RFP for End to End Reconciliation of Debit Card Transactions and Atms

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RFP for End to End Reconciliation of Debit Card Transactions and Atms RFP for End to End Reconciliation Solution for Debit CardTransactions and ATMs IDBI BANK LIMITED REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) For ATM Managed Services RRReeeqqquuueeesssttt fffooorrr PPPrrrooopppooosssaaalll RRReeeqqquuueeesssttt fffooorrr PPPrrrooopppooosssaaalll ((((((RRRRRRFFFFFFPPPPPP)))))) EEEENNNNDDDD TTTTOOOO EEEENNNNDDDD RRRReeeeccccoooonnnncccciiiilllllliiiiaaaattttiiiiiioooonnnn SSSSoooolllllluuuuttttiiiiiioooonnnn ffffoooorrrr DDDDeeeebbbbiiiitttt CCCCaaaarrrrdddd TTTTrrrraaaannnnssssaaaaccccttttiiiiiioooonnnnssss aaaannnndddd AAAATTTTMMMMssss IDBI BANK Ltd. Page-1 RFP for End to End Reconciliation Solution for Debit CardTransactions and ATMs IDBI BANK Ltd. Page-2 RFP for End to End Reconciliation Solution for Debit CardTransactions and ATMs TABLE OF CONTENTS. Sr No Contents Page Number 1 Document Control Sheet 4 2 Disclaimer 5 3 Section - I - Request for Proposal 6 4 Section – II - Eligibility Criteria for the Bidder 13 5 Section- III - Scope of Work 14 6 Section – IV - Instructions to the Bidder 30 7 Section –V - Terms and Conditions 37 8 Annexure- 1 Offer Covering Letter 61 9 Annexure- 2 Functional Specifications 63 10 Annexure- 3 Technical Specifications 78 11 Annexure- 4 Indicative Commercial Bid 81 12 Annexure- 5 Eligibility Criteria & Details of Bidder 82 13 Annexure- 6 Bank Details 85 14 Annexure- 7 Experience in Providing Reconciliation 86 Software 15 Annexure- 8 Details of Support Centers 87 16 Annexure- 9 Format for Raising Pre-Bid Clarifications 88 17 Annexure- 10 Power Of Attorney 89 18 Annexure- 11 Undertaking 91 19 Annexure- 12 Agreement/Contract 93 20 Annexure- 13 Deed of Indemnity 96 21 Annexure- 14 Non-Disclosure Agreement 99 22 Annexure- 15 Format for Unconditional Acceptance of 104 Terms & Conditions of the RFP 23 Annexure- 16 Performance Security 105 24 Annexure- 17 Certificate regarding Change in Ownership 109 25 Annexure- 18 Checklist to be given by the bidder at the time 110 of technical bid IDBI BANK Ltd. Page-3 RFP for End to End Reconciliation Solution for Debit CardTransactions and ATMs Document Control Sheet Name of the Company IDBI Bank Ltd. Bid Ref No IDBI Bank/ CPU -TN -DC -04 / Dec ember 201 4 Date of commencement of issue [02-12-2014] of tender document Cost of the BID Document Rs 10,000 (Rupees Ten Thousand only) (non-refundable) EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) Rs 10 lakhs (Rupees Ten Lakhs only) Amount [1500] Hrs on [10-12-2014] Last date for submission of Pre- Queries should be forwarded strictly in the bid queries format given in Annexure 9 of this RFP to Shri Ravi Aswani ( [email protected] ) and Shri Prashant Rao ( [email protected] ) [1100 ] Hrs on [ 15-12 -2014 ] Date of Pre-bid meeting with Bidders Last Date and Time for Receipt [1500] Hrs on [23-12-2014] / Submission of Bids Date and Time of opening of [1600] Hrs on [23-12-2014] Technical Bids. (Eligibility and technical bid evaluation will be done at a later date.) Date and time of opening of After Evaluation of Technical Bids and short listing of indicative Price /Indicative bidders, Date, Time and Venue for opening of indicative Commercial Bid commercial bids would be conveyed to eligible bidders. Schedule of Conducting of Date will be intimated via email aft er opening of Online Reverse Auction Commercial Bid. (ORA is at discretion of Bank). IDBI Bank Central Processing Unit, 6 th Floor Place of Opening of bids /pre- Plot No 90, Road No 7, Street No 15 bid meeting MIDC, Andheri East Mumbai – 400093 Address for Communication The Asst General Manager, IDBI Bank Card Division, 5th Floor, Central Processing Unit Plot No 90, Road No 7, Street No 15 MIDC, Andheri East Mumbai – 400093 Email - [email protected] or [email protected] Note: 1. This tender document is the property of IDBI Bank Ltd. & is not transferable. 2. If a holiday is declared on the dates mentioned above, the bids shall be received /opened on the next working day at the same time specified above. 3. This tender document has [111] pages. IDBI BANK Ltd. Page-4 RFP for End to End Reconciliation Solution for Debit CardTransactions and ATMs Disclaimer The information contained in this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) document or information provided subsequently to Bidders or applicants whether verbally or in documentary form by or on behalf of IDBI Bank Limited. (“IDBI Bank” or "Bank"), is provided to the Bidder(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP document and all other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided. This RFP document is not an agreement and is neither an offer. This RFP is to invite proposals from applicants who are qualified to submit the bids (hereinafter individually and collectively referred to as “Bidder” or “Bidders” respectively). The purpose of this RFP is to provide the Bidders with information and to assist the formulation of their proposals (Bids). This RFP does not claim to contain all the information each Bidder may require. Each Bidder should, at own costs without any right to claim reimbursement, conduct its own independent investigations and analysis and is free to check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this RFP. IDBI Bank makes no representation or warranty and shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this RFP. The information contained in the RFP document is selective and is subject to updating, expansion, revision and amendment. IDBI Bank does not undertake to provide any Bidder with access to any additional information or to update the information in the RFP document or to correct any inaccuracies therein, which may become apparent. IDBI Bank reserves the rights of discretion to change, modify, add to or alter any or all of the provisions of this RFP and/or the bidding process, without assigning any reasons whatsoever. Such change will be published on the Bank's website. Any information contained in this RFP will be superseded by any later written information on the same subject made available by IDBI Bank at its website. Information provided in this RFP is on a wide range of matters, some of which may depend upon interpretation of law. The information given is not intended to be an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law. IDBI Bank does not own any responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on law expressed herein. Further, IDBI Bank also does not accept liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise howsoever caused arising from reliance of any Bidder upon the statements contained in this RFP. IDBI Bank in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information in this RFP. IDBI Bank reserves the right to reject any or all the expression of interest / proposals received in response to this RFP document at any stage without assigning any reason whatsoever. The decision of IDBI Bank shall be final, conclusive and binding on all the Bidders/parties directly or indirectly connected with the bidding process. IDBI BANK Ltd. Page-5 RFP for End to End Reconciliation Solution for Debit CardTransactions and ATMs SECTION - I Request for Proposal 1.1 Background 1.1.1 IDBI Bank Limited (“IDBI Bank/Bank”) is a company incorporated and registered under Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) and a banking company under section 5 (c) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949). IDBI Bank is also a Scheduled Bank as notified by the Reserve Bank of India under the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. and has been categorized under a new sub group "other public sector bank". As on date, IDBI Bank is engaged in providing finance to industries and banking business. 1.1.2 IDBI Bank, has card base of approximately 68 Lacs debit cards and has a daily volume of approximately 5,50,000 ATM and POS (Point of Sale) transactions in a day. IDBI Bank produces approximately 10000 debit cards in a day. IDBI Bank has deployed 2710 ATMs, 15252 POS devices at merchant locations and various networks like VISA, MasterCard, NPCI Net, Rupay, Bancs, Amex etc. through which approximately 5,50,000 financial and non-financial transactions are processed on a normal day. IDBI Bank intends to avail services of a Bidder of repute having proven expertise and competence in the field of providing a solution for reconciliation of Debit Card Transactions and ATMs. 1.1.3 IDBI Bank therefore, invites Request for Proposal (“RFP”) for providing a software solution offering END TO END Reconciliation Solution for Debit Card Transactions and ATMs at Bank’s primary and DR (Disaster Recovery) site, from Bidders having proven past experience and competence in the field of providing transaction reconciliation solutions in various banks at different locations PAN India, as mentioned in the scope of services. The RFP document may be downloaded from the Bank’s official website www.idbi.com. The cost of the RFP document is Rs.10000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) and Bidder is required to submit the same in the form of Demand Draft / Pay Order in favour of IDBI Bank Limited, payable at Mumbai at the time of submission of the technical bid, failing which the bid of the concerned Bidder will be rejected. The cost of this RFP is non-refundable. For avoidance of doubts it is clarified that the amount so paid towards the cost of RFP is not earnest money / security deposit and shall not be adjusted against any amounts paid/ payable by the Bidder. 1.1.4 All costs and expenses (whether in terms of time or money) incurred by the Bidder in any way associated with the preparation and submission of responses, including but not limited to attendance at meetings, discussions, demonstrations, etc.
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