Advancing research excellence for governance and public policy in Africa PASGR Working Paper 015 Polical Selement Analysis of Employment Creaon in Agriculture and Agro‐industries in Nigeria Ayinde , Aremu Fatai NaƟonal InsƟtute for LegislaƟve Studies, Nigeria Kwaghe, Patrick Vandi University of Maiduguri, Nigeria Agbiboa, Daniel Egiegba Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania Jijji, Saadu A Sangrom Agro Allied Limited September, 2016 This report was produced in the context of a mul‐country study on the ‘Polical Economy and Sele‐ ments Analyses of Employment Creaon Schemes in Agriculture and Agro‐processing Sectors in the Con‐ text of Inclusive Growth in Africa ’, generously supported by the UK Department for Internaonal Develop‐ ment (DFID) through the Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR). The views herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those held by PASGR or DFID. Author contact informaon: Aremu Fatai Ayinde Naonal Instute for Legislave Studies (Nigeria)
[email protected] Suggested citaon: Ayinde, A. F, Kwaghe, P. V., Agbiboa, D. E., & Jijji, S. A. (2016). Polical Selement Analysis of Employment Creaon in Agriculture and Agro‐industries in Nigeria. Partnership for African Social and Governance Re‐ search Working Paper No. 015, Nairobi, Kenya. ©Partnership for African Social & Governance Research, 2016 Nairobi, Kenya
[email protected] ISBN 978‐9966‐087‐10‐2 Contents 1. Introduction .....................................................................................................................