 or available that try to block third-party elements. How- social media buttons to gather data on the users’ on- ever, there exist various tracking techniques that are line behavior as well as privacy sensible information not covered by those tools, such as redirect link track- [52, 69, 73]. Among others, those include information on ing. Here, tracking is hidden in ordinary website links the user’s real name, address, gender, shopping-behavior pointing to further content. By clicking those links, or or location [4, 19]. Connecting this data with informa- by automatic URL redirects, the user is being redirected tion gathered from search queries, mobile devices [17] through a chain of potential tracking servers not visible or content published in online social networks [5, 79] al- to the user. In this scenario, the tracker collects valuable lows revealing further privacy sensitive information [62]. data about the content, topic, or user interests of the This includes personal interests, problems or desires of website. Additionally, the tracker sets not only third- users, political or religious views, as well as the finan- party but also first-party tracking cookies which are far cial status.
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