GMB ANNUAL CONGRESS held on: SUNDAY 6TH JUNE – WEDNESDAY 9TH JUNE 2010 at SOUTHPORT FLORAL HALL, SOUTHPORT ………………………….. SIS. MARY TURNER MBE (President of the GMB Union) (In the Chair) …………………………… P R O C E E D I N G S D A Y T H R E E (Wednesday, 9th June 2010) ………………………………. Conference reported by: Marten Walsh Cherer Ltd., 1st Floor, Quality House, 6-9 Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP. Telephone: 020 7069 2900 email:
[email protected] 293 THIRD DAY’S PROCEEDINGS WEDNESDAY, 9TH JUNE 2010 MORNING SESSION Congress assembled at 9.30 a.m. THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, Congress. Will Congress come to order, please. I know you all had a great night last night. I have some announcements to make. The London Region collection for STEPS – Specialist Toys and Switches – raised £635. Well done. (Applause) London Region is going to double that amount. (Cheers) I think we are going to double it after they’ve doubled it. Remember that at lunch-time there is one fringe meeting. You have been asked to attend. While we are all collected together, I want to say a special thank you to our sponsors, who are Liverpool Victoria, EAD Solicitors, Pellacraft Limited, Future Plus, Simpsons Solicitors, Thompsons Solicitors and Digby Brown Solicitors. I hope you have all visited the stalls and to thank them for the effort that they have made this week. (Applause) Let me say that myself and Paul McCarthy visited Edna Greenwood last night. She sends you all her best wishes. She was so proud to have received that award.