August 2018 August Guide Presentation HPE Hybrid IT Hybrid HPE

1 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 2 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation overview. form for right to the image See • • • presentation: the to customize you enables that aform with presented be will you When downloading the presentation mode, presentation in viewed to be need may and animation Note: information. to additional directly you take will which guide this throughout provided links the for look content, on information further For speaking. as important as is listening Understand the customer – introductions. facilitate you and room placeholder as people gather in the a as slide opening the Use Best practices Hybrid IT world a in innovation Accelerating Notes HPE GreenLake Video Video GreenLake HPE IT Video Hybrid Pointnext to the details contact your Add Thank You Thank slide that some slides contain contain slides some that the optimal Hybrid IT operating IT operating Hybrid optimal the achieve can you how at look We’ll IT. Hybrid of aworld in accelerate can enterprises how on perspective HPE’s to sharing forward We look Introduction transformation. –digital in live we dynamics market TRANSITION: today. enterprises for value business creating IT is Hybrid how of examples share and enterprise your for model Let’s start with the the with start Let’s everything computes We live in aworld where to reimagine the business in new enterprises enable technologies digital emerging of accessibility transformation, where the digital of era an in We’re living everything computes. where aworld We in live Notes stadiums, hospitals, factory floors, floors, factory hospitals, stadiums, museums, workplaces, homes, and cars our data: sharing and connected is thing every and Everyone efficiencies. new and services, and products new experiences, new –creating ways speed. anew –at computes everything where aworld creating is data, and apps of explosion by the fueled TRANSITION: Research Index Transformation Digital HPE (Source: now. right business their for areality is transformation digital that agree 80% and globally, executives business IT and 800 over of asurvey conducted recently HPE work. and live we way the improving world, intelligent more to afaster, us driving is action into data that of all to turn possibilities The safety. and performance, functionality, to improve everything from learns everything technology, learning fleet and AI embedded center. data Using your and ) Digital transformation,

3 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 4 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation generation of apps and data - they -they data and apps of generation by anew fuelled is this of All running. business the keep and downtime to reduce insights predictive using efficiencies, operational drive and IoT, services new to create AI and learning, machine tapping also are Enterprises step. every at friction less –with experiences better and design smarter drive that insights customer to deeper thanks to customers, closer get and to engage ways new on capitalizing are Enterprises moment. agiven in context our of reflective channels, and platforms across experiences seamless personal, engaging, more for continue expectations world, connected our In business of speed anew –and data and apps of generation by anew driven It’s of business speed Apps and data –drive anew Notes The pace of business has never never has business of pace The instantaneously.upon acted often and analyzed collected, being data of amounts massive on –based experiences digital intelligent new to create converge things and wherenetwork, people, places the of edge the at ncreasingly– –and to the center data the live on multiple platforms from designed. optimally –when limitless are possibilities The TRANSITION: HPE Oxford Economics (Source: results. financial superior report also ideation rapid pursuing in peers their leading companies that shows survey Economics off.Oxford HPE pays to value time accelerating –and faster been ) – and it’s complex Hybrid IT isthe new normal • • innovation for resources to free underutilization, capital-intensive) – legacy, siloes, overprovisioning, (inflexible, environments existing of and address the inefficiencies Keep the business running: enterprises must: – optimal –and IT simple Hybrid To world. make digital our in flexibility and speed to achieve answer the become has –it IT world a Hybrid for plan didn’t enterprises Although reality. IT Hybrid today’s in complex is platforms and across all of these technologies data and apps your Operating Rigid technology infrastructure infrastructure technology Rigid a to spend continue Enterprises 2016) January Economics, HPE|Oxford (Source: to market. speed and innovation rapid preventing barrier leading the as cited was on lights the keeping disproportionate amount of budget • • partners of ecosystem agrowing –amidst more IoT, mobile, across and AI a service) as containers, strategies, MVP (agile, services and apps new create you how by speeding faster: services –Deliver- AND new products and This demands a more experimental experimental amore demands This survey Economics HPE|Oxford Columbia University McGrath, (Source: Rita Professor lurches). (no large step another take adjust, take a step, They readjust. and steps” small of “lots take companies These operations. everyday into innovation build and experimentation of alot do growth achieving Companies growth. and innovation accelerate help that models use pay-per availablemodels – particularly as-a-service of wealth the to suited is which approach Economics Oxford HPE (Source: results. financial superior report also ideation rapid pursuing in peers their leading companies that shows ) ) pay-per-use consumption models. models. consumption pay-per-use and as-a-service and OpEx, CapEx, IT environment, enterprises blend aHybrid In network. the of edge the increasingly and cloud public cloud, center, data private the across environments premises off and premises on spans and technology, It encompasses people, process and innovation. accelerate and running business the to keep enterprise– the for services and data applications, of delivery the IT combines Hybrid IT definition: Hybrid HPE the business. handles these functions to accelerate that model IT operating optimal an TRANSITION mind. in elements these with innovation accelerate can enterprises how explores today presentation Our • • • dimensions: understanding these critical new platforms and technologies, while multiple across data and apps deliver and –Create - WHILE conventional and high high and conventional to –aligned core and edge traditional, private, public cloud, with explosion of data pace keep not will architectures today’s conventional computing as needed is engine learning acentral performance; right the at and heights, to new scale must performance compute – systems cloud) the in made decisions have can’t car aself-driving (i.e., requirements responsiveness drivers. agility and performance cost, control, –meeting multi-cloud

: Enterprises need need : Enterprises

5 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 6 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation all of your data your of all from action into insights and insights into data turn you help that platforms Advanced data and analytics and compose resources dynamically – delivery and development speed to infrastructure Software-defined IT environment Hybrid your of to core to cloud edge the span that IT foundations Hybrid Modern cloud to core to edge from Platforms to strategic experiment from – ideas new and ventures start-up fund you how includes this consume); or build you (whether them need you when need, you resources the Pay for capital your preserve and risk your limit that strategies planning capacity and models consumption Pay-per-use your premises As-a-service consumption, on reason. this for IT simple Hybrid We make risk. less –with faster move to enterprise your enable will data and apps your for model IT operating optimal the achieving believes HPE simple IT Hybrid we make How How we make Hybrid IT simple Notes management unified with environment your across complexity the Simplifying environment Visibility your across multi-cloud environment IT Hybrid your across integrated partners of ecosystem Rich Ecosystem of partners the edge to cloud to core from driven AI that’s IT management center data the in AI and automation through IT Invisible IT world. Hybrid a in faster further, go customers our to help together elements TRANSITION IT Hybrid your accelerate you help to expertise the with organization services our Pointnext, HPE with together all it bring you We help together all it bring you help to expertise Long-standing : We bring these these : We bring • • cost, performance and control of optimization and visibility Get • • • • fast stay and fast Start you can go further, faster and: simple, IT Hybrid make you When world IT further,Go faster in aHybrid Notes Optimizing your workload workload your Optimizing IT, Hybrid your across Visibility resources of allocation Dynamic HPE with to VMs Fast access when need, you capacity the Get GreenLake HPE with go you Pay as HPE Pointnext HPE with workloads your mapping for engine automated aura HPE and transformationunified framework HPE’s with traditional and clouds public private, between placement OneSphere HPE with management multi-cloud Synergy HPE with up start fast for images pre-defined and SimpliVity Capacity Flex GreenLake HPE with it need you Services Financial HPE and • action real-time for insights Unlock • • Gather data and analyze for for analyze and data Gather techniques learning machine Apply and clouds across security Holistic your Hybrid IT environment from from IT environment Hybrid your across action real-time and insights InfoSight HPE with IT” “invisible toward expertise CTP and Pointnext HPE with premises on today. world IT Hybrid a in value to create HPE engaging TRANSITION business. the for next what’s accelerate IT, Hybrid you simplify you When • Ability to scale to High to High to scale Ability Superdome Flex and Apollo ComputingPerformance with HPE edge to cloud to core : Enterprises are are : Enterprises

7 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 8 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation greater scalability, flexibility and and flexibility greater scalability, Achieving market. enterprise the targeted company the as especially inadequate, became model cloud public its when fly the on IT infrastructure cloud-based entire its transformed growth, Dropbox. To rapid accommodate control: –with faster Move business demands. with platforms to shift flexibility the with to strategic, experiment from scale, any –at services new of delivery and creation Speed IT Hybrid simplifying of value The IT Hybrid The value of simplifying Notes to predict failures before they they before failures to predict equipment other from information with data this by comparing learning machine uses then and analytics, performs pumps, its from data sensor captures Flowserve Flowserve. work: to data your Put Dropbox CEO, Houston, Drew challenge.” technical ahuge It’s knowing. passengers your of any without midflight a jet in engines the out to swap trying Study Case |HPE Dropbox to customers. service existing disrupting without environment cloud private to anew data of petabytes of hundreds migrating meant control . “It’s like . “It’s accelerate innovation. you to help IT simple Hybrid make –to HPE’s strategy is this – and IT simple Hybrid makes Mix Right TRANSITION Study Case Nokia HPE risk. minimizing still while customers their for needed they pace the at move them allowed That changed. early, penalty, without if the situation technology the return could they know still and place in solutions technology new to put Nokia enabled Services Financial HPE from solution investment The model. risk shared apay-as-you-go, with service delivery content anew launched Nokia capital) your preserve and risk your limit that strategies planning capacity and models consumption – (with pay-per-use you need, when you need them resources –the for pay –and Get “ and Industrial IoT and Edge Compute “ Watch videos: the costs. reducing and safety, improving assets, of life the —extending occur Harnessing the Industrial ” : Achieving your your : Achieving Harnessing the

simple How we make Hybrid IT and innovative IT consumption and and IT consumption innovative and to edge core from platforms analytics and data advanced infrastructure, software-defined IT foundations, Hybrid modern with expertise, IT simple Hybrid making is HPE simple IT Hybrid make to How Notes and our partners to assess where you you where to assess partners our and Pointnext HPE from expertise with Strategy IT Hybrid your Define need. you control the –with them need you when need, you resources the for pay and get you to help models delivery – Mix of Hybrid IT Hybrid of Mix Right your define you help can we TRANSITION control premises on and speed flexibility, you give that Models Delivery and Consumption –with IT Hybrid Optimize platforms analytics and data advanced with action into insights turn and infrastructure software-defined of benefits the IT foundation, Hybrid a modern –with IT Hybrid your Power continuously evolve IT and Hybrid of mix right to your migrate platforms, optimal to their data and apps your today,are map : Let’s start with how how with start : Let’s

9 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 10 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation Define your Hybrid IT strategy enterprises need to do. need enterprises TRANSITION enterprise. your for flexibility and speed deliver –that platforms optimal to their data and apps your map you today, help are you where assess you help we organization, services re-branded newly our Pointnext, HPE With Strategy IT Hybrid your Define Notes : Let’s talk about what what about talk : Let’s flexibility Design for speed and app dev platforms with agility and and agility with platforms dev app to deliver ways identifying includes This users. end and scientists your customers, developers, data delivery of new services speed the can creationyou and how assess we time, same At the growth. for resources free you IT helps by modernizing IT footprint your reduce and simplify and utilization better to drive sprawl) automating IT (address siloes, modernizing, consolidating, includes This resources. up free and efficiencies drive you help we goals, business your against environment current your assess we As data and apps your Deliver speed and flexibility from Notes . Driving efficiencies efficiencies . Driving to to • optimize: IT, you Hybrid of Mix when Right the it We call risk. less –with faster move to enterprise your enable will data and apps your for model IT operating optimal the achieving believes HPE business the with pivot to you enables IT Hybrid of Mix Right The when you need them need, you resources –the for pay and get you helping ultimately and technologies and methodologies, emerging adopt action, and insights analytics platforms speed Cost models you fund start-up ventures and and ventures start-up fund you how includes this consume); or build you (whether them need you when need, you resources , provide advanced, provide data and –pay for the the for –pay to accelerate . • • • business. your IT with align you help approach and proven methodologies TRANSITION people. model, platforms, processes and cost your across view degree 360 a with this do we Pointnext, HPE With Platforms Processes People strategic to experiment –from ideas new edge – securely private cloud, public cloud and center, data the across agility and control performance, cost, right the –at them need you when need you resources the you give that (onpremises) off and models enabling technologies the with –combined services your of delivery and creation the accelerate and automate collaboration in a digital workplace to drive ways new tap – and initiatives strategic most your for – free up your resources resources your up – free – and as-a-service – that simplify, simplify, – that : Our 360 degree 360 degree : Our

11 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 12 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation intent to acquire to acquire intent our announced recently HPE such, As to cloud. core to edge from lives, it wherever data, their from insights critical extracting accelerate business outcomes by customers our helping on focused We are data. and apps of explosion transformation and the resulting digital of take advantage customers our helps that aportfolio build to strategically continue we At HPE, estate. IT entire their across workloads manage help our customers deploy and to services consulting operational and migration integration, design, advisory, of spectrum afull provides Pointnext HPE enterprise. your for flexibility and speed deliver to platforms optimal to their data and apps your map you today, help are you where assess you help we organization, services re-branded newly our Pointnext, HPE With strategy IT Hybrid your accelerate you help to Expertise strategy IT Hybrid Expertise to accelerate your Notes leading provider of cloud consulting, aUK-based RedPixie, welcome now we capabilities IT consulting hybrid our strengthen to further Then, public and private cloud platforms. to workloads move and evaluate enterprises helps that company consulting cloud aleading is CTP Boston, in 2010 headquartered and in Founded IT simple. Hybrid making in capabilities services consulting cloud our strengthen to further born-in-the-cloud services company, (CTP), a Partners Technology Cloud Hybrid IT.Hybrid of Mix Right your define you helping TRANSITION as traditional IT. well as clouds, public and managed, IT strategy comprehensive atruly Hybridwith customers provides Pointnext HPE Pixie, Red and CTP Together with fold. HPE the into cloud, to public workloads to move looking migration for services enterprises application development and that includes private, private, includes that : Let’s get started on on started get : Let’s the business Our approach unifies IT and approach looks to modernize IT and IT and to modernize looks approach 360 degree Pointnext’s HPE business the and IT unifies people and process platforms, model, cost the across approach degree 360 Our Notes the rest are operational domains domains operational are rest the architecture; and infrastructure transformation (one is technical IT of domains major seven spans transformation framework unified HPE pending) (patent Our accelerate innovation.

the value of this approach. approach. this of value the TRANSITION model. IT operating Hybrid optimal to your path accelerated an is result The gaps. to bridge practices best apply then and goals, their against gaps have organizations where transformation framework to define unified the employs HPE staff). finance, processes, and culture and framework, IT management as such : Enterprises are seeing seeing are : Enterprises

13 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 14 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation new product development. for resources up IT frees modernizing TRANSITION Study Case |HPE Group Otto by 40% costs operating reducing faster– 90% provisioned are services transformation Now IT framework. unified the and Pointnext HPE from expertise with model IT operating aHybrid implemented Group Otto faster services IT provisions Group Otto services faster Otto Group provisions IT Notes : Now let’s look at how how at look let’s : Now for new services Trustpower frees up resources and migrate them to the right right to the them migrate and applications to be cloud-ready its of 200 Trustpower transform helped we people, and process platforms, model, cost the across approach 360-degree our With resources in new services more Trustpower invests Notes • • efforts. to growth resources shifting and IT footprint the reducing environment, the – simplifying clouds private and public of mix 39 applications business-critical 92 development/test applications located infrastructure to adedicated/co- migrated were Azure to ® migrated were innovation. accelerates technologies emerging adopting Agile development and TRANSITION Study Case Trustpower |HPE business. its multi-utility for services new to create resources more devotes Trustpower Now platforms. optimal to their them data and apps map and group to categorize, techniques recognition pattern advanced uses Aura data. engine that assesses apps and automated workload-rationalization Aura HPE with approach We accelerate our 360-degree : Let’s look at how how at look : Let’s , our , our

15 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 16 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation connected experiences car Auto manufacturer accelerates • • • auto manufacturer: aglobal helped HPE experiences car connected of delivery the For and advanced data and analytics. dev app to speed methodologies and platforms –with services and apps of delivery and creation the accelerate enterprises helps HPE approach, 360-degree our With connected car experiences Auto manufacturer accelerates Notes Adopt container-based strategies strategies container-based Adopt Accelerate the deployment continuous for Architect with Docker to deploy apps faster, faster, apps to deploy Docker with platform services adigital with apps new and existing of integration and development approach Agile an with services and apps of deployment and integration ecosystem of partners. of ecosystem to abroad integration simplifies –and services new accelerates This environment, managed with Scalr with managed environment, cloud ahybrid in scale at apps and containers running simplify to Mesosphere –and easier scale Hybrid IT.Hybrid of Mix Right your define you to help We’d value. like drive you mind, in flexibility and speed IT with Hybrid of Mix Right your define you as that TRANSITION : These examples show show examples : These Let’s get started get Let’s for your digital transformation. enabler an as acts that IT foundation IT– aHybrid Hybrid create and future your defining toward step first the take you help with RedPixie) and CTP (including experts Pointnext HPE Notes • • • • Ways to get started include: Engage in a workshop with HPE HPE with aworkshop in Engage Group, (Otto Talk customers to our Aura HPE of ademo Experience experts our with Meet Pointnext Trustpower) apps and data. data. and apps your to power need you platforms TRANSITION : Now let’s shift to the to the shift let’s : Now

17 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 18 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation action from your apps and data and apps your from action and speed insights, driving in are IT platforms Hybrid your important TRANSITION platforms. IT Hybrid HPE innovative with data and apps your power you We help platforms IT Hybrid your Power platforms Power your Hybrid IT Notes : Let’s look at how how at look : Let’s action from apps and data Drive insights, speed and Notes your apps and data. and apps your for IT foundation Hybrid a modern TRANSITION • • • must: enterprises data and apps your from action and speed To insights, drive Turn data into insights with Turn with insights into data IT Hybrid amodern Create and development Speed platforms advanced data and analytics foundation infrastructure delivery with software-defined : It starts with creating creating with starts : It

19 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 20 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation • to: you enables It business. your for need you control the –with dynamically services deliver and to create you enable solutions infrastructure software-defined IT. Hybrid for HPE’s foundation the it’s believe we and IT simple, Hybrid to make HPE’s strategy of heart the at is infrastructure Software-defined that. just do you helps infrastructure software-defined –and fast services deliver and to create have you world adigital In management infrastructure and multi-cloud delivery with software-defined speeds development and Software-defined infrastructure foundation Create amodern Hybrid IT Notes Compose, teardown,Compose, recompose minutes, not weeks not minutes, 3 in resources IT provisions HPE example, For needed. as resources • • Infinitely scale resources. scale Infinitely Repurpose resources dynamically four days. four of instead hours, two in researchers of to teams resources example, HudsonAlpha reprovisions For to another. workload one from delivery. solutions speed development and infrastructure software-defined HPE TRANSITION : Let’s look at how how at look : Let’s dynamically your on premises Compose resources Notes foundations. foundations. IT modern creating of value the TRANSITION • • • that: just do solutions HPE secure and – always-on efficient, are that platforms with Start Build apps faster, run apps apps run faster, apps Build for continuousPredictive analytics speed for infrastructure Modern Pointnext from expertise –and Docker with aService as Containers Servers, applications include: Docker Ready containerized Docker running and building for solutions HPE > containers with anywhere Storage Nimble >InfoSight, stack) infrastructure the across issues prevent and to anticipate Analytics digital operations (Predictive SimpliVity > efficiency and : Enterprises are seeing seeing are : Enterprises

21 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 22 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation effective. “Our users are happy; the the happy; are users “Our effective. cost- more is 3)it and faster; much satisfy requests from the business can and agile more is IT2) team the performance; app on improvements 2.5x seeing RBR with faster, are applications 1) the reasons: main three for SimpliVity. HPE selected organization the Cadieux, Matt CIO Racing Bull to Red According weekend, performance matters. arace in decisions of hundreds and aseason changes engineering 30,000 handles that team racing a For SimpliVity. HPE with 60% as much by as reduced been has processing data real-time some team, application processes involving IT the to According efficiency. and agility, performance, industry-leading for SimpliVity HPE selected team, Racing Bull Red ways new in value creating Software-defined infrastructure is Deliver seamless experiences Notes , a Formula One One , aFormula public cloud Azure functions. Stack available all of benefit the with and withNetherlands a Dutch company the in safe is data your guarantees Netherlands, the in in provider The Sourcing Company Study Case | HPE Racing Bull Red Cadieux. happy,” said is team finance the happy; is IT team , a service , aservice managing Hybrid IT environments. Hybrid managing of complexity the to simplify looking are enterprises brings, infrastructure software-defined that speed the TRANSITION Study Case |HPE Company Sourcing The possible. this makes : In addition to addition : In multi-cloud managementmulti-cloud HPE OneSphere simplifies experience delivered , amanagement of consists that solution asingular is OneSphere HPE efficiency. cost greater and simplicity speed, the delivering point, asingle from environment cloud multi- your across workloads and services digital manage you helps It applications. and environments and optimization of multi-cloud seamless deployment, operation, premises resources and enables off- and on- of management the unifies that platform management amulti-cloud is OneSphere HPE where HPE OneSphere comes in. That’s multi-cloud. to comes it when –particularly complex be can environment IT Hybrid –a managing –and Operating Notes and making it easier to tap into into to tap easier it making and requirements economic and business to deploy workloads based on ability LOByour counterparts—the you—and giving IT environment, Hybrid entire an across analytics and insights cost and utilization provides reporting Dashboard deployment. to self-service provisioning and ability the and clouds; private and public multiple of achoice and APIs, templates, infrastructure and app of library arich workspace; their resources. off-premises and on- of mix right the optimizing quickly, applications deploy can you OneSphere HPE With management. lifecycle low-touch to enable services Pointnext HPE and cloud, public and infrastructure software-defined on-premises via resources API-driven Your developers get Hybrid IT. with –faster action into insights –and insights into data to turn how TRANSITION • • • premises. underutilized resources already on- the solution is is Efficiency: solution the Productivity: Velocity: improving ROI. – costs lower and utilization higher to drive environment hybrid the across usage resource into visibility including mind, in efficiency designed with end-to-end resources. application-focused to resources operations-focused from ashift facilitate can which – IT ops for productivity creates and othercapabilities automation management lifecycle ops” “low LOB key. is and The operations IT and development between silos and streamline handshaking functional to eliminate ability Its and customizable workspaces. the self-service product’s design, frequency. release –speeding deployment production test/dev and provisioningservice accelerates self- and minutes, in up stood be can VMs and containers, clouds, on-premises or public public or on-premises : Now let’s look at at look let’s : Now is top-of-mind with with top-of-mind is

23 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 24 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation are efficient, always-on and secure. and always-on efficient, are that platforms with start foundations TRANSITION • • • mind: in elements IT foundation with the following Hybrid amodern create IT and existing on spend today’s to reduce need enterprises world, adigital in flexibility and for speed In designing foundation IT Hybrid amodern Create dynamically Compose resources Notes Pivot with the business growth for resources up Free Simplify your operations : Modern IT : Modern always-on, secure ready – for anything Start with afoundation that’s fast, • that: just do solutions HPE secure and – always-on efficient, are that platforms with Start Notes Predictive analytics for continuousPredictive analytics Analytics to anticipate and prevent prevent and to anticipate Analytics digital operations (Predictive gap. gap. app-data the close and issues1 prevent and to predict enough smart storage only the is storage all-flash HPE Storage. All-Flash HPE and InfoSight HPE with stack) infrastructure the across issues foundations. foundations. IT modern creating of value the TRANSITION • Fast and reliable access to data to data access reliable Fast and both on-premises and off. and on-premises both to data access reliable and fast cloud ready flash storage, deliver with coupled Predictive analytics, Storage All-Flash HPE with : Enterprises are seeing seeing are : Enterprises

25 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 26 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation Study Case | HPE Cosmetics problem.” Handmade Lush a there’s knows IT team the before happen center. Fixes support the into to call having without cases support automatically and resolves opens InfoSight athing. to do having IT team the without Cosmetics Lush for cases support resolves and opens InfoSight automatically. –IT issues resolve – and predict to InfoSight HPE uses Cosmetics Handmade Lush Fast-growing continuous operations for analytics Predictive create value foundations IT Hybrid Modern OneSphere HPE with Simplified cloud management Notes . Stor Customer |HPE Nokia experiences with HPE Gen10 servers. video streaming broadcast-quality platform for delivering personalized, acost-effective delivers Nokia Seamless experiences y world’s leading platforms. the on built IT foundations Hybrid We modern create TRANSITION: advanced data analytics and Turn data into insights with • approaches. A few examples: new require will it and exploding is it of amount the but customers, its with interact to better learns and streamlines operations and services, business develops new products a how behind force driving the becoming is used is it how and Data platforms advanced data and analytics with Turn insights into data Notes Walmart’s transactional databaseWalmart’s transactional entire practice of in-store retail. in-store of practice entire the but face, the just not changed they And petabytes. 40 about is “physical world”. our over IoT all from data sensors of levels such generating be We’ll cars. self-driving just day. that’s And every petabytes 40,000 generate will cars autonomous 10of million alone systems assistance driver the 2020, By insight. us to give available data of amount the in magnitude in leap to take another We’re about • By May 2016, Facebook was was 2016, May By Facebook database every ten days. ten every database size Walmart’s of the day. That’s a data of 4petabytes processing Insider, June 2016 June Insider, :Business cars self-driving of Number 2016 May :brandwatch, Facebook 2013 institute SAS data Structured :Intel stats Car : Sources data. your of all on capitalize to you enable platforms analytics TRANSITION • • • and: world, impatient an in to succeed types data all to synthesize need Enterprises 20,000 databases across 19PB is set HPE’s working Note: Use data to augment performance performance to augment data Use from learning valuable Derive Turn into insight insight, into data AI AI of humans with machine learning, process and analyze –in real-time types, data sources, of millions faster – success into action and action : Advanced data and and data : Advanced

27 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 28 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation • by: –faster success into action and action into insight insight, into data turn enterprises helping is HPE your data of all from insights actionable Get data your Actionable insights from all of • Notes - - Making time-sensitive decisions Creating a powerful digital core core digital apowerful Creating growth. and – efficiencies to drive ways new offering network, of, the edge the at or to, close upon acted and analyzed, processed, stored, be IoT-created of 40% will least data by 2019 that predicts at IDC network. the of edge the at digital world world digital for scale with learning) machine source, every data, your of all central learning engine (process - - Aruba and Edgeline on edge compute with HPE capitalize enterprises helps HPE HPE helps enterprises create create enterprises helps HPE • Protecting and managing secure access. So what? So access. secure and sovereignty data management, core to edge from end-to-end data your Integrity Superdome Integrity HPE Computing, Performance High HPE with engine learning central core digital powerful , including policy policy , including these strategies. with value creating are enterprises TRANSITION - - ClearPass and IntroSpect Aruba with to core edge from end-to-end data manage and protect enterprises helps HPE : Let’s look at how how at look : Let’s in actionin Advanced data analytics and with SAP HANA with by 60% downtime customers’ its cut Kaeser Harnessing the Industrial Internet Edge Compute Harnessing the Industrial IoT and Watch videos: the costs. reducing and safety, improving assets, of life the —extending occur they before failures to predict equipment other from information learning by comparing this data with machine uses then and analytics, performs pumps, its from data sensor captures Flowserve downtime; to reduce learning machine and Flowserve action in &analytics data Advanced Notes leverages the industrial IoT to industrial the leverages uses real-time analytics

Story Customer | HPE Kompressoren CIO, Kaeser Kompressoren Kaiser Falko Lameter, results.” business to improve insights those using and data, that into insights gaining customers, your and business your to important that’s data capturing about It’s technology. about just not “IIoT is savings. annual in millions and time, down in reduction 60% a occur, driving can they before outages system prevent and predict deliver real-time that analytics Kaeser Kompressoren equipment in embedded sensors Machine air. compressed of form the in energy of delivery and treatment, complete systems for the generation, and offers services, products, company The services. and systems air compressed of providers and manufacturers leading world’s the Kaeser Kompressoren is one of of one is Driven Computing with Memory- platforms analytics and data advanced in innovation TRANSITION cyberattacks.” from organization our defend and manage proactively to solution congruent apowerful, us gives IntroSpect and ClearPass of combination The resolution. faster for incidents security prioritizing and by automating anomaly detection code source our protect to better able be will we capabilities, detection IntroSpect UEBA and threat analytics Aruba adding “By Systems. Design Cadence IT of Operations, director group senior Mahdavi, Faramarz said infrastructure,” wireless and wired our across policies enforce and devices to authenticate power the us gives ClearPass Aruba network, our on device to every visibility to providing addition “In cyberattacks. sophisticated increasingly from assets digital other and data network, its protect to solutions management network and software security Aruba’s using Cadence Design Systems, Inc. learning machine IntroSpect and ClearPass Aruba with attacks digital Cadence proactively defends against against defends proactively : HPE continues drive drive continues : HPE , is , is

29 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 30 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation attacks. of types new characterize to tries it training, Without too. learning unsupervised does Niara so, And too. morph also must defenders the system, immune human the with like just And time. the all morphing are bodies our attacking things -the system immune human Think above. described like we systems of because just operandi modus their adjusting always are Attackers to do. have we all not that’s Sadly, learning”. “supervised as known is This system. characterization based ML- the –to train +outcome data situation’s –the scenarios of series awhole We use attempt. breach –a outcome undesirable an is there and happen, things of aseries So, systems. security with Same flagged. is and character of out is this rings, diamond buy and to Malaysia jump you asudden, of If, all etc. meals, and gas for card the –using behavior normal your characterize They issuer. card credit your Consider like applications. entities other and users of behavior learning to characterize the “normal” machine uses Niara edge. intelligent Niara 2017, 1, February On acquired HPE is AI-driven from edge to core The future of IT management Notes to enhance security at the the at security to enhance ` support person might do. might person support like a1st/2nd level –just occur outcome abad should happened have may what to understand start can and outcomes bad causes what learns Nimble sets”, data “training these From example. for problem, –aperformance not of outcome bad an was these if it tell we and data situation the at looks it above, Niara, with learning supervised the like with just Firstly, ways. two in learning machine uses product InfoSight Nimble’s solutions. storage –flash hybrid and all-flash of provider Nimble of Storage, a acquisition 2107, April In it completed HPE storage. more to add is fix” “maintenance the where maintenance, proactive of aform really is This capacity. storage of out running are customers that determine to proactively techniques same the uses Niara Secondly, too. do typically would support 2nd level and 1st that tasks the to perform able is It to support. it report proactively and to occur about is outcome abad when recognize to Nimble allows ML of use This too. infrastructure the from data other gather must It devices. storage from events and logs at look just doesn’t Nimble this, to do order In Driven Computing Driving innovation: Memory- have created a new architecture we we architecture anew created have researchMachine project The Through up. ground the from computing reinvented have we different: something done has HPE gap. the to close different something need we improve; can computers our than faster growing are ambitions Our insight. create and it to process ability our than faster growing are data, that on act rapidly to demand the and data, of volume –the history of all through than data more we’re creating years, two Every innovation for the future – computing driven Memory Notes we we • today: ways meaningful in Computing actively applying Memory-Drive We’re works. it And memory. fast of 160 terabytes with system, memory We’ve built the world’s biggest single- improvements. remarkable performance demonstrated we’ve processing, from memory liberating By processor. each to tethered are memory of amounts systems where relatively small today’s from departure sharp memory—a of pool shared to agiant access asystem in processor every Computing gives Memory-Driven Memory-Drivencall Computing HPE is collaborating collaborating is HPE . strategy? IT Hybrid your powering on started TRANSITION User Group. Machine The for up developers your sign and more to learn Labs Packard Hewlett Visit now. computing of future the defining is HPE • U.S. Dept. of Energy awarded awarded Energy of Dept. U.S. PathForward project the of part as principles Computing using Memory-Driven an exascale supercomputer to develop grant alarge HPE 100X by over akey up algorithm sped already we’ve X, Superdome HPE on Driven Computing software Memory- Running Alzheimer’s. for acure finding to accelerate sets data massive their manipulate to computer of kind a new Diseases for Neurodegenerative Center German the with (DZNE) : So how can you get get you can how : So . They needed needed . They

31 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 32 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation • • • workloads Safeguard mission critical • • • • • • demands business evolving with pace Keep • • • time real in Turn data into actionable insights Our value prop: Flex Superdome HPE Accelerating enterprise with Notes “Firmware First” approach, ensures ensures approach, First” “Firmware Error Analysis Engine> Best-in- RAS Superdome unique Proven, support Hard partition with APIs open management, Open minimum for price list US on Based 4s at cost acquisition 45% lower modular 4-socket to eight Up block building modular Unique latency, low with fabric Ultra-fast 4-32 scale sockets Unparalleled design In-memory at the OS layer OS the at occur can interruption any before level, including errors, memory firmware the at containment error without operator assistance and initiatesfaults self-repair hardware predicts Engine, Analysis Error handling fault predictive class OneView ecosystem, Redfish $61KFlex X$113K, Superdome Superdome 4-socket/768GB: configuration point entry building blocks flexibility incredible brings design, high technology bandwidth capacity 768GB-48TB memory and Doesn’t include planned events planned include Doesn’t projection. availability system single same the approximately X showing reliability model follows Superdome Flex Superdome Serviceguard. like HPE solutions clustering failover with combination in used when increased greatly be can (99.999%) nines five of availability Single-system Superdome X server results. availability measured actual and analysis availability Lab Packard Hewlett on Based • • Results in> 99.999%Results system single Superdome HPE unique Some availability (LER) recovery error PCIe Advanced , swap) cable (hot resiliency fabric +1), (ADDDC Enhanced resiliency memory (eMCA Gen2), Advanced Advanced processor error handling include: servers x86 other on present not features RAS Flex and system modularity. security Driven Computing include fabric Memory- with shares it aspects other Some memory. of speed the at size any of move environments HPC and enterprises helps Flex Superdome fabric, low-latency fast, and pooling, resource abundance, memory With products. generation new- our into learnings and principles Computing design Memory-Driven incorporating is HPE how of example aprime is Flex Superdome Computing principles Driven Memory with Designed • • reliability and performance transformation, optimize services to accelerate digital complete Pointnext: HPE Proven, low-risk, migration migration low-risk, Proven, experts 25,000+ technology methodology : HPE : HPE Let’s get started get Let’s Notes consumption and delivery models. IT: Hybrid of your Mix optimize Right your to achieve key element another TRANSITION • • • • started get Let’s Adopt Design and architect Develop you to help experts our Engage data, from core to edge core from data, your of all for platforms analytics strategy infrastructure software-defined foundation IT strategy: Hybrid your power advanced data and and data advanced modern Hybrid IT IT Hybrid amodern : Now let’s look at at look let’s : Now your your

33 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 34 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation IT with these in mind. in these IT with Hybrid of Mix Right your OPTIMIZE TRANSITION models. platforms – which includes delivery model, cost the IT spans Hybrid of Mix Right the achieving Remember, and delivery models financing IT Hybrid your Optimize delivery and financing Optimize your Hybrid IT Notes : Let’s explore how to how explore : Let’s and pay-per-useand consumption Optimize as-a-service delivery driving change in how IT is delivered, delivered, IT is how in change driving is world digital our of pace fast The consumption pay-per-use and delivery as-a-service with Optimize Notes to (orwant to) have IT assets. own longer no enterprises And growth. new fund to capital get to difficult it IT –making in up tied is capital much for. Today, paid –and too consumed • • to: IT consume for, pay and acquire, they way the rethink enterprises helping is HPE right IT investment strategy IT investment right the with innovation accelerate can TRANSITION • Start new projects faster Accelerate innovation with the Enhance your Hybrid IT service IT service Hybrid your Enhance allocation) capital smarter assets, monetize to revenues, costs align (better strategy investment IT right ecosystem aglobal partner with delivery control premises on consumption-based models with through pay-per-use and : Let’s look at how you you how at look : Let’s ,

35 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 36 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation • • • to: you help that Services Financial HPE with options IT investment innovative providing IT –by use and for pay acquire, you way the rethink you We help strategy investment IT right Accelerate innovation with the strategy investment IT right Accelerate innovation with the Notes Create an IT investment model model IT investment an Create to environment legacy from Move (sale IT assets owned Monetize flexibility needed to respond to respond needed flexibility financial the establish you helps then and modernize you helps that recycling and removal IT responsible environmentally and secure for provide that with transitionmodern solutions innovation for budget capital, up free and to as-a-service– shift back), lease • Leverage pay-as-you-deploy pay when it’s needed/activate it’s when pay advance, IT in –acquire models way your come changes business to whatever adapt and business value today. creating is strategies investment TRANSITION : Transforming IT: Transforming strategies help you accelerate Innovative IT investment its IT investment strategy to meet to meet strategy IT investment its commerce platform) transformed Travelport accelerate you help strategies investment IT Notes

(global travel travel (global IT investment model that reduced reduced that model IT investment Nokia Story Customer HPE | Travelport sheet balance business overall innovation while goals improving launched a new venture with with venture anew launched control. more and risk less – with faster projects new start you help can TRANSITION Story CUstomer |HPE Smartsheet model tied to deployment milestones investment an with platform premises Smartsheet Story Customer HPE | operational and financial risk Nokia transitioned to a new on on to anew transitioned : Let’s look at how HPE HPE how at look : Let’s

37 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 38 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation • • • of: promise the offer solutions GreenLake HPE model, financial pay-per-use asimple, Pointnext—with by HPE operated and delivered, designed, ITconsumption-based solutions— complete, of asuite As demand. business outcomes your customers to deliver designed is GreenLake HPE products, robust of range wide Pointnext by HPE Consumption-based IT delivered Introducing HPE GreenLake: enterprise. digital the for delivery application to optimize want that customers your for it cuts longer architectures—no runningapplications on traditional existing keeping while cloud the in apps “cloud-native” new, provisioning IT— for adopted often approach The for deployment in the public cloud. profile typical the meet that those for just not workloads, their for pricing consumption-based with capacity needs to deploy scalable, on-demand HPE expectations, To these meet consume. they what for only pay and them, want they when want, they outcomes the consume to prefer widely now customers –your data and apps protecting or edge, the at devices connecting real-time it’s Whether analytics, Consumption-Based IT? on story HPE is What ITconsume as-a-service Business leaders expect to

Simplified IT experience: Only Only IT experience: Simplified IT. consumption-based true, for metric a business-oriented on based use customers the what for Pay only IT economics: Better ahead of demand. scales by HPE—that operated and implemented, designed, complete functional solution— a Deploy time-to-value: Faster . Leveraging a . Leveraging – like experience for infrastructure infrastructure for – like experience acloud brings it support, grade enterprise- and capacity, extra of buffer onsite an using scalability rapid usage, metered actual on based payments variable With today. to customers consumption infrastructure premises on brings that Pointnext by HPE delivered aservice is Capacity Flex GreenLake HPE Capacity. Flex GreenLake HPE called solutions customized in technology of choice the consume can customers your solutions, pre-configured to these addition In and edge compute. HANA, SAP database, source open backup, Data, Big as such outcomes, to deliver accelerated business services expert and software, hardware, right the with configured HPE GreenLake solutions are pre- •

privacy. ensure and compliance, meet experience, user the of control full to enable IT environment premises delivered from your customers’ on is solution Each control: Proper mind. of peace for solutions business-critical of support optimization, and operations, end-to-end for partner one flexibility. and speed to gain control up giving – terms else’s someone on and hands else’s someone in functions business core their put have TRANSITION: Pointnext. HPE by delivered GreenLake HPE with terms, customers’ Accelerate outcomes, on your issues. integration No outlay. capital No on-boarding. Fast environment. own their in data and apps the of control maintaining while technology, pay-per-use simple, get customers the and lifting IT heavy- the does Pointnext HPE need you that way the operated and supported Capacity, Flex GreenLake HPE with it consume and solution infrastructure your Design 3PAR, networking. HPE and Apollo, Synergy, Simplivity HPE as such HPE from technology modern of use make computing, or high performance vending, general compute or storage, VM infrastructure, composable need you Whether premises. on

Many enterprises enterprises Many with HPE GreenLake HPE with Consume IT, on your terms a simple, pay-per-use model. model. pay-per-use a simple, in hardware, and expertise software, with IT outcomes delivering recovery) disaster and like backup tasks operational or data, big analytics, as computing at real-time the edge, (such solutions curated of catalogue a of comprised is to go, ready are that solutions preconfigured HPE GreenLake Solutions model. apay-per-use in premises on expertise and software, hardware, with IT outcomes deliver that set solutions Infrastructure capacity-based amodular from complete, curated solutions or of acatalogue from choose can Your customers IT solutions. based consumption- of set —a Pointnext HPE by delivered GreenLake HPE with control customer’s your under and premises on cloud of public the flexibility Gain the business outcomes. their to realize customers to your sell you what Capacity: Flexible HPE generation next the and Solutions GreenLake HPE of overview An Solutions? GreenLake HPE the are What — • • • GreenLake currently include: HPE of solutions preconfigured The HPE GreenLake Database with with Database GreenLake HPE HPE GreenLake Backup Data Big GreenLake HPE database offering. offering. database source open this with lock-in platform avoid and premises on security Maintain insights. data and applications on focus to truly them allows that asolution with platform database entire customers’ your TCO reduce for substantially and Postgres EDB that as monthly—simple backup they much by how pay they and customers; your for managed is that capacity backup premises GreenLake Backup delivers on- Cloudera or Hortonworks. using architecture, Hadoop Enterprise the technology, HPE latest the on tested and integrated pre- is that lake data Hadoop a with to work right scientists data their put can customers your Data, Big GreenLake HPE : Simplify operations operations : Simplify : HPE : HPE : With : With leading solution, we have improved it! improved have we solution, leading industry the of name the changed TRANSITION • • • HPE GreenLake Flex Capacity HPE GreenLake Edge Compute SAP for GreenLake HPE your customers. cost and streamlined, modular, a more delivers It technologies. of choice their to consume customers solutions and also enables GreenLake HPE for foundation the is Capacity, Flexible GreenLake HPE of generation next the issues. staffing or cycles deployment you-go model, with no drawn out apay-as- in them for operated and implemented, designed, is solution The serve. they customers the for experiences richer deliver and services, and products build customers your where control and insight power that services and technology offers HPE Compute, Edge GreenLake HPE With critical apps. the most demanding mission- for required control and security, performance, the delivers HANA SAP for GreenLake HPE objectives. and availability performance workload to meet services and hardware, operating system, SAP®-certified right-sized the on managed, fully a offers HANA HANA ‑ premises appliance with ‑ competitive experience for : HPE GreenLake for SAP SAP for GreenLake : HPE : We haven’t just just : We haven’t , :

39 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 40 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation associated with your IT infrastructure, IT infrastructure, your with associated expenses the of view a detailed you gives concept Our processing. year-end or quarter as such periods headroom for peak processing capacity growth cost-effective and smooth offers HPE GreenLake Flexible Capacity • • • • you. for solution right the be well might HPE GreenLake Flexible Capacity when scenarios optimum are Here • • • • • • • runs out:- never that capacity Infrastructure solutions Foundational for HPE GreenLake GreenLakeHPE Flex Capacity infrastructure with Consume Notes When you need better than “best “best than better need you When expand could that workloads For workloads and data your When and outlays capital large When Hybrid with support Enterprise-quality Your technology of choice requirements payment upfront No via monthly usage with costs Align use you what for Pay only minutes in capacity –add Scalable effort” SLAs effort” workloads right the for and controls right the –under cloud to public control your under on-premises, stay must use you what for to pay want you –when business your fit longer no cycles procurement long metering advanced site on buffer from – With the the –With capacity, you don’t have to pay for it. for to pay have don’t you capacity, additional the for use have longer no you it. When need you when need, you resources the provide can we are, loads your Whatever capacity. standby sufficient enabling capacity, continually enhance the existing We demand. the of ahead capacity by installing risk business your of share asignificant absorbs HPE cycle. procurement afull initiate to need the without agreement service our through replenished be can buffer This times. all at site on available buffer incremental an have you’ll because quickly capacity new You easily. acquire and can quickly capacity, decrease or Increase gets it as quick as HPE GreenLake Flexible capacity, agility. true deliver can you sense, makes that model acost With costs. reduced at IT flexibility to achieve you allowing GreenLake Flex Capacity. Flex GreenLake HPE model, consumption our adopt to moving but model, consumption a adopting only not industry tech the see we Capacity, Flex GreenLake HPE on based services delivering customers SP more with and Capacity, Flex GreenLake HPE use that relationships announcing partners SI more With strategy. awinning to be proving is Capacity Flex GreenLake HPE on services their building customers, SP and partners SI our for And customers. to their solutions to provide process the simplify and to solution, time their shorten dramatically will choices infrastructure pre-packaged the modular,Channel partners, TRANSITION it again. need you until off it turn You just can : For our HPE HPE our : For GreenLake Flex Capacity Our partners deliver HPE enabling you to scale up – and scale scale –and up to scale you enabling – needs business to your needs IT your aligning demand, your of Capacity HPE GreenLakeWith Flexible they’re needed. when needed, resources the for pay and get –and control premises on IT and pay-per-use through risk less with speed drive now can Enterprises risk and more control less faster, with projects new Start Notes : we install capacity ahead ahead capacity install : we procurement with a single monthly monthly asingle with procurement We now. simplify need you what beyond of IT resources buffer a local creates HPE then commitment—and aminimum set —and growth and needs current Together forecast we infrastructure. your operate you help to expertise as well as reporting), (usage metering and monitoring advanced analysis, capacity active with you helps HPE use. you what for pay only you minutes), and (in them need you as –resources down

control with less risk less with control and speed to drive Capacity Flexible GreenLake HPE using enterprises of TRANSITION WIPRO.. and Sogeti Rackspace, Deloitte, Capgemini, Accenture, – partners our and Pointnext HPE through this We deliver the public cloud. of economics and experience go you as pay same the –with environment Stack Azure premises to on environments Azure from shifting seamlessly services, cloud hybrid for Capacity Flexible GreenLake HPE For example, enterprises are using Stack. Azure and HANA SAP as such platforms and to IaaS this We apply IT. hybrid your operate you help and needs your to plan team your of extension an as acts team support HPE Our demand. oncoming any of ahead deployed capacity extra have you to ensure you with working bill, : Here are examples examples are : Here

41 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 42 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation models. your local needs with flexible delivery meet can ecosystem partner a global TRANSITION Case Study Supermarked |Dansk HPE Capacity Flexible GreenLake HPE with capital up frees and environment, HANA SAP its for capacity its up scales Dansk Supermarked Case Study |Okinawa HPE Capacity Flexible GreenLake HPE with investment start-up minimized and IoTits service Okinawa risk less with speed drives control premises on and IT Pay-per-use GreenLakeHPE Flex Capacity Speed time to market with Notes created an IT platform for for IT platform an created : Now let’s look at how how at look let’s : Now easily a global partner global a ecosystem Achieve flexible delivery with Notes consumption and delivery models. IT your optimizing on started get TRANSITION • • with a global partner ecosystem Achieve flexible delivery options Our Service ProviderOur partners Cloud28+ Our solutions solutions HPE with premises off and on services based consumption IT and Hybrid achieve you help requirements industry and local your understand thatand HPE solutions partners experts to cloud access global you : We can help you you help : We can community gives gives community

43 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 44 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation • • • • • • mix. right your optimize you to help experts Pointnext and Finance HPE our with meet Let’s too. models financial and and the optimal delivery analytics, data and apps your for platforms ideal the find you help We can started get Let’s started get Let’s Notes HPE GreenLake Flexible Capacity Capacity Flexible GreenLake HPE Strategy IT Investment HPE (FS, aworkshop in Engage Azure, (SIs, Talk partners to our Cap) (Flex ademo Experience experts our with Meet needs to your financial needs. financial to your needs capacity your maps that a plan to create designed is Workshop roadmap. IT investment to an aligned models funding with strategy investment companies develop an IT to help designed is Workshop Pointnext) SAP) • • • Consider the best deployment deployment best the Consider Request a Cloud28+ demo Explore the Cloud28+ community guide placement ITworkload Hybrid the model for your workloads using [email protected] – team the contacting by or rep sales HPE your from offeringspartners and trusted to find platform digital and

business. your accelerate IT and Hybrid of Mix Right the achieve enterprises TRANSITION • • Meet with HPE to identify and and to identify HPE with Meet meet that partners HPE out Check can best meet your needs your meet best can who partner SP HPE an engage Cloud on 28+needs geographical and service your : HPE is helping helping is : HPE IT world IT further,Go faster in aHybrid • you can go further, faster and: simple, IT Hybrid make you When Notes - - - - Start fast and stay fast stay and fast Start - - - - start up with HPE Synergy Synergy HPE with up start fast for images pre-defined and resources of allocation Dynamic SimpliVity HPE with to VMs Fast access Capacity Flex GreenLake HPE with it need you when need, you capacity the Get Services Financial HPE and GreenLake HPE with go you Pay as • - - - Get visibility and optimization of cost, performance and contro - - - and on premises with HPE HPE with premises on and clouds across security Holistic Pointnext HPE with workloads your mapping for engine automated aura HPE and framework HPE’s transformation unified public clouds and traditional with private, between placement workload your Optimizing HPE OneSphere multi-cloud management with IT, Hybrid your across Visibility l today. world IT Hybrid a in value to create HPE engaging TRANSITION business. the for next what’s accelerate IT, Hybrid you simplify you When • - - - Unlock insights for real-time real-time for insights Unlock action - - - HPE Superdome Flex and Apollo and Flex Superdome HPE ComputingPerformance with to High to scale Ability core to environment from edge to cloud IT Hybrid your across action real-time and insights for analyze and data Gather with HPE InfoSight HPE with IT” “invisible toward techniques learning machine Apply Pointnext and CTP expertise CTP and Pointnext : Enterprises are are : Enterprises

45 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation 46 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation Thank you Notes

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47 HPE Hybrid IT Presentation