The official newsletter of the Diocese of Cape Town (Anglican Church of Southern Africa ACSA) Farewell thanksgiving service and laying down of the pastoral staff by Bishop Garth Counsell PAGE 3 From the Vicar General’s Desk PAGE 5 Diocesan Soccer Tournament PAGE 6 To the Laos - to the People of God PAGE 7 Chrism Mass and renewal of ordination vows at St Cyprian’s Langa continues on page 4 VOL 69VOL NO.04 63 NO. 05 FIRST FIRST PUBLISHED PUBLISHED 20 DECEMBER 20 DECEMBER 1950 1950 MARCHJUNE 2019 2013 DOC Good Hope June 2019.indd 1 2019/05/17 11:19:42 AM Page 2 THE GOOD HOPE JUNE 2019 CLASSIFIEDS THE GOOD HOPE EDITORIAL Editor: Rebecca Malambo The retirement of Bishop Garth brings on a new Archbishop’s season in our diocese. The topical question on eve- Address: Education ryone’s mind and in conversation is, who will be his The Good Hope Endowment Fund for successor? In July, we have an elective assembly and PO Box 1932, Theological the outcome determines the way forward. Archbishop Cape Town 8000 Education Thabo in his speech at the retirement service said, he Tel: 021 469 3766 hoped that “God would send the diocese a trusted friend Please support the Archbishop’s Fax: 021 465 1571 and fellow spiritual pilgrim” as He did Bishop Garth 15 Education Fund so that we can E-mail addresses: continue to train priests for the fu- years ago. ture of our church. Thank you for
[email protected] all donations received. If you would At the diocesan office, Bishop Garth always had an ap-
[email protected] like to contribute please consider a proachable nature and warm disposition.