Drinking Water Quality Report

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Drinking Water Quality Report PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE P A I D PERMIT NO. 71 EVERETT, WA 2013 City of mounTlake TerraCe PO Box 72 • Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 Drinking Water INSIDE: Your Drinking Water City of Mountlake Terrace We’re in this Together Quality Report Quality Report Public Works Department ES N uRING aN AdequaTE SuPPlY I n 2013, your water was tested for more than 100 possible ater is a precious resource. Conservation helps Through these efforts, we collectively saved about 3.6 contaminants. What does all the Clean, Safe Drinking Water Taste, Quality Wus meet the needs of people, industries, million gallons per day (MGD) through 2012—enough information in this report mean? businesses and farms, while also keeping fish and water to fill more than 85,000 bathtubs a day. Simply put, the data confirms Delivered to Your Tap and Value other aquatic life alive and well. Along with the other that your drinking water meets water systems in Snohomish County that are provided The regional Committee is currently in the process or exceeds all government our drinking water comes from Spada Lake ater is a life-essential standards and is safe to drink. water by the City of Everett, Mountlake Terrace of planning the conservation activities that will be YReservoir, located about 30 miles east of Wresource. Yet, at about a participates in a regional water conservation program. implemented through 2018. Everett at the headwaters of the Sultan River. penny a gallon, it costs very This program is planned and developed with the other This 50-billion-gallon storage facility serves as little compared to its value. In the interim, regional conservation efforts are Your Opinion Matters a collection point for rain and snowmelt from water systems and the City of Everett and funded from focused on youth education and the distribution of Your water rates pay for water system revenues. To let us know how we’re doing and what you the Cascade Mountains. It was created in 1964 conservation kits. In 2013, 650 water conservation think about your water, call 425-670-8264. through a partnership between the City of Everett everything it takes to Over the last decade, more than $6.5 million has workshops were conducted in classrooms throughout and the Snohomish County PUD as part of the operate our water system, been invested in regional water conservation activities. Snohomish County, reaching more than 17,300 Jackson Hydroelectric Project. from storage and treatment, This includes such things as youth education, indoor students. Participating water systems also distributed to delivering the water to and outdoor water conservation kits, rebates for water- more than 3,000 indoor conservation kits and 4,400 Spada Lake Reservoir is located in the Upper your tap. Your water rates efficient clothes washers and toilets, leak detection, outdoor conservation kits. These 2013 activities are Sultan River Watershed, an area encompassing also help pay for water business water audits and school irrigation audits. estimated to have saved about 0.72 MGD regionally. more than 80 square miles. This is one of the system improvements that wettest watersheds in the continental United ensure that we will provide City of mountlake Terrace public Works States. The average annual rainfall is about 165 high-quality drinking water for Conr Se VaTIon TIpS: he Partnership p artnership meet the Partner- Phone 425-670-8264 inches—five times the rainfall in Mountlake Terrace. generations to come. Tfor Safe Wa- ship’s high water- What You Website www.cityofmlt.com • Install water-efficient showerheads and for ter is a voluntary quality standards. Water quality in the Sultan Basin is carefully As this year’s Drinking Water take shorter showers. State Department of health (Doh): monitored. To protect the naturally pristine water in Quality Report shows, this effort supported Safe Water • Fix leaky faucets and toilets. Leaks Since the regional Phone: 1-800-521-0323 Spada Lake Reservoir, the watershed is patrolled and is an exceptional value for by more than 200 Website: www.doh.wa.gov/ehp/dw/ waste a lot of water. committee began Can Do: human activities are limited to minimize the impact the clean, safe, great-tasting water utilities, the • Install low-flow toilets. This can reduce participating in the u S environmental protection agency (epa): on water quality. We continue to evaluate and adjust drinking water you receive. US Environmental Phone: 1-800-426-4791 indoor water use by as much as 20 program more than our security measures on an ongoing basis. percent. Protection Agency Conr Se Ve Website: www.epa.gov/safewater a decade ago, it has (EPA), the American • Only run full loads in your dishwasher met the performance Be InformeD To get involved in decisions affecting your drinking and clothes washer. Water Works Associa- water, attend and comment at Mountlake Terrace City rom 1898 to 1916, Everett’s water came from Wood Creek, a small tributary of the standards set by the Council meetings, every 1st and 3rd Monday in the • Use a soaker hose on steep slopes to tion and other prominent GeT InVolVeD Flower Snohomish River. As the region grew, the demand for water increased. So, in Partnership. Recently, the council chambers at 6100 219th St. SW, Suite 200. 1916, Everett established the Sultan River as its source of supply. prevent wasteful runoff. drinking water organizations regional committee renewed in the United States. The goal of Meetings begin at 7:00 PM. agendas are available on In 1929, Everett constructed Lake Chaplain Reservoir in the Sultan Basin as its new • Water small areas by hand to avoid its commitment to continuously the City’s website at www.cityofmlt.com. watering the sidewalk and driveway. the program is for participating water source. Water was diverted from the Sultan River to Lake Chaplain Reservoir improve performance at its for storage and delivered to urban areas in a newly-constructed 48-inch transmission utilities to use a continuous im- City of mountlake Terrace elected officials • Replace grass in seldom-used areas of water treatment plant and is Ma YoR: Jerry Smith line. Over the following years, Lake Chaplain Reservoir was enlarged and additional your yard with groundcovers and plants provement process developed by implementing some of the MaYoR PRo TEM: laura Sonmore transmission lines were built to deliver drinking water to the region. that use less water. the Partnership members. Partnership’s tools to optimize CITY CouNCIl: Doug McCardle, Seaun Richards, In the 1960s, Everett and the Snohomish County PUD constructed the George • Adjust your mower to a higher setting. performance at the plant. Rick Ryan, bryan Wahl, kyoko Matsumoto Wright a Brief history Culmback Dam, creating Spada Lake Reservoir. This supplied water to Lake Chaplain A taller lawn retains moisture and The program is designed to help Reservoir, eliminating the need for withdrawals from the Sultan River. In 1984, the dam requires less water. drinking water utilities optimize The regional committee will learn more about your water at was raised and renamed the Henry M. Jackson Hydroelectric Project, increasing Spada • Put a layer of mulch around plants their treatment plants to pro- continue to participate in this www.cityofmlt.com Lake Reservoir to its current capacity of 50 billion gallons. and trees. Mulch holds moisture and duce drinking water of a higher cooperative effort to strive for Today, Everett provides water to 80 percent of the homes and businesses in Snohomish discourages weed growth. quality than is required by regu- LikE uS oN puBlISheD BY The CITY of mounTlake County, including Mountlake Terace. Raw water flows from Spada Lake Reservoir to excellence. We believe this is the TerraCe puBlIC WorkS DeparTmenT FaCEbook Lake Chaplain Reservoir, where it is treated at the regional Drinking Water Treatment f or more information about our lations. To participate, each best way to ensure our customers Editor: Greg Moore • Water Quality Specialist: Mark Weeks Plant before it is delivered throughout the county through a series of transmission and water conservation programs, go treatment plant must demon- will always receive the highest This report is required and costs about 40 distribution lines. to www.cityofmlt.com. strate that it can consistently quality drinking water possible. cents to produce and mail to you. Left top and bottom: Culmback Dam’s Morning Glory Spillway, completed in 1965. 2013 Water Quality Analysis Results rom Spada Reservoir, the water travels through a DeT TeC eD reGulaTeD ConTamInanTS pipeline to Chaplain Reservoir which holds about 4.5 The Drinking F Your Drinking Ideal Maximum Range average billion gallons of water. This is where the regional Drinking level/Goal allowable or or Highest Water Treatment Plant is located. At the plant, the water is Parameter Major Source units (MClG) (MCl) other Result Comply? Water treated with advanced filtration and disinfection. Nitrate Erosion of natural ppm 10 10 0.023–0.105 0.062 Yes Water facts deposits, animal waste First, a coagulant is added to the water to cause particles to clump together. Next, the water passes through large Total Coliform Naturally present in % 0 5% Positive 0–0.8 0.80% Yes Bacteria1 the environment Positive per Month Treatment filters that remove the particles. These particles can include 2 and figures Fluoride Dental health additive ppm 2 4 0.5–0.9 0.8 Yes sediment and natural materials as well as viruses, bacteria We test your drinking water 365 days a year. and other disease-causing organisms. Finally, sodium Residual Disinfectant Added as a drinking ppm 4.0 4.0 0.2–1.1 0.6 Yes hypochlorite solution is added to the water to kill any process Level (free chlorine) water disinfectant (MRDLG) (MRDL) The following statements are required by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
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