102 103

102 Albert Gustav Lortzing (1803-1851), composer, actor and singer, uniface Portrait Plaquette, signed AG [Anton Garth?] in monogram (for Anton Werner, Berlin), bust left, his name in large letters, 154mm (Ni 1212); and a heavy Iron Medal, 1951, by Bruno Evermann, 98mm (Ni 1203), Good very fine and very fine. (2) £50-70

103 Albert Gustav Lortzing (1803-1851), Bronze Plaquettes (2), by Friedrich Kounitzky, 82mm x 55mm; and Mayer & Wilhelm, 51mm x 39mm (Ni 1205, 1210); Bronze Medals (2), signed AG [Anton Garth?], similar to plaque in previous lot, 60mm (Ni 1211). Extremely fine. (4) £50-70

104 (Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, 1809-1847), composer, pianist and conductor, Silver Medal, 1833, for the Düsseldorf Music Festival, by C Pfeuffer and Loos, 42mm (Ni 1301); Copper Medal, 1841, for the performance of in Berlin-Potsdam, head of Sophecles right, rev muse of ancient music, small medallic heads of Mendelssohn and Ludwig Tieck to left and right, 64mm (Ni 1303); Portrait Medals (5), 1822, Copper, by Veyrat, 41mm (Ni 1288); by Lauer, Silver and Bronze, 50mm, silvered 27mm (Ni 1297, 1298); 1883, White Metal, by H Weckwerth, 39mm; Bronze Plaquettes (2), by Lauer, 55mm x 37mm (Ni 1296); by Mayer & Wilhelm, 50.5mm x 39mm (Ni 1300). Extremely fine or almost so. (9) £80-120

Johann Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853). “’s Antigone was performed at the Prussian Court Theatre with staging by Ludwig Tieck and music by Felix Mendelssohn. Commissioned by King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, this production aimed to re-create aspects of Greek tragedy by, among other things, using J. J. Donner’s 1839 metrical translation and having an all-male chorus sing the odes”.

105 Lorenz Christof Mizler (1711-1778), mathematician, philosopher, and composer, non-portrait White Metal Medal, 44mm (Ni 1340); Henriette [Gertrude Walpurgis] Sonntag (1806-1854), operatic soprano, cast Bronze Medal, facing bust in operatic costume, within wide border, 38mm, suspension ring (Ni 1916), delightful and unusual; Gustav Hollænder (1855-1915), violinist, Director of the Stern Conservatory, Berlin, Silver Medal, bust right, 42.5mm (Ni 927); other Medals (11), Copper unless stated, Ludwig Christoph Erk (1807-1883), teacher, publisher of Folk Music, 50mm (Ni 600), silvered; Karl Friedrich Christian Fasch (1736-1800), composer and chorister, 1891, by Lothar Krüger, bust right, 50mm (Ni 624); Adolf von Henselt (1814-1889), composer, by Lothar Krüger, head right, 40mm (Ni 911); Johann Nepomuk Hummel (1778-1837), by Peuvrier, 41mm (2) (Ni 947), one silvered; Siegfried Ochs (1858-1929), founder and conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Choir, 1882, by P Philippe, 50mm (Ni 1531); Josef Pommer (1845-1918), by R Neuberger, 45mm (Ni 1608); Eugen Francis Charles d’Albert (1864-1932), pianist and composer, Zinc Medal, 62mm (Ni 14), very fine, though stained; Hans Sachs (1494-1576), ‘meistersinger’, poet and playwright, 1894, by Lauer (2), 45mm, silvered, and Silver, 31mm (Ni -); and White Metal Medal of Julius von Bernuth and Franz Schmidt, 39mm (Ni 347). Very fine to extremely fine. (14) £120-150 106 Wilhelm Furtwängler (1886-1954), Bronze Plaquette, 1926, by J Tautenhayn, 60mm x 43mm (Ni 667); other Bronze Plaquettes (5), David Popper (1843-1913), cellist, 1906, by Ede Telcs, 50mm x 38.5mm (Ni 1615); (1835-1916), conductor and composer, by Karl Dautert, 67mm x 52mm (Ni 1784); Friedrich Silcher (1789-1860), composer, poet and teacher, 50mm x 39mm (Ni 1897); Emil Wipperich (1854-1917), principal horn in the Vienna Philharmonic, 70mm x 36mm (Ni 2320); Karl Friedrich Zelter (1758-1832), composer, conductor and teacher (2), 1909, 81mm x 58mm; Ernst II Augustus Charles John Leopold Alexander Edward, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1818-1893), Copper Medal, by L C Lauer, bust left, rev arms and emblems, 50mm (Ni 1745); Bronze Medals (4), Joseph Joachim (1831-1907), 1900, by Selke-Photosculptur-Gesellschaft, Berlin, 63mm (Ni 972); Max Reger (1873-1916), 1916, by Felix Pfeifer, 59mm (Ni 1663); Julius (Christian) Stockhausen (1826-1906), baritone, Bronze Medal, 1901, by Joseph Kowarzik, bust right, rev figures aside a musical Sphynx, 70mm (Ni 1933); Bruno Walter (1876-1962), 1960, by B Evermann, 87mm (Ni 2287). Very fine and better. (11) £150-200

Ernst II was an amateur composer, his opera Diana von Solange was poorly received at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City in 1890.

107 (images reduced) 108

107 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), composer, conductor and music theorist, large uniface circular Bronze Plaquette, by L Zoellner, bust three-quarters right, 157mm (Ni 2265); larger Iron Plaquette, by Anton Grath, bust left, 167mm (Ni 2164); smaller bronze Plaquettes (2), by Emil Weigand, head left, 95mm (Ni 2254) and by J Wysocki (2), 100mm (Ni 2261). Rust marks on second, otherwise very fine and better. (5) £120-150

108 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), uniface rectangular Bronze Plaquette, signed in monogram, bust left in cloth cap, name below, rev stamp of the Koninklijke-Begeer, G V Voorschoten, 179mm x 150mm (Ni -); uniface circular Bronze Plaquette, by E Torff, bust left, 163mm (Ni 2248). Both good very fine. (2) £70-90

109 110 109 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Silvered Electrotype Plaquette, undated, by Franz Xaver Pawlik, bust left in medallic roundel, a naked Siren to the right reaches up to play a harp, 126mm x 91mm (Ni 2222); together with the smaller Bronze Plaquette, 60mm x 45mm. First very fine, second better. (2) £80-120

A wonderfully secessionist ‘Art Nouveau’ image.

110 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Portrait Medals (6), Silver (5), 72mm, 40mm, 34mm, 29mm and 12.5mm (this uniface) and Bronze (72mm), [1902], by Rudolf Mayer, bust left wearing cloth beret, rev the Valkyreis with captives, ride away (Ni 2213); Bronze Medal, [1904], by Paul Sturm (also numbered OP[VS] LVIII), head right, three Rhine Maidens, 77mm (Ni 2245). Very fine and better. (7) £100-150

111 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Silver Medals (7), by Anton Scharff (3), [1876], for the Bayreuth Festival, head right, rev three musical muses, 53.5mm (Ni 2227); smaller [1882], head right within raised border, rev scene from Parsifal, 37.5mm (Ni 2232); and smaller variety, 29mm (Ni 2233); Berlin Festival, 1898, bust left, rev musical emblems, 50mm (Ni -); Smaller Medals, by Lauer (2), both 27mm (Ni 2182, 2204), and R Mayer, 9mm (Ni 2214). Very fine to extremely fine. (8) £80-120

112 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Silver Plaquettes (2), by Lauer, bust right, 60mm x 40mm (Ni 2193); by Mayer and Wilhelm [1903], bust left, 51mm x 39mm (Ni 2216); Silver Medals (3), undated, by Anton Grath, bust left, rev two curving olive trees, 60mm (Ni 2164); 1913, by Max Olofs, head right, rev a layered fountain, 30mm (Ni 2219); 1933, by Fritz Hornlein, head left, rev olive spray, 38mm (Ni 2170); by E Torff, rev musical score, 29mm (Ni 2247 - not recorded this diameter). Extremely fine or nearly so. (5) £70-90

The reverse of the third in the Art Nouveau style.

113 115

113 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Bronze Plaquette, 1913, by E Torff, bust left in roundel, music score below, rev the Holy Grail within vaulted church, 90mm x 64mm (Ni 2249); others (2), by F Stiasny, bust right, rev of one fitted with stand and inscribed for performances at the Bayreuth Festival on the 4th and 8th August, 1912, 65mm x 58mm (Ni 2242); and uniface Bronze Medal, also Stiasny, bust left, 90mm (Ni 2243); smaller Plaquettes (2), by Mayer and Wilhelm, 50mm x 39mm (Ni 2217), and [1904] by O Yencesse, 42mm x 55mm; Parsifal performed in Brussels, Bronze Medal, 1914, by G Devreese, Parsifal stands with grail, rev dancing maidens, 75mm (Ni 2152). Very fine and better. (7) £100-150

114 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Bronze Medal, 1913, by Karl Goetz, bust three-quarters left wearing cloth cap, rev the emblems of Parsifal, 81mm (Ni 2158; Kienast 30); Bronze Plaquette, by Heinrich Kautsch, bust left in roundel, 70mm x 45mm (Ni 2177); small Plaquette, 1909, by Stolzer (for Mayer and Wilhelm), bust three-quarters right in roundel, 51mm x 38mm; others (3), by Stiasny, Mayer and Wilhelm, and Yencesse, as in the previous lot. Mostly extremely fine. (6) £120-150

115 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Bronze Medal, 1913, by Karl Goetz, similar to previous lot, bust three- quarters left wearing cloth cap, rev the emblems of Parsifal, 81mm (Ni 2158; Kienast 30); the Wartburg Festival, 1913, Silver Medals (3), by Karl Goetz, bust three-quarters left, rev the castle (Ni 2159; Kienast 320); Wagner and Ludwig II, king of Bavaria, busts side by side, rev the Neuschwanstein Castle (Ni 2160; Kienast 488); 50th Anniversary of death, 1933, head left, maiden holds skull (Ni 2161; Kienast 482); and a striking in bronze of Ni 2160, all 46mm; uniface Bronze Plaquette, by Franz Xaver Pawlik, medallic bust left, to right a naked female playing a harp placed above her, 126mm x 91mm (Ni 2221). Extremely fine. (5) £100-150

The plaquette in the Secessionist / Art Nouveau style 116 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Copper Medal, undated, by Leopold Wiener, head right, rev a group of figures from Wagner’s operas gathered around a bridge marked BAYREUTH, 71mm (Ni 2259); The Walhalla, 1859, by Jacques Wiener, exterior and interior views, 59mm (Eidlitz 104/626); the first performance of “Der Ring des Nibelungen” in French, at the Theatre Royal de la Monnaie, Brussels, Copper Medal, 1903, by P Braecke, a Valkyrie to left, head and shoulders, rev decorative legend, 59mm. This a superb ‘Art Nouveau’ medal, all extremely fine or nearly so. (3) £120-150

117 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), a good group of Copper/Bronze Medals (12), by Lauer, 50mm; by Drentwett, 41mm, thick and thin flan, and in Pewter; by Anton Scharff and Semper, 36mm; smaller (8). Very fine and better. (12) £80-120

118 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), a good group of White and Base-metal Medals (18), including Leopold Wiener’s Medal, 71mm (Ni 2259); others include a squeeze or trail and a medal of the Walhalla. Generally very fine. (18) £80-100

119 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), Bronze Medals (3), [1913], by Wilhelm Götze, bust left within raised border, rev Orpheus standing naked, 83mm (Ni 2163); 1913, by M Schlofhorst, bust left, rev legend, music and signature, 82mm (Ni 2234), 1933, by Hermann Wernstein, bust three-quarters left, rev legend in four lines, 79mm (Ni 2258). Second very fine, other two better. (3) £70-90 120 Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883), a pair of Medals, Silver and Bronze, 1913, by Rudolf Bosselt, head left, rev Jakobs Kampf and the Angel, 65mm (Ni 2145); Bronze Medal, by E Torff, rev music score, 60mm (Ni 2247); other bronze medals (7, one silvered), by Lauer and others. Mostly extremely fine. (10) £80-120

121 Julius Stern (1820-1883), 75th anniversary of the Sternschen Konservatorium, Berlin, Bronze Plaquettes (2), 1925, by R Bauroth, busts of the four principals, in high relief, 79mm x 58mm (Ni 1932), extremely fine; Max Reger [Johann Baptist Joseph Maximilian Reger] (1875-1916), composer, organist and pianist, Bronze Memorial Medal, 1916, by Felix Pfeifer, head right, rev modern Herculean figure with rock, 60mm (Ni 1663); Bronze Plaquettes (2), by Karl Dautert, Hugo Becker (1864-1941), cellist, bust left, 90mm x 65mm (Ni 109); Ludwig Rottenberg (1864-1932), pianist and conductor, Bronze Plaquette, bust right, 95mm x 72mm (Ni 1723), these extremely fine; Harry Son (1880-?1940), cellist (with the Budapest String Quarter, Pewter Plaquette, 88mm x 61mm (Ni 1915), surface corrosion, fine. (5) £80-100

The other portraits on the first two are Jenny Meyer (1834-1894); Gustav Hollander (1855-1915); Alexander von Fielitz (1860-1930); Son and his wife are believed to have perished under the Nazi regime.

122 Bernhard Cossmann (1822-1910), cellist, a pair of small square Bronze Memorial Plaquettes, by Carl Dautert, bearded bust right, in circular medallion, sunk into squared border, 66mm x 66mm (Ni 522); Carl Heinrich Carsten Reinecke (1824-1910), composer, conductor and pianist, uniface Bronze Medal, 1900, by Paul Sturm, bust right, young female muses to either side, line of music in exergue, 132mm (Ni 1673) As made, good very fine. (3) £80-120

123 124

123 Hans Guido Freiherr von Bülow (1830-1894), conductor, pianist and composer, residency in Hamburg, 1886- 1893, and death, a pair of Medals, 1894, Silver and Bronze, by Anton Scharff, bust left, rev legend in and around oak and olive branches, 58mm (Ni 447), extremely fine, the silver toned; “Dem Apostel Beethoven’s / Hans von Bvelow, Silvered-bronze, three angels play music, 87mm (Ni 448), very fine. (3) £70-90

One of the more famous conductors of the 19th century who championed Brahms, Tchaikovsky and Wagner.

124 Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), composer, 60th Birthday celebrations, Medals (3), 1893, Silver and Bronze (2), by Anton Scharff, bearded bust right, rev legend in and around oak and olive branches, 58mm (Ni 405); Death, 1897, Silver, by Anton Scharff, similar obverse, rev legend (Ni 407); Silver and Bronze Medals undated, by Rudolf Mayer, bust three-quarters right, differing reverse, 60mm (Ni 401); Bronze Medal, undated, by E Torff, bearded bust left, rev wreath, 60mm (Ni 412); small uniface Bronze Plaquete, by Mayer and Wilhelm, bust in roundel, 51mm x 39mm (Ni 402). Extremely fine or nearly so. (8) £80-120

In the 1860s Brahms settled in Vienna.

(image reduced)

125 Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), uniface grey base metal circular Plaquette, bearded bust right, his name a line of his music to right, 175mm (Ni 410), a sensitive portrait, very fine; oval base metal portrait, unsigned, bust left, 117mm x 86mm, suspension loop, very fine. (2) £60-80

The first seemingly a working galvano (or similar) for Stiasny’s smaller struck medal. 126 Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), uniface circular Bronze Plaquettes (2), both bearded bust left, by Felix Pfeifer, 122mm (Ni 403); and unsigned, 150mm (Ni 417); another, by Friedrich Kounitzky, full-face, 85mm (Ni 394); Rectangular Bronze Plaquette, by F Stiasny, bust right, in high relief, 66mm x 57mm (Ni 411). All handsome pieces, very fine. (4) £100-150

127 Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), Pair of Medals, Silver and Bronze, by Karl Goetz, bust three-quarters right, rev entwined trees and shields of arms, 36mm (Ni 391; Kienast 487); uniface Bronze Memorial Medal, 1893, by F Stiasny, bust right, 90mm (Ni 409). Extremely fine. (2) £50-80

(images reduced) 128 Eugen Gustav Gottfried Hildach (1849-1924), baritone, uniface rectangular Bronze Portrait Plaquette, unsigned and undated, bust right, name below, 172mm x 137mm (Ni 918); Carl Adolph Schuricht (1880- 1967), conductor, uniface rectangular Bronze Plaquette, by Karl Dauter, c.1930s, bare head right, 135mm x 110mm (Ni 1874). Good very fine. (2) £40-60

The style of the lettering of the first suggests a memorial plaquette, a strong, sculptural piece with an excellent likeness in old age. 129 Heinrich XXIV Fürst Reuss zu Köstritz (1855-1910), composer, Copper Medal, 1902, by Paul Sturm, bust left, rev naked Rhine Maidens, 98mm (Ni 1675). Good very fine. £40-60

130 131

130 Emil George Conrad von Sauer (1862-1942), pianist and composer, Silvered-bronze Plaquette, 1906, by Heinrich Kautsch [Paris], bust left - to the right of plaquette, rev olive branches before radiant star over landscape, 89mm x 99mm; with a smaller example, Bronze, 63mm x 69mm (Ni 1761). Good very fine. (2) £80-120

131 Alexander Friedrich, Landgraf von Hessen (1863-1945), Composer, uniface Bronze Plaquette, 1902, by Heinrich Kautsch, he sits playing at a piano on which a Muse leans, her arm around his shoulder, 100mm x 63mm. Extremely fine. £60-80

Whilst his portrait is rather static, the Muse is wonderfully ‘Art Nouveau’.

132 134 (images reduced)

132 Richard Strauss (1864-1949), composer and conductor, circular Bronze Portrait Plaquette [1905], by Wilhelm Frass, bust three-quartrers right, eyes cast downward, 136mm, mounted on wooden plaque (Ni 1969), a sensitive and softly sculpted portrait; and a small Bronze Plaquette, by Mayer & Wilhelm, 50mm x 37mm (Ni 1975), both extremely fine. (2) £120-150

Strauss was appointed President of the Reichsmusikkammer in 1933, and although he composed the “Olympische Hymne” for the 1936 Olympics he had lost his position by the time the Games opened.

133 Otto Ferdinand Günther (1822-1897), Director of the Leipzig Conservatory, Copper Medal, 1887, by L C Lauer, 40mm (Ni 773); Max von Schillings (1868-1933), conductor (Berlin State Opera, 1919-25), composer and theatre director, Copper Medal, undated, by Paul Sturm, head right, rev figure in flames, 68mm (Ni 1772); Robert Alexander Schumann (1810-1856), composer, Bronze Plaquette, by Mayer & Wilhelm, 51mm x 38mm (Ni 1868); Silvered-bronze Medal, by Lauer, 50mm (Ni 1865); Clara Josephine Wieck Schumann (1819-1896), pianist, uniface Bronze medal, by Friedrich Kounitzky, conjoined heads left, 87mm (Ni 1859); Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921), composer [Hänsel und Gretel, c.1891), Bronze Medal, by E Torff, facing bust, 60mm (Ni 949); Wilhelm Lamping (1880-?), violoncellist, Bronze Medal, by L Eisel, 65mm (Ni 1040); Schott Music Publishers, Mainz, 150th anniversary, Bronze Medal, 1920, modernistic style, 78mm (Ni 1786); Hermann Abendroth (1885- 1956), conductor, Bronze Medal, by Bruno Evermann, 85mm (Ni 2). Extremely fine. (8) £80-120

Clara Schumann was a distinguished pianist of the Romantic era, as well as a composer, being known as “the high priestess of music”. Schott Music was founded by Bernhard Schott (1748-1809) in 1770.

134 Siegfried Wagner (1869-1930), composer of operas, conductor, from 1908, Artistic Director of the Bayreuth Festival, uniface Bronze plaquette, 1900, by Franz Kounitzky, bust right with somewhat foppish quif of hair, 180mm x 110mm (Ni 2284, as Friedrich Kounitzky). Very fine, lettering in the Art Nouveau style. £60-80

Wagner, son of Richard Wagner and grandson of Franz Liszt. GREAT BRITAIN

135 Sir Michael Mercator, electrotype copies of two self-Portrait Medals, 1539, the one to resemble lead, with bust left in flat cap, 46mm; the second smaller, resembling silver, bare head right, 32mm, mid 19th century (MI 43/34, 35; Ni 1314, 1315). Much as made, the first from a pierced medal. (2) £80-120

Quality copies taken from the British Museum specimens

136 Georg Friedrich Handel [Händel - Haendel - Hendel] (1685-1759), Centenary of his Birth, Silver Medal, unsigned, bust left, rev within wreath, SUB AUSP G.III, 32mm (Ni 813; BHM 259, R2; D&W 133/250-51). Good very fine, deeply toned. £150-200

Struck for a five-day Music Festival which commenced in London on 26 May 1784, and which was attended by King George III and Queen Charlotte.

137 138 (image reduced) 137 Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759), circular patinated Bronze Plaquette, unsigned and undated, bare head right, HAENDEL above, 122mm (Ni 814). Surface stained and marked, very fine, rare. £40-60

138 Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759), The Handel Concerts at the Crystal Palace, all medals by John Pinches, with portrait bust left, small Copper Medals (2), 1857, “H. Child, Performer” and “T. F. Travers, Performer”, 41.5mm (Ni 801); Copper Medal, 1859, “Miss H. Withall, Performer”, 51mm (Ni 804); Pair of Medals, Copper and White Metal, similar bust to the 1857 medal, rev seated muse plays lyre, 42mm (Ni 800; BHM 2598, R3; D&W 134/257), Very fine and better. (5) £100-150

The latter two medals may have been intended as an award. Brown (BHM) records it only in white metal. 139 Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759), The Sacred Harmonic Society, the 50th and last season of Handel Concerts, an important Presentation Medal, named to Sir Michael [Andrew Angus] Costa (1808-1884), the Conductor, Silver Medal, 1882, by John Pinches, the Handel statue, rev musical emblems within wreath, named on edge, 51mm (Ni 802; BHM 3137, recorded only in copper). Extremely fine and excessively rare. £150-200

Costa was an Italian conductor and composer, born in Naples. He settled in London in 1830, became a naturalized Englishman and received a knighthood in 1869. He was conductor of the Philharmonic Society from 1846 to 1854, of the Sacred Harmonic Society from 1848, and of the Birmingham Triennial Music Festival from 1849. He conducted at the Bradford (1853) and Handel Festivals (1857-1880), as also the Leeds Festivals (1874-1880). The last season of the Handel Concerts was held at the St James’s Hall, Regent Street. The Handel statue, which is now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, is by Louis François Roubiliac, and dated 1738.

140 Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759), small Silver and Copper Memorial Medals, by C Voigt for Loos, bare head left, 28mm (Ni 808); Series Numismatica, Copper Medal, 1823, by Wolff, 41mm (Ni 811), another, White Metal, signed Smith, 42mm (Ni 803); small Bronze Plaquette, by Mayer and Wilhelm, 50mm x 38mm (Ni 798); others (3), by Kuse, Bronze, 42mm, by Lauer (3), Silvered-bronze, 50mm and 27mm, Bronze, 27mm (Ni 791, 793, 794); William Henry West Betty, “The Young Roscius” (1791-1874), Shakespearian actor, Copper Medal, 1804, by T Webb, 42mm (BHM 558). Extremely fine or nearly so. (10) £80-100

141 Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759), 250th Anniversary of his Birth, Bronze Medals (2), 1935, by Karl Goetz, bust left, rev Christ, his arms raised, stands before loft of organ pipes, 91mm and 36mm (Ni 787; Kienast 502). Extremely fine. (2) £150-200

142 Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759), the series of Handel Tokens, with bust or head of Handel, from the series of Kempson’s buildings in Coventry (12), Bablake Hospital, Cathedral, Cook Street, Coventry Cross, Free School, St John’s Church, St Mary Hall, Mill Lane Gate, Spon Gate, Trinity Church, White Friars Gate, White Friars (Ni 818, 820-822, 826, 830-836 ); “Not Local” issues Ni 837-38 (3), “…Decay’d Widows …”, Ni 840 (2), “Dodd’s Cheap Shop”, varieties. Mostly extremely fine or nearly so. (17) £150-200

143 Johann Baptist Cramer (1771-1858), pianist, music publisher and piano maker, Copper Medal, 1845, by Benjamin Wyon, head left, rev muse of music, names around, etc, 58mm (Ni 525; BHM 2205). Extremely fine. £40-60

144 145

144 [Sir] Edward William Elgar (1857-1934), Silvered-bronze Portrait Plaquette, 1907, by Percival M Hedley, bust left, 92mm x 65mm (NI 593), with companion small Bronze Medal, 1904, 23.5mm (Ni 592b). Much as made, extremely fine. (2) £70-90

145 Percival M Hedley, a group of Portrait Plaquettes of Musicians, Theodor Leschetizky (1830-1915), Austrian pianist and legendary piano teacher, Silvered, 1902, bust right, 96mm x 105mm; Charles Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921), French composer and pianist, 1893, facing bust, 115mm x 77mm; Eugen Francis Charles d’Albert (1864-1932), pianist and composer, 1904, d’Albert seated at piano, playing, 240mm x 120mm (Ni 13); Mikhail Saulovich ‘Mischa’ Elman (1891-1967), Ukrainian-born violinist, 1908, head right, playing, 95mm x 105mm (Ni 594). Much as made, very fine and better. (5) £150-200

The Percival Hedlay plaquettes are sold here for continuity with the plaquette of Elgar in the previous lot. Two share a curious ‘inverted’ design in that the image ‘hangs’ with a curved base and a ‘base-line’ top. D’Albert considered himself German although born in Glasgow to an English mother and a French Italian father. He was five times married. The rarity of Percival Hedley’s works has led to him being very much underestimated as a medallist.


146 (images reduced) 147 146 Franz Liszt (1811-1886), massive Bronze Medal, 1840, by Antoine Bovy, bare head right, in high relief and struck on a slightly concave flan, rev legend date of birth, etc, 107mm (Ni 1105), very fine and with a number of small knocks and bruises, very rare; together with a uniface striking in Bronze of the obverse, 108mm, small piercing at top (Ni 1104), good very fine. (2) £150-200

147 Franz Liszt (1811-1886), large circular uniface Bronze Plaquette, by J Maihöfer, bust right, name in field, 194mm (Ni 1144); another, Berlin Iron, mark of Eisengiesserie Gleiwitz, unsigned, similar bust, 114mm, suspension loop (Ni 1197); rectangular Bronze Plaque, similar central medallion, olive leaves above, name and dates below right, 189mm x 136mm (Ni 1196). Good very fine. (3) £80-120

148 Franz Liszt (1811-1886), octagonal uniface Bronze Medal, by J Wysocki, large head to left, name in top left angle, 105mm x 100mm (Ni 1193); small plaquette, Art-Deco in style, unsigned, head left, rev naked violinist by fountain, MVSICA INFINITA, 64mm x 60mm, edge stamped “C Poellatn” and “Schrobenn” (Ni -); Bronze Medal, by E Torff, 60mm. First two much as made, extremely fine. (3) £80-100

149 Franz Liszt (1811-1886), uniface Bronze Medal [1912], by F Stiasny, bust left, 88mm (Ni 1173), a well sculpted bust, extremely fine; Centenary 1911, uniface plaquette, by L Beran, bust left within oval, 80mm x 49mm (Ni 1099); 50th Anniversary of the Hungarian Academy of Music, Bronze Medal, 1925, by Fülüp O Beck, conjoined busts of Liszt and Gyula Erkel and Géza von Michalovic, rev Apollo plays to animals, 75mm; smaller Medals (7) (including Ni 1140, 1141, 1158, 1192); Hungary, 2-Pengo coins, 1936 (2) (Ni 1100). Extremely fine or nearly so. (11) £80-120

150 Franz Liszt (1811-1886), Silver Plaquette, Mayer & Wilhelm, 51mm x 39mm, and uniface Bronze variety (Ni 1146, 1145); other Bronze Plaquettes (3), by Jenö Mester, 53mm x 43mm (Ni 1152); by R Neuberger, 60.5mm x 53mm (Ni 1154); by F Stiasny, 1912, bust left, in high relief, 67mm x 55mm (Ni 1174). Extremely fine, the last a highly sculptural piece. (5) £80-120

151 Franz Liszt (1811-1886), earlier Copper Medals (3), by A Bovy, 26mm (Ni 1108); Conrad Lange, 1846, 48mm (Ni 1134); by C Radnitzky, 1875, 51mm (Ni 1157); with other Medals by Anton Grath, 60mm (Ni 1120); by Lauer, 50mm (Ni 1136); by Rudolf Mayer (3), rev naked winged Genius, 60mm, 40mm and 29mm (Ni 1147); by Schultze, 64mm (Ni 1172). Extremely fine or nearly so. (9) £80-120

152 Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner, the Warburg Festival, Bronze Medal, 1928, by Karl Goetz, busts vis-à-vis, rev figures of Ludwig, Landgrave of Thuringia and Saint Elisabeth, 65mm (Ni 1119; Kienast 404); List, Centenary, Silver Medal, 1911, by Karl Goetz, bust right, rev crucifix, 36mm (Ni 1118; Kienast 29). Extremely fine. (2) £80-120

The reverse of the first a reference to Wagner’s Tannhäuser and Liszt’s Legend of the Holy Elizabeth

153 Joseph Joachim (1831-1907), influential violinist, composer and teacher, a group of Plaquettes and Medals, Bronze Plaquettes (2), 1902, by Friedrich Kounitzky, half-length bust, playing, 64mm x 95mm; by Mayer & Wilhelm, 50.5mm x 39mm; silvered Plaquette, by W Midgley, 63mm x 48mm, a handsome portrait; Bronze Medals (2), by E Torff, 60mm (Ni 967, 968, 969, 974). Very fine and better. (5) £70-90 (image reduced)

154 155

154 Carl Goldmark (1850-1915), composer, Bronze Plaquettes (3), 1914, by S Ehrentheil, bust right, 88mm x 96mm; circular, 1930, by Felicitas Koranyi, bust right, 110mm; 1910, by Lajos Lukatsy, bust left, 90mm x 56mm (Ni 718, 719, 720). Good very fine. (3) £60-80

155 Rafael Joseffy (1853-1915), pianist and composer, Bronze Plaquette, 1911, by V D Brenner [New York], half- length bust three-quarters left, rev hand on keyboard, FROM HIS FRIENDS IN NEW YORK, 64mm x 42mm (Ni 977). Extremely fine. £40-60

(images reduced)

156 Carl Goldmark (1830-1915), opera composer, Silver and Bronze Medals (2), 1890, by Anton Scharff, bust right, rev legend, 57mm (Ni 722); Artúr Nikisch (1855-1922), conductor, uniface rectangular Bronze Plaquette, by M Lewy, bust three-quarters left, name below, 146mm x 81mm (Ni 1520); Bronze Medal, by Bruno Evermann, 85mm (Ni 1517), another, by Frau Dr Geibel, 64mm (cf Ni 1518, a plaquette); Jenö Hubay (1858-1937) and Livia von Kuzmik, 40mm (Ni 938); Franz Lehar (1870-1948), opera composer, Plaquette, 1907, by Hans Schaefer, 50mm x 30mm; and Medal, by Josef Tautenhayn, 37mm (Ni 1057, 1059); Ernst von Dohnanyi (1877- 1960), Bronze Medal, by Jozsef Remenyi, 65mm (Ni 555); Albert Siklós, born Albert Schönwald (1878-1942), cellist and composer, Bronze Medal, 1925, by Fülöp Ö. Beck, head right, rev a sextet playing, 68mm (Ni 1890); Bela Bartók (1881-1945), composer, pianist and ethnomusicologist, Bronze Medal, by Andras Beck, head left, 73mm (Ni 90); uniface cast Bronze Medal, undated, by Ilse Kühner, bare head right, name in bold letters around, 135mm (Ni 99). Very fine or better. (12) £120-150

Nikisch who performed mainly in Germany, was considered an outstanding interpreter of the music of Brückner, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven and Liszt. Bartok died in New York, having fled Hungary in 1940. Fülöp Ö. Beck (1873-1945), was a prolific sculptor and this medal is indeed sculptural in its design. ITALY

157 Pietro Giovanni Luigi Palestrina (1525-1594), composer, Silver [1880] and Copper Medals (2), by N Cerbara, 41mm (Ni 1562, 1561); by Lothar Krüger, 1842, 40mm (Ni 1564); Giuditta Pasta (1798-1865), opera singer, Silver Medal, 1829, by Vittorio Nesti, bust left, 44mm (Ni 1577), and a gilt cliché of the obverse, 43.5mm; Copper Medals (2), 1829, unsigned, bust left, 34mm (Ni 1580, 1581); Copper Tribute Medals (2), 1829, unsigned, 42mm (Ni 1582), and by Putinati,1830, 46.5mm (Ni 1578); other Copper Medals (3), Giovanni Battista Viotti (1753- 1824), composer, violinist and opera manager, 1824, by Peuvrier, head left, 41mm (Ni 2128); Giambattista Pergolesi (1710-1736), composer, violinist and organist, by A Resealdani, 37mm (Ni 1591); Nicola Piccini (1728-1800), composer, 1825, by Caqué, and another adapted as a Prize “Solfège M Sichel 1881”, 41mm (Ni 1602, 1603); Ferdinado Paer (171771-1839, composer, by Donadio, 41mm (Ni 1552). Very fine to extremely fine. (15) £180-220

158 159 158 Vincento Costaguti (1612-1660), Cardinal [1643], author on matters musical and patron, Copper Medal, 1747, by Otto Hamerani, bust right, rev panoramic view of the Palazzo Anzio, his Cardinal’s arms below, 42mm (Ni 523). Good very fine. £80-100

159 Francesco Scipione, Marchese di Maffei (1675-1755), Silver Medal, by Jean-Antoine Dassier, bust right, rev bust right, hair long, wearing loose coat and cravat, rev the façade and prospect of the theatre and Academia Philarmonica at Verona, MUSEI VERONENSIS CONDITORI - ACADEMIA PHILARMONICA, 54mm (Ni p.140; Eisler 11; Voltolina 1534). Good very fine, light tooling to field on both sides, toned. £150-200

(image reduced)

160 Faustina Bordoni (1697-1781), mezzo-soprano, a pair of Florentine cast Bronze Medals, in the baroque style, by Joseph Broccetti, 1723, common obverse, bust to right pearl cord fastens dress, revs 1) Polymnia seated on a pile of musical trophies, VNA AVIA IN TERRIES, 84mm; 2) Bordoni as a Siren, sings to Ulysses, who stand on his ship, QVIS TAM FERREVS VT TENEAT SE, 85mm (Ni 379, 380), the surface of both lacking patination and dull, very fine; Bernardo Pasquini (1637-1710), organist and composer, cast Bronze Medal, unsigned, bust right, rev Pasquini leans on a clavichord, 56mm (Ni 1574), very fine. (3) £150-200

Bordoni is famously remembered for her very public row in 1726, with her rival Madam Cozzini, on stage of the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London, and with Caroline, Princess of Wales, in the audience. 161 Pietro Antonio Domenico Trapassi, known as Metastasio (1698-1782), writer and poet, Death, Silver Medal, 1782, by I N Wirt, bust right, rev emblems of music and literature, 42mm; Memorial, Copper Medal, 1805, by Tomasso Mercandetti, bust left as classical scholar, rev Apollo and Muse with lyre, DOCVIT MAGNA LOQVI, 67mm (Ni p.151); Giovanni Battista [Giambattista] Pergolesi (1710-1736), composer, violinist and organist, Copper Medal, 1806, by Tomasso Mercandetti, bust right in buttoned coat, rev lyre on monument, 67mm (Ni 1589). Extremely fine. (3) £80-120

162 Anna Davia [D’Avia] Bernucci (1743-1810), singer and actress from Belluno, a pair of Portrait Medals, 1792, Silver and Copper, by A Cino (?), bust left, rev emblems of music within wreath, 37mm (Ni 532; Volt 1746; Seren III, 170). Both very fine and rare, the silver especially so. (2) £200-300

Whilst the medal commemorates her performance of Vendetta di Nino at Leghorn [Livorno], Anna Davia is best remembered for her time in Russia, under contract to Catherine the Great and where she was painted by Dmitry Levitzky. Although married she conducted affairs with the Russian aristocracy. It was her relationship with Count Aleksandr Andreevic Bezborodko, who showered her with money, favours and jewellery, to the value of some 500,000-Roubles, that caused Catherine II to evict her from Russia with just 24 hours notice. Her career continued in Italy till 1803 and she is believed to have died in poverty in 1810.

163 Giovanni Ansono (1744-1825), celebrated Roman tenor, Bronze Tribute Medal of the City of Livorno, 1792, Roman School, bust right with curled hair, mantle around his shoulders, rev VIRTVTI …, within wreath, 55mm (Ni 28; Molinar 138; Clifford 291). An exceptionally fine cast of of a medal normally found in poor condition, extremely fine. £150-200

164 165

164 Luigi Ludovico Marchesi (1754-1829), castrato singer, set of three Medals, in Silver, Copper and White Metal, 1785, by A Guillemard, bust right, rev lyre and wreath on plinth, 43mm; and Silver Medal, 1791, by G Hameani, bust left, rev legend in wreath, 31.5mm; Luigi Cherubini [Maria Luigi Carlo Zenobio Salvatore Cherubini] (1760-1842), composer (working mostly in France), Copper Medals (3) and cliché, by Donadio, Oudiné, Préd’homme, and Gayrard, 32-53mm (Ni 468-471); Bartolemeo Christofori (1655-1731), Copper Medal, 1876, by P Cavoti 56mm (Ni 526). Extremely fine. (9) £100-150

In May 1805, Marchesi famously declined to sing before Napoleon, when he entered Milan.

165 Alessandro Marcello (1684-1750), nobleman, dilettante and composer, Copper Medal, 1710, bust left with flowing wig, rev a flourishing rose bush,MISCENTVR IN VNVM, 54mm (Ni 1249); Gaspare Luigi Pacifico Spontini (1774-1851), opera composer and conductor, uniface Bronze Medal, by Müller, bust left, name behind, the reverse ‘incised’ G. Opernkomponist / pr G M Dir geb 1778, 94mm (Ni 1924). Better than very fine. (2) £80-100

Alessandro Marcello, elder brother of the better known Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739), composer, writer, advocate, magistrate, and teacher. 166 OPERA SINGERS: Maria Magdalena Morelli (b. 1740), called [in Florentine Arcadian circles], “La Corilla Olympica”, Copper Medal, 1779, by I Z Weber, laureate bust right, rev legend, 36mm (Ni 1345); Giuseppa Grassini (1775-1850), non-portrait Copper Medal, 1816, 44mm (Ni 742); Adelaide Malanotte (1785-1832), singer, Copper Memorial Medal, 1821, by Putinati, 34mm (Ni 1240); Luigi Lablache (1794-1858), Franco-Italian bass, Copper Medal, 1825, by I E Boehm, 42mm (Ni 1032); Carlotta Marchionni (1796-1861), Italian actress and singer, Bronze-gilt Medal, 1821, by Putinati, 34mm and Copper Medal, 1822, by Bonon, 42.5mm (Ni 1253, 1252); Maria Malibran (1808-1836), Spanish mezzo-soprano, non-portrait Copper Medal, 1832, 42.5mm (Ni 1243). Very fine and better. (8) £100-150

167 Giuseppe Marco Maria Felice Blangini (1781-1841), composer and teacher, by Leveque, 50mm (Ni 357); others in Copper (except as stated), Carlo Angeloni (1854-1901), composer and teacher, Copper Medal, by L Giorgi, head right, 40mm (Ni 27); Luigia Boccabadati (1800-1850), soprano, 1835, by G Zapperelli, her head right, 45mm (Ni 359); Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848), composer of “bel canto” opera (3), by C Caqué, head left, 46mm (Ni 560); by A Pojachi, rev Johann Simon Mayr (1763-1845), German-born composer, 52mm (Ni 565); by P Thermignon, 66mm (Ni 566); Domenico Mustafa (1829-1912), Director of the Sistine Chapel Choir and teacher, by Johnson, 45mm (2, Silver and Copper) (Ni 1488); Adelaide Comelli-Rubini (1796-1874) and Giovanni Batista Rubini (1795-1854), both singers, he a tenor, by Putinati, conjoined busts right, 45.5mm; Italo Campanini (1846-1896), tenor, non-portrait Copper Medal, 50mm (Ni 454); Ruggerio Leoncavallo (1858- 1919), opera composer, Plaquette, 1902, by F Kounitzky, 57mm x 38mm (Ni 1064); with Paisiello and Toscanini, 35mm (Ni 1560, 2019). Very fine to extremely fine. (12) £100-150

168 Gioachino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868), composer, uniface circular Bronze Plaquette, after the ‘Bois Durci’ Medal, bare head right, fine detail to hair, name above, 107mm, integral suspension loop (Ni 1720); Copper Portrait Medal, 1866, by Hugues Bovy, bust left, rev date of birth, 60.5mm (Ni 1694); Bronze Plaquette, 1902, by Friedrich Kounitzky, bust right, name, lyre and arrow piercing apple below in the Art Nouveau style, 76mm x 49mm (Ni 1707). Extremely fine or nearly so. (3) £70-90

Rossini wrote 39 operas including The Barber of Seville and William Tell. The third medallist is possibly Franz Kounitzky (1880-1928), not Friedrich (as in Niggl).

169 Gioachino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868), Gilt-copper Medal, undated, by Vittorio Nesti, on the award of the French legion d’Honneur, 43mm (Ni 1711); Silvered-bronze Tribute Medal, 1869, by A Pieroni, for the city of Pesaro, 45mm (Ni 1714); “La Sabat Mater del Rossini …”, Copper Medal, 1842, by A Fabris, Christ and children, 51mm (Ni 1698); Base Metal Medals (2), 1842, 1843, by Piccioli, 67.5mm and 64mm (Ni 1712, 1713); Copper Medals (3), by Luigi Gori, 36mm (Ni 1700); by F Vagnetti, bare head right, 51mm (Ni 1715); unsigned and undated, bust left, rev OTELLO / LA GAZA …, 41mm (Ni 1721); and Brass Miniatures (2). Mostly very fine to extremely fine, but third with somewhat corroded surface. (10) £80-120

A Presentation Medal to Giuseppe Verdi

170 Gioachino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868), The Centenary Concert, Milan, 1892, PRESENTATION GILT-BRONZE MEDAL TO Giuseppe Verdi, by Johnson, bare head right; Copper Commemorative Medal, for the event, similar obverse, 35mm (Ni 1705, 1702). Extremely fine. (2) £80-120

171 Vincenzo Salvatore Carmelo Francesco Bellini (1801-1835), Sicilian born operatic composer, uniface Bronze Plaquette, 1902, by Friedrich Kounitzky, half-length bust, head turned almost full-face, 97mm x 56mm (Ni 298); a pair of Copper Tribute Medals, 1876, by F Speranza, bare head left, reverses with differing legends, 55mm (Ni 302, 303). First extremely fine, others nearly extremely fine. (3) £80-100

172 Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (1813-1901), Copper Medal, 1889, by F Speranza, bust left, rev legend in nine lines, 69mm (Ni 2105); Bronze Plaquette, by F Stiasny, bearded bust three-quarters left, wearing hat, shown in old age, 65mm x 49mm (Ni 2106); small Bronze Memorial Medal, by A Strada, bust left, rev Musica stands before Opera House, 47mm (Ni 2107); Double portrait Bronze Tribute Medal of Verdi and Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945), 1902, by H Kounitzky, busts either side three-quarters right, each with figure of Victory to left, 82mm (Ni 1268). Extremely fine. (4) £80-120

Mascagni, composer, most famous for the Cavalleria rusticana [1890], who became musical director of La Scala in 1929.


173 (image reduced) 173 Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (1813-1901), small Bronze Plaquette, by F Stiasny, bearded bust three- quarters left, wearing hat, shown in old age, 65mm x 49mm (Ni 2106); three, by Donzelli, Centenary, similar three-quarters left bust, Memorial, 1901, rev legend, 27mm (Ni 2074); Centenary of the Milan Conservatory, 1908, Silvered Metal, rev Musica, 50mm (Ni 2054); Centenary of Birth, Pewter Plaquette with arched top, 1913, rev medallic portraits of Donizetti, Rossini and Bellini, 56mm x 47mm (Ni 2056); another Memorial, Bronze, by Donzelli, unsigned, similar but larger bust, 50mm (Ni 2073). Very fine and better. (5) £80-120

174 Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (1813-1901), uniface Bronze Plaquette [1913], by E Torff, bust three- quarters left, 150mm (Ni 2109); silvered Bronze Plaquette, by A Gori, bust three-quarters left in hat, 185mm x 138mm (Ni 2063); circular Bronze Plaquette, unsigned, hated bust right on stippled background, 127mm (Ni 2113). All very fine. (3) £70-90 175 Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (1813-1901), a group of Medals by Lodovico Pogliachi, for Stefano Johnson, all bust left, commemorating his death and various events, all with similar bust left, Bronze unless otherwise stated:- 27mm, with loop (Ni 2083); 50mm (Ni 2084); 50mm, gilt (Ni 2085); 50mm, gilt (Ni 2086); 3rd Anniversary of Death, 1904, silver, numbered “8” on edge, 38mm (Ni 2087); Apollo reverse, 56mm (Ni 2090); 54mm and 38mm (Ni 2091); Centenary of Birth, Silvered-bronze, 52mm; 28mm, gilt, with loop (Ni 2092); 38mm (Ni 2093); 38mm, with loop (Ni 2094); 28mm, gilt with loop (Ni 2095); 28mm, gilt with loop (Ni 2099). All extremely fine. (14) £200-250

176 Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (1813-1901), centenary of his Birth, Bronze Medal, 1913, by E Torff, bust three-quarters left, rev scene from Rigaletto, 60mm (Ni 2109); earlier medals (2), Copper and White Metal, 1850, by Frener bust three-quarters right, rev cherub, seated at the feet of a Muse, inscribes music, 55mm (Ni 2060); Copper, 1901, by Soroni, 56mm (Ni 2104), these extremely fine; others (13), various metals (Ni 2042, 2045, 2046, 2050, 2068, 2077, this a medallic Scudo, 2081, 2082, 2096, 2097, 2115, 2117, 2118). 2115 with surface corrosion, fine, others very fine and better. (17) £150-200

177 Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (1813-1901), Gilt-bronze Presentation Medal to Ettore Ximenes (1855- 1926) Italian sculptor, by S Johnson, Milan, Verdi surrounded by diaphanous musicians and choristers, rev legend, 70mm (Ni 2098), matt surface, extremely fine; with a silver and enamel badge for the Centenary, 1913 (Ni 2116), very fine. (2) £80-120

The City of Parma commissioned a huge monument to celebrate the centenary of Verdi’s birth. Construction began in 1913 and it was inaugurated on 22nd February 1920 in the Piazzale della Stazione. The project was by the architect Lamberto Cusani, who proposed a classic triumphal arch joining the two arms of a semicircular arcade, with each pillar supporting the base of twenty-eight statues envisioned by the Palermo sculptor Ettore Ximenes, personifying figures in Verdi’s operas. It was damaged by Allied bombing in World War II and later dismantled and the nine surviving statues were set up in the “Arena del Sole” Cinema in Roccabianca.

178 Arturo Toscanini (1867-1957), conductor, Silvered-bronze Medal, by Affer, 59mm (2) (Ni 2015); from the “Series Numismatica”, Domenico Cimbarosa (1749-1801), by Barre, 41mm (Ni 514); Antonia Maria Gasparo Sacchini (1734-1786), composer, by E Rogat (3), varieties (2), bust right, 41mm (Ni 1740, 1741); Amilcare Ponchielli (1834-1886), (2), by Baroni, 76mm (Ni 1610), by Farè, 67mm; Giuseppi Gallignani (1851-1923), composer, Silvered-bronze Medals (2), by Donzelli, 50mm (Ni 674); Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924), by Bremaecker, bust left, 70mm (Ni 1621), and Plaquette, by Ede Telcs, 53mm x 35mm (Ni 1625); non-portrait medals of Giulio Ricordi (1840-1912), of the Casa Ricordi, classical music publishing company, founded in 1808, 50mm (Ni 1683); and Lauro Rossi (1810-1885), composer, 1875, 51mm (Ni 1693); Small Medalets (2) of Guido Aretinus (995-1050), 26mm (Ni 776), and Stradivarius (1644-1737), 32mm (Ni 1935). Mostly extremely fine. (16) £100-150 NETHERLANDS & LOW COUNTRIES

179 Orlando di Lasso (1532 [possibly 1530]-1594), Franco-Flemish composer, a good group of Medals (8), in Silver (2), by Paul Fisch and Lauer (Ni 1045, 1047); and Copper (6), by Paul Fisch, Jouvenel, Lauer, Simon, Veyrat and Leopold Wiener, 30-59mm (1045, 1046, 1047, 1049, 1050, 1052), extremely fine or nearly so; together with Arnoldo di Ponte (1480-1554), Choirmaster to the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I, an electrotype copy of a silver medal by Bruck [or Brugg], bust right in cap, 38mm, much as made. (9) £80-120

Orlando di Lasso - also known as Orlande de Lassus, Orlandus Lassus, Roland de Lassus, or Roland Delattre

180 Orlando di Lasso (1532 [possibly 1530]-1594), Silver Coin, by C Voigt:- Bavaria, Maximilian II (1848-1864), Commemorative Double-Thaler, 1849, king’s head right, rev statue of di Lasso, edge reads VEREINSMUNZE VII EIN F MARK, 41mm (Ni 1051; KM455.1). Nearly extremely fine. £200-250

see also lot 80

181 (images reduced) 182 181 Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621), composer and organist, oval Bronze Plaquette, by J van Goor, bust three-quarters right, 130mm x 113mm (Ni 1996); together with a miniature, 26mm x 22mm. Extremely fine, though small stain below bust on larger. (2) £30-50

182 Richard Hol (1825-1904), composer, conductor, organist and teacher, Bronze Plaquette, probably a memorial, c.1904, unsigned, bearded bust left, name in exergue, 108mm x 73mm (Ni 926); other Bronze Plaquettes, Dr Johan Wagenaar (1862-1941), composer and organist, signed GV in monogram, bust right, 110mm x 74mm (Ni 2132); Aaltje Noordewier-Reddingius (1868-1949), soprano and teacher, 1921, by Ede Telcs, her bust right, named in exergue, 108mm x 76mm (Ni 1526, size incorrectly recorded), this softly sculpted; Johann Adam Alsbach (1873-1961), non-portrait Bronze Medal, 1941, 82mm (Ni 21). Extremely fine. (4) £80-120

Wagenaar, who had studied under Richard Hol was to succeed him as the Cathedral organist at Utrecht.

183 Johannes Messchaert (1857-1922), baritone, large Bronze Plaquette, 1930, by J C Kerkmeyer (and G Scholten, Hoorn), bust left, signed on truncation, name below, 258mm x 185mm (Ni 1318); Jef Denyn (1862-1941) Belgian carillon player, Bronze Plaquette, 1912, for the Mechelen Festival, by D Tuerlinck, bust left, 167mm x 116mm (Ni 545). Very fine. (2) £70-90

Messchaert was co-founder of the ‘Amsterdamsche Conservatorium’, before moving to Germany. He was a frequent collaborator with pianist Julius Röntgen and one of Europe’s most sought-after singers of Lieder and oratorio. He became professor at the Berlin ‘Hochschule für Musik’. Denyn founded the Royal Carillon School in Mechelen; Willems, ‘Father’ of the Flemish Movement. 184 Jef Denyn (1862-1941) Belgian carillon player, Bronze Plaquette, 1922, for the Mechelen Festival, by D Tuerlinck, bust left, rev woman looks out at belfry, 53mm x 54mm (Ni 546); Gottfried Preyer (1807-1901), conductor and composer, Plaquettes (2), Silver and Bronze, by H Jauner, bust right, 62.5mm x 45mm (Ni 1617); Medals, Bronze unless stated, Alphons J M Diepenbrock (1862-1921), composer, by E Mazota, head left, 75mm (Ni 551); Christian Huyghens (1629-1695), ‘Series Numismatica’ Medal, by Henriennet, 41mm (Ni 952); Johann Wagenaar (1862-1941), large medal, signed GV, head right, 96mm, and smaller varieties (2), Silver and Bronze, 29mm (Ni 2131); Jan Frans Willems (1793-1846), writer, by Lemaire, head left, 50mm (Ni 2317); Willem Mengelberg (1871-1951), conductor, Silvered-bronze, 1935, by M Fleur, 60mm (Ni 1310); W Putnam and M Verklelj, church organists at Oudewater, a pair of medals, 1864, by J P M Menger, each shown playing, 48mm (Ni 1629, 2120); Louis Zimmermann (1873-1954), 1940, by M P J Fleur, bust three-quarters right, 61mm (Ni 2347). Very fine and better. (143) £100-150


(image reduced)

185 Fryderyk Franciszek [Frédéric Francois] Chopin (1810-1849), composer and pianist, a Tribute Bronze Plaquette, by Jan Wysocki, Chopin stands, surrounded by the draped Muses of music, 113mm x 73mm (Ni 511); Bronze Plaquette, by Fix Masseau, bust right, 71mm x 50mm (Ni 501); Bronze Medals (2), by Waclaw Szymanowski, head turned right, rev Chopin sits under tree, 50mm (Ni 506); by E Torff, bust right, 60mm (Ni 507); and a Silver ‘fob’ medal, by Alfred Rotheberger, 23mm. Extremely fine or nearly so. (5) £80-100

186 187 187 (images reduced) 186 Fryderyk Franciszek [Frédéric Francois] Chopin (1810-1849), uniface Bronze Medal, by Anton Grath, bust three-quarters right, 59mm (Ni 484); by Robert Coutin, bust right, rev eagle over map outline, 68mm (Ni 479), others (3) (Ni 490, 493, 494), and Plaquettes (2), by E Beet, 1907 [1910], conjoined heads of I and C Pleyel, A Wolff and C Lyon, all over Chopin, rev diaphonous muse with harp, 70mm x 61mm; and smaller, by Aumiller, 40mm x 27mm (Ni 475). Extremely fine or nearly so. (8) £80-100

The first very much in the Secessionist style

187 Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860-1941), pianist, composer, diplomat and politician, uniface Bronze Plaquette [1901], by C Waschmann, bust left, with characteristic flowing hair, name below, 156mm x 121mm (Ni 1549); smaller variety, Silver [maker’s mark JC], 67mm x 51.5mm; Bronze Plaquette, 1924, by Charpentier, 66mm x 53mm (Ni 1544); larger uniface patinated Bronze Medal, 1953, by R Xavier, head three-quarters right, 90mm (Ni 1550); Small Medal, 1913, conjoined busts with Camille Saint-Saens, 24mm (Ni 1551); Leopold Godowsky (1870-1938), Polish-American pianist, Bronze Plaquette, 1912, by Schwerdtner, 81mm x 57mm (Ni 714). Extremely fine or nearly so, but some small scuff marks to first. (6) £80-120

Paderewski, third Prime Minister of Poland, 1919. RUSSIA

Anna Davia [D’Avia] Bernucci (1743-1810), see Italy

188 190

188 Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804-1857), composer, Copper Medal, by A Aleksieff, bust left, rev statue, 51mm (Ni 696); Anton Grigorevich Rubinstein (1829-1894), pianist, composer and conductor, Silver Medal, 1894, by A Griliches, 25mm, suspension loop (Ni 1733); Copper Medal, 1889, by Vagenine, bust left, rev lyre in wreath, 77mm (Ni 1736); Bronze Plaquette, 1904, by Mayer & Wilhelm, 51mm x 39mm (Ni 1735); Feodor Ivanovich Schalyapin (1873-1938), opera singer, Bronze Plaquette, by Jan Simonoff, half-length figure, head facing, 91mm x 63mm (Ni 1767); Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky (1882-1971), composer, Bronze Medal, 1955, by Renée Vautier, head three-quarters left, rev lyre-bird before music score, 67mm (Ni 1992). Extremely fine. (6) £80-100

Glinka - “the father of Russian classical music”. Between 1910-1920 Stravinsky lived in Switzerland, then moved to France from where, in 1939, he moved on again to the USA to escape the German invasion. He lived in America until his death, returning only once to Russia in 1962. He is buried in Venice.

189 Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), composer, Silver Presentation Medal of the “Société Musicale de la Trompette fondé l’Ecole Polyteche en 1861”, by C Degeorge 1884, and dedicated in a tablet “AU MAITRE TCHAIKOWSKI SOUVENIR DU 16 MARS 1888 / E. LEMOINE”, a winged muse floats in the sky playing a lyre, rev a symmetrical display of musical emblems supporting the tabled with, in the exergue, military trophies, 50mm (Ni 2023; BDM I, 543). Extremely fine and lightly toned. £1500-2000

Charles Jean Marie Degeorge (1837-1888), medallist, born Lyon.

190 Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), uniface Bronze Plaquette, by Jan Simonoff, half-length bust (perhaps as seated at piano), to right, 90mm x 62mm (Ni 2028). Extremely fine. £50-80

Mikhail Saulovich ‘Mischa’ Elman (1891-1967), see lot 145


191 Antonio Carlos Gomez (1839-1936), Brazilian composer, Bronze Plaquette, by P F Berthoud, bust left, rev legend, above lyre and masks, 74mm x 54mm (Ni 723); and smaller medals (3) (Ni 726, 727, 728); Artur Napoleào (1843-1925), Brazilian composer, non-portrait Medals (3), Silver (2) and Bronze, 35mm, 40mm (Ni 1497, 1498, 1499); Carlos Mesquita (1864-1953), Brazilian composer, non portrait Copper Medals (2); and Maria Mesquita, Silver Medal, 40mm and 31mm (Ni 1320, 1321, 1323); Maurice Dengremont (1866-1893), Brazilian violinist, non-portrait Medal, 31mm (Ni 544); Aquiles Rossi-Ghelli, Chilean composer, Copper Medal, 1869, by Juan Bainville, bust three-quarters right, rev musical emblems, 59mm (Ni 1691); Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947), Venezuelan composer, Bronze Medal, 68mm (Ni 849). Very fine and better. (13) £80-100 SPAIN

192 193 192 Francisco Asenjo Barbieri (1823-1894), opera composer, non-portrait Medal, legend both sides, 42mm (Ni 84); Pablo de Sarasate (1844-1908), violin virtuoso, Bronze Plaquette, 1905, by Friedrich Kounitzky, bust, turned facing, holding bow, 85mm x 79mm (Ni 1755); Medalets (2) (Ni 1756, 1757); Ricardo Vines (1876- 1943), pianist, shaped rectangular Bronze Plaquette, by Charpentier-Beetz, bust left, a fine sculptural image, 63.5mm x 55mm (Ni -). Very fine and better. (5) £50-80

193 Pablo Cassals (1876-1973), Catalan cellist, Bronze Plaquette, by Jules Muranyi, half-length figure to right, playing, 71mm x 51.5mm (Ni 460), softly sculpted; and a modern medal of Bach, 1950, rev bust of Cassals, 59mm (Ni 63). Extremely fine. (2) £50-80


194 Per Frigel (1750-1842), composer, Secretary to the Music Academy, Copper Medal, 1841, by M Frumerie, bust right, rev legend, 41mm (Ni 659); Bernard Henrik Crusell (1775-1858), clarinettist and composer, Copper Medal, by C C Mellgren, 41mm (Ni 528); Erik Gabriel von Rosén (1775-1886), organist, Copper Medal, 1861, by J Ericsson, head right, rev legend, 41mm (Ni 1687); Erik Gustav Geljier (1783-1847), composer, Copper medal, C M Mellgreen, head right, 41mm (Ni 680); Johann Mazer (1790-1847), amateur chamber musician, Copper Medal, signed PL, 32mm (Ni 1285); Christine Nillson (1843-1921), singer, Bronze Medals (2), by E Lindberg, 50mm (Ni 1523); Norway, Edvard Hagerup Grieg (1843-1907), composer and pianist, modern French Medal, by A Dahl, c.1960’s, 68mm (Ni 761). Very fine and better. (8) £80-100

195 Jenny [Johanna Maria] Lind (1820-1887), opera singer known as “The Swedish Nightingale”, large Copper Medal, 1848, by P H Lundgren and C C Quanström, bust left, rev figures at monument, border of musical emblems, 78mm (Ni 1085), nearly extremely fine; another, Silvered White Metal, 1846, by Allen & Moore, facing bust, 55mm (Ni 1086); smaller Copper variety, 22mm (Ni 1091); medalets (6), very fine. (9) £60-80 196 Jenny [Johanna Maria] Lind (1820-1887), Medals (2), by Carl Radnitzky, White Metal, 1850, head left, legend (in English), SUCH A SACRED … DELIGHT … [Milton], 40mm (Ni 1088); Copper, 1857, head left, rev legend below swan emblem, 45mm (Ni 1087). Extremely fine. (2) £40-60


197 Johann Jakob Spreng (1699-1768), Poet, White Metal Memorial Medal, by Samson, bust right, rev lyre against altar, 42mm (Ni 1926), very fine; Leonhard Paul Euler (1707-1783), mathmetician and physicist, Silver Medal, by Abramson, head left, rev emblems of mathmatics and science, RADI DESCRIBIT ORBEM, 42mm (Ni 618); Edouard Pierre Wolfe (1809-1882), Geneva Conservatory, presentation Copper Medal of the “Cercle des Artistes”, 1872, city arms, rev legend, 48mm (Ni 2335); Dr Karl Attenhoffer (1837-1914), Silver Medal, by G Hantz, 37mm, extremely fine. (3) £70-90

Euler was interested in the application of mathematical ideas in music and in 1739 he published Tentamen Novae Theoriae Musicae, in the hope of incorporating musical theory as part of mathematics. The project was described as “too mathematical for musicians and too musical for mathematicians”.

198 Joseph Bovet (1879-1951), composer and choral conductor, by A Claraz, 69mm (Ni 387); Alfred Denise Cortot (1877-1962), pianist and conductor, oval cast Bronze Plaquette, 1927, by Beetz-Charpentier, bare head right, 69mm x 62mm (Ni 519); Gustave Doret (1866-1943), composer, by Peka, for Galli, 50mm (Ni 572); Henri Gagnebin (1886-1977), Belgian-born composer, uniface Bronze Medal, 1946, by Max Weber, 53mm (Ni 672); Arthur Honegger (1892-1955), composer, Bronze Tribute Medal, undated, by Anna Bass, head left, rev face of Antigone and notes below, 68mm (Ni 928). Second extremely fine, others nearly so. (5) £80-100

Cortot worked in France, founding the École Normale de Musique de Paris in 1919, but later he seemingly supported the German occupation for which he was punished. Honegger was a railway enthusiast and this was demonstrated in his “mouvement symphonique” Pacific 231, a depiction of a steam locomotive. Honegger’s portrait was depicted on the 1996 Swiss 20-Franc note.

199 Ignaz Heim (1818-1880), choral composer, Copper Medal, by B Jackle, bust three-quarters right, 48.5mm (Ni 907); other Copper Medals, Johann Bernhard Kaupert (1786-1863), choral director and composer, by Lander, head left, 43mm; Hans Georg Naegeli (1773-1836), composer and arranger, by Sebald and Drentwett, head left, 41mm (Ni 1492), others (3), Copper, 35mm, White metal, 41mm, Brass, 28mm (Ni 1497, 1493, 1494); Sigismund Thalberg (1812-1871), piano virtuoso and composer (2), by Faria and Lüster bust and head left, 60mm (Ni 2008, 2009), and by O Steinböck, head right, 56mm (Ni 2010); Felix von Weingartner (1865-1942), Dalmatian born conductor, died in Winterthur, uniface, by Stephan Schwartz, 76mm (Ni 2309). Extremely fine or nearly so. (10) £80-120 BRITISH COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS Other Properties

200 Jacobite, Arrival of the Young Pretender Expected 1745, Silver Medal, probably by Thomas Pingo, bust of Prince Charles right, rev Britannia standing at the shore awaiting the arrival of a fleet, AMOR ET SPES (MI II 600/251). Minor light marks, toned, good very fine. £250-300

203 The Duke of Wellington’s Continental Victories, Box Medal, Copper 47mm, containing a complete set of the 14 paper disks inscribed with the names and dates of Wellington’s victories, uniformed bust of the Duke of Wellington left, rev inscription in wreath, BY HIS CONSUMATE SKILL… (BHM 885). Some disks still attached by silk, extremely fine. £180-220

201 Simons de Passe Counters (8), depicting British monarchs, Edward III, Henry I, Henry II, Henry III, Henry VI, Mary (2), Charles I. Fair to very fine. (8) £80-100 (image reduced) 204 Sport, Fencing, Henry Arthur Colmore-Dunn (1859-1896), Bronze Medal, 1896, unsigned, bust left, rev legend within wreath, FORTIS VIR SAPIENSQVE …, 76mm. Extremely fine. £70-90

Colmore-Dunn was a member of the London Fencing Club and the author of a number of standard works on Fencing. On the medal he is depicted wearing his high collared fencing jacket. He was, however, an all-round sportsman, an exhibitioner at New College, Oxford, where he stroked of the college eight and, in 1880, performed in Frank [Sir Francis Robert] Benson’s production of Agamemnon in Greek, playing Ægisthus in this first production of Aeschylus for 2000 years (Benson played Orestes and, in a nicely Oedipal piece of casting, his wife was Clytemnestra. Further biographical details sold with the lot. The medal is unsigned but in previous listings Sir George Frampton has been suggested as the medallist.

205 George V, official large Silver Jubilee Medal, 1935, 202 George IV, Geroge Prince Regent, Chronology of by Percy Metcalfe, 57mm, in case of issue; small the Sovereigns of England, Copper Box Medal, silver official Coronation Medals (2), 1902, 1937, 47mm, containing black and white line drawing in envelope and box respectively. Virtually as portraits of the Sovereigns. Very fine. £150-200 struck. (3) £30-50 WORLD COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS


209 Bavarian Silver Box Thaler 1914-1916, bust of Ludwig III left, rev arms of Bavaria, the medal containing colour illustrations on card roundals commemorating events and German personalities in the First World War, 52mm, in original mauve card box of issue. Box Thaler, roundals and card box 206 Antoine Masson (1636-1700), sculptor, engraver in mint state. £120-150 (mainly portraits), Engraver to the King and member of the Royal Academy, uniface cast Bronze Portrait Medal, 1689, by Thomas Bernard, bust right with flowing hair, 56mm. Light patination, very fine and small piercing at top, rare. £80-120

ex Charles Avery collection, Morton & Eden auction, 21 May 2003

207 France, Gustav Delory (1857-1925), politician and [1896], the first Socialist Mayor of Lille, a large circular memorial Bronze Medallic Wall-plaque, 1926, by Ch Caby, bust left, name and dates around, 355mm. As made. £40-60

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210 Bavarian Silver Box Thaler 1914-1916, bust of Ludwig III left, rev arms of Bavaria, the medal containing colour illustrations on card roundals commemorating events and German personalities in the First World War, 52mm, in original beige card box of issue and issue certificate no.38849. Some staining on the Box Thaler, otherwise all parts mint state. £120-150

208 Klaus Lankheit (1913-1992), Professor and Doctor, scholar, art historian and numismatist, collector of Baroque Medals, patinated Bronze Medal on his 70th birthday, 1983, by H Baumstark, bust three-quarters right, rev legend in 18 lines listing his publications, 68mm (cf Peus 368, 3509). Very fine. £40-80 211 Box Coins, Twopence 1797, Penny 1806, together only 22 specimens struck with medallic sweet box with portrait of Prince Lanheit’s own specimen, ex Charles Avery collection, Morton & Eden auction, 21 May 2003 (lot 801) Albert. Fair to fine. (3) £40-60 MILITARY-RELATED Military Headdress Badges and other Insignia

215 CANADIAN REGIMENT (CEF), brass die-stamped General Service Badge, maple leaf with central crown, ‘Canada’ named below, with original brass loop fasteners and pin; small Canadian collar badge of similar design with original loop 212 1914-15 STAR (7699 Sjt:W. V. Payne. S.Gds.) fasteners. Very fine. (2) £20-30 officially impressed. A few scratches to reverse, nd otherwise extremely fine. £20-40 216 BLACK WATCH (THE 42 ROYAL HIGHLANDERS), white metal die-stamped glengarry badge, c1887- bought Baldwin’s, July 1939 1901, star with thistle sprays surrounding central section bearing crowned insignia ‘The Royal Highlanders’ above and ‘Black Watch’ below, St Andrew facing holding his cross, regimental motto around, sphinx below, original copper loop fasteners and pin, good very fine; HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY, small headdress badge pre 1889, star, bugle and elephant below, extremely fine; LOTHIAN AND BORDER HORSE, three small insignia, extremely fine. (5) £40-60

213 ARMY LONG SERVICE AND GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL, 1830-1831, 1st type with steel clip and small ring suspension (*James . . . . . ell. Scots Fusilier . . . .1833.*) officially impressed. Some edge bruising, overall wear and significant marks to reverse, good fine. £200-300

217 ARGYLL AND SUTHERLAND HIGHLANDERS, white metal die-stamped glengarry badge, large thistle sprays with crowned insignia of the Argylls’ boar’s head left and lion sejant erect left, original copper loop fasteners; THE BORDER REGIMENT, small white metal die-stamped glengarry badge, crowned star with laurel wreath set in the background, two soldered copper loop fasteners; a smaller white metal die-stamped collar badge of similar design, although without star and crown, 214 World War I, Campaigns against France, Russia, with two loop fasteners, very fine;SCOTS GUARDS, England, Japan and the USA, cliché-type Bronze gilt brass die-stamped pouch badge, thistle style Plaquette, by M&W, dated 1914, but on account star with central circular emblem with thistle, of the legend c.1917, an infantry charge, 53mm x four loop fasteners on reverse, and a small collar 67mm. Very fine. £30-50 badge. Good very fine. (5) £60-80 218 NORFOLK REGIMENT, two white metal and bronze die-stamped cap badges, laureate border with Britannia seated left with trident and shield holding olive branch with bronze banner below ‘The Norfolk Regt’, original copper loop fasteners on both; DUKE OF WELLINGTON’S REGIMENT (WEST RIDING), white medal and bronze die stamped cap badge, lion rampant bearing flag with crown and regimental motto beneath, ‘The West Riding’ in copper banner below, with original copper loop fasteners; SOUTH LANCASHIRE REGIMENT (THE PRINCE OF WALES’ VOLUNTEERS), white metal and bronze die-stamped cap badge, bronze 221 ROYAL FLYING CORPS, brass cap badge and encircling wreath and banner ‘South Lancashire’ button, about very fine; other small insignia (9), above and ‘Prince of Wales’s Vols’ below, bearing including YORK & LANCASTER REGIMENT, EAST central white metal insignia of three plumes and SURREY REGIMENT, DEVONSHIRE REGIMENT, bronze crown, with regimental motto and sphinx SOMERSETSHIRE LIGHT INFANTRY, generally very with ‘Egypt’ beneath, two soldered loop fasteners. fine. (11) £70-90 Very fine. (4) £40-60

222 Headdress badges (4), 10TH ROYAL HUSSARS, DUKE OF CORNWALL’S LIGHT INFANTRY, KING’S 219 Diestamped headdress badges (4), GORDON SHROPSHIRE LIGHT INFANTRY and DORSETSHIRE HIGHLANDERS, white metal, SCOTTISH RIFLES (THE REGIMENT. Extremely fine. (4) £50-70 CAMERONIANS), silver, SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS (2), white metal. Extremely fine. (4) £60-80


224 Collar dogs and other small insignia (13), various regiments including 1ST KING’S DRAGOON GUARDS, ROYAL WARWICKSHIRE REGIMENT and THE ROYAL WEST SURREY REGIMENT. Very fine or better. (13) £60-80

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WWW.THE-SALEROOM.COM and 220 GRENADIER GUARDS, brass valise badges (2), crowned Garter with VR monogram within. WWW.SIXBID.COM About extremely fine, rare. (2) £60-80