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2-9-1913 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-09-1913 Journal Publishing Company

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THIRTY-FIFT- H YEAR, VOL CXXXVII, No. 40. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1913, 17 Mail. AO tVnU Month) NnU Onplc 1 tVwM Ur rrlor, to VnM ft Moniik

iCELLS IN POLICE CLARK GIVES HOME AC COIM I STATION BARBAROUS UHIVEHSITT FACTOR DESPERATE SORTIE INSTIGATION OF WEBB UOR BILL HI I TO WORKING GIRLS ll " coll Chicago, Feb. Police station 1.1. Angel. 1 '. b. 1 Fully loony- - MPDSS BLE OF In dose libcel tutliiy' l IN 10 TURKS FAILS; GRAFT CHARGE . . this city were M lied I'lll lllx I Ill lllll, to llicl PASSES HOUSE Mimic : Judge Hurry I". lolnn us l int. .1 Males Sell It a William A. In uny civ being thy most horrible e'l.,1 k w as ii Pie I ' i I la lilt, I . tin mfielc country. The charges were d. ill. aln, II of he M.,l A i,,li i w s c 'I n I. nssoeln-tiun- . PASSAGE IS In a speech ! n lawyers' AFFAIRS SLAUGHTER IS DRASTIC ,,o W tin ll lie 1,11, It ll i e f it wui king h( DECISIVE Judge I demanded it night vols Ml I of lllll'. I lie Bf court for the Immediate lisnmitlon of bolll, e t a ppi o una I. U at inn! and , m . Kus-sl.i,- ft thp riim-n- "I have never been In " is int. i. led I" , l,... i yonni! w nun 1 he mi ill, "but am confident thai x In. w 'Ik tot' wagis laumltc l.iini 1 BELIEVED n existing In TERRIBLE w, , tli.' horrors we read of George Haivcy Speaks on District Attorney (V Lues 11- 1- la tie) per k. II,, aid mill lo.irii IJI BIT prison there me not surpassed ly III the home will a , i ,i. It a w , Doing i .111,1 the condition here. What Institutions, Are cell's Story Will ic Co III ad. In ion to ha ;v k indiv ;li., are brought Into court tool I lie Will ll.i e lie 'Prisoners for Count, y and How Nation mated by Wit esses Whose tills In Democrats and Republicans in lit- inornliiK. covereil with vermin Attempted Offensive Move at of 111 s. w inn in lite I the mill dirt so they hiirilly ran he recog- is Depending Upon Them, Names Ate No Dist losed, hint ill tinier tin ll of f, la Measuie be AppioveJ Msiny cells are In basements w ll n h s n, iioi , 'I ii k in Men. Unite with Progressives in nised. Tchatalja Lines is Repulsed by Can- An open newer In Imik of Home of lull 'II t, tile V'Olllg s t'ldls Senate liitoxie.ii'its wo-iim- n AHot Bloody-Battle- A- -- it Denouncing Bill it delicately brought li by Bulgaiians turn loll, l he llill"! In' Ter-iito- Introduced them. If flr Morning Jtinmul Siwclul I nefl Wlrrl Hv Morning J.tMrnst ie?r1nt I rntl M r J not lie Shipped Into Diy iy X ill.l-tl- o self ,IM V Committee, were put In such n place t'V any Washington. I'd, h President Tall AelV V.tlli. Fell. III. llio-- l lllll by Finance eh. nice. It might tie enough to Kill said farewell to Washington, C. cob invest malum of police thill f,ii Sale, her, 1 chilli ilenutnil a change from lege men tonight at the annual dinner has In .11 attempted s:m e polar IBR SLIT AGMNSj the present conilitioim.' at the I'niversity club, of whic h he Is I Lil'lltell.lllt I'll,-- I'll' Pee ki t S lllliil SUBSTITUTE LIKELY TO a member. In recognition of his ser- ! ADRIANOPLE OFFERING gunmen lnil Hitman al to govt i;nuk mww CONGRESSMEN HOLD MOB THREATENST0" vice, a first president of the I'ni- ibiilh Ir-- t ,lui. is valil iini.iv to In BE PRESENTED SOON versity club. President Tuft was pre- STUBBORN RESISTANCE under vvav a a re-a- lt of Ihe mm CONFLICTING VIEWS o a l yes- LYNCH RANCHER sented with h golden key to ailmii lil the In tnl. committee M mphi I'i iic r, VI ,, M lev Mitel hint at all tunes to the' newly opened terday Jlllles PlIIVlll, lull J, Sh I'll f, d led s f. ) tin null A f clian. e in manv hou.- un- Scheme is to Pay Oficers Flat lull huiise. Bombardment by ies Con j atnc" as ti in in: ..lie rn"l I ail Vii'toi Beipxr ... seven-le-el- l Declares Neaily S. C. A. der i pi ti.ui neatly t i Wray, t'olo.. Feb. Sheriff before Mr. Tafi arose to ac- or, mi Hte r, of MP- - ( he ei, tilt Just No S of Ca-- Them angered tinues with gn t accoidnn.' to Ills testimony. c l I. i M , Sum and Then Provide Dullard presented a mob of cept the gift he heard himself d .',il. nun b. e to, iv h IP..'!, All Gieat Men from Julius 'PllleiH s stoi In' IllVesHgated l fanners from lynching Christian by Col. tjeorge ll.irvev, of - mil lot- Shoe kle fi'l.l IS llicl a j: in cr for Expense of pitulation on Pa of Otto- III II Ii lull- - " with Deputies at to- all at It Was staled -- to. Uncle lloislman. at his home near here Ne w York, a "Ihe worst licked, the tallill the b.Wcl' Infill le ll,. id. II slate Caesar Joe Cannon hav- jat police headi 11,11'ti i tcilav oil be- 111, If Needed, night. Iloistmiin Is charged with least ore tend, the be si liked of all man Gai risen, and alleges t Co'C.lllol Community, I 't ' I, lv M Been Diinkeis, half ol utt Mi'tlc Waldo, till I ing cruelly beaten his our nrisldeiils." Colonel ll.nvc v spoke hid licwjr ill public ellienls a i Hit I ) befote h'lil lolll Ill- In. ' .iptaltt daughter. He was placed under arrest on the relationship of the university the hint Incoinpel, n III Ii .lulling Ihe 111. of . e w In fit the I still others tin lot Mall, St,. Hum,, l of Mnrnlnr .luiirnsl by the sheriff, who aliived to public eivlc. lit M.irniiecl J.teerMHl See itel fhm',1 Win. live,, situation at lh JnHrntcjt f'nilhil I . , (lit Mretln HlHftctHl I 4 Mre I V- - ,lc, used I'V Put II. Til. i ,pi I h. X. I home as mob was form- t Feb, AII atl.lnpU oil the 111 III.' lev.',, I' s U Ml ihla IV. ' he heliel lias llorslman the ' a ill.l. break j F. b. x. W-- hb Here we have' iiulve about . ll I H Ii W.iliim.'in. The bill of to of- Untied calditli; th nan i grown steadily today that the salary ing. The daughter Was unconscious n upon coun- part the Turks aiiiuc the ininol.i lull of a lal alea in ln to prohibit u,c or to confer president the gallons tbev took nun en III intein ile slilpinent measure Introduced Wednesday hy the and until a late hour tonight had not fensive at tlie Ti b, it ilia lines have that le sippl. diy country III gracious I . li'i'i.'i' Into st ites purposes of try and the liil-n- I t ed. t II. h repulsed, , si f f I. in 'I or pl ton of Pin Fa. tr tin, nice e niiiinittoos cannot he passed, t eeo creel. Not long since one of l.ccll la ills. sale, or In anv In vio- about to bestow a president of the four denied in sw 'III stale manlier used n ud those who were former- llotstmau's sons filed a complaint I Patch, uivinu details of vesieidav's smiilli'r Dollar Pills (lid I'lVl of members upon a university," he remarked. ,., . - , lation th tale laws, was paused ,1 in. ills the irutn ot I'm ell Mat g.'S but com- - lighting. Turks aclvaii. ly aril, 'lit supporters of the hill are against him for assault, the t,- sas the n, ll. - Hi I 10 IV. '.Mil Ha. "Theoretically, it wonlci seem to j .1 ashliikl Fi lelal the ln.iie late tod to Ilnrst-iiia- n t, line of the ipiart.tte is 1'iin.k now gradually deserting It to listen to plaint later was withdrawn. three columns. The fu imswilss of M r a exchange. Meanwhile we have; brother-in-la- n eagli ti.ilav olllelcil the eliciav-fo- ihe of the bill ended cine fair 1111" liray, of Charles F Is a wealthy ranchman find an six battalions. hv the 1 I, petition and complaints regarding a more of the lug of the plan s the new Hi as of the nisi Miild'oi nlv fought all eblV striking Illustration c Miirphv, nl Tammany ball. Tin to frame old settler ill this district. of Fori ! ia ui ta biii, and the warships leader congress. particular salaries and present tendency of the body politic to P. Manila, Illy Holes. It Will e,lli'e eight. ell conic is of this Senator moored In 'he. kiiii'.ta bay, at-- i others are Thomas patink ameiidmetilM for those provisions., mid hand to the llvltik months to put Into c in ulatlon tins K. in mi. of Iowa, author of a seiiatu $II,-V1.H- stretch forth nuns A I Cor. man ami Fled W. Matte h Is strong- - j Keipilrew 0. ta. ked the Hiilgailan position at J Sentiment in the senate far ;overnmcnl In need. a new paper iiiouey w llii Ii w III be mtlv iioiisl'l e of the s.i.,. general pmpolt, university time of Within j Pur, ell elbl lint tell his whole Man N. ill ll bin k - i r against the hill than was at first j St. I.ollis, Feb. Professor It. nautkelil. but whs i.. after t W o t hi I exlsllllg cur- sat In Ihe house most of d.iv few days the entire, undivided, solid on the stand vi'sleiilav it was b arm 0 ,s the sle of the estimated, and (he feeling ill fhe house Johnson, of the department of trans- a fierce attack. r. iii v. Wat' hlllg tin fight, Willi ll opcllecl republican electoral vote will be cast from the district uttm ni'V 'm nifh e. The is not loslnu" mi) ground as time goes portation of the rniversity of Penn- The second column, of two bat- wlih a contest over the rule to biitig for Nicholas .Murray P.utler, president remainder of It will be reset ve, for sylvania, in an here today, Was ed In ri lire e en. address talions foil bevoll.lj , I'arc Pos I Mends lo Poll,. Itlco. up the lib l.lll It. pri'S. nlatlM' of - of Columbia university for the Hilary gland Jul , which ii It was to consider the salary niies-- I estimated the- annual revenue which the K.i i .t in i lv. r. Tlie tliu.l coltiinii. of xtlaon oiganlziM anil saloon ndin. In of the rtilted Stales. Now. if It will resume lis work Monday., I'cli PoStmilHlcr nl' sat Inn that the hoiiHe adjourned jeter-day- . the government would require from one i egiiii. nt. was routed with great the iiii'inliers' galleries ami kept tally really Is a fact that the mind or im- District Attorney Whitman plans tc I'.i'lii la! IliPli. o, k tndav directed the Fvcr since (lie adjoin nun tit the ihe Panama, canal at $l9,2i,(l,00, and slaughter I'V bayonet illalges. Ill the 011 the loll calls. pulse of the nation Is turning con- seek, lltst. the Indictment of Police extension of the postal Having ni salary hill has la eii the principal topic said eoicstwlse vessels If they paid I'ei'ko district, the attempt of the Hepresciitallve Iilg.'i a Id, nf New sciously or unconsciously to the uni- Captain Thomas Walsh, under sus to the sixteen p.istnff Ices of presiden- of conversation in all the little groups tolls would provide a large a mount Tinks also were repulsed and they Yolk, ctltliihiil his fellow di'iiinii alio versity for development of public ser- pension Min e e oafessiiig he sinn ed In tial gl ide 111 Pol lo itll I), of legislators that may he observed ill of this. withdrew to their original positions. lea, lei for ui'l ilcv ntlng mol e time to vice, it U a fact of ureal mome nt mid Ulall collected by Pull lllll II Fllgi'lu the hotel lohliies and i eiriiihils and The lioiiiliardmiint of A, Irian. le con- essential appropriation bills. Ilep. of great promise." Fox: second the indictment of an of the elsewhere ahollt the capital. tinue '. ri se nlatlvr Dale ll, of Pennsylvania, In hi add !' ficial at heailipini tel . a man suspect Following hard on its heels in the President Tuft said In reply to an address of thank I e p ll b lea ll, said till" ili'llioeilltlc re- of to BOY SCOUTS WILL Is It ALIEN that the American people would ed as the source liiuil raised race for attention the hill which 01E SIP presented to Tlledore Unosiv fit, oil house , would go down In hbioiy a keep cleorge A. Slpp. a ellsoiderlv Is said the democrats propose to in- turn from the dangiTous tendencies In the o. caslon of all article publlshi'd one 'of "masterly Inactivity. ' en- hotel keeper, mil testlf villg l'ef"! early next week. This hill Is gov e'liimenl which they have been by liiiii praising (Bulgaria. Colonel Kcpicsciitiitlvc M, inn, of Illinois, troduce giaiid Jury against Walsh P couraging present day the prior "flim-flam- hascd upon a different scheme from and that the UaoseVelt hit Written to I '. S c h a i a et crlso'd n " tlm no. the latter' oiiteiKlnn the measure now before the house, in DILLS ENDANGER agitation of progresslvlsin would president of tile clllllllhel of llep- - TAKE PART l. ringing up of Ihe bill at till lime. Anieri-ea- n Mr. has ilereire.l for th. it proposes u flat salary for all Ultimately be harmful. "The Ulies heiiel I'.ulgat iall Whitman Speaker Cannon that and of the ieace being to tin Former declared that principal officer payment hy people, great as they are," he time his purpose' seek regulate and the delegation, a letter expressing warm - ihe slate should truffle said, ' have much to and if this indictment of Dennis Sveii'e- state or county of mich deputies as learn admiration for the pnlrlollc sense of I In ins. Iv s. IU pre s. ntatl.e Merger, come to them with some punishment ney, under suspension since Walt h ac- they may need to properly conduct c lllzenshlp of the w hole lliilgailnn na- AUGUR L ..I WUicnnslu, sot ia list, contended that TREATIES lesson will be longer cused li in of having divided graft tile laisiness of their office. attached, ihe tion and his pleasure at "(he mag- all glial men, from Julius Caesar 1 spoken In no money with him. After Walsh and A third scheme In now being advo- remembered. have nificent work Mce.iiiiillsh'd by the ilnvvn tn Cannon, wen tennu'iatH Spirit of pf illllslll or "ill the hei.cbii,. i u r.t official have been cate ii, irs uuliiw-l.'.,- being aitributi'il hopelessness, lUilgarlan troops, whose victories diiitki'is. I re- Indicted. If lake place, li'stlmnny to II. ii. liiirsum. This Is to Ihe gen- attempting to point out what that Itepr. si nliitive Sherley, of Ken. II have delivered civilized humanity Sweeney will I twenty-Mi- x Knox Telegraphs gard as dangerous tendencies, but against Inspector eral effect that there be made Secretary I Six Hundied tii. ky. attacked the validity of the I'lll from the oppressive biii'den of Turkish 'I hv Between Five and the people led astray from the heal the urv. whlih then will Mli-siui- classifications, one for each coun- ale Kurnpc," and l.epi esenlai H e liil. ki'i', of Governor of Washington path of wisdom, they will more per- domination la take up ihe allcgaliiiliM of Putecll ty, and that the senator and repre- ' Strenuous Youths Will Look said he i epi eselitetl numerous Colonel lioose vc li Insists on the will I'liorated, according sentative from each county insert the of Action manently remain In it after they who be cctii cniislllueiils whose lit. me had been Asking Suspension of restoring to Fulgalla, the iiltolln-.- l , by come back, to the district witnesses Out for Accidents, Drunks . salaries they think proper for their wrci kid I'V it ii'. All amemlmelil am not speaking of party or of I town of Aeli ianople, the tall of which whose names have not been cllaiio"..!. counties. measure would then Proposed Measures, "I ed bill 'Wi le' rejected. I ti This e ollel to tin' ui my J re- - one hundred ve.irs before the Is expected to lead to many mm and Similar Mishaps, he to the houses for their personal experience. What This Hid have sllbsllt lltccl III submitted of Constantinople, the of these wi. approval. It is in some quarter!, fer to Is tlie departure from the "marked Indictment. ulieaily passed by th,. senate ami I Br Morning .hitirmil Mirrlul l.fsict Wlre.1 progress scourge In bill elplc of Hound democratic govern- of the Turkish penalln-lu- g that this is impractical and in others s. 1 would have added ll Olympla, Wash., Feb. (lovcrnor the middle w o llr Morning .lournut irliil I rn'rit Hire another it would afford too great an op- ment." ui'." in m w M'i:hs S. liny with fine and Imprisonment that Lister received today a teclegram t Washlliglon, Feb. The clause portunity for fat salaries, so that it Is from Secretary of State Knox, asking He spoke in a humorous manner to .vi:itMi:vr of mix scouts will he given an opportunity to pi ol l.'ilniis, whu ll sciini) of Hie mem- i: Philadelphia, Feb. K. PMlict generally lacking in support from any him to line his Influence to delay fur- try to show the senior there that they iiu wiii'i oiri:itifj .1. the value of their train- ber declared Would have made thrt i:. Charles f Whitman, of New nionslriile le It may be taken have something yet to but that VIol.liN'l" day. i e Itol hum I. eonsideral faction. ther consideration of the alien owner- learn -s ing mi Inauguration Pclween measii uncoil! Constantinople, Feb. H. An olficlul Yolk. In an athln- here tonight on i:p later, in the very improbable ship billn until Ihe department of state he approached hi task with humility. alii) iin. I tint) scouts will aid In taking The liill now goes Iii the senate, was Tcha- the' government of American eltie event that the democratic bill should light c f With ringing cheers the president dispatch received from the who ti'iptlre medical as can examine them in the declared unwholesome condition care of thoso fail of passage and approval, but treaty obligation. The telegram was greeted by the COO college men talja lines tonight. It lays: thai sistance, either among the manner found exist In iiiiinliipnlltle are IN NO there is little likelihood of this. prcHcnt after John Tempi,. Craves, "Skirmishes continue In front of the lo or among the special, its. Their special ROCKEFELLER reads: due to the people themselves In fail- The senate line-u- p Is now about as state loastmaster, had Introduced him a a Turkish army at Tchatalja, but Ihe duty will be lo wig wag for the am- The department of has '"st ing to elect oftleers to enforce Ihe IMMEDIATE DANGER follows: , pending 111 e president who would be "cordially situation Is unchanged, our Infantry In eight large' buy received copies of hills laws. Mr. Whitman spoke before the bulance. addition bill, eight republicans and dealing with loved while he lived and graciously and cavalry on the left wing are scouts will act as III s wiiti For the Washington legislature American iicadeiny of pollllenl and two dciiioci uts. If any salaries lire rights of alien In state of Wane remembered after he was gone." the enemy, Fiigagi'iiiinlH, cull ambulance. Another aid lo the the social science. He pointed out that Pruiisw lei k, (in., Feb. . William in Ihe house, one of these will I nf whic h do not modify the situation, are' hospital corps In siimmotiliig aid will raised itiKlon. It understood that cine thousands of cillzeiis go lo the polls ikcfeller, Ihtealeiied With lilivslcal be lost, as lie Is opposed to higher these, Hughes hill, has .' proceeding III the direction of Calll-pol- l, h,, twcnlylivc telephones located the ulrei lo vi te for president Iml fall to do .Ha, ise yi!ieiday wljlle being ex- - bill, demo- by large majority BODY OF MAN FOUND between the Turkish troops at along parade These will salaries. AK'tinst the four passed the house a duly at municipal ii,, lhms and the route. aiiiliieil hy liialiiitan Arsene P. Pujo I ! ll ; ', at tluir i by crats, who say so and one who sa.VH he I you will be good eno'igli and the enemy's forces be iinneiieil piivale telephone c and trust LODGED IN MINE are (he' most free In eli tiuniiii-tln- n hi.,1 Coutisei Samuel I 'iile l'iiiv I, of lh tluir liea.bpial P I s, is for it; two progressive, six sure to delay if necessary further c Xamlion. The boiubai ilment of wires Willi the police - its of municipal i oiTiiplinn, hoiiH.- of preselilaip cs committee iind one republican. department of still is In progress, hut the where the main liist aid Million will doubtful until the "We clevis,, what we believe lo be a In. , "illgaling ihe en called "niottey be also will be a fully In the house the schedule for the state has an opportunity to examine fortress is offering violent resistance." localcd. There l m- -i Cripple Creek, Colo., Feb. 8. collect plan of government," Mr. triiHl," In no Immediate' danger, bill Is eighteen republicans and light of our treaty ol li- -- I'pi-i- cmeigi'iicy hospital to cafe three the bill In the v Whitman said, "and hy our further iill in ding to Ills physician. Against 1,111, "You'll find the body of n man some' for Ihe iiiehiialcM. democrats, the thirteen gations and national Interest." i n place mi i t it v seem to imply that It Is of Dr Waller F Chiippelle said possibly and Hughe bill sulmiil to vot- between the sixth and seventh ALDERMAN CHARGED Al several poliil.s there will be other democrats, fourteen, The the who cmitm! the ma- Ii I that Mr. 1'ockefellcr wa rest- level of the Strong mine, next to the lnile Importance hospital In or phy- enough republicans and progressives ers a proposed amendment to the con- cm.'iMciicy charge though hi I se- man way investigate'," n WITH BRIBE OFFER chinery provided Ihe ma litineiy Itself ing well, condition twenty-eigh- t, read note and Oliu of to make up the balance stitution permitting ownership of er- sician trained nurse. wa today Mb received by Superintendent Mclionald Is good. Tin re Is no inure falal large nnas ll reported that by al (ens who o these will be located mar the I of the house, lands in tills state ror. The duties nf our citizen as In lllai.l fi llel, Who Mulil'dlllg li'eilll lit! be- hy special delivery today. McDonald on Pennsylvania In front It must not be Interpreted that eligible to itlstenship. During the sliiiid iivciiue t X. the revision of laws or the eiuictmeiil ii n 'i Iml of the throat, would be taken It was point- found the body of Charles McCallin, Deliver, Fid,, James fi'Drlscoil, f White House ami nppiisil.i the cause there are so many votes against discussion of the measure Is the New York In ii few day aged was of legislation Insignificant compared - to for tin 1,111 figures ed out it would give grave of- 28, formerly of ficnver. caught rililerman lioni the Sixth ward, president reviewing stand. Anoiiiei- the present that the same that with the obligation which they ow I p.'IMlloll will stand for the democratic bill. fense to China and Japan, whose citi- In the timbers, having apparently fall- arrested today chaged with Inning will be localcd mar union slallnn to! ( to see to It that the machinery of gov There are manv who are against the; zens are excluded from the privilege1' en a distance of fifty feet and been offered Kxi Ise 'ommlsslonei' A. A care for paanngci who mliv hei mn erumeiit Is placed In the hand of Iiive-lli'ii- le ( binge Against Solon, Is too high In by bill. dead for several hour. MoCnllln was lllakeley $MlO f he would grant him III on trains. present hill because it conferred the not rily Hie greatest men W.VCl., 8. not employed In the had a saloon license for propel v those iieccssa Chexelllie, Feb, Jolllt some Instances. are a few who mine and certain . There In the m unity, nor wisest in r , u not been seen m ar the property pre- - which the alderman owned. A Ideliua ti oin the on asking for ii commission of oppose It because Is too low. Anil most experienced n Ihe but those win Ihiee to Investigate the charge the main opposition, of course, conies vloiisly. He was last seen alive fin Frl-l- o'Drieoll was released on ll.nfMI bond. thit at- ale cleilli'iited to Die propiisll ion that A ISSHALL TALK S K 'pi a senlal Iv 'e I !, II, Malison, lit from the democratic faction which HOUSE BEGINS 10 day by the keeper of the house The first intimation of the' alleged the task which the law Imposes upon Sweetwater , iiy, s Floyd Itoirer, wants to pass a bill that will meet its which he roomed w hen he left Ihe tempted bribery wa made at the last certain public officials shall be .prop nil iillegcd wanted in West Vir- own ideas ami, It is said, those of the holts,, with three companion. mooting of ihe board of aldermen forner eiiy performed, that such public of ginia, was lilt nl -- d III the, limine, of governor. It can lie pretty definitely McCallin's mother, Mrs. Tessle Mi-T- lie when Alderman O'Drlseoll introeliiceil in liceis shall be responsible hi the ,ls- - the general assembly today. re- staled that the governor will not sign Cullin, of Denver, was notified, a resolution celling for Commission- POLITICS It Ii HURRY charge of their dulb' to Ihe peopl ported thai Speaker to the salary bill now before the houses, IRK police are neurching for lite men last er lllakeley' resignation on the Pratt Intend and lo no one .lac on cirlh." niiiiie Mansoii. a niember of the. com- even should plans for dofenlng It fail seen with him. ground that he "was using bis office gain." Pilakcley was pres- mute:' in tin. event of the resolution'!! If tie passed. It cannot be passed for personal I V I and Hill for Traveling Dog Team. ent Ihe mcetliik' and by pn'Miige, and I It" entire Commission over his veto unless conditions under- V. J. Morrln's Itond is llcji ctcd. at retaliated Chicago, Feb. S, -- A tall man. bun ALFALFA 0 BILLS ncciiMliig Ci'DriseiiH with having tried will go to West Virginia to lltv estimate go a revolution. The governor has St. Louis, x. was re- dled In a big fur coal, walked lot Feb. Word to the chut lie. flee lured himself as favoring the pay- ceived here today that the bond of bribe him. the Fulled States district altoliiey' Alderman ii'DriHcoll then I ment of salaries to the men who earn P. J. Morrin, now In federal prison admit! office' here today and laid clown tills charge, but explained thai Suffer T Itoninlncx them, not to the officeholder. alleged In McNa-mar- a the later bill: One bun. lied and flfty-sev- e Sliiilcnis roni rolsort for complicity the x demo- the tr.OO was offered merely us com- 7 , Chlciigee. Fell, 200 It is upon this plea that the End dynamite conspiracy, ha been miles by dog team, 1 ii.xinl mile Elon Hooker, Nati mal Pior.res-- of liilversity Approach of of Session Issuing Chicago nt. crats want to pass their bill. They rejected ly mited Slates Attorney mission to Itlakeb-- who, by by rail, :iMI,iiil; total, 1(14.30. II of wiimeii students who -- lice and Vice a claim that when introduced it will be Causes Congressmen to Be- Miller, of Indianapolis. The bond of the nse, would have Increased the wa William H. Whltllesey, atlorhe sivc Chaiiman tended "pure food" dinner Bt thu ac- Klx found to bp fair to all, taxpayers and by value of the O'Drlseoll property, and I tilled State' luarshiil hi school last Thursday, all but hnva J. II. Harry, was approved the former Piesident-Ele- et Take Dinner officeholders Included. They point gin Meetings' Earlier and prosecutor and now mut be approved cording to the alderman . Sewaid, Alaska, who had ('tunc here been taken ill with ptomaine, poison- It developed with scorn at the committee bill, by the 1'nltecl Slates circuit court of to testify In a government suit. Never Together, ing tonight. 1'nlverslly , Night Work-i- Probable, s allows the clerk of Kdy county, p Iti In Chicago iinthoi lib have started nn Invesllgii which a pen at Chicago before Harry can FIREMEN MAY fine had the office been whose office bring in Sfi.iiOOiii fees be released. 30,000 called upon to pity a bill for transpor- lion. ib" poison I believed to ll.ive ex- e. n Iii ii i a' ad. Thu each year, a salary of $3,250, and hv dog team. 11 y .pi, I f.eAp.f head of the IBjr M..rnln Joiirniil Hpc'lal Wlrn.1 DECIDE TO STRIKE tation XlnrnletK OUST IOr.1 pect him to do business on that gum. i.Handler, All:'... r ' o. vice ires- - nl household economic had Washington, Feb. H. Spurred by lllll for Physical Valuation of licsids. .r Hernaliilo county Is another that they Iiidg'ineiil galusl Cutler, bleiit-i-le- i ( Thomas ll, Marsball inn- - i hniff of ihe ptepmallon fur tlie din- -' S. Timber of Washington, Feb. John R. Com- f lathel-lu-la- claim is treated unfairly in the pres- the approach of the end the San Francisco, Feb. H A July. In loled over rum Ills s lied. mon, of Wisconsin New York, Fel. 8. Official an- - ent bill, so far as the clerk's office is of congress and congestion of the Ntnte railroad Ihe; court re- ranch late today and was sui'piiteil to commission, nouncement Unit So, (100 firemen and rniti'd States district are countless and Kdvvnrd W. liemis, a Hooker, W ould I Cholera, Tfo(S. concerned. And there bill today agreed to meet fifty-fou- turned veiilli't here late tonight meet Finn liatloiial irciisunr llinlnato from the house of Chicago, been us ex- engine men employed on r other instances over which they unite have engaged awarding judgment of 15(1,041 to nf the prngicHslve party. The House-- WitHhlngtou, Feh. St. Senator Cum- on Monday at 10:30 o'clock in the pert by Honnte com- eastern rallroa Is have Voted to strike, a in the opinion that the bill is a bad the interstate the government In Its case against A. clt tiiawuicr it it cl Ihe ileiiincrailc mins, oflerlng an Hhicndiin lit- today one-ha- lf ear- merce to Tue-du- may be made within forty.eight hours t one. morning, one and hour commission be present II. Hammond, of Montana, charged siih. chief faced each oilier at In lo the agiicultural tipproiitiation bill, be or Aside from discussion of the salary lier than usual, and it i probable that when rallrciad official are to Ies. wilh cutting timber from Ihe public dinner table. proposed n comprehensive slate and Adamsou-l.- a The comii'itiee of managers of thi'sc iicsijon a few committee meet- night in the heard in opposition to the tloiiialn In stale, lliimiiioud 1 'Tile repilhllcafl parly In down uml federal campaign for the elimination and si'ssion will begin early roads will he inpiimi'd on Tuesday by that ings, things today were quid. Neither coming Follctte bill for physical valuation president of two lirms which are al- - out," said Hooker, "Hlown up," sa'd of lioR cholera. (tenutor Cummin week. Meantime the tariff W. S. Carter, ptesldent of the Tirol house was in session and but few com- of of railroads. legecl to have taken '.'l.l .IPm feel Mat wba II. ha asked for nn appropriation of framing work on which the date of Lea oiuothe Firemen and mittees held meeting. The finance congress hinge, is of lumber valued al ll,(M from "The American people call have $100,011(1 to pnnblo tlm government the extra session Kngiiii ineii, of the resull of the count committees of both houses this morn-In- s progressing favorably in the ways and Costly C'cml I'm of Court Case, government land, anything they want," said Hooker. and the ntnte to c t utv tilongj that has been going on for mure than line' heard the heart of the various mean of Heattle. Wash., Feb. H. Hecause 'Yes, after election all of them o different activity. committee. The democrats ft week. educational Institutions, who have that body are now considering the Harry A. Jotic, now of Vancouver, Automobile llanilil lilcnlllleel. should accept the result and ftnp been in conference here for two day. flax, and schedule. The failed In appear In court today and Chicago, Feb, K, Claude (Jack) grumbling," said Marshall. Ttcnl 1.state Se'urity for Hunk. aproprin-tion- s, Suffer From Chicken I'ie. y "Also," nld the 8. iiinenc!-Ine- nt Some of them asked for majority member of the committee sign over to big divorced wife h Van- Hundreds Cose an alleged automobile bandit Hooker smiled. "Washington, Feh. An others failed to name a definite are devoting the day and night to couver, D. C., block of real estate Dulnth, Minn.. Feb. S. As a remiM Idi'iilltied a nlie of the men who Vice prcsidi'iil-eie- e t, "they ought to to thu national luinlt Jaw to sum. It Is understood, however, that the conference and study of the worth tar.n.fino, Su,er)or Judge John of eating chick, ti pie lit Ik church sup- shot and wounded Policeman Fled abolish promises of permit national luniks to loan money the total nmourit which the institu- thousand of paragraph In the tariff. Humphrey Increased the wife' award per held here, between COO find 00 Sllcken a month ago, when he at- on real estate was introduced by Sen- tions desire appropriated for them is The whole tariff plun. It wa (dated by r,0,00 and issued a bench war- person were made III. The affair1 was tempted lo hitcnI them alter a Jewelry With that they veered ccmversnllon ator Hoke Smith, Senator llokeji a good ileal larger than it was last tonight, will be ready to bring Into the rant for Jonea" arrest on a charge f In charge of the Women of the since robbery. HO'lceh still Is conduce) licm politic (o alfalfa, Rttgar beyl Smllh will press It as jmrt t any Jear. house by April 1st. contempt of court. hurch. The snffeii'r will recover, lo his home. and thu high cost of, living, tfurrvnej; revi,s,.u laru ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1913. TWO I

NURSES TES T FY Wholly Useless? Now Buys the BATTLESHIPS 1 Are Medicines 31.00 II Can the Masses Get Along Without Them? STROPPER tifc--l t lr. Hi.- - thl, int,,,,. "MEEHAN" RAZOR - ARE PURPOSE OF TRIA L OF til. ' (.11 i, i.n; "in- .f ih,, ' i 1' n : -- n I ."" "- - " r.cM j. il.:rKi I" !)., IfKMli: ttl'l -- -- ItU-l..- . I .1.- M () ." I'm) IM.,.-.. Ill . ! tl I tall. I" Li ".r 1! .ii'r,.' miU ." I .. l (.. i i :'!! If HHI fMilhv 'IB. X. ',) l.iit I.. 1,1,,, DEMOCRATS FOR MURDER J 1,,tl ,l I" t 'T 'It.ll'' ri .n r( r:; n.,, M tii. f.r-- t i n, i't,m th.ii ( 'ha1 fr vil iU I'. in ' & M ALI G E R v.rt .1 r.'in W',.ik ci.i, th- - t. i.i-- . .i f, l, ..f f'.-- r i.ii, RAABE - iMit-- r - 117 SU1tTH mtsr ,i j ..i.r Hrtw f.nth j. uif r.- r Imd !., til 1 i c B;u. I! lr ,l:.l A rr l ! U It..l M.I i'.rv an II. If tt K !. fr.l t,,.. i. .,r,! r kitwl :iEily.. fti.t.i.t h,H tifj.! fin,rn t,,.i I I . tit ! w nt! nH If , ,s,-- ,.r lin,.- - Hi.- .hr t,..t n ..n th.. .1 ' ir f. - C r i ..u ii.. tt..i" ..ti m iLirltiit j l.ol?!. I lhl Ii- l..n- it - . I - , Fuel Co. )i,.l- hf.- th. ii' tv i hi- i f.1,1-1- .1.1 iTj,.ri iltll) Azlcc i I r i I i f n,, .ii' ' it f'.-- i!h all J ,.f. jr. Nt-- t n in f;'' th,t 1 ...... r..JU. t....l f.w.l.t .u .....!.. fl ..Hu. ..f fltA .1... t i! r GALLUP ' I. ,t,f Jui.rUi . .. if .1 k. j.t - . J. . ., ..u ii. it f'in. tiilr thut "ith- - hi,w anil ok.ii :.i tn ry .,iit.t V YANKEE " ' of I . - . I . v . h.., i r nr.- lY.r thin i J ... . ,. . t'.l ,i,r li.i. I'li.n ji.f r ' i I .... ; r t ,..(.f'...t.. ' ' , t .,- - . SVASTIKA ji I,,,-- til l' ti r.-t- it' .f l ami iti'-ri'- f ' 'o r i. . hi j.'.ii .. T !'. t i. i Th.-i- I I ., . .. i ... i f r "f i,.. i. ii h,. hi Ji.'t i u , .-.. - i .. ... I . ' .f I'' li I it '',- t.. i in.. - COAL .!.,.-."- . t..- ti Ui. j ,.,, , . -- :' i,:. ir ..!!. f( rl, t .i f..f itn. m.. II i.r df..l ti ,hl. tiy ,h,. . f'.' , ,r i r - ,.. . . V! - - V!,. ,r. I., 1.. I,.- if. , t ' ,: ' !,.. ''' ,,f V;,tr, ..i,l,l i.r.v i - ! All of j t I.itilT'i.- - . Kinds l .! . ! ,:t . I . f tf . I : ..!! h'lit I'l h.-- tli- U'.tii.l In.- h,.v " i M-- . i i I . f i . is ' In sh- ft. !ti. l" ii"l kti. ilif-.t- I' !.,.. h i ,. 'niui.l rn't "r . linn.' rui,,i. WOOD i; i...... r . i, .,. , I ...... i,-t- . - I i. ' ' - , r, '! '1. i r " I. " i :t,,rt,.iti- in iix- t""i. i;.it i n.n,. j .,- . 3 ' ' " . I I. t,..ii ''" jr.. th..t h. ! l.' , - n. .. , .r '. .' i. i. i think 1 fh.iil I'.nt I h hi- - !h., t,, .... I f- m ;"" - - Fv-- i i - . I J...'. . ii Th- n,... 1.. in.- i h i a fll- 1, ( .; W t, r. . ...I ,.... l ;. '.r ..f i ii. i:imw. itlip .lay v h. n Hip ;nt'l .. n th,- . - . ) ( I! .Ill It.H, It II, t.ii' .l t'l .. i . r i' h ,i 4". ililo.!.' jmxli" .il l'i"f. r"i"n ii.' m. i, h i v . i t i t I,' ir.,iil!.-.- thiit St'll ni:i u ri r it v to- f.i. III. I ' ' t ,:It ihhi..'. !.t.-.- i ; I .vrll-- n .. i H I..-- . i . .. M r,- - i u t u... .l.r.ii "1 ' ili.-- .1 I lr Hi al 'tr ..r. n'.t !. i, if it I" ):.! r i f,'..' r',i,t u. to ( . . i, j , , y . ,i, ii v .. in. i ' .. !, ! i.fiil.lttg ..ii,... i I f. I - - M t,ii!", vrit'T. t..,i .!,.;, ; I -- i U ) ir,- t in' . I i. i! n- -i ! y l. t' nf". i' ."i"ii ' ii'' ll in!.n.l,l th".- .il'-n.- In I In M' ,o! .ir f" I.. !.' nl: ( Hi.- - !.if).l (arthil l. : " m ' i Ill- ' j .... . Tv.r i.l:i. i't. tii. h nw i'..f-.- i f .r j vtr.i.r fr.i n liti'l 'l,.-t,- t S S. J I - ti. li.I. l.i'..iii.' .hiif V.. I ..! ..Kt--- urn r,.,,,i.rt,i!,.iit ..f th.- .,!,! lin-- i ! ii It v ... '' h li..t':i.iti ir ! , . to th. ir . -t. ! I . I ii.-t- !h' K"i.l.llr.' l..,.. I (I . , f ! I ,1 .ii. Ii ?. in rt .f.... r nit; linlii'. n..n ;.nl ,f !' f N'.nv th' t.- in. iit. i aii ir. M, . - -- j .'-- .I. ' I l!" ii i! l.,.:,..,-f,- . i". i ,1,- ,. ,1,.- i. i: - !.,,'.- li,' it!' i . . ti,. .! t: thr- I I r f I i.i!i. thinn". inn I r i ,. ..!. !.- i Ml'ii.'ft j l i t r ' t . j i i. ' v,...,- n ii . ;i, ..( v '! ii. j (,,. .r iii, , !!m-i- t r in j !.. 'til f il I In! thii t K.. I .. -. - I l u i l f ,' r ; (I. ... .t - Sir- - ll,,.- -, i.tnsi- -! !' ' ....iftn- i .iti.rth. an.l I..f4'-- IIMlf. '' . l" . t. lllfiot-- ,1), '''! ,.,-- r iIli;.o r mi i , ... .. ,, - I, I . ... I '! ..: ..!. f M r ,1.11..'.. ,t "f ,"'r r.nir, ..f h:,r. ... tilth. l'.l-- i " ' ,n'r ll.' ,- i- 1 l!lU- -t Ih-.- l). t A .., tl i.f ., .tiiH-it- I ' '" .,n.-h..i- f I I.- h 'A.' hf.l' in. i l ) ,1, f !!,, i ... 'hii!. of Si., I mlu--i ifoftw J'.nriiHl l. ll' ..J , t'ii. - i Kyi-- v. tr-- in-.- l, j l rn ',1 tl t.iV Ii "i - r "f th ,. ... , ,.)k,. f III"-- ho J.I to jn..nU I . V- -t lW"l)l .I.'I'.I lit. i .in: iii. th. :th n(J,, r,. ! ... . I i.-- . - , '( w I i .- I I, lt" I l ,n nt th.- N .1,1, IT) 1I..MI lU.lklT) it i..t j. ii- !' '" '" th'll.x .1 .l rtl.- i..t a. t" if in. - lr ,r n.- ,1 i, it.-- -'l v. I l- .. tl i i ip. . f " " ' t,..t th- - I .li. ,. r. ri'l. r Ui. ir i ri ft. nmli. in,, !'-nm- !.i: ii... in. t.. l.i Ui-- - . r..n.l - . ! I . i ., .,,-,- ti.t- tin:.yoM,ii,!.- ii,iin,,iiii 'iniff - i.i ... !,'! - ,11- 'r, :..,,.( -' i'"'k'' '"r:tl., li't..- i.. - is 'or t.ltin II )l. - nl. M i.'i-t.,,- n ." t . r o, in- - '1. ,i - ,n ti li; i,. t h.-- i on I".!,,.- il. r tin nt. If i"., ! .. ii, r. . h. h a Inn- - r,.n-.- r f " .1 '.i II ,!. t.i Ti..- ' . t . i. . l,.--i- ill im-- ih, ..., M ii .(,.,n i! ill' . it!tl no rtf ,.,.ii,it. ' j If i'!.i th.' v..ri. ..f t'r, ).. 'I '' . . t i . : l it not ! I'.'-- i th.- .l.i "txoiiiij i.ii.-.- th. t r li ...n nr.-- . vtith limn' '!!'. . ,,r" Inn .1,. l'.'-rn- .. CONSUMPTION I 111 t H" i. I.. , ;iiit k iv i winn to !f.-.h:- n ... ii'..- "in" i li.i- r I.) r l' .h..'". Ho ti"t i.;!i . 'n f ro-- t I,.. r,..'.i,-,l- ,,f HI I.., , ..,n ;"i '"it r " - i - Hi.ui.l the .!,.' lt,ii r,!fr 'rf IS CONQUERED ' . II-- 'r. !' i,s.- ..f i.tiv (irnc- von nr.- ..nil" ',',' i ! ! n w' lti' ..(,1. aiB...l.-t- iy ;. . i i'l thi- ii,. 'I , . . h ' "' " r.--- t .Irit tor v. '. t. - i J'!!.- In t- n ni Th.' ,,, , 1, t, ..f ' - i' ' th.'ii.. ii i:i !,. I ,.,... (.. I i. ,t v !i.iil li' I." "I Ih'' . out of l.tif tin May h: "t, !i, . (,!.,.. VI- - si i't on h' . ..i:.'.- - ;.i,. r.-- kl. f. I:... T Ann,)., liiiil.lm?. i . ! - r - , l:. 1 2, 1.. ,.r ,i '. f r ii- .,K i ,, ..r , "i 1 .hi 1.11 I i. in wnii.' do hv-t- .. nl l.u.i w ti ' .'. t... iii" '"t"!.'!i' I i th.-- I fhall 4- I". O. l .1.'- - it' oil It' Inn it f..r .mi ,,,!,,.., I,..,, ..?( .', t,- li.f ii..,'-- i f .1 t . in-- W h..t .i l if "'i "ii tin- mma "f M,. i. loi'iiir r.'-- i hum ,,. ! ( I l , i i. lit,' If ',,'l, If , it t rn ii. v '" ln ;; all .iri.i!. iil i.. . i,..-h..!- . , . - Th- - .ti i.iii.- h. I'.- - ,,! i . ,,f I. m ..n i." Ivll j:..,.,. f M m i .. ... (.,., Yo'.f ti. r il l. r th-- ' rn'-- i h. .ij. ninl i.ii 'v!. l. . ii.- .,. '! I i.-.- I 1,1 - I .1 i ' i 'ii I, ' - ii. ..111 H'', ,i Kn... ""f tor l ook nfnio i iirtofiii. f . ' i ' Tl..- n In - "I 'l t I" ' f t I!.' Mi 1,11' ! ! til ,:i..l! hil.ii. iirtu tht - I..t-- . K...f. ,' M i ' I ,1 tt .i lin i, ml ' ; ' i I.. iiiolh.-r- h.- 1 t hi!- j f . , I.' r ! ,,. i I. t ' XOLEMAiN-BLAN- K i.,i il,. Ti,i. n ' .i in.. in. !" CO. ! t I' in-ri Coin. - .. t 11 ill. in it h. in.ini.f.o ut th" (, i, ; . I ii Si . .V i' ' ..'.fi imhlins .'. lit. -. i A - nt-- i Ilil'O- i lin i. Sol. I lit i,l , ... j . i r. V X .torr :,1,. n I'.ltiv. foil i i .... f i, u.r in t h.ii ..i- READ! MILITIA . TO:g , i o fior.-f- No, 4T. . e l hill, i.'h. h.,to'. ,, ,,. ,.. i,. ,) - - i ' l Machine, Autoraobilc !;.t, i and Electrical i:i i iv I'li'Hus. Mr h;i from ,. : . Vi' i h 1 r i :,sn r,i fc't a TAKE CRAP.CE IH tliiilontiiti,' roi'iit n- -. ... ,,f Supplies - ijit-- I ,,, n l ,i!- l a FOR'CUBAM r "ff.-i- .'M .I...H. i,ii.. i' RICH NOBLEIH 'NEGRO BURfJEO OFFICIALS th.-i- mi'.i'liv 'iii'l ' of il. t N'.-'.- in "-- i ;. iiit-ril- II ..,' ciililioit i.,i. r, hi,h. lioair. i''r,.i; n- Ni'.W C.Mi A ''.!". .i hni n i liit.-- l. i,. t r.. i,' i FIELD ('"riK-- Si v ill Ci vM-A- STRIKE j 4 i;ii M lilO, 110 REPLY I OPEII ADVOCATE bruHRQER IKE T'.il.i; i.n. t"ln-ll- t. Skitllli lohk. A . ii. r r.iftim--- 'I , ! r.'n Flot. T"in. Albuquerque Foundry and OF SOCIALISM if' Rf-- r OF WOM N TO BEAUPRE ' D ' I PUEBLO SCHOOLS TIE li'-n.- fore r s A'c Machine Works BRIAN IN CRITICAL I iij;Iih" I oimili r Mm FOR BASKETBALL TITLE .,- - I'.r. .!. !.! In Irm;. I'r;t. 1 '!' i 1 1 Now Kli-'tr- Havana Newspapers Join JM.imlnum, l- M...i. ' ...b Cithers and After Hasina .,, I ' it nniiniTinii I'lii-.t- ' I'li'l IiiikhIi.'Ii. ('.. I''.!' u...ti i ; M M rnnii I'd,., Ta'-e- n n Demand That Editor Who . . . , I I; ,1 ,. ini.l by Court W'.fl' Hii l 'ilt:-- , Ail"''r" I I '. I.' I ',;'. Cr;:fess:oi: 1 ' tit w.-n.- I :r-l lrf.1 I I I I M..rni., II U I. I Ilt '. 1,1,' .. ' lit.'l lo nil Hr J...l,tl Ex- -; UUIIUI IUII III u lK i P;!eOi!-Soa,e- d Slandered Minister be - t,. ,( Mi . T. ro- Stei02rapho , ''!! o! M.l- i'.. i i. f,.r ( I. I , ih- - -- i - ,S , t j llli- i Ill II' in ..k' ' ('' Sv,:;j:f ,t, ll ,i.n l.'.t. Around Culprit, pelled from Country. i i li I, .. th- t I'oiol.fl o! ! .if-'- I h ': ir.l . i h. ill !h' SUDDEN ILLNESS SEEDS . Tl.l-llo- , .'i i .S. M" '' i l.olliolll ( i. f t 'l ; - I i i.' t ,: uri'l ' lo i i '.,1 I 4minial nwinl Wiif I In. hi i,i, hi. yi,ni .ri,rn.l tMr i .L 1.- .- I ) M.irninf ,:.l,.tl., lot in. iiiil IimI ' .... al I.... niip llr r& , ! . ,, n-- n t ' l0rl . K- -v UY . v, i t: i' ' - F.-h- V Tin- MAIL ,,,,1,1-- .; io r; f. i.u.,i 1.01,0.0,, 1. i... ..mi "nt ... M.7.'"... M.- -.' IVI. K.i.k i 'nl..n , .1 m-- tl I i I .1 I. 1, v,o,i .,( i i "!.'.'., ti,'- nl. I" j 1. , ;., h' pii-,- I,, in,,, l,it toil til', .oh n.-i- o. .is....,l "". W'"J ;,.,.,,.,,, h,,), .,,,, 1 to th.' now nf; CUTAIOC , ' FREE vh""?' , ! . I. . n , , ,, ,1- 1- ,, .I, ' j u ,,;,.oo '.Ion! ,,,,' Ar , ,, K. j . .,i. it. J.hii inu..r.. u ,:r W. ,., in in of iron ,.,.siu..r.. ,hP An.tfl.' ;.ni Local Attorney Successfully AND NUHSCRY CO. COLORADO JltO ,!,!.! li f I Ml ti fiot.i in- - I ' . ' ,h- - - i Ck.Miia COlOHiBO m,,n f, .i.ii . ,,,.,1,, 1, ), .itiot, ii r , ,'i"to' u,.- m r n'i"""-- ""' "n" Operated Upon St. Jos- - tin OIH. f,M .lor.- ill t...i, t" .r..; . f t 1. In. .I .,,!. at ttrt. ' ! !i .it r i . o- - ' - j , . , 1...... 11, I,. , ,, "I ll ..11.1 Ml V on 'I ' M I Ill' l"'H 'iioiik th.- nt W ish , ,, .. . , i t. f' t" f i, i Tl,.- fh. iiff ninl of stot" ii".i.ilin'l.t I. I - t,., I.,!- K r I..1.-.- i I 1 ithn ti' ii.i:n- - .ii.i- at- Villi ton - ..ii. in , , , ,,,.,, ..,. l,iv .l. tn.'i Ui u CUH a luauilwl IUI I ivu'iti , int-'M- on ' I'-- - TAX OF on S ,l;.i A, orii.tu to n ,. wh;,- th- - tn- - hr Uhm in.- furm-n- ; 1913 POLL $1.00 I signs j;';;;,,h.';,t;::; f )( QpyC lOOin YeSteidaV. sale. . j . for i i . . . r card ::!z'Z';:. I:' ' .i nhmi. ti n i i in niit r"i,ns f"i i vow iii i. "" tlM i i. i 1 l s til.- i'ii I I l';r-(tli- i' n tho iilta. i.n Aim 11 I ,! i.i"! Ilifch '..tnl. - I. Hi.!.' kill''. oioitl - r I il now him ml! t'."it- i i,. i, ,! -- , ;. ),. ,,.. i.nil I. i;. n an. I tho r,.- 1'mI'm ,1 1hi Jottri j , I i.imI -- on fi"'- - Hi.. sin tit- - J',.! ,,!,!, Amilt A I i o in- - I,,- - i, on,- - at Mm h I""'. 'I'll"!" oot ho,: 'I I:. W. I' lliyiiii. ii ml! kniyon t.i i'i. iiii'iit of mi hiil. Vnt. ui.'ir h ;H. v.i '. i!i- Mttn--- ... of h'.tns'iily bus nii' 1 -- Ml- M'ih - r- - r nt i.tni .t.itf '1 I.'. ISI'I'!. i" .1 ' t hull, u tn . !totl!i v of wii no. r.u. ii."li l.ii.l.ltj V'Mi m ; - .1 v. ih i.f!' f.,,ir lr.,ni I i 1'. u ... l.I'Oi-i- this ritv. tlml wlmt tit ti,,,, in i, jii,!, of all . . Ill" 1,1 ; mil .'it.nrilv . 111" n ii , i it i ii ooi il i l..,-t-- 'I '!' -- in. H W.iS ., - f..r "i" ;ln follo'.v mir "I'liriuth. liootnii ,,,.,. to n ,1 1! il thnt io.,!, In" , ;,,.;''f ," in.!'- J"s,ijh'' I i .'. - S . .. , thi- n ui, in Woilni filny iitol iloi.i ' I ii l, .1 I'.'ioihh ,,( 1.,. !!,. Iillur c!"ivm-- "itt ii I" .,...... it i.f in. wlii. h .for l:.iil." i.rnif I'.r, ,(r A, fU ,.),.. : 11 i I.n-- l. , ...,.-,.- lo.i.f io r.'itoii mi inn i. ts.i. III" i't ID. Iii.!'.' . t -- "I'-.- t .11 - .1. ' itl tnitl'l'lll.t' t. 'lit, i . Ills ui Iiii'iit "I'or iv iii." Siii" !'. I .oll- K.i! IIK "I l he putTlli'il. i.i' io!. ., h.-- o'.llf.' hhobl.l' iij.oti ,.n. hi ii:',.' ,,,, ,.. n h"i,u j 'Fnrni; If 'I t.l I tt"li'''! ,i,;.,h IS SilMt III I'M t'illll'1 I' ll l,lll 111" :noii.ii for Hi-- , .. I i titiiin M.i,..-- "m , ,: f.1,1. 'tr, I.. I.- ,,v. , fnun ih.H I:'v ,. , Thi,!.-'!,i- An.lii iv Willinit!. n' "t.o r. ;;: f o.., h.ol piililifiii'iPnti ivoitt oi ri'p- - . ,.i,.-.,in- ...... i, .w f -I nirt'fKtl I'hiifiii'i! in WILSON COMPLETES' ..v-- ill. t.. k nn .Mr. lit van h.i.l itppt nreil tn "i -- t i ii.iy roli ition in r. tn th" nltni h ih, v.tik.-- wti'li. rit-i- t iii t h tii" i i ;!!.". i he ".if his Usual ex. until i., tii' now are jmn-111- - health ,r I, h.ti.- .i. th" Ani.' inini"lf'r. !"!'!. . w ' I ' d in " .;. - ,.n fe i t.ii-'lt- t , i'.-- Mil hv .1 i oii.l -' mi itnr," in uni 'lh. tit.- i,"iM ivint ilo for ft. .in y whi'ti he rnmplaim'il "f n"l . . in iidvn. in of the expulsion - k.-r- .,1 " "f th. ir fif-lii- ' K i. k. 'II.- ,i i o 'ii"M-- .. -- t i, l:n. ..!. ivi-l-l tii.-- Iii" - I. nil, ' l"' ':' or eililor, Jnso Villa virile, iin.l httfr h' t" ,,,.,,,,,, .. t.ik. n Into the t ..... h r,,, i ,. iii'.i,-' on Hi. iin.l Mil., ..lof' It, .!. 'I. fi...iuiti!i.-- f t'l"! Wiii f.nlt'i. , lf pro-(,- 'i itl iiit.'n.l.mMe was HS Hum r tin- wlin. how.-ur- eoiisiti.'is hlms. 1'- L li.-- l t tin- nmli t'toK li- i.f f.inl i..' .oi i ihiiK t'UHtiuly. Kni'li iv iitnl he tt;is fouiitl tn In- In a very st i i i hv onan sstfinal immunity uiwu ui mm , - H" tnl the iiiiui irmiiiTni Till ll'.o iiinl--"- iioiii th.- ..lli.'.i-- "'"' nf nns ennditi'iii. He was taki-i- i to the n'.t ,m ami Swior Sotn, th" linniinai mlitor I ,... i il uti.l.-- i't1." TTykt r I'd l a" WMilNl J'AIIAT. i - in an anihBhin.e ninl LLftNU AHIIi) IW ('.tui'l fill. a. Th.- paper uiimitiiiiis that it j i iii.-i- l y , th ,., ii,:.. to- in ii..' il'" J. I". I'llown, tor Ih" II irty to :i ohm nn nt !"it. k HUaillst npi'i a l.'tl tlptill shortly f I.'I ivanl. Rttl"l n.ior-ttniit- v will i nntirtiie ill atl.i. the A I I ! l 11," - DDRESS ll, it h it "til j If In "11.- of li.- - l.'k'M- i.'iiiini"ii."l iiinl i ef- ll"l,l, l' iitl't In-- ru nf Ihn Atniri. iii It Ttijii'tts last nlRllt were to the I, - tn. nili. lisali'.n. Si, l,oo,;.l,lll IM'lil K to 'o '.'!. W.i ,ii H' 4 I il. n'M-- iii'- nil It.'i-- siie-r- i ' ii is ri that riefiil.uit iloinez nil! fect that the hail I i, ' t ., .: k n ':, n " - v.a's hours- no, !!". 'Tl,'' II.- oi"'"l f'.r tun Mnii-ila- y -- rest-i- n BIG WERE M,v. i fn n less ..n "'HI nit! ilmt Mr. wan ,, I' ' BILLS " n i" r.iian I. ,...Minj in .' I. HI... 11,. ,,- l.Hi-'- l tli'ti "!' '"" w "'' in a'.ini? the mnilifit ntion of ir easily. AlthmiKh Ills ennitition a . .( . Mo t HI O "n,f nth t""!li-- WMll llH l' il.ll' '' ,..ti. tolti in hhli "f - i ' ' - itn.l Will the soi-tn- nf th.- onsiitutii.n still s.'iinus, iitli ii'liiii; phisieians nil ., s"ll.l ' .l ' . of iiskitta Mi", - i". the ilwiliini-'- of from i'tl he hail a ehanee nf ret 01- I .l.ilin-1'M- ttf'i-"- to inunutiiti that . Mr.. M. i. for int. n. i' iin.l on l. ui ) iiiui' iiiiil W'ilil liniilshiii.'iit. STOLEN ECZEMA . .,.,. I.Mitlim; to iknth. ,,f ifir anil - . n f"U -- ftp'- Vv! j siii i'i ii". ti.-- iii .1 i.i on lliinu.'t su it,,', Thi- - ."!.'liMr ni.i.i" '''' I .it its I'Ol.l.ll, ll. .li.l. I . 'I'll" thi.-.- i.1,1 of the .'onlfffion i.n. t ' '1 .n-ii"- n Id "u ypcMilfM. O, tl I .' 1, It U ("I W ll- I', It I" I I ' tin- "f iiiiiiifhininl y.' 1" .i tiii.nil.'i. It. In !...r !"i mi j ' f '!' I..' t ! Cuban Cur:, Information to niiK ,itt o k on lit" l iliiiov. k ot I oil I'll .'if. fhiiim n'' fiiiil. i"'1 . .1 K'lin hint'" Supplies J.,.irn ll Vif . , , - Irrigation I Mr WnrulMII .(ill., M f May in w..s nntr'li.'l to lin- '""fi - " kI. nt ,',,). ... Mite Result i:,k.r I'i'""1'"- '.I'1' I'I' M, ,,,,, ,. ,f ih.ii is In h l.oi".,. y.uil ninl l.vnt 1 xstrt. t A- ENGINES, PUMPS, TANKS, PIPES I -t S , - r y I i Hi" I'.il.i; ,.i,!. ih, t.t'.t loi, unit '.'.' i.t-i- o! Co ia::, in. ttorn, v Knov In vniii. I'l'I'ttil.-'- I'i , I I I - I 'II, .11., t'l In- - Hi.' 'I ,. Iilr. - ' . i -- ' ti Ion h Utw Its iinir.'"'. of i.'i. II' Hi'-usai-- ilironu to I"! Ih" take Niriclv C Il.t!:: 11 i I'layir SliiH'i' lii'iii-tiili'i- l. Tl.iyt-- . i F.'l.. v III. Mi.rniiig ir. il I niw.1 H Ire I'int tniiitii. "., t'onipli If l.iiie nf Itiii liil Mifl I'iK' for lit iiitinii Wink. OF GAS? l.otn-- . 'oil. UltHO'I) 1,1.11!'!. 'i. rM'1 t . Inf tuti 'I hv STOMACH SOUR AND FULL t--i ' Slioin whk 'ii We also tarry m-v- anil seemiil-hmi- wrouitlit iron pipe in HizeS 1, ho in ii, ij in i.i oi ,IIIB;,' v l"',i ih" N;,l!"iinl ratii;iiii; frnin 'j-i- tn 2 in., in liiai k nr prali nnim:.l. tict uiK nrlivi. We o ; t . iiri-lii- s, of ti fini" nf (.if Ion- f..i ih.- I'nii hi list u, iiiit ,i ri iti suit i;in niii. ri iip.m tin' .yiii.nt ynhjeet k. you in l . . .solicit your nnler.s tn stni Are thinking t putting I t fol"'-!- 1 Wii-pins- ; i'i'-- a nioinl'Ml "f th" li I' Oil of lit!. .Ill' m tn Milk-- t rust, skiii, IJ.-!- mii house heatms plant? Ask us ahmit it. We furnish plans. t, 1,111s til" I team and A CURE li il Hi' oil two Jltl.lll'.i lit I t .I'M N I I I Itl.l Tl N'. n York X.tlL'Hml 1":ibu' COT INDIGESTION? HERE'S . wtth-,,- v iti.l'i ,.Ui"!t.ll i'.'liK ""' S'N, llioi Mll.n I S.'.l ' It.-ll- I HM.lll i.'imiili.l that h' t"!t lux t THE HAVENS BROS. MFG. & SUPPLY CO. nvicomI: i - : i: im.l ii"i t. ;;,ii- 111" .,,!i" iitfol liiiln'l! thitl just iv i'. i mission. Thf r'"ii"ft of l'lavt'l' I aw I" U Id.. n .ol Io th" follitioll in. K I'll- In oji for loi". t X. .Innl. "f 111" I'olniiil'iis I'luh tlit I ll.rn.'l ,f 111,- 111', ft.-- I t. f lll.'l! nl l.'i'll,"'". wt.ii. than - i i iifs.i.'iiition. tn hf'1 i" nn iil .'ili' i of tin- Am. mi i i in..k" w ilismifsMil, k It 1 will No tii'lin-- Ilit .lj.iS li Y' llliiti li'"' K it s it' In fiw in mill' nil 'lonoo f lo.n. ll',.',! lk a-- my si ti'"'' itut'itt, 'Phi. ,1 pnittiiii !,,. ), of linn' ''" , o, - .,1 i M- I..1I. Tit,- l wln.-l- I.I .no in.-- lit. tho i'luh intoii I,, or l"l. hug of B.s. ami ,,r i i,it on- -l illf litis on, ,!!"., is, Hill io'ii'liini'. in Ut" (In- ,iion hiiMliia I ,, In-- . Hi" - y i it I., ,lt 1'iUtk lllllM',11 of in.- in. il'.on. Mmitiiu;. lioil 'mi oi ...I. til" nil" tn tiii'Mtitiii-.- ' ti. ii fly nun ni .i iMiinoi. Hiiiy ihiiiii'h "nn V t...l. h. . I SUNSHINE BUTTER i 111 . I 1! A'1'i'tilinK to Nnw.j, ,.,,.,,., , r,.K.,TA f.l'.-- ' l f'.I Hf f" 'I M'f' stl'lll.ll lK. lol'lt in I'ti'.i. h "I this to its n"nti.itioiis y II",-ii.ti- - - ( - ll niI'-"ll!- i ,1., not nil hav j , , V tin- Mil. hi,l.i''.lk. l ninl IH""I .. II. tin (u Hi,,' liolltl ml l.l.ih... s,M liti- "I Ui" t,.',- wlint u'l. ,.,,,- .tli. . .io.-lor- yon un'ii okt-ii- Tli nn-!- i. nor In. iv itiar.v, hnvv t'.til . Delicious Spread y ! hub till ..if I I li. i.lin it l,il mli. .'oiil.i ho i or.-- -- nil nsk 1 that not f'iir--tlii- ' I' It , liii'lM 'l ion ? now (.out titoil'iwiii.oiit loiioihl N''" - y .Milliimu .1 in ;"itl w.itni'ii I'.it lli'i! ii.. i. tn- sli.i.1' ymi l IK" . is jiisl it .hiiui that Mi''". For Daily . In I. Bread . - lonl i.ii.l Knit Wnrlh trti know i.!.',v ii In to ill. in h,ii" t,.in. it. I't! lto"A ;s m tuikiim ai.o ti. If (! Th,. s, hoolntiistf-- n aiiti-i- l tn know ? 'Ah. ih.-- ol Ho i.'l'.f l ..l'i"'ii"l wli i,,.- ,r 'iijJjAV. t mi! f' lnl "" tsltintl- - v ' " - th. r ilu- nvs H...1 nn ninl. re I, I, fi.i, I In- Im.l f("l'p."l nh. niriTI H TII N OTIIKItV I'.KST thr ui...... h ...- - 'I n1';.;.',-- ' ..r ,,-- th, ft- m. ,','iiiin; I" Hi" I'i.''!. y t - tt'-n- t .' I 23V y rix,;;rn,i sihI-- s oiii i 'ui i h. t tint hi- in.'.. i,...n. in .I.ii oriMiiiitJ.. MAJVUFACriHED PA PL'S ii ' - Y - , n tMonili's tin,". Supposini;." h.- hi !i r.nMi" tst tt lin- tii-- H ill ttini.iit- ,is,- onltl it: framina y tbiamoulis titfi "f 'i . ti li ,i:si!ii.sii-i- l n ml lisn.itrnK-il- in tin- way to arouse V I St l,oni w.i- - tin f o 1t. ft ..'iit north ion i.ri- tiinsiion likvinst lust ulv.. nil- - a 1'hniH" i" proi.' rns j ,hl. jm,.r,.Hi f his hour"! s. 'supposinu y U h,. h.tcl ,o it, tl - v i, . l.tiins. i;v nuiinii nn- tn.lay t In li.M'i jn an Hrviplmir SUNSHINE CREAMERY . i soiiiM mil' took ion tit n c t.iin.'il Kfiil.iv . y DIAPWSMl l.l.tiio, ofi.'i' 'ii i j Will tiioy I' t'l iiliifnft than -. ion ' ;ir",l Mfti-- a l"in;. ( lliaht drnp IlORt1i;KFI STOMACHS niBlit. .itliiiill. tl In- km w tin- 1'iil- li.ol this u oi'l'l hol'ls MKI.S . uni p. inili-sfrn- f y MINUTI-S- i ii you tliniisatsils nf i 1 I. IN.MVr, I" Moh n, hut i..fiif..l to I' ll h'it' ht f..- v.. ;. ans-- try U iiii'l U Will to ' V Albuquerque, N. M. . . w dysi-i-i-sia- . -- I . linine in a ntiniry' .uI!h lur. iiui. hat iM.ii.i- - i : t .tnu- inl.i j..-f- f ion of tlt. nl. Ii" tt.if a iii nil th" trnlli. y rficiuis i'i. ,,lsJ .1. I V.I.k'U, pUii-- k nut first nf hII?" ,1 I.'i l!"t"'iiVlf Mr. . tintinil il, t'lniit iionl.l ion til" till'! "f fi Out-of-To- y All 1.114. r hiiml was instantly up- Mer- lor inoK-- limn fix Iiomii toti.ty Mini s(ilnll, Butter Orders from ;, i ;., , ; Na'h.t.:-- 1'atiU. -- 1. son,, Isnu tin- - l;, s Tliiril lift, infi.rn'. iti.m ii'tur 1 ' I !m " iVt-ii- illn , w hitl iln lou fal'?"' chants Solicited S Tit.' o! it'-- l s tii!.r'l ntvsliv ( oii',1 y.i.t .In a I" m llinii to nil , f as.-- tin- , I' "i'li sir, Weekly iii.-ii- iiov..'"l, I'o'I H "I! f"h. .! till", no! !,l nimr poor fltfl.-lv- - T, 1. ntph. NV Unit l.l.iin. tola. E.ztnui? UUCE M CUNT CVli-A-- ilCL'C tTOiX . .iniUilita- of


Hi's is tin.' scas'iti clumoe mti' PLAYERS DRftWN BYNEW RECORD IVIADE MEETINGS T HIS AFTERNOO N GAME. 2B-2- 5 l I 1,11 I'm Millie n' the newest 1,io - ?.- - l tnt tics iltivvl tii iii New York. LOIS 81 AT TRUCK Two Major Leagues and Im- Battling Chiro to Take on Sev-- n Game Ends 21 to 21, Liut IH portant Minor Organization al Local Ooeis; Dig Crowd Highs Sccie foul Goal and: II to Pass on Schedules and of Tans Expated to be on Rin:;!and Wins with LEAGUE CLUBS IN BOSTON field , MEET Hand,' Decide on Trades, Casket to i the Hill loam, THE ALBERIli I Morning .toitrnal Simm ViiI I ire I !' (ieel This altcl noon pi e - lo 1. a big Alter pi.ivin-- iHo iiini sti.ippv New lolk, I'eh. X. lliise'litll lliell i i.ii Five Athletes Partici- iv - National Baseball Commission Hundred one at the new m ion i if t cliiy liilniite h.iiiis. the .iisitv- lloill cast and west Hie expei led lo slum the Till' iLtiit ;ht, li'ium I. ial Hat I'niiii High so.'.ioo) game lust night 111,' wri nariMvv sihh Sufi Announces Results of Awards pate in Annual Event of the begin arriving here (oiiioriow fur the New Mexico A C on .Vol th Third at armoiv stood :'t to : The lie w.isj Y- l Kihcdulril meltings of the two ma- street. Itcsides I. elm : the second li tis is all the in .v li i c it in cr dav to cording tif n the i:oc f Rules Govern- Eastern Association; Some i playid olf Made Under jor and one of tin most import. nt el vv of the training m , of Ladling ing a the minor Icamns, vvhiih will be lull Highs Hcol foul goal end tin- Ih'uvah Mai o. I.oh An"' It s Varsity winning on mil s li. 1.1 ing Organization. Remarkable ks. during the coming week. Talk of pos- the eight, Lnu sible Is in w ho yesterday si,ii id t. The final stole iv. is thus Important trade already lo condition ... the illr with the mar assembling oi llllliself for ill" lime tiag with Lenny Hr Mnrnliif Join-mi- l Karriiil Vt lr 1 Br Mnrnlnr Journal Mnerlul Imwil Wlrr.) magnates and various managers, Team woik was the of tin t Nation-ii- , S. A new the Chavez Lot ot II us f Price Clncinnnll, Feb. ti. Till' Fusion, I'd'. record was the month, $3.00 among the latter being Ktank Chance, gaum. The Varsitv iA, 'll d at the Ituschnll Commission announced established at Mechanic hail tonight tor Lev y will It oat a doAen as- - new manager of the New York Amer- III 11, I' (ections of tile i'llllli', Hie today the result of the drawing In the twenty-fourt- h annual Indoor here icans, who Is i cportcil to be open to phiiiK bocis Willi a vow picking .".core nt the end of the Initial halfl nf loin of players selected by major track meet of the Huston Alhlelle as- offers trades Involving new pitch- to ppear - being 11 to 6. The lliuhs came bio k j hcen Ill the re lav race Hus- lor lour fighters la pi elf ml- league clubs for ISIS who luivi' sociation. the Id luuse-railisi- i see ing and inili material for (lie local I stronger than in the National ton A. A. the l.Tiiiil yards 11.11 ies to tile ('III. o 'h eg claimed l.y mote than one leam made cluli. ontl, liovvtvel and tied up the si or players will ill 3 n il 7 The form- A IllOllg tllOSe W l,, ( liii o Will lio MALLORY HIS association chili. These minutes seconds. - I w 01 k wa ; tow. II. the end, Team .1 X (in Monday tie- American league u nut In-- available In llu- - minor clubs er record was minutes mid today will la' i r. Touiiny Hug s to In gin Willi did it. except In services M'culids. made by the lloslon learn in schedule, mei set Moi an anil .l.o k Torres. file boels rases where their will Linglaiiil I placed at nl". fX, the probability its sessions t '. , s',i, pro no longer by major league Five hundred athletes puitiet-pate- thai selledll led for olll ii Kid Stern, desired eilne-ila- v tin- ontl o gallic. with ben to or (Hi 111! .1 near the nf (ill playeis claimed representing more than a score continue later. "I lot" Vll llg lid sell other. Hill. The lift In as was dene tll'tlated i ,1 the same day tin- int. I nail. league The Litis will I'e gnal.inti d ial remits. als are t .tv i tU'tk'il i; public February 4th. ly of colleges as many yv was made on and half athletic meeting. The The il'o'Vd. he h number III llbolll lield Will hold its sell' duleil "how this aft, n ell anil it Is epe t, tl Sectetai y Fnrrrll. of tin N'a.lunnl clubs. The for the Hunter mile 111 a ml ( heel llli; Ask will meet v . I "an ;.l llllsl.istie the Let litnl lluiii. oi' mil' comprised leading Hie national commission that tile new g inu.i-- in wilt be pat ke to the runnels lor r Hie ,11.1 t oll lil In hi aid for ex- afternoon. the doors. Th. tt, lining still, ts ami I tlinn one distance of the country with the k Men's I'itIiv Players claimed iv more I Tiusdav the national tl OUtS nt'C Si al,. In start HI lb were ception of John Paul Jones, of Cor- nil vv olloVV (lull of the same clussif ietitluti I, 'I'll! Hue up as as S' magnates will open their session. Lit- ll'l I'M Vv Vy' '',' iiK I'oIIowh: nell. N. M rluht ( awarded Is expect- I i l r. uu.ild. n tle heyi.nd routine business lure, tor n ot night announced Abel Klvlat, I , It. of the Ins. lel'l guard !. Hired. i nlet . Drohun, from Washington to ed (o be transacted by the American that the boxing i iltl scheduled for the Athletic club, New York City, and I. ilk. lot want. Spit.. Ling PRICE ( i. league (lub The .'.'d will Hot be ll, hi on be- - bit A , piesjileiils. national thai date, Oscar K. Iledlund, of the Huston A. I Ight I o vv d. I ri 1m It ai Ileighamiuer, Chicago Nn I inn to U league, how Tver, will have before of the l.i'i that ll is Saturday (Ueh a winner of one g for the tro- atie A. II. S. U. M.v'atin.i. lel'l lor the task of amending Its constitution night ami many w ho . , to attend ratnci'lf phy, met tonight lu add (mother win. J. Mi l '.nnia with new would be a I'll to In ward tiaptaiui, ib:ht ., to conform the national not pi sent. The , , , i Wilson, Cleveland, to I'ot'tl.uiil. if possible toward the three neces- forvv , 1.1 Shufl U'liai gt r, lib I s. $3.00 agreement ami Is expected also to limit Will take pi. i. e ell lit mi Thors- - I re. sary for permanent possession. I, glialil. Selli IS. up el' over ilni night, on I'Vlduv seldei liuht Letts, Cleveland, ii., to Portland, There were also eight other stand take the question turning the 'ti!i. or gllald. to the league (pf 2 a pel cent of til" night, the 2 1st Tins inuoutieeiiielit t MV ard events and a score of relay races. Summary - Snne C. N M New Y"ik's ( lull proiils on the las; till llolfbt Will be Mil Ollle news to Williams, Washington to Portland, Among the latter events were the Harva- S., 2"i loa Is from floor I .ii . II. (if lit Hi II. rd-Vale world's series. scores enthusiaslie f IS ll),' re. freshman and "varsity shunici'unmr, ;i, I! MeC i i , ... .1 If: This money. In the neighborhood u fistic game. Pales, Cleveland to Portland, ore raeeo and Harvard-Cornel- l match. McCanna, 2; Lapr.iik. I Spit,. I. $J.' Is in the hands of tile national Ilnill, Cleveland to Milwaukee. Summaries: : I. Heals from Iiini'" commission which has slgnilicd ls Today and tonight. skating liink. Lee, KilUoaiid. The following clubs exercised tho 4 dash Won by 1". L. U H, Lapralk. T. Spit.. I willingness to have the disposition of MiCanna. privilege of let laillllng the player Stephenson, Trinity (lull, Hrooklyn. U, fel'ee, Sklllllel'; Uloplle I' l a Ilk the fund left to all. illation, the New CHAVEZ-SINNO- drafted from 11, viz.: N. Y.: second. M. S. Ma?sa- - T BOUT Holt, Miln, Seoret s, Knox Hats Stetson Wllkins. Yol k club having protested the cl liiu lam ik, its and Hats llolaii. l'hlladelilila Nationals, by of Technology; ( 'otiw Clai k. Time, cnusctls Institute of the league. FAILS TO MATERIALIZE ell and Loohester: Lnlenti. SI. LoiiIh Nation- third, A. T. Meyer. Irish A. A. C, New halves, with extra lime for lie. At- - als, by Chattanooga. York City. Time: 4 seconds, lelld lin e, laUI. Today and tonight. Shilling Hink purpose get In 1IM2. Kixt-nlti- e players wet I.IMiO.yard run cap Won bv 4, K.WKN'H Mitt' MIs.MCO handi Sn--, ln i l Vt,irtiiiii ,liiriinl . el LAWS, and drafted I'y tile major league K. II. I'osworth, I'.iowii (25 yards); I I., - Toilav autl loitieiit, Skatin Link HILLS ill. Klorciice Tin in r. I'aslime Trinidad, ( 'olo . t s. 'I lie ailv er- SUICIDE ATTEMPT Twenty-seve- n Ft'LMS. All laws on Central Col por. of these" players have seeoml, Harry, Hostmi A.. A., lised boXillg contest l.etweeu Hetlliv AA, your ami our new ntlons, Irrlgallon, Mining, Itullroads, heeil claimed liy rlu'w of 'Iiihh (scratch: third. A N. Content, (4H .1 I Semi us name Costcllo a ml liau Walkei1, stal. Chavez, the local bantamweight ehani-- Haiiklng. liiMiirance, A In they arc released dur- iilalogiie for IfILt will Is' mailed .ion etc., with cita- and Case yardsi. Time: 2.21 plon. mill wiling Siniiot, o Chicago. any 1 S 1 3 l.flit)-yar- free, Irirgcr and belter lluiii tions; I'ultM mid forum for drawing ing the season of by the major d relay race Huston A. A. Two-re- ( irpheiiin. feature at the schetliili d lor last night, did not take former t'(,mplet(k lilies of RE GALLS FAMOUS iiiul filing corpoiutloti, Irrigation league clubs now having title to them, ( am-- l l.'ilpin I. de- place. Sinnol dnl not make good on I'oullrv Supplies etc. Also S. law na- n f. and forms; t'nder the old provisions of tlm feated A. C, New agreement i re, s r,roodcn his to nine lo and at liicii ialol mid the only (ompilaUoii of these lawn tional agreement, drafted player ( j TRIPLE TIE STILL the York City was de- Seeds 1 the eleventh hour the bout from S 7 to 1912, went hack to the elnli from which Shcppurdl. Time: 3:07. j olf, SUM k Supplies PREVAILS IN RIFLE clared The 19! Z legislature made hut few they were secured, without being glv- - u run (scratch) Won by! a, ceptcd Spray I'iiiiiks Chavez, howevir lias the (rain ami I'eeil changes in corporation laws; many en an opportunity to advance to a Harry J. Smith, New York (unulinch-- j challenge anil a s' LEAGUE MATCHES of Kid Hums coul' U . New Mexico laws are nut of print; nn classification lilKher than that of the j edl; second,,!. C. Sllvn, FoMon A. A.: in;. has been arriitigid for Februarv II. W. Lead. Mhuiiieri(ie, . M. rcvl.'ihin made since 1 s y 7. pone adopl-- i i leagno from one from which - , j I minor the third, Joseph Cuiran, Woreesler (mi- Kid Hurns Is well known to ll fight d tills year none will adopted w j and be they ere obtained. Time: I.VIH s.-- -- attached). Washington, Feb. Th si, in fans ami the bout nughl to be a draw Today and tonight. baling Link, until 'I :i C. Such conditions, lo.iku Hun new arrangement thefol- - SiUi I () I'luler the 1'ultilig the shot, handl- intercollegiate rllle league i still a lug card. i.ii'i'isto Wmium, f,c in. el, indispensable, lowing advancement of players has p Won by I,a War- j ed John .vlor. Kurt triple tie between (Vdumbia. Harvard Herny has been in (raining for his OLYMPIC CHAMFI0NS ami to Hans, 1 vol., 11,15 pages, binding, " In (2 2 t "i liioil Sonlcnccd cii mil!: ren feet. Inches). ilislnnce. and th, .Massacliu.setl.s AukIcs. In tin. f. i tin oiomg e,,.t'l with L.iltliiig l'llio J.'i delivered. H )it:f.virsf inarm!', "by Class A A i 7 1.. - tt IITfo feet. Inchc second, A. Whit- western league, Iowa and Wi t Vir- - t'hieo at ,MliutU, tque on I'Vl iuarv IN AMERICAN TRACK But Lain Acquitted, Slashes V. I'. kAXI X, ShiiIh IV, N. M. secured by major league' Hub from ney. Ilaltmouth (I fool, 10 llU'hcM, ginln are tied for lirst plat,, Kcsiillst 22. This battle may be the turning' Class A. F.inht players claimed by distance. 45 feet: third. W. F, Lose, this week point in Hie career of the local boy. AND FIELD MEET !'(' Tin oat, Mi iTrya Journal Want Ad, Results. Class AA l ured by major league Yale (2 feet, 7 Inches), distance, 4 1 West, rn leagii, Michigan Agglis who is an aspirant for the title of Ii. players D 'i clubs fi onir Class Three feet, inches. defeated California, lo. Mi : Iow a Johnny ( union. New .Mexico tans are by A A by ma- v- - sev ln t ,k,-- , claimed Class seouicd Itelay race Harvard freshmen de- defeated Louisiana. H44 to Mi.'! Wash- - admire!- - of Chavez and look upon New Yolk. Feb. Lollies of in. Monday Jnrii,il (t,, l Irr ,M jor league clubs from Class C. Tlirco feated Yale freshmen. Time: 8:11 In.gton defeated Nebraska, Mill to Villi him as a comer, and If he defeats eral eompelltors in Ihe olympit Sau ln'o, Felt. r. Laura flayers claimed by Class AA secured Kelay race Harvard lO'Hrlcn. Cap Purdue delealeil Kansas, i:IS to Villi; t'liico tli. Trinidad hoy will be taken games at Sloikholm last .year Ii.ivi H. Snyder, no llu r of Lillian Lolialne SUN PROOF Mollis, win, recently in poverty by major league clubs from Class 1. per, Hullnfi. Huron s defeated Cornell Milincsotu defeated Wisconsin, i :1 to to the coast and matched with the top been received by the Amateur Athlell' tiled 111 by Class A secur- I ,1c- - Hie and New Yolk, oday attempted to kill One player claimed (Keller. Slicltoli, Hennrtt, Co.ens). s()2; iklahom.i A. anil M . coll eg,, liolchcts. lie will Issue a challenge to union for American Hack C. by i lilting Paint ll equal to Any psint Hold ed hy major league club from Class Time: 3:18, Veterinary Sur-H7- 7 Hie Wllli.iiiis-Camp- l field i liampioiisliip in be hi Id III Mad herself her throat at her Tented I'liited Slates winner of the In up players y home lu l!li hmoml. Phy sicians said' New Mexico to this time. This shows that seventeen Three standing jumps (handicap) goons, to S'iJ; West Virginia do. i ontesl. ison Square garden March li. Seen lal re- $ t . 7 S twenty-seve- n ad- tonight tint site We are closing It out at out of the claimed, Won by I'latt Adams, New York A. rented Missouri. to 0. (Hefaiiltl. All Chavez needs Is a chance to Janus L, Sullivan announced tonight. probably would cover. (Jl'ief over (hnlll of her per Rallon, which In toelntr cunt, vanced In their profession under the C. (scratch). Iilslance, P,4 feet, !l The fulled states indoor rille team demons) rule what he can do. lie Is Among the entries me Howard I' Ihe ngree-men- t. friends say, had afl'ecled to make room fur n new line. row provision of the national Inches: Heeond, Kdward L. ICimis. record was tied by the Warren. Pa., game and clever ami has the punch I new, Ihe liiitiotial sprint champion. daughter, Mrs. Snyder's mind Mrs. Snyder, Hun Proof retail In eastern New York ( 1 1 Inches). Iiislanrr. S4 team this week, with a Score of llllli, that wins battles, Kveiy boxing fan Ilannes Kolehubincn. tile Finnish whose maiden mine.- - was fig- ellle at from I2.S5 to $2.60 per feet, 2 lliehcs; third, Lee (iehring. out of a possible 1 .11011. In the yvest- - lu Trinidad looks for the local boy to Olympic ilislain.o champion; Kusscll Fair, ured more folly years ago In a Italian. Mohawk A. C. (S inches). Iiisliiuce, eru league Cleveland I, ads with (iv make good if he decides to go aftel IScatty, the Intercollegiate shot put than TOMORROW, 10 A. M. famous criminal case, 3,1 feet, 1 I. inches. Mtiuiphl wins. the championship li. lt. champion: Whitney, who Al 1 1,1 on a ferry lie at enronle froij San : Yard-wid- e Thin Is a new world's indoor record. finished thild to nmii and Hose Till-- SI Pi niolt IXMTU'.K -- , to Oakland, shot niul Uelay race, .1,120 yards Won hy Today am! tonight. Uatiiig Link. in the Hi pun ml shol pal at the Olyiu-pi- Francisco she MILL CO. TOMORROW, 10 A. M. killed , . P. Crittenden, whom tlm at 5c the yard. Golden Rule (Uo-e- , Harmon, Tiolan, ganics: Hen Sherman, the former Ilaltmouth woman cl.i lined was Hie father of her Marceao); second, (Hey- - olhiii; liilcnolleglale ehamplon at throwing Harvard Fine Dress Ginghams at 7c sen-li- e Dry Goods Co. ,1 ilillii, Lilt an. Laura Fair was Doclor Mis. . win i' bus mil the liarnnu'r; Hen Adams. Ihe clack milds, Havvkes, Warren, Stone): third, tented to hanged murder, Technology Golden Rule Dry Is very II lias he hai any .1,1 high and broad jumper of tin New for the Massaeli tisetts Institute of ithe yard. a new was a ttrplicum. V C.i'iiiii-(it'- ll hut Dial granted her and DUKE CITY fot dull moment ut the ( Iteed, (iuethlng, Leiison). ir lerv a Is York Athletic ijuh. end Harry Cerman, i l she was o 'quilted, she Goods Co. Mis. J, ad nolliink em ept w inner ol sevii-'a- met I'opo'iln ll Afterward Time: 7:14 went Into mining camps ami made GLEANERS-HATTER- what you i'd, doetor. l.lppin- - Hid national high jump champion- - S Uuiining higli jump (hundicap) !.. living for licisclf ami child. The Won by Rdgar KrieliHon, Molt Ha- Costello and Lillian Walker. Cry rial. cult's Magazine ships. lausihter became not. ii for her In auly ol(l. ven A. ('. (scratch). Height, 6 220 W. rhiina 441. feet. and 111 IK ii:' won a newiqiaper voling 3 S tin lies; second. J. (. Johnson, uitest as the most beautiful woman I! Harvard Lseraleh). Ileighl. I coa.-a- , i ! ! I i m on Hie acllic She became an Valentines lfliOPPotti 'tNj"fl A I ONolttMMsO 'ilMtB PUMPS, WELLS, ENGINES. 2 tliird, II. Harwi:a li. A. '(', i I inches: ! ' TJ fl' wcn (VOOKNOW) ! 1 MfcN tNOACtt) 7 l lN,,B,NC' I Heiress anil east. The news of (i I Mil14. I ji, Y Wliidinllln, Irrigation I 'In it I A. (one Inch). Height, feet, i lu-- niul ' ! weft"10 Min foR 1w0 yu Qt death in ili silliile i Ircumslanccs Ilichc.V I'vtWtN I'l Water Mupply Plantn. Fnglm for I In Vi i f 1 j New ik was the hist word that I li stt pi.i, I r7ncr ('riule. (ill Htenl liurdleH (scratch) Won by to oitM'r llLL y s s Mrs. Snyder had received of her Solar or tiasollna, W. 1". Totter. Yale: second. Hob Liler, daughter lu many years. mid Wood SuliHtruetiirns. (leorgetown; third. (1. A. Ilraun. woi.Kixt; si). v I C . -- 412 ai tmout h, Time: seconds, 'Jr i '...r-f''.w.-4J- ' I O-V Office U'. Coiper Ave. Phone y; St fS i .M,iuii.ii,m.a....ji if 1 t M. From to run (handicap) Won by t lit; H U'! TOMORROW, 9 A. 1c i 'V'J.'', A. Ti i C. W. Hulrd, Hoslon A. (23 yards); , jg !Jj " Sale of MyyiLh- - 1 Grand Clearance .'ieeonil, K. A. Teschner, 1'xcter (14 ...i,,,,..i,i,ii,iJ Tr""p 's JT THE WM. FARR COMPANY yards,); third, I). I,. Mahone.v, Hrovvn . Don't miss it. val- Whuleiiale and Retail Iiealera to (X yaids). Time: 1:17 PtpoN might j $3.50. ICS 1 1 AM) HALT JIIKATS . liy K. ues for less. Golden Rule Dry .I'll Hunter mile Won A. Klvlat, Sau sag en a Spislally Irish-Americ- A. C; second, Oscar I'",. Goods Co. Fur cattle and tmgi the blgRsit niar Iledlund. Huston A. A. (only two -- Ui ffU ; COIN' IT ,... I 1 Ttft. tKtj7 prlcef are paid. VALIUM im; III 1(1 Of starters). Tune: 4:2 Vfete fAjtJ J ket HOOKS; CO RPO R ATI 6 N L A WS AND TOMORROW, 9 A. M. Afdr':A FORMS ii .t)l(l Sweet lietirl. Mine' BALDRIDGE of OWE AOOYOL) 'WHftT T'lNlOa T'INK. MVS k ' and ends THINISVVV''A 'P'' '! New Mexico now lias a Commission pieces odds -- - I Out lit Amu MnryV 300 I KiONtHM); o te NIVI BbTtPtNOt- I , ,i. I i ' "t'V'."''' i ihm r empowered lo i'"gululo corporations. LUMBER COMPANY "O. I'ldlnUc Me" of Lace Edges and Bands, in Corporation oll'iceis, nltnrney, Ir- "A t. of tilt Is" cor- Paints, Glass, Cement, Roofing arden white and colors. Values to 75c rigation engineers should know "When She Was Sixteen" poration laws niul procedure. For this and Builders' Supplies. "American lielles" a yard. On sale at 10c the "Amei lean I Sen Mien'' yard. Golden Rule Dry Goods Mogollon "She Loves Me" Mm-- CHICHESTER'S PILLS SI' II Co. y?'. Ml, 'A I'oniaiue" jwwm "V I tllnl A.k . lliiolcr Stage and Auto Line IWIti lr ' ' W ! I'l.lHond HriHA Come to slay here for good, Musi- - DAILV V.-- J I'ak 14 lhr- llv r cnl comedy. The orphcum. Leave Silver City 7 a. m. i'rK'ri.i. a v i I II I I 111 S TFR' IIIAVIOMI IIHVMI Pil l s. I,,t Atrlv Mogolloii 4 p. m. y.aikknowiiKs IUhI, Battt. Alsftv. RriUI SI TS. OXIOX ifavn Mogollon 7 s. in, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS IVEKVWHf RF Iteil, MT IMlllllll . . la rent W) 'T U TVI;,K Arrlvn Silver Cily 4 p. A. Yellow, per hiiiiiiL 15 n'lits t; YXl ill' in. 0. Matson While, per pound. 15 pcnin Special (aw on IteipieNl. Hy mail Include renin for each full or Address; (', , Married. I"roi. pound, falalogiie M'cils free If Silver City, N. M. you will send us y name and ad- - I. I. dOIINSON. Agent, &Co. dress. K. I 'F.K Wi . (eulriil 12-- 1 l- -l v Lead, Albuquerque, X. M. fv;i mnwR tb rtt. mt w ttuaiHiiierct or McftcT tWiriM. nrrrl1 (IT .t fnf 1 1, ho. Will iPftrt) ihrrao tnl. tn Im rul tt A good show and pictures at th" kn rrltrvM, Himpki Kfw If fotil ikt i$tl d04 Ml National Foundry tram until otiro'iien la im orpheupi. t k- M.ii oi:ii;its SOLU'ITLI) f UNlT- MCOiCAL CO., Bat T4. lwerii. A cure for the blues. The orphcum. t X Machine Company I

C.bte In 1 to S General Foundry Work, CoBorrhiM-- and Clert CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR CO. (.(intainii no poitna and Iron and Brass Castings. I Biarbr ued full,lTfntu (PIIOXE 138.) Ahatitutelr withoiit far. T,.1l!GrsT MQVOIl HOfSI! IX XEW MEXICO. BABBITT METAL Giuranttwd not to ttricture, Prrrcnti cnnlaciou. ' WHY NOT CURE YOURSELF? Uenernl Agents fur (lie OrlehriUtfl Vcllowstone Whiskey At w thip " Albuquerque, New Mexico JlniKuitt, nr fvprnit prepmd npoa lamp's fnlslnff lievr. j rtript ,t II. Full particulars uailrd oa riMuit, 1 TUE EVA.N3 CHSMICAt, C0 ClacloaaU. O. m . n .ToIJT .it J.


i I direct mid tltu south Hide of Fruit Jtve. J . . lets of th Jennie Fuea. Kooorro !'2."9 t'l intersection of sa'd sliis is, .000 uptcV. nn,' at the Allte Faker, Lukittood dnlikl heliiK more piirtleiiliii ly dt'scilbed , be ai Wherefore lini s that nniv niiiiilicred one (I two a lots fund :t In. decreed y euiiit In have full In bhii k iiimihffCiJ etc hi of Alio OF VOTES CAST 4 THOUSANDS provable Alhu-ii- u dlsi h liilll all llehts ilildillon to the city of S. Hue Perea lUSTHl'T S. llHltill" hfs e"tatc under salid bankrupt nine, N. M , touetler with the Iin. ex- feon ntul in Is, xi i pt such ilelits as ale pfovcmciils tht nil the rlht, 4'iiiissm nf nil territory hdiiiIi of said defen- ,1 such discharge tide and Inlcresl lite till. Helen I'lil-ol- f, Hud cllsl uf cept, hy law from of January. A. dant In ami tu K!'I1 luml imd priin. CANDIDA TES IN CONTEST Die tiuiiii line uf I he Nanlit lc Id Dated ibis 25th day of FOR lacs be mild under (he order nnd d. 1. (In laiiin-lla- lt i.VG Fit. i:i Pn si to Hiiiithern I)., 10 F! JttSFPII lll'l lection of the court to satisfy tin, of New Milled, IiiiIiiiIIiik li Mm. V. M. I (n wiinl, 216 rt. Mr. Frlfhane, ('uhn . . ."J.S10 plaintiff in Ih Judgment nnuillHt said (nttiiH on int. Helen iui-oi- r. ' r.ii.iiiiwiiv d'.i.MO M i'h. I.ydlit HulllKi'i, VVhlto I Mull let of New Mexico, defyndim1. Frank Ackerinun. In tin, of Many Mih. M ,t tu it V'ik'iI Mill, 3z'.i Klter 34, COO tills 5tli day of February, A. sum of hlnely-scven and flve-nii- Great Rush of Votes Boosts Standings Candidates d, with till K. Fifth r,8fio Mikh ,l. ('. Mhu; Siintlnviil. 47, SHI 10 f,irci;ninK hundredths (7.or,i .liars, IiiksI, 4 7,2011 FI, on rcndlim the Mm, T. 112 N. I 7. S!I0 ll.ii 'huc Fit ine, TulariiKi expended III this behalf, taxed i t New Mexico and Eastern Hiace I'eiilud, I'm Ann he.. Is costs Upward People Throughout I. 11 Ftil't'l'tstin, 27,4 7(1 it I :r. mil vt ii v f.7.1 Mr. Ai.tmilu A. I'hiii'un, Pe- - Ilila i;iu;i .... seven (71 dollars, touelher with ac. con a lieiu-Im- k i, IliiM- -i I. ney Juneit, llnnttell 40.270 (irdereil hi the ll. that IhlH sale, fee of Earnest Young Ai li I; Si, I iirliui, I ; ill). :r..M0 crulHHf costs of itiuster's Arizona Aroused to Meet the Demands A li- -e on the Aliiut llrnnemey, .' ew cut i:elyn Muiris, :li,d 20,(17)0 Itryan, I'nrlaleH tilt he had upon die sanie nnd cxpetiHo of this mile. Ami, where- Lt(li8 Ar- I'- -- Im- 7 Allium), Katheriiio (Inylnrd, I of A. H 1013. and attorneyt Great Campaign Daily Gains Ground Many lliinl. i'n i; ii 2 ii Mr, lir. Tans 24,ij:io llh dav March. as said Judgment, costs Women 1 1. DO, 100 In bank- - III. not been paid nor liny part Helen I iiipo, W. I'ui'iii r .... 11,200 Ilulh (irant. Ceirn H'i.HMI thur fure Jhhn V. Wllsmi, n fe fee to I :. i I - ( II, Hiking 10, 2 dis-iric- t, w (taiil court, by to be Made Soon. Mrs. W. M. IJriiy, 21 W. t'en- - rinli- 'uniniliiKM, 'Finn .. .12.0 10 tllie HlurKiN. mi ruptcy. at All'ii'iucriiie, in s'iihl (hereof, and hereas lis portant Announcements H-- I ( ( i 1 1,200 ss N'nyil, Arlenlii 20,1(1(1 has appointed and tin I 37,7fii) Inrinilii. Hi'Kitrii, ru at 10 o'clock In the forenoon order rd decree Anita n Flam lie Pollock, ln xter f. 4,3 4 0 clcd linderslKlied, W. C. Thav-tm- i, Ire-li- Ht.irr, Hhl, :;ii.n i n Triilillu, Penasi 20.250 be published dir. the Harnetln, ... km 7,4 and that notice thereof Il-l- la Martin, . . 211. 0 Marmieiile Itcmiiin, TulaliiKa special master herein to ive law. -n Uuetr, 0j:i N. 2ih 2 '.i Mm Azlee Journal, Annie SimiiK. Morn ' ,2.')0 Mis M. ri. l'ilil(nld, Flephont In the AlbiiinnruUe MnrnitiK fill ctfi'ct in said Jiidmnent, order and Mmy 2,1. tin) Park 1.7.211a In I. ll.i Hunk, Azlei; S0.400 4 7,2'jO a newspaper printed said district, in a ml manner ns pro- Iin (.'until II, lli;i N. 2d.. . :i7,24i' Unite decree lime iVn I y 'alaea Muni , 7 : t Cui InIiihI . , . , r,ri,,"i0o and that all know n cicdiluis and other vided by law. Now, therefore, in ACTIVI FY AND AMBITION OF Annie AtiH'in, I'.nl N. 1 a. ll'l .lti.iilih. I'olumlila licer, Mh... - i'i-- appear decree Inc)! :m-- , N. filli ::n.i;r,n Mm Maud It. C'oleiiiall, I'nriii- Inla I'.ei tun 24.210 pci'suiis In Inlciest may at obedience to said order, und 24,020 Thmiipsuii, 2o,2riii cause, mul t satisfy said plain- Swiiyne, I I nil N. 4ll.liiHI illtlun Heiiha Initlnn... said time lind place ami shntf Juiliiimnt Alinu 4lli... 1 FchsIc Mel ,i II1K- - Mih. Cra-- e Hohoney, IMIila . . . 27,71 110 said will on the FEATURES FiNie -r, :il!i N, i Hi li.sTn luiiliull, rill if any tlp-- have, why the pravrr nf tiff in his demand. CANDIDATES STRONG 2,520 WoiiiIh, February. A. H.. at i!ii- - k. WiiiKiiii. ::;,,ri2ti toil Myrtle J'orliilCH .... 30.M0 said petitioner should not be granted. 20tll day of 1FI. Mis. J. M. Ash l urk 14,100 Miirulne Uuoiiev, .'t. .sumner 47.200 the hour of tell (10 o'clock in thn l'lnr(iii'e Miller, Dili uml New Grimi, Ami ll Ik further ordered by the Aiinn I'nrr. Unmt'i-l- 411,1100 forenoon nf said day ut the east front Vmk 111,220 (he (milt, that the saiil referee shall Hi nd posloflice, in the city of Vivian Mumb, 1th und New Kdt llulder. Fake Arthur 13,200 door of the Cnpeland, FlkfliH 2 71,410 by mall to nil known creditors, copies Alliuiucr,iie, Itern.ilillo county. New 2 l.t'liila" .... I i Vmk l.7H ad- mic- I l( I l t MU VI S Mill IHSTHKT Xo. S. it Ii Sinilh, Talhan 1K.1I40 of siild petition mid this order, Mexico, olfer for sale nf public l Mil M. Killlmillle Maim, Tn 11.. 4 2.200 vT ''III May Hello. Flephnnt P.utte .. 25.190 dressed to them al their places of tion to the highest ami best bidder Ha, I r i? he iNcn, nr. ami Hint 21. iil'i 4 e ibeil lands - HHII-I- ' NllllllhlV by CoiisInIa nf nil lerrllory north nianclie Porter, Melroxe 7,1100 l'i .sldell-- e for cash, the abot disci III! Ml'll f the Nellie .'(2ti W. . i2,r.7o .... ill stated. llltill;. In hliiuiil. Irmi, iil-n- lf to 1 - of the Helen ( of CIuvIn 4 1. 400 will K've s.iul . i." , Ml III IK- the Sitiila Mi. intenr (Irotes, 1 M . ami premises and .. . I. ..,1. ,,,,i In mi (ho tod' Itl I I'l.iiUKhlili, lllll W. I'lial 2 1.4 I c hited at Sunlit Fe, N. this 5th 1 ,m, Man I c mul en I of (he 11111I11 lino 2", 11 70 it certificate of sale of Minnie Click, lluran 1 purchaser unlet ll - l nrliM-- ShUI-- i, ;"! H tl K 10 y. , 1013.'- - I t"H nc.l.oil "I' finery N. - Th-li- day of Feliriiin A. ,l,l, ,i I. II. meter. I'lrnl.. tin- hiiiim I'n, Ineliiilini; IntviiN on un Fulz, Wlllard 27.410 him to Instant possesslnn iimi . lle r- . Iron fil.710 11111I11 W.M. II. PdPF, JuilKc suii.l.i) niyhl "ill I ! In MoininV Iin-- Dark. 4il the lini, hul nut Including Mill'llle Freen, Kiiclnu 3(1.100 the approvnl of the court conf irinini; Melln Marllii.x. iilil eio A 'J'nwil.... 2. tint 011 the cut-of- f. Fmily llettlll, rtilihla 24,400 true eupy. such sale and In course, under lice Ilazhll, 217 Marillellc. . 4 7, Fi'l ' I . HA V F. Clerk. court, n sufficient I ll ll ll ll U til, 111 II)- - 'lui nee AlirahnniH, VauKlm 15.910 Kit I.KK, order from the h i:i Sl.-lli- 4 . . . ii i tin oat ii In VI Klein, ID V. l.eail. i;i.4ii( I pur- ill. - Miioro, Hexter 4 7,4 70 A copy. granting nnd conveying (at I.I, mi -l l iilitilrt I'l)' riiili- I in ii Mill .",:i,r,sil Sii.iinni' true deed lh- fil- - l'-- ill ll' i in th. mini .ill Ytiwiirl, W. Silt I ,. I , il - ul llll tr 'llll l in .in u( (, .1i,200 I ,olt I'llllllck, I 'ill Isliiid . . 114.200 expense) the lands nnd .. i Willi Mihel W. WILSON, chasers . M . . i. .1 Inu itl i i'iti,l ,!, h liiniivK M.iiiiiel, :iin N. 12th. . 27.170 JnllN III .- Hi" ,,f N JeMsi,. Sear'., FoKiin IS. Hiiil pun liaseil as provided I Nellie Unwell 10.4 00 lief-re- e In premises so I.. .,, il In Ili-i- il llfl l..ll,ll- - Flh-- I Slle.-r- I 'l,line lul-1- ... I7.4HI .laon. Hiinki utcy. .1 I'- .ul., i i'..i ui ..i ik,ii ..' nil ml. Addle ,. Fidel', Sun .lull , . 20.000 Wilnni Hii kiiiuti, 20,700 of New AIcxico and tbu I'.l.ll in In- (.0, nuchaiiiin. Iiitti',1 X 1013, AMuniuer- - by the laws . itl u whim. Ill nl N, I'Xll'u" I'll 'i'i .i - ('nlii, St, .. HO I'cbiuary J. ll H ,i..l H W ll'l..' il Nellie Mead, Mcintosh .... 20.100 .lime Wright. La Ijindo 2S,!t-,- decree of said court. Hurry IimlHuti, 611 W. leh-i- I ue, N. .f. ilny M Hi- ,i,i ii mn. lr, I! u.ssell, Mui Imi ry . . 4 7.200 I'ai si ii i V this uf iM, I lull!--. ,1 I 11'' ill I") ,ilnl Stella wood, Tular :'.2.400 Witness hand lsih I'elltriil (ill, 411 I Filiii, 3. I ll Hint, Salila I'e 20,700 Jin, mil. Ahhi.H, ja.Si.O A. IF, i I ! -- I l.i ll III ...I. I January, ml t. Hid mt 'l" Mary li.ial, II 7 N . . . till II MXM K'S SAI.i;. I I IIS( 1(11-- 1 Ainu. Ft, larii I,. Kennedy, Smi .lull. r.0,1140 I.S SI IIINtl hi KINS. Nannie tiKhorn, l'nrtaleg 2,120 W. C. TIIAXTO.V. I ul Hi.. I. itut i H '.I liliH ..l .lack (Vil- of County uny iln.lil- -t Mr. I'l.'her, (riinil Aniclii Turner, Fokiiii .... la, T.'IU Fni 11 Jiiiich, CarlNhml 27,200 In the Ilistiict Court the Maul vr. il at-- l Ciiiiliil.iti'N in icitiiin Special r .i I' lifiiliu Inn li al 4S,2K0 A l of New Mexico. ),, 'l"ti lint rr-- ti h t- -i Iiik mili-- tt Mlc. mi Hamlull, Niii ii VI 20, ".lii(l Jolley. ItoKWdl 42,270 tif Hellialillo, Slate Iimii-:-l- in1 finin mtiii I'M, ;j r I 11. li III II I1 - w.t Ml". IhiiiiiIiuc, 2411 Fiml . k ii ti ilra-- e Mi HO. Chillies Passinore, plalntilf, V8. H f.i.i.' i In iitiv plii' d lli-- v ImIi. ('nriiin, Mmiaily. 270 Hetlle McHll(U, Flephnnt I I i...i 1 Mm. Kntll JncoliMcn, . II III ll. " .if tin ! 110 N. Mary . ,'iFIMO 4 Frank Ackennan, defendant. III ..III .1.11 liiNliiiue, ii en nil nlii In iHtil-- t Nn. Wooilall, Mclniill Hutto 7,200 Sign New 'Itiliee. , . . HecuiKl i . .'. ll.K.'iO . . 7)2(100 Nn. sti73. Alhlollot I, i ii,,n i .i ii.. i Cue in ni'iv Ki.i ntti t iiKu hikI imlix. iiitli)ii In Zuiiiidii Sena, llii.'U Mih. Henna Alklnniin, Arttmhi. 34.400 :!7 . n 11,2:111 Is hereby by . M m w ti May l.iitvler, H. Ariirt.-- . Mm. 27.1100 Xollce Kiten that Philadelphia, Feb. The Phil.ub II, .l .. I I llil. .1 I. .mi.i inn iith-- r il rt, I. nr nii r Tim Nelile ('nrhett. ,Siiilie Mixsic lleiirt, Luke Arthur 2l,7!lO - ,l '11 u Judmiiont, or- l Anil,t Uns W. Ti.lciai., ( so (Hlje I und autliorily of d Ii ii.Ii.i.i.-- ' .11.. III'.! it uli. wni Ul fii Id. (;rcia, rp. liter. Nam iin .'1.20 Hesste Hottcn, Melrntio. IO.Di'.O phla American league niinoiinci .i ml li. ik. -' jnur -, 1 1, t Mcl tle llyi ill, 27.41:11 . . der mid dei'lf-- of sale and foreclosure ' 1. 'Dial iltilK. Fun,, Mallett, P.el'lllllilln. . Ml.i'lIO Atwniid, . y IK Ht ll Louis .1 ll lit Pearl Talhan...... 40.270 it , .11.1 t III' ..f lll ll tonimit that ius 1 1 1 1 , and court 1 It H lit V. f'lcn Kelly," Walnut 11,270 Hilda I.eitlH. R. F,h et'iiij . 2(1, 2.10 Jewel Hatlei'H. ('Invln U,N40 of lion made entered '' 'he is pln.t- - I. Ii. ii hum .i ml 1. 1. .vim' llIMi ul' on Hruminei huff. piti her. Who. ll. lii tJerlrmle liiuilell, Whitney Margaret Murphy, . fi. 20o Hnylo, in tllo above entitled cause the ln-lrl- rt Nn. 1 (iin-iu- li t Dm Oily Halmv Mario Duran js.70 ij.t i . lug l itt ,' Ni tv irleans. nun. 1. .ii l i I'll in Uu.. tln'11 IImIiI. I'n , I'.I.OIO MaiKaret N'nlan, Maxwell .. 20.070 2slh day of September, A. H 1012, tvinter ,if Alhinjurr.iiu u n J l.'i'tniiMllo HliiihH iiiiiimIiv, Wllltird 32.000 pla.t'ed Whh the Fl ,.n n mi. .,1 tin ha ml' i' i.Hfii'.ii i.r llenrll ltll WeiHer, tH I. F'tlth 40,020 Iiiiih Hriiiiiluiek, Snnl.t Uowi fil.r.70 Willi.. Moore, Fneino 30,200 hy which It was ordered and decreed llruininei hoff I ( ) , I I. ( 233 Whi- - ! certain lands and premises 1'enn.. lull liM (leas(iil. i la ih.' J. mi tin In h. Hllfll'l.tli"' - Uulli l.nnnfellnw, N. Uuth l.niiMliliii. Santa Fe, 7iO,:i70 r . 4 0 that those lilnirirt Nn. 2 COIlHIBlW (if hII toirl- .. Trixle IhirrlH, HomhcII A ii- I In Bitid dei described, iii- - -t M 25,270 Add, si'i pheiiK, ,lu rn . . . red ,:l. 1.1.1111. t.. llil' I.. i.r mi lory inn Ih nf llll' Kiilllll-I- llllllllll.ll'V nilt Iff 37.400 Male Helirlchseii, Artcsln ... (,2.170 24.1100 lot nnd tract of laud fifty feet by one I ,i M I n K llil lH I 1111,1 Wl'.- -t (if Itulti .;.vlii, Suiiih Ainu .... Alicia Siini'hcv. Fu FuiiiiM. tliu Mae lllll; IS.UiiO III ii The llf lllllllv tlll VhiikIiii forty-tw- o 11 mid feet, sltiuite 111 Mary Smith, Tntvn 12.II70 Ft el Mil Ih. SpriiiKcr 17, lino SelleiM, hundred Want Ads, I r. i .1 Ui- - !.t si inimlii in 'il lllll lllll' nf ih- - Smiiii l'i. riillrnin). old .... Mjrile Uucluinail 3fi.F"iO Result from Journal ii. ) , I side of North Twelfth ral!-miii- A tit perea, :iij,ti7fl Mury llaycH, K. Fkh . . on the east . . 1. l, tliu Tnwn .... 'i;:ii 2!, 240 .Mamie .u ..i. h.n i . i I ilii in In i 1. ii ii hut im( in, linlinif Intt im on in Sander. Finnic 1S.410 Iml In. uiilno, Aimclif, Altliui l.elart, 7IH Kent ;i'i.ioo Itulh Id'i nnhl.t, Fiiinii 2.rili0 Vella l''urri'Hl, Tnlur 4 2,190 ul- - inn .li i.iil.i riii.ii-- . v the iiiIiiik riu uiii. yiivii.iil uml nf Arl- - Ai(iluiiln ("ervii iilcM, iil Tnwn 2a.L".lll Flhel Carretl, Maxwell ... 44.020 Fliima Purred. FlephHIit P.ilttd 27 000 . i i i NhviiJii t'ouiilhn iinln ttt ji dm .if Hii' mi'llil If". ( 1.4 I , j inllll, Irene lllll ke, ii Tnvt n 10 Itaniiiim hiea, Kiinta Fo . ri.FS.10 Uiichael WI111 ley. Uunwell 30.10 I I " I life- - ll ll III In - tut-- - II- I- - mi n'l I 'nnii-l- li , . Ma, 1 .'t t Nn. 3 i niiHlHtii nil tcrrl-ti.l- v N. Mh F'i.DSO Maci,. Hunt, hid 4.200 Mih. i. '. Nahouri, llullutttiy 07,700 IHiirli nf ' , , . lill- - nlll-- tl.i vc I .. fill, 7 ( .lull, " l imrlll nf tli I'.clni 1 'lit nf f (if tliii iH.ihcllii (i lliiiinun, luitlKo and Vne Hero. Simla c ... . 70 May 'lemenl.n, 'I'oriinu 23, 200 i - .ii-- ... ne I hi t is, 1 .ii.i ml in - I' - uml i iift nf the iiiiiln IIiip nf Ulvcr 2!i,70 Hatnn 2:t,270iMiM. W. L. Wntson, l 'luiiilcruf t H.220 Mi- -. M. 1 t Mix. II. F. Men. n . . 7,40,1 11,. in in ih- - .. i..i it tfiuli rolling ,'lin Sunlit l'i', lncliiilili tnttnn on tlm inii'.lii, r, N. llh :U.!II0 Jaiah I Filith 47,000 i I ram cm 1; e, N. A . . Hazel I'oiiihH, Maxttell 37,1 40 SO ... ili-- ir V..- I- IhI.iIn II U mi met m. llil Mill', lllll lint lUtllUK tnwiiit nn US run. li:i.700 Frames Well., White daks.. c ( Ii r, .'mi N. Hilleviele MoItIwiii, Salila I' tli,2S0 (iia Mi ' 114,1 SO r . uii.l iiiiil.lliiiii-i.imli.l.i- l- IIin ml i. If. linn iiiiiui llth. II. 24" linn. Cniniia .in in ih , ', Iilxlrlct Nn. i riuiHlNls nil Iirrl-lui- v I'lmnl.. I iIlimi-- u; K. nt 4.li0il llirlhil Snodxrans, Falun . . . fill, lino Lon Painter. I 'luuderuft 2,4 0(1 In II I I'M II Nil. ul nf ' I. l'ff ('illxi, ir. li ,111111 4 Minn ti of Vnliiirlit rniinlv li ml JuliiiMiiii, Iiulcl Mainie llul, Sanla Fe 7,270 Irene Ward, Arte.sia F'i.000 i, Hi- i lii ii, ml - nr. it majority nf MailK- - Siiji 1 ( H I iiini ih( ,.f I h- - run ll lit- - nf S.iiiIii l'i' Pauline Junes,' 411 S. Amu.. 2. .700 KiMer, Pedrn.j... 4,270 Flureiiiv linl'er. While HuUh 7.7.SII it- iii-i- -il ti ih- - i .in. Inl. - li.i.i- i lulu tin' Mary Fyan. . 1, Ml, liit'llitlillK Intt lin (ill tliu rail-- f Henrietta l.nel,. 721 N. llil 7,27o SF200 Cli,, lis 1:0ml. Curmiii 2li.710 ,.,ll -- til- - l.M- - Willi III! MIH'llll'l" FIhIc Mc(!r(((ur, CIS K. Cuiil.. .1,400 Mart F.i 11111 liack. Fa I'lieiu .. 42.270 4 ulll,. Heed. Ilnpe 2,000 I San-he- ?,, 0 nil. -- III ltliMalu Hint 1,1. MU'CcM 1 null I, I Nn. 6 riiniil-t- n uf nil tiirrl-- i I'amlce McClellali, 2:i N. llh. 2,1S 0 Alicia Pei'iilta .1 00 Fiilliul Sllllemeier, I'ol'olia ... 24.100 . . I Miinlta Tiliiiaii, mm I l mi lllll Inn- - nil ill- - lull- r V dnuili nf ilii' lli li'ii 'lit nf f iiinl (li'I'trilile Meter, SI. Jus. Hlisp, 3S, 420 Ciiorvn 27. FUa FanntiiK, llupe 22.410 -- Tl- - Merle Knell, TllcllliU III 27.!T70 t.- -t mil - Hi- - m.'M Linn tuple ml nf tliii iiiiiln lliu. nf Ihn Simla Ki, Nancy Mnri'lll, 622 4 W. Pearl Schneider. I'arlslinil. 3(1.570 iiii N-- Fdini Fiiik, til a ( ; . -- In-l- Hi liuiimliiry . , ; I'lilui ",!:io Myrtle llarkey, 'arlshnd . . . lO.OiiO ..f . i nil" ii ill Ni n i in SiiiitliiTn nf jernN 2,7(10 xl-- n, Fhie Sliilev, Salltil Fe 42,010 KiLllileen 2 . Mi tin lulling on tlni lU lcn I'liinc-- H ,115 W. 2 a, II 40 Ciinnnli. 7.200 n"i( ii .1. ul. .1 -- mil unim t.i lu- imtim Miirphf, Lead Tallinn.... n.i n rm-i.ff- . Lucille Kl.-l- e Alter, l.ll.'i W. 20.4 HI While, Fulsnin 2H,40 I'uiinle Tinsley, Pnrtales .... 10.S70 I Frull i.ti. cub, --' ii liim tin' Fiisl- - 5 7.1! 10 A ll, i. l.ntla New liuii-- c, Mill W. I 4.H0O Alarld, San Pedro .... Hie Unimex, Lit Lnnde . , . . 2.000 w III Fend H- i- liitf-- r. nl nil. fiml ll Until Mi Lalijihllii, l.a !,.! 1. t .I 1,. .... Kill Its III' VOTI H. .Mix. I!. K. Mmiiiph. 1223 I'llevu. 2:i.200 " 111 111.IK1; r.7.270 I KIIMIMI .,.,...,', Ii i I - ti.'-- ti hi P1111I W .1 mm In ..hi- from 'iil- - rri i lvi'il up iii 12 o'i luck laiitii ; II 00 lldsel, (.'norm 2 7.: mio ''urn Kllis, 2.010 In il t ' Tii-ni- ui linn ,iii, ,ih i. ...l- - llil in tin; nu ll (l.i in- - t i.iinli i uml iiilillnli- -i In Mrs, ir. ( 'l.ij f.ifi', ( Ave,. . HI, 000 Fsta Slateham, ml ... 00,010 - iiinl i.i'l-i- ii Ml- '- Int-- I- Ihn iiinr nf tlni fnlliiivliiK tin y. Vnli'H Ilcne Hiililm, lllll Tljerns.... 2,'., 400 AH. W. W. (Mark, I'olnnlii. . . 1 7.,". SO Second Capital Prize I -, -. Willie Fett iliK. Tuciiiucarl . . , , r,2,4!IO l llll li. In i iin in- - ii int Mini In i'Iv. il nfii r Hum Imiir (n m.t niii'nr HnrteliHe Stil'ttcl'. 2117 N. fith.. 2.0JIO 17. Fmm 2 j LEGAL NOTICES. tl- I I Kuhn, Vckiin 1.400 ,,,, I j 11- 1- -l ll.i lnl- - i.f he nllll'-- until tin n'i nn,. ilny fnllmvliuc their Sinnin It. I'lilih, 2Hi W. linld, . 2 4 100 ' FT. Ipl. I' elv-i- ll ( :l I Mnrsiiirile Hudulidi, I.u might ur Inili' nee, nil vmen rn Mary s N. 20,(ifl ' i 3 u.iniin ii Iin hi. Milling with 'iirra?.,i, :i,l..... 'oTi( i m i riUp In IndiiV III tnlmir-Ii.w'- h .Mm. . VcmiH , .la.S'lO i: on I'liiLic.vnox. 111, I tinilll uppcitr N. Kill. iiinl I, ki i II, - .i i?.i I Kale Vmk. H fi.iwo MMMmi mill in nn' pup-- r. Mism 117.270 -, lint Ihntio rccclvcil lifter K. I'lark, liawsun of Interior, i I,,, i I in.- li Mini Falherine l'i illll lieinirtincnt the lii - pi i. in hi I A 11 ml,-- J ui link Intlny will nut iippeiir mini Waller . . 24,070 1.1 ''oi;k, Alaineila .... 42.720 V. S. Lnnd (iffice at Santa Fe, N. Jf. I - Il lull- - tu cell,"" I.lll,nn I'.iiclian.iii. 4HU N Ainu 0 2,r,70 Iliirliarila Chatez, AlKodoues, 112.200 January 2S, 1013. I -- i i il hi H" i! 111 Hi 1 ill M Today in., luw I, ,'iMl ,S. l.ulit leli.ielsuii, Fa ,. IiX.220 Make Your Nomination llie Schrucder, Walter 2.1110 Sanla Notice in hereby Riven that Mrs. In t hi- - iin nl ii mt ii n Itll.tHl I'ONTI ST OI I ICI.; IKll llB. Mr, licit Cirrilaii. tit) I ti. MImh Fi, 11 sun, liaw.Mon .... i:i,r,oo '. Texle II. (lould, widow of Ceorffo T. t III Mlt-- H . il Ml T -- -- rt Iti'i-i- lll- Tln i f rico In (ipeii nil ilny loll (1 A'dV i,r,,.',so Helen Sehinilt, Alaliiedii . . . 2.170 funic"! Gould, deceased, of AlliU(iiet'iilc, N. ,,t r ii , i,n... F . i'ii Iin ll! 1,1 up m S u'l liu k III tho evcnlntt, fur Mary l.uu Ki)2 S, Ainu. 22.H0O Atliln Feim re, Sanla I'e 10,.170 ii..i,n Uny M., who, on March 5, 1906, I . -- m - Hie lietiefil nf thi.He who Tlsll M., Sltinllelil, Annie i:. Johnson, n.7oo made k. -i tl sin, -i ui- - n nr In r iniumt Mr. Ilallie r.lh NOMINATION BLANK Mary Fiisyell. Kuv Application 072C2, .l. iih iliuiiiK Hie rcKiilnr liiislniiMH huiirn. .MnrnuclliC 22.700 Homestead Xo. elite iiinl Is ihilliu i i lllll, u uml 31.0S0 I'n llu fnin- -i (hi- - nn, I If ,UII (II n 11 t Itnsn lirngViNi, W'. Mt. I'arrio Wafdei', SpriiiKor .... 2.020 900G, fur northwest quarter .. ilili.Uli - ih- - ii, I. ll'l IH t.f III- - f.ll i.l -- 'l llilll section iiimIwi vmir iltirtiiH tliu ilny, cume I!n ait 4 .1 r. fi n Myrtle July, Splinter r,,7oo 6, township 9 north, 3 I 11 ll I h- - I I. -- - III Illi tiitn riinise ..UHfe nlllt lit' 1 I'.rnad-wa- y Ml'', M. F. Miesa. AlKodnlieH. 21,100 it IliKllt. Mrs. C.uH Wulf, 205 S. east, X. JI, p. 11, & meridian, has filed t, ih i ul i ,ii Ii il l it ml II. nil- - l .i II r'. 27,:iso Mix. F. A. Ilniiil, Madrid Good For 2,000 Votes , I I notice of Intention to make in,,!- - In u hi, Ii. inl.l. Ihl- llil I l UK 'tiKl.-lli- , ine Wall-nun- F. Venus 2,000 l'.llit t 212 W. lliimlto 2, Mill Uls proof, - W -- ( , , . . . . to establish claim to tho land nl it i v ll I 1,1 Ii. il mi ll it Unit Flllhiii I Iiul'lll (if ("'atiirlti.'i Chavez, Helen fl,2tn iiistafsun. H. Whltlnt,', I. II I .. .,.- . Mrs, Cldv,. Hay, Helen 4H.20O above described, before. It. I'. lit ll llir - ..f i Ills TltllT No. 1. tow ii I"i, 37.0 I nominate Mrs. or Miss : 'll-le- Ahell, Helen io,:ir,o V. S. commissioner, at Alhiniuerqun, M. ,. a lllll Mi ,1, iiinl In fni- - .iii- - Mr il S." I'uinrii.iiKH, 411 UeltliH sh N'. . t'uil-ls- l- W, Hun In" I'd 37.970 Hdiiii Fulz, Santii Fe 10,270 M.. on March 10, 1913. nili-- r I" (Ml tt III- - Ui lllllilM t1! of llie cifv nf ii r, iii w.V, .nil-M- i 2,010 Mm. F. (!. .Mci'ulluuKh, Santii J. Address . 1,1 ll- 11,1- -1 -- li iiiei'imi uml llcrnnlllln iin ii, ih. Ma, Claimant names as witnesses: T. r i i,i i, -i I'll vil I'm HO lii i 2:1 2.0 T. I''. V. . .1 lli-- lr - Ju.Hcihliie Si, N. 2d 0,4 70 Johnston, Phelan, H. Lou- .i tin- ll, fiml lihinl- Kilt,; M ueil-- r, 11 Ft- - 2,020 s.i tu .... don und Mrs. U. W. Loudon, all of Downtown Address. If any in. .1 liruwii r.i:i s. 'i ii ii liK.WMI Albii(iiei'(iie, N, M. 'I t,.- i .. Mi, in-- ll Him m- i- pnlllim ill.; Ml". I'lllll l'lllllU, I'.HX Inl Occupation I MANFFL It. OTFIitl, in tin ii Ii inn' h. inn i "li - IIS, Mill lily No. 2. ' I I Ii i V 1.1 DlSjllHT Ki'Klaler. ,,,. ill1!', l '! " .III pnlIlK In '.ciihi Kill , J:i w in h Vjn IHSIItK'l' No. 1. ,i 'hslrlct Xo (Sue liislrict Invislona.) ihi.I-I- h of nil (enilni-- iiuiIIi ( iiiislslt of nil teri'llorjr rmnlh ii k ii i s Pirni Kix nm ins- - uf llie Miiillti'iii liniinihiry nf l it of lalcnclll cuiiiilv uml tte-t- of lllt(.F. it I. i ii Ft mill ttc-- i nf tin' Nominated by... kiiiiiIv tin iiiji In Hue of 1I10 Sunlit IV to Iii (lie nialt-- r uf Jiiscph HndiiKhcr. NOT 600Q AFTER main line or Hie Smilii I c rnll-i.iiii- I, II Paso, Iin hilling tun us on (lie lumkriipt. In liankriiilcy, No. Int. ' Iml mil, Incliiilliii; Inttus nil rnilroiid. Address Coupon FEBRUARY 19 Coupon Ihl' liillliiiiil, hut Including To the Honorable William II. Pope, Aui(lie, ntitiiil uml juilwc of llie district court of the (inly the liist nomination, ballot received fur each candidate, will Niltiijn cuiinllcH of Arliiim. nil . . Fniteil States fur the district uf New care- - Annie I'l.iueruti, Manila Iciiii. o0,2n0 count for 2,000 votes. Fill out nil the lines of Ibis ballot very tutvnt li tlu'M- i urn ( ic-4- . mul nil May Hiihcoek. Kellv 40,110 Mexicn, In the county of Saudiitul ami ONC K to luttiiH git tin1 liillrniul (J"ili west. fully ami mail AT tho Contest Manager, Tliu Albuquerque Mrs. F. C. Iliiinniel. Socorro.. 31.070 slate of New Mexico, In saJd district, Morning Jotirnnl. THE MORNING JOURNAL Fuiilii Alexander, ill.shoru . . 02.040 respectfully repi'cHciils ,tliat on .the Florence Crimen, Kairview . . . 3a, 270 1st day ( I.lllil'-ll- of ictobcr,, last past, he tvas Tho mnnngenieiit reserves tho light to reject any objectionable .l ihK-- r, Sa . . . 4 7,5110 tft cr. Fiiiiiiu McFaln, Fake Arthur 32,070 duly adjudicated himkrupt Al III I 114,11 1; mav .mi;xh . l.j, in,j V, ulll litis. ( 'llliel ,l , . ,'! Il,!l 40 34,1130 under the nominations. Hello Warren, I'enlral I i acts uf cnnKi-CH- to bankrupt- blank, write, plainly, ami gelid It to Con est Khz. del u. tu OH 4 4,000 Mrs, !. J. MeCmih, San Mnr- - rt'latius Fill out with this cy: t ti la all Krli'huiii, Sast yi r la, 0 10 clal t he bus duly surrendered all Manager with your n unc or tho name and address of your favorite Miss I.. . . ::.",, his k la f sto Herlha lllll, in, Socorro 20,470 property und rinhts of property, candidate. The names of persona making nomlnationa will nut be Aim. Mary llauu-y- FliiKslalf, 1)7),! I! 0 Nellie Mcl'iihiiu, Deiiilim ... 27,210 anil has fully compiled with till die divulged. If ho requested. li-- n, Ilml. I'laKMafl' :: iii,0 Jli'K, A. linrlier, Ciln 24.140 n (iiiremcnls nf said acts and of the Ma:;i;i,. I i, t 2.1.720 GRAND FREE GIFT 'nuretl iahup MaiKiilet Hriice, Lni'dshiii'K. . . 52.000 Mi-i- II W. Ilu.ichaiil'l, liliam 44, sun 4 0,0110 II, Hessle Kuierson, Anthony .... St. i l'i i. ilr.uit r,7.r,7o KohcIi, Helillni; 21,X0O Amelia Kl'ilket'. MaiKiiict .... ihilluii Mrs. T. A. I'une. San Marciul, . 20,220 CONTEST - 4 .")00 'Inn Flank, .ianulii 2. Nona Malune, Lurdsliuiir .... 42,2''0 Susie I Hup 4 0,1110 Miers, hi Fiiiinie I'leiuli. Frnt CriiceH.., 20.40O I 'l l l.i lli'l Sinuuisell. Williiiliis. . 22.S70 Mrs. Fiiuiiieltitor, Me- - Amelia ' DECLINING SCALE OF VOTES Helen I'll, ik, li.illu Mil. 4 20 . . 3 0,100 I' -- sllla Park lm in c llciiihl, Williams , , llH.liiill This M.iruuerit,. Fiilil.,1, Fellll Miller, St iile ColleKl' .. 0 0,4110 Coupon Will Count for 10 Voles Flagstaff, aii.sioo i:iil!al)eth I'uHle!', Fas I'ruccS., 30.510 iKiiii., Martin, ,, Fiiiuhei I..11 . ,'ii;,:t:!0 Mahel lliiK.-r- .Meslllil 25,040 Second Period hird I'ciiil laiwlisli. riiliniiju ; ii o Park... first Period Period LoulHit Nicliulas, FuHctlilll' .... 15,7 4 0 i Ittllll .til I l it. TllllH , 34.700 Kur , Mary Harris, Socorro 1 5.200 Sti ht l.i i.s. lit ti :n From January 27th to February From February 24 Ih to March From March 17th to March 22d ...... I' lnreiiee Falley, UirdshurK. . 52,270 Mrs. I.. I!, Illnnlll, Jelll-- f 41,200 !iil the following votes will be Is- 15th tho following votes will bo Is- tho following votes will be Issued I!- -. -- Fay Me Keys. Anthony 2,S!I0 ill iltiivla, Flllnl'-- Imi . pi.r.HO .S.I.Im.m l Story. ltj.NOO sued on subscriptions: sued on subscriptions: on subscriptions: , , . laltth Nulil, i:s.nni)lii 21,000 Finn Antlinnv Florence Klrkimu Ick, ItH Pft- - 11V CAKUIKK: Votes UY CAKIUFIS: Vote HY CAP.KIFK: ..' Voles Niitlinh'd MiUlinen, I 'lilmi, vu . 3 7.700 luiiiHH 30, 000 Ob) I -- ti n III.kIi let Nn Fillie Health, 3 1.00 0 Price New Price New Old Price New Siutter Mis. ('has. Folk, 2H,.'Mn I'h, la ils.nn, insiniv 2 0 X li 0 San MnreliiF. . . . .CO 1,200 (loo . .60 l.tiOO fitllt 1 800' 400 1 month nion'.h. month...! .60 -n I i:ihcl Murris, Telle ii.lHiO 7.ii.. f. r (Id) tulcN ttheii nil,. iml mid ,'tcnt In The Murnlnit Until insluw ifi.r.oo , l.ko 4,000 2,00(1 months, 1.S0 ;:,o no 1,5011 l.SO 2,000 1,000 Anita Mend. Fit Mesa 37.4 70 months. months.. J... iv .,11 nr mi nr dnle, Nn Fdith riii;.,, I.iiieslu 30.100 R.fiO S, 1X10 4,01111 mine in iithei'tM.i.'. eiiralimi Hand Unwell, Socorro 07,4 70 months. . 5,000 months, ii.oo months., 3.60 6,000 3,000 K,liu I,,' a li, any -- i Fi iiiitu e Muiiinya, Culm 10.270 wiil red ill ttay ..r Irani rct after helnn received hy M. 3 4.200 year 7.00 12,500 year. . . 7.00 20,0110 year 7.00 18.000 9,000 II.. Fim . Fmily l.ciin. Fake Valley.. in- ....ii(-- -i i Fiii-.-- in Fit. h.1'. Ftirt Ain, he. 37,000 - 1 - mi imi;. fl halli't can fully tiiiiiiued uruiind mil- - Teie-it- a Tun-- ., 4 4. ISO years 14.00 SO.OOO 30,000 years. . 4.00 50,000 .20,000 4 Fas I'n Imiias 25,000 years 14.00 40,000 Mil, i Uila It. ill Sauih.lal . . 4,0110 Ilia.' il nlii (ml he Clilllllcd. 1 7,020 . . . 21.00 45, (lllll 3 . 21.(10 Ml, OHO 40,0110 FiiMla, i Kiitherine l'aliner, Fas t'ruces years. 90,000 years. years.... 21.00 70,000 35,000 Fclsalie Finer. l Floo ill) Susie Scull, Sucurro 30.0 S . . . . i.S.00 0.(1 00 60,1100 4 . 1011,000 511,0(10 45,000 Mih !'. F. Hmuliien. (.niesta. . 10.30(1 ea r li years. 2S.00 years 28.00 90,000 Katie MncHlrdwcIl, lais t'ruccs 41.100 years. . . , S5.00 150,000 75.000 5 years., 35.00 125.1100 62,500 years.... 35.00 100,000 50,000 (i, Wilson, Luke i Flinch,' years. . . , 4'i.OO 200.000 100,0110 6 years. . 42.00 150,000 75,000 6 62,500 Vallev 40.SOO years.... 42.00 125,000 years 49.00 2SO.0OO 7 years. . 40.00 200,1100 1110,000 7 JnHcpliiiie Vnst, Han FruceH.., 0.1,710 115,000 yours.... 40.00 175,000 87,500 . . , 1X0,(100 8 years. . 56.00 230,IIH0 I 15,000 8 A STARTING OPPORTUNITY Miiud. Tunis, Feuiing 4 7.400 years. .16.00 200,000 years 56.00 200,000 100,000 !i . (i.'t.OO 2lill,(IU0 I'.lltcl Ciiihiini, San tAntniiio ,, 4 0.2OO years. . . . sa.oo 150,000 9 yours. 130. (100 9 years 63.00 240,000 120.000 ' Hiiuri M. Fell. Finns 'Alton ... . 4 2.270 10 years, , . 10 00 a.' 175,000 10 years. . 70.00 300,000 150,000 10 years 70.00 260,000 130,000 RETURN THIS COUPON BY FEB, 7 P.M. Cince Hal is. Munnllon 1 0.200 8, 4 Mrs. Hillnhoro 1. lllll -- I'has. Anderson. ItY MAIL: Vole I1Y MAIL; , Vote 11 Y MAIL: Vote Miss II. I I'.ayiird 25.100 lickiiisnn. Ft. l'rle New Old Fiice. New (lid New ' Old Willi n M, i, it Old or New Mihsei uml Nellie Uulihiiis, Altos., 3 fi. 3 00 Price 'lime hi or liter iitloii Kccclte Finns . . 1 $ month . J .50 1.000 600 month... .50 soo 400 1 . . . 600 300 ' Allie May Cooper. MoKollon . . 20.170 month .50 This Will . 1.50 .1,000 ' 3 1.50 2,500 3 750 IP 'lit, . . . 10.270 months. 1,500 months.. 1.250 months. . 1.50 1,500 Alice Chatii, HUlshoro EXTRA VOTES You Uessie Comer, Ficrro IS. 430 months. . 3.(10 8.IUM) 4,000 6 months. . 3.00 7,000 3,500 6 months. . 3.00 5,000 2,500 5,000 Start Josephine Hreul, Silter City .. r.o.oiiO year. . . . ti.CO 20,000 10,000 1 year 6.00 18,000 9.000 1 year..., ,. 6.00 15,000 7.500 in Ati'liliuii tu tin.' Fii;iiliir t Ficrr-J.- . . . . ,.li. Maiuiir, Henliiinin, 20. 200 years. 12,00 50,000 25.000 2 yean.... 12.00 40,000 20,1100 2 years. . . . 12.00 30,000 15,000 on S.nliii Ahraliiini, "lty.. SO, 100 . . . . 1 a Silver years IS. 00 75.000 ST. 500 3 years. ... S.00 70.IIH0 35,000 3 yeais. . . . 18.00 fiOiOOO 30.000 . Catherine chnpin. Silver City. 41.700 . Nil inn nl'Cl years. . . . 24.00 loo.oov , 60,000 4 years. . . 24.00 90,000 4 5,000 4yoiirs. . . . 24.00 fro, o 40.000 v, p. 1 1.000 Winning Mrs. Untleii, Ft. Fayard . 5 1 years. . . 30.00 125,000 62,500 years. . . . 30.00 15,000 . r. i:tta Fmsey, Silver City' 30.S20 57,500 5 years . . . 30.00 100,000 50.000 years. . . . lit!. 00 150,000 75.000 6 years 36.00 140,000 70,000 years. . . . 36.00 130,000 65,000 Addii'i-i1- . llie Unhlnsmi; Flmm Altos. . 0.4 00 Campaign: years. . . . 42.00 200,000 7 years. . . . 42.00 is,, M. Hayard . . . 12.200 100,000 175,000 87.500 year. . . . 42.00 160,000 80.000 linh. Ft. ' . . , 4S.00 8 years. . . . 4 8.00 Miiuiiiie Mooro, Ft. Ha.ttU'd.. li2.S50 years. 225,000 112.500 200,000 100,000 years. v. . . 48.00 180,000 90,000 1 . . 1 9 5 ('otltcsthiit . . Histrlct No. Mrs. W W. Chesser, Hurley.. 7,400 9 years. . 54.00 250,000 23.000 years. . . . 4.00 230,000 115,000 years. . . . 64.00 215,000 107,500 37,330 . . . , . Hattic U.anne. Santa Hita... 10 years. 60.00 2S0.000 140,000 10 years. . 60.00 260,000 1341, OOW years . . . .60.00 250,000 125,000 New ( Slmrk whither nM cr sew hy drsvt in Mrs. W. JI. Spai knian, Sun 1 Old I line circle aruund tt. A, id in ...... U.OSO 3 Katie Sehultx, cutter . 27. (ISO Foiiisa Chavet, Sua Antonio... 2.00e (I Comic MORNING Society Page ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL. Section ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1913,

Mo! Ber Captaku liad Not' Meard About; . And WhntV, More 5 LC Didn't Wit rot To. ... ih nnui. rhm mmwnV x ,r n""' COME BACK HUV 'WHIC? TA'TA.' ' LETTER 1 0 L)T OSTRICH.' "'J() C JS fSIDOKfJ ?( WE NONE Of YOUR - 'y ItoCARRIER f' fil(-W,Vr- J ( ifV ;"T' A' WnuHFAftiTr t J Jvatch MAy-L5- our i'" X- - ii77w MA'l WHAT AH 1 A OAHOP.' Got JVl1 rvudt I'atv hf rw lTv Hi ) r (W hai a g s mr &JP') ' sure maybe. ven) TT iFU-- V f rt I frf , rv;fcitej

1 -- ! rprf

S3-- '

HAW'WW' It 'COME UM PETEY- - dtlCS VONIi 'Vlll..'ViU.'lbOuMDTEU - t- 5f V1N WH KiD5w! R DtNj1,';'i'i f AH W'ESaWDOM I MAtMA Df ,)0Kf UND DON'T IET NOBODY fftPf V ' Vt iJt IUHKIN UNO . TEAfH MM YOUNG T liNU k u ML.' DAT J.W IHIMOIY ) Tf 11 HIM ALSO MJF, 1 i FOIKS A'PlENTY.'y - ' , AH Til mn 1- . MIJUR rC'iTMAN HERE a w HAW' yf-,;- J ft ,'0 v h . r AH .' V UJ- -. v VJiVtVAj Tib TWOf-lT- i TO LET

VE 'oENO HIM SAFE mamrawm


, I ( - .r. m vram-r..- . v ' KSMACK.'BI?. -- KlN TIN& ABOUT IT ISS rtfrf Y Ti! --VMr

- U.i jus please sTs- i-- $t IP cf r--r Sv to ride on Ja&s 7 J --rAU TPfJ" '

w. if ' 1 wu i mf i- : v 1 v. 1 j 7

--t y.y ------' - 7 OH DERE YOU IS5 CAPTAIN .' LISTEN W VVUNCt - HAMS UND FRITZ CrOT FRESH (LONDON BRIDGE ISS Y- M IT A riODWll UA.I 11 n Vrfiji 1 n 1 w 1 haw: Jfauincj down; I. ft: 11 (Uiu Tuu ninnynDyui u ) DOWN J; f 3U I (LISTEW (APIAIN-U- : ? DON'T YOU vant 1 h TO HEAR IT ?r ' , a. v, - r 1- - CjUB 1,V ) -- & - rw- 6UBBLL- ' jf A ) - ni j V - XXX'X ) OH l7) X' I 1 1 t (1 I ix rvy t IV fJU: X 's ) " -' ' (

FT . I I . V I

GREAT CLEARANCE SAL MEN'S SUITS 300 MEN'S SUITS Men's 500 MEN S HATS 100 Fancy Socks at 19c, Values Good styles, all the desired There arc no better Suits All the new shapes in , Trousers colorings; also staple Blue than these correct styles and and Derbies; all sizes; to 75c Pair Serges and Blacks; all on sale' colorings, perfectly tailored VALUES TO $3.50 FOR values to $4.00; sale price, at and worth to $30; on sale at Colored Sock Special 0.00 5 PAIRS FOR 25c MEN'S SECTION GOLDEN RULE DRY GOODS COMPANY MEN'S SECTION r two ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 19l3.

f. --scu ,7 " w wm, iql "TV V fl.-- E,' 5 "ran lJxrLJ J . r 4 k r, .Jii , I ' . .

j v . . in. t lb, I Hif.f ii 'I in - li- - n j ., ,it 7".? '"l ri .f... in.' Hi.. I...M, t.ul. ii'i" iii in l.nif rhin.' Mr Walt, n t.i . niif day Uli" To Observe Lincoln's Birthday Servant Problem i...;r I, f i, . ,(i.l I n'lrr :i Hi.- t In.. la k, t, I ,, 11 . - 'f man In . h ins.- k II ,i if it int rt I. t.ii ' Hi I Jrn r uii i lln rtuii.. K. li. , - -l r i.nn. I,, M ) ln(f ;f I.) f,,r llif i.t V 1 I! it If Hii'i'-i- i will I"' h'hl at r- B I - 'l, I .. SITi'IM. - ,,n. ..I....- t.f l,r . 1. . I u. n ( The Kmu'a ut nf I'n Wnlmwliiy, I'eliruary f .Mil 1. tf ii.,. ll r i.i In ii li li"U'. v.iu t. ni liuini.'" het lie hall f t If' l ii II,, i.'-- . f a ill. I 1,1.1 f l;..w r l.r:!' i, f .l ..I, I ... , ,i,. I... lifT n ;.1 r a vti ii.,ii "ill six St. I?. Ill h'.tmr nf t. ilil ulll'a hirlhilav. ...Ilf f, I'll.-- nil ir . I . r if iii It,, il.iii. ii. in li.- iiii.I. i t'.,S( i ..,, ,1 i i ,1 v I I., d !l up. H .at tin In. me i f Mik, llarn-- a.ldre-- . nf day will he n.ail.. Wh, h if Hi ,!,! f, irr. in !, l,,ll. ii an ,!. Ih the !l .if. lea The the '.iin'' ' ,r, , ,..- m . ' K' y l.i i .. 'i lis nr.- j I n., I . , n ii . .1 r.tii iril.. I himii, hy Jiul.-- K. A. Mann, ii ape ii I t f .i . ,i . nl i.i'.. .i. in in rn, Thii I.f. .il.. lull). In, ".III,, r.xt tat inn and " l i.r.n the nil. r;l. a I , if it ' f lit. hi, ' ,1 I" Ill I. !: .1 i .l !,. ... ,,. !) I Ii 1",. HiiiMiiil will ! in I'm I roe a I,. I, .1 I l.l'.T prnerani lendered fir if . ,, . ll .1,1 l Vf l t,i r a "( .- 1- ,... I - , ... ., hi n,,!,ftrf .ni,. m, ,.,w 7 r. .1 :tn-- l l j Th. ti, iih r .. t In r vx.,ity Mmle. I"! ih. rntc p lire l.ein tnai! fur eiinnerla.n with the exerePia A !!) nf i I tlr th M r. li . ''"' l:". ll.'' i i.ii't l I .. I lie-i- ii. Im i, ; .. M. .. - .1 Ih.- the nt, dial III', it.itii'tl ie eMeilil' d th pul. ippnn n( il.iera ir. .1 AnHii.l h lie pi n n. t.tih.r Una r. j I; . lin, the p.itr.,l.i2 nf th.' N M.rr-- n. .1 I , ' I - , li. Ir. J. I: nr.. t.i r.,,r fniii- i ill ....,r I., I Ik, I,, 1,1' lit ;...' ale r"d pi, fin- n.k, I M;:si,- ifl he fur-- i tll'elld. ihi.i I". SI- , it- ;n I f I" dm.., nl.,, ii ii I i.i i. I I ln I. It I... Ill ... If nr,. Pi lulled hv the M p. h.i.. h. . I nn. ri) r..... r".),i..t tn . ... !! in le. t.r' 111., i i - r , l Set.-IMI- l i ,. l. ..Mir ,,i, i'i ii,. f I k,, i ,11, 1,1 I iii iii.kriipt, t. I .Hid the l,,. ll,ltri ,,f the Mill'' ih partllH lit uf th uN,n t f m, l.i, i, rn) tie I rint ',.kf.M.iM !itnrwi "... in if Hint. .1. I,:i ! nl,.-i- i, I'.-- l . S.i ..inpiire xxiil V. W. C. A, nf whl. h Mia. I. Brad am no rimr romp. i r.t in i: ...... ' . if f..i .unl aue." ef. other utUticlfve Hi. 1, I., A! K 'I? si l - ft, .( ii f .jl.lM- ;,(, li Hi, VI Ml I t. ii n Il Ml -- - . fi at'ji n l. nne.l. ford la i h.iirin in. Kiiw a Inmk aln.tvir (i rmi, i hi!, Inn ! !,, i, f. r.lli in their J Ue. an? r ii. r i.f tl, i,v , , w M v III m ii ! i, i'i. ,i. i,,, ri'.l.iv '(, ') I,, I ,i r ,v '.I the ilv ft,. i inn., j and an nlv Ha inmi nl the tl.nuirh. i,f r fr .in . .k ''nl h rs on., a,).r, h , II . I v , - M,,i,,l.r.' hl. Nut t. nli,, in. Ih. i ill IIKMK.i: M Pre-Nupti- parl'ira laat nii Ih fn if Hill take lite- AMUI. al fkirl nl,er ' l . I i ' Pretty ' I?..rl. iy I ,m v ,. 1 I . , I1 Parties nrily waa a. tn al ll ,. that a i.f Hi i! ni.. C. i:. r. vi h. i 'Hi. II th r i th.. ihle l..(H nf LTK th affair pr. f!;i ,r), lin'l.-,"i- . .. m - i ''..iif i,ii..l. tin- r.f tti.. ciH l,.,!l r T.- - I'll it ,'t Til .1 1 Til V nf I Mil III,. nil l,t "f im reaa. nit the HaiH 'sit.nn library, i'i,J mi. .. '.iinihift l,it . . i. the hew lil'Jii 'l.,i !,l.f. ,1 s h I h.i li n ,, ,,.. ul,, Ii.if li,.ill.m !. .,,!. I..nir f. It w nt Im t, iiii.l Mate Ut ii th. Kn.m; he ImeJ (h i;rv !:ii;i:i-;- eiii.rtiiuieii it it d aixn f,.r th lntnnliii nn r.,f.(rn,, up f, ,.f I .,n. t,i,i! ,,. M1 1 in., h.i,, ri. i,., I I. ll!- -! I it,., j Mfli ill f id nn ev nf and he 1 - Ihit ML HIT. ii'!. and i it ill t n im ih M.irt rnui.n h"il"r iiini: whiilmn fun rxiiil' h. htlip hroiioiif in- it I,.- - , ,.iji.l !h,,,n ;.. t I evi.-i.i- t,v p. M a M u r a It.-n- , ; ,,i,,,, f tin r. I,,." ..I f ft. 111., tit,,., t; i. r h timk Tt" y. li,,( ra. nh marri.ii.' t.i fr'dli fur lii larue urn n tr h ti l e.f the ' 'mnn. l..r .l ." Il .ri.l. .1 h iIi'i.-iIm- ' .n ,,,uh t.ii..l Ml I'm ,l, nipl r lipMIi.e llnward I'. Warner wall nnur nvt 'lamia and relr.aliiiieiita featured the lir nn (n.ifii . ,, - e'lne-da- .'l,l( l.iKll .1.. I,!, Hi V- i), ,r. -- I I . I ' ' I mi-ii- . v , I I v i i i", IIFMlllfl, I.) full Vf 'I, f..r .iml flit i. p. T.. the ju,ii of T1' mm,.!- ll.l. 12 etlirii'.a ple.isnr'. Ui. a ..,.! ..-r- r,.l th.- - , t Wi"it i . r'ti nl .f "fa. t I ,p. liii. .t .,! the vti,.;i ml Ir.t.-- l.'.i' e, In , "Maki ll.i.te. inv Jack, Ih l:.ii.'ei In. me was atlr.u Iv.dv ni I I., .11 I' il..l'i.h'l .in. .nr,.il!lii; Ihc . t, i f- - j l! "" - I M Ke, re- - IM 1 j-- t fr., I (l.i, In.. I'i .llllietit ,.f in- f..r Ami itll '!). An. they Ih d i.i d f,.r even, Pi pink mid an I'll. refil Millie. Sfeln tlinr Mil fill' .i r.N .i, I.. 1111, rut. the ll n. u,,li, d . 1 ". ln ph Hi. .l.lren. j li te nf ill! the r.l, k. while. The lli.ral nii.lif earna-imti- a lary the I... il V. '. A. will n tin.' i ff -- . ' if I!pr hiiv ..HiMit ..rt t.i I... Enqacjemcnts Unannounced in. f li. pr., i. l il. in e. m- - l. i In -i r,m - and the Cupula iiain the i'ii. nl,, Inh the i.,iur"!!.in iii- Ii ' fax.'i. immature l i. fr, rlilii! in u nf I, I Mf Ih.- - I: V i... Wii Willi the In, i. Th" Kl" purnie. (ind 'I nt k, plena-alili- y pallma tmiiMrtiivv nveliilik'. ll, f Hi!, ii r ' ' The lime waa v.ilii.ualy and nil, !!. ,,f i,,,,rn Mil., i -- .11 - l''t,MW (he '"i ". I. a !eH . l.i - nr- II.. .! Iht m Willi ma. . d, lli.( In heminitik' dual fitful xeinnit la plauneil. . . . 1. ,.i,s,,i, t,,; III in- -' k', I. l ! III.- f Ai C t i: , v. aiiipri- - a in Ii.iiri Ml.iihf m.iiM 'I'I'!.' li k: d at the May ill d the hi i.i, el.-i-t- n ith r.rmv featnn M,.ie i.ii . e,'tll the pr f f ir ""f tiil o , m i..i ,. Impressions and Personalities iii.M.. ..h.i ii 1,1. I ll.l j the .11-- w h w li u l.'thllll f..r Trek. hfiidiUMtk i' na awarded tn fi.r the eiuli itiemlt.-ra- wlni nre tint in . I, l . ' 1 ii i u III-- Hie eh III II. I,. 1) ami ' r held i nn I paratiiipa. llifir rimifnrl. in. lin the Mra. Cliif llavd.n. i,m later tn urit-Ini- r till' Tl rvrf. I . i. t i. i. I h l.i. x. In, !.l . 1 In fi.uixj th er.r ..n ..ii imiiiv Arthur nil. rmaii Life U l li'i.'-In-I- f. lii Ihr fr.n I III,. I I a.ti; i.rila "f Hilvlie (u ; Ifi: iru. Hint IIiliii'Ii' ,,. ... ,r.-ni- I ... r n l; I iiwlil. tii n.. ni, ri'l !q - l,f. tkri.tii. llll". Ill'l l.llli,. Th annual mna,tt, r ule ill ,,f nit tli- III, M. I I il llif ( .( nn. ll nl In. f, r I Is t f i.,1 I.. ilnl. 11. e. ., re Pell ,1 ,' I., nia.- - wa ni.l(,rliiin xhc ir I ivi'ini nl tif A xr. y I'.iity N. 70 h.r M..,.1,iv i . j Ramona Zeiger Married lint, h ended th .if! in. , .. ,t v I I 111.- Ifl.-t.- d. Ma-,'i- - I h rt.iu.-l- i . .Si n nine thf t.i ll !....! i.,rt in ii, P u p! Tnm-'di- rii;filr- Th tsik .... I I if f ?r .' eiven at the K ma fciii.tnn r I i ., Am. th tug ti tf LH - 'ii l,.n.ih' ..i fn.iu ii th- - -.- l.t...r-, Vut .1... in.,.' i f i i a i ,.m ertieit .ira. 4. ,g rmtlnc na of It sri- il,,i.n. ( ..f k " eveiiinjr. I'etiruarv and prmed a nn r, I , Itil!.'era' h tv were in i'l,f I.T ll i.i. m I !,.. nil, II, M l mm, t .I'I KW'I! iat.d, hilt Ilnlle the Mi'. Ila'.fl llf ..arv In:.' If," . am Ial tin. i r.t ,al f"' fifitit. lli,ll jli il i -- a I ,i - and am. . n ; ,,,,, I Si ie II I l:ili-l- daiii' '..rl iek l. Ken- '.'if !"Ii1 i a 'luriiilnif. iliitn1 nlil,. Inf.. l! Ml!,'. i, J l t HI ,l lf,t h hi I v tndi.'M.rr.i i t f t h ,'! ,11. I. natiriK. la nwa nf th" - t rrt(.!, .,n h .;i, In 111 - Si Th erowd waa Urx- the fun r,y Mr ., r, , 111 ll ihiri.l.- Il r'i. tt hel k. ll ,mj,r ,r i t II . i H ,IT 11 i . i li. i . ,.f liami.nj KI le Ktlt liT Y W. C. A. . II- - .,li;ihv h.i.jfi, f, (III l.e piil nn itilm.Mi-- l ,i. r.led th" niatriaii. Znuer j F'lt'e il i ,, . tinmiliiied. tuna;" and l.faiilif r l I'it.--.- Ttu-td- 'I. Cliff ll.nden, uniui.iii-.- iiiinnK r ai.iv ,,,.. il ';.-'- r.. January ,1'i. t.i S.,m l Martin. Jnhn .'i ii' l.r:'-ha- VfmHil li.m nn ('oi-- . .'' t...i.! et "h'li.1,1 nf thi. le ami naluniea went tn make HtT.iir .it.-- i ' (Harry i V .Mia--!- I the miiii a v.,iriiii.iuif h.,t w i, , , - I -. , - i v . Ornm K'.di. of 1 tniijiii t.i ,.n I.. ' i r . n'T mmIi j, n .'inl the iii.- T u Mure Ilex a New Vnrker. ll flue! nip.itmi rit. hr h.-- r .Mve,-- and niemiiriihle. and treat credit i j -. Aim Mi .MilH.l. royr-- ri. alirn. tii ri, n, rn imil i, ,),., ,,u . ), ,t "f.iil,. Mi- Zeiiter pariPui tti.- - Mra. Kli and ia I'Mthr rmi ih mhal . ,,t,.,ri. r" tr.i'. due th eiimtiiiltt'ea. win. worled nrl all.l I., inrki-- il"- - '. i xv lin- tif id. Ifil. Thm ,i !., r. In I, .f I he ;i r.l. n t I a li. im Ida. the daughter uf Ch.irlea Th nl, f M.aa. Hijr.ia rn.I uuid pay n't tin. clullm i- -' iri" untiringly t.i make th hall th rntir rlir , v In - , i t'MSi,, Mr. "liillilirili hie, In Mil. I nll'.r.n ,.f h .!. i ..t. aw'n, the 'a Z. it;, r f i:l fnriiierly a W.mner will Ink pl.i W'e.l.ns-- i aun il nut tn I.e. In I efa Mhhh turned Wf.i-- mliri Itif f,i tluit ,i. lie f.f m ;, - The Auction Bridge i.f A i.y l hi f.-- ,.- -t fr,iB(4 n..,kiinj Die the i.llf ,,f i'li; ir, .n ..'i.riie- Clubs reauletit IPmi'ier'Hi. Sine veniiii" the hmn nf the id. Prize the defiirtied I. .'ilil I a irl Mif) li.,. 'In, ." iiii.l HtiiirinK nil nr.e i i li ii h k i .i . t,. nun- - remnval tn the I'aaa th il S.u th Arm. An . K. . It Impowintr to ' . l l..ll!iTl their Cltv. went tn Mr. Kalpti KuUt-i- M r..nil.r itu.l ,t .,!i il.iiii h in is 1 i . r K ria. Hamuli.!, W'arr.-.- i nf Kt. a l.r at all. ftm ,irw if ' .i i',,. th it fiMin 'f.iher'' C K. l.l.UI i: an i I., nn d ib Juanitit ami Juhn Kpl"npai Mamtierlt Sihmldt. .Mr. Cliaiha h.r. f'iriiu si,., ,...,,,N hiii-I'- M,:ui. I, thuri-- up hnuiihtltv. imylBr- "V.,u i!i,rriii.,v Vfillf i't:..t.. (ting hl Hnnn- - M..I1.1.V Af-- 1 A in I ii, n nth nf wlmti, sr nnw nmriled. will perform th uremnny, KedniHii nd A. Alt era. Wf,rit ..rHH-l,.- n 'n xx ii .int. Inr f I !il it Ii , failed In whiih il witiieaaed hy rela-- I (o iriti. h an. pa i little I iii HlLfitM. la. lather k'enrll I';, h.h the ..,.t Ti If three fte,uenl!y thia eitv. and th ( .l i,i ( i,.,, tf v the i.f l l I I v . . Mra. K r,,lil ha.a nunier-ni- ,,nd iii'iiie.liai Hienda ,,f th I'I'it " to fh T. XV. r A." l,,iiin; r.inie I' III", I. ,1,1, a te ll, ...Ie i f f. .'h.vvti.i; frunda v, ne trv tlie nut Tier. U.-l- I .. II vx t t Arith.r maid In a trnl null nh, II, 'I I. if K..liie-"h- ! ,,a ei . a I: Ki ler. Im will harn with Int. r,t "t her nntiai inK two. Washington Birthday Ball rnra. r,.,t, II' r i iiiiM-- ,, , , , ,, )i.iiihfii in r .,.,ly t I., ,t I re. nut liuP),, in,,,,,,, !! , l. Ih. man Marv i: llle'lilfia. I: . li. J. ph innrriiiBe. !, .. ..!,,,. ,,f (I,,. a r in a Hiiil "Tiilll Ll it. ii. The vieddnii; waa n tv .,.;iet nn. A i nn of Ilia rhtl.lrrn ., ' I'all.ll. r. Th i,. Stat Xety pretty pi U pt .1 p.irtv W a Kaaiern Star mt iiibrs have all I., .,(. ' A I ,, . .. .. K.-- I. ntre iii.l ,i ,.f I.. f I N , ! I and Mr. tmlda I,, a Pride I' ll TIIK out. The r.p,rt n ni'im, "Tifin f. tl hi, J.,h! W. and Thuraday nfterniMin hy Mra. T. or etinuiia rv idans mad for il l.."iV.. if. - ,1 1,1 th,- , ' t.ii.'- il. ),. a 111. .v Vale, C. aame ,i.,v f.,r tt Mrleana I,, i C runtrii. TmaKlrt th niirprmr Ih-- n aellLltu .ti. I.. I'.r.,.r,,i,l J. Ilv.le lake I:. in a ii ..f ;;t Smith A rim atn-e- t grand ball, to be ClVd) ill t I i f he ii, i it ri. r f r hifi.-s.- - ill the fammia Manli , hr prrpl'tyrr, l,,i hri, i. ,,, 'v. ..rid H- i- A I !H ,"lllt- I'.raa m h'Ui'.r f Mi-- a S. hiad.-r- the Mason!, ball room the eveninis of I lie M ,r I , . I r..,,, r., ,- - ,, ( In trt a a f.. Kililirr Kill. ret It is rii't '. l.ll.V,, Hi II e,t hill' li ,,.n .,.,t e.lin-ia- th, ill, went 'alifi.riii.i. w h - February urt rar4 nnrir ,t.,.! 111.,. f, 1.1 I . r't ml t.,.... will Wedde d the part 1..., I.. I...... - I ... . i ' th.-- i latt.r i?i " ' ' mrl it ll, e ,l UIH Hi- , I,, I t win te will npeml r ma nd tnalif anv to i.cp Mr . . t. ,l. Id - vnil (...t mrmw wuh the iidcf nf thia i nth tn Oliver Wellinan. Colonial costumes will be worn In' I '.' "' i v. l - j i,f Hu . I VOIJ'II " .ii"iiri ii.l inv in. n Ivan h. r Ii.l 111" fie- I; ir li"ll' Ilii.MIl. hnp. Imrr. I " ni Mil. i,, if... Ki .'Kltlfill I. III .'Ilil na In r.-- and the bevy nf vollllg girls who have iiH'r-- gn ..,... " i. H" li t" lie i, I ii Ml, I, i. i.. I... uli t if They will make limne in N'.-v- in tj'iwn limn liiii fi. ' " til "l. fff. their whit pr i!.d fnr th vent. a prn- - been asked to serve the refreshment, j in ill,, r 'I - , V' fi'l e in ii kiukI ine rt .ill iilnh I ll lk iiiv. Mra. Kevin, I. la ia ,l, i id. fii-ta- ti in aoina alwieri," iiie.i.iiri tahitniif Th- - K Ail. n l'.l;,l- - of heltiK which will be included in the jollv , . elllllK hil. carnations and mses ,.. I. ,.,., piii'litly tin I Xi hilled t hl lllm'h he. In .1 v h h I'll.. vvifh.-i- fn edlv pr.iiy trnl and p,.,u'.ar decor-itinn- s ii )rnmlnnt ir pi i v a ev i - her ued ill development of th si hem of things, and the fr I . . i'k,li Thm decotativ the lli.i.r Hid the fun Hi" i t i I. r arid in KI I'.i- -.. hi uif nd sot a new run i.i t... if th i t, IliliK '.'It, e, The was in na- will be patriotic in accord With the !i- ni " at the eli whftn. affair th iiii t,f .t I' they h,n .Mine nl I. i.i I l.,-u- 't aoeka airo bi,m nhe ,,n,, ,1 ll pllll. p,,., th a paiiii and it lil.e dir of a shower, and the hride-eler- t nature of the celebration. H'lll . . I i . .. . ilalli' At III j f"f hnl'lllit; thelii.eit en nl if Xji. led t the limne i.f Mra. W. W. : 'I aklea "A Iierfwl o ..t.l-a- lli-- t Strnnir. receiveii many pn-cr:- r.f - III' ., .1 - - v Mir.aid at the , handaom iVt.mlv .,, h iille f III rli.l ll,...- t I ft ii ,1 tiiere'. ii"lh!ntf I , In xt Thar.-- I. iv afierimini, a ietl will gave a sewing-part- win trif .rine.l. f.,e - k t ,1. Mrs. Frank M"ims i Th il' la .! axed , hina and cut class. The itiKSts lii ..rit- . At f,,v. ,,,, v L i ll i, he K ,,. ).,.n,-l- t wr. lelmllteij It), ttmt nhr. I .Pa. .!! it' a ml th,, nia nf the Friday in ,r cue h r I i. m I'I If jli.t ll.ilV ,.llie nf th" fr "ther tlinii Miss S'hi'ailer, .Mesdaniea afternoon honor nf II i, r t lt - S 11 , , l nl,, ir h it d I" tun '11' a I Aid ,,f th,. M i:. li lht tim ah rimi.l tin ir 'I I., v IV Cast ihui. J. I,. I:r.,. 1 ji- Mrs, Slaughter of N. M , V. ' " ell; ra hall i Id pl.ivii,r' kelt, J A. Copley. II. F. Carlsbad. A llll ; tr at. ,1 to .1 - I 11 I'I (..III liven iv a.-- d p, ;,tt. ml, el. few mure lalli Thm-.l-i- V be lie, who Is her guest it The "r dum rnvht , luring I.. Id. Th.- la, a Hairv Aai'inxv all, Oavid Sterrot, thia time. The m mt-hi- i I ik . h AriMiiv.'! wfi'T ri.-lve- fii-- ii .,i eml hi Hie In. i. n. ai '.ut. r hall . . meiiia are nn a lavish seal thf eirl id the a.-!,- Mr. I'l.iuk 'i, 5IH-- I n I I'.ern.ird Ctawford, I.miis Kuhn. Har-r- v hnus was prettily decorated 'it I r- - Mk'a inn,. llilMiith Hi., ii .!. ,.f ..i Th, and Hie afTair will he eilji.n.l.le in ev- l.lthL-MVV- , lr', ah left the Ii, i,,k. naiji i. Mi W W William llrv.-e- Hop. greenery and i ut Mowers, and the af- I vi and 'h'4. carl lii--r ,m I vv In, i, i , ery vv.,v. I:, full,,; ln iili arli,. t iI.,m,,ik te tut r Iih. Hu Mra. I:. k and .Mra. pinit. John Hull. Asa Vonnp. John fair was happily arranged ill every I. I'.. , i r- S. fully Mir. Iiai.e. ,v ul., i. mi, H (mm "f the Kele- - lm, nn In li ,f l.i int.' ll. tT. - Almiai Crmht will p.iur. ntnl the I May. an so needle, r e,i,i,,,.,r " Stroud. U. l'uplm. Cecil Phillips, After hur or of 111 Hi 11 i i , h. r In, M v i: ii, ..i.i Mi. f h u, ,f.e ;i ,1 ns-a- it nil. a Milk .! ,.ii,,.. .i,.... mi ,. mm h iii.ii ' tri' im iiiul i hiv,. pp.,, in fn c,,.,,rK Cockran, work, luncheon was served. Those .tl. , - i - h.-i- a., Court: Knabe. Pert h id .1 h M i 1 w . ' I ' h .1 ',.1 I' i t y f ill rv ri M. a.) I Ster-liii:.- '. at.rif hlili ah ml,,,), ,., I Tin r time. .a iai nn a fn. f'l' iinea lull W'.liitiK. l;d Fiedler. A. M. ! ikert. enloyhiK" the delightful afternoon v f : I int. d lllili. ,n. .1. an i iiij mil rotiirn ami vln "ut ,i K,,, li,,,,. ml ha n, ; il in .I in., tin, i, i. d the I'. M.. int. M. ll,,,, little and Philip Fraud. William S, Jm war Mesd. imes I.oiigfcllow. Warren. limit!. , -- i u t,e It-- haefer. er wiij, ff,,, II h int, i i ihii,M ii in nf !,!, if . lu .1 tn lad. laM lillihl hv I. I'.. Iiearth. The id r r.iniiiiillei'.1' WfiUesiilea; Ilurtori. Woods, Green. Hugh riim.reil Ini.ri.l . Missis Christine Aycr, All.eii. ll.aa. Mr S. I ... W I i. tlMllli ll Ken-ptln- - i HHII ., ulllle arl. tv, may .'Hid. She IK ll, iih h ara.-'- ri f'lil'.vv: Meadames H. I a urn Ciiiiley Ki-- a Anderson. Kurley, Eager.. Sutherland, aimtlirr mnl.l dK Im I and Petri. tetillv lu- - H 1,.. I. i .1- ihh 1 in. f the IP.iU" .,.ea el nn I'artia. Charhn Wa t ll t nn. ail,) l.e.fnilff ait-ii- l li h litllai live, i,, a.t ha r naiii Osear Stone, Wilson Fiedler. ah her time I . n Sr- il- - lilt i talk p. that I ,),, r, 'l , nl v. iv i. I.iiiii. - lilt. I'. hi lieekinan, j. A. Kisth r: hum rnuk-iiit- - fililirl her eiriiiliiier'a mull nn I ..i,,, , lti in h. r i.i nt lmmilarltv a II. I'..,.tr,re I la.. Jul: a K.I M'-a- W. Me.iiinl,l, Mra. II. At th lioiiic nf Mrs. Louis Wat- ml am-rifi- ja "Our Correspondence Column" hr cl'lha. Ani.lh.r .,, I a Hi I ll ,m l l I. i w rem fur tompl.Hn) The uirlM, 1. 1;, Hill hr. Will. Il I". M'thn iiii.l Mra. 1.. il,t rt.n: iiprnns son, JK South Walter strict, tho hciaiiHo ,e In S. I, l r ,,i l.erill, e, nr plii Honor of Miss A'xtcl M us in t :ifi f inry Mra. Tunipkin." li nmiir-- vvtif "Keind IliiXer.," wmk. If. J. C Christian Women's Hoard nf .Missions f.,r th l.iiem nf ,.ut,(,ie I I.VCK: fi li 'HI. Met mill h (...111,-li- t l'y held a tea Thursday A lnii'. tllv after C'H'.AI. you pit is afternoon. Ih dali. Iliif I answer large A UlilVKraa? I , , nlt!lii',,,t. lanmeii mil party fd number attended nsd a pleasing rrimpUiliii n,,. t tj . Just a Word or Two Oricjinal Day at the Club tliroiiah your paper one or two OHh 1,11 extremely Kl xv t, literary program was in con- of tnsnv of ic . pletlv mid the that it i rendered th ilmin .n p.lly, , Mtiestiniia nn What proper In aula. i'i mm.. f,,r e,,nal,li ;, hp. Mia I. .1 h r li.iapi- - nection with the Affair. Anion; those rnuld ro nn rc'tHrnr In, I i; In, piilit society. Suppose was all. nil,, ,,,( ) ISAAC 1:TII Ih. in at KSPITK llii' lenient there who in program and ruperlenrea Ju,, Kelehel. Ill,,, III. i. . hly. T- e AXl. II "f n wather a homo, took part th were a.l l)iieiiu. uf , i.f 1mm, r ..( a VI ei i i cooilp. whet there wet two Iiicl,-Insu- I Ih, sniiiitf ,..irl,K im ,.,. tn I ' rv Mtate U IlldaV. crowd turned Mrs. Irving, Mra. Mrs. n am .'il io l,ei,.x. tilut iilf. B(',n . have lull, ll Iml., tif fur woiih h, On,, with a Sivcrt, up ,,v,-- ' ll I lutii li In id,, IV 111. past "ut for the regular husband, the h k . M. n M ii si-i-- l, he meetim; of ihe and Mrs. John Hex, who led ant proiilmn raMy pvlnt. N,,i it in evelil, tlvn woman lunke.l ,k, I y Mra. ta.-h- lra. l: th'a i Inh, whn h to do with other hasn't. These two ful- tat nf th demure, dainty ,ht:iiile,i i ial a. t ;ia till- W.k ,,.,l ai had the discussions. The social hour fernlnin iniml, ,,. . . . I . . -- women o hi k t nil "New Mexu-o- is ti .. t h entertain together, hav pur" hiie. tal-nte- ill the llll, nf in at the and lnwinir was mi.-- t en lovable I'flm. ami h an nvn , and d. t, and ..ri,. .iii,i,,i li.lln.ii.i f, ,11 -p 1. A. the sum,, callini; now Is it I I I : .pilal. and i'uU Its. Mr. Fitim r was leader and roll were served. if CillVlTimti,,,,, I, III i)N , She a Mm i, ... w hw. in ii ,iK , to invit,. l,, Mia 1. ia a v, rail was xvtih duteous the man and f t'Knlein .laiiiin h,i Ih '. ink llll-- ll'V Mp .In!,. e ,,f pr. . Ihe aanli il' I'll" answer.,! nrlKiinil lif. the i h) a "if,. In dinner, to spend the a well in w hit, I , nn mi New .M.xpci.. Some very Tim ilmnratli-- mnv Un,- - a Ilt'i le II. Hi. II. pi. II- - Joseidi W,1, the Sol! Lniiii 11 ,im, ii . I leva or fur any social function, .f II, r v, f i, .. a, Mf M- Mild r r.Spi.hsea made. I I " f It. ilhful pi. .1 Hi t'.W II 1'li, lids din Heal'. Wen .. Wood, ct hi, rale, his hitllnlux Iml In mv liiiml.le .,,ini,, llll. , tlUlltc u r , a , , Two Int. n slip;' piir.-- t a follow, I, "A and have the other woman lit ih ttiiln)rra need llm,. nlwai ,,ii,,lin,,.,i, vi In i Axtell iller ll.l UK Ii nr. IP I I't iiri'e, hav e Fl idav ev clung. A number of voiing ..m,,!..,!) I I lioiii,. to kick ni- ev ah Ml fi Hi- p,,,- - 'I'npheev,'' by ,. i. siroiip. and her h'fls alone, In 'i, Man. n'a .le. ,1 il. P. .'.If HI. d a Hal I tarda. in in, Jl. ls friends assi.stcii in propcrl, olisciiiug , il polite to ask one xxoimi-i- i liMltfui m p! I ,1 all extract an to ai Hi. n mi i n. t, Will, The II. il mark, d Pana. :.i ,.iVeviMK ft " lu- from orisinal story by (he Important event. The usual In Hie Alhnji.t W join rant clubs, to spend th aimnn and i , -l at i t ll Mrs. lieniKe Until ere ""li nil ill.. li mail' il I, nntl ti r iiiit nt.,1 in,, that ttl In out, games and "cats'' was a feature of Anniversary ,' well ntik'Ul-a- or tu ride, and not Ball Very Jolly tittiel la left.,. h'lll?. 11 written and well read. An ll e, Hi" ilelin hied with th, Fri'tli h l include the other decidedly gay proceedings. Ml t a . fable hy Mra, II. Ij. K.iy woman? Now. liafl. Willie Wi.te imple ml III!' ll n np- - and their a'av .,!,. ,1, W hp It bids fair "br.'Uisht I I... u v.. where I camp I, a Ii t 111 the hoiia from this would Kliial.ta ,.( ,,,i did ih ll t I ll III - I tn h pt'iiluliKi tl. down." M,.. "ll " pill- tr'M- - be very P.y urii'-n- t ll I I I Th iiiu-ii- eoiiMdered rude and rciiucst. the sacred can- Till' i,ii-1- , w,i it wild ,.,,,,, fimu i liMnmarv i - il ,.Mv prni;ram waa rendered "I. 'I'I' A would slump a person doitiK it tata, "Th Pay by 'II hapl in. N.-- V.. i bv the II. S. Hleerluh, by of Kest." rendered Whi ther Hi,, in.iUiiiily nf a nl Mf tthn I,..! v, 11, 11 I. I'.I:;. plan ,1 .1 Frmii until nf the directt'd - in. devt khl Miss Trot I, supervunr thintr of this kind as not knowinct St. John's chol,- last s'umlay loghl, id fi i;....,l m : - I I iiiiu-- am i i s, i f A. nf music in fliitird ih,. fun r ,.,,,,1,11,1 P, 1.'" Ial, I. ..! il 11 II. eiiiit Mis. c. Flunk, ,,( llltil I' . 111 public ' I what was the proper thin- - to do. will b" repeated next Sunday exeninu' ilei illilitlii; p,.,.. i n- - U v .al ther-- aehonla. The hlh Rfllll lile hut Hi rii'iM In.iilTei. nt ,.n man i.f ami '.ii V Hi, p I ., ivhn aludilni; ie iiiusie 8 . i ml vvnh inter-piel.-- I It by at o'clock-- hall rousinuly "New Mexlcu,'" d have noticed don here it I'Kiker tniif.t im t lVe f ,,,,., ,. Mra. Kin I. p.. as, s- - lak'nr li. .Mnn. aim in f and the 'he - set, A A . beautifully 111 a - certain mid the only excuse prriurl will, Hi,,, ,,, i , WitsliiiiKtnii A' e ie 1'apli' t h tit iiini.- as ililler- 1 fi,,( ,r,,Wl f tn. lit I ' Ml l:i. s (hiii' could people, mm A " V iit way. "The a make fur these nut )nl fill Ih i. i I.I. t I ll f Plouklv ll. passed Ihl i'ii;h III il mi Nuht llaa Thoiisaml Various Church fun ki.iiik. The Glitter Grown Dull I I. ..IHT. were they had never been use tu Affairs I Iii X' liveai." lloth i,,rm Were well te. rill nn aflmr l.ell. r inniiiim-i- l nr !(,.,;', I'- -. I I II. List week eli rmno to aPiiirriia. lit Fuhrmeyer-CHvanauu- Ro- , 1 The li entertaininif until they had h'Mii r. Kur p. if. ,,f s, T" Will,, l v V. SI I', and while In nm veHkilit.n with I." a A A I , , ,, tin ..ii. ni". tten to a western tow n, you sacred cantatn. "The )uv id a il-i-t li fS li ';V r,, ,,. , h l: it I nn hcaira nonelud,.d the line procram where THE n iiiliiv mill the iiiiiiiiinv I C i: lull A. 1. -- Iv. C i: la v. . pei.ile. praised r Iii v. nn st,'' sung In- i . I I l I a do not always get in on your tjood the choir of St. i llll! li., Is - wdh potpourri nf aira, very 'l the iliunil, msi A la l i h il I. - I'r.-- IllK She had Pee. li... ,.!il- pf th hest national John's Episcopal tl. iiimnei. Whit., rin-'l- y sph-ndidl- breeditiK. church, last Sunday , el( I ,,. , ptnilii; leap th I ,, ,,,,, I'' atli dune, Phase do not mention k.lfl r.ltlini ,,f (I m.,,i I.I, , k iii.w n foditlsta In New York. and ,.,,, Hie .inn, II Ill'iU'Ua, W Hs. Keitn, 'i'. fid Imvv this came to you, would evening, was must successful, and a K 11 It lilld mlapt il. W,,m, ll li.ii .. J.-f- -. - 4 but "f 'Kill nf Inlunil.ll. tunii,..,.,! Mil' I. a vx rem e a I.IW-A- . Whi' h la "iraum; ine,' rl tu re- musical hetwe II Ihe llmlir The like to hay your candid opinion event which rcliccicd credit llm evnit r.f kind nf Slir.,1.-- II Mil I i inlnd von, annual election of officers of ii. ,wr i;n,n heir. , nk M I, phe,- - upon alike on the varied day he vv , the matter. talents of the I ila ii nf A I th local chapter of I au fM'Ipt lllilie tin h, tn i. i' . I A. i th "utcrs of day .... ' i. 111 it. n. Yours very truely. M. .7. S. lill'lmi a . P. the American Kcviilutinn, a Week (Conllniieil on Tht re Man aril p.iily mid i,ii-HU- speaklm. nf .1 I, l ' Mra. William xrif nf Hie held rns Thre.) h ill.. l., UK k. IP rl 1 hill . si , linall. i Saturday at th horn of Mrs Ans. Too much for me. leave il llie.e, plain,,, I .. linker Hai i v . I erntWhlle f,i..t!.! i nf Cluinl.i.i ai. I in.vy i: II. ind,.n. 1! to th public. ( imi unl pale. Ih,- ,1 ' K.iiiimnd ler nrrie.1 .,ul, weie. ii,.r n. ,M,.,.V aiihiiiil 111. Id- W 11 fame, with Inr da ui. hter (i ml Stamm, resulted aa llelil,;,. nf ,, !" I. ee v a Halm. 'vva: Mra. K. lin liltJiuM. nulla. ,I..l,li liil-- n II iiiiiid, ia at iviiin a lav a at the f. l;e,.,,,, A. Walker: 111" a , ,, Iitar; vi, 1 lliltiie (he niinit nut uf ial happi M ', d riKent. Mra. J. F. I.nthv: tteaa. h, nl r,.,M." nun4s. Ml a. ..a I., I vat'.ido. Th- - s just The Name of , ur.-r- . Current Musical Events I.'rttli'llll" l ttlll pl'i paleil In I v , Mra. w. correspiind-Ini- iii,ln..rii eil i,t ,,, ji ;:, lull ml part 'e. an.! Hi', 1, I,- Ih tin ne, from Ni V., i k Mr. l!r-- If. llurke; t nil"il-,ul- , a ami Walk. I! uiii p,.i II. p, - I fecletary. Mrs. II. K. Hint 'a ri entifely a, halt- din. i: it. I iml I ley haa Kmit- mi P 'all vvheii' lie haa Pollock: Int, liaiiiea "T 1 1 K ntuty. , Wiuiieii me itr.ivilv r.i-lai- n i S secretary, Misn nuis-tru- r, ItR of the advanced dlffcfciit Suf!i, M,,,, W1(, thai and Ir He r laiL't' rani h p,-- .! i' He will he Kdith Walker; pupils of i: very j,,lh .Mis. oijja late The mu-i- Him f li i,i allaiia. whiih will In juiiled in a few .i.t i - '. v Mi a. Mm ley. Mrs. J. II Wroth: historian. Mrs Selke will kIv a vio- t , l.-- ul H. H. lin ni-x- t liouwht th r hiitiv ithalamiihK, never M- a Hav: chaplain, Mrs. J. W. Hall: Friday evenins Feb- I'uhl in", r,,i,ii),i,K, ni ml ,v I! ! Mia i A. - happened i.i ,,11, i:m- ruary 14. veifitfc Mhputt limit, II Mate Mrs. If. at the Gold and llroadvvav E nutdiil itself. m r :,ii. Mm Nan i lew it' , mi, mle.l tieeelit arrilal-- ' ill e eitv ar Mr. reent. Hradford Prinee: It a , Ih,. all in the eaiue. pleteiiae u k pre-- 1 deieuaie. Mrs. Pollock; lle-ka- t. Church of Christ. The program will itiiii'h ul m,,,,, . the - P. i I" t Pi a vi , and Mis, l'reilern Winn, vim alternate I'H-I'- sell in Mi-- a be-i- n s Pliili'ti, tlifip ,t ,u ,,ml ll.i II, e x h t v . F.atelle at o'clock is as. ni r.lnlli, allleeae uf fin, Satiir.l,, M Will n ii s) made Alhu,i tlieir hiune. I.uthy. and follows: is i;pi;i:si:tti r. or Tin; TIiiiihh an. i lln-- I'litmr slum- Th "Serenade KspaRnule" iiiuMe at'iiipi'd inn i, ,..,t "HI i, ii,va what I he Nell, s ,i They hav,. taken nn of the new turn- - annual Washington Rirthday (Acton) iu;st tiii-:h- s It lar la nt. ix i liininr fur mure. ,'ni ll I. t ill la nut i ii ut cehbratinn will h all The ', s ;i i Mi- - 1 ; - ualuH f in Kaviml is ,'nlditinii. Mra. at th horn Harold Little pill ,.ui:.,l In Kvn ( l: lii, dy n I , . x "f Mra. N. K. h "The O'.nkey Party" Ci I en hMi,g tlx ti f l vi VI Winn la a Clft-- il r ah. mid Stevens. It la to a eenvvald I .Ili MiS. lit aim;, and mi To am 111, !, el,, llelmhlful . . Ad.-li- itnulmt lttK ,,f i Mn. e e, e me w Im ... i "I'li iiic Cliidxs time pi ev rii ar ,ii 1'i. iy ih i.i iii '! hIihiiiu the ii.liieal limy a Hl.., i. ntsil ion tu local lunch." and will not include Harris and Khler DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, put n i idly . de-c'- the .nift pedul. plume. ... t l.liaelVe Ihe BeaMun c,m. I rel.-a- outsiders, as hav "Verlussen" (Koschatl, the uf Hi pi e .elite ii (V.nia Aimtiiui mnaii'al fi II i hn.sL.iml. who la the "Serenade'' merry p i liar, h f"lk true, vx d to (Counodl inn n. "runny" ati n,,,, tuid who lav i'l'i.lire iv as p! , I'lillliei'teii Willi tin f,. rest i v aet vtre, a eliminate th list this Harold Kittle fi I 'I'd filill eleninv. Kfat th niive tPi pdu horeun "tr uaia attire dun nai k I vv . I Car. "Witches Dance" (Kronoldi kvi.iIIihi.. . and HllestH HI H all. .in im lulled Mr an arllst if nlisnl i.i'.l.- ability WATCHES, SILVERWARE, Cum to 'mill ami iisim r B II i It think nf It. the ln,,t ,. near tu aa i Adeliii Elder Mia i, ::e M w. - i and i; Ixlui.k. J.irrett. tttepd "inpatihle with pi ed ilia "March FiHist" . . . . 'in hy heen aiirriplitiiiult their !i..n Mr. n ii, Mis ll. I'.ulnt'k, Mr ami Mra. P.alph Hunt ami Mra Will from (Gr.unod) lntr,,diii ei uiiiujt f"r lalmeiit, ,,,,,1 K,nl-ii-il- . i ToJTalkon ut ery nmu unen ii,,,ten Mrs W. H 11 Mr- - SprliiKi-- d iiji S.,nt.i F with Gladys Harris CUT GLASS in d ihii Mr. ami W. W. in n'sr gin and mnrthv Ih jmm and (heir e,,mpexi,ui. St I.e.--h- -- "Sleep. Gentle Mother'' (Verdll.... tnn Ami run,.'. Mr iml Mia. Charles While. th llaiiv Tin .lay and returned miiti. the nuiti.-- uf that, the Mr Flidav ' mm;, v en iuyed yili: memi.irs of the Woman's iltih ...Gladys Harris and Adelia Khler i am! i; II Mr mid train Th. The , i aemK las,.M i,. ,ade as llia. anticipate u treat at thiii." feiMlar "Sextette From d .M!nniiiriut' - pMriui ultiiH live r, I. ) . - 'n-,1- K ill Kuriu ,, tix ami l delithifiil sit i.i.i I'e. and did tiiM-tink'- Ummrr. .XI AIL OTIIF.ll Tlll.VtiS THAT three in. hna The lew-isl- I'tiday, as lii'.in C. K. moiij-- (mm miinly lir. iinli., left "eala" n,,l k I i u r.- lioil"in,' ilionizettil Adelia " ale rn I., ,il u m! Mr-- I', 1, i .rii-- ! the and Hie aiirhlseeifii; - Killer Mratf-h- t ,,,,,-- '.mill. ,. I,,,, alii,,, , .,,,.. t I .... i no- i niveisiry M'W ' i atina mil, fll,, ,e. ish A II. M, Mi n. trips I, d. a a nt JlM.fH hn" '.Norma Helhnti ..... Gladys Harris I'l ltJAl.N To A nl'iill,!)' ).in in I't.Hllllieill p I'lnf. ami Mrs thrmit:lil, consented tu Kive lirt.ll IUSS l.i init mn lllilltldillllly 'lV hied 111 I them informal "i.'eautiful Evening v.itled .l.d M tin. l i s .a iv rem-,.- Mr, ami t'lltllher nf Sol ial ,il!i,i star" (Hoist).. what p, till.liHgiiU, And II. llii talk on hia ! the ,,f tit We ailKil-i- i 'at uur i travels abroad. ....Gladys Harris and Adelia dehfhl Mia ', i:. Or. and Mrs. p f.;, I't"f'"-s- Elder JL'WDI.Klt. , and i . xxjn tspe-cia- li f"'. ihr (npi, II Mr ii ,1 -- afl-s-- ,,,, th.-- A !,!sin talk Accompanists Mrs. Hinds and Miss f iii,pi,, Tu Mi Ilutfh Ciiiiina, Or Wizller. the nf Mra. on inaisf, a. tbinKs not found in hooka, Martin. - ml Mis 1. IIP i I ir. and Mis, .1 A A. Keen, ia si i'mii-- II lit 111 Keen fur the tn.ttiiiM- ),,, n,, ll. n t - a.s Hie riiethodM uf .4 ).,. we ee( anv (hi hk- mil II. Mi a I. i hiune. ,M I's. Wi7IH h travel, the tippiiiK on: stoiik is "tiik FMPoiin t i mi'tnukly ,f Peie: i, IP Miss Neil is been In evil in Hump, i.i:i,..i il. Whii h (,,r. these ,'iski d Welt. M eat s. ,,,., ami nxp,ricnces in The A Tempo club held , aji f 'Axtell. Miss .Mini. health f..r and her an inter- Itiii.ili.. urh.ii-- p. 'iim ilnian SU, , fii.-tul- ciiiirictmii with this of or ...ilniiu pi, nner Th"!,,,,-- xx i I form uraft, Ins; high Mi,;, Hv l"l,hut.h. Miss niimerima u :i! i I n ll II.- - est meeting at the. home of Mrs. keijabm; ;i:.ii; tjIfrltsiM, a thipu fipp,.,. '"I it and alimit the H,,d man-tie- in i. he f j jj.ta In .line, Mid MilV.ilet I'. ,ii, Mrs. I'I, - kl'et she lias l,e, tn eating th r I'.radford Thursday I ' nan,,, John- that roiiliiifil her of evenintt. The r.tiirti. the l.nn.Hi.'l, lit mm iliunil i'mi ii. i I Kcrvinis. ami JKWKI ltY AT I" wive.l Hunk a.. il and ii A 'I hi iisPiii, room for the pp si t w ,, vi other iiitrctin subject waa "Tannhaiisrr" a Very HO.MT Jift liM , and H n'l k, a a ., . al4lli.,,ald 1, insiiiht.a into his Furopcan i,, inviile . trip. entertaining proitram was evolved. It Iitiil iipreHil. htmdi.,1 ,v II is InP'iestinir rilKT-- S. j tvti'ti. limits ahmiltl lake,, d n. t to listen to at nil Tn Mra. tlHirc,, Al'tii-l.- pan . follows: hy M. luiil rollllt. tlr KfHleil I, illilii lltllilll Cnell, Orphanarjc to Opened returned in.-.-.- aim in... fi.rthcnmlniT what .Ills y,,i" be from an v a, talk SnyopHig of the Opera Miss iit th tnhii'i. ,,t nn, e, un.l , extend,,,! it wl'.h her in. prnmiaes ti h Grace the "ft ,'' lielliiiv the aiilihtial il.s. deereaae Ihe Klwonil unusiiiilly entet ta ininif Grimmer. una i .'IhiiKht. ni Iiieun. CI. ). K COItDIALKY IN intirrh .ul!i th IIV a i , I iMestmris may ask.-- VITE VOl K ii,.,i, levenue'' Why the A Ix N i t fullnwinir th MtMlonl "Pil-srim- miinii mi hv a mmd tr ni nf While iiwuv Mis visited Illustrations: s' 1'iuher mho la t it Ail.,t,t ,,s talk and (n i!niliiiti, n,i,i,m) it, her hv v, in tenia i,.r T the f, '" l, Hi, just Ih Professor Hndirin will an. Miss rmf ai M1ira nf every lUlimiiteu, Ward AndetsMtia at Portland, Or wer these to Chorus." Marie lglns; IXSIMX1TOX. il nv luituri' aiKiihnard il,K.a.vid wilhin the lii' 'R s t'i, fur-- the best of his ability. (2 a) Kh pte-e- e. In itn,c t 4 r arias. "Elizabeth's Prayer," hi lrupfiil in limila. I w jp fi.r th illy Ihiiik nn that, and let t'islilns'a Im iii vx A (oi "O, III, I Si ill Mr. and Mra. Svdn.-- nf VIK Thou. Sublime. Sweet Eve- ll'JUit HI', it Out i lloi kett Mrs. W. Y. Walton, l,.-- .filled fetist Willi 'Very man hold hla peaep. 'rphun.ti.', is id, Ilv who has ning- " w il.-- Im nia makihK smith Waiter hav a.a their Sta. Mrs. Pradfnrd. tW Well t'himeii i! That hl In ltealdea, h tun li liuini he iieil, plana ituta put in chart; of th fam-- work f.,r ad'it f,,r Is' Pi. Hi Miillil.IV hull. ilaiishter. Mra It I',. l;ead of Tucum-rar- i General discussion and analvsia of ISTD. 1883 PonulHr Mith tfiit pi.t'iKh xvh., tl'itlltiiieii. Our till, piide in p i'i r.aaier tea or .st. John's Ottild, has - lili-ti'- . I.y iad nider ,s.' (nil, is for ITUHli.ti'in and Mr. Mot 11. the opera. tli'llly thp mim MpplniiH u to let th mKiih-mrd- utay Tn k.n's sister. Mr. organized a new in? club in prepara- the uf Ihe ent, Mrs. J 11. ll Ci.-li- C. liank.a of San M ire-a- l "Kile and Works of Wagner" Mor- ornrrtcd hia l.rl. f tnlk 'n ,11,.., i vimlnra xx I.f ' tion for th nvent. Those tiiav puitit inn with par. ha il nia f In. i xx who will tens ttiy, an niuiii ittee a iae Switzer. ,liiilal,irl n ' duiiMldn I 'ssist Mra. Walton in I'tlde the onihimei ule rrav. eh. lie im!,.,., - .ami lathers ail-a- i makimr reaiiv 'Wagm-r'- Is .it,.. hn ' for bazaar, Ideals" Frances Strome mil hen in It would tint he ainK to (uid .11 ely . Two the and on th afternoon that til iiil, l,,, a in the Modern Valentines th 'Wagner's lYials and Triumphs" aiKnliimrdM -- a - "f annual event, the dat has iiinr tn the ail. e., un-l- t ta li ir.n M'-a- nor th Kathtyn Grimmer . After llie Ifanltiu! rl lll.iliS ,s him k any ar place of which If than city uf Ita ma In th Sam KdfS-ar- ( has nut vet been 3ta RELIABLE aijiiie-- i Mis. C. liuH.seil TTIIK tailor Current musical events. JTl ' I and i.niiiiui d l.u,i enouKh t ' l lir 'fillmt W hia bill In Smith, announced. Ur aa f..nws; . ,sute. mnat Jtrl Mra. Frank Ciani'v Mra. Whoa,, - Misses Musical Event In WATCHMAKERS JEWCLERS itiafj, ill,, must tir.-les- (riMder iif,,( stateniint had run over- Jean .New York" S nn in aumethliig, o xnhxt not alRnhoarda? and Mra. S.d l.uii.a ,S llubha, J,lly McCl.'llan. Su Mrs. C. H. time, Ib-r- t Carnes. 107 W CENTRAL AVE. tftt Rimlfk jc. Ilttve ttuatvicml) ! nobson. Mra. t l U)k-lA- Skinner Mrs. J Jl il.'.'St po vully tg Iresia uuJvrnvutu j,:s remit," Hugo and Musical Events in Poston" MWa r Mvr, They will meet with Maud Wittsva, ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1913. THREE

i ihst tin ncn. Organ, "Tho Last Hope," CotU-chal- coiner Hronriwavi.niiT und Lend. Society I". N. LoiiRfelliiH, Ph. .. p,t.r. Anthem, "Must Jesuit P.enr the SAN JUAN COW ENGINEERS llihle school at 9:45 a. ni., Prof. Cross Alone," Havens. l Ton" Tun.) Cecil M. Drake, superintendent. Suit- Aokley HI ironllniH-i- IVm Solo, "Somebody Knows," able clasex for all aRes. Come with us M .'. 1'alketibui ij. .,.i,iliT nnl the nhlllty of tht and sU:dy the word of Hod. , Anthem, " I'he dates of Pearl," TOWN IS VISItED PLAN EXPEDITION f Ml. A. V. Mortiscite. An Preaching by the pnHtor at 11 n. in., Smith. ''L enjoyed splrti. 11, in audience th and 7:30 p. m, MorniiiR topic. ".Ion Offertory, prayer," Weber, of the cantata, ','r. n.l'Uon the Hirthplace of Manhood." Soli, from "i la 111. i," douimd - .Mrs. Kveninu, "The P.ible Terms ,lm'x (iuild commenced th if Edith Pb rce Winn. BY BURGLARS ',',.," sevvinir at litilld hull lust 1'oSllude, 'iV.tlvl Mtifch," llest. 'cMii'Sildl, "! Continue, each The Youtiit People' I'nlon nt H:30 , I 111 p. 111. " .(..eim, crtf- (flt'iTtn- - , t'l . Topic, "PersouarohllKatlotl In wviii- '- Hit tl ' l lltST MinTIOIMT l:PIS(OPL, annual post-laist- hu- - liellKion." nnti i'" tlw Corner Lead Aeuoe and Soliih Third. The prayer nervier on Wednesday 4 tiarleo lli i pH-t- -- ! '' llMiir kinan, Bicak Into Store at Guiiaeiiheini Syndi- -' PVenlnK. The topic will be. "The Lost I.dilli (.orbv, Deaconess. Robbers mmithly mecting-o- f the " regular Coin l.uke 1 j. Th pnstor will occupy the pulpit Haul of of De- ,h'rMiiin society of the Pendli ion and Make onto Proposes Revival lindeavor The Ladies' Aid will meet on Thurs- at 1 I a in., and 7 .!0 p. m. i .. it mi i presto day Mrs. Williams, 923 The mornliiR theme will be Eighty Di'll.iis: Honk' velopment Woik in Southern jnii't'll I'JtiMim .tii'iiiinj afternoon ih Talt tlt followed the huslness S. Waller street. The Queen Esther "Christ's llecipe for Doubters," A ,.,,1 hour Republic, s or was at the At this serlc,. MVss liutb Suspected, i, lions. f iiri which club on Tuesday afternoon Pililu ' . I ii ....I bi " lil.n lihiinruiii will SillR. ll (IcIlgllH i" ... , ehurrli. I IK ' ".1.1 '"'I M (Hu In evening; subject be, iliTC'l by I'll ""11 You are cordially Invited to ntteiul the the uill ( MorlilliK .I.Mirici 1 S,,.i'iti! 4 "Mlind llartemeus," The choir will S, i:il rr,..l. Ii.l.'li.e In ,trrrMMi,,l,'l,c b .lru,l liiK. these services. X. AL. Fell. V liol,l.w en Ml! cr City, X. AL, Feb. tender a selei tlou at this hour. Aztec. si. ire at 1, i ii engineers w lei 1M,.i l.ovul Sons of the Cold and Sunday night broke into the I'l oioinent tit k ale1 AN' Sunday school meets at !i .45 a. m., - (.ol.n AND (TI HISTI i nnd the M i liicMcii lilW ll.V lll'l' " IIMSI limn- P.IHIV W IViulh ton, hlu ennuis, n'bd connected with the oigaii fill 4 D. A. portcrtlehl, superintendent. , ,', v II. 1, ev-- uii'.ii plans for the !: of III lt i .1 dinwcr ,,f about Jv. Fntialice beim sviidieale are planning an i Itroiidway. Epwol'th l.eamie devoliunal ser- g " whl.-t- Jim, Wolfe, the 122 South as secured b) breaking toe fislen-ln- pedilloll to ld Mi'MCO lo I. n e the V, lllliiins, Minister. vices 11:311 p. m. ' 'tented ex will kIvp undor Hcnnoil at 1,11 niotn-- was li,'isl," . a rear door. The mining lias been Idle 5 ! 5 H industry that evening-- Itllile 4 a. in, J. A a , '.. -- ihi'ir ni'Xt Tuesday mhool at cordial welcome, if sliaimet at,-- s auspices In the form of a t - r.old tvt mi, Mill,; (lie activities of Hie revolution-ist- ' wMI Intersperse the Wear, superintendent. Last Lords fact known. YImsiciI numhrrs inuki'H the J I, I iher. iti.,1 S3.IHI Hire,. hills jiiid the bolaii.e lu tbc northern put of fiilinn"- lint wo lout toil In iiiloiidancp. On Saturday night there was hit ill , i y . urogram 111 lull fol own: 51 oiinl rim collection, anil P.lhlen. 4 l v l ST. JOHN'S III l!( II. the Mom , win, h i'l owned Miller Mr. Sim I. ih-r- who for the pa-- ' Selected. 11 will be on 'ana The sermon at a. ni. Corner Emirth and West Silver. iM, J ;, a. pay . Iininihy lirnwn lirothi uhli which t" the three Weeks lias bieli sampling the of Salvation." This V. iltnlogllo the "Strom Cable Archdeacon E. Warren, Lector. nu ll win!. tut; in in ar-b- bv chll-dre- the luiio Cleveland group of mines, owned Cwitiiluc "' Is to ti I 3 lb, I, I of K. Wolf the monthly address the riexidelice West avenue. It was probably this no 'in y Die Th'' Klixlr life.". .Mr. Sunday ill Lent.. (borge II I'tler and located in the I All llibie school scholars are Elrst I, ml- - e loi MM. Poole rob ei w i re alii r, w hi, h b Shei nl savs v,., ser-ic- i. 7 linos Alios mining district, "Leah, I'or-wl;ii- ," Invited to remain to the church Holy Communion. a. i.i. , piiiilui' " the Dufur to ,ui,lu,r that "bom,' lal. nr' it, anxious to seciue "The fuming dill of Sunday school, II 45 a. nr. svn.livate '' did the .lob. No tracks of any kind all the nine properties it can. as his vi.-- s liimmings, H I l.nsca The sermon nt 7:30 p. ni will be Morning prayer and senium at II away Wolf; wile found bailing f in the company plans to build a large zinc ,ii on "The C'nanRe of Heart, What it a. in. A snow Selected Mole building. fall of la the smell, r at F.I Paso. r;:l ti i Slsnlfles'.'" This Is the filth addresi-I- Evening prayer and sermon. 7: ".a night would have revealed but , ...Miss l.nulse Nichols ti.eks The ultimate intention Is to build a Two New Styles on First Principles. p. m. ,'in is pui'intniine Ihf-I- I, the series as none could be found the iitt company "''muting I'ndor n Litany Tuesdaxs. smeller that will enable the v The l.'ndefi orefs have red letter and address, a i hie be nines." Mrx. Wolf, assisted working oa lo smell tbe ores fi oil, their extensive They have just been received. May we have the oppor- 1 llt. Law- proj'.rnni nt tt:3fl p. til. Miss Little, Wednesdays, Thursdays ami Fridavs guilty party. As M, strum'itiist. air. will reveal the far mines at Santa Llta and In Mexico l.nvttt find Pea trice Hill. who spent six years as a missionary at 4 p. ni, as known none o, postoftiie lands of show y ou rence the also iron, I'iniis Altos if i he pending tunity inn our mpanlsts .Mrs. Ilerhcrt tialles' 'inning the Navajo Indians, will make 'MESIC Were touched. I deal vviilt Mr. Iter goes through. Mr-- . Kooli address. All members of die So- Processional, "Forty Days and I'olf. The jn in lonnly commissioners at their It Is the Intention to hav tbe , x ciety, as well as others, are uriied Nights." P. lleluhiiiii. meeting Monday (b i,l, ,l to (In' nngrcgntionni Uncial pedltion nilin-- of mhii,. three linn Th,' Indie? of blan- Veinte, C. Morningtoli. ,'ldv l o ti be present and hear about the Wail lor b e on the county high mill Complete rhiil'li "ill entertain the members died American miners. loUckeis, ket weave. C.loria, C. Moiingliin. school law f i mi the allolliey genial , , v. c .T. I'. In the church ni'X men, cnginci -, in (nt a lull coin At business meetinx last lleneillcte, Spenser Lane. before taking ally steps ill i ,1 ,1 lull Thm dm afternoon. A special pn their piemen! of woiknietv needed to ,,p, line of Pianos? You will find our prices most reasona- thcfol-'owIii- k pro t tram is heing arranged. week the Kndcavoiers elected I'.eneilict us. J. Tulip. hit? high schools under Its ian 1. at,, a large nunc , new II Weary of Earth,'" Lull. and Fariuliigtoii. Petitions will satisfy you. officers for the term: Iiltrolt, at Aztec expedition Intends to go pea, e ble our terms of St. PimI' ., The The l.ndlcs' Aid soclct . Dill, president; (irace fiihson, gram. from both towns re now before the A ( fully mid IU avoid any friction with I, mini. ill ihurch mi't in tti churol ice president; Alma Swnyne. r; Offertory, "line Sweetly Solemn board. There s,a ins o lie doubt as ,'iilor Wednesday tho trunsao the rebels operating m ar tbe com fr Alice Llnd, rortes-linniliii- Thought.'1 Ambrose Choir ami solo- to Whether till' s'iloics already III ex- ii,ui of huslnestf matters of Import- - pany's properlv, but will go heavilv secretary; lioy Allen and ist. Mis. !:. L. Iliailfoid. istence at the two towns are consider-I'- d After liUSllteSS a tll'Cltll tlOIII j ami protect and the Mid' De high schools ,,l armed themselves 111 Harry XeariliK. chairmen of social Proliindis. Asson. wilhin meaning I l. ( b armed rest' k . Darrow, lookout Ilecessiolial, "To Thy Voice my Je- the new- lav. onip.iny's properly Bill ominlttee; Hose lance if the necessity arises. The Moore P.e.Hiiy Shop Is fur ommlttee; Nina Heydt, prayer nieet-In- a sus." Prince Thorpe. The men i Iios. n lor this erpedillon hMied throiiKtiout In pitio whitonni A nonsense lv relish, ,1 b ev- a commlltee. little iiilo a hostile country Will be tin, iitli.ictively iirranKi'il for liciiul) entertainment of- PA1 ItAV erybody. The i ii k Ucmember the ST. I.N EMil.lsft I.ITIII phenol. j who can handle a gun and am able (iillure. Sli:iiiiiooin mid hair dti'sslin fered by Loyal Sons te tidvance III IE4 II. ' the I,, lake care of I hell, selves. The un It I'm W. Sixth St a sp.'.i v. .XhifiifiiriliK. nincftiRf the work of their class. Tuesday Silver Avenue and reel. da l- Olx-- ALAM0G0RD0 MAKES (bltakllli; will be fiaiiL'hl with In line X p. m. Itev. V. S. holtcr. Pnttor. nnuhmi! y' dcKiicd this vetiinit, at the church, There It of on Sunday school at 9 45, F. C. Keefer, ifers and behooves the leaders IS ;ind .'in lp the linrnel! tive-ac- t moiioloRue In cos- I humus will be n superintendent. KNOWN CONDITIONS the adventure to select only men of HisrK i in I1 lit. tume entitled, "The Elixir of Life," a Morning worship at 11 a. in. daring and courageous natures. pantomime, music, nil a rare treat. LIGHT CO. MUST MEET may 4ti newest First Sunday in Lenf. What complications arise l!iil.rilj Mis. Ad:i pieree Winn, the Mrs. Wolfe Is the render. Mrs. l'Oote lo Altttl-ii- n fi:30 p m. from this undertaking ate hard addition to iihihIc'iI elide In will sinK. Nichols will play. .Miss Christian Endeavor at hp heiird nt the spoiial Mls Evening service 7:30 p. m. surmise and what effe, t it will have nine, "III and will as- at S,p,'ii,l 4 rr(.tHitlt'i-- l,i Morning Jiiiir,u,t : Ice lirown, Miss dales other present between the sni'.e n r nt the ConreR, Council meeting Monday night at Alamogoido, X. M.. f, ,"liie on the relations - mn say a (hiinli, lirondwnj'. sist in the proKrain. The boys lis li't. Mexico Is heVond rorner foul and the office of Dr. Eastetday. board of tow n trustees of .!auuig"i I'nlted States and Hils rveiiinR nt 7:afl. hummer. edi, Hon. in, Is antici- The W. M. & F. M. Society will meet do nu t yesterday afternoon In Infor- pi but trouble .Mm. Winn Iiiih hiiiik In Knrnpenn par-tv- . Wednesday afternoon at the church. mal session and drafted a letter to pated by those In charge of the fltiiH ns well us In viiiioiis ports ol I IP.ST CTH P.( II. PltESIlYTEItlAN A very Important congregational this (omitry, und the proHR rerioiU' Corner Fifth and Silver. (ieorge carl sitting forth the terms ere most f;ivmnlile. Mnny will re HiirIi A. 4'oopcr, Pallor. meeting next Sunday morning. Let under which a franchise for miinlier her stipeih rendition of'l- Service at It a. m. and 7M5 p. m. every one interested in the church the P. sed light and power cm- - MISSIONARY SOCIETY "I.ari;d" nt the KlliH inemoriii' Morning theme, "Purpose of Itevel-utiou.- " be present at this meeting. puny would be granted. I rider the Hh( (rviee, some yen in hko, when 1, WILL HOLD MEETING . terms indicate, the Work must be to A lhti(iier(iie thdt oera-'inn- for EvciiinK, "Who Wrote the lllble." within month', aim As Mrs. Winn Intends to re Miss Moore's lieauty in the commenced three "Tft'R I opera- m'Io in Alhii(iiernne for kdiiio time Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. P.arneft building, has been thoroughly the plant complete, and In The Congregational Missionary h.T nipenrnni e will he of espeeliil In Christian Endeavor at 8:45 p. m. renovated and refurnished and is ful- tion within twelve months from the eietv will entertain the Women's, The f(dlowitiR musical program will ly equipped now to meet the de- dale of Issue of the franchise. The Christian Temperance Fnloti Tuesday,: There will nlso he n hrief nddresi h rendered: mands of the fastidious women. Mani- (onipany is to furnish, free of charge, February 11th at .MK The following, I'V T. L. Dyer; , i the pustor, the llev. MOHXINO. curing, hair dressing, massage and twenty-liv- e str-'e- lights of L'5'i-c- in, program will be glv en two Ik ul liy re- So-- mitif :intheiiis the Prelude, from Wagner. other forms of beauty culture at rea- and as many as t wclitv live With Missionary j inforced choir, n hymn kiiiik by Mr. J our epcn-- e catalogue, My Soul," power, Mary Learning. j Call, virile, xiiit' or telephone at for H. K:i Anthem, "Hark, Ib.rk, sonable rates. more street lights, of the same cleties." Mrs. IkenhiirR, who pofNi"ses tine i r' a Missionary Fields. mellow baritone voice, a duet by Misi Shelley. at a charge not to exceed Items from I'h.irlotte Pratt and Mr. I'alkcnhuCK Offertory, "riurcarole," nnbenstein. llli't'lll each. Music. TOMORROW, A. M. i mil spei Inl pipc-oruii- n iiinsic ly Mr. H VENIXti. 10 Mr. Call was present at the meeti- "America's .Woman," Airs. Slunley Seder, ns well as slimittp Shepherd's," ng- said the Prelude, 'Chorus of and received the letter, but lilt U,s. k .i Mm. 'V"j . Messaline Petticoats-He- re' I ,if familiar hvmim liy the eoiiKiemi-tifin- Lcmmetis. that he w on Id be unable to say w It eth- M lisie. The public is cordially Invitei' Anthem, "Tarry With Ale, My er or not the terms of the fratuhis" "The inilueiice of Francis Wlllard in this service. a snap for tomorrow only Savior." Would be nee, pled until he had re- Fpon the Present Age," Miss l.uellu Offertory, Petite I'.erceuse, Doh-nettc- 100 Satin Messaline Petti- ferred the matter in his business as- Ii. Price. Heading Selected, Mrs. llueston. in sociate.-. WHERE TO WORSHIP A cordial invitation to the public. coats, nearly all dark shades extra heavy quality satin. Only TODAY i.MMAcrr.A'in 4t)xci:p,no if ' t 4 III IK II. one to each customer. On sale Rev. A. M. Manrtnlnrl. S. J., Pnstor. OCTOR5' i.vnt t, avi:xi i: m. in urn Sodality muss, 7:00. for $1.00 each. l enirul Ave. und Arno St. Children's muss, 8:30. SniniHi i:. AlllMin, Phi I or. mass sermon. 10 00 a. m With and ills. i are said to (tav'e Iht'I seized. 7 IB S. Kdith, Phone 130!)V. f-- .... MSiH, Sunday school, 2:00 p. m. v Advice, Ihe muvtimimi for Sunday Kchnol at 9:45 a. in. T. M. lifing Vespers, Instruction nnd benedic- WHITE Mr. told Pori'is, siiierlntcndent. LABORERS SCARCE f SIM Gil lil.a.'ilo and lliliitffo. Walker tion at 7:30, BitAcr wit alleged liiemhcr of W'( a r)r. oris the court libit have live school with a Rood every I fa-fi-.i- l Holy mass day, 7:00. r home, 1 Thp qiirsttnm smwcri'fl the (tang lias arrested in I'hlcaMo department Just organized. ' 1,1 ,,r Ulsens, Lenten services Wednesday and r:f) character, tlio y,i,iliin," and h, I.I In $;l.iun hall' there. Tho prciichltiB services at 11 a. evening-- r si veil ami the iiimwcm will ai'l'lr I" Friday 7:30. - HlieiMr li Ici'taniS passi'd belwa-el- the t'hlcngo 7::!f) cs- ef nature. , SELLS GIRLS TO in., and p. m., by the pastor. EW MEXICO rm i rr,-- mnj '. . Tli.m. tier ,lvl,'. , man pud Ml. Walker said, Devotional of Kpworth l l V ,r. linker. c.,ilcu Hem meetitiK the II, xliliess , fii.'l""-Ili- diilt',-gl"- l. CONG RELATIONAL CIHIM C.illi-B.- ' I":lhn,i,il HIM., l,1... he mentioned a west slite l.e.1i!iie at 6:30 p. m. i IKiylen. and Corner Coal and Itroailnay. 'lf lolilleHM,',!, Il,lll,i',l ,.nvi'l"l f'T a phvsiciaii and .losepll Merino, Itemilar mohthly nible and Mission L. Dyer, Full liioio' nnd tl rn h" Kivctl Jtev. Ttiomn Pnstor. llil will l' now set eight as a Study t. hill eiilv liuiiiila er fl,'il'i..u i,,iii,' vim: "white nieetiiiR of the Woman's Kianlry seder, Oigaol-- s, cm DIVE KEEPERS CAMPS l In n,v uiiswi ik. 'Ii. iri il,ll"(i slaver," as other niciulu is of the Morning worship 11 o'clock, The M U t Society, Tuesday nfternooii nt at l, f nt l,t,y 0" kril iliiiK 'e "ring." :: pastor will on "Tim Signifi- 1 Any tlniKKlxl cm r ef wle,l'nli'r. o'clock, at Lesson, "The preach the church. par-- I.lfe of Christ: with n quotation from cance of Lent." The federal altorm v laid of a t one in p. m., special musical pro-gta- tin l.i r ease where a M .vcal'-old girl of sayings by each member. At 7:30 a . . a ad- V i i was lililuaped, sunt to Chicago and Wednesday evening 7.: 30 will be held, with short ' ' I bio- Shows at there Mogollon District, Where Six 'II., nun It w IIi h wuihl In Government Evidiee l ',n a !,: later, when relative, will he the rcsiilur prayer Hervlce and dress by the pastor on "Lincoln." This .oliiellnuu llial would 111 it J' hull recovered will by several ana fliiflv. My hair is greasy iiml I 11111 ''" Correct Price is liom $2!") to signed j, contract lo pay si f 0 for her teacher training duns. service he featured Big Companies Are Working, 11 II," llnllllllK I" keep li "Ul "f contract, is- In Meeting mi inherit of special Interest, ret in ii A copy of this of the hoard of stewards, musical ,, out of fiom Is expected. is Especially in Need of Com- MUVVel To llllle Hie lll'll, $30 for Victims Sent the government's hands, he said.' Tuesday eveninR at 7:30, at tho nnd n large attendance Ihe hair iiial lo'" p it ""ft und filln',, K' 'I und u,-i- Indictment", will he Sought a,gdJui as lie quoi-m- Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. II. S. i I ,. lar of ili, li villow inn, vol there failed to ti I', New Yoik o Chicago, out petent Men, r.KUlailv 'Hum will cue hum siul" iiiembeis of the gang whn appeared lp last Tuesday. Lithgow, superintendent. anil inak,- the hail aU'l ' .Hid i'ihi t during the of l - I'riday Endeavor at C:30 p. m. wilt not he hoili'ii-- with sblnrv. federal it trial afternoon nnd evenlnR, Christian - -- - - u'. ,1 .Vtfk slras.KlniK locks. laslo and Klhuffo nnd made "death I'Vhrnary 14th, ther 'Rill he St. Following Is the musical program: . . l!y Murillng .liiiiliiul Special I fused lr,' a Sieelnl ('erreftiHualeiice t Muriiiiiie lonrnnl signs" to gov el iiiiiciit witnesses. Valentines MO I! XI NO SHJtViCE. - ,1 "1 ,1" red VK'lidi rnouirli N, - toil at the homo of Mrs. J. Mogollon, N, AL. s. There, is day.: a "hI nelyff to litis "bonis.'" writes. New York, l'"ch, The existence .'- Feb. "Ja.lC- "t tin I llb-l- h and - H. Sjog- k v,-- ten,! iiM'l l',:lrt- - for a, y height inn dull and Messcr, 70(1 S. Arno street, given Organ Prelude, "Fantasia," dis- have t, aril IMineii, lldvlHC a slave" gang that sells glib great activity In the Mogollon r, li " have ti,',lu-l,- heail.iclles. of "while I'y iMK uliiiast I, , a, ui v Is. local anpeiintotidont the ladles" of the. Missionary , ren. trict, as there are now six operating what wall help inc." for ::, to :ttl each to ovviiet" or kicp. Vniir oo " ,1 very aoann l',,i Hi,. Kvery one has invl-- t Anthem, "Angel Viands In Strains Aasvv.'r: Vour c, million In line In the in was describe! Pullman cnnipiiny, returned h cordial mining companies in the district, and i ,et lull I, hi iv.ii IB. Mall,- tile Answer: cis of resorts (iiicn.o Saint-Satn- nnn.iii; in ,. I ne- - I ho ilioli to both, Sweet Hounding." by I up ef livt""-- It id nil hi ('"Ipuseles. full tl'olll cast. attend, old and yonnR. great activity Is now In progress of f.illevv inn tniilc miMia; Hi to Judge llaitil in the federal lllllii mi- - c;i,r,uicl,,, sei'ilx. Iiolhiim heller Ihnn three K lit Solo, Even to Me," Mark- (lIleMflll, III 't "Turn 'e developing mines. - ml, lets, which h purcliasiil today by Assistant liiU'al Stales 4 the (Ii, ,t ,.i,luti .1 .. a "'I l:,S ilia HltlSTIAX SCIENCE KOCHI'V. er Miss Charlotte Pratt. la- l., I, u liny up to dale diiu: fctole lit sealed cnloiis who moved There seems to be a scarcity of nful i,,i cm ile al all la lew Will Attorney Waller, Science l e, I, Wiill full dire.lloliK. 'I'lnne lidill'IK , Christian services are hel EVF.XIXC, SUKVICH .V'Uir HI K villi lie ,,'i,Ui,l. heavy sentences lor Kilas-to- $100 $100 In borers and miners In the district and the body to usslinlluto til., fully for Reward, the Woman's club building, at the A special musical service will be i, ;tv-- you riaeiuilli pli any In ii jt ICII',' lit rcltlcp of foci ml thus a merchant, and J"S, r,',i Ices (Ills will li. ,,',i-- ,l bl corner of one applying for work the Mr. it. Vein- weighl wine 'the of i:icr Seventh street and dold held, ns follows: vv ,'IkIiI '.' i.t vviluh ''I'l pet, II, in 1111,1 and added color In Ihe skill. .),. Ii (!,,,t II ' Is ill I t tine ,i.'!l,!,,l " Mogollon secure It. The nltc s you Iml'fo, ,'t liit ln r of Pan miii iiveiiue, every Sunday morning nt district can ,ul, lK eiitt, , h asl In ikhiiiiIh will ni, lease nnd will let tiouhhd ... CI,, e has been libit' la ,'lil', ll' iUl IH II I" ,1 , , boil Organ Prelude, "Canzona delta i, h, i hv r. a vo iing woman II .11 . ''clock. Subject Mogollon Is now one of the is ti .,! in!, ' iie'-l- with a, he lie These illt convicted ,,f in" n awl that Is lulillili. s 1,1 ill t'u lor this week, district What hai fi I, W If tulo-- (iceol ib to ill . i i 1.1, .1 "Spirit." Wednesday Sera." camps phvmci.tns und a lesml in I 'a t ,li j. i ,v p. itive nie ittfvv liiiuvvii to in,. evening services greatest gold nnd silver in the .VtaoM i ,(' niiv you will siitely flesli, to enter it .1 tl itt i,,u, (ll'tall, i, lions nam dcci-lo- n i,.tl flab ruilv I'abiii'li heiui; can Duett, "Tho Crucifix," Enure ,11 pendllo; 'ire at 7:30 o'clock. The'puhlic Is cor-llnl- ly southwest. tliuuMlNt a lulu- "I" tai,, tiolrlie t.llit,l were deleired ,1, un'. r,',,,li,. it eoaei Un t !ni:. Hit act Char-lott- o ,1 ,., fUlipil ,1 s- Willi, r John 1). Falkenburg nnd Miss nnd l.iki- us h IC'I utt " I'roiihh d Miss 11" w, lb 'Kviry a new tlirlt t 1,11.' Is 1.11,,'U lUollt.llli. H liUS invited to attend these services. I on nioliiiiis for trial. .itinh Three of tho companies nre now i on of .111.1 10 These lahh-- arc ii t, t.ibu I a tn n. ml. lot with Hcvi'le nllieks liii.. Ib IIM'II III" Id.., ..I Illll.' "is Sill I,, if Sunday school nt o'clock. Pratt. t , l i Hi money producing, the Ernestine, the Socor- ,,llle rclluhli, iiiy ar K"ltr, vvhieli mo jte n c h keeps inn luil According to fclcial c b.'i ti,,. a, in. t!,o r I'l" l.,u'xt..tiou I'l, use udyise soiaeiliiiiK f"i ." - ,a ii. i'. ittn.'iise. ilia ,,iliilit I','" Hi ro Mining Dead-woo- d for wicks. - ill Ihe govern- althu: company and the ',',.,ilil you piililliiii order r,(,ilil'- ale hv tllllllntl lltnl "Miss K" writes toil for htlll'lilK lt, Ihe Mining company. Their mill:: a relllislv liver all, liiinev llulll.le HIHI Aiihvv,i: My fuvnrlti' pi is, ld mellt'S sin, win that .'ire I" ...;.'f It, wuk 'Un' t,,o. !. to: Icve Hull 1 klli'W llJH cured It,- - th,. usual iliseiiM'S toil :l:ise FCJIH Hull rllelniiatnill. "ml "He rived .,, nan ll fiibli In cui llln. ivi'i' tl.lil llu'l are all running full capacity. The -, hv IliUan; slavcis" here have I' It at ,,u,-- ,., , li, nl. I, ,1 wall ,llv ii'lls, lllousulids of In- pie. ib made 'white oflei- llmeli'.l l..l.'l's 1",' Uliv i.' Hid :: ,ii, l sodium suli- ' I,' GRANDMOTHER USED SAGE TO Ernestine Mining- company In show- lllllii SlatS iM'f II, .HI'I Will' Iodide ei dratiiH: J 2.011(1 far girls sent". I ills to is, lid ..i li ef !l',,,,ll..l JEA dl'illliw; Willi, of rolehh illll, ellc- - to' i h, iHTiutism." '' ihiie iniii hv. lb, ii. of .V,,:e:,s I' t I Y & C) , T ,! . (,. ing special activity by adding new cm ip ear, Hot. I omp Telegrams uieiit inns IIIA'I n linlf fhst'iu'e ,, will kiiiIii I ; h.i rsn pu lie and S ,, hv I! iun-i'l.- is Tu.'. eiiuipment to operate the mines nnd Answer: tr van !' fluid hahnvvoil. sviiiii , victims, prices paid for th"ni (it cut millilu-i- tnhl,.'K in,.! milpliur l..i,li'lsl, uml i.u 'j alte one Isaspoon lit it, west, Tal.y II, - oiillj I'Uj t.r can, '.P loll. mill by Installing a new 2B0 horse- a, a he agents who aceomp.inied tlniu tiiku in-- in liiu: i" tiueeiiMim. v,i will n, in lull,-- unit you will s""ti DARKEN HER FADED OR GRAY HAIR power DeLaVergne engine aud a large elilv hut U v,,u out lu, If 111" use canal. "I air compressor and n plping the mines of these luliiels yen will I"' mail,,, illy rutwt ... ef Mil lie- in, ill, i, veil iieiili"!,. Th.'.y will " VlllK'He" wilt.": "I have I,, en crcnily with large air pipes s ns to deliver purify the l.l,i,l unit also "ii" ,V"Ui a, in, veil lulelv hv enicillllll! uiul it i t lion, ufter - property, in lit. thrum and len.'BS x Buy the Boy a Watch Sage Uemeily" more air for 'developing the - Mixed With Sulphur It Makes and Sulphur Hair auxin,; M hioiuhud tubes uiu ulbeicl : ' r- - v, put , you will get u large bottle for about and many more air drills will be "Woi ri.'il - Your cnfi hr asily also." cur,., ,.f hv USII1K tiueliut- - 50 make, in use ns soon as this eiiulpnrent can uiiiu hp cored ef and lent h him punctuality. Hair Soft, Beautiful; cents. Some druggists their i',,l,. 'Irani; tin I n usa laooa l te. J Von call yell' easlll' so be placed. This Is the direct result Ik n. I "lv till lu on, hu,i liouhle hv limnir essence own, which Is usually too sticky, ilriuus, e..ii, lliiiil loul ,'.(. With a vvabii in his pocket of change of ownership and man- III,,, ,l I., drops in vialU Leone fioh lies relieves (liH.y Cures Dandruff. upon Retting Wyeth's, which the - hv II" insist rni'iil. Thin Is c'luailv f',r nhler p,u- bnnlv hniiiis al, out ii eiii,', t""ic he will have tul excuse for can be depended upon to nat- agement of the Ernestine company. ,,itd l.ixaln,- - Hell "Ul therefore Is Mi l" l restore . n elilv Is . lo,- to ordinal', pre p.'t tons, which being late for school or for color beauty to and The management doing everything workini! ural and the hair "Viij.'iiiin" wrUcs: "I ufo'i- itrmilly with rellf vc, y.iu mil feel Ihe ,ni',ll''ll, The Sulphur possible to begin developing the hroio-hlu- tubes slaving out loo late hei'iluse, use of Sage and for s splendid for dandruff, dry, fever- mines cnturili. I, nl hie, nil el lelic n,t putu on the Itiroat, lungs mid a scale, as (m, my nnKO'll ioil) Hivlua l, leelurt o, freslini'Ss und slretltJlh restoring- faded, gray hair to its nat- ish, Itchy scalp falling hair. on large preparations are acrosH niv ,,,' n ,d. he "didn't know what time and nil,-- leil, la uii priscrlls! a ihe entire siiu.ln. I'ul.huse well-know- It, real aire c. to ural grandmoth- A n being made to begin sinking the main ''- ess, an , I liixlue and make color dates bnck to downtown druKRist reineity la rurii in,. imek.'iH,' "f mi'lllho Ii was." Wo have hoys I'- , I, II. on h.uili, und er's hfflutl-f'lll.- v They will also push the i, ecu ill,, tin- re, .us time, she kept her hair (,nys his customers on Wyeth's shaft. all ! insist Answer: The f..l!-- III.' l Irralinent tuk,. ,.,,'hl to s.'S d.nlv ii Hit "U will watches IIS low as $1.00 each headings In , ., darkened, glossy and abundant Sage und Sulphur, because, they say, principal the lower works slioiil.l hi-- use, I: a, lain n two iiiich oriulual soon he cured of r trouble. with a It also been decided to put all ,:n li.Ho- of Vil.oie p.mal. l. put one half ti',1- - and up as high as yotl want brew of Sage Tea nnd Sulphur. it darkens so naturally and evenly has . wan,, I niff.'i'."! f"l on be- M,,illil In a pint of waor ami muni I, nril.s 'Have Whenever her hair fell out or took on that nobody can tell It has been ap- development contract work, fi.,,11 ill,- palm of the I, aid yen s in:, el, Iro nlde and omi!lpi to go. Men's watches, too, the wal.r rs wall liny 'hut dull, faded or nppear-niic- e plied It's so easy to use too. You ginning February 15th. General Man- Mnoiieli the M,ihil vc,al 'i'" dally uiilil lion. Ibue ti d iniiilv 'ciees' but did streaked I of course, all kinds they Jl-- clean, f nslilV Tu cue ounce have putt t,' snd 'ft applied ager Wayne has always favored con- ,,, not even r.l sleat this simple mixture, was simply dampen n sponge or soft brush or lai n an "'a' " .i",..,,, ", tunes, e. liy it'ler 1 cat.' vi lei- ,( Jewelry ns well. with tract work In order to make greater r day well . wonderful effect. and .draw It through your hulr, taking Vllaiie iiow.l. uu.l tilop'-ptllK- Iinil Hi,- vour will (ihtaln tilhlels ur ioi.i I'lilanh - o progress in development. The mill will Inlo ii,in.l. ,.w,." -- ""- nddets lint tho brewing at home Is mussy one strand at time. Do this lit night soul, vanish, 11,1s slimiW '" at Inler-vul- lull., uc ol'dmif t" dir. tlona, "'I . ..a.,,. ...,.l U t.lllk bo equipped -, ' ,' IlllVIl l.loe "tid Nowadays skilled and by morning the gray hair disap- also so as to double the lo prevent II ni i, T,i' W. O. HARRIS, Jeweler h fi'-i- l.l.' While tahll'l IiM.t presert output. All this Improvement aveil of ioa Krulefut flihlet utt. a chemista do this better than ourselves, pears; Sifter another application or ,1a ,S"V',' iri'Sei'l H .1, er u ii.l a Line laid. afi' f s,i, people who have ni.-- Will 223 West Central Avenue "y asking at any druB" Mtore for the two, It is restored to Its natural color will be made as fast as money, uiul uu.l ciaed Clou, thai dreadful ,li'il, ItiUtUluC lie.llllield Willi Hl.'Be lal.lels utiy "I nl. 'iii.i' Ii ,lis"i let'. ready-to-us- e product called "Wyeth's and looks glossy, soft and ubundatit. labor can accomplish It. cutal rji. cute fast' FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1913. 3v I i

' -'rvy - : - -- ' """"""" TTji a . - i. s V """"""1 Exhibit of The New T' Charming Diess Trimmings u New and and Laces Dress Goods

r j Mr ju I ojnr aijs im e at riv! of the VI ? I) I wnin(i! - v. !! : in First Important Showing

In - - evpit'-d- l.tbf'f art and df r y- more Hfift- of 1913 Designs Aifu' i etsrd and "kilfii'iv re ated, it r t than IhfV u, Mv.r, r'pf T.t Ol.lDn.'HM . Iiotll H.lil( ttlid t.f,,. r t fh ett THE ECONOMIST ' in shower-proo- f Mir very r .ireful l,..nt fi.m I'." I'fd SALE cadi. and d OF , designs. Fancy Silks, new de M-r- m t'liM.'T i ; J d..m"tir lines, wr. KNOW i! IHI.Y Wild. J'lJAM. ,ot; Wild, Embroideries and White Goods, , Tub 5nks and a tig showing of new Spting i : . ( OME AND H.E Dres Good. v Vi; !! Laces Towels and Sheets

I i i ' I I Tomorrow begins the Week of the ECONOMISTS cAnnual February Sale n-.- . i,-- . F.ctc.; and we am.c.patf ,.f !1 liliril, GOODS, HASH LACKS. tw LXft'!li()il)UH'.S, in. ...i m..... CU. ,u.h SI ILETS. PILLOW CASES, LED SPREADS. TOWELS. TAhiE LISESS, Ertc. vast 11 f md-- t iht the logical supply center for of this character. The nsortmenls v. iJ! j.f,v tii U t.w f ' if v.rtMsi in Our i;frr mary in Um is uwjtw-twnf- and v..m-- i a umm many rfccir rut a mchandi t i ?', is bALE. j flirt and th- - tala's e gne l.e tfime to l a and ail femininity intensely in"Tested hm word around 'I HE f.CONOMbr omg lo hae lleir GREAT WHITE f j M GOODS 4 EMBROIDERIES TABLE WHITE l '! -ll: , itKr-- t)ii will lie bis H s .1 i .M! f ft'Mhi.rilifwr thnt UIMmiU ,r k .h- iI .v ii f i!' nit., . i ma-i- . i r - ii....-ir.- nti'1 t h fa. t In view we h.iSf lln.rt.tiKh )t tMi;..ti I: fr.j r ;f (ho f t ,f ahipt c"nf r''i--- .k- it f LINENS ,, itn ..' - H.-asj-- t 4 I i'..rtKt-l,r.- H . U . it t.t ttt.- We tiew fiil.rim. ni in I. ,.e I In th- - i .In r lh- - fiii'-- hiiI l.'T ' fc V. 1.' in. hw ail the !.. I ) . I .Up. I'.- i!- i ll- rt.,st J't.j t,l,. f I,. j.;,t 1 , .... h h;rl W t r.'ifii tft fi.Tt ttl -'l .i n. ip.t f..r "kiiin or ttiti. ratine, .,ri v.-r- 1,1'iT ..,-i- ..1 ! I.-- i:..-.iii,- Thi-t..- f..r . . - it r.. .. : 1 i . l, tn mm h in m wi'l lif '.r !.' . r n..i'i.--- ( t,. r 1 1 r.t h m.-- vtu- it. !..- )') Ihn I h !!-:,- . . ,., ir.,v rih s f. ,.,., ;,ri, w.n-- t. ii m-- ami i ff.- - t. l',.- M 1 );;: ,r, '. u'tfil the s.ft ltimi . Mi. t i.-- . . - I it.Mi-- ,1 i , si;. Swo e. .t! tit.-;.. t.t l.uth fi'fi.'n i't,l.f..(.l, Hi if :l a Or, I'm', 1,1 - h i,;-- is..n s!.. vsi'Lt Hllt ..nnM. T i l'.,f ,.f ;) !! ).!:.... nfi-- l , ' .... 411-1- 1 I is.-niit- Is. ill Iti'-'- rPitK ,).r.,... .'in-- ,;... ,Vh', , l imi, 1 f. ,l...- f.,r a ri. sr. it!. .til .l.un j nt .,; - iJ(..,r.i. .s. . ! , f ; ts s. Bit- uri'li-- 'mn-- li '(" in m,iis - ,- i I AU.. iih, it" l!MiS(,s Ih.- t t :i , ., n,.- i hi.t. ! ami I."T S ' t ' ' if. ti S'i. xi ufiH .. ,.f... it.. iiiiilfrmN f'.r k' lt..i r.. .f..i rn..l Si i.'i tit- t. S1. I "! t, j, .1 . .",11, t T..I,'- - t r.i t.t rf o', 2'N . - . . i.,vi.,r,N I l. l. Cfr s.rk r. IS Si m. : i , i t"-i- tf-- l -r r.t. f .T ..r it .f.; M IMNi.h- - ,,1., .. utr.iMttv ..,; ML- Wh.miim f..r fmi-fciii- a s;ir!ily i:t ...r tr'ir- LIJVEJV OTt r..r hurl .TSi'; n.a.le'of i:x Ii-- 1 1 .1 f ... I 111. :.M. ... . 54.IJSCH l.o1 , .. 2'H', 2.V. ' I'i.r.'m !,!,(. J.snl, .N'. , I Mr, tK', i'N' S.V-- !..! s.t..e II i.rne. I lie, 2 ..('. I'm'. !n. .. !: ! . 11 " Imii-.s-K- 1.. .T ,,1 ...,t ::..' I SUITS I r I. H i si r.r. mi 1 m '!..... l'i:UM Kitif. 'ft Kr i.f a st.if..'ri..r lavsn. r 1. kii ,rirtn. t,,.iiru;iy n : r 1, I .. ! - . 1 t hum: k 1.:. . k I :... mil.- rt.-..- i i , ;S'm. ;..V 'iO'. i. tli .i.-i- ! ;;-ir,- . I in.i fv: ;ir), ...... 1.1. 'r : - h ..,.. ! ..ii m .:1.- ri.- -. Si. nr.. I irv eff.-et- ; 11 Itsrse vari.t; f-- is I .,. i ..rf.--- I .1 ' .. . ! l ? ,H .f 1,.!. ft Mils III mitt tv in. ,.r!is!- r in h.irKi..t.' I ,'! r, j. ifin 3.M-- . Hi.- rtrt-r.- , t;; mi.I. !. 2"n' unl .ih tiiii (:.. it;- n!i nf :i.., U' isr i tt H ii' LIJVEA I'. snf-ii.- i.i. , s . SUITING w,iivt ttnA and I ) ; 3.V-- L'.'i' - f fl .hi'.i.' (Ill MMITIK-- A l..;'.tifnl f.liri.' f.r r..c. .r.. IV, J.V, Sih, 7k- i,int l.ur. thill fr . t, f.-- 2"-- sin. 2it ::. ' . - H't-i- . : ., !., I.: T'.. 2.m Tl.m ;r i.t" .r; in:." h , 1 n , .Ir.-s.- i.i..l Mrij.t-.i- T .'r1, I iin.l i(. ir! ! VI. !, t,t in "'. 2'' A ssi-.t- , an ! i x.i .i.iit IM I Mil Mil! TIiih in ,iicK.. ( III K SsshiI ",r siir.m hiiilrtn'ii r IM.s m.,i .jr.K t; :: ar 7 i m. St. .) . l,::o . . ..!. i.-- s I'N", urn! I'm". t I I,, rt .'it 1 f , . H ) ! - ht. .ir l. 12'jC .f r. Kf ,,f .1. in x ,t.'. Si."-- -- ! villi.- pfr I 1 . :l h.. I.IS S '...-- .,r:..-- . f,. !'. 11 S..ft 'i-- ; , . t ,..,.t.,!..l in i N.nnd tn e a this S"ii.-- . ti 'i r, h. af,.l n, t..(h .f ' In H.i; i.f the fa Nil shut !. i.ii t'it-i- in ,n rr. iii Sl im in "..kii il..iii.. (ff--rt ur r .t,..n ! i.lHI, ia..VI, IW, $5 Wl. il. .r TLA LIJVEJV DAMASK. an.l with ti Iwnttifiil ilr;iir.g f..r ps.nins I'.r s.,.l, t !... il a it v .i - M;i iy ...t in. l tulUi-- 4" . variety ir.het !. - r. iin-- ill'- -' We fh..w remurkat.te An . 1. I ii (.t;r ! Ii.- ... 'i h- if ...l:,.ti v!.i. in. ;, 12 in 2-- V 1 si ,.!.-- ; . pti'-na- 5St ami SI.WI. 1 '!- A h-- l - sali.e lit. T.l. 3.V. III si - h linf ,f X.s Himi in t; in- H.t.iv .Vnjk.n. rrv,i..r . : s :.. .,i,,. SI. 5 int iim. I1i' tin- - - f. r anil .'.- t.r..l II. ,M,,. ln I,,, ,r ir,. vilit'-- t tt',ti.-?t- l.s tn. i.f (trim.- fayrtt-- the continu fr .'.! Nth: f i! S ... tts intu own i -fl I.(MI, 1I..MI, HO. jf.j I", MI, FINISHED TA TILE CLOTHS IT l,..j,.f,. ttitts. Thi Nf hs iiftiun dime '! .:!, Si. ii)s n; w t A . ft.?.-- the thm I.M I ft (.f, 1 - I r ns m fH f.ivi'i m f siwiminil fri.m !hf d.u,tv Mi,. 1 . . , y 2.V-- 3.V. nml SI.imi. 1. .( H l m! .l ." ".11 SHEETS. SHEETINGS hasp thftii rl(f.l the at ."!, .". !.Ke i1t"ik'r Vf ).!. 5 V, jO .", !V mi s mill iii , vrJ sy b.-.- i , rn-- an-- i ntifi.l g...) jn a ... r - - . ' . .1 1 ItVIINl: Th- - f.,l.ric f..r i.iiti lreeg; ;1 "5s-- , . . I . I . . t ' ( - nt" Vn', iin.l tip. EMTiHOIVLny - I .... 11. C! ,tt if "i.iii.i.ii.l lirnmU wit!.- taKK 'iua!it'..n, el .'Ik, TtEMJVAJVTS - i . r i t t. 4.' I' ' t. ... "l H I.TTK Siifi. white f..t.ric fur uiS'lTwear. An ideal fabric, !S T!i-t- ' arc i in,ii!iir.i l.i i . .( v lliri'l is.. ti.r'ta aii.i m!n j"i Th r H,r i . .M' HEAVy-MAV- E .'.is . ". i .'" in SHEETS w tH'- - - I h.-- - ? incltm at "it (.!,' fiii- i,.ri.i.i. th- g..t Lrokcri. ai..l e 1 iii,. f:. fit. i,it . ,, I t ' !: I . I. .1 sV III- - H i.ii( ') th.-- i.f i f r i ... I. nit.! v . ) t!..- - I . I. .;.. .1 f,.' re i.l mT.'i. S2.2.V iiii'l up In '. P s a !,..!! .r. a; :.. t' ml f,.! I - Quilts This Sale ,r . Feature Si Sii'f .. j.t.. . , , II. (!. t ,1 !t K. II ITS. VI' I . M SS White a at : i c I IHIKI.-- l fl- H f(.':!f t r r I I . ttt rui-hf- t hemmed, n ' I il !! 'till ir. t .St.. n.,i. i'. 1.. 1. :i .in. uttr i t.i- - t. k sif ijnilt, in,tii!K satin l H (mi 11 I 1 iil.-"- : ! mi it Ml a I I..-- : I ',, I S. nint in ii ,1 i.f 1. A!i fruiK-i- form-- r.H .itiis- an.l "I !.! . Lvt ti. hif i rm hi t i. Mtin frinsseil. siit het. ; .... ti-- . . SI-l-- up. i V.ri:- (,. .., !",( ;.. s.l. .:: y. .!, !..i .l. y t,. i I f ir thi !f Mini w' Urn- - iiii" to . h...if frnisi s.t : SI. 15, SI.T5. Sl.ttH, SJ.35. S2.H ami CLOTHS I - - . - I, I 1 . .. .V ,.1, HN- l.M- 111.' .!. 2.V .l. J.lll.. I I at . ., I fc . tiitl I ,( Iff BATH TOWELS . . .'(. . ".' mill iti tii 1. II., I" t .. I :, TIN' - IS I Ml AT COMBLNATION UNDERWEAR EMBROIDERY r i.i.'it H."M- lil.llXt III AMI Hl.r l. M'MIU, I'KKl: Ti . UN-I2'- 1 I p t TA LE CLOTHS 11. h'-- It tll- . SJe VAhien, I'rice '...,,, in .if vnt. h mi i .mi(. inn! iur-- Cm. r TATTEHJS j i n.i 1.. nr f!,t. 12' If Trite. Sl ' "" .. s ?. i -- - e . . it'le vaiuen. K.! lie 1,, h. t;n (v t .i'ic, I W ,. ' A : t, ft jil tl il ..21' I'rn I'r.te iv .,,t,( h if .in. II Sviv it, t.. t. , .!,, . . S-- l . . . K i.'i.:- ti, . S "I Hf l.-- I'll I".!' I'ri'f. s.ile Pri' .' !!.. 7 , . . , fi.V " ,.- tes, Sale t I ' r . .,! ' x.i ST, h :,;i 11 - ,. .!,. III lilll-- Pin. sal l'ricf if ! ami in I.' iii fl irts in TRIMMING LACES It ss . - I ii-.;- k Listen Tum-- iMmnsks ni IHn ks Ui'lvl tins J i ! t't-rn ' u; (. fl- - (. 'in. 7... up I' .! .... f.f Mi of : "TurM-i.i.i- ! si.-iiils- .f t r I : 1 1 .".11 - - ., i ) (it.i-i-i.- '..i.iMlnir tnli I'finii.t Clniti, .1 .. n t i m '.ii M'i ITc ;,t e. We enurtiff.ite threo . -, h-- Kit. i V Vl.-ii- i ! b All-Li- e.z- - h- lel SiZt1 ,1,,. T.M hin a inl IM..H ifiii... ail .).n .. ..n j,i .) .... rn .ntin.-.- l H'lfk n Towel, Hx'S im r , n .rt... i, tin V 1. I.- jiiV. TATILE CLOTHS A,VP MATOiEV r ss 2.(Ni ij.-,,- . 7..-- Si 1,1 S,i I ' I I I n s, fiimily HIC. till. IIII.MU M II AM l.M I'S I ,t It!.. In ,'4!..tlf.l! ;ftV .ffe f Ill JVA1MS r ...... c.. h. a U ti, L Tnsvel. siie '"s In. In f .. t ., 1 . ii! i ! . ..1. . t u ... ! . .w. 1 11 ihi '. '(.. is ,,.i, lid', v. ! . - ,. ! n I . - " 'i.n aic s:!.(i() r..z, n. In . - I (hi - stiste lni-h-- The- .. i mi.) nt. ,ir.i I.. ti. !. . -- t.i.i r k V. i !..': r !!:! I' 11 l.ii.. fin- - Hiii-- T""l., 2lxI 1. - :'.-- ea.-- i.l - I .. . . ; . ..(.-- i.M..i-,,i- 1 1. ) s.i'nies lu $l.i'i SJ'.l lt' M III tl KHUIHIS ll(l Ii ,4,, Sir,;,!, I n. ..!.. M i, ).,,. emln; . ) (in- - . .( ft. ',.,(! ami . n nt .hi, hi ..n fur iriitiin,n uii!t i;l , Hr tti ii,.t' , line 1. h i, 4 I 11)1 FANCY VI 1ITE (i..-!- i - t.ii't- - ...l ,. ".imi, M, tin, in .j!i,itii;u- Hnl s.itviiet , . 111 tall mi . .Mi. J,5ii ii-.l s.-r- . ,tt s'i and ii). Nainsooks si.llli 'i iir.' i ff. in (hf !. nt Ul rt . r utxii t, nl: Long Cloths Sea Island if. N ! t. It 7"i .. ll'i-- . 2N-- , .'..mill tjkir; in. r ili.rii nml iii GOODS PIk-i.-- r ) it-- fx". 2.m 3.V. .ii, rfit l to KI.Oil. 12-.i- Pii-fi- tl't: c.wr.l .4 itnh N kiii m in li. .S S5 nml All .i .ir ii( iii i.f v t w." )., .1 littf 12.23 12 .If for l. itirsf . , value, h 1.1 Iii.-.- i ii..-- lVi.rc.-- - r ties wnle, ii.r.'i S'illUf .$1.19 WASH LACES ! ttt. i'.rI- h.- - is im S2.25 ' h", 'r:jt .w wt.rk ss . . value. M yds.- fur V. - ; . V . I . itle, $1, ,i !ue ni i f .f slits w 1 ti r .1 1: n. r it . f I'tttt.-ii- h. i I! l.l."i . ini' he ti.'i 2.- tiif ith !.!, c..t .tf I .1. I 1. V . .!.! lift 12 yards ', Intuits, ss '.tit: I2.r. , .SI.BH $3 value, for -- i i . - i k.n-- r - in h.s valtte. ft f '.i.- h m l.riKii"rs tu.ti. i. mi 1 . .1 H .1 . t r t 3H hi wid- - S2.WI Tri ti i.n r v. tile, $.1.: titif , , S2.T5 IJ.23 value, im r n.-n- ; LVJVCH J4ATK. IJVS . in hes , I: 'I'..f Ii'.n. I'i.itl ami Xiirmnn-l- ,ti lit i. 1, l.n.f. t (.)-- n , S.".:'.ii Viiliii-- 42 h.-- wide S3. ml hoii. i l.ii.m til.. Ln . j. I...H.- i;r . h.-- s w il-- - . SI.IMI im r, 1. l.rt-- ii- 11,' value- t it, in rhf 11! im.-h.-- s;t.2.1 ,,f Ii.i,, h ttt .i r f. ,t.;,,S r s hr-j- . v I . , $3,75 value. 42 wide t,.,iiiii,.,l ..!. htv t ., . II- - nic, I'!.' a tie 2.0 tn ii.' . 1 !s.!-- t . r.f in H.iti . - . ir: fttf r i,. ft. Jill-- 111- I1.-- , fo . . s:5.25 KrtKitsh NainsiM.k t Me. nt. hi !!,,,. . r I ! ' . I i 2 12';i;, I'M', !ll.l 2"" 14. value, V II 'in im hes 2 - 3 4 . 22 per vsorth l r i,'. .Sin. I N.i. : L..I Nt. .t .... 5 : : . - Wi'1. j . , :t.2. '..e ard. i 1.4 l.t X. r 1 ".ii ,il f. r SI ami Sl.r.u f I', Mint ;ir t!.ut. prin ins hfs Ii.7 salne lt'i,- ln-- s , . s;:..".o a regular way. !! 2 !. fi) r J l f..r Hi .l. I'm- j,. in' wide, $4,00 value. more in i f!

M it- - m, WaisT: Women's Waists V e , I Pretty Inexpensive New I The i , made of Special lawns, , voille, mar- V 4-- w j WaisTs for Spring quisette, etc., at $1.00, t No. i $8-50- . V $1.50 and up to Our purshaxnt were mailt; from the best tt manufactuff rs. employing the best designers, in she east, 1 ( s moisting of twelve and vve can assuie .every puahass-- i that these are ih- - latest word in W&iM styles. All are as pretty and fine Middy Blouses, made slvirs (d Wauls, as nice materials, dainty lices and r nbroideni--s and (xd designs can mate them. All and every one of linene and galolia, all ii finely trimmed vvilh lares new and fresh. Women of refined la-t- are sure to he delighted with tl5 early sliovsmg of inexpensive white, white with con- I and etnltfoidfty ; hikh NX'aids fur Spring, from the strictly tailored Uf the 1 '.ti. .laie hnsfiie, all styles ate here. trasting collars, at 9ck. ft ttfik, limit sleeves; low $1.23. $1.50. $2.00 and neik, "short sleeves; ojien I 4 $2.50. Irotit or tipen lack; twelve ri - FILLEi .IV i sltfieien! styles lo select Women's Tail-

(torn; selling ii, tea-ui.- ir the ored Waists at $1.00. - ins- from dSc to 90c 11 ,uw ll ' $1.50. $2.00, $2.50 and I each; all go m this sale at ; Vsit $3.50. one pine- -. rfe: www 1 m 'IlilWfMT Women'i Mannish Shirts, made of striped tub ayiiAyjii silks and white and nat- s , 49 n cents ural Habutai silks, at Each DRY GOODS MILLINCRV $3.00, $3.75. $5.00 and J AND READY TO WEAR GARMENTS EXCUiSIYELY. $7.50. f

Free Delivery Service Our First Showing of the New Spring Suits, Coals, Dresses 'and Waists See the new things. Get the ides of how s?!ih they ate and vve know sou wilt enjoy these NEW, The New Dress Goods showing wide-wal- e By Parcel Post as Follows SMART' SPRING MODELS. of all that is new displayed on the second floor. , Are on display. Hundreds of wonderful designs, including flat cords, ail" two-tone- and On aitales of (iht weight. "Ush as silks, dresi ew Dpnnc Girls Wash Dresses Girls While Dresses serges, novelty weaves, also d Bedford cords C'XhU, hues, ttitiimitia, idihfliis, endsividenes, notions, woo! shepherd checks, priced from $1.00 to $2.50 a yard. Coats and Suits Never a season when there have Charming new styles for girls 6 haridkertlnefs. nes Iss ear. etc. I he eveptwns ate gmxls been so many new things in Girts to 1 4 years. Made of finest white nl an in, mailable shaiacter, uh as domettes, heavy e havf jud received by ex- Wash Dresses. They are in sues batiste lawns, beautifully trimmed The Colored Wash The New I'll Kiwds. press a shipment of new Spring 6 to 14 years, and made of fine wit!) ftrte LmCcs critLiuidrirt-s-, r Suits Coals that will lie placed ginghams, linens and sfsectaily suited ' for On dll sush rnetilifltuliie will fseight or atl confirmation Goods Stock 1 i ve ptepay l-.- on sah-- J ti cloths. See the many new As ear. expiess i!iai,'e (at our option), piovided the bulk of the Of White, Colored and Novelty Including Domestic and Imported I hee come in fancy checks, styles offered and the" j'ctal . Very special values at $1.95, rncK-luruhi- u Ut4 out of prnporlion lis the tod rind the very at- ij liiagifsals, serges and novelty cloths. values at 9Sc, $1.15, $1.45, $2.95, $3.95, and LINENS, suitable for suits, skirts, Novelties, are displayed in ptitchase amunt 4,) $5 or mote. $5.00. up to is for lines. A't HRe I. SS llltfi.-t- 811tl llti.t. s : $1.95. and up to $10.00. $17.50. etc., now ready jour selection. tractive t


south-wes- t. the. Interior, particularly Hie Uiroux Cunsolid.ited P,!lks 1 hhU v ' reset ill ViHllt), Viisliby Consolidated t!) $:i3;,77.0. Call money rate on Green Cgnanea , , , KS rema'n the Trust companies vah reserve In Just Received easy Al- Islrt Royatle a Large Shipment basis of the last few Weeks. tt'o 'P't) 8 4 aults, Jsi,S!12,0mi. III though tim money quotations have Kerr l.tikc , , . ; Aggregate resorve, tt2t).."&9,- - not changed substantially, In Mkf Copier , , , s nh there an tRiil. appreciably firmer tone and fundi rt , Salle Copie , , in, of Spring and Summer Da longer pressed on the market. Miami Copper Knees lawful reserve. II.SXT.SfiO,. Ranker said today that In view of MohHWk not); decHMse, 7,7,!Uft, r the renewed NrVKdlt 'olotiiliiluted , , Trust companies A deiuuiul from the tnterlur teserve with trust tti '", . v v . VUvY and the financial sltiintUiti Hbroad, thr Nipisslng Miriin company carrying 2.1 per cent $ WOOLENS outlook was for a ontrai lion of red- - .North Kutte Puidl recerve, $5,341,0ti0. It, The export lias North ljike movement takcii i Summary of banks nml trust com- - $23,K00,l)00 year, old iHunliilou 'Aivl tltcy ;nv;iit your inspectim!. Come in litis week while thin with the pos. Is Patile In New Yolk Included in llenr- - Hiblllty of n further drain, Foreign Osceola ... , 84 lllj house t ' easy Is statement: Vim think of It, and t us show-- yon how It 'to .select rateH firm, betn.'j Qulmy ... continue Loan, f 1:1 slightly Shannon Vj S4.9M0; Increase j'iMt what You want In our large Hue of guaranteed Woolens. higher today, while the In. U 6i6,300, 'lulry showed Increased force. Superior 30 - & Specie, . COO!) XATIOXAI, WOOI.KX The stock trading- was vir- Superior Hilton Min. .1", $il,4i:. 400; decrease. Slit DRKSSKKS WT.AR market 700. tually Tamarack . - tliem without feature. Amalgamated SI .M1U.S CLOTIIKS, mr other MAKK dresses V. . & tenders, 7,,,si),i;oo, because Copper, which roue 1 point, wo the Sin., Itrf. Mm.. decrease, l S. Km.. Kef. & fjuilc si) well, ami cost less money, quality always only one of the speculative favorites Mm pfd kiiles, they , ileposils, to move more than fractionally ubov ltah Coiioliilntl . , 10 tolal $d;l1, 521,9011; In WIT1I-Ol'- T crease, $3,310,0011, consi,m.'1, for, FROM MAKKK TO WKAKKR. or below yesterday's close. Trwdlns Ctah Copper Co. . , 6.1 Wlnoiin ,, Jvxcel-le- ut fell off to the lowest point of the year ... ACIIXT'S PROMTS is the proposition here. Hiuini'liv's and the itinera I movement wai Wolverine titf sutcinciil. 8 I land-Tai- New Yotk, Feb The l l. i Suits, niaile to n least ire for The undertone Wn firm luaniler IW 'h. t'l yr saj tod.iv: throughout the session and such ciliCAC.ii closi; -- The heavy gold change us occurred were mostly up- Wheat May, 4 t 4 ; July, exporin for the past week ward. Some of the less nctive lssufs 92 c; Kept , sOS,i'. weie relleited illicitly In the $15.00 moved Coin-M- ay, July, f,4"; f.Dc; statement of the New Yi clearing more widely than the leulers. f,4;e; t i Canadian 2 Sept., 61 11 Iifi , lions' banks for the week emlinu Pacific gained points and ',i I 111 May, ic; I'ebrualy jith. The Inks t,'mh In Itubber was adv anced 1 point to above ot. July, 2USr , th banks, taking ac- S. a new hlh record. Sept., 35 the statement of Dainty Dishes Easily 'losing stock list; Mess poiV, per bhlMaV, $19.70, tual conditions as a basis, w is $!.-- 7 52,000, This was in NATIONAL WOOLEN MILLS Aliuilgiimati'd Copper. July. 19.7. n.'Wi of the - Lurd, per I no preliminary The arc American Aci bs Mav. JI0.17'j; estimates. banks Prepared Icnltural r,2i', July, $10,); ,. Mill gaining from the Interior, bat Makers of the Clothes We Sell, American Meet Sugar 37 Shoit nbs, per 1110 hn. Mav, these gains are more than connieni. A merit an Can , I!!)', You i.iie llie iltli;lilful cniivell-irm- r July, $ by an gold, are tue o rtiirc( IMIOXK American pfd 110.65; 10.52 outward movement of L'O Cenlral Ave. Can I26' I J'. ltomjl were the total of which are ti.iw of . let hie ( hafmg I)ili, hecwe it rtiahles ,V r. irregular. Total sales. an Amerli an t'ar Koiindrv. , . , . . 4 par va'uc, $i,130,(khi. rapidly approaching the $25,000,11110 American oil unv, ymi lu pieparr imaimeralile lemphnit recipes eaily Pant ma lis' and I'. S, 4s' coupon, mark, (if this amount, one-hal- f has American Securities , I il inv .tlinhle for le 22a S, been shipped to and uperilily. ln, loo, piovi'i American Unseed advuru tti of per cent oil the weet, South America and lav,, demand from thul source IddN to lliow conjn' little spiciils after llie tl'.ealie, or America nl.ocoinotive :i) fair with continue for some time. The en- isters had communicated the Amer. Smelling & ' banks the of lnilt',e, 01 when fiietuU iltop in unex- Kef'liK Chicago Board of Trade. larged their loans commitments only gjtne hi state department to Impure the rea- Amer. Smelting; & Itefllg pfd.. TENINDIANGIRL5IN hliglitly, but the gain In that Item for pectedly. son for the naval demonstration and American Siii'.ir I efiuing .116', ChkiiKo. ti. de- the week being $2,li3,0il(l; deposits disclaim existence, of any conditions American Tel, A Tel . l'eli. Rumors that TS - dceteuM'd $2,415. lion and the result Indicating trouble. To nil (purlin the American Tobacco I'M cided action regarding- Turkev was to be tuUeti of the changes noted was to del Tense An Electric Chafing same answer wast returned, that the Anaconda Mining . .11 about by tiernumy enl Co reserve by $7,KtlT.K5ft, - precau- Kngland btought 11 stampede making- the THE SUFFRAGE naval movement was merely Atchison . luS.j alxiut today up. III 1 ptcHnt surplus above the 25 per cent tionary and in a large part Inspired by Atchison pfd ,101 ' to the hide wheat. In Dish the closed 1" minimum, $s, 257, 350. information of activity of revolution, Atlantic Coast . maiket 'h? ' l.lue I2!t The At any higher and rather continued export of gnld niul is any ary juntas In this country. Ifaltlmore & Ohio .102 flurried. UiteH reports The t'.lertiic dialer a handsome otn.imeut to was unaf- trading left oirn V,c above last iiiKht from the west that money Is PARADIE 'ate, the state department Ilethlchem Steel . ar'i. In room. And, of its use rliminatet the risk oats with a gain of 'n pro- mote mthe demand are likely to routse, fected by any of the representations, Urooklyn itapid Transit . S iac iinl have some effect within few-day- five is other furls. us was evident by the fact that. In Canadian Pacific visions unchanged to 7ac mivancp. the next of whith present with alcohol and shipments on the current quotations for addition to the four warships either Central Leather . 2!H4 of what from .! You will Imd an Eltctiic Chafing Dish always way nbont to be to E.ntlnn made the mint'et hete v.rak fund. under or ordered Chesapeake & Ohio . ready for use and the of nwration i very gunboat Taeo-ma- , at the outlet, bear traders vigorously ctt Dawn Mist, Dauahter of Chief Central America, the Chicago dreat Western . . 16 V. at Iloslon, was also added to the Chicago. Mil. & St. Paul .111 'i attarkinR prices. It was not until lute The Livestock Markets, little. Three Bears, Will Lead the list and her commander was Instruct- Chicng-- & Northwestern .IS In the senion that the nit discovered in re- ! May contracts In particular had been ed to hold his ship readiness to Colorado Fuel & Iron... . :i9 Kensim City LIvc(ih k. Dusky Calvacade on Day heavy overhead. lieve the vessels on the Atlantic const Consolidated ( , .IS, Kansas City, Feb. 8 raj At this Juncture, reports became CattleRec- of Cent America. Corn Products . 15 600, Including The Albuquerque Before Inauguration, current that war eipts 200 southernt; It was Intimated in official quar- Delaware Hudson 163 additional llrltlsh market steady. Native $7.oo.r vessels had been dispatched to steers. ters that the purpose of the naval Denver & ltio (irande 20 Turkish 8.50; southern steers, $7.00ii 8.i(i; Gas, Electric Light I )f Air waters and also was (lly Morning Jnurnul Rnrrlul 1.eiie1 Wire. movement wax to maintain the status liver ltio Crande pfd 37 that tlerm.ny southern cows and heifers, $4.oo - definitely moving to use force. There Washington, Fill. 8. Havvn Mist, iiuo in Central America, so far us that Distillers- Securities ., 18 6.50; native cows and heifers, $4.00fi developed in quick order un nctive Co. 'daughter of Chief Three Hears, of the can be dope by the restraining Influ- Kile , 01 8.00; Miockers and feeders. $5.76(11 and Power K strong market put In (,'laeier Indians, will ence of warships, until the coming Krle 1st pfd that short sellers 7.60; hulls, $5.00fiH6.25; rulves, $6.60 National Park al- Ki'ie 2fl pfd D9 tight plac the rest of the day, , command n troop of mounted I n i n administration has had an opportunity 5r.&0; western steers. $6 508,00-- though price eased 11 cavalry division of to define its policy and decide upon (ieneral Klectrlc HI trifle at the western cows. $4.00'n 7. on. maidens in the the close. wilj;wtlil';iimiii.miiniM''T;'','B'M'n'': woman suffrage pageant here on its uttltudp toward the Oieut Northern pfd. M9Vt Hors Receipts l.Koo; market 3H Corn rallied 011 account of buying ic March 3. Thin is said to he the first republics. Great Northern Ore Ctfs higher. P.ulk Of sales, $7.63 fT 7.80; largely Inter-est- s. 1 credited tn provisions! Hint Indian women have taken any Authentic reports of threatened up- Illinois Central 12S heavy, 7. Cc 7. 1 0 ; packers and butch- lnterborongh-Met- . Dullish crop reports from 5 '11 ; part in nation-wid- e movement for change of i ers, $7. 75rr7. 85; light, $7.70i',i 7.80; lambs, native, $." 8.90 wester. the risings, coincident with the , pre- ern steels. $ri.fiil'ir7,30; slock ers nl Intel borough-Met- pfd. , 63', were Ineffectual curly to pigs. $6 25 7,25. 9.0(1. extending the franchise for women. in country, deter, '11 J.75'D administration this vent decided feeders, $4.7 5 7. Mi; cuwa and heifers, In Dawn Mist's troop will he ten mined secretary Knox to guard Inter. Ilarvn'ster .,..113 setback. Sheep Receipts none; market Inter-Marin- e Oats advanced to highest point 7.50; calves, $6,601 10.00, maidens, selected as lining; the most American Interests by bavins a strong pfd 18 the steady. Muttons, $4.50di 6.75; Colora- $;t.0tl Denver Livestock. 1 on the present upturn. The reason was representative of their tribe. All will American naval force at strategic International Paper lt. do lambs, $7.901.8 60; rang--e wethers l(oK Receipts, l..'!ll; malki't Denver, Feb. 8. Cattle nH'elp 1 4 that the pit suddenly of he clad in their tribal ceremoniul points. It was pointed out today that International Pump became bare and searlings, $5.26 ft 7.50; range ewes, slrong Light, $7.S5f'( 8.15; mixed, .(ui ...... Ii..t U..,H' l!e,.f steer!, tli.t offerings, profit taking by holders and will he mounted on Indian his action does not In any way com- Kansiin City Southern 2)jV $.'I.r.0(if,.(i0. $7.761 8 15; heavy, 7.S:.'K dts.25; cows and heifers, $4.75t(i,2; eiah-orat- ., ; having come to an uhrupt halt. There .?; V 7 -- ' ponies richly ciiiariioned with e mit the incoming administration, Laclede t3 loqgh, $7.5(ti 7.80; pigs, $ii.6tir 7.85; stie kers and feeders, $5.00 wa only it narrow range provl- - i',.'. bead work. Dawn Mint, who which, of course, may withdraw the U'hiKh Valley 16tt for Chicago UicsIikW. bulk of sales, $7.9511 8.10. calves, $8.001 10.00, slont. All upturiiB selling hlgl has given much thought to wninau's warships at once. That course' is re- Louisville & Nashville 139 met orders Chicago, Feb, 8 Cattle Receipts Sheep Receipts 1,5011; market Hogs Receipts 100; market Minn., M that apparently from sources Hi.f frage, succeeded In obtaining the garded as desirable, St. P. & Sault St. 189 dine '400; market steady. lUcves. $ ,5t)f Strang. Native. $4.K5 f 6 1 0; wesli ru, er. Tup,'$7. 85; bulk. $7.85. Missouri, & Texas ST1!, other than packers a a rule. of Louis W. Hill, nun of Kansas .0; Texas steers, $4.90 6.T5; west- - $4 0'u6.10; yearlings, $.4i i 7.90; Sheep Receipts, none. James J. Hill, who ha apreed to fur- Missouri Pacific 4 1 '4 nish transportation for the young National Itiscuit HSU, Kansas City Grain Markets. women. National lead 62 While In Washington the Indian MONEY SITUATIO Nat l iiysi. of Mexico 2d pfd 28 ' girls will live in their own tepees on New l'ork Central 107 Kansas City, Mo., l "( b. S, Close: a campground provided for them. The New York, Out. & Western 32 Wheat Mny, $V; Jll', 8 i SCi.-- . cavalry division of the pageant Is tak- Norfolk & Western , .109 ',4 ing law proportions. It is believed CAUSES ALARM North American HO Com May, 63Vc; July, f.3r. at suffrage hcaihiuat ters that nearly Northern Pacific :.,,.119',4 oats May, 3iic. 2(iil mounted women will he distrib- 1'aclflc Mall 2H uted through the procession. Pennsylvania 120 The Metal Markets. Printing People's (San Attractive ON EXCHANGE 115 Pittsburgh, C. C. & St, Louis. . .IMUfc New Vork, 8. The metal Pittsburgh 2 Coal markets were dull and nominal. Lake CEITirilllCfl Pressed steel Car 3t WILL BRING copper, $tfi,t)0tii ; electrolytic, Pullman Palace Cur IH.00'4 lfill'i $ 5.00 Mi 1 con v4 ; castinB, 1 1 fi.oo Heavy Shipments of Gold licadliiK , ll!5'4 Iron Unchanged, Republic lion & Steel 21 THREATENED BY Abroad and Renewed De- Itepubllc Iron Steel pfd N74 Itock Island Co 23 'i, St. Louis Spelter. mand for Currency at Inter- Kock Island Co. pfd 43 Markets, St. Louis & S.111 Kriin. 2d pfd... 27".4 St. Louis, Pel,. R. Lead -- Market Orders Control ior Points Seaboard Air Line , 1 9 H, steady, Attractive $4.42 a. Speller Market REVOLUTION Seaboard Air Line pfd 47 . Weak. $U.26, d Steel & 44 Bperliil I Iron.... Illy Mnrnln .loiirnnl Leaned Wire Southern Pacific 104 8, New Vork, Feb. The. changint; Southern Itailway 27 New York Money Market. tendency in the money situation, us Southern Tiuilwny pfd '344 United States Hunies War- in the bank statement, over- revealed Tennessee Copper R0 New Yolk, I'cb. H. Money on Call, shadowed other dnvelopfnents of the Texas & , ...... I . n.. I.... .1 to Pacific 20' III'OIIIKI I , I1U II'UIIS, 4 line iikius, ships Scenes of Probable day in financial district. A loss of the I'nion Pacific 161 stronger. Sixty days, 4 per cent; 90 nearly $10,000,000 cash, was shown Trouble; Legations Excited 1'nlon Pacific pfd 89 V4 days', 41418 per cent; U months, 4 '4 in the actual table and n decrease of I.' ..,. Clllicd States Itealty 72 . i "j i mnem. by Demonstration, $7,867,000 in excess cash reserve. Pre- United Slates Runner 67 Prime paper, 4 ',i based on mercantile Per liminary estimates known I'niled States Steel 64 Ti cent. EE that the printed matter that movements of currency suggested a Illy Miirihuir Journal Special leaned Wlre.l Cnlted States Steel pfd .108 Li Commercial bills, $4. S3 14, A Washington, Feb. 8. Movements of small loss of perhaps $2,000,000. 63-1- I'tah Copper . sliver, 62 is attract- poor had been expected, liar 14c goes out of your office Trilled warships to statement Virginia-Carolin- a vr, Slates Central Chemical , . . 35 Mexican of dollars, 48!.', America, which became fully Known largely on account the continued Wabash . a today, put the lega- of gold through export to ively printed, shabby lettediead Cenlral American drain Wabash pfit . 12Vi a Argentina, un- tions here into a state of flutter and France and but the Western Maryland . 44 Treasury Statement. Sent n expectedly heavy cash loss Indicated the ministers Western I'nion . 7214 introduction a hurrying- to was or booklet is a poor to assure Secretary Knox that some other influence lit WcstlngllouNe Klcetrle . 73 Washington, Feb. 8, The condition that was coun- explained this condi- all traniiiil in their work. Hankers Wheeling: $ Lake Erie "Vi of the United States treasury at the The Morning tries. tion with the statement that there Total soles for the day, ,S3,N0O beginning- of business today, was: prospective customer. e noon practically all the min was a renewed demand for funds from shares. Working balance, $80,745,204. in bnnk nnd Philippine treasury, Journal Job Department is the largest and Boston Closing Mining. $34,2X0,580. Total of general fund, $148,753,104. printing plant in New Receipts yesterday, $2,297,730. best equipped Alloues ... 1 1 37!4 Disbursements,' $ 2.8 3,7 9. small, will THE HOUSEWIFE'S DELIGHT Amalgamated Copper 72 ?4 The this fiscal yeur Is Mexico. Your order, large or & 31 Ain'ii Zinc, Lead Sin as against n deficit of $.'!,-572,6- Arizona Commercial 31 lust year. according to modern stand- ISos. & Corn Cop. & Sil, Mr be executed WITH ,s to 'iave a 'rst c'ass The figures for receipts, disburse, Calumet & Arizona 64 in kitchen, and ments, etc., exclude Pannmii canal and The her & . . , of class workmanship. TRIPLEX Kan4e Calumet Ilecla 490 public debt transactlcron. ards high 1 1 Centennial . opJ) J J GRATE sbe isn't happy till she Copper Range Con. Co. 45 "ij will be no more than you have East Butte op. Mine IZ New York Cotton. price Franklin , T ti of -- for inferior work. Out town uange New York, Feb. . Cotton Spot paid vMt uooa Meei closed quiet. 'Middling uplands, $12.95; middling gulf, $13.20, Sales, 120 orders receive our careful attention. Our display of Superior DRINK HABIT bales. and 1 Wicks Ranges is more QUICKLY CURED Weekly Bank Statement. complete than ever, from the cheapest to the very By Neal Treatment New York, Feb. (t. The statement actual of clearing best, and in price is in of the condition CONVINCING OFFER houte hank and trust cOmpuuleB for reach of everybody. See the we.-- show that they hold If you are afflicted with the Drink reserve, In excess of legal re. our line before purchas- Habit come and take the Neal Treat- qulremeiits. Thin It a. decrease of ing elsewhere, We are ment, holding thin aa the agreement. from lust week. The statement If at the end of the treatment you follows: I showing' sonic special are not entirely satisfied that you are Actual Condition. Loans, Increase, MORNING perfectly we will refund you $1,998,588,000; THE features, cured JOURNAL every cent paid, or, If you desire, de- posit the amount of our regular fee Specie, $344,607,000; decrease, In any bank or with ariy responsible ; ALBERT FABER firm, to be paid us only If you aro igal tenders, $81,952,000; decrease, DEPARTMENT 308-31- JOB 0 West Central. satisfied at the end of the treatment. $1,186,000, For full Information call upon or Deposits, net, $1,853,385,000; de- R'RXITURE. CARPETS AXD STOVES. address NEAL INSSTITUTK, Allm-lier(ii- e, crease, $2,435,000. N. M., 214) West Stover Circulation,, $46,371,000; Increase, enue, Phone 8itl, $42,000. , J ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1913. SIX

Mum .it- .1, theie Ik lid mi in my In The Mining Industry id.- - i.i i.i Ihi.l .mi uri Hum ly F. RS S BERNALILLO GRAND! ft.iflllil (ill i. K ( i.nt.i nliii.'l'l'' inn be AIL Mining in ,c imi ni lllliW. I & In- - f ik.n .iii.v by ii natal iinlt. T hf IllHK'.l km unliiilililiull' State National Bank rtloniitig journal;; Cut If th Tnikish i i (ti 1. arc diiMiy. Til.' mImIi Ik iihkmiiiIhk tt liiw'i I I HiHll..ll Ulliolltf H Kt.lll'K In huh i ninir n Hill! Ik iii". I' Ii in "AfMlflll SANTA FE of ALBUQUERQUE of H'l IISIT mill, rul TIih n. iliii Hun JURYREIK11 Cfflill Nwtpir Sd ...Its indicate. allies have ii K""il in "iilnit. Published t'v h" . (hiritiK ll"' l.r'Kiiit yi'iir will 'it.'.l i h.ill' t nt. r 'i.ixi,iiitliinilf with tli. niMi'iiilii nit Hum nf 1 ",, iiiin, OnO, Corner Second and Central PUBLISHING CO. I""", i tiln p. ..knot If JOURNAL mtiill i.mi'iii nuikii.K It tin lin.linu IihIiimii y n( Iti'' . Ill) Hie pi.wct") were tllllilil' 1" ..Ill to - v S CHOOL TRAIN uliili'. Tin nilm ral w.altli nf III'- Hint'-- INDICTMENTS M MKV. ii - rccr iiriil. il..ii.litiu mi. I iiirani;.' mi .iki-'- Iik lir.nt.Kt the .'1". ,, ., ti 1 A. Mt' 'I'll III "IN. .IT.w.Unl ,1...,. Hh. II Ilv tin iiihkIi- i.f ih.. inlii'i' w mm ii 1 1' ni i M itnh r ,.. in HHlllf-lie- M W HUM II Hl I k ar Im tlU Hf lu is w i i Mv ' lh( Was SIKIIcil, ll. k rhln. al which should influence a merchant in I. III! '' The qualities M I. I'JV c..n- - I.I.I10 llHIim nf tApillth Will hi" hlllkP in.. n- iilfii. ml will ll he wlili Hi' icultur-n- Ob- Joint Enter pi iso of Am l Iii'Iiinui.-h- , iitii-- J. B. Tanner, Charse4 with -i sound M.1lra MrprmrmflU. t!iiiiiii..(il.' problem added? mill iii'W mill Kint forming a banking connection should be safety, A llMi-- Mil - i.f lianiiii'lHii(iii will tull.nY In ,J III. Tin.'"" l I n tc Ii . !. ni'1 be- Railway Sys- Cattle Under False Mr.ill (blofi. Tuiklsli ColloAe and Ih" w.iki. tainins business management and a willingness. to be helpful Icgcd Adi i,.no.lo In Tin lnvi-- l r'-t- l Mop""""'!'. tem is Center of Atti action 'I'll. fuHir wrlfur nf 111.- (.till" li-t- Pretenses, Granted Change; I.y lliillinili.ll .mil Serbs; S' ulnl. . in financial transactions. II 4 III H Mill n.S l n.l lniK'-l- on IIip clt p in. nt f M I'm .M.'iil.n-'nrlii- ! H. '' ill Albania, Invested Li for Mnny Yesteiday, lt viirlt-.- t iiilni-rii- l t iilili. 'I he il of Venue to Albuquerque. Bank possesses these qualities I""- - The State National -- ! Hi 111 hi- - lnr-Ini- , !, r d r.i'l.l fn.tlrr iin.l H.nUiin, J.inliiii, l.'l'lin". i If- In i .ilc. I.f iriul.' "ll ? unu-- T . ..'fus :i.,i.,if ran, M. A.lil.ui-i..i- - tin- fi-- (hi is . V icged hv nf Hi. illri tly nfli'.iM in lushest degiee. ..f M.i. hi, 1" i:ik. iiit the . f. II III" jm4o, Mi Si. li In M..mln J.iiirnul In iiio-- t Ilk. I) to hi. I'ii)ih' All ii,. nl'ii' ii nil. inn nf fiirm llli' Id nf llll ,.' llir J .1 VI. IK me M , (.. I M ' I N J. 'US i hi-- .'-- t X. Fell. Klevcn OlIKIlis: HI? w I. .Tit n i n If I'l", Htiil Hull Kl'.miHi irmil limit. lliioily li.m ii. lentil ill (mylnK ll.rnfililln. II I I'1 (M I' H s i. l.c "I lllll' K ! K I ! , v. 'I ' I' Siutiiil ..ill t..tiii.'., ! i . i .1 . y il j inn ' l.- i i J. n. in.r:Mi"N, ' . I 1 i II n lull, tlirmiKh in i,f pillCCfl, lllll lll'll' W I. I SI IT' 'II III' in I k ll tl.t thi .iir. iiinnlilv, titiinher , i ' i r lik'li In villitniul Hi. lll.llll h ic. i i i i h it I'I'III i. n I In hnvc II (Ii Biiinn jury. I'l nt. f r II ii - III iiilu Kin "ll niil lin ill'" - V I IH ,.H Hi.- ""l- I'i'h ! tIMK M 1 .'I ll tin. nf ..i I I ii A I 1, ;(1i:in:iN'i:. Al I. Till- ": ,.i. ni.' i'iini.'ii li vwim l Mimy i'" il Two linlli inn nli were returneti lI'iY Mi iN ll. V I KY II AN I K II linn triiln, whl' "f tht lukr 1 i; H'l I'l. I' I'AK .1 . II .'"11111.1111 -t I I '..11 Wll.l yl.ilt III' K n;l I proh-Hlil.-- n iftt in.- (, who had nnl Caflll. r. AMiitiint t'asliier. AI.K HI'. II ' fit, h. ii .iil y .st...luy nii.riiiiiK l.'ilx iin.l ihsirt hi im ihimk."1 " I'ani.'l y i (i i'ii iii- i . . (Hie Caflih r. III. m f mi n. until t.'iiinlt'. r.ur'y m . xixiinii- nf potash, w lii- h vvinil.l j heen laptnreil, chiilKei him with Ii.WIIi AKUI.Iil, Assivtinl ii l Hum flu "ill riimiiii I - I l.nir.l' a.l . I ,.ii-- i M ' inurih-- STicrllT x T i: u. n. 'I I Hi. Hi "f Hi Hi.- tin- n n I lie the nf llepnty Hiin- I'M! I'll IUIHM roll) TosiTouv in s. M ti i ... '" "HlV r ..i in. ni I" ii. In il.iv iillrinhill. llhi niian much Miy Ullf nf STMIS ii II H!-lll- ! ,, ... .1 ,rrr .1. in lit' tin- an llnM fi-- c- -i In llt.l l.ll'i'lo till the oilier With is.'.. HUM Jtll.-l- l il.llM itlll) till" Ml"!.'1' Inn ll Kiiiiluiilly i'l. li.mi. r l.ui nf linn.' pl.n linn- . I'-- l - (Hill ' (l. Hlllt( Intent lo kill AhniiHelman. Ti i ' H 1. 1). I ' i .1,1V 1.1 'I III til" lllr'-- .ctl;iiH 'I'll., cnnl In nf the wiih .I.""h 1 ; M XI s W'll" llll'I iN'. n.l.'i r i. ml Hi.' " ii i.l his ('"It '.. th y. ri were Rnnd In oxt ninl M Irani. ni I.ii.eto anel fi.un llm ker f'.tiir, 'f 11'l.r Ii i III.' 'U. in. ,liiii,iy ulli irmnn tln me unknown their .in the ini-i- i &'"' lit i.f j,i,iiv I Indicted on charge of Kteiilini! '. I ..W.M. iitlenhm l.iisinn Innc only ii piirlly ww i,( Maiiu.t J'.miml h IHtlff '"' Tin- Hill ho f. Hill' I' Ilorxei, ru:. i"R i. t ). .1 t.. .'Hit !, "I'ln iMiln It- -i lf, wliilc iiiiuHcr thnn delei inln. il. New rcKlnni, cnhtaillUl ri h the lllll. V til'1 illilc (.f BA em.-- r la "' '..'I Amrl'n ih.. f'.riiu r ilcmiiiiftitiiinn limn run l y the imi. .in coiiuiii ii nil iiiinernlx mxl Antonhi rnK.i.hi w.ik Indicted iipmi R n, In I H rIDS inn.' iiii .ir hh . I i I H (harm- of nxsHiilt with deadly f..iiif tin rmi. I, iilwi In nni'ilii inn Willi Hi" pu iuim iiietuli, H i'i heliiK r. irrteil S WESTERN SEEDS FOR WESTERN PLANTERS III m , i y-r- of-l- n weapon. He nho( Ht Mont'.ya ji tc r ,i ii r t In com. In the ie .lopiiiinl from link nf Juan all'-i-'-d- . IlllK . I i - a rhle, It h ! vv.ll ll'W phi! .1 nf ll.' l. r il' phi,. iii-i- cnnliilnx iniilliin of lnl"l- ial (nihil, ulloti". with E Once nneil, nlw.'iyn unci. If not dealer, we unpply direct. lipllctniciiiii iiiii-'iI- .i I. Two wre relnrned In th. nf (iallilnili, il In Hiifl'li nl hiinih. r t'i keep Ih" 'Ihe time fnr ulalo reconnltlon of JT Our caialoKiic free. Our ep.i laity Hi y I'nmiliis SotN. - . .1. II. Tinnier, i - . I H In ll H H II- . hni-- for tip' liul'jHlry Ik hiilnl. If imalnn (me hartf'K In ll,.- Hi' f" l" VI hi. ll . IM Hi; ilnN til.' Ilnl'Pini-ll'i- f.irin. r .'rnl limni miniiiit hi him wiih nhiaininu iiii'l-- fnlnp re. ... . 1,1. it pp. iliil Ill Jni-- t ;.n Oilllt'llll' hl'H nf tlli'Ml. w. wlfh Ihe Mlnle In prufix-- anil l.nihl p i pi r '.In' pn.l.i TIip ll'il.-- ,'iir fi tl'lll pt IU I" I.UI'I D THE BARTELDES SEED CO. ilil. .r .'lull Spm ml ii 1 ii t ii ll is pnlil In Ih" new lipliiHlri. s a iipcilal i t. tin h head of catllo fmni Male; .,( i',ii..ii, iniiilil I, :n.,n I.. III.'' I. nt f.,1 . 111" llli"ilhl ni mm. in nl pi , II. ' olo. li ami hli Intcii-Kif- ImliyltiK. lit nl m. ami minim.-- rhnnlil he Senator A. Mlcln mid the other Q Hot 1H0I, llcpt. Hem (l, - I iiiiin.'l, - K 111" ini pi .hh. i "I Ii" I, it.'- Ho- f .ir (l.itil IP n" (I. fih.i. In with liHiiini! a woilhlc-- t i w hh h It h h.'Hci i ll hunt nliliiKilHy cur. fully cnnililer.'d anil flu heck for: I I In- I i . nun, .1... ii n ' n I' M" hi' pi i iii ii. ii llu I i" i Mil. Ill.'l hi inliiini.' h. in mi., of 111.- tni.t Inipnrhitit hv Ihe present cilia t lire. TIiIh'ir.. r ' I in'; hi In . i I tin- a nf lM'.i 'nillctert, t ll," n "ii '.' of Ih.- il k fl Into fi iitiii. i of i (if di yf it iii. r'M cheine r.t In cnniieiAe the h Fran. coiialed win In- -' ( l I i l In I haiK.-i- with a Matntory ,'iKainHl Ii n y Vih- I t. h iit.iuii.l M,n mm ii nil. 111 ( lit lull "llll nf life iin.l work, Is MiVi'II llinri i i f miiilnir Mtoiil.l imi he i it,) up crime . w . a jfirl. HiKimo Sum hez, j .i ... nl p.iti.iii. llu Inn. I litlu. k upon 'iiiifl.' limn liny oilier "lie hnni'll. ith miv nf the eilin allnnul lnlitii-II- CARDINAL GIBBONS t lll-- i! yctirx old. wan linlh on n churK 'I p., III."' I" .CM 11 t Mr, IllMHI pi Th.- consiHlK n I. cur Tllivi' l HI mill Mere (leat-- I tnl Ik' ill! Sin..- Ih" iilli.n r fiiK.' tn imi' tr.iln of .till.' .ll. ' Rheumatism l1 - of attempting to i I..PIIII-'II.'I..- ( f.,1' III! III.' pllllinne nf tl'.l.'h- assault till ,., ,1,.,! he - ,.tl iihi-i- ' in n ,, p. r in. ii or ii l Mini mi lill. il cur. In Hie lecture our S.el inn; lNiihel Za ml. rain, was itidl.t.-- on ai f.TOM II 111' ll nin-p.n- v of xliiff ninl their iiiiiiiaKeinent cannot TltOMtl.I'S I III nil i.Klllil'.i: III ll ' lilll.lll'il t.i.lnx nf fm.-ii-- .niinUi.K In n.i Ihe different iii.iiihcri the n "'" two masters imccei-H- ully'. (haifje of assault nnd hntteiy. The .p Ki Hn'l" of ihe tiiiin, iiioHi of whom are j DIVORCES kiim:y ah.mknts in i.,nlt tliln;:. mi.l 't Ihcni, ninl th" Tuiku iifn.' I attains! IS in I, "' ph lldl. limine Hill 2.., (li!ir)'c him was dismissed on " uiii-.,- the l.icnllv of tin- Hid iillnral meaHlire. w'l'iii.l l.c l. in.;-- w.'Ui.l ,V II ' it. nl h" In all. Ihe felitlilii; of ll hilt , a moil. .ii hy liislrh t M. 1". en. . ollej-e- i'i ha h.en Int rod in id, which is clean cut Atu.niev I the larmeri. Thcu H h ii tin- h.iih- IIhiiki .1 I'l', III r- VlKil. , ".I in ml. Iliil". penple inv.iv lll.c hctiiicH. if those delivered here nre'nn.l nlaiiiH no joker. We uti.i. - Fayvvood Villi - Tanner was (Tiancr lie Ii ,f .ih. tnl .ilKilfl .ilHiih' s. ( lie if llnllllllie" lire ill 111" diilk ttnv Humph, me !imph' and plain, mid st. mil that thin hill Hie views sratiled of, - f p in-- In .,r ii'iiiie tn Cernalillo county. Iiistrict IMPOSSIBLEs ii i, r..ii ri- -i lu l' pun. operalloiw (nnl iiiuil vet e nnd Inl. i enlni ill a the iiinst proiiiini nt tiiinlnK nii'ti iMIillnir actual liinrnctlv YiKil 111. lllll-'- l In Hlate. A Hpecinl Attorney said his Ciise prohiihly, HW pliH.I'lll Vl.iMlll ' .'in ih ciMp.e i In. iik hlKh even a layman. the fcalurc is that lllll remain no c.'epi to would for Hot Springs .Mi, Hi mn ll piuptH.,. tn y u lax of one cent 1. hh trial lit Ihe March tn "ui'iiut i.n.l i in. iv I. ike pi The ( car ounlalnft ixainple.H h.c ne a Ion on output all term of court in A Ihiiipu r.iie. I ,ll I. HO'lllI the nnnual of It cures, nnd yon p, HI III. ll'lllllli ft ill, Of of pruning of fruit Heen, kiiiiiiIko fiist case e f retfialn cured, n n is In the state. Such a tax will The lu set r tli; we you ,i hi. mill. lie him hi im ilHi- - poll, froHi nl, ii in tin rmonicteri, which Ne- -i know, and will If you try ll. I nr. ck.ii r mi hh im in no manner work n haul tup on any h"le If that against .il i'H, Th- -i Aged Prelate Pleased That ,i. have lately come Into n li'md deal of Is Considered the greatest Kidney him .i'tii'1.'. mine operator hut will provide niflT-ciei- u trial tn hen in Muiidiiy, I'tiie- hahirice raiiniiM charlH Hhowilii: is to water on earth. Tim a. "h i ii in I" i p. .lilt out - vadr. About Take Steps; "i.' II e:i I II. inu ilchatliiK i Inh In n revenue- to maintain the office, iVhy 1.'...... )! Ihe proper lin,. nf (hltcrent feeds not Visit FAYWOOD HOT i I i,.- f ( M ...I vet til Pi :,.ll nf I II and nut raise (he tax tale. Sep-- 1 '.III In ll I" 'I a In e fiir all on tin lhal Hi o. k may make miiHt ccunnmlcal to Prevent Easy Legal SritlNtiS first, !nre you will i . y lli- Inii-- Would he . The hoanlH of and Hheep im nl nil II Cuf-i- the cattle po i.i Ullhji i I, "W' ii ili. in" hhnnhl iim- nf them, fciain exhihltH, cream GOMPAWY SRORT eventually there, anyway? ! -- . 'I i arations, p. lii li.ill of I industries are and no :,.i in Iwh tf. Ink-- k Hepal alolH, . heece-ili- a k riK ollt- - Lari:e, modern hotel, l'erfcot lulu ' to Hi! her Ki'nw".'" Sum' l''li'IS His. um he In Mi . lihker-n- - riinlnal should made with Climate. 'Lift .ippniiiln iIh i ni .(m n hln ami dozen- of oilier thinii. Conklet. Wallle.l tl.'W til'lllin f.. ihe j 1 ! tespe. lo th" minim; Industry. Itr llnrniin Jiinrnal Niwriiil t Wire II, 11 Ti " re. I lOOMt erd C. M. HI" f lll'lll.l'l.ll, nn" f'l 'o" interexllllK rellllll'is -- T. McDFRIOTT, Ki r i. i I. e. nth. i h ii no i.i form i.f. The hill i Callimore, Md., Feh. K. Cardinal . calls for the hich'st talent nf I" imw I nil. ll. d hv Ii Hie illHplay of frnfl nlariiiH. Thcie "Tlif I'aywnoil. tiii cllv v:nv el llliielit, while were in tile Hlate and would place Ihe It WEIGHTED A 0 Ic.ihhnns today ixpresscd i: ratification v um I - me ill IccH ipl. '.I to , . I ) oh ni. I.y Mr. Tall hlm- Int. awaken the FAYW(H)I), m;av HU.XICO. nil.', pi I iiH ft ( nn passage to pl. au mr innnnipiil ihn ml . inn tint; fmm the office of state over tile of an ameliilment minor nl. hinif i! rower w hen the t"in- - 11" M Willi" frnlt iloj-is- t .lf, Ml lull mlfliike. miner. on a plane eipiKulent to j .Nevada law through the hniiii-i- fur iminnf ictiirci s. pci al in ., n pprun hen the fii.Ht line anil thi' divorce . i . t .if y I 'I k.'l-n- ll n a m lint H I'll otilf thai nf Ihe I'nited States KeoloKlcal hiiiiHe yesterday. .i The Curtain Kxprem, llnvvevcr, ll H time t.l Hlllllil4ill. ey. ) ts Keno the investigation p.iilliu, In- wa riot In ivinn.ilhy with' diiea".- huh "The Icuislation which affei of tlu "arson trust." Ink. the that the Another feature of Hpecinl Intereit OVERCHARGED SI, n v ..f Ihe w of the mi mini"! ra . ri'dSI'KCTi'H. is a sup in the rittht direction, hut Assistant lie's Attorney Frank inn in which llnlfalo In (nilfeilng Ih Ih the of - lalinnn lor i only a step," saiil. Jolinstnn said that he was In posses, tn.n. l lu- p'iBiiii.ii of .mi. i r. the carilinal i i in. din. It n. know leilni K that thcie cowh. There lire 4'iKht of thcHe "I am a hclievcr In a law tonkin' sion of information that ice house liica l.llve to he Will. ill llillllllliHll.lti..n t iinani4"(l with refer- In much to i liti. lKe, hill that fai nil the ohtainlnii of a divorce impus'lhie. had heen ananncd for by the arson l or kef- - I PACIFIC MUTUAL IS V.. .lllll he p.ilillh to thai I'l. ence lo Ihe need uhlllticM of the Chl-catt- Inn fuiiiied n hiihit. o that II Ih more fill. to have certain plotters, with headquarters In o. . Books Seized Show by Fiist!1J.,l,,.,,,Khllt m.ii in (he T.i ft dry farmer, shuwlnu him Junt how- tu coii.'i iilii I lii find fault than to iv" In the various slates Another phase of "arson trust" 'e. il Hirn k on firoil in f hi Fhln-- Iihh e. liii the of activity was developed aceord-iu- s Hut mini nf nil, Mr. pond Iht'-n- l mriH anrt pial-- tntry Discrepancy ot Sev- (than none at all, the Christian today, credit fur farm fin he will npiHt ' .1 l that lia.ii milk ho to Mr. who dcniuiifiriit. that il" lmt In in cord hy ma ni ex. people of the nation .should riot Johnston, said that vvui pel fni lit cxpetiHe, A lie of land WITHOUT enty Tons; Jap Engineers on satisfied to allow the mutters to rest had evidence Unit a prominent with llu Inlcteils the lie It nald to Alhniiuer.pie'ii rrcillt. traln'M slop In nt Ilernn-lill- o. The nxt w they now. maiiuia. tur.-- of specialties) em- Illy II'llnn-i"- t llli here are had Malm. II. ll tint i. nnv Roll, llu ie Ih liule (lillihm frmn Il will no iiluiiK the northern Par ployed the arson RaiiK to ilyriinnllii hut he Ih ii i . f cr ii 1. in h'--t l inh r W n end of Fe main linp to Ra- miiireo cafiilna weinht. henever the Santa i: and lire the factories of his competi- hum. ile.idi r ton, hack tn KohwcII Curls-hiu- l, toMiirm nvoinitn: hln ailiiiitilKiiall.'ti the piiipimlllun in pieiiiileil Hint Is worth then and TO I.WV. tors to SIP h Rood effect that he soon val-le- v III r Hnri-tu- l i lain) hack up through Ihe NEWSTATE fir Murnin-- J.iurnul l.rnutH Wire.) ninl th.- man with n ihdiil have It i H.ccpled or le- - I'ecos Ueno, Nov., Fch. The Haines had virtually a monopoly. cut-nlT- . San Francisco, Fch, The lirsl i , ii hi ih'i i'icil hi v. r hefore in llu and iicrnHH (he in le.tcl Oil IIS IIVIHU. N'eVer I'lfulC ntry In the journal of divorce hill will he presented to th w The piiittam nf yeKterilay's lcrturf Imlu.v nf Ihe nation. II i"''1"!!".' ll (Hi Monday all pniba l.ility I,,,,, hu fcoo.t. m the Western Fuel company, taken pos- senate and in THE NATIONAL priicll-u.ll- was follows: ADVERTISING of Mr. J lhhcf'H pnlii leu that And Alhiiiiicnpie Ih M'liriK to urnw. session of with hy fed- referred to the committee on Judi- find Vck'ctiihle (IrnwiriK .1. W, Leads All Other Life and Acci- other rcords wiHl. t ll I epipliat' d Fruit ciary, consisting of three (1. nocrats ASSOCIATION ivciv nlale Within a few yeniH I It Ih city will have . eral iiMentH today, revealed a discrep- OF T.ifl Fnr W iInoii dent Insurance ancy of seventy between and two republicans. The majority of the niliiiliilitrnllnn. a population e.pial tn that of FI I'asn Fh lil Cops-.- I, Ih TiiiNley. Companies Ions the t i a n the eommltt'-- are reported fi.vorins tu n mi him wuiil.l he to ommlt nuw, hut It will nut FI l.i"o FlvcNtoi Fos- amount of coal loaded on baiKe at 'inir k and l'.iiryliiK I. ulher Doing Business in New Mex- weight the measure. Many meinlKrs.of the Ho- never cuiild - pnHl-liu- the company's hunkers and the hhniili r nt outnet that then, for Hint ( Hy Iihh a HtraleRh- ter. of the cold actually delivered, accord- house nnd senate were in Mono today I..' re, ii Hi .1. lie would lone the cutifl iniikcH niuwllt iimhiii i d. Hi Ins mid FniiliiRf 1. C. McCnwcn. ico, lhal ing lo the tieasury iiKchts at wink on duritiB the adjournment, and consid- For 'he Protection of the people of .h in e nf hi p .1 ly. (IcHtltieil At nioHt iilaccH a fifth leclure Is Hnt A lhuiilei ipin Ib to hooks, They said entry re- erable pressure was hrounrit to bear Alhiuiuer'iue, on account of some Thin in hy one of the Ihe the With Ml Civan it Wdiihl he illlf.r- - lit.iw, hecaiiHe h'-- etiv Ironitu nt Ih fav- - I'. I'.. general agent on senators by the local business) men j complaint of the people of this city I Ih - Schwentker. for vealed not only that the government inn. on H.imfi loiiic of xpeclal Ititcr- pctl-t- o losing t hill In Hllcll 11 one In 1 splrll thu. .Mnliuil, r.O "draw-hack- " in opposition to the reform, photographs, we give receipt int. hut in niahle and penile iap the cil to pal liciilar neiKhliol hood. l'acillc Life Insutancr hail been defrauded of $;!!., thai ( men the for every re- inli ht I.i lii v. at flint IhniiKht. The t hit t comp. Ih pi uMperity nnd pi ou'i l'm. i.mpany, takes a pate adv ertlsenint money refunded when sup lion from the business each and photograph The h. hcdiile of the train from lu re an ceived, ithow'M num- v in today lasKemhly was hiocKed I'tTnay, ana and thl receipt cuirci aliv e (Icnio.ralH ei;aiil lilm All we ack in that fair lawn he In an follows: the Join tin lieciniso he lias posed Imported coal was rcKhip It to company effort will he made tn present It lor ber of photograph received a mi villi fear mid iliHtiiiHt, II" Ih cm pnH. il, that taxation he cillll lined. I.:im VcqliH ! n. m, to fi p. m., Tues- - learned that pais advertise. hut that the steamship Mr. Si hweiitki-- represents a com- Iioim-I- paid sev-j- "' consideration ot ine senai.'. amount of money to be paid when .1 i w v. HI I t- Iv e il 'V 11, which the coal for ,i. m.i Hi hat. hy 'h. imp 'Im k, Im j he en to icdil. Fihriiaiy let oppurtiinlly pany a jvocates of the reform believe the scn- - photo pillow lops are delivered; and H- fi that has reputation for rapid enly tons which it never had received I.I fipl i, ml hy i ih. al t W'ntroii- ii a. rn. to p. m Wed- - the next .ikel, our lax late will havlnif to ,,m,r 1 en... If any person in city does nnl 1 wrowlh, conservative huslness, prompt Itcpresciitativcs of government "Hl "ul the ' I n.Hihiy, hiiiaty 2. the I nd. i w .mil, who will i uiit lime tin hmi e I jint I'l our laliiiilion our life and losses, i s fraln from committlnR themselves. thoroughly understand, I would I.e W'uMui MoiiikI HI n. ni. to ti p. m.. payment of accident said that Sent of similar discoveries I. ,... r of Ihe miijulitv in the home. I.I Ih'll. Hh pullcyhohlers The same popular campaign of letter pleased to explain same. CilJI lip It, II. l"l" Thin sua y, 1'chi nary 1 J, and for liiilrmr all wire mad.', hut us there had been no I - hy Tin-.- ' in, he two mi.Ht pow fni ii I money can c. insistently hay. writing: and telegrams is planned Hicks, manager, room r.n. Savoy i Pplillper 1 p. Ill, to fi p. tn Fri- - hat their attempt to cover up the discrepancies:, c II it 111 i ll IhI I :i t hill In Mu- the reform element, us was adopted t.l. Pi ill the cntiiliiK 1 1 1 : day. Fehriiary I 4, Hut, aililitiun. the I'acll'ie the company would he t;ivcn every (iiitmrn' n per- - for assembly. .'Hid for ii flight to del chip heliveeil r. Cnlinor l , m. (n fi p. m,, tual has he must lih. ial In the opportunity to explain before, Indict- ihe Sntur - Mr. hcKlntiliiK Icciitaire of the money It has loaned In ments would hn soiinht. The popular family- theater, the tlnin .ind I'.n.iii nt the I I day, Fehriiary 15, The in n lax a nieil'lment hiiic o.Phe,,,,--, W'il-o- n. h 3 5 New Mexico. It now lias out on will Affidavits were filed today to the INQUIKY (JUNIINUtS nl the ll ailmiiiiHir.ilioll Wuiihl he - n. m, lo p. m,, Monday, h.'l" I'll if. opeliH the llle,- sch-cl.-- jit heen 1 in nearly 1 Ki-.i- t ..t tin- of F.hrilarv ?. inniTcaxeH this state effect that engineers of lie Toyo in." nul lunate for miccem I j i In n.i t of fJap-lines- AS TO ARSON TRUST) TOOTH tlmi nf the mi ion the Miixw.ll a. to 4 p. three iiiartcrs of a million dollars. Kaisha Steamship company Mi' W' H ni. m., Tues- (Tired. lax. I'mli r the pi m Mmm nf day. Fehriiary 8, Its rate nf Interest is a little lower were on the Western Fuel Troubles the olliir liniul, iimiiy lncere Loose swollen, bleedini.' mi Ihe iimcnilment. It In expected that all llaiui- i- l.eiTuri-- m Kania Fe reading than money can usually he secured company's pay roll for minis ranxins teeth n .1 h in ii ei nf Mr llu. ni hilii'Vi- lhal he X I. $2.".(l Chicago, Feh, S. Ice house run nings gums. Positively cured with our new. llninmeg nf five thuiii.ind id. liars and innm. (n III p. in., Tuesday, Fehru-ar- y tor here, therefore its .ails are must Horn 2a to per month. ilnuild r iiinlii i.iitii.h' cahtnet. In Illinois Wisconsin, In recent Cyorrhoea Comedy, Price $1,011, by. the ahute will I.e taxed. letiil'dhH of ll.ivv Cats open S to 9 a0 a. in., carefully selected as tn security, and .. . !. 1 S 16 II. hid ('i.iuin.'P. r ninl hlH plat-- W'ediiesil.iy, J Jt. of its pulley at home year:!, today were made the subject mall. II. F. Schacfer, Sherman .nt.itn . I. means F, hriiary the the in. 'nine is hi nr.'. Thai new in St., Colo. mo p.cilSnll, fiippnit Up- :.dlnilli-lra-1- lioHw II a 'nr open 4 to 5 p. m., office, nnd the pulley pursued in the THE DAY IN CONGRESS. of a inuuirv to be started here llenvcr, that under the pi. law Hie Mm , al when he can and erpii In. u when Thiiisilay, F. hniary I'd, I.ectun-- and conduct of its huslness In New lies-Ico- In taxed nn Income ..f tin the I d( !) & Mr. t mniiNtratiniiH a. in. to p. m., Fri- Schwcnik.r points with he In thin ll m piiiiiied . annul. it.iv, aflt-- r hin illv enrpul atiuii, mid lends day, Fi hi imi v 21. iride tu Hie fact that the e m:atk. n il. Ml W Wi. lilil have nil (In Fliliigles paid may he "ii xT.-- i - !i on Into Senators Taylor, of lire he tux...! i.etln In :;ii a to. d. 5 p. m., Sa- -' Mutual leads nil other Hf" and I,, ll. lit nf Mr llii mm i i ' ur nut Tennessee, and Nixon, of Nevada, and LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL, GLOSSY HAIR, Ihe In. nine ih'iiieil fiuiii It hh an inr.hiy, Fehriiary 21.'. accident companies ihiintt huslness In l ii, hi letpull-l-'hi.- p., (.pillion Mllhu it llii ' IhiK.-- i lt( presental Ives Madison and Mitch- hlual. k - lo a. m. to 5 p. m thin state. lie lias s.uuethliiK with .. hell he w.i Wli.lll!. 'Monday, , ell, of Kansas, were delivered. Then nil liiilu-.i- l Ial nnd men until. Fchniary I't. assured and lie lets the people .!- 'agreed upon Ill thi." vi. ii. II H p. .ml.. I mil. Ailesla- - l t,, ;, ,,, ,.( Tuesday, know ahiii't It. Flections committee niiii't'iiiM me Ii. 'I, A Feb- report exonerating Watson 10fllBUFF--25CEUT1ftlERI- ", Mr, I. would m.tinl:i;n hi" i ha in . ruary 2a. i tu a. m., Senators ivan i h n Wednesday, pal Im "hip iiiav do a mm lamei y and Chilton of charges of corruption j... (I... p. ,.Upl,., v, hi,. I that his pi.M- - Fehrilai I'll. llllHllleHH II e the thall cnrpotilthill,,( vvuud i () 5 CLIMATE FAILED; in their election. Hull hef III.' CnllllllV Weill. I hi p. Veilnen-- : j pal luei hip in lint Huhje.-- to the cui'-- ' (lav, 2i;. Senator Corah proposed amend- . Fehriiary a. 12 n mi In in il hlntulil hi i in.., in ii., In. tn noon. MEDICINE EFFECTIVE p.'i all. 'ii tax. All eh. nilil henih..-- i l In Thursday, Fehriiary 27. ment to Connecticut river dam hill to Hy f: 111 floll llli' in tli it in tu i It Il.tft It tt''..hifi! nh'iwn rrrt, pow- coming If dry, brittle, thin or your scalp itches ;tlu xaiuo of laxatiiitl. hnt If the mi" ami Mulacn Lecture only, thai make common carriers of water Hair out? ll I' i .111:11,, Ii Urn-- ,. w In. aif ami R'..rt f- - t help in.'mv In- llaln fmm pu Ih hllsltioM.-'- Fehriiary 2S. er companies carrying col alp ill tax let. illlcd, Hut and is full of dandruff Use "Danderine." t UN pi 1.' 'ai'l-ida- 'l' alii tn nil. all, . t , terstate. lie in . il IH m, p, Sll. .'llillli t. pi'llllli.clt. ,it it mind hii aihllltt.-(- tlntt tilt. d!s.!U if - Mini I..-- nine Hi. re OV . r the lu ll h tni.lay, March 1. Passed bill placing- Santa Monica ' s. n "ui fiiiiii. tiling , lii, in in Ulan licit." i s i u l ,i o home secretary of war. Lulu nl It i s. lll Hie nhiint Mr. Ft. r to r p, i. March np.r soldiers' under Within ten minutes after an appli- strand at a time. The effect is ama- Y.m Hi Mr Aitor hit" asked to he II t. 12: a. 1 t Senator Hoke Smith Introduced I'l l 11 ilii nut avoid eitilmi his in. to n. m.. March K. . a you cannot find zingyour will be ivve d i I knimi AUetuuve it ini.l iclnf cation of Danderine hair light, fluffy anil all. tn iisMiiine nut 0 of Ills Yes..-- t x 2.1;. a i. iiim.-ii- nf Tii'.i. i Il Iuih amendment to national banking law fhal .1 111,. ill inn, ninl, ni ."ii ' im: to in., March 13. f..r ihe in ii..i. single trace of Dandruff or a loose or wavy, and have nn appearance of i y 111 millo Mis at nee. This looks IMcal.lii : a. to p. lilt. .Ini-a-- ilfiin Htat HK.lllt to penult natiunal hanks to loan t . y in. 1:30 in,, liiMiiMila bi-l- falling scalp will not abundance; an a iela! I" ilinii, ho vviuiiii imt iinythlm. lin'.. haw rrf.ale.l money hair and Jour incomparable lustre, nml like mali'liiiniiy than Match H. lit.' um r no o.l ii s lil.ul oil ten estate. you ii m. h i!il ulttii wrri, nnl itch, hut what will please most softness and luxuriance, the beauty have t. fni the pupular . .1 . rev i n r. sitl!.-,- l 111. tell h I e t .fill e. Vaiiclui H to p. m., y.'l i Nuiv n f Sinn? Adjourned until Monday noun. w March 14. AU-'- 'be use, hen il 111.- ad- - 'i h iil -- tpialil In ii,-i- ! will after a few weeks' and shimmer of true hair health. thin,: thai hi he lie ly Hiii I' lliut "in ip haiian a. m. to 2; SO p. i m In i ui.. 'I'lllM U Ill HIB. ill !.iltl!l..i you will actually see new hair, fine Oct a bottle of Knowlton mini at inn. March 1... I.i Km.. I. l..urNliln 1 t Ulnl fresh 1l A Ha l is ilui to nhle In itorsi-- yes really lur claims iv h . ,1 A downy at first but Danderine from any drug store or W ill ., Hl.Mt Hoi 1 il tin we nil in rciitHrkitltle and I. in. out fl llli Lucy t.i in p , id i .iiiii I.y a glance hah in March 15. " WcLI..!!. III. After Ictigihy and spirited debate, now growing all over the sculp toilet counter, prove' to yourself . l'f at the . .( hair and atl'llil.i' v i the HV) Kticliui ( in, to 4:15 p, the s'il'j, at iii case of hah! nidi nt 'lo ll!!, ni. n: Tlirmiltl Altera special rule adopted and considera- A little Danderine will immediately tonight now that your hair is an .I- 17. I.i , ii m pr..p.. HHP Ml, (he ih i .Ii.' -i March th.. linn- s.o...t f tion of Wehh liipior shipment hill was .'' I:m-- double beauty of your hair. No pretty as any it a la es at the ei ch ovv. -il K .i V Hli r 14 J wh takfTl the and soft that haa I.-- W'illar.l m. ."ll i. Ial. Hi 11 ,lf 11 1. .' 111 I. I pi "Hid. iiIh to P. 111., J he- - begun. M, Willi 'lieu u.i ai ia. My hinas difference how dull, failed, brittle and heen neglected or injured by careless in h ix. v j. h Till, ( Tiuii'p would tit Hitci ted, my tiptitum uai Military affairs committee reported scraggy, moisten a cloth with you "ink .i. v ettunln-fi'iiri'l- . il Tn t ii u ti ?ii just treatment that's all surely call A he .talt the i:v i Mminlaln, a, m, t,. 5 p. rn Hti.t Here military academy appropriation I'M. he Ih e chine af hlH rly for Hi. On Kiliiu.ii)' vl. iittt;.. I H tttt-- Danderine and carefully draw it have beautiful hair and lots of it if you h n a I ..plane. may Hh ' $ 1 7 :i r. ull he all rtithl, Vlft'tl I I'"i t Hi, Whilit carrying . . . hut without pro- ri.At pl elhl- lit. Hi a n's cha i e tn it y Tn. through your hair, taking one small will just try a little Dunderlno. :irt ". then- u i iili my v 1'H'Kr hut ..r 111.- ' us w ill tu p. tn., 4; tss ht in lit una: pie in must nf March h I vision for carrying nut general plan aK.lill. !' a tn. t p. ..ifl ilim it fcivw wnisf, ami take th . a h in March 6. v i y ii u. h nui- iai.Ml. My phyaieUn of new bull. lings, il - III that, aiimd. he would Flida to a p. in., March 5; 9 inf'tl tii ni I must ( i to t'.iii.i4lt as Passed Wohh hill to prohibit ship- a 111 left TVilH Jlltie 1. II h'Tlef Htl.'iv nf I lull,,,, ,f ti. m. to 11. n., March fi. lill Tioiiully, Ihe name Htui tin viMt in i HH n I'ny, lii n 3. vtM y ment of liipior Into "dry" states. of I'rcsidcnl I'm - ii j Glass-Pai- nt Hi. Kill Otlt h. foil' III" enliiilly IIH Ihe talcs "i. to 4 p. m., fcrl'le, Afi'-- Ihmhk1 th'i.' two week, luv Adjourned until noon Sunday for 1 WiImui's piivule m i rotary, Hniinds like March ;. plix!. Inn inf'-rm- ntc mv cim wa h kiopcit-nft- eulogies on C.eorge IIRflPtP'B pi nt, litinttai hi'd. mill atiiici i. j. ThhT w , t k lnif-- I late lie prcsentative a him- 1 retur Cement-Plaste- he iiuk'lu liiio Rood account of Texh-- t 1 a. m., 7. r I i s. lil.ili'a' nt hi1' nil 11 inlilp lions March rtelK.iUm the ti'" t"i H. Ftt.T, nf Rhode Island. UUIUIUE.ll a (Tuv Is 1 . It it t: ivpn me 1) self In scrap. ii i p. in., March S. mii an e of rr a u I'.ulh Ml. WiiKnii Mr. hale StlVP. nui Democrats caucused on battleship nnl laian a, & litre to p. in. July 11. I r,.K;,n taking Prk- - (ii'itgrani during evening:. Albuquerque m to miike. "n Co. rnit'H .looc'ionf March in, vi on,l. i Lumber Inter!.' rnce wiih hiisHioHS In A.lll- -' ui remedy t..r 'uiirtuntptlon, SI. Vrain 8 to ll:f,0 'i'odiiy I m nt nut mu1 423 North Street auoplc h hi'iiiin nif.iin. a. tn. well iimt (Jit ,to any knit) ..r oik nnotit Drive the bines away at the Gr Fxt A U I'KOCI IMS. Match 11. I nn; ''iv iim pie.i.T hint- nut it it ache nof pheum. mv Ihiik- Lu Land.- t T. p. ni.. March 11. pi"" "i wfli, uleop well, h til Ta n s n, nrwr tlt . TOMORROW, 10 A. M. j iha m. to 12 4a p. li lt' I 'll II s pull d nt sa s that the pi. (Sviurn iifint.iviii TV H. In Man h 1 2. AKTIICR Ell eater to died and children. The I'ui,:ai Inn i u fn n la iplci s inhcve the House Dresses at A iii-- ii ii i ! ..rr.'.-ilv- In Itiori- - (iroheimi. ii. Aiulutni. ll,, I'Vvi-i'- . lintl T ( If ! . h il.ilj.i III" " Impl nalde l.tii-- Tttmiiii-i- inn! In Hi- fxQr nns-itn- v!iliirii A laugh is iii.litill.hnir finch Thn - better than a dose ni m. in n.s-- nt. r, lit.dil, nrlules Cryan Vnys Visit to Cuban Capital.! TALCUM hv nnv nlh.r than Tniklsh vwv ifUbi.i ihi, ijivuiviji rtiw.- mi-l- i POWDER, Ine The Crphi um. ,n l hittiK Ii iik. pal by Al- - 15c Havana, Feh. s. William Jennings' IrniipH, Cut fi Ihe Turks defend jjrj Dry viii'u.l" ihii: si Hiiitiliiii.i l'lii'iiii.,'y Golden Rule ninl ..ilni ,hin: Crynn today. He was lll.-l- l Hl.'i;. nr If the I Sf ifl. Ak far !.. arrived here ali.lllist I. I (. lll.iK .,f i n.ii il wf te l 'a-- 1 . greeted by a large delegation of Central Tin 1.1. III (JoMtl (iiinlitinn Ulnl WiTljUOOltS CO, Try a Journal Want Ad. in in i hiti,,.i ii..i I.l..a, Pu Williams Drug Co., 307 West die Results. (.J.hlliilidl ru.truie, I Americana,


i,. .., ' " ",,.. ,.,.,.,. i .- -. - '" ""' - miii..u ..,.i .... ,,. r """"'" mi r M,iliwA jiiVAfc'iUAu..i,,vtfiiMt--u- J.... ,.. ,,,.ll

I - ?! . . - ;si Bsxaase wm&mwtaasmcummt n w ifits.mum.maiu.yit 6 1 fmreg?rti.ranr

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IMS htm n nnMi tfainan. J S m mwiM m,:mimwm wwmnn 'i mmm

J L 3 L 1 , f I r1


i rrnrffi wn i M fcilfcim ikn iiiMinil mn 4 i IMWillHiM yti hi mt aiii ran a iii iifc n. J ...tJ

Or, to be exact, One Million Thirteen Thousand One Hundred Seventy-Tw- o Dollars1 ($1,013,172.00) of New Life Insurance was PAID FOR in New Mexico during 1 9 1 2 by tl it li ric wm y ILI iissiraii C

I For two successive years--19- 1 and 2 the Pacific Mutual has paid for more new business in New Mexico than any other company. ortgagc Loans in New Mexico as of December 31, 1912 $724,175.16 At least twice as much as any other life insurance company has loaned in this 3tate. Premium Collections During 1912: Life $92,995.56 Accident... 34.361.59

-- Total $127,357.15 Official figures on file in the Insurance Commissioner's office in Santa Fe will verify ail of the above statements. If you want the best Life and Accident Insurances and want to patronize the company which is do- ing most to upbuild New Mexico, Insure With The. Pacific Mutaa! Some Figures from Oar Annual Statement: Total Admitted Assets $ 26,243,005.92 Total Life Business in Force 133,309,014.00 Increase in Surplus. N 453,790.46 Surplus Exclusive of $1, 000,000 Capital , 915, 115. 96 Average Rate of Interest Earned on Invested Funds 6.05 Mortality, Actual to Expected 62.28 Premium Income Accident Department $1,739,392.37

IE? IT SGHWENTKER, General Agt, Albuquerque, N. M. MORNING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1913. r CIGHT MUUQUrRQUE JOURNAL, 9. Time to mw pmiciiT inrrn Crescent Hardware Company iiiiLii unuum ni iliii mnnnn nnui (;- -, tsnu-rr- , .i.t, lUnge. ii-.- rwmw.iiie irn rip, KODAK business has a mission, and IT lint". riiinth"'S, ll'unnc. Tin ami tkfM'fT W"T. MTTI f QlllCn lUIIIUHKUW III U ,4 I M.M, x i . nil ii U I I LL UMIUIULU THIS it's for you. It is to WITH ASSAULT FEBRUARY Do You Know Where Your Milk Comes From? 10 provide better clothes than ever, a Phono MATTHEW'S 420 Officer Ash f greater values every day for - :i ! Tl,y u I K 'l Win: uniinr everybody who comes. That's HUUbt Th- - in.- t., K' I'AK - Jl l i i. Ilfeld Co. Kirn-- id.- - ri' iii "i'- it ' f ii service and our mission. Charles 11 ,. .lii I. a oii sonirtium; I I'.iiiiino Mi.r.'l our . : I 11. u I '' c ! ti;i in ho l'i il ty . 1, Everything w Wholesalers of li..e had. 1! It ,,.. : - Th'ooan nt ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA I . 1 mi:- a !! LAS VEGAS ill front f Itroutilr. In ' mi .".it KimIiiI,, Willi .el- -. S, r;. i. n i I 411. SIMON STERN laa.' Th- - S.mta j'.- :r. r H. i ii.y ak i. in rii..i. K.i .1 f.,r the i' 1. Mr of ,urin i Clothier 11. 11 Central Avenue Gross, Kelly & Co. (Inc.) h- I i i,;. n .lh a hi' DAY The WholrimU llfii' rt n,I Lirlers to I'll ir,!, lit I,, k i. ,.n.! Ih.- - Ml. h.ioi I'.n.tioi fl,. , . int. i h.u ii: Wool, Hides, Pelts and Goat Skins r. cl"'.i ll i " 1 This st' ne is tl.c liniiic of C Im 1 r(kj, N. M.; Albaqn-rti- a. N. M.: J. H.; Trial dad, Book . i .MlI 111 HI' Store It'-i- & C'Ji.i l" . M.j t'orotim, X. M. Strong's a 'f Hart Sc!iaf i'ner Marx tlutlics ! - Hi h '. Miiim- I'.hi k If fc:r'of v.t n whi. Tlinm.i iii Want It." 'uiir took fr.iin ho ii.- - r.

I . . ''ih.r met. r.-n'- est '! ' k i CANDELARIA BROS. CO. tu n iiii l ll. .ii ikMiii.t'i 'ii i!l mt iiJ it th- g.H.., ih i:,. n w r att I Special tin- f r h n in a l.."l). In t Is I i. .it lh.- .! 'I iin I . ! In mi any if I'l- iirlii - Sheep, Wool, Hides and Pelts Arthur S. Te-li-- r. ! Thomas, who f ; . ti I -- . AIIiuqueTn.111 y r, .'4 r .Ii. 4 J . ! t;.- - t'i- - m..i-iit. 1.11. 1 fcnulli I Irt Mrert M. Arthur T.'i. .ll, morning al th "I it i i In !;!- th .! f..r ! Values mi- lot- and n. I'.i.i - m 114 .V'.rlh IM.ih itlrft, . III" 'it. throUKh of Flowers H- . ! Hi- n. Valentines nri(4i. il. Sir. T "ii r. fiiiuit of .! - im LAUNDRY tin u"i Ih.hi lii-:- jfl fil fini at-- I V., everyone W vending It KA I, KI.i'WKIlS to hit liKST girl: In. in t.n k tif! iliK-um- ?in. ni!'l-- j f .lk.-- t the WIFK. and lust, hut not leut, M T1 Kit: .Makes then, 1 hllnll ll'H iiillt-- I .T . t . m . hink of old time. We make up a STKCIAU V, UK KI.4 VK US. or - I Extra Pllff. , In AMin7iwlll v WHITE Mr". Tri-i- lh.- a .niiM' r LOCAL MM S HASKKT, f'.r t'aloiitine' lay, with siolah!,. oards furnished, at front i'f Jiii'ili KrLtf Jf in imiMii-'- J J.(M) io S.'i.lM' t aiii. Tomato Ketchup WAGONS f ; r I r.. l!iiij. II t in .iri I A -r. Mr Ti-- M Mr. ami Mri. I.T.- l r Bit. Il.ii .1 ! h,- - I IMi i.i' - I 'HI. i - I FA STENING DEVICE BYRON HENRY IVES I I. I - Reduced lll'll I'lll'Mhuil 'M. ill' W.l Itfl I Im 1st. lhinpiori)iio, I'lioiio 1 rt mti-- m ik. i, nnl f..r t )f..rJ 'Si. 1 I Strong Brothers ,iii .il ii in-I- f. r li e Mini.! Kf. Hi- r ii;ii.-'- l in l "in.- iiiti il fRESII SUPPLY T I iiili-- ink' r ami I jilaliiirr. fcilh 1''Z ou.. k'-- m Mi- iiuti'iiii'l l..' FDR IL i , , i lily a few rnlh front lT.n. sriiio or Mcltl. i,,,,;,,, 11,. . ,.-- r ,f A!-- ! Prices " "" lii-i'l- I'l' lr'-m H. ,...,,,,-.- ., M! .. i wiih lilm. only 25 cents r.iu . i. M r iul T, . . 0 fJ Mi'.n ;,...,.,. , i , j ., .. . nrad was taken off the trim on a f'ii:. r,i.'. ai r.n:E. tin'iiis i'f hn Ii ; stroti her. The pressure of the clot lat-- ' k on hiit hratn had partly paralvu-- per boltlc iii.ii-- in. r GeO(i:e Eu Has I'.MU.' I him. Passenger itc alannnl. Thiy V h J h- T!i- - I S .1 Lockir A'i'a hie thought - might huvc some ei'iiu-- I In th you ghoul J f.., r.i! i.f S. r. Cerent SON. TAKEN OFF .vent lhat I , . all n( ' 1. i . n i.l ht Kiiph'I L'toits ilisoiiso. hut the dtau'll""is yi-u- r M t" i on nut u. nmrnlng ppr, May n a Wealthy ' r'l. I ll'- physi' ians lit h'.spital shows MK9- - it ho f.imiij h'.iii'-- l"i. tho the Irl. ili.i. HUT ANT'8 ''; "'; i - h -- t . t miil there was no hum- for alarm. r. Km oil In Man, i i.i.-t- ly. Mr. Sviiiim-- , i Hroih.-rs- ' o took IBS mul H'lilfi-- a anil the l.atier will t'!h"" h. TRAIN, DIES Strong amhiiiam , Cimnrad to the hospital. His cu-n- i .iiKr. I'luju. tol or i'Jl. in inn .nv ,,,n,i a.'.iiit b ,...... ,, , , , Sl.,j, v,nl,. Sheets ! got oil the train Willi him and n- - n, Ho C,,i- - i,i,n stt.-.-t- hi,, )...! ii t.., f. r ii,;, mod here. teh graphed 1 X .. 1 I I'll. t h I IllS.-.- i I') II i , , of liu WARD'S STORE 5.W l;pwr.l 15 01 lira .If i .. I ... .1 r rad' lather morning I - The ahov will t paid mmm ll'in II.i'i"!.- t lilim Him .'l'U Uiiiili ho)i n;.i m.ikf him a rh h !::ess That First Puzzled Doc - j''""!h ! i lili'lr.-i- i uri !. t- HOMER H. WARD, Mgr. f.r Ihs rrrt tn'l cmvlcUoa of Jii'iin. r-- i . i r. f The l.ody Was taken Strm,! - i - I I i- . Pillow 10 Ue Th. y anji.n. imiKht coplrs Th.- - !.-- io.u ICrS rO'JIia DUrSi:!!" 01hi, ,i,. ,s' undertaking . ti mi.-- 2BH, t n th.- - Marble Ate. I'll. (.f TuiKiflt l..',.i t'i ...l.l'- , . ,ii-- . , y' tiodv Iiigltt li'.i n N". Ill at th. M'nin Juuriial from ..!. ,i, Mr-- u r.f th.- tif in h Pr,,'A i i "t the last mi ! h Aitery in Brain; 1. 1 O 1 th ili",rvi.. of ul.. riher. .l Th. nin.l iii. .i...r .thr. . Wiiv!, ,,, . Uth.m t th. s to Kansas Clto. where . Warilm ,h- l Tin.l.-HI- t - "' ."Ivin- i'f i . is.!. - in-i- IUHh-rf.-n- I. anil CO. ,,.,,,it, t.,,.,,,1 th.- to m;.,i- -' Graduate fs- n Coonrad will . - f' . U" . the " Ml i,. v. rt., ,,' f... ,.f tho r.ul fni-i'i-- l"i; 'In r th.y will .O' oii.p.inv i.i . .i'; Cases Mi. h:g.,l, Cltv. II. Tl i'l... 'a ith hodv to 111. J I hi- h fUlier.ll IS tO he hi 'll'.'KO'l " arv i rr Ih-- C. '!, rid. who was I LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST w '1 . A lh.- h,is in- - "Ii '' r rnll t.,k-- n from SanM Ke tram No. k h. r Kutlu rfnrd s.nd ho know of no ii, I I.i i k k i Ti.iii-s.l..v- i on- See PUTNEY jl.rll Wt l'. 104 sro j mil l s. ill ili.-- at Jury that might have the - CHARLES MILLER . . If 1ttt Warn ri-- tin i.(M-- oiiii-i- - j hemorrhage. w i wi u iii :i a. m. vost. r.lay at Si. Joseph' h"s- Lral Coonrad. ho ruiir. I j Bed HK- -. .l I ..w r!,,, ho mil an. tho g iHn-s- s l:r-- t - n unusually log man for his I'i'al. Coi.nt.'id at pti.- .,wrr ii-- hi. .loo- - ! n ll, 0 tl Studebakcr lh t !! f.ur hiniri rndlng .' i;irr;'!ru him i.hv siooms hut th.-- determined h'"' i":V pel foil th.- of Arizona, ni ti n i i"i It iJ.iy cteninK. - hi'h .rKiri- f,m Friday that' Iliore was a hlooil elnt lie on ll.e train in BuggyCheap i . ) i' iii. r.iKii'.-- i i.-i;r- i . ORIGINATES NEW th r.-- ' jii'A. nt ! nil lis hraitt. The elot im r. nf il and! W Art" llw -, .i.'--iii- . - k.- 'I hi- - r ' i i. k Afitila. i io:!i:,iiu it !.(. r.iiii. ', :l, r.iiiK- ! ni "i th.- J j aio,l '"r Sale modern . At Our Mm. T. - . ) i M. . ir.ii-- Ii, r. ii .oo.l In :,;.o!- - Spreads n,",M'. ",,i)r Iak mi. i.itur.- .it i in.. nhi ;. Co.'i;r..d was th,. son of the warden- '"r "" Sl"''" l"'",nl N . r- .1 o; ' !!l v. .!o! i. ' . ;H4 .l Willi !""! th - on monihlv pay,,:., it,. el of ,!- Indmiia state penitentiary at.'1"". . '1,,4-i- . V I i i .iii!. of th- kiiiit i ...... J I'lll-l- ! .MO. I ll ' '113 PROFESS lour M hii-- It C tl w .Vil'iV iOiO ItKi:(AsT. litii h- -l il, Who gradiiiit-- d from ..!' K,. last HliritlU had !.-!- Now .M- Towels ! a lelopliune WALLACE HESSELDEN U !iii.i"ii. r " 'traveling in the west rd w,.,p re - If ''tl r.o.'d (at'"lil'r, I; r flo w Miii'l.i); .M'.iiil.iy lyrnb-- . 1'oHioi.lon. phone 4 i:n turning home when Co.. nrad hooamo (. Tin rat oiitrm r- t ... ti.r. '! !, - v - ' Stale Erminecr Opciis "' 501-50- 2 hauling, T.k- r- - ni. I nt ni.iiM1 ;( r ni I'hone for hghi He gi.diraf.t"-'- ' n"r.- t- -t I'- - .r n...f.-- ! Ho first hri'.m. ill when the train parcel, messengers. Prompt service. r.v., cuii.iy fK.rr. ; Office Mcie wii'i Solu Ub- - m, i.tii-- r . .... I r ,i . t . i is film in' i I , Table A:i.,i'i ii ' '' " i'i vr.'-.- l ra;. clean, at one.; ;n,,i , t :,!', c,,..,,. Cn r'iu.. "-"- ! COLLEGE ITEMS j offioc. JL1 Ul vniuoio tv M I'l lliolt l l.M(. HIM, J"iirnal I Store rivitm ill. j Mi A.! i:..M. n ii i. ft f.T nl ('," :.i,!c iVof-r- v. i. i. l m.i) ni rn'l", H AH N COAL CO.! Store Mo-- ll'i'-- . ml. I ..v ii iv,. in SS'lir A 'i i .j i .1 I' iMitivi: i. al. f ('h.n!. Ii Mi'h-r- rli M.iio .i fi w for r- i'1.'. Ar."ii i. - Linens ll.-- A- AI STEAM r4)AIi. ,il - I'iim of r- - . ITK. L Sl.IOS. iii"l '.in ir. I..i i to ti an i' ,i .,.M!i.,n th ATIIH4 I" I'lli' Iii.i'i.i.t r thr WimmI. WoimI, & in. i i..ii ,.t ; ! t "I, ,( Cukp, Mill WihmI, I'ailory C'onl Native Kindling, l ire Chicago Mill Lumber Co. in. ",J' '''inhiili i,r,.!; lh.. lirM i f it M.rt i Ki-- Mi ih- i i.ii'i-.- i ii . ll. l. mil 4 , IlrU k, I'lre lav, Santa Ve Itrlclc, Common llrlrk, I.ln'f. I.'. r. I... r...... I II.. I. ,...f Mr. W K. H.u. in). II is I. ti ... ..til K'-- ; Planinrj Mil!. I. .i.-- l W. Toiniilr-- - i h- i ' General J. uti,- f...r it. inr - iihii- to o i ii I ' .J ,,t (ho r.o ifx M ii!i,,il . r . I - l..-- .t i"ti (('.ru- 'l !' hiy a u j ii n n. "r ).. t.! tin- i i, n.iino Inviir,i ii. i i'io,j.ii0. Napkins - 3d and Marquette. Phone 8 i. p in ill'- tii.'iil.i.tiii i"'Uth of J viliii Ii ..ii. hu i.o .ii'l-ii'-i- l I'i il is Mic Kioii l:.-.,- l Ii Ho.ikin-- - t.'ii!...-r-'iiH- - DR. SCHWENTKER, A1", . . of . la ml i iiKm.-or.- 1,000 HENS :ti iia- l.n' rff.. .s "f M.inn iisrnii'ATU ''.1 II. I;.. '! 1111,1 ,1 I.i, j Mr. t.. . i ai iigont lor ol'..l.!o, Gentry's yitnlltj l'r. nin hf Kitra I'g. - Mi-X- - Calls Answered Pay or Night, i Iri f..r I.ifo In - ,'1"1 h nUl- - In Now i i . I f . 1 lit of rgg Innnl nil "lei at. Itin Khiiiih t'ltv lh. tin. li.iti.U Thro Offioo All I I - lH I"- Upon MiKTIIWI HV MI'M'tl. I.I h n- Ii f! a ". II t' Mint N'mmii iI I. t'n.- of touti, anil la ll "i.i.ii. 'iiiii iiio. fii iiiii'l' noik tho si h.u. Kturiifni; at tho rani'li north saiite No. ;,. liMSs' J Blankets r. Armijo INsI It N4 i: 4 4MI' V, i i ' !m, M . M - whi'h have tt.ii. r at tho Imi-I-, - li.ii'i i! by ami "ill .. ilt ' fijiiail in sold Jaffa, Maior ; In- I'hone ill- .JvJ N. 12th 4if Militmikc-- , ill III .1 il l!l!'0 0 ,r. !i)iitn, or I.i whnh uiil.r ran of l,.is i'S,n lniiiiil.ilito, ,n,,l all iirw lit. ttln i Vhotte 1035. ,'IU'1' "'' l"oh f.-- - 0 J, i. ,'.-''- . I I,. lal ,iK lit tho '""l"r '''' ri.nfiii. hoping a t.:rn of fr- t; i?.- M . .. 4 r. i otM, n n. i Si ii J i I : i . lire ii'iin nun. rut U'i' sin ax I h.-r- r i i .. j. .1,.. i "Irs. .ins . una In ii the is Votati.s th! ! -- iilt-- wiit.-- r 11 I .,, j.- -l . tn I. ink r riKhtu ami nil. I'h"l,f. ' I I ' I i 'i Ih 'ii nil llii-l.t- Hull ,'lth i l and In , ! , Kii''.' oo In tho s.-- - J'f lo. inn ii.i I.;. i... I:- In ,, Th.. t'hil in- i lls- - is iloiiii; .. i . or thai tho l.mJ J l. o ii mi,! An.'"t:,i I r r t i ittiir iimn i.ik Mini sjniiio lntli Cl.olm "ii ti - i - . win. ho iloioriiiis of sotihng In Ihf ' h, a,- - . '. i i in i .hik. :irt- ort. .' hit .in iin oiito.iioo of tin LET US SEND A MAN Miuhi hi'! I tiiui a u.ii-- InvoMniont : W' i ly a w t Ii fui oxiitiiinol'on.s Our lii.f Mr, Miil.r iiiii,- to ln ' !. . w I ur To broktn wlndnw f,i;, H l,i "- I;..n.-ii- hut cti.ito Th.- f n now s!,,,i,.n! ha i, rpic lhl r h. ith.- s Comforts al sml, hmk ohrmi. of Ml'- - .t no. n j ilmilik' past Wo.!,; Ml 'I s,l" ml inn in m Bftl,r th ItiillKiK- -, Hi.. ;t Irricalinii I'liarlt-- Ihi. Mi- ' .I"lin"on. klfrn. Ko; 1 1 I'i'.'l.l.-n,- f a n. AMU i.ityi i: H Hiiro anil ail Tlior.-K:- gi miii I y,,st. IhiRMliiff. Ai,?..; M .i'i!i. u I. - ;..' 4 .i,l!y " B;"ilior ii,..'!. .if In .r.m- 4IMPANV ' ti iiii.,.rt tho ; 111 -- ! i llv Sale H White UK ,' I!" I'I' M.iiK llarUoll, tuliiiiinn. i,i Annual atol oy.o,S to II.- - i,- -a it. Pl!..iM 411 421 N. FU-r- t ,,.(!,,. hiiwr. in t ht tho - ii:.- th- - I ! i li. . I Miss Virginia Js'iniiiioiis. II. l. n, .V. M.; law l"ii-- th- - l l.iml. in i:nht n.iti.-- of Alhii'ii,-i,iio- Mr. lit! It ii. H i i k I Misfl .M.ihol 11. I.anh, ii .ii'ioi. th- - timolig tho N. .M.: M: Juno. Strnok. Alnnior-u..- . flilo BRUSH HAULED BY X. M. 0011 o SEE HM r.i; s i i .Mr J,,-- Do'.Kitilo, Begins THURSDAY, FEB. 13 th n ii rn FARMERS FOR RIVER V. of l..o -- . ro-- nt.-ro- j i mt 4 . When vim lilt! fitr think of Inn i fohool aft. r a sovorr llot.-n- , tin. II). It; j illr-i-'- Ht ( i iiiiiiU-I.h- V',.l. nil'! irnt. PROTECTIVE WORK Or K"lil Am lion on i - . I orly otns- i .. ri. in In f Mr. Alh.-t- While, of M, xi.-o- the ir i ilJ loisii n with rot outh't to mam.- :k ''.' k in tiohonl aft.-- iiml. mollis u WHAT you want in WHITE, either in or the Frank Auction Co Just-ph- "r l;,""l"'- s,l'P S. S. Oi, of tho Hi', ration ut tho St. . l r,7 "''"" i'li fan, t!o PRICES SI4 . r.loonth. li.uio iiit!(.,l A. 11. an-- j , - !. manufactured article, may be obtained during this SALE t. Hilton Mot. , who .m in Alliuiui.-r'in- i."- , - t.h' Con I'Jino, Sun Ni-w- un Tho ponp!.. nf tin- xoiiihw est Antonio, io.,,rt.'l iht tho pi ji.iing at prices which favor your pocket in var- . - and quantity, s,,'i'" . work nonr th.. I',.uol.i-- i hiiilno. of itro r .i t awakonlnn to tho oppor- LIRiFiU) MAN IN hloh ho h.ii whh ahont orii.- - tiiniiirs prom nioii hy a htisinosK oilu- - iety ard quality to satisfy the most careful buyci's DEATHS AND FUNERALS thir.l linii-hoi- l, I'luiii'iti tor the hint oatl"H atnl the prrsmt onrnllnn nt. CHIOAf.O BASL r.i; p.-- l in will tow il,i; linn I.i -- it nlnttiT than pro ahnoe lat yrar. now scrutiny, Read our ad Wednesday's Journal, It ionly on a utit of the col.l l r mi h.-s- l.Mi 1 otiiln hill oi... oaihi-r- . pay you, I...,:, .,f v .;. i ;.n ' ,,1,1. , 4 fii 'In .Ii. hi Kiiiniors, who v v tn the lointty llola U Uf to Nuium's Capital. t ... t in- , m i v ,u ( t.i in h n. .hi ins limn,, m ,,r. l Mi ii v i of Attisoo, who iik'ro.-i- to fiirnUli sii City, Foh. Tho loson, Golden Rule 'or foil, Is (lit; em- - I.' to - h. hi a! ht ush. ii it. I roi k for tho muttroSM of rollers t" the capital wan I.'i-.rt.- ' ,. m. .". u ni, tr-'- f th,. rows of piling, n arly phasii.d today hy a skirmish at Tlnl-- j I'i- - . As-,,- , it on Ii;m..:- Motual 1'iot, tio i.,. fiiliilloil tholr auroomont. heMost of tho pam, a sulmrh seven miles (listanl.f ' .' V i ' l!ll-- nialorial alrraly Iuim heon unloado.l Tho rolals, a foraging parly whiih. ' :!i 11.- t I ,. I were, ' lh 'n ho Kroiiml, and only ffw ntoro attoiiiptr,) to raid a pap.r mill, 1 jTs. -- ft-- Dry Goods ll., i' l... 'I'o.l ii'l !n:itl of rook iii'i' tit h hanloil. repulsed hy rurales twenty min-- j j i4' tl i . Ii- - stnniiioil Whon lh piio driving In llnishod ntos r,f lighting. , tX M.IMHPJI I, I I S inn. Ilil lljM , i . SPRINGER f ''I IJ. i". r ii in tho tho inatoiiHl will ho roarly for tho m. it n !' :!ii n n! TRANSFER CO. Ufi of Cartoli'H workmen. Thoy will c. it. cowni. n.. t. o. Cub -- f ndeoptithy. to .'. ton i hp maiiroMi hotwoon the rows specialty, of piling. Tho farmer agrvnl tmly I treat all curahl d'sesea. Company 313.31S WEST CEfTHAL Office, Hid Telephone SS5 to Stern r.-v'.- horn AJs jEFFICIENCY HEADQUARTERS furnish tho iniiiotial nnd to hav. Journal Want it to plaoo. the Sad lie horses. Trimhle, 112 N. ?nd. tffMH.MliitBiMWBWWgS'




CO.'S RATES Our thartholJtrt takt pridi in tht following rtcord. Thty mad it. Pit No. o( gihsrehoMrn Ami. SubKtilitd Kohiuary 17lh (started with) 22 $ 30.HX.UO March 2'Uh (two week later) 480 120.KI.0 Semi al Mayor Sellers Refers Petition Clearance Sale AW, Kilh (two month old) 1316 2U5.9K0.0O mm M',v 17th (three months) HWfi 220.772.97 from Taxpaycis to City A- une 17th (four months) 1905 2S4.327.14 I,,V nth (five months) 2H52 359.673.H5 ttorney and Instructs Him to wnst 17th (six months) 304 3l7,338.f.2 17th (seven months) 3512 419.318.62 Investigate. JmoIht 17lh (eitfht months) 4588 592,119.62 Novemlwr 17th (nine months) 4779 60fi.500.42 IKvember 17th (ten months) 4916 624.141.67 Til- - city Is asked to take Immediate 655,995.42 January 17th (eleven months) 5081 action to regulate the water com- pany's rates In a petition presented Mumay THOVSASD genuinely active, STARTS fymlJnluht, Fehniary 17th. will mtmtirr nearly SIX TOMORROW ut last night to Die council. energetic shareholders, and oivr S7.W.(HM subscribed capital. Mayor Heller r fi t red the petition every Only flirri merit tin brought nearly FIVE IIL'NDKtCD new Invmlor lulu this Company to City Attorney John C. Lewis, with month eleven months with (inscription, of over JtiO.OOO month. li a request that he make an luvestign-lio- n Monday. Ih' 1 7th. It II" last Jay you can buy our sham at27h emit. After midnight. Ihry will and report at the next meeting. tic THIRTY VESTS. You need nut pay cash. Start with 100 sham i$27.50. Fay f 1.25 The city attorney said be would make monthly or takt more if you wish. a thorough probe. The petition follows: Open-- iM Albuiuerilie. N. M., Feb. 5. 11.1.1 Doors A SHARES CENTS To the Honorable Mayor and Mem- 1 0 27H Cetitle-men- bers of the City Council: : T.ble of Monthly Payment! for 22 Months. See table for monthly r We, the following; tuxpuyers uud $ Monthly huvi l"0 nharM, total cwt t 27 Z.'C huvi :'l tliares, total (ml 5r 00 payments. Be residents of tills city respectfully pe- 3 75 Monthly huys "Ml share, total cmt Wi :0 $ure tition your honorable body to take Im- Every Department Offers the Greatest Money Saving Opportunities 5iNI Monthly buy 4(10 nhjirc, total cmt 1HMK) Monthly buy, Sun tharn. total ct 117. :0 that order is mailed mediate action to regulate water ).! l Monthly huv l.tmo slum, total cmt 27MKI charges of the city water company. Ever Known in this city. Monthly huvi I.1) sharr,. total t '0 y )7r cot The overcharge made by said com-paii- T' no tlmithlv buv, Jt.onil tharrs talal ciwt SMMO before midnight Mon- si :.i Monthly huvi 2 VO oharr,, total coot 6"? i0 have been of long standing and W. 'ill Monthly buv shares, t!tal cost IVYnt In- , th. cnly owing to the small amounts in) Monthly buys 10,000 than-- total cost day, February 17 l.' volved hil:i It been possible for them BUILDERS to continue the Injustice. We think SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HOME It the duty of the city council to take Lo. Angeles Office, 410 W. 6th Street this matter up. ulckly, once for all. We. the followini; petitioners, make complaint as follows: n en It Is the practice of the water Mtntturium is trnt placed tjere It w company to charge from 50 cents to Day Spec ii l be for luck of effort. The local II for turning on end off the water. peiiiig nt SE SANITARIUM Inline Is .doing a great deal to swine According to their franchise, they 11 10 the sanitarium to this city and pros-peel- s have no rinht to muke this charge. for Us establishment here are Is an Injustice and should be abolish- really very bright. ed. SSIBILITY FOR Said water company refuses to mi-ju- LOCAL AND PERSONAL and equalize water bills accord- ing to their franchise. They lake an unjust advantage of their printed man, J. T. KcokIi, u local traveling schedule of rales, ehurgini; 3 r cents ALBUOUERQUE is here to spend the week-en- per thousand for the first e.OflO, THESE THESE V. It. White, transportation inspec- lespeotlvo of the consumed, tor for the coast lines. Is u nuslness or in other words they charge till! ARTICLES ARTICLES visitor In the city today. lntciid of Jl:'.:i If consumer uses ARE IN Commercial Club and Local M. Weber, muster mechanic for the 45,0(o kiiIIoii. ARE IN Santa Fc at Wltislow, and Mrs. Weber They take mi unjust adxantaKe of Organization of Thriving Or- - were here yesterday their foil. the word ' First" In their schedule of LIMITED LIMITED Charles Weber. rates by making consumers pay S3 Erec- 6.1MU . dor Striving to Secure I'owell Stuckhouse, president of the cents, per thousand for callous, QUANTITY QUANTITY Carthage Fuel company, Is a visitor In 30 cents per thousand for the tion of Institution. Here, 1 the city for a few days. He Is accom- 13,000, instead of 8,000. and panied by his wife. so on down their slldinu scale. If the consumer has water turned off on i - - W. S. Kiillerton, a prominent Tin' A lut!ii'- ut- ('oiiirncrcliil elub the first day of the month, and uses FIRST FIRST - co-o- of Until, was o visitor In the ninl tlio looil lodge of Mourn- arc no water for u whole month there- hoi-hi- city last nlnht, returnlim home from iiitliiK In an effort to for after, the water company. throiiKh Its COME COME thic city the extu Wishinvnt of tin1 Santa Fe. attorney, has Instructed the clerk In Moiixe Hiinttarliiiii for tulierculol.. for A. 11. Mctbiffey. president of the the water office to collect Jt.S". a FIRST FIRST which JoOfl.tint) Iuik voted by Santa Hnrbara Tie and Cole company, full month's bill, even though no wa- The (Holt hurt ii splendid passed throUKh here last night on his been used entire - ter has for the SERVED SERVED rlinnO. of success, litiuowc the com- was from the capital to Koswell. show - month, and their records the lllltte which Is churned with select- K. Kem(enleh. president of the water to h.ive been turned off for the ItlK the file tins HH one of its buurd of comiijissloncrs of Valencia entire month. M. M" county, last nlKht fiom Simla by - arrived The liiRh rate churned the water liecu me well aecttmlnliit with Allm- Fe, where he had been for several company, and general sentiment that iic'h Illness the FOR FOR for institution days on business. the water company, through Its at- tlitoHMh freitii'iit visits while a mem- C. M. president or the torney docs just as It likes with the ber of Ills fit m 11 v wits here recovering; Dr. Unlit, OPENING OPENING school, passed public of this city, Is a detriment to from that disease. Silver City normal ni(,'ht on his way the growth nnd prioress of this com- Voted throUKh here last ONLY ONLY The Moose not Ioiik uko nil home after attending the conference munity. therefore earnestly st $1 n yonr for nsHisMiiiirt of three of presidents Sunta such action lie taken as to upon million Institutional nt that DAY DAY years each of their half Fe. rompel the water company to refund members, the proceeds to iiu toward o to prohibit uged II. I.. Stitzer, manager of the New these and the establishment of u home for any and nil such Injustice that has unit Intlrm metnbeis, n home for the State Lumber company, left last night com- or will arise in the future. widows and orphans of members und for Santa Fe, where the lumber companv. pany moved. The company is to have Golden Utile Dry Ooods a sanitarium for tubercular members. W. a la rue plant there. J. A. Weinman, J. W. Preslell, They 'appointed a to II committee ' Weinman, C. K. Maples, Km Mann, K. A. Drake, president of school All-wo- the claims of till sections of the It. C. fioehl, F. J. Wilson, William l.".1; I'nioii Suit. udilh $2.00; of mines passed throunh Full size Comforters, wrtli to the I'tilted Stales, Canada and .Mexico at Socorro, Kleke, K. S. Stover, Tin- - Meyers Co, here last ninht on his way home after 99c - Special and determine upon what section was by S. K. Iloehl; tiuwmond P., Stamni, 99c a visit to Santa Fe, he attended Sii'i'i;il best for the location of each institu- where J. M. Sollie, Frank Ackerman, It. a of yesterday tion. The committee on the sanita- conference educators Hicks, F. M. Morgan. Harry T. John- rium, of and Friday. as has been said, lias as one son, W. W. McDonald. A. Fa her, A. Cdott-- k wliile, - si.t- wliile enamel lMi I'ans, Kill in and worl ils members Mr. Curiam), who Is All members of Albuiiiei .(lie Coiin-- i Mollloya. F. II. Kcnl, W. Y. Walton, c!r;i heavy ' i wealthy I si j K' I' and who has re- II fill, KnlKhts of Columbus, are re-- ! Allen H. Wans, AlbuiiieriUe Tennis 99c $.V00; Special 99c after- commended AlliuiUoiino as the best iiuestcil to meet at l':30 this Club, in- J. It. Newell; A. 15. Waters, worth .fl.75; Special place pur- for such un institution. noon at Holder's chapel, for tile lulu ConlN, A. H.. W. V. Metcalf, W. body late The J."'n. una Is bill a starter, lis the pose of eseortiiiK the of our lioller, J. 10. F.liler. M. f i Donliell, W. Tes-sle- r Silk Waists, worth $5.1 HI; order contemplates the expenditure of brother, Arthur Tessler lo the It. W. I). liryan, II. J. Collins, F II. CoiiihiiieilcN worth $175. . es- offices for the J:, iHiii.tiiin ,,r thereabout in the residence, where Schwentkur, (1. I.,. Ilrooks. A. Fleisch- 99c Special 99c w W. A. Kelehcr. tablishment of its sanitarium and ill dead will be recited. er, Sol llenjamin, S. Wclllcr, D. Wcll-Ic- r, Special money a few K ii Ik s" iii that much within uraiiil lit. Thelln F.rothers. ! F. years. go The $;i)(i,no0 will for F. 1 1. Strong, S. I!. Setli. D. S. Itoseii-wal- mounds and 1,'llliliiiKN at the start. Costcllo find l.llllan Walker. Crystal. I). S. r.urkhiirt. tl. llenjamin, .?-- 4 Ihs, ; it All l'Yalher I'illows, regular pi Sweaters, worth to $5.00; of It will be uvailable within three 11. llontrlyht. J. F. Slilzer, F. F. Trot- s7; years. Today llink. i: and tonifiht. Skatinu ter, O. It. Kslr. I). Weinman. II. .1. 99c Special $1.75 : Special 99c The order asks no bonus of the city Tompkins, M. rj, Cartwrlisht, 'Arthur Friday. Coil. where Ils institution is to be located Free diamond rltiK Kveritt, A. W. llayden. Harry lliaiin, kIvi-i- nlyht. ( luiil will muku its decision solely upon (ions each irpheum. B. R. Ilolill, J. It. H. Dunbar. Charles Solid C.tftl Cul'f lliittoiis, wtiilh $2.50 and $.5.50: the fitness of the place for the cure of llcrndiin, J. I!. IUiik, D. K. Wilson, fi. Cotton lllaukcts. f4x8(), worth $1.50 ami $1.75; "f Xirisen, Julia K., l,ou l,ee, H. S. Special 99c W hat the establishment of such an I.lthKov'. Special UlT' Institution would mean to this city SNOW IS BENEFICIA L can easily be, guessed. , The club pro- poses Ill '.POUTS OF Ol 'I 'ICI US to ko after it hard and If the rrti;si;Ti:i to totm ii,. Class Churns. 1 t. size, worth $1.50; rtA Leather and lla.tjs, woil I'roin $2.00 to The report of City Clerk Itoehl, read $.150; Special 99c HIS LUNGS ARE HEALED; io mm at the council ; last liiKbt, Special UU showed receipt of his office for NATURES CREATION the USED January to be $(i,(i4 5.50. The money e - was collected from the following Men's I'.. X- W. and Cluett Slnrls, worth to nfj Drawsi Work Collars, w.-ri- $2.50; f'omnion sense statements like the one sources: Itetull liquor licenses. $(1,000; QQn regarding aid ran he DRY FARMERS here Kiven the that miscellaneous:, $2lS.?5: back licenses, Special liven to a sufferer from tuberculoaia are Special UU tiESl'LTS end not THEORIES. $.178. 5i cow Inspection, 13H; dog tax, Aurora, Colo., Jan. U, ltlS. $(i; motorcycle licenses, $4.50. Wr. C. J. Dorland, St. S. Tlerney, street commissioner, Men's Hats, worth to $100; I'liihrelko. worth $2.00 and $2.50; Denver, Colorado. Fall Begins Early at Night and also submitted his report last nlxht. QQr QQr Dear Sir; On Oelober 22nd, 1911, an One block was graded on New York Special examination bv a physician showed that Continues in Morning; Flakes nvenue, between Eleventh and Special UU 1 had the following lung involvement: Tops of both lungs affected; roweia in Soft Melt Rapidly; Mer- Twelfth streets; and a lilj? fill was renter of left lung, and bottom of right and made on Third street, between Gran- lung coated over. A recent examination Low, ite avenue and Mountain road. limit. Leather Tahle Mats, full size skins, worth A.xniiiisler lvii. 2" 12 inches, worth $2.50; rv the name physician showed all parte cury Not QQc of affected lung healed nicely except 99c Special pes of left lung, and that appeared to be Today and tonifiht. Skallms Illnk. $2.25 : Special healing. :t." On or about the date mentioned I began A snowfall, which befian at I Florence Turner. Pastime. taking NATIRKS CREATION, til o'clock last niKht, was still in prot;-res- s entirely 4. 54-inc- (tribute this great improvement h Serjje ami llroadcloth. worth $1.50. $1.75 Silver Vanities and Card Cases, worth $2.00, $2.50 lo your medicine. In addition to mv lung at :30 o'clock this morning. QQ physicians Costelloand Lillian Walker. Crvstal. enprqvement (as shown by the Several inches of snow had fallen by 99c and $.VO0; Special axamSnatlon) I have gained eight and and $2.00; Special condi- to- ane-ha- if pound, and my neneral that time. The snow was soft, but Hrlng your wife, mother, sister or tion is almost normal. ward temperature During my residence In Texas I mornltiK the sweetheart to the Orpheum. knev of one cure from NATURE S dropped slowly and the melting was CREATION, and Judging from his case and my own I have no hesitancy what- not so rapid. TOMORROW, 10 A. M. ever In recommending your medicine for enough The fall evidently Is heavy Long Silk Kimonos se- mvnne who t" suffering from tuberculosis. to 50 i might add further that I was having be beneficial to the dry farmer. I great deal of trouble with my stomach The dryness of the last month, farm- lect Long Silk Kimonos, all before I siarted taking NATl'RE'S CRE- feared, hopes for entirely ers would blast their ATION: that that trouble has good crops, but mow last night new; bought for this great Slixippesred, and 1 now eat heart ilv and the sale.. Whatever I desire without experiencing practically ensures good crops If later Positively the least unnnmfortableness. I weather conditions are not unfavor- the best ever offered Yours very truly, able. F. H. McKAT. at the price. Values to $6.50. Railroad men on incoming train" of Is on file In The original this letter snow-wa- the office of C. J. Dorland, 305 Century late last nisht reported that the On sale tomorrow for $2.95 Building, Denver. Colo. Write him today) general in New Mexico. for the new FREE booklet-tha- t Nature each. Creation has just Issued. Common senee facta about tuberculoaia, asthma aite Results from Journal Want Ads, kindred diseases. Today und tonlKht. Skating Kink. Nature's Creation ts not a patent mati drug tine and la not sold in stints. Try a Journal Want Ad. Results. Florence Turner. Pastime. . I SIX ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1913.

Woman's Beauty is TO CALL FORF BIDS ON

IN 3 Based on Health GIT HILL H 1 1 n 3 WHA A Ll MUlNbY - WEEKS iiLKh 0 ILb To lliiii- lliiillli, Itnwel Mm i iik ii MlMllllll It in mi How Will do if ifguljrly each month in A Savings Account at the lli- -( In HI, lain ll. If WIMIUIIIH blilUtl 111 (H'lHM'il llllt RnsolLtion to be Presented to i iiMiii-l ii woman would In' i cciy - d, liiMllll-l- ). Hut beauty III" tlllC llf 1 Engineer Co. v;i. Council as Soon as First Savings Bank and Trust leper thin ill. 'I. It Hi h In hei.lHi jt 111 On ninlnillv iif i .ill n Hie ImsIm nf 3 Finishes Plans and Specifi- I just what hank wlicn - his lalilo sliowi your .ivint?s will earn ut this fliong anil rapidly grovmg you make deposit rryu lu.lllll. lllnl (In' ilium- nf ell klleSM Sellers, 4 4i tin- - a, iiT cations, Says Mayor ii In' liuied In Unit tin x l.nly raid month, with the FOUR I'l'.K CUNT compound inlcre which wc pay computed For inslam c bo, els - thi talile you will that the nidiilh ft r will have the Till- hernial III' '. III!" I.IHHIH till hy rrffrriuT to nolc person who deponits $10.00 c.uh Ion yens at end llilll Will I"' fallow skill llllil till" I'lftl I'll M t!iH nil llir IH'W illy lie - of that time the neat sum of $1,473.20. Hie llSuulh line til I liltst ill 1' 'll rnllnl for llllill tllll-l- ' Wl rkH, If till- thllH.'N llllill, llilll Unllll'fl do liahltll.lllv i iiiiiu ll fiiMUM llii' iliiii, in c'lirilltiK to HiIm i i i roniliiif In Tin ilu nut - mi ii n u n i i i iiiml.- dy Mnyor t i arcfulh , ih v ml Imlii.'. Ntilili' M i One ii Iin-- I'tve I'ol" 'fell Hifli tliV tin- ll .for it Timiln hffiiliHe' (hi- - foods lllf mixed iM lit iiiii tliiK of roiini Sin Inns nr train t ears luiix daintily mill thi-- i ilu lint ever, lie jivmi; SM IH hl It liiHt iiIkIiI. 'IiiiiikIi. Cut li.tleicr llir pin llculur Th'' iiiml .mil ii llli hiIiuim mi' imiv I III tH 'jilt " i like Ss'iiiii I" ill llllMlv - cause inn In' It If tit tlml the In th- IiiuhIh of tin- iiiKlin-- ' r. wli $5.00, $61.30 $191.30 $ 332.10 $ 736.60 c i pel IIWIIM'l''tl'. uriilltlllll Slllllllll he m M ti ll. hi nlii'iinx i In- iin' ili'inirinii'iit in 6.00 73.56 . 229.56' 398.52 883.92 An blenl I'fini'ilv for women, nnil It can In' con veiihnt ly obtained (it rumiiiodiitu motor iiiinrutiiii InHlnii! fifty ' i ni nll suited Iii tin ir dell imv drus Mure nl lent 'ir one of lioiMi ilinw n imrkH nnil to miiki" 85.82 267.82 , 464.94 1031.24 f In 11 l.i.ltli'. ItcsilllH II l'l 9 nI r,'iiili ciiient. I'r. Caldwell romn for ii motor uilli i imlrM. Thin 8.00 , 98.08 306.08 531.36 1178.56 ui- will In' - l'ciln. ulilih tlmusn eds nf kh.i iii icil iiiniirv refund rlinimi' In Ilu- liri' ili'imrlrni'iii will ' III 9.00 ,110.34 344.34 597.73 1325.88 VMiiiii n i'IhIhi-- hUrhh, .Mi J ri I'll. Villi Will fllllt It Villi III III. II. thi' iiiNt, thi iniiyor mi lil. Kilp-Iiik- . ' l;i r. liil I Monroe HI pleasant In taste, nnil friii' from I.i'wIh, ilu- - mnyor 10.00 1 122.60 ,. 382.60 6(.4.20 1473.20 Wet filv Attoini'y ' Im hihI Its tmili- properties hit n - t'hiciiKii, tiHtlfii'M Hint li" h nit hnil iiih iHi il thi- i nrri'i t 15.00 "183.90 573.90 996.30 2209.80 uf KIIM' stomal h It boWi I llo'llilc" illMitnt In women. It 1m the fur thi' roiiiii'llniin wmilil iim.iI 20.00 , 1328.40 2946.40 bv iiflni! H I'l'in'in mid without must widely Insath In to nek for hliln in milliiK to tin' plniiK ,245.20 765.20 11111I lilt- - mil nl 11 il"i till' ui- .'ilu other lueil America lull. iy tlimiK hiiN nf fam- hihI t.ii'rlli'iilliiiiN. If t Ii,- hills It. i - Irini'." All tin' finnlh i mi ui'' riii'iip ilies mi' iinw never without too lilt-l- Ihi- ioiiik H Im nn l.oiinil, In I'epsin, fur tlimi iiiiilii nl iiiiillii'i ulvc If no III. mini' nf lilir Inlllllv has Kiihl, I, lit If Ilu- liKuri'H nri' Hiitlx.'iic-tor- v iiKi-i- you It to babies mi'l ililldien. II In also I'M t l'i'iHln hihI lh" Iiiml .1 thin n i ii iimiid III" l'OU CAN START AN ACCOUNT IIVAW. Willi ANY AMOUNT FROM $1.00 UPWARDS, nJ it l a 11 M II ul. 'I III til.' I. ill Hiuil'l III..' In nnil. i' tiinl roiilrart. loiniiieiue immediately to cam you interest at the rate of four per cent compounded twite a year. nf e'derlv " "I'lr, In f.n t In nil wlm of II hiliiii' ImyliikT ll III Ilu- ri'Kiiliri Lv i in mi ii nf mil' or ttiTit tiilt iiiniii'l Wliy l.f 11 lIl'IIKlliKt, Hl'llll llll- llllllll-M- ;mi Is (.it i i:i V. II. llllill llll I ill S.lltM. I nihilities, pills nr ll iMiMlnl will ili to I'r. aim ii: :ii!ii Tims. WHY NOT START AN ACCOUNT HERE WITH THE STRONGEST SAVINGS BANK IN NEW . 7 Monti-nlln- , HI h I'M. Tli Ml' Hllllllhl lllWilVM I"' WiihliliiKlon . Thi" of thi- nlil Aiiaiin iin. ii'ton MEXICO) i - I i t In III., m.iii)iIi, Ii mi. III. fur nt best their i ff. on'.v unit ii fir'- l,.lt Mil loon, wIlOMI' lilrnKI. W1IM lil ut (ur that iliiv, while u iji'iiiiliii' remedy Wilt 111' lllilll"ll Null Munilay nlRlit. IiimI tilht ii.ikiil the tln-li- - i nliliriiuii to nroiiMlilii iiitio'i, Capital or ut li'iiMt, to nlve thi'in mur,' Him' and Surplus Paid In, Over $300,000 mil1, ii ii l.y MImm - ti tit in in to ili,-,o- of tlu ir Mtm k. Tin- iniini'll SAFETY RALLY IS T ,kiiiu, ilu ( Urullii'iM rii mm k.h,. t until '.'Mh to Mi ll iiiuil( nnil tin- - I ; Miiiiilnlln i hih j Ihi lr utoi k mul lixihri'H. y, n-i- IhIuk iMilaily will ri'iilvi'il. II. II. CniiK'll, ah tli,i ni ; I Co. i . Savings in n Ilu' First Trust HiiilliiK l.iimnioil anil Bank and K. Mr. I.. Iliailfnril mhiik ii u i'iij I ii iiopi Ii tori, mh i liny mi lil lM' Ho' mi, In mul Ihi' V. V. C, A. ili'(s clnii, ATTRACTION FOR ni il iimmuIuihi' o rnnilui't I ho In the First National Bank Building iiiuli-- r llnlr In r tloi whh to onli-nniii'i'- iliir. foni'il ilaii' In tiiiiiillanri' with the to ihi rnrori'. If the ton n , lieu ii'ialliil Tin. hI i i lull nnil the Uli hl iiiolh-- i llnlr lion. Tiny hail r,,lwo In CROWD ih on hrnirii wen' attraetive fi aluri'H. Mloi k tu H'H ami i "nlil nut il h . h Bank URGE m The with the Mi-- Mini;, nit Kinnkllii win fmrcil of Ii In llir time Klvcii hy the elly. Open Saturday Evenings Open Pay Days tu f tu wu i lirol'i mul J. (!. Si vi'i al nl liei Hpoke. Coulil ami Mil S. II. Mllltr nnili'ii'il Tim niayiir suni'Kti i that tli un- - 6:00 P. M. to 8:00 P. M. Efficient Service lilll' HolilM. ril liloeei il W ith III trmilar olili r of 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Addiess'of Mali Hale, Motior niii' of Ihi' lilli ol tin. exi'iiliiK was Ihi iiii'.-.H- . Tim riiUiK( of the nullum "TlH'fc mi- - nil klii'lH of him U hhIi'iim. IIUII.'IH WIIH lIlMlllMHI'll 111 eXl'I'llliVe Pio-Mia- m I iIooi-- 'i Pictuies and Musical Till' H oiii" 1h Iii iimi' j our own hi hhlnii nnil when the Here I.W.ik." ncil, Mayor .kelli'iM milil tiny lunl 21 of Unusual Mciit Fe- il' rlilril In kIii lli. iii iiiiiii- - time I.. mi II. alties of Evening, CiimIi'IIu i ml Lillian Wal it. CiHtal. iil i m i' Tiiiiier. 1'llMllllll'. MotTous' i:i:s4ii.ri it - .NOT TO II I.T OUIH VANt K. Tin- Mifely My I m It I In hint in In nluhl Mayor SelleiM hint nlyht i Ti'ilav uml lonluht. HkalliiK Kink. huiaeler. he Wan lihridelT Kolnn to Sinilii I' e tn and wan never to K seen. At last the here They (io. i 1, 1 ty lunli'r llii' m " of tlii' loinl h.ifi IXeil im the "hi'Ht iiiKiiiiiem III fnvor of f,n- - PASSED BAD IS Itet ii parole Telli'M. The pollll- iiewconier mil th,. one who had "Ma, i'oiiiii'H'h ii ! Heen," where do Ihe trees pot their mniiiilsnloii nf llir SuiilH l''e K.illwny llle it hi thut I've eliin tn SanUl V e. hut If lie Hot avoided lu r In Much marked iimniur. I'llllil' tlic-se- x KOUSD BAR ASSOCIATION TO Ihe leMolullon lulopteil hy the llenia-lilli- i when winter CHARGE AGAINST i.imlmuy, ulliai l, il u Iiiiiii' riuwil. i parole fin ie l.i no record of It In the "My dear," Maid Ihe nvohler. Ih mien comes?" ii "it County Meilli al liit,. In r' - I'.nlti-uiol- it fil of the pun riior, nor at the Mute such a pity when you cull 1 n "In their trunks, my dear." e Hi" f.nt that It wiih Hiiliinl.iy HOLD MEETING MONDAY - that in 14. iiil tu the orillnam pri lil it iik the prlHiin. Tlie re.nilt wiih that Tellec always out always." American. llluhl nnil iiimiv iiiiili. wiin Ininy iln-il- l of a tianitiirluiil wilhln a A. W. Koii.-c-k was ii i i ..I d went hack to lalemhi eoiinly n nil liespondeil Khi' who had been thi ll' Wiili'M yhi,iiiiK. I mi n h mile of the illy limit!. happily cane Wan nlk'ht by Chief of I'olicc Thoiii.m M Tim Mi I li. illllii County II. Amh.m lived tlieie until the Hiiiibbed. , il The iMoliillon ( the Results from Ads, II ill-- i i . i i r, ri Iteil that C.overniir Journal Want MllUn a" liimn. n:ifrt Miiitiiiliil will liulil ii Moiulay called to the .illentlon of f or your "." on warmnt uii'i'tliiK ti i il wan "nut j,mr heim bend mu ri'Mi-riill- i hi inllnn wlllioul clearly iiiHtitiiti-- wHh u ihriiiil ulli tlnn, I MiTioiuild. The a I. niglit ut tin. omim i'i lul Jinlni' iiiliH It uoielnor ropulur MiiKiixIne. passing a wortlili.'ss check Inr l a eimilil uml Unit w Hiilt , ti'lllim the lnwil litinil,, r of lull nlj;t ti. CralM a thorotmh im extlt;ittliin ith the ri lohillly .loiu-s- A. ( de Ibicn, tlie i'n will nuit inii'i on would he tiHele.HK nnh'HH uiMite romii-Ihk- : l'uii, Jr., made thliiKM In irl.illi ii to ln nt the state pi'lnon I lllllrllilil Colil tM," mul City Altol'. that iiilived . lice! wish had a history that plaint. Kdisck was released mi', hmiHi H were iiohllilteil 'from 'llle Tniveli-r- nf iii iiii ll i iii-- today im now out on his mi mnl ollu inllirs .lolui t . I.i'w Im, a puiH'r mi "Clrnr- - and xinrtl.iit wiiuld repeat itself," Judge. $150 bond. llll' Hill I TMIll III II H WHH II tuliereiilar roonieiH. three-yea- r I ill lllU Oil"', Iiib Ihi' lioi ki'l." 'I ll Im will hi- thi' IH.n belated term. have learned much from truveUiif,', Pli-- i Mayor SelleiH mild the iilderiucn Ami very Imm towaiil Ilu, rlliiiluutloii of Ini'i'lHiL' nl u lil. h tin. ofrii i'iu ..I. . I...I In oilier to the man Into truly can declare, i loiieurreil wllh thu phyHleiuiiH In tllll lUl'Vl'llllllill' III! illl'lltM V j, ,, InVcstl-Mal- e UthouKh ,,v y iiuth i' liiiul I'llM'lf,,,. ,,', ' th,. mu eiliur whh compelled tn 111 to the fact that HanltarluniH 1 I'll lllkl'll. . from lieyiniilnH, know that other lands are fair. were Ii'hm diinm-rou- llinn rooiniinj the iusii the Til llltlMrill lU'l.Kliim will III I S .I'l- - Ti.ilay ami lonluht, Hkntlim l;luk. to write to the Hheriff of 'a1elii:la Home Remedy Eczema Iioiihi-- where nlek were ndmllted. lie I have euuiity. to a statement froift neariiid much from tiavi'linn, liitliiinteil Uml uelliin Ik Ii I he taken M'ciire Ah each day ev'ry the offlelnlH mul finally to tourist should, in;,iliii. iiioiiilnij Iioiihi-h- iimn Although our ways appeal to our experience as driiKKisls We advise every skin suffcl'iT a new coiinnltment. TelleH prob- im I know ways III this ciiinmuiiity, He recommeml, ns have I). I1. ala,vi ably. he wan paroled at the that other arc koiiiI. I. rre.s'riition HEWBRD'S RE RPIGIDE SOLVES WATIJJ TltOK.II WW I I ll belicMd an absolutely lellable remedy for si. in baud, (i course all wl1 A lbiHilel-i- u drni.sls i time he ims turned loose in I o ii:vr, m won. leaineil linn h from linn, discuses, the inn for to Ihcm If you i Hi't cu ll,' In . Iran l.l.l. I'itmtIi .Mnyor Selhrs ,iai,l l,unine.Ms nun on (I hope I am not nuliHcri et! ) iHViniii. made in tlie bibora-torle- s but don't accept u big profit su I ll.l. slrei't were MilltlK to fllltllHh II "I am iml iiiiiKim; litis fact kiuniii Altlmiitfli am oiiKim'od t Maude in CliicaKo. This is the ideal stitlltc. any r I THE PROBLEM OF GOO IIAI Nlii'l (in uni for luirsiH uml pay Hie lor polilical reaMiuis fuitlu than know Hint other maids are sweel! home remedy for it has the uilvun-tiiK''- J However, if you come to our water IiIIIh if Ihe elly would piiieluiHe all kom I iimeiit Ih more or polilic- In mill Snsiuan Ifi Alnsec'H, of beliiK a convenient wash, Ih I we have ho iiiiii h eoufideiiee in a pinup. He IhoiiKht IIiIh coulil In" al iiccnriliuir iih it nood or bad. ea'-- to upply and positively harmless - ivt- i mild, iinllseptii' wash llinn. I'm- i, ii ii t Jii or $7. simply want this case tu Illustrate Ihe to the most tender skin. thai liivt ns tiimii. guarantee full-siz- e Imltlc The mnyor mild 11 mnulier of tenniH fact that such things will nut be loh Rives, the first 1.I.I. instant relief from the nnlliin-Le- nf. i i After I'l Sa Iiiiiii iimi mil n nn il expeil Ii- i I 14 I Thirsty tin as We say. If not, pav lemillM lliiln ii I'n tied iiIoiik Firm Htreel uml left in New Mexico. will not permit villi llrint! mi. u lni ,.,. IrritatliiK itch. It penetrates tin- poi s tin- mi i in i i u of ihinilriifi. i.i in I 'i. you Ul'i mi' Ill than Ih.v iiiml. look for tliii," nearly nil day without water. nnylhim.' of that sort so luus as the i'iiikIi". and reachcH the of us also tell about i . il loot the disease whm '.nl i ml, lit a iii.v luiihli'in Hum any ehnlr-mu- n I i.tlur I'lepaiiHluti ami the The liialtei- was referied tn Ihe gineiiiui's office can pieveul It. (In Innkeeper Haven't any, miss, but Immediately. Just a JUe bottle ivill Soa. whh h wan mil moKi'iI until tin- illx- iiiiially 4e t t So beer !h warm. wonderful him of the water eoimniUee "wilh hot know whether there are other the Kllemml,, lilaelter. you H. Di-ii- Co. . eonviiue of this. J. O'Kiclly of .WwItii'm III I iili' ' I'l l l I'l.ii'ii n the Hill ess of (tils KeMlHelilr I'ower in ai l." easiH similar to that of Telle." or not, fl - lill' lii'illK !!)' I' UI h.i t it Im l (4lllz. Ht.lH'1-o- now ei i il lli( (he f City Ch iK II. ChailiH Uoehl lit the but I do nut want liny mich thiiiKH to iii.Ulnii pun ii,li-i- l Iii hiiiinuiiy with linn mil hair reineily the orlil. openliiK oT llle ineetini loiiU Ihii'iy haipen hi the future, so Ioiik um I Him ni w tin-on- Iin oihi'm tl Mutual II. iplelile klllu'llii' ilamlrnn Itilnuti'H to rend the iiiiiuiteH of llll tlie yovcl-nor'- chair." iriui il in kill tin- il iikIiiiH' m ini, ueini. elieii.H fallliiK hair. ll ntiipM KehliiK meetiiiHH held Hlme .litniiary (llh. T ."'im i tin ii. i i i.i i Ii mi im mis pi i' ni of the H.alp aliuoHl IiihIiiiiiIv. eoiim il ha.H In (11 HU.spemliiiK this ' Kips. Midi Ju l,r ill mioil" jiM il. .. I'll ut ,.very niuec tlnn. Tlie Thai I, ji elii,'M llel'plelile in ",11, , ineetins li.Hi' iin IIiIiihii iii,.i llir maikrt; $.( Ilcliaitee Ih ii delicate instrument, a M'Z'H l"i Huhl In ,,11 , 'I ll' I - It. HI' l'llllll'l ll llll'lili' I'l.lllllN. ,,,.r! W, line product, a till nir of biuls, llyhls ,1,1 , , inti e il i, all is II 7 K W ami williniil K k line th.ilu",' III in laiineil. and shailoWH. Anybody who docs not t AM r V m,ii ere lint miIiv iI your Hull in, 'Iii", l.i.l .iioih' hall' tut mum v will IS FORCED 10:believe llils, idcasc stand up. Appar- - he leflimliil, IM - rem In il Ilu- h.i mi- ileljl'i e iif 1. 1. pill, ir-I- litly i ,i I Oily nurccs to the tlescrlp- - . r:i l,wli, ii. thi lemeily m Applieiillolifi ol.l.iimihle at the Km., tion. Wherefore there'ls now related n il ni III., on,, neiiulll,, llillnlrul f haiiier hhupM. Iiimisi on Imvlm; i,..i the example' of the crudest repartee 14' IHI ill Ml m II As a UMlIt llelpll llle lli i pii lilt'. Si 11,1 I He ih piiMam. ful SERVE SEHTENGE yvcr iiuliilKcd In by nuin or woman, A llll- - sample ii iiil Iltnle Matliflril iiMi'i-i- (hail llll olhel ,k t,, 'il,,. Ilelpl, hie ll was in a western city, a plac III. i i , 'o.. u ir umlii,., I'epl I!, lielluil, Mieli. which hud risen to the dignity of huv-In- III 11114 tile I, llNi'l'M ' I'l' me,l, J. II. O'Klelly (',,., Sjieilul AKilltH fashionable suburbs," In which i..!h); N the Inhabitants r, si uted the arriv al of PRISON0 peopl,. wllo "did not I.eloiiK." line day there appeared 111 the community a j money a 3 woman who bad lots of mid 4 E A line ami ornamental lack of tact In dealinu with her neighbors, she called th'laviano ii Tclles, Convicted and tailed and called on the women in 1'?09, Finally Made to Pay the mi Im ill which was "faHlilonabli H nil, HttaiiKC to relate, she could never ritoM iirrtNS', Jl'ST A tiooii MKAU The Penalty by Governor W. C. llnd them "In." MAY BE SO. Mr. 1'iipp I used to pay 4rl one woman particularly disliked her Mr. Hare-Y- on nr a attention to Mr. Rat-Sh- all we take a tt! McDonald, dftectlvc are Mrs, Lion bpfure yott ynii nut? married her. throtiuh the country? .Mr. Lion If she'd married you, trap Mr. llounil Yes. That's why I'm al. she Mr. Mouser-Hav- e you got a ne ways dugKlnu your routsteps. wouldn't have had to so to Heno tn get rid of you. Horse Iihm IiiI t itrri'iiiiiiii-iii-i- i t viiirnittr ,lniirnnl if Erf ET7 ff Santa Fc. Kelt.. ,. .'or a murder .1, ... I. coiniiilited In 1S!I0, one (ictavlatm H Ihree-yea- if Tell, today beiian a r a servlmr Shoe term ut the slale prison, und Hie FOR hisii'iy of his ease ami how he rs-- , aped punishment althoiiali senteincl In IIIU'.I, would like fiction nuy. I', lead llll I'llll'l.'lll of . ;iIM.ll llll k tMiete other than in New Mexico. a Ih GRIPICOUS ni, itiK p;iMi book That the man wan reached at all all'illier , iiili, in o ni.inl only nas due to the perseverance of The loose statements. that all luck: llilll lint olllv i.f thnl, i!,,ern,,r W. c, Mclionald, who mild but Coiig:i loaded with of t'lisimsH Hhlewitiiess. today that iiicthod.H w hereliy thin "innn and Cold cures are ,, i.ii one ,mr leimilned at liberty must stop In New tlope, do not nppVy to tr. Humphreys' b,.eks r 21 Mexico If ll were In th,. power of his "."'even ty seven," which Is strictly office to stop them. Homeopathic und Ih free from all so According to the InvestiKutinn Hit h called dope forming 7 f Under way iiionthN nun by the uov. or habit driiKs. The Citizens Bank eriim'H office, there was a murder 11 aits throuKh the nerve centres, In 1HH0 In Valencia coun- Melt yt i; . i. committed directly on the parts, without dls ty Ti'lles, who mmpl'-lon- , whh under tm bins the rest of the system, ami II cseappd and remained nway for flfleen yeals. He then returned, was tried acts uiiiekly. l'l'e-- I'll I'.llH l lilll S I'. M. and in 1909 he wu Kentenced to three "Sc enly-seven- " breaks up. hard 'fet MUunliiv KieiiliigM, 6 (t ! I". M. years In the state prison In this cli. stubborn Colds that hang on. It Is l'ut Telles nver reached prison.' small vli l of pleusnnt pellets, fits the FAMILY RESEMBLANCE-Th- i A w a Issued for him vest pocket. At your PriiKHist, 25c, HIS IK'f't PATION. sorry ever w11 commitment PROTECTED. Wife I'm I land the sheriff started for Sunt Fc. or mailed. First Hog- -I hear you make your llv-l- n you. by your pen. Mr. Rab'blt--I hear frogs" At Albuquerque a prominent politician: HumphreyH' Co., legs are Th Clubby Not" so sorry llonieu. Medicine feconil Ho-Si- bringing big prlcea tn l,. - Joke. No. I make swell hotels now. I .... t,'rii i .....i ,n- K.t'i You're getting every tW- ' ( rii' inn, ii.i'h ii, ,i,,,ii William SI. New York. Ad,r my living eiwlim or jiUI.ii,-- , uf u, Mr. Frotf-Y- es. fatter j'v, ,;, vm (nwir. thought whin I married ml' iiii'tit from hhn on thn pretetiHn thm on niod1" iiuiv .. fcfice nj o i .m t cr. . row to lovk o much Ilka jour ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1913. SEVEN 1

AW I'll.. j: a I h Superinte- Dippy Dope's Solution How to decrease the High Cost of r. iMi il.'lin V Ii a t Living. ie ndent--- ..l ni p ..f III Mi..t UHl , ,,14. liit'k trliillHtilll)t J..'i V ,. angry tit.H,rpfvv) w iii m it ri.uM : t i 1 1 HIRE- - ( L-- VJ- .- ' . An,.iint CUT NO ONtr WILU W. tVTRY fcAY. Trtt bUTTlft. I V BUTTtR. YOU HvA iFCHMiAM hini-- k- - hini a 'I'm 1 j, red MOST A RLMtDY MA tAWE- - WILL aw I Kl.i.iir.f MND TAKt THtl JUST QMitPtD) , J 0U ( FOR? 1,1, towl. V A V. 'ikVlGWt NOT rAV In il w Iih! In II '.' IT'. TLL fOOL IAME VALUfc IM ) f V J I THeGOCtPlJ NlVtK 1 THE. fjAM I'" Til NO. V. f wfl WfACK BUTTfR I;.ii;iii I'm Jmi I oUQAk I ALWAYS I -rf AV 1 r" ' I ' KNtVJ AGKQiotK FHAVJD THAN nt 15, II. .r in ii )... u y Smith Wlifn . CUT WATCH ME GET &UQAR.; OUT SUQAft DtW J f 4' ,J'jLV-- i..r.'. - l FOR NOTHING MY MANCt'5 r .v "7?. ViKf--Vl.- t read "The H"b- r"' V Mm. ' X.J . Hi.. I lull llirlil .1 jtiw Itandil" j ITT i, JLJL i ix.ii"? j,meN"w you UKSSM.I teHrA h VXLC Ml . iff llw r .i(l tin history of u. r li i :t It if t;,,. Sl.milui il 'il i .lift UK lill'lll 10 Co. ' 'wii .'li m lii'lu il. HIS 1'nl'i:. J : i T HACK A'i'l HIM. WiKlttn. lit In )uii f - Did ' lUrber A .' try m hall i. in'il.:;. f .r li.n-ii- - r Mine? l h' w ay f. r Mm, i... lie Fald K l.i .!jf - tni.i..r .. want's . that v( ti y h ihuio-.- my vhat . . !i.. f i i i t )i,.ir to fall out. it I.IvimU.

BUSINESS MEETING PROFESSIONAL CARDS OF MOOSE LODGE ThJIS AFTERNOON pTlhie ATTORNEYS it. v. i. iti:v w Wamit Aiti.riiiy-ii(4.n- I"' H business Jomrmal will mcctlhf There Columns .'IIH( ifflr in (Ins afternoon at 4:30, ol the Moose N.ilii.iiiil Hunk Hull, I. IF YOU HAVE A WANT TELL IT THROUGH THE JOURNAL Ili', All,i.ii, .ii,., X. M , Mar ill llli' club rooms. All members I urged t" present. uiy lo WILSOV A I I Wis Il is announced that the Moose will Attoi net s at t.nw Wednesday 11 in tit hold another smoker II, Minn 111 Kill Cromwell Tl til 1.1 nar A will . lit tile (lull rooms. boxing nilil for sale. pnnn stora !!.. I'll. .lie l.'.l'.'W; tillice I'lioiia - - nnin 1, In- big Tin- boots if features. P. F. IVIcCanna Close In business lou. 17?, will he singed under tho direction of ttS N. Kccoml 61. Improved business properly. LUUd bUUU FOR SALK Ath- t Levy, of the Ni'W Mexico i " i Mark $2000 (i im.'. bin. cement , if " h: DENTISTS "III f I.- letic (hill, Ullll Rilttlillg , Insurance walks, lawn, i hi. l.i il homes, barn. I'll" k li. .us,., ii. .,llIs n.-- Willi X r"l,,', Ailvini.'. i mi. I'll. mi. ."'I'M ' it ,,,.,, I Angeles, appear In nn I 'or Salu 111, x - X j .iumv u ir, A I.,i.,,m. .iin will S. K.tllh St., close rooms. M...I. .,. will. hoi w.i- il;m ,. ., Ml MT One lot Central Ave.., hctween th & b.,n...., li - .i nn. i event. $2400 hih-k- modern, sleep- modern will linri i,,,- III a Hl. I,.. ill i. In - '""' Surireon smoker will In- nn Invitational lUh Kts Il, lot tile I.,, Tlir ing p..rt h, S. Walter St., corner lot. t"'l. Fourth v..,i.l mi, llot'ins S Haiiiil! I'.ldtf. phone 7(4, Two lots Central Ave., hctween 4th f nt on. A I affair. $1S(HI flame, ui nb lied, bath, bloi ks fl olll post. it II ,'. IM HIS sold Apiiillllllelils M ,,e l,v Mail. Kin. f Eth electric llKhts, near sl ops; rent fiO T $.',""11 I iI n In 1. u li....- -- 4lh & $2.ii0t. A n ml lii'eMi t DI MINt; I.WII. CO-ED- lots Cenlrnl Ave., between a $S00. cash. X .Vol : X S OF UNIVERSITY Three month. on lb .;iulitli sli..,l. I.oi $4000 room brick, modern, hot , Kiubly acres the kind of ANDSURGEO &th St.t. 8. If ."l.'xlMI feet: ill!. Il II! ,ii. ., finest PHJfSICIANS Clh nml Ave. heat, jvell built, good porehea; dee, le t I. Ill, I. nillee Dellillm LOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL Two lots corner Cenlrnl water shude tics This hon-- e )ia T fle trolll I per cenL 'J I'l i. e only $ .r.tlil, A. sntiitii i , m. n Nine acres K.iod land, North I'ourth 11400 tash, thlance modelI ii itiii'i i.s i nn ii(h unitI will with sleep- i A Prncilee Limited to Tuliicnlosls Street. $4000 bunKalow tie sold al a I'.il .4itlll. r limiuishnn nt IIiiiii i: Hi 11! - m land, l.i.s ing corner lot. N. 11th street, iinls :i'i to wiiter; lo I'boiiu 1177 Tin- lliuli Hi lu m wliln ,st, ilii.v Thirty res kooi irilcit.'d porch, le.i t4"a. 8 Co. i 2 2 4 'a W. Cenlrnl ili'fi'utcil tin- - 1'iiiM'i.iily of I ai ntis, X. M. $i:,00 cash, balance per cent. Porterfield let lis tell Soli ill'iil.t Ibis Sillies Ate. 4 land, thlllK-4- Albtiqti..iii,. Sanitarium. Pliolie New i':' to li. t the Brick store Imildinir South Kdith $1800 Ti acres of Ruu't ssllele tiles do SIJ house, barn; north of lT. S Dunbar's A " v. nn in itiilloii Street. frame III It. mi Th K.iiiK' wuh I.ONS A 1'lltT, M.(ll(.llV All W. M. SHERIDAN7M. - rul-Jn- if five-roo- INsl'HWCK 1. - D. i Tin- nuts uirls, hy n frame cottage, Soiilli Arno Indian school. ii. ri iiikI liemlim. ffair. 221 Wisl .old. , iiolill.ti l from Stieel. MONTY TO l,OW. LOANS l.lmii.ii to of tho nif FIRE INSURANCE and (Corni-- r Tltlnl.) iml'-li- lart,'e l.arn, i:. of iiiMiii Inw In wit i ii "n opi ii to tho I'rniie collac, rnmlerii. run: inm hn F0RSALE-- Sec- - Genito Urinary Diseases A Iihuo crowd wilirsM'l he roii-l- i fruit li ml shade trees, North 44 and I, look from cur line. st. ond Street, one A. Fleischer Foil SALI': of 125 acres, i. Diseases of the Skin Tin- - iinivorsily ulrls oiKanizoil only Hix-roo- liilck, modern, Karaite, South Fourth Stn-i-l- . roil si.i. , valley land, g inilea south II 216 West Gold. :, ss 4 nnc-hal- f l.iii;.' The W.isserniiiiin Noyiulil trnin-)n- , :i I., mt mid 1'ix-to- I'm mi liunu.iloss witli and Tcta nml their xhort lawn, one Thou 417 I. lo f of Ali,ii,Uiriue. See Owner, S. Xet fli. si. cplim por, ti. S. street, ill Snlvarsitn ' Hm"." Administered the hiKh mhool 11 hard blocks from car line. i'.hlli Hi oail way. n.ive 1. 111 Lai 1. mi Citizens' Hank I'.iiUdini; I. attic. The xiime wa faxt Hiite of Gronml Floor, State Nt1 fUnk nidf. K.iin al FOR SALE Livestock, Poultry. room llloilll'll lib Albll'iuer.iuo Ncsv Mexico the eiident wide innrttln hy which. the ft frame Hear FOR SALE CII1 RANCH ward s, li,.,,l .' 2 Houses. hiuh school won. l l, H IIAKTS 1UKC.AIXS In egRs from WliiHT luy MIS. U nut in I t MI SM.K - I il eal "ill U.llllS Specialists - t ;j e, .;:,r. Nose, If order Is received at once, ac- at Throat. Ti ii'tliii;. room llio.leril Sle.llll lle.ltcd hoile. houses 1,11,1 lolH A 111, lliillle Stale National Hank P.ldg. v. companied hy cash. Kxtril fancy It. I. '! "I IiVk ii triiHtinn soul.' i:U'I.(ymi:nt ac.i: 710 I: Central W. M. M llli. Ill, 3ti9 V. 351. lolllih wnl.i. II. I'hone 2HI Silver. I'Iioiic reds or nine Andaiuslans per IS, $1.00. .', ;V I to "What'M the reamin, now?" lots, '.mill cotlitti.., . 4a six year, room in. Hi.'. W. Copper. W. (iol.l. " WANTIOh Tcamstera and lal.orcrs, Shipment any time after March 1st In SOLOMON I.. It'll IN, l, lie Ktill think the small day; old fruit tn K, l;ool'lis all.l I hick. Ill M. Jl.T.'., ii and t2.2j caiiiciitcrs. rotat.on as order is bunked. The Itlue Surgeon a chiilico." liclrolt I'rci " .11 houses, ki.i.,1 land nml a. d.i I Phssiclan uiid holders ha. $4 a day: rock men. Y'ard, 137, TIH T. Ill K HT. 1'ics--- . I'oultry Itox I'll, c BUSSHANES Phone 17 I'.ai nelt P.ldg. Water. $l,fif0. lit ill I 'tale A loiiran.'c. I HI S. il M V can supply your help, male or Helen, X. M. MHVIIV TO LOW (Jive us your order. $1 'fi PKH WoRP Inserting classin.-- WOM W.S HOM'I I l, Their 1n. female. roit hT(1iin:. In ii leading papers In t !:;; riiti: ivstnwti: ads the Obsletiies and Oynecology they call fugi- Aeiv Mexico i:iniloyni-n- Agenrjr, following breeds, founda- FOR RENT Rooms. 1'. Adver- What are the kind From the S. Send for list. The Duke Dr. Patterson, Mgr., 723 N, Second St. West Silver. 4 tive poets V" . III tion stock ns Knott as the country pro- tising Agency, !3 Main St.. Los "I hiiiioki they are the ones whose WA.VTfc:i HoTs at' the l.elT.ler. duces: While and IHown LeKhorns. THAXT0N & CO. UKXT- - I in nishe.l room, mod- or 12 Henry St., San Francisco. Mi- - ern. 2 I X S. Walter street. VOICE Mvle Is ch.iscd." Kxchanpe, w.Vxti:iV nwriTt t iiiiiTShefir Hose and S. C. U. I. Iteils, Hlack 211 W. (.old. I'll,, lie LIST YOl'lt property or rooms w;th CULTURE Jlairy. I'. (I. iiox llli. I'hone 1 407 1!. norcas, Itlack White FOIl HKNT Furnished rooms; mod- us, w- - hav e Lquii li't . v. I v div. Hocks Huff Orpiiiutnns. ity !' V Hoy to printing ami ern; no alck. Apply DOS' .Central. Till: M:W Ml Alt () HTAI.TV Mrs. E. L. Bradford Results from Journal Want Ads WAXTKD burn $1.00 per seltiiiK (13); outside WANTED t. dels, Salesmen. W. Silver. Phone HH I ; trade, l.illigow Mfg. Stationery Co. HICNT llooiiia, lurti.shed. ut Ill oil H i.H'iJi; orders, Die per ckr, cartoneil. While Foil 519 W, U'2 .North Second st. 1 i Hotel Denver. v- 401 W. Cold Phone 12:n;V Orpingtons ( Kellcistraus) and Itnrreil SALI.'SM KN inutile your income by Foil SAI.l- Conlectioncry at ( Young (2T.'i-c- 1; 1' mod Cenlrnl. reasonable; cen- JVANTEC WANTKD loan KcntiliKloii Hocks ; strain ), city oiilrrs, $2 sclliiiK the .Kieatest ci,ir trade h'lili VI' l.'nriiislteil. rtioins. Price 20. (lut-ltl- 1 on the market. Casvood 4 HI trally loealcd. Inquire at store. typewriter operator, aite aliout per setting, e orders, r.o per stimulator era. South Seventh street. CMl I". 1:1,1a. Novelty I'll, Dnrfillo, III. AVANTI'.'l) I'osition. hy competent Apply to W. Harden, r.rant vuff, cartoned. Orders of lot) ckhs or Foil HKNT Furnished room with WAXTKD--T- ll a good paving 17 4. lady Htenrturtipher. Tcleplione WAXTKDMan for posiTloil in B''ll-er- al more, 10 per cent discount. Mammoth SALKSAI AN lot our line of paint and board, fill S. Hr.iadwuy. bakery in mining camp. Address I'.os (iile-on- . DAVID M. WHITE ul 20e oils, liberal commission. S N. M. W'A.'l'f;i I'osition us clerk in Keiit!-r- mercantile store. Opportunity Hronze Turkey cjrs's, each nfter lul.rlcatin Foi: HKXT An ijegant front loon, '. x. A i roliect-In- in Ad- March 1. few jiood for Hood West Coast Ib finiin: I y li. merchandise Htore, or for nn Interest the business. cockerels terrltols. fit 4Hi X. 'oiii I h St. Fill! SAI.K-H- owner, a sniill gioc-e- i ll lAtiivi i:it. Address, dress llox .HI, Allinquernue. sale at reasonable prices )nr Spe-clalt- Co.. Sun Fra iicist'u, Cal. v (Fiirtnerly 'J'ci riim lul Inlgalloii flood city reference. HKNT room and MoT.. In suburbs. Ad. (less II.. Fit. siialns Unit lay. ami tin y arc Foil Furnished of New I. A., care Journal. WAXTKD A f,'ool steady man to AMHITIOIS SALKSMKX. Ileal ap- sleeping porch. 215 X, Seventh. car.t Jopi mil. Klucer Mctliti.) tho ones that ay. Visitors ulway-welcom- e. Idling Hail, WAXTKD Ymini? iiinrried man work In our planing mill as helper; pearance, call on merchants in VANTi:i) Young man with small Hoom 2, ling. Yours enus, eK;:;i, Klv.Vf Two tut nislied rooms winheH ponitim us hookkoetier In wnsesi $10 per week. Apply City Hush for crks, (heir territory; elegant side line, con- F'K go.,,1 opportuni- year I for housekeeping, screened poi.-.di- capital for business house in r &. Door Co., First nnd I.end. the nroiind. DIAL IMM'l.TltY venient, to carry, Rood commissions, Kciieral slore or wliolcsiile :t,-.- ty. Call H' W. Central. lt II, I'lione I llox 102, (Hit prompt remittance. Helniont MfK. Inquire 4 5 N. Sixth, ' JAILORS nut of town. A- -l references. 11. 1?., Ml'.X AND W'O.MKX sell nuaraiileed Albuquerque, New Mexico. Co., Cincinnati, o. Foil HKNT Warm, sunny bedroom, Foil SALK Well equipped cigar his office. hose; 70 per cent profit. Make $1(1 In C. CAI'Alil.K wilesnian to coser Vesv reasonable to perion of employ- store fine location. Inquire Ileb LOUIS GIELITZ WAXTKD A yminj? inun wants a po- dully. Full or part time. r.eKinneis Your choice for 2.1 ccnls. Among Optical Co., 110 fi. Second. .Mexico Willi staple line. Iliuh com- ment. 320 S. Kdith. her Ml H II XV I TMIiOlt sition In merchandise or Wear I'roof, SiiaS Chestnut the hundreds of fowls we handle for - - . missions, wiih $ I oil monthly - Win In grocery Have hud experience, St.. I'liiladelphla, I'enna. market purposes are many line birds, udsai Foil HKNT Furnished lo.mi, hiod- COVKRNMKVi decision Complete l ine of Foreign Woolens for brceditiB. We your Permanent position to riMht man. prisiite ranee; no s,k. 119 great land suit against S, p. It. It. ; and can furnish references. Address WANTKD liailway mail clerks, car- desiral'le offer (in; Looms 7 and II. V. T. Aroillo llldg. choice 2.1 our Jess li. Smith Co., Detroit. Mieli, N. Walter street. sweeping victory for government f5. care Journal. riers; good pay, line positions; pay of tluse at ccnls above ordinary pound prices. V. L. 1'carce, S.VI.ks.sJK.N Kx peril-nee- Hy i.arge decision w ill unci I I4, quar- for Instruction you receive posi- Sieeia l'tili HKNT eomloi la lily fur- alter HIS L'ditri on Sieam ter seclmnu, value $7 5,000,000; pre- tion. Liberty Institute, Dept. ZK, South street. Phones salesmen wanted. Sell merchants nished rooms car hue. 44S-(ifl- pare lUilo and piiino contests K'lnrantoclim bent and modern. 723 N. Second. yourself fur final outcome; Mes- Rochester, . V, O. K. PAIti'KI, DKI.IVKHY and scud 25 cents today for detailed In- U'AXTKn Stovo repiiirlnK. W. A. 'l'HKY LAY, they increased business or refund. Kan I'ol; HKNT--.- 'I modern. I in mulled senger 219 W. Gold. I'hone SALKSMKX for .New Mexico and Ari-- : win, Ihey pay. Won formation, description Inn, Is, 'ioff, phone 56S. 205 10. Ontral. one seller. $.'i,0iio aiiiiually. Howard Co., housekeeping rooms, ssitli stable If null's, of zona to handle as side line few urent four firsts, second, at state fair. ' etc. Douglas County Co,, 1911; Atlantic Ave., Hrookls n, X. Y. desired. IIOX S. Kdith. Call eselilllgs. Abstract WAXTKD House buifdins: anil Job values in linKeiie, voiles and other six firsts, two seconds, 1912. Hoscburg, Ore. ' t carpentry. Barton Keller, 721 N. wash dresses. Iteferences required. H. C. H. Uetls, Mottled Anemias, S. WANTKD Traveling men who .un- I ilt HKNT Furnished rooms, Eighth street. 1202W. j C. White Orpingtons, Huff Orpingtons, making small towns and cross-roa- board If desired. 122 V. Mar- - Phone Son, HU e, Herman llartman Fifth FOR SALE-- I'Olt HK.VT Sloreroom and ware-hous- I Silver Laced Wyalidotles I. H. stores, to handle our new and Miteite. Miscellaneous. WAXTKD wiint your cliild. but Ave., New York. and 601 N. I'lrst street. Inquire side-lin- a dude. V.xkh and chicks for sale. We pocket Pass commis- - il only to photograph. Children like WAXTKD For United States army, i''ii! HKNT Ful fionl room FOR SALIC Huggy urn) harness, Alliuiueniun Lumber Co. also do custom batching. L. K. Thom- sion of $4.00 per older. A wllltirf. For ( ; t c, to come. Woodard's Studio, 211 W. able, bodied unmarried men be- In building, ::U W. t'en-- t cheap. 15 W. Cold. as, K Mfg. Co., i.'entral. tween wrcs of 18 and 35; citizens of P. O. Hox )1J. 717 llMZrldiiie. full particulars address l;iu, in I. HI .'ii in beat, moil. in. Inquire 212 Sigcl St., Chicago, III Full SA I. K Smith-Premie- r ispc Trunks, Suit United States, of good character and mr 2000 KrjC, tioiii 2!l. temperate habits, who can speak, To incubators. Ideal wilier, cheap, llox K0, Journal. C a s e s and WANTEDto .heating and imturul ventilation; Foir uiIN'r- - Nicely uTiTirlied front Hand H a g s rend nrul write the Kngllsh lanKitaue. FOR SALK -- Oliver tvpcwrilcr No. , For Information apply to tlecruitlni; freight paid; low- - price; results tiiiar- - room. Willi bo,i;.l; (sleeping pi.rt U ; repair- W.XTi;i) Two rooms rntl hoard in in excclleni coiulition. price $2 ex- Officer. Harnett bldK., Albuquerque. fmloetl; .catalogue sent free. Denver private cntl ime iltid 1 ui ii bath; ed and private family, couple with .one cash. Address 3, Journal. changed. Al- N. M. Incubator Co., 202S Cullfornln St., modern: lirsl lloor; i e.ts.iiiitble, Call ii - U C. K., 1 SALK--I.1111- 1 II q II r t o child. Itcferences. Journal. I 221 Kiglilh. r wagon, almost LKA.JX Al TO.MOHILK UK PA KING, Denver, Colo. X. Foil I'ac-lor- y, 00 T r ii ii k "WANTKD- - ; or 3 furnished rooms I OX Up earr, new il lid set do de harness. 15 pit VINO lo date FO SALK--lilac- k Pcrclieron tftMEfr 209 S. 2,1 for" llnht housekeeping; with electrical, civil engineering. urveylne; .... H. Kdith. lion, No, IU'Iko, around juitniMai FORJRENT St. I'lione 423. m i cened porch, for lady and son. II. rnethodH most practical. Hoom and 1,00(1 Fo'lt'V.M.K" My. slightly used 19 12 lbs. Can show fine colts. Price exclu-o- r 1'., se- TWO good salcsioeii Wanted; in Journal. board while learning; position! , l.ii- - HKNT .Modern Cadillac touring cur. right. Inquire Fran, s tioodrit h, slve territory. Call write li. C. I'tii; furnished and WANTKD I'.y Rentleman and wife, cured; satisfaction gtiarnntcd; cntu-logu- e ela, X. M. housekeeping rooms, week or perfect rollllll lull Also good 111 .'l II ' 1 So nn: nm Frigl-neerin- e, I'ansler, District .Manager, 202 tiiio hot H or 3 rooms llf,'ht housekceplns. free. Nationai School of month, Westminster. Phone 1073. bnggs. Phone 4.11 or sec Hugh Trot- sT.i: for Foil SALK Ksks for hatching. From Kdith St., Cits. M'HINt.S or .11 Ml n. m., House must lie free from sickness. 2110 West 7th, Los AnRelea. ter. ', S. C. W. ornitiKtons, S. C. Khodej !' i II R K.NT - N icely furiilshed 1, 2 Leases Albuquerque poatofflce Kooms lie pre- l.v ril.-- must modern and not WANTKD Yoiiiik men lo prepare island Ileds, H." Plymouth Ilocka ana and a pa rt inentH for light FOi:SALK mlci' nw daily except Si iul.iys nt 6 a. in. viously occupied by sick, rermanent. for positions us automobile chauf- S. C. H. Minorcas. Wm. Hiel., 413 W. housekeeping, "The Knglewood," No. (. Tliis inn. bine is in fifd-clas- s Can carry three passengers at a e M. ,)., Address Journal. feurs, salesmen, repair men. Hit; de- Allfintle Ave, Phone Hx.UV Sitting block, Second nrul Copper. c. ill i ill. Call be bought for time, Firtil conies, first served. t'KI.L extlngii lnhers hn i Ad mand. We piepare you thoroughly In FOIt SALK Kggs for batching if im chemical flic I in eai-b- . issuer needs mon. v. For tickets apply to kill gasoline fires. 500 per cent prof-It- . I, ten weeks and assist you lo position single and rrtso comb U. I. I ted a, dress A .lit lull. i WTNO (J RCI.V, Prop. your own the A. A. Carver Auto Prir.e, Richmond Chemical JTEDM at biK salary. Learn in famous Itetl Farm 1101 S. Ilronilviry. I'lione 7JH WANTKD Hnngalow, modern. ii J. O. p.rnngle, f,09 N. Kightb. Co., Dept. 4.1. Wheeling, W. Vn. home. Free model to each student. strain. brick, I I I rooms. Will rent with pi ivilcKe ' of Ful; HKXT i.ioileru I Ac.Li: TO I'll VI' urn i:, Write today for free first lesson and SALK llaliy clucks nml eggs WANTKD Manager. Kvery city and N. A Co. buyiim? W. K. I... rtill 202 Fdlth. Tbaxtoti Journal. J Springs anil Ml PiiiH full particulars, American Automobile for hiitclilng from S. C. county, handle best paying business N." Paloinas White, For" HI-- : XT Small hoiis.r SO." To 4 & room bun- known, legitimate, new, con- of ( y. WANTKD rent or Institute, llox 74, Los AnRcles, Cal. i.nrt ; ti nil iiruwn .i, k. exclusive the oiinli, trol, or book canvassing. I2lh St. Phoii.. ItillVV. galow; furnished preferred; fourth Hunt, 721 S. Kdith. Phone 1210.1. no insurance lEcgular Transfer. ward; no sick, no children. Address Address ('has. Halstead, 4.1 W. :!1lli FOR I; I'INT modern bouse. mm Kggs hatching, cure Journal. Foil SALK for St., New York: 711 W. Slate, K.. JjLPWAN single comb White Leghorn and Coutes Transfer nml Tdvery Co,, mtOTIIKH A'iKNTS - After twenty ill RKXT 4. 5. ami mod- I ngle. X. M. WAXTKD ( ! i r I for house work. 415 single comb lilaek Minorcas. 724 Real years' experience have discovered W. II. ,, .Million, 215 V. WANTED Estate. WCosil. Silver or phone 2x0. ern bouses. $2.00 article which sells Itself. loo liol.l WANT is7v AssrsluiTt nurse. Shortl-- K Foil SALK-IMi- ro bred Hliodu Island cash roil per cent profit. Sample free. Where l cin:i' Hed and fiscal .'i 'l! I! K.VT - Fis iiotise; Cash uny kind or i.i.amount of Sanitarium. Phono S43. hens cockerels. It Light Co.. Chicago. WM. F. OHLRAU T IIISON, TOPI K V SANTA I B for Llffcrlng. Hernardo, N. M. or unfurnished; modern. one dol- WANTKD- Lady agents. Must talk RAILWAY CO. land In the I'nited States for AHKNTS Make good money selling Inquire Tompkins, COX West Silver. CO. (tore or less. 1'nccrtain titles Spanish. Call Xo. 115 V. Iron Ave. Foil SALK Collie pups, ut The Mint, CONSTRUCTION lievlscil Time Table. lar an Sturdy (Jintlity Hosle.'y Four-roo- cottage; 21K Second street. Knit for FOR RKXT ( AND (Kffi. live December 8, 1911.) Uoughl. J. C. Cillcsiiie, Metropolitan WAXTKD Stenographer. Heply in South boys girls. Ivxcliislvo lei'rii.ii'y f.lATIlM. (iVfll TORS and modern, electric lights and hath. We. I bound. ltldfc., Mlnnea))olis, Minn. experi- SALK A surrey. In- "Kiilt-tin- III II. HI HS own hand writing, stating Foil horse and given. Write for samples, TaW 31.1 X. Fourteenth street. Phone 10X9. No, 114 W. s'lass. Arrives Th'pnrtt ence Hox 575. quire Copper or 919 N. Fourth. buy tiling wholesale 1 Mills, loll Chestnut St., I'liila- We evefj Calilortila Kxpress. 7:25p S : il SALE-Ranc- RKNT 1004 Forester avenue, hes. SAl o7ricr For us to make you 7 1 FOR WANTKD Reliable girl to help wiih Foil o':l;ngTishlFti f delphla. brlcl; house, rooms, large sleeping which enables California Fv press, 0: Op ll:0,r.p general house work. Apply 217 N. pups. 1201 S, Kdith. Phone 1200.1. very low prices. We operate our 9 Cal. Fast Mail 11:I,0p 12:4i, resi-dilie- I IHy porch, hath; modern, furnished or un- No More I'lics. 50) Cents a r 3 . I"u: SAI.K f)li ItKNT Store, 1124. own machinery for making Sash. California Limited 10: 55:1 ll: Thirteenth, or phone FOR IK'M I Inquire K. Frank, 314 N. ranch. 1G01W. Mountain ltd. SALK Team of mules. Inquire Docn for the on the furnished. Doors, Frames, Cabinet work and 19 Du Luxe Cl'liurs.). 7:50u. :U( WAXTKD saleswoman; nt fill S. Hrdadway. I 579. I Fxperieneed market. Sent prepaid on receipt of llli street. I'lione Finish, pine or pak. .asl bound. I'Ol! SALK (II! LKASK Dcst alfalfa Apply Interior cither R one who can speak Spanish. address. Money w li- 10 Overland Kxpress.. OOa 8:25a valley; im- price to any order, FOR RKX- T- Rung. (low, ill filini. We build bungalows for mid truck ranch in well 2 . , 3:f,i,p 4:(biU at Kconomlst. TYPEWRITERS. tile safest way to ictnit. Agents want- ed, modern, coal nml gas ranges, Kastern Fxpress. proved, partly stocked. Also city $i;oa.OO nnd up. We build 4 Cilif.,; r.l.i r;3.',p :00p WANTKD Two lady on ed everywhere. Iliehnrd Tlnk Co., lights, screened sleep, I.lmlled. property; house nt 603 Mar- solicitors electric bath, bungalows for t75o.ini and up. 8 K. C. ,sl Chi i:xp.. (i:r.'.p 8:45p salary. R. H. Hi'-ks- , room 50, Sa- UNDERWOOD TYPEWR1TKH CO. 415 llroadsviiv, New York City. In, Corner Fourth ble Ave. K. J. McMulleii, Journal. lug porch.' Close These are cozy, stylish houses. 20 De Luxe (Wed.),.. 9. nop 9:lop voy hotel. Call 10 12, or 5 to 7. 122 S. Fourth street. Phone 174. 30:! W. Central, to AC KNTS--- I Hop tliiid ones, Awake: and Lead. Inquire Plans furnished free. We can Sollt llboicul, 2!'. 809 Kl P. & M. x. F.xp.. WANTKD A competent second maid ALL KINDS, second-- j Oral Ibis new invention; low priced t'oolil build your homes iheaper than U:20a LOST. both new ami 815 Kl Paso Pa.sscnger :S0a and waitress In family of three re-- ; massage any firm in the city. If hand, boitghtj sold, rented and waterpowcr hmne machine; oilier 811 Peeos Valley 7:45 I.()VT. please adults; good wages. 1015 W. Central. paired. Albuquerque TvpewVlter Kx- - marvelous, new you have no money to build with, Fp.. Silver handbag. Finder magical mysterious; MONEY TOJ-OA- N (Over P.elep .) .121 . ctiange. Phono 144. West (.old money-bac- k you return to Journal office. Rcsvartl. WANTK D A white female"" coi k . Held; big profits ;sold on we can fix out. Nortbboiitid. 4 To up to $10,000 in half-bree- Wages guarantee. Leviis sulls first hour; WANTKD lend Su-- S10 Kl P. 6:00a IX1ST 4 nn d cow; good, pirmanent employ. SL'PPLIKS for all makes. Ilepalra, l'flci. uilli City h . Door Co., From Me. VHi'Mng mi improved Albu- t 8 1( Kl :20p P S on rncnt. References required. C. A. etc. Loinl dealer for I, C. Smith, .Margwatth 22 first day. Address amounts to 1 South Tii-s- Street. From Paso. ... sawed off horns; branded 1 615-52- HliO querque property, O, J, T., Morning Vnlly Hide. H. C. 924 .Mountain Freeman, mesa manager, Tuba Cits', W. c. Heall, W. Central niaekstone Co., Meredith, Toledo. St! From Peca Preston, Cut-uf- i ileal!. Ariz., cure I', y. Indian School. Phone 241. Ohio, Journal. tud till iJJ EIGHT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1913.

' y v FOR TOMORROW AT A. M. FINE DRESS GINGHAMS YARD ? 10 7c ? J ;! A - Pieces New Snrini Dress Ginchams- Extra- Oualitv in Plaids. Strines m I 200' - "v. i and f jjf y X Fancies also Plain Blues, all Select Goods (Not Remnants) on Sale EXTRA (T0 r i ( I SPECIAL VALUES i! t VING t Special aMO a. m. Tomorrow Attend the GENUINE SA SALE of the season. Monday, Feb. 10, 10 a. m. T Y 69c HOUSE DRESSES 69c Big redactions in all departments. The best Y Our I ( linli.Tii Value f"r 5c van!. 25 ? values to be found here. ' piece- - cp'ivr ' iMilianis in ucat pattern-A- n i .line h 'l !! I'cnale ll'.ti-- I ,ul P'H tvlc-: made in t,""l CMi'liciit (ju.ilil v. ( )ti -- ale at Id a. in. ir Y A I' in'. it Mc 'I he teate-- t aluc ? ' )' . ( c Golden Rule Co. A lh' Sale. r e , at Ma in I") The Dry Goods ? vY Sc Yard f Y t 69c Each All Sale Goods Sold for Cash V V Y ? On Sale Tomorrow, February 10, 9 m. Y : at a. Grand Clearance of all LACES Y Y V Don't Miss This Sale It Is Worth Your While. LACE VALUES FOR LESS Y Y Y Y Laces at 10c yard Laces at 25c yard All Over Laces at 39c All Over Laces 79c yd Y Jim piece- - Odd- - an.! J'.nd- - of l.a.c I'.lc, an-- l Here - Onaluy an.l alue. im Wrj in Y t'lean I'p in !1 )vlT .ws in ulntc Here St!e an.l 'alue. i'.eaul.lul pattern, ti.-- I'.au.U l'ine-.- t an-- l .K- in ulute an.l e..l..r.; a ..!!,, ..f Han.U l.are m arietv. ery - . f)f I'ine-- an-- t xirat iieat . 'erv All Lace- - in uiiite. eream Y au.U-.ioo- I.s 4 t Out -- . - to iiul.ey w..!c: values to value, u, 75c a anl; a, ale I ihi, 0 ;, . suable pattern- - m ulu'ie an-- l enu. Value, to Si. 5'). uU ;,,rU.;, Cl)1,., V(.ly Hk.c, jn xvav, Values Y ' .m) -- t.ur. cli. - ,, ,,,!,. t, ,. up uv, a. v eli-i- re v'l vanl. at ale a. m . "iir X;ir,; in., ur - t..uinin.u. your ela.iee. j.,.S.V5() vanl. On -- a'le toin. .rrou, 'a. in'., clinice Y Y lOcyard 25c yard 39c yard 79c yard Y Y Y ? Y Y Y ? Tomorrow's Great Velvet Value PETTICOATS Y V Y 25 Pieces New Silk Paon in all leading shades, a regular 85c An extra special value in Finest Mercerized Satin Petticoats; colors t black, Y yard value, on sale Tomorrow for ' navy, tan, grey, brown & green; values to $2, big; clean-u- p tomorrow Yt Y Y V Y V Y Y 49c yard Choice 98c Y v Y t Y - Y ON SALE TOMORROW TWO BIG SPECIALS Y V Y LONG SILK KIMONOS 5 TIN MESSALINE PETTICOA Y 75 Y -- I'o-itne- ileet l,un Silk Kiin.nn-- , all new : for -- ale. K l.e-- .Mes-ali- IhuiIu tlii Locat tlie t ever ..i'lYrcl at lir.KK'S A SXAl' I'Ok' TOMORROW OXl.- V- 1(XI Satin ne Pctticats. ncailv all in ,lark Y the price. Values sale for ' -- li.ule-. -- to S,5'). On tonmrrow extra heavy iialitv atin. Onlv mie to each On -- ale for Y Y $2.95 Each $100 Each Y Yt Y V Y V Reduced Prices on all Ready-to-- Wear Garments 5 t t Y Y . . . . o Y Y Keaa i ms special value urrer at u Y Y Y Y Y Y Our great 3 in 1 value, High Grade Women's Suits, and Y V Coats Dresses. A splendid combination offer of all Women's Coats, Suits and Dresses; Y t values to $20.00. 1 he season s latest styles; the in Black, , Caracul, Y Y coats and Novelty Mixtures; the Y Y suits, tailoring the best in Serges, Whipcords and Fancy Y Y Weaves, and dresses in very desirable Voiles, Serges, Y Y Mescalines, and Fancy Lingerie. This lot Y Y entire on sale TOMORROW, your choice Y Y Y Y Y Y t Men's Y 500 Men's Hats 100 Men's Suits 300 Men's Suits Fancy Socks at 19c V

Trousers Vc-l"it- All the revv shapes in Fell-- . ("mod stvles; all the desired c There are no hetter Suits than ? Values to 75c Pair Y Values -, ; To aii'l IVihies; all -- ie-: value-t- also staple 'Mine Series these correct styles and color-in- Y S I ; sale price-- - and lilacks; all on sale at iK't feetlv tailored and worth Y Colored Sock Y X $3.50 to S.W.(X); on sale at f For SPECIAL Y Y $14.95 Y $1.95 0.00 5 Pairs for 25c Y : Y Y Y Y I Y Y Y Y w t Y awn ror our oc a Mara oaie or vnaiiies Y Y Y Sale Will ? v This CASH Clearance Continue All Next Week Y t I v