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THIS INTEGRATED. TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES AND ACCESS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into this t dday of J u rJ 1:;- , 2016, by, among and between HControl Communities,LLC ("Company") dba OpticalTel,a Florida limited liability companywith officesat 1J60 S. Dixie Hwy. Suite 200, Coral Gables; FL 3314'6, and

IAak'4Sll;i( ,?

RECITALS WHEREAS, the Company is in the businessof providingvarioussystemsandlor services including but not limited to multi-channel video; high speed data, security, information and voice services(collectively,the "Services''jrand WHEREAS, the Association is the managing entity of and/or owns the real estate commonly known as /lrd((A:ill?£, fl r 1(14i6J R1066 rJ/S"{ 6~t{(}fJ/Utt)Dt) ftS.(OL(

WHEREAS,The Community containsa minimum of~residential units plus any units added or constructed in the future ("Unites)"), as described in ExhibitA, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the Community contains certain Units, each of which are owned by unit owners ("Unit Owners"); and WHEREAS, The Company desires to be the exclusive provider ofthe Bulk Services for each aljdeveryUJiit ,- . , .. '. ,~ . ("Bulk Services") and the non-exclusive provider of the Additional Services (hereinafter defined)("Additional Services"), which are more fully described in Exhibit C, to the Association for the use mid enjoyment'ofthe Unit Owners to the full extent permitted by law; and

NOW, THEREFORE, inconsideration ofthe.mutualcovenants and promisesherein,and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and adequacy of which isexpressly acknowledged, the parties covenant and agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference. 2. Terms, 2.1 This Agreement will be effective on the date executed by all parties hereto and will continue for ten (10) years from the datel 00% of all Unitsare active with Bulk Services, as described in ExhibitC and paying according to section 9.4 ("the Initial Term").

2.2 Upon the expiration ofthe Initial Term, this Agreementshall be automaticallyrenewed for successive five (5) year terms ("the Renewal Terms"), unless written notice of termination is provided at least one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the expiration ofthe initial or renewal term then in effect. The Initial Term and Renewal Terms are hereinafter collectively referred to as ("the Term.")

3. Right to Provide. Services. Association has the authority to grant and does hereby grant to the Company the exclusive right, privilege and license to provide the Bulk Services and the non-exclusive right, privilege and license to provide the Additional Services within the Community, however delivered, to enter into contracts with others to facilitatethe provision of the Serviceswithin the COmJlllJni~.a" rreceivepayment

Initials~ I of25 Initials~ (Association) (Company) for the provision of the Services within the Community. Association shall not enter into any agreement on behalfofthemselves, jointly or individually,oron behalfof theUnit Owners,for the provisionofthe Services within the Community by any other provider regardless of the method used to deliver such Services to the Community, Nothing herein shall be construed or interpreted to prohibit or prevent any Unit Owner from obtaining, on ail individual basis,the Services from any other provider to the extent permitted by law, The Companywill provide the Units with the Services as described on Exhibit C, E and F, which include Bulk Servicesand Additional Services,The features and functionality oftile Services are dependent uponcurrent market conditions and are subject to change at any time during the Term of this Agreement, however, that such changes shall not degrade the Services as defined in ExhibitC; E, or F heretoand that the Servicesshall remain comparable to those provided by other franchise cable/internet/phone service providers throughout Lake County Florida, Furthermore, Company agrees to charge subscription rates for-its digital videoand Internet and telephone products at prices not to exceed eighty-five percent (85%) of the published retail pricing rates of Bright House Networks throughout Clermont, Florida, excluding any and all promotional rates, introductory rates; and/or specialized programs, In the event that new Additional Services become availableby other franchiseproviders other thanCompanywithinthe Clermont, Floridaarea, and Association desires to purchasethe new Additional Services; Companywill make a commerciallyreasonable best effort to offer Association such new Additional Servicesand rates and terms no more than the retail offerings by tile franchise service provider. In the event Company is unable to offer the Association the new Additional Servicesdesired, for any reason, then Association may at theirsole election procure such desired Additional Servicesfromauy providerwithout penalty 01' breach of this Agreement.

4. Right' to Install the System. 4.1 Association has the authority to grant and does herebygrant to the Companythe exclusive right, at the Company's expense, to construct, install, use and maintain, in the Community, all distribution cable, risercables, fiber optic wiring, homerun wiring consistingofthe wiringafter the Company'stap to the first splitter or outlet within each Unit at the Community ("the Home-Run Wiring), conduits, Modulators, transcoders, electronic equipment, antennas, amplifiers, optical line terminals optical networkterminals,filters, taps, pedestals, lockboxes, convertersand othersignal-recelving,scrambling and decodingequipment necessary for the operation ofa system("the System") forthe provision ofthe Services, said right including, withoutlimitation, the Company's rightto enterintocontracts withothers to facilitate the construction, installation and maintenance of the System; The Companywill perform all construction and installation work in aproper workmanlike manner, The Company will be responsible for maintaining and supervising all safety precautions in constructing, installing 01' subsequentlyupgradingthe System, Exceptin the case ofemergencies,all ofthe Company's activities in connectionwith the System shall be performed during-reasonable business hours unlessadvance notice has been given to the Association, 4.2 Repair and Restoration of the Community: The Company, on behalf of itself and for ally sub­ contractors or any other agents, shall, at its own expense, return the buildings, streets and/or parking areas, any other improvements and landscape that have been altered or affected by virtue of the construction, installation, maintenance, repair, modification, operation or removal of the System or in obtainingaccess said System to substantially the samestateand condition that existed priorto the work, ordinary wear and teal'excepted. 4.3 Inside Wiring: For purposes of this provision, ("Inside Wiring") will be defined as the wiringwhere the Company's Home-Run Wiring ends inside the unit, usually at a splitter, optical network terminal (ONT) 01' collection box, and the wiringdistribution begins inside the unit to existingcable television, internet, and/ortelephoneoutlets.The Companymay repair 01' replaceInsideWiringin orderto provide Services to Unit Owners, The repair or replacementofInside Wiringshall be to existingcable outlets and will includerouting cables.externally around baseboards. doorframes, moldingsand any necessary wall penetrations to pass through adjoining rooms, The Company will work in accessible areas not requiring the removal and reinstallation of moldings, hard floor coverings, wall coverings, large wall

Initials ~ 2of25 InitialQ] .... (Association) ~ units or built in furniture, This also does not include any wall fishing, carpet pulls 01' installation of external wire molding. Cables will be secured through the use of staples and/orcable clips based on location and application. If a Unit Owner requests custom work, the Company will offer competitive pricingon an hourly basis.

5. Right to Market The Services. Association hasthe authorityto grant and doeshereby grantto the Company the exclusive right to market the Services within the Community. The Company shall have the right to advertiseand promotethe Services to the UnitOwners bydistributing promotional materials over the System, through the Association, by direct delivery, and/or by mail. The Company may provide Association with appropriate promotional and informational material regarding the Services for the benefit of new Unit Owners, and Association agrees to provide new Unit Owners with the same. Nothing in this Agreement, including but not limited to Association's right to advertise or promote the Services, with the Company's prior approval, shall be interpreted as granting Association any right 01' license in the trademarks, service marks, logos, 01' any other intellectual property owned by the Company, or in any goodwill associated therewith. 6. Access. 6.1 Easement: Association has the authority to grant and does herebygrant to the Company an easement in, on, over, under, within,and through thoseportionsofthe Community (both land and improvements) that are privatelyownedand controlled byAssociation ("the EasementAreas;') as necessary for: (i) the routingand installation ofthe System, (ii) the maintenance, repair,service, use,replacement, operation and removal of the System, and (iii) the marketing and provision of the Services to the Unit Owners, together with rights of access, ingress and egresson and over portionsof the Community as necessary for the use and enjoymentof the easement hereingranted. In addition,the Company shall have the right to construct, install and lise any cabling, wiring, power supplies, risers, conduits, distribution wiring and facilities, and any rights of way and entrance facilities within and into the Easement Areas, as necessary, 01' which may become necessary; for the provision of Services to the Unit Owners,whether owned, installed, controlled or maintained by the Company. The easement hereby granted, and the covenantsand agreements provided herein shall runwith the land and the burden upon the Community shall bind the Association, and eachand everysubsequent Unit Owner thereof. The Association hereby agrees to execute the Grant of Easement, attached as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. It is expresslyunderstood that this provision shall survivethe expiration 01' termination. 6,2 Persons Entitled to Useand RightofEntry: The above-described easementrights extend to the officers, . employees, agents.contractors, sub-contractors, authorized representatives, successors and assigns of tile Company who aJ'e···engaged······ilrthe-routing, ····installation;maintenance;repair,service,-·use; replacement, operation or removal of the System, 01' in the marketing and provision of the Services, Association grants to the Company's employees, contractors, sub-contractors and agents, successors and assigns a right of entry over, under, on, within and across the Community as necessary for the installation and operation of all appropriate equipmentnecessary for the operation of the System or the marketing andprovision of the Services. Association shalluse reasonable effortsto assurethe Company access to any parts of the Community over which Association does not have control for the same purposes. Association further agreesto reasonably cooperate assisting the Company in gaining access to individual Units in orderto allow theCompanyto install, maintain, repairor remove any component of the Systemas contemplated by thisAgreement. 6.3 No Interference: Association represents and warrantsthat they have notgranted and shall not grant to any other provider ofany of the Services, or to any other entity whatsoever, any easements or rights which could materially and adversely interfere with the Company's use and operation of the System, or the provision of the Services within the Community, Further, Association covenant and agree not to interfere with,restrict, limit, alter or lessenthe easement rights granted to the Company herein. The Association shall cooperatewith the Company to prevent(i) the unauthorized possession of converters AJ~' channel selectorsand (ii) the unauthorized reception of the Services. ~ Initials f../t--- 3 of25 Initia'" (Association) ipany) 6.4 Miscellaneous Access: Association, to the extent of their respective ownership interests in the Community, shall provide without charge adequate space for equipment, including space within the telephone/equipment rooms, and accessto electricity for the System. Further,Association shall provide the Company's employees and Agents access to necessary portions of the Community not readily accessible,upon reasonable notice, to perform installation and maintenance functions. In the event of an outageor otheremergency,Association shall provideaccessto necessaryportionsofthe Community twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week so that the Company may perform emergency repairs.

7. Maintenance, Repair and Replace of System and Services.

7.1 Maintenanceof System: Association has the authorityto grant and does hereby grant to the Company an exclusiverightto maintain,operate, repairand replace,as necessary, the Systemon the Community.

7.2 Customerand Repair Services: As defined within Exhibit D

7.3 Service Outage: As defined within ExhibitD

7.4 Reimbursement of Costs for Certain Maintenance and Repair Services: Association agrees to reimburse the Company for costs of labor and materials incurred to repair any damage or destruction to the System or any part thereof arising from actions ofAssociation and/or their respective officers, employees,agents,contractors, sub-contractors, or invitees.

7.5 No Obligation to Maintain or RepairCertainProperty of Association and UnitOwners: Nothingherein shall be interpreted as imposing on the Company any duty or obligationto provide, maintain or repair InsideWiring,or television, computer,videoandother, similarequipmentthat is owned by Association and/or Unit Owners, or their respective officers.employees, agents, contractors, sub-contractors, or invitees. In the event the Company responds to a reported problem with the provision ofthe Services and said problem is caused by a malfunction of or is otherwise related to Inside Wiring, television, computer, video or other similar equipment owned by the Association and/or Unit Owner, or their respectiveofficers,employees, agents,contractors, sub-contractors, or invitees, the Companyreserves the right to impose a reasonableservice chargeon the entity 01'person who requested the service.This provision shall go into effect after the installation of the System and the delivery of Services to each Unit Owner. The installation of Services will include repair and/or replacementof internal wiring to existing functioning outlets to ensure the complete delivery of Services as further defined in this agi:eelllent. UilitO\vilel:s-,vill have no expeiiseiii-t1ieiiistallatioii,l~ei)aTi;~oi;-reljlacellleilTofaiiy-illferlial­ wiring, splitters, or connectors or any other devices or equipment required to perform the installation of Services under this agreement to existingfunctioning outlets.

8. Ownership, Use and Control of Systems.

8.1 All parts ofthe System, except Inside Wiring, that are located in and on the Community, regardless of whether attached to 01' incorporated in the Community, overhead, above 01' underground, installed within or outside of any building, shall at all times be owned by,and remain the personal propertyof the Company, and shall not be considereda fixture to the real estate 01' fixture of the building located thereon, and unless otherwise required by law expresslyagreedto in writing by the Company, neither Association, norany Unit Owner, will haveor obtainany right, title or interesttherein. 8.2 The System, Home-Run Wiring and all components thereof shall remain subject to the Company's exclusive use,controland ownership. The Company shall havethe exclusiveright, to grant permission to any providers of the Services to have access to, use, or support the provision of the Services. ~ssociation shall not, and shall not permitany third party to, disturb, alter, m , attach to, interfere Initials ~ 4of25 Initial" (Association) with or use in any mannerthe System 01' any component thereof. 8.3 Use of System to Provide Individual Subscription Services: Nothing herein shall be construed or interpreted to prevent, restrict or limit the Company, in its sole discretion, fi'0111 using the System or granting permission for othersto lisethe System,to provide 01' supportthe provision of the Services to Unit Owners on an individual subscription basis. It is expressly understood that this provision shall survive the expirationor termination forany reason of this Agreement.

9. Provlsion oftheServlces.

9.1 Bulk Services: The Services initially provided by the Company to Association for the use and enjoymentofthe Unit Ownersshall consistofthe offerings setforth in Exhibit.C (the "Bulk Services") attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Association acknowledges and understands that the Bulk Services may vary from time to time due to circumstances beyond the Company's control, Additionally, Company agrees that all pricing, service offerings, and service levels will maintained equally throughout the Community; to include any other Sub-Associations, specifically within the Kings Ridge Commun ity,entering into agreements beyond initial negotiations.

9.2 Bulk Service Fees: The Associationcovenants and'agrees to pay the Companya monthlyservice fee for Bulk Services as set forth in Exhibit C. Regardless, whether Association.includes a charge forthe BulkServices in whateverperiodic fee theymay chargeto the Unit Owners,and regardless ofwhether any individual Unit Owner pays or does hot pay such periodic fee when due, Association shall be obligated to pay the full amountofthe monthly servicefee to the Company.

9.3 Monthly Bulk Service Fee: The total aJl101JJ1t of the monthly service fee shall be determined by multiplying the Bulk Service Fee pel' Unit set forth in Exhibit C, by the number of Units in the Community, plus all applicabletaxes and fees (tile "MonthlyBulk Service Fee"). After tile expiration of tilefirst year following the effectivedateand duringthe Termof thisAgreement, the Company may increase the MonthlyBulkService Feebynotmore than foul' percent(4%) per year.

9.4 When Payments Are Due: The Monthly Bulk Service Fee for any month shall be due and payablein full fifteen(I5) days ofthe Association's receipt of the Company's invoice, statementor other billing document for that month. In the event Association does not pay the MonthIy BulkService Fee when due,they will be liableto the Company for alatechargeinthe sumof $100.00. Further, and in addition to the-late charge fee, Association shall be liable for the payment of interest in an amount equal to the lesser of(a) tile highest rat~pel'lnitted by law, 01' (b) one an? one-half (11/20/«» percent pel' Illo\{tiiof the olltstaJlciTngbafallce()fMOIltlllY--.i311Ik Sei;viceFees and IJliHi\rlilstallati6il-Fees that were not paid when due until such time as said outstanding balance plus late charge fees and all accrued interest have been paid in full. If Association fails to make timely payment for a period of thirty (30) days from the due date, the Company has the right to declare the Association in default and. has the option to terminate Agreement and will be entitled to recover all damages arising therefrom, including but not limited to, the loss of profits the Company would have earned through the remainder of the Term, as the case may be.

9.5 Individual Subscriptions for Additional Services: In addition to.the BulkServices, the Companymay provide to individual Unit Owners certain optional services and equipment, including but not limited to, multi-channel video, internet and voice services ("Additional Services"). Additional Services will be addressed in separate agreements with Unit Owners. Association assumes no liability 01' responsibility for Additional Servicescontracted for bythe UnitOwners, In the eventoftermination of the BulkServices to the Association for any reason by any party hereto, the Company shall havethe right, but not the obligation, to provide Unit Owners with any or all of the Services, including Bulk Servicesand Additional Services,on an individual subscription basis. It is expressly understood that this provision shall survive the expiration OJ' termination for any reasonthis Agreement.

Initials ~ 5 of25 Initi~ (Association) (Company) 10. Insurance. Association and Company agree to carry and keep in full force standard policies of liability insurance and property damage liability. Upon request, the Company will provide the Association with a certificate evidencing suchinsurance. Upon request, theAssociation willprovide theCompany witha certificate evidencing such insurance.

11. Default.

II.t Default and Cure: Any partyhereto that violates, substantially fails to perform, or fails to timely perform its duties and obligations underany provision of this Agreement, shall be in default. In the event either party defaults ill the performance of any of the material termsofthis Agreement, the non­ defaulting party shall give the defaulting partywrittennotice specifying the nature of such defaultand identifying the specific provision in this Agreementwhichgives rise to the default. The defaulting party shall have forty-five (45) days to either(i) notifythe non-defaulting partythat no default occurredand provide reasonable proof thereof, (ii) cure the default, or (iii) if such default is incapable ofcure within such forty-five (45) day period,commence curingthe. default withinsuch forty-five (45) day period and diligently pursuesuch cure to completion. If, after receiptofwrittennotice, the defaulting party fails to perform (i), (ii), or (iii) abovewithin such forty-five 45 day period,the non­ defaulting party may elect to terminatethis Agreement upon thirty(30) days written notice of said election to the defaulting party.

11.2 Termination without Liability: The Company may terminate this Agreement as set forth in paragraph 6.3, or upon ninety (90) days' written notice (01' such shorter period as may be required by law) to the Association, if the Company is prohibited from operating the System or providing the Servicesdue to any state or federal governmental law, rule, regulation, or judgment ofany court.

11.3 Force Majeure: Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, no party hereto shall be in default if their failure to perform results from circumstances beyond that party's reasonable control, including, but not limited to.iacts of God or natural disasters, acts ofwar or terrorism, civil disturbance, action 01' inaction ofgovernment, the failure ofequipment or facilities not owned or controJJed by a party (including, but not limited to, utility service), denial ofaccess to facilities or rights-of-way essential to serving the Community or any other unforeseeable or unavoidable casualty beyond the reasonable control ofthe parties hereto.

H. Rights-Upou-Termluation.

12.1 In the event this Agreement is terminated for any reason, the Company shaJJ retain all the rights set forth and described in section(s) 2, 6, 8,9.5, J4 and/oranotherparagraph that provides for the survival of rights beyond termination.

12.2 Followingtermination of this Agreement for any reason, the Company shall retainthe right, in its sole discretion, to continuemarketing and providing the Servicesor theAdditional Servicesto Unit Owners on an individual subscription basis. Following termination of this Agreement for any reason, the Company shall retain the right, in its sole discretion, to continue operating, maintaining, repairing, replacingor upgrading the System or any part of the System within the Community for as longas any Unit Owner continues to use the System or any part of the System to subscribe to Services or the Additional Serviceson an individual subscription basisat the then standard subscription rates. If there is a period ofmore than six (6) consecutive months, following termination of this Agreementfor any reason, without any Unit Ownercontinuingto use the System or any part ofthe System to subscribeto Services 01' the Additional Serviceson an individual subscription basis, Companymayelect to remove the System.

InitjalS~ 60f25 Initia· 61 , (Association) ~ 12.3 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, following termination of this Agreement for any reason, the Company shall retain the right, in its sole discretion, to remove the System from the Community. The Companyshall notifyAssociation of its intentto removethe System one hundred and twenty(120) days prior to removing System.

13. Remedies.

13.1 In the event ofa defauIt, the non-defaulting party 01' parties, in addition to exercising the termination rights set forth in section 11.1, shall have the right to bring an action against the defaulting party for damages, specific performance, injunctive relief, and/or any other available remedy at law or equity, provided, however, that actions for damages shall be limited in accordancewith section 13.2.

13.2 The partieshereto furtherexpresslyacknowledgeand agree that the Services provided by the Company are readily available from other providers in the market. Accordingly, in the event the Company is in default and said default results in an interruption, lessening or cessation of the Services to the Unit Owners, the Association has the right, in addition to their right to terminate, the right to recover damages from the Company, said damages being limited to the fail' market value ofthe Services, from the time ofinterruption, lesseningor cessation, to the time Association obtain or arrange, or reasonably should have obtained 01' arranged, for the provisionofcomparableservices from any other provider(s).

14. Indemnification. Each party shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the others (and their respective officers, employees, representatives and agents) against all liabilities, claims, losses, costs, damages, and expenses resulting from its breach ofany provision of this Agreementand from any injury to 01' death ofany person (including injury to or death of their employees) or loss of or damage to tangible real or tangible personal property or the environment, but only to the extent that such liability, loss, damage 01' expense was proximately caused by its breach ofthis Agreement 01' by any negligent act 01' omission, willful misconduct 01' violation of law on the part of the party from whom indemnity is sought. Each part)' seeking such indemnification shall promptly notify the other ofany situation giving rise to an indemnification obligation hereunder and no party shall enter into a settlement that imposes 01' purportsto impose liability on any other without the other party's consent, which shall not be unreasonablywithheld. This provision shall survive the expiration or termination ofthis Agreement.

15. Mutual Representations, Warranties and Covenants. 15.1 Association represents, warrantsand covenants to the Company as follows: ]5.1.] Association is validly existing and in good standing underthe laws ofthe jurisdiction in which the Association is organized.

15.1.2 Association has full authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform, 01' have its obligations performed, hereunder, including but not limited to the authority to bind any subordinate associations (e.g., homeowner's associations, condominium associations, tenants associations, etc.) that have been or may be formed in connection with the Communityor any portion thereof.

15.1.3 There are no decrees, orders of any court or administrative agency, consent agreements, 01' pending formal or informal governmental investigations as of the date ofthis Agreementwhich would prohibit 01' adverselyaffect Association'sability to perform their obligations hereunder. 15.1.4 Association fully intends to perform for its part each and every obligation provided for herein with no contemplation at this time in assigning this Agreementand is financiallyable to do so. 15.2 The Company represents, warrants and covenants to Association that: 15.2.1 The Company is validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it is organized.

Initials a-­ 70f25 Initi .

19. Attorneys' Fees. In the event of any dispute hereunder 01' of any action to interpret or enforce this Agreement, any provision hereof or any matter arising here from, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable costs, fees and expenses, including, but not limited to, witness fees, expert fees, consultant fees, attorney, paralegal and legal assistant fees, costs and expenses and other professional fees, costs and expenseswhether suit be brought01' not, and whether in settlement, in any declaratory action, at all trial or on appeal. 20. Notices. Any noticeswhich may be permitted or required hereundershall be in writingand shall be deemed to have been duly given as of the date and time the same are personally delivered or within three (3) days after depositing same with the United States Postal Service postage prepaid by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or within one (I) day after depositing with Federal Express or other overnight deliveryservice from which a receiptmay beobtained,attheaddressessetforth belowor as maysubsequently in writing be requested.

If to the Association:

/ t,¥5" £- I tlwv _Jj7J J:::1)'1) I

ClfiJ?(l'/(!UVr: Attn.: President

If to the Companx:

OpticalTeJ 1360 S. Dixie Hwy. Suite 200 Miami, Florida33146 Attn.: President

With a copy to:

Diaz & O'Naghten.. 2950 SW 27th Avenue Suite 100L Miami, F1%da 33133 Initia1~ .. Initials--,----,-----f./E--. 80f25 (Association) ~ Attn.: Mr. O'Naghten

21. Severability. A finding by a court ofcompetent jurisdiction that any provision ofthis Agreement is invalid or unenforceable shall not affect the validity or enforceability ofany other provision. Further, upon any such finding of invalidity or unenforceability, the parties hereto agree that the court making such finding may reform this Agreement, as necessary, to effectuate the intent ofthe patties.

22. Neutral Interpretation, Each party to this Agreement acknowledges and agrees that it has had a full and fair opportunity to read and review all the termsherein; that it has had a full and fair opportunity to have this Agreement reviewed by independent legal counsel, and that no provision ofthis Agreement is to be construed strictly, narrowly or against any party on grounds ofauthorship or draftsmanship.

23. Headings. All headings used herein are strictly for the reference and convenience of the parties, and shall not be treated 01' construed as having any effect on the terms or provisions of this Agreement or the interpretation thereof.

24. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed by the parties in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be treated for all purposes as an original, and all of which together shall constitute one and the same Agreement.

25. Entire Agreement, This Agreement, along with any and all exhibits, schedules 01' addenda attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, constitutes the entire agreement between and among the parties and supersedes all prior understandings, negotiations 01' other agreements, whether verbal 01' written.

26, No Modification or Amendment, This Agreement may not be modified 01' amended except by separate writing executed by all parties hereto, said separate writing then becoming part of this Agreement for all purposes,

[The remainder of this page left blank intentionally]

Initials ~ 90f25 Initial n )Q7 .. (Association) ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representativesas ofthe date first written above. _---'-"~..:.._='__ EXECUTEDon this L day of __ 2016.

By: Name: Title: President


Sworn to and subscribed before me this Ct:, day of ~)\A.. (2 , 2016, by 1=\0) '\~CSi \~u, ~C'..vCLb<.JYt~

[AFFIX SEAL] NotaryPublicSignaturera.~~

FLORIDALMA BARAHONA My Commission Expires: ' t(bLJ. -S- 00 I Y NOlarll PUblic- Stille orFlorida My Comm. ElIjll(08 Nov 5, 2018 Personally know~roduced Identification [] CommIssion" FF 174425 ~~N2tlonaI Hobuy Assn. Type of Identification: _

EXECUTEDon this 2.1 ,J' day of _----'=-=~=___ 2016.


Sworn to and subscribed before me this :21 £~ day of . L",,~\ F ,g.g J.(~& '"c z: [AFFIX SEAL] NotaryPublic Sjgnatu~ My Commission Expires: ( //2 Ir r • Personally know !)sfor Produced Identification []

Type of Identification: _--''-''-'<-.L...-''--AliA _


(Legal Description to be provided by Association)




THIS GRANT OF EASEMENT ("Easement"), dated J1,I(lI e -0-, 2016, by ______.....' a Florida corporation, ("Grantor"), its successors and assigns, the fee owner(s) of certain real property located in J-!ft

A. GRANT OF EASEMENT AND ACCESS RIGHTS. Grantors hereby grant and conveys to Grantee,an non-exclusive easementas permitted bylawfor cabletelevision, voicetelephone, highspeed internet services and all other services specified in the Agreement in, on, over, under, within, and through those portions of the Community set aside for utility service for the Unit Owners (both land and improvements) (the "Easement Areas") as necessary for: (i) the routing and installation of, in accordance with mutually approved plans for construction, and/or the pre-existing facilities, (ii) the maintenance, repair, service, use, replacement, removal and operation of such facilities (all such maintenance, repair.service, use, replacement, removal and operation shall be the sole responsibility of Grantee), and (iii) the marketing and provision of the Services (as defined in the Agreement) to the residents of the Community, together with rights of access, ingress and egress on and over portions ofthe Community as necessary for the use and enjoyment of the easement herein granted. In addition, Grantee shall have the right to construct and install (in accordance with the planned design) and use. any cabling, wiring,(including home-run cable wiring), power supplies, risers, conduits, distribution wiring and facilities, and any rights ofway and entrance facilities within and into the EasementAreas, as necessary, or which may become necessary, for the provision ofServices to the residents of the Community, whether owned, installed, controlled or maintained by Grantee. Grantor agrees that Grantee may from time to time enter into various agreements or arrangements with its approved assignees, designees, agents 01' authorized vendors(collectively, "Agents")and access to the Community granted by Grantor pursuant hereto will extend to-such Agents. Grantor-will-provide Grantee's employees-andagentsaccess-to-necessaI'YP0l1ions-ofthe Community not readily accessible upon reasonable notice to perform installation and maintenance functions. In the event of an outage or other emergency, Grantor will provide access to necessary portions ofthe Community twenty­ four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week so that Grantee may perform emergency repairs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Granteewill beallowed access to a UnitOwneronly by the owneror Resident thereof.The Grantee, on behalf of itself and any of its Agents, shall, at its own expense, return the buildings, streets and/or parking areas, any other improvements and landscape that have been altered 01' affected by virtue of the construction, installation, maintenance, repair, modification, operation or removal ofthe facilities noted abovealso known as the "System" in the Agreement as well as in gaining01' makingaccessto such facilities to substantially the same state and conditionthat existed priorto the work, ordinarywear and tear excepted.

Eo TERM OF EASEMENT. This Easementshall commence on the date appearing in the first paragraph hereof and shall continue throughoutthe Term of the Agreement. In the event the Agreement is terminated,and Grantee continues marketing and providing Services or Additional Services (as defined in the Agreement) to Unit Owners on an individual subscription basis, this Easement shall continue according to section 12 of the Agreement and expires after a period of more than six (6) consecutivemonths, following termination of this Agreementfor any reason, without

Initials tJ::-­ 12of25 Initial (Association) any UnitOwner continuingto usethe Systemor any partof'the System to subscribeto Servicesor the Additional Services on an individual subscription basis.

C. WARRANTIES. Grantor and theindividual(s) signing for Grantor, represents and warrants that he/she/it has full power and authority to execute this Easement, and that any and all necessary corporate and/or partnership action authorizing same has beeu taken. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Easement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first written above. ~ EXECUTED on this day:-Sv N 2016. -"7'f'---f-r+----r'--'-''------II----~,' Inc, :::"10": (JiJ- Al=! Name: C/1vrw £8) Wfl.IS-t) S' Title: Pl'esidellt

~~ STATEOF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF _--">..l...... a.\

~orn t~ andsubscri~before me this ~ day of ~u~ ,2016, by

t- \0y \ ~ LI ''VIti & I' O..,Jdtf.)t__ [AFFIX SEAL] NotaryPublicSignature=-=".+""-',;C---+---t=--'--':::"'---='=-":;~=

FLOftIOA~MA 8ARAHONA My Commission Expires: d () I Y . N,oIaf~. P~" 81118 01 F/()II~a My CO!IM. EIIIlI(u Nov S. 2018 CfMMllIlBIon. JlFf 174425 Personally know [,%>1' Produced Identification [] ~/~NJIroIIlll r40tsy Assn.


By: £)~ t1 ;;/~ ~ Name:",,5'14 yvJ U ""L r;, t-! cI 411

Name: --'--'-=- ~--"'--=--'-- _


I. BULKSERVICES (Fil>cr to theHome):

e Bulk Video SCl-vice Fee: $32.95 (plus taxes and fees pel' Unit monthly) e Bull' Internet SCl-vice Fee: $13.00 (ulus taxes and fees nel' Unit monthly) st 011 G Bull' Telephone Sel-vice Fee: Free for 1 year (2017),2 year(2018) is $10.00 pills feeS and taxes pCI' Unitmonthly, 3rd yeal' (2019) is $12.00 plus fees and taxes pel' Unit monthly, and 4th yeal' (2020) and future is $14 plus taxes and fees nel' Unit mOltthly.


Bull' Video Sel-vice Companywill provide BulkVideo Serviceconsisting of the following: o Includes two (2) HD-DVRReceivers with a total of 6 tunersand 2TB hard drive storage o Programmingfor receiverswill include the Preferi'e'd Plus DigitalPackage as detailed on Exhibit F o Includes HD &DVR package-for Bulk.channels.being transmitted by the receivers o Includes a Bulk Seasonal Creditprogram for any subscribersuspending service-from I month up to 6 consecutivemonths, This BulkServiceCredit will be applied to the individual retail billingaccountofeach participating Unit Owner; A reconnection fee of$45 will be required forany participating seasonal Unit Owner and will includeall servicesprovided on a Bulkor AdditionalServices level, In the event a participatingseasonal UnitOwnerdoes not have a personal retail accountactive withCompany, the Companywill provide the Bulk Servicecredit of monetary reimbursement to be sent to the Unit Owner upon return and re-activation of Service.

Bulk Internet Serviee Companywill provide High Speed InternetServiceto each unit with symmetrical speeds of an averagespeed of up to 100Mbps downloadand IOOMbps upload. Each year ofthis Agreementon the-anniversary date, this average minimum speed shall be increased by not lessthan 50Mbps symmetrically, unlessagreed alternatively agreed to in writing by the Association. Bulk InternetServicewill includea wirelesscable modem or other similar Wi-Fi enablingdevice sufficient to deliverthe average speed as defined above. Company only guarantees the average speeds from the ONTand not any otherdevice.

Bull\:Phone Service. Companywill provide Digital Phone Servicewith unlimited, up to 1,000 minutes pel' monthof longdistance calling to domestic u.s and Canada, Call Waiting, and Caller Identification Service. Company will provide InterLATA calls within the State of Floridaat no additional cost, and wiII not countagainst the monthlyallotment of longdistance minutes. Beginning the 2nd year (2018)of this agreement, monthly allotment of longdistance minuteswill increase to 1,500 minutes, 3rd year (2019) will increase to2,000 minutes, and finally 4th year (2020) and each year thereafterwiII provide fOJ' 3,000 minutesof longdistanceallotment. All phoneservicewill be e911 compliantand registered into the911 emergencynetwork. o Customers may port over theirexistiugnumber or receivea new phonenumber


(Pl'icesvary (lei' sm-vice and wiII be billed to individual l'csidellts) See Exhibit E rOJ'Retail Sea-vice Offel'ings alld clIl'l'elltPrices, subject to change

High Speed Internet Ungl'ades Initials tfr---. I4of25 Illiti d ..... (Association) ~ Company will offer as an upgrade various tiers of High Speed Internet with more bandwidthto each individual resident up to and including lGbps,

Digital Phone Company will offer, as an upgrade, additional Digital Phone lines and featurescommonlyavailable o Additional international longdistance rates are availableto Customersfor a reasonable rate

Digital and Premium Cable TV Company will offer as an upgrade various tiers ofDigitalVideo Service with more channels and programming to each individual resident including Pay Per View Servicesand Video On Demand services as further described on Exhibit E.

Alarm and Home Automation Services Company will offer Alarm and HomeAutomation Serviceson an individual basis

Suspension to non paying residents If Associations desires, Company may suspend Bulk Services for residentswho are past due on their Associations Fees. o Associationshall provide a list of residents to suspend Services to Companyby the 20th ofthe month. Companyshall suspend Services with 24 hours of receipt oflist. o Association shall provide a list of residents to reconnect. A reconnection charge of$35 shall be charged to resident.

Complimentm'y Services

Company agrees to provide Association with the following complimenta.'Y services The services below are subject to the Mastel' Association's acceptance of a letter agreement between the pal·ties. These comnlimentan services are intended to the community 01' COALITION as a whole and not fOl' each individnal Association separately:

o Fiber Optic connections with static IF adch'esses located at each camera interface for each ofthe 4 gate locations at Kingsl'idge. . 0 High Speed Intel'llet Access by fiber to the clubhouse and othe.' common buildings lip to 4 locations, o Wi-Fi access Jloints for each pool area, clubhouse and (where apPlicable), e Digital-VideoServicewith-Exhibit-Fchannels-located-iuCIubhouse-and-other-colllmon-buildings up to 2 locations. o Two phone selvice lines with ft'ee long distance thl'oughout Florida with full features to be located in the Clubhouse. o COlllmunity Channel including Jiveaud recorded video insertion capable of advel'tising and events on m'opel't".


The Company's Bulk Services, as defined in that Integrated Telecommunication ServicesandAccess Agreement ("Agreement"), will comply with the following Customer Service Level and Performance Standards (the "Standards"). Initially capitalized terms used in this Exhibit have the meanings ascribed to those terms in the Agreement.

1. Technical and Performance, Company, at request of Association, shall provide a quarterly report, which discloses the customerticketsopenedfor Bulk Service issues received. Inthe eventthe total number of customer ServiceCalls exceeds 120% of the numberof total Units, Company shall writea synopsis to the Association as to the issues and resolution along with steps in future proofing. In the event the total number of unresolved ServiceCalls or repeated calls exceeds25% of thetotal number ofUnits inany one month, Companyshall write a synopsis to the Association as to the issues and resolution along with steps in future proofing. In addition, Company, at Associations request, agrees to meet with the Association to review reasonable technical improvements within thetelecommunications andvideoindustries of likeserviceproviders within LakeCounty, Floridaand determine how, or if, similarservicesmay beapplied to Association to add newservices. Company and the Association shall reasonably cooperateandassisteachother in conductingsuch reviews. InIightofsuch review, either party may issue an "Upgrade Request" statingwhether an upgrade is recommended, describing any upgrade being requested, and setting forth the basis and the terms, conditions and impact of its request. If an upgrade is recommended, the parties shall confer in order to agree upon any relevant conditions, including, without limitation, technical specifications, the direct cost thereof, performance criteria and the appropriate changesto this Agreement.

2. Holidays. A "Holiday" meansNew Year's Day,Christmas Day,Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, tl1mlJ(sgivilii£ Da);,-Oayaftel·tI1aliksgiving:Mai:Hli Luthii; K.iligl5ay, Presidelit'st5ay, Goo-dFdda)', VOln Kippurand Veteran's Day.

3. Customer Service Orders. Companyshall, at all timesduringthe Term of the Agreement, (i) meetand comply with the "customerservicestandards" containedin the regulations of the FCCset forth in 47 C.F.R.§ 76.309(as suchterm is usedtherein),as amended and/or restated from timeto time, and the customerservicestandardsand provisionsand credit terms set forth in any applicable telecommunications ordinances and otherapplicable legal requirements.

4. Service Quality Stalldaa'ds.

4.1 Company will maintaina local ortoll-fiee telephone number which will beavailable toits subscribers 24hoursa day, 7days a week. The Company representatives will beavailable torespond tocustomertelephone inquiries during normal business hours, Company representatives shall respond tocustomer telephone inquiries during normal business hOUl'S each day within two business days ofreceipt ofthecall. Company shall meet and comply WWI the "customer service standards" contained ill the regulations oftheFCC set forfh in 47C.FR § 76.309 (assuch term isused therein).

Initials r5f:---­ 160f25 Initi-1m ," (Association) ~ 4.2 Company shall provide aseparate local ortoll firetelephone line designated specifically for bulkproperties thatwill beavai lable toreceive inquiries fiom theAssociation's on-site manager. Company representatives shall beavailable torespond totelephone inquiries during normal business hours onasame dayand returned call basis within 24hours ofreceipt ofacall.

4.3 Service Availability iscalculated bydividing the average number of seconds that the Bulk Services areavailable throughout Association intheapplicable month byihe total number of seconds in such month and multiplying by 100. After the ful I activation ofthe Bulk Services at Association, Company shall achieve at least 95% Service Availability quarterly, but shall always use commercially reasonable efforts toachieve higher ratings. Specifically excluded fiom theService Availability calculation are regularly scheduled maintenance windows 01' agreed upon ad hoc maintenance windows scheduled by Company at least 24 hours in advance. Upon request, Company shall provide the Association with sufficient written documentation showing its Service AvaiJabi lily for any applicable quarter,

4.4 Service Order Commitment Dates Timely Met iscalculated bydividing thetotal Service Order Commitment Dates (defined herein) timely fulfilled bythetotal number ofService Orders received ineach calendar quarter (less cancelled Service Orders, individual Service Orders voluntarily rescheduled byiheresident and individual Service Orders voluntarily scheduled bythe resident outside oftheinstallment period) and multiplying by 100. Company shall meet and comply WiUI the "Installations, outages endservice calls" contained inthe regulations oftheFCC setforth in 47 C.F.R. § 76.309(cX2) (assuch term isused therein), asamended and/or restated fiom time totime, and thecustomer service standards andprovisions end credit terms set forth ineny applicable telecommunications ordinances.

4.5 Trouble Reports Cured Timely iscalculated bydividing the total number oftmuble tickets wiihin a calendar quarter that me cured bytheCompany within thewindows setforth herein bythetotal number oftrouble tickets received byCompany (less cancelled, voluntarily rescheduled trouble tickets ortmuble tickets repairs voluntarily scheduled bythe resident outside ofthe window set forth above) in the calendar quarter and multiplying by 100. Company shall meet and comply with the "Installations, outages and service calls" contained inU1e regulations offheFCC setforth in 47C.F.R. § 76.309(cX2) (assuch term is used therein), as amended and/or restated from time totime, and thecustomer service standards and provisions and credit terms setforth inaJW applicable telecommunications ordinances, .

4.6 Company shall achieve atleast 95%Trouble Reports Cured Timely percalendar quarter, ATrouble Report ofany Services 01' System failure report, written ororal, made bya Unit Owner, the Association, which requires Company todispatch personnel tocure thefailure, butexcludes Services 01' System failures caused bytheUnit Owner, the Association, ortheir employees, contractors, residents 01' defects ina Unit Owner's equipment. TIle term ''Minor Service Problem" means aservice problem (other than anOutage) involving the same Service, atthe same time, formore than two(2) hotII'S, Umt affects more than 3%, butless UI!ll125%, ofthetotal Units. Theterm "Outage" means a service problem involving thesame Service, atthe SaJ11e time, formore than two (2) hours, that affects more fhan 25% of ihe total Units. Maintenance activities scheduled and announced tothe Unit Owners, theAssociation, atleast 48hOUl'S inadvance shall notconstitute a Minor Service Problem oran Outage. Cpmpany shallrespond tomw notifications for a MinQr Sc;:!yi~ J:>l'QlJl~1Jl witItin 241lQlU:'1> after illitial.l'eceiRt ()fUl~ notification or, iftheUnit Owner, the Association, has requested a longer response time, 36hours fiom therequested response time, except for conditions beyond thereasonable control ofCompany. Company will respond toany notifications relating to anOutage within 8 hours after receipt ofihe initial notification oftheOutage, except for conditions beyond thereasonable control of the Company, Upon request, Company shall provide fhe Association with ,witten documentation showing its Trouble Reports Cured Timely forany applicable quarter,

4.7 Under nonnal operating conditions, Hold Time Less iscalculated bydividing thenumber of calls toCompany's call center during acalendarquarter inwhich the caller isputonhold before being connected toarepresentative forless Ulmt7minlltes by thetotal number ofcalls pel' calendarmonth and multiplying by100. Company simi Iachieve at least 90% ofHold Time less than 7minutes percalendar quarter month,

4.8 To tile extent not prohibited by applicable law, the parties shall fully cooperate WiUI each oiher and any appropriate govemmentallegislative,jud icial, orenforcement agency inapatty's response toaJW appropriate court orders, search warrants, subpoenas, discovery demaJlds, illvestigatimlS aJld otller siJnilaJ'l~ues1s peltaining totIle Selvices.

4,9 Subject toForce Mllielue, tIle Association willieceive aJl outagecl'edit("Outage Ci'edit") applied toAssociation's Bulk Selvice account based onCompmw's faillUe to ClUe aJl Outage wiUlin theguidelines setfaith by FCCstmtdm'ds found in47CFR

InitiaIS~- 17of25 Initial~ .. (Association) l~ §76.309 (cX2) ''Installations, outages and servicecalls". Outage Credits rue applied tothe then-currentBulk Service Fee charged totheAssociation for theaffected Bulk Service for anymonth assetforth inExhibit Cofthis Agreement, Outage Credits rue prorated OIl a 3O-day month, dependent upon thelength oftheOutage, and measured fiom thetime ofwIitten notification is received bytheCompany.

Length of Outage Amount of Outage Credit 12 to 24 hours One (I) Day 24 to 36 hours Two (2) Days 36 to 48 hours Three (3) Days Over 48 hours Equal to Outage Length in Days

4.10 Notwithstanding any provision inthis Agreement toihe contrary, Association may, inits sole discretion, after propel' written notice and documentation, terminate this Agreement for cause, without liabi Iity, orpursueanyother light orremedy available atlaworequity ifthere are, within aIW three (3)consecutive month period duringihe term ofthis Agreement, subject toForce Majeure: (a)five (5) ormom Outages ofall Services lasting more than twenty-four (24) hours or(b)ihree (3)ormom Outages ofaU Services lasting more than forty-eight (48) hours.

nl 4.11 Iffhis Agreement isexecuted byall parties before June 3 , 2016 .theCompany wiII use commercially reasonablebest efforts tofullyconstruct and Install tile System and provision all Services asdefined under tilisAgreement byDecember 31 lt 2016. In theevent ofally delays duetoweather, withholding ofpermits, alld/or withholding grants ofeasement, Association orUnit Owners shall release Companyofresponsibility, Intile event, the provisioningof theServices toUnit Owners alenot activated byDecember 31 lt 2016, then tile Companywill provide tile Association, Witll tile difference between tile current monthly bulk fees being; paid toBlight House, fiom ally increases Blight House invoices tile Association. Thedifference shall bepaid by applying one(I) full month oftile difference worth of bulk service credits forevery partial month of delay inproviding the Services totile Association. For example, ifServices rue delayed 15 days, Association shall receive 1month of credit or if Services rue delayed 65days, Association shall received months ofcredit In addition, every affected Unit OWnen\110 hasnot been installed with ihe Servicesand has made themselves available for such and installation during theconstruction process, shall receive thedifference intile Unit Owner's current retail invoice fiom tile newretail services fiom Blight House orally alternative provider foreach month ofdelay indelivering the Services, 111is sum istocompensate anyUnit Owner who will need toprovision for retail services fiom analternative provider until the installation of Services areprovisioned byCompany. Unit Owners alerequired tomake every effort toschedule installations with Company upon notification the Services aleready forfinal installation attile residence,

4.12 111e Company agrees toattend periodic meetings attherequest oftile Association representatives ona bi-weekly 01'monthly basis until theconstruction and transition process iscomplete. Such meeting will beheld on-site and inperson byconstruction 1111ll1agement and the designees Of~l~ A~ia~on t1l1oughoutth(;lc()l1stIllction and installation process- 11leCompmlY\viII provide all update, which mayinclude maps detailing the locations offacilities conslmcted alid Ilpdatedaswolk iscompleted.


Retail Video

Package Name 2016 Pricing OpticalTel PrestigeDigital $39.95 Prestige Digital Movie Pack $74.95 HBO PremiumPack $16.00 Showtime Pack $14.00 NBA,MLB, NHL, & Various Add-On Cinemax Pack $14.00 Soccer SeasonPass SpecialtyChannels Starz & Encore Pack $14.00 VariousCollegeSports Largest Libraryof Epix PremiumPack $7.00 Season Pass International LatinoBonus Pack $21.00 Programming Multi-SportPackage $11.00 Fox SoccerPlus $15.00

Hardware/Charge Name Service Fee MonthlyRental Fee One Time Charges WholeHome DVR $17.95* . $9.95 (After first unit) $99.95 Professional Setup* DVR Client Receiver $6.95 $6.95 (After first unit) $29.95 (Only if installedseparately)" Standard Dual DVR $7.95 $6.95 (After first unit) $49.95 Professional Setup StandardHD Receiver FREE $6.95 (After first unit) $19.95 Professional Setup DTA wi HD Output FREE $3.95 (Afterfirst unit) $19.95 Professional Setup * These charges are otherwise includedfor Bulk Equipment unless Whole Home DVR solution is not chosen at time ojlaunch/deployment. *

Retail ... Internet RetaiLDigitaIPhone

InternetTiel' 2016Pricing Digital Phone Upgrade 2016 Pricing High Speed Internet250 $99.95 Additional Phone Line $24.95 High Speed Internet 500 $149.95 Unlimited LD For additional lines $10.00 High Speed Internet 750 $199.95 PrimaryChoice Plus+ Features $15.00 High Speed Internet SuperGig $299.95 Digital Voicemail $3.95

Retail Alarm Monitoring

Alarm a la Carte 2016 Pricing StandardAlarm Monitoring(Requires Phone Line) $29.95* CellularBackup $45.95

Initials ~ 190f25 Initial-..67 ... (Association) ~ Smart Thermostat Integration Cloud Based Video Surveillance Smart Lighting & Door Lock Integration RemoteAccessvia Mobile & Web ADDS Specialized In Home Control Panel APD Integration withAlarm Monitoring System


WFTV ABC HD American Heroes Ch. WFTV ABC AHC (Military) HD WKMG CBS HD AHC American Heroes Ch. (Military) WKMG CBS AMERI Destination America HD WKCF CW HD AMERI Destination. America WKCF CW ANGEL AngelOne ANGL2 Angel Two WOFL FOX HD APL Animal Planet HD WOFL FOX APL Animal Planet WACX Independent ARTS Classic A11s Showcase WDSC Independent HD AXS AXSTV HD WDSC Independent AXS AXSTV WEFS Independent HD BABY I BabyFirstTV SAP WEFS Independent BBCA BBCAmerica HD WHLV Independent BBCA BBCAmerica WRDQ Independent HD BET BET HD WRDQ Independent BET BET WTGL Independent HD BHTV BlueHighways TV WTGL Independent BLTV Bloomberg HD WOPX ION HD BLTV Bloomberg WOPX ION BOOM Boomerang TV HD WRBW MNT HD BOOM Bommerang TV WRBW MNT BRAVO Bravo HD WESH NBC HD BRAVO Bravo WESH NBC ofVict~.Y"N"etwork --WUCF--- -PBS~--~------··-HB- BVOVN Believers' Voice BYUTV Brigham Young University TV WUCF PBS CBSSN CBSSportsNetwork HD WTMO TMNDO HD CBSSN CBSSportsNetwork WTMO TMNDO CCNEWS CCTV-News WOTF UNIMAS HD CCTVE CCTV-E WOTF UNIMAS CHRCH Church Channel WVEN UNVSN HD CMDY ComedyCentral HD WVEN UNVSN CMDY ComedyCentral ACC AccessTV CMT 3ABN 3 Angels CMT HD eMT CMT A&E A11s & Entertalmnent HD CNBC CNBC HD A&E A11s & Entertainment CNBC CNBC ALIVE AmericaLive CNN CNN HD ALMA Alma Vision HD ALMA Alma Vision CNN CNN COOK Cooking Channel HD AMC AMC HD Cooking Channel AMC AMC COOK CSPN C-SPAN HD Illitials~ 200f25 rnitial~ (Association) ( ompany) CSPN C-SPAN FOXB Fox Business News HD CSPN2 C-SPAN2 FOXSI Fox Sports I (FSN) CTN ChristianTelevision Network FOXSI Fox Sports I (FSN) HD DIS DISH 101 FRTV Freeform DIS DishHOME FRTV Freeform DIS DISH Shopping I FSTV FreeSpeech TV HD DIS DISH Shopping2 FUSE Fuse DIS Dish Shopping3 FUSE Fuse HD DIS DISH Info 101 FX FX SAP DIS DISH Studio 102 FX FX SAP HD DIS DISH Studio 102lID FXD Fox Deportes DIS DISH Eat1h 218 FXD Fox Deportes HD DIS Hopper Insider FXNWS FOXNewsChannel DISC Discovery Channel HD FXNWS FOXNews Channel HD DISC Discovery Channel FXX FXX DISCF Discovery Family HD FXX FXX HD DISCF DiscoveryFamily FYI FYI Network DISE Disney Channel(E) SAP HD FYI FYI Network DISE Disney Channel(E) SAP GAC Great American Conn. DISJR Disney Junior GEMP Gemporla DISW Disney Channel(W) GEMS GEMShopping DlSXD DisneyXD SAP GETTV getTY HD DIY DIY HD GLVSN Galavision DIY DIY GLVSN Galavision HD DYSTR Daystar HD GOLF Golf Channel DYSTR Daystar GOLF Golf Channel HD E! E! Entertainment HD GSN GameShowNetwork E! E! Entertainment GSN GameShowNetwork HD ELREY EI Rey Network HD HGTV HGTV ELREY EI Rey Network HGTV HGTV HD ENLC Enlace HIST History ESNWS ESPNEWS HD HIST History HD ESNWS ESPNEWS HITN HITN ESPN ESPN HD HITN HITN HD ESPN ESPN HLMRK Hallmark ESPN2 ESPN2 HD HbMRK Hallmark HallmarkMovies& ESPN2 ESPN2 HLMRKM Mysteries HD ESPNU ESPNU HD HLMRKM Hallmark Movies & Mysteries ESPNU ESPNU HLN HLN HD ESQNT EsquireNetwork HD HLN HLN ESQNT EsquireNetwork HRTV HorseRacing HD EVINE EVINE Live HRTV HorseRacing TV EWTN Eternal World HSN HSN FETV FETV HSN2 HSN2 FIOO Fido TV lID ICTV In CountryTelevision HD FlOO Fido TV ICTV InCountryTelevision FM FM HD 10 Investigation Discovery HD FM FM ID Investigation Discovery FMC Fox Movie Channel IDEA Idea FOOD Food Network HD IFC IFC HD FOOD Food Network IFC IFC FOXB Fox BusinessNews HD IMPCT The Impact Ne~ Initials ~ 210f25 Initials • (Association) ( iany) INSP Inspiration Network OWN Oprah Winfrey Network HD ION ION OWN OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network JTV JewelryTelevision HD PIVOT Pivot JTV JewelryTelevision POP Pop KTV Kids& TeensTelevision PPV PPVEVENT (ORDER) LC Liquidation Channel PRAYR Prayer LHN Longhorn. Network HD PRST Pursuit LHN Longhorn Network QVC QVC LIFE Lifetime HD QVC+ QVC+ LIFE Lifetime REELZ ReelzChannel SAP HD LINK LinkTV REELZ ReelzChannel SAP LMN Lifetime Movie Network HD RFDTV RFD-TV HD LMN Lifetime MovieNetwork RFDTV RFD-TV MALL Mercury ROCKS Rocks TV MARKT Market RT Russia Today MLBEI MLB Network Extra Innings HD SALE Sale MLBEI MLB Network ExtraInnings SBN SonLife Broadcasting Network MLBN MLB Network HD SCENE Scene MLBN MLBNetwork SCI Science Channel HD MLBNA MLB Network Alternate HD SCI Science Channel MLBNA ML13 Network Alternate SEC The SECNetwork HD MSNBC MSNBC HD SEC The SECNetwork MSNBC MSNBC SHPHQ ShopHQ MTV MTV HD SPA Sports Alternate HD MTV MTV SPA Sports Alternate MTV2 MTV2 SPIKE Spike TV HD MTVL Palladia SPIKE Spike TV NASA NASA SPOC Sportsman Channel HD NBALP NBALeague Pass HD SPOC Sportsman Channel NBALP NBA League Pass SUND Sundance TV SAP HD NBATV NBATV SAP HD SUND Sundance TV SAP NBATV NBA TV SAP SYFY Syfy HD NBCSP NBC SportsNetwork HD SYFY Syfy NBCSP NBCSports Network TBN TriinityBN NEWSX NewsMax TBS TBS SAP HD NFL NFLNetwork HD TBS TBS SAP NFL NFLNetwork TCM Turner Classic Mov. HD NHLLNA NHLNetwork Alternate HD TCM Turney Classic Mov. NHLLNA NHLNetwrok Alternate TENIS Tennis Channel HD NHLN NHLNetwork HD TENIS Tennis Channel NHLN NHLNetwork TLC Tennis Channel HD NICK NicklNick at Nite (E) SAP HD TLC TLC NICK NickINick at Nite (E) SAP TNCK TeenNick NICKW NicklNick at Nite (W) HD TNT TNT SAP HD NICKW NicklNick at Nite (W) TNT TNT SAP NKJR NickJr. TOON Cartoon Network (E) SAP NTGEO National Geographic HD TOON Cartoon Network (E) SAP HD NTGEO National Geographic TOONW Cartoon Network (W) NUVO NuvoTV TRU TruTV HD ONPPV ONPPVPay-Per-View Guide TRU TI'lI TV OTDCH OutdoorChannel TRV Travel Channel HD OUTCH OutdoorChannel 396 TRV Travel Channel

Initials tft---. 220f25 In;tia~ (Association) ( mpany) TVG2 TVG2 CLVI ClassicVinyl TVGAM TV Game Network HD COHO CoffeeHouse TVGAM TV Game Network DETR DeepTracks . TVLND TV Land DICD ScreenDoor 950 TWC WeatherChannel HD DICD Rawhide 951 TWC WeatherChannel DICD Nashville USA952 UDEP Univision Deportes HD DICD JukeboxGold 953 UDEP Univision Deportes DICD Songbook 954 UNIME UniMAS HD DICD Unforgettable 955 UNIME UniMAS DICD Cashmere 956 UNVSN Univision HD DICD Backpages 957 UNVSN Univision DICD Strobe958 UP UpliftingEntertainment HD DlCD Rock Show959 UP Uplifting Entertainment DICD Feedback 960 USA USA SAP HD DICD Ink\'d961 USA USA SAP DICD NUJazz 962 V-ME Vme DICD .ConcreteBeats963 VALT ValueTV DICD FiestaMexicana 965 VHI VHI HD DICD Frequency 966 VHI VHI DICD JazzTraditions 967 VHIC Vhl Classic HD DICD Impressions 968 VHIC VhI Classic DICD Acoustic Crossroads 969 VLCTY VELOCITY HD DICD Plaza970 VLCTY VELOCITY DICD Ensembles 971 WE Women'sET HD DICD Intermezzo 972 WE Women's ET DICD EasyInstrumentals 973 WGN WGNCable Network HD DICD SwingKings 974 WGN WGN Cable Network DICD The Light975 WHT WOI"ld Harvest DICD KidTunes 976 WNT WeatherNation HD DICD Aura977 WNT WeatherNation DICD Lucille978 YOUTV Youtv DICD Kingston 979 Univision (W) 828 DICD BYURadioNetwork980 ONEW 1st Wave DICD Hawaiian Music 981 200n 20s on 20 -(New Pop) DICD LoveSongs 926 .40JUN 40sJunction EARE ElecJricArea 500N 50s on 5 EUG enlighten 600N 60s on 6 ERAD ElvisRadio 700N 70 on 7 ESC Escape 800N 80s on 8 ESRA E StreetRadio 900N 90s on 9 FACT Faction AGUI Aguila PLON FlyOn ALTN Alt Nation FLONA FlowNaci6n BBKB BB Kings Bluesville HANA Hail' Nation BCKS Backspin HANA Hail' Nation2 BGJ HESO Heartand Soul BONY Boneyard HHNA Hip-Hop Nation BPM BPM HITS Hits I CAL Caliente JAMN Jam On CAR LAKU La Kueva CHI Chill LAME La Mezcla CLRE Classic Rewind LIME Liquid Metal ..- Initials ~ 230f25 (Association) LITH Lithium PRAS Praise LOVE Love PRCO PrimeCountry LUNA Luna RAMA RadioMargaritavllle MEOR MetOpera Radio REJA Muse Hitline RUMB Rumbon Muse HotFM SAP Sap MUse Expressions SHAD Shade45 Muse Love Songs SIRI SIRIUS XM Pops MUse CityLights SISI Siriusly Sinatra Muse Moodscapes SOTO SoulTown Muse Gumbo SPAN Spa New Age Muse Piano & Guitar SPCT Spectrum MUse 4 Decades of Music STRA Studio54 Radio MUse 50s & 60s Hits SYHA Symphony Hall MUse 70s Hits THBL The Blend Muse 80s Hits THBR The Bridge Muse ShagBeach THGR The grateful Dead Muse Country Music One THHEA The Heat Muse The Blvd. THJO The Joint Muse Mo'Soul TWO The Jolt Muse Toned THLO The Loft Muse Little Italy THMES The Message Muse Tropical Breezes THPU The Pulse Muse Roadhouse THRO The Groove oeTA Octane THWA The Highway ONBR On Broadway UNGA OUCO OutlawCountry UPTO Uptopia PBGL PitBull Globalization VENS Venus PEAR PearlJam Radio VEVE Velvet POPK

Initials a--­ 240f25 Initig'l (Association) (Company) Initials --- 250f25 Initil!1&. (Association) (Company)

Attorneys' Title Fund Services, LLC ATIDS)ffi Plat Information From Plat Reference for Lake County Created for: Community Assoclatlon Title Inc Customer No.: 3625401

~.- .•45;:;;-;::;;; .. _ =. rid . .-_ .. ,++,$ t H &¥S aWr+d ..'

Certification InfOl'mlltion File Reference: 55082-Gov Doc From Datc: 7/27/1977

State: Florida Through Date / Time: 411312014 11:00 PM

County: Lake Through Instrument: OR 4464/305 - CN 2014-40449

Account 53955 Number: File Open Datc: 4/21/2014

File Description: 2014-04-21 (GEMS OF ROCKLEDGE COA GOV DO C SEARCH)

. -, .". AM '* • p ,En:: . £ •..'._'. ~~ Plat ReferenceSearched: PB 42/67

- & sa * _£1_...$1._$

Plat Reference:"- PB 42/67

Plat Name: Lancaster At Kings Ridge

Datc OfPlat: 8/17/1999 Sort Code: 001722000 Retro Certlfled: No Postings Conform: Yes Title Status Report Type: TSR - 00690

Interval Ownership: No Last Change Date: 10/27/2000 Plat Certification Date: N/A

Underlying: Yes Lust Ch~mge By: JT~W Authorized Levels: L / T / Equivalence: No Codc: C

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TIDS ACCESS COMPENSATfON AGREEMENT (this "ACA") is madeand entered into this 6 day of ,J7ING ,2016, by and between HCon~ol Som1llunities, LLC. (the "Company")dba OpticalTel, a Florida limited liability company, and Jk? £?!,;lJ{AI!{r@~Wd.1VI,/tff late--. ,(the "Association"), who owns or has control over certain real estate and improvements thereon commonly knownas . , located at klfYq-~ at {JOC (the "Community")consistingof j-L units; and Paradigm MarketingGroup, Inc. ("PMG") located at PO Box 120456 Clermont,Florida 34711.

WHEREAS, the Companyand the Association desire to enter intofi(ll) Integrated Telecommunication Servicesand AccessAgreement(the "Agreement") pursuantto which the Companywill provide various systemsand/or services including but not limited to multi-channel video, high speed data, security, information and voice services(collectively, the "Services"); and WHEREAS,in exchange for such rights, the Company will pay theAssociation and PMG a.per unit fee as set forth herein; and NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the parties, intending to be legallybound, agree as follows: 1. As consideration for the Association entering into the Agreement with the Companyand grantingthe Company, among other things, the exclusive marketing rightsand the right toprovide its Servicesto the Community, the Companyagrees to pay the Association a per unit fee of ($300) hundred dollarsand ($100) per unit payabledirectlyto Prvtd, as the Association's Designeefor remuneration for its fees earned in conjunction with this transaction for the Association for a (total of$400) (collectively, the "Pel' Unit Compensation"). Onehundred dollars($100) per unit payable directlyto PMGshall be paid within 30 days after the executionof this ACAagreement and Agreement by all parties, The Association shall receive threehundred dollars ($300) per unit in the form of a credit on their invoice and will allow the Association to receivefree servicefora period underthe BulkServiceAgreementpayable, upon the activationof the cable system or January pi 2017, whichever COJileS first. The Association and Paradigm MarketingGroup, Inc. shall submit a completed W-9 and a Vendor Profile, if requested by the Company, upon the executionof this ACA.

2. The Association's and PMG's right to receive the Pel' Unit Compensation described herein shall terminate upon termination of the Agreement.

3. The Association and PMG represents, warrants and covenants to the Companythat:

a) The Associationand PMG is validlyexistingand in goodstanding under the lawsof thejurisdiction in which it is organized,

b) The Association has full authority to enter into this ACA and the Agreementand to perform its obligations under bothagreements.

c) PMd has full authorityto enter into this ACA and to perform its obligations.

4. In the event either party defaults in the performance of this ACA, the non-defaulting partyshall give tile defaultingparty written notice specifyingthe natureof such defaultand identifying the specificprovision

Initials f{.'~~ I of4 Initials d7 .. (Association) (P~~ (~ in this ACA which gives rise to the default. The defaulting party shall have 30 days to either(i) notify the non-defaulting party that no defaultoccurred, (ii) cure the default,or (iii) if such default is incapable ofcure within such 30 day period,commence curingthe default withinsuch 30 day periodand diligently pursue such cure to completion within30 days. If the defaultingparty fails to do so within the time frames specified in the preceding sentence, the non-defaulting party may terminatethis ACA.

5. 111 addition to any and all other remedies available to the Companyat law or in equity, in the event the Agreement is terminated for the uncured defaultof the Association, (i) this ACA shall terminate immediately, (ii) the Association's right to receive the Pel' UnitCompensation shall terminate immediately and (iii) the Association shall refund to the Companya portion ofthe Per Unit Compensation paid by the Company up to the dateof termination in an amount equal to (A) the total Per Unit Compensation paid to the date of'termination, divided by(B) the numberof months in the term of the Agreement, multiplied by (C) the number of months remaining in the term of the Agreement as of termination date ofthis ACA.

6. This ACA may not be assigned by the Association, withoutthe prior writtenconsentof the Company.

7. This ACAshall be governed and construed inaccordance with the laws ofthejurisdiction in which the Community are located.

8. All disputes under thisACA shall be submitted to, and settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules ofthe AmericanArbitration Association. The parties shall appointa mutuallyagreeable arbitrator reasonably familiarwith broadband communications systemsand services. In the event the partiesare unable to agree toa single arbitrator, the disputeshall be submitted to a panel of3 arbitrators, one of which shall be reasonablyfamilial' with broadband communications systemsand services. Each party shall appointan arbitratorand the two arbitrators so appointed shall then select a third arbitrator. The arbitrators shall apply applicable federal lawsand regulations and the lawsofthejurisdiction in which the Communityis located, without regard to its choice of law principles. The decision of the arbitrators shall be bindingand conclusive on all partiesinvolved, andjudgement upon their decisionmay be entered in a court of competent jurisdiction. The prevailing party in any such arbitration shall be entitled to collect from the non-prevailing party, all costsof the arbitration, including reasonable attorneys' fees.

9. All notices, demands, requests or other communications given under this ACA shall be in writingand be given by personal delivery, certified mail, return receiptrequested, or nationally recognized overnight courier serviceto the address set forth belowor as maysubsequently in writing be requested.

If to the Association:

00)VJRy vbMI} (/b ()"-£)11r: J ItJ If ,S- ;;/ j-tI¥V 6'7l ~ Yo I ~Ct/3f{('r"&N~ Pt-D({,II);r-? l/711 Attn: Management

If to the Company:

HControl Communities, LLC. 1360S. Dixie Highway, Ste. 200

InitialSL~ 20f4 Initials ~ (Association) (I;MG>T (Company) Coral Gables, FL 33146 Attn: Luis F. Rodriguez, President and COO

With a copy to:

Diaz & O'Naghten[ 2950 SW 27th Avenue Suite 100':­ Miami, Florida 33133 Attn.: Mr. O'Naghten

10. Each party agrees to keep the terms and conditions of this ACA in strict confidence and shall not divulge any specifics ofthe same to any third party except current and prospective lenders, purchasers, attorneys, accountants, financial services, partners and/or others with a need to know for the Association or tile Company to reasonably conduct its business.

11. This ACA constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding the Pel'Unit Compensationand supersedes all prior agreements, promises and understandings, whether oral or written. This ACA shall not be modified, amended, supplemented 01' revised, except by a written document signed by both parties.

12. Each party represents to the other that the person signing on itsbehalf has the legal right and authority to execute, enter into and bind such party to the commitments and obligations set for herein.

[the remainder ofthis page left blank intentionally]

301'4 Initial ftfJ y ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partieshereto have causedthis ACA to be executed by their duly authorized representative as ofthe datefirst written above. ASSOCIAnON L·M'otS"775Z-.


Paradigm marketingGroup, Inc.

'---- ..... By. /--2 Name: /~#,,P/ [z;i!,;.vs M! Title: Cee:!

COMPANY HContl'Ol Communities, LLC



IllitinIS.&/~ 40f4 IlIitinlS& (Association) (pMGfj (Company)