AN INTRO TO Arena Footing

Things to consider

Naomi Waidlich East-West Arena Construction Footing Considerations Why Worry?

You've probably heard the expression, "No hoof, no ." But did you know that poor footing causes lameness? According to veterinary experts, 80% of all soundness issues in can be attributed to the footing on which they're trained. Proper footing in an equestrian arena contributes to optimal performance, overall health and soundness.

• Although it is true that horses evolved to roam across varied terrain, the demands placed upon performance horses in the show ring are different than the physical demands placed upon their remote ancestors racing across grasslands.

• Footing plays an important role in the ability of equine athletes to achieve their potential. Improper footing can prevent a horse from achieving the necessary lift during takeoff before a larger fence, for example, or slow a horse down in a timed event such as barrel racing. Like Goldilocks in the old fairy tale, professional arena footing must be "just right" for the performance discipline.

f t Another consideration when choosing footing, especially for indoor arenas, is footing that minimizes airborne dust particles. Nothing creates an unpleasant atmosphere for spectators at equestrian events like a thick cloud of dust and dirt in the air. It's unhealthy for people and horses. Wetting arena footing suppresses dust, but some footing types, especially synthetic materials, naturally minimize dust exposure. Investing in the best quality footing you can afford can make a great difference between pleasant and unpleasant riding conditions -- as well as in the health and well-being of both human and equine athletes using the arena.

f t Good footing is safer “ for your horse and boosts his confidence. Source: German Geo Textile Footing”

f t Another consideration when choosing footing, especially for indoor arenas, is footing that minimizes airborne dust particles. Nothing creates an unpleasant atmosphere for spectators at equestrian events like a thick cloud of dust and dirt in the air. It's unhealthy for people and horses. Wetting arena footing suppresses dust, but some footing types, especially synthetic materials, naturally minimize dust exposure. Investing in the best quality footing you can afford can make a great difference between pleasant and unpleasant riding conditions -- as well as in the health and well-being of both human and equine athletes using the arena.

f t Does Discipline Matter? Yes! Some disciplines require specific footing depth to prevent injury to equine athletes.

Although this is customized for every arena, some footing choices suggested for specific disciplines include:

or flatwork: Dressage or flatwork arenas are usually spread to a depth of two to three inches with a mixture of sand and wood chips or synthetics. These provide a smooth, groomed yet springy surface for general flatwork. • Jumping: Jumping horses need grip or purchase as well as a soft cushion to land. The footing must be compact enough to provide a springboard for takeoff, yet not so hard as to jar horse or rider upon landing. Footing choices for jumping arenas include firm synthetics spread to a similar depth for a flatwork arena. • : Reiners need a stable footing similar to dressage horses. A depth of two to three inches of natural or synthetic materials is usually sufficient. • Barrel racing, and roping arenas: Many of these arenas are spread with natural mixes containing predominantly sand mixed with soil. A thicker footing is used to absorb the sudden turns and twists needed in these disciplines. • Some footing materials, such as GGT felt and fiber footing, offer a versatile mixture that absorbs the shock of sudden twists and turns of a barrel racer as well as the firmness and purchase needed by a jumper. When used over the right substrate, it provides excellent coverage and texture for equestrian sports. f t

If you’d like more information about what type of footing would be best for your arena, please schedule a free consultation. We’ll reach out within 24 hrs!

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