Projects of analytical papers prepared by civil society experts under the coordination of the Reanimation Package of Reforms Coalition for discussion at the Third Ukraine Reform Conference, July 2-4, 2019,Toronto, Canada.

Kyiv, 2019 Contents


National Security and Defense Reform...... 3

Judicial reform...... 5

Reform of the law enforcement agencies...... 7

Anticorruption reform...... 9


Electoral reform...... 11

Public administration reform...... 13

Decentralization reform...... 15

Development and protection of civil society...... 17


Economical development...... 19

Energy reform...... 21

Environmental control reform ...... 23

Healthcare reform...... 26 SECURITY AND RULE OF LAW

National security and defense sector reform

Lead authors: Lada Roslytsky, Policy Implementation Manager, Independent Defence Anti-Corruption Committee (NAKO) Mykhailo Samus, Deputy International Affairs Director of the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies (CACDS). Peer-review: Yevhen Marchuk, representative of Ukraine in the Tripartite Contact Group f or the peaceful settlement of the situation in Donetsk.

1. Reform Objectives and Major posts of Defense Minister and Deputy Ministers has Achievements in 2014-2018 been fulfilled. At the same time, the transformation of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) into classical The main task of the reform is to develop Ukraine’s counterintelligence service has started. In addition, defense and national security capacities based on the Law «On National Security» introduces a modern NATO standards to restore territorial integrity and approach to ensuring effective civilian oversight over create an effective system to respond to external security forces, law enforcement agencies and intelli- and internal threats to national security, guarantee gence services. personal safety and citizens’ rights and freedoms, and neutralize crises and emergencies. The national secu- 2. Key Challenges That Arose During rity and defense system should be based on principles of national resilience with civil society being most Reform Implementation actively engaged. Russian aggression against Ukraine has been the key In 2014-2018, substantial steps were taken to reform aspect influencing the process of reforming the secu- the system, which was critical to effectively coun- rity and defense sector. The annexation of , teract Russian aggression. In particular, to restore the occupation of the Donbas, Russian aggression in the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Azov and Black seas, incitement of internal conflicts, restore of the National Guard. This allowed for the situ- information warfare and cyberattacks, and activities of ation in the conflict zone with the Russian Federation Russian intelligence services created a powerful set of in the Donbas to be stabilized. It also prevented further threats for Ukraine. aggression. Establishment of the National Police and, in particular, the Police Patrol marked the On the other hand, these threats have stimulated the beginning of the transformation of Ukrainian security mobilization of efforts both on the part of the state forces after the Revolution of Dignity. Adoption of the and civil society. The synergy between state and new National Security Strategy of Ukraine, the Military non-state structures has become a sufficient impulse Doctrine and consolidation of the Euro-Atlantic course for building the new Armed Forces and influenced the in the Constitution formed the strategic foundation of launch of defense reforms. This is what distinguishes the reform. the process of reforming the security sector from other areas: challenges and threats to national security An important stage in the reforms was the adop- have become an impetus for the reform rather than tion of the new Law «On National Security», which an obstacle. determined a specific framework for the security and defense sector. As a result, the next stage of the Systemic corruption, which diminishes success in reform started, and certain changes were introduced. functional and organizational changes, remains the In particular, the requirement of civilians to hold the main challenge that impedes reforms implementation

Security and rule of law 3 in the security sector. An imbalance between trans- in countering organized crime, arms trafficking, cyber- parency and secrecy in the security sector creates crime, terrorism, as well as participation in operations, conditions for abuse in the field of procurement and divisions and training initiatives of the EU Common defense industries. Security and Defense Policy.

3. Public Comprehension of Reform 5. Key Reform Objectives for 2019- and Expectations 2023 and Expected Results

With the onset of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, The key task for the next five years is to build defense approaches to developing a defense and national and security capacities based on NATO standards. security system in our state in terms of ensuring The main efforts in this regard should be focused on national stability and broad engagement of civil society the implementation of systemic reforms envisaged by have been redefined. the Law “On National Security of Ukraine” with the purpose of forming a holistic national security and Successful implementation reforms should lead to a defense sector based on the principles of national synergistic effect of the functioning of law enforcement resilience, which will be subject to comprehensive agencies and civil society. Public awareness for the civilian oversight. need to continue improving the security sector through harmonization with NATO standards is confirmed by It is important to introduce long-term planning focused the latest sociological surveys. In particular, 59.3% of on the development of defense and security capa- Ukrainians who would take part in a referendum on bilities, and aimed at restoring the territorial integrity Euro-Atlantic integration would vote for NATO acces- and sovereignty of Ukraine. Creation of a system of sion (as of March 2019).1 Citizens, being end-users government regulation (with the establishment of an of security and defense sector reform, are also inter- independent government body) in the defense industry ested in creating a transparent defense budget control is critical with the view of ensuring effective functioning system and in the ability to achieve successful self-re- of Ukrainian arms(?) producers of all forms of owner- alization in a NATO country. ship and those from NATO countries, in particular due to transparent access to the State Defense Order 4. Connection with International (SDO). Cooperation Programs along with References to Documents

Security and defense sector reform is inextricably linked with the process of Ukraine’s integration into NATO. In this regard, it is important to receive direct assistance from the NATO-Ukraine Joint Working 1. “Almost 60% of Ukrainians would vote for accession to NATO in the referendum - polls”, March 25, 2019, Group on Defense Reform and the NATO Liaison Office in Ukraine, in particular for the implementation 2. “The Government approved the draft of the Annual National Programs under the auspices of Presidential Decree “On the Approval of the the NATO-Ukraine Commission.2 Annual National Program under the auspices of the Ukraine-NATO Commission for 2019”, January 30, 2019, An important area is Ukraine’s cooperation with the news/uryad-shvaliv-proekt-ukazu-prezidenta-pro- EU in the security field, in accordance with the Asso- zatverdzhennya-richnoyi-nacionalnoyi-programi-pid- ciation Agreement between Ukraine and the EU that egidoyu-komisiyi-ukrayina-nato-na-2019-rik. 3 was signed in 2014. These commitments define Arti- 3. Association Agreement between Ukraine and the cles 7-13 of the Agreement, which focus on the issues , of conflict prevention and crisis management, regional show/984_011. stability, disarmament, non-proliferation, armament 4. Comparative Analysis of “Eastern Partnership - 20 Deliverables for 2020” and the provisions of the and arms exports control, and counter-terrorism. Association Agreement: What is the Added Value for Ukraine-EU Relations?”, https://www.civic-synergy. In addition, Ukraine is a participant in the Eastern Partnership initiative. The document “Eastern Part- deliverables_civic_synergy_ua_2018.pdf. nership – 20 Deliverables for 2020: focusing on key priorities and tangible results”4 provides for progress

Ukraine Reforms Conference, 2019 Separate areas of reform in the security and defense 3) Improvement of the Law “On State Secrets”. sector: 4) Reform the SSU and other intelligence services to 1) Continuous integrity training, support for the fight align them with NATO standards, in particular, in against corruption and trainings for trainers in terms of civilian oversight. procurement, state defense order, defense industry and military-technical cooperation. 5) Transition to a professional army model with the elimination of post-Soviet repressive approaches 2) Establishing the level of secrecy for the state to conscription to the Armed Forces and other law defense order in accordance with NATO stand- enforcement agencies, with the formation of volun- ards. tary territorial defense and reserve units. Judicial reform

Lead authors: Mykhailo Zhernakov, Co-founder, Chairman of the Board of DEJURE Foundation Roman Kuibida, Member of the Public Integrity Council Co-author: Iryna Shyba, Executive Director of DEJURE Foundation Peer-review: Ivan Hrynchuk, Instructor, Lviv Business School Denis Azarov, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

1. Reform Objectives and Major Limiting the formal influence of political authorities on Achievements in 2014-2018 a judge’s career.

A judiciary capable of guaranteeing the rule of law Reformation of how court rulings get enforced has has not been formed since Ukraine re-gained inde- begun. In particular, the institution of private court bail- pendence in 1991. The courts still face the problem iffs has been introduced, which has slightly improved of corruption, the dependence of judges on politicians situation, albeit insignificantly, with court ruling and oligarchs, a collective responsibility in the judicial enforcement. system, and the courts are not publicly respected. On the eve of the Revolution of Dignity, the level of trust in Due to the expansion of the network of centers that the courts in Ukraine stood at 7% and was one of the provide free legal assistance and due to the fact that lowest in the world and the lowest in Europe. Signifi- the functions of representing public interests were cant problems have existed and still exist in the legal assigned to them by the PGO, the level of access to community and Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO), justice for vulnerable social groups has substantially in forensic examination, and in enforcement of court increased. rulings. The quality of legal education is still unsatis- factory. 2. Major Challenges In 2016, Constitutional amendments were introduced, The key issues are still that the judiciary has not been and new laws were adopted on their basis: «On the rebooted or upgraded and judges remain politically Judicial System and the Status of Judges», «On the dependent. High Council of Justice», and new editions to proce- dural codes. This was aimed at: During the competitive selection process to the new Supreme Court, numerous facts of dishonesty (in Simplifying the judicial system and making it more terms of property, decisions, lifestyle, accountable to society; violations, etc.) did not prevent the appointment of certain judges to the highest positions. According Upgrading the judiciary through the creation of new to the qualification assessment results, only 3% of judicial institutions, judge qualification assessment judges were recognized as not meeting the require- and competitions for all vacant judicial positions; ments of integrity and professional ethics. In the courts of appeals and lowest-level courts, no new judge

Security and rule of law appeared. Judges who demonstrate independence In the «Eastern Partnership 20 Deliverables», Ukraine are frankly pressured. committed itself to «strengthen the rule of law and anti-corruption mechanisms», as well as «support the Despite the introduction of requirements for compet- implementation of key judicial reforms» (deliverables itive selection to the Constitutional Court in the 9 and 10). Constitution, the process of appointing judges to this body remains politicized. There is also a purely polit- The establishment of an independent High Anti-Cor- ical way of appointing a Prosecutor General. ruption Court, and appointment of professional and independent judges are also envisaged in the These issues are due to the fact that the majority of Macro-Financial Assistance Agreement with the IMF members of the High Qualification Commission and and in the Fourth Macro-Financial Assistance Program the High Council of Justice, who are responsible for with the EU. the careers of judges, are not interested in reform, are often politically motivated and do not meet the criteria However, Ukraine’s aforementioned commitments of integrity. The population predominantly does not are not sufficiently detailed, which, in the absence of believe in their ability to give an independent assess- desired outcomes, gives an opportunity to report on ment of their colleagues and bring them to justice for progress in these areas. Under the present circum- any offenses committed. stances, it is necessary to enshrine the most concrete, measurable steps in judicial reform. As a result, less than 1% of respondents consider judi- cial reform to be fully successful, and courts along with 5. The Next Steps for Reforms in the prosecutors continue to enjoy the lowest confidence in Europe (only 11% of citizens trusted the courts in Sector early 2019). Ukraine needs unconventional solutions to resume An exception to the general rule was the creation of judicial reform. the High Anti-Corruption Court through the involve- ment of the Public Council of International Experts, In the context of transforming the judicial system, the who had real powers to suspend the participation of majority members of the bodies that select judges questionable candidates during the competition. Pres- and bring them to disciplinary responsibility should be sure by the international community and civil society representatives of the public sector who are entrusted only made the creation of such a court possible. by society (human rights defenders, journalists, and representatives of relevant NGOs) rather than judges 3. Public Comprehension of Reform themselves. Temporary participation of the represent- atives of international organizations in the judicial and Expectations selection bodies will increase the transparency and credibility of the process on the part of the interna- The demand for justice in society remains high. tional community. It is also necessary to introduce a re-qualification assessment for those judges who have At the same time, people are not well aware of the received negative feedback by the Public Integrity course of judicial reform and do not have enough Council or whose integrity was legitimately cast doubt knowledge and an informed idea of the necessary on. steps for it. It is important to introduce real competition for the 4. Connection with International positions of judges of the Constitutional Court and the PGO, as well as to effectively renew it along Cooperation Programs with the legal community on the basis of transpar- ency and accountability to society. It is necessary to The issue of a fair trial and judicial reform is referred to strengthen the independence of these institutions and in a number of international agreements. democratize professional self-government of judges, prosecutors and lawyers. Art. 14 of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU states that «Cooperation will, in particular, Legal education, which is a prerequisite for the profes- aim at strengthening the judiciary, improving its effi- sionalism of judges, lawyers, and prosecutors, needs ciency, safeguarding its independence and impartiality, fundamental and urgent reform. One of the steps in and combating corruption.» reforming legal education is the introduction of an

6 Ukraine Reforms Conference, 2019 external independent assessment (similar to a bar institution of private court bailiffs, and to de-monopo- exam) as a prerequisite for access to legal profes- lize the state from legal expertise. sions. As a result, courts should be focused on providing The introduction of innovative IT solutions in the field quality services to the community. Training and selec- of justice should facilitate the receipt of high-quality tion of the best personnel, and the lack of claims to online litigation services. Proper judicial administra- the integrity of judges, prosecutors, and lawyers should tion needs to be ensured, which requires changes lead to an increase in public confidence in the courts, in budget planning and financial management, case and the authorities in general. Fundamental values management and the automation of court activity. such as security and justice must be protected by courts that should have a reputation for being independent It is important to improve the enforcement of judicial and not corrupt. Courts must become the guarantor of rulings, in particular to ensure the development of the the inevitability of punishment for corrupt officials.

Reform of law enforcement agencies

Lead author: Volodymyr Petrakovskyi, Senior Advisor to StateWatch Co-authors: Zlata Symonenko, Member of the Ukrainian Bar Association Yevhen Krapyvin, Lawyer, Head of the Expert-Analytical Area of the UMDPL Association

1 Reform Objectives and Major The police also experienced large-scale reforms during Achievements in 2014-2018 this period. New legislation stipulated many progres- sive aspects, in particular the removal of politics from The principles of activity and the system of law the police and the service nature of its activities. enforcement agencies have not met international However, the reform has got round the largest link of standards for a long time – they remain entirely Soviet. this body – investigative units and criminal prosecu- They also had nothing to do with the needs of society tion. and present-day challenges. According to sociological surveys by the Institute of Sociology of the National Establishment of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, after the events of of Ukraine and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Pros- the Revolution of Dignity, the level of public trust in law ecutor’s Office was implemented as a requirement of enforcement bodies was less than 1% (0.8%). a number of international instruments in the field of combating corruption in relation to the need for having In 2014-2018, the Prosecutor General Office (PGO) specialized criminal prosecution agencies. underwent the most important transformations for which Ukraine and its international partners had been waiting many years. Constitutional changes classified 2.Key Challenges that Arose during it as a judicial body. New legislation, constitutional Reform Implementation (specification amendments in particular, have finally deprived the prosecutor’s office of excessive functions: the of the internal environment) so-called “general supervision” was completely elim- inated, and the function of pre-trial investigation was Since the new police force was rolled out and reform transferred to the newly established State Bureau of of the PGO began, , the most influential political Investigations. Also, self-government bodies and the forces have made many attempts to stop or restrain a Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of Prose- number of fundamental innovations. As a result of their cutors, which now has exclusive competence in the pressure, the reform of the police and the PGO did not selection, promotion and disciplinary accountability of fully take place, and the State Bureau of Investigations prosecutors, began to operate. is institutionally weak. The newly created anti-corrup-

Security and rule of law 7 tion authorities (National Anti-Corruption Bureau and 5. Key Reform Objectives for 2019– Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office) have 2023 and Expected Results been the target of constant media attacks as well as attacks by the unreformed Security Service of Ukraine. Undoubtedly, in recent years, Ukraine has taken a In addition, personal conflicts between the heads of number of steps towards strengthening human rights these anti-corruption bodies seriously threaten reform. guarantees and the implementation of other interna- tional standards in the field of criminal justice. At the 3. Public Understanding of Reform same time, the performance of law enforcement agen- cies, which are to take care of the recovery of violated and Expectations rights and interests of society as a whole, still remains unsatisfactory. Therefore, the priority in this area is to The overwhelming part of society clearly understands increase the functional capacity and effectiveness of that the price of the failure to implement reforms in law enforcement agencies. criminal justice will be a scenario in which dysfunc- tionality of the system of law-enforcement bodies will The following steps: only increase; the actual restoration of violated human rights, especially those violations committed by offi- Legislation on detective units (in all pre-trial investiga- cials, will continue to be illusory; politically-motivated tion bodies) and the secret activities of law enforcement criminal prosecution and unlawful interference by bodies that meet international standards will lay the investigative bodies into business activities will remain foundation for an effective pre-trial investigation of a common practice for Ukraine. Therefore, citizens both petty and grave crimes, taking into account the expect a change in the criminal justice paradigm: a principle of proportionality of the human rights restric- recalibration on the restoration of rights violated by tion. a crime; political neutrality of investigation authorities and the PGO; and ensuring the inevitability of punish- Qualitative legislation on misdemeanors, which will ment for crimes committed by officials. facilitate the proper and prompt investigation of petty crime, relieve pre-trial investigation bodies, and will 4. Connection with International allow the redundant resources to be spent on the investigation of serious crimes. Cooperation Programs with References to Documents Strengthening the functional capabilities and guar- (specification of the internal antees of independence of the State Bureau of environment) Investigations, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecu- Society’s expectations are fully in line with the inter- tor’s Office, as well as the prosecutor’s self-government national commitments of Ukraine. In particular, the bodies and the Qualification and Disciplinary Commis- Agenda of the EU-Ukraine Association, which is the sion of Prosecutors. implementing document for the Association Agree- ment, the Action Plan for Ukraine for 2018-2021 The proper level of activities of the State Bureau of prepared by the and agreed upon Investigations will largely solve the problem of torture by Ukraine, as well as Ukraine’s obligations under and other gross violations of human rights by law the Agreement with the International Monetary Fund enforcement officials and in the army as well. Effec- on the expanded financing mechanism envisage tive National Anti-Corruption Bureau and Specialized enhancement in the performance of the State Bureau Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office will become a of Investigations and the National Anti-Corrup- reliable fence against the tremendous amount of tion Bureau of Ukraine, ensuring the inevitability of state budget theft (taxpayers’ funds). The proper punishment for crimes committed by officials, and a level of capacity and independence of the prosecu- guarantee of political neutrality and independence tor’s self-government bodies and the Qualification of the prosecutor’s office. Also, memorandums with and Disciplinary Commission of Prosecutors will be a the International Monetary Fund enshrine an agree- reliable mechanism for ensuring the independence of ment on the establishment of a new service which the prosecutor’s office and prosecutors themselves. consolidates all powers to investigate financial crimes. Meanwhile, this will indicate that the political or other influence on criminal prosecution will be reduced to a level that does not endanger criminal justice.

8 Ukraine Reforms Conference, 2019 Creation of a single body responsible for financial institutions, prevent massive fraud in the market, in investigations - the Financial Intelligence Services - (in particular tax fraud, and curb unjustified interference accordance with the international standards and best of investigative bodies with the activities of legal busi- practices) will help to increase the stability of financial ness.

Anticorruption reform

Lead authors: Olena Halushka, Head of International Affairs, Anti-Corruption Action Center Andrii Borovyk, Executive Director of Transparency International Ukraine Co-authors: Anton Marchuk, Expert, Centre of Policy and Legal Reform Anastasiia Kozlovtseva, Head of International Relations Department / Fundraiser, Transparency International Ukraine Peer review: Experts of the RPR “Anticorruption Reform” group Document was supported by: WWF Ukraine

1. Reform Objectives and Key DoZorro.9 ProZorro.Sale10 brought $ 572 million into Achievements in 2014-2018 the state budget, made it possible to transparently sell property of bankrupt banks and state property, as well Systematic corruption and impunity were one of the as conduct small privatization of assets. main causes of the Revolution of Dignity in 2013-2014. The exiled former President Viktor Yanukovych and Progress has been made through the assignment of his associates inflicted damage to the state budget of state procurement of medicines to international organ- about $12.5 billion. The Ukrainian society faced a chal- izations, transition of administrative services to digital lenge: it was necessary to prevent further theft of the formats, automation of value-added tax (VAT) refunds, state budget and ensure the return of stolen assets. and the ongoing reform of corporate governance at state-owned enterprises. In response to a public demand in 2014, a comprehen- sive anti-corruption policy was developed. Its purpose 2. Key Challenges was to ensure effective punishment for corruption and prevent it. The progress of anti-corruption reform is hampered by both active resistance and the lack of political will. Infrastructure is underway to detect and investigate International partners and civil society remain the main high-level corruption offenses and impose punishment drivers of progress towards combatting corruption. for them. In 2015, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU)5 was established. As of March 2019, Draft laws aimed at reducing the effectiveness of the it is investigating 692 cases involving high-ranking reform are regularly submitted to Parliament. The officials, of whom 189 were transferred to court.6 The Constitutional Court of Ukraine has decriminalized High Anti-Corruption Court (HAC) is being established; illegal enrichment, which resulted in the closure of 65 candidates for the positions of judges are approved high-level corruption proceedings under this article. by the Public Council of International Experts.7 Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) has been launched to detect, seek and manage the assets 5. obtained through corrupt practices. 6. olena-halushka-and-anastasia-krasnosilska-how- Important steps have been taken to increase trans- ukraine- is-building-its-anti-corruption-court.html parency: an integrated electronic declaration system 7. has started in which government officials declare a79f-b74f5ce947c2/sheet/HbXjQep/state/analysis/ their assets and income; public registries have been select/_Language/UK#view/pEh published according to open data standards. All public 8. procurement is carried out through ProZorro, an open 9. electronic procurement system, which has already 8 10. saved $2.7 billion in budgetary funds since 2016. Its files/what-we-do/policies/european-agenda- operation is supported by the monitoring ecosystem migration/20181219_com-2018-856-report_en.pdf

Security and rule of law 9 The activities of the National Agency on Corruption asset declarations, transparency of public procure- Prevention (NACP) are ineffective because of the ment, in order to introduce new legislation on money political dependence of its leadership. laundering and effective verification of the ultimate, beneficiary ownership of companies, etc.13 The NABU also is under political pressure: the General Prosecutor’s Office (PGO) of Ukraine and the Secu- 5. Reform Objectives for 2019–2023 rity Service of Ukraine (SSU) disrupted its operation in December 2017 by disclosing a network of secret It is important to continue the reforms that have already agents. Regular attempts are made to dismiss the begun NABU head. The NABU still has to use wire-tapping tools that are provided by the SSU; at the same time, • It is necessary to restart the National Agency the NACP has deprived NABU of automatic access to on Corruption Prevention: introduce legislative the registry of electronic declarations. changes to select the Agency’s management in accordance with new rules by a panel with inter- In 2018, news broke about serious violations committed national experts; improve the NACP management by the head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Pros- model, increase accountability of NACP manage- ecutor’s Office to disrupt a NABU investigation. The ment and ensure the independence of the Agency international community stresses the need to restore by introducing a yearly audit. It is necessary to confidence in the SAP.11 effectively re-introduce responsibility for illegal enrichment.14 3. Public Comprehension and • It is important to stop the pressure and attacks Expectations of Reform on anti-corruption institutions. NABU should be provided with the necessary tools and ensure that In spite of ensuring the openness and transparency public authorities will not interfere with its activi- of information important for citizens, and despite the ties. launch of new anti-corruption institutions, Ukrainians still do not feel the impact of counteracting corruption. • It is necessary to restore confidence in the Special- According to a survey conducted in August 2018, 91% ized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office through of respondents still consider corruption a big problem the election of its new leadership in accordance for the state, while 61% consider it the biggest obstacle with the new procedure, as well as through the to Ukraine’s development. According to 80.1% of introduction of other additional guarantees for citizens, the key reason for corruption is the lack of SAP’s independence as a separate institution. appropriate punishment for corruption crimes.12 • The High Anti-Corruption Court should be inde- 4. Requirements of international pendent. It should be provided with any necessary resources for its activities. The court apparatus partners must be selected on the basis of an open and transparent competition. For five years, Ukraine’s international partners – the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European • The Security Service of Ukraine still has non-typ- Union (in accordance with the Visa Liberalization ical anti-corruption functions, which creates a Action Plan, the State Development Contract and basis for the abuse of power. The SSU should be Macrofinancial Assistance Programs), as well as the deprived of these powers and turned into a special United States and the World Bank, have included anti-terrorist and counterintelligence service. specific anti-corruption benchmarks and compliance with the international principles established by the U.N. Convention against Corruption and the Anti-Cor- 11. ruption Network of the Organization for Economic 90-ukrajinciv-vvazhayut-korupciyu-seryoznoyu- Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Group of problemoyu-krajini-opituvannya.html States against Corruption (GRECO) and the Financial 12. Action Task Force on (FATF) in gotovi-doluchitisya-do-organizovanoi-protidii-koruptsii their requirements for continued support. Ukraine has 13. undertaken these commitments in order to ensure the 14. This refers to the right to independentwire-tapping effective and independent activities of NACP, NABU, and full automatic access to the register of electronic SAP, HAC, ARMA, automatic verification of electronic declarations.

10 Ukraine Reforms Conference, 2019 DEMOCRACY AND GOOD GOVERNANCE

Electoral reform

Lead author of the brief: Olha Aivazovska, Coordinator of Political Programs, Chairperson of the Board of the Civil Network OPORA Co-author: Yehor Poliakov, Analyst, NGO Centre UA Peer review: Denis Kovryzhenko, Senior Advisor to IFES Document was supported by: NGO Civic Holding “Group of Influence”, Ukrainian Women’s Fund, Center for Democracy and Rule of Law

1. Reform Objectives and Major disclose any information on assets and revenues. Challenges in 2014-2018 Additionally, reports during the presidential election 2019 still contain no information on staff costs involved After 2014, Ukraine faced four major problems: a in the operation of headquarters, election commis- corruption-prone mixed electoral system in parliamen- sions, and observers among the citizens. tary elections vulnerable to procedural violations and electoral manipulation; impunity of people engaged in The number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in election violations; lack of transparency and account- Ukraine exceeds 1.3 million. IDPs living on the territory ability in funding political parties and candidates; as under the control of Ukraine cannot exercise their right well as violations of the rights of voters and internally to vote. Similar voting problems are faced by internal displaced persons. labor migrants and other categories of voters who live in Ukraine in a place other than their place of regis- In 2012, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine re-introduced tration. It is necessary to review the general concept a mixed system in parliamentary elections – a simple of voter registration (and the electoral address, i.e., majority (Majority Election System) and a proportional registered place of residence) to ensure that all voters system with closed party lists. This system destabilizes have the right to vote in all elections held on the terri- the work of the parliamentary coalition and impedes tory of their actual residence. reform, gives an unfair electoral advantage to pro-gov- ernment parties and the current President, worsens 2. Major Challenges the development of the party system and promotes corruption during elections. The biggest problem in the regulation of electoral processes is the lack of integrated approaches to At the same time, the system of punishment for legislation reform, as well as the lack of interest of violating the electoral legislation of Ukraine remains parliamentary factions in getting rid of the corrup- very weak and vulnerable. Although the electoral law tion-related effects of the electoral system. Namely, of Ukraine clearly defines what is permissible under they are: the law, and what • a proportional system with closed lists remains is not, in many cases no fines are envisaged to valuable for parties with significant voter support ensure compliance with the relevant provisions, or that are not prepared to give citizens more influ- the collection and investigation of the evidence base ence through open regional lists as well as to is impossible due to procedural restrictions for law develop internal party democratic tools; enforcement agencies. The Criminal Code of Ukraine does not ensure timely and effective investigation of • a simple majority system mainly encourages election-related crimes. candidates with significant financial resources to participate in the electoral process; In 2014-2016, parties and candidates in Ukraine still gave partial election expenditure reports and did not

Democracy and good governance 11 • a lack of transparency related to election funds for International Development (USAID), the Council and political groups predominantly suits all parlia- of Europe, the International Foundation for Election mentary players; Systems (IFES), and the governments of Canada and the United Kingdom. • non-participation of minority groups of voters and the lack of a progressive system for determining 5. The Next Steps for Reforms in the the “electoral address” without reference to the place of registration are not the priorities of MPs Electoral System since they do not consider them as voters; In November 2017, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the • a lack of an effective system of punishment for Electoral Code in the first reading (Draft Law No. 3112- electoral law violations and electoral justice 1). It provides for a regional system of open lists for ensure impunity for offenders including for both parliament and a number of local elections. The Code candidates from the ruling parties and from the was prepared for a second and final reading in January opposition. 2019. Therefore the current parliament should imme- diately decide on its merits. The Cabinet of Ministers Currently, a number of draft laws that offer solutions to supported the draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to the above problems are registered in parliament. Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Strengthening Liability for Election Legislation Violation (No. 8270) 3. Reform Understanding and that was jointly developed by the Public Network OPORA, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Expectations of the Citizens Police. The draft law has already been approved by the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministry of Justice Sociological surveys of the Ilko Kucheriv Demo- and the Central Election Commission. The draft law cratic Initiatives Foundation testify that there is public has been successfully reviewed by two parliamentary demand for electoral reform as a whole, and 42% of committees and is awaiting a plenary session. citizens support a proportional system with open lists as the most popular among others. Since 2016, political parties, civil servants and elected officials have been submitting their online asset decla- Concurrently, during the current period, citizens who rations. The National Agency on Corruption Prevention are registered as internally displaced persons are was established to ensure transparency and account- actively protecting their right to vote in public, organize ability of political finance, but by January 2019 it had advocacy campaigns, and in the near future a resolu- not made any significant progress. Good practice tion of the European Court of Human Rights is to be in controlling bodies and a high-quality system for adopted on a lawsuit against Ukraine for interfering in checking reports of election funds, political parties and the exercise of their electoral rights. electronic declarations are the key issues in this topic.

Impunity for electoral violations is discredited by law The Draft Law No. 6240 “On Amendments to Certain enforcement agencies, and at the same time during Laws of Ukraine (Regarding the Electoral Rights the 2019 presidential election, the police and the of Internally Displaced Persons and Other Citizens public for the first time advocated a developed draft Mobile within the Country)” should be considered by law on an effective system of adequate punishment for MPs before the beginning of the parliamentary elec- electoral crimes. tions in Ukraine.

Also, there has been a demand for transparency in political finance among other people for a long time.

4. Connection with International Cooperation Programs

Reform of electoral legislation and the central elec- tion administration authority within the framework of international technical assistance are supported by the European Union, the United States Agency

12 Ukraine Reforms Conference, 2019 Public administration reform

Author: Ihor Koliushko, Head of the Board of the Center of Policy and Legal Reforms, Chief Expert of the RPR Group “Public Administration” Co-author: Oleksandr Zaslavskiy, Director of the Analytical Department of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives Document was supported by: NGO “Nova kraina”, Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance, Ukrainian Women’s Fund

1. Reform Objectives and Major • Establishment of policy-making directorates in Achievements in 2014-2018 eight pilot ministries; Public administration reform is aimed at transforming • Revision and submission of a draft law on the the post-Soviet system of public administration into a administrative procedure to the Verkhovna Rada; European public administration system. Priority areas for the reform are the organization and activities of • Expanded CPAS network to 778 centers; the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine CMU and the CEB system, civil service and administrative services. • Significant progress in the introduction of elec- tronic workflow and electronic services – 121 Therefore, reform objectives are as follows: e-services have been launched and a list of open data sets has been expanded to 900. • Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Government and ministries to analyze and develop state policy, division of powers between 2. Main Problems and Obstacles That them for the purpose of developing state policy Arose In the Reform Implementation and maximum delegation of government policy implementation to relevant government agencies Measures to implement the reform were not taken in (services, agencies, inspections); full. The most difficult process is to reform the ministry offices and introduce policy analysis and strategic • Ensuring that executive bodies have qualified planning. Most of the measures in this area were imple- and honest personnel capable of performing the mented after the due date, and legislative support for functions assigned to these bodies for the devel- the reform is too weak. opment or implementation of state policy; The reasons behind this situation: • Decentralization of administrative services, devel- opment of electronic administrative services, • A lack of political leadership, a lack of under- legislative regulation of the general administrative standing and support for reform on the part of all procedure. members of the Government and a systematic vision to reform the governance system, • The reform is implemented in accordance with the Public Administration Reform Strategy approved • Weakness of the senior civil service corps and by the Cabinet of Ministers in 2016. Oleksandr lack of programs for its development, Saienko, Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers, is responsible for its implementation. • A lack of adequate skills that allow civil servants to analyze and develop government policy, a lack of Key reform achievements: digital skills,

• A new Law “On Civil Service” (effective as of 2016), • Conflicts between “old” staff and newly appointed ensuring its implementation through bylaws and reformists, open competitions for the civil servants; • Alack of internal reform communication, • Creation the position of a state secretary for the ministry and its appointment on a competitive • A tendency towards formal implementation of basis; measures

Democracy and good governance 13 3. Public Comprehension and • Activities should be based on the principles of rule Expectations of Reform of law, accountability to political bodies and trans- parency for the public, Public administration reform is paramount to effec- tively implement all reforms in Ukraine without • A preparation of decisions based on the results of exception. In turn, reform implementation has already inclusive policy analysis, strategic planning for the led to an increase in the quality of service to citizens, Government and the entire system of executive and full reform implementation should ensure a Euro- bodies, pean level of service. Moreover, public administration reform will contribute to an effective, transparent and • Delineation of political and administrative posi- predictable policy-making process that will ensure a tions and powers, high-quality representation and consideration of the interests of different groups of the population when • Political neutrality and impartiality of the civil making policy decisions. service,

• Policy compliance with the financial conditions of 4. Connection with European the state, Integration or NATO Accession • The Prime Minister or another member of the Implementation of public administration reform serves Government organizationally supports the as a precondition for both European Union and NATO management of reform and is responsible for the integration. public administration reform.

In accordance with the EU-Ukraine Association Agree- Key objectives of the public administration reform: ment, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, on the other part, the reform is • Adopt a new comprehensive Law of Ukraine “On based on the shared values of respect for democratic the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and Central principles, the rule of law, and good governance. Executive Bodies”, which implements new approaches in the organization and operation of The reform also focuses on ensuring the implemen- central executive bodies; tation of the priority tasks of Ukraine’s cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in • Complete the reform of eight pilot ministries; pursuance of the decisions adopted at the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission at the level of Heads • Prepare and create directorates in all other minis- of State and Government (July 9, 2016, ). tries and, accordingly, reform their organization;

The reform is based on the European standards of • Clearly delineate functions of ministries (state good governance outlined in the Support for Improve- policy-making), and functions of other central ment in Governance and Management (SIGMA) executive bodies (state policy implementation); Principles of Public Administration. The reform is supported by SIGMA experts and EU experts under • Adopt a new Cabinet of Ministers Rules of Proce- the EU4PAR Project (since 2018). dure which stipulates strategic planning of the Government’s activities and, accordingly, a new procedure for the development and approval of 5. Key Reform Objectives and Steps draft resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers; for 2019-2023 • Introduce amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Regarding the continuance of further reform imple- Civil Service”, which should bridge the identified mentation, it is important to adhere to the fundamental gaps in the regulation of civil service relations; principles of the organization and operation of public administration: • Further improve the competitive procedure for employment in civil service, organization and • Focus on meeting the needs of citizens and activities of the Commission on the issues of ensuring the quality and accessibility of public senior civil service, reform the system of civil services, service remuneration and training, and advanced training systems;

14 Ukraine Reforms Conference, 2019 • Further develop e-government and electronic • Adopt the Law “On Administrative Fee” which document management; regulates the procedure for charging and collecting administrative fees for the provision of administra- • Adopt the Law “On Administrative Procedure” tive services. The law should have an annex with which will regulate the procedure for the activi- a list of the most popular administrative services ties of public administration bodies to ensure fair, stating a clear amount for their provision; objective and timely consideration of administra- tive cases in order to establish and exercise the • Introduce a special program for the development rights, freedoms and legal interests of individuals of senior civil service corps. and legal entities;

Decentralization reform

Lead authors: Anatolii Tkachuk, Director for Science and Development of the Civil Society Institute Ivan Lukeria, expert of the RPR “Decentralization” group Peer-review: Agency for Legislative Initiatives The document is supported by: NGO “Territory of Success”, Ukrainian Women’s Fund

1. Reform Objectives and Major Achievements in 2014-2018 budgets (with transfers) in the consolidated budget of Ukraine amounted to 51.5%. Local budgets account According to the government-approved Concept for more than 15% of the gross domestic product of of Local Self-Government Reform, decentraliza- the state – this has put Ukraine on the list of the most tion takes place by delegating requisite powers and fiscally decentralized states of Europe. Budget decen- financial resources to capable territorial communi- tralization has turned territorial communities into the ties. The formation of capable communities is based largest public investor in the territories. on the voluntary association of communities around the centers of gravity: cities, towns, and big villages. According to surveys of sociological services, 58% of All the amalgamated territorial communities (ATCs) Ukrainians are convinced that decentralization reform become direct participants of the state budget. There- is necessary, and 80% of the population is aware of fore, they can plan their budgets regardless of the the reform.15 decisions of district and regional councils, and local state administrations. Amendments to the Budget Capable territorial communities, as well as a new state Code allowed ATCs to generate their own tax revenues regional policy, create new conditions for regional in the law, including 60% of the state tax on personal development. Ukraine has established a legal frame- income. Implementation of fiscal equalization for local work for a European regional development system, communities via income-generated incentives for the which was developed based on the best European development of local economies in the communities. standards. The hierarchy of strategic planning docu- Also, the state provided financial support to the ATCs ments has been introduced and the procedure for for infrastructural development. the impartial projected and transparent financing of regional development projects on the basis of their State incentives and organizational support for ATCs competitive selection has been determined. The State have yielded excellent results: in 2015-2018, 888 Fund for Regional Development (SFRD), which must ATCs were established in Ukraine. Almost 70% of the be at least 1% of the projected volume of revenues of population lives in decentralized Ukraine (the cities the general fund of the state budget, is the main finan- of regional significance and ATCs), whose territory cial instrument of regional policy in Ukraine. covers 38.7% of Ukraine’s area.

Self-generated local budget revenues have increased 15. Studies of the Council of Europe in Ukraine: almost four-fold. By the end of 2018, the share of local

Democracy and good governance 15 2. Key Challenges That Arose During Redistribution of significant resources to the local level Reform Implementation has reduced corruption.

As of February 2014, Ukraine faces unprece- A new Ukraine is being formed: the environment of dented challenges: collapse of the budget sphere, communities changes, which becomes comfortable the Russian Federation seized the Ukrainian terri- and safe for people; infrastructure is being substan- tory of Crimea, seizure of the cities of Donetsk and tially restored – roads, new educational institutions, Luhansk regions by Russian troops and local sepa- and healthcare infrastructure facilities. In 2015-2018, ratists. Russia demanded federalization from Ukraine the SFRD and other sources funded thousands of against the backdrop of separatist protests in Odesa, projects in the regions – this is a showpiece of decen- Kharkiv, and Zaporizhzhia. The 2014 events showed tralized Ukraine. that formally, a unitary Ukraine with a rigid executive branch and poor local self-government turned out to Another reform indicator is an increase in the level of be deeply regionalized. The authorities in the eastern trust in local self-government in Ukraine. regions failed to resist the total Russian informational war against Ukraine, which was based on contradic- A metric of decentralization achievement is that a layer tions between regions or groups of the population. of new leaders and local politicians is emerging on the local level, which in a few years will also reach the Under these circumstances, the Government of national level. Ukraine adopted a non-standard, asymmetric decision: implement accelerated decentralization, strengthen 4. Connection with International the capacity of the basic rather than regional level and establish a new regional policy whose key goal Cooperation Programs is to form a united Ukrainian space throughout the entire territory of the state through by integrating the Ukraine’s commitments within international programs economic, educational, informational, and cultural are not sufficiently specified. Under the present areas. circumstances, it is necessary to enshrine the most concrete, measurable steps regarding the continua- Parliament’s poor performance remains the main chal- tion of decentralization reform in international treaties. lenge for reform today. Particularly, its failure to adopt key draft laws that are necessary for the completion of 5. Key Reform Objectives for 2019– successful decentralization. 2023 If the reform is not implemented by 2020, there is a risk that the current simultaneous existence of a decentral- Today, Ukraine faces an extremely important task to ized and archaic Ukraine will exist for a –decade – until be fulfilled before the next local elections in 2020: to the next window of opportunity opens. If the situation create a new territorial framework for the establish- remains static, it will lead to the rollback to manual ment of local self-government bodies at the basic and management of communities and regions. sub-regional levels.

.Failure to implement systemic changes to legislation in A modern “decentralized” and old archaic Ukraine regional development and its financing (especially the cannot co-exist. All of Ukraine should be the territory problem areas that arose in connection with Russian of capable territorial communities with unified powers, aggression), threatens the unity of the Ukrainian state, sufficient resources and responsibility before the promotes asymmetry of regional development and community and the state. interregional tension. Priority tasks for continuing the reform. 3. Illustration of Reform 1) Establish administrative and territorial structure Understanding and Expectations of optimal for Ukraine. the Citizens 2) It is necessary to ensure that, after the reform Decentralization directly affects the quality of life and is completed, 100% of the population of the the possibilities for self-fulfillment of Ukrainian citizens country will live in capable territorial communi- throughout Ukraine. ties. Accordingly, administrative and territorial units (communities and districts) in each region

16 Ukraine Reforms Conference, 2019 should be approved by early 2020 at the latest. 6) It is necessary to increase the State Fund for It is projected that in Ukraine there should be no Regional Development (SFRD) to 1.5% of the more than 1,400 territorial communities and 100 volume of the State Budget of Ukraine, with districts. one-third of the funds spent on the implementation of national priorities in the regions and support for 3) Introduce general supervision over the lawfulness the development of problematic areas. of the activities of local self-government bodies. 7) Amend the Constitution of Ukraine related to local 4) It is necessary to streamline the system of state self-government. supervision and control over the activities of local self-government bodies in accordance with the Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine will ensure European Charter of Local Self-Government and the irreversibility of the reform in the future. The the Constitution of Ukraine. changes will ensure clarity and systemic regulation in local self-government, promote the adoption of the 5) Improve financing of regional policy, whose principles of local self-government based on subsidi- implementation will ensure the development arity, and universality and financial self-sufficiency. of communities and regions and increase their competitiveness.

Development and protection of civil society

Lead authors: Mariya Heletiy, Ukrainian Independent Center for Political Research Tetiana Pechonchyk, ZMINA Human Rights Center Peer review: Freedom House in Ukraine Document was supported by: Expert Center on Human Rights; Association of Ukrainian Human Rights Monitors on Law Enforcement; Open Dialogue Foundation, Ukrainian Women’s Found, NGO “Territory of Success”

1. Reform objectives and key tial to influence state policymaking. Over the past achievements for 2014-2018 five years, conditions for the creation and opera- tion of public associations were simplified through The objectives of the reform are to establish an amendments to the Laws “On Public Associations” enabling environment for the development of civil and “On the State Registration of Legal Entities, Indi- society in Ukraine and the activities of civil society vidual Entrepreneurs and Public Associations”. In organizations and activists. particular, non-profit CSOs were permitted to carry out income-generating activities and the cost of changing Before 2014, civil society in Ukraine evolved amid registration information in the Uniform State Register a number of challenges, among them the restriction was reduced. Additional enabling reforms include the of civil liberties, difficulties in registering civil society simplification of reporting forms for non-profit organ- organizations (CSOs), assaults on civic activists, pres- izations and the procedure for receiving funds from sure by law enforcement agencies and the Security Service of Ukraine, the fabrication of criminal cases, and the use of punitive psychiatry detention against activists.16 The situation deteriorated significantly 16. Persecution of civil society in Ukraine in 2011 / during the Revolution, when the author- Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union: ities adopted “dictatorship laws” on January 16, 2014, which broadly criminalized civic activity. hromadyanskoho-suspilstva-v-ukrajini-v-2011-rotsi/ (in Ukrainian); Punitive psychiatry in Ukraine? Case of Raisa Radchenko / Kharkiv Human Rights Group, Since the Revolution of Dignity, Ukrainian civil society 16.07.2013: has actively developed, and demonstrated its poten- (in Ukrainian)

Democracy and good governance 17 the state and local budgets (Cabinet of Ministers of 4. Connection with international Ukraine Decree 1049), and the introduction of a cooperation programs and links to competitive process to support CSOs of veterans and documents persons with disabilities. In 2016, Ukraine adopted the National Strategy for Promoting Civil Society Develop- The protection of civil society, the freedom of associ- ment in Ukraine, in effect through 2020. ation, and the right to participate in state affairs are the state’s obligations according to the Constitution, and the international obligations of Ukraine under the 2. Key challenges to the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and implementation of reform Fundamental Freedoms and the International Cove- nant on Civil and Political Rights. These principles At the same time, the authorities began instituting are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human restrictions on the freedom of association in 2017. Rights, the Declaration on the Right and Responsi- In particular, public activists involved in combating bility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to corruption were required to declare their assets. Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Failure to comply with this requirement could result in Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as well as the administrative and criminal liability. OSCE Guidelines on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders. After the EuroMaidan Revolution, human rights activ- ists began documenting over 100 attacks on civic 5. Key reform tasks for 2019- activists (including killings, beatings and the destruc- tion of property), the fabrication of criminal cases, and 2023 and expected results of their threats and smear campaigns.17 The varying types of implementation harassment disproportionately affected activists who combat corruption and organized crime; activists To improve the respect for the freedom of association who advocate for environmental and land rights; and and the civil society environment, the authorities of human rights defenders who advocate for the rights of Ukraine must: women and the LGBT community. Most of the attacks on civic activists were not properly investigated. • Amend the Law of Ukraine “On Combating Corrup- tion” and exclude representatives of CSOs and Another challenge is the high number of internally experts from the list of persons who should file displaced persons (IDPs) and conflict-affected popu- public electronic declarations of their assets and lation who require humanitarian assistance due to the income (e-declarations). military conflict in the east of Ukraine and occupation of Crimea. Therefore, it is important to create a favorable • Effectively investigate all cases of attacks on environment for the operation of the non-governmental human rights defenders and civic activists. organizations that provide necessary assistance to the conflict-affected population. It is also important to continue reform of the legal framework for civil society and charitable organiza- 3. Public Comprehension and tions, as well as implementation of current law in this area. In particular, it is necessary to: Expectations of Reform • Introduce on-line registration of CSOs by adopting A strong civil society is able to defend human rights, draft law No. 7372; provide a wide range of services, and serve as a check on power. However, without improvements to the legal framework for CSOs and the effective investigation of attacks on activists, civil society in Ukraine will 17. Situation of human rights defenders in the government-controlled territories of Ukraine: three continue to be in a vulnerable position, and the author- years after Euromaidan / T. Pechonchyk, L. Yankina ities will be unable to continue relying on civil society / Human Rights Information Center. – Kyiv, 2017. as a partner in implementing effective and meaningful stanovishhe_pravozahisnikiv_na_pidkontrolnih_ reforms, to overcome consequences of the military urjiadu_teritorijiah_ukrajini_tri_roki_pisljia_ conflict and to provide support to the conflict-affected jevromajdanu population.

18 Ukraine Reforms Conference, 2019 • End the practice of refusing to grant non-profit assistance from VAT and military tax, exempting status to organizations that are planning to engage beneficiaries of national and local CSOs that in income-generating activity; provide non-targeted charitable assistance to the conflict-affected population in the east of Ukraine • Eliminate restrictions on Ukrainian non-govern- from income tax regardless of the amount; mental organizations which prohibit them from carrying out financial transactions abroad and pay • Simplify the procedure for importing humanitarian foreign counterparties; assistance to Ukraine through the adoption of the Law on Humanitarian Assistance in crisis condi- • Introduce a competitive process for the provi- tions (Draft Law No. 4360). sion of all funds allocated to public and charitable organizations from the state and local budgets; And finally, to ensure the free and unimpeded activity of civic activists, it is necessary to eliminate systemic • Improve the legal framework for the providers and barriers to their work by implementing effective law-en- recipients of charitable assistance (draft law No. forcement and judicial reform, as well as meaningful 8237) and introduce tax incentives for charity activ- measures against corruption. ities, including improving taxation of international humanitarian assistance and exempting such


Economic development

Lead author of the brief: Hlib Vyshlinskyi, Executive Director of the Center for Economic Strategy, member of the Board of the Reanimation Package of Reforms Coalition Co-author: Dmytro Lyvch, Head of Analytical Department, Project Manager at EasyBusiness

1. Reform Objectives and Major were insolvent or critically undercapitalized and over- Achievements in 2014-2018 burdened by related-party lending. State-owned enterprises were directly run by the ministries and In 2014, Ukraine was on the verge of an economic “milked” by politicians. Outdated regulation exerted catastrophe. During the four years of Ex-President excessive pressure on private companies and made Viktor Yanukovych’s presidency, the competitive- them vulnerable to corruption and racketeering on the ness of the country has dropped so much that gross part of officials. domestic product (GDP) stopped growing and export stagnated. The balance of payments deficit increased, Urgent macroeconomic measures in 2014-2015, yet the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) supported a which were painful in the short term, allowed for a fixed exchange rate having lost half its foreign currency quick resumption of financial stability. They included reserves in four years. The budget deficit and losses a flexible exchange rate, a primary budget surplus of the state-owned oil and gas conglomerate Naftogaz after years of high deficits and an inflation targeting increased to a record of 10% GDP in 2014. policy, and secured the independence of the central bank (NBU). These measures ensured the restoration After many years of inefficient governance, the of macroeconomic stability as early as in late 2015. economy was in dire need of structural reforms. Banking supervision was so poor that half the banks Adjustment of household gas tariffs was a key reform

Prosperity and human capital development 19 that made it possible to balance the budget. Intro- By contrast, according to another survey conducted in duction of a uniform gas price for households and the autumn of 2017, land reform was supported by a enterprises based on import parity not only allowed mere Naftogaz to become profitable, but also blocked access to the main source of political corruption. This 32% of citizens, and privatization - by 30%, while the also made Ukraine less dependent on Russian gas. share of opponents of these reforms was twice as high.

Cleaning up the banking system was painful. More At the same time, a more detailed analysis of these than 80 banks were withdrawn from the market, and surveys gives more grounds for optimism. Argu- the largest bank – ments against populist moves reduce their support by respondents. Instead, the specific components of PrivatBank – was nationalized and capitalized with “unpopular” reforms are supported by the majority of more than UAH 150 billion. The liability of bank owners respondents, including those who do not support the and managers increased significantly, and banking reform as a whole. oversight was enhanced and became more resistant to corruption. This suggests the potential for economic reforms support if they are implemented by the government 2. Key Challenges that Arose during that will be trusted by citizens. Reform Implementation 4. Connection with International Other structural reforms were less successful. Cooperation Programs

In 2017, the government classified all state-owned Economic reforms are one of the priorities of the inter- enterprises into the following groups: those that are national partners of Ukraine. They are both conditions subject to privatization and those that remain state- for official government financial support and akey owned. In 2018, a new privatization law was adopted. focus of international technical assistance. State-owned enterprises were divided into large and small ones. Large state-owned enterprises were At the same time, the above survey data demonstrate supposed to be sold with the assistance of invest- the need to focus international assistance to Ukraine ment advisers, and small ones were supposed to be on explaining the benefits of reforms to the citizens sold through the electronic ProZorro.Sale system. and the fight against established myths. In August 2018, small privatization was successfully launched. However, since 2014, no major entity has 5. Key Reform Objectives for 2019– been sold. 2023 and Expected Results Land reform has stalled. The moratorium on the sale and purchase of agricultural land, established in 2001, The growth of investments is a key task and a mecha- has not been lifted, and a necessary legal framework nism for promoting Ukraine’s economic development. for the creation of a market is absent. An important prerequisite here is to preserve macro- economic stability, which is impossible without a 3. Reform Understanding and responsible fiscal and politically independent mone- tary policy. Expectations of the Citizens 1) The following reforms, in our opinion, can give a Due to intimidation by reform opponents as well as the nudge to investment-based economic growth. overall lack of confidence in Government, economic reforms have weak public support. Instead, populist 2) Open agricultural land market - the adoption of ideas appeal to Ukrainians. a law regulating the sale of agricultural land and thus lifting the moratorium. For example, according to a survey conducted by Kantar TNS for the Center for Economic Strategy, 90% 3) Privatization of all large state-owned enterprises of respondents believe that state regulation of food and which are allowed to be sold and a significant drug prices will improve their welfare, and 74% have reduction of the list of state-owned enterprises the same opinion about retirement age decrease. which are prohibited for privatization. Independent supervisory boards should be established at

20 Ukraine Reforms Conference, 2019 all large state-owned enterprises, as well as at these new services need to be employed after a Oshchadbank and Ukreximbank. Parliament complete integrity check. should adopt a new law on empowerment and increase the political independence of supervisory 6) Liberalization of capital movement and regula- boards. tion of foreign exchange transactions. New law on currency transactions was adopted in 2018, it 4) Simplification and optimization of customs gave the National Bank the freedom to regulate procedures, establishment of the institute of the them by its decisions. This freedom should be authorized economic operator. This will make used to make Ukraine more open to capital move- Ukrainian companies more competitive in global ments and trade in line with EU practice. value chains. Implementation of these reforms will make Ukraine 5) Reboot of the fiscal service and establishment of more attractive both for foreign and for domestic financial intelligence service which will replace the investments, and will also contribute to the growth of tax police and numerous crime fighting units in the economy by 5-7% annually over a long period of law enforcement agencies. The goal is to create a time. In addition, it will make the Ukrainian economy tax and customs service that is friendly and trans- more resistant to crises. Together, these steps will help parent, as well as financial intelligence service that bring Ukraine’s welfare closer to the level of the new will apply analysis rather than force. Employees of EU member states.

Energy reform

Lead authors: Anna Ackermann, Member of the Board of Center for Environmental Initiatives Ecoaction, Expert of the RPR Team “Energy Sector Reform”; Anton Antonenko, Vice President, Energy Policy Expert at Dixi Group Peer review: Svyatoslav Pavlyuk, Association “Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine” Document was supported by: Ukrainian Climate Network

1. Reform Objectives and Major alternative fuels by providing “warm loans” and setting tariffs for heat from alternative sources at 90% of the Achievements in 2014-2018 cost of such heat on gas. Ukraine’s challenges in the energy sector were stra- tegic and multilayered: transparency, accountability, Formation of Energy Markets competition, security, etc. One of the key achieve- ments of this time was the adoption of a whole set of The Law on the Natural Gas Market was adopted in legislation and by-laws in accordance with the Euro- 2015. As of April 1, 2015, all energy prices for house- pean commitments of Ukraine. At the same time, the hold consumers have increased exponentially that country has approached the necessity of implementing approach the market level. This increased the burden changes in practice, which will become a test both for on consumers, but allowed for changing approaches new legislative conditions and for the energy sector in to subsidies in the sector, in particular, abandoning its current state. cross-subsidization in favor of targeted support. At the same time, the introduction of a formula-based Energy independence from Russia approach to the calculation of prices for household consumers requires more independence and consist- Ukraine has completely changed its approach to gas ency. imports. First, the country reduced, and since 201618 it has completely abandoned supplies from Russia. In 2018, Ukraine bought gas from 18 European suppliers 18. NaturalGasSuppliestoUkraine none of which accounted for more than 30% of the supply19. Ukraine has also reduced consumption and 19. nakweb.nsf/0/2AFFDE2203E7BBA3C- is seeking to increase its own gas production. In addi- 22583900050CD59?OpenDocument&- tion, the state began to encourage the transition to year=2019&month=01&nt=Новини&

Prosperity and human capital development 21 The Law on the Electricity Market was adopted in Ukrainians indicate that they are fully informed about 2017. Since then, a number of by-laws have been energy, 50% of them are aware of the general level, adopted and some of them are still being prepared. An and 30% of them are insufficiently informed. agreement on accession to the ENTSO-E was signed in 2017. Respondents who are interested in energy supply do this first and foremost to understand how tariffs are Independent Energy Regulator formed, or to learn how to save on their bills. However, most people associate high tariffs with corruption in the The Law of Ukraine “On the National Commission for energy sector. Thus, the main expectations of Ukrain- State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities” was ians include savings on their household budgets (in adopted in 2016. The law reinforced the Commission’s particular, due to energy-resource savings) and eradi- ability and created a path for independence. During the cating corruption in the industry. first competitive recruitment of the requisite regulator’s members in 2018, five out of seven members were 4.Connection with International selected. The competition for the other two vacancies is currently blocked. Cooperation Programs with References to Documents Energy Efficiency of Buildings The two main international instruments for advancing Key legislation has been adopted: the Law of Ukraine reform are the Protocol Concerning the Accession of “On the Energy Efficiency of Buildings”, the Law of Ukraine to the Treaty Establishing the Energy Commu- Ukraine “On the Energy Efficiency Fund”, the Law nity, as well as the Association Agreement between of Ukraine “On Commercial Accounting for Thermal Ukraine and the European Union (EU), the European Energy and Water Supply”, and the Law on Energy Atomic Energy Community and their member states Service Companies. Since 2015, housing cooperatives and individuals have been able to receive government In addition to industry areas, these documents focus on assistance by obtaining a loan for the introduction of transparency, competition, efficiency, etc. The Associ- energy-efficient measures (the “warm loans” program). ation Agreement lists the directives and regulations, in particular, in the gas, electricity, oil, energy efficiency, 2. Key Challenges that Arose during and environmental sectors, which Ukraine must imple- ment and incorporate into its own legislation. Reform Implementation There are also a number of sectoral agreements, for The challenges facing Ukraine during the reform example. Ukrainian state-owned company Ukrenergo process are of a both an infrastructural and a concep- signed “Agreement on the conditions for the future tual nature. The outdated infrastructural challenges integration of power systems of Ukraine and were supplemented by resource access issues. with the continental Europe grid” in 2017. This should Dependence on Russia20 for energy supply was weap- mark the beginning of integration of Ukraine’s united onized by the neighboring country. In 2014, Ukraine power system into that of continental Europe. was cut off from its largest coal reserves remaining on the occupied territories of Donbas.

Prolonged artificial maintenance of low energy prices for decades has led to excessive energy consumption and has secured a place for Ukraine among the most energy intensive economies in the world. Corruption, 18. a lack of transparency and secrecy, inherent in the SuppliestoUkraine sector, provided many opportunities for shadow reve- 19. nues and schemes. nakweb.nsf/0/2AFFDE2203E7BBA3C- 22583900050CD59?OpenDocument&- year=2019&month=01&nt=Новини&

3. Public Comprehension and 20. Expectations energy_ukr.pdf 21. tachaie-znan-pro-enerhetyku-opytuvannia A GFK survey, as part of the USAID Transparent Energy Project (2018)21, found that a mere 12% of

22 Ukraine Reforms Conference, 2019 5. Key Reform Objectives for 2019– 4. Transparency and openness. Ensure the sector 2023 and Expected Results functions transparently, including proper natural resource management, as well as proper and Further implementation of energy reforms should comprehensive data disclosure. focus on the following six principles: 5. Improve policy coordination. Ensuring coherence 1. Availability and energy efficiency. Provide between strategic documents and key industry consumers with energy resources at affordable institutions. Establish effective interaction and prices, following the principles of vulnerable promote good governance among all state insti- consumer protection, energy efficiency and miti- tutions responsible for the development and gating the negative impact on the environment. implementation of state policy in the sector. Promote full and proper energy accounting. Develop energy management and monitoring 6. Integration of energy and environmental strate- systems at the municipal level. Ensure proper gies, encourage emission reductions by energy state support for energy efficiency measures for producers. Availability and sustainable imple- the population. mentation of state policies. Ensuring the proper implementation of European legislation in all 2. Energy markets competitiveness. Establish energy sectors. competitive energy markets with open access for new players and integration with pan-European 7. Energy independence. Increase domestic energy markets. For natural monopolies, it is necessary to production. Develop an appropriate dialogue with ensure effective independent regulation. Control the communities from mining regions and promote over the quality of energy resources and services. social development. Develop renewable energy sources as a generation priority. Ensure sustain- 3. Cancellation of state grants and subsidies. Price able and efficient use of energy infrastructure, in setting in energy markets on the basis of supply and particular the gas transmission system. demand balance, while rejecting state subsidies in the sector. Introduction of proper monetization of subsidies for the population.

Environmental control reform

Lead author: Nataliia Kuts, Legal Counsel, Environment-People-Law Peer review: Olga Shumilo-Tapiola, expert, Carnegie Europe Center , Alexei Shumylo, Eco-law-Kharkiv Document was supported by: Ukrainian Climate Network, NGO Ecoclub, WWF Ukraine

1.Reform Objectives and Major It affects the lives, health of people and the economy Achievements in 2014-2018 (Fig.1), as well as the business climate of the country. According to the World Health Organization, in 2016, Environmental control is an instrument to protect the Ukraine ranked 4th in Europe by the number of deaths environment and prevent negative pollution conse- per 100,000 people as a result of air pollution.22 quences. The task of eco-control reform was to eliminate the disadvantages through which this tool In 2014-2018, authorities made a number of decisions, practically does not work. The purpose of environ- which, however, did not eliminate control deficiencies. mental control is to monitor business activity rather The actions of state authorities seem inconsistent. than protect the environment.

The State Ecological Inspection of Ukraine (SEI) acts as a fiscal authority. Eco-control is used to exert pres- sure on businesses and as an instrument of corruption. 22. Due to shortcomings in the control procedure, it is inop- sep/27/more-than-million-died-due-air-pollution-china- erative and does not ensure environmental protection. one-year

Prosperity and human capital development 23 In 2016-2017, the Government developed and Environmental protection is a priority reform in the adopted the Concept of the Eco-Control Reform, opinion of 42%26 of citizens. However, the population’s which envisages liquidating the SEI in 2017. In 2017- attention to the reform is low. Mostly it is the expert 2018, instead of liquidating the SEI, the Government community that is interested in the reform. Moreover, adopted a new Regulation on SEI and reorganized its a mere 5% of respondents trust central authorities in bodies from regional to district ones. Such reorganiza- solving environmental issues,27 and 66% believe that tion can negatively affect the efficiency of control. the Government does not do enough to protect the environment.28 In 2018, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources developed a draft law that establishes the State Envi- 4.Connection with International ronmental Protection Service (SEPS) instead of the SEI. That is, a body whose main goal is to provide Cooperation Programs administrative services will be created to replace the control body.23 The draft law assigns certain control Control of environmental reform began when the powers to local self-government bodies. This creates EU Association Agreement entered force. It sets additional corruption risks: the body that manages the priority of preventing environmental damage. natural resources will control these activities. Solutions Concerning European integration, it is necessary to that eliminate deficiencies in the control procedure and implement the Directives on control in the field of air corruption risks were not adopted. The draft law does protection, industrial pollution, waste management, not take into account Constitutional provisions and is the use of GMOs, ozone-depleting substances, etc. not in line with other legislative acts.24 The EU provides financial support for the Agreement’s implementation. To implement the control reform, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources has a 2. Key Challenges That Arose during Reform Support Team (RST), which drafted a law on Reform Implementation (internal State Environmental Protection. The RST is funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Develop- environment) ment.

Reform implementation is affected by a financing gap 5.Key Reform Objectives for 2019– and the impact of the interests of stakeholders, in particular: 2023 and Expected Results

• The reform envisages concentration of eco-con- The reform should be based on the principle of trol functions in one body. The authorities that will preventing damage to the environment. To this end, be deprived of these functions are opposed to this, the reform should include: impeding the elimination of duplication of powers • A transition from environmental control to environ- • Providing the new body with the necessary mental protection and damage prevention; resources (office equipment, transport, laboratory equipment, salary increases, etc.) requires signif- icant funding;

• SEI elimination involves the dismissal of 23. If most of the functions of the central executive employees. The new body is not planning to hire body are functions of providing administrative services old employees, which, on the one hand, causes to individuals and legal entities, the central executive body is formed as a service, par. 2 of Part 2 of Art. 17 dissatisfaction among eco-inspectors, and on the Law of Ukraine on Central Executive Bodies, https:// other hand creates a problem in finding a new professional staff; 24. Opinion of the Main Scientific and Expert Direc- torate March 6, 2019, zweb2/webproc4_1?pf3511=65005 3. Public Expectations and 25. chy-vplyvaye-stan-dovkillya-na-zhyttya-i-zdorov-ya-lyu- Comprehension of Reform dyny-dumka-ukrayintsiv/ 26., P. 37 The majority of the population believes that the 27., P. 26 environment directly affects life and health25, and is 28., P. 20 therefore interested in the quality of the environment.

24 Ukraine Reforms Conference, 2019 • Elimination of deficiencies in the control procedure • Establish of a general supervisory body (check the that make it inefficient and inoperative (the need quality and legality of the control body’s activities); to inform the subject of the date and time of an inspection, the need to receive applications for • Liability reform (ensure of administrative liability, control measures, obtain consent for inspection measures of a criminal and legal nature for legal from a higher government body, etc.); entities, and increase the degree of responsibility);

• Elimination of corruption risks (reduce control and • Raise public environmental awareness, including supervision functions, eliminate duplicated and representatives of the authorities; discretionary powers, etc.); • Reform the use of how environmental funds get • Ensuring the body’s independence from the used (fines, compensation for environmental Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, and damage, etc. should be spent on environmental establishment of an extensive network of its terri- protection only). torial bodies; Implementation of these tasks will have an impact on • Providing the body with the necessary resources, the bodies that control the environment, as well as in particular those used to carry out laboratory change the environment for both sound businesses tests. and those polluting the environment. The reform will have an impact on the population affected by pollution • Also, to ensure high-quality control system, the and on citizens who illegally exploit natural resources. following changes should be implemented: The reform should have a positive impact on the state’s sustainable development and on damage prevention • Reform environmental monitoring (increase the to the environment, as well as reduce budget expendi- number of monitoring indicators, create an open tures to eliminate the consequences of pollution. online database with monitoring indicators, etc.);

Healthcare Reform

Lead author: Tetiana Yurochko, Head of the Department of the NaUKMA Healthcare School, Expert of the RPR Team “Healthcare Reform” Co-author: Svitlana Bubenchykova, Manager of the RPR Team “Healthcare Reform” Peer-review: experts of the RPR “Health Care Reform” group

1. Reform Objectives and Major care facilities with autonomy has been initiated and established. Both ordinary Ukrainians who can freely Achievements in 2014-2018 choose a physician at healthcare facilities of all forms The state has set an ambitious goal – a fundamental of ownership and primary care doctors whose salaries healthcare reform aimed at creating a patient-centric have grown almost 4-fold have benefited. system that is capable of ensuring healthcare for all Ukrainian citizens on par with developed European The principles of purchasing medicines have changed: states. since 2015, public procurement has been carried out with the assistance of specialized international organi- In accordance with the implementation of the National zations. This saved almost 39% of the allocated funds. Strategy for Healthcare System Reform in Ukraine for 2014-2018: the mechanisms for financing healthcare Today, Ukraine is fully supplied with vaccines that are facilities that provide primary care according to the needed in accordance with the vaccination schedule. principle of “money following the patient” have been changed and the National Health Service of Ukraine – An “Affordable Medications” program has been imple- the only national customer of medical services – has mented: over 6.6 million Ukrainians have received been established; the process of providing health- medications with more than 28 million prescriptions

Prosperity and human capital development 25 worth 1.3 billion UAH. 4. Connection with International The process of developing a public healthcare system Cooperation Programs with has begun laying the foundations for switching health- References to Documents care from a treatment policy to one that strengthens and preserves human health. (specification of the internal environment) A pilot project for emergency medical care develop- ment has been launched in six regions of Ukraine, with Healthcare reform is implemented in accordance with an additional UAH 1 billion allocated. Ukraine’s international commitments and with the support of reputable international organizations (the 2. Key Challenges that Arose during World Bank, UNICEF, USAID, etc.). For example, strengthening Ukraine’s healthcare system and its Reform Implementation (specification potential, in particular through the implementation of the internal environment) of reforms, is part of the commitments under the Ukraine-European Union Association Agreement and Since the launch of healthcare reform, some political membership in the European Atomic Energy Commu- forces have repeatedly tried to discredit the reform nity. Also, since 2015, the Ministry of Health has begun program and block a number of fundamental innova- purchasing medical products and medical supplies tions. Due to their pressure, the Ministry of Health’s through international organizations, the work was blocked for some time, which threatened Development Program, the UNICEF Children’s Fund the whole healthcare transformation and the qualita- and Crown Agents, the latter of which is a U.K.-based tive changes that have already taken place. Repeated international development company. This avoided critical statements of certain reputable representatives corruption and provided Ukrainians with high-quality of the medical sector and political forces have contrib- and vital medicines. uted to the mistrust in and rejection of the reform by the public and the medical community, which seriously 5. Key Reform Objectives for 2019– threatens the reform implementation. 2023 and Expected Results Major threats to reform implementation include a change in the political vector of state development; Reform of the domestic healthcare system is a funda- incomplete industry restructuring; and lack of proper mental change in the organizational and economic financing of reform programs in the state and local principles of management in accordance with market budgets. conditions and European standards. The current stage is transitional. Although many steps have already taken 3. Public Comprehension and place, the “point of no return” has not been achieved yet. Therefore, the next steps of the reform that must Expectations of Reform be undertaken to ensure its continuation and irrevers- ibility are as follows: Sociological studies of households in recent years have shown that prolonged depression in the medical 1) Complete the introduction of new financial mech- sector has formed a persistent stereotype of a lack anisms based on the principle of “money following of confidence in reforming the healthcare system in the patient” at the primary medical care level and Ukraine. However, it should be noted that the number implement them at the level of specialized and of those who do not believe in the success of reforms highly specialized medical care (both outpatient at all has significantly decreased in comparison with and inpatient). past years. The most perceptible understanding of the reform both by the population and by healthcare 2) Institutionalize “patient routing”: appointments with professionals is observed in those areas where the specialist doctors and other services are provided reform programs are confirmed by practical implemen- free of charge only after a referral by a family tation. This foremost pertains to primary healthcare. doctor.

26 Ukraine Reforms Conference, 2019 3) Approve a guaranteed package of medical creation of an effective doctor incentive system, services that will replace pseudo-free medical tele-medicine introduction, etc. care in polyclinics and hospitals. 10) Ensure the institutional implementation of the 4) Ensure a full electronic workflow in the healthcare emergency medical care reform and adopt the system. Good Samaritan law.

5) Complete the medications and medical supplies 11) Reform the patent system and provide conditions procurement reform, introduce a unified inventory for free-market competition for pharmaceuticals system to track purchased drugs. and medical devices.

6) Complete the development of a public healthcare 12) Reform the system of pre- and post-graduate system, a clear division of functions and powers medical education on the basis of the achievements between the CMU, the Ministry of Health and other of modern medical science and evidence-based public authorities in the public healthcare system. medicine.

7) Ensure conditions for the implementation of 13) Ensure the development of medical self-govern- the State Policy Strategy for Healthy and Active ment as an institution that regulates the quality of Longevity of the Population until 2022. medical services and protects the rights of health- care professionals. 8) Introduce EU approaches to epidemiological surveillance, which will cover both infectious and 14) The main expected result of healthcare reform is non-infectious diseases. equal access to high-quality care and financial protection in case of illness. 9) Ensure the implementation of the rural medi- cine development program: additional financing,

Prosperity and human capital development 27 This publication is prepared within the framework of the core support programme to Centre for democracy and rule of law, enabled by the financial support from Sweden.

Views, conclusions or recommendations belong to the authors and compilers of this publication and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Government of Sweden. The respon- sibility over the content lies solely with authors and compilers of this publication.

July 2-4, 2019 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada
