
Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on January 11, 2012 Geological Society of America Bulletin

Structural framework of the Edwards recharge zone in south-central

David A. Ferrill, Darrell W. Sims, Deborah J. Waiting, Alan P. Morris, Nathan M. Franklin and Alvin L. Schultz

Geological Society of America Bulletin 2004;116, no. 3-4;407-418 doi: 10.1130/B25174.1

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Geological Society of America Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on January 11, 2012

Structural framework of the recharge zone in south-

David A. Ferrill² Darrell W. Sims Deborah J. Waiting CNWRA, Southwest Research Institute௡, , Texas, 78238-5166, USA Alan P. Morris Department of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Texas, San Antonio, Texas 78249, USA Nathan M. Franklin CNWRA, Southwest Research Institute௡, San Antonio, Texas, 78238-5166, USA Alvin L. Schultz 1241 Milam Building, 115 East Travis Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205, USA

ABSTRACT parallel to -bedding intersections. At water recharge (Clark, 2000). The high- all scales, aquifer permeability is either un- volume, high ¯ow-rate subsurface ¯ow is also The Edwards Aquifer, the major source changed or enhanced parallel to faults and likely dominated by faults, fractures, and so- of water for many communities in central in many cases decreased perpendicular to lution cavities (Hovorka et al., 1998). Bal- Texas, is threatened by population growth faults. cones system faults also provide natural dis- and development over its recharge zone. charge sites near New Braunfels and San The location of the recharge and con®ned Keywords: Edwards Aquifer, Edwards Marcos and during periods of high rainfall zones and the ¯ow paths of the aquifer are Group, zone, faults and within San Antonio itself (San Pedro and San controlled by the structure of and defor- faulting, normal faults. Antonio Springs; see Fig. 1). mation processes within the Balcones fault In faulted strata, geologic structures (faults system, a major system of predominantly INTRODUCTION and fractures) exert three controls on aquifer down-to-the-southeast normal faults. We permeability and ¯ow: (1) Faults thin or offset investigate the geologic structure of the Ed- The Edwards Aquifer of south-central Tex- aquifer strata and alter the overall geometry of wards Aquifer to assess the large-scale as is composed of Cretaceous limestones of and communication between fault blocks (Al- aquifer architecture, analyze fault offset the Edwards Group, consisting of a lower (the lan, 1989; Maclay, 1989). (2) Fault zones pro- and stratigraphic juxtaposition relation- Kainer Formation) and upper part (the Person vide barriers to, or pathways for, ¯uid ¯ow or ships, evaluate fault-zone deformation and Formation), and the overlying Georgetown may form both barriers and pathways (Ma- dissolution and fault-system architecture, Formation (Figs. 1 and 2) (Maclay and Small, clay, 1995; Caine et al., 1996). This fault and and investigate fault-block deformation and 1983; Barker et al., 1994; Maclay, 1995). The fracture conductivity may be in¯uenced by the scaling of small-scale (intrablock) normal Edwards Aquifer is con®ned beneath younger current stress ®eld and fault activity (Finkbei- faults. Characterization of fault displace- sedimentary rocks and serves as the primary ner et al., 1997; Ferrill et al., 1999b). (3) ment shows a pattern of aquifer thinning water source for many communities, including Fault-block deformation by formation of small that is likely to in¯uence fault-block com- the city of San Antonio (Sharp and Banner, faults and fractures leads to permeability an- munication and ¯ow paths. Flow-path con- 1997; Hovorka et al., 1998). Aquifer recharge isotropy (Mayer and Sharp, 1998; Ferrill et al., striction may be exacerbated by increased occurs primarily by stream¯ow loss and in®l- 2000). fault-segment connectivity associated with tration into porous parts of the Edwards Aqui- In addition to the three general controls de- large fault displacements. Also, increased fer, where they are exposed within the Bal- tailed above, carbonate rock layers like those fault-zone deformation associated with cones fault system, and responds to rainfall in of the Edwards Aquifer are subject to local- larger-displacement faults is likely to fur- the recharge zone and upslope catchment area. ized groundwater ¯ow and associated lime- ther in¯uence hydrologic properties. Over- Water in the aquifer locally follows tortuous stone dissolution (Deike, 1990). Such disso- all, faulting is expected to produce strong ¯ow paths controlled by the Balcones fault lution may enhance the permeability of fault permeability anisotropy such that maxi- system. Most recharge of the aquifer occurs and fracture systems, including solution en- mum permeability is subhorizontal and along the Balcones fault system where faults, largement at scales from individual fractures fractures, and dissolution features such as sink to cave networks consisting of ®ssures, an- ²E-mail: [email protected]. holes and caves are major sites for ground- gular passages, and fracture-controlled net-

GSA Bulletin; March/April 2004; v. 116; no. 3/4; p. 407±418; doi: 10.1130/B25174.1; 8 ®gures; 1 table.

For permission to copy, contact [email protected] ᭧ 2004 Geological Society of America 407 Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on January 11, 2012 FERRILL et al.

Figure 1. Location map of a part of the Balcones fault system and Edwards Aquifer recharge zone in northwest San Antonio and . Geologic map of Barnes (1983) is draped over the hill-shaded digital elevation model. White box shows the location of the Castle Hills 7.5؅ quadrangle (area of Fig. 3). Fault traces (black lines) are from Collins and Hovorka (1997). Yellow dots are locations of -bore data used in construction of geologic framework model. Cretaceous geologic units: KauÐAustin Group; KedÐEdwards Group; KgrÐGlen Rose Group. Map coordinates shown are UTM, zone 14 (black numbers) and Geographic Coordinate System (red numbers).

408 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2004 Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on January 11, 2012 STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF THE EDWARDS AQUIFER RECHARGE ZONE

tem near San Antonio, Texas, as well as sup- porting examples of well-exposed and struc- turally similar examples from analogous faulted limestones in . These in- vestigations span the range of structural scales: (1) three-dimensional geologic frame- work modeling to constrain large-scale aquifer architecture in the study area, (2) analysis of fault offset and stratigraphic juxtaposition, (3) analysis of fault-zone deformation and disso- lution and fault-system architecture, and (4) examination of fault-block deformation and small-scale (intrablock) normal faults. The re- sult is a systematic overview of fault-system characteristics and deformation mechanisms that are likely to in¯uence recharge into and ¯ow within the Edwards Aquifer.


The Balcones fault system is a broad en echelon system of mostly southeast-dipping normal faults that formed during the middle to late Tertiary (Foley, 1926; Murray, 1961; Young, 1972). The arcuate zone trends east- northeast and spans much of central Texas. The 25±30-km-wide Balcones fault system has a maximum displacement of 366 m (Weeks, 1945) and de®nes the transition from structurally stable ¯at-lying rocks of the Texas craton to gently coastward-dipping sedimen- tary deposits of the subsiding Gulf of Mexico. At the margin of the Texas Hill Country northwest of San Antonio, exposures in Cre- taceous platform carbonates include the Ed- wards Group, a succession of carbonate strata deposited along the margin between the Cen- tral Texas platform and the ancestral Gulf of Mexico (Fig. 1) (Rose, 1972). Offset of car- bonate strata across the Balcones fault system resulted in a broad, weathered escarpment of vegetated limestone hills rising from the pre- dominantly clastic coastal plains to the up- lands of the Texas craton. Within the fault sys- tem, the dip of bedding varies from gentle Figure 2. Stratigraphic column showing relationship between lithologic stratigraphy and coastward dips to nearly horizontal; a few model stratigraphy. Stratigraphic column is after Collins (2000). Note that prominent hanging-wall beds locally dip northward into shale units (Eagle Ford Formation, Del Rio Formation) separate the limestones of the some faults. Growth faulting is not apparent Austin Group, Buda Formation, and Edwards Aquifer strata. The in outcrop along the fault zone. Faulting has is considered to be the lower con®ning unit. Argillaceous (clay-rich) layers in the Glen been interpreted as being rooted in the deeply Rose are not as thick or as clay rich as those of the Eagle Ford or Del Rio Formations. buried foreland-basin sedimentary rocks of the Ouachita orogeny (Murray, 1956). We constructed a three-dimensional digital works of passages (Palmer, 1991; Loucks, charge zone (Wermund and Cepeda, 1977; geologic framework model of a part of the re- 1999). Alignment of linear cave segments and Wermund et al., 1978; Kastning, 1981; Clark, charge zone and con®ned zone of the Edwards cave networks with fracture patterns and di- 2000; Ferrill and Morris, 2003). Aquifer by using EarthVision௡ 6.1 (Figs. 2 rect observation that caves are associated with In this paper, we present results of structural and 3A; Dynamic Graphics௡, 2001). The faults and fractures indicate fault and fracture investigations conducted in the Edwards model was constructed to represent the faulted control on caves in the Edwards Aquifer re- Aquifer recharge zone and Balcones fault sys- Edwards Aquifer and con®ning strata and to

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2004 409 Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on January 11, 2012 FERRILL et al. elucidate potential structural controls on re- charge, groundwater ¯ow, and transmissivity within the aquifer. The model covers the area outlined by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5Ј, 1:24,000 Castle Hills Quadran- gle. The upper boundary of the model is the topographic surface (maximum elevation 450 m). The lower boundary is at a depth of 100 m below mean sea level. USGS 30 m digital elevation data in DEM (digital elevation mod- el) format were used to construct the topo- graphic surface. Eleven stratigraphic horizons present in outcrop or in the subsurface are represented in the model volume (Fig. 2). Stratigraphic ho- rizons were selected to de®ne the principal hy- drogeologic units and for characteristics that allow for their recognition in outcrop or geo- physical logs. The model units include aquifer strata and the upper and lower con®ning stra- ta. Model horizon designations, from oldest to youngest, are ``below Glen Rose,'' ``lower Glen Rose Formation,'' ``upper Glen Rose Formation,'' ``Kainer Formation,'' ``regional dense member,'' ``Georgetown-Person For- mations,'' ``Del Rio Formation,'' ``Buda For- mation,'' ``Eagle Ford Formation,'' ``Austin Group,'' and ``above Austin.'' The Walnut Formation (Collins, 2000) is included in our model as the basal nodular member of the Kainer Formation (Maclay and Small, 1984). Structure in the model is constrained by us- ing maps and cross sections (Arnow, 1963; Reeves, 1972; Small and Hanson, 1994; Han- son and Small, 1995; Groschen, 1996; Stein and Ozuna, 1996; Collins and Hovorka, 1997; Collins, 2000), results from ®eld investiga- tions, and geophysical well-log interpreta- tions. Because published geologic and hydrogeologic maps of the Balcones escarp- ment do not show uniform interpretations of fault traces or surface outcrops, we formulated Figure 3. (A) Oblique view of geologic framework model. Coordinates are UTM zone 14. a set of criteria by which to reconcile the dif- Look direction is northeast. Illumination from southwest. (B) Color-contoured Kainer ferent interpretations. Faults from published layer in the Castle Hills Quadrangle model area. Warm colors (orange, red) represent maps are generally included in the model higher elevations; cooler colors (purple, blue) represent lower elevations. where (1) the fault is present and congruent in all interpretations, (2) the fault is present on one or more maps and is required to reconcile (mean thickness ϭ 153 m) by Յ10%, and face geometry of individual faults. Some fault outcrop or subsurface data, (3) the fault shows therefore, are less likely than larger faults to systems are exposed in quarries or roadcuts. vertical offset greater than ϳ15 m (50 ft), or strongly in¯uence groundwater ¯ow. Faults Where present, slip indicators on these ex- (4) the fault is present on one or more maps from published maps are generally excluded posed fault surfaces show predominantly nor- and is geometrically reasonable with respect where (1) maximum vertical displacement is mal dip-slip displacement. In the model, fault to the fault system. The selection of 15 m as less than 15 m, (2) the fault is in con¯ict with dip directions were constrained by assuming the threshold vertical displacement is based on outcrop or subsurface data, or (3) the fault is that offsets of stratigraphic horizons resulted the ambiguity and inconsistency in regional not required to accommodate horizon or fault- from normal dip-slip displacement. Dip angles mapping of faults with offsets smaller than system geometry. The selection of faults was were constrained by measuring small faults this, particularly where mapped faults are re®ned and supported by published (Small, exposed in roadcut exposures of the Edwards based on unclear ®eld and well-bore data. 1984, 1985) and new interpretations of geo- Group and Glen Rose Formation. An average Faults with Յ15 m vertical displacement re- physical well logs. dip for each of these units was computed on duce the thickness of the Edwards Aquifer Few data are available to constrain subsur- the basis of ®eld measurements of exposed

410 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2004 Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on January 11, 2012 STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF THE EDWARDS AQUIFER RECHARGE ZONE

Figure 4. Lower-hemisphere, equal-area stereographic projection of poles to fault planes. (A) Poles to 108 fault planes mea- sured in exposures of the Edwards Group, .showing average dip magnitude of 75؇ Data were collected along La Cantera Parkway (see Fig. 1 for location). (B) Poles to 60 fault planes measured in exposures of the Glen Rose Formation, showing average dip magnitude of 60؇. Data were collected along U.S. Highway 281, north of Bulverde, Texas.

faulted blocks is generally mild to undetect- able, with the occasional exception of local- ized low-angle antithetic dip (opposite direc- tion to fault dip) of bedding (Collins, 1993) or synthetic dip (in the same direction as the fault dip) seen in monoclines above fault tips and in faulted monoclines. Steep bedding dip Figure 3. (Continued) (C) Map of faults within the three-dimensional model area color- associated with relay ramps is not generally coded according to throw/mean thickness ratio. Thickness of Edwards Aquifer is taken to observed (Collins, 1993). be 153 m (Table 1). Map coordinates in red are in Geographic Coordinate System. (D) Our three-dimensional geologic framework Del Rio, Buda, and Eagle Ford Formations in the model. Look direction is north; illu- model of the geology of the Castle Hills Quad- mination from southwest. rangle was constructed by using a reference- isochore method, in which a reference horizon is constructed from outcrop, fault, and sub- faults (Fig. 4). In the model, faults with sur- uted across a zone of smaller-displacement surface data. In our model, the top of the up- face traces in the Edwards Group have a uni- faults rather than concentrated in a single large per unit of the Glen Rose Formation serves as form dip of 75Њ, and those with surface traces fault. In most cases, individual faults are be- the reference horizon. The upper Glen Rose in the Glen Rose Formation have a uniform low the scale of our model, and fault zones extends across the entire model volume and is dip of 60Њ. Field observations of the fault sys- are represented as single fault surfaces. widely and well constrained by outcrop and tems exposed in quarry walls and roadcuts in- Regional dip of bedding in the area is gentle well-bore data. Upon completion of the ref- dicate that displacement is commonly distrib- (Ͻ1Њ) and toward the southeast. Tilting of erence horizon, model horizons above and be-

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2004 411 Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on January 11, 2012 FERRILL et al.

TABLE 1. VARIATION IN MODEL HORIZON THICKNESS thickness of the sequence (38 m; see Table 1; Model horizon name Min. thickness Max. thickness Mean thickness Fig. 3D). The Buda Formation and Austin (m) (m) (m) Group in fault hanging walls are, in some cas- Above Austin N.A.² N.A. N.A. es, juxtaposed against the Edwards Aquifer in Austin Group 25.0³ 60.8 37.1 the fault footwall, providing the potential for Eagle Ford Formation 4.6 11.6 7.6 Buda Formation 12.5 17.2 15.7 recharge of the Edwards Aquifer from the Del Rio Formation 11.0 19.8 14.7 Buda Formation or Austin Group. This re- Georgetown-Person Formations 38.5 71.3 51.2 charge geometry is further complicated by the Regional dense member (Person Formation) N.A. N.A. 7.0 Kainer Formation 79.8 102.6 95.0 general south or southeast regional dip (e.g., Upper Glen Rose Formation N.A. N.A. 121.9 Fig. 3B). There are several locations in the Lower Glen Rose Formation N.A. N.A. 76.2 Below Glen Rose N.A. N.A. N.A. model where either south-dipping layers in- tersect north-dipping faults or where relatively ² Not applicable. ³ Eroded thickness. large displacement gradients on faults have overcome regional dip to produce northeast- ward dip. Therefore, based on the juxtaposi- low the upper Glen Rose reference horizon are ished or broken and new pathways may be tion geometry, it is conceivable that lime- projected by using stratal thickness. Thickness formed. Simple geometric juxtaposition anal- stones in fault hanging-wall blocks could variations are reported for each of the litho- ysis as described by Allan (1989) assumes that locally recharge the Edwards in footwall stratigraphic horizons represented in the mod- the fault zone has no particular properties that blocks in the subsurface. However, it is dif®- el (Arnow, 1963; Maclay and Rettman, 1972; cause it to differ from unfaulted host rock. cult to elucidate potential recharge of the Ed- Maclay and Small, 1976, 1983; Shaw, 1978; Maclay and Small (1983; also Maclay, 1989) wards just from analyzing strata. The potential Small, 1984, 1985; Barker et al., 1994; Col- used a similar approach to analyze juxtaposi- for distributed deformation or ``smearing'' of lins, 2000). Suf®cient data are available to in- tion of permeable zones and relatively imper- Del Rio Formation clay along faults suggests corporate local thickness variation for 6 of the meable zones in the Edwards Aquifer and that simple juxtaposition analyses may over- 11 model horizons (Table 1). For each of these coined the term ``barrier fault'' for faults estimate actual hydrologic communication 6 horizons, thickness is calculated from well- across which hydraulic connection is partly or across faults. bore thickness data through the use of mini- completely lost owing to fault displacement mum tension gridding, by which surface cur- (aquifer thinning). FAULT-ZONE PROPERTIES, vature is distributed by nonlinear interpolation Viewing the Kainer model layer, the lower CONTINUITY, AND DISTRIBUTION between grid nodes. Constant-thickness values two-thirds of the Edwards Aquifer (Table 1, from the geologic map by Collins (2000) were Fig. 2), in three dimensions, reveals important Fault-System Architecture used for the lower Glen Rose Formation, up- juxtaposition characteristics of the Edwards per Glen Rose Formation, and regional dense Aquifer in the model area (Fig. 3B). The Slip-tendency analysis (e.g., Morris et al., 1996; Ferrill et al., 1999b) of the Balcones member model horizons (Table 1) for which throw along some fault segments is greater fault system, applying a normal-faulting stress lateral thickness data were not available. than the thickness of the Kainer; hence the system based on 1 km of water-saturated over- The 11 horizons in our geologic framework aquifer is structurally thinned by 67% in these burden with an average rock density of 2.7 g/ model are offset by 50 faults. Dominant fault- locations (throw/thickness ratio ϭ 0.67; Fig. cm3 and with an extension direction of 145Њ trace orientation is northeast-southwest, and 3C). In locations of signi®cant aquifer thin- dip and displacement are predominantly down (␴1 ϭ vertical, 17 MPa; ␴2 ϭ azimuth 055Њ, ning by fault displacement, ¯ow diversion can to the southeast. Most faults intersect with 11 MPa; ␴3 ϭ azimuth 145Њ, 5 MPa), indi- cause the local water table to ¯uctuate from other faults at one or both ends or are cut by cates that most of the major faults would have fault block to fault block (e.g., Maclay and the model boundaries. Vertical offset (throw) exhibited a high slip tendency in a regionally Small, 1983). In these locations, the full thick- ranges from zero to a maximum of ϳ129 m uniform stress ®eld (see rose diagram in Fig. ness of the Kainer in the fault hanging wall is on a single fault, and lateral displacement gra- 5). The obliquity of fault strike to fault-system juxtaposed against the upper Glen Rose and, dients are generally small. Fault blocks are trend re¯ects an en echelon fault system. In in one case, the top of the Lower Glen Rose. elongate in map view, with the long axis ori- the early stages of the development of en ech- This juxtaposition is important for assessment ented northeast-southwest, and block tilting is elon normal-fault systems, fault-block connec- of potential groundwater communication be- gentle. Half grabens are dominant, but full tivity remains high, whereas fault connectivity grabens are also present (Figs. 3B, 3D). Max- tween the Trinity Aquifer (Glen Rose) and the remains low. With progressive extension, imum fault offset is concentrated along three Edwards Aquifer. The largest individual faults faults link by intersection of curved fault tips fault systems (Figs. 3B±3D). One of these sys- form a pronounced escarpment along their or the formation of connecting faults, and tems forms the northern boundary of the aqui- strike trend (Balcones Escarpment in Fig. 5). fault-block connectivity declines as fault con- fer recharge zone, where rocks of the Edwards Displacement on these faults is suf®cient nectivity increases (Ferrill et al., 1999a; Ferrill Group are juxtaposed against rocks of the (Ͼ150 m) to completely offset the Edwards and Morris, 2001). Through the San Antonio Glen Rose Formation. Aquifer from itself by juxtaposing older and area, displacement is distributed across a 12- younger strata across the fault. km-wide displacement transfer system or relay FAULT JUXTAPOSITION Viewing the upper con®ning layer (Del Rio, ramp (Collins and Hovorka, 1997) (Fig. 5). Buda, and Eagle Ford Formations) shows that In a mechanically layered stratigraphic se- With increasing fault displacement, original this relatively thin stratigraphic sequence is in quence, vertical displacement gradients on hydraulic communication pathways are dimin- many places offset by more than the mean normal faults may be pronounced and are

412 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2004 Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on January 11, 2012 STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF THE EDWARDS AQUIFER RECHARGE ZONE

Figure 5. Map of the Balcones fault system in the San Antonio area with fault traces colored according to their slip tendencies. Slip- tendency analysis was performed by using 3DstressTM, version 1.3.3 (Southwest Research Institute [SwRI௡], 2000), based on mapped faults of Collins and Hovorka (1997). See text for further details.

largely controlled by stratigraphy. A mechan- fault-propagation monocline over the fault Fault-Zone Deformation ically weak layer within a relatively strong de- (Fig. 6). Further displacement on the normal forming stratigraphic section can arrest fault- fault in this exposure would have breached the Fault-zone deformation includes mechani- tip propagation and result in monoclinal monocline. Even in the present-day con®gu- cal and chemical alteration of rock properties, folding prior to fault breakthrough (Withjack ration, the Buda Formation has been displaced both in the principal displacement zone (fault et al., 1990). The most extreme case of me- to a level below the top of the Santa Elena core) and the zone of less intense fault damage chanical stratigraphy contrast associated with Limestone across the fault. The two lime- (damage zone), developed adjacent to the fault the Edwards Aquifer is at the contact between stones, however, are not in physical contact core (Caine et al., 1996). Normal faults in the top of the Edwards Aquifer (153 m mean with one another. The Del Rio Formation has strati®ed rocks commonly have dip changes thickness, well-bedded crystalline limestone) been folded and smeared along the fault, and that can form by compaction or interaction be- and the Del Rio Formation (11±20 m thick- this smear along with calcite mineralization in tween different fault segments during fault ness, primarily clay-rich shale with thinly bed- the fault zone is likely to produce a barrier to propagation and displacement accumulation ded limestone). Equivalents of these rocks are across-fault ¯uid communication. (Ferrill et al., 2000). In addition, faults are ini- exceptionally well exposed in the Sierra del tiated with failure angles that are controlled The overall en echelon geometry of the Bal- Carmen mountain range of west Texas where by rock mechanical properties and effective cones fault system would, in general, be ex- the resistant (ridge-forming) Cretaceous Santa stresses at the time of failure (e.g., Walsh and pected to produce poorly connected faults and Elena Limestone has largely been exhumed by Watterson, 1988; Ferrill and Morris, 2003). result in well-connected layers early in fault- erosion of the overlying Del Rio Formation This effect is accentuated when failure occurs system development. Competing with this is (Maxwell et al., 1967; Moustafa, 1988). The at shallow depths where differential effective Sierra del Carmen range provides excellent the apparent rapid lateral propagation of fault stress is low and minimum principal effective examples of the geometry and deformation segments with respect to displacement accu- stress is likely to be near zero or tensile (cf. processes likely to occur in the Edwards Aqui- mulation (based on general absence of large Ferrill and Morris, 2003). Under these condi- fer and recharge zone. In Big Brushy Canyon, lateral-displacement gradients) at least within tions, rocks fail in several modes and with the Santa Elena Limestone (equivalent in age stronger mechanical layers. This rapid propa- variable failure angles. Changes in failure an- and lithology to the Edwards) is displaced by gation would have resulted in early intercon- gle vertically through a mechanically layered at least 30 m on a north-northwest±trending, nection of faults and loss of stratigraphic com- rock sequence produce faults with refracted down-to-the-east normal fault. The overlying munication pathways. Field observations geometries de®ned by steeper dips in compe- Del Rio Formation is not completely cut by show that vertical connectivity is controlled tent beds and gentler dips in less competent the fault, but is dramatically thinned over the by mechanical stratigraphy and that weak me- beds. Where subsequent slip parallels the fault tip (Fig. 6), and above the Del Rio For- chanical layers are capable of arresting fault- more gently dipping segments, the steeper mation is the Buda Formation, which forms a tip propagation at a variety of scales. segments dilate (Ferrill and Morris, 2003). Di-

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2004 413 Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on January 11, 2012 FERRILL et al. latant segments along faults within carbonate rocks of the Cretaceous Edwards Group have been enlarged by groundwater ¯ow and are im- portant permeability and shallow groundwater- in®ltration pathways (Ferrill and Morris, 2003). One fault in Beckmann Quarry has been ex- humed and is exposed in exceptional detail. This fault is exposed along strike for a dis- tance of ϳ100 m and vertically in three- dimensional exposure for a height of 15 m (fault A, Fig. 7). The footwall of the fault over most of its exposure consists of the basal nod- ular member of the Kainer Formation. The top of the exposure was at a preexcavation depth of ϳ50 m (Fig. 7). The fault is part of an en echelon array. Although most faults in the area are mapped with remarkable consistency of orientation, this fault changes strike by 80Њ at its southwestern end, loses displacement, and tips as it intersects with another en echelon fault (fault B in Fig. 7; also cf. Ferrill et al., 1999a). Fault A is vertically segmented in the tip region, with offset distance between the vertically overlapping segments on the order of tens of centimeters. The footwall fault sur- face is characterized by visible layers and bedding-plane partings locally obscured by patches of fault rock (cataclastic host-rock material and precipitated coarsely crystalline calcite, locally impregnated with devolatilized oil) and corrugations, grooves, and striations Figure 6. (A) Field photograph of Big Brushy Canyon monocline (view is to the southwest). indicating down-dip fault slip. (B) Block diagram illustrating the Big Brushy Canyon monocline. This monocline is lo- The fault plane exposed in Beckmann Quar- cated in the northeastern part of the Black Gap wildlife management area in the Sierra ry is within the present-day unsaturated zone. del Carmen mountain range of west Texas. Note that the displacement that produced the Dissolution features on the fault plane consist prominent fault scarp in the Santa Elena Limestone (equivalent of upper part of Edwards of tubes and cavities, some of which have Aquifer) is accommodated upward by folding of the Buda Formation. The Del Rio For- been ®lled or partly ®lled by terra rosa clay, mation arrests upward fault tip propagation, resulting in the formation of a fault- a residue from dissolution of limestone. These propagation fold in the overlying Buda Formation. The Del Rio Formation clay layer is dissolution features are more than 50 m below attenuated and may coat the fault surface to form a barrier between the Buda Formation the pre-excavation ground surface and, on the and Santa Elena Limestone, even in situations where the two limestones are juxtaposed basis of their predominantly down-dip long- by faulting. axis orientations, are indicative of down-dip water movement. Flow paths are in some cas- es discontinuous or intermittently present network of faults (e.g., Dawers and Anders, ly developed within fault blocks. Scan-line down the fault plane in the visible footwall. 1995; Ferrill et al., 1999a). During develop- studies in accessible roadcut exposures (two This apparent lack of continuity suggests that ment of extensional-fault systems, faults typ- localities near the northwest corner of the Cas- the ¯ow paths in three dimensions crossed the ically have displacement gradients along their tle Hills Quadrangle in northwest San Anto- fault core from footwall to hanging wall and lengths, which lead to deformation within ad- nio) within the Kainer Formation demonstrate back. jacent fault blocks (Ferrill and Morris, 2001). this heterogeneity. In a roadcut exposure along Faults with displacements of millimeters to Kyle Seale Parkway, extension by small-scale FAULT-BLOCK DEFORMATION Ͻ10 m in the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone faults is 0.1%, and fault intensity is 0.04 faults most commonly parallel the regional fault per meter over an extension-parallel distance The magnitude of deformation and the ori- trend. Although faults with the regional south- of 198 m (Fig. 1). In a nearby roadcut expo- entations of small faults and fractures within east dip are dominant, conjugate faults dip- sure along La Cantera Parkway adjacent to a fault blocks are major contributors to perme- ping to the northwest are also very common mapped fault, extension by small-scale faults ability anisotropy within fault blocks. The (Fig. 4A; Ferrill et al., 2000). Our observa- is 7.6%, and fault intensity is 1.16 faults per evolution of extensional fault systems is char- tions of ϳ5 km of exposure in quarries and meter over an extension-parallel distance of acterized by nucleation and growth of numer- roadcuts in Edwards Aquifer strata indicate 93 m (Fig. 1). These two examples represent ous faults, which then become linked into a that systems of small faults are heterogeneous- the end members of fault-intensity variation

414 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2004 Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on January 11, 2012 STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF THE EDWARDS AQUIFER RECHARGE ZONE

geneous, small-scale faulting and extension fracturing is observed within the Edwards Aquifer. High intensities of small faults occur close to large faults (within ϳ100 m). (and hydrocarbon reservoirs) can be qualitatively classi®ed within a ternary sys- tem on the basis of these three structural con- trols on permeability architecture (Fig. 8B). The exact role of faults and fractures will vary with rock type, structural setting, deformation conditions, and geochemical activity. In the Edwards Aquifer, the role of major faults for geometry and thinning of the aquifer has been identi®ed (Maclay and Small, 1983; Hovorka et al., 1998; Collins, 2000), as has the impor- tance of individual faults as in®ltration and subsurface ¯ow pathways (Clark, 2000; Ferrill and Morris, 2003). The role of fault-block de- formation in the Edwards Aquifer is variable and is controlled primarily by structural po- sition (Fig. 8B), especially proximity to large (Ͼ10 m maximum displacement) faults. An important question with respect to the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone, and related Figure 7. Field photograph from top of quarry wall, looking northeast across Beckmann subsurface groundwater ¯ow in the con®ned Quarry, illustrates a three-dimensional exposure of a fault. Quarry is ϳ65 m deep. See Edwards Aquifer, is whether subsurface ¯ow text for details. occurs (1) across faults within the Edwards Aquifer, (2) between the Edwards Aquifer, Buda Formation, and higher in that we have observed in Edwards Aquifer faults and fractures on the aquifer could be the stratigraphic section, and/or (3) between strata. In the case of low fault intensity (Kyle described by using a single permeability ten- the Edwards Aquifer and the Glen Rose For- Seale Parkway), faulting must have little ef- sor. However, at the scale of individual re- mation below (Trinity Aquifer). Water that in- fect on either permeability magnitude or an- charge features, ¯ow conduits, and in ®ltrates in other stratigraphic units may be ca- isotropy. In the case of higher fault intensity the Edwards Aquifer, signi®cant heterogeneity pable of ¯owing laterally into the Edwards (e.g., La Cantera Parkway), faulting is ex- is observed. Here we consider the scale range Aquifer. This potential for subsurface aquifer pected to in¯uence permeability and produce from regional ¯ow models down to that of in- communication is important because it in¯u- strong permeability anisotropy such that max- dividual recharge features, ¯ow conduits, and ences the amount and distribution of areas that imum permeability is approximately parallel wells. provide recharge to the Edwards Aquifer, to fault strike and/or to fault/fault and fault/ Structural control on permeability architec- thereby effectively expanding the recharge bedding intersections as described by Ferrill ture is subdivided into three components, as zone. In addition, communication between et al. (1999b, 2000) and Ferrill and Morris depicted in Figure 8A. At the largest scale, aquifers could mean increased threat for con- (2003). From observations of dissolution fea- major faults of the Balcones fault system con- taminant migration into the Edwards Aquifer tures along small faults in the Edwards, it ap- trol the overall geometry of the aquifer, in- from other aquifers (Trinity Aquifer). pears that faults commonly increase perme- cluding its position at the ground surface (re- Faults that juxtapose the Edwards Aquifer ability. In some cases, however, fault-zone charge zone), dip magnitude and direction, with itself are not likely to be effective bar- processes of grain-scale deformation, precipi- and position of the aquifer in the subsurface. riers to across-fault aquifer communication, tation, and accumulation of devolatilized oil Major faults produce tilting of fault blocks because the Edwards Aquifer stratigraphic may locally occlude porosity and reduce per- and locally thin the aquifer to some fraction section does not contain signi®cant clay-rich meability. The development of permeability of its original thickness. Thus, aquifer com- sealing layers. Field observations, in particular anisotropy will occur in either case (Ferrill et munication is decreased in directions perpen- the common occurrence of dissolution en- al., 2000). We conclude that zones of high dicular to the fault strike because of aquifer largement of faults, suggest that fault-zone de- fault intensity are generally within 100 m (per- thinning. Fault zones themselves generally formation processes in these limestones more pendicular to strike) of a large-displacement have reduced permeability perpendicular to commonly enhance rather than reduce per- (maximum displacement Ͼ10 m) fault. the zones and increased permeability parallel meability. Structural thinning of the aquifer by to the zones, providing for vertical and lateral normal faults does, however, constrict ¯ow DISCUSSION ¯ow within faults. In sum, faults may serve (communication) pathways (Maclay and Small, as local ¯ow conduits. Smaller faults and ex- 1983). Continuous monitoring of water-table Geologic structures in the Edwards Aquifer tension fractures within fault blocks produce elevations in the uncon®ned Edwards Aquifer in¯uence permeability architecture at a range permeability anisotropy within the blocks. in the recharge zone shows that water levels of scales. At the largest scale, the in¯uence of Fault-block deformation in the form of hetero- do change across some faults (Steve Johnson,

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2004 415 Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on January 11, 2012 FERRILL et al.

that would retard fault propagation as success- fully as the Del Rio Formation. For this reason, the potential for aquifer communication be- tween the Glen Rose Formation (Trinity Aqui- fer) and Edwards Aquifer warrants further anal- ysis. This potential for ¯ow communication is of great importance because the Glen Rose For- mation crops out over a very large area adja- cent to and north of the Edwards Aquifer re- charge zone along the Balcones fault system. If water from the Glen Rose Formation feeds into the Edwards Aquifer along subsurface ¯ow pathways, then the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone is in effect larger than currently described and modeled. Also, groundwater contamination north of the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone may be a threat to in the Edwards Aquifer. Additional structural characterization, coupled with water-table characterization, pump testing, and natural and induced tracer tests, is needed to further evaluate the potential for subsurface aquifer communication.


We investigated the geologic structure of the Edwards Aquifer to assess the large-scale aquifer architecture, analyze fault offset and stratigraphic juxtaposition relationships, eval- uate fault-zone deformation and dissolution and fault-system architecture, and investigate fault-block deformation and scaling of small- scale (intrablock) normal faults. The goal was to assess the structural controls on the Ed- wards Aquifer at a broad range of scales that may in¯uence water movement. At the largest scale, faults control the position and geometry Figure 8. Structural controls on permeability architecture. (A) Schematic illustration of of the recharge zone and con®ned zone and, interplay between the three major elements of structural control on the Edwards Aquifer. combined with stratigraphy, de®ne regional Tmin and Tmax refer to minimum and maximum principal transmissivity, respectively. (B) ¯ow paths. At smaller scales, mappable fault Major structural controls are represented as a ternary system. The geometry and fault- zones themselves serve as recharge features zone deformation of major faults are major controls on ¯ow in the Edwards Aquifer, as and subsurface ¯ow pathways. Fault displace- shown by the ®lled circle. Fault-block deformation is highly variable within the Edwards ments show a pattern of aquifer thinning that Aquifer and is best developed adjacent to mappable faults. Dashed arrow shows that an is likely to in¯uence fault-block communica- increasing role of fault-block deformation tends to place the aquifer nearer to the center tion and ¯ow paths. Flow-path constriction of the ternary system. may be exacerbated by increased fault-segment connectivity associated with large displace- ments. Also, increased fault-zone deformation Edwards Aquifer Authority, 2002, personal Ford Formation is likely to remain an effec- associated with larger-displacement faults is commun.). This observation warrants further tive barrier to communication between the likely to further in¯uence hydrologic proper- structural and hydrologic investigations. limestones of the Austin Group and the Buda ties. Smaller faults and fractures (sub±map The Del Rio Formation introduces a very Formation and Edwards Group limestones scale) in¯uence recharge and ¯ow, but limited effective barrier to aquifer communication beneath. exposure of these features is not suf®cient to across faults, even in cases where fault dis- In contrast, across-fault communication be- perform systematic characterization. placement is greater than the thickness of the tween the Edwards Group limestones and un- Faulting over a range of scales is expected Del Rio Formation. The mechanically weak derlying limestones of the Glen Rose Forma- to produce strong permeability anisotropy character of the clay-rich Del Rio Formation tion is likely. Although argillaceous limestones such that maximum permeability is subhori- may allow it to smear along fault planes, re- are present intermittently in this stratigraphic zontal and parallel to fault-bedding intersec- sulting in a barrier to across-fault water move- section, there is no clay-rich shale separating tions. Layer juxtaposition across faults allows ment. In the same way, shale of the Eagle the Edwards Group and Glen Rose Formation the possibility of communication between the

416 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2004 Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on January 11, 2012 STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF THE EDWARDS AQUIFER RECHARGE ZONE

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Maclay, R.W., and Rettman, P.L., 1972, Hydrologic inves- fault-zone deformation processes in each me- Collins, E.W., 2000, Geologic map of the New Braunfels, tigations of the Edwards and associated limestones in Texas, 30 ϫ 60 minute quadrangle: Geologic frame- the San Antonio area, Texas, Progress report, 1970± chanical layer and the relative likelihood of work of an urban-growth corridor along the Edwards 1971: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report coating fault surfaces with impermeable fault Aquifer, south-central Texas: Austin, University of 72±244, 24 p. Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology Miscellaneous Maclay, R.W., and Small, T.A., 1976, Progress report on rock (e.g., clay smear) that isolates permeable Map 39, 28 p., 1:100,000 scale, 1 sheet. geology of the Edwards Aquifer, San Antonio area, layers juxtaposed across faults. 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Fi- sion 6.0, Alameda, California: Dynamic Graphics, Inc. Mayer, J.R., and Sharp, J.M., Jr., 1998, Fracture control of nancial support for A. Schultz was provided by the Ferrill, D.A., and Morris, A.P., 2001, Displacement gradient regional ground-water ¯ow in a carbonate aquifer in San Antonio Water System. We thank Michelle Lee and deformation in normal fault systems: Journal of a semi-arid region: Geological Society of America and Martin Marietta Materials for assistance and al- Structural Geology, v. 23, p. 619±638. Bulletin, v. 110, p. 269±283. lowing us access for ®eld work in the Beckmann Ferrill, D.A., and Morris, A.P., 2003, Dilational normal Morris, A.P., Ferrill, D.A., and Henderson, D.B., 1996, Quarry. The San Antonio Water System, Bureau of faults: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 25, Slip-tendency analysis and fault reactivation: Geology, Economic Geology, U.S. Geological Survey, and p. 183±196. v. 24, p. 275±278. 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418 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2004