Learn To Play PAGE 2 ������� LEARN TO PLAY INTRODUCTION If players have rulesquestionsduringthetutorial, they shouldconsult theRulesReference. complete game. That sectionincludestherestof thegame’srulesthatplayers will needto play their first After completing thetutorial, players should readthe“Advanced Rules”sectiononpages12–15. pages contain all therulesnecessary for players to complete thetutorial found onpage4. Before playing thetutorial, oneor moreplayers shouldreadpages5–11 of thisbook. Those cards andmovingattacking with figures. Board Game This bookcontains atutorial missionthathelpsplayers learnthebasicrulesof to them,anditshouldbeconsidered thedefinitiverulesdocument. The RulesReference contains aglossary of all gameterms andmany clarifications pertaining READFIRST! THIS to secure the facility andensure compliance. Emergency containmentteamsare inbound void theirUAC term-life insurance policy. personnel remaining onthepremises will convenience. ThisisaPriority 6alert.Any Recommend allstaffevacuate attheearliest Corporation MartianFacility A113. has beendetectedattheUnionAerospace Please beadvised,acontainmentbreach . Duringthetutorial, players will practice thegame’sbasicmechanics—playing armed, eliteUAC Marinestasked withaccomplishing which onetofour players control asquadofheavily : TheBoard Game GAME OVERVIEW controlled by asingleinvader player. aravenousmissions against horde ofdemons FIGURE ASSEMBLY 1 3 isatacticalgameduring DOOM: The 2 12 Glory Kill Cards Kill 12 Glory Pack Tokens 1 Rules Reference Reference 1 Rules 9 Health 9 Health (4 Marine,6Invader) 23 Weapon Tokens 8 DemonCards 10 InitiativeCards BRAVO Rules Reference (6 Grenades) Imp INVADER that attack. 2 range and1red dieto performing anattack,add 󲇇󲇇 ChargedFireball: Before points. an attack,gain2movement Afteryou performHit &Run: Adrenaline Rush gain 2movement points. 󲇁󲇁: Discard thiscard to recover 2damage. When you gainthiscard,

= ® 1 󲇄󲇄 HEALTH RANGE SPEED 3 4 4 1 6 Teleporter

Tokens 4 SquadCards 36 EventCards 16 Progress/Threat Tokens16 Progress/Threat 1 OperationGuide COMPONENT LIST Add 1blackdie. least damage). suffered theleastdamage (oristiedfor an attacktargeting themarinewhohas Play thiscard before rolling anydicefor choice. to anothermarineofyour you mustpassthiscard At theendofeachround, the Sprintaction. ( can perform 2mainactions During your activation, you draw 1actioncard. When you receive thiscard, 󲇀󲇀 Taking Point ) ifyou donotperform

Operation Guide T (Double-Sided) hree POWER OVERWHELMING Hellish Power M arines 4 MarineCards 6 Objective Tokens ® 4 StunCards 73 ActionCards 10 HEALTH UAC MARINE 6 movement points. from your handtogain 󲇀󲇀Sprint: Discard 1card TA LT E D

this condition. figure attacks you, discard attack orafterahostile After you perform an remove 1die. for anattack,chooseand Before rolling anydice defense. not reveal anycards for While defending, you do 󲇂󲇂 STUNned (4 Marines,33Demons) action card. this card toadd2󲇅󲇅.Then,draw 1 While defending, you may play with avariety ofweapon systems. and amodularHUDthatinterfaces system provides superior protection Praetor Suit.TheUAC tacticalarmor A proprietary designbasedonthe UAC CombatArmor Armor (Double-Sided) 37 Plastic Figures 37 Plastic 24 MapTiles 18 PortalTokens (Double-Sided) 󲇈󲇈 1/4 7 StunTokens 6 ObjectiveCards 12 InvasionCards

2 Cacodemon 1 Cacodemon 2 Mancubus invader gains3 tokens andtheobjectivetoken. Then, the on anobjectivetoken, discard bothprogress When thesecond progresstoken isplaced token. Then, theinvader draws 1eventcard. progress token onanadjacent objective discard 1card fromhishandto place 1 Once duringhisactivation, amarinemay INVADER: MARINES:

CA C 3 Imp 2 Imp 2 󲇇󲇇 First Strike Gain6frag tokens. Discard all objectivetokens. 󲇇󲇇 . (35 "1"Damage,20"3"Damage) 2 Possessed 4 Possessed 1 Possessed 2 Pinky Soldier Soldier Soldier 3 Imp 21 Frag 8 Plastic Stands 8 Plastic 8 DoorTokens with Tokens (4 Red,2Black) 55 DamageTokens 3 Threat Cards 3 Threat

6 Dice 24 Class Cards 24 Class Power Tokens any portals onthemap. Demons cannot opendoorsif thereare already onthemap. type that was summonedand was not remaining initiativedeckfor eachdemon shuffle 1invader initiativecards into the At theendof thatmarine’sactivation, faceup portal. Then, theinvader summonsfromeach flipped faceup. blocking terrain, walls, or doors)is is notseparated fromthemarineby spaces to (i.e.,eachportal token that trace acontinuous pathof adjacent Each portal token thatthemarinecan faceup portal token. WHEN A MARINE OPENS A DOOR: SETUP: INFESTATION 18 Argent

The invader summonsfromeach reveal anothercard. revealed defense card and the defender toignore the exhaust thiscard toforce While attacking, you may and reveal anothercard. the revealed defense card exhaust thiscard toignore While defending, you may Commando


UAC TRAINING FIELD pages 5–11. To setupthetutorial, follow thesesteps: game’s basicmechanics, which aredescribedon This tutorial isaquickexperience thatteaches the TUTORIAL 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. stun tokens within easy reachof all players. Create Supply corresponding spaces onthemap. Possessed Soldier andImpfiguresonthe (facedown), and"Pinky"(facedown). Heplaces "Possessed Soldier"(faceup), "Cacodemon" demon cards in hisplay area:"Imp"(faceup), Strike" faceup. Then, heplaces thefollowing play areaalong with theinvasion card "First to form theevent deckandplaces itinhis Destroy," and"BloodRush."Heshufflesthem of thecard: "Power Overwhelming,""Seekand cards with thefollowing namesonthebottom Prepare Invader game box. marine players, return unusedmarinesto the three cards. If playing with fewer thanfour the map,shuffleshisactiondeck,anddraws marine figureonthecorresponding space on in thesidebar to theright. Then, heplaces his the weapon tokens andactioncards indicated Bravo corresponding marinecard andfigure: one of thefollowing four marines,taking the Prepare Marines: player. All other players become UAC Marines. invader—preferably themostexperienced Assign Roles shown inthesetup diagram below. the maptiles,doors,figures,andtokens as Assemble theMap: MAP TILES: MAP , Charlie

05 : Chooseoneplayer to bethe , : a Door Icon

, 07 , or

Place thedice, damage,and : The invader takes the18event Delta Eachmarineplayer chooses a , 10 , Assemblethemapusing a , 15 , . Eachmarinetakes a , 15 , a , 15 , a , 16 , a Alpha ,

sets whose icons andcolors match the icons (indicated by the deck. Eachdeckcontains theUAC Marineset Then, eachmarineconstructs his10-card action action cards he will beusingduringthetutorial: tokens asshownbelow, which indicate the Each marinetakes histwo starting weapon he places thedeckfacedown inhisplay area. "2/3," and"3/3").After hegathersall threesets, of eachnumberedcard intheset(e.g.,"1/3," To gather a full set,theplayer takes onecopy and colors onhis weapon tokens. BUILDING THEACTIONDECKS UAC MarineCard 1/4 Charlie Alpha ⇈ icon) andthetwo weapon Combat Shotgun Card 1/3 Bravo

Delta 2 Cacodemon 1 Cacodemon 2 Mancubus 3 Imp 2 Imp 2 󲇇󲇇 First Strike 2 Possessed 4 Possessed 1 Possessed 2 Pinky Soldier Soldier Soldier 3 Imp deck untilhehasahandofsix event cards. explained later)anddraws event cards from hisevent invader readies hisexhausted demoncards (thisis After constructingandshufflingtheinitiative deck,the currently onthe map. the deckdependingonhow manydemontypesare need toaddorremove invader initiative cards from tutorial). DuringeachStatusPhase, theinvader may map (e.g., two invader initiative cards atthestartof equal tothenumberofdemontypescurrently onthe the gameplusanumberofinvader initiative cards corresponding initiative card for eachmarineplaying initiative deck.Theinitiative deckmustcontainthe begins. Duringthisphase, theinvader constructsthe components for theround before thereal action The StatusPhaseiswhentheinvader prepares the STATUS PHASE mission ends(see"EndingtheMission"onpage 11). round. Players continueplaying new rounds untilthe both phasesare completed,play proceeds tothenext Status Phase game rounds. Eachround consistsoftwo phases:a DOOM: TheBoard Game GAME PLAYING THE 2 Invader Initiative Cards for2DemonTypes InitiativeCards 2 Invader 3 Marine Initiative Cards for3Marines 3 MarineInitiativeCards followed by an ALPHA BRAVO isplayed over anumberof INVADER CHARLIE INVADER Activation Phase . After to perform the corresponding marine deck. Iftherevealed card isamarineinitiative card, Phase, theinvader reveals thetopcard oftheinitiative DOOM: TheBoard Game The Activation Phaseiswhentheactionhappensin ACTIVATION PHASE Status Phase. the round endsandthenext round beginswithanew are nocards remaining intheinitiative deck.Then, deck. Activations continueinthismanner untilthere reveals thenext initiative card from thetopof the invader discards therevealed initiative card and After themarineactivation ordemonactivations, next page). each demonfigure ofthattype(explained onthe invader mustchooseademontypeandthenactivate If therevealed card isaninvader initiative card, the ALPHA INVADER actions

󲇀󲇀 (explained onthenext page). 4 SPEED SHotgun Maneuver


Combat Shotgun After you resolve this card, you may play another card, treating its speed as "0." Ideally suited for the operative who requires a speedy response for deadly close encounters. . AtthestartofActivation

󲇁󲇁 SPEED 3 activates

Pistol Every UAC employee is provided a standard UAC EM (Energy-Matter-Gel) Sidearm upon promotion to Tier 2. This sidearm is reliable and effective at C short range.

ombat 10




with a variety of weapon systems. weapon of variety a with

and a modular HUD that interfaces interfaces that HUD modular a and

system provides superior protection protection superior provides system

Praetor Suit. The UAC tactical armor armor tactical UAC The Suit. Praetor

󲇒󲇒 the on based design proprietary A

action card. action

. Then, draw 1 1 draw Then, . 2 add to card this 󲇅󲇅 While defending, you may play play may you defending, While

Imp UAC Combat Armor Combat UAC that attack. 2 range and1red dieto performing anattack,add 󲇇󲇇 ChargedFireball: Before points. an attack,gain2movement Afteryou performHit &Run: 6 movement points. from your handtogain 󲇀󲇀Sprint: Discard 1card 1/3 ALPHA

, whichallows him Armor



󲇈󲇈 1/4

= 1 󲇄󲇄 HEALTH RANGE SPEED 3 4 4 1

PAGE 5 PAGE 6 ������� LEARN TO PLAY Attack Box follows theinstructions onthecard. or rerolling dice. To resolve theseabilities, amarine can usefor various effects, suchasadditionalattacks Some actioncards have uniqueabilitiesthatmarines steps: faceup inhisplay area and resolves thefollowing When amarineplays anactioncard, heplacesit RESOLVING ACTION CARDS his actiondeckuntilhehasthree cards inhishand. played actioncards anddraws new actioncards from end ofamarine’sactivation, hediscards allofhis play anotheractioncard orendhisactivation. Atthe time. Afterresolving anactioncard, themarinecan A marineplays andresolves actioncards oneata the following icons: cards. Mainactionsandbonusare identifiedby main his hand.Duringactivation, amarinecanplay one and canmove andattackby playing actioncards from When amarine'sinitiative card isrevealed, heactivates MARINEACTIVATION Speed Value 2. 1.

action on page 7). marine canperform thatattack(see"Attacking" Attack: (see "Movement" onpage 8). during hisactivation, movement pointshehasgained value. Amarinecanmove by spending movement pointsequaltothecard’s speed Gain Movement Points: Main Action 󲇀󲇀 card andanynumberof 4 4 󲇀󲇀 Ifthecard hasanattackbox, the RANGE SPEED 3 4 up close&Personal for each󲇆󲇆 space. Thatfigure suffers 1damage 1 figure adjacent tothedefender's you may roll 1red dieandchoose After you perform thisattack, Super Shotgun rolled. Bonus Action except duringanattack Themarinegains 4 󲇁󲇁 󲇓󲇓 bonus at anytime


action 󲇒󲇒

Abilities 1/3 Possessed Soldier performed oneattime. corresponds to thecard hechose. Theactivations are Then, heactivates eachdemonfigure onthemapthat rotating it90degrees. one ofhis invader's turn toactivate demons. To do so, hechooses When aninvader initiative card isrevealed, itisthe DEMON ACTIVATION have anArgent Power icon( of thistutorial,theinvader ignores anyabilitiesthat follows theinstructions onthecard. For thepurposes demon card. To resolve theseabilities, theinvader Each demonhasspecialabilitiespresented onits When ademonfigure activates, itfollows thesesteps: targeting him. of sight,perform anattack an attack,ifheisinyour line within 5spacesperforms 󲇇󲇇 Overwatch:Afteramarine 1 die. attacking, you may reroll While Memory: Muscle Demon Card 2. 1. Readied presented on its demoncard. Attack: attack time spend movement pointsithasgained the corresponding demoncard. Ademoncan movement pointsequaltothespeedvalue on Gain Movement Points: readied Possessed Soldier targeting him. of sight,perform anattack an attack,ifheisinyour line within 5spacesperforms 󲇇󲇇 Overwatch:Afteramarine 1 die. attacking, you may reroll While Memory: Muscle 󲇈󲇈 duringitsactivation,

= (see"Movement" onpage 8). 3/4 Thedemoncanperform theattack 2 󲇅󲇅 HEALTH RANGE SPEED 5 5 4 3

demoncards and

2 2 = 󲇅󲇅


⇇ him. targeting

of sight, perform an attack attack an perform sight, of HEALTH


). line your in is he if attack, an

Thedemongains performs spaces 5 within

Demon Card

After a marine marine a After Overwatch: 󲇇󲇇


except duringan = RANGE

1 die. 1


reroll may you attacking,

While While 2 󲇅󲇅 Memory: Muscle





4 Possessed Soldier Possessed Attack Box

at any Speed Value itby Imp that attack. 2 range and1red dieto performing anattack,add 󲇇󲇇 ChargedFireball: Before points. an attack,gain2movement Afteryou performHit &Run: the attacker haslineofsighttothedefender. attacker mustdeclare adifferent target. Otherwise, terrain If thelinecrosses a linetoanycornerofthedefender’simaginary space. corner ofhisfigure’s space. Then,hedraws astraight, the attacker’s lineofsight,theattacker choosesone figure cansee. To determineifthedefender isin Line ofsightisusedtodeterminewhattheattacker’s attacker mustdeclare adifferent defender. defender isnotwithinrange oftheattacker, the is shown intheattackbox onanactioncard. If the defender occupies).Themaximum range ofanattack attacker andthedefender (includingthespace of within To perform anattack,thedefender mustbeboth figure heisattacking;thatfigure isthe performing anattack,theattacker declares which is performing anattackisthe can damage eachother. Themarineordemonthat Attacking istheprimaryway thatmarinesanddemons ATTACKING

EXAMPLE OF AN ATTACK sight 󲇀󲇀 2. 3. 1. RANGE SPEED 3 4 Attack Box range 1 (red line),lineof sightis two damage,placingtwo damagetokens onhismarine card. of The defender takes thenumber of figure’s attack, andthenthemarinerevealstop card of hisactiondeck. The invader performs anattack with thatImp.Herollsthedice indicated for his Alpha's space. Alphaisthreespaces away, soheis within range. imaginary linefrom one corner of thatImp'sspace to onecorner of One Imphaslineof sight to Alpha. The invader can draw anuninterrupted, Marine . Range isthenumberofspacesbetween the ⇅ up close&Personal ontherevealedcard. The total result istwo. Alphasuffers oftheattacker andintheattacker’s for each󲇆󲇆 space. Thatfigure suffers 1damage 1 figure adjacenttothedefender's you may roll 1red dieandchoose After you perform thisattack, Super Shotgun

wall (thickblackline),or rolled. Imp that attack. 2 range and1red dieto performing anattack,add 󲇇󲇇 ChargedFireball: Before points. an attack,gain2movement Afteryou performHit &Run: attacker blocked Attack Box = Demon defender . When andthe 1 󲇄󲇄 HEALTH RANGE SPEED 3 4 4 blocking 1

󲇓󲇓 ⇆ . line rolledandsubtracts thenumber


= shield icons( defending demonwithanumberof When triggered, itprovides the on thecorresponding demoncard. the specialdefense abilityshown defense icon( Event cards may containthespecial icon ( cancels onedamage andthedodge dodge icon( icons—either shieldicons( revealed card may contain defense The upper-right cornerofthe is ademon,hereveals thetopcard ofhisevent deck. reveals the topcard ofhisactiondeck;ifthedefender card for hisdefense. Ifthedefender isamarine, he After theattacker rolls dice, thedefender reveals explained later). much damage thedefender suffers (damage is up tothree damage icons( on theactionordemoncard. Eachdieface contains number andcolorofdiceindicatedintheattackbox After declaringadefender, theattacker rolls the 8). Then,hediscards therevealed card. not canceled(see"Suffering Damage" onpage one damage for eachdamage icon( After revealing adefense card, thedefender suffers 1 󲇄󲇄 HEALTH RANGE SPEED 3 4 4 1 ⇄ 2 ) cancelsalldamage. ⇄ ⇅ ). Eachshieldicon( ⇃ ) oradodge icon( ). Thisicontriggers Possessed Soldier 󲇀󲇀 RANGE SPEED 3 4 targeting him. of sight,perform anattack an attack,ifheisinyour line within 5spacesperforms 󲇇󲇇 Overwatch:Afteramarine 1 die. attacking, you may reroll While Memory: Muscle

up close&Personal for each 󲇆󲇆 space. That figure suffers 1damage 1 figure adjacenttothedefender's you may roll 1red dieandchoose After you perform thisattack, Super Shotgun 󲇀󲇀 RANGE SPEED 4 4 ⇅ ⇆

) ora ), whichindicatehow 3 SHotgun Maneuver rolled. card, treating itsspeedas"0." close encounters. requires aspeedyresponse for deadly Ideally suitedfor theoperative who may play another After you resolve thiscard, you Combat Shotgun ⇄ ⇅ ). ) ⇆ ) thatwas Special Defense 󲇓󲇓 Defense Icons C

ombat 1/3 Ability Shield S 󲇒󲇒 = hotgun 1/3 2 󲇅󲇅 one HEALTH RANGE SPEED 5 5 4 3

PAGE 7 PAGE 8 ������� LEARN TO PLAY Imp that attack. 2 range and1red dieto performing anattack,add 󲇇󲇇 ChargedFireball: Before points. an attack,gain2movement Afteryou performHit &Run: active teleporter. his figure onaspacethathasan activation, he At thestartofafragged marine'snext three new actioncards. pile intohisactiondeckanddraws marine shuffleshishandanddiscard marine card are discarded. Then,the map andalldamage tokens onhis figure isimmediately removed from the gains onefrag token. Themarine’s When amarineisfragged, theinvader corresponding demoncard facedown. of thattypeonthemap,invader flips the After ademonisfragged, ifthere are nomore figures and thefigure isimmediatelyremoved from themap. equal toorgreater thanitshealthvalue, itis When amarineordemonhasanamountofdamage FRAGGED to thesupply. damage tokens from hismarinecard andreturns them that marineremoves theappropriate numberof Marines may recover damage. Whenthis happens, on themapnext tothatfigure. demons, thedamage tokens are placed damage tokens onhismarinecard. For he placestheappropriate numberof Each timeamarinesuffers damage, of either“1”or“3.” tokens. Eachdamage token hasavalue Damage istracked usingdamage SUFFERING DAMAGE Marine Health respawns 10 HEALTH UAC MARINE

by placing 6 movement points. from your handtogain 󲇀󲇀 ALPHA Sprint: Discard 1card Demon Health = 1 󲇄󲇄 HEALTH RANGE SPEED 3 4 4 1 Teleporter Damage Active Token Token fragged Frag

movement. Terrain isexplained later. Terrain elementsprintedonthemapcanrestrict points notusedduringanactivation are lost. them mustbespentatthesametime. Anymovement performing attacks orusingabilities—andnotallof any timeduringitsactivation—both before andafter A marineordemonmay spendmovement pointsat and diagonally. can move bothorthogonally corner. As such,amarine share eitheraborder ora spaces are adjacentifthey one movement point.Two adjacent spaceby spending A figure canmove intoan to move around themap. spend movement points Demons andmarinescan distance toanopponent. whether proceeding toanobjective orclosingthe Movement iskey tosuccess inanycombatsituation, MOVEMENT but are enemyfigures tomarines. figures for demons. Demonsare friendly toeachother, Marines are friendly toeachother, butare enemy additional cost. enter aspacecontaining space containingan must spendoneadditionalmovement pointtoentera but itcannotenditsmovement on thatspace. Afigure A figure canenter aspacecontaininganotherfigure, MOVING THROUGHFIGURES 󲇀󲇀 RANGE SPEED 3 4 MOVEMENT EXAMPLE 1 4. 2. 3. 1. up close&Personal for each󲇆󲇆 space. Thatfigure suffers 1damage 1 figure adjacenttothedefender's you may roll 1red dieandchoose After you perform thisattack, Super Shotgun final pointto move again. demon's space, sohemustuse his He cannot endhis movementina into aspace occupied by ademon. He spendstwo morepointsto move He spendsonepointmoving diagonally. movement points. Alpha plays anactioncard, gainingfour rolled. enemy 2 󲇓󲇓 friendly

figure 2/3 3 , butthatfigure can

Movement Directions figure withno 4

card, heplacesitinhisdiscard pile. faceup inhisplay area. Afterthemarineresolves the marine takes thecard from his hand andplacesit and how itisresolved. To play areaction card, the Each reaction card describeswhenit can beplayed the reaction icon( Reaction cards are distinguished by another player's activation. marine canplay thesecards during main actionsorbonusactions, a have thereaction icon( Some actioncards, such as"Armor," REACTION movement points. may discard onecard from hishandtogain six activation, insteadofplaying amainactioncard, he printed onhismarinecard. Duringamarine’s as quicklypossible, hecanusethe"Sprint"action When amarineneedstoget from onepointtoanother SPRINT ACTION forstunned again anyreason, nothinghappens. stun. Ifafigure thatisalready stunnedwould become A figure cannot beaffected by multipleinstancesof is attacked orafteritperforms anattack. anattack.Afigure isnolongeragainst stunnedafterit a stunnedfigure cannotreveal acard todefend before rolling thedicefor anattack.Whendefending, When attacking, astunnedfigure mustremove onedie demon's figure. a stuntoken isplacednext tothat card. Ifademonbecomesstunned, card andplacesitnext tohismarine becomes stunned,hetakes astun defensive capabilities. Ifamarine weakens a figure's offensive and Stun isaconditionthattemporarily STUN players needtounderstand tocompletethetutorial. This sectiondescribesadditionalcore rulesthat CORE RULES ADDITIONAL 10 HEALTH UAC MARINE 6 movement points. from your handtogain 󲇀󲇀Sprint: Discard 1card ALPHA ⇂ ). ⇂ ). Unlike Stun Token Reaction 󲇂󲇂 types ofitemsthatamarinecangain,asfollows: is inhisspaceduringactivation. There are two that amarinecanuse. Amarinemay gainanitemthat Items are tokens onthemapthatrepresent equipment ITEMS event card cannotbeplayed atthesametime. event card isdiscarded. Multiplecopiesofthesame adding dicetoattacks. Aftertheeffect isresolved, the cards have direct effects suchasreducing damage or Each event card describeswhenitcanbeplayed. Most Phase, andhecanplay thosecards for various effects. ways. Theinvader draws event cards duringtheStatus of Argent Energy, whichcanmanifest insurprising The demonsbringwiththemthemysterious power DEMON EVENTCARDS them facedown ontopofhisactiondeck: action cards from thesupply, shufflesthem,andplaces rocket launchertoken, hetakes thefollowing setof launcher weapon token. When amarinegainsthe For example, thetutorial mapincludestherocket Weapon Token 󲇀󲇀 6 RANGE SPEED 4 Specialists duetoitsunparalleled Standard issuefor Heavy Weapons 1 damage for each󲇆󲇆rolled. to thedefender's spacesuffers 1 blackdie. Eachfigure adjacent After you perform thisattack,roll Rocket Launcher Rocket Salvo direct impactandradius damage. 󲇀󲇀 6 RANGE SPEED 4 that token. whose iconandcolorcorrespond to play area andtakes theweapon set weapon, heplacesthetoken inhis Weapon: Whenamarinegains five damage. the healthpacktoken andrecovers a healthpack,heimmediatelydiscards Health Pack: Whenamarinegains Specialists duetoitsunparalleled Standard issuefor Heavy Weapons 1 damage for each󲇆󲇆rolled. to thedefender's spacesuffers 1 blackdie. Eachfigure adjacent After you perform thisattack,roll Rocket Launcher Rocket Salvo 󲇈󲇈 󲇀󲇀 direct impactandradius damage. 6 RANGE 1/4 Weapon SetIcons 󲇎󲇎 suffers 1damage for each󲇆󲇆 adjacent tothedefender's space attacks, roll 1blackdie. Eachfigure After you perform eachofthese 1 additionaltime. You may perform thisattack Rocket Launcher 1/3 Lock-On Burst and Color 󲇎󲇎 2/3 󲇎󲇎 rolled. 3/3

PAGE 9 PAGE 10 ������� LEARN TO PLAY summons demonsfrom thetwo portals onthemap. time amarineopensdoor, theinvader immediately on themap,ademoncannotopendoor. Thefirst Important: closed. from themap.Doors cannotbe door isopened,itremoved one movement point.Whena door may openitby spending A figure thatis adjacenttoa door are notadjacent. and two spacesseparated by a map. Doors blocklineofsight, between somespacesonthe Doors are uprighttokens found DOORS block lineofsight. terrain. Difficultterrain doesnot point toenteraspaceofdifficult spend oneadditionalmovement one ormore spaces. Afigure must a dottedblueborder surrounding Difficult: terrain blocks lineofsight. solid red line. Additionally, blocking Figures cannot move through a by asolidred linebetween spaces. Blocking: line ofsight. Impassable terrain doesnotblock move through dottedred lines. between spaces. Figures cannot indicated by adottedred line Impassable block lineofsight. through walls. Additionally, walls not adjacent.Figures cannotmove Two spacesseparated by awall are appears ontheedge ofmaptiles. thick blacklinethatmostoften Walls and lineofsight,asfollows: indicate thatthey have effects thatmodifymovement Some linesonthemapare colored orthickened to TERRAIN ANDWALLS : Theseare indicatedby a Thisterrain isindicatedby Thisterrain isindicated During thetutorial,ifthere are anyportals : Thisterrain is Impassable Blocking Difficult Doors Wall Blue Portal Blue portal token. demons theinvader can invasion group indicatesthenumberandtypeof that containsalistofsix During eachgame, theinvader hasaninvasion card tokens, eachdistinguishedby itsglyphandcolor. adjacent toportaltokens. There are three tiers ofportal Demons are always placedonthemapsothey are onor Portals are how demonsarrive onthebattlefield. PORTALS portal from themap. After aninvasion group issummoned,remove that Each portalcanonlysummon oneinvasion group. demon’s corresponding demoncard faceup. When ademonissummoned,theinvader flipsthat the mapsothey are allonoradjacenttotheportal. and typeofdemonslistedfrom hischosengroup on corresponds totheportal'scolor. Heplaces the number chooses aninvasion group from hisinvasion card that a portalonthemapandflipsitfaceup. Then,he at atime. To summonademon,theinvader chooses The invader summonsdemonsfrom eachportalone immediately thefirst timeamarineopensdoor. summons demonsfrom boththeblueandyellow portals invader summonsdemons. For thetutorial,invader The missiondescriptionalways specifieswhenthe groups thatcorrespond totheblueportal. portal, hecanchoosetosummoneitheroftheinvasion invasion card. Whenhesummonsdemonsfrom a blue For thetutorial,invader hasthe“First Strike” Faceup Portals Faceup Invasion Groups Yellow Portal summon invasion 2 Cacodemon 1 Cacodemon 2 Mancubus 3 Imp 2 Imp 2 󲇇󲇇 First Strike from aspecific

groups Red Portal 2 Possessed 4 Possessed 1 Possessed 2 Pinky Soldier Soldier Soldier 3 Imp . Each is determinedby thenumberofmarines, asfollows: marine isfragged. Thenumberoffrag tokens heneeds tokens. Theinvader gainsafrag token eachtimea Invader: frag alldemonsonthemap. cause theinvader tosummondemons. Then,they must Marines: tutorial, themission'sobjectives are asfollows: or themarinesaccomplishtheirobjective. For the The missionendsimmediatelywheneithertheinvader ENDING THEMISSION SUMMONING EXAMPLE 2. 3. players can begintheir firstoperation. “Advanced Rules”section. Then, the After playing, readthefollowing needed to play thetutorial mission. The players now know everything STOP! 1. • • • 1 they were summonedfrom. Then, theportal tokens arediscarded. The invader places thosedemonfiguresonor adjacent to theportal token blue portal andtwo Impsandtwo Cacodemons for the yellow portal. his invasion card. Hechoosesto summontwo PossessedSoldiersfor the For eachfaceup portal token, theinvader summonsaninvasion groupfrom When Alphaopensthedoor, theinvader flipstheblueand yellow portal tokens faceup. Four Marines: Three Marines: One toTwo Marines: Theinvader mustgainanumberoffrag Themarinesmustopenatleastonedoorto Two frag tokens Three frag tokens Four frag tokens 2 Cacodemon 1 Cacodemon 2 2 Mancubus 3 Imp 2 Imp 2 󲇇󲇇 First Strike 2 Possessed 4 Possessed 1 Possessed 2 Pinky Soldier Soldier Soldier 3 Imp 3

PAGE 11 PAGE 12 ������� LEARN TO PLAY his activation by rotating itback to vertical orientation. readies hisexhausted classcard atthebeginningof the player rotates it90degrees clockwise. Amarine Some abilitiesexhaust classcards; toexhaust acard, on thecard. and hecanusethatabilityby following theinstructions class card isavailable for theduration ofthegame, class slotonhismarinecard. Theabilityonamarine's marine isassignedaclasscard thatheplacesonthe provide himwithuniqueskills. Duringsetup, each Class cards represent amarine'sspecialtraining and CARDS CLASS not spentare lost. they mustbespentimmediately. Anymovement points ever gainsmovement pointsoutsideofitsactivation, Certain abilitiesprovide movement points. Ifafigure abilities have acost,asfollows: Each abilitydescribeswhenitcanbeused.Some main action. an abilitymay allow amarinetoresolve anadditional beyond thestandard rulesofthegame. For example, Abilities allow marinesanddemonstoresolve effects ABILITIES need theserulesfor thetutorial. to understand toplay anoperation. Players donot This sectionincludesadvanced rulesthatplayers need RULES ADVANCED Exhausted Class Card Exhausted Class • • • • that card. Argent Power isexplained later. must first spendanArgent Power token from icon ( abilities thatcorrespond toanArgent Power Argent Power ( activation. Classcards are explained below. are readied atthebeginningofamarine's card cannotbe used.Exhaustedclasscards card isalready exhausted, theabilityonthat requires amarinetoexhaust thatcard. Ifthe Exhaust: ⇁ ⇀ : Thisabilitycanbeusedasabonusaction. :


reveal another card. another reveal 10

HEALTH revealed defense card and and card defense revealed

UAC MARINE the defender to ignore the the ignore to defender the

exhaust this card to force force to card this exhaust While attacking, you may may you attacking, While ). To usesuchanability, theinvader

6 movement points. from your handtogain 󲇀󲇀Sprint: Discard 1card


and reveal another card. another reveal and

the revealed defense card card defense revealed the Some classcards have abilitiesthat

exhaust this card to ignore ignore to card this exhaust

While defending, you may may you defending, While Commando ⇇ ): Somedemoncards have Readied Class Card Class Readied 10 HEALTH UAC MARINE reveal anothercard. revealed defense card and the defender toignore the exhaust thiscard toforce While attacking, you may and reveal anothercard. the revealed defense card exhaust thiscard toignore While defending, you may Commando 6 movement points. from your handtogain 󲇀󲇀Sprint: Discard 1card ALPHA cards oronhisinvasion card. the supplyandplacesitonanyofhisfaceup demon Argent Power, hetakes anArgent Power token from gains oneArgent Power. Whentheinvader gains For eachevent card hediscards, he up tothree event cards from hishand. can gainArgent Power by discarding During theStatusPhase, theinvader and Argent Power tokens. Power isrepresented by the abilities onhisdemoncards. Argent invader spendstousecertainspecial Argent Power ( ARGENT POWER are immediatelydiscarded. Argent Power tokens thatremain ontheinvasion card invasion group. Aftersummoningiscompleted,any stored onhisinvasion card tothedemoncards ofthat may move anynumberofArgent Power tokens hehas When aninvasion group issummoned,theinvader among hisdemoncards from thatgroup. tokens equaltothatvalue andmustdistributethem one oftheseinvasion groups, hegainsArgent Power a corresponding value. When theinvader summons Many invasion groups have anArgent Power iconwith icon ( ability onthatdemoncard thathasanArgent Power Power token from ademoncard. Then,heresolves an To spendArgent Power, theinvader discards anArgent summons thisgroup, he gainstwoArgent When theinvader Imp that attack. 2 range and1red dieto performing anattack,add 󲇇󲇇 ChargedFireball: Before points. an attack,gain2movement Afteryou performHit &Run: ⇇ ). Power. ⇇ ) isacurrency thatthe = 1 󲇄󲇄 HEALTH RANGE SPEED 3 4 4 1 placed ondemonplaced ⇇ Argent PowerisArgent 2 Cacodemon 2 Revenant icon 3 Imp 3 Imp 2 Imp 2 󲇇󲇇 cards. Imp Assault Imp Argent Power Argent Token 1 Baron ofHell 1 Revenant

2 Imp 2 Imp 4 Imp 3 󲇇󲇇 2 󲇇󲇇 1 󲇇󲇇 he does, thefirst card isignored anddiscarded. 7), hemay choosetoreveal anadditionalcard. If reveals a card for hisdefense (see"Attacking" onpage During anattack,whenadefender thathascover space), thedefender hascover. spaces containingafigure (dotted blueline), through a defender's space. If used todeterminelineofsighteachcornerthe linefromimaginary thecornerofhisspacethathe attack. To determinecover, theattacker draws an determine ifthedefender hascover from the After determininglineofsight,theattacker must advantage called doors, terrain, andotherfigures tohave adefensive During anattack,afigure canhidebehindwalls, COVER COVER EXAMPLE 4. 2. 3. 1. 2 through blockingterrain. cover because alineisdrawn The PossessedSoldier has drawn through thePossessedSoldier. The Imphascover because alineis every corner of itsspace. draw anuninterrupted lineto have cover because Alpha can The Cacodemon doesnot all threedemons. Alpha haslineof sight to wall (thick blackline), cover blocking terrain 1 any oftheselinesare drawn . (otherthanthedefender’s 3 difficult terrain (solidred line),or 4

Possessed Soldier targeting him. of sight,perform anattack an attack,ifheisinyour line within 5spacesperforms 󲇇󲇇 Overwatch:Afteramarine 1 die. attacking, you may reroll While Memory: Muscle ability thatthemarinecanperform by following the damage. Additionally, eachGloryKillcard hasan the marinewhodrew ittoimmediatelyrecover two top oftheGloryKilldeck.Eachcard allows he immediatelydraws oneGloryKillcard from the a When ademonisfragged inthismanner, itiscalled staggered demon,thatdemonisimmediatelyfragged. When amarinemoves intoaspacecontaining staggered or greater value, thanitsstagger thatdemonis If ademonhasanamountofdamage equalto demon type's has anumericalvalue below itshealth,thisisthat demon inclose-quarters combat.Eachdemoncard A marineiscapableofswiftly executing awounded GLORY KILL demon would be fragged inthismanner. movement pointtoenterademon'sspaceifthat A marinedoesnothave tospendanadditional active teleporter, thatdemonisimmediatelyfragged. teleporter ormoves tothatteleporterfrom another teleporter, andamarineeitherrespawns onthat demon occupiesaspacethatcontainsanactive Teleporters canbehazardous todemons. Ifa TELEFRAGGING active teleporters are adjacenttoeachother. purposes ofmarinemovement, all spaces containing respawn onanyactive teleporter. Additionally, for the and isflippedtoitsactive side. Fragged marinescan teleporter immediatelybecomesactive occupied by aninactive teleporter, that used. Whenamarineenters aspace must beactivated before they canbe Some teleporters are inactive and the mapduringsetup. distances. Teleporters are placedon quickly transport theiroperatives great Teleporters are usedby theUAC to TELEPORTERS instructions onthecard. glory Stagger Value

kill . . Whenamarineperforms aGloryKill, stagger

value . = 2 󲇅󲇅 HEALTH RANGE SPEED 5 5 4 3 Teleporter Inactive

PAGE 13 PAGE 14 ������� LEARN TO PLAY rules, suchasaspaceofimpassableterrain. that they couldnotmove tousingnormalmovement controller's choice—figures cannotbe placedinspaces figure isplacedinthenearest unoccupied spaceofits in aspacewithoneormore smallfigures, each small small figures. Whenalarge figure endsitsmovement containing blockingterrain, impassableterrain, and figures. Alarge figure canenditsmovement inspaces spaces ofdifficultterrain orspacesoccupied by small any additionalmovement pointswhenentering terrain whilemoving, andthey donothave tospend Large figures ignore impassableterrain andblocking least halfofthespacesitoccupiedpriortorotating. point. Whenrotating, thefigure’s basemustoccupyat their bases90degrees by spendingonemovement figures thatoccupyeithertwo orsixspacescanrotate Large figures cannotmove diagonally. However, large FIGURESANDMOVEMENT LARGE and lineofsight. the map.Large figures have uniquerulesfor movement the mapandalarge figure occupiesmultiplespaceson large There are two typesoffigures: FIGURES LARGE it occupied before therotation (3). occupy fewer thanhalf of thespaces rotate to aposition where it would one movementpoint.Afigurecannot can rotate their bases 90degreesfor and figuresthatoccupy sixspaces (2) Figures thatoccupy two spaces (1) ROTATION LARGE FIGURE

figures . Asmallfigure occupiesonespaceon 2 3 small

figures 1 and Mancubus 󲇇󲇇 number ofdice. to you, you may reroll any the defender isnotadjacent Whileattacking,Artillery: if suffers 1damage for each󲇆󲇆rolled. Each enemyfigure within 2spaces your activation, roll 1blackdie. Attheendof Flamethrower: marine players receive squadcards duringsetup. When playing withfewer thanfour marines, the THAN FOURMARINES PLAYING WITHFEWER toughness always addsone its demoncard. Whiledefending, ademonwith identified by ashieldicon( Each ofthesedemontypeshas Certain typesofdemonare inherently difficulttokill. TOUGHNESS that thefigure occupies. Large figures cannothave cover. of sightcanbedeterminedusingcorners from anyspace When alarge figure iseitheranattacker ordefender, line FIGURESANDATTACKSLARGE token corresponds toaweapon setofthesame type. (weapon tokens thatdonothave whitestripes).Each chooses two diffferent starting weapon tokens To constructacustomaction deck,eachmarine bottom ofthecard. There are sixcards ineachset. cards isidentifiedby thesetnamedisplayed atthe together toform the18-card deck.Eachsetofevent chooses three setsofevent cards andshufflesthem To constructthecustomevent deck,theinvader own event andactiondecks. During setup,theinvader andmarinesconstructtheir CUSTOM EVENTANDACTIONDECKS according tothe numberofmarinesplaying, asfollows: During setup,themarinesreceive squadcards heroes' effectiveness invarious ways. These cards helpbalancethegameby increasing the • • • "Seek and Destroy" EventSetName "Seek andDestroy" Toughness thus, themarineactivates twiceperround. initiative card isaddedtotheinitiative deck; "Solo Operative" squad card. Anextra marine One-Marine Game: "Combat Veteran" squadcard. Two-Marine Game: "Taking Point" squadcard. Three-Marine Game: becomes stunned. perform theattack,defender Choose andremove 1die. Afteryou an attack. Play thiscard before rolling anydicefor Crippling Strike SEEK ANDDESTROY ⇅ Eachmarinereceives the Thatmarinegainsthe ) next toitshealthvalue on ⇅ Onemarinereceives the toitsdefense. toughness = 12 1 󲇅󲇅 HEALTH RANGE SPEED 5 4 8 , whichis

󲇀󲇀 RANGE SPEED 3 7 marines cannot lookatfacedown demoncards. do notknow whichdemonscan besummoned.The facedown throughout themissionsothatmarines However, theinvader's chosen invasion card remains The Operation Guideisopeninformation toallplayers. HIDDEN INFORMATION card iscompleted,themissionendsimmediately. When oneoftheobjectives described ontheobjective ENDING AMISSION There are three different threat cards, asfollows: how theinvader usestheportalstosummondemons. Each missionhasathreat card whichdetermines THREAT CARD accomplish theirobjective. the players progress through themissionand players withmission-specificrulesthataffect how invader. Additionally, theobjective card provides the victoryconditionsfor boththemarinesand Each missionhasanobjective card whichdescribes OBJECTIVE CARD instructions andadiagram for eachmission. of sixmissions. TheOperation Guideincludessetup Guide thatcontainstwo operations, eachconsisting DOOM: TheBoard Game MISSIONS how manycards are inthatset. unique toeachcard inaset.Thesetnumberindicates The weapon iconidentifiestheset.Thecard numberis card number, andasetnumber. weapon setidentifierthatcontainsaweapon icon,a The lower-right cornerofeachactioncard hasa UAC Marinesettoform his10-card actiondeck. from thosesetsandcombinesthemwiththefour-card The marinegathers onecopyofeachnumbered card • • • unmanageable recoil. firing multiplerounds withoutcreating sniping weapon thatiscapableof sight turnstheHARintoanexcellent A parallax compensatingtelescopic This attackignores cover. Heavy AssaultRifle Scoped burst 󲇀󲇀 demons atthestartofeachStatusPhase. of threat tokens thathecanusetosummon Assault: emerges from portalsofincreasing deadliness. Horde: summoned asthemarinesexplore themap. Infestation: RANGE 5 Weapon Token andWeapon Set 1 additionaltime. You may perform thisattack abundant supplyofammunition. its dependability, accuracy, andan Rifle isstillinwidespread usedueto the PlasmaRifle, theHeavy Assault Although recently superseded by Heavy AssaultRifle for HeavyAssaultRifle Acontinuousswarm ofdemons Theinvader receives asteadysupply 󲇀󲇀 RANGE 5 Demonsare revealed and Unload 1 additionaltime. You may perform thisattack abundant supplyofammunition. its dependability, accuracy, andan Rifle isstillinwidespread usedueto the PlasmaRifle, theHeavy Assault Although recently superseded by Heavy AssaultRifle 󲇏󲇏 includesanOperation 1/3 Unload 󲇏󲇏 2/3 󲇏󲇏


Technical Writing: Producer: Game Development: Game Design: CREDITS YEARS OF AGE OR YOUNGER Made inChina. Road B2, Roseville, MN 55113, USA, 651-639-1905. Actual components may vary from those shown. All rightsreservedtotheir respective owners. FantasyFlight Games islocated at 1995 West County logo are FFG TMs ofFantasyFlightGames.Gamesisa® other countries.FantasyFlightSupplyisa TM ofFantasyFlightGames.Gamesandthe and/or U.S. the in affiliates its and/or Inc. Media ZeniMax of trademarks or trademarks registered are © 2016BethesdaSoftworksLLC,aZeniMaxMedia company.id, Bethesdaandrelated logos DOOM, , andKevin Wilson! Special thanks toSeanBeanandTommy Eubanks of Quoc Tran, andDavid Wright Kris Ruiz,MichaelSanf, CatherineShen,Drew Star, YSussman, Matthew Newman, SeanO'Hare, Kiefer Paulson, Brandon Perdue, Lukas Litzsinger, Robert Martens, CharlesMcCarron, Donovan Goertzen,EllenGriffin,PhilipDHenry, NathanKiemele, Richard A.Edwards, JacobFreedman, BruceFreeland, Jeremy Bauerle, Katie Berger, Mike Brown, GlenDake, Wes Divin, Playtesters: Bethesda Softworks LicensingApproval: Publisher: Executive Producer: Executive GameDesigner: Creative Director: Board GameManager: Licensing Specialist: Production Management: Liza Lundgren, andJohannaWhiting Production Coordination: Quality Assurance Coordinator: Sculpting Manager: Sculpting Coordinator: Plastic Sculpting: ArtDirector: Managing Art Direction: Board Art: Graphic DesignManager: Evan Simonet,andMichaelSilsby Graphic Design: Editing &Proofreading: rules andconcepts alphabetically by topic. Reference glossary, which listsdetailed playing, players shouldconsult theRules If additional questionsarise while on page2of theOperation Guide. the "Mission Setup" sectionfound up eachmission,players can reference page 4of theOperation Guide. To set operation. The firstoperation beginson it isrecommended thatthey beginan needed to play Now thatplayers know all therules WHAT NOW? DerrickFuchs THIS PRODUCT ISNOT A TOY. NOTFOR USEBY INTENDED 13 PERSONS ChristianT. Petersen Ben Zweifel Tom Ackerman, Brad Andres, GlenAro, JonathanYing ZoëRobinson WiL Springer withSamuelShimota, David Ferreira andDavid Richardson Andrew Navaro Adam Baker

DerrickFuchswithAndrew Wyshock John Franz-Wichlacz MichaelHurley AmandaGreenhart . JamesKniffen NiklasNorman AndyChristensen Andreas Wolfsteller DOOM: The Board Game JasonBeaudoinandMeganDuehn BrianSchomburg Marcia Colby, JasonGlawe, Corey Konieczka ZachTewalthomas Mike Kochis


PAGE 15 PAGE 16 ������� LEARN TO PLAY equal toitsspeedvalue andmay perform oneattack. During ademon’sactivation, itgainsmovement points each demonmatchingthatcard’s type, one atatime. The invader exhausts ademoncard andactivates DEMON ACTIVATION his handsize(standard handsizeisthree). After resolving actions, hedraws actioncards upto describe whenthey canbeplayed. of bonusactions. Action cards withthereaction icon he may resolve uptoonemainactionandanynumber The marinereadies hisclasscard ifexhausted. Then, MARINE ACTIVATION Each gameround consistsofthefollowing two phases: ROUND OVERVIEW many ofthegame’scommonconcepts. This page containsaneasy-to-reference overview of REFERENCE QUICK Rocket Launcher Main Action 2. 1. Combat Shotgun 󲇀󲇀 4 4 b. a. until theinitiative deckisempty: Activation Phase: d. c. b. a. Status Phase:

Draw Initiative Card Gain Argent Power Draw Event Cards Demons Ready Activate (MarineoranyDemonType) Prepare Initiative Deck Chaingun Bonus Action Resolve thefollowing steps: Super Shotgun 4 󲇁󲇁 Resolve thefollowing steps Chainsaw

Reaction Heavy AssaultRifle WEAPON TOKENS 󲇂󲇂 󲇒󲇒 Gauss Cannon 1/3 point toenter. cover, andcostsanadditionalmovement terrain doesnotblocklineofsight,provides blue border surrounding aspace. Difficult Difficult: cannot bemoved through. blocks lineofsight,provides cover, and red linebetween spaces. Blockingterrain Blocking: provide cover, andcannotbemoved through. terrain doesnotblocklineofsight, dotted red linebetween spaces. Impassable Impassable: cannot moved through. Walls blocklineofsight,provide cover, and line, typicallyontheborder ofamaptile. Walls: and provide cover asfollows: Terrain andwalls affect movement, blocklineofsight, TERRAIN ANDWALLS Figures perform attacks following thesesteps: ATTACK OVERVIEW BFG 9000 5. 2. 3. 6. 4. 󲇈󲇈 1. Plasma Rifle

3/4 Theseare indicatedby athickblack and suffers damage equaltotheresult. number of Assess Damage: abilities oncards thatread, “whileattacking.” can modifytheresult oftheattackby using Apply “WhileAttacking”Effects: abilities oncards thatread, “whiledefending.” can modifytheresult oftheattackby using Apply “While Defending” Effects: defense card. Reveal Defense: his attackbox. Roll Dice: within range andlineofsighttheattacker. Declare Defender: Thisterrain isindicatedby asolid This terrain isindicatedby adotted Thisterrain isindicatedby a Frag Grenade Theattacker rolls diceindicatedin ⇅ iconsfrom thenumberof 󲇈󲇈 1/4 Burst Rifle Thedefender reveals a Thedefender subtracts the Thedefender mustbe Siphon Grenade Theattacker The defender Static Rifle Decoy Grenade Impassable ⇆ Blocking Difficult icons Wall