Caledonian Modular Sky Primary at West Carclaze Garden Village Statement of Community Involvement


Caledonian Modular Sky Primary at West Carclaze Garden Village Statement of Community Involvement

DATE: 31.03.2021 Revision: Revision B (Planning Submission Draft) Revision A (Client Issue) 24.03.2021

RED PLANNING LTD Tremayne Vean Terrace Truro TR1 1HA Phone: 01872 248535 Email: [email protected]



Background to the Garden Village ...... 4 Previous Community Engagement on the West Carclaze Garden Village ...... 4 Consultation through the Local Plan ...... 5 Sky Primary – Background ...... 7 Sky Primary – Scheme Evolution and Consultation ...... 9


Background to the Garden Village

The land which the planning application comprises was originally in the ownership of Imerys, a French mining company which has operated in the area since 1999 when they bought English China Clay, a company formed through the merger of the three main producers in 1919. The China clay has been extracted in the area since the mid-18th Century.

The development of the proposals for the Garden Village at West Carclaze have evolved over several years from their inception as part of a wider regeneration strategy set out in the Clay Country vision and then the Eco towns proposals of the then Government in 2009.

While the exact details have evolved the principle of using the development of a new community to support regeneration through the use of despoiled land has not. This approach and long-standing commitment were further recognised in January 2016 with the designation of West Carclaze as one of the Government’s proposed Garden Villages. The designation, one of 14 across the Country, reflected the ambitious proposals to reuse despoiled land as a catalyst for regeneration and follows the Garden City principles also advocated under the Eco Town proposals.

The Garden Village has been subject of a significant amount of public consultation through its evolution and in particular the formal stages of the preparation of the Cornwall Local Plan and Site Allocations document. At all stages the feedback received has been carefully considered by the project team and client, and used to inform design changes where possible or appropriate.

Previous Community Engagement on the West Carclaze Garden Village

The nature and scale of this proposed development means that engagement has been an ongoing process. Views and feedback heard during the assessment of the outline consent have been critical in defining the detailed design in addition to the pre-application consultation for the early reserved matters applications and pre-applications for the school site. For example, consultation undertaken in March 2016 highlighted community concern with the location of the school and local centre within Phase 1 leading to the being them relocated.

The Sky Academy project team have taken account of these issues and this engagement to understand concerns raised as part of the previous work by EcoBos. Previous engagement has taken several complimentary forms and included meetings of a West Carclaze focus group that included

4 representatives from the Parish Council, Local Cornwall Councillors, Wheal Martyn Trust, ACE Academy Trust and Natural England. The group were able to review emerging design and consider specific issues and areas of concern raised by the community. Previous consultation includes:

▪ A presentation was made to the SABEF ( Bay Economic forum) which ensured awareness of the scheme within the wider regeneration plans for the area and with the local business community. ▪ An invitation/drop in for local residents living on the site of the first phase to meet and comment upon the plans for the first phase as they develop was held on 4th July 2018. This was an opportunity to all local residents living within the site area to come and discuss latest proposals and raise any concerns or ask questions on a one-to-one basis. ▪ A presentation to Parish Council was made on July 18th 2018 including the plans going to the public exhibition with questions and answers around key issues. ▪ A presentation to St Austell Town Council on 30th July 2018 including the plans going to the public exhibition with questions and answers around key issues. ▪ On August 3rd/4th 2018 at ESAM there was a public exhibition of the proposals with local residents and Parish and Town Councils. The event was publicised in the local media/Parish notice boards and at the Parish Fete and attracted over 200 people to attend. ▪ There was an exhibition at Imerys staff and Family open day at Par Docks on 16th Sept 2018 and at the White Gold event on 29th Sept 2018.

Consultation through the Cornwall Local Plan

The Cornwall Local Plan ad Site Allocations DPD share some parts of the evidence base, the key stages which relate to St Austell and the Garden Village are as follows:

▪ Jan 2012 – Mar 2012: Core Strategy Preferred Approach, Community Network Areas and Main Town Discussion papers, including: Site Options Consultation for ( & , , St Ives & Carbis Bay, CPIR, Falmouth & Penryn, , , Launceston, BudeStratton- Flexbury-Poughill, ) (Reg 18) ▪ Apr 2014 – May 2014: St Austell Framework Site Options Consultation (Reg 18)

Response: St Austell Responses in St Austell were focussed around directions of growth to the town. Most respondents indicated a preference for the Trewhiddle site at the south west of the town. There were more objections for a site at the north of the town and at the east of the


town at Holmbush. Other issues of concern were around retail proposals, in particular whether new retail proposals should be within the town centre or at an out-of-town location.

The consultation responses at St Austell resulted in the following actions: • Ensure that the next draft document is easy to navigate • Review the ‘Vision’ for minor amendments • Increase the emphasis to be given to tourism in the Framework • Undertake further assessment of the options for retail alongside an update to the Cornwall retail evidence base study • Gather further evidence to inform prioritisation of the housing site options for consideration alongside the consultation comments • Review if further employment space can be identified in St Austell in particular for industrial use • Further assessment to clarify infrastructure requirements, for highways, education, utilities and open spaces.

▪ Oct 2016 – Nov 2016: Cornwall Allocations Document: Preferred Options consultation Oct 2016 Penzance & Newlyn, Hayle, Newquay, CPIR, , Falmouth & Penryn, St Austell, , Launceston, Saltash) (Reg 18)

Response: In St Austell concerns raised around the highways network led to further discussions with local elected members and Town Councillors. This resulted is some amendments to the wording in relation to highways schemes proposed. The boundary of the Old Vicarage Place allocation was amended to address concerns around the Conservation Area. Relatively large alternative sites proposed were considered but were not included as allocations.

Regarding the Eco-communities chapter and policies, further engagement with local members was undertaken, which resulted in some amendments to the strategy text and policies for the sites.

▪ Jun 2017 – Aug 2017 Submission Stage Consultation (Reg 19)

Response: West Carclaze and Par Docks Garden Villages: 5 representations were received; 4 did not know if the plan was legally compliant, 1 indicated it was, 4 indicated the plan was unsound and 1 did not know. In summary comments include: • One representation was from the landowner / developer; they were generally supportive of the proposals but wished to see some minor wording changes • 2 of the other reps related to infrastructure delivery, in relation to the delivery of the school on the West Carclaze site and delivery of sports pitches.

St Austell 22 representations were received; 10 (45%) indicated the plan was legally compliant and 6 (27%) indicated the plan was sound. 1 indicated the plan was not compliant and 10


(45%) that the plan was unsound. In summary comments include: • St Austell Town Council supports the DPD. • Pentewan PC, Treverbyn PC, St Stephen in Brannel - support the St Austell section of the DPD. • Land west of the A391 Carclaze Rd was promoted for development, in doing so objecting to the land being covered by a green buffer in the document. • Wainhomes objected to the DPD and promoted a site to the north of the town, as a northern expansion allocation either for 1300 or 300 dwellings. The representation raised uncertainty around the housing trajectory and delivery and timing of certain large sites with planning permission e.g., Carlyon Bay, Langarth in Truro and Hayle Harbour, and uncertainty of other smaller site with permission around 100+ dwellings. • Redrow Homes objected to the DPD and promoted land at Coyte Farm as an allocation west of the town for approx. 150 and up to 300 dwellings. The representation argued that there are insufficient allocations to meet the Local Plan target; and also highlighted uncertainty around delivery of Carlyon Bay, Trewhiddle and Broadmoor farm sites which have planning permission. • Persimmon objected to the DPD and promoted land south of St Austell and the A390 at Gewans Farm as a strategic allocation that could provide a southern link road. The representation argues that there is uncertainty over delivery/timing of Carlyon Bay and Trewhiddle Farm, which both have permission. • CEG supports identification of its site with permission at Carlyon Bay but objects to the allocated Par Moor site (STA-E3) which is allocated for employment use and considers it should include flexibility for some residential uses. • Ellandi supports the inclusion of Old Vicarage Place as a retail allocation. • IMERYS promotes land at Par Moor Dries near Par Docks to be included as an employment allocation. • Wyevale Garden Centre, which is adjacent to Par Moor (STA-E3) allocation, is promoted as an additional employment allocation. • Concern from a small number of residents was raised around overdevelopment / loss of greenfield land and traffic congestion along A390.

Sky Primary – Background

Sky Primary is a proposed mixed non-faith 3 to 11, 1FE new build primary school offering 210 pupil places and an additional 26 nursery places. The school is an important part of the Garden Village and the local centre. The delivery of the school is tied into the s106 agreement between Eco-Bos and Cornwall Council. The intention will be to initially deliver a 1FE, with ancillary spaces (Hall, Kitchens etc) sized for a 2FE school designed for future expansion. The site totals 2.23 hectares.


The ambition is for the Sky Primary to be an Outstanding school with an international and sustainability ethos.

• The proposed school will have a curriculum based on the National Curriculum, enriched with learning about sustainability and global citizenship.

• An outstanding school that supports the cohesion of a new community using the underpinning vision of the West Carclaze development and the new school.

• An outstanding school with a clear focus on preparing pupils to be global citizens of the future.

• Global learning and sustainability will underpin the core principles and values that children need to become adults of tomorrow.

• Outdoor learning at its heart, beginning with the very roots of children’s education with a nature-inspired nursery based on outdoor learning through play, supported by the Eden Project. Play and learning in the outdoors leads to significant benefits for children’s, health happiness and wellbeing.

The school will have direct links with The Eden Project. The iconic regeneration project and eco visitor attraction is very close to the proposed site for the school. Eden brings a wealth of relevant experience and expertise. Taking local action to tackle global challenges. ‘Ordinary people trying to change the world’. Sustainability will be incorporated into all aspects of a school life, empowering children so that they can build a positive future for themselves and the environment. Eden is an inspiring example that positive change is possible, precisely the mindset the Trust wishes pupils to develop. The Trust is committed to supporting the ethos of ‘thinking globally acting locally’.

The school will be a hub for the new community. The school will utilise the new building to benefit the new community and generate income outside of school hours. In line with nursery provision, the hall and kitchen have been designed to be available for hire to the community as standalone units. They are located near to the proposed Market Square and can be segregated from the rest of the main school building, with good access to toilets. The school has been designed to be Net Zero Carbon in operation as a pilot for the DfE. The design has been developed to blend in with the proposed adjacent buildings to ensure it is a key part of the community village, the design has been positioned and orientated with visible entrances for both the school and nursery from the market square. The proposals also look to significantly increase the bio-diversity of the site with native woodland planting and areas of wildflower meadow. This provides carbon sequestration and will enhance the surrounding environment of the school and the centre of the community village.


Sky Primary – Scheme Evolution and Consultation

The evolution of the school design has come about through a structured and rigorous design process which follows the Construction Framework governed by the Department for Education. At specific points in this process there has been wider engagement which has assisted in the scheme design and helped to answer design questions.

Local Authority Pre-Application Number 1 - April 6th 2018

A first formal pre-application to the local authority was submitted by EcoBos and was subject to public and stakeholder consultation. The pre-app sought advice and comment on some early design concepts for the school layout consultation.

Under the PPA ref PA18/00998/PREAPP a pre-app was submitted for the school site by Arcadis. The submission consisted of a red line plan for the school site (LHC ref 17120_LHC_L01_90), Proposed Option 2 Site (ref 28261156-ARC-01-GF-DR-AR-0005) and Proposed Option 2 Plan (28261156-ARC-01- GF-DR-AR-0008).

The Pre-App response dated August 29th 2019 was drafted by Paul Banks who remains the case officer.

The specific questions which were set out in the pre-app submission were:

• Review of whether the proposed Modular construction would be acceptable (in line with Cornwall design guide) and consideration of the type of façade treatments which would be acceptable. • Review of the extent to which the Eco Bos Design Code & Cornwall Council Design Guide would need to be implemented into the proposals. For example, the Eco Bos Design Code requests that all buildings are BREEAM Excellent which is above and beyond the normal DfE standards. • Confirmation of the required Ecology surveys, above a beyond what has already been submitted by EcoBos, which would need to be undertaken to accompany a planning application. • Timescales for a planning submission under reserved matters and details of information that would need to be submitted. • Review and comment on the current site & block plan to feed any comments into the detailed design.


• Any other Design guide requirements that may be necessary as part of the new town development. The case officer response addressed the questions under the following headings.

Design Considerations

Modular construction is not ‘unacceptable’. Overall design, appearance and use of materials would need to be appropriate.

The Design Code is relevant as part of the approved planning permission.

The school should follow the guidance for this neighbourhood which includes specific guidance on finishes, window detailing, materials, and designs.

The DfE are encouraged to meet the BREEAM Excellent rating ‘if possible’ as this is a flagship development within this eco-community.

Concerns over connectivity for peds/cyclists and relationship with the local centre. Officer advice was to position the school, so it relates better to the local centre to improve connectivity and ensure that the school is well integrated into the community.

Case officer commented on parking arrangements that there was no obvious parent parking and use of a drop off zone was felt unrealistic. Reference was made to a Phase 2 parent parking scheme over the green bridge and advice to link up on this issue with EcoBos.

Use of Design Review Panel (DRP) advised. EcoBos attended the DRP with Phase 1 and some comment was made in regards the relationship of the school site with the local centre (see below).

Cornwall Design Review Panel Session - Wednesday May 2nd 2018

The presentation on behalf of EcoBos related to the Phase 1 Reserved Matters submission. The school is an integral part of Phase 1 and whilst no design details were presented the panel did make references to the school.

There had been a previous presentation on February 7th 2018 concentrating on the masterplan.

1. Village square hard and soft landscaping which can adapt to desire lines, as well as inclusive access. 2. Expectation of some design codes.


3. No need for the two wings of the school which address the square to be symmetrical. Careful consideration of the splay and space – perhaps a firmer enclosure to the square may be more successful. 4. Regarding vehicular traffic, bustle, and activity in what is an ‘offline’ location might be treasured (?). Recommendation for an enlightened highway design for the space would be effective in reconciling the needs of all users and the relatively few number of through vehicles is unlikely to generate significant conflict. 5. Pleased to hear about the parent drop off on the western side of the green bridge. Recognition this may need a strict management regime and features such as bollards as a deterrent. Health benefits recognised but also acknowledged this is a tough request on parents on a wet and windy winter morning. Some flexibility seems desirable and this should not deny other types of positive casual use of the square.

Local Authority Pre-Application Number 2 – Officer Paul Steen, and Drainage Officer Jackie October 23rd 2020 Smith. Feedback has been incorporated where possible into the final design. The second formal pre-application was submitted to Cornwall Council on October 23rd 2020 by Caledonian to seek feedback on how they addressed the previous pre-app advice and what was needed for a planning submission. A detailed pre-app report was submitted which addressed each of the previous issues individually and explained how the current design had responded. Central to the whole discussion was how the school had attempted to achieve net zero carbon and design responses had been influenced by that requirement.

A meeting was held with the applicant team and the case officer Paul Banks, Highways


Parish Council and Local Member Consultation - December 2020

A presentation was given to the local Parish Council and Divisional Members via an online meeting on December 10th 2020 and by email for those who could not attend on the night.

There were many questions on the design and construction of the school as well as the function, operation, and integration with the wider Garden Village.

Public Consultation – March 2021

A period of public consultation prior to submission has given the local community information on the design approach and objectives for the school.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the consultation has made use of a website to display information and an email address for feedback and questions.

A flyer has been posted to the nearest properties to ensure they receive the information and have a chance to make comment to the project team.

This flyer has also been sent to the ESAM, Treverbyn Parish Council and the Cornwall Divisional Members. The flyer has been posted in locations around the parish including 3 community halls and 5 village notice boards. Details of the latest proposals for the school and in particular the zero-carbon aspect are posted on the Kernow Learning website.


Images taken from