Congressional Record—Senate S8984

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Congressional Record—Senate S8984 S8984 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 6, 2009 serve on the Board of Directors, and own teammate Fred Lynn. After over- I ask that the Senate join me in hon- others assist with special classroom coming injuries, Mr. Rice finally set- oring him for his impressive athletic projects. Parental involvement fosters tled in and was selected as the Amer- career and newest honor as an inductee a cooperative environment and further ican League Most Valuable Player, into the National Baseball Hall of contributes to the center’s excellence. MVP, in 1978, and throughout the rest Fame. The greatest asset of the Senate Em- of his career he finished in the top five f ployees’ Child Care Center is its teach- of the MVP selection five other times. ers. One of the original teachers, Phyl- An Anderson, SC, native, Mr. Rice, or HONORING THE 437TH AIRLIFT lis Green, continues to provide lessons ‘‘Ed’’ as he was known growing up, WING that will serve children well through- found himself in a challenging time of Mr. DEMINT. Mr. President, Senator out their lives. She is one of many social change. After the public schools GRAHAM joins me today to congratu- dedicated professionals who connect were integrated shortly before his sen- late the men and women of the 437th with both children and parents in very ior year of high school, he was sent Airlift Wing stationed at Charleston special ways. into a new environment where, accord- Air Force Base, SC, for their out- I offer my congratulations to the ing to Alexander Edelman with the standing service in defending our Na- Senate Employees’ Child Care Center Baseball Biography Project, his ‘‘en- tion and for their great achievements on achieving this milestone and best gaging personality and gentle charm at the Air Force’s Air Mobility Com- wishes for many more years of service. won over most . and helped ease the mand Rodeo Competition. Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I rise racial tension that accompanied inte- It is been 8 years since the attacks of to join my colleague Senator BENNETT gration.’’ He quickly made quite an im- 9/11, and the record of continuous oper- to recognize the 25th anniversary of pact in the athletic arena as a member ations for the 437th is an inspiration to the Senate Employees’ Child Care Cen- of the football, basketball, and baseball us all. Shortly after the attacks, ter’s founding and to congratulate the teams. He was an all-State kick re- Charleston leapt into action, dropping SECCC on its many years of service to turner, defensive back, and wide re- humanitarian aid into Afghanistan the Senate. ceiver. But it was his prowess on the only hours after bombers began pound- The original families and those who baseball diamond that caught the most ing al-Qaida and Taliban insurgents. have followed share many memories of attention, and he was drafted in the Later, when we put boots on the their experiences with the SECCC. first round of the amateur entry draft ground, the 437th led the first-ever C–17 They recall the development of a play- at only 18 years old. combat dirt landing in the barren wil- ground in what is now Senate Parking Mr. Rice was an incredible asset to derness of Afghanistan to establish a Lot 19; the center’s role in the creation the Boston Red Sox, but perhaps his critical forward operating base. Since of the congressional holiday orna- most memorable moment with the then, Team Charleston has led the air- ments; the day the children watched as team had nothing to do with his abili- lift of MRAPS to protect our troops in the sculpture Mountains and Clouds ties on the field. On August 7, 1982 Jon- Iraq and Afghanistan and performed was installed in the Hart atrium; and athan Keane, a 4-year-old boy attend- some of the largest training exercises the annual Fourth of July parade, with ing his first game in Fenway Park, was in Air Mobility Command. Over the the children dressed in red, white and sitting along the first base line when years, they have delivered a staggering blue as they march from the child care he was struck in the head with a line 1.3 billion pounds of cargo to support center to the Hart Office Building. drive foul ball. Alarmed that no one our troops and provide relief for friends Most important, they speak of the was reacting quickly enough, Jim Rice and allies around the world. growth and development of their chil- leapt from the dugout and into the However, when the 437th is not sav- dren. stands. Instinctively he picked up the ing lives and delivering freedom, they The Senate is well served by the Sen- unconscious boy and, cradling him, ran are winning awards and bringing home ate Employees’ Child Care Center and straight to the clubhouse where the trophies. We are especially proud of the the staff members who work there. I trainer and ambulance were waiting. 437th’s accomplishments at the 2009 Air want to thank the center for its 25 Tom Keane, Jonathan’s father who was Mobility Command Rodeo Competi- years of service to the Senate. with him that day, recalled the event tion. The 437th competed with more f and noted, ‘‘In times like that, you than 100 teams and 2,500 people from really see the quality of the character the United States Air Force and allied BASEBALL HALL OF FAME of the people involved. Jim Rice is a nations. They led the C–17 aircrew INDUCTEE JAMES EDWARD RICE really humble guy. He doesn’t want to competition and finished first in two Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, today I take credit for doing anything out of out of three competitions, earning tro- ask the Senate to join me in recog- the ordinary . I think that’s an un- phies for ‘‘Best C–17 Air Refueling nizing James Edward Rice on the occa- derstatement of what he did that day. Crew’’ and ‘‘Best Short Field Landing sion of his induction into the National He may very well have saved my son’s Crew.’’ Furthermore, Team Charleston Baseball Hall of Fame on July 26, 2009. life.’’ continued their distinguished record of Mr. Rice is a superior athlete who has Jim Rice played his final game with world-class maintenance and added made his home State of South Carolina the Boston Red Sox on August 3, 1989, ‘‘Best C–17 Preflight Team’’ to their very proud. but returned to the organization from long list of awards. These are impres- Mr. Rice was elected in this, his 15th 1995 through 2000 as a hitting coach. On sive achievements that bring great and final year on the Baseball Writers November 1, 1995 he was inducted into credit upon the 437th. Association of America, BBWAA, elec- the Red Sox Hall of Fame in its inau- We recognize the outstanding tion ballot, with 76.4 percent of the gural class. His plaque can be viewed at achievements of Rodeo team members vote. He becomes the third player in Fenway Park along with two of his Sil- CPTs Robert Lowe, Joseph Beal and Hall of Fame history to be elected by ver Slugger awards. In 1999, Sports Il- Jonathan Magill; MSgt Ricky Clark; the BBWAA in his final year of eligi- lustrated honored him as the ninth Technical Sergeants Harold Bordeaux, bility, and he is certainly deserving of best athlete of the 20th Century to Paul Eaton, and Richard Pate; SSgts this honor. come out of South Carolina. And in Jessy Martin, Brian Parmerter, Hector Jim Rice spent his entire 16-year big 2001 he was inducted into the Ted Wil- Schunior, Nicholas White, John Paull, league career playing with the Boston liams Hitters Hall of Fame. and Veronica Bankey; Senior Airmen Red Sox. Fenway Park was his second Mr. Rice and his wife Corine now re- Dennis Adams and Joshua Ramalia; home, and he certainly gave the Red side in Andover, MA, where they have and Airman First Class Daniel Jones. Sox organization and fans plenty to raised their two daughters Carissa and I know the Wing is especially proud cheer about. Mr. Rice played his first Chancey. And though he is not perma- of the Rodeo team, but on behalf of the game for the club in late 1974, and his nently in South Carolina, his presence people in Charleston, the State of career took off shortly thereafter. In is still felt in Anderson through a com- South Carolina, and our great country, 1975 he ended the season as runner-up munity center named in his honor, the Senator GRAHAM and I salute the out- for Rookie of the Year, second to his Jim Ed Rice Center. standing work of the 437th. VerDate Nov 24 2008 03:38 Aug 07, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00094 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06AU6.072 S06AUPT1 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with SENATE August 6, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8985 We are amazed by their stories and pacity and capability of the Afghan Na- ality that requires a realignment of humbled by the immense burdens they tional Army and Afghan National Po- both military strategy and spending. have shouldered. Their dedication, and lice is key to an eventual U.S. with- And as we continue to engage in coun- their families’ sacrifices are an inspira- drawal from Afghanistan. Before we terinsurgency, we must recognize those tion, and our country owes them a debt move in this direction, however, we elements of our strategy which are es- of gratitude for their patriotic service.
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