Cross Sections

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY SPRING 2006 Physics and Astronomy • SPRING 2006 Message from the Chair

—Arie Bodek Maria Florencia Canelli (Ph.D. ’04) was in physics or astronomy to apply for grad- The Board of Trustees recently chose awarded the American Physical Society’s uate study at Rochester. Application ma- a new president for the University of 2005 Mitsuyoshi Tanaka Dissertation terial for all these programs is available Rochester: J. Seligman. Our own Nick Award in Experimental on our Web pages (www.pas.rochester. Bigelow chaired the for her 2003 Ph.D. dissertation as a edu). If you know of any exceptional faculty committee that University of Rochester student. Young undergraduates whom we should con- conducted this search. Kee Kim (Ph.D. ’90) was awarded the sider either for our REU program or for Several of our faculty, most prestigious Korean Science Prize graduate studies, we would appreciate students, and alumni in 2006 and will assume the post of it if you would please send their names have received awards Deputy Director of Fermi National Ac- and e-mail addresses to Barbara Warren during this past aca- celerator Laboratory in 2006. She has ([email protected]), and we will demic year. I will only also been serving as co-spokesperson contact them directly. Any help from our mention a few and refer you to news of the CDF collaboration at Fermilab. alumni along these lines would be greatly stories on our department Web page for We wish to take this opportunity to welcomed. Several years ago, the Uni- the others. thank all our friends who have contrib- versity initiated a tradition of hosting Professor Joe Eberly has been serving uted so generously to the support of the yearly Meliora Weekend reunions (see as vice president and president elect of department. By completing the form on I encourage the Optical Society of America and will the last page of our newsletter, you can all our alumni and friends to come and become president in 2007. Assistant Pro- continue (or begin) that tradition of giv- visit us in fall 2006. For the latest news fessor John Howell was awarded the ing that will assure the future excellence about the department, please visit our Presidential Early Career Award for Sci- of the department. Other ways to help Web page, where you can also find the entists and Engineers (PECASE) in 2006. our cause are to inform any promising current and several recent issues of Professors Eric Blackman, Kevin McFar- students about our summer undergrad- Cross Sections online. land, and Lynne Orr were named fellows uate research program (REU) and to en- of the American Physical Society in 2005. courage students interested in careers

Cross Sections On the Cover Important notices: Department phone: (585) 275-4344 and fax: (585) 273-3237. Editors: S. Rajeev and R. Demina If you change your mailing address, please Published by the Department of Physics and Chris Haimberger (right) and Jan Kleinert contact Bob Knox with your new whereabouts Astronomy of the University of Rochester, and (left) adjust one of the more than 10 laser ([email protected]). Also let him know distributed to alumni and friends free of charge. systems that they use to control the your current e-mail address. Copies may be obtained by writing to CROSS creation of ultracold heteronuclear SECTIONS, Department of Physics and Astronomy, molecules in Nick Bigelow’s quantum University of Rochester, Rochester, New York optics laboratory. Using these lasers, 14627-0171 USA. sodium and cesium atoms are first cooled to micro-kelvin temperatures. From the To catch up with the happenings at the Univer- sity, log in to and find the cold atomic vapor, diatomic heteronuclear latest news. For previous editions of this newsletter, molecules are formed when photons from go to the Alumni and Friends page from the Home a separate laser photoassociates atomic section. Or point your Web browser to http://spider. pairs into bound molecules. The resulting molecules are probed a pulsed dye laser —Webmaster, Steve Teitel and detected by time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The yellow light in the foreground is the ring dye laser used to trap the sodium vapor. In 2005, this Rochester team was one of four groups in the world to create such cold polar molecules using an all-optical approach.

2 SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS Physics and Astronomy • SPRING 2006 Phase Change in Fluids Finally Simulated after Decades of Effort

Everyone knows what happens to a bit like deciding where to go to dinner results, including very precise measure- water when it boils—everyone, that is, —quick and easy with two people, but ments performed in microgravity on the except computers. Modeling the transfor- takes forever for a group of 20 to take Space Shuttle. mation process of matter moving from action. The broadening correlation dra- “In principle, it’s a difficult calcula- one phase to another, such as from liquid matically increases the time it takes for tion,” says Chimowitz. “Fluid systems to gas, has been all but impossible near the gas to reach an overall equilibrium, require a different class of models than the critical point. This is due to the in- and that directly leads to an increase in the common lattice models used by re- creasingly complex way molecules be- computing time required, approaching searchers who have studied dynamic have as they approach the change from infinity and bogging down as the gas critical behavior. These different classes one phase to another. Yonathan Shapir, crosses the point of phase change. give rise to different dynamic critical Eldred Chimowitz, and Subhranil De To illustrate the effect, imagine a per- exponents, and we found them, for the have now created a mathematical model fectly pure and still lake. If you drop a first time, in real fluid systems.” that will allow scientists to simulate and pebble into this lake, its ripples would The best known examples of phase understand phase changes, which could spread outward, dissipating until the changes are perhaps water to ice and have an impact on everything from de- lake had returned to a calm equilibrium water to steam. Phase changes of many caffeinating coffee to improving fuel cell again. But if you were to take this im- different physical types occur, however, efficiency in automobiles of the future. possibly perfect lake just barely above such as the separation of a liquid mix- The findings have been published in the critical point and drop your pebble, ture to its components, which should Physical Review Letters. the ripples would remain as ripples also abide by the Rochester team’s “This problem has baffled scientists much longer—likely bouncing off the results. for decades,” says Yonathan Shapir, pro- distant shores. This imaginary lake The team’s simulation approach will fessor of physics and chemical engineer- would take seemingly forever to return likely be used by industry in a variety ing and coauthor of the paper. “This is to its calm equilibrium again. of ways, not the least of which will be the first time a computer program could The research team of Shapir, Eldred to derive more power from a fuel cell. simulate a phase transition because the Chimowitz, professor in the Department Since fuel cells rely on the transporta- computers would always bog down at of Chemical Engineering, and physics tion of protons through a membrane what’s known as the ‘critical slowdown.’ graduate student Subhranil De created separating two electrodes, Shapir and We figured out a way to perform a kind a novel approach to tackle the phase- Chimowitz believe it should be possible of end-run around that critical point change process. They devised a compu- to use their work to find the most ef- slowdown, and the results allow us to tational model consisting of two separ- ficient configurations for a fuel cell. calculate certain critical point properties ate reservoirs of fluid at equilibrium Other applications, such as removing for the first time.” and near the critical point threshold. the caffeine from coffee, work in a “Critical slowdown” is a phenomenon One reservoir was slightly more pres- similar way and will likely also benefit. that happens as matter moves from one surized than its neighbor. The reservoirs Chimowitz also has just published a phase to another near the critical point. were opened to each other, and the much-praised book about the subject, As molecules in a gas, for instance, are pressure difference caused the fluids to Introduction to Critical Phenomena in cooled, they lose some of their motion mix. The team let the simulation run Fluids from Oxford University Press. but are still moving around and bump- until the entire system reached thermo- The book has been nominated for the ing into each other. As the temperature dynamic equilibrium. By watching the Association of American Publishers’ drops to where the gas will change into rate that equilibrium returned, the team Award for Excellence in Professional a liquid, the molecules’ motion becomes was able to calculate the behavior at and Scholarly Publishing. correlated, or connected, across larger the critical point. Their simulation find- This research was funded by a grant and larger distances. That correlation is ings match predictions and experimental from the National Science Foundation.

3 SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS Physics and Astronomy • SPRING 2006 Amnon Harel—the New Marshak Fellow

Would you take the money or the in- als crucial to selecting which of the 30 teresting job? million events per second should be That’s the question our newest Marshak stored for later physics analysis. Fellow, Amnon Harel, formerly of Wup- For the sake of speed, these events pertal University, faced years ago when are processed by dedicated computers he decided to give up a career in com- located on the detector. It also requires puting and study physics. “I was a bit a highly flexible design with many con- worried about it, because I have absolu- figurable parameters controlled by the tely no talent in all my favorite hobbies: system. All of these variables make the basketball, music, and bridge. What if control system’s task more interesting physics was another thing I just liked as the high radiation levels in the for- but shouldn’t take too seriously?” But ward parts of the detector randomly the lure of finding the nitty gritty details corrupt both the data and the programs of how our world really works was too on the onboard computers. much, and after Amnon finished his B.Sc. Having joined the high-energy frontier in the Israeli Institute of Technology Ex- in Fermilab’s D0 experiment, Amnon is cellence program, he joined the High currently searching for new particles Energy Physics group of the Technion— related to the top quark, which may be Israel Institute of Technology. There he lurking in the “standard” top samples. cut his teeth measuring how fast matter- Amnon relaxes with his daughter Gali. With the larger data sets and improved antimatter oscillate in Bs meson-system analysis techniques now available at D0, using data collected by the OPAL detector such particles may be appearing directly at CERN’s Large Electron Positron (LEP) system for the ATLAS experiment’s for- as mass resonances. They may also leave collider. This was a daunting task since ward muon trigger chambers. ATLAS a distinct footprint of extra jets produced even with the time dilation afforded by is one of the two major all-purpose de- together with the top-anti-top pair, and their great speed, they oscillate at least tectors being built for CERN’s Large Amnon is working on measuring the pro- twice per picosecond or roughly once per Hadron Collider (LHC), which is sched- duction of such extra jets in the “golden” millimeter. uled to provide the world’s highest en- channel, where one of the top quarks Amnon joined the Technion’s efforts in ergy and luminosity for the next decade. decays into an electron or a muon. designing and building a detector control The trigger chambers provide fast sign-

On Argentine Connections

Since Tom Ferbel had never visited Ar- accepted to the Rochester graduate pro- award from the IEEE, became a Wilson gentina, when a possibility came up to gram, finished his courses and all his Fellow at Fermilab, and published his best speak at a conference at the Centro Atom- exams, and completed his Ph.D. He be- measurement of the mass of the top quark ico in San Carlos de Bariloche in January came an expert on properties and elec- in Nature (the first-ever publication in 1998 and nobody from the DZero experi- tronics of solid-state, light-sensitive Nature of a result in high-energy physics ment was interested, he decided to finagle photon counters (“VLPCs” designed by from research based at accelerators!). an invitation and lecture the gathered Rockwell for the DZero experiment) Juan is now working on a detector to theorists on the physics of the top quark. and started developing with his former study the dark energy in the universe. During lunch on the first day of the meet- countryman Gaston Gutierrez of Fermilab Florencia Canelli was the next connec- ing, Tom asked the late Luis Masperi, then a new method for extracting parameters tion to Argentina. She too had worked at director of the Instituto Balseiro, whether from collider data (based on a direct com- Centro Atomico but was studying at there were any students at the center parison of data with a matrix element Buenos Aires with Ricardo Pegaia. She interested in experimental physics. Luis for the process in question). In the fol- was starting her thesis at Fermilab, when thought about this and suggested that lowing two years, as a postdoctoral re- they ran out of support for her in 1998. he speak with Luis’s own brilliant searcher at Fermilab, he continued to Juan suggested to her that she approach theory student Juan Estrada, who had hone his skills in analog electronics and our group. She too passed her exams in just finished his master’s thesis on figure out how to increase the lum- a hurry and became an expert on display astrophysics. Luis felt that Juan was inosity of the Tevatron by about 30 per- software. She then worked with Juan sufficiently unusual to be smitten by the cent. He received the first Alvin Tollest- and Gaston in their development of the idea of working with us at Fermilab. rup URA prize for best research by a “matrix-element” analysis package and Within the next three years, Juan was postdoc at Fermilab and an early career followed in Juan’s footsteps to work on

4 SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS Physics and Astronomy • SPRING 2006

a problem in top physics as her thesis. The next Argentine connection, Ricardo detectors and has applied the matrix ele- She measured the spin properties (heli- Eusebi, flew in below DZero’s radar ment approach to searches for standard city) of W bosons emitted in decays of top screen and wound up at CDF. Ricardo Higgs bosons. He plans to outdo Juan in quarks. Her beautiful thesis garnered her has been interested in the possible de- a new measurement of the mass of the recognition from the Erice School, where cays of top quarks to charged Higgs top quark for his thesis, again with help she won the C. S. Wu prize for her novel bosons, which would offer evidence for from Gaston, who is now the head of the analysis. In 2004 she received the URA/ the existence of supersymmetry. He has top group at DZero. Fermilab prize for best thesis at Fermilab, made vital contributions to the CMS LHC So the moral of the story is, when you and this past year she won the DPF/APS detector. Ricardo defended his thesis in get an opportunity to visit some beautiful Mitsuyoshi Tanaka Award for best thesis November 2005 and has accepted a out-of-the-way place on earth, you should in particle physics. Currently a postdoc Research Associate position at Fermilab. do it, because you never know what that for UCLA on the CDF experiment, she is The latest (but hopefully not last) con- will lead to! looking for an assistant professorship nection to the Centro is Carlos (Charly) position in particle physics. Garcia. He too became an expert on VLPC

EDUCATION Passing the Prelim . . .

By Julia Langenbrunner Simple Harmonic Oscillator in Quantum up on them with three or more students, Much of the time that students spend and separation of variables in E&M. On attacking from all sides. studying for the Preliminary Examination the other hand, if there are whole sec- I would also recommend that as you in Physics is actually spent on figuring tions that you have never understood study, make note sheets. Do you under- out how to study for the Preliminary Ex- to begin with, though you tried your stand separation of variables? Write it amination in Physics. The following is a hardest, it might be advisable to just up as concisely as possible. If you need summary of what the collective experience forgo them completely (though this can a little review later, it’s often easier to of physics graduate students has taught often be risky). I, for example, never get it from notes that you produced us about this beast known as the Prelim. understood time-dependent perturba- yourself, rather than notes from class. The best approach to studying for this tion theory when I was supposed to be Try to include the equations that you one is the same as for any physics exam: learning it in class, and since I could need for application, and if you know, work problems. Get yourself copies of not find “Time Dependent Perturbation write down how to derive them. After past prelims (and solutions, too, if pos- Theory for Dummies” at Barnes & Noble, all, we will be much more able to pro- sible—though these should be used with I cut my losses and focused on the duce equations on demand if we know caution) and run with them. Be sure to other biggies. where they came from. talk to professors and other students In conjunction with working problems, Finally, it has been my experience that (these were my greatest sources of help). the best thing you can do for yourself half the battle is psychological. When I Often, there are books filled with prac- is form a study group with the other first started studying, which was about six tice problems in the offices of grad stu- students who are taking the prelim. One weeks before the September prelim, I was dents who have already passed the prelim. study group that I know of with a 100 sure I couldn’t pass. This is, unfortunately, They’re probably not using them anymore, percent success rate laid down rules, al- how most students feel when they first sit so go borrow them. You will most cer- most as if it were a fraternity. In addi- down to study, despite the fact the major- tainly have to revisit and review the tion to their individual studying, these ity of students do actually pass. Usually a theory while you go through the prob- students met twice a week during the week or two is spent just staring at the lems, but try to let the problems direct fall semester, and nearly every day for the wall, worrying about whether the possibil- your studying. This will help you use last two weeks before the mid-January ity of passing even exists. The turning your time most efficiently. At this point prelim. If anyone skipped a meeting, point usually comes because students get there have been enough prelims in the that person owed all the others pizza. tired of worrying and realize that all they past that we have a good sample of prob- Study groups such as this one are help- can do is do all they can (or, if you prefer lems. Take stock of which types show ful for two main reasons. First, it’s much Bob Dylan, “keep on keepin’ on”). Essen- up often and which types do not. If the harder to slack off when you know there tially, they convince themselves that they Wigner-Eckert Theorem, for example, only are people depending on you to show can indeed pass, even if, subconsciously, shows up once, don’t waste a week try- up (and even harder if you know you’ll they’re not sure. The uphill battle is really ing to learn it if you haven’t already. Focus owe them pizza). The other reason is just finding a sincere desire to do your first on ideas that you have a good chance obvious—physics students survive best best. The sooner you reach that point, the of seeing on the exam—things like the in packs. Often, one student is no match easier the process will be and the better off for these problems. It’s better to sneak you will be.

5 EDUCATION Physics and Astronomy • SPRING 2006 Research Experience for Undergraduates

By Connie Jones From 1994 to 2005, about 200 under- breadth of interest and motivation.” The department just completed its 12th graduates were supported fully or in Rochester students are participating in Research Experience for Undergraduates part by the NSF-REU Site funds. The REU programs at other institutions in Program funded by the National Science total number of undergraduates who increasing numbers. For instance in Foundation. We are increasingly convinced have participated in Rochester’s Physics 2004, University of Rochester students of the importance of research to the gen- REU activities (including all funding were at Los Alamos, Lawrence Berkeley uine learning that enlivens undergrad- sources) is about 360. Lab, Brookhaven Lab, North Carolina uate education. The experience of “doing” In the same period, 37 high school State, and Texas. That summer a total physics expands students’ understand- teachers participated in the REU Site of 16 Rochester majors participated in ing far beyond the textbook level, and it activities. Eleven teachers were sup- research programs. In summer of 2005, is the only form of training recognized ported fully or in part by NSF RET (Re- Rochester students did research at Boston as valid in becoming a physicist. Mentor- search Experience for Teachers) funds, University, Indiana, Michigan State, ing by faculty members, graduate stu- and of this group, seven participated Northern Arizona, Caltech, Wisconsin– dents, and peers—an integral part of in the RET program after involvement Madison, Cornell, NIST, Michigan, Stan- this experience—takes place through in the PARTICLE program (www.pas. ford University, and Florida among day-to-day interactions in offices and others. A total of 25 Rochester physics laboratories as well as through more The NSF-REU Site awards have pro- majors were engaged in research. These formal scientific activities, such as the vided full funding for 10–12 students students speak positively about the Uni- writing, presentation, and publication per year. NSF funds have been lever- versity to their peers as well as leave a of research reports. Each student takes aged using supplemental funding from positive impression with the faculty at part in research in subfields such as other sources to support more than 20 other institutions, which enhances our particle and nuclear physics, quantum undergraduate REU participants per reputation and may lead to applicants optics, condensed matter, biological year. The majority of our REU Site proj- for undergraduate or graduate education. physics, plasma physics, astrophysics, ect funds have supported undergraduates Rochester students are often encouraged geo- and environmental physics, and from institutions other than Rochester. to apply to the graduate program at those physics education. Each week students On average, 10 students per year have institutions. Seven of our current grad- attend informal talks by REU faculty come from other institutions. uate students were REU students with mentors and thus are exposed to the A recent e-mail from those that are Rochester as undergraduates attending variety and commonality of research on the panel awarding NSF fellowships other institutions. among different subfields. for graduate students states, “Research We have just received funding from the The number of applicants to the pro- experiences that extend beyond the National Science Foundation for another gram has grown to roughly 200 per year. applicant’s own campus can indicate three years to continue the REU program.

HONORS AND AWARDS APS Fellowships More Honors

The American Physical Society (APS) of nonlinear magnetic dynamo theory and • Physics sophomore Robert F. Penna honored three Rochester physicists for for contributions toward understanding named a 2005 Barry M. Goldwater their accomplishments. Election to APS magnetic fields in a range of Scholar fellowships is recognition by one’s peers astrophysical plasmas. • Robert Forties (B.S. ’05) wins NSF of outstanding contributions to physics, Kevin S. McFarland was cited for his Graduate Fellowship and is limited to no more than 1/2 of 1 precision studies of the weak interactions • Andrew Collette (B.S. ’04) awarded percent of the membership. The follow- of high-energy neutrinos. DOE Fusion Energy Science Fellowship ing names and fellow- Lynne H. Orr was • Graduate student Phay Ho awarded ship citations were honored for contri- 2005 Agnes M. and George Messer- published in the March butions to the pheno- smith Fellowship 2006 issue of APS menology of the top • Kam Wai Clifford Chan awarded the News. quark and studies of Croucher Foundation Fellowship {old Eric Blackman was gluon radiation in top news?} recognized for identify- quark production and ing and elucidating decay. McFarland fundamental principles Orr

6 HONORS AND AWARDS Physics and Astronomy • SPRING 2006 Blackman Selected to Join the National A Tribute to Defense Science Study Group Emil Wolf

Eric G. Blackman has been selected to join the Defense Science Study Group (http:// A Tribute to Emil Wolf: Science and, which is part of the Institute for Defense Analyses. The Engineering Legacy of Physical Optics DSSG selects young professors from many of the nation’s top universities honors Emil Wolf and his career. The as well as nonuniversity- affiliated men and women, all of whom have many contributors to the book, former been nominated by senior academic officials; DSSG alumni, mentors, and collaborators and col- advisors; and other officials from various government agencies to take leagues, highlight Emil’s part in DSSG. Over the course of the two-year program, those invited research, contributions, focus on defense policy; related research and development; and the sys- and influence in the tems, missions, and operations of the armed forces. field of optics. A review in Optics and Photonics News ( John Howell Receives Presidential states, “This handsomely bound book presents the proceedings of the SPIE PECASE Award August 2003 tribute conference for Emil Wolf, who is one of the truly grand old The Department of Physics and Astronomy is pleased to announce men of optics.” that Assistant Professor of Physics John Howell has been named a recipient of a 2004 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). This prestigious award, for young faculty at the start of their careers, will provide John with $500,000 support for Govind research, spread out over a five-year period. The 2004 awardees received a private tour of the oval office, followed Krishnaswami by a ceremony in the cash room of the Treasury Department. The photograph shows them in front of the White House with President Bush. John is Wins Marie Curie seventh from the right in the top row. Fellowship

Govind Krishnaswami (Ph.D, ’04), cur- rently a postdoctoral associate at the Su-Jung Park Receives German National Spinoza Institute and the Institute for Theoretical Physics of Utrecht University, Academic Foundation Fellowship the Netherlands, and formerly a student in the Department of Physics and Astron- Graduate student Su-Jung Park, who is working toward her Ph.D. degree in experimen- omy, has been awarded the prestigious tal particle physics with Professor Regina Demina, has been awarded the prestigious Stu- Marie Curie Fellowship by the European dienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation) fellowship. Community. Su-Jung will receive this scholarship for the next two years (2005–2006 and 2006–2007).

Mandel Fund Faculty Build Bridges to New Fields We are in the beginning of the third A select group of faculty will venture from the relative comfort of their academic speci- year of fundraising for the newly alties to explore new territory this college year. As a bridging fellow, astrophysicist Adam formed Leonard Mandel Endowment Frank is teaching and discussing the intersection of science, myth, and religion. Proposals Fund. The fund is continuing to grow. by Frank, professor of physics and astronomy, and Jeff Tucker, associate professor of En- We have now reached the $125,000 glish, describe their desire to flesh out ideas for projects conceived years ago. Frank plans mark out of the $500,000 we hope to to write a book for popular audiences on science and myth. raise. Please use the form in the back “Regardless of their level of education, many people say they want to know what of Cross Sections to send in this year’s science tells us about where we came from, where we are going, and who we are,” Adam says. While working with students and faculty in the Department of Religion gift. and Classics, Adam will continue his study of how science functions as myth “by providing an aether of ideas, concepts, and, most important, stories through which we all move with varying degrees of awareness.”

7 HONORS AND AWARDS Physics and Astronomy • SPRING 2006 Young-Kee Kim Awarded Korean Professor Arie Science Prize and Appointed Deputy Bodek Named Director of Fermilab George E. Pake

As a doctoral student, Young-Kee Professor of Kim (Ph.D. ’90) worked on the AMY experiment (with Olsen and Bodek). Physics Now a professor at the University of Chicago, she traveled to Korea to The University Board of Trustees, at receive the Ho-Am Prize (the most their recent meeting, prestigious prize in Korea). There honored Arie Bodek, are five winners each year: one Professor of physics and each in science, engineering, med- chair of the Department icine, arts, and community service. of Physics and Astron- In July 2006, Young-Kee will omy, with appointment assume the position of deputy director a great place and a safe place to work, as the first George E. of Fermi National Accelerator Labora- a great place for science, and a great Pake Professor of tory. Her overall goals: “To keep the lab place for the public that supports us.” Physics effective March 1, 2005.

Peter Knight Awarded Knighthood

Professor Peter Knight, Head of Physics at Imperial College, London, and former Rochester research associate in quantum optics (with Professor Joseph H. Eberly), was knighted in Queen’s birthday honors.

OTHER DEPARTMENT NEWS Sports and Recreation

By Sergey Korjenevski and Joe Eberly the department. Therefore, we’d like to week—Monday and Wednesday at noon Convenience and leisure of contempor- give a short description of the sports life and Saturday at 10 a.m. to play friendly, ary life lead however to a big problem— in the department and list different pos- noncompetitive slow-paced games of soc- danger of physical inactivity. And while a sibilities for those who may be looking cer. Active players include Professors Manly modern man can afford a couch, a TV set, to start or restart recreational sports in and McFarland; grad students Ivan Min- and a 12-pack, this hitch is seriously big. their lives. chev, Julie Langenbrunner, Matt Lijoi, Many of us realize that and try to live an Most popular is the physics and astron- Elizabeth Groves, Justin Camparetta, active life, joining a health club, recrea- omy soccer club. This group is recognized Chris Haimberger, and Brian Winey; staff tional sport league, or exercising on our and partly supported by the University members Steffin Spears, Sergey Korjen- own. athletics and recreation department. Cur- evski, and others. This group always wel- Looking at our department, the situa- rently, the alliance meets three times a comes new players and is open to anyone tion is disappointing—too few of us ap- from other University departments as well pear to be exercising regularly. Out of 170 as family members, age 7 and up. people in the department, including fac- Another popular activity is basketball. ulty, staff, and graduate students, how There are a few enthusiasts in the depart- many among us do more than walk back ment. This sport is quite popular at the and forth to our cars? For example, barely University with regular full-court pickup more than 30 use the University of Roch- games on the Palestra floor in the Goergen ester’s sports and athletic facilities, which Athletic Center at noon on Mondays, are really nice, closely located, and very Wednesdays, and Fridays. Professors Black- inexpensive, especially for students. Some Members of the PAS running club man and Eberly can be found among the people most likely work out on their own before Rochester Marathon, September players. in parks, basements, garages, or health 2005. Paul Tipton, Martino Vaglio Ice hockey is one of the favorite sports clubs. Even if we are two times off, that (medical engineer), Regina Demina, in Rochester, and in the department we will make only about 60 active people in Sergey Korjenevski currently have a number of active players,

8 OTHER DEPARTMENT NEWS Physics and Astronomy • SPRING 2006 including David Clader, Marat Khafizov, is around 9 min./mi., and distances Ben Pearson, and Sergey Korjenevski. range from 3 to 5 miles. The most active Anyone who is interested can join the members are professors Demina, Frank, University faculty hockey club to skate Manly, and Tipton. Last September this every Wednesday morning at Genesee group participated in, and finished, the Valley Ice Arena or come to Skate and inaugural Rochester Marathon. Other Shoot at lunchtime at the same place. people who run regularly for recreation But perhaps the most democratic in the department are professors Cline, athletic activity is represented by the Helfer, Thomas, and Watson as well as PAS jogging Thang Nguyen and Sue Brightman. Professor Manly is in his favorite position club. Started Within the department there is com- playing soccer. about 3 years pany waiting for participants in an in- ago by Pro- teresting variety of less conventional Nick Bigelow, Eric Blackman, Shirley fessor Tipton activities. Tennis is not as popular in Brignall, Bill Forrest, John Howell, or and graduate the department as it probably should Dave Rainwater, who often spend their student Sarah be, but regular players are Harry Ful- weekends riding. Demers, this bright, Steffin Spears, Ivan Minchev, and For the future there are suggestions to Running indoors at the club activity Steve Manly. There are serious swimmers, engage (challenge?) department under- University Field House: provides a Lynne Orr and Susumu Okubo, and a graduates in games of basketball and Paul Tipton, Adam good way to member of the University fencing team, soccer. The idea of a supplemental sports Frank, Stanley Wilder socialize as Daniel Berdine. Further away from cam- Web page was recently discussed, and well as just pus one may spot longtime soaring mas- when created it will reflect what’s new simply feel better. These workouts are ter Doug Cline or on the numerous in the recreational and sports life of the about three to four times a week; the pace scenic trails for bicycling encounter department.


We gratefully acknowledge recent donations of alumni and friends to the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Rochester. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If you find an error or an omission, please let us know by calling Shirley Brignall at (585) 275-4344 or by e-mail to [email protected]. If you have a postal or e-mail address change, please contact Bob Know with your new whereabouts ([email protected]).

Rexford Adelberger Thomas & Jullietta Foster Shu Biu Lai Daniel E. Richardson Appelera Corporation Norman C. Francis Don Q. Lamb Lewis Rothberg & Shelby Ball Corporation Hugh & Leslie Garvin Carl & Barbette F. Leavens Nelson Steven Boege George Gaspari Paul D. Lett David Rowe Boeing Charles Gaumond Judith & Daniel Lichtin Malcolm Savedoff Natasha Bowen Daniel Gauthier Ming T. Lu Kevin Short Tianwu Cai General Electric George & Doris Luckey Lal P. Suendra Singh Scott Carney & Isay Golyak Jeanne Mandel Edmund Sioma Deborah Ann Tedrick Brian Goss Lockheed Martin Lowell Smith Clark Carroll Edward Hale Adrian Melissinos Benjamin Snavely T. G. Castner Robert Harding Mark & Mariko Mozeson Steven Solomon Stephen & Susan John C. Heurtley James A. Muir Robert L. Sproull Chakmakjian William & Flora David T. & Betty Nelson Stephen Steadman William R. & Catherine Hewlett Foundation Jaewoo Noh Marianne Vieira (Spurrier) Christian Chung Ki Hong John F. O’Brien Michael & Jane Stavola Steven Chu Wingo Huang Susumu & Mary Okubo Laurence G. Taff— Roland Cobb E. H. Jacobsen Stephen Olsen In memory of Betty Cook Esther Conwell Ronald Jodoin C. Diehl Ott Steven Varlese Fred Craver Margaret Keck Raphael Panfili Albert Wang Donaldson Trust Warnick J. Kernan Leonard & Gloria Parker Barbara Whitten Fred & Linda Davidson Peter Koehler Steven M. Person Xerox Joseph Eberly R. S. Knox Steven & Gail Pieper Matoomi Yamanoi Charles W. Engelbracht Wayne Knox Joseph Platt Robert & Sharon Youngquist Michael Reilly 9 Physics and Astronomy • SPRING 2006

You Can Contribute! For those of you who receive this publication, there is a desire to promote the study and research in the areas of physics and astronomy. Within the depart- ment we are interested in establishing a firm finan- cial base on which the future generation can build. A significant way this can be done is through outright gifts to an endowment like the Mandel Fund. Another way is by including the Department of Physics and Astronomy in your long-term financial plans. If you are interested in funding a gift to the University that would give you a lifelong income stream and upon your death would benefit the Department of Physics and Astronomy, please contact Shirley Brignall. Our assistant chair, Sondra Anderson, has experience in setting up gift annuities and charitable trusts and will work with you to establish one of these types of giving agreements.

10 Physics and Astronomy • SPRING 2006 Departmental Funds

The department has established to attract the most talented young nu- The Leonard Mandel Endowment several funds that greatly benefit clear and particle physicists to continue Fund. This will fund the Leonard Mandel departmental activities. They are: their research in the department. Faculty Scholar Award in Optical Science at the University of Rochester and be The David L. Dexter and Elliott W. The C. E. Kenneth Mees Observatory used to support one graduate student. Montroll Lecture Fund. Established in Fund. Established in 1977, this fund is the 1980s in memory of Professors Dex- for the discretionary use of the director Contributions from alumni and friends ter and Montroll, these funds support of the University’s Mees Observatory in are the dominant source of income to an annual lecture by an outstanding support of observatory activities, such these funds. If you would like to support scientist as part of either the Dexter as the upgrade to the facility. the department, please mark the appro- Lecture or the Montroll Lecture Series. priate box on the form below and send it The Physics and Astronomy Alumni with your contribution. Donations may The Robert E. Marshak Memorial Fund. Fund. Established in 1968, this fund is be tax deductible, and donations of ap- This fund will be used to support the for the discretionary use of the chair of preciated securities may also carry tax newly created postdoctoral Robert E. the Department of Physics and Astron- advantages. The department is grateful Marshak Research Fellowships, intended omy in support of departmental activities. for any help you give.

I wish to contribute to the following fund: ❑ The David L. Dexter and Elliott W. Montroll Lecture Funds ❑ The Robert E. Marshak Memorial Fund ❑ The C. E. Kenneth Mees Observatory Fund ❑ The Physics and Astronomy Alumni Fund ❑ The Leonard Mandel Endowment Fund

My contribution: $

❑ Check enclosed ❑ VISA ❑ MasterCard Card # Exp. Date




If donating by check, please make sure your check is payable to the “University of Rochester,” and indicate that it is for the “Department of Physics and Astronomy.” Be sure to check the specific fund to which your donation should be applied. Gifts of appreciated securities are also gratefully accepted. Please return this form to:

Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Rochester P.O. Box 270171 Rochester, NY 14627-0171 USA