BENJAMIN HARY, Ph.D. Director, New York University Tel Aviv Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New York University 36 Bnei Dan New York University Tel Aviv Tel Aviv 6226016, Israel +(972) 77-450-2650; Fax +(972) 77-450-2651 Mobile +(972) 54-590-5636 E-Mail:
[email protected] INTERESTS 1. Judeo-Arabic Language and Linguistics 2. History of Jewish Languages and the Jewish Linguistic Spectrum 3. Jewish Religion, History, Society and Culture in the Middle East 4. Jews in the Islamic World 5. Arabic Linguistics and Dialectology 6. Arabic Language Use in Israel 7. Corpus Linguistics and Modern Hebrew 8. Sociolinguistics, Dialectology and Language Variation; Language and Religion 9. Proficiency-based Teaching of Hebrew and Arabic 10. Interactive Multimedia Software for Foreign Language Education EDUCATION Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies, December 1987 Dissertation: “Judeo-Arabic, Written and Spoken in Egypt in the 16th and 17th Centuries” University of California, Berkeley M.A. with distinction in Near Eastern Studies, December 1979 University of California, Berkeley Teaching Credentials in Hebrew and Arabic, June 1978 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel B.A. in Arabic and Hebrew, June 1976 Graduated magna cum laude, Dean’s Lists Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Professor, Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New York University, 2015-- Visiting Professor, Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New York University, 2014–2015 Director of Ney York University Tel Aviv, 2014–– CV-Hary 2 Professor