The Health Benefits of Tomato and Tomato Products
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COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE • UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, LEXINGTON, KY, 40546 FCS3-568 Increasing Powerhouse Vegetables The Health Benefits of Tomato and Tomato Products Ingrid Adams, Nutrition and Food Science Key Points potassium. Vitamin C protects y Tomatoes contain lycopene, the body from free radicals which provides health benefits. which destroy the healthy cells in y Tomatoes contain vitamins the body. Niacin helps to lower A, C, and K and are a good triglyceride, a fat present in our source of niacin, chromium, blood. and potassium. Tomatoes are also rich in lyco- Tomatoes and Tomato pene, a compound that gives Products tomatoes their color. Processed tomato products have higher Some people are confused about concentrations of lycopene.Stud- whether a tomato is a fruit or a ies show that tomato and tomato vegetable. Strictly speaking, a product consumption is associ- tomato is a fruit because fruits ated with a reduced risk of: are formed from the ovary in y Ovarian cancer, especially in the base of the flower and con- premenopausal women tain the seeds of the plant. How- y Digestive tract cancers Tomatoes contain ever, when it comes to cooking, (mouth, throat, esophagus, a tomato may be considered a vitamins A, C, and K. pancreas, colon and rectum) vegetable because it is used in y Cardiovascular disease Tomatoes also are the cooking of savory dishes. Regardless, you cannot overlook How to Purchase a good source of the health benefits tomatoes Tomatoes and Tomato niacin, chromium, provide. Tomato and tomato Products products include: Avoid soft or mushy tomatoes y and potassium. Fresh tomatoes with blemishes. Cherry toma- y Tomato sauce toes are small round tomatoes. y Tomato paste Grape tomatoes are small and y Ketchup oblong shaped with a concen- y Tomato soups trated flavor. Roma tomatoes y Tomato juice are an oblong shape, medium Nutrients size with shiny red skin and firm flesh. Round or Globe Tomatoes contain vitamins A, C, tomatoes are round with shiny and K. Tomatoes are also a good red skin and firm flesh. source of niacin, chromium, and Agriculture and Natural Resources • Family and Consumer Sciences • 4-H Youth Development • Community and Economic Development EXTENSION When purchasing tomato Buying Kentucky Proud is products, check the expira- easy. Look for the label at tion dates on the containers. your grocery store, farmers’ Choose containers free of market, or roadside stand. damage, such as dented cans. Storing Tomatoes Tomatoes should not be refrig- Tomato Basil Bruschetta erated. Tomatoes should be Ingredients stored above 50°F to avoid flavor and quality loss. Handle with 3 plum tomatoes, chopped care to avoid bruising. Tomato 1/3 cup thinly sliced and coarsely chopped products should be stored at onion room temperature unless the 2 cloves garlic, minced container states otherwise. 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar Preparing Tomatoes 6 tablespoons olive oil Tomatoes may be consumed 1 tablespoon minced fresh basil or fresh or cooked. To peel, cut a 1 teaspoon dried basil small “x” at base of tomato and dip in boiling water briefly then ½ teaspoon dried oregano place tomato in ice water. The ¼ teaspoon salt skin will wrinkle and you will be 1/8 teaspoon ground pepper able to remove it easily. 1 pound loaf, whole wheat French bread, How to Eat More cut into ½ inch slices Tomatoes Daily Directions y Serve tomatoes fresh as a snack. • Combine tomatoes, onions, garlic, red y Serve tomatoes in omelets. wine vinegar, 2 tablespoons olive oil, ba- y Add tomatoes to sandwiches sil, oregano, salt and pepper; set aside. and wraps. • Preheat broiler of oven. y Add tomatoes to stews and • Lightly brush both sides of bread slices soups. with remaining olive oil and arrange on y Make tomato sauce and serve ungreased baking sheet. with pasta. • Place three to four inches from the y Drink tomato juice. broiler and heat slices for two to three y Make salsa. minutes on each side or until golden y Preserve tomatoes when in brown. season. • Top each slice with tomato mixture, A Point of Caution using a slotted spoon and serve. Canned tomato products such as Yield: 16 half-inch slices tomato sauce, juice, or paste can be a high source of sodium in Nutritional Analysis: 140 calories, 5 g fat, the diet. Try purchasing low so- 1 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 250 mg dium varieties of these products. sodium, 19 g carbohydrate, 3 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 4 g protein. 2 References American Cancer Society. Lycopene. Accessed October 1, 2012 at ment/TreatmentsandSideEffects/Complemen- taryandAlternativeMedicine/DietandNutrition/ lycopene. Steinmetz, K. A., & Potter, J. D. (1991). Vegetables, fruit and cancer. I. Epidemiology. Cancer Causes Control, 2, 324 -57. Steinmetz, K. A., & Potter, J. D. (1996). Vegetables, fruit, and cancer prevention: A review. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 96, 1027-1039. United States Department of Agriculture. Choose MyPlate. 10 Tips Nutrition Education Series. Ac- cessed September 1, 2012 at http://www.choos- DGTipsheet2AddMoreVegetables.pdf. Van Duyn, M. S., & Pivonka, E. (2000). Overview of the health benefits of fruits and vegetables con- sumption for the dietetics professional: Selected literature. Journal of the American Dietetic Asso- ciation, 100, 1511-1521. Project assistant, Laura Tincher, Dietetics and Human Nutrition graduate student. Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, M. Scott Smith, Director, Land Grant Programs, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Lexington, and Kentucky State University, Frankfort. Copyright © 2013 for materials developed by University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. This publication may be reproduced in portions or its entirety for educational or nonprofit purposes only. Permitted users shall give credit to the author(s) and include this copyright notice. Publications are also available on the World Wide Web at Issued 5-2013 Photo (C) 2013