Lisa Hilton composes and plays music inspired by nature. A Perfect Composition on the Horizon BY ELIZABETH BERMAN

erched high on a mountaintop above Malibu, Lisa She cited an array of influences from , Hilton played a Baby Grand piano beneath a clear Count Basie and , to the of Robert blue sky surrounded by the beauty of nature that Johnson and , along with Modernists Pro- Pinspires her music. The occasion was a photo shoot for the kofiev and Bartok. cover of her 17th album, “Horizons.” Magazine Riveting “I like to call my music poly-genre or trans-genre, but Riffs called it, “Another masterpiece by an artist who con- importantly, I’m an American composer,” she said. tinues to compose breathtakingly beautiful songs.” Hilton has been a resident of Malibu for 23 years, im- Hilton began her musical journey at age eight with for- mersed in its outdoor lifestyle. mal piano training that continued through high school. In “If I’m looking for answers in my life, I can usually find college, her artistic interests shifted from classical piano them in nature,” she noted. “‘Vapors and Shadows,’ the first to the study of art and design. song on my most recent album, ‘Horizons,’ is an example. After a 10-year hiatus from music, Hilton attended a If I feel loss in my life, I can look at nature and understand fundraiser at the Malibu home of composer David Foster. that I don’t expect the clouds to stay in one place, or the She was inspired by Foster’s performance of his original shadow to remain under the tree for more than one hour.” musical compositions and, shortly after, returned to the Hilton is presently composing new material while piano. She learned pop arrangements and revisited her touring for “Horizons.” In January, she’ll play at Carn- classical roots before coming to the realization that she egie Hall. was meant to compose her own music. Hilton donates her time both locally and across the “My knowledge of photography, design and art his- country, where she shares her musical talent with the tory combined with my formal piano training informs Junior Blind of Los Angeles, Perkins School of the Blind in the music I create,” Hilton explained. “An idea for a new Boston and Chicago Lighthouse. Her work at Perkins led composition begins with a kind of poke that wants a little to collaborating with the Berklee School of Music, which attention from me. Then the music takes form … ” created an adaptive music program for students with Hilton described her style as a melding of , blues, physical disabilities. classical, minimalist and modernist genres. After 17 albums and 200 iTunes tracks, Hilton said, “It feels perfect to be on this path.” n PHOTO BY STEVEN LIPPMAN PHOTO BY DANIEL ARSENAULT DANIEL BY PHOTO

Lisa Hilton played a Baby Grand piano high on a mountain for the cover of her 17th album “Horizons.”

FALL 2015 | 29