Liiiilrlili El'" Fin, " J5^«^Pfte Waai^ Afttefer' Fc""; : "'!
^m. mm: iv-4 's'Sii 1^ 7 . M0 ■ BttrsDre » f'™|-j8S|p! liiiilrlili El'" fin, " J5^«^pfte waai^ Afttefer' fc""; : "'! CONl'ENTS, P\G3 :]:.' The Government Archives.: , ••• ' ■■•■■ - --■ '167 ' ■'■■,2,:,, Yes-tigee of Butch- Occupation''in the Hambantota,■"' : : : :/ :: ^.v.rTliS;'' Great,Sitia" .- ■ '.''"■'.'■■■, ^:'-;'--' '-■.,: :,.' ' : ' ,i ,.>:'.■••'■■;•■ ■"rJ,v-''.-'''-j.7'3:j :-4i' Rep&rt outho Bolini'Memorial Exqibltion, 11)23 - ... 118, I „ 5: Spm'f^'M'iUTiage's'iu'Golomho frflinik. D.170Qto 1750; M,8#-; 1 S "'().; /Art Aftyi-wovd OIJ '■': Some Esquisite; Kanseuse;" : ... l&i.i i.'7,,- AnimalGeneral-Mooting .'■ .■■'.-. .-...' ■•'„■.- 187 8. Proposed Ba«citionEndbwmei|t Sghejiie- .;.••>■• ..: 200 *anmg. id0/.:E4rtt>ria;t Notes': ... ,;.,..■'■,...'■. ... 3'Ou ; ■& y~?ii: 'wass fit ; Goitfr.i The-v^cll^iiires^ijd ..^li'giisi'imati, is''flfe' n<c briticS! manidtj titj! wears"SMtnniit Oolhtri bte;iyse thuy ave.ansplijtily eoiTe Style ] apd fit: ■ Vv e liavt beeii.appoinreci agents feu- 'these. Collar?-' vtW | Reed''nt/Sttaet hyve-roadtso famons;.-,Weare:showif 1 ■ i: of ths newest styles in all .sizes and depthsi—in quarter' slize 'flow it's. ■ 51-^ per, fltwiti'i : ■ : '•', ■'' V,: :•'' R*.:'5%6i'^t^f<ir Sfer:'0btfars^ :^:- ':■': ':■■ \-! I. W«J Single. #<?. l-SOtobehacV '.'";,''■'■■■: ■-"•■:■ Sofa 'Agent* for,Ceylon.\ ■" . «■■■ Journal of the - - ' - Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon* for the *= VOL. XVIII.] APRIL, 1929. [No. 4. Public THE GOVERNMENT. ARCHIVES. BY E. G. ANTTIONISZ. v i i'. i ■ i. 'i i«: "-i .IM- In view of the interest which appears to be taken at present in OI \ - Mil i ■» -in the Dutch records of the Coylon Government, and in response to *Mi 1 I In |.
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