Publications for Ruth Hall 2021 2020 2019

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Publications for Ruth Hall 2021 2020 2019 Publications for Ruth Hall 2021 href="">[More Harmer, C., Pong, C., Hall, R. (2021). A brief guide to correct Information]</a> annotation of IS26 and variants. Journal of Antimicrobial Harmer, C., Hall, R. (2021). IS26 cannot move alone. Journal Chemotherapy, 76(8), 2213-2215. <a of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 76(6), 1428-1432. <a href="">[More href="">[More Information]</a> Information]</a> Kasimova, A., Arbatsky, N., Tickner, J., Kenyon, J., Hall, R., Harmer, C., Hall, R. (2021). Targeted Conservative Cointegrate Shneider, M., Dzhaparova, A., Shashkov, A., Chizhov, A., Formation Mediated by IS26 Family Members Requires Popova, A., et al (2021). Acinetobacter baumannii k106 and Sequence Identity at the Reacting End. mSphere, 6(1), 1-14. <a k112: Two structurally and genetically related 6-deoxy-l-talose- href="">[More containing capsular polysaccharides. International Journal of Information]</a> Molecular Sciences, 22(11), 1-13. <a href="">[More Information]</a> 2020 Ambrose, S., Hall, R. (2020). A novel trimethoprim resistance Hamidian, M., Ambrose, S., Blackwell, G., Nigro, S., Hall, R. gene, dfrA38, found in a sporadic Acinetobacter baumannii (2021). An outbreak of multiply antibiotic-resistant isolate. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 75(12), 3694- ST49:ST128:KL11:OCL8 Acinetobacter baumannii isolates at a 3695. <a href="">[More Sydney hospital. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Information]</a> 76(4), 893-900. <a href="">[More Cahill, S., Arbatsky, N., Shashkov, A., Shneider, M., Popova, Information]</a> A., Hall, R., Kenyon, J., Knirel, Y. (2020). Elucidation of the K32 Capsular Polysaccharide Structure and Characterization of Pong, C., Hall, R. (2021). An X1-alpha plasmid from a the KL32 Gene Cluster of Acinetobacter baumannii LUH5549. Salmonella enterica serovar Ohio isolate carrying a novel IS26- Biochemistry (Moscow), 85(2), 241-247. <a bounded tet(C) pseudo-compound transposon. Plasmid, 114, href="">[More 102561. <a Information]</a> href="">[More Information]</a> Pong, C., Moran, R., Hall, R. (2020). Evolution of IS26- bounded pseudo-compound transposons carrying the tet(C) Partridge, S., Enne, V., Grohmann, E., Hall, R., Rood, J., Roy, tetracycline resistance determinant. Plasmid, 112, 102541. <a P., Thomas, C., Firth, N. (2021). Classifying mobile genetic href="">[More elements and their interactions from sequence data: The Information]</a> importance of existing biological knowledge. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of Wyres, K., Cahill, S., Holt, K., Hall, R., Kenyon, J. (2020). America, 118(35), 1-4. <a Identification of acinetobacter baumannii loci for capsular href="">[More polysaccharide (KL) and lipooligosaccharide outer core (OCL) Information]</a> synthesis in genome assemblies using curated reference databases compatible with kaptive. Microbial Genomics, 6(3), Roy, P., Partridge, S., Hall, R. (2021). Comment on Conserved 339. <a phylogenetic distribution and limited antibiotic resistance of href="">[More class 1 integrons revealed by assessing the bacterial genome Information]</a> and plasmid collection" by AN Zhang et al". Microbiome, 9(1), 3. <a href=" Harmer, C., Hall, R. (2020). IS26 family members IS257 and 6">[More Information]</a> IS1216 also form cointegrates by copy-in and targeted conservative routes. mSphere, 5(1), 00811-19. <a Hamidian, M., Hall, R. (2021). Dissemination of novel Tn7 href="">[More family transposons carrying genes for synthesis and uptake of Information]</a> fimsbactin siderophores among Acinetobacter baumannii isolates. Microbial Genomics, 7(3). <a Kenyon, J., Senchenkova, S., Shashkov, A., Shneider, M., href="">[More Popova, A., Knirel, Y., Hall, R. (2020). K17 capsular Information]</a> polysaccharide produced by Acinetobacter baumannii isolate G7 contains an amide of 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-galacturonic Ambrose, S., Hall, R. (2021). Identification of the dfrA4 acid with D-alanine. International Journal of Biological trimethoprim resistance gene. Journal of Antimicrobial Macromolecules, 144, 857-862. <a Chemotherapy, 76(7), 1937-1938. <a href="">[More href="">[More Information]</a> Information]</a> de Curraize, C., Siebor, E., Neuwirth, C., Hall, R. (2020). SGI0, Kenyon, J., Arbatsky, N., Sweeney, E., Zhang, Y., a relative of Salmonella genomic islands SGI1 and SGI2, Senchenkova, S., Popova, A., Shneider, M., Shashkov, A., Liu, lacking a class 1 integron, found in Proteus mirabilis. Plasmid, B., Hall, R., et al (2021). Involvement of a multifunctional 107, 102453. <a rhamnosyltransferase in the synthesis of three related href="">[More Acinetobacter baumannii capsular polysaccharides, K55, K74 Information]</a> and K85. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 166, 1230-1237. <a Harmer, C., Pong, C., Hall, R. (2020). Structures bounded by directly-oriented members of the IS26 family are pseudo- Arbatsky, N., Kenyon, J., Kasimova, A., Shashkov, A., compound transposons. Plasmid, 111, 102530. <a Shneider, M., Popova, A., Knirel, Y., Hall, R. (2019). K units of href="">[More the K8 and K54 capsular polysaccharides produced by Information]</a> Acinetobacter baumannii BAL 097 and RCH52 have the same structure but contain different di-N-acyl derivatives of Harmer, C., Hall, R. (2020). The Complete Nucleotide legionaminic acid and are linked differently. Carbohydrate Sequence of pZM3, a 1970 FIA:FIB:FII Plasmid Carrying Research, 483, 1-7. <a Antibiotic Resistance and Virulence Determinants. Microbial href="">[More Drug Resistance: Mechanisms Epidemiology And Disease, Information]</a> 26(5), 438-446. <a href="">[More Blackwell, G., Hall, R. (2019). Mobilisation of a small Information]</a> Acinetobacter plasmid carrying an oriT transfer origin by conjugative RepAci6 plasmids. Plasmid, 103, 36-44. <a 2019 href="">[More Information]</a> Harmer, C., Hall, R. (2019). An analysis of the IS6/IS26 family of insertion sequences: is it a single family? Microbial Ambrose, S., Hall, R. (2019). Novel trimethoprim resistance Genomics, 5(9), 1-19. <a gene, dfrA35, in IncC plasmids from Australia. Journal of href="">[More Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 74(7), 1863-1866. <a Information]</a> href="">[More Information]</a> Moran, R., Anantham, S., Hall, R. (2019). An improved plasmid size standard, 39R861+. Plasmid, 102, 6-9. <a Moran, R., Hall, R. (2019). pBuzz: A cryptic rolling-circle href="">[More plasmid from a commensal Escherichia coli has two inversely Information]</a> oriented oriTs and is mobilised by a B/O plasmid. Plasmid, 101, 10-19. <a Pong, C., Harmer, C., Ataide, S., Hall, R. (2019). An IS26 href="">[More variant with enhanced activity. FEMS Microbiology Letters, Information]</a> 366(3), 1-6. <a href="">[More Kenyon, J., Arbatsky, N., Sweeney, E., Shashkov, A., Shneider, Information]</a> M., Popova, A., Hall, R., Knirel, Y. (2019). Production of the K16 capsular polysaccharide by Acinetobacter baumannii ST25 Moran, R., Richardson, I., Hall, R. (2019). Analysis of two B/O isolate D4 involves a novel glycosyltransferase encoded in the plasmids, R805a from 1972 and pCERC6 from 2008, reveals KL16 gene cluster. International Journal of Biological extensive mosaicism in B/O plasmid backbones. Plasmid, 102, Macromolecules, 128, 101-106. <a 62-70. <a href="">[More href="">[More Information]</a> Information]</a> Arbatsky, N., Kasimova, A., Shashkov, A., Shneider, M., Moran, R., Hall, R. (2019). B/O plasmid R16 from 1956 carries Popova, A., Shagin, D., Shelenkov, A., Mikhailova, Y., an In1-like class 1 integron embedded in a complex region Yanushevich, Y., Azizov, I., Hall, R., et al (2019). Structure of containing parts of the Acinetobacter baumannii AbaR the K128 capsular polysaccharide produced by Acinetobacter resistance island. Plasmid, 105, 1-7. <a baumannii KZ-1093 from Kazakhstan. Carbohydrate Research, href="">[More 485, 1-5. <a Information]</a> href="">[More Hamidian, M., Wick, R., Judd, L., Holt, K., Hall, R. (2019). Information]</a> Complete Genome Sequence of A388, an Antibiotic-Resistant Kenyon, J., Arbatsky, N., Shneider, M., Popova, A., Dmitrenok, Acinetobacter baumannii Global Clone 1 Isolate from Greece. A., Kasimova, A., Shashkov, A., Hall, R., Knirel, Y. (2019). Microbiology Resource Announcements, 8(41), 1-2. <a The K46 and K5 capsular polysaccharides produced by href="">[More Acinetobacter baumannii NIPH 329 and SDF have related Information]</a> structures and the side-chain non-ulosonic acids are 4-O- Hamidian, M., Hawkey, J., Wick, R., Holt, K., Hall, R. (2019). acetylated by phage-encoded O-acetyltransferases. PloS One, Evolution of a clade of acinetobacter baumannii global clone 1, 14(6), 1-13.
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    bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 10, 2015. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. 1 ISMapper: Identifying insertion sequences in bacterial 2 genomes from short read sequence data 3 4 Jane Hawkey1,2§, Mohammad Hamidian3, Ryan R. Wick1, David J. Edwards1, 5 Helen Billman-Jacobe2, Ruth M. Hall3, Kathryn E. Holt1 6 7 1Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Bio21 Molecular Science and 8 Biotechnology Institute, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia 3010 9 2Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Science, University of Melbourne, Parkville, 10 Victoria, Australia 3010 11 3School of Molecular Bioscience, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia 2006 12 13 §Corresponding author 14 Email addresses: 15 Jane Hawkey: [email protected] 16 Helen Billman-Jacobe: [email protected] 17 Mohammad Hamidian: [email protected] 18 Ryan R. Wick: [email protected] 19 David J. Edwards: [email protected] 20 Ruth M. Hall: [email protected] 21 Kathryn E. Holt: [email protected] 1 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 10, 2015. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license.
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