Satirical Newspaper Assignment Background: The Onion is a satirical publication that satirizes situations, people, mainstream media fashion, culture, etc. Additionally, the publication blurs the lines of political correctness, which could be considered by some audiences as offensive. You may want to view a copy of The Onion online.

Your Assignment: Using The Onion as a model, you will create your own original satirical newspaper that satirizes the topic of your choice. This will be one major summative grade.

Steps: 1. Groups will be assigned. 2. Use The Onion as the basis of your strategy, but also think of other mediums such as SNL, MAD TV, The Simpsons, , South Park, Family Guy, etc. when developing your satirical newspaper. 3. Review your Satire notes. Be sure to consider all of the satirical tools we have discussed in class.

Requirements: 1. Length: the equivalent of an 8½” x 11” sheet of paper. 2. Format: magazine layout. 3. Title – Must be original and appropriate. 4. Articles: One. Do not exceed 400 words and do not go under 150 words. 5. Advertisements: One. It should be connected to the theme of your article. It may be pictures or pictures with words or simply contain words- think carefully about the power of language. 6. Illustrations: One. You can draw these or get them from magazines, the Internet, clipart, etc. It must go with your article.

How you will be graded: Title: 10 pts- Appropriateness Article: 50 pts- Length, Content, Originality, Use of Satirical Tools Advertisement: 20 pts- Content, Originality, Use of Satirical Tools Illustrations: 20 pts- Color, Effectiveness, Appropriateness

TOTAL: 100 pts **Your project must be shared with your teacher via Google Docs (make sure it contains all the group member’s names.)**