springer.com/booksellers Springer News 11/12/2007 Statistics 49 D. R. Anderson, Colorado State University, Fort J. Franke, W. Härdle, C. M. Hafner U. B. Kjaerulff, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark; Collins, CO, USA A. L. Madsen, HUGIN Expert A/S, Aalborg, Denmark Statistics of Financial Markets Model Based Inference in the An Introduction Bayesian Networks and Life Sciences Influence Diagrams: A Guide A Primer on Evidence to Construction and Analysis Statistics of Financial Markets offers a vivid yet concise introduction to the growing field of statis- The abstract concept of “information” can be tical applications in finance. The reader will learn Probabilistic networks, also known as Bayesian quantified and this has led to many important the basic methods to evaluate option contracts, to networks and influence diagrams, have become advances in the analysis of data in the empirical analyse financial time series, to select portfolios one of the most promising technologies in the area sciences. This text focuses on a science philosophy and manage risks making realistic assumptions of of applied artificial intelligence, offering intui- based on “multiple working hypotheses” and statis- the market behaviour. tive, efficient, and reliable methods for diagnosis, tical models to represent them. The fundamental The focus is both on fundamentals of math- prediction, decision making, classification, trou- science question relates to the empirical evidence ematical finance and financial time series analysis bleshooting, and data mining under uncertainty. for hypotheses in this set - a formal strength of and on applications to given problems of financial Bayesian Networks and Influence Diagrams: A evidence. Kullback-Leibler information is the markets, making the book the ideal basis for Guide to Construction and Analysis provides a information lost when a model is used to approxi- lectures, seminars and crash courses on the topic.
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