

of the

Town of Dunbarton Ne^v Hampshire

For the Year Ending December 31, 1946

Annual Reports



OF THE Town of Dunbarton NEW HAMPSHIRE

For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1946 WITH THE

Report of the School District for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1946 AND

Vital Statistics for the Year Ending December 31, 1946

THE CLARKE PRESS , N. H. 1947 ^^51. on

X O .A ! .


List of Town Officers '. 3 Record of 1946 Town Meeting 7 Copy of Current Town Warrant 13 Copy of Budget 16

Copy of Summary Inventory , 18 Statement of Appropriations and Taxes Assessed and Tax Rate 19

Balance Sheet (Statement of Assets and Liabilities) ... 20 Schedule of Town Property 22 Town Clerk's Report 23 Tax Collector's Report 24

Treasurer's Report , 28 Selectmen's Report 30 Detail Statement of Receipts 30 Detail Statement of Payments 32 Report of Highway Agents 39 Report of Trustees of Trust Funds 44 Report of Library Trustees 48

Financial Statement of Blister Rust Control 61 Report of Fire Department 62

Report of Town Forest Account ^ 66 Report of Town Auditors 66 Report of School Districts 69

Vital Statistics 84 Inventory of Property Owners 87 TOWN OFFICERS

Rep. to General Court DAVID M. HADLEY



Treasurer RUTH E. GARVIN


Highway Agent CHARLES E. EARLE

Overseer of the Poor LOUIS D. HOLCOMBE

Collector of Taxes DAVID M. HADLEY



Tozvji Forest Committee


Health Officer WM. H. ZELLER





Sextons WILLIAM A. CALDWELL — Center Cemetery WALTER E. WARRINER — East Cemetery BENJAMIN E. FITTS — North Cemetery


Dog Warrant Officer





School Board




Superintendent of Schools LEWIS FOOTE :


Dunbarton, N. H., March 12, 1946

Meeting called to order and warrant read by the Moder- ator Louis D. Holcombe, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Charles A. Little, Earle H. Stone and Eli N. Noyes served as Inspectors of Elections.

Article 1. Check list posted and polls opened for bal- loting.

The meeting then proceeded to elect the town officers not required by law to be elected by ballot.

The following named officers were elected

Fence Viewers — Walter C. Blackman, John W. Farrar, Lincoln W. Burnham.

Surveyors of Wood and Luuihor — Walter C. Blackman,

Caleb a". Fuller. Jr., William L. Merrill, Frank E. Wood- bury. Lincoln W. Burnham.

Auditors — Earle H. Stone, Iru M. Waite.

Overseer of the Poor — Louis D. Holcombe.

Constables — Walter C. Blackman, Wilfred H. Marshall.

Toi^'n Forest Committee — C. Allen Fuller, Jr., for five years. Frank E. Woodbury, Jr., for four years.

Sextons—William A. Caldwell, Center Cemetery ; George

Herbert Brown, North Cemetery ; Walter E. Warriner, East Cemetery.

Hog Reeves — Robert Horner, Lester Weatherbee, Cyrus

Wheeler, Jr., George Warriner.

Docj Warrant Officer — Frank E. Woodbury, Jr. On motion of William L. Merrill, voted that action on Articles 3-4-5-6-7-9-10-15 be passed over until after the noon hour.

Article 2. On motion of Williami L. Merrill, voted to raise and appro])riate the sum of $3,650.00 to defray town charges for the ensuing year. On motion of Donald B. Montgomery, voted that Article 8 he held in abeyance until after the noon recess.

Article 11. On motion of William H. Zeller, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $25.00 for Memorial Day.

Article 12. On motion of Donald B. Montgomery, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $155.00 for the support of the Library.

Article 13. Motion made by Donald B. Montgomery to raise and appropriate the sum of $215.00 for the care of cemeteries.

Amendment by John G. Pride that this appropriation be allocated as follows: For Center Cemetery, $115.00; North Cemetery, $50.00; East Cemetery, $50.00. Motion passed as amended.

Article 14. On motion of Frank E. Woodbury, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $200.00 for re-checking of an area for White Pine Blister Rust.

Article 16. On motion of William H. Zeller, voted to authorize the selectmen to administer or dispose of any real estate acquired by the town through Tax Collector's deeds.

Article 17. On motion of Frank E. Woodbury, voted to allow a discount of 2^ on taxes paid on or before the 14th day after the tax bills are mailed.

Article 18. On motion of William H. Zeller, voted to authorize the selectmen to borrow money in anticipation of taxes.

Article 19. On motion of Donald B. Montgomery, voted to pass over the article. Article 20. On motion of Joseph E. Sowle, voted that the reports as printed he accepted.

Article 9. On motion of WilHam L. Merrill, voted to appropriate the sum of $300 from surplus, to be expended as follows : —$200 to abolish the cattle pass at land of Warren A. Story. $100 to change road location. On motion of William L. Merrill voted that the Polls be kept open until seven o'clock. Bv consent of the meeting business was again taken up under Article 2.

Article 2. On motion of Helen A. Horner, voted to amend the budget appropriation for town hall expenses to read $1,030 and thereby increase the appropriation for town charges to read $4,180, the additional sum of $530 to be used for the purpose of installing a fire escape on the Town Hall.

Article 3. Motion made by Donald B. Montgomery to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,350 for town highways, that $250 be allocated for Joe Bernatos road. Amendment by John G. Pride to add $500 to the appropriation, this sum to be allocated to Tw4st Hill. Motion passed as amended.

Article 4. On motion of Iru M. Waite, \^ted to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000 for Winter maintenance.

Article 5. On motion of William L. Merrill, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $650.96 for Class V. roads to match a sum of $2,603.84. That this sum be spent on roads that are now tarred and ready to tar, any balance left over from this amount to be expended on T.R.A. roads, namely—South DunbartOn and Bow Roads.

Article 6. On motion of Frank E. Woodbury, voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,700 for town poor and old age assistance.

Article 7. By consent of the meeting, business was again taken up under Article 2. Article. 2. Motion made by Donald B. Montgomery to amend the appropriation made for town charges to read $5,180, that $1,000 of this money be expended for the con- tinuance of the building of the Town Garage. Amendment by Z Robert Strope, that the reading of the motion shall be changed, to complete instead of continuance. Motion passed as amended.

Article 8. No action taken.

Article 10. On motion of Lyman H. Nutt, voted to raise and appropriate $2,300 for fire hose and water holes.

Article 15. Motion made by Frank E. Woodbury to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,000 for the purchase of a road grader, $3,000, to be raised this year, $3,000 in 1947, and $3,000 in 1948. That money be borrowed to finance the purchase of the same.

Amendment by Eli N. Noyes, that the town sell the old tractor, that the money received from the sale of the same plus the unexpended balance of $562.35 appropriated in 1945 for overhauling the old tractor be used toward reducing the payment of $3,000 to be raised in 1946. Amendment to the amendment made by John G. Pride, that a committee of three consisting of Charles Green, Wilfred H. Marshall and Harold L. Burnham be appointed to act with the selectmen in the purchase of the equipment. Amendment to the amendment made by Iru M. Waite that the committee be named from the floor, that one mem- ber of the committee be the newly elected road agent, com- mittee chosen Joseph E. Sbwle, Frank E. Woodbury. Amendment to the amendment made by Iru M. Waite to amend the motion to read that the sum of $9,000 be appro- priated to purchase a road grader, that $3,000 be raised this year less any amount that may be available from the Eli Noyes amendment. Motion passed as amended.

Article 21. On motion of William L. Merrill, voted to accept a gift of four acres of land, Lot 310 from Mrs. Warren Ayer.

10 Polls closed and ballots counted.

Total number of names on check list 307

Total number of ballots given in 145

For Tozvn Clerk David M. Hadley 140

For Tozvn Treasurer Ruth E. Garvin 125

David M. Hadley 1

Earle H. Stone 1

For Selectman for Three Years William L. Merrill 121

John Lessard 1

Ballam 1

For Selectman for One Year Robert F. Baker 120 Donald B. Montgomery 4

Walter Gould 1

Perley Rogers 1

Stockwell 1

C. Bartlett : . 1

For Road Agent Charles E. Earle 73 John G. Pride 52 Kenneth E. Weiss 14 Fred Whittier 2

For Library Trustee for Three Years David M. Hadley 131

11 : :

The followinfj: named officers appeared before the Mod- erator and in open meeting took the oath of office.

" David M. Hadley as Town Clerk.

Rutli E. Garvin as Town Treasurer. Robert F. Baker as Selectman. Charles E. Earle as Road Agent.

David F. Hadley as Trustee of Trust Funds.

The following named officers appeared before the Town Clerk and in open meeting took the oath of office.

Walter C. Blackman, John W. Farrar, and Lincoln W. Burnham as Fence Viewers. Walter C. Blackman, WilHam L. Merrill, Frank E. Woodbury and Lincoln W. Burnham as Surveyors of Wood and Lumber. Earle H. Stone and Iru F. Waite as Auditors.

Louis D. Holcombe as Overseer of the Poor.

Walter C. Blackman and Wilfred H. Marshall as Constables.

Frank E. Woodbury as Town Forest Committee. William A. Caldwell as Sexton.

Frank E. Woodbury as Dog Warrant Officer.

Voted to adjourn at 8 o'clock in the afternoon.

A true record—Attest DAVID M. HADLEY, Town Clerk.

A true copy of record^Attest DAVID M. HADLEY, Tozvn Clerk.

12 :



[L. S.]

To the Inhabitants of the Toivn of Dnnbarton, N . H., in the County of Merrimack, in said State, qualified to vote in Town Affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall in said Dunbarton on Tuesday, the 11th day of March next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, to act upon the following subjects

Article 1. To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing.

Article 2. To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriation of the same.

Article 3. To see what sums of money the town will vote to raise and appropriate for town highways.

Article 4. To see if the town will raise and appropriate a fixed sum of money for winter maintenance.

Article 5. To see if the town will vote to raise and ap- propriate the sum of $653.74 for Class V roads to match a sum of $2,614.94.

Article 6. To see how much money the town will vote to raise and appropriate for care of town poor, dependent soldiers, old age assistance.

Article 7. To see if the town will vote to allow the American Legion post space in the town hall basement for a meeting place.

13 Article 8. To see what action the town will take in adjustinj^ town hall rents and janitor fees.

Article 9. To see what action the town hall will take in allowing the town equipment to be used for hire.

Article 10. To see what action the town will take in regard to closing certain roads subject to gates and bars.

Article 11. To see if the town will vote to raise and ap- propriate the sum of $3,120.00 to meet 1947 payment and interest on grader note.

Article 12. To see if the town will appropriate a sum of money to help rebuild the dam at Stark's Pond.

Article 13. To see how much money the town will vote to raise and appropriate for Memorial Day.

Article 14. To see how much money the town will vote to raise and appropriate for the support of the Library.

Article 15. To see how much money the town will vote to raise and appropriate for the care of cemeteries.

Article 16. To see if the town will vote to raise and ap- propriate money for rechecking of an area for white pine blister rust.

Article 17. To see if the town will authorize the select- men to administer or dispose of any real estate acquired by the town through tax collector's deeds.

Article 18. To see if the town will vote to allow a dis- count on all taxes paid on or before the first of July.

Article 19. To see if the town will authorize the select- men to borrow money in anticipation of taxes.

Article 20. To see if the town will vote to petition the State Tax Commission to have an audit made by the division of municipal accounting and to make an appropriation to cover the expense of such audit.

Article 21. To hear all the Reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees, and other officers heretofore chosen and pass any vote relating thereto.

14 :

Article 22. To see if the town will authorize the selectmen to secure the assistance of the State Tax Com- mission in reappraising the taxable property in the town in order to secure greater equality as between taxpayers, and to insure the assessment of all property in the town on the same standard of value, and to raise and appropriate money to pay for the same.

Article 23. To transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting. Given under our hands and seal, this 19th day of February, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty-seven.


A true copy of Warrant—Attest ROBERT F. BAKER, ' JOHN G. PRIDE, WILLIAM L. MERRILL, Selectmen of Dunbarton.


This certifies that we have examined the accounts of the Town Treasurer, Tax Collector, Road Agent, Town Clerk, Library Trustees, Town Trust Fund Trustees, Selectmen, Town Forest Committee, and found them correctly cast and duly vouched.

Dunbarton, N. H., February 14, 1947.



Estimates of Revenue and Expenditures for tlie Ensuing

Actual Revenue and Expenditures of the Previous

Actual SoTJBOES OF Revenue

FROM STATE: Interest and Dividends Tax Railroad Tax Savings Bank Tax Reimbursement account State and Federal forest lands For Fighting Forest Fires Class V Roads FROM LOCAL SOURCES EXCEPT TAXES: Rent of Town Hall and Other Buildings 102.50 Interest Received on Taxes and Deposits 117.50 Water Departments 40.00 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 577.39

Sale of Town Property acquired by Tax Deeds, Cemetery lots 273.34 FROM LOCAL TAXES OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAXES: Poll Taxes—Regular at $2.00 612.00 TOTAL REVENUES FROM ALL SOURCES EXCEPT PROP- ERTY TAXES $3,036.25 : :


Year January I, 1947 to December 3(, 1947 Compared with

Year January I, 1946 to December 31, 1946

Actual Estimated Purposes of Expenditures expenditures expenditures previous ensuing year, 194() year, 1947 Increase Decrease CURRENT MAINTENANCE EX- PENSES: General Government: Town Officers' Salaries $840.60 $750.00 $90.00 Town Officers' Expenses 383.80 300.00 83.80 Election and Registration Expenses 188.15 125.00 63.15 Bonds and Insurance 1,124.19 1,000.00 124.19 Expenses Town Hall and Other Town Buildings 556.17 550.00 6.17 Protection of Persons and Property: Police Department 25.00 25.00 Fire Department 899 85 400.00 499.85 Moth Extermination—Blister Rust 400.00 100.00 300.00

Health : Health Department, including hos-

pitals , 2.50 10.00 7.50 Vital Statistics 10.95 15.00 4.05 Highways and Bridges: Town Maintenance: Summer 3,072.63 3,100.00 27.37 Town Maintenance: Winter 4,097.80 2,100.00 1,997.80 Town Road Aid 650.96 653.74 ' '2.78 Withholdinjr Tax 187.10 Libraries Libraries 155.00 155.00 Public Welfare: Town Poor 498.00 500.00 2.00 Old Age Assistance 1,110.44 1,350.00 239.56 Patriotic Purposes: Memorial Day and Veterans' Asso- ciations 23.75 25.00 1.25 Aid to Soldiers and families 39.50 150.00 110.50 Public Service Enterprises: Cemeteries 213.00 215.00 2.00 Interest On Temporary Loans 157.07 250.00 92.93 OUTLAY FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND PERM. IMPROVEMENT: New Lands and Buildings 2,052.42 450.00 1,602.42 New Equipment 9,501.83 9,501.83 INDEBTEDNESS: Payment on Principal and Debt: Long Term Notes 3,000.00 3,000.00 PAYMENTS TO OTHER GOVERN- MENTAL DIVISIONS: County Taxes 1,477.99 Payments to School Districts 11,594.40

TOTAL EXPENDITURES $42,237.10 $15,223.74 $514.93 $14,269.21

17 SUMMARY OF INVENTORY Lands and buildings (Exclusive of growing* wood and timber) $330,799.00 Growing wood and timber 43,871.00 Horses. 39 3,805.00 Oxen, 2 250.00 Cows, 246 16,495.00 Neat stock, 38 2,085.00 Sheep and Goats, 85 850.00 Hogs, 29 360.00 Fowl, 3,693 4,778.00 Wood and lumber 6,070.00 Gasoline tanks and pumps, 5 650.00 Stock in trade 2.600.00 Electric lines, etc 189,950.00 Portable mills, 3 1.075.00

Total ' $603,638.00 Less soldiers' exemptions 22,570.00

$581,068.00 AMOUNT OF TAXES AND RATE Total Property Tax assessed on valuation at rate of $5.80 per hundred $35,053.43 Plus 246 Polls 492.00

Total tax committed $35,545.43 ESTIMATED REVENUE Interest and Dividend tax $160.00 Savings bank tax 120.00 Railroad tax 40.00 Automobile permit, fees 450.00 Water rent 40.00 Reimbursement on forest land 12.00

Total $822.00

18 LIST OF APPROPRIATIONS Town charges $5,180.00 Town maintenance of roads—Summer 3,850.00 T. R. A 650.96 New Grader 1,937.65 Memorial Day 25.00 Winter maintenance 4,000.00 Library 155.00 Pine Blister Rust rechecking 200.00 Cemeteries 215.00 Old Age Assistance and Town Poor 1,700.00 County tax 1,477.99 School District 13,398.24 Fire Dept., hose and water holes 2,300.00

$35,089.84 Less—Estimated Revenue 822.00

$34,267.84 Overlay 1,277.51

Committed to Tax Collector $35,545.43 Less Poll Taxes, 246 at $2.00 492.00

To be raised on Property Tax $35,053.43

19 : : :



Town of Dunbarton


111 hands of treasurer (Do not in- clude sinking funds) $7,011.45 Accounts Due to the Town

Due from State:

Fire Bill " 9.22 Bounties 42.50

Unredeemed Taxes (from tax sale

on account of ) :

Levy of 1944 117.68 Sale of Mack truck 250.00 Graveling driveways 69.52 Cable and, etc 6.00

Uncollected Taxes

Levy of 1946 4,115.24

Total Assets $1 1,621.61

Grand Total $11,621.61 Surrplus, Dec. 31, 1945 1.853.52 Excess of liabilities over assets 5,775.22


20 : : :



Accounts Owed by the Town

Due Blister Rust control $42.00 Due Class V roads for S. Dunbarton—N. Bow Roads 2.40 Due E. Dunbarton Road 254.21 Auto Taxes, 1946 for tar on Class V Roads 577.39 Water holes and fire hose 2,300.00 Due Twist Hill road 250.00

Due to School Districts

Dog licenses 174.47 Balance of appropriation 6,614.26 Special $3.00 Polls—Due State 182.10

Outstanding Temporary Loans in Anticipation of Taxes

First National Bank, Concord. . 6,000.00 Library Trustees 1,000.00

Total Liabilities $17,396.83

Grand Total $17,396.83

21 : : :


Description and Value

Town Hall, Lands and Buildings $12,000.00 Furniture and Equipment 500.00


Furniture and Equipment 1 ,250.00 Fire Department, Lands and Buildings 1,250.00 Equipment 1,500.00 Highway Department, Lands and Buildings ... 3,000.00 Equipment 15,000.00 Schools, Lands and Buildings 9,000.00 Equipment 1,500.00 All lands and buildings acquired through Tax

Collector-'s deeds and Gifts Mrs. Warren Ayer, 4 A. No. 310 25.00 Cheney Meadow, 14 A. No. 235 25.00

Lynch Lot, 27 A. No. 1 1 100.00 Maxwell Lot, 20 A 100.00 E. D. Whipple Meadow, 13 A. No. 361 50.00 Batchelder Lot, 20 A. No. 74 100.00 Parker Flanders Lot, 7>^A, No. 11 25.00 Cora A. Johnson Lot, 4 A 20.00 Annie Bangs Lot, 150 A. No. 196 750.00 Charles P. Odette, 40 A. Burroughs land. No. 51 150.00

All Other Property and Equipment Town Forest, 525 A 3,000.00 Antoinette D. Wheeler 30 A. No. 138 250.00 L and E. Johnson, 6 A. No. 300 25.00 M. R. Burroughs, 16 A. part No. 63 300.00

Total $49,920.00


To cash received for 252 Automobile Permits . . $577.39 To cash received for 92 Dog Licenses $224.00 Less fee for 92 Licenses 18.40


By cash paid Treasurer $782.99

23 : : :



December 31, 1946

Lev}^ of 1946


Taxes Committed to Collector

Property Taxes $35,053.43 Poll Taxes at $2.00 492.00


Added Taxes

Property Taxes $34.80 Poll Taxes 8.00

$42.80 Interest Collected .92

Total Debit $35,589.15


Remittances to Treasurer

Property Taxes $30,547.97 Interest Collected .92 Poll Taxes 374.00 Discount Allowed 413.27 Abatements 157.75


24 :

Uncollected Taxes as per Collector's

list: Property Taxes $3,989.24 Poll Taxes 126.00




Levy of 1945


Uncollected taxes as of January 1, 1946: Property Taxes $2,768.23

Poll Taxes—Regular at $2.00 . . . 162.00 Poll Taxes—Special at $3.00 .... 249.00

Added Taxes

2 Poll Taxes—Regular at $2.00. . . $4.00

2 Poll Taxes—Regular at $3.00 . . 6.00


$3,189.23 Interest Collected During Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1946 114.59



Remittances to Treasurer During Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1946: Property Taxes $2,749.07

25 .

Poll Taxes—Reg. at $2. $110.00 Poll Taxes—Special at $3 171.00


Interest Collected During Year .. 114.59

Abatements Made During Year . 159.16



Levy of 1944


Uncollected Taxes as of January 1, 1946: Property Taxes $71.75 Interest Collected 8.17



Remittances to Treasurer During Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1946: Property Taxes $71.75 Interest Collected 8.17



Dr. 1944 1943 Balance of unredeemed taxes, Jan.

1, 1946 $293.45 $14.21 Interest collected after sale 11.48

Total Debits $304.93 $14.21

26 Cr.

Remittances to Treasurer During Year $174.37 Deeded to Town During Year .... 12.88 14.21 Unredeemed Taxes—At Close of Year 117.68

$304.93 $14.21

Unredeemed Taxes from Tax Sales on Account of Levies of 1944: William Proulx $117.68


1945 Poll Taxes

George Mills $5.00 Forrest Skillings 5.00


1946 Poll Taxes

Luella Bell McGuire $2.00 Forrest Skillings 2.00 Thomas Shanton 2.00 Otis Ayer 2.00


Property Tax

Walter C. Blackman $34.80


27 :


Ruth E. Garvin, Treasurer

January 1, 1946 to January 1, 1947

To cash in Treasury, January 1, 1946 $6,406.97


Of David M. Hadley:

Auto Permits, 1945 $6.58 Auto Permits, 1946 570.81

Cemetery Lot -. 10.00 Dog Licenses, 1946 205.60 Poll Taxes ($5.00), 1945 415.00 Poll Tax Interest, 1945 8.34

Poll Taxes ($3.00) , 1945 6.00

Poll Taxes ($2.00) , 1946 374.00 Poll Tax Interest, 1946 .04 Property Tax Interest, 1946 .88 Sale of town maps 1.00 Taxes, 1944 71.75

Taxes, 1945 - 2,768.23 Interest, 1945 106.25 Taxes, 1946 31,098.99

Interest, 1946 • 8.17 Tax Sales Redeemed 174.37 Town Officers' Filing Fees 7.00

State Treasurer

Bounties $31.50 Forest Fire Bills 8.97

28 Savings Bank Tax 98.90 Interest and Dividend Tax 40.14 Railroad Tax 86.45 Reimbursements 1,843.35

Account loss of Taxes, Public Forest Land . . 20.26 Culvert Pipe $10.62 First National Bank Notes 16,500.00 Grader work 202.50 Hall Rent 102.50 Plank 6.72 Ploughing Driveways 2.00 Refund on Lumber 15.00 Sale of plow wings 10.00 Sale of Dugrenier Place 60.00 Sale of Prospect Hill Lot 150.00 Tarring Driveways 71.51 Water Rent 40.00 Water pump, right of way 25.00



Paid town orders $59,553.95 To cash in Treasury 7,01 1.45


29 — —



Detail 1 From Local Taxes

Property taxes, 1946 $31,098.99 Poll taxes, 1946 374.00 Poll taxes, 1945 (Special $3) 255.00 Property taxes, 1944 71.75 Property and Poll taxes, 1945 2,934.23


Detail 2—From State

Savings Bank tax $98.90 Railroad tax 40.14 Interest and Dividend tax 36.45 For Class V Roads 1,058.80 Forest fires 8.97 Loss of taxes on Forest Land 20.26 Bounties 31.50


Detail 3 From Local Sources Except Taxes

Dog licenses $205.60 Interest on taxes 123.68 Tax sales redeemed 174.37 Rent of town hall 102.50

30 Auto permit fees, 1945 6.58 Auto permit fees, 1946 570.81 Reimbursement from T. R. A 547.04 Reimbursement from O. A. A 237.51 Refund on lumber 15.00 Town officers' filing fees 7.00 Sale of property 273.34 Water from Town well 40.00 Plowing and graveling driveway—Grader work 276.01 First National Bank, Concord, N. H., Tem- porary Loan 16,500.00

$19,079.44 Total Receipts 55,158.43

Balance on hand Jan 1, 1946 6,406.97


31 : : —


Detail 1 Salaries and Expenses of Toxvn Offircrs

Salaries Robert F. Baker, Selectman $125.30 William L. Merrill, Selectman 163.80 Donald B. Montgomery, Selectman 27.00 John G. Pride, Selectman 61.50 Ruth E. Garvin, Treasurer 100.00 David M. Hadley, Town Clerk 50.00 David M. Hadley, issuing auto permits 63.00 David M. Hadley, Tax Collector 150.00 Louis D. Holcombe, Overseer of Poor 50.00

Iru M. Waite, Auditor .' 25.00 Earle H. Stone, Auditor 25.00



Edson C. Eastman Co., supplies $9.80

J. G. Pride 1.30 Merton Rumrill, supplies .10 David M Hadley, making 7 deeds and Revenue Stamps, recording 6 deeds, postage and sup- plies 59.07 Clarke Press, Town Reports 205.00 Wilbur Weatherbee. Selectman, expenses Trans 24.00

Katherine Crowley, list of conveyance and Recording deed 20.49 Sargent Bros., Printing tax Bills 8.15

E. J. Ireland, health officer 3.00 State of N. H. law books 10.00 William L. Merrill 4.50 Wheeler & Clark, supplies 26.60 Brown & Saltmarsh, supplies 2.29

Ruth H. Averv. Tax Collector's Asso., dues . . 2.00

32 —

Clias. R. Hardy, Town Clerk's Asso., dues . . . 2.00 Asso. N. H. Assessors, dues 2.00 L. D. Holcombe 1.50 Robert F. Baker 2.00


Detail 2—Election and Registration

Lamson Advertising Service $3.00 Louis D. Holcombe, Moderator 18.30 Harlan A. Noyes, Supervisor 18.00

Ed. J. Ireland, Supervisor 8.00 L. Webster Burnham, Supervisor 40.00 Stanley Lovell, ballots 6.85 Charles A. Litde, Ballot Clerk 18.00 C. Allen Fuller, Ballot Clerk 12.00 Earle H. Stone, Ballot Clerk 18.00 Eli N. Noyes, Ballot Clerk 18.00 Wm. H. Zeller, Supervisor 45-46 28.00


Detail 3 Care and Supplies for Tozvn Hall

Public Service Co. of N. H., lights $141.52 Dunbarton Telephone Co., telephone 43.18 Joseph Dulude, janitor service. 227.75 Merton D. Rumrill, supplies 66.22 Robert Tucker, mowing lawn 22.00 Ernest Dugrenier. wood 49.50 Donald B. Montgomery, thawing pipes 6.00


Detail 4—Fire Department

William L. Merrill, Warden $33.89

Public Service Co., lights (Includes School) . . . 132.20

33 ——

D. B. Montgomery, trucking 3.00 Sanel Auto Parts Co., supplies 27.41

W. H. Marshall, supplies and freight bill 6.54

Schumacker Motor Express, express on pump . . 3.20 W. S. Darley & Co., new fire pump 464.33 W. B. Burnham, installing pump 57.72 Sidney Flanders, supplies 1.65 Ralph George Motor Co., supplies 3.35 Merton D. Riunrill, supplies 136.56 Robert F. Baker, janitor 30.00


Detail 5 Bounties and Blister Rust

William L. Merrill, bounties $19.00 Donald B. Montgomery, bounties 4.50 John G. Pride 3.50 Robert F. Baker 15.50

John H. Forster, State Forester, Blister Rust . . . 400.00


Detail 6 Tozvn Highway Maintenance

Charles Green, Road Agent

January 1 to March 12

Town Appropriation, Winter $3,197.70

Outstanding bills paid by Selectmen's orders. . . . 460.58


Charles E. Earle

March 12 to January 1

Town Appropriation, Summer $2,572.63 Bernatas Road 250.00

34 — —

East Dunbarton Road 2,412.60 Twist Hill Road 250.00 Town Appropriation, Winter 341.72 Withholding tax 187.10 Truck repair 97.80


Detail 7—Nezv Equipment

Caterpillar Grader $8,032.67 Plow and Wing for Grader 1,371.67 Chains for Grader 97.49


Detail 8 Health and Vital Statistics

Ed. Ireland. Health Officer $2.50 David M. Hadley, Vital Statistics 10.25 Vira M. Holmes, Estates Lists .70


Detail 9—Library

Library Appropriation .- $155.00


Detail 10 Memorial Day

Norris W. Corey, Honor Roll names $2.75 Merton D. Rumrill, flags 6.00

Mrs. H. B. Gould, Speaker's fee to Red Cross . . 15.00


35 ———

Detail 11 Cemeteries

William A. Caldwell, Centre $125.00 Walter E. Warriner, Sexton, East 38.00 Benj. Fitts, North 50.00


Detail 12 Unclassified

Discount on taxes $413.27 Abatements, 1945 property 19.16 Abatements 1945 Polls, 28 140.00 Refund to 'Road Agent, tarring driveways 131.03 Right of way, South Dunbarton Road 200.00 Ofif Road Work 32.40 Abatements, 1946 property 137.75 Abatements. 1946 polls, 10 20.00 Bonds 108.63 Insurance 1,015.56 Refund to Road Agent from T. R. A 547.04 Refund on 1945 taxes 35.00


Detail 13 Charities

Direct Relief, Town cases $498.00 Old Age Assistance 1,1 10.44 Aid to Soldiers 39.50


Detail 14 Interest

Interest paid on temporary loans. Lib. note .... 50.00 First National Bank of Concord, N. IT 107.07


^A — ——— :

Detail 15 Temporary Loans

First National Bank. Concord, N. H $10,500.00


Detail l^Tozvn Road Aid

Paid State of N. H. (Town's share) $650.96

$650.96 Detail 17 Payments to Other Governmental Divisions Merrimack County, tax $1,477.99 Alice M. Hadley, School Treasurer Balance of 1945 appropriation 4,716.02 Dog tax. 1945 94.40 Part of 1946 appropriation 6,783.98 State Treas.. special 1944 Polls—29 at $3.00 87.00 State Treas., Interest on $3.00 Polls 2.97 State Treas., special 1945 Polls— 188 at $3.00 564.00


Detail 18 Damage by Dogs

Wheeler & Clark, dog licenses, tags and notices $10.63

Frank E. Woodbury. Jr., Dog Officer 10.00 George Cote, hens killed by dogs 10.50


Detail 19 Toivn Garage

Charles Green, lumber $125.00' R. H. Wescomb, trucking 20.00 Octave Dulude, labor and material 890.47 New England Box Co., lumber 147.60 C. E. Earle, Road Agent, trucking 27.34 West Side Lumber Co., lumber 10.06

37 —

Muir Lumber Co., door and supplies 20.44 Concord Lumber Co., lumber and bricks 56.42 John Untiet, electrical supplies and labor 60.02 John G. Pride, labor 1.20 Wilfred Marshall, labor 1.00 Merton D. Rumrill, supplies 149.87 Boutvvell Lumber Co 7.00


Detail 20 Fire Escape

Lyons Iron Works, Inc., fire escape and labor . . $530.00 Ray E. Reed, labor 6.00


38 :


Charles Green

Total Expenditures $3,435.90

Balance and Refund 1945^—

Refund : $27.50 245.55


January 31 $500.00 February 23 600.00 March 5 750.00 March 11 1,347.70

Total Deposits $3,443.25 Total Expenditures 3,435.90

Balance in bank $7.35 Armand Audet $332.00 Auto Electric Co 1.39 Robert Baker 1.80

Bouchard Welding Co ' 16.00 Caselini Venable 3.99 Carroll Crosby 24.30 Roger Des Rocher 252.65 Joseph Dulude 9.60 Donald Dugrenier 9.60

Fred Dugrenier • 7.20 Maurice Dugrenier 9.60 Arthur Emerson 1 1.30 Sidney Flanders 7.20 Allen' Fuller 16.20

39 GotTstovvn Road Grader 15.00 Charles Green ." 86.62

Deducted from lumber bill of July 31, 1946. . . . 27.20 R. C. Hazelton Co 56.30 Hedge & Matthesis 95.10 Albert Hodgman 16.70 Henry Hodgman 67.86 Horace Hodgman 16.70 Kinne Electric Co 1.00 Walter Kellett ' 9.00 Edwin Leighton 4.20 Leonard Luksza 15.60 Lyons Iron Works .75 Morris Maclver 18.00

Mack Motor Co 1 12.47 Manchester Sand & Gravel Co 14.86 Wilifred Marshall 259.30 William Markey 22.60 Merit Oil Co 6.25 New Hampshire Explosive Co 92.16 Henry Prescott 4.80

Rice's Garage • 176.77 M. D. Ross Chev 110.18 Merton D. Rumrill 206.10 Sanel's Auto Parts 90.56

Floyd Skillen ' 105.50 Forrest Skillen 18.60 State Highway Garage 50.06 John Stickney 13.70 John Sweeney 96.30 Robert Tucker 13.70 Donald Untiet 153.50

John Untiet • 27.50

J. B. Varick Co 11.23 Kenneth Weiss 9.20 Fred Whittier 679.20 Frank Woodbury, Jr 28.50

40 :


March 12 to December 31

Charles E. Earle


March 30, 1946 $475.00 April 26, 1946 500.00

May 6, 1946 500.00 May 24, 1946 500.00 June 24. 1946 250.00 July 19. 1946 185.00

August 5. 1946 300.00 August 29, 1946 250.00

September 12, 1946 797.04 October 25, 1946 250.00

November 6, 1946 500.00

November 30, 1946 . 500.00 December 31, 1946 141.72

$5,148.76 Credit from T. R. A $547.04 Credit from driveways 130.93

$677.97 Tractor House 27.34



December 31, 1946

Raymond Untiet $2.40 George Untiet 237.3Q Donald Untiet 343.55 Charles Boynton 52.30 John Schmil 86.30 Maynard Hill 3.60 Walter Gould 12.00 Fred Whitter 30.83 Lois Earle 16.88 Rane Dugrenier 12.30 Maurice Dugrenier 13.40

Freddie Dugrenier 1 13.60 Ernest Dugrenier 355.36 Henry Shick 1.20

John Bartlett • 44.70 Richard Dulude 33.60

Allen Savage • 15.30 Robert Lindbloom 38.80 John Swindlehuist 37.80 Donald Ballam 93.40 John Wheeler 16.20

Elmer Warriner • 50.50 John Warriner 20.40 Walter Warriner 21.60 Henry Caldwell 301.30 Frank E. Woodbury, Jr 18.50 Frank O'Brien 76.60 John Sweeney 201.40 Boyd Maxwell 14.00 Gustav Gruhn 78.40 Chas. E. Earle 1,327.95 28.57 Roger Des Rochers , William E. Bedders (bulldozer) 11.00 State Treasurer, sand 1 1.45

42 J. W. Farrar. gravel 28.00 Town Forest Committee, gravel 57.40

. N. J. Nassikas. gravel . '. 6.00 Kenneth Weiss, labor, gravel 69.70 Southwestern Petroleum Co 119.59 Mack Motor Truck Co 26.30 Archie's Garage 14.30 Lamora's Garage 4.50 Southwestern New Hampshire Transportation Co 1.79

New Hampshire Explosive and Machinery Co. . . 90.00 Prison Industries 91.98 Socony-\^acuum Oil Co 59.91 M. D. Ross Chevrolet Co 46.85 Rice's 90.29 Casellini-Venable Corp 94.78 Sanel Auto Parts Inc 42.20 R. C. Hazelton Co. Inc 167.16 Merton D. Rumrill 421.30 Lyon Iron Works 12.65 Railway Express Agency 7.16 Supplies 31.00 O. Waite 9.25 First Nat'l Bank service charge 7.34

$5,221.84 Total Deposits 5,148.76

$73.08 Twist Hill 239.03 Bernatas Road 248.35 East Dunbarton Road 2,535,70 South End cut off 54.00 Winter Maintenance 598.93 Summer Maintenance 1,528.59


43 pug %v puuii uo auiooux JO 'l'!U


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47 : :




Cash on Hand January 1 $89.99 Interest on Note 50.00 Town Appropriation 155.00 Fines 3.88

Total Receipts $298.87


Library Service

Maud Anthony . $1.50 Mary Papakalos 8.00 Emma Dudley 42.00 Edith Swindlehurst, Asst 6.25


Janitor Service: Richard Dulude $18.50

Supplies Book pockets and cards 6.00 Repairs on Clock 8.00 State Library for binding book .58 Books 183.36

$274.19 Cash on Hand 24.68


48 In Hands of Trustees

Manchester Savings Bank $336.55 Chase Endowment Fund (Town Note) 1,000.00 Balance on Hand December 31, 1946 24.68


49 1


Books in Library since January 1, 1946 4152

Books discarded since January 1, 1946 30


Books bought since January 1, 1946 217

Books given since January 1, 1946 135


Total 4474

Books in circulation since January 1, 1946:

Fiction 321

Non-Fiction 203

Children's 857

East Dunbarton 30

Total 4301

Fines taken since January 1, 1946 $17.80

EMMA A. DUDLEY, Librarian.



Allan, Francis—First Come, First Kill.

Allen, Jane— I Lost My Girlish Laughter. Allingham, Margery— Pearls Before Swine. Ashton, Helen—Yeoman's Hospital.

Babson, Naomi Lane—All The Tomorrows. Bailey, Temple—Tomorrow's Promise. Bailey, Hilea—The Smiling Corpse. Baldwin. Faith—No Private Heaven. Baldwin, Faith—Woman on Her Way. Banning. Margaret C.—Yon Haven't Changed. Brand, Max— Silver Tips Search. Brand, Max—The Stolen Stallion. Brand, Christianna—Green for Danger. Brush, Katherine—The Boy from Maine. Burnet, Dana—^The Pool. Burns, Sheila—Jenny W. R. E. N.

Cannon, Le Grand— Mighty Fortress. Chase, Allen—The Fine Arrows. Chappe, Eli—Guns of the Oregon Trail. Champagne, Miriam G.—The Cauliflower Heart. Chamberlain. George—The Red House. Cheyney, Peter—The Dark Street. Christie, Agatha—Remembered Death. Christie, Agatha—The Secret of Chimneys. Cole, Jackson The Frontier Legion. Coles, Manning—The Green Hazard. Coles, Manning—The Fifth Man. Cochran, Hamilton—Silver Shoals. Cohn, David—Combustion On Wheels. Costain, Thomas B.—The Black Rose. Coxe, George H.—Woman At Bay.

51 Daly, Elizabeth—The Book of the Dead. De La Roche, Rozo—Return to Jalna. De Paolo, Peter—Wall Smacker. De Sherbinin. Betty—My Bread Alone. Disney, Dorothy Cameron—The 17th Letter. Du Maurier, Daphne—The King's General.

East, Roger—Candidate for Lilies. Eberhart, Mignon G.—Wings of Fear. Elwood, Muriel—Heritage of the Rover.

Farley, Walter—The Black Stallion Returns. Farnol, Jeffery—A Jade of Destiny. Flaring, Kenneth—The Hospital. Fenisong, Ruth—The Lost Caesar. Field, Peter—The Road to Laramie. Frame. David—Mr. Pinkerton at the Old Angel.

'Gardner, Erie Stanley—The Case of the Substitute Face. Gay, Romney—A Joke on Cinder. Gay, Romney—Hi-Ho For the Country. Godden, Rumer—Black Narcissus. Gooden, Arthur H.—The Valley of Dry Bones. Gorden, Jan—Death in the Wheelbarrow. Gould, R. E.—Yankee Storekeeper. Gregg, Cecil Freeman—2 Died at 3. Gregory, Jackson—The Hermit of Thunder King. Grey, Robin—Puzzle in Porcelain. 'Govan, Christine Noble—Jennifer's House.

Halliday, Brett—Murder is my Business. Halleran, E. E.—Thirteen Toy Pistols. Hamilton, Harry—River Song. Hancock, Agnes Lucy—Community Nurse. Harris, Corra—In Search of a Husband. Harris, Katherine—Navy Blue Lady. Hauck, Louise Piatt—The Little Doctor.

52 —

Head. Matthew—The Devil in the Brush. Hill, Katharine—Case for Equity. Hill, Grace Livingston—All Through the Night. Hillyer. Laurie—Time Remembered. Hobson, \Vilder—All Summer Long. Hoffman, W. D.—Gun Johnnies of Texas. Holt, Tex—Trail of Lost Men. Holding, Elizabeth—Net of Cobwebs. Howard, Mary—Family Orchestra. Howe, Helen—We Happy Few. Howie, Edith—Cry Murder. Hull, Helen—Hawk's Flight. Humphries, Adelaide—Ann Star, Nurse. Hurst, Fanny—Anitra's Dance.

Innes, Michael—Appleby's End. Irish, William—After-Dinner Story. Irvin, Helen Douglas 77 Willow Road.

Janney, Russell—The Miracle of the Bells. Jennings, John—The Salem Frigate. Jordan, Elizabeth—Page Mr. Pomeroy. Joscelyn, Archie—Sign of the Gun.

Kerr, Sophie—Love Story—Incidental. Keyes, Frances Parkinson—Honor Bright. Keyes, Frances Parkinson—River Road. Kenerne, Richard—Coroner's Verdict, Accidental. King, Rufus—Murder in the Willet Family. King, Rufus—The Deadly Dove. Knight, Kathleen Moore—Stream Sinister. Kossak, Zofia—Blessed Are the Meek. Kroll, Harry Harrison Fury in the Earth.

Langley, Adia Locke—A Lion in the Street. La Roche, Allison K.—Dear Dead Professor. Lawrence, Hilda—Time to Die.

53 Lea, Fannie Heaslip—Anchor Man. Leaver, Samuel—Handy Andy. Lee, Babs—Passport to Oblivion. Leonard, Charles—Expert in Murder. Leslie, A.—Phantom Riders. Little. Constance—Great P>lack Kamba. Liebman, Joshua—Piece of Mind. Litsey, Sarah—There Was a Lady. Lobaugn, Elma K.—She Never Reached the Top. Lockridge. Frances and Richard—Pay-off for the Banker. Lutz, Grace Livingston Hill—The Enchanted Barn.

Maclnnes, Helen—While Still We Live. Macharen, Ian—Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush. Macdougald, Roman—Whistling Leg. Manning, Roy—Trigger Trail. Marks. Percy—The Days are Fled.

Marquand, J. P.—Repent in Haste. McCard, Joseph—His Wife, the Doctor. McCulley, Johnston—The Cougar Kid. Mervin, Sam, Jr.—Knife in my Back. Mervin, Sam. Jr. —Message from a Corpse. Meyrick, Gordon—Body on the Pavement. Miller, Carolyn—Lebanon. Miller, Helen Topping—Shod with Flame. Millhauser, Bertram—Whatever Goes Up. Moore, Ruth—Spoonhandle.

Norris, Kathleen—Mink Coat. Norris, Franck—The Octopus.

Oalum, Se—Miribilis Diamond. O'Hara, Mary—Green Grass of Wyoming. Osborne, Lelita—Through Purple Glass.

Paschal, Nancy—Clover Creek. Papashivily, George and Helen—Yes and No Story,

54 Perry, George S.—Walls Rise Up. Phillpotts, Eden—They Were Seven. Pollock, Elizabeth R.—Yes Ma'am. Porter, Eleanor H.—Sister Sue.

Quentin, Patrick—Puzzle for Wantons. Queen, Ellery—The Murdered is a Fox.

Rame, William—Who Wants to Live Forever. Ransome, Stephen—Hearses Don't Hurry. Reilly, Helen—Murder on Angler's Island. Rhode, John—Shadow of a Crime. Reisenberg, Felix. Jr.—The Man on the Raft. Rinehard, Mary R.—Alibi for Isabel. Ripperger. Henrietta—The Bretons of Elm Street. Robertson, Willard—Oasis. Roden, H. W.—One Angel Less. Rosman, Alice—Protecting Margot. Rowe, Anne—Too Much Poison. Ryan, Jessica—The Man Who Asked Why.

Sackett, Bert—Hurricane Treasure. Sanders, George—Crime on my Hands. Saragan, William—Dear Baby. Sawdon, B. M.—Son of Normandy. Sedgwick, Anne Douglas—Tante. Seifert, Elizabeth—Doctor Ellison's Decision. Seifert, Elizabeth—Old Doc. Seifert, Elizabeth—Thus Doctor Mallory. Shann, Renee—Airman's Wife. Shriber, lone Sandburg—Pattern for Murder. Slaughter, Frank—In a Dark Garden. Slaughter, Frank—Battle Surgeon. Spinelli-Marcas—Assignment Without Glory. Stevenson, D. E.—Miss Bungle's Book. Stoddard, Ann—Topflight. Street, James—The Gauntlet. Streatfield, Noel—Theater Shoes.

55 Tal)er, Gladys—The Family on Maple Street. Taylord. Rosemary—Ridin' the Rainhow. Taylor, Phoebe—Sandbar Sinister. Thanet, Octave—The Man of the Hour. Thompson, Sidney—Dr. Parrish Resident. Tuttle. W. C—The Wolf Pack of Lobo Butte. Treat. Lawrence—The Leather Man.

Van de Water, Frederic—Fool's Errand.

Walker, Dorothy—She Married a Doctor. Wells, Helen—Cherry Ames, Army Nurse. Wells, Helen—Cherry Ames, Chief Nurse. Wells, Helen—Flight Nurse. Wentworth, Patricia—Silence in the Court. Wescott, Glenway—Apartment in Athens. West, Tom—Bushwack Basin. Westland, Lynn—Over the Frontier Trail. Wilson, Mitchell—None So Blind. Wylie, L A. R.—Ho, The Fair Wind. Wynne, Pamela—Rainbow in the Spray. Wood, Clement—Death on the Pampas. Wright. Harold Bell—The Calling on Dan Matthews.

Yates, Elizabeth—Winds of Spring. Yerby, Frank—The Foxes of Harrow.



Orations Bryam, William J.—The World's Famous (10 volumes) Coleman, Satis N.—Volcanos Old and New. Craw^ford, Mary C.— Social Life in New England. Dimmet, Ernest—The Art of Thinking. Fowler, Gene—A Solo in Tom-Toms.

56 Goethe- Faust—A Tragedy. Grayson, David—Adventure in Contentment. Green, John R.—English People (History)

Headland, I. J.—Court Life in China. Hill, Stanley G.—Morale. Hopkins, Arthur W.—Pep, Pills and Politics. Irving, Washington—Oliver Goldsmith. James, Marquis—The Cherokee Strip. Lauder, Sir Harry—Roamin' in the Gloamin'. Marsh, Irving T.—-Best Sport Stories. Masefield, John—Live and Kicking Ned. Mitchell, Edwin V.—It's An Old New England Custom. Nicolay, Helen—Born to Command (Eisenhower.) Mills, Marjorie—Cooking on a Ration. Peek, George—Why Quit Our Own. Poole, Ernest—The Great White Hills of New^ Hampshire. Rathbone and Tarkley—Fabrics and Dress. Rich, Louise Dickinson—Happy the Land. Roosevelt, Elliot—As He Saw It. Wishard, John F.—Twenty Years in Persia. Wolfert, Ira—American Guerrilla in the Philippines.


Atlee. Marjorie Hill—The Road to Carolina. Atkinson, Margaret—How to Raise Your Puppy. Ambler, Eric—Cause for Alarm. Anderson, Hans Christian—The Snow Queen. Ashmun, Margaret— Stephen's Last Chance. Aspenwall, Alicia— Short Stories for Short People.

Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin—Miss Hickory. Baldwin, Arthur Sou'wester Goes North. Barbour, Ralph Henry—Finklers Field Blocklinger, Betty—Glamour Incorporated. Berger. Helen—The Mystery of World's End.

57 Bcrnhard, Josephine—Lullaby. Blake, Gladys—At Bow View. Brown, Marion and Edith—The Tale of a Monkey. Brown, Edna A.— Polly's Sho]). Brown, Edna A.—Three Gates. Brock, Emma L.—Drusilla. Burgess, Thornton The Boy Scouts of Woodcraft Camp

Clymer, Eleanor—Little Bear Island. Coatsworth, Elizabeth—The Kitten Stand. Carbet, Sidney—The Cruise of the Gull Flight. Crane, Alan—Gloucester Joe. Crosby, Carroll—Ronnie and the Wise Old Owl. Dearborn, Blanche—Aleck and His Friends. De, La Rame—A Dog of Flanders. Dix, Beulah Marie The Little Captive Lad. Driggs, Laurence—On Secret Air Service.

Emerson, Caroline—The Little Green Car. Evarts, Hal G.—Fur Sign. Eyre, Katherine-—Star in the Willows.

Field, Rachel—Just Across the Street. Forbes, Helen—Apple Pie Hill.

Gay, Romney—The Funny Noise. Gay, Romney—Conny and Uncle Dick. Grimm—The House in the Woods. Gilbert, Heln Earle—Mr. Plum and the Little Green Tree. Gordon, Patricia—Rommany Luck. Gray and Arbuthnot—Friends and Neighbors. Grady, William—Childhood Readers. Grinnel. Glo.—Jack Among the Indians.

Hancock, Lucy Agnes—Nurses' Aid. Harris, Laura—Away We Go. Hill and Maxwell—Charlie and His Kitten Topsy. Hilles, Helen Train—Cowboy Holiday.

58 Jacobs and Richards—-Blue Bonnet in Boston. Jones, Mary Alice—Tell Me x^bout Jesus.

Keene, Carolyn—The Secret of Shadow Ranch. Keene, Carolyn—Nancy's Mysterious Letter. Keene, Carolyn — Mystery of the Tolling Bell. Keene, Carolyn—Message of the Hollow Oak. Keene, Carolyn—Cue in the Crumbling Wall. Kuh, Ciiarlotte—A Train, A Boat and an Island.

Lathrop, West—Northern Trail Adventure. Lehman, Agnes C. —Beyland Jan. Lenski, Lois—Strawberry Girl. Lawson. Marie A.—The Sea is Blue. Larentowicz, Irena—What's in the Trunk. Le Grand—Capin Daw and the Hole in the Doughnut.

Morgan, Helen—Mistress of the White House. Molloy, Anne—Coast Guard and Greenland. Mac Intyre—Susan Who Lived in Australia. Maloney. Tom—Isabelle, Elizabeth. Mala}', Lois—Toby's House. McKinney. Fanny—Blue Heron Cove. Maril, Lee—Mr. Bunny Paints the Eggs. Medory, Marjorie—The Story of Criss Cross Corners. M. Bianco—Penny and the White Horse.

Nesbitt, Phil—Nicholas Needlefoot.

O'Brien, Maurice—Rory O'Mory. O'Malley, Ruth Power— Mrs. Cassatt's Children.

Paul, Grace—Four Friends. Price, Edith B.—The Happy Venture. Price, Edith B.—Blue Magic. Price, Edith B.—Turn of Tide. Petersham, Maud—The Rooster Grows. Petersham, Maud—Iron and Steel. Phillips, Ethel C. —Jeanne Marie and her Golden Bird. Pinkerton, Kathrene—Windigo.

59 Read, Helen S. —An Airplane Ride. Robinson, Lincoln—Jack's House. Robinson, Lincoln—Two Boys. Rockwood, Roy—Dane Fearless after a Sunken Treasure, Rounds, Glen—Whitey and Jinglebob.

Schmidt. Sarah—Ranching on Eagle Eye. Slobodkin, Louis—The Friendly Animals. Sondergaard-Arensa—My First Geography of the Pacific. Stollberg, Doris—Little Dutch Toyland. Sutton, Margaret—The Rainbow Riddle.

Tarkington, Booth—The Image of Josephine. Truesdell, June—The Morgue the Merrier.

Van Abkaude—Brown Sails and Silver Guilders,

Wadsworth, L. A.—The Bronze Arrow Mystery. B. Jungle Waldeck, J. — Journey. Wells, H. G.—The Adventure of Tommy. Wheeler, Susan—Bobby Beaner. White, Robb—The Lion's Paw.


Responded to a total of 14 alarms of Fire during the past

year as follows :

5 Chimney, cause; not clean, no damage.

1 Grass, caused by burning rubbish, no damage. 4 Oil burners, caused by flooding, one of which entailed a loss of $100.00 which was covered by insurance.

1 Outhouse, destroyed, caused by careless smoker.

1 Abandoned Icehouse, destroyed, cause unknown, dam- age of $100.00 to Church by exposure.

1 House and Barn plus contents, cause unknown, Value of property and contents $9,470.00 Insurance paid 5,675.00

Loss not covered by insurance $3,795.00

A clean chimney does not get afire.

Every user of an oil burner should have at least one first aid Fire Extinguisher on hand, preferably a vaporizing liquid type, foam or carbon dioxide, with everyone in the household familiar with its operation.

Good housekeeping and care with matches, engines, fuel, electrical appliances of all kinds will pay in reduced fire losses.


62 !


Our forest fire record for 1946 was perfect, let's keep it the same for 1947. Be careful when burning, have some water handy before

starting, an old broom is very useful in keeping a fire from spreading.

Don't burn when the ground is dry enough for a fire to

run, try to do your burning after four P. M. on still days.

Always get a permit before starting a fire ; sign both copies, return the bkie copy at once to your Fire Warden. They have to be sent to the District Fire Chief on the 15th and 30th of each month.

1946 Fire Record

Mumber of fires Acreage burned Number fire permits issued 50

WILLIAM L. MERRILL, Forest Fire Warden.


Prevention is one of the most important phases of all fire

effort. This is particularly true of forest fire control work. Preventing forest fires preserves valuable forest growth and other property, conserves man power and permits their use in productive channels, saxes taxpayers' money and con- serves fire fighting equipment.

The prevention of forest fires is the most important and difficult part of the work of your forest fire warden who

63 —

heads a local organization set up primarily for the security of your community's forest property. Appointed by the State Forester, upon recommendation of the Selectmen, he

is charged by law with the responsibility of local administra- tion of forest fire laws, fire prevention and suppression. In

his work he is aided by deputy forest fire wardens who, in emergency, may assume his power and authority. The

warden is guided in his work by instructions received from the State Forester and by the District Fire Chief who repre- sents the State Forester.

The im])ortance and value of the work of the forest fire

warden and his deputies is, perhaps, best appreciated during

hazardous periods when fire danger is greatest. The public,

however, looks to him at all times for speedy and economical

suppression of going fires.

To properly fulfill his mission, the warden needs the gen- erous and understanding cooperation of the public at large. He attempts to secure this cooperation by the posting of caution notices, news items and by word of mouth, always carefully explaining the necessity of restrictions imposed. In the matter of giving cooperation, however, the public

often fails. The record shows that an average of 7,300 acres of woodland are burned over by forest fires in New Hampshire each year. Analysis of fire causes reveal the fact

that more than 98 percent of all forest fires are, consistently, the result of human carelessness and are preventable. The careless smoker fails to properly extinguish his cigar, cigarette or pipe ashes or thoughtlessly throws them from

the car window ; the debris burner fails or refuses to consult

the warden, as the law requires when the ground is not cov-

ered with snow, before attempting to burn ; campers fail to properly extinguish their fires or frequently build fires when conditions are unfavorable.

The elimination of human causes from the forest fire

problem is the answer. This is not as difficult of accom-

plishment as it might appear at first glance. Let each one who reads this

64 !

1. Use ordinary common sense with fire in and near woodland.

2. Comply with requirements on the use of fire in and

near woodland and when the ground is not covered with snow, secure written permission to burn from the forest fire warden.

3. Be careful when smoking in or near woodlands. Don't throw lighted material from moving vehicles.

4. Cooperate with and assist the warden and urge others to do so.

5. HELP YOUR FOREST FIRE WARDEN PRE- VENT FIRES—his efforts are only as effective as is the cooperation you give him

THOS. J. KING, District Fire Chief.




Balance in Bank, December 31, 1945 $955.86 Received for Gravel 57.40

Total Receipts $1,013.26 Balance in Bank, December 31, 1946 $955.86 Two U. S. War Bonds 148.80 Cash on Hand 57.40

Total Assets $1,162.06


, Secretary-Treasurer.


This certifies that we have examined the accounts of the Town Treasurer, Tax Collector, Road Agent, Town Clerk, Library Trustees, Town Trust Fund Trustees, Selectmen, Town Forest Committee, and found them correctly cast and duly vouched.

Dunbarton, N. H., February 14, 1946.


66 : :



To the Inhabitants of the School district in the tozun of Dunbarion, N. H., qualified to vote in district affairs

You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall in said district on the 8th day of March 1947, at 8 o'clock in the afternoon, to act upon the following subjects

1. To choose a Moderator for the coming year.

2. To choose a Clerk for the ensuing year.

3. To choose a Member of the School Board for the en- suing three years.

4. To choose a Treasurer for the ensuing year.

5. To determine and appoint the salaries of the School Board and Truant Officer, and fix the compensation of any other officers or agent of the district.

6. To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees, or Officers chosen, and pass any vote relating thereto.

7. To choose Agents, Auditors and Committees in rela- tion to any subject embraced in this warrant.

8. To see if the district will vote to make any alteration in the amount of money required to be assessed for the en- suing year for the support of public schools and the payment of the statutory obligations of the district, as determined by the school board in its annual report.

9. To transact any other, business that may legally come before this meeting.

67 :

Given under om- hands at said Dunbarton this 23rd day of January 1947.


A true copy of Warrant—Attest MARY I. STONE, MARION C. ZELLER, LOUIS D. HOLCOMBE, School Board.

68 : :


For the Year Beginning July 1, 1945, and Ending June 30, 1946


From State, State Aid $2,836.98

Income from Local Taxation

For the support of elementary- schools $5,003.60 For the payment of High School

tuition .^ 2,800.00

For salaries of district officers . . 150.00

For payment of per capita tax . . . 202.00 Other obligations 250.00

Total $8,405.60

From sources other than taxation

Dog licenses $94.40 Other receipts 1.00

Total $95.40

Total receipts from all other sources $11,337.98

Cash on hand at beginning of year July 1, 1945 581.36

Grand Total $11,919.34

69 :


Louis D. Holcombe, Member of School Board $36.30

Marion C. Zeller, Member of School Board 41.00

Mary I. Stone, Member of School Board 39.50

Mary I. Stone, Secretary of School Board ' 25.00 David M." Hadley. Clerk 8.00 Robert Baker, Moderator 7.20 Alice M. Hadley, Treasurer 20.00

$177.00 Superintendent's Excess Salary 192.06 Truant Ofificer and School Census 15.00 Expenses of Administration 75.81

Teachers' salaries

Grace E. Mack $875.00 Ida M. Parsons 868.75 Sarah M. Ames 1,200.00 Marion S. Dearborn 384.38 John C. Lylis 146.25 Katherine Bartlett 235.00 Ruth L. Arnold 258.33 Marjorie L. Frink 6.00 Marion C. Zeller 5.00

$3,978.71 Textbooks 121.06 Scholars' supplies 161.22 Flags and appurtenances 6.45 Other expenses of instruction 156.77 Janitor service 148.00 Fuel 214.50

70 :

Water, light and janitor's supplies 41.08 Minor repairs and expenses 431.46 Medical inspection, Health supervision 241.07

Transportation of pupils

Eh Noyes $344.00 Gale Dudley 1,013.00 William Zcller 1,133.00 Cleophas Morrissette 559.00 Maynard Hill 112.00

$3,161.00 High School Tuition 1,964.66 Per capita tax 202.00 Insurance and other fixed charges 179.83

Total payments for all purposes $11,467.68 Total cash on hand at end of year, June 30, 1946 451.66

Grand Total $11,919.34


This is to certify that I have examined the books and other financial records of the school board of Dunbarton, of which

this is a true summary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1946, and find them correctly cast and properly vouched.


July 9, 1946

71 :



Elementary Schools Support of Schools

Teachers' Salaries $6,000.00 Text Books 150.00 Scholars' Supplies 200.00 Flags and Appurtenances 10.00

Other Expenses of Instruction . . 175.00 Janitor Service 150.00 Fuel 400.00

Water, Light, Janitors' Supplies . . 90.00 Minor repairs and expenses 500.00 Health Supervision (Med. Insp.) 300.00 Transportation of Pupils 4,500.00 Other Special Activities 100.00


Other Statutory Requirements: (Est.)

Salaries of District Officers $200.00 Truant Officer and School Census 15.00 Payment of Tuition in High Schools 4,000.00

Superintendent's Excess Salary . . 275.00 Per Capita Tax 184.00 Teachers' and Superintendent's Retirement 195.00

72 Other Obligations imposed by Law or Dist 300.00


Total Amount Required to Meet School Board's Budget $17,744.00

Estimated Income of District

Balance June 30, 1947 (Estimate) $600.00 State Aid (December 1947 Allot- ment) 2.800.00 Dog Tax 100.00

Deduct Total Estimated Income (Not Raised by Taxtaion) $3,500.00

Assessment Required to Balance School Board's Budget $14,244.00

This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from ofificial records and is complete and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.



75 :


Alice M. Hadlev. District Treasurer.

For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1946


Cash on Hand June 30, 1945 (Treasurer's Bank Balance) $581.36 Received from Selectmen, Appro- priations for current year .... $8,405.60 Dog Tax 94.40

Received from State Treasurer . . 2,836.98

Received from all other sources. . 1.00


Total amount available for fiscal year $11,919.34 Less School Board Orders Paid ... $11,467.68 Balance on Hand June 30, 1946 451.66



This is to certify that I have examined the books, vouch- ers, bank statements and other financial records of the treasurer of the school district of Dunbarton, N. H., of which the above is a true summary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1946 and find them correct in all respects.


74 Financial Statement, Dec. 31, 1946.

Cash on Hand $1,012.00 Cash Due from Town 6,614.26



To the School District of Dunbarton:

I hereby submit my annual report as Superintendent of Schools.

Tlie current school year opened with two changes in our

teaching stafif. Mrs. Marion Hayes, who previously taught in Farmington and New Boston, was engaged as teacher of the primary room at the Center, and Mrs. Elizabeth Fottler of Weare, formerly a teacher in Claremont, took over the grammar room at the same school. These two teachers re- placed Mrs. Marion Dearborn and Mrs. Ruth x\rnold, both of Concord, who came to us in the spring of 1946 and com- pleted that school year. Miss Sarah Ames returned to the Montalona School. The situation at the Center School has been very satisfac- tory during the past year. Mrs. Dearborn and Mrs. Arnold, together with Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Fottler, have given us a healthy school atmosphere. The increased appropriation for teachers' salaries made at the district meeting last spring has certainly paid dividends, and the policy should be continued if we are to have effective teaching. Miss Ames has continued her fine work at Alontalona. She has been handicapped by an unforeseen increase in scholars. As you will note from the statistics attached to this report, the number of pupils at this time is more than double the number enrolled last year. Twent3'-nine young-

sters (at the present writing) in a small room is indeed a problem to challenge any teacher in an eight-grade room.

76 With the cooperation of the Women's Club of Dunbarton we have been able to institute a noon lunch ]:)rograni in our schools. At the Center School the Federal Proj^rani has

been set u]). with Mrs. Annie Delude preparins^ the meals. With but limited facilities at Montalona the noon lunch program had to be carried on in a less pretentious manner. Through funds made available to New Hampshire schools by the Federal Government, we were able to purchase dishes and equipment at small cost to the district. Such reim- bursement, together with an allowance of 9c per meal per

child, has made it possible to carry on a worthwhile noon

lunch program. It is my sincere hope that it will be possible to again carry on the program next year during the winter months. The annual estimated budget prepared by the school board for the consideration of the district at the annual meeting shows an increase in two items,—teachers' salaries and tuition for high school pupils. The former is obviously

necessary if schools such as ours are to continue to properly

educate children of Dunbarton. The teacher problem is still acute. Not only is the supply of teachers inadequate to meet the demands of the schools of the state, but the number of trainees in our teacher-training institutions is insuf^cient to meet the annual turnover in the schools. Just as long as industry continues to pay current wages, the supply of teachers will continue to be insufficient to attract potential teachers and, particularly in the case of Dunbarton, to retain present teachers, high salaries for teachers must be forth- coming. If districts fail to recognize this fact, the quality of teaching in our schools will decrease, and the children of our towns will be the sole losers. The increased amount for high school tuition called for in the school board's budget is necessitated by not only an increased number of secondary pupils, but also by increased tuition charges. The present rate of tuition in neighboring high schools is approximately $125 (the average of the state), while two years ago the costs were $100.

77 In closing I should like to express to the School Board, the teachers, and the townspeople of Dunbarton my appre- ciation of their cooperation and support in our joint efforts to give the children of this town the adequate schooling to which they are entitled.

Respectfully submitted,


Feb. 2, 1947

78 STATISTICS, 1945-1946



Center, Grades 1-4 Center, Grades 5-8 Montalona, Grade 1-8

Total 72 :


The school nurse submits the following report for the school year September, 1945 through December 1946.

About eighty-five pupils were weighed, measured and examined in September, the beginning of the school year. The following report shows the number of children affected at that time

Defective vision, 5. Number of defects corrected 3.

Defective teeth 50. Number of defects corrected 22.

Diseased tonsils 7. Number of defects corrected 0.

A toxoid clinic, an immunizing treatment for diphtheria was given Dec. 18, 1945. Seventeen school children, those from the first through the fourth grade, and seven pre- school children received the treatment. On March 19, 1946, eleven school children had their second treatment. The Patch test was given March 15, 1946 to forty-four pupils. These tests are for the purpose of finding children who may be presenting early symptoms and signs of tuber- culosis. Should there be a positive reaction to the test, it should be followed by a chest X-ray in order that prompt treatment may be prescribed. We are to give the Patch test again in January to those who were not in school to take it last year. All the Dunbarton school children are enjoying a hot noon day lunch this year.

EDITH G. WALKER, School Nurse.


Meeting called to order and warrant read by the Clerk, David M. Hadley at eight o'clock in the afternoon.

Article 1. On motion of Louis D. Holcombe, voted to instruct the clerk to cast one ballot for Robert F. Baker for Moderator for the coming year.

Article 2. On motion of Louis D. Holcombe, voted to instruct the Moderator to cast one ballot for David M. Hadley for Clerk for the ensuing year.

Article 3. On motion of Donald B. Montgomery, voted to instruct the Clerk to cast one ballot for Mary L Stone for Member of the School Board for the ensuing three years.

Article 4. On motion of Louis D. Holcombe, voted to instruct the Clerk to cast one ballot for Alice M. Hadley for Treasurer for the ensuing year.

Article 5. On motion of Mary L Stone, voted that Article 5 be taken up with Article 8.

Article 6. Voted to accept the reports as printed.

Article 7. On motion of William H. Zeller, voted to instruct the Clerk to cast one ballot for Agnes Marshall for Auditor.

Article 8. On motion of Donald B. Montgomery, voted to increase the budget from $4,500 to $5,000 for teachers' salaries.

On motion of William H. Zeller, voted that the total assessment to cover budget and appropriation be amended to read $10,248.24.

!1 Article 9. On motion of Frank E. Woodbury, Jr., voted to take up Article 9 with Article 10.

Article 11. On motion of William H. Zeller, voted to purchase two teachers' desks and two chairs and raise and appropriate $150 for the same. By consent of the meeting action was again taken on Articles 9 and 10.

Article 10. On motion of Frank E. Woodbury, Jr., voted "that the transportation routes be open for bids.

Article 12. On motion of Charles Bartlett, voted to install a central heating system in the Center School, that a com- mittee be appointed from the floor to consider the purchasing of the equipment and report at an adjourned meeting. Com- mittee chosen, Donald B. Montgomery, Sidney Flanders, Louis D. Holcombe.

Article 13. On motion of Donald B. Montgomery, voted to pass over the Article.

Article 14. On motion of Agnes Marshall, voted that the Sweeney children be transported to the Center School for the remainder of this year, next year and for an indefinite period.

On motion of John Sweeney, voted to return to Article 8.

Article 8. On motion of Richard S. Frink, voted that the budget be amended to an additional sum of $500 for transportation of the Sweeney children to the Center School.

Article 15. On motion of Catherine A. Fuller, voted to adjourn the meeting four weeks from this date at eight o'clock in the afternoon,

April 6, 1946, 8 P. M.

Article 12. Report made by Donald B. Montgomery for the committee appointed to consider the purchasing of heat- ing equipment for the Center School. Motion by Donald B. Montgomery that the School Board be empowered to pur- chase a central heating system for the Center School.

Amendment by Sidney Flanders that the School Board and the committee previously appointed investigate heating

82 :

installations in otlier school buildings and work together in the purchase of the heating system. Motion passed as amended.

On motion of Donald B. Montgomery, voted that the sum of $2,500 be raised and appropriated for the purchase of the same.

The meeting went on record in favor of a forced hot air system.

The following named officers appeared before the clerk

and in open meeting took the oath of office.

Robert F. Baker, as Moderator.

Mary I. Stone as Member of the School Board. Alice M. Hadley, as Treasurer.

Agnes Marshall, as Auditor.

The following named officer appeared before the Mod-

erator and in open meeting took the oath of office.

David M. Hadley, as Clerk.

Voted to adjourn at 30 minutes past 9 o'clock in the after- noon.

A true record—Attest: DAVID M. HADLEY, Clerk.

A true copy of record—Attest DAVID M. HADLEY, Clerk.

83 • WW

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leal Estate Viilues $550.00 Personal Real Estate Property Values Values Blackman, Shirley 1 poll Blackman, Walter C, 346A Home. Nos 226, 197, 200, 227, 233, 265, 299, 228 2,725.00 1,250.00 Blackman, William, (Ex.) Blanchard, Pliney A. & Marion H., 84A Home, No. 35 3,200.00 620.00

Bogdanove. Abraham J., and Pearl W., 8A Hon.e, No. 167 3.500.00

Boisvert, A. J., 145A Home, No. 365 3,500.00 940.00

Boisvert, Lydia 1 poll Bowie. Elmer, 3 A Home. No. 168 800.00 Boynton, Jesse G., and Marguerite R., Home No. 85-84-218>^A 7.600.00 215.00

Boynton, Robert 1 poll Brown, George H., 3A Home, No. 71 800.00

Brown, Nina 1 poll Buffum, Annie E., 95 A Home, No. 65 2,600.00 Buffum, Francis. (Ex.) Buffum, W^illiam, (Ex.) Burnham. A. L., Heirs. 186A, No. 132, 160, 247, 268 800.00

Burnham, Dorothy M. 1 poll Burnham, Harold L., 129A Home, Nos. 260, 129, 220, 264 2.200.00

Burnham, Hoyt 1 poll

Burnham,' L., Webster, 320A Home, Nos. 332, 263 4,700.00 1.441.00

Burnham, Myra P. 1 poll Burnham, Weaker H., Heirs, 77A Home, Nos. 290, 292 1,700.00

Carroll, Ed. S., (Ex.)

Carroll, Sara C. 1 poll Personal Real Estate Property Values Values Caldwell, H. M. & E. F. S., 61A Home, No. 120 1,200.00 70.00 Caldwell. Wm. A., lA Home, No. 142 1,600.00 Conron, Carl E. and Katherine P., 160A Home, Nos. 214-221 3,800.00

Conron, John P. 1 poll

Conron, Kay Ann 1 poll Clary, Geo. and Esther AL, 31A Home, No. 22 500.00 Cote, George F., 112A Home, No.

?>7?> 900.00

Cote, Grace 1 poll Crawford, Phoebe, lA Home, No. 38 2.100.00

Crosby, Gladys 1 poll

Crosby, R. W. e^ C. H.. 131A Home, No.^ 99, (Ex. $1,000) 2,100.00 Crosby, Wayne R., (Ex.) Ciirrie. Warren, ^A Home, No. 169, (Ex. $1,000) 2,000.00 Davis. Gomer S., 41 A Home, No. 329 2.000.00 70.00

1,700.00 75.00

Dixie, Mary E. & Anna L. Philbrook, M. D., 5A Home, No. 143 2.000.00

Doucet, Helen 1 poll Doucet. Rodney, lA, Part oi 338 800.00

Dow, Inez 1 poll Dow, William, Heirs, 105 A Home, No. 350 1,800.00

Dudley, Emma 1 poll

89 Personal Real Estate Property Values Values Dudley, Gale, 3A Home, No. 259 ($1^000 Ex.) 2,000.00

Dugrenier, George 1 poll Dugrenier, Ernest, 120A, Nos. 130, 230,323 650.00 625.00

Dugrenier, Hilda 1 poll

Dugrenier, Leon 1 poll Dugrenier, Matilda A., 139A Home, No. 353 1,800.00 1,315.00 Dugrenier, Maud, 8A Home, Nos. 349, 351 750.00 172.00

Dugrenier, William 1 poll Dulude, Anna, 7A Home, No. 187 1,150.00 130.00

Dulude, Gertrude 1 poll Dulude, Robert P., South Part 60A, No. 190 (Exempt $350) 350.00

Dulude, Joseph 1 poll Dulude, Octave, 3A Home, 70 350.00 Dunbarton Tel. Co., ^A Home, No. 174 2,000.00 Earle, Alfred, Heirs, 22A Home, No. 76 1,200.00

Earle, Annie 1 poll Earle, Chas. E., 9A Home, No. 258 800.00 70.00 * Earle, Lillian 1 poll

Earle, Lois 1 poll Ellis, Warren, 3A Home, No. 208 ($400 Ex.) 400.00

Ellis, Ada 1 poll Ellis, William, 2>^A Home, Part No. 206 ($100 Ex.) 100.00 Emerson, Arthur, 138^A, Nos. 127, 206,231,239 800.00

• Evans, Lewis 1 poll Farrar, John W., 145A Home, No. 80 (lOOA Class) 2,500.00

90 Personal Real Estate Property Values Values Farrar, John W., Jr., (Ex.) Fitts, Benj., 29A Home, No. 67 1,800.00 105.00

Fitts, Carrie 1 poll

Frink, R. I. & M. L., 125A Home, No. 215-217 3,000.00 240.00 Flanders, Sidney. 2A Home, No. Part 190 (Ex. $300) 300.00

Fuller, C. Allen, Jr., 282A Home, Nos. 140, 149; part of 213 4,450.00 220.00

Fuller, Cathreine 1 poll

Fuller, Caleb A. 1 poll 75.00 Fuller, Charlotte A., 140A Home, No. 96 5,400.00 Garvin, Ruth E., 102A Home, No. 97 3.100.00 140.00

Geddes, Edna 1 poll Geddes. Leland, 113A Home, No. 100 1,400.00 43.00

George, Evelyn S., 6A Home,

No. 16 ' 1,700.00

Godbout, Mary L. 1 poll Godbout, Rolland, 107A Home, Nos. 316, 282 2.000.00 375.00

Golombe, Amelia 1 poll Golombe, Anna, 72A Home, Nos. 274, 312 1,900.00

Golombe, Mary 1 poll Gould, Mabel H., 19A Home, No. 122 and Part No. 128 2,325.00

Gould, Walter, 15 A, Nos. 23, 123 ($530 Ex.) 450.00 80.00

Gove, E. J. & Nina S., 152A Home, Nos. 12, 33 3,500.00 75.00

Grant, Albert L. 1 poll

Grant, Elizabeth A., 83A Home, No. 368 1,800.00 120.00

91 Personal Real Estate Property Values Values Green, Chas., 4A Home, No. 370 500.00 1.040.00

Green, Phyliss 1 poll Guptil, Hattie, (Ex.)

Hadley, Alice M., 1 poll Hadley, David M.. 45 A Home, Nos. 184 and 383, 267 2,750.00

Hallihan, Blanche 1 poll

Hammond, Dorothy L. 1 poll

Hammond, Robert 1 poll

Hammond, Geneva P. 1 poll Heselton, Edgar A., Heirs, 50A Home, No. 295 1,500.00 Heselton, John H., 68A Home, No. 294 1,700.00 60.00

Heselton, Melvina 1 poll

High, George 1 poll

Hill, Maynard 1 poll Hill, Sarah, 46A Home, Nos. 113-112 800.00 65.00 Hodgeman, Henry L. and Olive K., 145 A Home, Nos. 125-73 2,600.00 260.00 Holcombe, L. D. & M. E., 50A Home, No. 43 ($1,000 Ex.) 2,900.00 Horner. Rickey, 137A Home, J. ' Jr.. Nos. 219, 166 4,400.00 60.00

Horner, Helen A. 1 poll

Huntley, Minnie 1 poll Huntley, Harold B. and Ouentin W., 66A Home, No. 367 ($1,000 Ex.) 2.000.00 150.00

Johnson, Chas. 1 poll

Knight, Byron B. .and Winifred E., i^A Home, No. 41 ($1,000 Ex.) 2.600.00

Kosa, Virginia 1 poll

Lassell, Jane N., 8A Home, No. 189 4,000.00

92 Personal Real Estate Property Values Values

Lessarcl, John and Madeline, 8A , Home.' No. 15 2,000.00 Lindbloom, Robert A. and Margery, 81 A Home, No. 342 1,400.00 45.00 Little, Chas. A.. 175 A Home, Nos. 347, 341 3.400.00 625.00 Little, C. A. & H. A., 35A, 302 and part of 347 100.00 Little, C. A. & C. M. Holt. 164A, No. 304, 309, part of 347 725.00

Little, Mildred S. 1 poll Lord. W. P.. 265A Home, No. 128 3.000.00 240.00

Lord, Lena 1 poll Luciano. Cvrene E. & George C, 78A Home, No. 4 2,000.00

Luksza, Gladys 1 poll Luksza. Leonard. 84A Home, No. 314 950.00 60.00 Mack. Lester M. and Frances H., 80A Home, No. 88 ($1,000 Ex.) 1,200.00 Markey, Gladys M.

1,600.00 525.00




2.500.00 827.00 Personal Real Estate Property Values Values

• Max field, Robert E., 6A Home, No. 328 (Ex. $1,000) 1.000.00 Maxwell, Boyd R., 362A Home, Nos. 115, 119, 134 4.600.00 235.00

Maxwell, Sarah 1 poll

McAffee, Alice 1 poll

McAffee, James ' 1 poll

Maclver, Carrie 1 poll

Maclver, Morris 1 poll 115.00 Meekins, Chas. W.. 355A Home, Nos. 254, 248, part of 290-252 4,150.00 1,555.00 Meekins, Earle, (Ex.)

Meekins, Rilla 1 poll

Merrill, Albert F. 1 poll

Merrill, Cora E. 1 poll

Merrill, Elbra L. 1 poll Merrill. Francis W., lA, part of 260 (Ex. $100) 100.00 Merrill. Francis W., and Josephine B.. lA Home. No. 141 ($9,000.00

Ex.) 1 poll 1.100.00 Merrill, Ransom W. 175.00 Merrill, Rita V., lA Part No. 290 100.00 Merrill, Wm. L., 80A Home, No. 296 2,200.00 410.00 Mills, Fred L.. i^A Home, No. 94 1.600.00 200.00 Mills, Harrie E., Heirs, 297A Home, Nos. 95, 50 2,700.00

Mills, Helen 1 poll

Mills, J. Gardner, 137>^A Home, Nos. 139, 98, part of 140, part of 125 4,150.00 Montgomery, D. B. & Helen W., 2A Home, Nos. 182 and 183 5,500.00 380.00 Morse, Edgar H., Heirs, 55A Home, No. 27Z 1,300.00

94 Personal Real Estate Property Values Values Morrissette, Mary L. 1 poll Morrissette, Cleophas, 46A Home, No. 356 1,200.00 480.00

Murphy, Daniel B. 1 poll Murphy, Lucill M., 5 A Home, No. 18 1,200.00 Murray, Mr. & Mrs. George, 17A Home, No. 86 1,200.00 Murray, Margaret, 52A Home, No. 357 ^ 1,200.00

Murray, Virginia 1 poll

Murray, William J., Jr., (Ex.) Newell, Arthur & Martha, 4A Home, No. 20 1,700.00 200.00 Noyes, Eli N., lOOA Home, Nos. 205, 232. 237 2,500.00 737.00

Noyes, Margaret A. 1 poll Nutt, L. H. & B. E., lA Home, No. 185, ($1,000 Ex.) 1.600.00 O'Brien, Frank. Home Part No. 57 100.00 50.00

Oclair, Mrs. William, House lot, part No. 47 50.00 Page, Nellie. lA Home, No. 19 2,300.00

Papakalos, Mary R. 1 poll Papakalos, Tony (Ex.) Paris. Fred, 80A Home, No. 298. ($1,000 Ex.) 2,500.00 1,350.00

Paris, Orilda 1 poll Powell, Arthur & Reba, 8A Home, No. 261 1.000.00 80.00

Powell, Arthur, 2'8A, part of 213 75.00

Prescott, Hattie 1 poll

Prescott, Henry O., 26A, Nos. 375, 376 700.00

Prescott. Ina 1 poll

Prescott, John S. 1 poll

95 Personal Real Estate Property Values Values JVescott, Ruby E., 3A Home, No. 161A 500.00 Pride. John G., 6A Lot No. 162 100.00 Proulx, William, Heirs, 64A Home, No. 343 1,800.00

Reed, Gertrude 1 poll Reed, Ray E., 17A Home. No. 117 1.300.00 Rogers, Cora, 50A Home, No. 225, ($900 Ex.) 900.00

Rogers, Dorothy L. 1 poll Rogers, Herbert, 2A Home, No. 224, (Ex. $100.) 100.00

Rogers, Natalie 1 poll Rogers. Perley, 2A Home, No. 147 1,300.00

Rollins, Lora 1 poll Rumrill, Evelyn V. and Merton D., >^A HomcNo. 173 3,200.00 2,400.00

Sampson, Jerri e J.. 7A Home, No. 177, ($l",000 Ex.) 2,800.00 145.00

Sampson, Margaret 1 poll

Sargent, Bertha 1 poll

Sargent, Natt 1 poll

Savage, Barbara 1 poll Savage, Dawson, (Ex.) Sawyer, Charlie & Rose, Flora M., 40A No. 330 400.00 123 A Home, No. 331 and Lot. No. 330 4,600.00 1,031.00 Schmiel, Kasmir, 143A, No. 318 2,000.00 1,285.00 Snarski, Anna, 96A Home, Nos. 374, 315, 352 - 1,550.00 Sowle, Joseph, 72A Home, No. 92 1,500.00 335.00

Sowle, Muriel 1 poll

Stark, John M. 1 poll

Starret, Marion H. 1 poll

96 Personal Real Estate Property Values Values Stickney, John E., 3 A Home, Nos. ZZ7 and 339 100.00 Stockwell, Marianna & Sidney W., 154A Home, No. 39 and Home, Nos. 40, 44 and part of 21 5,180.00 465.00 Stone Bros., 38A, No. 257 600.00 Stone, Earle H., 264A Home, No. 152 3,500.00 980.00

Stone, Mary I. 1 poll

Story, Mary C. 1 poll Story, Warren A., 296A Home, No. 336 4,500.00 1,050.00

Strope. Lucy J. & Zean R., 22A Home, No. 68 (Ex. $1,000) 3,200.00 Sweeney, Charlotte, Home on lot No. 113 250.00

Sweeney, John 1 poll

Temple, Demerise 1 poll

' Tucker, Amanda 1 poll Tucker, Chas., lA Home, No. 186 900.00

Tucker, Eva A. 1 poll Tucker, Leon S., 52A Home, No. 164, No. 172 ($1,000 Ex.) 4,100.00

Tucker, Lucy B. 1 poll Untiet, Chas., (Ex.) Untiet, Geo. (Ex.) Untiet, John B., 39A Home, No. 369, ($1,000 Ex.) 2,100.00 675.00

Untiet, John B., Jr., (Ex.)

Untiet, Rose R. 1 poll

\'ernal. Thornton & Evelyn, 2A Home, No. 17 400.00

Waite-, Iru M. 540.00

T., Home, Nos. Waite, Marv^ 129A 293, 266 3,000.00

97 Personal Real Estate Property Values Values ,,, . „ Walker, Ralph C, 83A Home, No. 46; 8A, No. 14 ($1,000 Ex.) 3.300.00 196.00

Walker, Ralph 1 poll

Walker, Reha 1 poll Warriiier, Edgar P., Heirs, 7A 50.00 Warriner, Elmer P., (Ex.) Warriner, Geo. M. (Ex.) Warriner, Mollie A., 87A Home, No. 241 1,700.00 Warriner, Robert, (Ex.) Warriner, Walter E. 380.00

Watts, Alice J. 1 poll Weatherbee, Beryl, 53A Home, No. ^7 1,400.00

Weatherbee, Chas. E. 1 poll

Weatherbee, Lester 1 poll

Weiss, Irene M. 1 poll Weiss, Kenneth E., 71A Home, No. 209 2,200.00 150.00

Wheeler, Annie H. 1 poll

Wheeler, Arline 1 poll

Wheeler, Bertha E. 1 poll Wheeler. Cyrus C, 188A Home, No. 277, (60A classf'n) 2,700.00

Wheeler, Cyrus C, Jr., (28A classified), part 277 140.00 Wheeler, John R. (Ex. cf215.00) 215.00 Wheeler, Lewis, lA Home, No. 280 150.00

Wheeler, Nathaniel E., 388A Home, (90A Classified) Nos. 281, 279, 278, 244, 317, 319, 354 3.300.00 485.00

Whipple. Josie, 2A Home, No. 335 900.00

Whipple, Mildred 1 poll 200.00 Whittier, Fred, 40A Home, part of 116 1,700.00

98 Personal Real Estate Property- Values Values Whittier, Gertrude 1 poll Woodbury, Agnes B. and Evelyn M., 2A Home. No. 47 (Ex. $1,000) 2,200.00

Woodbury, Eleanor E. 1 poll

Woodbur}', Frank, Jr., 2A Home, 49 No. 'and 48 " 800.00 75.00 Woodbury. Mabelle C, 13A Home, Part of' No. 63 and No. 64 600.00

Wood, Pauline 1 poll Zellar. Marion C, 19A Home, No. 178, Part of 163 3,400.00 545.00

Zellar, William H. 1 poll


Ackerly. Eulas, 17A. lot No. 360 $50.00 Ames, Gladys M., lA Home, part. ' No. 139 500.00 Anderson, Bengt R., 3 A Home. No. 137 1,000.00 Barnard, Clifford, 21A. lot No. 25 400.00 Bean. Charles. 8A, lot No. 105 85.00 Bean. Frank, 3A Home, lot No. 106 150.00 Belrose. Felice and S., M. 'John 30A Home, No. 56 2.500.00 Bickford, Edith, 29A, part of lot No. 322 100.00 Bissonnette, Lucien and Yvonne, 20A Home, No. 382 750.00 Bissonnette, E., 9A No. 131 150.00 50.00 Boutwell, Carrie J., 8A, lot No. 2 Boutwell, Earl F. and Florence M., 19SA Home, No. 13 3,700.00 Brodie, Henderson and Seviah A185 Home, Nos. 287 and 251-288-325 2.800.00

99 Personal Real Estate Property- Values Values Bridge, Austin Y.. 86A. No. 161 1,600.00 Brown, Burt, 24A, lot No. 55 100.00 ^Brown, Herbert B. and Robert E., 71 A Home, lot No. 340 2,500.00 Brophy, Kdward A. 1.100.00 Burnham, Grace, 224A Home, lots Nos. 121 and 91 4,200.00

Burroughs, Ed. P., 3A, lot No. 26 50.00

Campbell Harold J., wood 300.00 Carlson, Wesley G. and Mabel E.,

140A Home, lot No. Ill 1,300.00

Carr, George, 30A, part of lot No. 156 100.00

Chapet, Lucien J. and Janette L., 18A, No. 310 50.00 Chaplain, Alargaret A. and Maurice. 173 A Home, No. 57 1,500.00 Chagnon, Alex, 42A, lot No. 381 150.00 Colby, Robt., 164 A, Nos. 126, 150,

151 1.000.00 . Colby, W. H. & C. D., ISA, lots No. 344 and 346 50.00 Colonial Beacon Oil Co., gas pumps 245.00 Conn. River Power Co., power line 166,750.00 Concord Electric Company 2,200.00

Currier, Gertrude, part of lot No. 47 50.00

Colter, Virginia A., 203 A Home, lot No. 112 2.200.00

Day, C. H.. 31A Home, lot No. 108 400.00

Day, James B., Heirs, 57A, lots No. 223 and 229 400.00

Dodge, Gertrude, 3 A Home, lot No. 333 1,400.00

Dunn, William S., 102A Home, Nos. 79 and 78 2,500.00

100 Personal Real Estate Property Values Values Eastman, Harold T... 161A. No. 77. No. 199 800.00 400.00 Ellis, Edgar C. lA, No. 207 100.00 Favor. Clara A.. 60A, Nos. 155 and 245 350.00 Fessendon Co. Inc.. 57A. Nos. 107 and 118 300.00 Gourley. Archie. 30A, part of 116 350.00 Gourley. Chas., Heirs, 81 A, part of 116 and 109 400.00

Grant, Arthur j., 28A. No. 62 150.00 Greer. Ben F., 160A, Nos. 193, 194. 222, 326, 345 and 379 500.00 Gulf Ref. Co.. gas pumps 405.00 Gutterson, Cieorge P., 2A Home, No. 144 1,000.00 Hall, Eva, 67A, No. 358 100.00 Hamilton, Sara M., 2A Home, No. 136 800.00

Hanson, Mrs. j. W., 3A Home, No. 104 300.00 Hill, Rufus. 3A, No. 305 20.00 Holmgren, Carl M., 44A, part of No. 249 and 250 and 286, (Ex. $150) 550.00 Hadoba, B. B. and D. B. Huskie, 9A Home, No. 29 650.00 Hunt, Harris R. and Irene M., 94A Home, Nos. 30-32-31 2.650.00 Hunt. Sara P., 134A, No. 75 1,000.00 Hyde, Mary E., 8A, No. 110 25.00

Ireland, John B., Jr., 108A Nos. 192- 234-283 625.00 Ireland, Theo, 7A, No. 218 150.00 Jewell, Ruby B., 186A Home, Nos. ^7 and 204 3,400.00

101 Personal Real Estate Property Viilues Values Johnson, Carl 11.. 44A, part of Nos. 249. 250, 286 550.00 Johnson. Harry A.. 112A, No. 81 1.000.00

Johnson. I. & E. Heirs. 6A. No. 300 25.00 karkonias.'Cieorge. 35A, No. 359 50.00 Kaskonias, Anela. 94A Home. No. 348 2,000.00 Lake. Mrs. Harry F.. 63A, No. 5 150.00 Langdell Lumber Co.. 59A, No. 154 200.00 Little. Clarance A.. 35 A, No. 54 150.00 Little, Guy C, 31 A. No. 54A 150.00 Little. H.A., wood 90.00 Lord. Harry E.. 81A, No. 103 400.00 Lussier, Rose C. 32A, No. 6 150.00 Marshall. \\'arren H., 16A, Resort No. 285 3.500.00 McNamara, Glenn O., 92A, No. 364 700.00 Merrill. Mildred F., 47A Home. No. 321 1,400.00 Merrill, Iru C. Heirs. 13A. Nos. 236 and 271 50.00 Moore. Francis. 30A. half of 156 100.00 Munroe. Adelice. 2A Home, No. 25 1,500.00 Murray. Henry R., 119^^ Home, Nos.

101, 102 ' 800.00 Murray, Leo A.. 13A, part of 357 100.00 Murray, \Vm. F., 64A. Part No. 357 300.00

Nassikas, N. J. Inc., 963A, Nos. 270, 272. 307. 308. 311 8.900.00 600.00 Nelson, Agnes M., 109A Home, No. 313 2,600.00 New England Box Co., 73A, Nos. 297-63 450.00 3,650.00 Newman, Merle and Reba M., 14A Home, No. 58 1,000.00

102 A A

Personal Real Estate Property Values "Values Ordway, James ()., 55A, No. 322 200.00 Ordway, John, 22A. No. 57 200.00 Osgood, Chas. L., 50A, part of 190, (Ex. $175) 1.75 Osgood, Lilla A., 106A, No. 7 350.00 Osgood, Marion, Heirs, 50A, part of 190 175.00 Parker, Bessie B., ^OA, part of 190, (Ex. $175) 175*00 Parker, Frank A., 169A, Nos. 36 and 157 2,400.00 Parker, John E., 87A, No. 363 800.00 Parker, Wm. F., 176A Home, Nos. 253 and 246 4,000.00 Peck, Jeannette B. and Robert E., 29A Home, No. 66 and part of 190 3,000.00 Perley, John, 20A. No. 366 300.00 175.00 Poland, George. ^A Home. No. 334 300.00 Pierce, Morris C, 74A, lot 327 400.00 Pratt, Harris F. and Helen C, 23 Home, No. 146 1,500.00

Prescott. Sherwood, 39A, No. 1 200.00 Provencher, Alphonse, 7A, No. 306 .25.00 Pubhc Service Co., wires, poles, etc. 21,000.00 , Richard, 55A, No. 203 400.00 Rochford, Paul, 251A Home, Nos. 28 and 9 1,700.00 Rogers, Bernice E., 25 A, No. 61 150.00 100.00 Rowell, William J., 28A, No. 301 Rowell, Winnie D., 60A, Nos. 27, 240 and 276 300.00 Sanguinetti, Houghton, 19A Home, No. 82 1.000.00 Sargent, David, Heirs, 51 A, No. 153 1,000.00 Sarette, Adolph, Heirs, 83A, No. 158 400.00 Schenck, Robert H., 75 A Home, No. 93 2,800.00 Schofield, Hazel, 45A Home, No. ^Z 2.500.00

103 Personal Real Estate Property Values Values Shedd. Fred. 37>^A, part of 21 125.00

Smith, Edwin A.. 29A, No. 8 1 50.00 Smith, Herman, Heirs, 40A, No. 89 300.00 State of N. H.. 86A. Nos. 24 and 133 (Ex. $1,000) Stratton, Helen S. and Ralph E.,

9AHome, No. 114 1 .000.00 Taylor. Chas. & Martha, 39 A, No. 90 300.00 Upton, Martha A., 97A, Nos. 34 and 53 900.00 Warriner, Theo and Weston, 22A, Nos. 238 and 275 75.00 Wearner, Carl O. and Alma N., 69A Home. No. 135 1,400.00 Wheeler, Benj. H., 204A, No. 355 350.00 Wheeler, Raymond B., 19A. No. 242 50.00 Wheeler. Sterlin M., 56A, Nos. 243 and 372 150.00 Whipple. Ava, 134A, Nos. 3 and 10 450.00 Whipple, Earl C, 51 A. part of 284 100.00" Whipple. George H., 51A, part of 284 100.00 Whipple. Maurice O.. 19A, No. 362 100.00 Wilson, Estelle G., Heirs, 156A

Nos. 291 and 262 • 2,700.00 . Woodbury, Rebecca, Heirs, 59A, No. 72 600.00

SPECIAL TAXES 1945 Personal Real Estate Property Values Values George Mills 1 poll

Forrest Skillings 1 poll


Euella Bell McGuire 1 poll

Forrest Skillings 1 poll

Thomas Shanton 1 poll

Otis Ayer 1 poll Walter C. Blackman $34.80