A Quick Guide to the Draft Erev Machzor

Before the service begins - 3 new options to choose from. Can choose to do none, one, two or all. 15 Yom T’ruah - a blast (the last of Elul) Just needs a shofar 16 Yom Ha-din - change a scroll mantle to white New sung text(s) - hashiveinu 18 Yom Ha-zikkaron - light a candle of the soul Needs a candle. New sung text(s) - elohai 19 Lighting Festival candles Anochi, anochi New introductory verses - Theme of Erev RH service is looking back at the past year One or more opening songs 21 Mah tovu Short version from also included 22 Achat sha’alti 23 Mi Ha-ish, B’rosh Ha-shanah, Ki imm’cha 24 Opening reading [p131] New alternative for 2nd Day RH 25 Achot k’tannah Music available for those who wish to sing Psalm selection 27 Psalm 27 29 Psalm 84 31 Psalm 98 [p134] 33 Psalm 92 (For ) [p132] 35 Psalm 93 (For shabbat) [p134] 37 The Day For Remembrance - readings [p156] Hebrew added Sh’ma and blessings 41 Introductory lines and Bar’chu [140] New first intro line 43 Ma’ariv aravim [140] 44 Ahavat olam [140] 45 Sh’ma [140] 47 Alternative 2nd para of Sh’ma [142] 48 Alternative 3rd para of Sh’ma [142] 49 Trad 2nd para of Sh’ma 51 Trad 3rd para of Sh’ma 52 Emet [144] 53 Hashkiveinu [144] 54 V’sham’ru [144] 54 Tik’u va-chodesh shofar [146] 55 Chatsi (optional) Amidah 57 Amidah [146] As in siddur but with HHD insertions , & closing prayers 71 Keter malchut (‘Crown of Glory’) [154] 77 Avinu Malkeinu I [158] 80 Avinu Malkeinu II Version for Janowski choral setting 81 Avinu Malkeinu III New version - extending God metaphors 83 Eloheinu She-ba-shamayim [160] 87 Aleinu 2 versions as in siddur, 2nd version amended 91 Mourners’ Kaddish [162] 93 Yigdal [164] Optional last verse as in siddur 95 Alternative closing hymn 97 Concluding blessings [164] + 1 from siddur + 1 new 99 Home ceremonies incl kiddush