
Literature requests in1958 uitgegee, dus sal slegs ouer gedigte BRAINTEASERS en bundels daarin ge|«ndekseer word. Vir ILZE SWART kontemporeª re digters moet'nmens staat- Librarian, Bellville Library maakop personeel se geheue en die goeie Brainteasers provides outydse manier van soekdeur elke boek, the answers to the hismonthwe concentrate on re- byvoorbeeld, by Hansie Cronje¨ se everyday questions quests forinformation on litera- begrafnisis'nree« luit'ngedigvanTTCloete received by librarians. T ture: ,drama, short stories aangehaal: Nooit had so baie jou so lief soos in Use it for obtaining and and novels. How often 'twe hear`I jou kis nie. Die enigste manier om die gedig providing the answers learnt a poem at school. Ican'tremember waaruit dit aangehaal is, op te spoor, was the author or title but it was about x y z', or om deur elke gedig in elke bundel van die aswe hadrecently,`Iheardthisline of a skrywer te soek totons ditgekry het- poem onthe radio/televisionlast night. Can Allofrasie in die bundel Allotroop. PALS records are incomplete when it comes youidentify the poem?' For poemsin Eisteddfodtyd besorg gewoonlik kop- to analytical contents cataloguing, for English my first portof callhas always been sere, byvoorbeeld, ons soek nou nogna die example, the CPL record for Theatre one: Granger's index to poetrywhen I amtrying gedig, Die spookhuis. Kinders soek gereeld 'n new South African drama does not give the to find the author as it indexes poems by gedig oor 'n onderwerp, byvoorbeeld,'n contents of the volume. firstlineandkeyword.Onceonehasan dier, die see,'n blom... Ons het lank gesoek Wehad a requestfor a playcalled author and a period youcan startlooking na'nbundelin ons voorraad waarin AG Oleanna which we could not find and which throughthe anthologiesinyour stock, as Visser se Muskietejag opgeneem is. IsubsequentlycheckedinaPlay index at the anthologiesindexedin Granger'sare Wanneer ons nuwe studiegidse van Central Libraryand foundthe author, very old and unlikely to be available. Unfor- voorgeskrewe dig- of kortverhaalbundels Mamet. It was prescribed for the Univer- tunately our Granger'sdates back to1953, katalogiseer, word die inhoud van die gids sityof CapeTown'sstudents and a copy was so more modern will not be included. op die rekord aangebring. 'n Soektogna die later ordered for us. Questions to ask a borrower who is titelvan'ngedig of verhaal sal dus die entrants frequentlylook for looking for a specific poem: skrywer oplewer. monologues. Wehave a few collectionsin . Is the author British, American, South Ourlocalreporter recently askedme for stockin both English and Afrikaans butit African? the author of a short story, The herb would be usefulif someone connected to . During which period did he write, for garden, which she had read at school. I the Eisteddfod and knowing its require- example,Victorian, early , foundthe author, William Saroyan, inthe ments, could compile a list of suitable ? monologues forlibraries. . For children or adults? Christmas plays are seasonally in . Theme of poem so one can Eisteddfod entrants demand and again, in-depth search appropriate anthologies frequently look for monologues. indexing makes them easily acces- of love, war, animal,Christian, We have a few collections in stock sible on PALS. sea...poems? Biografiese inligting oor . Isit a prescribed poem? If so, itis in both English and Afrikaans skrywers, veral Suid-, likely to be in one of the pre- but it would be useful if someone en resensies oor hulle werk word scribed anthologies such as connected to the Eisteddfod and veral deur skoliere, studente en Inscapes, and one may find leeskringe gesoek. Ons het'n uit- informationonthepoemsinone knowing its requirements, gebreide knipselversameling of the study guides. could compile a list of suitable waarin artikels uit koerante en tyd- Wehave discovered a quicker monologues for libraries skrifte met biografiese inligting en route fornon-South Africanpoetry resensies opgeneem word. Die queries. Visit the poetry chat room inligting verskyn nie in boeke nie en at www.emule.com/2poetry/phorum and Short story index (1953). South African die versameling is dus 'n onont- post your query.We had an overnight short stories and particularly Afrikaans beerlikeverwysingsbron. answer to ours. ones, are not indexed and again one has to Sulkenavraehoefdusnienoodwendig One must, of course, listen very carefully relyonmemoryand endless searching - and kopsere vir bibliotekarisse te veroorsaak and ask a borrower to spell a name if he is probing questions for clues. nie. Die bronne tot jou beskikking, jou able, forexample, the authorof Abandoned A good example of how important navorsingsinstinken natuurlik'n bietjie geluk bundle was not Charley but Mtshali. detailed contents on a catalogue record are, sal menige tevrede gebruiker met'n glimlag Afrikaanse gedigte is meer problematies. isillustrated byrequests for plays, especially huis toe stuur. Die register van Afrikaanse poe« sie is reeds South African ones. Some of our older

Kaapse Bibl.,Nov/Des 2002 39